aiconichealth · 3 days
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General Paediatric Clinic Services | Aiconic Health
Get expert paediatric care at Aiconic Health. Our experienced paediatricians offer diagnostic & treatment services for your child's health needs. Schedule your appointment today!
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marwellusclinic · 2 months
Paediatricians are essential for your child's health, offering preventive care, immunisations, early detection, and treatment of illnesses. Marwellus Clinic provides compassionate, comprehensive care to ensure your child's well-being.
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lakshman2 · 1 year
Paediatric Oncology In Hyderabad
The Kaizen Hematology Oncology Network provides world-class Paediatric Oncology In Hyderabad, with a team of highly skilled and experienced oncologists dedicated to caring for children with cancer. They offer comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and management for a range of childhood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, and solid tumors. Their state-of-the-art facilities, advanced technology, and child-friendly environment ensure that children receive the best possible care and support during their treatment journey. With a focus on compassionate care and family-centered approach, the Kaizen Hematology Oncology Network is committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for children with cancer. Contact them today to schedule an appointment with a skilled pediatric oncologist.
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kaizenhemotology · 2 years
Paediatric Oncology In Hyderabad
Paediatric Oncology In Hyderabad is a leading cancer treatment centre for children. kaizen hospital offers the latest technology and treatments for children with cancer. The team of specialists offer comprehensive care for every child. The hospital has a world-class infrastructure and is committed to providing the best possible care for every child.
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apthasrikl · 2 years
Paediatric Oncology in Hyderabad
In Hyderabad, India, one of the top cancer hospitals is Kaizen Oncology, which specializes in paediatric oncology. For kids with cancer, we provide top-notch care. Our skilled staff is dedicated to giving our patients the highest quality care. Paediatric Oncology in Hyderabad, Our doctors are skilled at treating children, newborns, and teenagers. With considerable training and expertise, our doctors are regarded as Hyderabad's top paediatricians.
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jointmedical · 2 years
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Your child’s well-being is our top priority hence our experts adopt a holistic approach to treat children of all ages, ranging from premature newborns to teenagers.
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dr-scarlette-witch · 1 year
Major life update!
Got allotted into DNB paediatrics 2 weeks back. Was super thrilled when I found out that I got into an institute that was in my top 10 list. Past few days I have been travelling back and forth to visit the hospital I would be working and looking for places to stay for the next 3 years. Met my possible future co workers and had a great time getting to know them. Looking forward to this next great endeavour ✨
PS: Yes I have hoarded ebooks and study materials and clinical guides from my seniors already :p
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mysticraven20 · 1 year
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Chapter Two: Then
Marinette jumped around, dancing to the newest hit song from Clara Nightingale. There was something so free about dancing in her bedroom; she wasn’t skilled in the slightest, so not having people glare at her attempting to flip herself upside down was a godsend.
She followed each move as particularly as possible; her arms and legs flew erratically up and down, as they tried to keep to the same rhythm as her idol. She wasn’t a natural dancer, in all honesty, she wasn’t a dancer at all, but that didn’t stop her from trying to look like a backing dancer for her favourite singer.
As the music video came to its dramatic, high pitched end, Marinette finished with her big finale… falling on her back. Maybe trying to do a handstand in such a small enclosed space wasn’t the best idea. Or maybe the issue came from attempting to do one at all (her gym grades would most certainly agree).
“Hey divas and divos, I’ll be giving a few of you, lucky fans, an opportunity to dance and groove in my newest music video, ‘Miraculous’. Not only will you get a chance to dance with me but also with the awesome heroes from ‘The Tales of Chat Noir’. Come and put your best foot forward, Tuesday 5th September, 9:30 am sharp at the Grand Palais Hotel, Paris. See you there my Nightingales!”
As Clara waved goodbye to the screen, Marinette moved quickly, grabbing her phone from where it had fallen from her pocket. She checked today's date three times to make sure she’d got it right. Today was the 4th of August, which meant the filming was tomorrow.
“No way!” Marinette squealed, scrambling to her knees and eventually, after a couple of stumbles, stood up. “No stinking way!”
Her summer holiday had been boring, so far. All of her friends either had boyfriends or hobbies which were keeping them entertained, everyone except for her that was. She scrambled around trying to find somewhere to sit hoping that this would be an amazing excuse to finally have a cool girly day out.
Finally seated securely in her chair, Marinette clutched her phone tightly to her chest and pulled up the WhatsApp group.
Continue reading on AO3 and find out how Marinette met Adrien
Huge thanks to @art-the-f-up for the inspiration.
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katastrophic-n3vulaa · 7 months
the likelihood is no one cares, but im here to complain about my philosophy assessment.
so my school has a rule that the assessment notification needs to be given out at least 2 weeks before the due date, both hand-in and in-class assessments and assignments must abide by this
my philosophy teacher (who is AMAZING, but also the only philosophy teacher in the entire school, and he teaches elective philosophy and also ToK and other stuff for ~130 students, and my has 5 lessons a fortnight, each an hour long, and all the other students have that too, except 11 and 12s, who do more sometimes)
anyways, Dr. Hall is amazing but-
he mixed up the due date for my class' assessment w/ year 10s, so we got the notification 6 days from due date (tomorrow, 8/3).
but because he's amazing he halved the assessment. yay.
so all we needed to do was get references to answer a question we dont need to answer (yayayyayay)
the referencing was easy, and i did that all in class, but that was only the hand-in part of the assessment.
so the in-class bit is an evaluation of research methods and then what we call doing an OPVL of a source (origin, purpose, value, limitations)
ok- i'm good at opvls. but. what if words arent working tomorrow? so yeah.
we also get to take in the article that we are going to do the opvl for physically, but the printers have gone to shit, and also- the asshole that wrote the one i decided to do the opvl on (my other options were uni ads or some dude.) used SO MANY big and dumb words. like-ok. sure. i could just try and glue the meanings in my head overnight, but some days i dont remember to eat or drink so theres no way that'd work. so i put all the definitions in too. the problem is that the formatting on word is shit and a massive pain, so i just... copied the article into ao3 to get rid of all the unnecessary formatting (yay braincells)
but it also got rid of the formatting i wanted. :(
anyways so i redid all the formatting and definitions.
then i did my opvl on the side, but bc im basically incapable of doing notes that fuction as NOTES i pretty much did my entire opvl. which.
isnt allowed.
but im too tired now so imma edit it down in the morning. i hope.
see the masterpiece that looks depressingly short and i wish it looked like more but it doesnt so just know the struggle of doing this without adhd meds bc i had shit on in the afternoon:
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(top block of text is the evaluation of research in actual notes that is incorrect bc all i did was google and scroll for ~20 minutes but i cant say that its bad marks. the left blocks of text in the left section-bit is the article. the bits on the right are the opvl. no idk why i posted this either.)
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gorpkechi · 17 days
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girldadbuckley · 1 month
i know i'm not a medical professional but i simply could not imagine withholding a diagnosis because your 5 year old patient's mother doesn't fully understand the condition
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aqu-a-zul · 1 year
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Me: perfectly fine during a trek or a hike
Also me: trips and almost falls flat on my face while walking on flat ground
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littleprincessfawn · 4 months
Briefly interacted with my family as well as real life friends on Facebook and now I regret it very badly as now I feel like I have all these expectations of me and social requirements and I feel like I can't breathe from them.
It's just that expectation for me to act like I'm a certain person they want or assume I should be and that's not who I am so it's like a mask and I don't want to wear it and I just want to be real and I just want to be free.
Also, I'm exhausted. Physically and mentally.
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rowenabean · 1 year
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I'm in an exhibition!
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vriendenboekjes · 7 months
continued watching house md because it's so hysterical. for a hospital show they break into so many houses
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thethcministry · 11 months
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