#hunter x oc fan fiction
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skellymom · 1 year ago
"Sunset Over Pabu"
Hunter X OC/Reader One Shot
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Word Count: 910
Background: An "Old Love" relationship. Nostalgia. Saying Goodbye. Using planet and star interchangeably. The celestial body in this fic is a Moon, similar to our planet Mars it reflects light so the appearance is a shining star.
The inspiration for this story came from @lightspringrain artwork. Including the link to her Etsy shop and image of "Hunter's Moon"
There are parallels to the first time Mad met Hunter in this fic. To read how they met, here is the link:
Warning: Sadness.
(Credit: Cool moving star dividers by @4ngelic-wh1spers )
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They snuggled close on that settee just as they did the first night meeting on Ord Mantell.  In between trips off world, children, weddings, funerals, holidays, and all manner of life Hunter and Mad carved out while on Pabu to watch the sunset together.  Approximately 10 standard cycles of building a bonfire on the beach and cuddling up together to watch the sky turn deep shades of crimson, purple, and eventually black.  Gazing at the stars as they cycled by with the seasons in the night sky. 
The broken settee was resurrected by Hunter’s own hands when they first settled.  He built it strong enough for two.  A solid foundation so it would never break again.  Mad helped weatherproof it to withstand the ocean salt.  Together, they performed maintenance when needed, so it would last for many years.  A continuing project and labor of love. 
In addition, a firepit was constructed to hold the burning heat kept within.  Hunter and Mad collected stones on their travels around the galaxy.  Bringing back chunks of memories to line into a continuing never-ending circle.  Occasionally family and friends would add their own additions when returning to Pabu. Wrecker kept his eye out for oddly shaped or colored rocks while fishing and would surprise them with a new addition already stacked against the ring. 
Tonight, Hunter had a bit of difficulty making his way down the stone steps to the beach.  Mad took his hand, providing support.  His long hair and beard had gotten greyer the last few months.  She joked that he was almost as silver as her.  The wrinkles and laugh-lines accumulated since being together, a happy long life for a clone prominent on his face. He smiled as she fussed about him being careful not to slip. 
“Taking good care of me.” 
“Of course, what else would I do.”  
She winked, and he chuckled. 
He told Mad tonight he’d forego their usual “Spotchka under the stars” and just do “The Stars” for tonight.  The alcohol was wearing heavily on his system, making for extremely tiring mornings after...even with him cutting back considerably. 
In the last few months, Hunter and Mad watched a vibrant moon make its transit across the heavens.  It stood out amongst the other stars.  Burning a brilliant red flicker that could be easily seen even though it was millions of light years away. The bright red star reached the zenith of its orbit and total brilliance tonight per Tech’s calculations.   
“There’s YOUR moon, Hunky!” Mad pointed up above.  
There was a number for this moon at one point. With millions of celestial bodies orbiting the galaxy, only numbers were given to keep track of them all. That wasn't good enough for Omega though. She named it “Hunter’s Moon” rotations ago before leaving on her own journey with Echo and Crosshair. 
“Shame it’s the last night we’ll see it on Pabu.” Hunter mused. 
Mad sighed. “Didn’t Tech say something about it being visible somewhere else?” 
“Think he mentioned another planet not far from this one...” Hunter trailed off. 
“Whattsamatter Hunky?” 
He looked a little guilty “Not sure I’m up to traveling much any time soon.” He also sounded tired. 
“Not in any hurry. We have a sky full of stars.” 
“Mhmm, that’s my Mad... always thinking ahead.” 
“It’s the wanderlust. Brain never shuts off.” 
“I LOVE you, Maadienne.” 
Mad smiled and squeezed his hand. “I LOVE you too, Hunky.” 
They both gazed up at Hunter’s Moon.  
“Make a wish, Mad!”  Hunter said quietly.  
They were both silent for a while.  Then Hunter gently rested his head against hers. 
She knew he wouldn’t come out and tell her his wish, that to tell it wouldn’t come true.  Mad still liked to chide Hunter and try to playfully tease it out of him.  It would end in tickling, laughter, hugs, kisses...and on less tiresome nights love making. On tiresome nights they fell asleep in each other's arms on the beach. 
“Okay Hunky, spill the beans.”  Mad hugged Hunter tighter.  He didn’t reply.   
Mad brushed Hunter’s long locks away from his face. She gazed down at him, marveling at how the bonfire illuminated his hair, tattoo, dark skin. The face of a sleeping angel.  A rhyme in time back on Ord Mantell all those years ago.  The younger man who decided to buy her a drink in Cyd’s Parlor.  A partner that travelled with her across the galaxy, helped care for her family, whose brothers adopted them all, and a partner that never left her side. 
She caressed his face lovingly, immersing herself in the scent of his skin, hair, and... 
Hunter’s chest had stilled.  An expected, but heavy weight resting against her body, a bit heavier than his usual bodily presence. 
“Oh...Hunter...Hun...” Mad suddenly hitched and exhaled, tears running down her face. 
She knew this day would eventually come.  And as the full rotations went on, she kept wishing on a certain red star that she could have another standard day with him.  Every standard day she wished to have another. 
But wishes only carry you so far...and there are only so many wishes granted. 
And you must accept that the universe has other plans. 
To believe in having just a moment of happiness instead of none. 
Mad kissed Hunter’s forehead.  “Aw, Hunky...we were REAL good...  Weren’t we? 
The red star above Pabu twinkled in reply to Mad’s words as she hugged Hunter for the last time. 
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leenathegreengirl · 2 months ago
Day 3 - Hunter, Nez, Omega (ft. Gungi)
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Life comes in many forms, and family holds its own unique meaning for each person. On the third day of this celebration, we dive into what family truly means and all the emotions and connections that come with it. Hunter and Omega make quite the pair—the ex-soldier often acting more like a father figure than a brother—so as Nez grows closer to the old Sarg, the dynamic with Omega is beginning to shift. This holiday season really brought that connection to life! I hope you enjoy their heartwarming festivities, along with the visit from a special friend who joined in on the celebration!
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(Ao3 Link if you prefer that formatting!)
Event Masterlist
(Special thank you my very dear friend and creative partner @legacygirlingreen for making this event possible! She is the beautiful mind behind ALL the writing, design layout, post editing and song selections!)
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@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @returnofthepineapple @justanotherdikutsimp @antisocial-mariposa @techs-stitches @resistantecho @kimiheartblade @dezgate @sunshinesdaydream
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sskim-milkk · 10 months ago
currently developing my very first completely fleshed out OC for Mr. Hunter Badbatch and I can’t WAIT to start writing their story 😊
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my-morai · 10 months ago
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dangraccoon · 2 years ago
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Oyuba'din - Chapter 11: Terror
Original Character x The Bad Batch
Summary: Jaine is awakened in the middle of the night to help a squadmate. Hunter has a conversation with her.
Warnings: references to The Clone Wars Season 3, Episode 19 "Counterattack", nightmares/night terrors, overprotective brother,
Author's Note: y'all don't come at me for Hunter in this; he's worried about his brothers and instead of having a rational conversation with the woman his brothers and him are falling in love with, he gets mad [him: >:( ]
Mando'a key: Mesh'la = beautiful
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A light knock woke Jaine from her deep slumber. Rolling over to glance at her chrono, it hadn’t been long since she had gone back to sleep. However if it was duty calling, she needed to answer. 
The door slid open to a worried Hunter. 
“Hunter?” she asked cautiously. “What’s wrong?”
“Echo,” he breathed. “Another nightmare. It’s bad this time. You’re the only one who can calm him down.”
Jaine nodded as she raced to Echo’s bunk. 
Echo was shouting something about fire and last chances, looking around frantically, and if Jaine didn’t know better, she might have believed his violent trembling to be a seizure. Crosshair sat next to a very sleepy-looking Tech, both with concern plastered across their expressions. Wrecker sat on the edge of his brother’s bunk, shaking his shoulders slightly. 
“It’s okay, Echo,” he tried to say soothingly. “Just a dream.”
Echo began thrashing, smacking Wrecker across the face with his scomp, who then recoiled a little. 
“Stop touching him,” Jaine ordered as she came to Echo’s side. Wrecker backed off, allowing her access to the increasingly violent episode Echo was experiencing. 
The human-like part of her longed to comfort him, place his head on her lap and lull him back to sleep, but her medic training always overruled her heart. 
“Echo, it’s okay, sweetheart,” she spoke softly. “I know that it’s scary, but it’s all going to be okay. I’m here with you, alright? I’m not going anywhere and we’re going to be fine.” 
She kept spewing her comforting words, eventually transitioning to a lullaby her father used to sing to her. It seemed to be working, Echo was no longer thrashing violently, and only trembling. He wasn’t screaming anymore, which was a great relief to Hunter, who watched the medic with an awestruck expression. 
Just as Jaine was finishing her song, Echo’s eyes fluttered shut and stayed shut. The rest of the crew let out a relieved breath. 
“Has it ever been this bad?” Jaine asked, looking among the four other clones. 
“He’s had nightmares, and pretty often,” Hunter explained. “But never like this.”
Jaine nodded sadly. “I’ll have to talk with him in the morning. For now, we should all try and get some rest.” 
Everyone else moved to resume their places in bed, Crosshair pushing Tech - who between Jaine’s tea and melody, was nearly unconscious on his brother’s shoulder - onto his bunk. Hunter watched as Jaine made no motion to move, simply tucking Echo back under his blanket. 
“You should get some rest, too,” he whispered as Wrecker’s snores started up. 
“Thanks, Hunter, for coming to get me,” she said, ignoring his suggestion. 
His brows knit together, but ultimately decided to let it go, falling asleep to the rhythms of five heartbeats instead of the usual four. 
Jaine listened carefully to Hunter, hoping to be able to tell when he fell asleep. Once she was fairly sure he had, she sighed. 
Echo seemed to be sleeping soundly now, but Jaine wasn’t sure it was restful. She isn’t sure how long she sits there, watching over him diligently. Minutes, maybe a few hours pass, and Echo stirs a little.
“Runi?” he murmured. “Come back to bed, mesh’la.” Echo opened his arms, patting the bed next to him as he moved to make room for her. 
“Echo,” she started. 
“C’mon,” he practically begged.
Jaine sighed a little before laying down facing Echo. He hummed contently, wrapping his arm over her side. 
“Love you, Runi,” he whispered, kissing her forehead softly. 
Natural light was filtering through from the cockpit’s viewport, marking the arrival of a new day. Jaine’s eyes fluttered open, vaguely startled by the presence of Echo in her bed. Wait, this place smelled significantly more akin to that of the boys’ bunks, not her clean and tidy medbay. 
The night terror, she remembered. 
Echo’s eyes didn’t open, even as she shifted a little. Metal met flesh as their legs were tangled together under the blanket. 
“Echo?” she murmured. No response. She sighed. 
She started trying to free herself from Echo’s tender grasp, but he only shifted a little and tightened his grip around her waist. 
“Hunter?” she whispered, praying that he was awake and his sensitive ears could pick up her pleas. “Hunter, I could use some help.”
“Heh. Tough luck,” he chuckled from behind her. “Never seen him sleep this well.”
“Hunter, this isn’t funny,” she glared over her shoulder. 
“Seems pretty funny to me.” Hunter began to walk away, making his way through the ship. 
“Get back here and help untangle me from your brother or so help me gods-” she began to threaten, but she was cut off by Echo’s shifting. 
“Morning, mesh’la,” he hummed, a smile spreading across his face, but his eyes not opening. 
“Echo,” she said, and the smile began to disappear. His eyes squinted open and he nearly jumped out of his skin, sending Jaine tumbling to the floor. 
“Jaine- kriff, are you okay?”
“Probably a little bruised, but none the worse for wear,” she winced as she shifted her leg a little. 
“What…happened?” Echo asked, carefully reading her expression. 
“You had a night terror last night. A bad one; scared the boys. Hunter came and got me. I was trying to keep an eye over you for the rest of the night, but then you asked me to cuddle with you an-”
“I what?” he asked, shaking his head a little. 
Jaine shifted uncomfortably as she moved to sit on the edge of his bunk once more. 
“I’m sorry, Echo, you were insistent. I think…I think you thought I was someone else.”
Echo blinked a few times before his eyes went wide with realization. “Oh, maker. Jaine, I- I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Echo,” she said, resting her hand on his arm. “Who’s Runi?”
Echo’s eyes shut tightly. He was on the verge of tears, but he didn’t want Jaine to deal with him like that. She’d already put up with him enough. 
“She was a…a friend,” he breathed, a gentle blush blooming up from his chest, and painting his cheeks a little darker than they typically were. 
“I’m sorry. You don’t have to talk about this. I’d love to hear more about her, but only if you want to tell me,” Jaine assured him, squeezing light pressure on his arm. 
He nodded simply, willing the memories back to where he’d kept them hidden all this time. 
“I’m going to go get a cup of caf, would you like some?”
He nodded again, and Jaine slowly left the bunk, hearing his drawn out sigh as she walked away. 
Jaine sat at the galley table, quietly sipping from her mug. 
Echo, across from her, and Tech, next to her weren’t especially chatty either.
Hunter, having just gone back to wake Crosshair and Wrecker, walked into the silent room, eyeing the three of them suspiciously. 
“You all alright?” he muttered.
Tech and Echo both affirmed much more quickly than she would have suspected, but Jaine stayed quiet, only raising her brows. 
“Jaine? A word?” Hunter said, tilting his head towards the cockpit. 
She followed behind him, shooting concerned glances at Echo and Tech, who didn’t look up. 
The door slid closed as Hunter stood in front of it. She looked up at him from the co-pilot’s seat. He looked irritated, probably more so than she had seen him recently. 
“Hunter, are you having one of your migraines again? I can go get-”
“That’s not important,” he interjected, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “I want to know why you’ve got three of my men wrapped around your finger.”
Jaine blinked at him in disbelief, rising from the seat. “Why I’ve got-” she scoffed. “Hunter, what are you talking about?”
“First Crosshair, now you’ve got Tech and Echo’s hearts pounding just sitting there? Is Wrecker next?”
“Please, Hunter, I don’t under-”
“You don’t understand?” he sneered. “Aren’t you supposed to be a medic? You don’t know love sickness when you see it?”
Jaine scowled at him. “I don’t know what you think is going on but I never-”
“What about Tech last night, hm? I’ve known him all my life and I’ve never seen him sleep more than an hour or two at a time. Last night he came out of your door and slept the whole night through.”
“He came to me. I gave him some tea to help him sleep,” she bristled. “I wasn’t aware you required medical reports now.”
Hunter chuckled mirthlessly, looking away from her. “You’re not going to be here forever. You’re going to get every one of them hanging on every word and then when you leave you’ll take their hearts with you. What am I supposed to do with them then?”
Jaine recoiled. “I have no control over the feelings of others. I am here to serve with all of you, as your medic and your friend. If you want me gone, fine. Drop me off at the next base if you truly think so little of me,” she spat, brushing past him and out of the cockpit. 
She ignored the knock at the medbay door, focusing on restocking the cabinets.
“Jaine,” Echo’s voice called from the door. “Please, at least let one of us in.”
She took a deep breath. Willing herself to continue ignoring him. 
“Open the door, Vale, or I’ll have Wrecker dislocate my other shoulder,” Crosshair threatened. 
She sighed. Jango Fett must be one stubborn son of a bitch, she cursed to herself as she stepped to the door, sliding it open. 
“You can come in just- I’m trying to work, so just sit quietly or something.”
 Echo remained standing, while Crosshair leaned against the exam table, watching her as she went back to stocking the shelves. 
“Yeah, you look really busy,” Crosshair smirked. 
Jaine answered without turning around. “Strike one.”
She went about her tasks, stocking, checking expiration dates, inputting the inventory into her data pad. It was obvious to everyone that she was upset, she opened and closed the cabinets harshly and smacked the side of her data pad when it wouldn’t load.
“Jaine,” Echo ventured cautiously. “Are you okay?”
“Strike two, Echo.”
“Kriff, woman, can’t you see we just want to see if you’re okay?” Crosshair protested, his voice surprisingly soft. 
Tears of frustration were threatening to spill over her eyes. She couldn’t let them deal with that right now. 
“Three strikes,” she announced, pointing to the door. “Out, both of you.”
“We’re not going anywhere,” Echo assured her. She could practically hear the concerned expression on his face. 
“Fine, then I am,” she huffed, taking her data pad and swiftly leaving the room, ignoring the protests from Echo and string of frustrated curse words from Crosshair. She made her way to the cockpit where she was unsurprised to find Tech, fiddling with some kind of machinery. 
“I swear to the gods that I will sit here quietly if you do the same,” she basically begged. 
Tech stared at her, wide eyed, but simply nodded. Instead of taking the co-pilot's chair, she opted for sitting on the floor, her back against the wall. 
A moment later she heard footsteps approaching, stopping before reaching the door. 
“Tech,” Crosshair grunted. “Have you seen Jaine?”
Tech turned his head, as though to look over his shoulder at his brother, but caught Jaine’s eye instead. She frantically shook her head. 
“I have not. I am sure she is around somewhere,” he replied. “It would be rather difficult to leave the ship as we are currently traveling through hyperspace.”
She heard Crosshair sigh, but ultimately leave. 
“Thank you,” she whispered to Tech, who nodded. 
“You do not need to thank me,” he said. “I understand the value of having time to oneself.”
“I’m not intruding, am I?” she worried. 
Tech seemed to consider this for a moment. “While I was enjoying working in solitude, it does not impact me enough for you to also be here.”
Jaine couldn’t figure out why, but his words stung her a little.
“If you do not mind my asking, what is it you are working on?” he asked a moment later. 
“Oh, I’m just getting in contact with an old friend,” she admitted, leaving out the details that could clue him into her earlier conversation with Hunter. “He’s going to help me the next time we stop at one of the GAR bases.”
“Is a base necessary for what you require assistance with? Perhaps I can be of help,” he said, setting down his device. 
“Thank you, Tech,” she smiled sadly. “It’s not really a portable problem.”
“I see,” he noted, was that a hint of disappointment in his voice? “If you are in need of assistance I can provide, do let me know.”
Thankful for his general lack of eye contact, she let a few tears fall. 
“I think I’m going to go rest up in the medbay for a little while,” she told him, hoping that her emotions weren’t coming through in her voice. 
“That is likely a good idea,” Tech agreed. “We should be arriving at Coruscant in about two days.”
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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Tags: @writing-positivelyexisting @nekotaetae @lokigirlszendaya @get-wr3ckered @flowered-bicycles @jediknightjana @idoubleswearimawriter @lucyysthings
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ladykagewaki · 2 years ago
A short one-shot story about “Our favorite clones of Clone Force 99 enter their golden years.”
If you are sad about a particular season 2 finale, this is how I had always seen the end of their story. 
I’ve updated and cleaned this up a bit. I was so sad when I originally posted that I wasn’t so clear headed. This is a bit better...but I am kinda lazy with my writing.
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boredzum-671 · 14 hours ago
🩵🤍Master list 🤍🩵
🤍 OC showcase 🤍
Robin | Stella | Lily
Robins Lost files
File one
Sick Robin report
Too Sweet for a Sarge
💞Hunter X Robin 💞
Hug attack! 🤗 (incomplete art)
Sunset walk (Omega and Wrecker sneak up >:3 )
🩵Robin art🩵
New arrival! Robin introduction
Help show me around?
✨Art doodles✨
Girlboss ships (peaker sky guy)
Sing with us!
Robin from Honkai Star Rail!
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karespocketboyfriends · 22 days ago
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝙳𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜
Caleb X Faye (OC)
Warnings -> Set pre-chapter 4, established relationship, use of ‘pip-squeak’ (I don’t mind the nickname so please respect that or keep scrolling) gets a wee bit spicy
An original fan-fiction for Love and Deepspace. I appreciate reblogs but reposting to Tumblr or any other site is not okay with me.
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𝓞𝓵𝓭 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼
The fruit punch in my glass tastes bland on my tongue. There’s nothing wrong with it, Grandma just blended it fresh the other day, and the glass I had earlier was popping with flavor.
The issue is me, or rather, the figure in the middle of the living room that’s hooked my attention so deep that not even my tastebuds are working.
Caleb’s decided to extend his morning workout beyond running, and it’s brutal.
Every grunt fills the quiet house with each sit up, the corded muscles in his arms bulging from the way his hands are positioned behind his head. The white shirt hugging his upper body is practically sheer with sweat, and I barely notice the way my tongue sweeps across my lips at the ripple in his abs with every movement.
I’d take a picture if I didn’t have to deal with his cocky attitude about it.
Caleb’s gaze suddenly meets mine. He smirks, and it damn near knocks me on my ass. “Your drink is going to get cold, pip-squeak.”
“Shut up.” I lightheartedly snap, raising the cup to my lips again. The juice is still bland. “You’re lucky Grandma isn’t home. You’re taking up the entire living room and would be in her way.”
“Uh-huh.” Caleb sits up one more time and stays seated. He rests his elbows on the tops of his knees, hands handing loosely between his spread thighs. “Something tells me you’d be more in her way, loitering by the table like that.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not loitering, I’m drinking juice.”
“Juice that’s spilling from your mouth because you can’t keep your jaw closed.”
I blink and look down at the table. There’s no evidence, no splatters or pink coloured puddles to indicate I have, in fact, spilled something. Caleb’s chuckle lets me know I’ve been punked.
I lift my head to banter some more, but the words die on my tongue when I realize he’s no longer looking at me. He’s rolled over, palms planted on the wooden floors as he starts his push-ups. Even from here, I can see the necklace I gave him hanging from his neck. It kisses the floor every time he lowers himself.
The necklace flicks on a lightbulb in my head.
‘Karma is so sweet.’
I’ve watched Caleb work out enough to know that he likes to change things up, to alter these exercises to make himself stronger. One of these modifications involves practicing one handed push-ups. Holding his left arm behind his back gives me an opening, and I take it.
With the stealth and speed I’ve learned in hunters collage, I rush over and drop to the ground next to him, roll through that opening until I’m laying on my back beneath him. Caleb pauses, his arm fully extended as he holds himself up, and the surprised look on his face makes me laugh.
“Oh, don’t mind me. Carry on.” I tease, curling my index finger around the silver chain of his necklace.
“What’s this? A new challenge?” Caleb removes his arm from behind his back and presses his palm onto the floor, caging me in. The tone of his voice takes a slight turn, losing some of the lightheartedness of our banter. “You do know what will happen every time I get close to the ground, right?”
Damn the heat rising to my cheeks. “I don’t mind.”
Caleb’s next exhale is quiet and a little shaky, but he resumes his workout. His arms bend at the elbows, his chest lowers, and then his mouth is there. It’s a feather of a kiss, barely a brush of lips against lips, before he’s lifting himself again. My eyes flutter open, only to close again when he quickly closes the distance between us again. The pressure of each kiss grows at every touch of our lips, and my arms and legs burn with the self-control I’m using to not wrap my limbs around him.
My self-control only lasts as long as his set does, and when Caleb comes to a rest just above me, when he kisses me and kisses me again without breaking away, my arms slide over his shoulders and my legs lock around his waist.
“Caleb.” I breathe against his mouth, squeeze his waist with my thighs. “I’ve missed you.”
His groan rumbles in his chest. “Yeah? I’ve missed you too, pretty girl.”
It’s been months since his last visit home from Skyhaven, and even though we were in communication daily, it’s not the same as having him here. I can’t feel him when he’s hidden in the sky, can’t soak in his warmth if he can't hold me.
My breath hitches when his hand slips beneath the hem of my loosely fitted T-shirt, teasing the skin above my hip with the pads of his fingers. “So soft.”
It’s me who groans this time, my entire body set ablaze by his simple touch. The sound of his voice.
The twisting of a key in the front door's lock dissipates the fog clouding my mind, sends my heart free falling into the pit of my stomach. Our kiss breaks, and I quickly slip out from beneath Caleb, roll onto my stomach start doing my own set of push-ups next to him as he quickly resumes his.
"Faye? Caleb? I'm back." Grandma calls as she makes her way deeper into the house.
"We're here, Gran." Caleb says through his heavy breathes. I don't think his workout has anything to do with it.
It's not that Caleb and I are hiding our relationship from her; Grandma knows we're together, and to be honest, I think she suspected it before we came clean. We just keep things mild when she's around.
Grandma smiles and shakes her head at us. "Attached at the hip as always. I hope you'll make some time for me before you return to Skyhaven, Caleb."
"Of course, Gran." Caleb says, breaking form as he sits on his knees. "I'm sorry. Faye's been hogging me since I got back."
My head whips towards him so fast, I swear my neck nearly breaks. "I've been hogging you? Bullshit!"
"Faye!" Grandma scolds, making me jump like a child who got caught doing something wrong. "Language, dear."
"Sorry." I mumble, collapsing onto my stomach. I fold my hands beneath my head and rest my chin on them, my lilac dyed hair falling over both sides of my face like a curtain. "My arms are tired."
Caleb chuckles and reaches out to ruffle my hair. "Have you been slacking off, pip-squeak? You'll fail your hunters exam if you keep that up."
"Not all of us can pack on muscle like the Hulk, Caleb."
Grandma's laughter sends a comforting warmth spreading through my chest. "Why don't the two of you take a break and come try these treats Nellie made for you?"
The mention of Miss. Nellie's homemade snacks has me launching to my feet.
"Look who has energy again." Caleb quips as he rises to his feet.
"Oh, shush!"
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@softlycandescent @goat-mama-breezie
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lilsharkiie · 4 months ago
Get to know Sharkie!!
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Hello!! I've never done one of these on this app before, I find the formating difficult to manage, but here I go!!
My name is Sharkie, and I'm 15! I like to write a variety of things, but I stick to fan fiction, but I do have my own ocs that I write about from time to time! I love my ocs a lot, and might write about them in the future!
I like one piece, obviously, as well a variety of other shows/games/fandoms! That includes Delicious in Dungeon, Aphmau (mystreet + mcd), Naruto, Banana Fish, Sally face, Bungou Stray Dogs, My Hero academia, Mob Psycho, Zelda (any game), Hunter x Hunter, Demon slayer, Detroit: Become Human, The Owl House, Beastars, and lots of others!!
I draw as well, but I don't think I'll do it often on here. o(ㄒoㄒ)
Another thing to note! I do take requests/asks! I'll do hcs, small writing prompts, and MAYBE (not a promise) a drawing/art piece.
So yeah, if you want me to write, draw, or whatever just open my asks and tell me what ya wanna see and I'll see if I can do it! If I don't do it/respond for a while or reject it, please try and not get too upset! I am human too, and things take time/I have things I just don't feel comfortable/want to do.
I don't have many boundaries other than please keep your requests sfw! I want to keep this blog as family friendly as possible, and to keep any suggestive/NSFW topics off of my page.
I believe that's all I have to say, again please feel free to ask me anything! I'm open to pretty much whatever, as long as you stick within the fandoms I said above!!
I love you all, and hope you guys have a lovely weekend!!
My DMS/asks are always open for those who need it. <3
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multitypes · 2 months ago
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eve . he/she . mid 20s . white . my wife ❤️
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
art blog . ko-fi . toyhouse
‪‪❤︎‬ i like pokemon (main series, pmd, and anime) a whole lot! it's my lifelong special interest. i also like fan projects such as on borrowed time and the rebornverse (mostly for rejuvenation).
‪‪❤︎‬ currently rewatching all the pokemon anime for the second time! i'm on johto league champions (season 4) right now.
‪‪❤︎‬ i'm working on an original pmd story called ties that bind and will post about my ocs a lot.
‪‪❤︎‬ my other most frequent interests are in stars and time, legend of zelda, hunter x hunter, and pinnipeds. there's other stuff as well but those are my main interests.
‪‪❤︎‬ i really love my wife.
‪‪❤︎‬ i'm a digital artist and my art blog is @primarinite! my art is f2u with credit as long as it's not commissioned (unless you are the commissioner), non-fandom or art of my ocs. reposting is fine as long as i'm asked first and credit is given.
‪‪❤︎‬ tags i use (subject to change, all of them except my pet tags are tagged on this post for ease of access):
bwark: my posts
wonder map: my art
ttb: my tag for ties that bind-related stuff
bug/minnie/maizie/harley: my/my family's cats
character tag: posts i tag with characters from media i enjoy
fav mons: my favourite pokemon
anipoke lb: my liveblog tag for rewatching the pokemon anime
wonder mail: asks
sky jukebox: music
that's everything i think. thank you for reading and have a swagful day <3
dni: you're bigoted in an capacity (including zi0nist and transmis0gynist), and/or you fetishise ped0philia and inc3st, including in fiction. i know people don't take dnis seriously but idc i will block if i see this shit.
previous urls: eonveil, admete
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skellymom · 4 months ago
"Vagabonds" Chapter 26
Ongoing fanfic Hunter x Reader/Fem Reader/OC
Hunter meets a smuggler Nomaadi Star Woman with a powerful force sensitive teen who changes the trajectory of CF-99's lives...as they ALL try to escape from The Empire together.
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To read Chapter 24 & 25 - "SEPARATION & THE NIGHTMARE"
Word Count: 2.3K
Background: The return of a friend. Echo comforts Sil. And, the Batchers are given Thoomie's back story from Uncle Taavi. It's a very unorthodox origin story...and one that I am familiar with when another woman I worked with left her baby behind in a locker room, and the police came to my home for questioning. TO BE CLEAR: This story is NOT an attempt to punch down at any one person in particular. This part of the story, much like a lot of other parts sprinkled into this series is a commentary on SOCIETY overall.
The Batch and Taavi ask an open ended question. One that could be seen as scornful, but instead are blunt questions. They don't judge, only contemplate their own luck. And, the scale of value society sets for life in the galaxy.
For anyone new to this series: "LOVE" is the nonbinary/genderfluid neurodivergent/nonverbal Force sensitive kid of the main OC of this series named Mad. Mad is an older single mother, close to almost 50 years of age (not many older female protagonists in stories, so I decided to make one.)
Warning: swearing, angst and brief mention of a LIVE baby in a dumpster (no worries reader, baby is rescued-NO blood or gore, but brief mention of a "blue baby").
(Credit: Cool dividers by @4ngelic-Wh1spers, @plum98 @strangergraphics-archive Pinterest: Blackstar)
Tech tinkered under the Beldame.  It helped keep his mind off of Hunter’s depression and sadness.  This was the first time Tech and the rest of The Batch had seen Hunter openly cry since...well, probably since that Reg broke Hunter’s nose when they were children. 
Thoomie administered a light sedative to Hunter so he could rest and heal for an hour or two.  Taavi announced he would whip up a meal for them all in the Bar’ge ‘N Go’s cafeteria after he was finished with his duties. 
Now that there was access to more tools, equipment, and parts, Tech would have the ‘Dame up to speed in no time.  And, with Echo researching intel, The Batch could help Mad and Sil locate and retrieve LOVE and Tiggy. 
Tinkering away deep in thought, Tech reflected on how so much had transpired since leaving Kamino, then Ord Mantell. 
It had been a DIZZYING turn of events... 
“Well...look WHO popped up” 
Tech was pulled from his rumination, glanced down recognizing a familiar pair of metal heeled boots... 
His eyes widened. 
Immediately he wheeled out from under the ship and sprang up.  Tech slicked back his hair and dusted of his clothing. 
Pushing up his goggles, Phee Genoa came into focus. 
“Hello Brown Eyes.” She slyly smiled. 
Tech stood there speechless... Say SOMETHING!  But...WHAT??? 
Your hair has a buoyant quality that attracts my attention... 
The scent wafting up from your skin excites my senses... 
NO NO.... 
The timber of your voice causes prolierection of the hairs on my arms... 
The thought of you quickens my heartbeat, resulting in tachycardia... 
Phee watched amused at Tech’s internal struggle. 
His face began to flush slightly. 
Phee mused ADORABLE when he’s flabbergasted. 
“Uh...hello.” Tech exhaled, trying to keep his cool. 
“Glad you made it off Ord Mantell.  Didn’t expect to see you here.” 
“I am currently repairing this ship...for a close friend.” 
“Oh?  Looks like Madienne Dax’s ship.” 
“Why...yes...it is...” 
“Close friend, you say?” Phee smirked. 
“Why yes.  She’s been very hospitable with sharing it as a living space.  And preparing meals for consumption...” Tech trailed off. 
Maker, I am rambling He cringed. 
“Sounds cozy.” Phee teased. 
Tech silently analyzed Phee’s words.  Cozy?  Peculiar thing to remark.  I am NOT cozy with Mad... 
Phee stood patiently and watched his brain work it out 
Tech’s eyes widened as he made a realization. 
“I should be clear.” Tech raised an index finger to accentuate his point. “HUNTER is Mad’s boyfriend.” 
Phee giggled.  “Just the person to keep Bandana on his toes!” 
“That she certainly does.” Tech smirked. 
Phee leaned in and her voice softened. “Hey...Brown Eyes?”  
“Yes?” Tech answered 
“I missed you.” She smiled. 
“I missed you as well.” Tech beamed. 
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Sil sat in the darkened clinic room alone.  The only light filtered out from the bacta tank where Mad floated silently, sleeping with help of a sedative. 
He refused to leave when Thoomie offered to show him to a room on the barge.  Taavi reassured her Sil would be alright.  Just needed time to spend with his auntie and to sift through his feelings alone.  Uncle Taavi moved a hover stretcher next to the tank for his nephew. 
Sil, now lying upon the stretcher, whispered to his auntie. 
“I feel SO lucky you found me Coruscant.  And thank you for taking me with you and LOVE....glad to have you both as family.  We’ll find them, Mad.  Tiggy too.  These guys are gonna help us.  I can feel it.  Please don’t be so sad.  It will work out...” 
He took a deep breath and exhaled. 
“Then we get away from all this trouble that’s been following everyone.  We find a place to hide out.  LOVE will help you have them babies.  And...maybe...you marry Hunter, huh?  We send out a coded signal.  And, when the rest of our family shows up we have a great big Reunion with a Nomaadi wedding...yeah?  We will all be so happy...” 
Sil wiped a stray tear from his eye and sniffled. 
“We get that ole’ Nomaaddi tattooist to mark Wrecker, Tech, Echo, and Hunter...they can officially be part of the Star People Family.  Auntie I want to LIVE...instead of just trying to SURVIVE.” 
Sil gathered his hearts wish hoping it would come true with The Force. 
“Hey...you awake?” 
Sil turned over to see Echo faintly standing in the darkness by the clinic doorway. 
“Yeah...just talking to her.  She can hear me...us, you know.” Sil spoke wistfully. 
“She’s probably very grateful to hear your voice.  Can get pretty lonely in there.” Echo strode over to Sil.  “Hey...Taavi is cooking up his all day, all you can eat breakfast.  Don’t know much about it but sounds promising.  Wanna come eat with us?” 
Sil exhaled wearily “Not very hungry...sorry.  Just want to be alone...with my auntie.” 
Echo’s heart went out to Sil  “No worries.  I’ll bring you something later...ok?” 
Sil nodded. 
Echo headed for the door, then turned with conviction. 
“We’ll find LOVE and Tiggy.  Somehow.  Some way.  Promise.” 
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Wrecker emerged from the refresher clean and wearing a fresh change of clothes. 
“Ahhh...good to be in a decent sized shower for once.”  He flopped down on the king-sized comfy bed and eyed Omega sitting on the other one across from him.  “You’re turn.” 
She sighed and snuggled deeper into the pillows. 
“Go get cleaned up, ya smell like musty Bantha Butt!” 
“No I don’t.” 
“Yeah...you do.  If I can smell it, you definitely stink.” Wrecker rolled over and propped himself up with a pillow.  “Besides, you don’t want to gross out Hunter when he’s tryin’ to eat, do ya?” 
Omega perked up slightly “He’ll be eating with us?” 
“Yep.  We’re gonna wheel that hover stretcher right up to the table.  No reason for him to be eatin’ alone.” 
“Is Mad going to be alright?  How are we going to find LOVE and Tiggy.” Omega looked so sad.  It broke Wrecker’s heart. 
“Yes to the first question.  Uncle Taavi told me so.  I believe ‘em.”  Wrecker winked.  The second question...”  Wrecker struggled to answer in a way that would give Omega some hope.  “I...don’t know.  But Echo is trying to figure it out.  If anyone can find ‘em, Echo can...” 
“I miss them...and I’m scared they aren’t safe.” Omega whispered. 
“Me too, Omega.”  Wrecker agreed.  “But we can’t do anything about it right now...on an empty stomach.”  He tried to put on a silly face to hide is concern. 
Omega looked skeptical. 
“C’mon...get in the refresher.”  Wrecker negotiated.  “Sooner you clean up, sooner we go eat with Echo and find out if he has any leads.” 
Omega dragged herself off the bed and slowly made her way to the refresher.
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“What is Thoomie’s  story” Tech inquired 
The Batchers and Uncle Taavi sat comfortably at a large booth.  Echo had wheeled Hunter into the cafeteria on a hoverchair.  He was healing quickly with a bacta wrap over the sutured area, but still advised to stay off his feet for another standard day.  Echo parked the chair at the table so Hunter could eat with the group. 
A HUGE spread of breakfast food, served all hours during one rotation, sat in front of them.  Omega, Hunter, Echo, Tech, and Wrecker heartily filled their bellies while conversing with Mad’s Nomaadi Uncle. 
At the opposite end of the cafeteria in the game room section a menagerie of droids loudly and happily cavorted with several Tooka kitties. 
“Little Thoo?”  Uncle Taavi flamboyantly waved his hand smiling.  “Well... found her!” 
“A street urchin on some Outer Rim planet, huh?”  Hunter probed, sipping his Meilroon juice. 
Taavi calmly shook his head “Nah, on the bottoms of Coruscant...in a DUMPSTER.” 
Hunter dramatically spit his drink out onto the table.  “Eh...apologies.” He sputtered. 
Omega, ever ready to help her brother, stepped in “It’s ok, Hunter.  I’ve got it.” 
Taavi didn’t miss a beat and tossed a handful of napkins onto the mess and kept speaking.  He gesticulated animatedly no matter whatever the topic of conversation. 
“Yeah...so I got tip about a buncha slightly used but primo ship parts being tossed out for garbage pickup.  Just picked up and hoofed it down there right away.  I ain’t one to let somethin’ valuable go to waste!” 
Echo and Tech were transfixed, caf cups raised, watching this man so casually speak about something so...personal.  Hunter refilled his glass with juice.  Wrecker listened intently while shoveling food in his mouth like it might get away.  Omega absent mindedly wiped the table slowly with the napkins while watching Taavi tell his story. 
“Landed, hiked into the bottoms, found the right location, then hopped right into that dumpster and went to diggin’ through all the stuff people don’t want no more of.  Shit...” Taavi threw his head back and laughed “ALL the stuff the rich up at the top of Coruscant just casually throw out ‘cause they got that money to burn.”   
Taavi other hand shot out and rubbed his fingers together.  “LOTS of ‘garbage’ they would call it...the good stuff.  The people at The Bottoms don’t have nothin’ much ta part with.  They keep as much as they got...which is pretty little.” 
Omega kept slowly, absentmindedly wiping the table.  Hunter sipped his juice.  Wrecker shoveling in food.  Tech and Echo sitting motionless...still haven’t sipped their caf YET! 
Taavi still gesticulating, as if conjuring the story with his hands.  “THEN I hear a noise.  Well...my nosy self thinks it some Tooka diggin’ in that dumpster for some food.  ‘Dem poor little kitteh’s start explorin’ around in there, and then the garbage just caves in on ‘em...and they can’t get out.”  Taavi was intense during this part.  REALLY committed to giving every Batcher at that table a glimpse of how terrified Taavi felt about it. 
“So’s, I dig down and find this backpack...in more than middlin’ condition I might add.  Open it up...like YOU do...” 
The amazement of what must have been on Taavi’s face at the time of the story shone brightly. 
“...and... there SHE was!  This sweet little baby, struggling to breathe, BARELY alive...NO LARGER THAN MY HANDS...” 
Taavi holds out both of his calloused hands.  A poor workman’s hands with starship grease in the worn creases and under his fingernails. 
His face then turned pensive.  “And I think to myself...WHO DOES THAT???” 
The Batchers sat transfixed...stunned. 
“So’s, I took that backpack with that perfect little girlie home with me.  Told myself ‘Taavi, you done found a little gift right in that there dumpster.” 
Omega wiping, wiping.  Hunter sipping.  Wrecker eating.  Echo and Tech motionless. 
Taavi leaned across the table at them, raising his voice “AND SHE WAS BLUE!  BLUE I TELL YA!!!”  Strugglin’ for breath but holdin’ on like a real trooper.  That ship parts tip...that right there was a SIGN!”  Taavi’s index finger stabbed down RIGHT on top of the moist napkins Omega was using to wipe the table.  
Omega stops wiping.  Then Taavi stabs his finger down repeatedly with every other word to DRIVE HOME HIS POINT. 
“The FORCE wanted me to find that little dumplin’ and take care of her!"
Taavi finally takes his hand away from the table, gesturing randomly towards the doorway, where in the heart of the ship Thoomie was treating another client who had arrived needing rudimentary medical attention. 
“You all have seen her now. Happy and healthy as a lee Romay clam!” Taavi smiles tenderly, a glimmer of tears glaze his eyes.  Eyes of love and gratitude for his girl. 
Hunter sees Taavi’s eyes and suddenly struggles to hold back his own glimmer of tears.  Omega gave up on the napkins and picks up her Star Cake.  Echo sits still like a Dugardugar in the Marauder’s headlights.  Wrecker chews... 
Tech... lump in his very composed, logical throat slides his plate of Bantha Bacon and Star Cakes slowly over to Wrecker...who silently takes the plate.  “Apologies...I am NO longer famished...” 
Taavi realizes the impact his story has on the group.  He empathizes with them.  Shared quite a bit just the first day of meeting.  But he felt a closeness with them.  And... Mad doesn’t just make friends with ANYONE...well a particular one was a mistake, but that’s just ONE.  She’s discerning...or she wouldn’t be alive.  The Force whispered to him that The Batchers are discerningly loyal and trustworthy.  Two things worth mineral backing credits to the Nomaadi. 
“Oh, PAL, it’s all A-okay!  My Little Thoo is doin’ GREAT!!!  Don’t let ole’ Uncle Taavi’s story get to ya.”  Taav’s head snaps down to the empty caf carafe on the table.  “Oh GEEZ, what kinda host am I?  Let me get ya a refill!” 
He pops up from the booth and scurries over to the Bar’ge ‘N Go counter for a fresh pot.  The Tooka kittens mob him and he cheerfully ladles eggs and meat from a pan into several bowls.  They mill around happily as he sets the bowls onto the floor. Then belly laughs in pure joy while they fall over one another to get to the food. 
The Batchers sit with everything Taavi said for a while.   
Hunter finally breaks the silence “SOMEONE PUT THEIR CHILD IN A DUMPSTER???” His face is grief stricken. 
Echo mused quietly.  “Makes our childhood look almost like an amusement park ride.” 
Wrecker had NOTHING to say.  He silently enjoyed the contents of Tech’s plate...spacing out...clinging onto the flavors and textures in his mouth, along with the present-day image of a very small, yet healthy and happy teen.  The food helped to push the image of a tiny baby barely clinging to life...barely old enough to cling to any HOPE of salvation from their situation out of his mind... 
Omega takes a bite of her Star Cake, sadly remembering all the very young clones the Kaminoan’s euthanized when they didn’t meet up with their exacting expectations...names and numbers the 99’s had never knew briefly existed... 
Tech could only make a VERY true, yet sad statement.  “WE were CONSIDERED valuable...” He stared into the bottom of his caf cup.  “Apparently...there are many MORE in the galaxy who fail to reach even close to that arbitrary standard...” 
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Please let me know if you wanted to be added to my taglist or removed! Thanks so much for your support!!!
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techs-goggles9902 · 1 year ago
Sha’s Masterlist ✨
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Hi, you can call me Sha or Ge’tal. I’m a fan girl, writer, and artist (sometimes). I’m a book nerd! I’m on Instagram ( knee_s0cks1409 ) TikTok ( techs_goggles99 ) , and I make shuffles on Pinterest ( techs_goggles99 ) ! My general tag is Sha Speaks and my art tag is Sha’s art
Fandoms include: The Band Ghost, Star Wars Prequels (TCW and TBB included) & Republic Commando, DC, Arctic Monkeys, (anime account is @kacchans-gauntlet ), The Hunger Games, the Outsiders, and Wild Kratts.
Rules for requests: no clone/clone, rexwalker, rexsoka, spicy stuff, or obikin, or Krattcest, or minor/adult. I will write my oc stories, and if you request it I’ll write your oc into canon typical situations or requested setting.
Send in an ask or dm me if you want to join/leave the tag list!
✉️ = request
⚠️ = possible trigger warning (blood or something)
My longer fics:
Two Souls Entwined
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (ongoing, unknown number of chapters)
Summary: Niva Veen (oc) x Captain Rex
Clone Heaven ✉️
Clone Heaven (Fives and Fox meet in clone Heaven)
Clone Heaven (Kix and 501st reunion) UPCOMING
TBB Modern AU
Summary: TBB in a modern setting.
One Time Things: (maybe)
Fi’s on leave (RC 8015 x gender neutral reader) ✉️
Tech, I don’t fit in (Tech x f!reader plantonic, Raven Skirata cameo) ✉️
I Like You (Rex x medic female reader) ✉️
Why Did You Wait For Me? (Crosshair x female reader) ✉️
Mr. Echolocation (Echo x gender neutral reader) ✉️
CX-2 is all that remains (Tech lives) ✉️
TBB Reacts to Ghost (My interpretation of how Clone Force 99 would react to their s/o listening to Ghost) ✉️
More than sniffles (Hunter x gn reader - who’s sick) ✉️
My art:
Death Troopers Helmet ⚠️
TBB Echo
Cody kicking a clanker
Obi-Wan fell asleep (Codywan)
Brainrot Hunter
@/dangracoon’s oc Jaine Vale x Crosshair
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woahwierdly · 1 year ago
I’ve feeling about making a fanfiction about a woman getting thrown into the hobbit trying to find her husband but also since it’s been so long maybe finding a new love? Let me know what you think!
I don’t own the hobbit this is merely fanfiction!
Thorin x OC
Emily fell into this world and her husband from her world fell in with her from what she thought, but she hasn’t been able to find him. See Emily had just married her best friend Mark but as they hiking up a mountain for a date they both fell into a cavern and it was lights out. When Emily awoke she was alone in a green field with small homes around her. The sun was high and it was the most beautiful place she’d even seen. Emily was wearing dark black jeans with combat boots, a burgundy hoodie, a thin rain jacket and a baseball cap. She had her old phone but that only lasted a day with her battery dying and she had her wallet with some photos of her family. She wondered for a bit before she found a green door. When she knocked on the door a little man name Bilbo Baggins opened the door. To say she was shocked was an understatement. She quickly realized she was in one of her favorite books. And as much fan-fiction as she read she thought she was going to save the line of Durin but…. Bilbo had just turned 57…. Meaning she had three years before the quest even started! Plus the fact she wanted to try to find Mark so she wouldn’t do it alone! But she had no means of travel, money or anything when she landed in the Shire besides the clothes on her back.
Her and Bilbo quickly made friends and he offered a room in BagEnd so she could get a footing. Within those three years she was gifted quite a nice bow set from Bilbo from Bree because she said she was an expert hunter which she was! Back in her world she often went hunting with her father or husband! She helped provide meat and get rid of a pack of wolves from BagEnd! Emily was quite helpful within the Hobbiton community. And it helped her make money for traveling or clothes. She first got five pairs of blue, a couple white cotton shirts, new boots, a traveling pack, arrows, a cloak with a hood made rain resistant. Now even though Emily and Bilbo were friends she kept her secret, never telling him her knowledge of what has yet to come, she wanted to meet with Gandalf and find her husband to return home…. If her husband is even in Middle Earth. She always wondered if Mark was here, alive or thought about her…. But she didn’t know.
All she knew was today was the day. It was Bilbos 60th birthday! Meaning Gandalf should be by today to inquisit some ideas to Bilbo.
She chuckled to herself not believing she been able to witness this world for three years, it went by so fast and now it’s almost time. Her arms ached with the want of going home and her head felt light. She was ready. As she was gathering rabbits for a stew Bilbo wanted she thought maybe I should have gotten more…for the company but she decided against it. This has to happened naturally well until Gandalf tells her to do soemthing.
It was afternoon by the time Emily left to go hunting and now it was dark, she should be able to see the mark and hopefully hear everyone’s voices or make it just after Balin.
She made her way through the quiet Hobbit town looking around she felt sad, she made a small but comfort life here. Made friends and helped more than she could have imagined. To be getting ready to leave left a small hole in her heart. Putting up her gloved finger to her eye Emily wiped off a small tear that threatened to fall. Chuckling to herself she couldn’t believe how attached she got. As she got closer to BagEnd she could hear Bilbo berating the pack of dwarves for pillaging the pantry.
Breathing in a deep of air, Emily had her hand on the door handle ready to start, and go back to her home. The door opened and the soft glow of lanterns lit the room and onto her face.
This is it. The adventure. The hope. Emily was ready. She would not fail saving the love of Durin, finding her husband and going home.
well??? Leave a review please! More chapter to come! I want it to be a slow burn? Hmmm have decided!::)
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apocalyp-tech-a · 1 year ago
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An Unusual Alliance excerpt:
“Do you see them?” Tech asked.
“Yes. There are two different ones that we did not see before, cybernetic enhancements.”
“Yes, Haxion Brood syndicate, but the female Rodian we saw last time seems to be closing in on us first.”  Tech ushered Layna down the main road, walking the traffic side with his hand behind her back.
Layna threw her head back in laughter so she could peak behind them. “She has her weapon drawn, she is hurrying toward us.”
Tech now grabbed Layna's arm and pulled her down a side street and they broke in to a run. A blaster shot sparked against the wall where they had just hurried past. Tech unholstered his blaster and shot behind them, motioning to Layna to take the lead ahead of him.  The blue toned Rodian ducked behind a garbage drum, but was soon on their trail again. At the end of the alley between the buildings, Layna stopped.  A small metal ball hovered slowly in midair and spun to a stop, its tiny red lights blinking very quickly signaling that it was about to go off before Tech and Layna could find proper cover.
Tech's protective instincts kicked in and he shielded Layna bodily as an enormous shockwave from the Haxion Brood repulsor grenade knocked them both backwards off their feet. Layna's ears rang as she shook her head, trying to recover from the blast. Tech seemed to do the same, but a little quicker as he was already up and started shooting with one hand as he pulled Layna up by her bicep with the other. A Haxion cyborg appeared at the end of the alleyway with blaster rifle in his half metal half flesh hands, his long black duster swaying around two metal legs. Layna grabbed Tech's other blaster from its holster and started shooting as well, walking backwards, stepping over the Rodian who was behind them and had been knocked unconscious from the repulsor shockwave grenade.
Unlike the Rodian, this bounty hunter was shooting round blue rings at them. Stun bolts. The Haxion Brood syndicate wanted them alive for the larger bounty.
*Imagine my excitement when I heard a Haxion Brood mention in Episode 8 because they play a very small part in my Tech x OC fan fiction An Unusual Alliance as you can see in the excerpt. Here's the link if anyone wants to give it a chance hopefully:
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my-morai · 6 months ago
The final chapter of Look for the Light is complete! But it's not the end of the story... part two, "Search in the Shadows" is in the works!
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dangraccoon · 2 years ago
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 10: Wrong
Original Character x The Bad Batch
Summary: Jaine finds unexpected new relationships blossoming with a few members of the Bad Batch.
Warnings: discussion of trust issues, idiots starting to fall in love, depictions of small amounts of anxiety
Author’s Note: omg I can’t believe y’all are still reading this, 10 episodes in! Thank you all so much for your continued support! I love y’all so much 🥹💛 anyway here we are again with The Boys™! Yeah anyone remember how I said this might turn into a poly!batch fic? Yeah so that’s like for sure happening now. What can I say, I do what the muse tells me to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There will be absolutely NO clonecest. Gross. anywho, enjoy!
Mando’a key:
Cyar’ika = Sweetheart
« Previous Chapter Next Chapter »
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“‘Qoljak’?” Crosshair asked. “That’s where you’re from?”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t be surprised if even Tech didn’t know it existed. It was gone before you guys were even made,” Jaine shrugged sadly.
“How did you escape?”
“It’s fuzzy, it was so many years ago and I think my brain’s blocked a lot out.”
Crosshair sat in silence, taking it all in and watching as Jaine chucked a small rock into the pond. As far as he could tell, she didn’t trust anyone with this- her non-answer to his last question being evidence enough. Would it violate that surprising trust to tell his brothers? Would she hate him if he did? Did they even really need to know?
“Are you…going to tell the others?” he asked slowly, trying to gauge her reaction.
“I don’t know, I’m still pissed at them,” she huffed. “Maybe I’ll tell everyone except for Tech.”
Despite the bitterness of her expression, Crosshair laughed. “That’ll piss him off so bad.”
Jaine, having never really seen this side of Crosshair, grinned just a little even though she was still upset. “Gods, can you even imagine Wrecker trying to keep a secret?”
“He’s terrible at it,” Crosshair agreed.
The pair fell back into silence, less awkwardly now. Jaine threw a few more rocks at the pond, watching the ripples coming from each collision.
“Do you think I should tell them?” she asked quietly.
Crosshair seemed to consider this for a moment, pausing to throw his own rock, sinking it into the direct middle of the pond. “Eh, fuck ‘em. You tell them if you want to.”
Jaine’s shoulders released a tension she didn’t know they’d been holding. She swore she could feel the mood shift, but she must be tired. Still, slowly laid her head against his pauldron, eyes fluttering closed. “Thanks, Cross,” she whispered.
Internally, Crosshair was in full panic mode. She was laying on his shoulder. She trusts him with one of her secrets and to rest against him. He swore his heart was going to beat out of his chest. Could she hear it? Get your shit together, he scolded himself. What’s wrong with you?
Crosshair didn’t move, listening intently to her breathing becoming steadier and steadier until he was certain she’d fallen asleep.
The sun was going down. It was soon going to be dark and the air would chill. They should head back to the Marauder.
“Jaine?” he whispered, tapping her leg lightly. She made no response, physical nor verbal, so he shifted ever so slightly where he sat. Still nothing.
“C’mon, cyar’ika, we need to get back,” he mumbled. When she still didn’t respond, he heaved a sigh, slipping one arm around her back and one behind her knees, moving to stand up.
He carried her through the forest she’s torn through before, careful not to jostle her too much or make too much noise.
Hunter heard Crosshair coming, nervousness still not at ease, he nearly sprinted to the door of the ship, scanning the tree line for his brother.
It was so quiet, even to Hunter, that he almost missed it, but as Crosshair’s form broke from the trees, he gave a small shushing sound. Hunter’s pulse started to race as he saw his brother carrying Jaine’s limp form in his arms.
He raced to his brother’s side, where he was simply shushed again. Crosshair seemed to be in no hurry as he brought Jaine aboard, carrying her into the tiny medbay where her small cot had been set up in the corner. He placed her gently into the bedding, pulling the blanket over her, before turning back to see the rest of the batch waiting for him at the door.
“What happened?” Hunter asked, calmly, taking a seat at the small table in the galley.
“Nothing,” Crosshair shrugged.
“Did Jaine tell you her planet of origin?” Tech piped up.
Crosshair didn’t respond, opting to instead place a toothpick between his jaws.
“Crosshair?” Tech prompted.
“Why do you care so much?”
Tech flustered a little. “If she has been withholding vital information about her identity, she could be hiding much more.”
“How many times has she saved your ass in the field?” Crosshair retorted, pointing his toothpick for emphasis.
“I fail to see how that’s relevant.”
“You’re telling me that she hasn’t proved herself enough to you to earn the benefit of the doubt? Not to any of you?” Crosshair looked around the group. He was growing more and more irritated, but refused to raise his voice, worried he would wake Jaine.
The batch exchanged a few guilty looks with each other.
“What if she’s from a separatist planet?” Wrecker asked, looking like a kicked tooka.
Crosshair’s heart was hammering and he could feel the heat rising up his neck. He knew Hunter could tell, but he didn’t care. Why were they attacking her? Why couldn’t they understand?
“Crosshair,” Hunter started, his brow furrowed in conflict. “If you know something-”
“I know you all are forgetting how many times in only two months she’s saved our asses, I know you’re all paranoid, and I know that I trust her,” Crosshair spat, turning on his heel to walk back to the medbay.
“Cross,” Hunter called after him, receiving only a rude hand sign thrown over his brother’s shoulder.
Jaine felt groggy. A small feeling- an instinct- prickled at the back of her mind. She jolted up in her bed, quickly scanning the dark room.
“Relax,” Crosshair spoke from his chair at the desk.
“Crosshair?” she hummed.
“Who else would it be?” Crosshair snarked and Jaine could practically hear his smirk.
“What are you doing in here?” she asked, wiping the sleep from her eyes and turning on the small lamp near her bunk.
“You…asked me to stay,” he frowned, squinting at the sudden change of light. “When I came to check on you?”
Jaine searched her brain. She had run off, Crosshair came and found her and then she- oh, gods.
Jaine felt her face become bright red, cursing herself for turning on the light.
“Tell me more about your home,” Crosshair blurted out, surprising both of them. He coughed a little, looking intently anywhere but her. “If you want, you don’t have to, but I want to know more…about you.”
Jaine watched on as the typically stoic sniper’s face fell red, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Oh, um, what do you want to know?” she inquired. “I was just a kid when it fell.”
“Right, sorry, you don’t have to- I mean, I’ll just-” Crosshair stammered, jumping up from his seat, and making his way out of the room. “Goodnight, Jaine.”
“Goodnight,” Jaine replied after he had left the room.
Tech paced anxiously outside of the medbay. The others had long since gone to bed,and he had tried, but he simply couldn’t sleep.
Crosshair trusted her. Crosshair, his most standoffish brother, the one who was the most skeptical about everything, trusted her.
Unlikely as he might have felt it was, Tech felt he may have misjudged her character. He felt like a fool. Crosshair was right, Jaine had given no reason for his mistrust, even going beyond that he could see now that she obviously cared deeply for all of them. He slowly came to the realization that he felt like a fool because he was a fool.
It was difficult for him to admit that someone else was correct or that he didn’t know something, and to be fair, it wasn’t a problem that occurred often, yet here he was, pacing outside of her door, searching for a way to confess that he had acted out of paranoia and fear and that, while he had given her no reason to, he hoped she could forgive him.
He was deeply lost in thought, so much so that when Jaine’s door slid open, it startled him.
“Tech? What are you doing up at this hour?” she asked sleepily. “Are you okay?”
Against his will, Tech’s eyes raked over her form. Dressed in a short pair of sleep shorts and one of Wrecker’s torn black tops, her hair was mussed just a little, and not pulled up in the small tuft it usually was. She blinked at him, eyebrows drawn in concern, and Tech realized he had been just staring at her for several moments, fascinated with her beauty in the late hours of the night.
“Tech?” she asked again, stepping closer to him. “You don’t look well; why don’t you come in and let me have a look at you?”
Tech blinked at her as though she were speaking a language he didn’t understand, but slowly nodded.
“Here, have a seat,” she said, pulling him by the arm towards the exam table.
He watched as she worked silently in the dim lamp light of the medbay.
She came over with a scanner, quickly reading his vital signs. She hummed a little at the results before returning the scanner to its place in a drawer.
“Pulse is a little high,” she informed him. “Did you get into the caf to stay up working again? When was the last time you got any sleep?”
Tech’s brows pulled together, his brain working frustratingly slow. Caf? No, he hadn’t had any today. Or since the last time she looked him over- when she’d asked him to cut down on his usual 5 cups and get some actual rest.
He shook his head a little, still not finding the ability to speak. He was worried that if he did, everything could come spilling out. The admission that he was wrong was something that made him feel quite vulnerable, and he was worried what else could come out of his mouth without his permission.
She smiled a little at the man before her, trying not to show her confusion over his lack of speech, but went to work, taking down her mortar and pestle as well as several ingredients from the cabinets. She could hear his heel tapping lightly against the floor as his knee bounced behind her.
“This is dried valerian root,” she explained softly. “I’m going to mix it together with passion flower and chamomile leaves to make you some tea to help you sleep.”
He watched her adding ingredients, grinding them together, smelling the mixture to add more as needed. She hummed a similar tune to the one she had when she had calmed Hunter’s migraine. He found this to be somewhat entrancing. The way her voice lilted softly and the way her body moved so comfortably, so fluidly, as she worked in the middle of the night, just to help him. She was doing this in spite of how he had treated her.
Jaine poured the tea mixture into a small electric kettle, filling it with water and turning it on.
“You seem tense,” she breathed, leaning against the counter as she waited for the tea to brew. She watched him carefully as his eyes shot up to her face from the floor.
“Why are you being so kind to me?” he whispered, feeling his cheeks heat ever so slightly.
Her head tilted a little as a small smile played at her lips. “You seemed like you were trying to ask for my help, so I’m providing it.”
He sat there for a long time, taking in the simplicity of her answer as she poured the tea into a mug, stirring in a small amount of honey.
“I think I know what’s going on in that brain of yours,” she said, handing him the mug. “Careful, it’s hot.”
Tech accepted the tea with a nod, blowing softly over the top of it.
“It’s okay,” she began, sitting next to him. “I don't blame you for not trusting me. With the war, it’s hard to trust new people. I get the same way. I only trusted you all so easily because Cody and Rex recommended this squad so highly.”
Tech sipped at the tea, enjoying the sweet woodsy-floral taste as his mind wandered back to the day before they had met Jaine. Cody’s cool demeanor and barely veiled threats about treating her well. He’d done a great job of that.
“And my childhood- well, let’s just say I have some problems when it comes to trusting people I don’t know,” she smiled lightly.
He nodded a little, he could feel the effects of the tea started to calm his ever-fraying nerves and relax his busy mind.
“I’m sorry I got so upset,” she said, the corners of her mouth pulling downward. “I feel so close to all of you that to walk into a conversation that was about myself, it threw me off. Talking with Crosshair helped, but I was mostly just worried that I’d upset you by not answering your questions.”
She looked back up at him, placing a light hand on his knee. “You gave me the opportunity to talk to you and I dismissed it out of hand. That was horrible of me, and I promise that going forward, I’ll make an effort to communicate more effectively with you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
The question broke free from his slowly relaxing mind and flew out of his mouth. Jaine’s eyes were wide as she scanned his face.
“Ap-apologies,” Tech stammered, nearly jumping up from his seat and away from her. “I believe the concoction you’ve given me has lowered my typical level of brain activity, causing me to say something inappropriate.”
“Tech, it’s-”
“Thank you for your assistance with my restlessness. I will take my leave. Good evening, Lieutenant,” Tech spoke rapidly, turning sharply on his heel and making his way from the medbay, cursing himself the whole way to his bunk.
Jaine was left to sit there, staring at the door through which he’d left so abruptly, jaw opening and closing slightly as though she were going to speak, though nothing came.
She drank the remaining tea and fell into a deep slumber.
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