xaranotfound · 1 month
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i hate this sfm but i've wasted too much time on this
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i like sketch more tbh
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weepingscope · 3 days
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look at these p3 themed enemy designs from the brain damaged art book lmaoooooo
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w3ird0s-0rgans · 4 months
Greatest video of all time Part 2
this is the coolest picture I've ever taken I think
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bat-bytes-back · 2 months
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I found this cunty ass coat on pinterest and was like "this is like pbd dude if he was cunty" so I made this
I was gonna render this but then I realised that means having to render all those stars with it and I nono wanna do that...
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scoutsurge · 1 month
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I need someone to throw rocks at me I can NOT be getting excited over this guy... ( I love this stank ass rat of a man )
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aworldforastage · 2 months
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My Stand In (2024), Episode 12
Having died once, he has become uncertain and overly cautious in everything that he does. He is always thinking about how to keep himself safe, how to keep his current life stable, so he wouldn't fall into the same kind of predicament as in he did the previous life, so he wouldn't make the same mistakes, but he has forgotten to ask what his heart truly desires. If he can cast aside all his worries, he can't really lie to himself; he has always, always wanted to have some kind of resolution with Yan Mingxiu. It had been his most fervent wish that remains unchanged even now. Because this wish never came true, it has become his greatest regret from his previous life. Yan Mingxiu holds him tightly. Zhou Xiang can feel hot tears soaking through his clothes and scalding his shoulders. He finally loses control, and he reaches out to hold Yan Mingxiu. He still remembers what it feels like to hold Yan Mingxiu, and as always, it makes his heart stir, makes him restless, makes him want to hold on tight and never let go. 死过一回,他变得做什么事都瞻前顾后,谨小慎微,他一直想着怎样才能确保自己的安全,怎样才能安稳地经营他现在的生活,不至于再陷入上辈子那样的困境,不至于重蹈前世的覆辙,可他忘了问自己的心究竟在渴望什么。如果抛开一切顾虑,他其实没办法骗自己,他一直、一直都希望他和晏明修能有一个结果,这是他以前最强烈的愿望,直到现在都无法改变,因为这个愿望从来没有实现过,是他上辈子最大的遗憾。 晏明修紧紧抱着他,周翔能感觉到滚烫的泪水浸透他的衣服,灼烫他的肩头,他再也克制不住,伸手抱住了晏明修。他还记得拥抱晏明修的感觉,原来一如既往地让他心动、让他忐忑,让他抱紧了就不想撒手。
Professional Body Double, Chapter 108 职业替身,第108章
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p0stalguy · 3 months
Did an old coloring technique might not use it again
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moronofsteel · 5 months
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personal p:bd au where it's me and frank cuz i've been told that i have brain damage by several doctors and clinics i love frank he's my intrusive thoughts but buff
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saskiasabri · 2 years
can I hug bosskur daud pretty pleaaaase
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he's a tiny bit flustered
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exodusx · 7 months
Why I can’t remember happy memories of my childhood?
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nor3gertz · 1 month
This song kinda fits other dude's pov @ pbd
Idk maybe im just projecting my music taste to yall
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oti0se · 5 months
How do y’all relax? because my body is always tense and I don’t think I’ve ever taken a proper breath in my life 🥲
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w3ird0s-0rgans · 2 months
At the laundry mat and they look like bugs when you lift up a rock
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bat-bytes-back · 9 months
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yeah, idk either. Just roll with it
og image under cut
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I love finding stupid hamilton cast images !!!!
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napalm-liker · 2 years
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BRAIN DAMAGED! 06.09.2022
vers. without effects
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aworldforastage · 3 months
quick reading/watching recap of my faves from May/June 2024
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(Audiodrama cover for Professional Body Double, and audiobook covers for Nivarna in Fire and Bu Tiang Gang)
This post will talk about:
My Stand In (2024 Thai Drama)
职业替身/"Professional Body Double" by Shui Qian Cheng
琅琊榜/"Nirvana In Fire" by Hai Yan
步天纲/"Bu Tian Gang" by Meng Xi Shi
心上人来看我的坟头草/ "My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave" by Chang Yan
唐案无名 by 远宁
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My Stand In (2024 Thai Drama from IQIYI)
Thai adaption of Professional Body Double by Shui Qian Cheng
Progress: 11/12 episodes
Personal rating: 8/10 -- recommend, but be warned parts of the show (and the gifs in its tumblr tag) are NSFW
The actors are fantastic and overall the show is just really well-done imo. My main complaints are removing the political aspects of Ming's family background, and making P'Wut notably older than Joe; it really changes the context of what the two main character are like socially before their relationship. But I also love some of the changes, like the back and forth between Joe and Ming in their final confrontation before the accident, and the funeral + crematorium sequence, which is so brutal and effective I'm not even mad they trimmed down one of most iconic scenes in the novel to make room for it in the episode.
Although WTF EP11??? You put the wrong person in the ICU!
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职业替身/Professional Body Double by 水千丞
Modern romance, scum gong crematorium (188 Boys Club)
Progress: complete/reread
Personal rating: 8/10 -- guilty pleasure personal fave in the genre
I have been going through this novel with a fine comb after I got into the Thai drama adaptation. Is this a healthy wholesome relationship? No. But it is living in my head rent-free because there's something so raw about seeing Zhou Xiang's love for Yan Mingxiu, with all its flaws and hopes and vulnerability, finally blossoming into this devoted and loyal relationship that he has wanted his entire life. Anything for you, Xiang-ge.
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琅琊榜/Nirvana In Fire by 海宴
Historical political intrigue, not Danmei/No CP
Progress: ~95%
Personal rating: 8/10
The source material behind one of the most beloved CDrama of the last decade, or, a compendium of parties ruined by the most epic quest for revenge. I think the drama is better at showing the action and political schemes that the protagonist doesn't participate in personally (which is most of them) but the characters have more depth and richness in the novel. I love Yan Yujin and Xia Dong so much more now!
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步天纲/Bu Tian Gang by 梦溪石
Modern urban fantasy
Progess: ~30%
Personal rating: 7/10 -- generally good but ...
Protagonist joins the Department of Exorcism because its leader is a really hot guy with a sword (which is, you know, fair). I really like the action-focused plot about fighting demons in the modern world, but it can feel a bit jingoistic at times. The protagonist is a bit of a Mary Sue who is simply talented, handsome, likeable and has no substantial flaws, but it hasn't really gotten in the way of making the plot entertaining (so far).
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心上人来看我的坟头草/ My Love Comes to See the Grass on my Grave by 长烟
Historical political intrigue, but actually a crack comedy
Progress: ~40%
Personal rating: 7/10
The protagonist is on a secret mission to avenge his wrongfully-executed family. The main love interest is the Crown Prince trying to take back his kingdom. They share the same enemies, which are the traitors at court who are colluding with foreigners for political gain. But despite that premise, the the novel is actually a crack comedy that's hilarious to read.
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唐案无名 by 远宁
Roughly translated: "The Nameless Cases from the Tang Dynasty"
Historical mystery/procedural, no CP/ not danmei
Progress: complete (all four volumes expect for like two cases, and it took me around 8 months)
Personal rating: 7/10
The protagonist is a genius detective, who starts out as a local official and works on a series of independent cases. The protagonist dislikes the backstabbing in elite politics, and I really like that he actually commits to staying out of it. He never even meets the emperor even though he is solving important cases in the Capital! However, it is a bit episodic, and ... do we really need to have that many cases about the revenge of women scorned?
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