#pabu wedding
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leenathegreengirl · 7 months ago
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You are cordially invited…. 🥰💚💕
(Happy ARC Trooper Thursday! This was totally inspired by @rainydaydream-gal18 ‘s https://www.tumblr.com/rainydaydream-gal18/750754157428916224/the-bad-batch-imagine-a-pabu-wedding post! Go check out her writing, it’s wonderful!)
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha
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drafthorsemath · 1 year ago
Last Line Challenge!
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like)
Thanks for the tag @eclec-tech. Also what does that last line mean? I have so much reading to catch up on. Apologies.
Okay so today I worked a little bit on the piece I'm writing with @lightwise called Pabu Wedding:
Tech immediately got flustered at the thought of kissing on cue.
I have to tag eleven people? Eleven?! Well I already tagged lightwise, so I'll count that too. No pressure tags:
@staycalmandhugaclone @nika6q @thecoffeelorian @barbieburnanator @the-bad-batch-baroness @starrylothcat @heyclickadee @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @melymigo
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littlebluebatbrat · 1 month ago
Sometimes I get so soft thinking about moments in my OCs stories like I'm not the one coming up with them
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archivistofnerddom · 3 months ago
Yes to Phee being the provider of a lot of weird context information (that Tech would have provided if he were, y’know, there for season 3).
Crosshair, after prolonged exposure to Phee: *sighs* Yeah, she and Tech are perfect for one another.
Also, Crosshair: *proceeds to do some necromancy/time travel BS nonsense to bring Tech back, so that he can have Phee as a sister-in-law*
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We know where Pabu is!!!
The Chopani sector! Home of the Void of Chopani!
The fact that it's in bumf*ck nowhere in the outer rim explains why the Empire never bothered to go back.
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hugmekenobi · 1 month ago
I Do
A Bad Batch Post S3 Oneshot
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Gif by @barissoffee
Hunter x femaleJedi!reader
Summary: Your wedding day finally arrives
Playlist for inspo:
Warnings: Limited (Y/N), swearing, reader nickname of 'Spark' and 'sweetheart' is used, wedding traditions mentioned and applied, my interpretation of the Force, my limited wedding ceremony knowledge, references to past torture and death, vague references to alcohol/hangovers, limited wedding dress description, LOTS of fluff and feelings, I make up a mission plan, kissing, for the sake of the plot they can leave Pabu safely, SMUT (dirty talk and innuendo, marking, reader wears lingerie, light body worship with mentions of scars, use of a toy, teasing, brief edging, light marriage kink if that's a thing?, switch reader and Hunter, unprotected P in V but let's be safe irl please!) mildly bittersweet ending
<Previous Oneshot (not totally necessary to read but helpful for build up)
Masterlist for S1, S2 and S3
Word Count: 13.4K
Rating: 18+
Author's note: Well, the state of the world is concerning and pretty depressing rn but in a bizarre way, it acted as that final motivator to finally finish because I wanted to focus on something that brings me joy. So, with that, I hope everyone is doing okay and that this was worth the wait!
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“How did it go?” Hunter asked as he entered your living room just as you finished your call with Jax.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with your brothers right now?” You asked instead.
“I convinced them to come get me later. How did it go?” He asked again, unwilling to let you change the subject so easily. 
You heaved a sigh and shrugged as you slouched against the couch and fidgeted with your ring. “Fine? I think? I don’t know, I feel like I’m just making this up as I go. I guided him through the ways meditation can help him if he starts to lose focus, or things feel out of control, but I have no idea if that’ll be helpful.”
“It sounds like good advice.” Hunter replied whilst he put his stuff down. 
You grunted, “I don’t know that it’s fair for me to preach the benefits of meditation when all I’ve done with it has come up with a whole lot of nothing.”
“Still nothing from your master since Christophsis?” Hunter asked sympathetically as he sat down beside you. 
You nodded dejectedly. “There’s just nothing there. I know that it was a long time ago and we had Tantiss to deal with, so I wasn’t as on top of it as I used to be, but I thought Christophsis opened some sort of door.” You breathed heavily and leaned against his shoulder. “I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” 
“You’re awfully down for someone getting married in two days.” 
You snapped your head up and stared at the ghost ahead of you but also tugged on Hunter’s sleeve. “You’re seeing this too, right?” You double checked as you saw the face of your master staring at you with a smile on his face.
Hunter found himself going back into autopilot and his days as a soldier because he immediately stood to attention as he clocked the pale blue figure.
“At ease, Sergeant. No need for such formalities and with the war being over and me being dead, it’s not like I could write you up.” Your master said to the clone at your side. 
“I- um- right.” Hunter stammered because now he had no idea how he was supposed to act or behave when speaking to someone from the dead. Never mind the fact that this was your old Jedi Master. He relaxed his posture, but only slightly because he still had no clue what to make of this entire situation. 
“Hello, Spark.”
“That’s all you have to say?” You questioned the ghostly blue figure with a frown. 
“I believe that to still be the appropriate greeting.” 
“I don’t understand this. You can really show up that easily?”
“When the need arises, yes.”
You let out a laugh that was void of positive emotion. 
“I’m sensing some rising anger, Spark.”
“No shit!” You shouted in irritation. 
“Spark…” Your master said with a tired sigh. 
“I’ve been meditating for months, and you’ve been a no show all this time! I was taken prisoner and tortured and you weren’t any help!”  
“An awful feat to endure but you haven’t needed me. You relied on your training and sense of self; you didn’t need me there to bring you back.”
“I almost didn’t! I nearly gave up on Tantiss!”
“Dwelling on the almost helps no one, you did not and that’s the outcome that matters. If you had needed me, I would’ve provided my assistance but there’s never been an opportunity or requirement for that in the recent times.”
He sounded so unapologetically himself and like the master you’d studied under that you couldn’t help but let the initial anger you’d been feeling over this leave your body. “Hey, there was a perfect opportunity for you to show up a month ago! Technically, I died! A few times I might add!” You pointed out. 
“You sound a little too delighted by that.” Hunter grumbled.
“You were nowhere to be found!” You continued to be disgruntled. 
“Please, I know you’re far too stubborn to die at the hands of a bounty hunter.” Your master said dismissively.  
You gave up with a sigh, “So, why are you here now?” You asked instead since you realised you were going to get nowhere disputing the past with him. 
Your master nodded to Hunter. “I wanted to formally meet the man who pulled you away from your Jedi teachings.” He said sternly. 
Hunter’s eyes widened in distress. “I didn’t- it wasn’t- sir, I didn’t mean to-” He stuttered in a panic. 
“Surely you understand how encouraging such serious attachment from someone in her position is dangerous?”
Hunter couldn’t calm his ever-increasing alarm. A Force ghost appearing suddenly felt so small compared to what he was having to argue with said ghost about. “Sir, I’d never risk- I don’t- when we happened I-” He was scrambling to find anything that would reassure the man, but he was failing miserably. 
You shook your head in disapproval at your master who now had a rather pleased smile on his face, “Would you stop torturing him? Talking to Force ghosts is already hard enough for someone not used to it.” You gently pulled on Hunter’s hand, “My love, sit down.”
Hunter dazedly sat down beside you.
“And remember to breathe.” You prompted him quietly as you patted his knee before you glared at your master, “Are you done?”
Your master chuckled, “I couldn’t help myself, but yes, I am. Although I did want to meet you, Sergeant. I wanted to know more about you if you’re amenable to that?” 
“Y-yes, sir.” Hunter collected himself as he straightened his shoulders and awaited the questions. 
“You led a small squad during the war did you not? You and your brothers were made to be different from the other clones and battalions that existed during that time?” 
“That’s correct, sir.” 
“But you made a habit of deviating from standard protocols and orders? You never considered that to be a reckless course of action to take?”
Hunter sensed you getting ready to defend him, but he placed his hand on yours to signal that he was fine. “Yes, sir, but with respect, that’s why we were as successful as we were. Our unique skill sets made it that going against the usual procedures was better for us and the war effort.”
Your master nodded appreciatively over the honesty in the clone’s voice. “And you understand the added responsibility you’re taking on with having a Jedi in your life and as your partner? You are aware of the risks that will remain in place for you and your squad even with this home you’ve created?”
“I understand it, sir, but it never felt like extra responsibility to me. I look after my people the best I can, I always have, and she was a part of our squad and family long before my feelings developed into what they are now. Making the choice to stand by her despite the dangers it comes with was simple.”
“I see. And what about-”
“Okay, what is this?” You interrupted, “You’re dead, and I stopped being your student years ago. You don’t get to approve or disapprove-”
“Ah, that’s where you’re wrong, Spark. The mere fact that you’ve been seeking that connection with the techniques I passed on shows that our relationship has not ended. And yes, I may have become one with the Force but that doesn’t mean I stopped being your teacher- dead or not, there’s always a lesson to be learnt. Something you should keep in mind since you’re on your way to becoming a teacher yourself.” 
You suddenly felt rather bashful as you heard the hint of pride in his voice, “I’m not really doing anything.”
“You’re doing far more than you realise and I’m not solely referring to those children you rescued. That young girl you’re raising is going to do great things.” Your master complimented you both.
“We know.” Hunter agreed. 
The soft change in Hunter’s voice and the fondness in which he said that and made your heart soar with affection. 
Your master smiled warmly as he saw the unfiltered emotion written across your face as you looked at the man by your side and he knew there was nothing dangerous or wrong about the feelings you had for him. He addressed Hunter once more, “I just have one last question…” 
Hunter braced himself. 
“Do you love her?”
Now that was something he could answer very easily. “Yes, I do.”
“Good.” Your master said with a nod of approval before he turned to face you again. “I wish you both a happy future and Spark, remember, you don’t need to see me to feel me with you.” Your master reminded you before he faded away.
“Spark?” Hunter asked with a curious look in your direction. 
“Do you want the embarrassing or the more emotional answer?” You replied lightly. 
But before Hunter could reply, Wrecker came barging through the door.
“Time’s up! Get moving!”
You caught the look of dread on Hunter’s face. “You’re going to have fun.” You said through a laugh as you both got to your feet. 
“Remind me why I can’t just stay here? Your plans for tonight sound relaxing.” Hunter pleaded jokingly. 
“Because we don’t want you here, Bandana.” Phee responded with mock seriousness, “This night is for us girls only. You’ve got your own thing.”
“Right, how could I forget.” He replied with a roll of his eyes. “I’ll be back tomorrow evening.” Hunter promised you, hoping he slipped it subtly enough into the goodbyes that it would go unnoticed. 
You’re not that lucky. You said with a grin as you noticed Omega’s look of horror.
“Nu uh! Wedding tradition number three states that it’s bad luck to see the bride the day of the wedding so you can’t stay the night tomorrow!” Omega insisted as she yanked on Hunter’s arm to take her place next to you instead whilst Phee and Lyra pushed past the rest of the men to join you in the living room. 
Tech tapped on his datapad. “Yes, the schedule for the next two nights and two days sees to it that proceedings begin with Phee, Omega and Lyra staying here whilst we go to Shep’s to pick him up before leaving on Phee’s ship to-”
“Celebrate tonight! Recover tomorrow! Celebrate again!” Wrecker bellowed merrily. “It’s really not that complicated, Tech.” 
“Yet you still got confused the first time we were planning this.” Crosshair pointed out wryly as he chewed on a toothpick. 
“Not my fault! Shep brought out a plate of dessert when Tech was figuring out the days, I was distracted!” Wrecker said defensively but with a smile on his face. 
“I still don’t understand why you planned it this close to the actual ceremony.” Echo pointed out. 
“With those two wanting to hurry things along, our timeline got rather rushed.” Tech replied. 
“Sorry for not wanting to give the next bounty hunter another chance to ruin things.” You joked.
“Or an Imperial invasion.” Omega added.
“Or the chance for (Y/N) to get herself killed.” Crosshair piled on but his tone was laced with familial teasing as he looked at you.
“Hey!” You protested indignantly. “The more recent ones have not been my fault.”
“Crosshair…” Hunter scolded as he moved his way around Omega and instinctively wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“Thought I was helping.” He said with a nonchalant shrug. 
“Your definition of ‘help’ should be re-examined.” Tech interjected as he adjusted his goggles.  
“Well, point made anyway.” Echo acknowledged with a slight grimace.
“Great, now that that’s settled, let’s go!” Wrecker demanded again as he reached for Hunter. 
Hunter gave you one last desperate look. “You’re really forcing me to do this?” He feigned needing to be rescued as his brother pulled him into the group. 
“I’m not doing anything, you’re the one that let Tech give Omega the list of readings about all the different wedding traditions that exist in the galaxy.” You pointed out with a smirk as you warmly rested your hands on the young girl’s shoulders whilst she stood in front of you. 
“Yes! This is tradition number seven!” Omega said excitedly as she pulled up the various files that she’d pulled on the subject and recited, “Bachelor parties and bachelorette parties are iconic pre-wedding celebrations that mark the end of singledom for soon-to-be-weds.” She waved the datapad in Hunter’s direction. “You can’t argue with that.”
“No, I suppose I can’t.” Hunter replied through a sigh, but he wasn’t referring to the information as he smiled at the young girl.
“It’s not like spending time apart will kill you.” Lyra added absentmindedly as she got to work on unpacking the supplies for your night here. 
The room went silent as you all turned to stare at her. 
“Okay, that was a bad choice of words,” Lyra acknowledged sheepishly, “But you know what I mean!”
You chuckled before you noticed the impatient way Wrecker was bouncing on his heels. “Okay, time to go.” You ushered them out but caught Hunter’s wrist just as he was leaving. You went to kiss him but before he could help close the gap, Crosshair pulled on his arm. “If I’m going to throw up tonight, it’s going to be during the party, not before.” He said in faux disgust.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming.” Hunter conceded as he shoved Crosshair away in a brotherly fashion. “See you in two days?” He asked you by way of farewell.
“See you in two days.” You confirmed with a mildly nervous but excited smile. You waved them off before you shut the door and accepted the drink from Lyra as your lovely night of rest and relaxation got underway.
The sound of your comm chirping woke you up from your peaceful slumber.
“Good morning.” You teased as you heard the pained rasp in his voice. 
“No, it’s not.” Hunter grumbled.
“You sound like a ball of energy.” You quipped and the only reply you got was a disgruntled huff and it made you smile to yourself. “Sooo, how was your night?”
“I haven’t celebrated like that since our days as a fresh squad during the war. I don’t know how we did it.” Hunter responded with a weary sigh. 
“And here I thought you were trying to be sensible.” You taunted. 
“Somewhere between Tech insisting that he could make Crosshair a hand and trying to steal Echo’s to prove it whilst Wrecker kept trying to get the bartender to give us free drinks by challenging him to an arm wrestle and Shep lamenting over what’ll happen when Lyana gets married, I gave up.” Hunter through a groan.
You laughed, “Kinda wish I’d been there to see that. But how are your senses holding up? Your headache isn’t too painful, is it?” You asked with more genuine concern.
“I’m fine, this is nothing too overwhelming, I’ll be okay in a few hours.” Hunter reassured you. 
“I promise. I knew what I was doing last night.” 
“Okay, good. And you had fun?” You double checked.
“Yes, I did.” Hunter admitted. 
“Omega will be delighted by that. I think she enjoyed this part of the wedding planning quite a bit.”
“Your night was good too then?”
“It was a nice time! We just chatted and ate good food- it was all very calm and fun. We all turned in at a reasonable hour. Oh, and Omega finally got permission from Lyra to see my dress, so she was very excited by that.”
“Sure, Omega’s allowed to see it.” Hunter grumbled with light-hearted seriousness. “Remind me why we let this tradition slide through?”
“Because the argument about an ex-Jedi marrying a genetically enhanced clone being about as untraditional as we could get was hard to dispute so we’re making up for it where we can and keeping the reveal until the day of falls into that category according to Omega.”
“Right,” Hunter griped, “I should’ve fought harder.”
“You have one more 24 hour wait.” You reminded him with a loving but exasperated sigh. 
“It’s not been as easy as it sounds. You’ve been overly secretive and non-informative about it for weeks now. Having the answer to my curiosity tucked away in our closet and being banned by every single person from seeing it has been a challenge; you do realise that?”
“Yes, because I live to torture you.” You said, playing into his dramatics.
“I can feel your eyes rolling.”
“Look, in all fairness, Lyra only finally decided she was finished with it a week ago. And of all the wedding traditions we’re doing, this is one I kinda like keeping. Besides, you’re getting your first dance tradition which is the one part of this whole thing I’m dreading.” You said lightly. 
“Hmm, that’s true. And I hear marriage is all about compromise.” Hunter said playfully.
“Exactly. This is just good practice.” You replied jokingly.
Hunter chuckled softly over the comm, “Well, I can hear the pained groans of the others so they’re waking up now, so I better go. I love you.”
“I love you too. Safe flight back.” You signed off and breathed deeply as you realised that after today, the day you’d been waiting for was almost here. 
Time passed by in a blur and before you knew it, you were waking up with the nervous butterflies in your stomach that signalled what was happening at sunset today. 
You had barely opened your eyes when your door burst open, and a bundle of blonde hair and excitement joined by a ball of fur were jumping on your bed and clambering in next to you.
“It’s wedding day! It’s finally time!”
“Are you sure?” You double checked teasingly as you pretended to pull your covers back and over your head.
“Yes!” Omega tugged on them and insistently shoved your shoulder. “You need to get up!” She whistled to Batcher and pointed to you. 
“I’m up, I’m up.” You said through a laugh as you avoided Batcher’s enthusiastic kisses and got vertical. “But you can relax, Omega, we have ages.” 
“Not according to my schedule.” Omega propped herself on her knees as she revealed her datapad and showed it to you. 
You scanned the list as you absentmindedly stroked Batcher’s side. “Okay that all looks good but what is that?” You indicated to the words with your name and ‘panic’ written side by side.
“My research said it is highly likely that a ‘freak out’ will occur once the time of the ceremony arrives, no matter how sure your feelings are. I’m just leaving it in as an option.” She said casually. 
“I’m not going to freak out,” You insisted, “I’m perfectly fine.”
“For now…”
“Omega!” You gasped in faux offence. 
“And, now you know there’s time if or when you need to.” She replied with coy indifference. 
“Seems like you’ve got this all figured out.” You observed with a smile.
“Tech and I coordinated so he’s keeping Hunter on track,” She told you proudly, “And don’t worry, his panic time is longer than yours.” 
“Great.” You replied dryly. 
She clapped her hands together, “Now, you can have fifteen minutes to yourself while I go get breakfast started.”
“Alright, you’re in charge, Omega.” You said fondly as she tossed her arms around you and squeezed you tight before hopping off the bed to signal it was time for the preparations to get underway. 
“You’re getting married today!” Lyra squealed in delight as soon as you opened the door.
“So, everyone keeps telling me.” You kidded as you stepped aside to let her and Phee in. 
“Right on time.” Omega stated with a satisfied nod as she came out of her room. 
“Between you and brown eyes, it would be impossible not to be.” Phee commented with a smile. 
“You all look great!” You said warmly as you took them all in and your heart swelled as you saw Omega in particular. She was growing up every day before your very eyes and it was both terrifying but beautiful. 
“Hush, we are not the focus here. Come on, let’s get you ready!” Lyra started shoving you towards your bedroom.
“Oh, this turned out better than I imagined!” Lyra said with a misty-eyed smile, “Phee, Omega, get in here!” She called out as she dabbed away the tears and re-opened your bedroom door. 
“You look amazing!” Omega cried joyously. 
“Okay, so can I look yet?” You asked nervously in response to Omega’s words and elated gasp and Phee’s wide smile. 
“Go ahead!” Lyra said excitedly. 
You took a deep breath and turned around to face the mirror in your room and you scarcely recognised the person staring back at you. You’d never been allowed to see this dress aside from getting a gauge of how it looked on you and even when it was done, you’d only seen how it had looked hanging up. 
This was the first time you’d been able to see it properly and it took your breath away. 
The silhouette complimented your body perfectly, the fabric was light enough for the Pabu climate but what really got to you was- as you angled yourself to see all side of it- the way the rays of late afternoon sunlight hit it and the tiny crystals scattered around the bodice and skirt glimmered a subtle red that matched a shade you were all too familiar with. “Lyra… it’s- I can’t believe- I don’t know what to say… it’s beautiful.” You said breathlessly. “Thank you, thank you so much!”
“I know.” She said, equally emotionally over seeing you in this. “Worth every hour of each day, the late nights and prick of a needle.” 
You laughed, “I’m glad.”
“Hunter won’t know what hit him when he sees you in this.” Lyra added as she couldn’t help herself and started adjusting bits and pieces of your ensemble. 
“Your dress is something new, the necklace from Lyra is your something borrowed. We’re missing your something old and something blue but that’s okay.” Omega said as she checked off the list.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, kid.” Phee said smugly as she went to her stuff and brought out a small, wrapped box and handed it to you.
“What is this?” You said in confusion as you took the package from her but the familiar thrumming in your veins that you sensed as you held it got your heart practically started beating out your chest. With shaky hands, you opened it and inhaled sharply, “Phee… how did you- where did you find this?”
“Liberator of ancient wonders, remember? The people I got it from had already scrapped the hilt so couldn’t get all of it but figured this was the important thing.” Phee said kindly. 
“What is it?” Lyra asked curiously as she took it from you and tied it around your wrist.
“Something from my Jedi days.” You breathed as your blue kyber crystal hung delicately from the leather band. The comfort and familiarity it brought calmed your ever-increasing nerves as you realised it was almost time to go. “Thank you, Phee.”
Phee dipped her head in acknowledgment. “Tech helped me track it down.”
You were overwhelmed by the kindness that had been shown to you and the occasion of it all, but for once, it wasn’t a bad feeling. It only cemented how certain your feelings were and how sure you were that you wanted to do this, but you were only human, and the butterflies refused to die down. 
“Still fine?” Omega asked quietly. 
“Still fine.” You confirmed with a smile as you exhaled deeply to settle your nerves.
“Knew you would be.” Omega said as she wrapped her arms around your waist. 
“Okay, come on. I have to do a few touch ups.” Lyra said. 
“Lyra…” You groaned in an exaggerated fashion. 
“Don’t question me.” She said firmly as she guided you back to your room.
“It’s time to go.” Omega announced.
“Okay, okay I’m done!” Lyra said with a satisfied nod as she finished off. 
You took a deep breath as you got to your feet, but you smiled when you saw a familiar person standing ahead of you.
You playfully wolf whistled as you saw the lean figure standing in your living room donned in an all-black suit and tie. As always, Lyra knew what she was doing. “Looking sharp, Crosshair.”
Crosshair’s eyes widened slightly as he saw you step out before he gathered himself and hummed, “Not bad.”
“Not bad?” Lyra repeated with exasperated disdain. “That’s all you have to say?”
“I’m not the one marrying her.” Crosshair said with a shrug. 
“I’ll take it.” You said with a fond shake of your head. 
“Where are my credits?” Omega enquired gleefully as she bounded over to the clone. 
“Credits?” You repeated. 
“There may have been a wager on whether or not you would need the time to panic about today.” Omega revealed awkwardly. 
“You bet on us?” You said through a huff of laughter. 
“Omega was the only one that thought neither of you would if that helps.” Crosshair grumbled as he handed her the amount that she was due.
The fact Hunter hadn’t panicked either went a long way to steadying your nerves. “I guess?” You rolled your eyes and let it go because you honestly should’ve expected something like that from them before you realised you didn’t actually know why Crosshair had shown up, “Why are you here, though? Shouldn’t you be with Hunter right now?”
“The kid said you needed someone to walk you down.” Crosshair said airily.  
You narrowed your eyes at him before you asked Omega in confusion, “Thought Hunter was going to have all his brothers with him so we decided that I could walk myself?”
“You did, I didn’t. With Wrecker as best man, Echo as the officiant and Tech as the ring holder and creator, we had a role for Crosshair that wasn’t just groomsman.”
“So, I’ve been forced into this.” Crosshair pretended to be put out. 
But Omega wasn’t going to let him off that easily. “You volunteered!” She reminded him. “And you offered long before Hunter had even decided who was doing what.”
Crosshair sighed and glared at the young girl, “Thought we agreed to keep that between us.”
“Whoops.” Omega replied with a mischievous grin. 
“Aww Crosshair…” You teased lovingly as you made your way over to him. 
“I’ll take it back. I swear, I’ll walk out of here and you can forget about it.” Crosshair warned but he met your embrace. 
Thank you. You said as you hugged him. 
“Well, you’re family, it’s just how it goes.” Crosshair replied quietly before he released you. “Now, let’s get out of here so you can put my brother’s and I out of our misery.” 
“Thought you said he hadn’t freaked out today?” You asked distractedly, missing the pluralisation as you fiddled with your skirt. 
“He hasn’t. We just had to watch him pine over you for months on end. Today will finally bring an end to it.” Crosshair stated as he offered you his arm. 
You clued in then, “Oh, so this is as much for you as it is for us?” You kidded as you looped your arm through his. 
“Definitely.” Crosshair answered with a smirk before the group of you left to finally get things underway. 
With your entourage and family by your side as you made your way down to the beach, you finally started to feel calm and ready for this next stage in your life. 
Hunter, on the other hand, couldn't have calmed down if he tried. Sure, he’d disappointed his brothers in that he’d kept it together the entire day but that didn’t mean the nerves weren’t there. 
He stood restlessly at the end of the aisle, the emotions of the occasion combining into a perfect storm of nerves and excitement as he waited for you. 
Finally, the crowds had quieted down, and the overall feeling of bated breath from everyone around him told him that he wouldn't have to wait for much longer.
“Just don’t let me trip, Crosshair.” You requested through an unsteady exhale as the time arrived for you to make your way down the wooden platform that had been made to keep you from stepping on the uneven sand.
“Wouldn’t that be funny though?” 
You shot him a look. 
“Not a chance.” Crosshair reassured you sincerely.
With his nod of encouragement, you started to walk. 
As he caught the change in expression on his brothers’ faces, Hunter finally turned around to see you and his breath caught in his throat. Every anticipatory worry and nerve swiftly disappeared, and it made him feel rather light-headed which, mixed with how enthralled by the sight of you he was, made for an inconvenient combination. If it weren’t for Wrecker’s subtle act of support to prop him back up, he was certain that he would’ve staggered backwards. 
And as he realised what you making your way to him finally meant, he felt tears threaten to blur his vision and while he didn’t mind the display of emotion, he’d be damned if they were going to take away a single second of the breathtaking image of you walking towards him. He hastily wiped his eyes and collected himself. 
It was then he caught the way the sun hit the scattered jewels on your dress, and he saw the colour that reflected off of them. He darted his gaze over to Lyra who only offered him a smug smile and friendly wink before looking back at you.
Sure, the sunset was gorgeous and added a stunning golden backdrop as the beams of light reflected off the turquoise ocean water but as far as you were concerned, the background view was secondary to the one you cared about and that was the man standing ahead of you who was wearing the same black suit as the rest of his brothers but wearing it in a way that made your skin warm and your heart skip a beat. 
Everyone else faded away, your only focus was on the man in front of you and you’d never felt more ready for this next stage.
It felt like forever before you finally reached the end of the platform and into the waiting arms of the man you’d been waiting for your whole life. 
Crosshair smiled at the two of you before he handed you off and took his place next to his brothers. 
You passed your bouquet to Omega who hadn’t stopped smiling since she’d seen you this morning. 
Hi. You said with a loving grin. Was it worth the secrecy?
Hunter could only nod dumbly before he searched for words to actually articulate himself. “You- you- look-” Hunter swallowed down the lump in his throat and tried again, “You look beautiful.” He murmured quietly as he stroked his thumb across the backs of your hands. 
So do you. You comfortingly squeezed his in return as you felt the slight tremble in his grip. 
Hunter released a steadying breath as he let your touch ground him. 
“You two ready?” Echo asked quietly.
You both nodded and waited as Echo got the ceremony underway. 
“And now it’s time for the vows. Hunter, are you okay to start?” Echo double checked. 
Hunter nodded and, despite the butterflies in his stomach, this was the one part of today that he’d always been ready for. He exhaled steadily and started, “I was made for war. That’s all I knew, and I thought that was going to be my purpose for the rest of my life. I didn’t know any better and I didn’t think there was anything more I should look for. Then you came along, and everything changed. I suddenly realised that life didn’t have to be about living from one battle to the next, there was room for much more than that and you were the one I’d been waiting to have that with. And as much as I tried to deny myself those feelings in the beginning, I quickly realised that there’d never been a more pointless exercise than that. I’ve been yours for a long time, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. You can ask any one of our brothers and they’ll tell you the same thing. The fact that I argued against them for so long was probably far more stressful or frustrating than any battle.” 
You glanced at Echo who dipped his head affirmatively before you looked past Hunter’s shoulder to see the grinning and nodding faces from the rest of his brothers. You brought your sights back to Hunter with a bright smile. 
Hunter returned your grin before he carried on, “We’ve been through and survived a lot, perhaps too much, but we always found a way through it. And, although I wished they never had to happen in the first place, they reminded me of how much time we lost refusing to allow ourselves the reality of what this was, and I never want to do that again. We can’t get back the wasted months, but from this point on, I promise not to waste another moment with you. No matter what, you will have me by your side, whatever you need, whatever forever means for us, you’ll have it. I love you. I always have and I always will.”
You’d kept it together up until now but after that, after seeing the emotions behind his eyes and hearing the love and sincerity in his voice, your own body started to shake with emotion. You didn’t know how you were going to find the composure to speak. 
Hunter picked up on that and he took a closer step towards you. He cupped your cheek and nodded reassuringly as he waited patiently for you to go. “It’s just us here,” He whispered, “Take your time.”
You breathed deeply as you settled yourself. And with Hunter’s encouraging gaze and touch as your anchor, you were ready. “Before I left the Jedi Order, I thought I knew what family was but even when I was there, surrounded by people like me, I always knew there was something missing, but I was always taught to not seek something more out, to not pursue or let those feelings take a hold of me. And even though I argued against it, I still lived my life that way. So, when I decided to leave, I thought being on my own was the answer, that if I would be saving myself a lot of hurt and I wouldn’t have the disappointment of failing to find what I was searching for. Then I met you-” You paused for a second, “And Hunter, you shifted my world. Gravity was no longer my centre; it was all you. There was a time where feeling that way terrified me. I thought it was wrong, that it was a way to a darker path, so I kept trying to distance myself from it, but it was impossible because, no matter how hard I searched for it, there was never any darkness when it came to how I felt about you. You’ve always been my light, even when I didn’t realise it, you brought me back to life and showed me a different way to exist. I knew you were the person I’d been waiting for. You talk about how obvious your feelings were to the people around you, trust me when I say that you weren’t alone. Your brothers didn’t let me off the hook when it came to you either and I don’t even mind admitting now that they were so obviously right.” You added light-heartedly which got a hum of laughter from both Hunter and everyone else. You carried on more seriously into your last part, “I love you, Hunter, I love your kindness, your compassion, your strength. With every fibre of my being, I love you. I can’t wait for the future we’re going to have together. I’m yours too, I always have been. Whatever this next part in our life sees, I promise that I won’t ever stop loving you. You have my heart, my support, and that won’t ever change.” You promised through a choked breath as your feelings threatened to overwhelm you. 
Hunter felt his heart tighten in his chest as your words hit him and now, he was finding himself looking forward to the next part getting wrapped up because every irritating second, he spent not married or closer to you was getting harder to patiently ignore.  
Echo found himself getting affected by the occasion and emotions of the two of you so he quickly cleared his throat and got onto the next part, “Hunter, do you take (Y/N) to be your wife for as long as you both shall live?”
“I do.” Hunter said and he’d never felt more certain in his words as he accepted one of the rings from Tech tenderly placed it on your finger.
Wrecker and Lyra both wiped tears away from their eyes. 
“And (Y/N), do you take Hunter to be your husband for as long as you both shall live?” Echo asked. 
“I do.” You said as well, and you’d never felt more at peace than you did after saying that phrase. You took the gold ring from Tech to place on Hunter’s finger and it was then you noticed a small 99 and your lightsaber hilt had been engraved on the band. You looked to Tech who simply offered a nod and a warm smile. 
Hunter impatiently looked at Echo as you let his hand go. 
“Go ahead.” Echo said with an affectionate eye roll. 
The two of you didn’t hesitate. Hunter cradled your jaw and kissed you within an instant and you needed no prompting to press yourself against him. You flung your arms around his neck as the two of you shared in a short but passionate embrace while the whoops and cheers of the crowd sounded around you and somewhere in between Echo officially announced the two of you. 
When you pulled apart, you were instantly embraced by your family and the seven of you shared in the moment before you and Hunter led the way back down the aisle and to Upper Pabu. 
The walk up to the colonnade was one that felt remarkably serene and calming since the citizens of Pabu had laid petals from the Maya tree on the ground in preparation for your ascent. 
“Any regrets?” Hunter whispered into your hair as he kept you tight to his side as the two of you walked. 
Not a single one. You said emphatically as the two of you reached the top and shared in one more kiss before the band started playing and the celebrations could officially begin. 
The after party was well under way and you and Hunter were doing your part to speak to and thank as many people as you could. 
“Congratulations you two!”
“Thank you, Shep.” You replied warmly as you hugged him tightly, “For everything you’ve done for us, it means a lot!” You pulled back so he could move on to Hunter. 
“Couldn’t have had this without you.” Hunter agreed as he went to shake the jolly man’s hand but was instead pulled into a bone crushing embrace. 
“Just wait, soon it’ll be Lyana’s turn.” You teased as he released Hunter, “I heard that future thought came up quite a bit a couple days ago.”
“Maybe but don’t forget your situation too… what about when it’s Omega’s?” Shep retorted fondly. 
Oh. Right. You and Hunter shared a terrified look. That was a quick way to turn the tables on your playful banter and it left you both scrambling for anything to say in response. 
“Uh huh. Think about that one.” Shep kidded smugly as he rested a strong, supportive hand on both your shoulders before he walked away.
You and Hunter both searched the dancing crowds and found Omega dancing happily with Wrecker, Lyana, Mox, Deke and Stak, and you knew Shep’s words were going to stick with you for some time. “
“We still have years and years, right?” You asked Hunter fretfully. 
“Yeah… and longer if I have anything to do with it.”
He said the words seriously, but you knew him well enough to understand that neither of you would get in the way of her future happiness, however you could still view that time with a certain degree of apprehension. You glanced at him with a warm smile. I love you for that. 
Hunter returned your smile before thankfully; a new voice broke you both out of your thoughts. 
“I’m sorry but we gotta head out. Congratulations to you both.” Rex said sincerely as he and Gregor approached you. 
You let Hunter bid Rex farewell first and you said goodbye to Gregor. 
“Well, beautiful, you’re leaving me broken-hearted.” Gregor said unhappily but there was a kind smile on his face.
“I’m sure you’ll recover just fine, Gregor.” You said with a fond smile as you hugged him before you hugged Rex, “Thank you both so much for making it out here!”
“I only wish we could stay longer.” Rex said apologetically.
“We understand.” Hunter reassured him with you nodding in agreement. 
“And you’re definitely okay with Echo joining you two later?” You double checked.
It was Rex’s turn to nod. “He’ll meet us at the rendezvous tomorrow. We’ll be fine.”
Gregor tossed Hunter a mischievous grin before he said conspiratorially to you, “Sure I can’t convince you to come along, beautiful? We can get this thing annulled in-”
“Would you stop that?” Hunter griped as he tucked you into his side even though he knew the likelihood of you actually leaving in any way was non-existent but even the thought illogically grated on his nerves. “I have never once found this in any way amusing.”
“Yeah, but you react every time. Can’t help myself.” Gregor said with a laugh. 
You leaned your head on Hunter’s shoulder and placed your left hand on his chest, your rings proudly on display. “Sorry Gregor, I’m very happy with my decision.”
Gregor shrugged. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“Pretty sure what you’re doing actually qualifies as harassment.” Hunter grumbled under his breath, but he was smiling at his brother. 
You chuckled softly as you shook your head affectionately at your husband. You’re always my choice.
“We’ll get out of your hair.” Rex said as he saw the way Hunter’s face softened as he glanced down at you. He tugged on Gregor’s arm, “Good luck you two.”
“Same to you, Rex.” You said genuinely.
“Stay safe out there.” Hunter added before they walked away. 
So far, everything about this celebration had been easy and fun and you’d been enjoying sitting at your table and talking to your family but that was all ruined as the time you dreaded finally arrived. 
“What did we decide about Plan 42?” You muttered hastily to Omega who only shook her head at you and left it to Tech to answer. 
“Since this is not in fact a hostage situation, the parameters of the plan do not apply here.” Tech stated matter-of-factly. 
“Go on, I’m sure you won’t be that bad!” Wrecker encouraged enthusiastically. 
“You’ve survived much worse.” Echo pointed out. 
“And I need the entertainment of watching this anyway.” Crosshair added. 
“I hate all of you right now.” You groaned.
“You’ve managed before.” Hunter said with an affectionate roll of his eyes as he took a hold of your hand. 
“We barely moved, and something tells me that’s less of an option here.” You countered as you reluctantly let him tug you to your feet. 
“You, my gorgeous and amazing wife, are incredibly capable and have lived through several attempts on your life. You will get through this.” Hunter said with great seriousness in his voice though his eyes twinkled with humour. 
The use of that particular word sent a pleasurable shiver down your spine. “See, I can’t argue when you say things like that.” You mumbled as you walked beside him. 
“Why do you think I say them?” He quipped lightly in return as he squeezed your hand. 
Ah so there was always an ulterior motive. Here I was thinking it was just cause you love me. You replied with a playful frown but with every step towards the centre of the colonnade, your heartbeat grew more and more frantic. 
“Well, there’s that too.” Hunter responded good-naturedly but when you reached the centre, he noticed you already staring at the ground and twisting the rings on your finger in an anxious panic. He delicately placed his fingers under your chin and tilted your head up “Hey, remember what I said earlier today. It’s just you and I here, no one else. I’ve got you, okay?”
The sweet melody of the music started to play, and you saw the trust and love in his warm, brown eyes and they grounded you. You took a deep breath and nodded as you grabbed a hold on his hand and rested the other hand on his shoulder and started to move. 
The fact that Hunter knew what he was doing, and you knew you could count on him to not make you look like a fool made it much easier for you to relax into this and you were doing much better than the last time you were in this position, and you could feel yourself enjoying it now. 
Hunter spun you around, much to the delight of the crowd, and as he brought you back in, dipped you backwards. “Told you, you’re doing just fine.” He uttered tenderly as he pulled you upright and placed a quick kiss to your lips. 
“Well, I have a pretty good partner.” You said softly as you let yourself follow his lead and dance smoothly around the space. 
Hunter grinned at you before he twirled you away from him but instead of pulling you back against him, this time he let your hand go and backed away. 
“What-” But before you could finish your sentence, a pair of hands caught you. You glanced up to see the beaming face of Wrecker looking down at you. Wrecker, what are you-
“You didn’t think Hunter was the only one that wanted this tradition to stay in, did you?”
“I don’t understand?” You queried as the two of you took a turn about the floor. 
But Wrecker ignored your question and enacted phase two of what this part of the tradition was really for. He kept you slowly spinning around the floor before he started his piece, “I’ve been there for both the good and the bad of what the two of you had to experience. And, especially after Ord Mantell, it was hard, it was really hard to watch him go through that. But you need to know that it wasn’t just him… I missed you too. I’m really glad you decided to take Hunter up on his offer on Devaron. No matter what this marriage with Hunter has in store for you, you ain’t getting rid of us any time soon.” Wrecker finished off; his voice gruff with emotion before he whirled you around and released his grip. 
Wrecker, I- But you barely had any time to process what was going on before you Echo was the one now holding you. 
“Instead of a speech, we all decided to do this instead.” Echo explained as he had his turn with you. 
Oh. Was all you could manage to say. You didn’t trust yourself to speak out loud for the moment. 
“I hadn’t been around this squad for a long time before we met you, but I like to think I knew them all pretty well and seeing how Hunter was around you and vice versa, I just knew you two had something. It was tough to watch you both refuse it for so long and when you finally acknowledged it, I truly didn’t think it would get much better for you two, but it did and I’m so happy for you. But you need to also know that it wasn’t just him, you got something out of all of us. You filled a gap I don’t think he or any of us really realised we needed filled until you stepped aboard that ship.” Echo removed himself and jutted his chin in the direction behind you. 
You turned into the waiting arms of the next one who turned out to be Tech. All of you are really doing this?
“It was unanimously agreed.” Tech responded with a small grin before he said his piece, “Your feelings for Hunter and his for you were obvious from the start, that’s not what I’m here to convey tonight but I do have something to say that I feel is crucial for you to understand. Now, unfortunately I don’t have the exact data to hand, but I have observed this for quite some time,” Tech raised his arm, so you had to duck and spin under it before he brought his hand back to your waist, “You have a pattern of using the word ‘your’ when referring to us as Hunter’s brothers. I don’t think we have said it enough but, despite the official nature of today that cements this fact, you were a part of our family long before this day. We’re your brothers too.” Tech said with affectionate sincerity before he let you go into the waiting hand of the next one in line.
You kept one hand intertwined with his whilst the other rested on his forearm. “So, even you agreed to this huh?” You asked Crosshair with an amused smile but much to your surprise, this time he didn’t play into the joke, he just regarded you with genuine- almost tender- seriousness. 
Crosshair exhaled a short breath before he started, “We weren’t really accepted by the regs and although we owned that, it wasn’t always easy, especially in the beginning. But then you came along, and you took us for what we were. I kept expecting you to realise the extent of the craziness that you’d signed up for and leave but you never did. You just fit. Hunter’s idea to ask you to join us was probably one of his best ones. And it wasn’t only that, you and Hunter worked on a level I’d never seen before. But you’re not just his perfect match you know, you were meant to be a Bad Batcher.” Crosshair said quietly with a smile before he let you go and walked away. 
The final person was considerably shorter than the rest of them so instead of dancing, you crouched down to be eye-level with the young girl. 
“When I was on Kamino, I didn’t hear much of anything about the war or the rest of the galaxy, but I always knew about this squad. And when I heard about you, I knew I had to finally find a way to meet you all again. I may have been new to the group, but I watched you. I watched you with Hunter and it was clear how much you loved each other. But it was also clear how much love you and the rest of the squad have for one another. I wasn’t just joining a squad; I was joining a family filled with people I admire. You have a bit of all of them in you and if I grow up to be anything like the person you are, I know I’ll be living my life right.” Omega said meaningfully, her voice choking up slightly as she finished. 
You hugged her tightly. “Thank you, Omega.” You whispered, your voice clogged with emotion. 
Omega let you go and smiled at you before she retreated backwards into the group of them, and she felt Tech’s hands on her shoulders. 
You straightened up and stared at the group of six people that formed your beautiful, wonderful family and you didn’t know what you’d done to deserve them or this happy ending. “Okay, this isn’t fair,” You said through a weepy-eyed smile, “I was doing a really good job of keeping it together until now.” You dabbed away the happy tears that had fallen down your cheeks. 
Hunter stepped towards you and kissed your brow before he pressed his forehead against yours. “Marrying you has been the best decision I’ve ever made and it’s an adventure I have been ready to take with you for a while, no matter how bumpy it could get, and I never want you to think otherwise. But I know you, and I know the doubt and anxiety can creep in regardless. If through the years, you ever need reassurance on how much I love you or how important you are to this family, there are plenty of people who would be willing to remind you.”
A sob mixed with a noise of elation sounded from your lips and you tugged on his tie to bring him closer as you kissed him deeply, tangling your fingers in his hair. 
Hunter reacted instantly. He placed his hands on your hips and pressed you tight against him but even as the party raged on around you, at this moment, it was just the two of you now and everything had never felt so right. 
The celebrations had finally drawn to a close and you were making your way home, happy laughs and chatter filling the silent night of Pabu as you walked back with your family. 
You and Hunter reached your home first and paused outside your door to say your goodbyes to everyone first. 
As the group of you split off, you remembered the final thing you had to say today. 
“Lyra?” You called after her.
Lyra turned around expectantly.
“Thank you. For everything you’ve done for me. I never thought meeting you on Ord Mantell would lead to having a friend like you but I’m very grateful it did. Thank you for being a part of my life.”
Lyra smiled and hugged you tightly. “I’m very glad to be in it. Oh, and don’t forget, I know that you’re finally using the gifts I got you, so I want the details when you're back.” She whispered to you, a mischievous tone in her voice.  
You’d forgotten you’d told her about that idea, and you had to be sure to conceal your reaction and merely nodded and returned her necklace before she winked and walked away from you.
“Hey, can you do something for me?” You asked as the group faded into the distance. 
Hunter glanced at you with a questioning look on his face.
The future isn’t always certain, I know that, but please don’t fall out of love with me. 
Hunter huffed out an affectionate laugh and tugged you to his chest as he uttered into your hair, “There’s no chance of that. I will fall in love with you over and over again.”
“I promise. I don’t care how, where or when.”
“No matter how long it’s been?” You questioned teasingly as you slowly kissed up the column of his throat.
“Mmhmm.” He murmured as he got lost in the sensation of your lips on his skin before he took a small step back and cupped your cheek as he looked into your eyes. 
The slight coolness and weight of the gold band against the skin of your cheek made your breath hitch and the small act was enough to ignite the simmering tension that had been building between you since the ceremony. 
“You’re mine.” You both said in unison before you met each other in a passionate embrace and Hunter all but kicked the door to your home down before backing you inside.
Muscle memory guided the way to your bedroom and despite the eager and frantic noises that sounded from you both as you kissed each other, when it came to turning you around and undoing the buttons on the back of your dress, Hunter was careful- almost delicate- in his touch. As your skin was revealed to him, he managed to plant a few adoring kisses to the fading scars on your back before you turned around and placed a hand on his chest to halt him from going any further. 
“Wait a moment.” You requested breathlessly but you saw the flash of confusion in his eyes. “I won’t be long. There’s just something I need to do first.” You assured him. 
Shoulders heaving, Hunter dipped his head in acknowledgement of your wish and dazedly retreated out of the room.
You shut the door and took a breath for courage as you took your dress off and hung it up in your closet before you studied your reflection as you were left standing in the final white lingerie set that Lyra had gifted you. If Hunter’s reactions to the red and black ones were any indication, you knew this would go down just as well- it was the second part of your plan that had you wondering about how long his patience would last and you couldn’t wait to put it to the test. 
Feeling good, you donned your robe and, leaving it untied, you reached into your nightstand and removed the small black velvet bag that, along with other items that could be used at a different time, had the particular one you were searching for. 
Feeling ready, you reopened the door.
Hunter only got as far as taking off his shoes and undoing his tie before the door reopened and he stopped everything he was doing and just stared at you. 
It wasn’t just the striking image of you in the white lingerie that had him rooted to the spot, he’d also clocked the object you were holding in your hand. His breath hitched. “Sweetheart…” His tone was cautionary because already his self-control was evaporating and his own plan was forming in his head but he had a feeling he wasn’t going to be involved as much as he wanted to be.
You gestured to the small bag you now left open on top of your bedside table. “I’ll admit, I was a bit unsure when I first saw this as one of the things in there but after finding what worked for me, I understand why Lyra included it.” You responded, your voice low and enticing as you kept his attention entirely fixed on you. 
“When- when have you used this?” Hunter said, his voice hoarse as the images were enough to make his head spin. He couldn’t help himself either and he closed the gap between you before he immediately removed the robe and traced his mouth along your neck and across your collarbone. His hands caressed the fabric that graced your body. 
Your eyes flickered shut and a content sigh emitted from your lips. “Some nights you were home late and I just couldn’t wait.” 
In response to your words, Hunter ground out a groan against your throat and his hands tightened their grip on your hips but from the way you took a hold of his wrists, he was beginning to understand that was as far as he was going to get with you for the moment. 
“Remember what I said about not falling out of love with me?” You asked as you found your composure once more. 
Hunter nodded slowly as he waited for you to elaborate and then you said the words that made him feel immediately faint and all he could register was the primal desire that was coursing through his veins as he got clarity on your intentions. 
“I want you to wait. And I want you to watch. Can you be good and do that for me?” You crooned against his lips before you kissed him seductively and you watched the change in his eyes as your words registered with him. 
A noise that was mixed with agreement and anguish left his lips as he could do nothing to prevent you from removing yourself and taking your place on the bed. 
Feeling emboldened by his reaction, you offered him a coy smirk and laid down. You turned it on and a sharp gasp that swiftly morphed into a groan left your mouth as you ran the toy down your clothed chest, and further still, teasing yourself in the areas that heightened the arousal coursing through your veins. 
“Talk to me. Tell me what you’re thinking about.” Hunter begged. He needed to know what you were thinking about if he had any hope of standing by and waiting for your permission to touch you. 
Now that was something you had no trouble divulging. “I always imagine you. I imagine your touch, your lips on my skin.”
In a bizarre way, that was the last thing he wanted to hear. He’d hoped for some generic fantasy, something different that could aid him in distancing himself from the moment so he could just enjoy the view but he was now unable to do that. Those words were not helpful in quelling his ever rising need for you. “Sweetheart, please…” Hunter croaked as he could barely find the strength within him to stay standing. Hearing and seeing you like this was sending every part of him into overdrive. 
But you just about managed to shake your head as you kept going, “I imagine your fingers, your tongue, how right it feels when you’re inside of me.” Your words left you through breathless, pleasure induced whispers and your hips bucked as you finally pulled your underwear to the side and applied pressure with the toy where you were also craving his touch. Hunter’s quiet but eager words of encouragement only spurned you on. You kept changing the pace and vibrations so you could prolong the experience. You didn’t mind toying with him or teasing yourself, you knew it would only lead to the reaction from him that you were hoping for. 
Hunter’s mouth felt like it was filled with cotton but he just about managed to gain control of his faculties to reply, “What was that you said about living to torture me?” He rasped, the raw, unfiltered desperation in his voice seeping through as he watched you in utter awe. He sank to his knees at the end of the bed, fingers clawing at the sheets as he forced himself to follow your instructions. His gaze alternated between what was happening between your legs and the expression on your face as you took control over your own pleasure. It was a sight that set his blood on fire but what he was watching was like no test he’d ever faced before, and he would give anything to do this with you, no matter how small a contribution it would be. 
You couldn't find the words to reply for the moment. You were careening towards that cliff-edge that would bring your unbridled relief and you couldn’t bring yourself to delay it any further. 
Hunter immediately recognised the change in your breath and the crinkle in your brow and he couldn’t wait any longer. His patience snapped and he grabbed a hold of your wrist to stop you from going any further. He crawled up your body and kissed you fiercely, muffling your sounds of protest. He pinned your arms above your head, all the while never breaking away from your lips and the slow grind of his hips served as a temporary relief for him as well as an easy and pleasurable distraction for you as he worked the toy out of your grasp. 
Hey- You started to argue as you realised what he’d done.  
“My turn.” Hunter growled against your throat as he sucked a mark on your pulse point, relishing in your quiet moan and the way your body arched under his in response to the action. He found the strength to remove himself from you and alter your places, so he was against the headboard of the bed and your back was against his chest. He angled your head to face straight ahead. “I’m not the only one who should be watching,” He murmured into your ear, “I want you to see how stunning you are and why I can’t control myself around you. You, my perfect wife, are a sight to behold.” With that, he raked his teeth across the skin of your neck and reapplied the toy to where he was longing to be but for now, he would resist. He wanted to have his way with you like this first.
You watched yourself in the bureau mirror and your breath quivered at the sight. Not only was there something particularly and devastatingly arousing about the fact that Hunter was still fully dressed in his immaculate suit while you were wearing next to nothing. But what also added to the excitement was that you had never seen yourself like this and you finally grasped what he was talking about. You couldn’t take your eyes away from your reflection. Your pupils were blown wide, your lips were parted in a perfect ‘o’ shape and your body slotted against his like you were made to be with him. 
Hunter rested his chin on the crook of your neck and watched as your spine bent to his every design, watching your face carefully as he worked the toy between your legs. The noises leaving you fuelling his need to make this an unforgettable experience. “These sounds you make, they’re better than any noise I’ve heard before…. that furrow in your brow, the way your lips part when you can’t stay quiet… the tension in your body I feel before you find relief… all of it is something I can’t believe I get to witness or that I get to create.” Hunter said the words in a frenzied state of passion and he needed to make sure you also understood. “Do you see why I’m so glad to call you mine? Do you see how beautiful you are?”
“Yes.” You agreed with a broken groan as your hips chased the sensations he was giving you. 
He removed the toy, ignoring your faint mewl of annoyance. “Who are you?” Hunter growled as he nipped on your earlobe. 
“I’m your wife.” You gasped, practically delirious with the effect he was having on you.
Hunter hummed his approval and put the toy back, grinning against your jaw as he kissed a sensual path along it before he asked next, “And who am I?”
“You’re my husband.” You panted as you saw the way his ring reflected in the evening light. 
Yes he was. And that was never going to change. “Come for your husband.”
You fell apart with a loud cry and panted breathlessly as you sagged against his chest, but he wasn’t done with you yet. “Hunter-” You choked on your words as he kept going. You went to snap your legs shut but the way he’d entangled his legs with yours made the act impossible. You were completely at his mercy, and you couldn’t think of anything better. As you kept your eyes fixed on your two reflections, you saw the hunger in them and you couldn’t believe you’d spent so long denying yourself these feelings you had for him but you couldn’t linger on those thoughts as you felt yourself stumbling towards another release. Another shout emitted from your lips as that build up of wonderful pressure crashed through you.
As he worked you through the second one, another idea entered Hunter’s head and he kissed the sensitive spot behind your ear. “I wonder how many times I can make you finish with this.” He purred with seductive intent but he allowed you a moment to recover as he traced his lips over any skin he could reach.  
A whimper left you at the very thought but that wasn’t what you wanted yet. You wanted to feel him, you craved the feeling of him inside you. You wanted your husband. You used your freedom to turn and straddle him. “For the next two weeks, you can do whatever you want. But I need you. Now.” You insisted breathlessly against his lips as you practically tore his jacket off and frantically got to work on unbuttoning his shirt. 
It hit him then. Two weeks. He had two weeks of pure relaxation with you. One week here, and one away on the neighbouring island planet that he’d been to a couple days ago upon Shep’s safety recommendation and he’d seen for himself how little the people there cared for or even paid attention to the Empire. 
There’d be no interruptions.
No jobs needing done. 
Just him and you. 
And the thought excited him much more than he’d anticipated. With a low, eager groan, he let go of the toy, wrapped his arms around you and captured your lips in a searing kiss and helped aid you in your attempts to undress him before he did the same for you. 
You raised your hips before carefully bringing them back down to welcome him as your bodies became one, the sensation making both your breath’s catch in your throat. 
Hunter kept you secure for a second as your hips became flush with his. He needed a moment to compose himself and he also wanted to give you time to adjust. He tenderly tucked the dishevelled strands of hair back from your face and looked into your eyes and he saw a love that he knew was reflected in the way he looked at you too- and it wasn’t an expression that was just for tonight but it was one that you shared for as long as you’d known one another. He couldn’t believe how there’d been a time where he thought feeling this happy, feeling this much love wasn't a possibility for either of you. “Tell me when.” He requested, his voice strained. 
Move. Please. You gave your consent instantly as you kissed him once more and finally, he loosened his grip and the act gave you both what you were longing for. 
The two of you moved in perfect synchronisation, swallowing each other’s groans with loving, passionate kisses. 
There was nothing but pure, unfiltered love between the two of you as you got lost in the pleasure induced haze you were gifting one another. 
“Sweetheart, I- I can’t- I’m-” Hunter stammered desperately as he moved his hips in tandem with yours. He’d already been close to the edge when he was both watching and participating in your little game and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold out with how perfect you felt now but he needed you to finish one more time. He needed to feel you come apart again. 
You recognised the change in his pace and you knew he was nearing that same point you were. “With me.” You encouraged as you twisted your fingers in his hair to ground you as you were tumbling towards that moment of ecstasy. 
Hunter felt you tighten around him which only brought on his own release. He buried his face in your chest as he finished with a deep moan.
You collapsed against his chest and for a moment, the only sounds that filled the air were your uneven pants and the island critters that came alive at this time of night. Wow, that- I- I don’t know what else to say other than that.
Hunter huffed out a laugh. “When we go away, bring that bag with you.” He requested into the quiet through heavy breaths as he stroked your back.
You chuckled softly as you rested your head against him and worked on catching your own breath. “So, Sergeant, now that you’ve made an honest woman out of me, what’s the plan for the next 14 days?”
“Keeping you in bed is a key part of my agenda.” He said with complete seriousness. 
A rush of arousal swept through your body at that thought. “We’ll need to eat at some point.” You pointed out with playful logic, a smile in your voice as you listened to his heartbeat. 
“Oh, I will… We know the counters here are strong enough anyway…” Hunter mused as his hands now slid up and down your sides. 
You raised yourself to catch the gleam in his eye and you shook your head fondly. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
Hunter hummed out a soft laugh and made a path of kisses from the tip of your nose, to the hollow of your throat before he switched your positions, so he was now on top of you. “The second part of my plan is making sure I make you as happy as you make me.”
Your fingers stroked through the small pieces of his fringe before you threaded your fingers in his dark locks. “You’ve already done that and more. I’ve never been happier.” You said with deep sincerity, and you kissed him gently, the promise of your new life together implicitly understood in the tender way you met the passionate, loving strokes of his mouth. 
Finally, you felt utterly complete and at peace.
Ten years later
The moonlight was her only guide as she walked the familiar path to the cave.
She quietly made her way into the cavern and to her new ship that was finally ready to fly. 
She didn’t feel great about leaving in the dead of night without saying a proper goodbye but her mind was made up and she couldn’t face any more debates. 
She was going and that was that. She knew you’d all accept her choice in time. 
As she entered and crouched down to turn the lamps on, she heard a faint bark and as she followed the source of the sound, she realised she wasn’t alone after all.
Of course, she should’ve known the couple that consisted of a Jedi and a clone with enhanced senses would make it impossible to do anything sneakily. 
She fondly shook her head and made her way over to where you two were sitting by the area of the cave that looked out through and opening to where the moonlight and ocean met.  
“Thought you could just sneak off?” Hunter said with an amused lilt to his voice before he sighed as he realised there was no changing what was about to happen. “Time hasn’t dulled all my senses.”
“And older Jedi or now, you forget that we know you pretty well by now.” You pointed out with a kind smile from Hunter’s left. 
Omega sat down on Hunter’s other side. “This shouldn’t be a surprise. The Rebellion needs pilots now more than ever.” 
Hunter simply released a resigned sigh. 
“I’ve made my choice, Hunter. I want to do more.” 
“And we want to keep you safe.” 
A light huff of laughter left her lips. Some things time never changed and Hunter’s protective nature was one of those things. “You have but I’m not a kid anymore. You don’t have to worry about me.”
“Oh, come on, Omega. You know we can’t do that.” You reminded her with a slight smile. You were prepared for this but the reality of it was always going to be hard to handle. 
Hunter nodded his agreement with your statement before he said to her, “You’re our kid, Omega. You always will be.”
She glanced at you “Hunter, you’ve all fought enough. This is my fight. I’m ready.” She needed him to understand that or she’d be leaving with a heavy heart. Omega looked to you for confirmation that he was finally ready to let her go as you were the only one during the beginning of all the back and forth that had immediately shown a willingness to hear her out. 
He’s not here to stop you but let him have a bit longer with you, okay? You requested gently and you saw her give you a subtle dip of her head that she’d heard you.
“Yeah I know you are, but I’m not.” Hunter admitted with a deep sigh. He registered your hand squeezing his knee in comfort. 
My love, it’s time. You said delicately.
Hunter released a shaky exhale before you all got to your feet.
Omega gave Hunter a warm embrace before she pulled back but left her hands on his shoulders. “Keep an eye on the others while I’m gone. Batcher too.” Omega instructed with a sad but also content smile. Leaving was never going to be easy but at least now she had the blessing of those that mattered most to her.
You took your turn and squeezed her tight. Take this.
Omega’s eyes widened as she parted from you and saw what you were holding. “No, I can’t. It’s-”
“I want you to have it, Omega.” You insisted as you tied the bracelet with your blue kyber crystal attached to it. I love you, kid and I know you won’t exactly have time for a weekly comm chat but this way, I’ll always know where you are.
Omega gave you a happy but slightly teary-eyed smile as she nodded her acceptance of the gift. 
The three of you shared in a final group hug before you separated for the last time.
“Off you go.” Hunter encouraged with a sad but accepting grin.
Omega darted up the steps of her ship.
She half turned to face Hunter again.
“If you ever need us, we’ll be there.” He promised as he wrapped his arm around you and squeezed your shoulder. 
“Just say where and when.” You affirmed passionately. 
Omega nodded and powered up the shift and she’d never felt more ready for this next adventure. With a final wave of farewell from the cockpit, she got the ship in the air.
In response to Batcher’s quiet whine as the ship took off, Hunter reassured the hound, “It’s alright, girl. She’ll be fine.” 
“They won’t know what hit them.” You said proudly as you watched the ship fade into the distance. 
“The Empire or the Rebellion?” Hunter quipped.
“Both.” You replied with a smile. “Come on. We’ve got our family to get back too.” You intertwined your hands and the two of you and your faithful hound companion left the cavern. 
“So, now that one of our own is off on the next adventure, are you still liking the boring, domestic life?” Hunter asked light-heartedly as the two of you made your way back to your home.
You paused and looped your arms around his neck with a doting smile. “I love my boring, domestic life and you forget, this life has my handsome husband in it and I would be crazy if I wanted anything different.” You replied sincerely. 
Hunter offered you a small, playful smirk. “Still handsome huh? Don’t you mean old?”
You arched a sceptical brow. Surely he wasn’t serious? Your eyes hungrily scanned the healthy body of a man that didn’t have to live battle to battle or ration to ration and the grown out hair that had beautiful streaks of light grey mixed in with the dark brown locks. And the beard? You didn’t have enough words or time to even express how well that worked for him. He never failed to get your heart racing, no matter how much time passed. “Have you seen yourself, Hunter? It’s actually unfair how good you look.”
Hunter returned your smile and placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. He nuzzled the side of your face as he murmured, “You get my heart racing too.”
You chuckled softly- you knew he would’ve sensed the increase in your heartbeat. You kissed him tenderly in response before the two of you walked on. 
You ruminated in your thoughts as your home drew nearer. Omega wasn’t a kid anymore, this decision was hers to make and she had all the support behind her. Would you all worry? Of course you would, that was a given no matter what she was signing up for but she had proven time and time again that she could take care of herself. Your paths may be different now but family was the only thing you could always count on and no matter where any of you ended up, that was a certainty that was never going to fade with time. 
Tagging: @noeasyisnoisy, @andreaaxy, @moonychicky, @notgonnaedit, @arctrooper69, @dizzy-9906, @nightmonkeysstuff, @allthingsimagines, @thegreymarveljedi, @jellybeanstacey0519, @callsign-denmark, @superbookishhufflepuff, @qvnthesia, @justsomerandompersonintheworld, @ooostarwarsfandom501st, @dreamsight73, @yourreababboon, @livin-life-to-the-coolest
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 10 months ago
(The Bad Batch) Imagine: A Pabu Wedding
Author's Note: I couldn't get this sweet image out of my head, so I wrote some little blurbs on what a Pabu wedding would be like. And yes... Tech gets a happy ending too.
After the danger of the Empire is finally kept at bay… It’s time to begin a new chapter.
It’s safe to say that Omega is going to be your maid of honor.
You coordinate with Shep to hold the ceremony in a gazebo.  Light, airy fabric is draped on the sides, swaying beautifully in the breeze like something out of a dream.  There are lovely tropical flowers woven around the beams of the gazebo, and placed in vases on either side of the entrance.
Your closest friends and family have gathered.  Rex and a few others even managed to take a small break from the beginnings of the rebellion to visit for the event.  Wooden chairs are placed on either side to create an aisle leading up to the gazebo, where you and Hunter stand, the two of you dressed in white clothes.  Hunter’s signature bandana is replaced with a plain one to match his loose white shirt and pants. You wear a simple and lovely dress out of the same material he wears, with a crown of flowers perched on your head.
The ceremony takes place on the beach with gorgeous blue waves behind you. The sun is high in the open sky with not a single cloud in sight.  A wooden arch is set up with flowers adorning every inch of it.  Whenever a gust of salty air breezes by, it carries petals with it that fall around you.
Friends and family are all around, standing with bare feet in the sand, holding flowers close to their hearts.  You see so many familiar faces, smiling... There are glistening tears on some.
Wrecker and you are both wearing white, with colorful flower chains around your necks.  The hem of your dress blows in the wind, and you feel the prickle of sand on your legs.
You make the arrangements to have the ceremony under the large courtyard tree, with tropical flower arrangements bursting with color placed beautifully in vases on the brick structure surrounding it.  Wooden chairs line either side of the makeshift aisle, each one with white fabric wrapped around a lovely bouquet on the back.  
People you know and love are there, including those you haven’t seen for a little while. You and Tech are dressed in light fabric that is both lovely and also practical considering the tropical climate of Pabu. You hold a bouquet of lilies in your hands, and he has one pinned to his shirt.
You both decide to have a small ceremony on a boat.  The sun has begun to descend, painting the sky in picturesque pastels. Flower garlands are draped across the outside of the boat cabin and wrapped around the railing.
It’s a quiet, intimate affair, but not lacking in the ones you wish most to be there.  Rex, Gregor, and a few other close brothers of Echo are in attendance in addition to the Batch and some new good friends made on Pabu.
You are in white lace dress with a hair ornament of the same material, and Echo wears a white tunic with a dark jacket over it.  You pin a flower to his jacket, and he tucks one behind your ear.
The small ceremony takes place by beautiful stone formations near the caves.  The setting sun reflects red, orange, and a deep yellow over the rippling ocean water.  There is a small arch set up with a few bunches of tropical flowers, with vases on either side displaying more blossoms.
It is a small crowd to witness the ceremony, and everyone is rather happy to be part of it.  There are so many smiles, jokes, and warm greetings as everyone assembles.  The mood of the event is rather light and cheery against the bold, moving colors of the setting behind you.
You wear a billowing white dress with a hem that catches in the breeze, and Crosshair wears a dark jacket over his light clothes.
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nahoney22 · 1 year ago
Hi ! Congrats on reaching 4000 followers, I'm so proud of you and you totally deserve it ! ❤️
Can I request a Crosshair x fem!reader one-shot with the prompt "every time i see you, i fall in love all over again" with Crosshair saying this to the reader after seeing her do something silly/cute (and they've been married for a few years already) ? I just feel like it'll be so cute 🥰
4000 Prompt List Celebration
Crosshair X Fem!Reader
word count: 1.2k
• “Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.”
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Warnings: Fluffy goodness, married couple, female reader, kisses, reader is a terrible cook, baking chaos, pet names, soft crosshair.
Authors note: so sorry for the wait my darling! @coraex , hopefully this is fluffy enough for you! Enjoy 💜
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Life on Pabu was a paradise. The weather was always idyllic, the beach pristine, and your husband, well, he was nothing short of perfect. Yet, amidst this perfection, there lingered one imperfection: your baking skills, or rather, lack thereof. However, fate bestowed upon you an opportunity to fix this flaw while your husband ventured off on a supply run for the people.
And so with meticulous precision, you measured each ingredient, ensuring nothing fell short of perfection. You had even ventured to local vendors and handpicked the finest ingredients to craft a savoury delicacy introduced to you by Phee so naturally, you had to make it. Or give it a go, at least.
As the oven worked its magic, you stepped onto the balcony to your home, allowing the warm breeze to tousle your hair and the sun to caress your skin. Your gaze wandered to the sky, where the familiar silhouette of the Havoc Marauder emerged.
Remaining on the balcony, you observed as the men and the lone girl disembarked the ship. Crosshair, as always, locked eyes with your shared home, a smirk adorning his features. With a wave and a beckoning gesture, you invited him to join you inside.
As soon as the door hisses open, you eagerly dash across the threshold and leap into his arms. The man staggers momentarily before finding his footing, wrapping one of his long arms around you. "Missed me, pretty lady?"
"As always," you grin, leaning back to plant a kiss on his lips. "Even if it has only been a few hours."
"At least I got a hug this time," he chuckles, placing your feet back on the ground and bestowing a sweet kiss on your forehead.
Stepping back, you let Crosshair settle his belongings and smile fondly at him. "Well, last time, you went 'what? No hug for me?'" You recall, earning a playful eye roll as he places his helmet on a table next to a framed holophoto of your wedding day. Every time you look at it, nothing but fond and loving memories fill your mind.
"Very well," he declares, launching himself onto the couch, kicking his feet up on an ottoman. He pats the spot beside him, and you gratefully accept, snuggling into his side. "So, what are you trying to bake this time, then?"
"How did you know I was baking something?" you inquire, a hint of surprise in your voice, as you glance towards the kitchen where you were certain you had hidden any sign of evidence of you baking.
Then, he leans forward and as you think he’s about to steal a kiss, a mischievous glint dances in his eyes. His thumb playfully swipes across your cheek and nose, leaving behind traces of flour and sugar on his finger that he holds up that makes your face flush with embarrassment. "Ah," you chuckle, realising the source of the sensation.
He chuckles too, but his amusement is tinged with concern as he sniffs the air with a subtle frown. "How long have you been cooking for?"
Glancing at the chronometer on the wall, then back at him, you reply, "About two hours now. Should be ready in the next hour or so." Your grin conveys eagerness, but his expression remains neutral, a hint of skepticism lurking in his eyes.
“Babe, I think it’s already done.”
Again, you blink at him, momentarily taken aback. "Huh?"
“I smell burning.”
Just as he finishes his sentence, the shrill sound of the smoke alarm fills the air, and you wince at the piercing noise. Cursing above the noise, you rush towards the kitchen, your heart pounding with a mix of frustration and urgency.
“Gloves! GLOVES!” Crosshair's urgent voice rings out, but you're focused on the task at hand and it falls on deaf ears. Ignoring his plea, you yank open the oven door, confronting the billowing clouds of black smoke that engulf the kitchen. Fetching your hand inside the burning oven, you grab a hold of the tray of the baked goods, yanking it out with a small yelp.
Crosshair springs into action, swift and decisive. In a matter of seconds, he's by your side, checking on you with a mixture of concern and determination etched on his features. But after you insist you’re fine, he shifts his focus to the task at hand, pushing open the window to let the smoke out and silencing the alarm with a practiced hand.
“Come here, run your hand under the tap quickly,” he instructs, his voice gentle yet firm as he guides you towards the sink. Switching the water on, he ensures the temperature is just right before gently urging your hand underneath the cool stream.
“Crosshair, I’m fine. Honestly,” you assure him which was not even a lie because you were. It was pretty much a miracle you somehow didn’t burn yourself but as for the savoury treats… burnt to a crisp.
Crosshair moves away from you and inspects the smoking tray, blinking at the almost incinerated food. “Well, maybe they taste better than they look.”
“Oh, stow it,” you retort at his sarcastic comment, though you know he means it playfully. Disappointment paints your features as you glance at the charred remnants of your baking attempt. “Why can’t I cook anything?!”
“You can. Just, badly.”
“If you’re trying to hurt my feelings, you’re succeeding,” you pout, flinging water droplets from your hand at him before switching the tap off and folding your arms over your chest in annoyance.
Crosshair comes back your way and drapes an arm over your shoulder, using his hand to tilt your chin up to look at him. “Don’t worry about it. You can try again?”
“What’s the point? I’ll probably burn our home down.”
“That’s true.”
You playfully slap his hand away and begin to tidy up your mess, Crosshair helping you along the way by washing up the tray before you move back to the sofa and faceplant onto it with a heavy sigh. The soft cushions provide some comfort as you let out a frustrated groan.
You hear the running water switch off, a small clang of him putting the washing away, and then faint steps towards you.
“I don’t know how you do it,” he starts, quickly earning a loud and unwilling-to-listen whine before you ask what about.
“That every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.”
You roll onto your back and stare up at him with narrowed eyes. “Why are you being soft?”
He laughs, warm and soft before he scoots you into his lap, taking a seat and peppering kisses over your cheek. “You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“I don’t care,” you giggle as you let him gush over you, “you are.” You grin at him with bright eyes. “But why did you say that?”
“It’s true,” he shrugs casually. “You may try and burn our home down all the time, but I love you all the same for it.”
You playfully squint at his jokey insult, but instead of trying to be smart and think of a retort, you kiss your husband and tell him exactly how you feel too, cherishing these moments of love and laughter.
“Let’s go out for dinner. It’s on me.” Now that’s an opportunity you won’t pass up on.
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More Prompt Works
Crosshair Works
Tags: @photogirl894 @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @imalovernotahater @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @knightprincess @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb
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heyclickadee · 3 months ago
Okay yes! This!!
I don’t really do the whole shipping thing most of the time, I generally don’t care, it’s not something I really enjoy, but how. Exactly. Am I supposed to look at these two and their back and forths and fumbling around and bespoke thematic relevance to one another and not go, “Sorry, they’re married. They just don’t know it yet. I don’t make the rules. They just are.”
If we ever get Tech back (as we should and I still hope we do), and if we get more of Tech and Phee (as we should and I hope we do), I hope Tech goes in to kiss Phee first. Because:
1. It would show that nearly dying out of nowhere really had an impact. Knowing that you’re probably going to die on a battlefield somewhere is different than it almost happening and then being gone for an extended period of time as a result. He needs Phee to know how he feels now because the last time he didn’t do or say anything he almost never came back, and he’s not sure when they’re going to run out of time.
2. I think it could be really sweet.
3. Phee is amazing and deserves to be smooched by her hot pilot boyfriend.
(Fandom salt under the cut)
4. Because, yes, I am still salty about the constant “why would he even like her?” and “Phee’s abusive and Tech’s just too afraid to push back” that was rampant for most of season two, and nothing would fuel my spiteful little heart more than seeing the idea that Tech isn’t into Phee shut down by having him make a move towards her like that.
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thegreymarveljedi · 1 month ago
Surprise for You
(Wrecker x Reader)
Here is a story that came to me out of the blue, super happy and fluffy with some spice thrown in. Why not right? I love Wrecker’s character, he’s a giant teddy bear with a heart of gold and a winning smile.
All of the bad batch deserve to be happy and that’s how this one shot goes. Tech is alive in this one too, if you’ve read my other stories you know why, cause I also love him and he didn’t deserve to die. This is a post! Tantiss story so they’re on Pabu living their best lives.
(Divider done by @snotbuggle )
Warnings: FLUFF, SMUTT, lingerie, teasing, p in v sex, size! Kink, breeding! kink, nipple play, rough sex, slow/fast pace, oral f! Receiving, pet names, cum play, over stimulation, multiple orgasms, cumflation
Words: 6.6+K (I’m not sorry)
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“Mesh’la! I’m home and I’ve got dinner for us!”
“Sounds good honey! I’ll be right out okay?”
“Take your time ner sarad,” Wrecker spoke as he placed the fresh vegetables and fish on the counter in their kitchen. He smiled contently at the little home they had built together. It was a cozy place where he could relax and not have to look over his shoulder for fear of danger. Big enough for him to fit comfortably and have plenty of manoeuvring room but small enough not to feel overwhelming and uncomfortable.
Wrecker and his brothers had been living on Pabu for close to a full year now, making their own way and helping the citizens of the island as best they could. He himself had become a fisherman, going out on the boat daily and catching what he could. He found that he enjoyed the serenity that fishing brought, the cool breeze off the ocean making him feel like he was receiving a very nice hug. The other fishermen who went with him enjoyed listening to his stories as well as his joy when he’d catch a big fish, his happiness and excitement contagious.
Hunter had become a woodworker, making things for the island and helping to build things when needed. He was skilled with his hands, helping to build new homes and improve currents ones. He had found such peace in the work, using his enhancements for crafting and various carpentry jobs.
Crosshair had made his living as a farmer, growing fruits and vegetables and selling them at the local market. It had taken him a few weeks to truly feel comfortable being around the people especially after loosing his hand. But slowly and surely he came out of his shell. He became a new person; less snarky, more relaxed and a lot happier.
Tech had become a doctor and a therapist, working in the island clinic along side (Y/N). He had wanted to do something more with his vast knowledge after Tantiss. He was determined to stay away from the fighting but still wanted to aid his traumatized brothers. He found peace in helping, always being there for any clone that Rex and Echo brought to the island.
(Y/N) had been the Bad batch’s Jedi medic since just after the start of the war. She had been so soft spoken and kind to the batch. Always there to lend a hand and patch them up after difficult missions.
She and Wrecker had gotten together during the middle of the war, both shy in showing their love for one another but it was meant to be. After everything they had been through, together and as a squad, they deserved to be happy.
Wrecker had proposed right after Tantiss, not wanting to waste another minute of time without calling (Y/N) his wife. She had said yes without a second thought and everyone was ecstatic, Omega most of all. She saw (Y/N) as a mother figure and couldn’t wait to have some part in the wedding.
She had insisted on helping with every step she could, even learning to make dresses if she needed to. Everyone had laughed at her enthusiasm, happy that she was so excited.
Wrecker sat on the couch, reclined with his head resting on the back of it and a smile on his face, reflecting on the past year. Life was good now, Tantiss far behind them. He was content and his brothers were happy which is all he could ask for. He had a beautiful wife, a great home and loving people surrounding him. It was all too good to be true, but it was his reality now.
Wrecker was snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of the voice, turning his head to the side a little at the call of his nickname, though he was not prepared for what greeted him. His eyes went wide as saucers, sitting up a little at the sight of his wife in the doorway to their bedroom.
(Y/N) was wearing the most gorgeous silk lingerie, red in colour, paired with a sexy and seductive long black robe. Both pieces of clothing extenuated her body, hips and breasts both looking evening bigger than normal. Her legs were shimmering in the dying light of the day that cascaded through the window, her face lighting up in a golden hue.
“Woah,” was all Wrecker could think to respond with, all other words and thoughts leaving his head as he stared at his wife. She smiled shy at him, adjusting the robe a little bit and doing a little spin, causing the robe to fan out around her.
“Do you like it?” She asked and Wrecker just kept staring at her, his mouth open and eyes wide. He had no words available to him to describe how amazing she looked, her beauty unmatched by anything he had ever seen. She began to fidget a little more before Wrecker finally snapped out of his shock and stood up quickly, making a beeline for (Y/N) and wrapping his arms around her. He picked her up and spun her around making her laugh, his own joyous chuckle leaking out into the air.
“Mesh’la. You look absolutely stunning in this,” Wrecker said as he placed his wife back on her feet slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. She smiled shyly up at him, her hands resting on his shoulders as she looked at him. Wrecker too another moment to admire her before he tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, bulling her cheek once he did. She leaned into his large palm, feeling the warmth radiating off his hand.
At that moment it was just them and nothing else, the world seemingly drowned out around them. The soft sounds of the ocean could be heard and the moon-yo’s too but nothing else existed in their home. Wrecker took (Y/N)’s hand and gave her a spin, resting his hand on her hip as she completed the 360 turn. (Y/N) smiled and placed one of her hands on Wrecker’s shoulder again, the other finding his other hand and holding it.
Wrecker clued into what she wanted and lifted there joined hands together, beginning to sway with his beloved in his arms just like they had done on their wedding day. They had no music in the moment but neither of them seemed to care much, and in the dying light of dusk, they danced together in their living room, content just to be in each others arms.
“Ni kar'tayli gar darasuum ner cyare,” Wrecker whispered softly as he leaned down and placed his forehead against (Y/N)’s. She smiled and returned the words, closing her eyes and allowing the last of the days warmth to envelop her along with Wreckers. She closed her eyes contently, beginning to hum a small tune as their only song to dance too.
Wrecker smiled and moved them around the living room a little more, twirling (Y/N) around and watching as the robe fanned out around her once more. It was mesmerizing to watch, the fabric soft and luscious, making her look like a vision from the maker. Wrecker pulled her back into his arms, slowing their movements down until they were swaying in place again, smiling like idiots at one another. They stayed there for another moment before Wrecker let go of her hand, moving to place it against her other hip.
She smiled as a small shiver ran through her body, Wrecker’s hands moving to be inside the robe she wore, running them up and down her sides teasingly. He squeezed her hips before moving his hands down to ass, giving it a firm squeeze making (Y/N) gasp.
“Wrecker,” she whispered to him, her eyes fluttering open to meet his. He had a mischievous smirk on his face as he continued to fondle her behind, pulling his wife impossibly closer to him.
“Yes my love?” Wrecker replied his eyes roaming over her chest. He was fixated on her breasts, the material of her lingerie framing them perfectly. It made them look so round and perfect, her nipples poking through the fabric as another shiver wracked her body.
(Y/N)’s body arched into Wrecker’s touch as he moved his hands upward, running his thumbs over her perked nipples. She whined at the feeling, her legs beginning to shake as Wrecker teased her. She had worn the lingerie to entice him, though the amount of love he had shown her had been a nice addition to the sexy night she was hoping to have. She keened again as Wrecker continued to play with her breasts through the fabric of her bra, the words she had on her mind evaporating before they could leave her lips.
“What is it net sarad?” Wrecker asked again, his smirk only growing wider as he watched (Y/N)’s nipples harden even more. He knew what he was doing to her, playing her body like a well practiced instrument with dexterity and ease. (Y/N) keened again, her hands finding some purchase on Wreckers biceps, squeezing the firm muscles as a way of grounding.
“Need you Wrecker… please,” she moaned out as Wrecker gave her breasts a squeeze grinning as she threw her head back. He knew what he was doing to her but he also knew what she was doing, he outfit of choice not just something casual she would usually wear around the house.
“Is that what this outfit was for? Get me all worked up so I would fuck ya mesh’la?” Wrecker said huskily and (Y/N) nodded, not even trying to deny her intentions. She could never lie to her gentle giant husband, Wrecker being able to read her like time bomb instruction manual. Wrecker chuckled darkly at his wife, pulling away almost fully to gaze over her gorgeous body again.
“I could devour you cyar’ika. Make you cum on my tongue again and again and again,” he said and pulled her back into his, burying his face in her neck. (Y/N) let out a sinful moan as Wrecker bit down, sucking a mark into her flesh as a way to claim her as his.
“But,” he said and pulled back, admiring his handy work on her neck. She stood there with glazed eyes, legs shaking and an adorably dopey grin on her face, though it disappeared when Wrecker pulled away fully.
“B-but what?” She asked shakily and reached for him, afraid that something was wrong.
“We need to eat dinner first! I don’t want these ingredients to go to waste,” he said with a smile, one that told (Y/N) that he was genuine. She titled her head to the right and tried to hold back a small sigh of frustration, the mood of their previous activities almost completely vanishing. She nodded and went to turn away, ready to walk back to their bedroom and get changed into other clothes.
Before (Y/N) got three full step away from him, Wrecker let out a playful roar and came at her from behind, picking her up and spinning her around again. He laughed at the yelp she let out, her body tensing before she relaxed her feeling meeting the ground again. Wrecker pulled (Y/N) against him, grinding his still semi hard erection against her plump behind, reaching his hands around her body to grab at her breasts again. She moaned at both sensations her head falling back against his chest as he ravaged her body and neck, peppering nips and kisses wherever he could reach.
“You didn’t think I was serious did you?” Wrecker whispered in her ear, his voice deep and teasing. (Y/N) nodded and curled her arms up to hold Wreckers forearms, his hands still playing with her breasts.
“O-of course I thought y-ohh, you were serious,” she replied quietly, hearing Wrecker chuckle deeply.
“I would never do that to you cyar’ika. You’ve got me harder than durasteel right now with how sexy you look,” he said huskily, voice dripping with the promise to take her to bed and fuck her good.
“Mmm, Wrecker. Honey please.”
“You go get comfy in our bed ner Sarad. I’m going to put the fish and vegetables away quickly,” he said and (Y/N) nodded, practically sprinting back to their bedroom when Wrecker released her, looking forward to their night of fun to come.
Wrecker chuckled as he watched his beloved wife retreat to their room, ready to fuck her brains out all night long. He quickly followed through with his previously stated task, putting away his catch of the day along with the vegetables in their big fridge before he too made it to the bedroom.
As he got closer to the room he could see a faint light coming from it, a sweet smell that he somehow didn’t catch before wafting out. When he entered, he was greeted by the soft smell of berries and vanilla, incense burning on the dresser and tea candles lighting the room in a soft glow. Everything else had been set up as well, their usual canteens of water and a pile of snacks for after their love making as well as clean sheets and towels waiting to be used.
(Y/N) was sprawled out in the middle of the bed, robe now discarded and hung up as to not get ruined and her lingerie set still remaining on her body. They made eye contact as Wrecker entered the room, both looking over each other with hungry eyes. Wrecker let out a teasing growl, his Adam’s apple rippling and his muscles tensing. (Y/N)’s eyes roamed over her husbands frame, his body large and intimidating to most but soft and welcoming to her. She was practically stripping him with her eyes, yearning to feel his hands on her once again. Wrecker was doing the same, hungry eyes roaming over his wife’s perfect body, imagining all the things that he could do to her.
His eyes focused on her stomach, the soft supple flesh something he always enjoyed playing with. It wasn’t a very common thing but Wrecker loved it, running his hands over (Y/N)’s torso, feeling her soft skin and squishy stomach. Then his mind began wondering even more, to the possibility of other things. He imagined what she would look like big and round, her belly protruding and swollen with their children. Wrecker let the thoughts overwhelm him, imagining having a full house of little ones running around, seeing (Y/N), himself and even his brothers doting on their kids.
Wrecker was pulled out of his thoughts by a gentle hand on his cheek, flinching at the unexpected contact. He hadn’t even noticed (Y/N) get up from the bed, her hand warm as it rested on his face. He looked down into her eyes, her (E/C) pools conveying an aura of slight confusion.
“What is it Wrecker? What’s wrong,” she asked quietly, running her thumb over his cheek and underneath his eye. It was then he realized that there were tears streaming down his face slowly, the thoughts of what could be making him emotional. He lifted his hand to hold (Y/N)’s that rested in his cheek, his eyes never leaving hers this time.
“Was just thinkin’ bout our future. Our life together and how happy you make me,” he said, leaning down and connecting their foreheads together in a keldabe kiss. (Y/N) smiled and closed her eyes at the gesture, content to give Wrecker a few moments to explain or to just stay put.
“You make me happy too Wrecker. I’m so lucky to have you in my arms,” (Y/N) replied, moving her body impossibly closer to his large frame, soaking up the natural heat he exuded.
“I can just picture you all big and round, swollen with our ad’ikas inside you,” Wrecker let slip his thoughts, his mind wondering to the future his subconscious mind had conjured up, feeling nothing but love in his heart as he watched his children run around and laugh with his wife following lot to far behind. He was once again snapped out of his thoughts by a soft groan, (Y/N) tapping into his thoughts to see what he was seeing. It was beautiful, so many of them running around and the thought of how they got there made her knees weak and her pussy wet.
They both blinked out of the fantasy together, meeting each other’s eyes once more before Wrecker picked her up with ease, her legs wrapping securely around his waist. He backed them both up to the wall, one that they purposely left completely bare for nights like this. Their lips met in a fiery kiss, the imaginary world they had seen fuelling their already stoked desires. Wreckers hands were on (Y/N)’s behind in a heart beat, fondling her rounded globes and kneeling the soft flesh. She whined into their kiss, his hands feeling immaculate as they groped her ass.
“Honey,” (Y/N) moaned, breaking the kiss as Wrecker pulled away and buried his face in her neck, nipping and sucking marks into it. She giggled slightly before sighing as he reached her ticklish spot, sucking a mark onto it before blowing a raspberry to the spot.
“Wrecker!” She laughed as he chuckled, planting more little kisses all over her neck and face. Her smile was wide, meeting her eyes and creating crows feet at the sides. Her hands wrapped around his neck, her legs squeezing his waist and grinding herself against his front.
“Kriff, mesh’la that feels so good,” Wrecker said, his eyes closing as he savoured the feeling of his wife grinding on him. One of his hands moved from her ass and instead took hold of her wrists, pinning them up above her head. The new angle elongated her torso, her breasts bouncing as her core was somehow placed more firmly against his crotch.
Wreckers eyes found (Y/N)’s chest again, her breast practically in his face with the position they were in. Her nipples were hard, the little pebbles poking through the fabric of her bra. Wrecker growled and dove forward again, this time hiding his face between her boobs before turning his head and taking one of her purt nipple into his mouth. (Y/N) moaned at the sensation, Wrecker’s talented tongue and the fabric of the bra working together to bring her so much pleasure. Wrecker’s other hand gravitated up towards her other breast, taking the pert little bud between in large fingers and rolling it.
“Fuck baby that feels so good,” (Y/N) moaned her head thrown back as Wrecker lavished her chest with attention and affection. Wrecker growled against her, moving back up her body to her neck once more. He laid a few more bite marks around her neck as his hand continued to tweak one of her breast. The feeling made her grind down even harder on Wrecker’s crotch, chasing her release already.
Wrecker must have understood her body language like he always does, lifting his thigh and pushing it against the wall, effectively having (Y/N) ride his thigh. She groaned is Wreckers good ear, feeling his thigh tense as she begin to grind on it.
“That’s it mesh’la, grind your pussy on my thigh. You like it don’t you?” He teased, not allowing her a response as he sealed his lips against hers. All (Y/N) could do was moan into the kiss and she sped up her pace, her high right there. Wrecker indulged her, tensing and relaxing his thigh over and over until (Y/N) broke the kiss and cried out.
“Wreckerrr!” She moaned as she was thrust over the edge, her orgasm hitting her like a tone of bricks. Wrecker smirked as he assisted her in riding it out, slowly dragging his thigh out from between her legs and helping her to set her feet on the ground. (Y/N)’s knees buckled, almost collapsing forward had it not been for Wrecker holding her up. She giggled dazedly up at her husband, her post orgasmic state making her feel light and airy.
“Don’t tell me that’s all you have in you tonight cyar’ika,” Wrecker whispered, letting go of her arms and instead wrapping his around her waist. (Y/N) frantically shook her head, eyes meeting Wrecker’s as she came back to reality again.
“No way am I done. You haven’t filled me up yet,” she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. Wrecker groaned at the filthy words that left her lips, his mind going back to the fantasy he had envisioned when he first walked into their bedroom. His reserve and resolve crumbled as he picked her up by her hips, effortlessly tossing her on their bed. She bounced on the bed and giggled, sitting up on her elbows and letting her head fall back between her shoulders as Wrecker covered her body with his own.
“Gonna make you feel so good cyare. Gonna fill that tight pussy up till you’re you can’t take anymore,” Wrecker said making (Y/N) whimper. The promise behind his words was something she would hold him too, wanting to feel every inch of him inside of her. He was big, and she loved that about him, his size making her feel safe all while giving her an insane amount of pleasure. His body dwarfed her own, making her feel small but loved. He dove back in and kissed down her body, leaving love bites wherever there was exposed skin as he made his way down to her lower lips. They were hidden from his gaze by her beautiful red panties, the lace fabric teasing him as he looked on.
“These look so beautiful on you ner sarad. Shame I’m gonna have to take ‘em off ya,” Wrecker said, slowly trailing his hands down to body to the waist band of her underwear. There was no protest from (Y/N) as she lifted her hips, giving Wrecker more room to remove her undergarments. He did so with delicate hands kissing down her smooth legs as he went. Once he had her panties completely off he brought them to his noes, taking a large inhale.
She always smelled so sweet to him, her natural lubricant something he was enamoured with no matter how odd it sounded. His eyes closed as he took it all before throwing the panties aside and spreading his wife’s gorgeous legs. She didn’t resist the attention, watching as Wrecker exposed her pussy to his eyes. He groaned, not waiting another second before going head first between her legs, licking a long strip from her hole to her clit, pulling a long loud moan from (Y/N)’s lips.
“FUckkk.” Her voice was like a proton torpedo to his ears, the sound making a shutter run through him and straight to his cock. He was already rock hard but the sounds he was pulling from her made him twitch. He continued to devour her pussy, alternating between sucking on her clit and fucking her with his tongue. He was in heaven at this moment, moving her legs so they rested over his broad shoulders. This position gave him more access to her pussy, moving his left hand down to rub her clit as he sucked at her pussy.
“Make me feel so good Wreck. Fuck I love it when you fuck my pussy with your tongue,” (Y/N) moaned, looking down at Wrecker as his eyes looked back at her, his head not moving from its place between her thighs. His fingers and mouth switched places, his lips capturing her clit as he eased a finger into her. He groaned as her pussy swallowed his finger effortlessly, feeling her clench even if he hadn’t done much of anything to her yet.
“Haven’t even stretched you open and you’re already tightening round my finger,” he groaned against her clit, the vibration sending shockwave through her spine.
“Can’t help it big guy, you make me feel so go-“ her finally word was cut off as Wrecker entered two more fingers in at once, pumping them in slowly until he was up to his knuckle.
“Nghh Wrecker baby please, please I need you,” she moaned, falling back into the pillows and wreathing around. Her hips bucked up to meet Wreckers tongue and fingers, drawing her pleasure out.
“Gotta open you up first baby, can’t have you hurting yourself on my cock,” Wrecker teased, beginning to move his fingers in and out of her tight opening faster. (Y/N) screamed, tossing her head from side to side and Wrecker drew moan after moan out of her. Her legs began to twitch on his shoulders, hands coming up to cover her mouth but was stopped by Wrecker taking hold of her wrists.
“No you don’t sweet girl. I want to hear every sound that comes outta that filthy little mouth of yours,” he growled, curling his fingers against her g-spot making keen and moan loudly. His words set her body aflame, his fingers, his mouth, him, making her come undone for the second time that evening.
“Ahhhhh~” Her hips bucked as her orgasm overwhelmed her, key shaking and spasming with the force of it. Wrecker held her hips still as she twitched, eyes closed as she continued to convulse. Wrecker smirked as he watched his wife come undone, proud of himself for what he could accomplish. Wrecker didn’t hold back as he thrusted his fingers into (Y/N)’s still clenching walls, making her yell in surprise before another scream left her lips.
“W-w-wreckerrrrr.” Her voice was broken as Wrecker continued to finger fuck her again, scissoring his fingers against her velvety insides. His goal was to make her come at least one more time before he impaled her on his large cock, not wanting to hurt her. It didn’t take long for him to accomplish this goal and (Y/N)’s back arched, a pornographic sound leaving her lips as she exploded.
Wrecker braced himself against the bed as the force of her orgasm forced his fingers out of her dripping pussy, her juices exploding all over the sheets and himself. Wrecker watched awe as (Y/N) squirt, her pussy opening and closing as she panted heavily. (Y/N) opened her eyes to look at Wrecker, watching at he took his fingered into his mouth and sucked them clean of her cum. (Y/N)’s eyes rolled back, her body still twitching with the feeling of her orgasm and the over stimulation.
“That was beautiful cyar’ika. Such a good girl for me,” Wrecker said, listening as (Y/N) huffed out a laugh at his words.
“Fuck,” was all she could get out as wrecker chuckled and made his way up her body. He kissed along her torso, feeling the thin layer of sweat that kissed her skin. When he reached her lips again, Wrecker captured them in a loving kiss, one too delicate for the service he had just provided her with. (Y/N) brought her hands up to Wrecker face, holding his cheeks as she deepened the kiss, tasting herself in his lips.
When they pulled away from one another, (Y/N) found nothing but love and adoration in Wrecker’s gaze, his eyes glazed over as he looked at her.
“That was something else my love. So fucking sexy,” Wrecker said making (Y/N) smile.
“I’m glad you thought so Wreck,” she said, smoothing her hand down to the top of his shirt before giving it a tug, “but I really really need you to fuck me.” She emphasizes her words with another tug to his shirts, needing to feel his skin against hers.
Wrecker couldn’t argue with her, wanting to feel her tight heat wrapped around his engorged cock. Wrecker pulled away from her completely and made quick work of stripping off his shirt, tossing it somewhere in the room as his belt and pants hit the ground next. (Y/N)’s mouth was watering at the sight of her husband, naked and dripping just for her. Wrecker was a gorgeous man, body sculpted as if he by the maker himself, his cock hanging heavy between his muscular thighs, the tip angry and red, dripping with precum.
(Y/N) groaned at the sight, taking in everything about Wrecker even if she had seen it many times before. His size always amazed her, the length and girth of his cock something that always made her pant. She sat and quickly took good of Wrecker’s large appendage, stroking it as best she could with both hands. The gentle giant groaned the sensation, his head falling back as he enjoyed the attention from his wife. Her hands were the perfect size for his cock, both hands encompassing him. (Y/N) lifted his cock to her mouth, licking a strip up the veiny side before placing a kiss to the swollen tip.
“Fuck mesh’la. Do that again,” Wrecker said, his hands making their way into (Y/N)’s hair. His wife obliged his wishes, repeating her previous ministration before taking the tip of Wrecker’s cock into her mouth fully. The he groaned at the sensation, tightening his grip on her hair but not pushing her any further. From her position, (Y/N) flickered her eyes up to look at Wrecker, watching his face contort into one of sheer bliss. She smiled around him before closing her eyes, hollowing her cheeks, and taking a deep breath before taking more of him into her mouth.
Wrecker moaned a loud uncontrolled moan, his cock twitching in (Y/N)’s mouth. It felt so good, it away felt like heaven when his wife had her warm mouth wrapped around him. One of her hands left his cock and instead, made its way to his heavy sack, his balls full and ready to combust. She held them gentle in her hands, knowing how sensitive they could be especially when love making. She could feel Wrecker’s hold on her hair tighten ever so slightly more, his breath coming out in short pants.
“Love it when you suck me off cyar’ika. Love the feelin of my dick in your mouth, feels so good,” he praised, his words going straight to (Y/N)’s cunt. She moaned around him with in turn made wrecker groan again, forcing her mouth a little further down his cock. (Y/N) choked in surprise before steeling herself and her confidence, taking as much of Wreckers as she could. It was a little easier with no gag reflex to hold her back, but Wrecker was so big it was still a struggle at times.
(Y/N) gave Wreckers sack a gentle squeeze , rolling them in the palm of her hand as she sucked her husband’s cock. She moved up and down his cock, his hands slightly guiding her movement to help her as she tightened her lips. Wreckers resolve was crumbling, his legs beginning to tremble at the tremendous feeling of his wife giving him head.
“Mmm ad’ika, such a pretty mouth on ya. So good at sucking my cock. You love it don’t you sweet girl, deepthroating my dick so far it bulges in your neck.” Wrecker’s words were filthy, emphasizing his last point by wrapping one of his hands around her neck very gently. She could feel the way his cock protruded out while deep in her throat, the realization only adding to her pleasure and his.
“Fuck Mesh’la,” Wrecker shouted, feeling himself teetering on the edge of his orgasm. But he couldn’t do it yet, not in her mouth, he needed to be inside her pussy. Wrecker held (Y/N)’s hair and pulled her off his cock, a few strings of saliva connecting them together. (Y/N) whined in protest, already missing the feeling of him inside her mouth.
“Why’d you stopppp,” she whimpered, Wreckers deep throaty chuckle making her pout. He spoke no words as he lifted her up and flipped her over, depositing her on the bed on her hands and knees. She let out a short “ahhh” of surprise, not having been fully ready for the move.
Wrecker slotted himself behind her, grinding himself against her plump round ass cheeks. He bent over (Y/N)’s body, kissing up her back to between her shoulder blades, moving his hands up and down her side. He took a second to unclasp her bra finally, tossing it aside before bringing his hands around to grab at her breasts again. (Y/N) sighed, the feeling of Wrecker’s big warm hands on her chest something she would never tire of.
“Ready for me mesh’la? Ready to take my big cock in your tight pussy,” Wrecker whispered in his wife’s ear, feeling a full body shudder run through her as she nodded.
“Please Wrecker. Please honey, fill me up. Need you inside me please,” she pleaded, wiggling her ass again his crotch. Wrecker groaned in her ear, pulling back to line himself up with her cunt. He teasingly ran his tip over her slit and down to her clit, collecting her essence to use as lube. She moaned at the feeling, falling forward and burying her face in the pillows. With this position, her ass was in the air, ready and waiting for Wrecker to take her. He got the message quickly, taking a deep breath, moving his hands to her hips and lining himself up with her.
Slowly he sunk his girthy cock into we wet waiting cavern, moaning lowly as she basically swallowed him. (Y/N) gripped the sheets of their bed, burying her face in the pillows while trying to keep from screaming at how good it felt to have Wrecker inside her.
“Fuck ad’ika, you take me so well. So stretched out around me,” Wrecker said, sinking a few more inches in before coming to a halt. (Y/N) whined again, fisting the sheets as Wrecker stilled inside of her. She turned her head to look over her shoulder, watching as Wrecker took deep labouring breaths, eyes closed.
“You okay big guy?” (Y/N)’s voice was teasing even if she was out of breath, wiggling her hips to entice her husband. Wreckers hands tighten on her hips like vice, his gaze hard but his lips pulled up in a sinful smirk. He said nothing in retaliation to (Y/N)’s words but instead, thrusted the rest of his cock into her making her scream.
“That feel good an’edee?”
“So gooddd. Please move please please please,” (Y/N)’s words were jumbled together as Wrecker caved and gave her what she wanted, what they both wanted. He thrusted into her tight heat slowly, drawing out the sensation of her smooth walls against his veiny cock. They moaned together as Wrecker fucked into her, slowly, wantingly, hands holding her love handles and using them to his advantage.
He picked up the pace, thrusting into her wet walls faster making her jolt and groan into the sheets again. His balls slapped against he clit, the feeling eccentric and even more pleasurable than before. She couldn’t contain her sounds of pleasure as Wrecker ravaged her pussy, impaling her with his impressive length.
“Fuck Wrecker, please fill me up. Fill me with your cum. Pleaseeee,” (Y/N) pleaded, jerking her hips back to meet Wreckers thrusts. He groaned at the display, tightening his grip on her hips before speeding up his pace relentlessly. The new speed made (Y/N) scream, his cock reaching new points inside her pussy, even pushing on her cervix.
“Oh fuckkkkkk.”
“That feel good ad’ika? Does my big cock feel good inside you?”
(Y/N) could respond as Wrecker fucked the air right out of her lungs, his thrusts taking her breath away with ease. He was close and he could feel that (Y/N) was too, her cunt clenching around him and halting his thrusts momentarily. He leaned over her body dwarfing her with his size and reaching around to grab at her breast again. Using his brute strength, Wrecker lifted (Y/N)’s torso up so that her back rested against his chest. He tweaked her nipples and rolled them between his toe finger and thumb making her moan even more. He began to thrust into her at a rough and brutal pace, skin slapping against skin the only sound to be heard besides pornographic moans.
“Fuck Wrecker! Pleasepleasepleasee!” From here, he looked down to see that her belly was bulging with every thrust of his cock, the sight something that almost sent him over the edge. Wrecker leaned down ever so slightly and nipped at (Y/N)’s ear, growling into it and letting one of his hands travel down her body to where her stomach bulged with his cock.
“Gonna fill you up so much an’edee. Gonna breed this little pussy, toy want that don’t you cyar’ika.”
“YESSS! I want it so bad.”
“Gonna cum so hard inside you that it sticks. Gonna make you all round and swollen with our ad.”
“Wrecker!!” (Y/N) came with a shout of her husbands name, lower lips clenching and pussy convulsing around him. Her whole body twitched with the force of her orgasm, everything around them disappearing. Wrecker moved his other hand down to her clit, furiously rubbing the over sensitive bud to draw out her third orgasm of the night. She screamed again, legs trembling as she squirted for a second time that night, her body going rigid.
Wrecker thrusted a few more time before bending (Y/N) back over and stilling, coming with a shout of her name. He came deep inside her, his cum painting her walls and leaving nothing untouched. She could feel it in her tummy, his cum filling her up just as he promised. She was on cloud nine, so much excitement coursing through her body. Wrecker was panting above her, his dick still twitching with the simulation and the feeling of (Y/N)’s velvet walls enveloping him.
He slowly and carefully shifted their positions, laying on his side and pulling her with him to lay down. He spooned her body, keeping his softening cock inside her for as long as he could. He made good on his promise to breed her, filling her to the brim with his spend.
There were no sounds but that of their joined laboured breathing, both still coming down from ecstasy. (Y/N) lay there still as a door, limbs feeling like jello and not a thought in her head besides,
“Wow indeed cyare. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that much,” Wrecker whispered, doing his best not to disrupt the blissful atmosphere they had created. (Y/N) let out a chorus of giggles, her brain foggy with pleasure.
“I feel full,” she said in a daze, her hand travelling down to join Wrecker’s on her stomach. She found that her stomach was bloated, a slight bulge present which made her gasp. She turned to look at Wrecker over her shoulder and saw that he was smirking right back at her, pleased with his work.
“I told you an’edee,” he said, nipping at her ear as he felt himself begin to harden again, “gonna breed this little pussy till it takes.”
In my opinion, Wrecker is a big kinky boy who loves to fuck. And no one can change my mind!
Next story is scheduled for January 24th so keep an eye out for it! If you would like to be tagged in it, comment down below or on my ask page!
(Tags: @rinksu-no-joo @maniacalbooper @teesy738 )
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lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom · 11 months ago
Omega helping the reader try to plan the reader's wedding to whichever Batcher of your choosing and the batcher is in the other room overhearing everything.
Wedding Planning
Hunter x Reader
Summary- Now that Hunter has popped the question, you and Omega start planning the wedding! Little do you know, Hunter overhears and falls a little more in love. This is a part 2 to 'Marry Me?'
Part one right here! And Part Three right here!
A/N- Trust the process, romantic fluff near the end <3. Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you don't mind I took this opportunity to make a sequel to my most popular fic! To understand parts of this fic, you will need to read part one!
Word Count- 1,498
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Your ring rested heavy on your finger. It wasn't anything fancy, not that you needed it to be, it was just a new feeling. While you hadn't had any jewelry allowed on Kamino- now that you had an engagement ring, you'd never go back.
"Omega wants you to finish putting her to bed, Hunter." You called to Him, entering the cockpit. His face lit up, you didn't know the real reason quite yet.
He nodded and headed back to her 'room' to put her to bed. You smiled, continuing to turn to Crosshair and Wrecker.
Though you couldn't hear them, the two people you loved most began their 'good-nights.'
"Holding up okay, kid?" He asked Omega, pulling her blanket up.
She gave a quick nod, "I... I missed you." She leaned closer, Hunter pushed back a piece of her hair.
"I think I missed you more..." She smiled, closing her eyes for a moment.
With a deep breath, Hunter started. "I know it's late, but I have to ask you something."
She found a new type of energy at his words, slightly sitting up. Much to Hunters dismay.
"What?" She was giddy, knowing it was good news from Hunters body language.
"How would you feel if I asked," Your name felt unreal on his lips, he was still getting used to having you back at his side, "to marry me?"
Her eyes grew wide, almost as big as her grin. She shuffled quickly, the blanket pooling at her waist. "Oh my gosh, yes! Please ask her!"
"Shhh, shh. It's still time for you to go to bed." He regretted asking so late, but he was eager to pop the question.
"How am I supposed to sleep after you've told me you're going to propose!"
Hunter gently guided her back into bed, pulling the blanket back up. "I know, I know. Can you keep the secret until tomorrow?"
She gave a vigorous nod, the covers resting at her chin.
He leaned down, pressing the ghost of a kiss on her forehead. Much like a father would. "I'm going to ask her tonight, but you need to try and get some rest. Promise you'll try?"
With a smile, she agreed. Even with the news, she was still exhausted.
You frequently thought back to the day Hunter got down on one knee in the middle of the ship for you. Your heart warmed every time, fidgeting with your ring.
"It's so pretty..." Omega commented. Just two weeks later you all found yourselves on Pabu. Rested and resupplied.
You were both crammed into her closed off space. You ignored the gunman seat, choosing to lay with her on the floor.
She had a grasp on your hand, analyzing the band. The twinkle in her eye matched the gem. "Thank you, Hunter has pretty good taste, don't ya think?"
She giggled, letting you have your hand back. You gave another glance at the ring you'd been staring at for days.
She rolled over, facing the ceiling, arms sprawled out. With a light sigh she began, "When will you have your wedding?"
You leaned back as well, one of your arms overlapping hers. "I...I guess I haven't thought about it too much. I'm content just finding an officiant tomorrow." All you needed was Hunter, who cares if you had a fancy wedding?
Apparently Omega, as she jumped up, "What! No, we have to have a ceremony by the shore! It'd be perfect!"
You laughed at her reaction. "This is no laughing matter!" She pointed a finger in your direction, "This is serious!"
"Omega, I have Hunter. A huge wedding will not change my love for him." She humphed and settled back down.
"What's the point of marriage if you don't have a wedding!" To be frank, Omega had never been to a wedding. Only reading about them in the books Nala Se allowed her, or hearing about them through her travels.
"I think marriage shows our devotion to each other. That we'll never part." You craned your head to look at her, she rolled her eyes at your confession. This caused you to let out another smirk.
Now, she was really getting annoyed. Giving your lips a swipe with your tongue, "Ya know, maybe having a small ceremony wouldn't be bad. But, I would need a maid of honor. Know anyone?"
Her smile reappeared fast, "Are you asking me to be your maid of honor!"
"I couldn't think of anyone better..." She shuffled to throw herself on you, giving you a big hug.
You squeezed her tight, just before a loud gasp came from her, "What?"
"The dress!" She yelled, "What will you wear! We have to see if Shep knows someone who can make you one!"
Her energy was contagious, you were starting to get excited too. "I want a ballgown dress...Oh and I could have off the shoulders lace, maybe even a train, but not too long. I'd hate to trip on it." Okay, maybe you had put a little thought into a wedding.
She was practically bouncing on her heels, now on her knees hovering over you. You still laid on your back, day dreaming about dresses.
"What color do you want your dress Omega?"
"I get to pick?" She questioned.
"Of course you can, sweetie." You could see the gears turning in her head. She was going to think on what style she wanted for a while.
You sat up, leaning against her side. "How would Batcher fashion flowers? Think she could learn to drop them? Cause I would certainly need a flower girl for the wedding."
"Yes, of course! I'll start training her!" She was excited to teach Batcher a new trick. You knew they could do it, but Omega didn't want to take any risks.
She raced out, completely missing Hunter. Who was leaning against the steps of the gunman room.
You let a breath leave you, slumping against the wall.
"Is she wearing you out already?" You jumped at the voice, immediately being comforted by the recognition of who it was.
"Hunter, when did you walk in?" You weren't bothered by it, just surprised.
He had a smug look. "I was just checking the fuel, then I heard you and Omega talking about weddings?"
You felt flushed, like you were caught doing something you shouldn't.
"You don't have to be embarrassed, I think you'd look beautiful in any dress." He stepped forward, about eye level with you. He reached a hand up, taking yours in his.
"You're such a charmer." You smiled, your head leaning back to hit the wall.
Hunter stepped up, joining you on the floor of the room.
You scooted closer to him, taking his head in your lap when he layed down.
"What kind of wedding do you want?" You asked, brushing your hands through his dark hair.
He closed his eyes, basking in your touch. "I just want you to be happy. I don't care what we do." You figured that's what he would say. You lowered your head and pressed a kiss on his forehead.
"Omega's ideas didn't sound too bad... A ceremony on the shore." He commented.
You continued to pet his hair, "Yeah, that does sound sweet. Who would we invite? I mean, I don't know too many of the natives yet." It was true you tended to keep to yourself on the island.
With his eyes still closed he responded, "If you just want it to be us five, I wouldn't mind."
"Well we'd have to send Echo a message, oh and of course Shep, Deke, Mox, Stak, can't forget Phee, also-" You ran out of fingers to count on. Opting to rest them back in Hunters hair.
He had a grin on his face, "We don't need to figure out the guest list quite yet. We can get married any day you want.." He was ready to bend at your will.
"Can..." You sucked on your teeth, changing your mind about asking.
"Hmm?" He pressed on.
"You don't have to... but," Why was this so hard to ask! "Can I wear your bandana?"
He opened his eyes, baring into yours. You struggled to read his expression.
"It's okay, it was dum-" You felt stupid for asking.
"If it would make you happy, I would be glad to let you." He reached a hand up, rubbing your side to soothe you.
"Yeah." He moved his hand to untie the cloth. "Here, try it on."
You snickered, gently holding the fabric. "What if I wore it on my arm?"
You tried to show him, but found it difficult to tie on your upper right arm.
He noticed and sat up, taking it into his hands. He took his time, smoothing it over your skin and tying it expertly. He only pulled away after giving you a kiss.
"I like it." You expressed.
"I love it." He stared, but not at the bandana- at you.
"I love you too..."
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I hope it's as good as part one!!
Tags- (lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @dangraccoon @knight-of-flowerss
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vodika-vibes · 8 months ago
So Long As We're Together
Summary: It’s been several years since you’ve settled into a shared life on Pabu with Wrecker. Your enemies are different now, cancer rather than Imperials, but you know you can face anything with Wrecker by your side.
Pairing: TBB Wrecker x F!Reader
Word Count: 1405
Warnings: Cancer
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: So, I will preface this by saying that only my cousin needed chemo when he had cancer. My mom only needed radiation, and my step-brother had immunotherapy. So I used google for the side-effects of chemo. Anyway, I needed to focus on something that's not AU related for a little bit, so here's this.
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You wake to the scent of breakfast filling the home you share with Wrecker. And, as much as you would like to curl up into a ball and pretend that nothing exists outside your bed, you can hear Wrecker singing from the kitchen.
Your lips curl up into an amused smile as you roll from your side to your back and stretch out under the thin blankets with a groan.
For a moment, you consider pulling your pillow over your head and going back to sleep, but as you listen to Wrecker in the next room, your heart swells with affection and you decide you’d rather be with him over getting more sleep.
So you sit up and swing your legs over the side of the bed to get to your feet. You absently tug Wrecker’s shirt over your head, and press your hand over your mouth to cover your yawn, before heading out of the bedroom.
You’re still sore and exhausted from yesterday’s treatment, but you didn’t wake up nauseous so you take the win.
The home you share with Wrecker is tastefully decorated with things that both of you enjoy. There’s an entire wall filled with pictures of Wrecker’s brothers and their respective spouses as well as Omega at various sports and school events.
Your wedding picture sits in a place of honor in the middle of the wall of pictures, right over the shadow box that holds your bouquet and the unity candles that Wrecker wanted to save.
You straighten one of the pictures, a picture of you and Omega at the tennis court taken several weeks before your diagnosis. Omega had just won the juniors division and she was so excited that she nearly vibrated out of her skin.
Sure that the pictures aren’t crooked, you continue to the kitchen and lean against the door frame to watch Wrecker move around the open room with an ease that never fails to mesmerize you.
With as much as he loves cooking, you honestly thought that he would become a chef now that he no longer has to fight, but he surprised you. Instead, Wrecker became a private detective.
You weren’t sure what kind of work he would have on an island, but he’s surprisingly busy. Or, well, he was until he closed his practice while you’re going through treatment. 
You told him it wasn’t necessary, but Wrecker couldn’t be dissuaded. And neither could the rest of your extended family. 
Your village has become very large, of late, and you’ve never felt more loved.
“Good morning, Wrecker,” You greet lightly, a smile lifting your lips as he turns to look at you over his shoulder, and a blinding smile crosses his handsome face.
“Good morning, cyar’ika,” He sets the pan back on the stovetop and turns to face you, his arms spreading wide.
You immediately slide into his waiting embrace and press your nose against his chest inhaling the scent of Wrecker, allowing him to fill and surround you. His arms fold securely around you, and you’ve never felt safer.
He kisses the top of your head, “How are you feeling?” He asks.
“Exhausted. Sore. But other than that I’m okay.” You reply honestly.
“You feeling up to eating?” Wrecker asks as he rubs your back soothingly.
You consider his question seriously, a nasty side effect of the chemo is that you just don’t get hungry like you should. Between that and the nausea, you’ve lost a concerning amount of weight.
But today you actually feel pretty good.
That’ll probably change before the end of the day, but for now you’ll enjoy not feeling bad.
“Maybe something light? Some fruit?”
“Well now, you’re in luck. As it happens, I made some fruit salad for you,” Wrecker says cheerfully. He drops one more kiss to the top of your head, and then releases you to turn towards the fridge, “Do you think you can try some protein?”
You sink into one of the kitchen chairs, a plush thing that Hunter made for you after your diagnosis but before your first chemo session, and hum thoughtfully, “Let me try the fruit first, and then we can try something heavier in a bit?”
“Deal,” He makes a small bowl for you and sets it on the table, before setting a mug of tea in front of you as well. “Have you taken your pain meds yet?” Wrecker asks as he leans on the table.
“Not yet.”
“I’ll go get them,”
You lightly touch his hand, “You don’t have to.”
He sets his free hand over yours, “I want to.” Wrecker brings your hand to his lips and presses a light kiss to your knuckles, “In sickness and in health, right?”
You sigh adoringly, “What did I do to deserve you?”
“Hm, well your father got his wardrobe stuck on the stairs and you asked for my help,” He grins at you.
You huff out a laugh at the memory, “Honestly, why a 60-year-old man thought he could move the wardrobe on his own—”
Wrecker vanishes from the kitchen for a moment, and you hear him moving around in the bedroom, and then he’s back setting a pair of pills into your hand, “You know what he’s like, stubborn to a fault. Just like his daughter.”
“Well, at least I come by it honestly?”
His lips press against the top of your head again, “That you do.” Wrecker moves back to the stove to put some of the food on a plate for himself and sits next to you on the much plainer chair.
You watch him for a moment, a warm, gooey feeling swelling inside you. You really do love him more than anything. “Do you have any plans for today?”
“Hunter invited us for dinner, assuming you’re feeling up to it.” Wrecker replies, “His father-in-law bought them a grill, and depending on how it does they’ll probably be giving it to us.”
You make a face, “That’s not the best gift for them.”
“Ah, his father-in-law is old, and keeps forgetting that Hunter’s sensitive to strong scents.” Wrecker explains, “Assuming that you’re still feeling pretty solid this evening, I thought we’d go and see them.”
“I’d like that.”
“I thought you might.” Wrecker leans back in his seat, and watches you for a moment, “And you’re sure you’re okay?”
“I am, I promise.” You watch him watching you, “Are you?”
“I’m not the one who’s sick.”
“No, but you are doing your best to support me. And I know this is hard. As much for you as it is for me.”
He’s quiet for a moment, “I don’t like seeing you in pain.” Wrecker finally admits, “And it’s not like I can punch something to make you better. It’s frustrating.” 
You reach across the table and take his hand in yours, “I know that this is my fight, but you know better than anyone that good support can make all of the difference.”
He flips his hand and threads his fingers with yours, “I just wish I could do more.”
“You do plenty.” You reassure him, “Really, Wreck. I mean it. I have bad days, sure, but my good days are so much better because I’m with you. And, when I go into remission, we can take a vacation.”
Wrecker laughs softly, “We live on a tropical island.”
“Then we can have a party or something.”
He sighs and lightly tugs you out of your seat to pull you onto his lap, his lips lightly pressing against yours. “I love you,” He murmurs as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I know, I love you too. Have since the day we met.”
His hand comes up to cup your cheek, “So,” Wrecker teases, “Did you get your dad’s wardrobe stuck on the stairs intentionally then?”
You pout at him or try to, but amusement tugs the corners of your lips up, “And if I did?”
“Sneaky,” He kisses you again, and again. “How about, after breakfast, we curl up on the couch and watch a holo?”
You bump your nose against his, “Can you give me a back massage?”
“Whatever you want, cyar’ika.” Wrecker replies, his smile warm and loving, “I am at your disposal.”
You catch his lips in another kiss, as you snuggle against him. This is how you know everything will be fine. How can it not be when you have Wrecker?
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leenathegreengirl · 7 months ago
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Lovely Phee as a guest at Echo and Aiko’s wedding! And it looks like someone cute has caught her eye 👀
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @anxiouspineapple99
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mermaid-of-the-woods · 7 months ago
Asking the Bad Batch To Walk You Down the Aisle
You're marrying another Batcher, but for some reason or another, you have no one to walk you down the aisle.
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You paced across the floor for what felt like the dozenth time that afternoon. It was one simple question and you couldn’t figure out why it was hard asking Hunter the simple question. You loved his brother, had no family, and wanted this one traditional thing. Realistically, it was the most reasonable thing to ask the Sergeant to walk you down the aisle.
“Been pacing for a while.” Hunter noted, popping his head out the bedroom door. “I’ve heard you shuffling for the past hour. Everything alright?” 
“Wedding nerves.” You responded with a nervous tick. You looked up at him for a second. Turning to continue your nervous pacing, Hunter stopped you. 
Hand pressed gently on your shoulder like he typically did with Omega. “Not thinking of being a runaway bride? Are you?” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Wedding is in three days if I was going to leave…” You trailed off, “No. I love your brother and I’m going to marry him. I just realized there’s one big thing that I forgot.” 
“What is it? If it’s off-planet, I can go and pick it up quickly. Just as long as it’s not on the other side of the galaxy.” Hunter offered, “I’m glad that he found you. That he’s happy. Let me know what I can do to help?” 
“Willyouwalkmedowntheaisle?” You asked quickly, trying to get the nerves out before they stopped your words. 
Hunter placed another hand on your shoulder, forcing you to look at him. “Repeat that, slowly. I want to make sure I understood what you said.” 
“It occurred to me today that I have no one to walk me down the aisle. I know that you’re their best man, but I was also wondering if you would walk me down the aisle. Normally it’s a father or an older family member.” 
Hunter’s eyes widened, “But we’re your only family.” He realized, wrapping you in a hug. “I’m honored that you think of me this way.”
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“No.” Crosshair’s snapped, looking up from the caf machine. 
You rolled your eyes, sitting on the counter. “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask.” 
“To walk you down the aisle.” He replied, pouring him a cup. “Just like the day before and the day before. Spanning from the moment my brother put that ring on your finger.” 
“Please?” You whined, sliding off the counter. He had already had your cup down. Your job required far earlier mornings when the sun hadn’t risen yet. Crosshair, since coming to Pabu, had enjoyed the quiet of the sunrise. You had bonded with your future brother-in-law from early morning cafs in silence. 
“Why?” He had already turned down being a groomsman for your Batchter. He had refused to answer the question. Your future husband wanted all his family part of the wedding. With your family being loyal to the Empire and believing you were dead, you needed someone to represent you. “Do you think that you still need to punish yourself day after day because of the choices you made?” His silence was the answer, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“Why me? Why haven’t you asked your family?”
“Because telling my Empire loyalist family that I’m marrying a clone who broke into and destroyed a research lab is a bad idea.” You snapped, “I chose you because in some ways we’re the same. We both chose to leave the Empire. In different way, but we still made that choice.” 
Crosshair sighed, taking a sip of his caf. “Fine.”   
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It was the day of the wedding and you had not heard from your family. Realistically, that was the last thing that you thought would go wrong today. Maybe a rain shower during the ceremony, maybe tripping in the sand, whatever. But you at least figured your family would be here to walk you down the aisle. 
You looked over at Phee and Omega, sitting there in their dresses. “I go down the aisle in ten minutes.” You whispered, shaking your head. “I’m marrying the love of my life and my family won’t be here.” 
Phee grabbed your hand, fixing part of your hair. “You can walk yourself down the aisle.” She noted, “There’s nothing wrong with that.” 
You nodded, tears pricking the corners of your eyes. Growing up in a family of wedding planners, you had been specific with some things you refused to budge on. One of them was this, but something always happens on the day of the wedding. The last of nine sisters, you were the only one who wasn’t going to have someone walk you down the aisle. 
“I’m more concerned about their safety. I’m the last of ten to get married and slowly my entire family is moving to Pabu or joining the Rebellion. I’d love someone to walk me down the aisle, but I want to make sure that you’re okay.” 
A knock on the door made you stop. Your heart jumped into your throat hoping it was your family, but dropped when you saw Wrecker. “Your family won’t make it for the ceremony. Did you want to move it back?” 
You shook your head, “I don’t want to delay things any longer. I just,” you sighed, grabbing your bouquet. 
“Just what?” Wrecker asked, “It’s your big day if something’s wrong…” 
“Wrecker can walk you down the aisle!” Omega yelled, “You’re marrying into our family.” 
Phee looked over at Omega, giving her a small smile. “You can’t just..” 
You held a finger up, stopping Phee. “Omega, that’s a perfect idea.” You replied, turning to look over at Wrecker. Aside from your Batcher, you were the closest with Wrecker. If it wasn’t for Wrecker starting to work as a chef for the cafe you worked at, you would’ve never met your future spouse. “Wrecker, will you walk me down the aisle?” 
Wrecker’s hand went to the back of his neck, blushing. “You don’t mean that.” 
You shook your head, “You are the reason I’m now getting married. You set me up on a blind date with your brother. Aside from him, I’m closest to you. Please, will you walk me down the aisle?”
Wrecker held out his arm, allowing you to loop with yours. “I’d be honored.” 
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You tapped your foot nervously on the ship as you waited for anyone on the other side to pick up. Quickly, you saw Rex’s face appear on the holoscreen. “Y/N?” He asked, surprise lacing his voice. “Everything okay?” 
At the beginning of the Clone Wars, you had been the 501st main researcher, providing both Jedi and clones information about the planets they were on. You had collected legends and lore along with analytical data on planets. While you had never seen combat, you had traveled frequently with the boys on their many destinations. After new regulations, because of how attached the 501st had become to you. How the 212th had become attached to their researcher and so on. It ended up on a rotating basis. 
It was a complete accident that you had been with the Batch on Kaller. Since then, you chose to stay with the Batch. Having Echo there, it was like a big brother, helping navigate the rest of the Batch. In return, you helped navigate a world outside of war. In the first weeks of finding Pabu, you had declared your feelings for your Batcher. 
“Everything’s fine. Is Echo there?” You asked, “I have something to ask him.” 
A few minutes later, Echo appeared, “Everything okay?” His forehead creased with worry, arms crossed. 
You held up your hand, showing off the small ring. “This happened yesterday.” You replied, grinning. 
One of the rare bright smiles appeared on Echo’s face. “Congrats! Was wondering when it was going to happen.” 
Your jaw dropped, eyes rolling. “Of course you’d know.” 
Echo shrugged, “Lot of research went into proposing. Did you know you’re supposed to ask a father figure or someone close to that for their hand in marriage before asking?” 
“So I take it that you got asked.” You teased, shaking your head. “That makes my next question a lot easier. Will you walk me down the aisle when I get married?”
“Of course. Unless Rex decides to fight me for it.” 
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“You know, according to my research, a male figure is supposed to walk you down the aisle. Why is that?” Tech pushed his goggles up, focused more on the repairs of what was the destroyed Marauder. Now that he was alive and back, he had spent his time patching the ship up with the one stolen from Tantiss. 
You rolled your eyes, skimming through the datapad. You were helping him make a list of parts for Phee to pick up the next time she left the planet. “Some archaic tradition that valued my virginity as an economic prospect.” 
“I have overheard you and my brother many times. Since you are not a virgin, will you then not have anyone walk you down the aisle?”
You choked on air for a moment, embarrassment and confusion coursing through your body. Your Batcher was now not getting any until the wedding night when everyone else would be out of the house. “No…” You sputtered, coughing, “I’m not having anyone walk me down the aisle because I have no family on Pabu. The lack of virginity has nothing to do with it.”
“You rarely mention them.” Tech noted, “I’ve been informed many times not to ask about them, but I’ve always been curious.” You rolled your eyes. Of course, your batcher would inform Tech or anyone to not ask about them.
“My father was a bounty hunter and my mother worked in a brothel on Coruscant. He wanted me to be a bounty hunter and then deemed I was deadweight. Dropped me off on Ord Mantell and that’s how I met Phee.” 
Tech looked over at you, “Out of the many names I’ve heard you called. That one is a lie, Y/N. Your father does not deserve that right, even for an archaic tradition.”  
You looked up at him, grabbing his hand for a small second. “Thanks Tech.” You replied, “Why were you researching weddings anyway?” 
He said your batcher’s name, pausing before continuing. “The first to get married. While at this point no one else has romantic prospects, it gives my brothers and I hope. Each planet and culture has its own history. We wanted to surprise you and honor yours. One commonality is that someone had walked the bride down the aisle.” 
“That’s really sweet.” You replied, giving him a small smile. “Would you want to walk me down the aisle?” 
“But you’re not a virgin and I am not getting an economic benefit from you marrying my brother.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “It’s also a form of respect, admiration, and love. Even before your brother proposed, I was already a part of your family. I’d like to celebrate that just as much.” 
Tech blinked, before turning to look at the ship. “Very well, I will walk you down the aisle.”
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lightwise · 1 month ago
WIP Title List
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oooh, thanks for the tags @dystopicjumpsuit @eclec-tech! I love seeing the contrast between fully named fics and then the "okay what exact descriptors are going to help me remember what I was thinking when I came up with this" 😂.
Alright. My WIP list is a bit of a mess given that half of them I haven't fully titled yet, but here's what I've got so far. I had completely forgotten about some of these to be honest 🫣 Send me an ask about any that intrigue you!
Compass Pointing North
The Sun Also Burns (will be publishing this weekend)
This Is It for Me - Hunter camping fic
Crosshair lunch fic
The Adventures of Gonky the Cat (3/9 chapters complete)
Pabu Wedding (a collab with @drafthorsemath)
Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Cody, and Rex reunite around tea and a campfire
Obi-Wan goes house hunting--with Qui-Gon's Force ghost
Obi-Wan vs. Bo-Katan
The Original Four (or We'll Always Have Each Other)
I have no idea who has or hasn't gotten tagged in this already, so I'll just throw a few out there (no pressure as always): @drafthorsemath @freesia-writes @the-little-moment @probadbatch @andorerso @jetii @split-spectrum @talesfrommedinastation @rifle-yes @niobiumao3
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skellymom · 1 year ago
"Sunset Over Pabu"
Hunter X OC/Reader One Shot
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Word Count: 910
Background: An "Old Love" relationship. Nostalgia. Saying Goodbye. Using planet and star interchangeably. The celestial body in this fic is a Moon, similar to our planet Mars it reflects light so the appearance is a shining star.
The inspiration for this story came from @lightspringrain artwork. Including the link to her Etsy shop and image of "Hunter's Moon"
There are parallels to the first time Mad met Hunter in this fic. To read how they met, here is the link:
Warning: Sadness.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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They snuggled close on that settee just as they did the first night meeting on Ord Mantell.  In between trips off world, children, weddings, funerals, holidays, and all manner of life Hunter and Mad carved out while on Pabu to watch the sunset together.  Approximately 10 standard cycles of building a bonfire on the beach and cuddling up together to watch the sky turn deep shades of crimson, purple, and eventually black.  Gazing at the stars as they cycled by with the seasons in the night sky. 
The broken settee was resurrected by Hunter’s own hands when they first settled.  He built it strong enough for two.  A solid foundation so it would never break again.  Mad helped weatherproof it to withstand the ocean salt.  Together, they performed maintenance when needed, so it would last for many years.  A continuing project and labor of love. 
In addition, a firepit was constructed to hold the burning heat kept within.  Hunter and Mad collected stones on their travels around the galaxy.  Bringing back chunks of memories to line into a continuing never-ending circle.  Occasionally family and friends would add their own additions when returning to Pabu. Wrecker kept his eye out for oddly shaped or colored rocks while fishing and would surprise them with a new addition already stacked against the ring. 
Tonight, Hunter had a bit of difficulty making his way down the stone steps to the beach.  Mad took his hand, providing support.  His long hair and beard had gotten greyer the last few months.  She joked that he was almost as silver as her.  The wrinkles and laugh-lines accumulated since being together, a happy long life for a clone prominent on his face. He smiled as she fussed about him being careful not to slip. 
“Taking good care of me.” 
“Of course, what else would I do.”  
She winked, and he chuckled. 
He told Mad tonight he’d forego their usual “Spotchka under the stars” and just do “The Stars” for tonight.  The alcohol was wearing heavily on his system, making for extremely tiring mornings after...even with him cutting back considerably. 
In the last few months, Hunter and Mad watched a vibrant moon make its transit across the heavens.  It stood out amongst the other stars.  Burning a brilliant red flicker that could be easily seen even though it was millions of light years away. The bright red star reached the zenith of its orbit and total brilliance tonight per Tech’s calculations.   
“There’s YOUR moon, Hunky!” Mad pointed up above.  
There was a number for this moon at one point. With millions of celestial bodies orbiting the galaxy, only numbers were given to keep track of them all. That wasn't good enough for Omega though. She named it “Hunter’s Moon” rotations ago before leaving on her own journey with Echo and Crosshair. 
“Shame it’s the last night we’ll see it on Pabu.” Hunter mused. 
Mad sighed. “Didn’t Tech say something about it being visible somewhere else?” 
“Think he mentioned another planet not far from this one...” Hunter trailed off. 
“Whattsamatter Hunky?” 
He looked a little guilty “Not sure I’m up to traveling much any time soon.” He also sounded tired. 
“Not in any hurry. We have a sky full of stars.” 
“Mhmm, that’s my Mad... always thinking ahead.” 
“It’s the wanderlust. Brain never shuts off.” 
“I LOVE you, Maadienne.” 
Mad smiled and squeezed his hand. “I LOVE you too, Hunky.” 
They both gazed up at Hunter’s Moon.  
“Make a wish, Mad!”  Hunter said quietly.  
They were both silent for a while.  Then Hunter gently rested his head against hers. 
She knew he wouldn’t come out and tell her his wish, that to tell it wouldn’t come true.  Mad still liked to chide Hunter and try to playfully tease it out of him.  It would end in tickling, laughter, hugs, kisses...and on less tiresome nights love making. On tiresome nights they fell asleep in each other's arms on the beach. 
“Okay Hunky, spill the beans.”  Mad hugged Hunter tighter.  He didn’t reply.   
Mad brushed Hunter’s long locks away from his face. She gazed down at him, marveling at how the bonfire illuminated his hair, tattoo, dark skin. The face of a sleeping angel.  A rhyme in time back on Ord Mantell all those years ago.  The younger man who decided to buy her a drink in Cyd’s Parlor.  A partner that travelled with her across the galaxy, helped care for her family, whose brothers adopted them all, and a partner that never left her side. 
She caressed his face lovingly, immersing herself in the scent of his skin, hair, and... 
Hunter’s chest had stilled.  An expected, but heavy weight resting against her body, a bit heavier than his usual bodily presence. 
“Oh...Hunter...Hun...” Mad suddenly hitched and exhaled, tears running down her face. 
She knew this day would eventually come.  And as the full rotations went on, she kept wishing on a certain red star that she could have another standard day with him.  Every standard day she wished to have another. 
But wishes only carry you so far...and there are only so many wishes granted. 
And you must accept that the universe has other plans. 
To believe in having just a moment of happiness instead of none. 
Mad kissed Hunter’s forehead.  “Aw, Hunky...we were REAL good...  Weren’t we? 
The red star above Pabu twinkled in reply to Mad’s words as she hugged Hunter for the last time. 
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photogirl894 · 11 months ago
Hello, bestie!! I want to congratulate you on 1300 followers. You deserve every one of them for your wonderful personality, writing, and vibes. And I'm also incredibly happy and honored to be among those 1300, thank you for being my friend ❤️
Now, for the ask! I love all of your prompts and I'm going to go with something fluffy with - surprise surprise - Crosshair!! With a female reader, if you please, could you maybe write 27. "You look so handsome" from the fluff prompts and 32. A kiss on the wrist from the physical affection prompts?
Can't wait to see what you write, and congrats again!
Thank you so much, Moon, for not only your request and congratulations, but for also being my friend, as well 💜I treasure our friendship very much!
Oh wow, Crosshair! I'm so surprised 😜 I expected nothing less and I am more than delighted to do this for you! I think you're really gonna like this 😉😏
We're gonna live a bit in denial with this one (while we can...) and just say Tech is alive and safe with the Batch, along with, well, a few other things😅
**Spoiler alert for the newest TBB episode, season 3 episode 11**
"A Wish in the Stars"
27. "You look so handsome."
32. A kiss on the wrist
Pairing: Crosshair x fem reader
It had been a year since you and the Bad Batch had settled down for good on Pabu.
A year since you all had successfully thwarted the Empire's operations on Mount Tantiss and ensured that you would never be found by them again by faking your deaths on Tantiss. With the Empire thinking all of you were dead, they would never come looking for you again, which left you and the Clones to live your lives in peace.
You all had returned to Pabu and helped rebuild everything that the Empire had destroyed. Within months, things on the island began to return to normal and all of you felt like you were truly home.
Truly free.
With this newfound freedom, Crosshair did the one thing you had always dreamed he would do; something you thought would only ever remain a wish in the stars for the longest time:
He asked you to marry him.
Naturally, you said "yes"...or rather, you cried out the word with joy over a dozen times.
The following months of wedding planning were both stressful and joyous at the same time. Omega was ecstatic at the thought of seeing you in a lovely white gown. Wrecker was more excited about all the delicious food that would be at the reception. Tech and Echo took it upon themselves to essentially be your "wedding planners" to ensure everything got done and taken care of. Hunter acted as more emotional support for you through it all and you had also asked him to be the one to walk you down the aisle at your wedding, which he was more than honored to do for you. You just knew your wedding day was going to be more than perfect.
The day arrived and you had just finished putting on your gown: a lovely floor-length, white dress with lacey sleeves and shoulders that had silk flowers sewn into the skirts. You wore a flower crown in your curled hair that Omega and Lyanna had both so lovingly created for you. You looked at yourself in front of a mirror, taking in the image of yourself in that moment. Seeing yourself looking like a bride was almost too good to be true. You had dreamt of this day for forever and now, it was finally happening...you were finally going to marry Crosshair, the love of your life.
Just then, you heard the voice of your beloved behind you and you saw him appear in the reflection of the mirror. He was gazing at you with eyes wide with amazement and love and you couldn't help but smile.
You whipped around and playfully scolded him, "Don't you know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding? You need to go!"
He grinned and strode towards you. "Haven't you learned by now that I'm not good at following orders?" he asked you.
You chuckled back, choosing to throw tradition out the window. "I suppose that's true."
Then you looked him over once, taking in the rare sight before you. Crosshair was in much more formal attire that you weren't used to seeing him in: a nice, dark green shirt with a cream-colored, button-up vest, dark pants and boots. You had a feeling Shep and probably Hunter had played a part in figuring out his wedding wear and you were more than pleased with what you saw.
"You look so handsome," you complimented him.
He got a slightly uncomfortable look, not liking the attention, but he still grinned shyly and said, "Thanks." Then his gaze softened once he looked back at you, taking in your radiance in the Pabu sunlight coming in through the window, and he remarked in awe, "And you...you look...I...I can't even find the words to describe how breathtaking you are."
"Thank you," you said with a huge smile as he gently pulled you to him by the waist. You placed a hand on his cheek and gazed up into his entrancing brown eyes. "With everything we went through, everything we fought against...I never thought this day would come."
"I know," he said, nuzzling your hand.
"I always thought us getting married and finally settling down somewhere would just be a wish in the stars, forever floating through time and space, never to be granted," you admitted.
Crosshair then reached up to caress your cheek. "Well...at least one star must have fallen then because that wish will come true today." Then he took your hand that was on his cheek and pressed his lips reverently to your wrist, letting them linger for a moment against your warm skin. His sweet, intimate gesture sent a pleasant shock down your arm and through your whole body. Then he turned his gaze back to you and asked with a tiny, teasing grin, "Are you sure you don't want to rethink this? You know I am severe and unyielding, as Tech says."
"You being severe and unyielding is what got us to this point to begin with," you told him. "You refused to give up. Not on fighting the Empire, on our squad, on yourself...and not on us." You raised your other hand to his other cheek and smiled lovingly at him. "Therefore, I will never stop fighting for the man who fought so hard for me. I'm not letting go of you for anything in this galaxy."
Having given that affirmation that you weren't rethinking anything about being with him, you kissed Crosshair sweetly and he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you as close to him as you could possibly get.
When you pulled away, he breathed out in a whisper, "I love you so much."
That brought a happy tear to your eye. Crosshair would say he loved you, but he seldom said it first. This day truly was a day for new beginnings.
"I love you, too," you said back.
"I don't know how or why you ever chose me...but I thank whatever entity brought me to you every day," he said. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me and I promise to make you happy for the rest of--"
Your finger over his lips silenced him as you told him, still smiling, "Save that for the altar, darling."
In reply, he said nothing and simply smiled back at you.
Then you gave him a light nudge. "Now, you'd better go. The ceremony will start soon and Hunter will be coming to make sure I'm ready. You need to leave before he catches you."
Crosshair snickered. "I'd like to see him try," he said, tightening his grip around your waist. Then he gave you a tender kiss on the forehead, released his hold on you and went to walk away. However, he stopped just short of the door and looked back at you once more with the most adoring smile you'd ever seen on him. Then he stated before he left, "I'll see you at the altar...my bride."
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
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