#p.please help.
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year ago
um. *taps mic* hello other yukaeso fans... uhhhh im planning a yukaeso week and i kind of need help with what sounds good and planning things (please help me...)
(put a cut bc im talking a lot and dont want to disturb people)
i originally wanted it to go from when peaky stormy story began (stormy link) and the event went from september 17 to 26. problem is the 17th is in the middle of the week. i could make it start from the 15th to the 21st or the 22nd to the 28th but they only stay in the event's runthrough for only five days.
another thing i could do (similar to naru//mitsu or sayo//tsugu) is use yuka and esora's full names with numeric substitution so i can figure out the first day of the week (here we go--)
9 in japan is sometimes pronounced as 'kyu' so it can make up the 'yu' of yuka. 5 in japan is pronounced as 'go' or 'ka' sometimes as well so yuka's name would be '95' or 'kyu-ka'. for her last name, it would be 335 or 'sa-sa-go'.
the english transliteration of 8 in japanese is 'eito', the closest thing i can get to 'eso'. 6 covers the other part of esora since it can also be read as ra. so her first name would be 86 or 'eito-ra'. (<- im stretching this i think) for her last name it would be 43 or 'shi-mittsu'. (shimizu)
so with all of these facts, the week can start at 9/8 (kyu-eito or yu[ka]eso) or 8/9 (eito-kyu or esoyu[ka]) if you want to go for their first names. for their last names (i think going for this is a bad idea to be honest with you) it would start at '3/4' (sa[sa]-shi), 4/5 (shi-go) or 3/3 (sa[sa]-mittsu).
the only dates that go on sunday is 9/8 and 3/3. if you want to go for monday, it would be 3/4 only. so, to me, it would be best to start at one of the sunday ones.
another fact i'd like to tell is the fact that esora's birthday is 9/9 so one of the prompts could be 'birthday'. (problem tho is that idk what to prompt i would pair it with)
also, speaking of prompts, ive already decided a 2 prompt pairs. (haven't decided what days they'll be or if theyre good)
summer and winter (summer bc of how summer-y these two are and winter bc of christmas being the important day of peaky)
ao to natsu and fuwafuwa time (solo covers about love, the first one being someone deciding to seek out the love they want while the other is them not knowing how to go about getting their love)
im not sure what. uh. stuff to pair up and also what would be good prompts (im not good at that....) so. yeah. that's all ive got.
the last day, i know, is gonna be a free day. so. i p much dont know what to do. im stuck. pls help.
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phillip-graves-wife · 1 year ago
Graves x f!reader smut cuz im ovulating :D
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"D.Darlin..right fuckin there.."
Phil loved you,especially like this.on your knees,his hans tangled up in your hair controlling your pace as you wrapped your delicate lips around his length making him gasp as your teeth passed over each vein on his covered in spit and precum shaft.To keep your own self occupied,Phil had given you a toy that sent pulsing vibrations into your soaked pussy making your legs twitch every so often as you let the spit in you mouth connect in a string to his cock as he lifted your head.You let out a small whine but didnt protest much beyond that...
He held your hand helping you up with a quick swipe he sweptbyou off you feet throwing you onto the bed lining his dripping cock in your slit rubbing his length between your wet folds making your back arch and your mouth quiver as you gasp."R.ready he asks sweat dripping down his tan skin as your hands held onto him one finger tracing his scar as he looks down at you when you give him a small nod
He pushes his cock head into you earning a groan from him making him twitch inside of your writhing wet cunt.It was intoxicating taking his deep thrusts into pounding on your cervix your cries and pleas of you made him pound harder "Atta girl..k.keep those pretty noises spillin outta that pretty mouth" he said throwing his head back in pleasure "Thats my gorl fuck..fuck im close.." he says readjusting so he can interlace his fingers with your as he pounds relentlessley. "Cmon Darlin..Tell me ypu want this cum.." he panted getting faster as you clenched around him
"P.please Phil..n.need you so fuckin bad.." you manage to get out panting and squirming underneath him
He pumps faster and you can feel him start to shoot hot ropes of his cum flooding ypur sensitive cunt as you orgasm. Clenching around him moaning so loudly anyone could hear you but you didnt care.Phil slowly pulled out of you cum spliing on to the sheets and your thighs.
"That is just what I fuckin needed" Phil let out a chuckle before laying himself next to you so you could lay on his chest
"Ive gotcha now Darlin.."
You could get used to this
@bellgraves 💙💙
Sorry this fuckin sucked
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valdederon · 2 years ago
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FLAMES JOURNEY CHAPTER #8 bitter talks an icey heart shattered shattered
valdederon and evergreen soon wrap up thier meal and make thier trek back to the guild in silence after 15 minutes 5 from walking to the guild and about 10 minutes heaing up to the guild masters quarters valdederon weakly enters the room and knocks on the door ears folded and tail between his legs half expecting to be chewed out for trying to run away.
kleo-- welcome back hun how did your bath go take a seat bud
valdederon walks over to the nest and sits by her whimpering alittle
valdederon--i..im ready t. to talk p.please dont hate me for what you might hear.
kleo perks up and gives a frown feeling the tension and fear in his voice.
kleo-- i will never hate you val.. never i love you i love you dearly.
valdederon begins talking about his past in vivid detail and the horrors he comitted during his 1 sided war against demon kind kleo listening atentively not uttering a word untill valdederon begins to tear up only to yelp as kleo coils around him.
kleo--- val .. valdederon you are no longer just a human and a wizard.though im saddened to hear what youve don it doesnt change the fact i love you and i want you to be my son.. our son.. taiga and i both feel this way youve brought a.. strange and chaotic life to this sleepy guild in the middle of pheonix valley. youl always have a home here.. and maybey you should become a dungeon delver.. or even a pheonix hawk.. a special job were your alowed to do dungeon delving and exploring but also seek out and arrest out laws help villages and citties rebuild from storms or quakes. take your time and think on it but your far to powerful to stay here couped up for ever.
valdederon stares at her speachless and wimpers softly but accepts the sudden and loving family.
valdederon--- im sorry for destroying the training hall.. the other week or when ever i….incnerated it..i was.. not ..um..my mind was a mess.. and the nightmares are always just flashbacks.. of the most horible parts of ny past..i hope they stop soon.
kleo--- its ok hun for now lets get your leg muscles built back up and then back into school.. you got alot of catching up to do mister…
valdederon growls weakly not realy wanting to go but relents knowing he still needs to learn about the world to better survive it.
over the next few nights valdederon works on the home work and school assignments he missed out on while in the hospital and over the days before the nigths exercises his leg muscles still having nightmares each night even setting taiga on fire one night having a battle flash back and unleashing a flame thrower attack in his sleep.
taiga--- kleo.. that kid is a menace in his sleepo you do know that right..
kleo--- oh come on hes only burned you once.. your a serperior youl be fine..
taiga--- an the half a dozen scorch marks in our bedroom walls… we need to find some one to help with his constant nightmares and flash backs.. you and i both know at some point it wont be just flame thrower or ember he learns.. hes a braixen now but what happens when he evolves into a delphox.. need i remind you what he did as a braixen to the training hall.. witch set us back a hard 70,000 mewns… ( mewn a currency in the world that is pressed psychickly to have mew mother of all pokemon on the front and a zoroark on the back and was created by a zoroark 1 mewn is equivelant to 200 usd ) …
kleo sighs--- i know im looking hun just bear with the kid hes starting to finaly open up to us.
taiga smiles seeing valdederon out cold in a mess of books paper an ink well and fountain pen crudely crafted by his own paws spilled over .
taiga--- atleast its a saturday ill go head out and post some more quests.. we just got a new stack of out law bounties.. the dungeons are causing all maner of chaos lateley.. its getting worse evry year.
kleo---ok babe just becarefull not to throw out your back.. ha ha your 347th birthday is today
taiga--- oh can it you old broad were literaly a year a part in age ha ha ha ha
kleo-- oh but im far younger in apearance. i am a mighty milotic the goddes of the sea its self while you look as if you went 3 rings in a boxing mach against a a roided up machamp and lost 7 times ha ha.
taiga-- ha ha ha well beeing guild master is stressfull.. dont worry ill be fine
he heads out just as valdederon sits up paper half stuck to his face as he yawns.
kleo--- morning sleepy lets get your mess cleaned up
valdederon---- so.. about becoming a pheonix hawk. what does it entail.. ive been craming all the knoledge i can about this world but i dont know if theres much more the guild has.. ive read all the books you and evergreen gave me.
kleo--- how about we head up to the archives on the 78th floor in the wet tower . theres about 40,000 books or more up there i havent been up in awhile and were always getting new books.. last time i went up was about 86 years ago i think.
valdederon---ok. so this guilds been around for a good bit.. whats the history of it like..
kleo--- ha ha ha.. good on you for not asking my age kiddo.
valdederon blushes and holdshis stomach
valdederon---my old master would have have beat the tar out of me for asking that… she did once… but in a sparing sesion were she decided to go extra hard on me.. i learned quickly to keep quiet.
kleo--- ah.. i see so you did make that mistake on asking aldy her age.
valdederon--- unfortunately… yes.. several times but yea im up for a trip to the archives.. but ..could i ride on your back.. my legs are still weak and i wore my self out last night.. my muscles feel like im beeing jabed with needles and pins.
kleo--- ha ha ha sure bud
they head up to the archives valdederon finaly takking a look at the once sleepy and quiet guild to see its prety walls stone lined with wood collums almost like an ancient castle fortress the trip up takes an hour when they enter the archive room its lined with book shelves easily 200 feet up to the cieling and the room the size of a large mansion.
valdederon--- good lord this place is huge.
kleo whistles in shock--- far more then my last visit …..far…far. more. ..miss vex were here for a few books anything on the history and stare of the world as it is now and was in the past
a small abra with faded scales and a tired look floats up to the book shelves and chuckles
vex--- you are wondering about my age arent you.. the both of you.. though the braixen doesnt want to ask… he he well im about 3,579 years old i was this ancient stone beuties guard pokemon since the day i was born….. take a seat it will be awhile bfore i can get to them books.. gota search all the shelves.
a slow 20 minutes pass before vex floats over with 7 sizable books and opens hersmokey white eyes and stares into valdederons eyes before closing them with a gentel smile.
vex-- your spirit is strong but in chaos. if you ever need to speak about it come see me in the archives
valdederon nods and grabs the stack of books and opens one up to read it. after finishing the book he starts reading another silently tail wagging softly making kleo smile brightly
kleo--- ill let you read hun ill be in my room resting i didnt get much sleep last night because of some late night guild business
valdederon gives a silent nod and continues reading the day rolls by slowly by mid afternoon hes finished all but one of the books when vex comes over with an oran berry tart with pecha berry juice.
vex--- here brought you some food and drink. youve been reading for hours with out a break any reason why.
valdederon-- im an from another world and i need to learn about this world .. and thanks for the snacks vex.
he eats the tart and drinks the juice and stretches out gently before going back to reading the last book. after finishing it he yawns and growls beeing picked up by taiga with his vines.
taiga--- dont you growl at me like that your mother my let you avoid your afternoon naps when im not around but your still a 5 year old and need them.. out worlder or not. your laying down for a nap.
valdederon--- id much rather go to the training room and practice my moves and exercise my legs.
vex chuckles as taiga lifts up the stuborn braixen.
taiga--- your already half asleep bud i doubt youl be awake much longer any way… and your always cranky when you dont rest. especialy lateley with all the lat enight cramming for tests and home work.
vall growls alittle more before yawning but not a single ember is in sight wile he growled.
taiga carries him down to thier room half way there and valdederon falls asleep on taigas back purring softly .and waking up a couple hours later in his nest grogily . he stretches out and rubs his eyes growling
valdederon--- curse this childs body its betrayed me again… i cant wait untill im older in this body. but atleast now i know enough about this world to survive.. guess having a new family could be fun.
he gets up to execises his legs by walking to the mess hall and back a few times soon running into neegan whos drinking a glass of a strange smelling drink his face red and tears fresh on his face.
valdederon--- whats wrong neegan.
neegan sighs swirling his drink ---- its my friends birthday today.. hes a pansear.. god.. the last time i saw him i was on his case about his un controlled attack in a dungeon..im such an ass hole the kid just learned a new move and i should have been happy for him but.. i. treated him like he was a criminal because people in our raid got hurt some worse then others.
valdederon---oh..uh …
valdederon takes the drink out of neegans hands as he hicups clearly abit heavy into it and walks neegan to his quarters
valdederon--- you should write him a letter.. let him know how you feel.. im sure hes upset about what happened.. if you guys are best friends you should both have a talk.. but you should rest up first
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britishraptor · 5 years ago
I just want a nice soft forest green zip hoodie that i can curl up in but apparently that’s too much to ask from any supplier in australia im crying ive been looking for years
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tenmillionwhumperflies · 4 years ago
(If you’re still doing these) Early Avizon ► gather some cloudwalker venom. No need to be gentle; that’s what you got them for, right? 😈
OHhohohohohoho. YAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, poor birbs. Avizon glowered and pointed at his feet, “Here, now.”
Dyan whimpered, but his fear of what would happen if he disobeyed was stronger than what would happen if he did as he was told. He inched closer, keeping his head down until he could kneel by his feet. He waited silently, trying to hide the tremor in his hands.
Avizon petted his head roughly, but to Dyan that was better than no praise at all. “I want your venom, I’ve ran out of my old supply and I need it to make more antidote. You both will provide. Do as you’re asked, and it won’t hurt you.” Dyan whimpered.
Avizon looked up at Ihuka who still had not moved from his corner. “Ihuka, come,“ he ordered.
Ihuka shuffled back with a whine, not being able to meet Avizon’s glare. Ihuka couldn’t help but bare teeth. His wings were already wrapped up and restrained, but now that he was trapped he couldn’t help but bare his teeth.
Avizon stormed over to him and grabbed him by the hair, making Ihuka shriek and grab onto his wrists to try to ease the pain. Every instinct in his body told him to fight, to bite him, but he didn’t dare.
Avizon dragged him across the floor to where Dyan was and straddled his waist, pinning his arms down. He was trapped. Ihuka snarled at him, but that was what Avizon had needed. He grabbed Ihuka’s face and squeezed to open his mouth more. He couldn’t bite Avizon without biting his own cheeks so he was stuck.
Dyan turned away, shuddering. Avizon paid him no attention, he produced a peculiarly shaped vial, made in the shape of a U so that he could collect the venom from both teeth. He wasn’t going to let a drop go to waste. He pressed it against his fangs and slowly adjusted his grip so that he was holding the vial and keeping his mouth open. His other hand made it to his ear. He ignored Ihuka’s whimpers and struggles and pressed down firmly on the point on his neck just next to his jaw and under his ear. Ihuka squeaked with the pain and tried to throw his head to the side but Avizon’s grip was firm as he collected the venom. He repeated the process on the other side of his neck, until he had an adequate amount. He put a cork in either side of the vial and sighed, petting Ihuka’s hair. “I wasn’t in the mood for fighting against your stubbornness.” He got up and let Ihuka sit up before he restrained him with his magic, drawing another shriek out of him.
Avizon turned his attention to Dyan, who was clearly trembling. “Here.“ Dyan was frozen in place, but not my magic, just by fear. “P.please...“
Avizon knelt in front of him and held out a new vial. “If you don’t want to be pinned, then do as I tell you.” Dyan opened his mouth without waiting for the order, but he closed his eyes tight and a few light whimpers left his throat. Avizon hushed him, but that was the only comfort he gave as he pressed down on Dyan’s neck. Dyan groaned, but no venom appeared. Avizon furrowed his brow, adjusted his grip and pressed harder. Dyan let out a soft squeak, so Avizon tried the other side. “No venom... then again, you’ve never used it.”
Dyan gulped as Avizon went back to the first side and started roughly massaging the gland. Dyan yelped and yanked his head away with a sob. “M.master, it hurts, please stop. It hurts.” But Avizon needed that venom. He heard Ihuka growl, as if he’d already heard his thoughts. Avizon pushed Dyan down onto his back and straddled him as he had Ihuka. He pinned his head down on its side and kept the vial in place.
He went back to work, blocking out Dyan’s cries and half-formed pleas. Ihuka started snarling and shouting at him, but he paid it no attention. He wanted that damned venom, and he was going to get it. Dyan tried to struggle but it was no good. He cried until Avizon, with the aid of a little magic, finally had a result and the venom began to sluggishly slip into the vial. Avizon grumbled. “Finally. Well done, Dyan. But now I have to do the other side.”
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httpwinston · 7 years ago
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
chapter four-"i dont know maybe because we know a killer clown is back"
ritchie was the first one to get up he saw billy and beverly sleeping together on the bed and same with him and eddie.
(there was a couch in billys bedroom.)
he got up and he pushed easily eddie off of him the couch was big he went into the bathroom.
he didnt know what he felt with eddie it was something because he loves everything about eddie his smile, the way he says stop calling me eds, or the way he plays with richies hair.
"richie can you hurry in there!" he hears billy yell.
"we are home!! billy!...oh.. i didnt know the boys were spending the night" billys mom said.
eddie woke up and same with beverly they walked into the livingroom same as ritchie and billy.
"well we are not going to be here all day because we are going to bens"
"oh..okay you guys have fun me and your father we are going on this couples vacation thing i know i have been gone lately well here is 100 bucks bye sweet heart" as she kissed billy on the cheek and left.
(only if this happened in real life xd)
"hell i wish my mom would do that" eddie said.
they all laughed
richie invited mike and billy invited stanley a course he back out but then he said yes took time but he said yes.
they were walking to bens house.
they all havent really talked since the whole thing happend.
mike started to ignore the losers  but the only ones that he didnt was richie and eddie
and stanley he hangs out more with billy.
and ben he doesnt talk to them because he has been more focus on his school work and clubs.
they walked up the stairs to bens house beverly with her red painted nails pressed the door buzzer.
"who are you kids?" his mom said with an attuide.
"we are his friends can we see ben?" beverly said.
and plus his mom said that he couldnt hang out with them because she saw his reseach on "it" and thought he was going crazy.
"oh i remeber you kids you are the kids that told my baby about that "it" shit"
"its true you.." richie started to say but eddie covered his mouth.
"get the hell off my porch!"
"n.no m.miss p.please can we s.see h.him s.sorry a.about richie"
"whatever six mintues then you guys are out hes up stairs in his room"
they all ran up those stairs and went into his room.
beverly hugged him she notice he lost alot of weight but she didnt say anything about it.
"hey ben we thought you were dead"
"why would you guys think that?" as he pulled the hug away.
"oh i dont know ben maybe because you ignored us after we got rid of the fucking clown" ritchie said upset.
"rich shut up" eddie said.
"no im tired of everyone suger coding shit"
"okay im sorry i have been ignoring you guys its because after the whole "it" thing i freaked out and i guess i was trying to forget"
"well we could have helped you forget" beverly said while smiling at him.
billy getting jealous but he just doesnt know.
stanley hugged ben and they all had a group hug its been forever since they had one.
"not trying to be mean i actually like you guys around but why are you here"
"w.well d.dont f.freak w.we saw 'it'"
he looked scared
"well last night i was at the library  studying for the finals and i saw this baloon like i did when i was younger last time i was there but i ran out of there."
"oh shit..shit"eddie said nervous
"okay lets not fucking panic we put it down once we can do it agian"
"lets go to the quarry " beverly said.
"yeah" they all said.
they were walking to the quarry because it wasnt far.
"okay why are we quiet?" mike said.
"i dont know maybe because we know a killer clown is back" stanley said sarcasticly.
richie was behind the group because he saw a sewer and what he said.
"you better not hurt any of them fucker or my eds i will fuck you up i beated your ass with a baseball bat agian i will do it agian fucker"
"hey rich are you comming?"
"yeah! dropped my lighter!"
"just stay away from that sewer" eddie said while pulling richie along with them.
they sat on the rocks where they sat when they were little.
but eddie was in between richies legs and richie was cuddled up to him to warm him.
"so im just going to bring it up what are we going to do to 'it'?"
"maybe if we ignore 'it' then he will leave" eddie said
"yeah we never tried that" ritchie said.
"i dont think we can ignore 'it' remeber what happened to those bullys they werent kids"
"shit! shit why couldnt he just stay away"
and ritchie just cuddled eddie to calm him down
he whispered in eddies ear "its going to be okay eds"
and eddie felt safe.
"do you guys want to come to my fight tonight?"
"your fighting tonight but we have school tommrrow" eddie said.
"well we need money and my moms job sucks" ritchie said.
"well lets hope you dont turn out like that richie" stanley said laughing
"well i got to get out of here i have to get ready"
"w.well we s.still h.have to talk a.about 'it'"
"well im not scared of a fucking clown we got rid of him once we can get rid of him again"
"yeah hes right guys we did get rid of him" mike said.
everyone followed him to the devils place.
richie was getting pump while mike was getting high and drunk.
billy just getting drunk same with all of them except for eddie and ben.
they all got there seats and eddie was eating popcorn.
"im kinda scared bev"
"you are always scared eddie"
"let me have some of that" eddie said he was tired of being that innocent guy.
so he gulpped it.
"hey slow down eddie"
eddie could feel a pain in his throat.
"how can people drink this bev"
"they drink it and then it gets better"
then eddie drinks more of the alchol that he is regreting because he knows he has school tommrrow and he cant go back home because his mom would freak.
then eddie saw richie punch this guy in the face and eddie yelled.
"get him babe!!"
and the guy punched richie and he punched the guy in the face over and over again and he fell backwards.
"richie toizer!!! is the winner!!"
all the losers got up and hugged ritchie.
"good win bro" mike said and they did that guy handshake
"wow i didnt know you could fight like that" beverly said.
eddie knew he could fight ever since sixth grade when this guy name nick wanted to fight him lets just say richie won.
richie collected his money and a guy who owned the place said.
"you should come back agian your dad was good here before he died".
yeah his dad died here but the guy that was beating him was his step dad.
"yeah ill be back"
"the toizers have always had our back til they died"
eddie didnt like the sound of that.
"yeah..yeah uncle bill i get it" the uncle isnt on his side of this family hes on his moms side.
"rich what did he mean til you die?"
"oh its nothing eds"
eddie knew he was lying did it mean he had to fight til he died.
ritchie grabbed eddies hand and went out of that place mike stayed and same with stanley.
ritchie, eddie, billy.ben, and beverly walked out of the devils place
"how can you guys go there everyday?" ben asked
"well we just do...you should come with us everytime i missed you"
and yes billy was jealous he hated that she loved ben he wanted her love.
"well guys im going home"
"oh okay billy"
"oh shit he didnt studder thats great!" eddie yelled.
"is there something wrong with him?"beverly said.
"how about you go check then princess" richie said annoyed he hated how she played with ben and billy like pick he thought she did this when she was younger.
"oh fuck you richie" she walked away and ran after billy
"you wish" richie said.
"billy stop!..what did i do?"
"y.you...w.why d.do you like b.ben? he ignored you but i s.stuck by you"
"really are you jealous and i never said anything about liking ben"
"we all know you do bev you dont have to say anything!..you really made me fall for you i.i was so stupid"
"billy you said that sentance so well"
"maybe because its the truth" now billy was crying and it was raining the girl he liked didnt like him as he thought.
"wait you fell in love with me?"
"yes bev do i have to say it louder hell! i will i love beverly marsh!!!..and im ashamed because she likes someone else"
you are thinking they are drunk well billy is he wouldnt have said all of this she grabs his face and says.
"well billy i love you to"
and they kiss in the rain
"get that snack girl get it!!" eddie yells smiling and richie kissed eddie.
beverly heard that and laughed while kissing billy.
and ben saw the kiss to he was upset because he thought beverky liked him he walked home.
"where the fuck did ben go?" ritchie said
"probably home babe because he did like her"
"he'll get over it"
"yeah lets hope because we need more info on it"
"can we ever stop talking about that clown?"
"no rich because we need to be careful"
"eddie you know i will never let that fucking clown hurt you...i love you to much eds"
"i love you to rich"
beverly and billy ran back over.
"hey guys on friday do you want to go on a dubble date"
"yeah that sounds fun..rich you wanna go?"
"yeah whatever but im not paying b.billy you wanna pay?"
"its billy and your p.paying for your d.date
"oh fuck it we are going"
"okay see you two tommrrow"
"yeah..yeah bye bev" eddie hugged her.
"awe eds you are making me jealous"
"oh shut up rich"
then they walk to richies house eddie had a unbrella richie took the unbrella because he was taller then eddie.
"i think you are the only person i know who carrys a unbrealla everywhere he goes"
"i dont carry it everywhere rich"
they went to richies house because richie's mom is at work.
"do i sleep in your room or the living room"
"eds your sleeping in my room"
"what if your mom suspect something"
"its not like she'll know that my eds spent the night"
he said while walking in his room with eddie richie grabbed eddie whast and put eddie on his chest while they lay in bed.
"rich going to school is going to hell tommrrow everyone is going to have questions about us the group back together its like the ghostbusters if they would have split and came back"
richie chuckled and said" well i dont care what people have to say about us and the group who cares what people say about it and we are not like the ghostbusters we are losers"
"well you did.."
"its time for bed eds"
as he turns off the lights eddie could here richies heartbeat maybe he still didnt like clowns.
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morallygreyprompts · 4 years ago
Prompt #84
I liiiiiivvvveeeee. I’m sorry yet again for not publishing much I have been slacking but hopefully I’ll be able to get a routine back again. Also if you head on over to @tenmillionwhumperflies I’ll be very active on there this month because I’m doing febuwhump with my cloudwalker OCs.
Anyhooo, have a small prompt and thanks for sticking around.
Hero hadn’t expected any trouble that night. They’d been so busy recently that honestly it seemed there could be no one left to fight. But as they passed an alley, they heard groans. They paused and took a deep breath. They knew this meant trouble.
Hero drew their weapon and crept into the alley, ready for an ambush, their heart thundering in their ears that if felt impossible to listen for sounds of life. They kept going forward until they turned a corner and found the source of the noise.
It was Villain’s sidekick, beaten, bleeding, and half unmasked. Villain’s sidekick was clinging onto consciousness and gulped seeing Hero standing over them. They manage to force themselves to sit up with a feeble whimper of pain. Hero crouched down beside them, their hand softly tracing over the wound on their face that went down their cheek and over their lip. “Who did this to you?” Hero glowered. Villain’s Sidekick shook their head with a whimper. “P.please... just go.” “No.” Hero picked them up with all the care they could manage. “I’ll get you someplace safe.” There was another whimper, and then Villain’s Sidekick went limp in their arms. They needed to hurry. -----
Hero’s Sidekick had no idea what happened. One minute life was fine, they had a nice long hot shower and pampered themselves. They found their good pyjamas and were settling down for the night while Hero did one last scout around the place. Only when they returned to the lounge, there was someone asleep on the sofa. Sidekick frowned and went closer, that wasn’t Hero... They curled their lip in disgust. Hero walked back into the room with their doctor’s kit, they paused seeing their sidekick standing there. “Would you care to kindly explain to me why VILLAIN’S SIDEKICK IS SLEEPING ON MY SOFA?!“ they exclaimed. Hero sighed and set to work cutting Villain’s Sidekick’s suit away, revealing bad wounds.
“I found them in an alleyway, I don’t know who did this so I had to make sure I didn’t hand them over to the wrong person. I don’t expect you to help treat this, but could you at least boil some water for me? Sidekick raised an eyebrow. “I... right, okay...”
Sidekick left to get the water and Hero turned their attention to Villain’s Sidekick’s weak breathing, their clammy skin. ”Hold on, [Sidekick], I... I can put this right.”
Hero just hoped they could treat all of this in time.
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tenmillionwhumperflies · 4 years ago
Cloudwalker Series Part 12
Protective Avizon anyone? COMFORTING Avizon? CUDDLE GIVING AVIZON? I hath delivered.
Warnings: References to previous torture, noncon, and humiliation in a character’s past. (Erix shows up at the castle for Dyan who taunts and says some nasty things to Dyan while he’s there).
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 2200
Avizon gave Ihuka almost two weeks of bedrest and steady care until he was ready to start working again. He left him and Dyan alone as much as he could, only seeing them to feed them and check on them for the time being. He didn’t train them. He let them wander some of the grounds, and Ihuka liked sneaking out of bed to look out of the big windows for hours and hours, always lost in thought, hugging his knees and mumbling to himself. Dyan said that he was upset, grieving even, for the freedom and the brother he had lost. Avizon usually just put a blanket over him and left him to it. He was behaving, so it didn’t matter, especially if it was helping him process it all.
But Avizon hated waiting, but this time had to be the exception if he was to win back both of their trusts. He wanted them to be looked after, but he also had so many questions about their powers which he was determined to find the answers to. Just how did their magic work? Was the power confined to their feathers? He didn't know, but he intended to learn as all good sorcerers should. He needed to go to the great library, but that was a few days away and he didn’t want to travel just yet. Perhaps he could speak to his old mentor, Orrien, but he wasn’t sure how pleased he’d be to see him.
For now, that would have to wait. He worked with Dyan where he could, doing harmless tests, asking him questions, getting him to ask Ihuka questions, which most of the time was more fruitful since he was wild. Avizon took it all in, he wrote it all down. 
Once Ihuka was more healed,  he'd set Dyan off cleaning a massive ballroom with Ihuka's help. Ihuka was rough and unskilled, which came in handy for catching rats and scrubbing the floors whereas Dyan's gentle nature was much more valuable in cleaning the chandeliers and everything else that was fragile. They had a few days to finish the task, but he was confident that by the end this room would practically glow. Ihuka seemed to appreciate the exercise for the most part.
But that day was different, as he sat he felt the presence of another in his castle. He glowered, produced an orb with a wave of his hand which went to seek out whoever was there and guide them to him. He summoned his cloudwalkers to his side like mastiffs. But when the presence found them, Dyan paled. 
There stood Erix, Dyan's previous owner, though calling him that made Avizon feel sick. His yellow/orange eyes were piercing compared to his black hair and dark clothes. His skin was sickly pale and he’d let the hair on his chin grow out into a goatee of sorts. Avizon could see the earrings he wore were actually teeth, not any teeth- fangs. Cloudwalker fangs no doubt. Avizon could only just make out a tattoo on his neck, the tips of wings he guessed. Diid he even have a tattoo of one of these poor creatures.
"What are you doing here?" Avizon scowled, stroking Dyan's hair to soothe him.
"I heard you found a lost toy of mine," Erix answered, wiping his snotty nose on his forearm and glaring at Dyan. He shrugged and took out a roll of paper filled with tobacco. Dyan whimpered. Seeing a few faint burns on his shoulders made it clear as to why. Erix lit in with magic by flicking the end of it. "I want him back, he's mine."
Dyan managed a groan, but he was too afraid to shuffle away. He was tense under Avizon's soft touch, as solid as rock but trembling like he was going to crumble into dust. He wouldn't budge, he couldn't stop staring, panicking inside. “M.master, p.please...” he whispered, look up at Avizon’s face.
“Get here, you traitorous little runt- now!” Erix demanded, pointing at his feet. Dyan let out a mercy squeak, and Avizon was surprised to find Dyan quickly began inching towards Erix.
Avizon reached a little further down, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Stay,” he said softly.
Avizon turned to look up at Erix. "I think you'll find he is mine," Avizon purred, running his fingers through his hair, hoping it helped calm him while it also looked possessive. He’d never liked Erix, he was powerful, enough to be a threat at least, but now he loathed him, and he wanted nothing more than to kill him. "I don't like to share, especially not with scum like you."
“I had that little slut first,” Erix snapped. “You still would have one. Give me back what is rightfully mine! I need him!”
“Mind your words,” Avizon glowered, clenching his other fist. “Or you’ll be needing a coffin.”
Erix forced a clearly fake smile. “Payment, then?” Erix placed three bags on the table. "I'm offering you seventy five of the finest diamonds from the Northern Mountains."
Another bag. "A hundred then, here and now."
"No!" Avizon shot to his feet, hands clenched. Dyan squeaked. "Dyan is not falling back into your slimy hands ever again. He is mine! If you want him, you go through me."
Ihuka fluffed up his black feathers and snarled, focusing on Erix. Erix widened his stance, ready to fight. “Don’t underestimate me-” “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Ihuka growled again, he was all too ready to lash out. “Tell your flea-bitten mutt to stand down before someone gets hurt.” "You'd best be careful Erix, or else you might end up missing a leg, he has quite the bite to him. You have had the gall to ask for the cloudwalker, and I have said no, now leave."
Ihuka moved in front of Dyan without hesitation, without waiting for an order. He seemed to understand the situation.
"Get your stinking slimy body out of my castle before I freeze you and give Ihuka his orders. Ten-"
"He belongs to me!" Erix roared, slamming a fist on the desk, drawing another cry from Dyan. Avizon could hear him sobbing. He brought glowing white power to his hands, ready to attack or defend if necessary. Erix was not getting his little bird!
"Three, two, o-"
"Fine!” Erix spat, and Avizon struggled not to sigh in relief. “I'm going, keep the little rat. I hope you have fun with him. I wouldn’t treat him too nicely, he’ll just escape if you give him nice things and free you’re other cloudwalker as he did with me. I'll find a new one. Oh, and Dyan," he sampled the name on his tongue and smirked coldly, “I hope you can sleep at night knowing what you’ve forced upon some poor innocent bird because you’ve betrayed me.” Dyan whined, dipping his head down. Erix flicked his roll at Dyan, but Avizon quickly deflected it.
But when Erix reached for the bags Avizon slammed his hands down on the desk, the thud echoed across the room. Both cloudwalkers jumped in fright. 
"I'll keep the diamonds too. Get. Out. I will be watching you, and if you ever buy or use one of those poor creatures again, I will personally see to it that they eat you alive. Hopefully, your foul flesh won't poison them. Really, I should kill you where you stand!"
"And risk the wrath of the entire city? The evil Avizon kills a man who simply wants to buy his property back?" Erix snorted. “That’s if I don’t kill you first, you’re nothing but a lame and sulking shadow.”
"You think I fear that city? That I could ever fear you?" Avizon brought power to his hands, oh so ready to act.
Dyan whimpered with fear, stopping Avizon's trail of thought but Erix was already storming away.
"Stay, Ihuka. Good bird," Avizon said softly.
He turned to look at Dyan who was leaning against the throne, hugging the corner of it and trying to breathe. He was hyperventilating, with panic so clear in his eyes. He was trying to hide behind his wings, his eyes just peeking over the top. 
"Oh, little bird," he murmured. "It's alright, shhh. You're safe. He's gone."
"H.he won't stop until he has me," Dyan cried.
"Do you want me to kill him?"
Dyan couldn't find an answer. "I… I'm not allowed to want anything?" His eyes were red, sore, and carried so much confusion, doubt; fear.
"Answer me, Dyan. You are allowed."
"Then…No, master… you'll get in trouble. O.or you could get hurt."
"I've been in far more trouble than this before. I’ve killed royalty. If he's gone you don't need to fear him anymore, you'll be free and the world will be a better place for it…" Avizon studied his expression. "But… you don't want to run that risk of losing me, do you?.. Well, if you are sure, I will let him live and I'll watch him as best I can to make sure he hurts no one else. Either way, you're safe."
Dyan couldn’t stop crying, he couldn’t calm himself after such a close encounter. Avizon knelt beside him and slowly reached up to rub his back, to hush him and wait for him to calm. Ihuka inched closer and rubbed his head against Dyan's shoulder like a cat until Dyan reached up to hold onto him as he trembled.
"You were very brave, Dyan. I know that was hard for you… You can have the rest of the day off if you wish?" Dyan shook his head. "I. I can't. I have to clean. I'm being bad- I.I can't be bad-" Avizon cupped his cheek. "Look at me, little one."
Dyan did so, but he gulped. Avizon stroked his cheek, hoping it would calm him more. "You are not bad. You are a little treasure and your loyalty astounds me in the best of ways. You've been cleaning for six hours. The ballroom is practically finished, and you both deserve the rest. If you want to stop, to go and lie down or go for a walk with me then that is allowed, I understand cleaning might also make you feel better, but the choice is yours. What do you want to do so you can feel better?"
"I… t.the walk sounds nice…" he managed, nervously wringing out his hands.
Avizon nodded and smoothed the hair out of Dyan's face. "Good boy. Stay here until you've calmed down. I need Ihuka to put everything away, but if you need comfort you can sit on my knee or by my chair and I'll do what I can."
Dyan inched closer once Avizon sat back down, he eased his head into Avizon's lap, his arms reaching around to hug his leg. Avizon stroked his head, doing his best to avoid his damaged horn until Dyan's head flopped against him as he got more exhausted. He was struggling to keep his eyes open the longer Avizon played with his hair. Avizon waited to see if he'd fall asleep but every time he got close he'd startle awake.
Avizon gently picked him up using his powers and eased him onto his lap, putting an arm around him, letting Dyan snuggle against him. Dyan was unsure at first, but he leaned against his chest tucking a wing around himself.
"Sleep, little bird. I'll protect you."
Avizon played with his hair again, helping him to drift off. He eased a little bit of sleep magic into him to help. As he did, he looked down at his broken horn. He could see fragments of power within it, like seams of ore in a freshly mined rock. So there was power in their horns after all… perhaps that did explain why he had less power. 
Ihuka returned once everything was put away that needed to be. He looked at Dyan with concerned curiosity, but Avizon smiled softly. "He's alright." He pointed to the bed beside him, inviting Ihuka over. He did so and curled up. Avizon waited until Dyan was in a deep sleep until he used his powers to pick him up, supporting all of his body, and then settled him down in the bed beside Ihuka, who was getting drowsy. Ihuka cuddled into him and settled a little more. Avizon nodded to himself and left them to sleep while he continued his work. He focused on Erix's presence. Its unique feeling. Part of him knew it wouldn't be the last he'd see of him.
He reached forward, took one of the bags and opened it up, letting the content pour onto the table. Sure enough, there were twenty-five stunning gems. He scrutinised them carefully, and true enough they were real, but also familiar. He’d seen the king with these gems before… Had Erix really just tried to buy a cloudwalker from him with his own money? And yet this was so much more than what a typical white winged cloudwalker with a broken horn should be worth. He could have bought at least twenty cloudwalkers with this much money. He really wanted Dyan. Avizon feared it was an obsession. Whether the diamonds had belonged to him or not. He would be back, that much was true. 
And Avizon the Terrible would be ready, with all his wrath ready to rain upon anyone who dared try to take his cloudwalkers from him.
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tenmillionwhumperflies · 4 years ago
Cloudwalker Series Part 9
This part involves a nightmare Dyan has. It contains horn removal, but it’s only the aftermath, not like a description of it happening. I don’t think there’s anything else that should be a problem. Master-list Here
Approx WC: 1900
Ihuka woke quickly as Dyan hit him in the wing. He sat up with a gasp, ready to lash out with his claws, even if they were blunt. He braced for… something. Maybe his master was back, or something had happened, but when he looked Dyan was still asleep. He was coated with sweat and tossing his head back and forth, his breath came in tiny pants as if his collar had been fastened too tightly. He whimpered, gripping the sheets, and his wriggling was getting worse. He must have been having a dream, but clearly it wasn't something nice. He looked terrified, even asleep. This must have been a night terror. Ihuka frowned.
Ihuka reached forward and tapped his thigh and then backed away and waited, nothing… he tried again, harder, harder, shaking him, but he just wasn't waking. His struggling was getting worse, he whined and rambled. "Please," he moaned in his sleep. "P.please, no… p please…"
Ihuka couldn't wake him, he didn't want him to be scared like this. Would he ever wake? Was it magic like what his master used?
He wasn't sure what else to do aside from drag himself to the door, yelping and mewling in pain as he disturbed his injuries, and bang on the door, scraping at it and crying out loudly, whining and hitting the door, being as loud as he could. He knew there was a good chance his master would be angry and hit him, maybe even send him back to the dungeon. He really didn't want to go back, to hurt even more than his body was capable of dealing with but he didn't know what else to do. Dyan was suffering, screaming and pleading now and Ihuka didn't want that. He'd risk the harm for Dyan. He was trembling even though he kept going, and a few minutes later, the door unlocked and opened.
"What are you doing?!" Avizon snapped, only in his pants, showing the large scars in his torso. He hadn't had time to really dress once one of them had started squawking something awful, and then the screaming had started. Ihuka backed off quickly in his presence, squeaking immediately, but he pointed to Dyan, who was clearly suffering. He was gasping for air and screaming and crying, almost choking. Cloudwalkers were known to have long, potent dreams, and they were often very realistic, but Avizon had never expected a nightmare could be as bad as this.
Avizon glared at Ihuka who hid his head in response. He shook with fear and looked so small and fearful. So he'd only done it for Dyan…
Avizon sighed and approached Dyan, trying to shake him awake, calling his name. It only made him worse. He tried to struggle against it. Whatever he was seeing was scaring him beyond words, but he wasn't going to snap out of this easily. 
"What do you see, little one?" Avizon murmured. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands against Dyan's head, one on either temple and his thumbs on his forehead. He closed his eyes, letting power flow through him. He gently made his way into Dyan's mind. 
His consciousness slipped away into blackness, and slowly an image started to emerge. It was Dyan, crying and screaming, begging for his life, surrounded by shadows, a wave of arms and hands. They grabbed at him, yanked at his wings and hair, pulling feathers, restraining him and worse, Erix was standing over him with a saw and Dyan's horn in his hands. Gods, he was reliving it all, in some warped inaccurate night terror. Avizon had missed the worst of this dream it seemed.
Dyan looked up, staring directly at him. "Master?! Master, please! Help me!"
Avizon was thrown. Dyan could see him?! That never happened with humans. But that meant… 
Oh no. 
Avizon couldn't help him. He was nothing but a figure. He couldn’t speak, couldn't move, couldn't show expression on his face. He was a statue... And Dyan was going to take it as he was watching him suffer. He was adding to the nightmare. 
"Master, please!" Dyan shrieked as the hand suddenly yanked him down. He was disappearing into the inky black floor. Drowning, he was going to drown in his dream.
"Master?!" Dyan's voice gave him chills, hearing such an agonized cry. He was beyond terrified. He had to break him out of this, now!
Avizon focused again, and he only just saw Dyan's head go under the inky water when he strained and managed to shatter the dream into a thousand shards. 
He returned to the real world just in time to feel the immense whack of a white wing hitting him hard in the head. He was knocked to the floor and had to stay still for a long minute to stop everything spinning. All he could hear was Dyan's screams, his pure terror and the sound of things falling over as Dyan scrambled away. He'd thrown himself into the corner of the room, curled up, head shielded, whimpering and crying.
Avizon groaned, and much to his surprise, Ihuka inched forward, offering an arm for Avizon to use to get back to his feet. Avizon didn't need the help, and he didn’t want to hurt Ihuka but he made the point of pretending to use it.
"Good boy," he breathed.
He turned his attention to Dyan. He was pale, trembling so badly it looked like he was going to fall apart. After seeing that dream, knowing what he'd experienced, Avizon could see why. He was wheezing for breath, clawing at the floor for grip and crying uncontrollably. He didn’t know how he was meant to calm him in this state.
Avizon waited a few moments before he softly said "Dyan?"
"Please," Dyan moaned. "I. I'm sorry. Please, d.don't send me back. I…" the words died in the back of his throat. He curled up even tighter, hiding behind his wings.
Dyan looked up at him with a red damp face. "E.Erix was right, I deserve everything I get- I'm. I’m bad. I'm worthless! I make a mess of everything, and I hurt you and- and I need to shut up because…" Dyan sobbed and smashed the side of his fist against the floor, letting out a frustrated groan. "Bad, bad, bad!" He looked so ready for some sort of punishment, a punishment Avizon had no intention of giving.
Avizon came closer to him, although he did keep some of his focus on Ihuka. His little demon was laying on the floor, awake but looking tired and drained. He’d used a lot of energy that he simply didn’t have.
"Shh, Dyan, I'm not sending you back. I told you, you are mine." Those words should have terrified any other soul, but not for Dyan.
Avizon gently inched closer, reaching out with a hand for his. "Don't be afraid. You had a nightmare, a bad one, and you were afraid. I'm not going to punish you for that. You didn't know I was there."
Dyan gulped and nodded. No words were needed to explain his anxiety.
"B. But that's no excuse!" Dyan cried. "It was never an excuse before…"
"Are you saying I am wrong?" Avizon said, and Dyan squeaked.
"Then believe me when I say you're not in trouble. I am not Erix. I am better than Erix and you are not his anymore."
"Dry your tears, little bird. Shh," Avizon reached up for his cheeks and used his thumb to wipe them away. "You have nothing to fear anymore."
Avizon heard shuffling behind him and turned sharply, ready for an attack. Ihuka had inched closer to the bed but seeing Avizon turn made him back away again, dipping his head. "Easy… easy. You're not in trouble. You did well…" he soothed.
Ihuka lowered his head a little before straining himself as he got back into his spot, tucking his bald wings around himself for the little warmth they would provide and then pulling the blanket up. Avizon helped Dyan to bed and Ihuka slowly wrapped his arms and the blanket around him in a hug, keeping most of his attention on Avizon with big teary eyes. Even once he lay down, his comfort did not help, it only made Ihuka squeak. He frowned.
Avizon sighed and reached down to gently guide Dyan up to his feet. "M.master?" Dyan whimpered.
"Shhh. It’s nothing bad. Lie on the bed, you're cold. You too, Ihuka. Bed," Avizon said.
Perhaps he had broken him more than he’d needed to, overestimated his will. He only wanted obedience from him...
He didn’t want this level of fear.
Dyan was calming in Ihuka’s arms, and with Ihuka so nervous around him, he decided it best to leave them be. His head was throbbing, so after double checking it wasn’t a cause for concern, it would be better to just go to bed anyway.
Avizon reached forward and patted them both on the head, hushing them. Dyan leaned into it, murmuring a thanks, but Ihuka only tensed. “Good birds. Sleep.”
It was strange for Ihuka to be comforting Dyan after only a few hours had passed since Dyan had been helping him. Ihuka was incredibly sore, and he couldn’t sleep with his master sitting on the edge of the bed, watching him. It felt like he was glaring at him and he was too afraid to see if he was. He tried not to flinch whenever he patted his head and stroked it in what was meant to be a soothing way. He was just too ready for him to grab him by the hair, drag him out of the bed and hurt him all over again. He’d let out a soft mercy squeak and his master had left after that.
His brother may have been gone, but he still had Dyan, and he had to do what he could for him, he had to protect him. He chirruped softly when Dyan wrapped an arm around him. They snuggled that little bit closer before he eventually found sleep again.
Avizon sighed before he got up. “Sleep well.” He carefully shut the door with a click and this time he didn’t lock it. Ihuka didn’t care. He just wanted to stay with Dyan. He snuggled in closer to him, but it wasn’t the same as when he used to huddle close to his brother. Dyan’s wings weren’t big enough to wrap around them as Ryuvek’s did. He whimpered and sniffled. He missed his brother. He was never going to see him again, but he couldn’t dwell on it long. He was so tired...
“You can sleep if you’re tired,“ Dyan mumbled in their language. “Just knowing you’re here will be enough to help me.“
Ihuka shook his head. “But I can help?”
“I probably won’t be able to fall back asleep, no point us both being tired. Besides, you have wounds that need to heal.“
Ihuka wasn’t happy about the suggestion, but he was exhausted, and staying up much longer felt like an impossibility.
“Sleep, little firefly. It’s okay, really.“
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tenmillionwhumperflies · 4 years ago
Febuwhump ‘21 #4
#4 Impaled
Avizon whump anyone? This one is set a fair way into the future and will show a bit of a different side to our dear mean Avizon. I hope you like it.
WC: 1900
Avizon knew the secret tunnels would be in a bad state, he knew the traps hadn’t been maintained, but that wasn’t the reason he didn’t want to be here. It was because of the memories. The memories in these halls hurt him more than any injury ever could. He wiped a tear from his eye as he rounded the corner where he and Ro used to hold each other and kiss and love one another. It had been their own private area, safe from prying eyes, whispering lips and hurtful hands. Now it was cold, empty, and filled with spiderwebs, much like his heart.
He sighed and pressed on. Ihuka and Dyan were waiting at either side of the tunnel, by the hidden paintings in case something went wrong. He licked his dry lips and continued on, the burning torch in hand made his face uncomfortably warm, but it lit the way. He struggled to remember where the traps were. Why King Halve had thought it a good idea to put traps in these tunnels was beyond him. No one ever used them, save for Avizon and Ro.
He stopped walking and paused. Was that the reason? He tensed his jaw and tried to put those thoughts aside. Halve was dead, there was no point angering himself over ghosts now, no matter how much they still hurt.
He was so distracted by his thoughts, he miscounted a step. The floor suddenly caved and Avizon scrambled to try and not fall, but the rocks were old. He yelled as he tumbled back, he felt a sudden pain in this thigh and then everything settled. Avizon looked down in horror. He’d been impaled through the leg. If he’d fallen back, it would have killed him. He shuddered. This was not good. He forced himself to stay calm, but this was not going to be easy to fix. 
He bit his lip and tried to get up. He screamed, but he made no progress, he needed help, but that meant risking the cloudwalker’s lives. Dyan was closest, and there were no more traps on this side, of that he was certain. He closed his eyes and sent an orb out toward Ihuka, and he let it guide him to Dyan and then brought it through the painting, back towards him.
It was hard not to sob as the pain started to make itself known. This was going to need magic healing, something he was actually terrible at. He’d have to send a message to his old mentor Orrien. It was his best and only chance and keeping his leg, if not survive. “Master?” Dyan called. “Go slow!” Avizon exclaimed. “I… I’ve fallen, my leg is stuck. I need your help, you will have to lift me up but there are spikes. You must be careful or you’ll end up like me.” “Can we climb down, or should we get ropes?” “Ropes won’t work I’m afraid, but you do need bandages. You’ll have to climb down in the pit, but I should be able to melt at least some of the spikes if I can reach.” Dyan spoke quickly to Ihuka before he heard Ihuka run off. Avizon groaned, feeling sick. This wasn’t going to be easy, he could already imagine the pain it would cause. He heard soft shuffling and soon Dyan came into sight at the top of the hole. “Master, I-” he froze, seeing the metal. “Keep calm. I just need to melt these and give you space.” He groaned as he reached behind him to melt one away. His hand tingled with the scalding heat it produced but soon the metal fell to the side. He did it again and again, but it was hard work, especially pinned as he was.
Ihuka returned triumphant with bandages. “Master? Could you melt the spike you’re on?” Dyan wondered. “It might be easier but I don’t know if it will burn you. I don’t think Ihuka and I will fit down there...” He had a point, and only a fool would ignore good advice. He just felt stupid for not thinking of it himself, but Dyan was right. The burning would hurt him.
There was a good chance this was going to brand his wounds and that hurt even more, but it was the better option. “I… I need one of you down here, to help me stay up while I work.” Ihuka was smaller than Dyan, and strong, so it was quickly decided he would come down. He stood in the shaved area Avizon had made. Avizon struggled to keep himself composed. “Lift me enough so that I can grab the bar.” Dyan translated, and then Ihuka carefully did so, lifting him up like he was about to carry him. Ihuka clenched his jaw and strained as he took Avizon’s weight. Avizon cried out in pain, but he had to focus. He grabbed onto the spike and let the heat do its work. It was getting more and more painful as the metal heated. It was burning his skin, enough to bring tears to his eyes and make it difficult to breathe. He clenched the bare as tight as he could until finally, it gave. Ihuka lowered him carefully, panting for breath. “G.good bird… help me up.” Ihuka did so, helping him to his feet, taking as much of his weight as he could as limped towards Dyan. The pit wasn’t deep, so Dyan was able to heave him up. Avizon screamed as the spike hit off the floor. “D.don’t… remove it. Bandage around it.” Dyan did so, the worry clear on his face. It was hard to help Avizon walk out of the tunnels. They just weren’t big enough for creatures with wings. He had to limp forward on his own, leaning against the walls. Ihuka led the way and Dyan was behind him, ready to steady him as needed. He had to get to the mirror. If he could get to the mirror of minds he’d be able to send a message.
Ihuka climbed out of the tunnel and bit his bottom lip anxiously before he helped Avizon down. He couldn’t bite back another cry of pain. The pain was only getting worse. He limped a little longer until he collapsed into a chaise.
Dyan knelt by him, “What should I do, master?” “The mirror… the black mirror… go and fetch it.”
Dyan nodded and took off sprinting, leaving Ihuka with him. He smiled softly as Ihuka propped his head up with a pillow and got him a blanket. He knelt by his side wringing his fingers together, so unsure of what to do. “Good bird,” he mumbled. He was tired, but he had to wait until he spoke in the mirror. Dyan returned, cradling it in his arms and held it out for him. Avizon grimaced as he took it and tried to sit up. Dyan offered to help but instead, Avizon gave up. He murmured a spell, as soon the shiny black revealed a face: Orrien. He’d aged since last he saw him, his blond hair and beard had gone almost fully grey, the wrinkles were clear under his tired blue eyes, but they still carried that usual glimmer of hope, of happiness that Avizon could only ever be in awe of. “Avizon?” he greeted, but his voice was full of concern. “You are in need of me?” “P.please… teleport here. I… my leg...”
“You’re wounded? I’ll be right there- don’t do anything foolish.” Avizon almost dropped the mirror but luckily Ihuka was able to catch it. He smiled softly at him, he could feel the sweat on his body. “A. a man will come to the castle, his name is Orrien. He is a friend. He will save me. You must be good for him.” “We will, master,” Dyan promised. Avizon nodded, but he felt awful. He heard a familiar swoosh of a teleportation spell, a screech of alarm from Ihuka, but then things settled.
Soon a familiar face was standing over him. “Do I dare ask how you ended up in this state?” Orrien said gently. “Fell,” he grimaced. The pain was blinding at this point. His leg kept twitching and bringing all the pain back at him in a bigger and bigger wave. “Do your… companions speak?” “Dyan does. Tell them what you want from them, they’ll do it.” “Dyan? Yes, I need you to both come here. We need to move him.” Avizon couldn’t help but groan, and Orrien put a reassuring hand on his chest. Avizon bit back a scream as he was picked up and lowered to the floor, but turned around. He lay on his front, but putting his leg down had started to push the metal out of his leg. He screamed and tried to get up, to get away from the pain. “Hold him still!” Orrien ordered.
They did so, and Avizon could only endure as Orrien settled a knee on his back and pulled the metal out. His cries echoed across the room and he tried to fight against Dyan and Ihuka, but they were heavy and stronger than him in his position. The pain only got worse when Orrien clamped a hand over the wound. He opened his mouth to scream again, but then there was nothing… _____ He woke in bed with a feeble groan and an aching body, but his leg felt good all things considered. Orrien was sitting at the side of his bed. “Master,” he mumbled. “Ah, he lives. Welcome back, my student. You’ll be glad to know your leg should fully heal. It took a long time, but my healing magic hasn’t failed me yet.” Avizon nodded sleepily. “I really should learn light magic...” “Yes, yes you should. It is a good skill to have, if only you weren’t so hellbent on destruction these days.” Avizon sighed softly. He paused seeing Ihuka and Dyan curled up in the corner fast asleep but smiled. “Things have changed...” Orrien looked down at the two cloudwalkers and back to him. “You found something worth protecting?” “Yes… they helped me find my purpose…. They could never replace Ro, but they did help me find my conscience again...” Orrien patted his arm, “He would be happy to hear that.”
Ro’s death had hurt both of them so badly, the grief would never fade, but it helped to know Orrien understood. Avizon had lost a lover, and Orrien had lost his son. Orrien cleared his throat. “I will stay awhile, make sure your leg is healing as it should. Would you like something to eat?” Avizon nodded. True enough he was starving.
“Master?” Dyan said softly from his spot. Ihuka was awake now too. Both of them looked at him with curious concern. “I’m alright, little birds. Come here if you wish, you can share my bed.” The two of them climbed on, but they stayed on his good side. Avizon chuckled and ruffled their hair one at a time. “You’ll both get a good reward for helping me. Thank you. You should go back to sleep, you look tired.”
Avizon watched them drift off until Orrien returned with a meal. Yes, things certainly had changed.
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tenmillionwhumperflies · 4 years ago
Cloudwalker Series Part 21
Did I whump the beans? Yes, am I sorry? No. I like this one and there’s a lot of oofs.
Warnings: Descriptions of wounds, blood, blood magic/rituals, panicked characters, being restrained while a loved one gets whumped.
Masterlist Here
Approx WC: 2600
Dyan’s scream was enough to startle the horses in their stable some distance away. In that moment, he didn’t care. “Blue!” Dyan rushed towards him and dropped down beside him, not caring about his own pain that jarred his body from the sudden impact.
Avizon limped over to him and knelt down carefully. Blue was laying face down, so Avizon quickly checked his pulse. “He’s still alive. Help me with him.” He and Dyan hadn’t even been able to turn him over before Orrien arrived, panting for breath and wide eyes. Dyan guessed it was because he’d screamed. But seeing him so panicked did nothing for Dyan’s fear.
“Blue! Get back, Dyan, let me through,” Orrien ordered. Dyan could only obey, shuffling back as fast as he could until his back hit the wall and even then he tried to go back another inch. He couldn’t stop staring in shock. He whimpered. He wanted to hold Blue, to help, but there was nothing he could do. He had to hope these humans could do enough. If he lost Blue… No, no he couldn’t lose his friend.
He watched as Orrien turned Blue over with care, supporting his head. Dyan noted Blue’s sickly complexion, the way his chest barely rose and fell. Orrien swore, and Dyan soon saw why. The bite mark the other cloudwalker had left. It looked… well, he didn’t even know what could cause such a thing. It was dark and looked painful. It was like a burnt piece of wood.
“That’s dark magic,” Avizon said almost immediately. “How on Earth has he gotten dark magic in him?! The other cloudwalker? But they’re creatures of light.” Blue coughed feebly and Orrien tensed, seeing ink-black liquid escape the corner of his mouth. They quickly adjusted him, turning him on his side. Orrien gently stroked his hair before he seemed to realise it. He grimaced.
“This isn’t just dark magic, this is something else, stronger… this is evil, pure evil. An abyss compared to your magic.”
Avizon suddenly threw his head up to stare at Dyan with wide eyes for a moment. It was like he’d realised something. He rushed over to Dyan which made him squeak and cower in the corner. He couldn't help but panic. He expected master to be mad, to hit him because he’d failed to protect Blue and this was all his fault. This was all his fault and he was going to get punished- he deserved to be punished!
“I’m sorry!” he cried, bracing, which yanked Avizon back like he was on a rope. “What? Dyan, you don’t need to be sorry, please come here. We don’t have the time, I’m sorry little bird, I have to make sure you’re-”
“Take the time,” Orrien instructed. “Dyan, what are you sorry for? Do you know what happened?” Dyan whimpered. “I. I don’t know, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t save him and keep him safe. I’m sorry p.please don’t be mad. I tried so hard, please...” Avizon sighed softly and wiped a tear out of Dyan’s eye. Dyan braced again, but Avizon simply began to remove one of his bandages, hushing him gently. “I’m not mad at you. I’m not mad, but you were bitten too, and I need to make sure you’re not hurting like that. I’m sorry for startling you. We have to act fast, that’s all. Dyan, I could never punish you for something like that.”
Dyan whimpered and Avizon mumbled reassurances in a bid to quickly calm him. The bandages came away to reveal Dyan’s bite mark, seeing darkness at the edges of the puncture wounds, but it was nothing compared to Blue’s. “It seems Dyan’s magic is protecting him enough…” “Blue also got bit first,” Orrien said. “It could be a number of things.”
Avizon grimaced, taking a moment to cup Dyan’s cheek to give him comfort. Dyan leaned into it and whimpered, craving it. He was just so scared. “We have to find that cloudwalker. I need to understand how this came about, how it happened. Until then, the best I can do is try to absorb this magic.”
“Don’t be stupid,” Orrien retorted. “That’s far too dangerous.” Dyan couldn’t believe how Orrien spoke to Avizon. It didn’t feel right seeing and hearing his master not being in charge.
Avizon simply shrugged. “I’ve done worse, and Blue needs me to take that risk. Another way is to burn it out with light magic, perhaps, but it will take a lot and could kill him. I should be able to take it without risk-”
Orrien exclaimed, “And it will make you a cruel bastard again. That magic is so strong it might not let you give it up. Avizon, I can’t let you!” “If you’d let me finish, I can store it, trap it into something. I will be able to get rid of it, my magic is strong, and darkness loves to spread. It will go to a new host. I can’t let these birds die!”
Dyan whimpered and curled up in his wings. His fear was bubbling in his chest. Master was scared, he’d panicked Dyan already and now he was saying they could die… this was too much for him to process all at once. Avizon swore, realising his mistake. “It’s going to be alright, Dyan. I’m sorry, don’t be scared. I won’t let anything happen to you. But I need your help, we have to find that cloudwalker, I won’t keep him, I won’t hurt him, but I have to understand what happened.”
Dyan nodded slowly, trying to fight all that fear back for now. He had to help Blue. His own panic wasn’t important right now. “Um… I. I don’t know how I can help.” “Call for help, see if you can get him to come here,” Avizon answered.
Dyan bit his lip, but went outside to do as his master asked. He hoped he didn’t get attacked again. His hands were shaking, and it felt wrong of him to do such a thing, to trick a cloudwalker, but for Blue, he’s do anything, and he trusted his master to not hurt him.
He called out, once, twice, three times. He was surprised to find Ihuka rushing towards him, but then he paused, seeing that Dyan wasn’t in any danger.
“We have to talk to the cloudwalker,” Dyan said quickly. “Blue is dying, we have to talk to them and find a way!" He decided to leave out the fact he could be next.
Ihuka nodded and called out, which was far louder and better than Dyan’s. Dyan eventually stopped, letting Ihuka do the work until finally, finally, the cloudwalker appeared. Dyan tensed and couldn't help but step back in fear. “What do you want?” he hissed. His black hair was still long, but the shackle scars on his wrists made it clear he had not been free all his life. His eyes carried an unnatural reddish grow which made Dyan feel uneasy. 
Dyan opened his mouth to speak, but Avizon had grabbed the cloudwalker with his powers. He shrieked and tried to get away but Avizon was not letting him go. He dragged him into the barn, restrained, and forced him to kneel in front of Blue, seeing the damage he had left behind by attacking the innocent lad as Orrien would call him.
“How do you have this magic?” Avizon asked, he looked at Dyan and nodded as a prompt for him to translate. Dyan did so. “The same reason that everything we are is broken!” the cloudwalker shrieked. “Humans! Hurting us, separating us, using horrible magic on us that makes our venom black and stops us hunting and makes us starve! Humans destroy EVERYTHING!”
Dyan trembled but still translated it word for word and Avizon frowned. “Someone is corrupting you?... what is the name of this human? Please, we want to help.”
Dyan translated again and added a plea. He cared about Blue. He didn't want to lose him. These were good humans, they could help, they could protect them or maybe even stop the human. The cloudwalker snarled, but all the same, he screwed up his face.“B.Boruk?... Borg...”
Avizon didn’t need to hear anymore. He clenched his fist. “Borgurk… I should have known!” he ground out. “Keep your head,” Orrien warned.
Avizon went to the back of his cart and found a small glass vial. “Don’t be afraid, I just need to see your venom,” he said to the cloudwalker. The cloudwalker bared his teeth, but Avizon only used that as a means of getting the vial under his canine. “Shhhhh, it’s alright. I’m going to help you.” Dyan couldn't believe how fearless Avizon was being. To just walk up to the cloudwalker that had come close to killing Blue and himself.
Avizon began to gently massage a spot on the back of the cloudwalkers jaw, under his ear until it whined and several droplets of black liquid began to appear. “Orrien, see if that liquid is coming from Blue's teeth.” Orrien carefully opened Blue’s mouth to look. “No, it’s the back of his throat. Southern cloudwalkers have venom glands, but they're not actually usable. He can't make venom. This is different, it must be in his organs..."
Avizon kept working, coaxing more venom out, but he knew he was playing with time, something Blue was rapidly running out of. Dyan didn’t understand why he needed the venom when Blue was laying on the floor dying, but he trusted him. Avizon looked up at the cloudwalker and paused, seeing their eyes, seeing the redness.
"Don’t tell me… Fire fever… you're running out of light magic- it's killing you,” he exclaimed to the creature who only glared at him. “Being a cloudwalker must protect you from most of the symptoms. The dark magic is going bad, rotting, it's killing him- that's why Blue is in such a bad way. It's magic decay!"
Avizon looked over to Ihuka, “Bring me some eggs. Eggs, Ihuka.” Ihuka nodded quickly and disappeared. Dyan had taught him what eggs were during their stay. Dyan was now very glad he did.
Dyan inched over to Avizon and said "W.what's magic decay?"
Avizon spared a glance to Dyan and began to explain. "Dark magic isn't meant to be in a human- or a cloudwalker. It rots, and it can kill whoever is using it if it's not used and managed properly. When it's not used, it becomes physical; it becomes like a magic infection. It's killing this cloudwalker and he doesn't know it. It's infected his venom, so when he bit Blue, it passed on a lot of that 'infection' to him… and onto you."
Dyan gulped. He didn't like this at all, he didn't want to die, he didn't want Blue to die.
"It's going to be alright, Dyan, I swear. I'm not letting you go," Avizon promised. “I will fix this no matter what it takes.”
Once he had enough of the venom, he put the cork on it and looked at a cut Dyan had given the bird the day before. It was still bleeding. That would do. Ihuka returned with the eggs, and Avizon managed to get him to put them on the floor beside him. “Eggs… Avizon, you’ve gone mad.” “Oh, I went mad a long time before this. Orrien, make sure everyone keeps their distance. I have an idea.”
Orrien picked Blue up and carried him up to the back of the barn. Ihuka and Dyan followed.
Avizon looked down at the scared bird in front of him and hushed him before he closed his eyes and put his hand over the bleeding wound. Dyan stared with wide eyes as he mumbled and drew what looked like black smoke out of the cloudwalkers body. The cloudwalker screamed in pain but Avizon didn't stop. He kept pulling, dragging more and more smoke out of him.
Dyan wanted to turn away but he was frozen in place, staring as Avizon drew it all out. Avizon’s eyes were red, cherry red and blood slipped down his cheeks from his eyes. Dyan whimpered and watched as Avizon took the egg in one hand and wiped the blood from his cheek with one finger. He drew a symbol on the egg with the blood and then groaned in pain. The smoke that was swirling around Avizon slowly went into the egg, which caused Avizon pain. 
Finally, it was done, and the egg now looked like a lump of coal. Avizon looked exhausted and the cloudwalker had fallen unconscious. Avizon released the bird from his power and set him down on a pile of straw to sleep it off.
"By the gods, Avizon…" Orrien mumbled, staring in half shock, half horror. "Blood magic now as well…"
"I know… I'm not proud of it, but if it saves him, then I'll do what I must. Eggs work temporarily, as a means of getting the power out into a container. But they don’t last. You need to destroy them anyway so it won’t be a problem."
Avizon picked up an egg and staggered over to Blue and knelt down.
"Same again." He took another egg that Ihuka had brought and put it by his side. "I need him to bleed. A small cut will do it. Here."
Orrien took his knife from his belt and with a grimace nicked at Blue's skin right by the bite mark, drawing a slightly heavier breath from Blue's sleeping body. Blood began to trickle, and then Orrien stepped back, keeping the birds back.
"Mind Dyan," Avizon warned in advance before he began to draw out the darkness.
Dyan shook as he watched Avizon cause pain to Blue. Even if it was saving him, he hated seeing it. Blue cried out, somehow dragged into consciousness. Avizon ignored how he tried to bite and scratch him out of instinct. He held firm, clenching his teeth til he thought they'd break.
Dyan's body acted before he could stop himself. He lunged forward but Orrien was quick and wrapped him in a tight hug from behind. "No, Dyan! It has to happen. I know it's awful, but it has to happen. Stay strong, lad."
Dyan tried to drown out the screams, not even realising he’d started to cry until there was suddenly silence. Avizon finally had it all. Blue dropped down motionless again. Dyan wanted to get to him, but he was surprised when Ihuka stood in front of him and opened his wings, cutting off his vision.
"Dyan… stay," he said weakly. “Rest.”
Dyan shrunk down onto his knees and cried. He hated this! He just wanted to get to Blue. He wanted to hold him and see if he was okay and offer him comfort, but Orrien still held him.
He tried to push past them again, but Orrien clamped a hand on his forehead. "Sleep."
Dyan clenched his teeth and battled against the spell. He didn't know how he did it, he just couldn't sleep right now. He found the strength in him to resist the order and he fought it with everything he had.
Orrien tried again but Dyan was determined. "Let me get to him," he ground out. "I… I have to…" "How strong is your magic?! Sleep!" Orrien strained.
This time Dyan wasn't quite able to hold off against the massive wave that took over him but he tried all the same. He slowly succumbed to sleep despite his efforts to stay awake. He reached out for Blue and whimpered before everything faded away.
Ftr if the whole magic thing didn’t make sense I’d be happy to explain it or answer any questions. I have those ask games open still too.
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morallygreyprompts · 5 years ago
Villain Whump Continuation
Prequel Post
Hero was very careful when they picked Villain out of the wheelchair, trying their best not to hurt their neck or disturb any of their wounds. They had so many wounds that Hero didn’t know about and didn’t want to hurt them.
But the movement, however gentle, was enough to bring them around. They opened their eyes and Villain managed to groan. Hero hushed them, hoping they’d doze back off, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. Villain started wriggling, writhing, and panicking more and more when Hero didn’t let go. They struggled to get Villain to the bed.
“N.no, please...”
“It’s okay. It’s me, it’s [Hero].”
Villain whimpered and still tried to getaway. Hero had to hold on tighter to stop themselves from dropping them. The other heroes had to help keep them up. 
They managed to lay Villain on the little camping bed in the van. Hero kept talking to them. They sat beside them on the bed, stroking their cheek. They had to use their other hand just to help keep them still.
“Deep breaths, okay? We’re going to get you out of here. Breathe.”
Villain let out one last strangled shout of agonised frustration before they gave up, panting and groaning. Hero hushed them again and turned Villain’s head away from their arm. Henchman was quick to ease them into sleep with the help of a needle.
“It's going to be okay,” Hero promised.
The next time Villain woke up, their thoughts were blurry and their body was in agony. It felt so heavy. The first thing they noticed was the beeping of a heart monitor, the feeling of a mask covering their nose and mouth, and then the sickening feeling of needles in their skin. It had to be a new torture- they'd pump them full of an agonizing chemical or see how much pain they could take. 
They couldn’t endure that, not while they were so weak, in so much pain. With a groan, they forced themselves to sit up. They were able to yank the heart monitor pads off their body, despite the way it stung. The monitor went from rapid beeping to a constant dull tone. They took off the mask, although they immediately regretted it with how breathless they felt.
Villain’s hands were shaking as they tried to undo the bandages that held the IV in place. They wanted it out, they were too frightened and they couldn’t think clearly. They wanted out!
The door to the room opened and Villain yelped seeing Henchman stood there. “[Villain]?! No, no, you need to lie down-”
Henchman took a step closer and Villain scrambled back in fear. “‘M sorry. I. I’m sorry! Please...”
Henchman paused, their face falling. “You’re afraid of me?”
“I’m sorry,” Villain rasped. They winced, holding onto their chest,  their bruises and broken bones.
Henchman came closer, trying to keep their body language in check, looking as peaceful as they could. “I won’t hurt you, [Villain]. That was just an act when I hurt you and I hate myself for it. Please let me help you.”
Villain braced for pain as Henchman made it over to them. They took Villain by their shaking hand and from there, eased them back down onto the bed. “That’s it, there you go. I’m not going to do anything, promise. If anyone needs to be sorry, it needs to be me. You ‘ve done nothing wrong.”
The door opened for a second time, and Villain was struggling to hold their nerves. Two people could overpower them easily.
“Hey, [Villain]. Are you alright?”
Villain lay still, not wanting to annoy Henchman no matter how sorry they said they were. It was all instinct now, and they could trust no one.
“I… I need to go,” Henchman said. They managed a nervous smile at Villain before they rushed out. Hero sighed gently and carefully made their way over to Villain. “Will you let me put everything back? It’s safe, just to help you heal.”
Villain hesitated but slowly nodded. “P.please… don’t send me back.”
Hero smiled and put the mask back over their head. “You’re safe. I’m not taking you back there.”
Villain braced for them to add ‘they are’ or something, but Hero didn’t. They carefully reapplied the pads for the heart monitor. Their hand stayed on top of one of the pieces once it was stuck back down. 
"We're all sorry… this was never meant to happen."
“Y.You care?” Villain asked again. They weren’t sure what to believe anymore.
“Always… you can relax now, you're safe.”
Villain looked to the door where Henchman had left.
“They’ve never left your side,” Hero said, realising what Villain was doing. “They feel awful about what they’d done. I understand your fear, but please try not to be too harsh on them, they saved your life.”
Villain curled up on themselves, groaning in pain. Hero moved closer to them and sat down beside them letting them hold onto them. “You can lean on me if you like, or hold onto me if it helps? I know this is hard. I’m just trying to help you however I can.”
“J.just don’t… take me back… I. I'll do anything,” Villain begged, holding on tight to them.
Hero hushed them and held them close. “You won't be going back there ever again, it's okay. I won't leave you again.”
Like my stuff and want to support what I do? Then maybe consider buying me a Kofi? Ko-fi.com/morallygrey
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morallygreyprompts · 5 years ago
Bad Things Happen Bingo 2.0 #7
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Body Swap:
Whumper: Supervillain, Othervillain, and Villain (I know, three in one post, go me)
Whumpee: Henchman
This was bad, so very, very very, bad. The worst part was they felt powerless to stop it. Supervillain had known exactly what they were doing when they managed to swap Other Villain and Henchman’s bodies around. Other Villain wasn’t stupid either when they’d made a deal with Supervillain to get rid of Henchman’s boss once and for all.
Villain had no idea that their second in command had been taken, tortured for information in ways that didn’t leave scars and almost broken- almost. For Villain, they clung to their strength, their sanity, no matter how much it hurt. They were left imprisoned until Other Villain was able to fit in right by Villain’s Side. It was driving Henchman mad knowing Other Villain could attack at any moment. Villain was all they had, Henchman couldn’t lose them.
When one of Supervillain’s henchman appeared with a tray of food for Henchman, they decided it was time to act. Other Villain’s body was strong and it recovered quickly enough. As soon as the henchman freed them from their manacles, they pounced, strangling them until they fell unconscious or dead, they didn’t care which. They put them in the manacles they’d been forced to wear for what felt like months and escaped. Being in Other Villain’s body had its advantages when it came to walking past their henchmen.
Henchman knew Villain would be getting ready for bed by the time they made it back to the base. It felt wrong having to sneak into their own home, but they managed it, making their way towards Villain’s chambers. God, they had no idea how they were going to explain this to them.
“[V.Villain]?” Henchman called out.
“Who’s there?” Villain called sharply.
Henchman winced.
Villain came to the doorway before Henchman could speak. They raised their hands and lowered themselves down, almost into a crouch.
“You?!” Villain snarled.
“Wait! Wait, [Villain], it’s me, it’s [Henchman]. I can explain.”
Villain scoffed and ran at them, grabbing them by the throat and smashing them into the wall. Henchman tried not to fight in their grip.
“P.please… listen.”
“I don’t want your excuses. Is this your way of trying to worm your way into my base? [Henchman] escaped from [Supervillain] weeks ago, but clearly you don’t know that.”
“It’s me...” Henchman said. “Please, I. I can prove it-”
Villain threw them to the ground and straddled them. “What? Using information you tortured out of them?!”
Villain punched them, and Henchman was powerless to stop them. The attacks came fast, relentless, blurring Henchman’s vision and snatching the air out of their lungs. They coughed and choked on their own blood and they were left in blinding pain as their nose broke, maybe even a cheekbone. The pain all merged into one.
“They swapped our bodies!” Henchman cried, unable to shield their face. “Please! They’ve tortured me, Other Villain- they. They’re-” they were cut off by a particularly nasty elbow to the head.
“Shut up! Lying, deceitful little rat! You think I’m going to let you get away with what you’ve done?!”
“[Supervillain] and [Othervillain] are going to kill you!” Henchman cried, but the next punch silenced them. It knocked them sick and dizzy. Villain didn’t stop. They were so angry, so full of fury that nothing was going to get through to them.
Henchman had to lie there and take it, though they did notice it less and less as they started to lose consciousness. They groaned as Villain stood up. They barely heard the whisper of their knife leaving its sheath, but they felt Villain drag them up by the hair.
Henchman cried out, but they understood what was happening, they knew it wasn’t them that they hated, only the body they’d been confined to.
“[Villain’s Real Name]... i.it’s okay… when...when you find out. It’s okay.”
Villain dropped them in shock, keeping the blade close in hand. “How do you know that name? No one knows [Villain] isn’t my real name except-”
“M.me,” Henchman managed. “They tortured me for information… but not your name. [Other Villain] is in my body… they won’t know your name… Please believe me, please-”
Henchman’s eyes rolled into the back of their head and they lay limp, unconscious.
Villain let the knife fall from their hands. They looked down at their bruised and bloody knuckles and stepped back.
“[Henchman]... Oh god- Medic!” They ran out of the room screaming for help.
Like my stuff and want to support what I do? Then maybe consider buying me a Kofi? Ko-fi.com/morallygrey
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morallygreyprompts · 5 years ago
Bad Things Happen Bingo 2.0 #24
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Be Careful What You Wish For:
Whumper: Villain Whumpee: Hero’s Sidekick Caretaker: Hero
I feel like I should call this one out for possibly containing a few squicks that people may not like. Spoiler, Villain is meant to save them and ends up turning them into a cyborg, there’s a vague description but nothing too graphic. So yeah, if anyone can think of the actual terms let me know.
Hero heaved their Sidekick up to Villain's door and brayed on the door. It opened surprisingly quickly.
"What do you want now?" Villain snapped.
"Help them! I know you can!" Hero demanded. "They'll die without your help!"
Villain folded their arms and leaned against the door frame. "Why should I? You're my enemy after all."
Hero looked down at Sidekick's flushed face, their dropping expression and their strained breathing. They clutched onto their stomach where Hero had placed them on the floor. They wheezed and cried softly with the pain.
"Because I'm telling you to. I'll pay if that's what you want, but this isn't a normal illness and only you can cure it. Just save them, that's all I'm asking. They don't deserve this."
Villain stood quietly for a long moment. Hero crouched down to talk gently to Sidekick, to try to reassure them. Villain sighed.
"Bring them in, but you have too much faith in me," Villain grumbled.
Hero carefully scooped them up from the floor. Sidekick buried their head into the crook of Hero’s neck. “P.please just make it stop,” Sidekick whimpered.
"I will. Bring them this way."
Hero followed Villain deeper into their vase, and their feeling of dread rose in their chest.
"What happened?" Villain asked.
"They. They got hit with magic, and it's just… not wearing off. They're in so much pain and their body- it's practically rejecting itself."
Villain thought long and hard about how was best to fix such a problem. They didn't even have to look at Sidekick to know that their body would be in a state, perhaps unsaveable in some places. They could save them, that didn't mean Hero was going to like it. They didn't care. Perhaps this would be lesson enough for Hero and Sidekick to stop meddling in Villain's business.
Villain brought Hero into a room and then took Sidekick from them with care. The movement made Sidekick whimper. Yes, it was as bad as they expected. "Wait here. There's a bed and food available in here, use them. I'll be a long time."
Hero waited. 
And waited.
And waited…
They didn't see Villain until the next day. They'd tried leaving only to find themselves locked in. Anxiety had chewed on their body all night, sleeping had been an impossibility. They regretted everything, but if it was Sidekick's only chance… they just didn't understand what was taking so long. Surely it was simple? Just a matter of drawing the power of them. Villain had healing powers, it should have been easy.
As soon as the door clicked open, Hero stood up ready. Sidekick wasn't there, only Villain.
"I've ensured their survival."
"Let me see them," Hero blurted. "Please."
Villain smirked. "Of course."
Hero followed them through more hallways, more corridors until they came to a particularly solid-looking door. Villain unlocked it and gestured for Hero to go first.
Hero fainted as soon as they caught a glimpse of Sidekick's body.
What had Villain done?
Hero came around after a few seconds, they felt sick, they were furious, devastated, and yet they couldn't move, couldn't lash out. They only stared. They stared at the tubes and pipes sticking out of Sidekick's body, the way at least half of their body was now metal and robotics, including part of their face. They looked like nothing Hero could fully recognise.
Hero couldn't get up off the ground. Villain dragged them up, but the movement was enough to break them out of their trance. Hero slammed them against the wall. "What have you done?!"
"Ensured their survival. Would you believe me if I said there was no other way?"
"You've hacked them to pieces!" Hero screamed.
"Their body was shutting down. It wasn't going to come back. Be careful what you wish for, [Hero]. You wanted them alive, then this was the only way. I kept as much of their body as I could. It was left too long."
Villain dug their fingers into Hero's throat to make them step back and let go.
"It's going to take some getting used to, perhaps even some tweaks, but that's not my problem anymore."
Villain headed back toward the door. "They'll be waking up soon- Oh, and of course, we have a payment to discuss."
Villain left, leaving Hero alone with their cyborg Sidekick. 
Hero collapsed back down to the floor, leaning against the wall with their head in their hands.
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morallygreyprompts · 5 years ago
Supervillain’s Unfair Treatment of Girl Over Boy Continuation #3
Part 1
Part 2
2 left before anyone could stop him, going back to the base in the hopes of being able to get Sidekick out before anything happened to them. It was a stupid idea, a blind plan, but if Supervillain was going to get him, whatever that entailed, either way, then 2 wanted to try and do something good, something obnoxiously defiant. No matter what he did he was going to die at their hands. 
2 walked in the base like he belonged, only his sweaty shaking hands were a borderline giveaway. It seemed Supervillain hadn't informed the guards yet. He kept his head held high and his expression stony, keeping his fists clenched, but not tense. He looked strong and control, forcing himself not to flinch at every noise and movement. Supervillain couldn’t find him yet. Not yet. Maybe if he saved Sidekick, maybe he could get them back to Hero, then Hero would be kinder to 1.
It had been what? An hour, perhaps two. And by the time 2 saw Sidekick after he and 1 had captured them, they were crying and screaming, gurgling and begging for relief. And it was so simple. Supervillain had them trapped in a stress position, squatting against a wall, with a thin wire threatening to choke them if they moved and a rope around their legs stopped them from getting up. Their hands were tied in front of them and attached to their belt to stop them from trying to escape.
“P.please,” they choked out, seeing 2 in front of them. Their skin looked pale, almost grey. They looked borderline hysterical. “Please. I. I...”
Their legs wobbled, and they collapsed into the wire before 2 was even able to open the door. They tried to gasp for air, and their face turned blood red. 2 rushed inside and lifted Sidekick up, letting them so they could grab a frantic gulp of air. 2 kept them lifted up until he was able to remove the wire from around their neck.
Sidekick was left shaking and gasping for air, with their legs twitching. Tears streamed down their face and they curled up on themselves. 2 knew he didn’t have time, so he rushed to vigorously rub the back of Sidekick’s legs, making them whine in pain. They had to be able to get up, to walk. Hell, they had to be ready to run.
“I’m getting you out of here,” 2 mumbled. “I’m sorry. Start moving your legs, you have to get up.”
2 cut them free, releasing their legs, but he hesitated in freeing their hands.
“This has to stay on, okay?”
Sidekick didn’t have it in them to respond. 2 freed their hands from their belt but that was all. He  heaved them up to their feet, only for Sidekick to crumple to the ground.
“Steel yourself,” 2 pleaded, rubbing their legs again, even as Sidekick flung their head back in pain. 2 whispered an apology.
“Again.” 2 dragged them up and did not give them the opportunity to fall again. He pinned them against the wall by their shoulders. Sidekick tried to get away but 2 kept them there. “Breathe, alright? You have to be able to run.”
“I can’t...”
“I’m not giving you the option. This is your only chance.”
Villain led them out of their cell and up the stairs, paying no attention to Sidekick’s pain. He acted like he was just escorting them. It was easily done, and Sidekick had sense to act the part, even with their pain and the fear still running riot through their body. Their hands were shaking so badly.
2 was surprised at how far they got before the alarm was raised. Sidekick was staggering along beside him but running didn’t look like a possibility. They’d only just made it onto the bridge, and they saw a ferryboat getting ready to squeeze through the gap. It wasn’t a big drop.
“We’ll have to jump.”
“Y.yeah, but my legs,” Sidekick groaned.
“We don’t have any other choice! Just get ready to jump- and remember to roll.”
Sidekick could see the small army of guards approaching and swallowed hard. They looked down at the boat that was only just underneath them.
“Get ready to jump,” 2 said. He untied their hands before he helped steady Sidekick until they were able to climb under the railing and onto the other side.
2 was about to do the same, but a shot fired out, hitting him in the leg. He screamed and fell against the railing. Clutching his leg with gritted teeth.
“Go!” 2 screamed, “Go!”
“Come with me!” Sidekick pleaded.
2 shook his head and shakily managed to stand up. “I won’t make it. I. I can buy you time.” 
Sidekick hesitated to leave.
2 limped a little closer to Sidekick. "Get back to your hero. Tell them I'm dead. [Hero] and [1] just tell them I'm dead. I will be anyway."
"W. What?"
"Promise me! Just promise me you'll tell them I'm dead. I can't let them come back. You can't let them come back for me," 2 begged.
Sidekick didn’t have the time to agree to that promise. 2 pushed them off the bridge and onto the ferry below. They rolled to break their fall and looked up in shock.
But 2 didn’t jump. He was running out of blood by the time Supervillain approached them with their rifle still in their hand. 2 stood perfectly still, glaring at them as they came closer.
“So this is your decision?” Supervillain snorted. They kept moving closer, with 2 barely able to hold onto the railings.
“Yes,” they snarled. They tried to lash out at Supervillain, trying to punch them, but Supervillain was easily able to step to the side and grab them by the throat. “Pathetic.”
Supervillain was able to drive 2 down onto their knees, earning a scream that Supervillain cruelly cut off midway, but only for a moment.
2 took in deep gulps of air. "[1] is dead, a.and I am done serving you! K.kill me, I'm not afraid - I'll never be afraid of you!"
Sidekick watched in horror as Supervillain began to squeeze again, and they didn’t stop squeezing.
“No!” Sidekick screamed as they watched 2 fall back onto the ground unmoving.
Supervillain looked up at them and tried to line up a shot, but Sidekick was able to roll out of range, hiding behind a shipping container. They snarled and looked back down at 2’s unconscious form.
“Take him back inside and treat his leg. I want him alive, and I care not for his pain in the process.” Supervillain watched as 2 was dragged away. "You've a fate worse than death, boy," they hissed.
Like my stuff and want to support what I do? Then maybe consider buying me a Kofi? Ko-fi.com/morallygrey
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