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konyvboritok · 2 months ago
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A pálinkafőzés (és -ivás) Paganinijének Karácsonyra sok szeretettel.
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scavengedluxury · 1 year ago
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House party, 1975. From the Budapest Municipal Photography Company archive.
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david-cross89 · 8 months ago
Magyar pálinka
Bárcsak annyi pénzem lenne, ahány faszságot tettem életembe. El szeretném engedni a múltamat, ezért megöntözöm a májamat.
Mindent megold a magyar pálinka, azzal lépek a felejtés útjára. Kocsmában fejemet támasztom, közben a szeszt kortyolgatom.
Kopnak a múltbéli emlékek, bárcsak örökre eltűnnének. Mindenki követ el hibát, ezért iszok pálinkát.
Kezd megütni rendesen, jobb, ha otthon lefekszem. Ott be is esek az ágyba, addig se merengek a múltba.
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chaotic-so3k · 6 months ago
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these two events have the exact same energy
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bakawitch · 7 months ago
Tölcs egy kupicát még (poor one more shot)
- My drunk grandmother, 29/06/2024
(For context pálinka is a hungarian strong fruity spirit)
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davidmondja · 1 year ago
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Magyarok Afrikában
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barataimnakcsaktoma · 2 years ago
Szent György-hegy (ha nem lenne ismerős: Balaton, Badacsony)
Imádom ezt a régiót. Csodaszép, megpihentet, megnyugtat, feltölt. Ahol szőlő van, ott a jó Isten is ott van. Hiszen szőlőműves volt (lásd: Hamvas Béla).
Kiváló gasztronómia, értsd: finom falatok, csodás borok, csodás pálinkák.
Alaptételünk tehát: ahol szőlő van, ott minden van! ☀️🙏
A bal szélen a Gulácsi-hegy “nem látszik”, aztán meg a Badacsony az, ami “nem látszik”. 😂 A felhőktől. De ez a régió akkor is mennyország. Nevezhetjük az igazi nevén túl a “magyar toszkánának”, vagy a “magyar provansznak” is. Mindegy. 🇭🇺🔝☀️🙏
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onedeadgirl08x · 1 year ago
Görbe úton kanyarog az élet, eltévedtem, így megyek tovább
Kedvem volna minden éjjel inni, száraz torkom nem láthat csodát
Szívemnek boldogsága, ha megcsókol az üveg szája
S ha elhagyom én a földi világot, ne hozzatok nekem virágot
A fejfámra majd az legyen írva, egy jó pálinkát locsolj a sírra
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wwwildandfreee · 15 days ago
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Tiszta arccal, kerek szívvel: magyar kultúra = pálinka és cigányzene.
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smorgasbordinvitation · 1 year ago
Smorgasbord Free Book Promotions 2023- Share an Excerpt from one of your published books - #Travel #Dogs #Romania #Pálinka - Dogs 'n' Dracula: A Road Trip Through Romania (Adventure Caravanning with Dogs Book 3) by Jacqueline Lambert
In this series authors were invited to share an excerpt of 500 words from any of their published books . Submissions are now closed for this series but there will be another in eary 2024.. My thanks to all who have participated. Today the featured author is Jacqueline Lambert with one of her entertaining books in the travel series. Dogs ‘n’ Dracula: A Road Trip Through Romania (Adventure…
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100dayproductivity · 2 years ago
Day 13/100.
Well, I started this post yesterday, hoping it would motivate me to accomplish something before the end of the day, but it did not. Here's as far as I got:
Still so tired but I'll try to at least get started on the next project.
So my kitchen cabinets have been trimmed with crown moulding. I've never been a fan of it (the house came with this kitchen when I moved into it, the cabinets were not my choice). I've always wondered whether I'd like the cabinets better without the moulding or if it would look worse (I really don't care for the cabinets generally). The cabinets are really not the right style to go with crown moulding.
I wasn't sure how difficult it would be to remove the moulding. Turns out, not that difficult at all. I started removing them a few weeks ago, before I started this Tumblog.
The most time-consuming part of the process is cleaning the tops of the cabinets. It's really difficult/impossible to clean behind the moulding and you can't even see anything unless you get a ladder and practically crawl up there. With the moulding removed, I can see everything. A couple of decades worth of dust and sticky cooking grease residue. Disgusting.
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The blue arrow is pointing to the section of cabinet that has had the moulding removed. The tops are now cleeean 😊
The red arrows are pointing to the crown moulding. This is what I plan to continue on with removing.
Alright. So new day, new me. Here's a closer look at the section of cabinet I want to work on next.
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First, I'll need to take everything down from there, and while I'm at it, I want to do a purge.
For instance, there's this bottle of moonshine.
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It's a type of Hungarian-style liquor called pálinka. It's normally made with orchard fruit, such as peaches, plums, cherries, apples or pears. This one was made with caraway seeds. Different.
Anyway, long story short, it's not good. But I feel bad just throwing it down the drain. I'm not sure what proof it is, or was, but it was pretty strong. Like, 40% alcohol content at least, but hard to say since it was homemade. (Not by me; I won it at a community fundraising silent auction. And for the record, it tasted nice when I first opened it, but after a week the essence was gone and it just tasted like diluted rubbing alcohol.) Pálinka can be anywhere from 40-70% ABV (alcohol by volume). Can it be used as a disinfectant?
Which brings me to one of my covid lockdown projects. Homemade pine cleaner. (Lol. Remember when we had all kinds of time on our hands?)
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So... way back in 2020, during the Christmas holidays, I came into the possession of a real Christmas tree. I am firmly in camp Real Trees Are Bad, so I never buy one. But a neighbour ended up with two because of a clerical error. It got passed to another neighbour, who then offered it to me. It was an enormous tree!
Now, because I'm in camp Real Trees Are Bad, I was determined to make the most of this tree's ultimate sacrifice. I used the branches I trimmed off to decorate my front porch railings. After fresh snow fell, it was just lovely.
I kept the tree up for a few weeks, past Orthodox Christmas on January 7th (I am not an Orthodox Christian, I celebrate Christmas on December 25th).
After I finally took the tree down, I cut it up and made a decorative winter planter out of the trunk (cut into three pieces) and most of the branches.
I was left with some smaller sprigs and loose needles. I put those in a large pickle jar, poured vinegar over it, and stuck it in the back of the fridge. Later I added some grapefruit peel to it. And then I let it do its thing. And sort of forgot about it.
Occasionally when the fridge was nearly empty, I'd see the pine needle jar sitting there at the back and consider doing something about it, but I wasn't really sure what the next step was. So I just left it. That's what I usually do when I'm not sure about what to do with something.
In the meantime, I would also look at the bottle of moonshine pálinka and consider what to do with it, and I thought, "Should I add the moonshine to the pine cleaner?" I would feel better about that than just dumping it out.
And so now here we are today. I'm finally going to do something about the pine cleaner.
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It smells VERY strong. I put on an N95 mask and a cloth mask over top of that. I wore gloves (is this stuff toxic??) And I used tools that will not be used for food in the future: a plastic container from the recycling bin, an old mug with a broken handle, disposable wooden chopsticks, old rags, a small piece of screen door/window mesh.
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I used the chopsticks to take the grapefruit peel and sprigs out of the jar, and the mesh to strain out the rest. I put the mesh over the plastic container and scooped mugfuls out of the jar. Then put the mesh over the mouth of the jar and poured it all back in for a second pass.
And voilà!
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Now I'm going to put it back in the fridge and let it sit for another two years while I think about what the next step is. 😂🤣
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rendesbohoc · 10 months ago
Nem is az, hanem hogy veled mit művel a műanyag flakonban tárolt pálinka. :D
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dramatic-dolphin · 1 month ago
Fun fact: you don't need to be femme to scam American trad bros! If you're masc enough, you can pretend to be the producer of a dating show where they get to meet their ideal Eastern European humble demure chibi waifu.
Get them to fly over here, strap a GoPro on their head and set them loose in a talponálló on the outskirts of Miskolc.
His "waifu" is Marika, 25, 23 teeth, 2 kids, 1½ dogs ("a másik a szomszédé, de az egyfolytába' szipuzik oszt nem eteti"), part-time hairdresser. Her introductory act is to spit out her beer laughing at the dude's outfit.
marika sends the guy packing the next day because he's a wuss who got scared by her butchering a chicken with brutal efficiency. "more pörkölt for me" she says. she didn't want a guy who can't handle the házi pálinka anyway.
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david-cross89 · 3 months ago
Saját versem mesterséges intelligenciával megzenésítve :)
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"In general I have a huge liking for fish and other seafood, having lived a big part of my life near the sea. But I've also taken a liking to dishes local to Berlin and Brandenburg since moving here! The entire family looks forward the the annual asparagus harvest every year, it's an annual highlight, that's for sure!"
additional hc: beer is the lightest of gilbert's favorite drinks, he prefers sipping on something stronger like a brandy or a cognac. he'll indulge in wine, preferring reds to whites!
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spongebobsbussy · 11 months ago
Ne féljen Zokni asszony ha ki sem tudjuk szabadítani magát a suttyról, egy kis pálinkát becsempészek magának
hold on I can't get past that you called me sock lady in hungarian
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