#p.s. out of town and once again still trying to catch up with asks so hang in there with me y'all! lots of love <333
mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
On a less depressing note, the cast and crew's various behind the scene stuff makes Owen look like a cryptic that they sometimes manage to catch on film?? Half of those are like "oh look, Tom is attracting his attention. Quick, snap a shot!" and half is like "we took a group photo and this blurry smiling shape in the background proves that Owen Wilson is real".
Anon bless you for giving me anything at all to think about besides the Shakespearean tragedy that is the Lokius romance during this trying time 😂💖
Honestly you might have some powers of your own since normally you'd be spot on about Owen lowkey being a beautiful fever dream of talent that bikes onto set to enhance everything and everyone in his path but that behind the scenes pic Ke Huy Quan dropped today is possibly the cutest and most importantly clearest proof we have that OCW's oh so very real lmao, talk about timing 🥰
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vilevenom · 4 months
hurt comfort for fem branch please 😭
I hc her as autistic so maybe male poppy reassuring her
Ik u don't really care ABT the genders, but I'm heavy projecting on branch cause I kin him and I am DYING today
Thank you SO SO SO much for writing it if you decide to
I am SO sorry that you sent this ask around a week ago and I'm only able to give you something now. I also hope I'm not posting this too late for you 😕 (This is the first night on my vacation I've managed to dig my laptop out) I wrote this pretty quick, and I didn't give it a good read over to properly edit it, but I hope you like it, and that you're doing okay ❤️❤️❤️ P.S-I'm not well verse in regards to austism, so I'm not super comfy writing it. I used my own experiences with overstimulation and sensory overload to write this
It had been…a day. An overwhelming, awful day. And it wasn't even close to being over yet.
Branch had woken up feeling like today wasn't necessarily going to be a bad day, but she knew it wasn't necessarily going to be a good day, either. Of course, that had been before she'd even gotten out of bed. Once she'd pushed herself up and threw her legs over the side, she'd near instantly knew the day was going to be a struggle. The floor was too cold under her feet, none of her clothes felt like they fit on her body quite right, every light was either too bright or too dark, and none of the food in her bunker was appetizing.
Things only got worse when Poppy showed up to drag her out for the morning music routine. She'd gone, of course. She couldn't let Poppy down. However, stepping outside had proven to be the worst decision she'd made yet. The sun was far too bright, and everyone in the village was so loud. And there were just so many trolls participating in the music number, it made her feel like she was in a teeny, tiny room, instead of out doors.
Thankfully, once the song was done and over with, she managed to sneak away quickly to catch her breath and recenter herself somewhat, before Poppy found her once again. She was invited to breakfast with the Snack Pack, which she felt obligated to accept, despite her negligible appetite. She thought, perhaps, she could get away with picking at a muffin while sitting next to Poppy so the King of Pop could direct and hold conversation without needing much, if any, input from her. Unfortunately, that was not to be the case, as Poppy kept prompting Branch to speak. It was exhausting.
Finally, once breakfast was over Branch thought she was at last free and clear. She bid farewell to the snack pack and tried to sneak away, but Poppy wasn't having any of it. He appeared in front of Branch just as she thought she had made it to safety.
"CUPCAKES! Poppy," Branch wheezed, patting at her chest as her heart felt like it was trying to escape her chest. To say that the surprise had also caused her irritation and irritability to spike was also an understatement. She scowled without thought at the pink troll, a low growl escaping her. "What is it?!"
Poppy looked distraught at Branch's anger, shrinking in on himself a little. "Sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me while I go take care of some errands around the village before lunch with Nova Swift to talk about an upcoming fashion show."|
Branch immediately deflated at Poppy's apology, though she still felt like she might explode if prodded just the wrong way. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap," she sighed, rubbing at her forehead, "You know I would normally love to join you around town, but today I just-" She groaned and waved her hands through the air. "I don't know how to describe it. Today everything just feels like too much. I don't think I can handle any more…anyone."
Poppy blinked, obviously a bit surprised by Branch's response. Which was to be expected, really. What troll didn't like to socialize and make plans for big events? Branch knew, even after all the work she'd put in to being a better troll, she was still very much an odd one out.
"Oh," Poppy hummed, rubbing his hands together for a moment, before giving a little nod. "Okay."
It was Branch's turn to blink in surprise, not having expected Poppy to take her at face value so easily or quickly. "Wait…really? You're okay if I skip out on today?"
Poppy's face melted into a warm smile, offering a quick nod. "Of course, Branch. You've been doing so much around the village lately, you deserve a day to relax."
"Oh, thank you," Branch felt her shoulders slump as her chin fell to her chest. She heard Poppy chuckle and only jumped slightly when she felt his hand land on her shoulder.
"Of course! You know I just want you to be comfortable and happy."
"Thanks, Poppy," Branch hummed, offering Poppy a strained smile.
"Any time. Now, let's get you back to the bunker," Poppy said as he moved behind Branch to gently take her by the shoulders and direct her towards her bunker.
Everything seemed like it was going relatively well after that, and Branch shuffled towards her bunker with Poppy following shortly behind. That was, of course, until a random troll suddenly jumped from the bushes in front of them screaming about an impromptu dance party. Branch bristled as Poppy froze behind her and music erupted from every direction, while trolls hurried into the area to start dancing and singing along to the music.
Branch felt like her head was going to explode, quickly lifting her hands to her ears to try and block out some of the sound. She squeezed her eyes shut, a quiet whimper leaving her even as he breathing began to quicken, along with her heart beat. The world felt like it was closing in around her as she curled in on herself, crouching down and just barely resisting the urge to wrap herself protectively in her hair.
It took a solid minute for Branch to register hands on her shoulders again, let alone the fact that someone was even talking to her. She blinked a few times, feeling like she was clearing her vision of static until she could see Poppy crouched in front of her.
"There you are! C'mon, Branch. I'm going to get you out of here," Poppy said over the din of the other trolls in the area partying.
Branch simply nodded, watching in mild confusion as Poppy turned and gestured towards his back. "Up you get, come on," Poppy urged, finally making Branch realize that the King was offering her a piggy back ride. Sluggishly she moved, struggling to get her limbs to cooperate.
Once Branch was settled over Poppy's back with her face buried in bright pink hair, the King began to move quickly through the crowd, easily and effectively dodging around anyone that tried to get him to dance. Somehow, he managed to get away from the spontaneous party and got Branch back to the bunker. He didn't let her down, however, until the two were down the elevator and in Branch's living room. Carefully, he deposited her on her couch, quickly whisking away to fetch a glass of water, pressing it into her slightly shaky hands when he returned to her.
"You okay?"
Branch shook her head, feeling like her voice was stuck in her throat, unable to verbally respond.
"Okay. What would you like to help make you feel better?"
A quiet whine escaped Branch, her shoulders shifting up to her ears, eyes downcast, wishing she could force her voice to work, but nothing was forthcoming. She would love nothing more than to respond to Poppy, who was being so kind and caring, only to receive silence back.
After a beat Poppy snapped his fingers, causing Branch to jump and stare at him with wide eyes. "Oops," he laughed awkwardly, "Sorry. But, uh, how about we stick to yes or no questions? That way you can just nod or shake your head?"
Branch perked up and gave a little nod, a wobbly little smile making its way onto her face.
"Okay, perfect! Would you like a blanket?"
Branch thought for a moment, before giving a short nod. Poppy grinned and was off like a shot, returning not a minute later to carefully drape a thick, cozy blanket around Branch's shoulders. It took her a moment to recognize it was one of her favorites to snuggle up with. Poppy must have noticed one of the times he was over to hang out.
"All right! Now, you've got water already. And it's nice and quiet down here. Would you like company? And by company, I do just mean me," Poppy said with a little grin. Branch let out a near silent laugh, before nodding slightly, thought she frowned after a beat, opening her mouth, only to snap it shut again a moment later with a little look of concern on her face.
Poppy frowned, only to chuckled and move to sit next to Branch on the couch. "Oh, don't worry about the village. I'm sure they'll be fine without me."
Branch let out a breath, humming quietly with a nod, forever grateful that somehow Poppy could read her like an open book. She took a few tentative sips of her water before setting the glass aside, then turned a mild look of trepidation towards Poppy. It lasted for only a moment before she let out a huff of breath, a mild scowl of determination settling itself on her face. Poppy offered a lopsided, confused smile as Branch shifted around on the couch, tossing half of the blanket over Poppy's shoulders, before curling up next to his side.
"Oh," Poppy breathed, a slow grin working its way across his face, before he settled his arm around Branch's shoulders and tugged her more firmly into his side. "Yeah, you know I'm always good for cuddles," he sighed, resting his cheek against Branch's hair, more than pleased to feel her breathing even out where she was pressed against his side.
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Shield (one-shot)
Synopsis: To the new Captain America she might just be a human shield. But Bucky can see there’s more to it. What he can’t understand is why she stays.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Genre: angst, lil bit of fluff
Warnings: mentions of blood and guns, swearing, torture, low mental state etc.
Word count: 3591
I am going absolutely feral about the fact that a portion of the series takes place in Latvia as I am Latvian :D Just seeing the signs and streets (which are not really ours cause they filmed in Prague, but are similar enough I can envision it), especially because we’re such a small country is amazeballs, so to be in such a huge show with my MCU faves is insane. Had the same kind of reaction to Brooklyn Nine-Nine with Nikolaj and the Captain Latvia episode. Riga hammer for the win :D 
P.S. John Walker is not Captain America cause he does not posses America’s ass. Also Zemo is one hundred percent Bucky’s and Sam’s sugar daddy. I won’t accept any dispute over this.
P.S.S. please also remember - John Walker is a character not a real person. John Walker is played by an actor who is doing his job the same way the actor who played Joffrey did. Do not harass him etc. but rather appreciate the insane talent he has. This place is a Wyatt Russell stan place.
P.S.S.S. Kinda spoilers for the show so if you haven’t seen it, don’t read this.
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He hated him. Bucky genuinely hates him. He never thought he had despised something or someone so much, not even HYDRA, as much as he hated John Walker – the new Captain America. He wanted to scream at that, at the fact that this arrogant asshole was carrying Steve’s shield, the symbol of freedom and everything good, while in reality, he embodied none of what it stood for.
           Walker and what he’d learned his sidekick was Battlestar, had swooped in from a helicopter while Sam and he had been following the Flag-Smasher vehicles, and, well, they hadn’t been a lot of help, which he shouldn’t be too surprised about. But what he had been surprised about was when they’d all been thrown off of the semi-trucks and scattered all around a field, someone else had been in the mix as well. 
A young woman with Y/H/C hair and determined Y/E/C eyes was rushing towards them, screaming for them to stay on the ground. When Bucky looked behind, he could see why given how one of the radicalised people had jumped from the trucks and was barreling at them with an automatic cocked at them
           But it wasn’t Walker who jumped up running past her, shield at the ready to take on the fire. No. He just remained sitting as the stranger kept her pace. She leapt at the two with a grace of a cat, pushing him and Sam back to the ground and immediately got blown back by the received ammunition, gasps leaving her mouth as the bullets entered her body.
           Sam’s wings extended and created a body length shield as Bucky snatched one of the knives strapped to the man’s side and flung it with deadly accuracy into the Flag-Smasher’s neck, dropping him to the ground. 
           There was blood when he looked back. There was so much blood, and once again it was all over Bucky’s hands, and he couldn’t breathe properly, pressing down on her abdomen and shoulder and side, and. oh god, there were too many bullet wounds...
           Two wide Y/E/C eyes stared back up at him, mouth gasping down shallow breaths as he held down on her wounds trying to stop the blood from pouring out. God, there was so much of it.
           “Don’t close your eyes,” he gritted, his body trembling. “Well get you help. You’ll be alright.”
           But then Walker spoke up, and Bucky saw read because of a different reason. “She’s fine, just leave it.”
           His head snapped to see that arrogant bastard cross his arms as he hissed. “Leave it? She’s fucking bleeding out! She took those bullets for you, and you just want to leave it?!”
           Walker just smirked, nudging his chin towards her body. “You’ll see.”
           “You let her use herself as a shield while you did nothing!”
           “Yeah,” he scoffed. “Because that’s her whole point.”
           And that’s when Bucky felt her skin shift underneath his hands. Slowly the blood stopped pouring out, Y/N’s breathing evened, and her eyes closed not because death was calling, but because of relief as the regenerative cells kicked into high gear.
           Bucky gazed in wonder as the wounds closed up, and when only scar tissue remained he snapped his blue eyes to her, Y/E/C ones already staring back at him.
           “Who are you?” he whispered
           “A human shield that’s what,” Walker answered in her stead, but Bucky just sneered.
           “I asked who, not a what. She’s a fucking person.”
           Once more he looked back down and saw a strange look in her eyes. It was as if she was trying to decipher what those words meant, but once the shock from such a huge assault had ended, she gulped down a breath and gave him a crooked smile. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N.”
           A lopsided one came to grace his own face. “I’m James Buchanan Barnes, but you can call me Bucky.”
           “Bucky.” Her eyebrow rose. “Well, it’s very nice to finally meet you.”
           He smiled at her, and not the painful smile he’d given the senator before her arrest, but a real genuine smile, one that made the skin around his eyes crinkle. 
           “And it’s very nice you didn’t decide to die on us.”
           “Yeah, yeah, can we cut this meet and greet shorter?” Walker interrupted them, and if Bucky hadn’t been holding onto Y/N’s shoulder as she tried to rise from the ground, he would’ve punched the guy. 
           “I told you she was going to be fine.”
           Bucky threw him his best murder glare but stopped when he felt Y/N squeeze his hand as if saying ‘don’t bother.' His brows furrowed in confusion. She just shook her head.
           “We should still find you a hospital.” He talked to Y/N directly, ignoring what the new Captain was saying. “It doesn’t matter that you can survive something like that, I’d rather make sure you’re checked out by professionals.
           “It won’t be necessary.” Walker slipped the shield on his arm and nudged his partner to start walking with him, pretty much expecting the rest to follow. “It was her choice anyway to take the hits.”
           “It doesn’t mean she should!” Bucky pretty much hollered, startling even Sam.
           At that, he saw Y/N’s eyes widen and her head snap up to look at him. All the breath got knocked out from Bucky at the emotion in her face. It was like she didn’t believe what he was saying like she didn’t know it was a possibility to not put her own life before someone else’s, that maybe someone is supposed to do it for her, someone could protect her.
           “She absorbs fucking bullets and infuses them in her body.” John mocked. “I’d say it’s a win-win on both sides. Everyone else stays safe, and she gets stronger, right? The whole bleeding thing is a hitch in the system, but our guys say with enough scuffles that should stop as well.”
Walker looked at her. Y/N just gulped, staring back down at the ground between her knees. 
           When he looked back at everything the moment he’d seen Zemo in the cell and the asshole had said something still remained in him from the Winter Soldier, came back to connect with the scene. He’d hated that sentence because Bucky knew it was true. The Soldier would always be a part of him, but that was what therapy was for – to accept it and let go. But in that minute, he wouldn’t have cared one bit if the ruthless assassin came to the surface if it meant snapping Walker’s neck like a stick. 
           He treated the woman as if she was below him, as if Steve’s shield somehow made him better than her, better than anyone, and yet, even when he’d been given the privilege to carry it, he’d rather use a human person, no matter if they had powers, as a shield.
           A soft hand touched his side, and Bucky looked at Y/N, his breathing heavy at Walker’s words. 
           “I’m alright.” Her voice was softer than he thought it would be. Maybe it was because she was trying to stay out of John’s earshot, but even the gentle whisper made something in Bucky’s chest stir. “Thank you,” she said. “For checking up on me.”
           Bucky stiffly nodded, standing up and offering both his hands for her to take, but even with that, it took Sam holding her by the waist to be able to stand. The Falcon had to catch her, in fact, when she took her first steps, an awkward chuckle escaping her mouth. 
           “It’s been a while since a hit like this.”
           Sam quirked a brow and smirked. “You always have a tendency to do stupid shit like that?”
           Y/N’s whole body relaxed as he said so, and a sting went through Bucky’s own. How bad were they treating her if basic kindness and a little bit of joking made her feel so safe?
           Just as he was about to ask her more, to offer to take her with them, Walker spoke up again. That conversation was an absolute disaster, and the fact that Walker thought Sam and him would actually ever consider working with him on this mission was idiotic. 
           It ended with the two Avengers watching how Walker threw an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, making her knees buckle with the weight, her from still regaining strength, but he didn’t care, just dragged her along with him and Battlestar.
           “Are we just gonna let ‘em do that to her?” Bucky sneered, arms crossed watching their retreating forms over the field.
           He felt Sam glower next to him. “There’s not much we can do.”
           He hated that he was right.
           Bucky couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N. One meeting had left him shaken to the core not just about her, but about how there was something deeply off with the new Captain America, that if they didn’t take action something horrible would happen, not just because of his arrogance, but because of some seed he could feel had rooted itself in the other man’s heart.
           But by that point they’d been in Madripoor, had met Sharon who’d been on the run from the US government ever since the dismantlement of the Avengers, and had now followed a lead to where the Flag-Smashers had settled in Latvia.
           Zemo seemed to not only have a billion cars, but a billion apartments scattered around the world, this one being in the heart of the Old Town. 
           Bucky was on the roof looking over the twinkling lights of the city. His bed had been too soft as it always was, and even the floor wasn’t it for him, not a wink of sleep coming his way as his thoughts were flooded by Y/N.
           Well, the sleep part wasn’t true. He had been able to drift off, only to dream of how the woman didn’t get better, didn’t absorb those bullets and had died right in his arms. That’s when he decided he needed a breath of fresh air.
           The sound of shuffling feet made him whip around from the scenic view only to be greeted by a form he’d now recognise in a full-on ski-suit in pitch-black darkness.
           “What are you doing here?” Bucky stood up wanting to stride over and check her for any wounds she might’ve gotten while around Walker. Any new scar on her body would mean the same number of teeth he’d knock from that Walmart-version-Captain-America’s mouth.
           “Came to warn you.” She shrugged, soft winds making her coat flutter. “John and Lemar are resting, but come morning they’ll be on your ass, so you might wanna make a move now.”
           Bucky shook his head. “I don’t get you. You’re nothing like them, I can see that you know how wrong it is, for him to be carrying that shield, that he’s making a mockery out of the name and legacy Steve built, and yet…”
           Y/N hung her head lifting her shoulders, hands in her pockets. “I gotta do what I gotta do.”
           “He’s an asshole,” Bucky hissed. 
           Y/N gave him a painful look. “I know. But I don’t have anywhere to go. Besides… you have your own way of making amends. Well, this is mine.”
           Dark brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
           She let out a painful chuckle, not because of the memories now plaguing her waking thoughts, but because her wounds were still healing, and instantly Bucky came closer and took her hand, running a soothing thumb over her palm. Wounds he was sure were new.
           Y/N froze at his touch, and Bucky was about to pull away when she put her own thumb over his. He had to bite back tears at how tenderly she was looking down at his palm. Like no one had ever comforted her when it hurt. 
           “When the Blip happened,” she started, voice low and quiet. “I watched how my sister and mom disappeared right in front of my eyes. We were driving over the Golden Gate Bridge, and there was a truck before us. It was carrying loads of metal scraps. The driver of the truck got blipped as well.” She swallowed harshly. “I can still feel how the beam went through my shoulder, how it broke the bone and skin, and how I just wanted to disappear like they had just to make the pain stop. But I didn’t. It hurt so bad.” Y/N looked at Bucky, tears running down her face. “It was burning and tearing, and so much pain… and all I could do was scream, but no one heard me because everyone else was screaming, and I was just one of the thousands doing it.”
           Y/N shook her head, and when Bucky leaned closer to wipe away the tears, she sighed at the feeling. “I passed out sometime later. From the pain the… well, everything. And when I woke up, I heard people outside the door, trying to rip it open, I could see red lights flashing, but where I expected that beam to be was nothing. When I looked down at myself there was a hole in my shirt, but instead of a hole in my shoulder, a round scar was the only thing left from that moment.”
           “They took me to the hospital, and when they tried to put an IV in, my body just swallowed up the needle.” She took a shaky breath, and Bucky squeezed her side. ‘Go on’ he tried to convey with the touch. ‘I’m here.’
           “That’s when the tests started. They were fine at first. Blood samples when they managed to get any, saliva and all that good jazz… but then they started poking. And poking turned into slicing which turned into stabbing until I was their personal pincushion, as they tried to see what my body would and wouldn’t take.”
           Y/N was shaking by that point, but not because of the wind that had picked up, but because of anger, of the horror, she’d had to go through. It took everything in Bucky to remain calm and let her continue.
           “Two years they did that. And then one time they went a bit too far. Someone had stolen a vibranium spear from the Dora Milaje.”
           Bucky’s breath got caught in his throat. He wasn’t moving a muscle.
           “They wanted to know if I could absorb the strongest metal on Earth, so slowly…” Her hands went to her front, to the white blouse she was wearing and started popping open the buttons. Bucky was just about to protest when he understood.
           “They pushed the spear too far.” Her finger ran over a rhomb shaped scar right in the centre of her chest. Right over her heart. “Pushed it right through.”
           “How did you survive?” Bucky was appalled, but in awe at the same time. 
            Y/N shook her head. “I didn’t. I died then and there on the table. They took my body and dumped it in some ditch. From my own calculations, it took me about a day to heal. They’d sown in a scalpel in my stomach a few hours before, so I’m assuming it used that as the binding material for the cells.”
“I was so angry.” She looked at him. “At everyone, at myself, that I couldn’t help my family, that I allowed them to just use me like that, I just went off the deep end. I did so many bad things…” A tear slipped down her cheek. “I read about the Winter Soldier, y’know. His whole thing was efficiency, quickness. I – “ She choked on her words. “I wasn’t. I wanted to drag it out. Wanted to find each and every one of the bastards who laid their hands on me and make them suffer as I did.”
           Bucky’s hand settled on her waist as he pulled her closer, feeling her body keen at the motion as she looked for reassurance. “I’m not a good person, Bucky. This.” She motioned with her head to her body. “This is my repentance for what I did.”
           “What he’s doing is not right. What they’re making you do is not right.” Bucky shook his head. “Just because it might not kill you, doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. No one had any right to touch you.”
           “It’s the price I pay for what I did.”
           Y/N nodded. “Eye for an eye. Pain for the pain I caused.”
           Bucky shook his head. “That’s not right.”
           “How else am I supposed to do this?”
           “By getting help yourself first.”
           Y/N’s eyes widened, and Bucky sighed. He understood how impossible that thought seemed, that someone who’s done so much bad could deserve help from others, but he understood her situation better than anyone. “Being here,” he said, “being able to say these things… I can only do that because I got help. It was mandated by the state, but nevertheless…” Both chuckled at that, and Bucky’s heart lightened at the sound, at the genuine sound of joy from her. “But the therapy… I hate to say this, but it helped. It’s not easy. I sometimes detest going to the sessions, and I might be failing them quite miserably right now, especially with rule number two –“
           “What’s rule number two?”
           “Don’t hurt anyone,” Bucky mumbled. “And I’ve broken it quite a lot recently, I know that which will either make me end up behind bars or will add more therapy sessions to the list, but I’m not afraid anymore.”
           Y/N gulped, gazing just as intensely at Bucky as he was at her. “Of what?”
           “Of reaching out.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Of asking for help. Of understanding that I deserve help, and I deserve to receive it.”
           “Yeah, but the thing is I’m not like you.” Y/N looked away from him. “No one forced me to do this, no one brainwashed me. I did everything out of my own volition. Me. No one else. You deserve that help because HYDRA did all those things to you. You are a victim of war. I’m not. All those horrible things I did… I did them. Not some alias of mine.”
           Bucky’s heart hurt at the fact that Y/N couldn’t see she was a victim of her own circumstance, and how now the government was punishing her for it. And that’s when another brick hit him – it was exactly like Isaiah’s situation. Both came from marginalised groups, parts of society where the ones in power have been trying to oppress and control them for as long as he could remember, he just couldn’t see it. He could see Sam’s point of view now. Maybe not as clearly as he should, but he was starting to wipe away the fog.
           “They used you just as much as HYDRA used me.” He asserted, and Y/N’s eyes widened at his sure statement. “Just because a pile of shit has a bowtie on now, doesn’t mean it’s no longer a pile of shit… Come with us.” Bucky’s forehead pressed to hers. “Let’s do this the right way.”
           “It’s mandated by the US government that I stay by John’s side and help him.”
           Bucky smirked at that, nudging his nose against Y/N’s. “Well, it’s a good thing we’re in Latvia then. Besides Captain America has no pull here.”
           She laughed, warm breath slipping over Bucky’s skin, and he had to close his eyes as the thought of her breathless and underneath him invaded his mind. “Unfortunately, this deal stands whether I’m inside the borders of USA or outside.”
           Y/N looked over the skyline to where the country’s national monument stood. A woman, hands up in the air outstretched with three stars in her palms, with words she couldn’t understand when she'd arrived etched on the granite at the bottom. Some local had translated them for her. For the Fatherland and Freedom.
           After the blip and the experiments, she didn’t feel like she had a home. She’d been imprisoned and prodded like some lab bunny to see what her body could do. What her body could be used for.
           Bucky followed her gaze as she kept looking at the statue. Different stars, different saying, but still with the same meaning of what he saw when he looked at the Captain America shield. Freedom. Justice. For the love of their home.
Something deep started to burn in her chest, and even Bucky could feel the shift. 
           A ferocious look appeared in her eyes as she looked at him. “Let’s get that shield.” She wasn’t going to let Walker taint that star, she knew would happen if he had it for much longer.
           They’d had a single meeting beforehand, and during that half-hour, he’d been terrified for more than two-thirds of the time about how Y/N might die in his arms, die because she’d taken bullets meant for him. 
           He was so glad she hadn’t, not because it would be another life lost because of him, but because he felt like he’d found a twin flame – someone who’d understand him and his troubles. Someone he could help.
           Maybe that could be the true way he could make amends – help someone in the same situation.
           Bucky smiled.
           Y/N did so too, and his heart skipped a beat looking at the woman.
           Her body might be able to absorb the metals piercing it, Walker might call her a human shield, but he knew she was so much more than that. And he’d spend however long it took him to prove so to her. Maybe even in more ways than one.
Please reblog if you like this. For whatever reason my Bucky fics aren’t appearing in the tags :(
Everything tags: @palaiasaurus64​ @supernaturalbaesduh​ @thatawkwardlittlefangirl​ @sea040561​ @staryeyedgirl​ @deathbyarabbit​  @m-a-t-91​ @dalilx​ @maladaptive-ninja-returns​ @averyrogers83​ @in-the-end-im-still-trash​ @gallifreyansass​ @dewy-biitch​ @avxgers​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @magicwithaknife​ @ollyoxenfrees​ @bnhvrdy​  @thatkindofgurl​ @sj-thefan​ @lestersglitterglue​ @im-squished​ @strangersstranger​
Bucky tag list: @who-cares-rn @projectxhappiness @callmebucky-doll @coal000 @courtneychicken @sophiealiice @watch-out-for-thorns @potentially-kinetic @thatonegirljessy99 @mrsalh32611 @horrorx570ximagines @the-nargles-made-me-do-it @pooslie @httpmcrvel @purplebananatragedy @pxrrishly @parker-barnes-af @skulliebythesea @california-grown​ @belongsto-prachi​ @hello-i-am-insane​ @hopeinahotbox​
Marvel tags: @nerissa98 @happyseagrill @asguardiansoftheavengers​ @crazybutconfidentaf @wishingforahome @pizzarollpatrol @desir-ae​
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.5)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4]  previous chapters
[CH.6] next chapter (now available!)
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genre: vampire au, romance, drama, mystery, thriller
note: written inspired by enhypen's storyline, given-taken lyrics & teasers. please keep in mind all members are apart of this fanfic and the main theme is mystery/drama!
P.S Niki and Sunoo's roles become bigger in later chapters :) sorry I took 2 weeks to update. School + new enhypen teasers made me alter the story now jesus their lore is confusingly interesting. Didn't proofread half of this chapter LOL. Happy readings <3
"Well now that everyone is here, I'd like to announce we have a new student who just transferred here." Your eyes were immediately drawn to the student's platinum blonde hair. Despite his sharp and charismatic face, his eyes were delicate and innocent. He had an exceptionally small face and a sunkissed skin tone. The new student snapped himself around so that the entire classroom got a good look at him, "Hello, my name is Park Jongseong or Jay, call me whatever you feel." He bowed slightly, his voice having a cool ring that played over in your head.
"Everybody please welcome Jay to our astronomy class. Lend him any of our previous notes because midterms are coming up and I'd appreciate as a teacher if you guys helped him catch up before our long weekend coming up in two weeks." Your teacher gave a warm smile, nodding in such a way that made the rest of the class nod with her.
Without a student saying a word, everyone's eyes followed him as he took a seat at a desk a couple of rows in front of you.
You stared at him tirelessly, barely listening as your teacher rambled off-topic. You noticed Jay often stared out at the crying sky that occasionally flickered with lightning. His eyes focused intently on the woods. You were sure you weren't the only one who was interested in the new boy as you frequently caught other students glancing over at him every few seconds. Jay carried an attractive and dark aura that clearly contrasted from the crowd. Both girls and boys stared at him not because of his pretty face but because he was far different from the new students who had joined your school mid-semester.
The class flew by for you because of Jay until a simple but intriguing question was purposed by the teacher, "Bonus marks today if anyone can guess when the next full moon is." she lifted her eyes off the projector for a few moments, waiting for answers to come sailing.
"Saturday?" Somebody from the front called out, followed by numerous answers that ranged between the second week to the fourth week of the month.
"Come on now. Don't blurt out, give others chances to guess. Jay why don't you guess?" Your teacher questioned welcomingly, expecting no answer from him.
He leaned back in his chair, scraping the non-writing end of his ballpen on his thumb, "November 30." A gentle sound of thunder playing perfectly when he said the answer; like some sort of scene out of a comic.
"Ding ding ding!" Your teacher switched to a PowerPoint slide with the new unit name bolded, "I know this isn't part of the curriculum but I got it approved by the head of the school." She took a breath, giving students time to comprehend what was presented in front of them. "Our next unit will be looking deeper at the moon. More specifically, we'll be looking at both the sciency and non-sciency sides of this topic. And before anyone asks; no, you don't need to believe in astrology or superstitions to understand the non-sciency material. It's just very fascinating because it connects to many cultures." Your attention was now far away from Jay. You were enthusiastic about a topic for once in the class.
"And looks like we're running out of time." Your teacher's wrist clock blocking her eyes. "That's it for today's class everyone! I'll have your projects marked for next class, I promise! Have a good day." She said while shutting off the projector.
You slid all your handouts into your binder, not bothering to align the three-hole punches of the papers to their designated rings.
"Y/N before you go, do you mind helping out Jay? Today or tomorrow?" Your teacher stopped you on your way out.
"Like lend him my notes?"
"Yep! I just forgot to ask but he just left so you might be able to catch up to him. Maybe ask if he's got the notes yet."
You waved your goodbyes and chased the new boy down, his uniquely blonde hair standing out from the hallway of heads. You picked up the pace to catch up with his swift steps when you caught him chatting with Sunghoon and Jaeyun. Your feet froze straight down in their place.
Were they new friends? Or perhaps they were old friends?
You weren't going to bother talking to Jay as you already knew what kind of funny business would come up if you did. You could only watch them swing and lean their arms against each other in a close and friendly way. The picture was becoming more and more clear to you as to what kind of association Jay had with Sunghoon and Jaeyun perhaps even Heeseung, Sunoo or Jungwon.
You throw yourself violently over your thick mattress after finishing a long study and homework session at your dorm. The session wasn't productive but the time you spent surrounded by your schoolwork made it feel that way. Your dorm was awfully quiet that afternoon as your dormmates had music rehearsals for their extracurriculars. Nana had told you to come by the music rooms around a quarter past five when their practice was over to go down to the dining hall and have dinner but you couldn't think of a way to kill your remaining hour alone.
Phones were forbidden in your school and you often felt uncontrollably alone and bored with your thoughts during your free time. You could only lay tangled in your bed with your half progressed work in the corner of your eye. You shift on one side to watch your wide-open binder until you got some burst of motivation to finish studying until an idea hits you.
After eyeing your handouts from your astronomy class, you decide to hit the library and do some reading to get a little advanced in the class. Sure you could study for your other class but the sudden idea was far more worth your time in your mind. You quickly twirl out of your room, clearing your desk while you're at it. Excitedly, you hop into your shoes and head straight for the library. You were put in a good mood as you skipped along the long journey to the bookhouse.
The library was moderately packed as you don't bother to recognize any faces there. You get deja vu as you trail the same path you did when Sunghoon and Kyungeun were around. Sliding between the thin space between the bookshelves once again, you search for the section related to the moon, feeling dizzy at the sight of books your school owned. You could've made your life easier by asking the librarian but you were confident you could find it on your own. You move up and down the aisles as you catch a glimpse of theoretical and astrology related books that sit next to a couple of history books.
Backing up, you awkwardly bend your knees forward to get a better look at the small selection of books under the genre. You peel a random book spine out from its tight spot as if it had never been taken out before. You dust off the book a bit, reading the wordless cover and open it to check if it was really related to any sort of astronomy as you find a much stranger subject being discussed.
"Finding everything alright?" The librarian comes by, pushing a kart from the other end of the shelves. "I-I'm looking for books related to the moon." You say, standing up and forgetting you still had the old book in hand.
"The scientific information is just on the other side of this shelf but the section you were just looking at has some interesting stuff that might be related." The librarian stuffed herself in between the shelves to get toward you.
"Yeah, I noticed... This book I just picked up was talking about vampires." You laugh a little as you hold it up.
"Ah, that book..." She paused, snatching the book out of your hands to examine it, "I read this before... It relates to astrology. I think there are some parts of the book that go into detail about the moon, you should give it a read."
"Is this book just theoretical research about vampires though?" You were unconvinced with the idea.
"Yeah, real or not, our school grounds and the neighbouring town are talked about in the book. Apparently many years ago this place used to be a hotspot for vampires."  She looked you dead in the eyes.
"Do you think the information is true?" You questioned with deep curiosity upon her answer.
"Some information in there is haunting. I think vampires did exist." She said with some sort of distress beginning to seep into her face.
Shivers ran down your spine, if she was just trying to sell you the book, it was working damn well on you.
"I'll leave you be, no need to sign out the book, nobody ever takes it out so I trust you'll return it." And with that said, she left you cold with mystery as the book between your fingers stared at you with big round eyes.
You shake back to reality, checking your wrist just to find out your time has vanished. You shift your priorities to getting to the music department, throwing the book into your bag without much thought.
The sun was already going down around the afternoon as the days got shorter with autumn blossoming. You're standing between rooms full of beautiful voices and instruments, peering through every window attached to a door in an attempt to find your roommates. The issue was the widows didn't give much of a view as to who was in the rooms. But your ears were drawn to a gentle piano that played a bittersweet melody beneath the louder sounds of people singing in a harmonious glee. As you move in the forward direction of the hallway, the piano gets clearer to your ears. It became clear that the sound was coming out of a room with its door wide open. Your back attached it to the wall in fear of being seen as slide yourself until you meet the spine of the door where you could see into the shadowy room.
Your eyes lit up when they see a familiar platinum blondie behind the keys. The melody was enchanting and was played in such a personal way as the sounds escaped into the noisy environment where it hoped to go unheard. Jay had reached the final notes of his song as he turned his head in your direction. It was as if he knew of your present from the moment you started watching him from the doorway.
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kcabyap · 4 years
Dearest Etienne.
Hi again, I’m having kind of a troublesome day today... not to bother you with my troubles but long story short, due to the pandemic I had been refusing to go out with my “friends” or even visit, and today I saw their posts on Instagram that they had a sleepover without even inviting me ;-;
Can I request a headcanon of the MC finding out their friends back in the human world have kind of removed them from their lives after she’d been in the devildom for so long and the brothers (and if you wish to) the (un)datables comforting them? :x
I particularly enjoy your writing and that’s why I come to you, as always hehe :3
With love,
Emi ♡
P.S: I’m hoping you don’t mind my often requests and that they do not bother you. :>
Dearest Emi! I'm really sorry that happened to you... that was really lame of your 'friends' to do that, though if you ask me, you're absolutely doing the right thing by staying away from others during the pandemic; it's the best way to stay safe. Still though, I really hope you feel better soon and that your day gets better. I absolutely don't mind the requests, and I'm so happy that you like my writing! I did all the brothers, all the undateables, and a platonic one for Luke, and I hope you enjoy! ❤
The Brothers And Undateables Comforting The Human When Their Friends Forget About Them
— The Scenario
Tears stung in their eyes as they scrolled through their social media feed, their jaw clenching. Pictures upon pictures flew past as their thumb idly swiped their phone's screen; pictures of their friends together, laughing, joking, smiling... Pictures of their friends all being happy together during the year they had been away in the Devildom...
Pictures of their friends acting as though they weren't even gone; as though they didn't even exist.
It wouldn't have felt so bad if any of them had really acknowledged them after they'd come back. It wouldn't have felt so bad if they'd gotten more than awkward greetings, a few mildly curious questions before their 'friends' lost interest, one or two awkward get-togethers where they just felt out of place and out of the loop...
As soon as they got a chance to return to the Devildom for a while, they practically leapt on it. They saw no reason to stay in the human world, with a bunch of humans who had forgotten about them so shockingly quickly.
But when they did return to the place that felt more like home than their home did, seemingly their sorrow was still noticeable...
— Lucifer
Nothing gets past Lucifer, least of all the sadness of his most cherished human; he senses it without them saying a word.
He'll offer them an embrace; one that's close, genuine, firm enough to be comforting but delicate enough to not be fearsome.
Whether it's a fancy dinner at the Devildom's nicest restaurant, or a quiet night in his room listening to records, he'll do whatever they'd like to cheer them up.
This man is a wonderful listener and he'll be sure to tell them how very much he and his brothers appreciate them, how foolish their so-called friends were for their actions.
(...though inside, he'll absolutely be plotting for those so-called 'friends' to meet some manner of unfortunate situation...)
— Mammon
His human is upset? Oh, Mammon is not going to leave them alone until they tell him what's up; this man loudly wants to help.
He's absolutely appalled. How the hell could anyone not be happy to be with them?! How could anyone just forget them!? He could never forget them...
Lots of hugs, tight - maybe a little too tight but he means well - and loving and supportive, as he tells them (in his tsundere way) just how great they are.
He'll take them out for a night on the town to forget all about those stupid 'friends,' to remind them of all the fun stuff in the Devildom!
By the time the night's over, there's no way the human won't feel cared about; not when Mammon so clearly adores them.
— Leviathan
See this is exactly why normies don't deserve someone as fun and interesting and cool and cute as MC! (N-Not that he thinks they're cute, don't be stupid...)
He'll talk with them about how much their 'friends' suck; he can relate, there are a lot of people he doesn't get along with too.
Whatever their favourite anime is, Levi's absolutely willing to binge it with them; or whatever their favourite game is, he'll play it with them!
It's in his own shy, stuttering, tsundere way, but he tells them that he'll never betray them like that... they're his Henry, after all.
And... he'll give them a hug. Even though his heart is pounding and he's sweating buckets, he wants to show that he cares.
— Satan
...He's smiling sweetly as they tell him what happened, but it's one of those smiles that is barely hiding his deep and burning anger.
He hates their 'friends.' He tells them how awful those 'friends' are, how they never deserved a friend as beautiful as them, how he'd make them all suffer if he could...
Once they get past his, well, wrath, Satan's happy to cuddle his human close and soothe them by reading them a good book.
If they want to go out, he'll take them along on one of his wanders around the Devildom. The stray cat who goes around recently had kittens, after all!
He'll be extra protective, extra affectionate, to make sure they know that they're always welcomed and loved by him.
— Asmodeus
Pleeeeeeeease, human, please tell Asmo what's wrong! He's going to be pouting and clinging to their arm until they tell him...
When they do tell him, his eyes are angry, and he's immediately stealing them away to his room.
So. Many. Cuddles. He's so physically affectionate, and he'll tell them how wonderful they are in-between peppering adoring kisses over their cheeks.
He's keeping his human to himself! Stress is bad for the skin, so he'll pamper them with skin creams and face masks, and he'll paint their nails and coo over how cute they are...
Again, it'll be impossible to feel unloved when Asmo is around to adore them so much.
— Beelzebub
Beel is a bit like a soft puppy, and the puppy eyes when the human tells him what happened are real.
How could anyone forget about them...? How could they be so mean? The human's the most generous person he's ever met...
He just wordlessly opens his arms and lets them cuddle into his strong form, holding them tight.
He'll cook for them; whatever they want, and in big quantities, enough for them to share as they catch up and joke together.
Words aren't exactly Beel's strong suit, but it's so clear how much he cares, and it's so heartwarming.
— Belphegor
Okay, first the human will have to pry him off of them and wake him up. (Belphie has clearly missed his human bodypillow...)
His sleepy eyes will narrow in anger once they tell him. How dare anyone be so mean to his human...?
He'll assure them that those people never deserved them; those people aren't worth anything, they're not worth worrying about.
Lots and lots of cuddles, his hands gently massaging their shoulders to soothe and relax them...
It's hard to feel upset when you're asleep or being cuddled, and Belphie has them covered for both of these things.
— Diavolo
He... does not understand. How could anyone brush off such a fascinating, beautiful, wonderful person...?
He'll offer a hug, though he'll be a little tentative about it; he doesn't want to hurt his dear human... they're much smaller than him...
Being the prince - and, uh, having a bit more money than sense - Diavolo will happily take them out on the town and spoil them.
In fact... he'll throw an entire ball in their honour! The whole Devildom will arrive in his castle to celebrate their return!
Anything to make the human happy... They're so special to him; if they're being treated wrong in the human world, he'll show them that the Devildom loves them.
— Simeon
This man is ready to become the human's literal guardian angel in that moment; he looks so very sad.
His embrace is gentle, warm, and delicate... being hugged by Simeon kind of feels like being hugged by a cloud.
He'll cup their face, telling them that while humans can be cruel, they aren't all like that... but no matter what the humans do, he'll always be there for his favourite one.
If they want to come up to the Celestial Realm with him, he'll do what he can to pull some strings and bring them with him.
That night, he'll read them a bedtime story that he wrote... one about an angel who falls hopelessly in love with a sweet, kind human.
— Solomon
Ah. He sympathises. Other humans can be... difficult sometimes; he's been shunned and forgotten about by people in his time too.
But never fear! He'll cook them a nice dinner! (...it will not be nice, but it will have been made with love.)
He'll try to distract them from how they're feeling by telling them fantastical tales from his long, long life.
But... he'll be sure that they know: in that long, long life, they're the most special person he's ever met.
The human's 'friends' might have hurt them, but not all humans are bad... Solomon's proof of that.
— Barbatos
He knew this was coming, and so he isn't the most outwardly upset about it... though make no mistake, he is upset that they're feeling bad.
Being a butler, he's used to serving, and he wants to spoil the human to make them feel better.
They're going to be treated to tea, cakes... quite literally the royal treatment, from the prince's own butler.
His way of caring is quite reserved, but he makes sure to let the human know how much he enjoys their company, how glad he is that they're back.
And although he doesn't give hugs often... he'll happily make the exception for them, even giving a rarely seen blush and a rarely heard laugh.
— Luke
What?! Their friends just... abandoned them? Didn't want to spend time with them? Ignored them?
He's immediately barking at demanding Simeon to let you hang out with them at Purgatory Hall for a while!
He'll be their friend instead! He'll bake them lots and lots of sweet things, to make them feel better.
He's only a kid, so he isn't exactly the world's best at advice or comfort or anything like that...
But the little guy cares, and he cares loudly, letting the human know that their 'friends' were totally wrong to pass up on such a fun person!
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jean-kayak · 4 years
Highlight Of The Summer
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Summary: You’re staying with your cousin for the summer, and it turns out to be the best decision you’ve ever made
The four times you tease Matsukawa and the one time he pays you back
Pairing: Matsukawa Issei x black!fem!reader
Warnings: a whole lot of sexual tension, sexual tendencies, use of drugs: weed, shotgunning, a whole lot of teasing, (smut 18+!!), unprotected sex (stay safe out there dudes!), fingering (f. receiving), oral sex (m. receiving), throat fucking, ass slapping, daddy kink, nipple play, little fluff and aftercare at the end LMAO
Word Count: 5,847 (words of just filth)
A/N: I don’t know if y’all know, but I am a WHORE for Mattsun, so please enjoy this for you fellow people who agree with me. Also, this was wayyy longer than I thought it was going to be, but whew chile I got flustered just writing it lmao, so here y’all go. P.S: I also mention something about a sleep bra? Like a bra that’s not a bra bra but it’s not a sports bra either?? Idk what it’s called so, I just called it a sleep bra lol
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"I forgot to mention, I need to warn you, dude," Hanamaki speaks up as he passes the ball to Matsukawa, who continues peppering, but now there's a confused look on his face.
"Warn me about what?" he questions playfully, spiking a controlled ball to Makki.
"My cousin's coming into town, and she’s staying the whole summer." Makki's words show that he's annoyed, and Mattsun chuckles.
"Okay. Still doesn't tell explain why you had to warn me."
"She's crazy, man. And gets on my last nerve." Mattsun chuckles again at his best friend's opinion. He goes to respond, but a voice stops him before he can speak.
"Hiro!!" Hanamaki catches the ball as his head drops as he lets out a groan. Mattsun watches a figure run up behind Makki, and they wrap an arm around his shoulders, catching him off guard as his body falls forward slightly. "How's my favorite cuzzo doing, huh?"
"Was doing just fine until you came," he spits, and you laugh.
"Oh, come on, cuz, don't be like that. I know you love me deep down, don't fight it." You laugh again when he throws your arm off his shoulders, and your laugh stops when you land on the guy standing a few feet away from him. "Now, Hiro, why didn't you tell me that you had hot friends?"
Mattsun feels his face heat up at your sudden compliment as he lets out a choked laugh. You walk forward a bit as you start talking. "I'm l/n f/n, but I'm willing to change my last name to yours. Care to tell me what it is?"
You finish with a smirk, and you can help but feel more confident when he gives you a slow once over. "Ma--"
"None of your business," Makki cuts him off, and you roll your eyes as you turn to him.
"Oh, come on, man, don't be like that. I'm gonna find out anyway because I'm gonna be staying with you." His eyes widen at your statement as you smile widely at him. "Oh, you didn't hear? Our moms thought it was a good idea to let me stay with you. For the whole summer." You pause before saying the last sentence for dramatic effect, and your smile doesn't falter as Hanamaki's scowl gets deeper.
"You have to be fucking with me right now," he says, and you shake your head eagerly, knowing that he can't refuse.
"Nope. I'll go get my bags from the car." You bound over towards him, wrapping your arm around his shoulders before rubbing the top of his head with your fist. "This is going to be so much fun," you say excitedly, and he shoves you off of him.
You chuckle and start to walk off to your car, but not before you send a wink to the hot guy standing in front of you.
You bounce happily to your car, and Makki lets out a tired sigh as he fixes his hair, his face showing how pissed he is when he looks at Mattsun, making him chuckle. "She's...something."
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"ONE more game, alright?" Makki pleads, and Mattsun rolls his eyes but gives in.
"Fine." Mattsun's phone dings twice and he picks it up quickly before Makki can see the screen.
"Someone important?" he jokes, and Mattsun doesn't look him in the eye as he struggles to find an answer. "You gonna tell me who it is?" Mattsun gives him a look that tells it all, and Makki scoffs. "How'd she get your number?"
"From your phone obviously, Hiro," you bud in, your face right next to Makki's as he jumps away from you. "You know your phone password is really easy. You should change that."
"What did you do?" he asks, and you wave him off as you stand upright behind the couch.
"Oh, relax, just his number...and I sent a few selfies of you to myself." Makki scoffs again as he turns to look at you. "You know, to post for your birthday."
Makki releases an angry sigh as he stands, mumbling something about going to the bathroom, and you roll your eyes at his dramatics as you smile.
You glance at Mattsun, who's not looking your way, and a devilish smirk makes it way onto your face as an idea comes to your mind, your core pulsing at the idea of it.
"You know, Hiro always loved to collect movies," you say out loud, more to yourself, testing how he reacts.
"Yeah, it's gotten bigger since I've last seen it," he responds easily, and you hum as you walk around the couch, making your way towards the entertainment center around the TV full of movies.
"It's been a while since I've seen it, but it's definitely grown since then." When you get to the entertainment center, you bend over to look at the movies on the lower shelves when you hear Mattsun's breath hitch behind you.
You know that these are a shorter pair of your shorts, you must've put these in the dryer by accident, and you can feel that a good portion of your ass is out, and the fact that you know he's watching you, sends a jolt right down to your core.
You don't know what it is about this guy, but teasing him riles you so easily that you can feel your juices staining your shorts. You bend over a little further, and your smirk widens when you hear a muffled groan come from behind you.
When you hear footsteps coming from the hallway, you stand back up and turn around, the both of you keeping your eyes on each other as you walk towards the couch just as Makki is coming into the living room.
Makki sits where he was sitting, his attention still on his phone, and you walk to the back of the couch, leaning down next to Mattsun's ear, the one that Hiro can't see.
"If it wasn't obvious," you whisper just loud enough for him to hear, "that wet spot was for you." Your tongue darts out to touch his earlobe, pulling on it lightly with your teeth, chuckling softly when you see his hands grip the controller harder.
You stand up and start walking out of the living room. "Make sure you guys keep the noise down, 'kay?" you say as you disappear down the hallway.
Meanwhile, Mattsun's solely focusing on not getting a boner with his best friend right next to him. "She say something nasty to you?" Makki speaks up, making Mattsun jump.
"Yeah, sorry about that. She's always saying some out of pocket shit." Makki clearly doesn't understand what kind of out of pocket statement you just said to him, and he clears his throat as he nods, thinking about anything but you as he tries to control himself.
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TWO sounds come from behind you as you're sitting in the backyard. A sliding door and footsteps coming closer to you. "I'd knew you'd join me sooner or later."
He chuckles. "Yeah, well, I wanted to see what your definition of 'surprise' was."
You laugh lightly as you reveal your surprise without looking at Mattsun, the little plastic bag in your hand.
"Is that what I think it is?"
"Yep," you respond, popping the 'p' as you turn to him. "Found Hiro's secret stash. Wanted a smoke buddy. You down?"
You look back at him, and he shrugs saying fuck it as he sits in the lounge chair next to yours. You roll the first one, putting it in your mouth as you flick the lighter. You take the first drag, coughing a little as you blow out the smoke. "Damn. Should've known that Hiro had the strong stuff."
You pass it to Mattsun who does the same as you before passing it back to you. You both pass it back and forth two more times before you speak again. "You ever shotgunned before?" you ask, your brain already feeling like it's slowing down. He keeps his eyes on you as he shakes his head slowly.
"Wanna try?" He thinks about it for a second before nodding once. You clumsily find your way to get up without dropping the blunt and walk over to where he's sitting. You rest your free hand on his shoulder as you lift one leg, moving it to the other side of the chair as you straddle him.
You bite your lip as you sit on his lap, feeling him through the thin material of both of your shorts. His hands find purchase on your waist, his fingers rubbing on the exposed skin under your crop top.
You keep your eyes on his as you pull from the blunt, and your other hand finds the back of his head, your fingers threading through his hair as you bring his head closer, your lips dangerously close to touching.
You breathe out, both of you watching the smoke go from your mouth to his. You watch as he breathes in then tilts his head up to breathe the smoke out. He blinks slowly as he tilts his head back down, both of you maintaining eye contact as he grabs the blunt out of your hand.
You watch as he takes a hit, and one of his hands runs up your back to grab at your neck, a shiver running through your spine the opposite way. He pulls your head down, lips brushing against each other as he exhales into your mouth.
You inhale deeply, lifting your head as you breathe the smoke out. You look back down, keeping your head in the same position, making your lips touch again. "I noticed that you sometimes sleep on the couch," you speak up, your lips keeping close contact, you're almost kissing him.
"Well, the bed I usually sleep in is taken," he quips back, and you lean into his ear.
"You could always join me. I don't bite," you whisper, and you roll your hips forward, and you don't miss the way he releases a shaky breath in your ear, the sound going south easily. "Whaddya say?"
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"THREE scoops of ice cream should be enough," you say to yourself as you put the top back on the ice cream container, placing it in the freezer.
You grab a spoon from one of the drawers and find a seat at the island in the kitchen. You're halfway through your ice cream when you hear footsteps coming into the kitchen. "Who eats ice cream at three in the morning?"
You smile at the question as you dig into your ice cream. "Me. What about it?" The owner of the voice walks into your view, standing on the other side of the island. "I didn't wake you, did I?"
He shakes his head. "Nah, I couldn't go to sleep anyway," Mattsun answers honestly. He hasn't been able to sleep well every time he's over here. You suddenly filling up every one of his desires. But one day, he's going to get back at you. The more you tease him, the more he gets riled up.
"Want some?" you ask, sticking the spoon in your mouth and dragging it out slowly, his eyes never leaving your mouth. He nods silently, and you put some ice cream on the spoon, moving the spoon towards his mouth.
He grabs your hand, moving the spoon towards his mouth, his eyes never leaving yours. He slowly pulls the spoon out of his mouth, letting go of your hand. "Tastes really good." He stands up, leaning over the counter. "And you've got some," he reaches his hand out, his thumb gliding over your bottom lip. "Right there."
He puts his thumb in his mouth, licking it clean before he smirks at you. Two can play at this game.
You grab his hand, leading it over top of your bowl. "And you've got some," you dip his finger into some of the melted ice cream. "Right there."
You coat it in the creamy liquid before lifting it up to your mouth. Staring right at him, you put the digit in your mouth, tongue flicking all around it, making sure you get all of it off.
He lets out a garbled 'fuck' and you pop the finger out of your mouth, giving him a proud smirk.
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"FOUR pancakes? You're gonna eat four pancakes at once?" Mattsun asks his pink-haired friend as said friend stacks them on his plate.
"Yeah, I am," he deadpans, "and you better go wake Y/N up or else she's not getting anything." Makki takes the plate, walking out of the kitchen as Mattsun takes a deep breath as he walks to your room.
He knocks on the door, and when he doesn't get a response, he cracks open the door to see you on your stomach, covers sprawled out everywhere. He lets out a small huff as he smiles, walking towards your sleeping figure.
He can't help it, and the first thing he does is rake his eyes down your body, one leg bent at the knee, the other one straightened out. Your shorts have come up in your sleep, your butt on display, and Mattsun diverts his eyes as he calls your name.
You don't respond, and he leans down to shake you gently. You turn your head, and he can see that your eyes are still closed. "Y/N." He says your name a little louder, shaking you a little harder.
You stir and your eyes open slightly, a sleepy smile coming onto your face when they land on him. "Hey, Issei." You take a deep breath, and Matsukawa ignores the way your sleepy voice saying his name makes him feel. "What's up?"
Your legs switch positions, making your ass shake from the movement, and he wills himself not to look. "Makki made pancakes," is all he can manage to get out, and you roll over on your side to stretch, but that doesn't make things better for Mattsun. Your boobs falling out of the sleep bra you're wearing.
He looks away, willing the thoughts to go away as you stand up, fixing your clothes as you yawn. "You're not gonna put a shirt on?" he asks as you head for the door, and you wave him off.
"Nah, it's too hot. And you like the view too, so..." You trail off, walking out the room as Matsukawa's face turns red.
He takes another deep breath as he follows after you, and you've already made a plate. "Jeez, Y/N, couldn't you put some clothes on?" Hiro complains from his place on the couch and you shrug.
"Well, when you stop turning off the air conditioning during the hottest day of the summer, I would have some clothes on." You pour syrup over your pancakes, and when you see Mattsun watching you, you slide out of your cousin's view.
You put the syrup down before dipping your fingers in the pile of syrup that dripped down from the pancakes onto your plate. You coat them in syrup, lifting your fingers up in front of your mouth, spreading them apart watching the strings connect your fingers.
You look right at him as you stick your fingers in your mouth, and as much as he needs to, he can't look away, and he's teetering on the edge of a dangerous cliff. You see his fists clench as he pushes his lower half into the island.
You pull your fingers out when they're clean, and you walk towards him, setting the bottle of syrup next to his plate. "Seems like you've got a problem there. Let me know if I can help." You walk out, sending him a wink over your shoulder, and he waits until you're out of view to slam his head onto the counter.
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"FIVE minutes until what?" Makki asks into his phone, and you see his face drop before he slaps a palm on his forehead. "Shit, that's today? Okay okay, relax, I'll be there in like fifteen." He hangs up the phone, and you watch as he runs into his room, and when he comes out, he dressed a little more formally.
"Wow, who are you getting all dressed up for?" you ask, spreading out on the couch.
"I forgot about this thing my friend wanted me to attend to." He makes sure he has everything before booking it to the door, but not before he turns to you. "Y/N, please behave."
You roll your eyes. "Sure thing, Dad. Have fun." And he leaves.
You lay down on your back on the couch, humming a tune to a song you can't bring yourself to remember the name of when you hear Mattsun walk in. He's shirtless and you assume he just took a shower because he has a towel resting around his neck.
"Did Makki just leave?" he asks you, standing behind the couch, and you nod.
"Yeah, had to do something for a friend. Probably won't be back for a few hours." You put one arm behind your head, the other resting on your stomach as you shift a little, making yourself a little bit more comfortable.
Mattsun's eyes drag down your body, and you feel your body ignite under his gaze. You watch as he walks around the couch, standing where he's looming over you. "Need something?" you ask, and there's a different look in his eyes.
"Stand up." His voice is deeper, darker than it usually is, but you don't move. "I won't tell you again." You don't admit that this new sounding voice makes your core beat in excitement, but you stand anyway, standing right in front of him.
He gives you a smirk that nearly makes your knees go weak, and he steps beside you, taking the towel from around his neck and spreading it out over the couch. You raise an eyebrow, and when he turns around, you go to speak, but he wraps his hand around the back of your neck, crashing his lips onto yours.
You squeak in surprise, but it's easily swallowed as Mattsun kisses your mouth hungrily. His other hand palms your ass, gripping it tightly as he pulls you flush against him. When you gasp, he shoves his tongue in your mouth as your hands find their way onto his broad shoulders.
He breaks the kiss, and it takes you a while to come back to your senses, your head dizzy with lust as you catch your breath. "I don't think you can take it," he says into your neck as he starts planting hot, open mouth kisses, stopping at the bottom of your neck, grabbing the skin there with his teeth, making you hiss.
"T-Take, what?" Your brain is barely keeping up with his words, only focused on what his mouth is doing. You hear him chuckle against your skin as he moves to the other side of your neck, both of his hands now on your ass, and he presses you against him even more, and you can feel his erection digging into your thigh as you let out a quiet moan.
"This dick," he tells you bluntly, and he lifts his head up. Now that he's not on your neck, your head is a little clearer, and you chuckle softly as you raise an eyebrow at him.
"Oh? Confident in your skills I see." You start to drag a hand down his ridiculously toned torso as you start talking. "I've never been one to back down from a challenge." You feel your mouth drop open when you feel how big it is, and Mattsun huffs at you.
"You sure? You don't sound very convincing." You erase the initial look of surprise on your face, replacing it with a confident smirk, making him raise his eyebrows at you. Before you can say anything else, he's spinning the both of you around, pushing you so you're sitting on the couch, the obvious tent in his shorts in your eye line.
You rake your eyes done his naked upper half, eyes zeroing in on the happy trail that disappears into his shorts. He shoves his shorts down his legs, his cock flinging up, hitting his stomach, and your eyes widen when you see his size. He's huge. He's bigger than anyone you've taken, and at your reaction, he smiles. "I thought you don't back down from a challenge?" he picks at you, and lick your bottom lip as you smirk.
You lean forward, taking him in your hand, and you can feel how heavy he is as you guide him towards your mouth, tracing a thick vein with your tongue up the side of his length. You hear let out a deep sigh before you take him into your mouth, and you don't even have him halfway in when you feel your gag reflex surfacing. You try to use your hand on the rest of him that's not in your mouth, but he pushes your hand away.
"Nuh-uh. You can be a big girl and use your mouth," he tells you, and you start to sink further down. "Fuck," he whispers harshly, and his hand finds its way to your hair, and you close your eyes as his grip tightens. He starts to push your head further down his length until your nose is brushing those soft curls. "Shit, your mouth is good for something other than being a tease, who knew?"
He starts thrusting into your mouth, and you relax your jaw as you breathe through your nose, your hands digging into the thick flesh of his thighs, and he hisses at the feeling. The noises he's making are making you even more aroused, and one of your hands leaves his thigh to try to give you some release, but he stops you once again. "Don't you fucking touch yourself. Do it, and you won't, fuck, won't get to cum at all. Shit." You attempt to whimper around his length, the vibration sending a chill down his spine as he feels himself getting closer.
The rhythm of his thrusts starts to become sloppy, and you bring a hand up to tug at his balls, and that sends him over the edge. He cums with a loud groan of your name, you swallowing every last drop before he lets go of your hair, and you fall back against the couch as you catch your breath. He wobbles a little bit as he takes in your disheveled features, drool and tears running down your face, and he feels himself getting hard again.
He pulls you up from the couch, sitting in your spot before pulling you back down on his lap. Your shirt and sports bra are taken off quickly, and he attacks your chest making you cry out in pleasure as your hands grip his hair. His mouth is sucking and biting at one nipple while his hand is stimulating the other and then he alternates.
"Shit, Issei, fuck, please." Your words have no thoughts behind them, your brain no longer operating, and you push him away from you before you stand up, shedding your shorts and sitting back down on his lip, a breathy moan escaping your lips when you feel his dick brush your folds.
He watches your reaction when he lightly drags his fingers back and forth across your folds, and you whine as you grip at his shoulders. "Please don't tease, Issei, c'mon," you beg, and your eyes look at him when you hear him laugh.
"Oh, now you don't like teasing? Maybe I should just keep teasing you and not give you what you want," he proposes, and you shake your head as you rub against his fingers, trying to get some release. He looks down, seeing your folds shining with your juices, a huge strand falling onto his fingers and he holds back a moan. "You're soaked, Y/N, all this for me?" he questions, and you nod your head vigorously.
"Yes, Issei, it's all for you, just please touch me," you plead and he shoves two fingers inside your pussy, making you release a loud moan as you lean your head in the crook of his neck. You can hear the squelching sounds as he fingers you, and you dig your nails into his shoulders as you feel him stretch you out on his thick fingers. "Issei," you start, but a loud smack echoes through the room, and you let out a whine as you feel your ass cheek sting.
"That's not my name, sweet girl. I think I've let you get away with it for long enough, don't you think?" he whispers in your ear and his voice sends a tingle right down to your core, making you clench around him. "Come on, baby, you know what it is." He stops moving his fingers, and you whimper against his neck, trying to move, but his grip on your hip keeps you still. "Say it, pretty girl."
"Daddy, please, don't stop," you sigh out, and you can feel him smile in satisfaction as he continues his fast pace, and you cry into his neck at the sudden movement. "Please, oh, please."
"It's okay, tell Daddy what you want," he coos, and he pushes onto your clit with his thumb, and you arch into him, his fingers a stark contrast to his other hand that's rubbing soothing circles on your hip.
"I need--" You cut yourself off with a scream when he pushes against that spongy spot inside of you.
"Tell Daddy what you need, baby."
"I need you inside me, please." He adds another finger, and you grip his wrist as he curls his fingers inside of you, nailing your g-spot with ease.
"I don't know if you deserve all of that," he responds, and you whimper as you lift your head to look at him. "If I recall, you've been nothing but a tease, no?" You shake your head immediately as you try to move your hips again but failing, his grip still strong on your hip.
"Please, Daddy, I'll be a good girl, just please, I need you so bad." You're so desperate, and that gives Mattsun a thrill; seeing someone who usually knows just what to say to him, reduced to nothing but a begging mess on top of him.
"Well, since you're begging so nicely," he approves, removing his fingers, and you lift your hips up eagerly as you look down, seeing that he's fully hard again, the tip leaking precum. He guides his shaft into you, and you let your head fall back as you feel him stretching you open the best way possible. He groans as he feels your walls tightening around him, and you look down to see that he's still not all the way in, your legs starting to burn from the position you're in.
"Come on, baby, just a little bit more for me. Can you do that for Daddy?" he purrs, soothingly caressing your thighs, and you rest your head against his as you watch the last of him disappear inside of you. "Holy shit, you feel so good. Goddamn, baby," he sighs out, letting you adjust. "I'm gonna move, okay?"
You nod quickly, and you brace yourself as you feel him lift you up before slamming you back down, making you cry out, the head of his cock hitting that spot inside of you. He kisses you roughly, swallowing all of the noises you make as he continues to ram himself inside of you. You pull away as you feel the knot in your stomach starting to tighten.
"I'm close, ah, please don't stop," you cry out, and you feel his fingers digging into your hips, you're sure that there's going to be bruising. "Right there, please, Daddy, right there."
"I got you, baby girl, I got you." His finger finds its way to your clit, rubbing harsh, fast circles, and your orgasm snaps, making your arch your back and scream his name. The sight of your coming undone in front of him and the way your clenching around him, makes his orgasm crash into him right after you. "Fuck!" He fucks you through both of your highs, stopping when you whine at the sensitivity.
You lean forward, body going limp as you catch your breath, both of your bodies covered in a layer of sweat. "You know I'm not done with you yet," he tells you, and you don't get a moment to respond before he's lifting you off of him, and you land on your stomach with a soft thud. He brings your hips up, your back arching instinctively, and he groans at the sight of you.
He prods a finger at your hole, and you whine, trying to move away from his touch, but his grip on you makes it useless. He runs his hands over your ass, squeezing the globes in each hand. "This ass has been teasing me ever since you got here." He spreads your cheeks, getting a good look at your puffy, swollen hole.
"I know it has, it was fun to see you flustered," you respond, your words muffled by the couch, but still clear to Mattsun, and he smiles mischievously as he lifts a hand up, smacking your ass, and he watches it jiggle, the sight mesmerizing as you mewl at the sudden pain.
"That's for bending over in front of me." He smacks the other cheek. "That's for grinding on me." Another smack. "That's for the ice cream." You can feel the heat coming off your ass when he smacks it for a fourth time. "That's for the syrup." You can tell that he's loving this, but you can't say that you aren't, you just hope he doesn't see that. He does it again, and you hiss at the pain, but the pleasure wins out. "That's for walking around here practically naked."
He massages the heated mounds of flesh, and you know he's found you out when you feel him spread them followed by a cocky laugh. "You liked that a lot, huh?" He toys at your hole again, watching your juices gush out, and you wiggle your hips a little. He sticks his fingers in, pulling it out with his fingers covered in your slick, and he groans when he puts them in his mouth. "Fuck, you taste good."
"Are you gonna fuck me or what?" you snap, and you hear him chuckle as he runs his the head of his length across your folds to your hole.
"Now, is that any way to talk to your Daddy? I thought you were gonna be a good girl?" he taunts as he teases your hole, and you exhale forcefully as you give in.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. Please fuck me," you say, and he smiles as you feel him start to push into your hole.
"You're gonna be a good girl? No more being a brat?" he asks, and if you could, you would stomp your foot because he's dragging this out.
"I promise, Daddy. I'll be good." Liking the sound of your answer, he lines himself up, hands resting on your hips, and you scream when he rams into you, your body still sensitive from the first earth-shattering orgasm you had. He doesn't give you time to recuperate as he rears back, slamming into you again, keeping a relentless pace that hits your spot with accuracy.
Mattsun watches your ass shake with the impact, and you both can hear his balls slapping against you as you feel your orgasm approaching quickly. He pulls you up by your hair, pulling your back flush against his, keeping his persistent pace. You share a sloppy kiss as his hands come up to play with your nipples, and you whimper into his mouth, and he groans when you clench around him.
"You gonna cum? Huh?" he sucks on your tongue as he brings a hand down to your stomach, and he brings your hand up to your stomach, and you can feel the bulge which makes you release a broken moan. "Who's making you feel this good?"
"Y-You are, Daddy," you barely manage to answer, and he slides his hand down until he's pressing onto your clit, making the knot in your stomach come closer to snapping.
"You wanna come on Daddy's cock? Huh?" he asks, and you nod easily, your hands finding their way into his hair. "Then do it," he spits. "Cum on Daddy's cock like the filthy slut you are." He gives a firm push on your clit, and that coil snaps hard, your eyes screwing as you scream out his name, your back arching as your hands clamp down on his hair.
He keeps bucking into you, your pussy almost stopping him from moving from how hard you're clamping down on him. "Shit, fuck," he swears, his thrusts losing rhythm and getting sloppy. The last time you clamp down on him, makes him see stars as he cums hard, painting your walls white before you both collapse on the couch, heaving breaths coming from the both of you.
He wraps his arms around you as he turns you both over, keeping himself still sheathed inside of you. "Holy shit. That was, oh, my God," Mattsun comments, and you laugh tiredly as you smile, your eyes starting to close.
You're about to drift off when you hear the door slam. "What the fuck?!" You and Mattsun both freeze, your gaze slowly drifting to the door to see a very confused and pissed Makki standing at the door. Mattsun quickly grabs the blanket draped over the back of the couch, putting it over the two of you.
"It's, uh, it's not what it looks like," you try, and Makki just blinks at you.
"Man, I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm really, really not," Mattsun speaks up, and you cover your smile with your hand as you hold back your laugh.
"Love you, too--" Your words are cut off by Makki leaving and slamming the door behind him. You and Mattsun both laugh for a bit before you finally quiet down. "He's so going to kick me out," you say, and you hear Mattsun chuckle against your neck.
"Well, if he does, there's always my place."
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Mattsun rubs your shoulders as you lean back against him, the warm water soothing the ache in your muscles, mostly your legs and backside. He had brought you water and a tray of fruit before getting in the tub behind you, fatigue catching up to you as you relax against him. "I was serious about the chance of Hiro kicking me out," you joke quietly as you cuddle further into his wide frame.
He laughs softly as he runs a finger up and down your arm. "And I was serious about you staying at my place. You're not getting away that easily." He looks down at you, and you smile widely as you lean up to kiss him, him meeting you halfway. "Makki might not talk to me for a while though," he speaks up after he separates his lips from you, and you snort as you snuggle back into his chest.
"Ah, he'll be fine."
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A/N: Bro the whole numbers thing was so hard for me to come up with lmao, but I think y’all can see how much I love this man, and how much I want him TO ROCK MY SHIT, but that’ll never happen sadly, but like I feel like he would be the best at aftercare in my opinion
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twdmusicboxmystery · 3 years
TWD 11x02: The Talking Dead
Okay, I DO have a details post, which will go up tomorrow. Because Emily was a guest on TTD this week, I thought it would be more important to post this first this week.
P.S. Apologies for the low quality of the pictures. I wasn’t able to get my usual screenshots this week, so I had to take pics of my TV. ;D
Right off the bat, let me say there weren’t any huge, smoking guns about Beth’s return in the episode. In other words, not much that the general audience (GA) would pick up on.
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But we’re not the GA, are we? LOTS of suspicious dialogue and symbolism came out of this. Way more than we usually get from TTD. So, let’s dive right in.
The first thing was in the introduction. When Chris Hardwick was introducing his guests, as he always does, he used the phrase, “Beth is back!” That sort of thing always catches our attention and makes us side-eye.
@wdway​ observed that Emily’s outfit was a mixture of black and white/cream colors, Xs, and diamond patterns. In the past, I might not have been entirely swayed by that. (We’re assuming she chooses her own clothes, right?) But there have been too many times in the past when similar things have happened. Like for the S8 premiere when she wore that bright pink top that looked exactly like the pink bra ashtray in Still? Yeah, I’m no longer convinced Emily ISN’T dropping hints through her clothing.
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It was also observed that her hair was very long. Whether extensions or not, it was very long (Beth length) and very blond. Might have been another hint.
One of the first questions Chris asked he was what she thought of Maggie’s SURVIVAL. That’s important both because it’s a question about someone who was left for dead surviving and also because Maggie crawling under the train was a direct parallel to Glenn, who was a direct parallel to Beth. So I was definitely side-eyeing that.
At one point, Chris referenced the Commonwealth interrogating people before letting them in, and he asked if Hershel had done that at the farm, would Rick’s group have made it past the screening process. Emily, overall, said yes. But Josh (McDermott who was on with her) said Shane wouldn’t have. They then started talking and making typical fandom jokes about Shane’s craziness.
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The reason this made me smile is because Emily often deflects questions by saying she doesn’t remember, or doesn’t know, or that she no longer keeps up with the show. But here, she talked about specific characters and events in specific parts of a season 9 years ago as though she’s VERY familiar with it. It was like, “oh, but that character didn’t do that until minute 32 of episode 8 of season 2. But I don’t know. I don’t really keep up with things anymore.”
Okay, I’m totally exaggerating there. She wasn’t that specific. But that’s what it felt like. The little fibs she tells to keep people from suspecting Beth’s return are showing.
In talking about the significance of Maggie giving Negan a gun, Lauren said something kind of interesting and Beth-ish. She said, and I paraphrase, that Maggie is struggling to hold onto the person she was, rather than giving into who she might become. Just very reminiscent of Beth’s line to Daryl from still. “You gotta stay who you are, not who you were.”
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Chris then asked what Beth would have thought of the current Maggie. And he asked specifically, “Would she even recognize her?” Now, of course he meant that in terms of recognizing who she’s become, because Maggie has changed so much as a person since Beth’s death.
But given the memory loss theories and all the surrounding evidence, we really think there’s a good chance Beth won’t recognize Maggie right away. So that was a huge hint to drop.
See what I mean? It’s not that they talked about Beth’s return in a huge, smoking gun sort of way. Rather, they just dropped a lot of hints through dialogue and the way they phrased questions.
The other thing I noticed is that Emily, in answer to the question, said that without Maggie, everyone seemed adrift and as if they didn’t know what to do because they no longer had a leader (until Maggie showed up again) to tell them what to do. Especially since it didn’t directly answer Chris’s question, I felt like maybe Emily was hinting at Beth’s leadership. New sheriff in town, and such.
Then Josh brought the shiv to everyone’s attention. I don’t think I mentioned this yesterday. If not, it will be in tomorrow’s Details post. But we saw Eugene wheedle a piece of wood into a sharp shive/spike and stick it into his sleeve. It was very reminiscent of Beth hiding the scissors in her cast in Coda. And Josh specifically called attention to that scene. He actually compared it to Terminus, rather than Coda, because we saw them trying to create makeshift weapons in the train car in 5x01. But still, it’s all season 5 and revolves around Beth’s arc.
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Actually, as they went along through the episode, they did callbacks to various things in S5 a BUNCH of times. Kind of convenient given that Emily is sitting on the couch next to him, no? Both Lauren and Josh mentioned Terminus multiple times in various ways. Which works because Eugene’s group has been around a lot of train cars these past few episodes. But the thing is, they didn’t really equate Eugene’s storyline directly with Terminus. They were simply finding ways/reasons to randomly mention it.
They also brought up Noah’s death multiple times, comparing Gauge’s death to it, since in both cases, people watched them die horribly from behind a glass partition. Totally makes sense, but yet another tie to Beth by really talking about Noah a lot.
Lauren, talking about good vs evil and what people are capable of, a la Maggie’s disturbing cannibal story, said it wasn’t just about what outward choices people make. She pointed to her chest and said, “it’s what’s in here.” That just gave me huge Beth feels from Still, when she said, “…or it kills you. Here.” And pointed to her chest in the same way.
It just felt like they were invoking Beth a lot during this episode.
This next one was kind of the big kahuna. Chris, just out of left field, looked at Emily and asked, “Will Daryl prove Beth right? Will he be the last man standing?”
And that’s important because it has nothing to do with this discussion or this specific episode. Daryl wasn’t even in this episode.
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And I have to acknowledge that there’s a good chance Emily was supposed to be on last week, and her appearance was pushed. We just don’t entirely know what happened there. So possibly, they would have asked this last week during a more Daryl-centric discussion. But still, Chris didn’t say that. It wasn’t like, “Oh you were supposed to be on last week and we wanted to ask this…” No. He just launched into it.
Furthermore, Emily knew exactly what he was talking about. Yes, it’s a well-known line of Beth dialogue from Still that she probably would have been familiar with either way, but even so. The “will Daryl prove her right” came directly from Daryl’s origins episode. So again, despite “not keeping up with the show,” she clearly watched the Origins episode and knew what Chris was talking about.
A couple of suspicious things in her answer:
She essential said yes, that she believes Daryl will be the last man standing. But she also said she didn’t think he would be the ONLY last man standing. Then Chris made a joke saying (and I paraphrase), “Yeah, it’s not like Beth could have said, ‘Daryl, you’re going to get a spinoff.’” And they all laughed and joked about it.
Let’s consider her statement first. She said he wouldn’t be the only one who was standing last, but how would she know that? If she doesn’t follow it anymore and is only associated with it as a previous, deceased character, how would she know that.
And yes, you could argue that this was conjecture on her part, but she said with such…I don’t know, authority? As though she knows something we don’t.
I think you can interpret this one of two ways. The first is what I’ve hinted at above: that she knows others besides Daryl will survive to the end of the show. And I totally agree with her on that. While most of us believe, I think, that Daryl will live until the end, I think plenty of others will, too. Rick and Michonne. Probably Carol and Zeke. Hopefully Maggie, though I’m a little more worried about her. You get the idea. But once again, why would Emily know anything about that?
The other way you could interpret it is that this is a statement about Daryl not being alone. He’ll be the last man standing, but he won’t be the ONLY one. He won’t be alone in that, because Beth will be by his side.
And here’s your friendly neighborhood reminder that in an interview with Larry King prior to S5 airing, Gimple confirmed that Daryl will find love in the apocalypse at some point.
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Then there’s Chris’s statement about the spinoff. Now, that came from Chris rather than her, but it was still a really random reference. For me, what Chris does or doesn’t know is kind of irrelevant at this point. I personally believe he knows everything and is fully in on Beth’s storyline. But even if I’m wrong about that, these questions come from tptb. If Chris recognizes their significance, he’s being instructed to ask them and direct the conversation in a particular way.
And they way he threw in this mention made it seem like he was equating Beth with the spinoff in some way. Even the way he said, “there’s no way Beth could have known to say…” the thing about the spinoff struck me as interesting. Because back then, I truly don’t believe the writers knew anything about the spinoff. As I like to say, everything changed when Kirkman abruptly ended the comics and the writers decided to pick up all the characters and story lines and move them to a different vehicle: the spinoff. Probably for legal reasons. But they couldn’t have know that would happen back in S4.
There’s also the unspoken implication that, while Beth couldn’t have “known” about the spinoff, she didn’t know about other things. Like her return and Daryl’s fate.
Emily even told a story about how when they were getting ready to film the porch scene for Still, both she and Norman were hounding Angela Kang (not the show runner back then, but the writer of that episode) about the last man standing line. They both wondered if it was some kind of foreshadow. She implied they were both worried that Daryl would die soon because of it.
A few things about that. 1) I don’t think either of them actually believed Daryl was soon to die. I seriously doubt that. This is just one of those stories they tell to illustrate a point. Which leads me to my next point. 2) Clearly they are implying that this IS some sort of foreshadowing. They’re just not being specific about what it foreshadows. 3) Keep this in mind--that they were both asking about what a certain line of dialogue might foreshadow--the next the time actors try to claim they have no idea what anything means or what’s going to happen next. They’re VERY aware of how the writers put these symbols in and are constantly wanting to know where the show is going, just like we are. 
So yeah. I was definitely a fan of that whole discussion.
The Inside the Dead portion referenced some interesting Easter eggs, including Gorbelli foods (seen in Tara’s backstory in S4, which had lots of Beth parallels) and Duane Jones Whiskey (alcohol, Morgan, etc; we’ve compared that with Beth before). Kinda small potatoes, but still important.
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I missed part of this next question, but they asked Emily something about whether she thought the Commonwealth is going to turn out to be a good thing and helpful to Alexandria. She said no. Again, maybe not a smoking gun but given that we think she’s most likely coming through Eugene’s story line, it might have been a hint.
They asked her about the Eugene/Stephanie story line, and she said she was excited for any love story in this world. *coughs Bethyl hint*. She also said she’s suspicious of ‘Stephanie’ (emphasis mine) *coughs plot hint*.
For the quiz, they talked about how many walkers Dog killed in the episode (1). Where Mercer said he went to school (Westpoint). What was interesting, is that they kinda gave something away there. After giving the answer, it said, “Mercer didn’t go to school there, but the actor that played him did.” So, they kind of hinted that Mercer SAID he went to Westpoint, but was lying. Just more evidence that Eugene’s group is being lied to and manipulated. Finally, they had a fill-in-the-blank of Eugene’s dialogue. It was when he asked how he was being processed. And one of the options was “as in bologna and other meant stuffs…” (again, I’m paraphrasing; forgive me if my wording is a little off). Anyway, it said at that moment, Eugene was thinking about Terminus. So, just another callback to that story line in S5.
Near the end, Chris asked Lauren and Emily what they miss most about working together. Lauren’s replay was, again, suspicious. She said Emily was “such a bright light,” which we equated to Norman’s famous description of Beth as Daryl’s light that “went out.” She also talked about how it was a testament to Emily’s goodness that she’s “being so missed.” Which made me think of, “you’re gonna miss me so bad when I’m gone, Daryl Dixon.”
Finally, even before the episode aired, @wdway had a theory about Emily being in the studio for the episode, rather than via satellite. Well, I guess it was more of a hope than an actual theory. Now that the episode has aired, it’s an actual theory. 
See, she had a hunch that maybe the Commonwealth story lines (what Josh should be filming right now) might be filmed in studio, rather than on location in Georgia. And there IS an AMC studio in L.A. What we saw--Josh in person on the show while Lauren was there via satellite because she’s in Georgia--does seem to back up this idea. Or at least the possibility. 
The fact that Emily was also there in person could be a coincidence. But it could also possibly mean that she’s filming in studio for the Commonwealth story line as well. @wdway​ thought of this because we think she’ll first come through Eugene’s arc, and none of the Commonwealth stuff is being filmed on the main Alexandria lots where people generally look for spoilers.
Not something that can be proven either way, of course. But a great theory that I’m 100% behind! 
Okay, that’s it for TTD (but that was a LOT) and it makes me super happy. Together with the screeners not being able to talk about episodes moving forward, I think we’ll see Beth very soon. Any references in TTD that I missed?
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What is Love?
Requested by @sassysaxsolo​
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Pairing: BadBoy!JK x Innocent!Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Warning: Dirty talk, degrading, oral sex (m and f receiving), pussy slapping, exhibitionism (??). Oh god this has like 4 smut scenes in it, it's nothing but porn bye
Summary: Jungkook has a degrading kink. Y/N doesn’t seem to like it. Also, JK is bad at this entire love thing but totally whipped for the girl of his dreams.
WordCount: 3.6k
A/N: The first scene is inspired by Hunter and Amy from “Hot Summer Night,” because it’s such a cute couple! P.S this might not be my best work because I wrote it at 3AM, so :( sry
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You wouldn’t exactly call your boyfriend mean by any chances, but it doesn’t mean he was the nicest person you’ve ever met either. Sometimes you look at other people, like Hoseok, or Jimin, they could most definitely keep you happy – and speak to you like you’re an actual human when you both fuck.
You still remember the first time Jeon Jungkook had ever well, noticed you.
“-and then they both crashed into each other!” your friend was telling this story for the nth time, and you paying your 101% undivided attention to your fries sitting in front of you, basically drowning in ketchup, while trying to ignore the eyes that bore in the back of your head.
It was the last day of your exams as a sophomore in high school, and just like everyone else in town, you’d gone to the diner you always went to, at the end of 15thStreet Avn. Everyone and their mom had decided to come, so it was really busy, you literally had to speak loud to your friends, sitting just across you.
Fifteen minutes ago, Jeon Jungkook had walked into a diner and chose the place that gave the perfect view of you from the back.
Seven minutes ago, your friends had noticed that he was – shamelessly – staring at you, strawberry milkshake in one hand, a lit cigarette in the other. When you tried to look back, his eyes didn’t even flinch when they made contact with yours. On top of it, he winked at you. It was weirdly strange, yet made you feel all giddy inside.
What. The. Fuck. It was a well-known fact that girls would actually die to have one date with Jungkook, willing to get plastic surgeries, buying the most expensive clothes, and even leaving gifts in his locker at school. So why was here he here, in this lame-ass diner? And that too, wasting time while staring at you? He clearly didn’t even take a sip of his beverage.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N, he’s so totally staring at you,” your best friend from across the booth said, while pretending to look at her nails.
“He’s so hot, I would totally take a bite,” your other friend says while taking a bite of her burger.
“Yuck!” you exclaim, as you can’t help but laugh at the thought of it. You had a certain laugh, especially when you were sitting around with your friends – it wasn’t that loud, but your eyes would bunch up as you would unconsciously bring your hand up to your mouth, and would throw your head back.
You dare to look back at him again, but this time you see his coming towards you, while taking a puff from his half smoked cigarette. You immediately turn your head back, so quick that you feared you’d broken your neck.
You look at your friends adjust their hair and posture when they see him coming towards your booth, and you can’t help but play with the hem of your sleeve, biting your lip. He stands across you, leaning on the booth in front of yours, swirling his straw so the whipped cream becomes one with the milkshake.
As soon as he makes eye contact with you, you just freak out and amidst that panic, you blurt out, “I have a boyfriend.”
He looks back at you and smirks, oh God, he looks so, so amazing. This year, he’s grown out his hair, so the waves were sprawled against his forehead, and he pushed it back with his hand after placing the milkshake next to you. He’s the pitch perfect image of a fuckboy; leather jacket, a motorbike, tattoos (even though he’s totally not 18 years old yet), and the lingering scent of cigarettes.
“Nah, no, you don’t,” he takes another puff of his cigarette, “but if you don’t stop being so fucking cute, you will,”
You chuckle, thinking he’s pranking you, thinking it’s just a joke him and his stupid friends had planned out to humiliate you publicly, “You don’t know the first thing about me,” you say as you dip a fry in ketchup.
“I know you like ketchup,” he says, before taking a sip from his milkshake.
That was also the day when Jeon Jungkook had officially asked you out.
When you’d spent the entire summer with him, you got to realize one thing about him, he loved to degrade you while having sex. Sure, it was fun the first few times – but after that, words like “slut,” and “whore,” had started making you feel like one.
It was obvious that to you that you weren’t his first priority; football and his friends were always going to be before you. You still remember he was less than enthusiastic when you told him about the art gallery you’d host after working on your still life pieces for two years.
But in reality, everyone on the team knew he was head over heels for Y/N, he had quitted smoking right after he heard you cough, he’s started wearing a helmet whenever he rode his bike, and even let you decorate it with your frilly stickers. He would always, always go out of his way to get a fresh pack of chocolate milk for you, because you once mentioned that your dad doesn’t let you drink it because it’s unhealthy.
“Here, babe,” he says tossing you your daily supply of chocolate milk.
“Hey, remember when I told you about the art gallery I was preparing for?” you said, but it seemed like he was more interesting in scrolling Instagram on his iPhone, “um, because I have to go to art school,”
“Yeah, what about it?” he said, pecking your cheek as he got up for class.
“Well, it’s on the 28thof October, that’s next week,” you say before taking a sip of the milk he got you.
He waited a minute before speaking anything, and you wished, you wished deep in your heart so sincerely that he wouldn’t come up with an excuse.
“You know Jake’s birthday is that day, right? Can’t you reschedule it?” he said, looking down, adjusting his leather jacket.
You felt as if someone was stomping on your chest, it was getting harder to swallow the milk in your mouth, and it didn’t taste like the too sugary drink it was – instead it felt like you were swallowing poison. He surely remembered your rants about how it was so hard to rent a place in that gallery right? Or how it took you three months to manage to snag it for a couple of hours? Or how it took you two years to compile your best art pieces?
“B-but I don’t think I can do that, I barely got to rent the place an-and I- “
“Babe, I don’t think I can make it. The boys and I are going out to the city,” he said, tilting his head.
He didn’t wait for your reply, already walking down the hallway, leaving you heartbroken.
On 28thOctober, you met all the professional people you had dreamed of meeting, it was an honor, especially since you were just a Junior in high school. But, you never saw the face you wanted to see. You couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your chest when the exhibition finally finished, and you had to close the gallery.
That night, around 1AM, Jungkook broke into your room through your window how he usually did, only this time he had a bouquet of roses in his right hand, and red eyes.  When he noticed your tear stricken eyes and smudged mascara, he didn’t think twice before throwing the flowers on your bed and hugging you hard. Then, when he was so close, you noticed that he reeked of alcohol and weed. But it was fine.
He spent the night trying to make you laugh by reciting jokes he was forced to listen from Seokjin, and trying to make up for not being there. He cuddled you, putting your head under his chin, your body resting on his chest. It felt like home, when you would be with him, alone.
“How did it go?” he asks, nuzzling his face in your neck, peppering kisses there.
“It went amazing, I got a lot of good critique from artists and college professors,” you say, running your hands through his hair, you still missed his long hair that he cut last week, but it was way softer now,
“I missed you,” you say as he hummed.
He loved how you were like an open book, not like the girls he had been with before. You wore dresses – which he loved, because easier access – and you had long, virgin hair. He loved how untouched you were, innocent, pure and uncorrupted. He loved the little chub on your cheeks, he loved your pillow soft breasts, he loved how you always tasted like strawberries because of your chap stick. He loved virtuous you were. His to taint.
“I’m here, baby, and to make up for it, we’ll go to that café you always wanted to go to, my treat for being the best girlfriend,” he mumbled in your ear before taking off your dress and peppering kisses all over your body.
Of course, your mood had evidently changed, “Okay, you goofball,” you laugh as he tickles you.
“Baby, even if everything is wrong, it’s always going to be alright, and you know why?” he says as he kisses you on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, a huge contrast from his usual drunk kisses, they seem to be more chaste, more genuine, “you’re the only good thing in my life,”
You forgive him, like every other time.
You also toss him out the window before 6AM, before your father catches you with a boy. And that too, Jeon Jungkook. He’d probably kill you. It reminded you of the time when Jungkook decided to eat you out, on a weekday, on your bed, with your room unlocked.
It was no surprise when you found out that he was especially skilled with his tongue, not that any boy had ever even touched you there. You fought your moans, because your dad was literally downstairs watching his daily 9pm news. You knew he’d check up on you at 9.30 PM to ensure that you were studying for the SAT.
But here you were, your face stuffed with your own panties as the taste of your cum took over your tongue, it was a little embarrassing for you to taste yourself, but you paid more attention to the brown haired man between your legs. He’d mutter the same obscene words that used to give you the pleasure you needed at first, but soon became insecure of.
“You like that, dirty slut?” you mewled as he worked his tongue on your clit, adding another finger to the previous one inside of you. His two fingers did more than what you could do with your entire hand, the long slender fingers were now knuckle deep inside of you, doing wonders to your body.
“You’re such a whore, moaning here like a bitch in heat, when everyone thinking you’re an angel, huh,” he says as his fingers thrust in and out of you, lewd noises filling your small room.
You felt your blood run cold, when you could hear your dad’s footsteps on the stairs. Fuck.
“Three. You have three seconds to cum, or forget about it,” he said looking your straight in the eye, his fingers working faster than ever.
You could feel yourself pent up, your walls clenching down on his fingers.
“Two,” he said, attacking your bud with his tongue, a circling pattern, making you shake.
Before he could say ‘one,’ you were cumming, all over his fingers, your thighs and your sheets.
Jungkook chuckled, “Fucking whore,” before jumping out of your window in time, just a second before your dad came in your room. You were under the blanket, your panties under the bed, and your pride out of the window.
As you excused your flush face as a small fever, you couldn’t help but feel a weird twist in your stomach. You didn’t exactly like the way you felt.
You had avoided Jungkook as much as you could the next week, but he didn’t exactly notice because recently the football team had been putting in more hours to prepare for the nationals. He’d still slipped loving notes in your locker, and strapped a red rose on Thursday as well, that made your heart flutter.
The next time you met him was on the bus, on your way home.  
He could’ve rode his bike to his home, but he wasn’t born yesterday, he knew something was up with you when you didn’t respond to any of his messages, and didn’t even acknowledge him in your English class.
The was bus was packed, to say the least, as he followed you as you went to the tail of the vehicle, excusing people. The next stop had more people stepping in here, and he was even more pressed towards you.
You instantly regretted wearing the tennis skirt you wore yesterday, because it was short short, and also thin. You no longer had an excuse to avoid your boyfriend as you felt him press up against your back, you could feel his bulge on your butt.
You tried to look back up at him, but whimpered when you saw the animalistic look in his eyes, and the way he towered over you wasn’t helping either. You sucked in a breath when you felt his finger hitch up, and up, and up, until it was so, so near your panties as he circled your inner thigh with his thumb. He could notice how you were hyper-aware of the surroundings, as if people could see everything that was happening, everyone could see how your boyfriend was basically fingering you on the bus.
“Do you wanna do this?” you heard Jungkook whisper in your ear, and truth be told, you had missed him, the feeling of his dick, his fingers, that you needed him, and you needed him now.
You nodded, and just as soon, you heard him chuckle, “You really are a dirty slut huh?” he said as he slapped between your thighs, making your knees buckle.
With one hand, he held the handle above so he would stay balanced, but with the other one, he steadied your hips, grinding his hips against you. You almost felt embarrassed by how aroused you were, and how quick you were wet. Seconds later, you could feel his fingers separate your folds, “Spread your legs, whore.”
As you spread them, you finally noticed how many people were actually here, and how to the untrained eye it just looked like he was hugging you, but his fingers were now scissoring inside you, stretching you.
You could feel him taking his cock out of his sweatpants, brush it in your folds. You were always so sensitive, the smallest of touches against your clit would make you cry out and moan, so it was no surprise that you let out some noises as his cock entered in you.
“Make one more noise, and I won’t be scared to fuck you senseless in front of all these people,” he whispered in your ear again, this time rocking his hips into you.
“Such a slut, huh? Tell me you’re a slut,” he said, and when he noticed that you didn’t do as he said, he completely stopped all movements. You couldn’t thin straight with his dick sitting inside of you, you needed to get off, and this neediness of yours made you want to crawl into a grave and die.
“I- I’m a slut,” you whispered, and Jungkook wouldn’t have been able to heard that, if he wasn’t basically glued to you.
“S-say it again,” he stuttered and you could feel the both of you coming closer.
“I’m a slut! I’m a whore for you, Jungkook,” you whispered, as you felt yourself cum. As for him, instead of cumming in you, like you thought he would, he took himself out, and jerked off in your panties. The feeling of his cum against your soaked panties was lecherous to say the least, you could feel your panties stick to your clit, almost as a reminder of the disgusting deed you’d just done.
“Keep those on until you get home, such a fucking bitch, fucking her boyfriend in a bus,” Jungkook whispered in your ear, and stepped off the bus after slapping your ass.
And you were left alone again, thinking if you really were the slut he made you out to be.
Your next interaction with Jungkook had been next week, when you both had decided to do the English homework together, at his house. While you spent at least two hours, researching on the topic, Jungkook had simply bullshitted the entire essay in half an hour. Sigh, this is why he was failing. As you were left on his bed, completing the essay, he sat on the other end, gaming with Taehyung and some random boy through his PlayStation party.
Finally, another two hours later, you were done with the horrid essay and were desperately craving your loving and adoring boyfriend’s attention.
“Jungkook,” you tried to get his attention, but didn’t even turn around to look at you. You continued to annoy him, “Kookieee,”
Suddenly, you saw a blast on the screen, as Jungkook slammed his controller on the floor.
He muted his mic before speaking, “You just don’t wanna be a good girl for me today, huh?” At this point, you straddled his lap. He picked you up without a glimpse of hesitation, settling you between his legs, as he took out his cock.
“Suck me, and be quiet about it, unless you want Tae to hear what a desperate bitch you are,” he says, and you’re left to suck him. Jungkook definitely wasn’t small, not even close. In fact, when hard, he was bigger than you had expected dicks to be. So, 4 rounds of battle later, your jaw had started to ache, and you couldn’t help but cry out an elicit moan, forgetting Tae could hear everything.
Jungkook turns off his gaming station as soon as he hears you, “I think I told you to shut the fuck up, but you’re just too fucking stupid to understand,” he says as he harshly picks you up by your ponytail.
“I’m gonna fuck you, gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll be nothing but a dumb bitch hungry for cock,” he says as he thrashes you on the bed, stretching you out with his fingers.
Before adjusting his dick, and putting it in front of your entrance, he slaps your cunt, “that’s for fucking my game night, you bitch,” and he enters you, rough and fast.
He pushed his hair back, it’s been growing again, as he looks at you with his doe eyes again, this time they’re a shade darker. This turns you on, as you let out a whimper, “Jungkook c-close,”
“Cream yourself on my dick, go on, my dumb baby,” he chuckles, before increasing his speed, the sound of skin slapping filling the silence of the room, “Such a desperate cock slut, you can’t get off with me, huh?”
Moments later, when you both cum simultaneously, he lays down next to you and stares at the ceiling.
“What are you thinking of?” he asks, minutes after your silence. This time, he’s not harsh, but instead you’re surprised by his loving tone.
“Just thinking if you love me or not,” you mumble, closing your eyes, missing the surprised look on his face, eyes wide open, jaw ajar.
“Wha- Baby, of course I love you,” he stutters on his words, not knowing what to say. What had made you believe that he wasn’t head over heels in love with you?
“I just… I don’t know, I don’t like it when you call me names,” you explain already feeling embarrassed at being such a prude.
“Baby girl,” he sits up, and kisses your cheek, “you should’ve told me, I- I’m sorry,”
Jungkook looked like a hurt puppy, his eyes downcast, as he fiddled with his fingers. The next week, he had spent making sure you felt like the Princess you were, his Princess. Obviously, you had noticed his behavior, bringing a donut along with the chocolate milk, ditching football practice to meet you, kissing your hands every time he met you, peppering you with kisses.
“Kook, you don’t have to do this,” you exclaimed when he took you to see the beach, two hours away from the town.
“I just my Baby to know that I love her, and I want her to be happy,” he says, and for the first time, you feel like you’re free. You’re free when you’re with him and you love it.
You’re always happy with him. You loved his sloppy kisses, his shit eating grin when his fingers made you cum, his habit of bringing you chocolate milk every day, his scent which was a mixture of cologne and cigarettes, his hoarse voice after he wakes up. You knew no matter how much he accidentally hurt you, he loved you too.
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infinitebells · 4 years
Maybe some angst if you're ok with that? Moran loves you, but had gotten carried away and during one of his missions he had slept with a random woman from the bar. A year has passed and he still can't get over you and wants you to forgive him, but to his surprise the next time he sees you, you're pregnant and Sherlock is parading around how beautiful his pregnant fiance is. Moran still chooses to talk to you and maybe try to convince you to come back. (if you're not ok with this I understand)
this makes me sad, my two favorite boys omg. i listened to yellow as i wrote this and had to stop myself from crying LOL
p.s. my sister violently cried when i made her read this
“i slept with someone during our mission,” he says, voice wobbly. it’s the first time you’ve ever seen his composure break, but your head is in too much of a disarray to notice it. white noise roars through your ears and your vision almost goes too, but you force the darkness away. tears immediately pool on your lower lash line as the words leave his mouth.
“are you being truthful sebastian? or is this some sick joke?” you ask quietly. you pray to every god that he’ll burst out laughing and apologizing for such an awful joke, but nothing of the sort happens. instead, his gaze falls to the floor, unshed tears shining in the light. he doesn’t say a word, but he doesn’t have to. instead, he watches as you leave the room, returning a few minutes later with a suitcase full of your things. panic sets in at the sight, and he rushes forward, gripping your arm tightly to keep you from walking out of the front door.
“wait princess please, it was an accident i sw-”
“don’t call me that,” your voice is trembling. you had hoped your words would come out harsher, but even in your sadness you couldn’t bring yourself to yell at him. “please, don’t,” you whisper.
“please let me make it up to you. what can i do?” he’s kneeling in front of you now, holding your arm close to his chest. his heart breaks in two at the tears streaming down your cheeks. a few stray ones land on his hand, and he grabs yours, kissing the back of it before looking back up. his tears match yours now. and even as he cries he’s still one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever laid your eyes on. a sob you had been repressing breaks free, and your entire body trembles at the force of it.
“sebastian please, don’t make this harder. please let go,” you’re full on sobbing now, your cries echoing throughout the manor. the rest of the boys are quiet in william’s office down the hall.
“i can’t let you go my love, i can’t,” he exclaims, pressing his forehead into the back of your hand. his whole being shakes with his silent sobs, and he can’t bring himself to look up at you anymore. his guilt eats him alive from the inside out, and your next words only serve to completely shatter his spirit.
“i’m begging you, please let me go sebastian. i need to be alone, i can’t look at you without imagining you sleeping with someone else,” your voice is louder, your agony seeping through. he can hear how desperate you are, and everything in his body seizes. his breathing stops as he looks back up at you. your hand covers your mouth to muffle your sobs, and your eyes are squeezed shut as tears leak out of the corners of your eyes. his grip loosens on your hand, and when you open your eyes, his hands are off of you, and he’s looking up at you like he’s lost.
“i’m sorry,” he murmurs, voice cracking on the last syllable. it’s the last thing he says to you before the dam breaks and you rush out of the manor, your cries following you the entire way. sebastian moran has never felt more broken than when he heard your screams of pure sorrow pierce the otherwise quiet night. and he doesn’t think he’ll ever hear anything as heartbreaking.
✧   ✧   ✧
even though one year has passed, the colonel can still feel a unique hollowness deep in his chest. it grows more painful as he passes your favorite restaurant, flashes of your dinner dates playing in his head. it grows more painful when he sees a bouquet of your favorite flowers being handed to another woman. it grows more painful when he sees the constellations hanging in the sky, your favorite ones standing out to him.
all of these instances make the pain grow sharper in his chest, but nothing quite hurts him as much when he sees you in the town square, another man’s arm dangling off of your shoulders, and your hand placed on top of your semi-swollen belly. the glint of your engagement ring blinds him, and he can almost feel his senses fail him as he sees it. what hurts the most is how beautiful you look with sherlock holmes at your side, raving to his partner about which baby names he likes best.
“i really like the name sebastian for a boy, what do you think love?” sherlock’s gaze is trained on you, and his words send a fresh shot of pain barreling through his chest. he can feel his throat constrict as he accidentally overhears sherlock, but he can’t pull away from the conversation now.
“i don’t know, it’s a nice name, but can we look at others too?” moran can’t detect any hidden malice in your words, but he doesn’t know if that only serves to please him or poison him.
“of course! will you wait here while i run into the bakery with watson? i’ll get you some of those muffins you’ve been craving recently,” he’s cheeky with his words, and you can’t help but giggle at them, pecking him on the cheek before shooing the two men away before sitting down on a bench and looking down at your stomach. your fingers find the golden chain resting on your neck, unconsciously playing with the thin strand. you’d never bothered to rid yourself of it, choosing to associate it with the friendship you and the colonel had once had instead of the romantic relationship.
“i thought you would have rid yourself of that necklace by now,” your heart skips a beat at the deep voice, refusing to turn and look at the man now sitting next to you.
“it’s a nice necklace. why would i rid myself of a gift given to me by an old friend?” you force your voice to stay steady as you finally turn to look at moran. his dark green eyes haven’t changed at all.
“am i simply known as an old friend now?” he questions, hands clasping together as he leans forward, forearms resting on his thighs. his gloved hand twitches beneath the fabric, and he’s thankful it’s covered so you can’t see it.
“i don’t think i could refer to you as anything else at this point,” you reply. your voice is dry, but he knows it’s an act. after having been with you for five years, he knows everything about you. and he can see the front you’re putting up.
“you could refer to me as your new lover, should you choose to leave the detective,” his words surprise himself, but he can’t go back now. your eyes widen in disbelief, and your hand grips the side of the bench tightly.
“why would i do such a thing colonel?” the nickname used to be affectionate, one you used when you wanted to tease sebastian. now it’s harsh, sharp on your tongue.
“because i’m still madly in love with you,” he murmurs, staring directly at you. his eyes don’t leave yours, fearful that he’ll miss any indication of your feelings on your face. he watches as your bottom lip is tugged harshly between your teeth, a nervous habit you’d always had.
“sebastian i am with another man now,” you speak slowly, his given name tasting bitter after months of being unused. his face remains slack, his eyes the only indication that he’s serious.
“i know. and i know that you and i were once together as well. so why not try again? we were together for years love,” his once affectionate name for you slips out on accident, but he can see your eyes soften at it as he speaks. the soft gaze is quickly replaced with withering sadness. it chills him to his core.
“yet you threw those years away the moment you slid in bed with another woman,” you whisper, fingers tugging tightly at your necklace. you feel as though it’s choking you. moran’s quiet, defeat flowing through him. he nods, standing from the bench and turning away. he stops before walking, looking back over his shoulder.
“sebastian is a fine name for a young man, but fred is much more suitable for a boy who would take after the kind and caring tendencies of his mother,” he speaks, smiling sadly at you. you can feel tears pool in your eyes, and you return the smile. you missed the young boy who had treated you like his older sister for the years you and sebastian had been together. you two still exchanged letters sometimes, meeting for lunch occasionally.
“both would be wonderful names for a boy,” you say, finality laced in your tone. he nods, offering you another smile before turning around and walking away. his large form disappears into the crowd, and you turn back to look down at your belly. a stray tear landing on your swollen stomach.
“who was that my dear?” sherlock’s voice catches your attention, and you quickly wipe any tears away before looking up at him.
“an old friend i hadn’t seen in a while,” you don’t expect the voice crack, and alarm spreads across his face. he kneels in front of you, holding your hand lightly as the other one rests on your cheek, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your cheekbone.
“what’s wrong sweetheart? why are you crying?” he asks, gaze tracing your features.
“i just hadn’t seen them in a while and i though they had passed on, so i was relieved to know they were safe,” it wasn’t a complete lie, and he bought it without hesitation. helping you stand up, he keeps your body close to his by looping his arm around your waist.
“okay, as long as you’re okay now,” he reinforces his words to a kiss on top of your head, and you grin involuntarily at his gesture.
“he did recommend a good boy name that i like,” you speak up, bittersweet warmth spreading through your chest.
“oh yeah? do enlighten me!” excitement bursts on his face like fireworks, and you can feel your own smile grow. unbeknownst to you, sebastian walks slightly behind you two, needing to hear your voice one last time before leaving.
“he suggested fred, which i think is my new favorite choice. although, i like sebastian for his middle name,” you say, looking up at sherlock to gauge his reaction.
“that sounds like a wonderful idea my love,” he says, leaning down to press a loving kiss to your lips.
even though one year has passed, the colonel can still feel a unique hollowness deep in his chest. as he walks away from you, back to the manor, where he sleeps in a room you two once shared, he doesn’t know if that hollow feeling will ever recede.
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Dean’s Cam Girl
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, praise kink, slight dom/sub tones? (but not really), fingering, 18+ only please! 
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: I'm so sorry this is getting posted late! I'm not a huge fan of how it ended but I will definitely come back soon and edit it to add more details. I'm so used to having the whole night play out that writing one part of it seems weird. Either way, it’s not been looked over so all mistakes are my own! I tagged those who commented on my blurb that I posted a couple days ago so shoot me a message if you want to be added to my Dean Tag List and I’ll add you too! 
P.S.- It seems like some of the tags didn't work on my laptop so I’ll try on mobile once it’s posted and see what happens. 
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"Spread your legs, pretty girl. Let them see you." Dean's voice is husky as he nibbles at the shell of your ear, fingers splayed over your stomach as his ankles hook around yours to keep your legs spread.
"You want me to touch you, sweetheart?" Dean grins wickedly, fingers slowly sliding up your body to pluck gently at your pebbled nipples and cup your soft tits in his hands. 
You nod your head yes and it lulls back to rest against Dean's shoulder while your eyes stay trained on the little red, blinking light of the laptop camera. You don't really know when it started or why, but the two of you fell down this rabbit hole after one drunk night where you decided to make a dirty video and post it online. You weren't dumb- you made sure to hide any identifying features of both your bodies and your surroundings. But when the checks started arriving in the mail that stemmed from views on your video, a lightbulb appeared above your head on a new way to make money that was actually your own and not stolen or hustled. Dean was obviously on board because it meant he got to do more things to you- things he had fantasized about and saw in other videos that he wanted to try. So here you were: roughly 3 months into this new journey and swimming in real money with a fanbase that craved the material you put out. It gave you a reason to stay fit, too, but that was more for you than anyone else. 
You were still in your favorite bodysuit, but he had slid his index fingers under your shorts and tugged them down your legs so the wet patch of fabric that covered your soaked pussy was on display. He was grinning from ear to ear as he saw what this looked like on the computer screen: only his legs and arms were visible but you were the main treat. Hair was slightly wet from the sweat that coated your skin, you were flushed light pink in need and desperation, tits barely held in by the black material covering them, and absolutely soaked, went cunt starting to become visible behind the sodden fabric it hit behind.
 "You wanna cum tonight, princess?" De growled, hands moving from your chest and down your stomach to stroke along your bare thighs. 
"Yes, please." You whimpered, slick hole clenching around nothing and desperate to be filled. 
"How bad?" He taunted, grinning with his tongue behind his teeth as he drug his fingers up your wet slit in a teasing motion. 
"So bad, De. Need it, need you." You gasped as his middle finger started rubbing slow circles into your clit. 
"Need it where, princess?" He replies, adding another finger into his teasing circles. 
"Inside me." You exhale as he does just that, sliding his middle finger behind the fabric and three knuckles deep inside your tight heat. 
"Like that?" He asks, grinning into the kiss he presses against your temple. 
All you can do is nod your head but he doesn't like that response; he pulls his finger out and slaps your pussy a little less than gentle. You gasp and groan in surprise, unaware that that was something you liked. His ears perked up at the noise and he looked at you curiously. 
"Oh, does someone like getting their pretty pussy slapped?" De asks, testing the waters and doing it again to see what would happen. 
Your head lulls back once more as he does it again and again, fingers tapping against your clit after every slap as he builds up your orgasm. You can feel the coil in your lower stomach tightening as you get closer to your release and your muscles begin to clench in anticipation when he suddenly stops and pulls away. 
"De…" you whine, legs shaking as you slowly come back down and you look up at him with hooded eyes. 
"Yes, princess?" He smiles innocently, fingers going back to rubbing along your inner thighs as you catch your breath. 
"Why'd you stop?" You ask, needy for your release. 
"Drawing it out, sweetheart. Makes the ending so much better." He tells you, his fingers teasing their way back up your stomach to the sleeves of your body suit.
 He hooks his fingers under the material and tugs it down your arms, freeing your breasts to the cool air and in sight of the camera. You used to be shy about this but now the idea of people watching you has you more wet than ever, if that was even possible. He goes back to plucking at your nipples, rolling them between his thumb and index fingers as he watches your body react on the screen. He's impossibly hard behind you and he ruts his hips in small back and forth motions so his hard cock rubs between your ass cheeks. 
"Please, De." You whine, eyes fluttering shut at the pleasurable feeling coursing through your veins and straight to your clit at his ministrations. 
"You wanna cum, princess?" He asks as if he's asking about the weather but you're almost crazy with desperation and you start babbling.
“Yes, please, De. Fuck, wanna cum. Wanna cum on your fingers, on your cock, anywhere you'll let me. Fuck me, I know you wanna. Wanna shove your hard cock deep inside me, feel how wet and warm I am." Dean growls deep in his chest at your words but obliges, tugging your body suit out of the way and shoving his middle and ring finger deep inside you and he starts rubbing against your g-spot as he begins fingering you roughly. 
He knows that the viewers will like your begging but he knows it's just for him and that's what drives him crazy- having you shaking and whimpering and begging him to do these dirty things to you. He memorizes every noise you make, how your face scrunches when he gets deep, how your jaw goes slack when he finds your G-spot and is merciless as he goes to town on both it and your clit at the same time. You're clenching his forearms that are wrapped around you as you begin to chase your orgasm once again, and he's determined to make it the best one of the night. 
He's got his ankles hooked around yours to keep your legs spread wide open as he starts using his thumb to torment your clit with quick circles. However, his free hand moves to your chest and begins palming at your breast- tweaking your nipples and pinching just hard enough to get you to gasp out. He promised himself that he was going to draw this out-make you really desperate for it- but seeing you come undone like this was driving him crazy. Your eyelids are fluttering as you fight to keep them open; you're trying to keep your eyes on his face for the entire time so he can watch you cum around his fingers. He said that was his favorite part, after all.
 "Give 'em a show, sweetheart." Dean coos in your ear, his voice husky and thick like honey.
 You nod, spreading your thighs more so he can get just a little deeper while your back arches and you start moaning and cursing with more abandon. You're teetering right on the edge of your release and Dean knows that the thing you needed was his arm across your chest and palming your breasts while you came. And you did, you came harder than you ever have and were loud enough that you were sure the neighbors in the connected hotel room could hear you. Your fingers dug into Dean's skin and left long, red welts down his forearms as you moaned out until there was no more breath left in your lungs.
 "That's it, princess. You're doing so good. So fuckin' beautiful, honey." De praises you as your bones turn to jelly and you collapse back into his embrace. 
You're grinning up at him, smile blissed out and eyes closed as you work to catch your breath. You barely notice him hit the stop button on the computer and settle back into the pillows with you. 
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
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Summary: From calling her ugly, to not taking his eyes off; JJ Maybank couldn’t hold back his feelings for Y/N.
A/N: Here’s me and my JJ x reader imagines again. I hope you like this one and please request an imagine. Just click on ask annika and I’ll be more than thrilled to write it for you. 🥰 P.S: Look at those arms dude (sorry I had to 🤤🤤🤤)
It all started with a few words, from the boy she didn’t ever want to hear a word from. Or, at least never hear the words he said to her face. Y/N had never been insecure about her body. She dressed in simple clothes; simple being her style. Sometimes, when she had to go to a birthday party or a kegger; jewelry or bandanas were her touch up. Her hair was, what their friends stated, the most beautiful they’ve ever seen and she really took a good care of it. It was naturally pretty and she had no problem with it. And it all went perfectly fine, until that one boy, known for his chase-tailing girls around Outer Banks and his masters in what type is the hottest or prettiest, had the drunken idea of telling his long time friend that she’s ugly. Yeah...ugly.
From that day on, Y/N never went to keggers again, neither did she attend any public events that involved JJ. He was a handsome guy; blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned body; your known heartthrob. But, Y/N and her little crush on him never really got the same reaction and attention as much as he did.
Her friends hadn’t been hanging out with her lately and they really got concerned of why she preferred being home more, than at the Chateau or the Wreck. Sarah contacted her through texting the group chat her, Kie and Y/N have:
Sarah💅: Y/N love, are you alive in this world?
Kie🐬: Yeah Y/N, we haven’t seen you for weeks now. Are you okay?
Y/N🥰: I’m doing fine guys, don’t worry.
Sarah💅 :Yeah, but we do, when we haven’t seen our best friend for weeks. Can we come over, are you free?
Kie🐬: I need to show you the new clothes I bought earlier asap!!!
Y/N🥰: Of course you can come. I’m waiting for you.
Sarah💅: See you girlie😘
While she prepared some snacks and drinks for when Kie and Sarah come, Y/N listened to some music. She didn’t put the volume up too much, so she could hear the door. And when she did, the two girls came inside, getting suspicious at why their friend’s wearing baggy clothes in the middle of the summer, but they shrugged it, happy to see her after a long time.
-There’s a kegger tonight, and I’m definitely wearing one of these shirts. -said Kie, putting the stylish clothes she got in the bags.
-Who’s hosting the kegger?
-JJ and John B of course. JJ’s been looking forward to it for a whole week now. He said that there were new girls in town and he was going to get lucky or something. -said Sarah, rolling her eyes.
-Right. Well, have a great time.
-What do you mean?! You’re not coming?
-No, I am not coming.
-Y/N, you’ve been skipping these public gatherings for a long time now and we start to worry, what’s the problem? -Kie placed her elbows on the table.
-Nothing’s the problem----just----I got bored of keggers, that’s all.
-Come, please, we’re going to have so much fun. -pleased Sarah.
She quietly started to think and decide, if this is her night of finally getting a small revenge on JJ’s words: “You are ugly!”
-Okay, I’ll come. -she assured them and drank her water. Sarah and Kie high fived each other and enjoyed Y/N’s company, until they separated to go and get ready for tonight’s party. Y/N told them not to wait for her, because she’ll arrive alone, giving an excuse of helping her mother quickly, before attending the party.
She was stood in front of the mirror, observing her put together self. Thigh length, white jeans, a white cropped top and a purple and pink flannel with purple, short heels. Her body was now perfectly curved and her skin was clear from the constant care and sunbathing. Her hair smelled nice and it was wavy. Y/N was definitely ready for this party.
All eyes were on Kie and Sarah that night; everyone looking at their outfits, until they were no longer looking their way, rather now their mouths were split in shock and looking at the entrance. She walked to her two friends like a model and all the boys whistled her way to them. Sarah and Kie still couldn’t make out if it was Y/N or some other girl.
-Are you---Y/N or am I tripping? -said Sarah.
-It’s me. -said Y/N, trying her best not to run home and change into something she’d normally wear to a party.
-You look stunning and in its every meaning. -said Kie, spinning her around.
JJ’s eyes, trailed down her perfect body, getting a bit too lost at a girl he called ugly not too long ago. His skin was sprinkled with goosebumps and his heart rate was faster than ever. He hardly held back himself from not going to her. But when he heard Pope and John B, deciding to approach them, he couldn’t miss the chance.
-Hello, girls. -said John B, throwing an arm around Sarah; Pope doing the same.
-Hi. -Y/N said quickly.
-Dude, -started Pope, -how did you manage to change so quick?
-What do you mean? I just treated myself a new style.-she winked at the boy.
-It looks great though.
-Thank you Pope.
-You literally had the biggest change of your life, but it suits you well. I mean, you can see that, since all eyes are basically on you. -said John B, looking around him to see guys smirking their way.
-I feel uncomfortable. -said Y/N, slightly closing her flannel. JJ didn’t say a word; he was stunned to his very core and all he could do was just admire her.
-Jack! -said a guy from behind Y/N with a put out hand.
-Y/N, nice to meet you.
-Are you alone? -he got closer so Y/N could hear him better from the music.
-No, I’m with my friends.
-No, I mean, do you have a boyfriend with you?
-I don’t. My friends and I are a whole group. -she tried to point out how uninterested she was at the moment.
-Do you want me to accompany you?
And these moments really stressed her. She didn’t want him to accompany her, at all, and it was tying her stomach in knots.
-No, I’ll be fine on my own.
-On your own? A hot girl alone at a party. See that really doesn’t sound safe.
-Like I said, I’m not alone, my friends are here.
-Come on babe, we’ll have a lot of fun. -he started to come closer and closer, catching her wrist as Y/N tried to let go off him.
-Get off her man! -yelled someone from behind him. Y/N’s gaze turned to the blonde; his eyes were flickering in anger and it didn’t seem to safe at the moment. He was JJ and fights for him were a daily routine. -I said, get off her.
-What will you do if I don’t?
-I repeat, get off her. -JJ tried to stabilize his slightly drunk self.
-JJ...-Y/N tried to warn him.
-She’s alone dude, and I felt the need to accompany such a lady.
-If it means fighting a grasshopper like you, then sorry my man, I won’t let go. -he now used his strength to pull Y/N away with him. JJ caught his shoulder, spinning him around and punching him right in the nose. Y/N jumped back, trying to stop JJ from fighting, but his eyes were too blinded with jealousy that punches didn’t stop.
-JJ! -Y/N pulled him by his biceps.
-Don’t hold me back, princess. -he yelled and Y/N was finally able to pull him away. Placing a hand on his chest to stabilize his breathing, she intertwined their hands and took him as far from the kegger as possible.
-JJ what the hell is wrong with you? -she said; her voice filled with worry. -Why did you do that? And what for?
-For you, Y/N, I did it for you. -he stated. -No one should treat a girl like that.
-I could’ve solved it myself and no one asked you for help.
-Yeah, I saw how you were solving it. But you know what? I should’ve left you go with him, since I see you dressed to impress, you know, leave you to him.
-Dressed to impress? JJ, I didn’t dress to impress. I for once dressed in something that’ll make me feel free and modern. Plus, I combined my clothes into my style but still appropriate for a kegger. And why am I giving you an explanation; you were the one to call me ugly.
-You’re---not---ugly. -his voice softened.
-Well according to you I am, Maybank. -she said, -I’m going home. It’s enough.
-Wait, why are you leaving when you literally didn’t even have a drink or something?
-I don’t drink JJ, sorry. Bye. -she turned her back and started to walk away from him. His whole face was covered in blood and he couldn’t feel his bruised stomach. JJ thought she would offer to take care of him, but it seemed she was too broken from his side.
Her arms were wrapped around her freezing body, as she walked a long way back home. The streets were bare, without any sign of a human form. She tried her best not to turn around the lights that beamed behind her, as a car slowly approached her way.
-Y/N, get in. -said her well-known voice.
-Why did you come after me?
-Because it’s night and you’re not walking home alone.
-Like you care, JJ.
-If I didn’t, would I be here.
He was right. JJ would’ve been at the kegger now, macking on a touron, totally clueless he has another girl in his mind while kissing her. He parked the car and got out, coming face to face with frozen Y/N. His blues stared straight into her eyes, softly glancing to her lips.
-What? -she said, after a long time of just looking at each other in the middle of the road.
-Nothing, I’m just admiring your beautiful face. -he confessed.
-Yeah, after I took a great care of it. Calling me ugly, stayed and will stay with me, Maybank, so sorry, I take this as just a big lie.
-No really, your face is beautiful and was beautiful. I just couldn’t say it so saying the opposite was easier.
-Yeah, yeah, okay I get it JJ. Never mind. -she brushed next to him and started to walk away.
-Now you’ll play hard to get? -he yelled after her.
-For who? For you? Hah, you’ll only see it in your dream, Maybank.
And surprisingly, he really did. When he and John B, returned to the Chateau, he dreamed about Y/N and how she played hard to get and he tried to win her heart back again. The best part though, was that in JJ’s dream, he finally kissed her.
He got out of his bed, hearing someone sing in the kitchen and it wasn’t John B; for else he would’ve recognized that bad singing ability. His feet slowly made their way to the kitchen, surprised to find Sarah and Y/N preparing breakfast. More surprised, she was wearing the same exact clothes like in his dream. Hope was born in his heart. And since she was now alone in the kitchen, just like in his dream, he had the only chance, of making it come reality. Without thinking twice, he spun her around and placed a deep kiss to her lip balm covered lips, getting the taste of it on his own. Y/N didn’t have time to react; she just took in the surprising moment. When they split apart, their faces red as JJ’s cheeks, Y/N avoided any eye contact.
-I’m madly in love with you. -he said and now her eyes were deeply fallen into his. Her mouth split in shock and JJ lifted her chin to close it.
-Wha-ho-why-uh...-she stuttered, rubbing her cheek.
-I should’ve said it a long time ago, but didn’t have the guts to. Guess my dream pushed me into doing it. Or at least, give me some support.
-Your dream? -she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
-Yes, I dreamed of kissing you, right here, in this kitchen. -he trapped her on the counter.
-Wow. -was the stupidest thing that came out of her mouth in the moment. JJ licked his lips, glancing once again at hers. Her shy and embarrassed self, placed quick kisses to both of JJ’s cheeks and jogged to the table to serve the breakfast. She sat down and stuffed her mouth with vegetables, so no one can ask her a question.
-So, guys, what do you want to do today? -JJ came right after her, approaching her chair. He placed his thumb on her back, stroking her bare place as she straightened her figure at his touch.
-We can take the HMS Pogue for a ride today, see if we catch anything? -offered John B.
-Perfect. -said JJ, sliding his finger to her waist, then moving the chair next to her and sitting down. She cleared her throat and continued with her breakfast.
The Pogues were now on the HMS Pogue, and everyone put sunscreen on. The boys were enjoying their beers while Sarah and Kie jumped in the water. Y/N was sunbathing, getting that extra vitamin D. JJ’s eyes couldn’t leave her view and all he wanted to do, was comfortably flirt with her in front of his friends. And he got the chance to, when everyone decided to get in the water. John B was first, followed by Pope. JJ let Y/N get closer to the edge, lifting her in his arms and jumping together in the water.
-JJ. -she rubbed her eyes, when she was on the surface. -Oh my.
Her eyes stung from the salty water and he swam over to blow at them. The others immediately got suspicious and decided to observe from afar.
-Sorry baby, didn’t mean to hurt you. -he caressed her cheek.
-It’s fine, I didn’t close my eyes myself anyways. -she let out a short, cute laugh.
-Yeah, because I didn’t give you time to think. -he winked at her and placed a kiss to her knuckles.
The others started spraying each other with water and Y/N seemed to somehow find herself trapped in a big fountain of water. JJ saw her and swam over. He engulfed her in a hug to protect her from the amount of waves the other created by diving, jumping, splashing.
-What’s this? -he stroke her red wrist.
-I don’t know, it’s the first time I’m seeing it.
-Did I do this? -he shot up his worried eyes.
-No, I don’t think so. It was Jack definitely.
He placed his wet lips to the place and started to kiss her wrist. -Give me the pain. I’ll take it so you don’t have to go through it.
She was stunned from him, not waiting for him to ever say those words. But he did and she started to slowly push aside her stubbornness.
-I love you. -she almost whispered while looking at JJ with love. His wide eyes shot up to her face now, getting that happy smirk on curved on his lips. She shook off her dazed feeling and looked everywhere except at him. He caught a grip of her hands and telling her that they’ll go underwater, she nodded in assurance. He slowly pulled her with him and attached his, to her lips when they were under.
Kie invited them to the Wreck, for a tasty lunch after their fun in the water. They were all sat around the table as it was filled with fries and burgers. JJ was holding Y/N’s hand the whole time, working with only one.
“You are basically, the only thing that keeps me entertained in this place.” -he slipped a note from under the table.
-I’m not even talking that much. -she unnoticeably whispered to him.
-Yeah, but you’re the cutest, ya know? -he winked...and her whole body roamed heat through her brain and finally her cheeks.
“Can we date?” -he slipped another one.
Y/N took the piece of tissue and wrote something, slipping it under the table. - “How could I say no to your handsome face. Of course we can.”
He didn’t plan to have a positive answer from her, rather waiting for her to be stubborn about everything and never forgive him for calling her ugly.
“I’m sorry I called you ugly. Because I didn’t mean it, I promise.”
Y/N send him a reassuring kissy face and it was enough for JJ to know she has forgiven him. They soon announced their relationship to the Pogues, JJ finally getting the chance of calling her his in front of everybody, even getting the chance to cuddle her in front of Jack. Y/N was happy and it was what mattered to him the most.
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teenwolffanclub-me · 4 years
Season 1, Episode 5: The Tell (Part One)
Hey there beautiful reader! If you’re new here, this is a series I’m writing where each chapter is an episode from the first season of Teen Wolf. If you’ve been here before, hey! I missed you! Previous and future chapters are linked at the end of each part if you want to catch up.
Pairing: Stiles x Psychic! Reader (eventually)
P.S. Stiles and Y/N have a sleepover (things are happening!!) and Jackson just got on the struggle bus.
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“Whoa, whoa. Slow down.” I sat forward in the passenger seat and put a calming hand on Allison’s arm. 
She took a deep breath and slowly relaxed her iron grip on the steering wheel. If she kept freaking out the way she was, we’d be laying in a ditch instead of making it to school.
“I’m telling you, Y/N. Something is really not right.” Her voice trembled as she spoke, clearly very upset. 
“Just...start over.” I shook my head, not even clear about what she was trying to tell me.
She let out a slow sigh. “Last night, I found broken glass on the window of my aunt’s car.”
“Okay?” I prodded, glancing at the road to make sure she was driving straight again. 
“So they both lied! My dad said she needed a jump, and she said she ran out of gas. Clearly something else happened if her window was broken. But...that isn't even the worst part.”
I nodded encouragingly so she would continue. She needed to just spit it out already. I really wanted to know if this freak out was supernatural related or not. After helping save Derek’s life and learning that the Argents are werewolf hunters, it was hard for me to believe that anything in this town wasn't supernatural related. 
“I heard her and my dad talking.” Her knuckles turned white again as her grip tightened on the wheel. “She said she was attacked by something. And...and that she shot Derek Hale.”
I choked on my own spit and began coughing aggressively, but she didn't seem to notice beyond her growing hysterics. 
“They were talking about packs, and an alpha, and some code...and I sound crazy, don't I?” Tears were streaming down her face now and my chest tightened uncomfortably. 
I wanted to tell her everything. She was so close to figuring it out on her own, anyway, but Scott and Stiles had made me swear not to tell anyone the things I’d learned. I knew it would be dangerous for Scott, but what about Allison? She was caught up in this too, she just had no idea. How would she protect herself if she didn't even know what was going on half the time?
“Hey, no, no. You don't sound crazy at all.” I soothed, placing my hand back on her arm. She let out a quiet sob and sniffled, wiping her nose with her sleeve. “That’s definitely weird. What do you think it means?”
She threw her hands up, suddenly angry. The tears were gone. “I don't know.” She looked my way, determination swimming behind her eyes. “But I’m going to find out.”
“Hoosiers is not only the best basketball movie ever, it’s the best sports movie ever made.”
“It’s got Gene Hackman and Dennis Hopper.”
“Lydia, I swear to God, you’re gonna like it!”
“I am not watching The Notebook again.”
The car fell into silence. I just rolled my eyes at Jackson and Lydia’s bickering. It was all you could do, really. The two of them fought so much, I was honestly surprised they were still together. They had quite possibly the most toxic relationship I’d ever seen. 
Lydia turned and looked at him expectantly, and he folded. Like he always did. Allison snickered from beside me, enjoying his pain way too much. It was bad enough the poor guy had to have a movie night with his girlfriend and her two best friends. The least we could do was pick a movie everyone would enjoy.
He moved to get out of the car, and a sudden wave of nausea hit me. I clutched at my stomach and winced. 
“You okay?” Allison turned to me, her brow furrowing in concern. 
As he walked toward the store, my uneasy feeling only got worse. I knew I had to go with him, or something terrible was going to happen. 
“I’m gonna go help him.” I huffed and popped my door open. 
Lydia rolled her eyes and pulled her phone out, opening the camera to take selfies under the florescent lights. “Suit yourself.”
Once inside, Jackson and I walked through the narrow isles. The shelves were small, only coming up to my shoulder, so we got a clear view of the entire store. It was completely deserted, which only added to my anxiety. It was a week night, sure, but there was no way we should be the only people in here. 
“Can someone help me find The Notebook?” Jackson called, only to be met with eerie silence. “Hello?”
“Is anybody even working here?” I asked, my eyes shifting up to one of the lights that was flickering above us. There was a ladder beneath it, suggesting that someone was here at one point. On the other side of the store, the phone began ringing. 
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.” Jackson muttered, clearly annoyed by the whole situation. 
I got the impression that he wasn’t picking up the weird energy in here the way I was. Something just wasn't right. I could feel it. 
Just then, I caught sight of a pair of shoes at the end of an isle in front of us. But they weren't standing there browsing like us. No, they were laying down, almost as if they were...
“Jackson.” I breathed, and he stopped beside me. “We should go.”
He just scoffed and continued walking. “You know Lydia will kill me if I don't get this movie.”
I couldn't take my eyes off the shoes. My heart began racing in my chest. He seemed to finally take notice as his quick steps faltered.
“What the hell is that?” He kept moving toward it, so I had no choice but to follow. 
I didn't want to be alone in here, even if he was only a few feet away. I shuffled close to his back and peered around his shoulder as we approached the shoes. A gasp tore through me as the sight of a dead man came into view. He was slumped over against the shelf, his throat slashed open. Blood coated every nearby surface. I staggered back a step, horrified. 
Jackson did the same, accidentally knocking over the ladder that was just behind him. The lights flickered and sparks shot out of the ceiling panel as the whole thing came crashing down. A deep, animalistic growl sounded from the other end of the store and we both froze. 
We weren't alone. 
We shared a wide-eyed look, both of our breathing labored. I turned and, through the darkness, saw two glowing red eyes. The thing growled again and I shoved Jackson behind a nearby shelf, choosing the one next to it for myself. I pressed my back against the hard surface, trying to slow my rapid breathing. This was so not the time to have a panic attack. 
Jackson’s terrified eyes met mine before he slowly leaned around to see what was going on. At the sound of shuffling, he whipped back into place. I swallowed thickly, my body beginning to tremble with fear. A few movies were knocked off a nearby shelf and I stiffened. It was close.
Then, each shelf in the line Jackson was hiding in began tumbling down. I called his name in a panic, but it was too late. Within seconds, he was trapped beneath the heavy pile. He tried to jump out of the way, so only his lower half ended up caught. But he still couldn't move. 
He struggled for a few seconds before I stood to help. At the sound of heavy breathing, I froze. I was completely paralyzed by fear. I couldn't have moved even if I wanted to. All I could do was watch as the most terrifying monster I’d ever seen hovered over him. 
It was all black, and huge. It looked like it was covered in fur, but I couldn't see very well under the low lighting. It huffed out harsh breaths as it inspected Jackson, it’s head tilting back and forth as it did. It had a long snout, like a dog, and razor sharp teeth. It lifted a giant paw and delicately peeled back the collar of Jackson’s leather jacket with its long claws. It’s head lifted slowly, it’s bright red eyes locking on mine. 
And then, it was gone. It bolted toward the entrance and jumped through one of the windows, which shattered instantly. A high pitched scream echoed through the night as the thing fled the scene. 
I jumped to my feet to help Jackson, who seemed frozen in shock. He had no idea what the hell just happened, but I had a guess.
It was the alpha. It had to be.
I sat beside Lydia, my arm wrapped around her shoulders comfortingly. She was still shaking twenty minutes later. After the alpha ran off, she and Allison had come barreling into the store. They saw the dead body, rightfully freaked out, and helped me free Jackson. 
An ambulance arrived shortly after, which is where we all sat now. I was shaken up, yes, but I more so just wanted my questions answered. I wanted to know who the alpha was, and why they were running around murdering innocent people in Beacon Hills.
Sirens sounded close by and the Sheriff’s car pulled up. My eyes instantly found Stiles through the passenger window. His lips parted in shock and he moved to take his seatbelt off, but his dad put an arm across his chest. He said something, and Stiles sagged against his seat looking defeated. 
As soon as the Sheriff stepped out, he practically smooshed his face against the window to get a closer look at the scene. 
“Paul, let’s get this area locked up.” The Sheriff called, putting on a pair of back gloves as he walked our way. 
A crowd had gathered, too, which only raised my anxiety. There was a chance the alpha could come back, and I didn't think it would stop at just one victim this time. 
“Why the hell can’t I just go home? I’m fine.” Jackson barked at Sheriff Stilinski the second he joined us. 
“I hear ya, but the EMT says you hit your head pretty hard. They just wanna make sure you don't have a concussion.” The Sheriff tried to reason with him, something I’d learned was almost always a losing effort. 
“What part of I’m fine are you not grasping? Okay? I want to go home.” Jackson took a step into his personal space and raised his voice. 
Lydia frowned and laid her head into my chest, so I pulled her in tighter. The small glimpse she’d gotten of the alpha had really scared her, and now Jackson was making it worse by refusing to cooperate.
“And I understand—”
“No, you don't understand!” Jackson only got louder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Stiles slowly getting out of his dads car. “Which kind of blows my mind because it should be a pretty basic concept to grasp for a minimum wage rent-a-cop like you! Now, I want to go home!”
A beat of tense silence passed before two paramedics rolled a gurney out of the store. I grimaced, knowing exactly what was under the white sheet. 
“Oh, whoa! Is that a dead body?” Stiles called, drawing everyone’s attention to him. 
His dad sent him a disappointed glare and he awkwardly slithered back into the car, his cheeks turning pink.
“Everybody back up.” The Sheriff sighed. “Back up.”
I turned onto my right side, squeezing my eyes shut tightly. With a huff, I flipped onto my back and tugged my blanket over my head. I forced my eyes to remain closed despite the horrible images flashing behind them. I’d been trying to sleep for hours, but I couldn't stop thinking about the alpha. 
I’d been so close to dying. I mean, it had looked right at me. But it didn't hurt me or Jackson. I wanted to know why. It didn't make any sense. The thing hadn't hesitated to kill the movie store employee, so why let us go?
I froze as the sound of rustling outside my window caught my attention. Slowly, I lowered the blanket and swept my eyes across the room. I was still alone. I was completely alone, actually. Mom was working the night shift again. I chewed on my bottom lip as I realized I still hadn't told her what happened. What would I even say?
Hey, mom. I ran into a homicidal werewolf tonight, but it’s all good. It let me go for some reason.
She would definitely make us move again, and I couldn't let that happen. I was starting to really like it here, despite the weird and dangerous situations I kept getting thrown into. 
Just then, my window was shoved open and something thumped to the hardwood floors. I bolted upright and shoved my back against my bedroom wall, trying to get as far away from whatever it was as possible. My breath hitched and my throat constricted painfully. 
My mind was racing. It could be the alpha coming back to kill me, or a random burglar, or maybe something worse. The thing moved around on my floor with a groan. 
With trembling fingers I fished for my phone in my heap of blankets. Once I found it, I slowly turned the flashlight on, making sure it wasn't visible yet. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst before jerking it upward. 
A scream tore through me as the light illuminated a very startled looking Stiles, who was standing at the edge of my bed. He squinted and covered his eyes before smiling sheepishly. I put a hand on my chest and let my phone fall onto the bed. My heart was still pounding as I leaned across my mattress to flick on the lamp. 
“God, Stiles. What the hell are you doing?” My voice sounded angry and breathless, even to my own ears. 
He played with his fingers and raised his eyebrows. “Checking on you.” 
A few beats of silence passed between us, and I realized that tears had gathered in my eyes. That was so unnecessarily terrifying. 
“In the middle of the night.” I deadpanned, trying to calm my racing heart. 
“Yeah.” He smiled his charming lopsided smile, as if he didn't realize how that was so majorly not okay. 
“You can’t just sneak into my house to check on me.” I insisted, despite the way my chest swelled at the thought of him worrying about me. 
“Well, I couldn't just knock. It's the middle of the night.” He chuckled quietly at his own joke. 
I sent him a glare and an unwanted tear escaped the corner of my eye. I internally cursed myself for not wiping them away earlier. His face softened at the sight and I looked away from him, embarrassed. He quickly closed the distance between us, kneeling on my bed with one knee. 
“Hey, I’m sorry.” His voice dropped to a whisper as he cupped my cheek and caught my tear with his thumb. “I wasn't thinking. I’ll go.”
My hand wrapped around his wrist before he could fully pull away. “Will you stay?” 
Now that he was here, I realized how much I didn't want to be alone right now. My overaction just now showed me how much I was actually worked up over this whole thing. I’d pushed it away earlier, but I was still really scared. 
Stiles nodded with a small smile. His warm caramel eyes flickered over my face and he cleared his throat before releasing his hold on me and pushing himself up off my bed. He rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly and glanced around my room. 
I chewed on my bottom lip and fiddled with the blankets at my waist. “You can sit, you know.”
His eyes widened. “Uh. Yeah. I was just, you know...um.”
“Relax, Stilinski. I’m not gonna take advantage of you.” I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. I’d never seen him so uncomfortable. 
“Right. Obviously. Okay. Um...how do you...where should I...?” He scratched at the side of his head and didn't look any closer to moving, so I grabbed one of his hands and pulled him down.
He flailed at the unexpected movement and flopped onto the bed next to me. He scrambled up instantly and pushed his back up against my headboard. He sat there, stiff as a board, his legs crossed and his hands at his sides. 
I laughed at his frenzied state. “You’re the one that climbed into my window. Why are you being such a spaz?”
“I didn’t think I’d get this far.” He muttered and started playing with his hands again. “I’ve never, uh...been in a girls bed before.”
My eyebrows rose in surprise. He was an attractive guy, so I found that a little hard to believe. “Seriously?”
“Yes, I know. My lack of sexual experience is laughable.” He finally looked at me and rolled his eyes in annoyance. 
I shifted into a more comfortable position, letting my legs stretch out in front of me. I leaned back on my hands, now facing Stiles. Our feet were almost touching. 
“It’s not that. I haven’t either. Been in a guys bed, I mean.” I stammered, suddenly feeling nervous. I hadn't been alone with a guy in a long time. And it was Stiles. He always made me just a little flustered. 
His gaze lifted from his hands slowly, his eyes moving across my legs, then my torso, before finally stopping on my face. I swallowed under his intense stare, unable to look away from his eyes. They were so beautiful, and expressive. When he was happy, they shimmered with a light honey color. If he was scared or angry, they dulled just a little into more of a burnt caramel. Right now there was an unreadable emotion swirling in them. 
I decided to go out on a limb. “Have you ever...kissed a girl?”
I watched his breath catch in his throat as his lips parted. He stammered, looking shocked by my question, and I could’ve sworn he started hyperventilating. “A c-couple.”
“Then you’re not a lost cause.” I sighed. That meant he had me beat. I’d never stayed in one place long enough to have a boyfriend. I hadn't even had my first kiss yet. It was pretty pathetic, actually. 
“Have you?” He asked, sounding breathless. 
I chuckled, deciding it couldn't hurt to mess with him a bit. “Kissed a girl?” 
His cocked his head in annoyance and looked at me expectantly. 
“Um.” I was back to chewing on my lip uncomfortably. “No. I haven't.”
“Nice.” He let out a relieved huff with a small smile, but backtracked at the sight of my glare. “I mean, it’s just good to know I’m not the only one who sucks at that stuff.”
I rolled my eyes. “Whatever.”
Feeling a sudden wave of tiredness wash over me, I pushed myself up onto my knees and leaned across the bed to flick my light off. I realized too late, after my arm was already outstretched toward the switch, that I had gotten myself way too close to Stiles. Our faces were only inches apart, and I was practically sitting on top of him. 
His throat bobbed as he gulped. His eyes trailed over my form slowly, starting with my bare legs that rested on either side of his. Oh yeah, I’d completely forgotten that I was only wearing an oversized t-shirt. Up until now, my lower half had been covered up by my blankets, but they’d fallen away when I moved. 
Stiles’ eyes met mine and my breath caught. I only had a split second to study the mix of emotions in them before he glanced down at my lips. 
Oh, God. Is this really about to happen?
My eyes fluttered shut as we inched closer together. I wasn't even trying to. It was like my body had developed a mind of it’s own. His nose brushed against mine, then his lips in a feather light touch, just as thunder suddenly cracked in the distance. 
We bolted away from each other, both breathing heavily. We shared a long, wide-eyed look while trying to collect ourselves. 
“Um—” I started, my heart going right back to beating erratically. 
I can’t believe I just almost kissed Stiles. My friend. What the hell am I thinking?
“I...” He looked petrified by what had just happened. His eyes were wide and his whole face was beet red.  
“Sorry.” We both muttered in unison. 
A long beat of silence passed between us, and I cleared my throat, feeling incredibly awkward.
“That was...um...”
“I can go.” Stiles interrupted, but didn't move a muscle. “If you want.”
I chewed on my bottom lip, surely about to break the skin this time, and shook my head. I still didn't want to be alone. “It’s okay. Just turn off the light.”
He nodded in understanding and complied, blanketing us in darkness instantly. I crawled beneath my comforter, silently offering him to do the same. Within minutes I was fast asleep, surprised by how peaceful it felt to lay beside him. 
And, for the first time since moving here, I didn't have a single dream. 
Episode 4       Episode 5, Part Two
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donkey-hyuck · 4 years
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♫ playlist ♫
word count- 2,378
chapter warnings- mentions of guns/violence | dialogue heavy
series masterlist!
⤷⤷ prologue ➤ chapter one ➤ chapter two ➤ ✵chapter three✵ ➤ chapter four ➤ |you’re here| ➤
𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙍: everything that is written is purely fiction and does not depict reality :)
«────── « ⋅ʚ🔥ɞ⋅ » ──────»
prior to his leave— at around ten o’clock— renjun paid his respects to your company ceo, eunha, and of course, you.
subtly, he took you away from a conversation between another one of your interns as he guided you to a secluded area in the lobby. you scowled your eyes at him before sharply asking what he wanted.
“i’d slow down there, princess. i’m the biggest ceo in china, i can ruin your career like that,” he ended with a snap of his fingers, “ but don’t worry, my love. i wouldn’t do that to you. i just came back to say that i’m taking my leave for tonight. i hope to see you around,” he winked and walked off. however, before he actually left the venue, he was quick to snap a picture of you before actually leaving to his car and sending the picture to his team— his other team.
by the time renjun reached his mansion, he sent doyoung the pictures he took and a general description of your physical appearance. the boys were on their way researching right on time.
the weekend came by and you were on your way to ‘style studio’ for an appointment with a regular client. she seemed to like you tons and you couldn’t really blame her, you were the whole package.
when you first entered the small clinic, you saw renjun waiting in the waiting room of the lobby. he was reading some magazine— which featured some of his apparels— before looking up to see who entered the building.
prior to your entrance, renjun figured out where you worked within the body and soul inst. and immediately drove his way there after making a few agreements between some of your coworkers just for a chance to see you again. he figured it was all a coincidence and would never be able to see you again, but he remembered who he was. and huang renjun was capable of a lot of things, which made it possible for him to locate where and when you worked, exactly.
clueless as to who was in the waiting room, you greeted the receptionist— hayoon—  a good morning before he told you that someone was looking for you, specifically ceo huang renjun. unfortunately, you were wearing some accessories made by huang&co. which made you regret choosing to wear them in the first place. his company made cute and trendy items, of course you purchased some accessories— though you were to admit that they were a bit on the pricier side.
renjun seemed to notice that you were looking over your shoulder and peering at him so he set aside the magazine that he had in his hands and walked over to you. gently smiling at hayoon and guiding you towards the hallway.
“mr. huang, what a pleasure seeing you here. on a saturday. at eight o’clock in the morning,” you said through gritted teeth. the man only grinned and asked if you were busy. he also complimented your choice of accessories.
“of course i am, i have a job. and don’t flatter yourself, they were gifts,” you snapped back and got your keys to open your office to get ready for the appointment you had today. but before you were able to open the door, his hand covered the doorknob, preventing you from opening it and turning to him. you looked at him with your brows furrowed and eyes blazing.
“are you busy later? let’s have dinner, my treat,” he smugly said. you blinked at him like he was a crazy person and noticed your client walk through the entrance doors. you didn’t end up responding to him and just pushed past the door to start your day. he just had to show up then.
you just closed the door in his face but then there were screams that were heard out in the hallway. frantically, you peeped open the door just a smidge and detected the amount of fans barging into the clinic. huang fucking renjun.
the older client walked into the room earlier than the fans that had barged in. there weren't a lot of people but it was a good amount that made everyone that was in the building freak. even the client herself was shocked to see ceo huang renjun in the building way too early in the morning. to that, you just laughed it off and got ready to start her treatment.
she was actually the only client you were taking that day and the rest is history. you had no other plans for the day but you definitely did not want to make plans with the ceo himself; he was immature, and inappropriate.
it was only about eleven in the morning when you packed up your things to go back home. surprisingly enough, renjun was still present in the clinic. right when you locked the door to your office, renjun appeared from out of the men’s bathroom and looked at his surroundings, instantly recognizing you walking toward the exit.
out of your peripheral vision, you knew he was still there so you silently groaned but still walked out to your car.
but to your dismay, renjun knocked on your car window startling you. and it only took a minute for you to come back to your senses. you sighed to yourself and rolled down your tinted windows.
“mr. huang, what can i do for you now?” you fakely smiled as he discreetly looked around through his sunglasses. he then leaned against the car door and let his sunglasses fall down the bridge of his nose.
“you never answered my request, my love. it’s a yes or no question. but just know that i won’t take no for an answer.”
“so then i don’t really have a choice anyways,” you sighed out.
“nope. text me your address, i slipped a little something in your bag,” he winked again and walked towards his car. before you drove off back home, you searched in your bag to see a note. handwritten from renjun.
‘xxx-xxx — i hope to see you tonight xoxo, renjun. p.s. don’t call me mr. huang! it’s too formal.’
who knew ceo huang would be that much of a flirt.
oh, but ceo huang was not a flirt. he just had a natural aura that brought those close to him. renjun was actually the exact opposite of a flirt. whatever girls came by, he just swept them off their feet without even trying. but you; you were a different story. something, some urge or push of his feelings desired you, and he needed you pronto.
and to be completely honest, you were on the same boat, but on a more low-key level. catching the eyes of those who cared, including famous actor— lee donghyuck. the two of you had a little fling, a little something, but it didn’t last very long— only four months— before he just ghosted you. but that’s a different story for another day.
you contemplated for a while about actually messaging renjun. however you just mustered up all the courage you had and dialed his number.
when his phone screen lit up with an unidentified number, he picked up, completely forgetting he gave you his number.
“mr. huang…” you went silent on the other line but he immediately knew whose voice it belonged to.
“my love! are you actually considering having dinner with me?” he gasped, truly aghast that you had called. you were silent for a moment before sighing once more.
“yeah…. i guess i am since you’re too stubborn,” the phrase made him laugh in amusement.
“but i have a few rules,” he hummed, telling you to continue, “i will be calling you mr. huang and if we get into trouble we are just gonna say that this is all business. and i’ll be paying half of the bill.”
his grin was ear to ear and he was jovial to have you join him for dinner.
“okay then, angel. send me your address and i’ll pick you up at eight. dress nicely, please.” the man was stoked to hear you agree and was excited to get to know you.
you thought it would’ve been humorous if you were to wear a dress made by huang renjun himself but the more you looked in the large mirror in your bedroom, the more you thought that it would fit the occasion. this dinner was your first time actually wearing the dress, tags on and everything. but it truly was a beautiful dress. the dress was a navy blue satin a-line with an open back, it screamed elegance and simplicity. similar to the ‘face it skincare’ opening party which you honestly don’t really want to think about.
you were actually gifted that dress by none other than lee donghyuck. he invited you to a dinner party with a few costars but never ended up texting you back. but you’re here now, and you’re going on a ‘date’ with one of the most powerful ceo’s in the world.
as you were admiring how the dress looked on you, a text notification dings on your phone. at first you thought it was renjun but it was actually hyunwoo.
‘you free tonight? haseul and i are going out to get blue hill in 20 mins, you down?’
blue hill was a diner in town that was popular for its decorations and attractions plus the food service. blue hill was your home, it always would be. unfortunately, you had to decline the offer with your friends and they immediately called you.
“woah, y/n! why are you so dolled up tonight?” shrieked haseul.
you rolled your eyes and rubbed your face, “mr. huang asked me for dinner tonight. i would love to be there with you guys but that man is so damn stubborn.” the pair have each other a look before looking at your pixelated face and giving you knowing smirks. it made you want to rip out their faces.
“guys, it’s really not like that! he came to the clinic earlier and would not leave me alone! i’m just doing this so that he would leave me alone!” you whined and got another text notification from renjun, “look, i gotta go. i’ll call you guys later.” your friends just laughed and waved you goodbye before ending the phone all. you looked at your reflection one more time and straightened out the nonexistent wrinkles in your dress. it was now or never.
you walked to your front door to see renjun unintentionally wearing a matching navy blue tie with your dress. your heart dropped in that moment. there was no way in hell that you were going to match, and it wasn’t even planned out.
when renjun looked at you he felt as if time stopped again. you were the most beautiful person he ever laid eyes on and he felt like he was home. even after barely knowing who you were, you made him feel safe. and to be quite honest, you felt the same way towards the ceo. just didn’t show it as much.
“wow, you look like an angel,” he unintentionally muttered out. you sucked in a breath, showcasing your collarbone before smiling out and thanking him.
he lent out his arm, to which you hesitantly caved in, and led you out of your apartment complex and into his car. though he was a flirt with you— and he really wanted to— huang renjun refrained himself from holding your hand or your thigh while he was driving to the restaurant.
he ended up taking you to ‘la toque’ which was a lavish european restaurant near downtown. you did not know how you were going to pay half of the bill. silently, you groaned to yourself and followed behind the man.
what you didn’t know, was that you were a part of a mission. of course, he wanted to take you out, from the bottom of his heart, but it so happened to be that there was trouble coming your way.
renjun eyed the place before locking gazes with dong sicheng— the resilient caporegime, lee jeno— the gunman, nakamoto yuta— the vigilante detective, and kim jungwoo— the computer tech. he sent a nod to the boys and guided you to the booth he reserved with a gentle hand on the small of your back, which sent chills down your spine.
unexpectedly, the dinner went smoothly until loaded men shouted through the room of the dining hall. it was all a blur. one moment you hear guns shooting, the next you hear shouting. without knowing, tears trickled down your face and made renjun regret having you come in the first place.
carefully, he cupped your cheek and hid you behind the bar, wiping your tears away and assuring you that everything was fine, but were just left speechless and looked at him with loss in your eyes. this made renjun’s heart hurt but he had to do his job. to keep him alive, to keep you safe.
their parents forbid them to never see each other again. but of course, the pair never listened and disobeyed their parents even more.
while violating their parents, the boy and the girl constantly saw each other over the years. they practically grew up together. and in those years, grew not only them, but the feelings they held for each other.
however the boy… well, the boy was being sent off to fight in the war. when he was of age, he told his lover what his family was planning for him. they were both left devastated.
so the two ran away. just like them in the past, they ran away. somewhere far, where people won’t break them apart. somewhere far from their parents and far from the war. because all they wanted was to be happy.
but one night, on one of their adventures; the boy left. he left so as to not let his lover get killed. he left the only other person that loved him for who he was.
they were the same people— rascals— but he did it for her. to keep her safe.
“don’t worry, my love. everything will be fine.”
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chapter four ➤ chapter five ➤ chapter six
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @ichigofelix​ @moonbeamsung​ @heavenlyhuangs​ @kisshim​ @lixseu​
12 notes · View notes
abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 2: Chapter 19
The Honeymoon: April 2017
Word count: 4.7k
>Instagram posts
The afternoon sun warmed the air as Aurora laid on her back on the beach, a soft breeze blowing in off the water cooling her slightly, the thatched umbrella above her providing some shade. Her eyes were closed behind the sunglasses perched on her nose, her hair fanning out around her head, a yellow bikini covering her and a layer of sweat clinging to her exposed skin.  She heard Harry approach, his footsteps shifting the sand and then she felt the water drops falling on her as he stood above her. She cracked open one eye to look up at her husband, a cheeky smirk pulling at his lips as his hair fell over his forehead and he looked down at her laid out on her towel.
“Your getting water all over me,” she muttered.
“Thought you liked when I got you wet,” he replied. He laughed as she blushed. “Don’t get shy on me now.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Harold.”
“Come join me in the water,” he said, ignoring her reproach.
“But I’m so comfy,” Rori replied a small pout on her lips. She let out a loud squeal as Harry suddenly bent forward, scooping her into his arms and carry her down towards the waters edge. “Harry!” she yelled, laughter bubbling in her throat as he raced into the ocean, dunking them both under the surface.
Rori gasped as they resurfaced, water running down her face as her sunglasses sat askew, her hair plastered to her back. Harry was grinning widely as he held her against his chest and silenced her objections by kissing her deeply. Her arms moved to wrap around his neck, her legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss, the Caribbean sun beating down on both of them.
“I can’t believe you just dunked me in the water like a frat boy trying to flirt at a spring break party,” she said once they pulled apart.
“Gosh only been married 3 days and you already don’t wanna spend time with me,” Harry joked. “I feel so unloved.”
“Well I wouldn’t want you feeling unloved,” Rori replied as she tightened her arms around his shoulders and leaned back in to kiss him again. They pulled apart with a laugh when Harry’s stomach rumbled. “How about dinner?” she asked. Harry nodded and began to move them back towards the beach, not allowing her to unwrap herself from his torso. He carried her across the sand, stooping to allow her to pick up her abandoned towel and then continued up towards their little beach front cottage.
Harry finally set Aurora back on her feet once he’d walked through the front door and she headed for the kitchen and started digging through the fridge to throw together something for dinner. “Let me,” Harry said, nudging her aside and pulling items out that he would need. “Pour yourself a drink and put your feet up.”
“Careful now,” Rori chuckled as she did as he suggested, “I might get used to this.”
“Oh, like I don’t cook most nights when we’re home.”
“Ok fair,” Rori laughed. “Maybe we should go into town tomorrow and let someone else do the cooking.”
“I like the sound of that,” Harry agreed while he chopped up veggies for a quick stir-fry.
“I was thinking it might be nice to hike up into the jungle a bit tomorrow,” Rori said as she sipped on her drink and watched him move around the kitchen.
“Maybe we could hike later in the week,” Harry replied. “I’ve got a surprise for you tomorrow, but we could definitely go out for dinner after.”
“You know I hate surprises,” Rori said, glaring half-heartedly at him. “What are we doing?”
“Nope, not telling,” Harry grinned. “Just know that you’ll love it. Now instead of badgering me about it, why don’t you go shower and I’ll call you when this is ready.”
“You know I’m sure dinner could wait if you wanted to come join me for that shower,” Rori replied with a grin over her shoulder as she sauntered off towards the bedroom.
“Yeah I’m not that hungry anyway,” Harry said in a rush, already following after her.
Aurora woke up to Harry packing a backpack by the foot of the bed, the curtains fluttering in a cooling breeze blowing in through the doors leading out onto a patio.
“What are you doing?” she mumbled. She chuckled as her shirtless husband jumped in response to her question.
“Jesus,” he gasped. “You scared the crap out of me, love.”
“Didn’t answer the question, H,” she laughed.
“I’m packing a few things for our surprise,” he said. “Now time to get up and dressed.”
“Yes, Sir,” Rori replied. “Since I don’t know where we’re going, what would you suggest I wear?”
“Bikini under something comfortable,” Harry replied, already throwing her black bikini bottoms at her. She decided on a pair of high waisted denim shorts and peach coloured t-shirt, while harry pulled on a pair of white shorts and a button up Hawaiian shirt.
“Do I need both hands for this surprise?” she asked, gesturing to her prosthetic which she had yet to remove from her suitcase since their arrival days ago.
“Nope,” Harry replied, grinning widely at her growing frustration at his evasive answers. She continued to question where they were going as they climbed into their rental car and he drove them away from the cottage, following the shoreline to a nearby resort. He refused to answer, instead chuckling and leading her down towards the marina and onto a small boat. Aurora smiled brightly as Harry helped her into the boat and then took to the helm to guide them out of the harbour. Rori stepped up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist as they headed onto into calmer waters and followed the coastline.
“You said you wanted to see more of the island since we didn’t really leave the beach much last time we we’re here,” Harry explained. “Thought this could be a fun way to see it.”
“It’s perfect,” Aurora murmured, kissing his shoulder blade before pressing her cheek against his back and watching the water pass by beneath them. “I love you.”
After following the coast for a few hours, Harry anchored the small vessel and then pulled his phone out of pocket to take a photo of his unsuspecting wife. She was standing at the prow of the boat looking at the shore ahead of them in only her denim shorts and bikini top, having taken off her shirt shortly after they had set sail. Her dark hair cascaded down her back and Harry didn’t think he would ever meet anyone more beautiful than her. After taking the photo, he slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked over the join her, resting his hands on her hips and kissing the top of her shoulder.
“Feel like jumping in for a swim?” he asked. Aurora nodded and quickly slipped out of her shorts before diving into the cool, clear water. Harry pulled off his shirt and dived in after her. They swam around the boat for a while before climbing back aboard and pulling out the picnic lunch Harry had packed. Rori giggled when she found a touristy looking captains’ hat towards the back of the boat, presumably left by the previous user of the boat. She returned to Harry’s side with it tucked behind her back before quickly slipping it onto his head and falling into a fit of giggles. He pouted at her for a brief moment before his lips starting twitching and he also started laughing at how ridiculous it was.
Aurora laid out on the deck after they finished lunch, her eyes closed, and her arms spread wide as she basked in the bright sunshine. Harry jumped back in the water and swam around for a bit before Aurora joined him in the water to cool off. Eventually Harry hauled the anchor back on board and headed back to the marina. They returned to the cottage to shower and change and then headed towards one of the nearby towns for dinner.
The next morning, Rori awoke to texts from Mark and Ella.
◊Mark: Heads up, a fan took a photo of you both at dinner last night and tweeted it so just be aware that the entire world now knows you’re on St Lucia.
◊Ella: TMZ reported on your honeymoon being in St Lucia. I know you were going to wait till you got back to post some pics on Instagram but no need to wait now. SHOW ME HOW AMAZING IT IS!
◊Ella: P.S I love you and I miss you. Coffee catch up when you’re home.
Aurora rolled her eyes, groaning in frustration that they couldn’t even enjoy some privacy on their honeymoon.
“What’s wrong?” Harry muttered; his face still half buried in his pillow.
“Someone took a picture of us at dinner last night and TMZ is running the story.”
“Damn,” he sighed, rolling over to run his hand along her side. “Sorry babe.”
“El wants me to post some of our pics,” Rori said. “Which probably isn’t a bad idea if fans already know where we are. If we give them something that might stop them trying to find us and taking sneaky photos.”
“I can post one of the photos I took of you down on the beach the other day and ask them to give us some privacy. Maybe remind them I’ll be doing promo when we get back, so they’ll see plenty of us over the next few weeks.”
After spending a few lazy days in the cottage and on the beach out front in somewhat of an attempt to avoid the paparazzi they were sure had arrived on the island, they both decided to go out exploring. Harry packed the hire car while Rori finished getting dressed and lathering on the sun cream and then they drove off to the head of a trail Harry had read about online. It was early in the day, but the heat was already apparent, as it seemed to always be in the Caribbean. Harry, ever the gentleman, had shouldered the bag with their lunches, leaving Aurora only needing to carry a bottle of water. Her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail that was tucked through the back of her baseball cap and her sunglasses were perched on her nose. Occasionally they would pass others on the path, but for the most part they couple were alone as they hiked through the jungle along the beaten path, chatting happily about nothing in particular and laughing often. They stopped a few times along the way to take photos of the scenery and Harry demanded he be allowed to take a photo of Aurora, claiming that her bright blue shirt made her pop out amongst the foliage in a way that needed to be captured on camera. She’d laughed at his insistence but struck a pose, mocking his infamous peace sign. He slapped her lightly on the butt as they headed off down the path again, causing her to jump and let out a shriek. Eventually, after a few hours, the path finally opened up to a pool of water at the base of a beautiful waterfall.
Rori immediately pulled her cap off her head and stripped out of her shirt and denim shorts until she was standing there in only her black bikini. She grinned and winked at Harry when she caught him checking her out, sliding into the water without waiting to see if he was following. Harry quickly dropped his bag to the ground beside the pile of her clothes and tugged his shirt over his head, his yellow trunks hanging low on his hips as he took a few photos and then jumped into the refreshingly cool water with his wife.
They stayed in the water for a while before returning to their bags, where Harry set up a picnic lunch for them. They hiked back towards the car after lunch, Harry’s hand rarely leaving his wife’s as they walked through the jungle.
A few days after their hike to the waterfall, Aurora suggested they hire some paddle boards and spend the afternoon out on the water. Harry happily agreed, although they both found themselves to be rather terrible at the activity. While Aurora’s prosthetic was waterproof, the transmitter was not and with the high risk of her falling in the water she had decided against wearing it which left paddling to be a very difficult task. Even with both of his hands, Harry had his own troubles attempting to maintain his balance on the board. They both spent most of the time in fits of laughter as Aurora stood on the board, struggling to paddle, while Harry repeatedly fell into the water.
“So maybe paddle boarding isn’t for us,” Rori said when Harry’s head once again broke the surface, his curls clinging to his forehead. She sat down in the centre of her board and laid the paddle down beside her. Harry swam around her for a while before hoisting himself back onto his own board and laid down on his back.  She fished her phone from the back pocket of her shorts and took a few photos of him laying shirtless in his tight white shorts.
“Why on earth did you bring your phone with you?” Harry asked, turning his head towards her and squinting against the bright sunshine. “You’re gonna get it wet and wreck it.”
“No, I won’t,” she replied. “It’s the new model and Dad asked me to test out the new waterproofing. Seems like a good time to test it out.” She slid into the water and swam across to the edge of his board, brandishing the now dripping phone as if to prove her point. He rolled his eyes at her and then pushed her head under the water. She popped back above the surface, gasping and sputtering, the look of shock causing Harry to burst out laughing. “You’re dead,” she warned before tipping the board and sending him into the water as well. They splashed around for a while, laughing and having fun. Aurora took a few more photos and even dived down towards the seabed to test out the phone, knowing her dad would have many questions for her when she reported back.
Eventually they grew tired, grabbing their boards and heading back towards the nearby shoreline. She’d had a fun afternoon but was not at all sad to be handing the paddle boards back to attendant at the hire facility. They were good at many things, but paddle boarding was not one of them.
“H?” Aurora asked as they walked along the boardwalk near the marina.
“Yes love?” he replied.
“Can you help me put my hair up please? It’s sticking to my back and it’s getting annoying.”
He smiled softly at her, taking the offered hair tie and quickly collecting her long brunette locks into a high ponytail before twisting it into a messy bun for her.
“Thanks,” she said, offering a kiss before they continued on their walk.
“Your welcome.” Harry wrapped an arm around her shoulders, tugging her close to his side as they wandered. “Bit too early for dinner so what do you wanna do for the rest of the afternoon?”
“I’m not sure,” Rori mused. “The resort up the road has a day spa. Maybe we could go get mani-pedi’s.”
“I like the way you think Mrs Styles.”
“I like when you call me Mrs Styles.”
Harry stopped walking, pulling Aurora to a halt as well and kissing her deeply. “I love you so much,” he murmured against her lips.
“Love you too, H,” she replied. “Now how about that spa date?”
He chuckled, slipping his hand into hers and allowing her to tug him up the boardwalk towards the nearby resort. They were seated after not too long of a wait, their feet soaking in the warm, delightfully scented water, while their fingernails were buffed and filed.
“This reminds me of my hens’ day with the girls,” Aurora said while the selected their colours. Both settling on tropical colours; peach for Harry and a soft pink and orange combination for Aurora.
“We should do this more often,” Harry said, leaning his head back and closing his eyes with a contented sigh.
“Because we have so much spare time,” Rori scoffed.
“We can make the time,” Harry replied. “What’s the point of being a global sensation if I can’t treat myself and my wife to a spa day every now and then?”
“Global sensation?” Aurora laughed. “Very humble of you dear.”
“Sorry you’re so right,” Harry replied, his tone mockingly contrite. “International heartthrob better?” He smiled brightly in response to Rori’s giggles, never happier himself than when he was making her laugh.
Once their manicures and pedicures were finished, they headed back to the cottage and Harry set about throwing together dinner, refusing Aurora’s offers to assist and instead banishing her from the kitchen. She rolled her eyes at his familiar demands to get out of his kitchen and went to change out of her bikini into a comfortable summer dress and then settle into the lounge chair out on the patio with a book as the sun slowly set over the water, the sky a beautiful blend of pinks, blues and purples.
Harry startled her out of her novel when he fell into the chair beside her and handed her a plate. She smiled softly at him, thanking him before digging in.
“Tomorrow’s our last full day,” Harry noted while they ate. “Any last things you want to do or places you wanna see?”
“No, I think I’d just like to lounge around here,” Rori answered. “Going to be a while before we have some downtime so it might be nice to do a whole lot of nothing.”
“Sounds perfect,” Harry said, smiling warmly at her as the last rays of light lit up their faces.
On their last day in St Lucia, they pair went running on the beach at dawn. The peach tones in the sky were beautiful and they both enjoyed the peaceful quiet of the early morning, the only sounds the soft crashing of the nearby waves and their heavy breathing as they ran on the hardpacked sand near the waterline.
They arrived back at the cottage once the sun had fully crested the horizon, already blazing warm in the cloudless blue sky. They showered and ate breakfast and then Aurora headed down to the beach. She laid out in the sun, soaking up the last of the tropical heat before they returned to London the following day, a novel in hand and a wide brim hat on her head. Harry came out to join her once he’d taken care of their breakfast dishes and sat down next to her with his own book. They coexisted on the sand, both absorbed in their novels as the sun continued to climb in the sky. Aurora head inside to throw together a light lunch and returned to sit beside Harry in comfortable silence as they ate.
“Gonna go for a dip to cool off,” Harry said, standing up and brushing the sand from his shorts. “Wanna join me?”
“Might stay here and work on my tan for a little,” Aurora replied. She smiled as she watched him jog down to the water’s edge and wade out into the ocean. She laid back, stretching out under the warm sun, attempting to soak up every ray she could, knowing how busy they would be for the next year with the album launch and tour on the horizon. There would be no time for vacations for quite some time and there would be little to no time like this where just the two of them could be together without interruptions or prying eyes. She loved their lives and their careers but sometimes she missed being a nobody living above a pub that could go about her day without having to worry that her outfit and hair were perfect because someone would take a photo of her and then thousands of people would pick her apart online. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t head down to join Harry in the water before the change in light pulled her out of her daydreaming.
The weather had been so perfect for the majority of their vacation that Aurora was surprised to see the dark clouds quickly rolling in from the ocean. She yelled out to Harry, drawing his attention to the change in weather and he made his way out of the water, the clouds already turning the previously perfect day, dark and gloomy. There was still lingering heat in the air, but the rapid change was causing the humidity to climb and there was a feeling of electricity in the air as the winds picked up and howled along the beach. Harry grabbed his towel from where he’d left it beside her and they both dashed back towards the cottage. They reached the safety of the porch only moments before the rain came bucketing down and they watched as the sea turned grey and churned in the sudden storm.
“Didn’t see that coming,” Harry muttered as he tried to dry off his curls.
“One minute it was beautiful sunshine and then the next thing I knew the clouds were rolling in,” Rori agreed. “Wish it could have held off till we left tomorrow.”
“At least we were already planning to have dinner here,” Harry said. “Would have been a bloody nightmare trying to get into town in this.”
“Seems like it’s perfect weather to curl up with a movie, innit?” Rori asked, already heading towards the small living room.
The movie had barely started when the first flash of lightning lit up the room, quickly followed by a clap of thunder that was so loud it rattled the windows. Harry felt Aurora jump in his arms and then she began shaking. He immediately recognized the beginnings of a panic attack, and while Rori hadn’t experienced one for months, he was an old pro in helping her through them by this point. One of his hands immediately moved to cover one of her ear, attempting to block out the trigger as she pressed herself as close as she could into his chest, blocking the ear that wasn’t covered by his hand. His other hand moved along the length of her spine soothingly as he felt her arms wrap around him, gripping on for dear life and squeezing him tightly as she continued to shake in his arms. He kissed the crown of her head muttering that everything was going to be ok and that she was safe. He knew that she couldn’t hear him, but she’d once told him that when she was pressed so tightly to his chest, she could feel the rumble of his voice and it helped to centre her in her panic. He also focused on exaggerating his breathing, coaxing her to pace her own with his and thankfully, as fast as the storm had rolled in, it continued over the top of them and soon the thunder was fading into the distance. Slowly, about 20 minutes after the first clap of thunder, Harry felt Rori’s arms slacken around him and her trembling body grew still against his. He continued kissing her head and murmuring that she was safe and that he was there and eventually, once he deemed that the thunder was distant enough, he removed his hand from her ear and instead moved it to join the other as her rubbed soothingly along her back.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled, catching Harry off guard in the silence that had enveloped the little cottage in the storms wake.
“Don’t you dare apologize,” he replied, lifting her chin so that she was looking him in the eye. Her own were puffy and glassy, her cheeks blazing red. “You know I hate when you blame yourself.”
“We were having such a wonderful time and then I ruined it,” she said, her eyes dropping to her lap, unable to look at her husband.
“You didn’t ruin anything,” he promised, squeezing her back against him. “You know I love a good cuddle.” She lent her head back against his shoulder, her eyes slipping closed, exhausted by the panic attack. She shivered a little, the passing storm having sucked all the warmth out of the afternoon. “How about a nice warm bath?” Harry suggested, already standing and hoisting her into his arms. “Then we can come back out here and get all cosy and watch the movie over dinner.”
“Yeah I’d really like that,” she yawned, allowing herself to be carried into the bathroom, sitting on the counter as Harry filled the tub and added a lavender bath bomb. She slowly slipped out of her clothes as Harry did the same and they both settled into the hot water. Harry let out a content sigh as she cuddled up against his chest, his legs framing her hips, his arms wrapped around her waist.
“I love you,” he murmured.
“Love you too, H,” Aurora replied, turning her head from where it rested against his shoulder to kiss him. “Don’t know what I’d ever do without you.”
They packed their things the following day and drove the hire car back to the small airport on the other side of the island, arriving back in London the day before the release of Harry’s first single, attempting to shake off their vacation in preparation to jump straight into the press appearances and performances ahead of the album launch in a few weeks’ time.
It was early afternoon by the time that they collected their bags and made their way home to Battersea. Harry took their luggage directly into the laundry, dropping it all on the floor and leaving it for later before returning to the living room where Aurora was collapsed on the sofa. He laid down on top of her, his body pressing hers into the cushions and her soft chuckle was muffled in the fabric beneath her head.
“You good?” she laughed.
Harry hummed in reply, his face smooshed into the space between her shoulder blades. “Just need a minute and then I’ll get up.”
“Mind letting me up while you take that minute?” she asked softly. “Need to start on the laundry before Jeff comes over later. Gonna be a busy day tomorrow.”
“Exactly,” Harry mumbled. “Gonna be nonstop all day so just let me snuggle with ya for a bit.”
“Ok,” Rori chuckled. “At least let me turn over so we can cuddle properly without you smothering me to death ya big oaf.”
“Fine,” Harry relented, rolling onto his side up against the back of the sofa, allowing Rori to turn and wrap herself around his torso. She kissed him tenderly, her right hand trailing along the side of his ribcage and down to rest on his hip bone. “Still can’t believe you’re my wife,” he mumbled. Aurora smiled softly as she felt him falling asleep beside her.
“How lucky am I?” she whispered to herself, kissing him one last time and then rolling out from under his arm to head towards the laundry, leaving him to nap on the sofa. She knew that while she had fallen asleep the moment her head had hit the pillow the previous night, her husband had most likely stayed awake, worrying about her in the wake of her panic attack the previous afternoon. She decided to get what she needed to do finished and leave him to catch up on his rest before the meeting. They were expecting Jeff in a few hours to run through the finalised schedule for the release of Sign of the Times the following day. She set to work on emptying their luggage into the washing machine and then headed into the kitchen to get started on dinner, finally slipping on her prosthetic hand for the first time since the wedding.
This is the end of Part 2.
SkyFire 3: The Styles’ Solo Era
14 notes · View notes
hellreads · 5 years
Do you any super angsty fics like angsty angsty
hi there love, as I was checking my shelf for some angsty angsty fics to recommend I ended up pulling 50+ gvjhakgsdhjgsdjfk so I highly suggest you just check the angst fics I read here, but I will still be recommending the ones that I find really angsty, the ones that tear a hole in my heart, the ones that made me cry buckets of tears out of heartbreak and pain, the ones that haunt me and pull out all the sad feels from me whenever I’m reminded of these stories. 
p.s. I will sort this by member and will try to just list at least three or maybe five, okay five it is per member ~ the ones that made me feel very very angsty and very very emotional T_T | 🍒
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Kim Namjoon
❥ Cut by @chimchimsauce➴ Anti-Soulmate!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Namjoon always hated soulmates.
❥ Covenant by fringesofsanity➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Series➴ You are betrothed to Kim Namjoon, the heir of a real estate mogul. To say that it was a fairytale romance would be erroneous. You’re instead loped in the sad tale of the rich and melancholy.
❥ Ride or Die by @jungcock➴ Bestfriends/Road Trip!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ Jungkook was a terrible boyfriend, always abandoning you on the side of the road midst your many road trips. Thankfully, you had Namjoon to come pick you up every time he did and it was about time you reward him for it.
❥ Nothing Like Us by @chiminiemoans➴ Exes/Lovers!AU | Namjoon x Reader | Two-Shot➴ Your ex hears about your new toxic relationship and that is the jump start to get him going out to look for you. With the worry and jealousy he feels consuming him whole, he questions if he made the right decision in letting you go in the first place
❥ Not The One by @personawife➴ Soulmate!AU | Namjoon x Reader | One-Shot➴ There’s a fault in the cosmic system.
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Kim Seokjin
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❥ Seven Seconds in Heaven by @jimlingss➴ Married!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ In the moment of your death, Heaven drops the hammer of punishment; making him travel back in time to relive memories that can never be changed. Seven memories. Seven minutes in each. Seven seconds before they are ripped away.
❥ Currents by @yeoldontknow➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Seokjin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Jin thinks he’s loved you since the moment he saw you, back when you were teenagers; Jin knows he’s been in love with you, the soul burning kind of love, since he saw you on your wedding day. He doesn’t mind that you don’t reciprocate on his level, he’s just happy to show you he cares. Until one day, he simply can’t anymore. Until one day, you realize you need to show him you care, too.
❥ Bad Guy by @sweetbunnykook➴ Married/Mob!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok x Yoongi | Series➴ After a brutal attack in Hong Kong, your marriage with Kim Seokjin cracks as secrets begin to surface and a series of betrayals find their way into the veins of the Hidden Tigers. Although Jin’s devotion endures, in his own definition, the reality of being a mob wife may be too much for you to bear.
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Min Yoongi
❥ Please Be Naked by @floralseokjin➴ Rebound!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Namjoon | Series➴ You find it’s easy to become addicted to a distraction…
❥ Wildest Moments by @joonbird➴ Infidelity/F2L!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Series➴ “Min Yoongi is forbidden territory. And although you both know better, the two of you just can’t seem to stay apart.”
❥ Dead Leaves by wrienne➴ Married/Detective!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | Series➴ In which you (reader) are a homicide detective about to face the biggest hurdle both of your career and life.Married to probably the kindest but most boring man you’ve ever met and living in a town where nothing ever seems to happen means life for you is dull. Dull enough to drive you crazy with boredom and dissatisfaction. However, life changes abruptly when your old boss retires and a new man takes his place - a man you used to love (and sleep very regularly with) more than a decade ago. Especially when your husband comes home smelling of perfume, you’re unable to resist your more carnal urges and dead women start showing up across the city with unnerving frequency.
❥ Cheating by @jhspetitegf➴ Married/Infidelity!AU | Yoongi x Reader x Jimin | One-Shot➴ Married too young, too fast, the temptation is too great when an alluring stranger shows you the attention you crave.
❥ To Be Without by @serenililly➴ Producer!AU | Yoongi x Reader | Series➴ Funny how the world can shift in an instant. How you approached your bedroom with excitement only to walk away with a life forever changed.
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Jung Hoseok
❥ Piece by Piece by @underthejoon➴ FWB/F2L!AU | Seokjin x Reader x Hoseok | Drabbles | Series➴ You’re in love with your best friend but you’re using someone else to forget. love triangle.
❥ The Gentlemen’s Club by @brookelegend➴ Gentleman/Club!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series➴ You’ve been in a dating drought, more specifically, a sex drought. Your best friend has the perfect remedy for your problem: The Gentlemen’s Club.
❥ Ask and You Shall Receive by @floralseokjin➴ Sugar Daddy!AU | Hoseok x Reader | Series➴ Your sugar daddy says you don’t have to sleep with him if you don’t want to…trouble is, you do want to. You’re just nervous and a little inexperienced, but he catches on quick and begins to teach you the true pleasures of sex, and boy, are they good…
❥ Fake Love by @aquaminwrites➴ E2L/Fake Dating!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Every year, your family spends the holidays at your parents’ cottage in the country. Freshly single and not wanting to be picked apart by your family for being alone, you decide to recruit one of your friends to pretend to be your boyfriend.The only available volunteer? Your brother Namjoon’s roommate, Hoseok. Only problem? He absolutely hates your guts.
❥ Call Out My Name by @hobiwonder➴ Exes!AU | Hoseok x Reader | One-Shot➴ Hoseok needed closure.
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Park Jimin
❥ Ineffable by fringesofsanity➴ FUBU!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ You’ve only bared your body to Jimin, mostly silent after the act. The one time you do, you find yourself baring your soul to him, far more than you bargained for.
❥ Right Person, Wrong Time by @mortaljin➴ Fuckboy!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ Park Jimin is a name that holds no significance in your heart right now. But it is a name that will haunt you for years.
❥ Slight Changes by @chiminiemoans➴ Idol/Infidelity!AU | Jimin x Reader x Taehyung | Series➴ Taehyung gets caught.
❥ Everything by @kpopfanfictrash➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ It’s funny how there are certain moments in your life which define you.
It’s funny how when you’re asked what was memorable to you in a year – the first things you think about are an odd, assorted jumble which make absolutely no sense out of context. People, faces, random speeches and words that moved you. I, for some reason, always think of a book. Last year, it was 1Q84. The year before that, it was The Name of the Wind.
I always think of a book – and then of Jimin.
❥ We Have One Hour Left to Live by @gossamie➴ Lovers/Apocalypse!AU | Jimin x Reader | One-Shot➴ The world is ending soon. How will you and Jimin spend your last hour on this earth?
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Kim Taehyung
❥ Dichotomy by @kpopfanfictrash➴ Arranged Marriage!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ You hate him. He hates you. It’s a fine line though, isn’t it – between love and hate?
❥ When You Least Expect It by @johobi➴ F2L/Lovers!AU | Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ You’re in love with your childhood friend, Taehyung. The problem is, you treasure your friendship with him far too much to ever risk losing it. Oh, and he’s quite the Casanova. At your wits’ end with feelings you can no longer hide as diligently as you once did, you ask him to set you up with someone, anyone, in a last ditch attempt to avoid a heartbreaking conversation.
❥ Who Cares by @floralseokjin➴ Lovers/Infidelity!AU | Seokjin x Named OC x Taehyung | Series➴ What happens when Taehyung falls for someone who’s already taken? Can he control his feelings or will they take over and render him powerless? In the end is it all her fault or his…?
❥ Clandestine by @ditzymax➴ Assassin!AU | Taehyung x Named OC x Jungkook | Series➴ As a professional assassin, Kim Kinsoo has many shrouded secrets in her life. Some of them she shares openly with her loving boyfriend, but there are other things he must never know.
❥ I Must Still Want You by @filmflowersbangtan ➴ F2L!AU | Taehyung x Reader | Series➴ //
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Jeon Jungkook
❥ Right of Way by fringesofsanity➴ Infidelity!AU | Jimin x Reader x Jungkook | Series➴ In theory, things were simple: your best friend was Jungkook’s girlfriend while your boyfriend, Jimin, was Jungkook’s best friend. In reality, things weren’t always that simple. And mutually exclusive.
❥ Only You by @sweetbunnykook➴ Stalker/Lovers!AU | Jungkook x Reader x Seokjin x Namjoon | Series➴ Jeon Jungkook, your wedding photographer, helps you escape on your big day upon learning about a secret your groom-to-be kept hidden. You soon fall for this young, passionate photographer. However, you underestimated just how much he was willing to reciprocate that love. Maybe, you think, he’s loving you just a little too much.
❥ Euphoria by @btssavedmylifeblr➴ Time Travel/Married!AU | Jungkook x Reader | One-Shot➴ At the end of your life, you are given one day to live again with the man you loved. A lifetime’s love story told in a single day.
❥ 2U by @sokiijk➴ Surrogate!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ You were simply trying to make a living and give the opportunity of having children for the women who couldn’t. You meet a couple who plans to have a steady life — you being the last puzzle piece for it all. But you acknowledge the boyfriend, Jungkook, who questions if he actually wants it.
❥ Animal by @cutaepatootie➴ Boxer!AU | Jungkook x Reader | Series➴ //
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~ so that’s it! I hope you enjoy these recommendations, I do have a lot on my shelf so check them out if you want more, some of these stories are angsty through and through while others have this calm before the storm vibe and the angst will hit you hard it’ll hurt, prep a box of tissues (especially for those Jin fics, I cried the most reading them T_T) 
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holy-hyuck · 4 years
You’re used to prioritising your career over your love, and so is Felix. But when standing at a crossroad, you’re forced to make a choice. And for the first time, you seem to choose right.
Pairing: Idol!Lee Felix x Model!Reader
Word Count: 2.8k
Genre: Fluff, Slight angst if you squint
Warnings: None
P.S: This was requested by the lovely @pisces-gal23​ 10 months ago...yeah. We all know my time management and organisation skills are shit, and I had started this months ago and never finished due to lack of motivation, but here it is! Anyway I hope I did your request justice and I hope you enjoy it!
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The clouds rolled by and the wind made a whipping sound against the window as your car drove down the empty road, nothing but a single truck in front of you that turned left thirty metres farther down, leaving you alone on the straight path. Felix's hand lay leisurely on the steering wheel, the fingers of his other one laced with yours.
With your head propped up on your arm that sat by the open window, the cold glass cooling your skin, you bathed in the glory of the rising sun. Your eyes were closed as you let the wind caress your face, albeit violently, without resisting it.
You were in a deep slumber just minutes before, catching up on your interrupted sleep. From your grandparents' cottage on the outskirts of the town, your boyfriend and you were making your way all the way to the JYP headquarters, where the man himself awaited your arrival since the week before.
Felix squeezed your hand tighter and you opened your eyes, slowly, adjusting to the sun that turned the sky a light blue instead of the purple hues it had painted on hours ago. The concept of time felt strangely unfamiliar when there was no pressure on you, and no deadlines to meet.
"You okay? Did you sleep well?" He glanced at you for an elongated second before forcing his eyes to face the road. He knew you hated when he didn't pay attention to where he was driving, but if only you saw yourself the way he saw you during those precious, rare moments in life when it was just the two of you and the road, you wouldn't want to tear your eyes off of yourself either.
You mumbled something, and though incoherent, Felix knew what you meant. Shifting, you placed your hands on either side of your legs and changed your position into a seated one.
Though you enjoyed spending time with Felix more than anything, you missed sleep, being able to bury your face in the soft sheets and not care about smudged makeup or wrinkled designer clothes. You missed the sun filtering through your white blinds and the smell of coffee in the morning when you took the time to make it and enjoy every sip instead of downing five shots of espresso to stay awake through another photoshoot.
"How long have we been on the road?" you asked through a yawn, making a sound towards the end that seemed to amuse Felix to no end. Hearing his giggles put a smile on your face.
Once he composed himself, he looked at the watch on his wrist, keeping a gentle smile on his face. "Nearly four hours." He watched as you nodded, letting out a sigh in the process. "Just an hour left, baby. You can do it."
You gave him a look, watching a stupid grin overtake his features.
"Do you want something to eat?" he asked, approaching a petrol station.
Your stomach rumbled at the thought, and you wished you had more time to eat a proper meal. For now, though, a small snack would have to suffice, so you nodded your head and unbuckled the seatbelt, letting the freckled boy put the petrol in as you wandered through the isles of the small shop. You needed Lix to make some decisions for you, including making the choice between a Twix or a Snickers. Seeing your boyfriend enter the shop, you grabbed both off the shelf, taking a pack of crisps for Felix and a water bottle for yourself, and made your way to the counter.
After paying, both of you sat in the car and ate your goods, letting comfortable silence fall between you two. No matter the circumstances, seconds spent with Felix were never awkward. You allowed each other to feel like a family, a home - you allowed him to feel safe and loved, and he returned the favour.
Felix brought a crisp up to his lips and shoved it in his mouth to cover up a yawn. You furrowed your brows, watching him in concern until he finally noticed your stare.
"Yes?" he asked, eyebrows raised and another crisp on the verge of being consumed.
"Are you okay? You look tired."
His expression remained the same as he took in your words, then nodded his head.
"No, you're not. Get out, I'll drive."
"Chop chop," you rushed, already leaving your side of the car and coming onto his.
Bewildered, the blond scrambled to get his sweets, and the two of you switched places.
"That's better," you commented, throwing your wrapper onto the back seat and starting to drive away, back towards your original destination.
The journey, yet again, was quiet, songs from the radio filling in the empty space of the car, your hand tapping the wheel to the beat and your mouth lipsyncing the words. Felix watched you from the passenger's seat, awe painted on his face.
You were the only harmony. You were the gentle wind enveloping people in a hug when they most needed it, when they were alone. You were the birds chirping at five in the morning, signifying a new day, and you were the flowers blossoming at the start of spring, a season of change and hope. You were Felix's hope, his safe haven. You were his sign that there were good things in life still waiting for him, just at the reach of his fingertips.
Your humming lulled Felix to sleep. He laid his head on your lap, the love and safety he felt in the moment stronger than his feelings of uncomfortableness. With one hand on the steering wheel, you reached the other one out to run your fingers through the soft strands of Felix's hair.
Neither one of you were used to the lack of products on you, as every day you were reminded that you were somebody's dolls and puppets. Your bodies were made to be clothed in someone else's designs and visions of beauty, your bare faces not good enough, in need to be covered up. Felix was yours and you were his, but you were both also somebody else's, a product from a perfectly oiled machine of a ruthless industry.
And yet, you knew you signed up for this, and were the one who crafted your own tale. You needed to take responsibility for your actions, and you had to be content with the life you had, even if it was exhausting, both mentally and physically. You weren't planning on living in regret.
A tear slipped from your eye and you sniffed, your hand leaving the warmth of Felix's head to wipe it away. Clearing your throat, you turned up the radio, before your hand returned to its original position, and you let your worries fade away, melt into the melodies leaving your lips.
"My love, my love, my love, my love," you sang. It was your favourite song, and you begged Felix to sing it to you, albeit with no luck. He was still very much shy when it came to singing, and preferred to do other things to impress you, things he knew he was good at.
Felix woke up, gently opening his eyes before the light forced him to close them. It felt like he slept for seconds, even though you'd later claim it had been nearly half an hour. Talk about a power nap.
He heard you singing, and it made him want to go back to sleep but he knew that once he woke up, there was no chance of him falling asleep again.
He loved your voice. Not because it was the best in the world, but because in this cold world, when he detached himself from reality, it was the only thing that was familiar. It had the ability to bring him back home, where he needed to be the most.
The corner of his eye stung, a free-falling tear leaving a trace on your jeans until it turned into something more, a waterfall of his emotions staining the material beneath his face, and soon after your skin.
You felt it, too, when you stopped at a crossroad, the red light signalling that you had to wait for your turn, even though it was just the two of you driving on this lonely road. When the colour transitioned into a bright green, and your foot was so close to the pedal, you stopped, hesitant.
You looked down at Felix, who not-so-discreetly used the sleeve of his oversized, fluorescent red jumper to wipe away his tears, the way you had before. You sighed, driving forward ever so slowly, then took a rather sharp turn to the left, despite your destination being straight ahead. Dirt flew from underneath the burning tyres until the car finally came to a stop beside a boulder.
The sudden motion made Felix jump up, and his wide, deer-like eyes filled with curiosity as he scanned his environment. In the meantime, you had already left the car and copied Felix's actions, trying to decipher where you were, but every answer you came up was the same; unknown. Perhaps it was better this way.
"(Y/n), where are we?" Felix asked once he climbed out of the car, the gentle wind making his platinum strands dance along to the beat coming from the car radio.
"I wish I'd know," you replied, looking over at him. His eyebrows were scrunched together, and he stood there in confusion, and yet his features remained as soft as ever.
You sat on the hood of your car, patting the space beside you, collecting the dust on your fingers. Though reluctantly, the boy sat next to you.
"I think it's time to talk about whatever is it that's bothering you."
"And what is it that's bothering me?"
"Whatever made you cry," you pointed out, and as though he was classically conditioned to do so, his hand reached his eyes, finding nothing but dry and sticky skin, his freckles reading like Braille under the touch of his fingertips.
Silence fell over the deserted land, enveloping both of you. You resorted to playing with the rings on your fingers, truly believing - as each second passed by agonisingly slowly - that you chose the wrong time. That maybe, Felix had nothing to say to you.
Feeling the metal creak next to you, you shifted your gaze to see your boyfriend playing with the chain on his jeans. You both looked up at the sky and stared, finding it hard to pick the conversation back up.
"Being an idol is stressful," he stated, at last, not looking in your direction.
"I know." You looked at each other and you gave him a half-smile. It wasn't sincere enough to elicit a response.
"Lix..." Your hand found his and you gave it the warmth it needed.
"I'm fucking worried," you whispered, growing frustrated when he didn't reply. "Felix."
His hand left yours and he looked up, smiling. Then, he wrapped his hand tightly around yours and broke into tears. His head down, tears falling onto the ground, he bent forward and you were quick to envelop him in a hug.
You rubbed soothing circles onto the small of his back, your face buried in his hair.
Felix was so incredibly and undeniably human, and as you felt his hot tears roll down your skin, you were reminded that because he was only human, he had to break too. The real him was concealed to fit whichever image the company needed from him, and on-screen, became what the world wanted, and every once in a while, you remembered that all idols were, were people. Like you, like your friends, like the cashiers at your favourite store, and the girls selling peonies down the street. He was just the same. The same twenty amino acids made up his DNA as they did yours, the same cells repaired his body over and over again, and the same heart pumped blood around his body and allowed him to experience being human.
And if you ever asked, he’d say it felt incredible to be alive, so simply, yet in such a complex way.
The wind whistled in your ears as you held Felix in your embrace, afraid he'll slip away just like sand, holding him like the treasure he was. You hoped he felt safe in your arms, and you hoped he knew he could tell you anything. Felix held so many emotions in his heart, sometimes you feared they would overspill at the most unexpected time, in the most hurtful way. You didn't want him to bottle his feelings up.
Your boyfriend sniffed and pulled away from the hug, leaving a part of your white shirt see-through from the tears. You gave him a smile, warm and gentle, and he seemed to reciprocate it with genuineness. Standing up, he pulled you by the hand towards the car, and both of you sat inside as the wind outside picked up its speed.
"It's just so hard sometimes, you know? Having to be everywhere, all the time, and having to be a perfect mix of yourself and a fake. I just wish there was a day in my life when I wouldn't have to pretend, when I could just be tired, or sad, or angry without repercussions and judgement." He sighed and ran his hands down his face.
"You get to have that with me," you told him and watched his face remain unchanged. "Lix, I know it's hard. It's exhausting, and it makes you want to rebel every once in a while, and we shouldn't have to hide who we are for the sake of our reputation because we are good people and there's nothing we have to hide," you ranted, not knowing where you were going with this. By the look on the boy's face, it was clear it's something you’ve never confessed before. "But at least we have each other. I get to be one-hundred-per cent myself with you, and that's okay because it's only you who matters anyway.”
You placed your hand on top of Felix's and he squeezed it tight so the tears pooling in his eyes wouldn't slip again. It was a silent thank you, and it was enough.
You started the car again and drove in the quiet of the day. After you said what you said, a weight you didn't even know existed was lifted off your heart. It felt like you just freed a trapped bird from its cage. And it felt damn good.
There's a shit ton of crossroads, you thought as you approached another one, the light turning red. This one, however, you recognised, for just turning left instead of going straight meant getting to the diner where you and Felix had your first official date. You smiled at the memory of Felix spilling your water on you from the nerves, and you joking that at least it wasn't wine, for you were wearing a white tank top underneath your denim jacket.
You remembered the beating of your heart as you kissed Felix goodbye on the cheek, a small peck that left the boy blushing, and you, closing the door in his face just to jump up in joy behind them. You remembered your first "I love you" in that same diner, nervously holding your boyfriend's hand as you told him these three words that you kept on the tip of your tongue for weeks, and perhaps that is what made you take a left when the lights turned green.
"(Y/n), we need to go straight to get to the meeting," Felix informed you, believing it was just a simple mistake of yours.
"No, I know." You were met with confusion, and you sighed. "Think about this. We always only do what we're told. We were enjoying a nice week away from work at the cottage and the moment your boss called, we were packing our bags. We let our lives be controlled by the people that mean the least to us. We let ourselves be criticised for the sake of our happiness, which only damages us in the end. All we ever chose was our jobs, always only JYP, and recording, and photoshoots, and never, ever just us."
Felix's featured softer the longer you ranted for, understanding what you meant, and letting your tone convince him your words were true.
"I don't care for that anymore. I wanna go to our favourite diner. I want to eat their vegan pancakes, and lie down on the grass by the river that runs by it, and tell you that I love you without the pressure of time on me. I wanna choose my own happiness this time around."
You looked over at Felix, and all he did was smile at you and press a kiss to your cheek. That was all the encouragement you needed to keep on driving and never look back.
"I'm choosing us."
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