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tarotdeana · 1 month ago
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Yule Log o Tronco de Yule
Lee sobre Yule, Sabbat menor, y otras tradiciones del solsticio de invierno aquí.
Imagina el mundo hace miles de años, sin las comodidades propias del mundo contemporáneo. Imagínate a ti mismo en medio del bosque, frío y espeso. Imagínate el anochecer ancestral, tan hermoso y misterioso. Imagínate presa de osos, lobos y otros seres gobernantes del bosque. Tienes miedo, tienes frío y tus ojos humanos no pueden ver en la oscuridad. Pero en un afortunado accidente, descubres que si frotas rápidamente una roca contra otra, surgirán la luz y el calor. Te sientes feliz y poderoso; puedes ver el rostro de las bestias, puedes saber dónde estás parado, y ya no tienes frío. Buscas aprisionar el fuego entre tus manos... y te quemas. El dolor es insoportable y te recuerda lo débil y pequeño que eres. Le temes al fuego, pero deseas su luz y su calor. Te recuerda al sol, aquel astro más grande de lo que tu mente estrecha podría comprender, que hace que se vaya la oscuridad y los árboles te den sus frutos. El fuego frente a ti, del que ahora te mantienes alejado, crece y crece... Crece tanto que llama al sol y lo hace aparecer en el firmamento.
Entonces piensas... Aquel fuego benévolo y aterrador es como el sol. Si llamas al fuego llamas también al sol. Aprendes a generarlo, aprendes a no quemarte y, eventualmente, aprendes a controlarlo. En los días más largos y oscuros te haces acompañar de él, con la esperanza de que el astro incandescente del cielo regrese y devuelva la vida a la tierra.
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Para la humanidad, lo dorado, lo brillante y lo luminoso son reminiscencia del sol, y el sol está asociado a la vida. Los animales, las plantas y todo aquello que conforma la Naturaleza depende de la luz del sol. Los astros con los entornos más fríos e inhóspitos son los que están más lejos de este y, por lo tanto, carecen de vida.
Esta concepción del sol como dador de vida se tiene desde hace miles de años. Antes de que la ciencia diera sus explicaciones racionales, los seres humanos vieron en el astro una deidad ´protectora que garantizaba la existencia y la continuidad. Ha recibido muchos nombres —Ra, Apolo, Helio, Cristo—, y se le ha honrado de infinidad de formas.
En cierto periodo del año, el sol parece estar alejado del hemisferio norte. En realidad, es la posición de la tierra la que da esa percepción. A este fenómeno astronómico se le llama solsticio de invierno. En tiempos ancestrales, y poniendo en práctica los principios de la magia simpatética —lo similar produce lo similar—, los pobladores del norte llevaron a cabo rituales para llamar "de vuelta" al sol, a sabiendas de que sin él no habría vida en la tierra. Producir el fuego, encender fogatas, prender velas o utilizar piedras brillantes que reflejaran la luz; todas ellas eran formas de favorecer el nacimiento del sol y, en consecuencia, el de toda la vida.
En Yule, los nórdicos y germánicos quemaban un tronco especialmente seleccionado, de algún árbol frutal, y lo mantenían encendido por varios días. El fin de este tronco, yule log, era recrear un día soleado durante esa temporada fría y oscura, además de desear que pronto el sol se encendiera tanto como ese tronco enardecido. Una vez consumido, las cenizas se esparcían por el bosque, con la esperanza de que estas nutrieran la tierra para su futuro cultivo.
La costumbre del tronco de Yule nunca desapareció. Pero, a partir de la invención de formas más más efectivas para generar luz y calor, este fue sustituido por el bûche de Noël, un postre inventado en Francia que representa un tronco de Yule.
El cristianismo reinterpretó el tronco de Yule como un símbolo de la luz de Dios. ¿No ha sido acaso Dios representado como el sol mismo en la iconografía cristiana?
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Lee mitos griegos aquí
Lee mitos japoneses aquí
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bookmothic-dyke · 3 months ago
Fair Samhain and all hallow’s eve.
Let the mists and masks grant us reprieve.
I look forward to the duskfall upon my shore.
For the night of fae and fools is never a boor.
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mossnmagick · 2 months ago
Magick as Mediocrity - Permission for a Break
This isn't so much so an informational post but kind of my opinions and also reassurance for baby witches who feel less important/less knowledgeable in their practices because they lack complexity in their practice.
Your magick is YOUR OWN
It does not matter even remotely if your spells are simply prayers or whispers under your breath hoping to manifest an A on your test. Your purpose for practicing magick does not need to be enlightenment or to communicate with spirits/deity or anything else.
Please remember that your magick can be as day-to-day as stirring your tea to the left or right depending on your intention, there is no pressure to set up ceremonies or rituals at any point if its not the form of magick that appeals to you.
Magick is not for show or a necessity, it is a tool to help you in whatever way you need at that moment in time. You are allowed to take breaks from magick (It's energy consuming !!!) and you are allowed to utilise it in different ways in different points in your life.
This is where the post will become more opinionated and apologies for that!!
As a baby witch, I really struggled with my motivation towards the craft, I never felt I was progressing as I didn't have the luxurious massive altar or rituals set up. I would cast circles for the simplist of magick (Not a bad thing but unneccesary) or even for simple meditations sometimes. I find a lot of baby witches are aesthetically motivated rather than motivated by practice itself which is of course okay! You are allowed to love the aesthetics of witchcraft it is a truly beautiful practice.
However, I think its best to not get caught up in the aesthetics, find your practice, find what works for you and your energy limits. You dont need to know everything immediately, whether you cram your witchy studies in weeks or months, or take you time and take years to understand the basics, it is okay. You dont need to practice daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly if you dont want to.
Please remember, you are practicing witchcraft! A wonderful versatile practice. Avoid the pressure of complexity and work at your own pace, study your own interests within the craft (of course basics are always good to know) and dont feel the need to practice if you dont want to!
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scheunensohn · 2 years ago
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Come into the woods and pray with me
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falldara · 2 years ago
El primer rayo de sol de la mañana
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mypagancottage · 2 years ago
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intotheroaringverse · 2 years ago
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Nell Park: All In
As pálpebras se moviam de um lado para o outro, deixando claro que o seu despertar seria mais uma vez turbulento e cheio de espasmos. Tinha dado uma melhorada agora que estava em território francês, mas ainda assim, suas noites eram formadas por sonhos inquietos e manhãs cercadas de gritos mortos por pesadelos horripilantes. E ela queria dizer que eles eram novidade em sua vida, mas Nell tinha aquilo como uma companhia constante.
Quando terminou de se debater nos lençóis, pegou a varinha na cabeceira da cama e segurou firmemente. Nunca soltava dela e era praticamente extensão de sua mão. Até mesmo quando estava tomando banho ou dormindo, era a uma distância de dois dedos de sua cabeça e ela já estava armada. A segurança que sentia vinha do conforto de que poderia se defender. Ela, e ninguém mais por ela. Nem mesmo a figura pesada que adormecia ao seu lado.
Olhou para o homem por alguns segundos, antes de torcer o nariz e se levantar da cama, sem fazer nenhum som. Levava poucos minutos para se enfiar em seu vestido, casaco e botas, saindo dali o mais rápido possível, deixando para trás apenas resquícios de sua presença. Ao aparecer na delicatessen de sempre, os cabelos presos em um coque feito às pressas, a atendente lhe lançou um olhar longo em reprovação e cumplicidade.
— Segunda vez na semana, Senhorita Park — ela lhe diz, batendo o pedido no caixa antes mesmo que Nell abra a boca.
— É meio solitário no castelo, então me viro como posso — esclareceu, piscando de forma tão inocente que parecia mesmo que era uma desculpa plausível.
— Ao menos compensou? — a outra seguiu a conversa, preparando o desjejum comum da mais nova.
— Foi alguma coisa — Nell deu de ombros, uma das mãos enfiada no bolso, segurando a varinha. — Ele não era bem o meu tipo.
— O quê, ele não era casado?
Aquilo tirou uma risada de Park. Era a história da sua vida, mesmo, não podia negar.
— Ele era apenas mais um desses caras que se acham poetas por trabalhar em um escritório em frente ao rio — estalou a língua no céu da boca. — Nada realmente especial, aqui em Cannes você balança uma árvore e cai uns cinquenta do mesmo tipo.
A atendente riu, antes de deixar na mesa da garota o café espumoso e seus croissants recém saídos do fogo.
— A verdade é que se você não está sendo ameaçada de morte, não está feliz.
Park sentiu um arrepio nas costas, sabendo o quanto que aquilo era verdadeiro. Apenas sorriu e concordou, com uma frase espertinha antes de sorver o café em silêncio. Aquilo também era reflexo de sua memória permanente, ela sabia. Uma espécie de alívio por estar em situação limite o tempo todo, porque era para isso que ela estava programada e não sabia como quebrar o ciclo.
Começou quando estava no Salem Institute for Young Witches. Quando era só uma adolescente que fazia performances aos seus 13 anos nos jogos intercolegiais, representando o instituto. Quando uma das jogadoras de quadribol do outro colégio de magia para garotas parecia possuída por uma entidade e começou a disparar feitiços contra todos eles, assassinando um número de adolescentes sem precedentes em um evento daquele porte. Nell mergulhou entre os cadáveres de seus colegas e ficou ali, imóvel, desacelerando seu coração em uma tática que tinha aprendido em um livro. E por parecer morta, nada de fato lhe atingiu, dando tempo de pedirem reforços e a MACUSA aparecer. Eles disseram que a jogadora tinha perdido a cabeça e que seria levada a uma das unidades terapêuticas do país, que sentiam muito pelas vidas perdidas, que investigariam o assunto. Mas nada disso iria tirar o terror dos olhos de Nell, que num momento estava sendo jogada aos ares em uma competição de líderes de torcida e no outro estava vendo a garota da sua equipe com o pescoço quebrado ser lançada para o outro lado.
— Preciso ir. Para a diretora dizer que não me paga para ficar turistando por Cannes, não custa nem meio segundo — comentou, lançando os sickles sobre a mesa, antes de sair, piscando para a atendente. — Te vejo no próximo fim de semana.
O caminho para a escola era perigoso, como tudo o mais. Franceses gostavam de resolver as coisas com queimas grandes de fogueiras e desde que a reforma do sistema de ensino foi vazada para a população, a frente do Ministério era tomada por protestos que pareciam acidentes para os trouxas, mas toda a comunidade bruxa sabia que não eram vazamentos de gás e sim ameaças contra o presidente do estado bruxo. Desviou de duas barricadas suspeitas antes de chegar no castelo, a expressão vazia e arrogante de sempre quando surgiu razoavelmente apresentável na sala dos professores, aguardando as decisões da semana.
— Lim, Lim — cumprimentou os dois irmãos platinados que estavam ali, antes que ela se afundasse em uma das poltronas dali, cruzando as pernas, parecendo pensativa. — Como que eu tenho a sua mesma idade e ainda assim acabei como estagiária e você saiu direto do exército para ser professor?
— Você não saiu correndo do seu estágio pela metade quando chegou aqui no meio do ano letivo passado? — Seungmin Lim perguntou a ela, arqueando uma sobrancelha. — Algo sobre tentarem matar você na Coréia do Norte?
Sim, tentaram. E ela não saiu fugida daquele país porque ela era uma americana que falava inglês nas suas cartas para a sua mãe em Massachusetts, que mandava fotos de seu alojamento e deixava claro que só estava fazendo seu estágio ali na escola porque era o lugar mais barato que seus pais podiam pagar e ela ainda era membro do time atlético para compensar sua estadia e que por causa disso tudo o governo queria pegá-la para levá-la a uma prisão não registrada. Ela saiu no meio da madrugada em um barquinho com foragidos, até a China, e de lá se matou para juntar dinheiro para chegar na França e concluir seu estágio por causa de uma ameaça maior e pior que "desaparecer" para autoridades.
— Uma garota nunca revela seus segredos — rebateu, antes da chegada da diretora e do vice-diretor na sala, seguida dos demais professores e estagiários da instituição. Durante a reunião, entretanto, as cartas matinais foram entregues, e Nell riu em descrença quando viu a insígnia na que ela tinha recebido naquela manhã, sussurrando baixo consigo mesma: — Eu sabia: a aluna favorita para sempre.
Guardou o papel na sua pasta, sem nem mesmo abrir. Das duas uma: ou era o professor casado com quem tinha caso na Coréia do Norte ou a professora esposa desse mesmo professor lhe ameaçando deixar careca mais uma vez. Das duas hipóteses, Nell não tinha muita vontade de saber naquele momento. Ouvia a conversa descontraída sobre um happy hour em Londres no fim de semana e ela estava relaxada em sua poltrona.
Mesmo que ainda mantivesse a varinha presa entre os dedos debaixo da mesa. Em alerta para sempre.
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floxwitch · 2 years ago
Solo quería tu sinceridad. Ahora ya no confío ni en mi sombra. ¿Por qué la víctima paga los platos rotos y el abusador no?
By Flox Witch
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stillstuckinthelabyrinth · 4 months ago
comecei a assistir the witch com mainha e não consegui ficar 5 min antes dela reclamar dizendo que o filme é perturbador anya você me paga
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ofstarsandwine · 3 years ago
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susunweedcomplaints · 3 years ago
Susun Weed is a herbalist charged with physical abuse.
Susun Weed is a herbalist who has been arrested for abuse. She was charged with human trafficking and drugging students.
Susun Weed is a herbalist who has been arrested for abuse. She was charged with human trafficking and drugging students. Susun Weed is not the first herbalist to be accused of being involved in an abusive scam, this is just one of the many cases of herbalists abusing their power over people’s health and wellbeing when it comes to alternative medicine.
https://www.dailyfreeman.com/news/police-blotter/saugerties-herbalist-author-faces-harassment-charge/article_3f44e8d0-0599-11eb-9f8c-63f26dc0faee.html https://www.facebook.com/250016421749708/posts/renowned-herbalist-susun-weed-was-arrested-in-july-for-allegedly-strangling-not-/1851576314927036/ https://issuu.com/susun-weed/docs/susun_weed_herbalist
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ksanzo · 3 years ago
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"They thrive in the cold, sustained by their fire, keeping vigil as the world rests in the enduring dark."
Welcome The Enduring - Patreon exclusive print and holographic sticker to celebrate the Winter Solstice. These will be mailed out this week for all Patrons supporting at $5 or higher. Illustrations and stickers for the Solstices and Equinoxes will continue next year with new illustrations and a new theme. :> Patrons also get Warhead pages two weeks early as well works in progress and speed paints, and a thank you credit in the back of every book I print.
I deeply and humbly thank my patrons who supported me this year and allowed me to create illustrations and stories that I'm proud of. Thank you so so much.
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ash-supremacy · 4 years ago
WITCHY/PAGAN/ANARCHIST/REBEL ROCK MUSIC!! (Different genres of rock too)
Hey I’m Ash, an avid rock and spirituality enthusiast! I work with Ares, Lilith, Mictlantecuhtli, Anubis and guides. Let’s be friends, IG: ashrsegry :)
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whchythingz · 3 years ago
I’m a young witch here and I do have heavy Irish background. Idk. Hi.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 6 years ago
🎄🔥Nordic Holidays🔥🎄
Let me start off by clarifying that these are the Norse holidays I personally celebrate and how I choose too. I have it split up into major holidays(holidays I try not to miss aka major holidays) and minor holidays(Smaller celebrations, I might not even celebrate these, etc.). This information will vary from person to person, you can celebrate whichever holidays however you want! Enjoy ~ 
Jól otherwise known as Yule/Yuletide is a Nordic holiday celebrated between sundown on the Winter’s Solstice for a following twelve days(now you know where the Christians got it). It is also during Jól that the Wild Hunt takes place, Óðinn rides out with his dead, elves, or the dwarves may ride out across Midgard. Seeing the Hunt was thought to bring famine, plagues, and war but offerings of food and gifts could be left out for blessings and prosperity.  Jól was said to mark the return of Baldr from Helheim and the loosening of grip of winter of the Earth.
There numerous references to Jól in the sagas including Skáldskaparmál, Heimskringla, and poetry written by the skald Eyvindr Skáldaspilli which when translated reads:
"again we have produced Yule-being's feast [mead of poetry], our rulers' eulogy, like a bridge of masonry". Most of these references testify to Jól being celebrated with blóts, feasting with family, drinking, gift giving, and dancing.
To be more specific, you can celebrate the twelve days of Jól by being hands on in your devotion! This was traditionally a time of year that was largely devoted to baking, finishing the mead making process, and hand making decorations and offerings to the heathen home and gods!! There was typically at least one julbord(feast) and an animal sacrafice. 
For example, straw animals in the shape of goats(Þórr), stars, boars(Freyr), horses, and ravens(Óðinn) were made and hung up around the house or a Jól tree! Yessss, that was something that German immigrants brought over to the U.S. The Jól tree was traditionally a tree outside that was decorated and offerings were left at in honor of Yggdrasil! You can also make wreaths, garlands, and woven rugs or wall hangings! 
The first night of Jól is typically called the Mothernight, this was in honor of the All Mother Frigg and the Disir. The first night(the longest night) is supposed to be symbolic to the rebirth of the world from winter. This is the perfect night to start on some weaving or crafts! Frigg is known for her weaving.
Disablót was a sacrificial holiday(blót) in honor of the female deities, women, disir and valkyries. It’s purpose was to enhance the upcoming harvest and prepare the grounds for sowing. 
 It is mentioned in Hervarar saga, Víga-Glúms saga, Egils saga and the Heimskringla. This  celebration still lives on in the form of an annual fair called the Disting in Uppsala, Sweden(I really want to go to this). There’s a lot of debate to when the holiday was originally celebrated because the sagas all are slightly different. However, it is currently celebrated at the end of February by Sweden!
It was around this holiday that the first furrows were plowed in the fields and that there was a feast of new beginnings.
Nordic folk customs would include getting ready for the gardening season, preparing for the gardening/farming season ahead, and making a feast for your loved ones and female deities you work with.
Sigrblót also known as Summer Finding or Ostara is the celebration of the spring equinox and welcoming good weather. It is a celebration of the rejuvenation of the earth, fertility, and growth.
This is a holiday often used to celebrate the Germanic god Ēostre, the embodiment of springtime and life, Iðunn, god of youth and renewal, and Frigg/Freyja, for their key elements in fertility magic. Is more commonly seen in modern days as a celebration of the renewal/awakening of the Earth(Jörð), the deities, and life. It is also a celebration to welcome joy and light into one’s life.
Nordic folk custom would include a large bonfire, smorgasbord(as always), baking sweets, and honoring the gods mentioned above or ones important to you this holiday.
Midsummer is probably the second biggest celebration next to Jól. It is pretty much just the celebration of the summer solstice and can also be celebrated in hopes of a good harvest at the end of fall. 
This holiday is attested to in the Ynglinga sagas and has long been a passed down celebration. Folk custom for celebrating would be large bonfires, speeches, smorgasbord, dancing around a majstång(traditionally for fertility), lots of drinking, and galdr. This is another holiday with a lot of hands on folk tradition; wreath making, kindling fires, making toy viking ships of wood and filling them with offerings to be burned, burning corn figures, adorning homes, halls, and the fields with fresh flowers and greenery.
A lot of of historians believe this is a particularly good time of year to make blessings to Baldr. This was also the time of year for sailing and war. With crops planted at home, vikings would set off to go to other lands. 
My favorite holiday!! There is no actual surviving name for this beast but it’s believed to be held around the star of August and most modern Norse pagans celebrate it on August 1st. The  Óláfs saga Tryggvasonar en mesta has an account of a priestess of Freyr traveling across Sweden at the start of winter with a picture of his god as a sacrifice for fertility and to honor him. Traditionally it’s a celebration of the first harvest where the primary god honored is Freyr with Sif and Þórr also celebrated as gods of harvest.
Traditionally the very first sheaf of grain harvested(I use my first bundle of lavender) is bound and blessed as an offering to the aforementioned deities and spirits of the field.
Folk customs include decorating the village well and springs, holding a grand feast of the gathered harvest, and baking a bread in honor of Freyr to give him at the end of and then plit among family. Preserving meats and vegetables was also done along this time of year and is a great time to start new batches of mead for upcoming  blóts.
This is the celebration of the Autumn Equinox, the second harvest of the season, and when Norse folk would start preparing for winter by bringing livestock + stored food inside. It is referenced to in the Ynglinga sagas as well as the Eddas. It’s not as celebrated in modern times but farmers and agriculturalists still celebrate it and you can too!!
It is another joyous holiday celebrated with grand bonfires, large feasts, drinking, and dancing. It is believed that villagers would cast the bones of their slaughtered cattle on the flames to help them survive the winter.
There is a belief that once the village fire and all other fires were extinguished the families would go back their homes and light their hearth from the common village flame, bonding the community! I don’t know if this true but I’ve heard the story a few times and I honestly love the idea of it.
Otherwise known as Winters Night(or Samhain). This is the celebration of the last harvest, honoring of the landvættir, ancestors that protected the land through harvest, the vanir, paying respects to Death, and the welcoming of winter. Vetrnætr and Álfablót are celebrations of the same holiday but Álfablót is a blót that’s held privately in the home on the day of Vetrnætr.  
Similar to Freyrfeast, for Vetrnætr the last sheaf of wheat/grain was bundled up and blessed and often given as an offering to Óðinn and his dead setting out for the Wild Hunt. It was believed with the start of the Wild Hunt the dead could return to the places where they had lived and a large feast, celebration, and fire were commonly used in their honor. 
This was also a time for serious contemplation of death. To the Norse people, death was always around the corner and was viewed as a natural part of life. Death wasn’t viewed as negatively as it is in modern times but rather the Norse lived their lives in a way to live & die with honor, so their future ancestors would have something to celebrate on this day.
Álfablót in particular was typically run by a woman but we’re past gender norms now so whoever is comfortable running a ritual do it. It is a sacrifice to Freyr and the elves of Alfheim, in honor of the families ancestors, the life force of the family and the hearth, and is believed to also be a ritual for fertility. It is done the night of Vetrnætr.  
These are not necessarily minor, they are just not holidays that I always keep up on, don’t celebrate, days of remembrance, etc. There are definitely more Scandinavian holidays I’m not including because I’m not knowledgeable on them all and they’re not as widely celebrated(like celebrating Flag Day in America).
January 19 - Þorrablót is an Icelandic midwinter feast in honor of winter and Þorr which contains song, story telling, and traditional Icelandic foods like blóðmör and Brennivin. It is typically celebrated during Þorri
February 2 - Barri is the celebration of the union between Freyr and Gerd and a celebration of fertility and the earth.
February 9 - Remembrance for Eyvind Kinnrifi, he refused to convert to Christianity so Olaf Tryggvason tortured him to death.
March 28 - Ragnar Lodbrok Day! Cheers to one the most legendary Vikings in history, King of Denmark and Sweden, and raider of Paris.
April 31st-May 1st - Waluburgis Night, a celebration of the saint Valborg a nun who was the niece of Saint Boniface. 
May 9 - Remembrance for Gudrod of Gudbrandsdal, whose tongue was cut out by the Norwegian king 'St. Olaf' for speaking out against the tyranny of the Christian Tryggvason, and urged others to resist him and continue worshiping the old gods. 
May 20 - Frigg Blót! This actually a fave but it’s not really major so I’m keeping it down here. It’s a celebration of warmth and spring. Traditionally the time of year to go camping, hold a bonfire, and perform a blót for Frigg and honor her as the All Mother, pray for good blessings and health to those of your hearth.
June 8 - Lindisfarne Day: It’s believe that on this day in 793 CE three Viking ships raided the Isle of Lindisfarne which is marked as the start of the Viking age.
July 9 - From the Laxdaela Saga, it is a day of Remembrance for Unn the Deep Minded, she was well-known and respected cheiftan in Iceland.
October 8 - Day of Remembrance for Erik the Red, founder of Greenland.
October 14 - Vetrablót is a celebration of the harvest and honors Freyja as the god of fertility and honors the disir as well.
November 11 - Feast of the Einherjar, a holiday where the fallen heroes of all the halls(Valhalla, Fensalir, etc.) are remembered.
November 27 - Feast of the winter and hunt gods  Ullr and Skadi, also a day to celebrate Weyland one of the greatest Germanic craftsmen.
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semiwholesomewholenote · 5 years ago
Hiiii! Pls help me I’m a baby Witch
I’m a baby witch and I need help. I know the community is large here on Tumblr and I’ve had this account for a while but I normally just lurk so If anyone could help me that’d be awesome!!!
Some more info is:
I’ve been practicing Witchcraft for about 6 months.
I didn’t really get into Deities and stuff at first but now I feel like Persephone Is calling me and as I look back I see more and more signs as well as the fact that my pendulum says yes. 
So I know a good bit about regular witchcraft but not practicing with deities please help!!!! 
I’m also in the broom closet only out to my mom and she thinks is satanic sooooo there's that 
Thank you to anyone that can help! 
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