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heroineimages · 2 months ago
Age of Wonders IV poll, for no real reason
Hey, so here's a dozen of my 200+ factions I've designed on Age of Wonders IV, vote on your favorite. (Click on each for larger.)
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saltymcsaltything · 10 months ago
TIL that the K-12 Special Education version of "Active Listening" is called "Whole Body Listening" and it is just as fucking ableist
*CW/TW: Suicidal ideation*
Credit to the article "What's The Problem With Whole Body Listening?" at Parenting Autistic Children With Love & Acceptance (PACLA) -
Spoiler alert: I fucking hate active listening and it's neuronormative "body language" and nonverbal communication. Those expectations in the workplace are disabling. I won't shut up about it anytime I see some bullshit workplace training with "Eye contact, warm smile, fork handshake, open posture" and all the usual bullshit. If I am doing all of that *I am not listening effectively* because I can't fake normal for your benefit and process the words you are saying at the same time. Hell, I am lucky if I understand your jargony, vague, vapid workplace patter even when I am not busy pretending to be normal so as not to be treated like bullshit.
Unsurprisingly, but infuriatingly, the education system pushes the same compliance-based normative agenda for the comfort of neurotypicals, even though evidence shows that coercing autistic people into masking behaviors leads to long term harm including suicide. I've been in that place where I have been pushed well past my capacity to mask and was hovering on that precipice because of violence I experienced in the workplace - I reached a point where I did not see a way to survive if it continuer and an escape plan where I at least could stop the pain felt necessary. I was lucky I was able to hang on long enough to get help and wasn't pushed any further before I started to slowly recover.
So apparently, Special Education classrooms have *this little fucker* saying "for everyone else's benefit, please hurt yourself in the following ways to show you're listening!"
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Hey Larry! You're a garbage ass little bootlicker! Tell the ableist shitstains that created you and shill their harmful "Social Skills" training that hurts autistic kids that I hope they hammer car splat.
It's Active Listening with bright colors and a cartoon bully.
And half of this shit doesn't even make sense. If I am faking normal by focusing on the first 6 things on Larry's checklist of self-abuse, I don't have the capacity for the last two.
Also, you have to actually care about my needs for me to care about what you're saying. If you've proven that you don't by expecting me to behave in a way that hurts me and impede my ability to communicate, then frankly, I don't give a shit about anything you say beyond comprehending enough for me to protect myself from you.
The article linked above skewers Larry brilliantly and is definitely worth a read, but I wanted to share their edited poster here because I think it might be useful. I am open about my autism and assorted co-occuring conditions at work and I want this hanging in my workspace - I will have to edit in "Active Listening" to match the workplace version, but I am hoping it will ruffle some feathers. And I am more than happy to tell anyone who thinks Active Listening is somehow an appropriate thing to force onto people in the workplace just how harmful it and other normative expectations couched as "communication skills" really are.
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tl;dr - Fuck Active/Whole Body Listening
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videostory · 4 years ago
Un foarte frumos oraș turistic: Veliko Tărnovo din Bulgaria.
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brieflygorgeouss · 6 years ago
| music tag game |
a huge thank you to @trashkinglightwood and @andrewspipedream for tagging me!! ❤︎
rules: set your music to shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then choose 10 people to tag
opposite of adults // chiddy bang
pacify me // soleima
moving on // bts
一萬小時 // cosmos people
lotto // exo
alene // arif
love somebody // frenship
names // andrew applepie
life itself // glass animals
after the disco // broken bells
i tag: @peanutdaze @soullessminyard @dustmotes-of-sonder @laliseok @f-xholecourt @alrightevains @f1kelove @aqrie @everheartings @askybison
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madlexdepression · 5 years ago
”Abia am timp sa ma mir ca exist, dar ma bucur intotdeauna ca sunt”
Zilele treceau pe langa mine fara o noima anume. Noaptea nu puteam sa dorm, iar diminetile ma secau de puteri. Aerul parea toxic si nu-mi doream nimic altceva decat sa fiu lasata in pace. Sa fiu singura in pacla mea din creta, in timp ce imi inecam puterile in greutati pentru a-mi putea tine mintea ocupata. Ma…
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peopletv322 · 6 years ago
শীতের সকাল। অফিস অ্যাসাইনমেন্টে আমাদের গন্তব্য ছিল পাঁচলা বিধানসভা কেন্দ্র। বারাসাত থেকে মেদিনীপুরের বাস ধরে রানিহাটি পৌঁছলাম। স্থানীয় মানুষজন জানাল গুলশন মল্লিকের বাড়ি ধুলোবাঁধ এলাকায়। অটোরিক্সায় রওনা দিলাম এল��কার দিকে। নামলাম নির্দিষ্ট স্টপেজে। সহকর্মী শুভজিৎ সেখানেই অপেক্ষা করছিল। হাওড়ায় থাকার সুবাদে এই এলাকার মাঠ-ঘাট সবের সঙ্গেই জড়িয়ে আমার সহকর্মী। হাঁটা দিলাম বিধায়কের বাড়ির দিকে। দু’জনে কথা বলতে বলতে সবুজে ঘেরা ধুলোবাঁধে পৌঁছলাম। শীতের নরম রোদ মেখে প্রায় ১ কিলোমিটার যাত্রা���থ কখন যে শেষ হয়ে গিয়েছে বুঝতেই পারিনি। এরই মধ্যে আমাদের তীক্ষ্ণ নজর-উন্নয়ন কতটা হয়েছে? এলাকা ঘুরে বুঝলাম কাজ অনেকটাই হয়েছে। তবে কিছু কাজ বাকি রয়েছে এখনো।
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trashkinglightwood · 6 years ago
Tagged by @charles-xavier-telepath thank u, night hoe <3 
Nickname: pacla, pac, paclušenka, lina, mačiatko
Zodiac: sagittarius
Height: 181cm
Last movie I saw: x-men: dark phoenix (it was a shitty one) (but i regret nothing :’D) 
Last thing googled: robert downey jr birthday 
Favorite musician: don’t have one
Song stuck in my head: old town road 
Other blogs: nobody cares about my other blogs, but here’s my ig paulinka.justinka
Do I get asks: nope
Following: 460
Amount of sleep: 7-8 if i’m lucky
Lucky number: 11, 17
What I’m wearing: black t-shirt, black shorts, that’s it 
Dream job: i wish i knew
Dream trip: i really wish i knew
Favorite food:  choco milkshake lol
Play any instruments: nope
Languages: slovak, english 
Random fact: i own 40+ notebooks and i am a slut for sebastian stan 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: hot chocolate, cats, black roses and the smell after rain 
Tagging: @oheliotts  @eliotsbambi  @sleotherin  @rhodesjames  @natromanoffsboys  @ncah-czerny 
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moonp0et · 3 years ago
mergea pur și simplu
prin iarba uda,atinsa
violent de ploaia
tomnatica tocmai
plecata, şi se simțea
aerul rece și proaspăt ce
îi strāpungea narile ii
umflau pieptul, şi după
momente de linişte unde
bucuria singurătătii se
îmbina cu tristetea
, inchise ochi.
pana şi cerul gri, de
culoarea ochilor lui, se
desfãcea uşor din pacla
cenusie iar copacii
falnici parca îşi
indrepatau spinările
atunci când ea a expirat
aerul ce se îneca in
pacura plamanilor
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kitziafloresblog · 4 years ago
El caso de Trump y Remedios caseros Referencias
Referencias El mundo (2019) ‘’ Tik Tok, la app favorita de tus hijos, podría ser "una amenaza para la seguridad nacional". Recuperado de https://www.elmundo.es/tecnologia/2019/10/27/5db1cab7fc6c83b7098b45d6.html
Rodríguez-Andrés, R. (2018). Trump 2016: ¿presidente gracias a las redes sociales? Palabra Clave, 21(3), 831–859 Recuperado de https://libcon.rec.uabc.mx:4440/10.5294/pacla.2018.21.3.8
Ramonet, I. (2016). El imperio de la Vigilancia. Editorial Capital Intelectual, España.
Ramonet, I. (2017). Globalización, internet y democracia. Recuperado de http://fundacionasturias.org/escuela/pdflibro1/ignacioramonet.pdf
Xataka, (2017). 20 millones de cámaras equipadas con inteligencia artificial hacen que China sea el verdadero 'Gran Hermano' . Recuperado de https://www.xataka.com/privacidad/20-millones-de-camaras-equipadas-con-inteligencia-artificial-hacen-que-china-sea-el-verdadero-gran-hermano
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eonabritta · 5 years ago
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Pictures from a wake of a family friend, an aunt... these were only shared to me, not my photos. It makes me sad to think of this event but somehow my kids’ innocent faces eases the sadness and makes me remember of good times shared with the Pacla family, especially Tita Susan who was such a sweet, generous, and kind soul.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving. I sure do have a lot that I am thankful for and the number one is my family: husband, children, and parents. Knowing I have them with me always, I am grateful everyday.
I just underwent surgery on the 26th, came home the following day so I didn’t have much energy to take pictures or even help in the kitchen but we totally celebrated, turkey and all. My eldest had the chance to watch the Macy’s parade with my sister in law too.
Right now I’m at a radiology center accompanying Jon for an MRI. He is claustrophobic so he asked me beside him. But as we come here, I get off the car and walk really slow because of my recent incision and I feel like we are two old (really) old people. Just kind of funny...
Another special person, my niece, 22yo passed last week unexpectedly of heart attack. I’ve babysat her a few times when she was a toddler. Again, I cannot attend her funeral this coming Monday in Massachusetts due to my operation.
Just so many sad stuff happened this month. Although grateful still for many other provisions, it’s hard to be totally celebrating. I know life moves on and the departeds for sure want us all to live life to the fullest.
But yeah, I’m just saying that life to me right now is a 50/50 mix of ups and downs.
Happy thanksgiving loves! May those going through a difficult time find light and love in the midst of it all.
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brieflygorgeouss · 6 years ago
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
i was tagged by two people, can u believe!! @trashkinglightwood and @peanutdaze thank you both so much ❤︎
i tag @soullessminyard @andrewspipedream @dustmotes-of-sonder @you-better-rvn @noahcznerys @minyardx @taureanbi @naesheiims @askybison @canonicallyanxious but anyone who wants to do this can say i tagged them, it’s cool my dudes
1. go apple picking vs go on a hay ride 2. scary vs. sweet 3. sweaters vs. boots 4. socks vs. mittens 5. bonfires vs. football 6. trick-or-treating vs. watch scary movies 9. bake pie vs. bake cookies 10. rain vs. fog 11. black cats vs. owls 12. ghosts vs. wizards 13. harry potter vs. halloweentown 14. go hiking vs. sleep in 15. cinnamon vs. nutmeg 16. reading vs. writing (honestly both but ok) 17. hot chocolate vs. tea 18. live in a cabin in a forest vs. have it be fall 24/7 19. candy apples vs. caramel apples what are those even 20. blankets vs. pillows 21. roasted marshmallows vs. roasted chestnuts 22. coffee vs. apple cider 23. red leaves vs. orange leaves 24. braids vs. bows 25. scented candles vs. the smell of fresh baked goods 26. carve pumpkins vs. make pumpkin pie 27. pumpkin spice lattes vs. chai tea lattes 28. coats vs. oversized sweaters 29. beanies vs. berets 30. candy corn vs. peanut butter cups 31. s'mores vs. apple crisp 32. jump in a pile of leaves vs. swing on a tire 33. corn maze vs. haunted house 34. bob for apples vs. visit a pumpkin patch WHAT IS THIS 35. whipped cream on hot chocolate vs. marshmallows on hot chocolate
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starymartin · 5 years ago
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V roku 1922 podľa návrhov architektov Dušana Jurkoviča a J. Pacla začali v Martine stavať budovu Ústavu Milana Rastislava Štefánika, ktorú otvorili v roku 1926. Poznáme ju pod názvom Štefánikov ústav. Zaslal Lubomir Sykora‎ (na mieste Martin, Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0n0ZZBIgSR/?igshid=1quy5g58gkzn7
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peraltacolleges · 6 years ago
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The Inaugural #LatinX Graduation Celebration last Saturday was an unforgettable moment for Merritt College. @merrittcollegeofficial The LatinX Graduation Celebration Committee and PACLA would like to express their deepest appreciation to everyone who supported and helped plan this historic event. From the stoling of our graduates to our student alum speaker, Maria Fernandez to keynote speaker, Cesar Cruz, Danza Azteca, Mariachi Femenil Orgullo, to student volunteers from FYE, Puente and others who helped make the event go smoothly, we THANK YOU. Thank you to faculty members, staff, MC and District administrators, Peralta Board members and community members. We felt your love and enthusiasm. We hope to join forces with all our sister colleges next year. Thank you, BCC, for the inspiration! Here is an album of photos taken by Tutor Sage Marxer-Waznor! https://photos.app.goo.gl/2ys8gtDZfUkzQreV6 Best, Isela Gonzalez Santana Merritt College English Faculty & Interim Learning Center Director https://www.instagram.com/peraltacolleges/p/Bw73wDshvz9/?igshid=qkfo6cpin73q
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trashkinglightwood · 6 years ago
Tagged by @charles-xavier-telepath , thank you~
Answer the questions & tag 20 people you'd like to get to know better!
Nickname: pacla, pac, pacluška, paclušenka, mačiatko, tlustej pepa
Gender: fem
Star Sign: sagittarius
Height: 182cm
Time: 18:05
Birthday: 18th december
Nationality: slovak
Favourite band: one direction 1!!1!1!!1
Favourite solo artist: harry styles 1!!1!1!!1
Favourite food: the tea, the salt 😉
Favourite colors: black, red, yellow
What am I wearing: not much
Last thing I googled: mean girls cast
Last show I watched: agents of shield (i think)
Last movie I watched: MAMMA MIA: HERE WE GO AGAIN
Lucky number: 11, 17
When did I create my blog: long time ago
What do I mostly post: pretty people, marvel, salt™
Do you have any other blogs: yes, i do, lol (they're slowly dying, but i do)
Do you get asks: i wish
Why do I chose my URL: because alexander lightwood is a trash king and so am i
Blogs who follow you: are super cool c;
Average hours of sleep: 5-8
Dream trip: my bed
Instruments: i wish
How many blankets do you sleep with: one
Tagging: @trashkingbane @sleotherin @ohandrews @radientwings
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yr-heart-is-beating · 8 years ago
i contemplated days upon days about whether or not to do this but after talking to some friends and even strangers, they all encouraged me to follow my dreams and pursue what makes me happy and well i took their words into close consideration. their advice was dear to my heart and i held it in the palms of my hands until i finally chose to pick up a pen and write this down. now i could take a picture of the paper but i'd rather not so i copied every word and locked it away because i'd rather hand it to you in person so the last day i leave, you'll have something of mine to remind you that you do still matter so much to me. am i crazy for what i'm about to do? probably but don't you like spontaneous moments? like buying a plane ticket and traveling the world with someone you love? for me. it would be, i'm buying a plane ticket to be with someone i love because truth is, you'll never be just another memory. you are still the girl i dream about, wonder what she's doing, and never stop thinking about. truth is, i miss you. i miss you a lot and although you don't reply to my messages anymore, i still send them in hopes that maybe one day you'll come around and respond. i still make you playlists, thinking that maybe you'll listen to them for once. i still make songs as you being my inspiration because every artist, has their muse. you've always been mine. but i also know there's another involved. i never told you this but i don't like her because of how she came into your life but the fact that she took my place so easily. the song up above, is a song i played on repeat when going through the process of Lavender & Warm Rain and even this. it reminds me so much of you because when i hear it, there's nothing but happiness. i smile. i asked you questions and you answered but i still had more. some left that i was afraid to ask at the time and i fear that was the last time i'll ever hear your voice but then i remembered the voicemail. sitting around in my room, replaying it over and over again at the parts where you tell me you love me, keeps me sane. you told me you didn't like her like that but my question is, why do you need a distraction? distraction from me? am i that bothering? or is it because you do, in fact, still miss me and want me as much as i want you. do you get moments where a song will come on and memories of us will replay through your head? do you refuse to listen to certain playlists because you know you'll stumble upon a song that reminds you of me and you'll be left with tears? do you walk this earth and freeze when you see anything yellow? does your heart clench because you're stopping yourself from sending me a picture of it? does my laugh sometimes echo when she does? is her laugh the same as mine? or is it not the soft tune you're so used to. do you make yourself laugh so you won't break down and cry? are you afraid that you still love me? i know sending this to you is probably dumb but i decided to post it everywhere as well so maybe if my texts won't get through to you, other platforms will because i want you to know some things. her voice is raspy as well but it never compares to the pureness yours gives off. the love i feel when my name slips out of your mouth doesn't compare to the awkward convos she and i have. i refrain from going into Victoria Secret because the time you wasted 800 dollars on clothes from there always seems to make my heart ache. the times where we laughed nonstop and i teased you continuously about it, plays on a turntable and i can't seem to take the vinyl off. i changed my wallpaper from pictures of my friends and i to lavender because it's grown on me. yellow will always be dear to me but i'll forever love the baby red and blue made. it doesn't hurt seeing the color you love so much because it's the closest thing i have right now. every morning i stare at the light purple and smile because of trip to Japan we were going to take. seeing your eyes light up at the sight of a garden full of your favorite color, will make everything worth it for me. when i'm at my friend's house, i tell her i don't want to hear anything Khalid related. the days where i'd make fun of his voice and you'd get mad at me makes me feel sick because i miss that. the simple things. i miss you. everyone i talk to, everyone i see, they're not you. i try my hardest not to think about you but there's just something in the back of my mind telling me that you are still worth it. your friends may hate my guts but one day, i'll prove it to them that sometimes a break is what we need in order to breathe, but i've been breathing for far too long without you. it's like that cliche tumblr post about planting something beautiful in our lungs but it's hard to breathe. you planted a single flower in my lungs and when we were together, you were helping me take care of it. days where i would forget to water it, you'd make sure it was done. but now that you're gone, slipped out of my fingertips, the flower is slowly dying because every time i see it, i get filled with this anger. why could i simply take care of myself? truth is, it's because i had you to help me. i molded my entire self and life around you in order to shelter you from the outside world because it never treated you well but you broke out of that mold and i'm trying so desperately to fit the pieces back together but i put some in wrong places and i'm left with nothing but a mess. i still believe that you'll come back. you said you would, but why do you need someone else to fill the void if i'm here, willing to do it for you. you promised you wouldn't ignore me anymore but you are doing exactly that and i think i finally know why, you missed me. you were going to come back weren't you? so you pushed yourself away in hopes that that feeling would go away. but it never did huh? that's why you continue to push yourself? but what if you fall over the edge? do you think she'll be at the bottom to catch you? myles lovey cruz francisco pacla, ill fall with you. fall with you so when we both hit the bottom, i'll hold you close and take the impact so you won't have to feel anymore pain. why? because i'm still so madly in love with you. i had a plan to meet you in August, that's why i continue to fight with my dad because maybe he'll see how determined i am to go to New Jersey. you made me go from this lost, hopeless girl that didn't care what her future looked like, to being this knowing, selfless girl that wants her future to be with you. i wanted to meet you and smile at you. smile because remember our first facetime? you said that every time you saw my smile, you fell in love all over again. so i want to smile at you, maybe laugh. show you that you're the only girl i see. cause even in her, i always tell myself "she's not myles" but she knows about you so it's not like i'm using anyone unlike you. you are going to break that girls heart but i feel like you don't care and somehow that reliefs some worry. worry that you'll fall in love with her and want her in the end and me? i'll be stuck reliving the past on a daily basis because that's the only time i have you. it's when i stare at pictures of you, laugh at the funny videos of us, cry at the text messages of you telling me how our life would be in the future, and smiling at the memories of how madly in love you were with me and how insanely in love i am with you. i know you don't want to hurt me but i think we can both say that we hurt each other equally and maybe instead of having distractions, we should work on fixing us. you said it yourself, it's me at the end of the day, you see your future with so please consider this. consider trying to fix this with me. please? or when your new girl leaves to college, you'll tell me "it's time" and i'll happily reply with "finally" and we'll build our walls back up, repair any cracks and replace broken windows. we'll make a new home and go back to the old one every now and then as a reminder that no matter what hardships we may go through, we'll always come back to each other. isn't that what you said? if you ever lose me, you'll find a way back? find your way back myles but personally i don't think a distraction is going to help you. i'm not saying this because i hate her, i'm saying this because what if she gets attached and you'll feel obligated to stay? what if i fully lose you then? don't let it get to that point because if i ever lost you fully especially to her, i'd lose my sanity. so this is me, your favorite little planet, saying you don't have to keep pushing yourself away, you don't need anymore distractions, you don't need to feel like you hurt me so this is best for us. because who are you to say what i need when all i ever wanted was you? you. your flaws, your insecurities, your doubts, your stubbornness, your ambition, your pessimistic personality. everything. because the day, December 24th, i agreed to be yours forever, i meant forever. forever full of hardships, downfalls, cries, laughs, fights, anger, smiles, jokes, pain, plans, adventures, promises, us. i don't need a distraction because you are always on my mind to the point where i'm so used to it. so please take this into consideration when i say, i miss and love you. please try to fix things between us with me. we can't put it off forever myles. i may want forever with you but that's as you as mine. there will be days where we'll be okay and then the next, we won't. but i promise you that i won't give up on you ever again. i won't leave you again. i've been trying for a whole month and this is officially the start of a new month. i don't want to go through anymore without you. please try to fix things with me. @driviingme-wiild
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nouveaumaison · 5 years ago
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