#packers score
inboxinspiration · 14 days
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Eagles vs. Packers live updates: NFL scores, game stats, news, highlights, where to watch NFL game in Brazil
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puthyflapps · 1 year
Y’all don’t know what it’s like to be me. Y’all don’t know what it’s like to have 30 heart attacks during every Packers game
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there's an interview from 2015 where Andy talks about being at a Packers game and I was like "oh I wonder when this was" and checked and. this was like a day that lived in infamy in my brain because of how bad our loss was LMAO andy hurley and I shared pain <3 go pack go
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sortanonymous · 9 months
I wonder if any kids these days watching Sunday Night Football see the Walmart+ 4K SkyCam parts and think that it's not just sponsorship, but that you can actually buy a 4K SkyCam at Walmart through Walmart+ just like the one they use on NBC. Cue inevitable disappointment when they can't find them at the local Walmart, lack of subscription be darned.
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yourmilwaukeebeers · 9 months
suika game BTS
i'm just gonna dump a bunch of stuff here take it or leave it all song sprites:
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dave & joe play "turn it off" from book of mormon
craig's gang plays "let's fighting love" from south park
oscars m&t play "put it down" from south park
coop & remer play "montage" from team america world police
concert m&t play "the ballad of lemmiwinks" from south park
2000s m&t play "hello!" from book of mormon
the main 4 play "blame canada" from south park: bigger longer & uncut
packer & humphrey play "shpadoinkle" from cannibal the musical
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small ike here is your cursor
here's every fruit from largest to smallest so look away if you don't want to know what picture is the suika:
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and i didn't take many photos of it in the process but this is essentially what the game looked like while working on purely functionality:
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this was soooo much fun though and i keep playing my own game amazed that it even though it's very janky, it. kinda works. which is hysterical because even though i made suika i am NOT GOOD at it, and my computer is still stuck together with a couple pieces of tape and charging 100% of the time i use it. i haven't made a watermelon, so good luck to you if you manage it lol. either way, have fun and enjoy! here's my high score!
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trust that my next advent day will not be this cool........ UNLESS?
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the-football-chick · 8 months
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It was a surprising upset at Cowboys AT&T stadium as they were outplayed by the underdog Packers, 48-32. And the final score doesn't really reflect how much of a blowout this actually was since the Cowboys scored two touchdowns in the last 7 minutes of the game.
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govikingsblog · 2 months
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1969 Viking - Packer game. This game was held at Memorial Stadium on the University of MN campus. The Twins were using the Met for a playoff series against the Orioles the next day. In the photo, Dave Osborn #41 has just scored a 2nd quarter touchdown to put the Vikings ahead 13-0. The Vikings won the game 19-7. In the photo you see Tight End #89 Kent Kramer, Offensive Guard #64 Milt Sunde and #11 quarterback Joe Kapp walking off the field. #66 for the Packers is Ray Nitschke.
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denimbex1986 · 6 months
'On the surface, All of Us Strangers, directed by Andrew Haigh, is a dark and twisty love story. Underneath, there is the often-present storyline seen in queer cinema: that of trauma and tragedy.
All of Us Strangers follows lonely middle-aged gay man Adam (Andrew Scott), struggling to come to terms with his tragic past and sexuality. Adam is a screenwriter, attempting to use his craft to work through his trauma, but his solitary life is interrupted by his new neighbour Harry (Paul Mescal).
Through a dreamworld-like exploration, Adam experiences the companionship and love accepting his homosexuality would bring, all the while visiting his dead parents in an “I see dead people” Sixth Sense fashion.
Ultimately, the story ends with the realisation Harry, like Adam’s parents, was actually dead all along, and the film leaves us wondering if Adam himself is a ghost, too.
LGBTIQA+ audiences are accustomed to seeing themes of loss, grief, homophobia and tragedy play out on screen, and this film is no exception. While it explores these themes through a beautiful, haunting ghost story, gorgeous cinematography, affective music score and captivating performances, it still reinforces the narrative queer people cannot live happy lives.
Queer representation
Queer representation in mainstream media has historically been marred by negative stereotypes, tokenistic representation and death. In my recent interactive documentary, Queer Representation Matters, queer media scholars and queer screen storytellers share how queer characters are often relegated to roles characterised by tragedy or trauma, perpetuating harmful tropes like “bury your gays”.
Bury your gays is a storytelling trope that sees LGBTQI+ characters die, often to propel the story forward for a cis, heterosexual character. We can first find these stories in late 19th century literature such as Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890).
It gained traction in the early 20th century, in Lillian Hellman’s The Children’s Hour (1934) and Vin Packer’s Spring Fire (1956) (although she doesn’t die, just ends up institutionalised), and continues to appear in novels, plays, films and on television.
Films such as The Hours (2002), Philadelphia (2003), Brokeback Mountain (2005), A Single Man (2009) and Black Swan (2010) are all films about a queer character who suffers and dies.
You may remember some of these much-loved, yet killed-off TV characters: Villanelle from Killing Eve (2018–2022), Poussey Washington from Orange is the New Black (2013–2019) and Lexa from The 100 (2014–2020).
Online queer news site, Autostraddle, have compiled a list of the 230+ dead queer female TV characters, which continues to be updated with each death.
Essentially, for queer people, it starts to feel like you can’t have queer representation without someone dying tragically at the end.
A 2023 report from Screen Australia shows only 7.4% of main or recurring characters on Australian scripted TV from 2016–2021 were identifiably LGBTQI+, and although there have been improvements in representing more complex and inclusive queer stories on Australian television, we remain quite conservative in depicting queer sex and diverse genders.
Queer people will have different and complicated responses to queer death on screen. The result of the bury your gays trope is many queer people are left feeling that being queer means you are destined for tragedy. Witnessing another queer death on screen can make us revisit past wounds and experiences.
We need diverse stories
Tropes will always exist in storytelling, but by having more diverse queer filmmakers telling more diverse queer stories, audiences will have a more balanced narrative about queer life (and life expectancy).
So, do these themes of trauma, tragedy and queer death mean films like All of Us Strangers fall into the bury your gays trope? Not necessarily, no. Here, Harry’s death is not propelling a straight character’s story forward.
It is also necessary to have sad stories about queer characters. Stories that show the queer experience in different social and historical contexts are important to understanding the struggle for LGBTQI+ liberation.
While All of Us Strangers may reinforce the narrative queer people cannot live happy lives, there are moments of tenderness, vulnerability and hope in the film. The true value of the story lies in its creation by gay filmmaker Haigh.
When a gay man is able to tell the story his way, the story becomes more authentic.
Haigh’s ability to create truthful conversations between Adam and his parents, cross-generational romance, and the desire to heal persisting wounds, demonstrates the value of the authentic lived experience.
It is important to reflect the tragic queer lived experiences. But when these stories are saturating our big and small screens we are not seeing the alternative – the queer resilience, resistance, joy, hope, creativity, potential and triumph.
We need to see stories that challenge the narrative that being queer ultimately leads to pain, trauma and tragedy. We need to see we can also live long and happy lives, so we can believe we can have the happy ever after.'
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cyberkevvideo · 2 months
Race Conversion - Firbolg (5e to PF1e)
I had actually completely forgotten about this conversion, which I had kind of done on a whim because of an inquiry asking how one would do this. My reasoning was accepted, and the person presented it to their GM. Don't know how it went over, or if it was accepted, but the race wasn't broken by any means. Honestly, given how inexpensive it is, I'd have accepted it for my own home games quite easily.
That being said, it took some finagling and borrowing from 3.5 to get my version of the build to work, but I was quite happy with what I came up with.
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Art from the Forgotten Realms Wiki, using the 5e and 3.5e pictures.
As always, if you like what I do, whether it’s monster conversions, adventure path add-ons, or race builds, I have a Ko-Fi page (linked) for those who would like to support me monetarily. There is no pressure or obligation to do so. A like and/or a share would also be appreciated just as much. It lets people know I exist out there.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
Now, let's talk stats.
Using the rules from the Pathfinder Race Guide, the best way to go about it is do a custom build. There is no base firbolg that's similar to 5e for PF1e.
Firbolg -Racial Traits- Ability Score Modifiers (Flexible): Str +2, Wis +2 (2 RP) Type: Humanoid (giant) (0 RP) Size: Medium (0 RP) Speed: 30 ft. land speed (0 RP) Spell-like Ability, Lesser: Firbolg Magic--detect magic, disguise self; (1/day each) (2 RP) Spell-like Ability, Lesser: Speech of Beast and Leaf--speak with animals, speak with plants (1/day each) (3 RP) Other: Hidden Step--Once per day, as a bonus action, you can cast invisibility, but it's duration is 1 round. (2 RP) Other: Powerful Build--The physical stature of firbolgs lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a firbolg is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for a Combat Maneuver Bonus or Combat Maneuver Defense (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the firbolg is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. A firbolg is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as grab or swallow whole) can affect him. A firbolg can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. (3 RP)
Total 12 RP
Hidden Step is difficult because there's no PF equivalent to the quick invisibility. In 3.5, there was a variant spell called Swift Invisibility which was a bard 2 spell (revised to bard 1 in Spell Compendium), making it equivalent to 2 RP, which feels fitting but doesn't at the same time, as it only lasts until the start of your turn or when you attack. Even thought it changed for bard, the other classes in Spell Compendium stayed at level 2 (with the exception of the Initiate of Baravar Cloakshadow feat which gives it as a 1st level spell). If you want to go with the Spell Compendium bard 1, that's perfectly reasonable.
There's no real carrying capacity increaser ability in Pathfinder 1e, so instead it'd be better to borrow from other examples and say, "treat your Strength score as 2 higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity". Traits like Muscle of the Society or Efficient Packer are worded like this. Probably just worth 1 RP as there are traits that give you this ability, and they're equivalent to half a feat, and specific named feats are only 2 RP. That said, 3.5e and Pathfinder psionics have the half-giants, which has the Powerful Build race feature. Looking over multiple forums, it's argued that it should be 7 or more RP because it's "like Large, but without the drawbacks", while others say it's only worth 2-3 RP because you don't get the increased Str score which gives you a bonus to damage and other benefits. I went with the safe route of 3 RP since a bonus +2 Str is 4 RP.
Speech of Beast and Leaf is another difficult one. You could just have it be "speak with animals 1/day 1 RP, speak with plants 1/day 3 RP", and call it a day, but because the firbolg only communicates, and there's no real time back and forth conversation, reducing this to 2 RP should suffice. As for the "influence" aspect, if you want to add that, you could make it be a +1 or +2 bonus to Diplomacy or Handle Animal. Could also make it so that a firbolg PC can get the spells at-will with a racial feat, not unlike the Race feats we see for drowand other races. Maybe even a feat to give firbolgs Wild Empathy as a druid, and if you take a class that gives Wild Empathy, you gain +2 to your checks. PF1e has a fair number of race feats so it's not out of the realm of possibility. That said, Pathfinder likes to make things pretty clean on how things function, so I went with just giving them the spells. It limits the race somewhat because you can't do it multiple times a day, but still.
Theoretically, a firbolg is around 12 RP, which isn't bad compared to most of the playable races players enjoy. Humans are 9 RP and dwarves are 11 RP. Elves, gnomes, half-elves, and goblins are all 10 RP, while tieflings and common drow are 13 RP.
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Team hasn’t been relevant since 1996 but get hyped up every year. Packers better win this game.
We can only hope 😪😪 They’re playing at Lambeau so statistically speaking we’ve got a better chance of winning at home than if we were playing in Dallas
I need Rodgers to get it together bc he’s been way off his game lately and it stresses me out like it’s one thing to worry about the rookies consistency from game to game but it’s another to have to worry about our back to back mvp quarterbacks consistency
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packernet · 2 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.packernet.com/blog/2024/07/12/fantasy-football-101-how-to-build-your-dream-team-as-a-packers-fan/
Fantasy Football 101: How to Build Your Dream Team as a Packers Fan
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Fantasy football offers an exciting way to engage with the NFL, especially if you’re a devoted Packers fan. Building your dream team requires strategy, knowledge, and a bit of luck. This guide will help you assemble a competitive fantasy team with a Green Bay flavor.
Understanding Fantasy Football Basics
Before diving into the specifics of creating a Packers-themed fantasy team, it’s crucial to understand the basics of fantasy football.
How Fantasy Football Works
Fantasy football involves drafting real NFL players to form a team that scores points based on their real-life performances. Each week, your fantasy team’s players earn points for their on-field achievements, such as touchdowns, yards gained, and receptions. The goal is to outscore your opponents by assembling the best possible roster. Paying attention to the Packers NFL spread can provide insights into their expected performance, which is useful when drafting or setting your lineup.
The Draft: Your Team’s Foundation
The draft is the most important event in fantasy football. It’s where you select the players who will form your team for the season. There are different types of drafts, including standard, auction, and keeper leagues. Understanding these formats helps you prepare effectively.
Building Your Packers-Themed Fantasy Team
Now that you understand the basics, let’s focus on creating a fantasy team with a Green Bay Packers twist.
Prioritize Key Packers Players
When building a Packers-themed team, prioritize drafting top players from Green Bay. Here are a few key players to consider:
Josh Jacobs (RB): Acquired from the Raiders, Jacobs is likely to get the bulk of the carries over A.J. Dillon. Jacobs is great for PPR leagues, with the ability to not just rack up yards and touchdowns on the ground but also catches through the air. The last time Jacobs played a full season, he led the NFL with 1,653 rushing yards. 
Christian Watson (WR): He is a bit of a gamble because of his injury history, but if he can stay on the field, Watson provides big play potential. In 20 starts, Watson already has 12 touchdowns in his young career, several of those on long passes. If you’re nervous about Watson staying healthy, consider drafting Romeo Doubs or Jayden Reed who also have the ability to rack up yards and scores.
Jaire Alexander and Xavier McKinney (DB): If you’re in an IDP (Individual Defensive Player) Draft, consider drafting these two secondary stars who can contribute significantly to your team’s defense. In regular drafts, drafting the Packers Team Defense will also help your roster. The Packers forced 11 fumbles in 2023, ranking No. 8 in the league.
Balance Packers Players with Other NFL Stars
While it’s tempting to fill your roster with Packers players, balance is key. To create a competitive team, you need players from other teams who can fill gaps and provide consistent points.
Focus on Strong Offense and Defense
A successful fantasy team requires a mix of solid offensive and defensive players. In addition to drafting Packers stars, consider top performers in other positions from different teams. This strategy ensures you have a well-rounded team that can compete each week.
Drafting Strategy Tips
Your draft strategy can make or break your season. Here are some tips to help you draft effectively:
Do Your Research
Research is essential. Stay updated on player statistics, injury reports, and team dynamics. Knowing which players are poised for a breakout season or who might underperform can give you an edge.
Mock Drafts Are Your Friend
Participate in mock drafts to practice your drafting strategy. Mock drafts simulate the real thing and help you understand where players might be picked. This practice helps you refine your approach and build confidence.
Be Flexible
While it’s great to have a plan, flexibility is crucial. If a top Packers player is taken before your turn, have backup options. Adapt to the flow of the draft to ensure you’re making the best picks available.
Managing Your Team Throughout the Season
Drafting is just the beginning. Effective team management throughout the NFL season is vital to maintaining a competitive edge.
Monitor Player Performance
Regularly check player performances and make necessary adjustments to your lineup. If a player is underperforming or injured, be ready to make substitutions.
Stay Active on the Waiver Wire
The waiver wire is a pool of unclaimed players that you can add to your team. Stay active in this area to pick up emerging talent or replace injured players.
Trade Wisely
Trading can strengthen your team, but it requires careful consideration. Avoid impulsive decisions and evaluate how a trade will impact your overall team balance.
Building your dream fantasy football team as a Packers fan combines strategy, research, and a bit of loyalty. By prioritizing key Packers players, balancing your roster, and staying active throughout the season, you can create a competitive team that brings the excitement of the NFL right to your fingertips. 
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What would ur Valerie when her family was still rich would like to buy? Would she still buy things OG Val would like the 500$ designer shirt?
For my Valerie, she’s def a very athletic/sporty fitness girl so a lot of what she’d have spent money on would be stuff related to that.
Fashion? All the newest athleisure and other sports and fitness clothes and accessories. Adidas, Nikes, Lululemon, etc👟🏃🏿‍♀️ Also liked to shop at the mall with Paulina and Star for the newest style trends🛍️👗
Def liked collecting sports shoes👟👟👟
All the best exercise and sports gear and equipment. I can imagine she def had a weights collection and treadmill.
Super healthy, fresh and organic foods. Def into WholeFoods & Erewhon. Fancy salads, quinoa, best squeezed juices, smoothies, shakes, protein powders, etc. Would probably usually make her own lunches rather than buy from the school cafeteria and wouldn’t have really considered places like Nasty Burger her go to takeout🥗🥙🧋
Organic Hair, facial and body products. Def loves shea and cocoa butter products👩🏾‍🦱🧴💆🏾‍♀️
Def would have a gym membership.
For the shirt, it’d etheir be a designer sports shirt, a sports player jersey or perhaps the latest sports sneakers she’d spend that much on.
Getting in on all the newest teen activities and trends, always wanting to keep up with the newest fads, especially as an A-lister. Such as, Ex, Seeing the latest action movies in theatres, being at the latest games(def a Packers fan) and latest Dumpty Humpty Concerts📽️🏟️🎸🎫
Video games. Usually involving fighting like Mortal Kombat or that in show game, Doomed with the VR headset🎮
Would now and then treat herself after a good run or test score by getting some yummy pastries or a trip to the spa or salon🧖🏾‍♀️💅 💆🏾‍♀️
When she’d be old enough, would've want something like a Porsche or Ford mustang🚗
Liked to get a lot of stuff in gold⭐️🏆 maybe not always 100% actual gold but def liked the that kind of shimmer ✨
She also hoped to use her money to become a professional athlete, up in the Olympics🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️…
What do u think? What can you imagine Valerie wouldve spended on? I’d love to know💖
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0zzysaurus · 7 months
Got any tips for someone looking to get into football (the US kind)?
!! Honestly? It took watching several seasons before I even understood the game — but what I can suggest is watching ThatsGoodSports with Brandon Perna, and TomGrossi on YouTube, I don’t support the Broncos or Packers but their commentary is so entertaining and lighthearted it can help you stay up to date on lots of teams and players at once in a casual way.
For some fun education, Jon Bois (same guy who made 17776) has a brilliant video on his channel SecretBase about Scorigami and the history of unique football scores which is super entertaining. I show it to lots of people. He also generally has a lot of good football videos on there. I also find watching like, video essays about football scandals to be super enjoyable too.
Then I just suggest watching games whenever you can (which you won’t be able to do for the NFL until around August) either by illegally streaming or catching games on SkySports — I recommend Redzone on Sky Sports Mix because not only is it SEVEN HOURS OF COMMERCIAL FREE FOOTBALL but you get to watch lots of games being played all at once and always have something to pay attention to. Redzone is very helpful for learning all the names of all the league quarterbacks too, and where the quarterbacks go, the other player names are sure to follow. Don’t worry if you can’t learn even a whole team roster, players are changed out all the time.
And for teams to support? Just pick a team you like the sound of. I’ve been supporting the Bengals for like half a decade at this point, but I also like the 49ers, the Dolphins, the Seahawks, the Bills, and the Lions. Just pick something you resonate with or find cool, even if it’s just the mascot you like, and you’ll have fun rooting for them :]]
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
oh look my mental illness making a concept out of everything….anyways it’s your first Super Bowl in your new house so you decide to host and maybe it’s the year your fav team (aka my fav team Pats) are playing the packers so it’s definitely going to be a divided house…and you’re both in your respective jersey he’s in his packers you’re in your patriots jersey and you know the whole night is just going to be banter with him😭 when you’re done setting up all the food for company you go to give him a kiss before everyone arrives and he’s like “Nope absolutely not you’re not kissing me wearing that” and before you can get angry the doorbell rings and he gives you a little smack on the ass😭 when the games getting heated and his team scores he’d do everything to rub it in your face vice versa, but despite the friendly competition he’s still bringing you over your favorite drink during a commercial and he’s still helping you out in the kitchen when you’re preparing another snack for the guests😔when it’s just you two in the kitchen he’d come up behind you and kiss your cheek and say “love you”😔 you’d say “Thought you weren’t kissing him in this jersey?” And he’d say “since I’m winning I’ll make an exception” and you just smack his chest and get back out to your friends😔 his team would end up winning and later that night after everyone leaves you stick around to clean up while he goes to shower. When you get upstairs you’d notice his Jersey on the chair so you decide what a perfect time to tease since he was a little asshole all night…you take off your clothes and put on nothing but his jersey and wait on the bed for him. When he comes out in just a towel he’s practically drooling because the material stops right below your ass and also seeing you in it would just make him so hard😣😣😣 he’d say “what’s all this” barely getting the words out and you’d say “Just wanted to help you celebrate tonight…” while walking over to him, kissing up his neck and taking off the towel and dropping to your knees😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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evermoredeluxe · 10 months
halftime score is 6-14 packers lead? oh taywinner is gonna do sorcery and make sure her team wins
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