#p; mothman: unsolved?
myxrowan · 4 years
—*: mothman: unsolved?
It’s in the dead of night when the two boys venture from the safety of their apartment. They’re on an adventure, one that Rowan (begrudgingly) agrees to accompany the other on, especially when he knows he’s one jump scare away from fainting of shock. Rowan shakes his head, trying to think positive. It’ll be fun... right? After all, any trek with Quinn is fun, and he’s definitely created more memories than he could count on both his fingers and toes where the other is concerned. They’ve been on plenty of adventures, ones far more dangerous and possibly even life-threatening, and they’ve come out of it all just fine. The only thing guiding their path as they move further from the protection of Mythos’ bright campus is the moon itself, hanging full and eerily bright in the sky. The trek to the woods surrounding the campus is quick, almost too fast that Rowan can barely even steel himself for the expedition.
As they walk, Rowan sighs, eyebrows furrowing as he speaks, “Why do all the monsters come out at night?! Why can’t they come out when it’s bright and sunny? A little Vitamin D never hurt anyone! The darkness always makes everything a million times scarier.” The flashlight he holds in his hand lights the worn path now as they start to venture further into where the moonlight barely penetrates through the branches of the trees.
“W-wait, Quinn,” Rowan starts, his voice quieter than usual. His hands are trembling as he holds onto the flashlight and camera, eyes flickering warily from the thickening woods to his best friend, “Are you sure about this?”
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top 10 unsolved crimes
1. Piedmont Avenue – an unsolved murder committed in Berkeley in 1971 that was the impetus behind the creation of the Mystery Machine in The Mystery Machine. No motive for the murder is known.
2. Lurking Man in Plain Sight – this is the Tomb of the Unknown Interrogator, located at the National Military Academy, in West Point, New York. It is estimated that there are a few thousand people in the world who have actually entered this tomb. Very few know it exists, and it is very difficult to get out of, for various reasons.
3. Death By Love – there is an apartment in a New York building where the apartment's previous occupants have been killed off one at a time since 1970. No motive is known, and the killings seem to have no regularity.
4. Molasses in My Coffee – when coffee maker George H. P. Arnold left his apartment on September 29, 1900, he left behind a note that said: "Please send me Molasses in My Coffee." He was never seen again. A man who lives in Berkeley now claims to be George H. P. Arnold.
5. The Golden Gimp – since the early 1960s, there has been a giant teddy bear in a tree overlooking the town of South Dakota, US, called "The Golden Gimp." Despite repeated attempts to get a close look at it, nobody knows what the Golden Gimp is. There have been several attempts to kill the Golden Gimp in retaliation, but none are confirmed. (This was one of the major motivating forces behind the first World War.)
6. The Man Who Lives At the End of the Universe – there is a universe at the end of the universe where life doesn't make sense. It has an Earth-like surface where the Earth does not exist, but everything else is the same. The Man Who Lives At the End of the Universe is one of the universe's inhabitants, and has no explanation for his own existence.
7. The Case of the Raccoon-Skin Pillow – several members of the University of Chicago Mystery Club have been murdered. Some say it is the work of the Raccoon-Skin Pillow Man, who lives on the University of Chicago campus.
8. Bread of Death – there have been several reports that there are underground graves full of food that is actually poison for the people who eat it. The food is kept in the caves by an evil entity called the BREAD of DEATH Man. No source could be found for these reports, and they are now widely believed to be hoaxes. However, there is a cave where the BREAD of Death Man keeps his supplies, and it is located in California.
9. The Man Who Wakes Up In the Morning and Decides When He Goes To Sleep – in the world of Lore, every morning there is a man who gets out of bed and decides how much sleep he is going to have that day. If he decides to go to bed at night, he will never get to do so, but if he decides to stay awake, the universe will keep him that way until he decides to go to bed. The only source of this information is the man himself.
10. The Mothman of Point Pleasant – the Mothman is a cryptid which some people have said exists, and some people have said does not. It has been observed many times, but never caught on film. Its origin is also unclear.
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chibigikochin · 7 years
Who else wants to stop the Voltron ship discourse and instead focus on the real issue that matters;
Who is Ryan and Who is Shane out of Keith and Lance in a Buzzfeed Unsolved AU? And why?
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hellfirenacht · 5 years
Rachel oh my god. Picture Beetlejuice being like “Hey babes, today I’m doing a collab with BuzzfeedUnsolved!” Except it’s not a collab. He just goes to wherever they are and starts haunting the place and actually scaring the shit out of Shane. Just to prove that ghosts are real. Shane still denies it. P L E A S E I need it
-he may have a short attention span for most videos but BUZZFEED UNSOLVED IS THE EXCEPTION
-Buzzfeed Unsolved is FAMILY BONDING TIME with everyone!
-"I helped build the Winchester Mansion/know Mothman personally/ met Bloody Mary and she was a snob"
-no one can tell if he's serious or not. It's about 50/50
-anyway he follows Shane and Ryan in twitter.
-Lydia reaches out to Shane and Ryan to say her house is haunted and they agree to come.
-when she tells BJ he starts freaking out and fanboying hard core. You mean they'll be HERE? In his HOME?? HE'LL GET TO HAUNT SHANE (and Ryan) PERSONALLY?? He is FREAKING OUT.
-note: him and the Maitlands can turn invisible at will, and if this is gonna happen, it's gonna happen RIGHT.
-the week leading up to them coming over is chaos. Beetlejuice is putting Adam and Barbara through HAUNTING BOOT CAMP. He may have given up when his life was on the line but DON'T YOU DARE EMBARRASS HIM IN FRONT OF SHANE AND RYAN, ADAM. it's even more chaotic than before he started YouTube.
-When Shane and Ryan arrive, BJ and Barb and Adam are invisable and BJ is freaking the fuck out. Hair is shifting wildly between colors because he's so excited/nervous/happy etc.
-Lydia explains that a young couple died in the house and how she believes a horrifying demon may have had a hand in it. Beej almost starts crying because WHAT A GOOD FRIEND.
-Delia is ALL about this and acts as a "medium" who uses crystals to communicate with ghosts. Charles doesn't say much and just watches in amusement.
-they take a tour and Shane brings out the spirit box, and they start asking questions. Adam and Barb go first, answering questions as vague as possible. Before having BJ jump in and act like he's torturing the spirits.
-Ryan is freaking out and even Shane looks a little concerned.
-Adam and Barb rattle some chains and annoy Ryan a little. When Ryan is alone doing white noise recordings... they break character and gush about how much they love the show. Not all of it makes it onto the recording, just enough to make them go ???? When they listen.
-Beetlejuice finally gets his alone time with Shane. Shane loves to provoke demons. "YO DEMON IT'S ME YA BOI." BJ replied back as clearly as possible into the mic "YO SHANE IT'S ME, YA DEMON"
-BJ just shit posts the whole time at Shane then lives up to his name by yeeting a book off the shelf.
-he doesn't go full power though, just enough to make Shane question some things. He understands the the idea of two believers visiting haunted houses isn't entertaining.
-when the episode comes out he downloads it and re-watches it a lot!
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babbushka · 4 years
from the spooky halloween asks: boogeyman, candy corn, mothman, and mystery <3
Hello my friend! Thank you for asking :))
Boogeyman: what’s your weirdest/most irrational fear?
Microwaves lol I don’t like them I don’t trust them I don’t use them!
Candy Corn: what’s the best Halloween candy? the worst?
Oooh! Best candy hands down reese’s cups. You stick a couple in the freezer and they’re absolutely the best. The worst, idk. I don’t really like things with nuts in them, so maybe snickers? Lol although to be fair, all candy is good candy in my book! 
Mothman: do you know of any local urban legends, or is there an urban legend that really freaks you out?
Nope! Lol I live in Florida, the real people are the ones that scare me more than anything :p 
Mystery: what’s the strangest unsolved mystery that you’ve heard of?
This one is kind of graphic & a little gorey so i’m putting it under a cut lol! 
Okay so when I lived in Savannah, GA for grad school, I went on a couple ghost tours with my friends as a fun thing to do to show them around the city when they would come to visit. And one of the tours we went on told us the story of this brutal murder, that is still unsolved and is a cold case, and I will tell it to you now. 
The story goes that there was a family who lived in an old house. There were the parents, and then three daughters. The parents were close friends with another family (parents and 2 daughters I believe) and one weekend, the parents decided to go away on vacation together. The 5 daughters all stayed behind at the house. 
When the parents returned to the house, they found 4 of the daughters murdered, their bodies arranged in a cross on the floor, their intestines ripped out and braided around them, no forced signs of entry, no damage to the house. The 5th daughter, the only one alive, happened to be the youngest and was found hiding in an upstairs closet, covered in scratch marks and was so traumatized that she had gone mute. Neighbors reported terrifying growling and snarling noises, but no one has ever figured out what, or who did it. 
The little girl grew up and purchased the house, refusing to let anyone ever purchase it, so that they wouldn’t have to live with the evil there. I think she’s still there now. 
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q-unsolved · 4 years
Do you think Buzzfeed Unsolved Mothman!Ryan ever just messed with the electric grid at the office to get out of a boring meeting? Does Shane ever try the laser pointer on him, you know, just for funsies :P
ooh perhaps perhaps... definitely possible i think ! both are fun ideas :D
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kendelias · 4 years
The entire alphabet for Oliver?
you spoil him (but also you’re right to i love him)
A) Their full name.
okay so TECHNICALLY his full name is just “olinsivver.” no surname; it’s an elven tradition and part of his heritage. but due to some forged legal documents by the elven council TM, his full name is oliver clark! no middle name, which he is extremely salty about. oliver takes great joy in innately normal and human things and a middle name is one he’s always wanted! (i might let him pick one out later in life but idk)
B) Age.
he’s the same age as the gang, so 16-19 throughout the course of the show.
C) Height.
D) Pronouns. 
E) Species (if not human).
F) Favourite beverage and/or meal.
i cannot believe i already had this answer ready but he likes peppermint mochas!
G) Hobbies and favourite pastimes.
oh he really, really likes research and cryptozoology! he’s a diehard buzzfeed unsolved fan. but he also likes taking pictures/curating his instagram feed, listening to music, and taking walks/exploring the outdoors (not hiking though, he’d rather die, there’s a distinct difference).
H) Something they’re exceptionally good at.
he’s got a great memory and he’s very intelligent
I) 2 things they really enjoy.
hanging out with his pack and reading weird wikipedia articles at 3 am
J) 2 things they’re not really fond of.
doing homework and sitting by himself at home
K) 1 of their pet peeves.
hypocrisy or disloyalty, kind of a blurred line between the two there
L) Their favourite kind of weather.
i think he likes the sun, but a cool sunny day. like early spring!!
M) A few interesting facts about them.
ooh hm... he doesn’t know who his dad is, he used to climb trees a lot as a kid, he loves one direction/harry styles specifically, he loves museums, he always wears his hat to cover his ears, and besides lydia his best friends are murphy and imogen (@oc-daydreams)!
N) Favourite movie or music genre.
pop music for sure, but as for movies... honestly any “bad” movie. he and isaac have watched shrek 2 like 30 million times.
O) What’s their dream profession? 
honestly, trophy husband. but what he actually ends up doing right now is up in the air; i think maybe something to have to do with travel bc he and isaac end up going back and forth between beacon hills and paris a lot
P) Is there something or someone they cannot stand? Why?  
i mean... right now he’s pretty pissed at allison (for already explained reasons) but it’s not like he can’t stand her. they have a very complex relationship. he cannot stand peter hale or kate argent. (peter hale, especially, can eat shit)
Q) Did they do something extremely dangerous at some point in their life?
all the time. constantly. he’s never not doing something dangerous that dum-dum. especially bc he only has defensive as opposed to offensive powers.
R) Is there something they wish they could do/achieve but can’t? 
again, being a trophy husband nflklkwnrklfn BUT also having siblings/a sense of family,,,,, yeah.
S)  Is there something in their life they regret? 
he sometimes wonders what would have happened if he had stayed and taken on the mantle of elven royalty. but he doesn’t necessarily regret that. he might regret not spending more time with lydia in season two though.
T)  Do they have any siblings? Family? Loved ones?   
no siblings, which he desperately craved/craves. his only family is his mom, elaina, who is... not his favorite person, to say the least. as for loved ones, his pack!
U)  Are they a morning or night person?
night person!!
V) Do they have a pet? What kind? If not, what kind of pet would they want?
okay so not in canon technically but when he and isaac move to france they pick up a stray who they name mothman
W) How would they describe themselves in 5 or less words? 
‘smart ass, great ass, iconic.’
X) Do they have a goal in life? What is it? 
his goal is to enjoy life. literally that’s it. his goal is to have fun! and he’s having it!
Y) Is there anything in their life that’s stopping them from succeeding?
you mean besides the death and destruction and responsibility weighing down on him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Z) Do they have an item that means a lot to them?
besides his hat that he literally never goes anywhere without? isaac won him a stuffed animal at a fair! he loves that stupid thing. he’s not really sure what animal it is but it’s his favorite. he’s also partial to his notes/bestiary.
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send me alphabet asks!
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paigemarie007 · 4 years
Are you staying home from work/school?
I’m home!
If you’re staying home, who’s there with you?
My family and pets!
Are you a homebody?
What movies have you watched recently? What shows are you watching?
I've been bingeing documentaries. The Keepers, Icarus, Blackfish, The death and life of Marsha P. Johnson, Soaked in Bleach, The Hunting Ground, Cropsy, Missing 411, Missing 411 The Hunted, The Killing Season, Don’t fuck with cats, Witness, The Investigator, and Eyes of Mothman. 
some shows I've been watching between the docs.
The umbrella academy, stranger things, Buzzfeed Unsolved, Buzzfeed Supernatural, and Elementary.
I've also been going through my favorite YouTube channels. 
An event that you were looking forward to that got cancelled?
I was hoping to get another tattoo by June or July, but depending on how things go money wise and health wise....
What music are you listening to?
I've been listening to a lot of Lorde and Florence + The Machine when I bake lately, which I've been doing a lot of this week. I mostly listen to whatever pops up on my playlist which is all over the place artist wise.
at the moment I have Murda by Ryan Caraveo  stuck in my head.
What are you reading?
I've been rereading a lot of my favorite fanfiction mostly. I did reread Crooked kingdom.
What are you doing for self-care?
honestly just trying to keep busy.
 I'm trying to keep my sleep schedule at least some what on track and not to eat junk. 
I have been sending activity sets to my baby cousins to keep them busy and give their parents a bit of break.
 I've also been baking up storm and making enough to send to my mom’s nurses. 
like I said it feels good to feel like your helping, even if its just making some cookies. 
@cecevolume @easilydistractedbyfanfic @princess-of-the-worlds @storm-pirate @thetourguidebarbie @misssophiachase @accidental-rambler @ohjoywedied 
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ghostyprince · 5 years
unpopular opinions - on anything, but if you want to do BFU ones, I won't be alone - lol
Let me start off with: 
- Pineapple on pizza is great and anyone who thinks otherwise can fight me.
- I also often put milk before cereal in the bowl so double fight me.
I don’t have many Unsolved ones, to be honest, at least I seriously can’t think of anything rn, but: 
- I fully support the Hot Daga but I think it’s a little boring and I couldn’t get into it, sorry. (I’ve only seen like 1 part/episode of it lol. It’s probably not surprising I think the same about St*r Wars. It’s just not my thing I guess)
- Being okay with and actively participating in RPF shipping is a big unpopular opinion in the fandom as a whole, so that too.
-  I don’t think Felix (P*wdiepie) is a terrible person. (I won’t elaborate further, this one sentence sums up what I think perfectly, I’m not a discourse blog so it’s okay to unfollow me quietly if you don’t agree, but I don’t blog about him at all tbh)
- Moths are terrifying and disgusting (I love the Mothman as much as the next cryptid-fucker but jesus I cannot deal with moths, especially the ones that are the size a of a fucking dinner plate. Same goes for butterflies)
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crazyqueeeen · 6 years
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Day 3 of #Inktober / #mabsdrawlloweenclub : Cryptid Poor Goatman just discovered BuzzFeed Unsolved #drawing #illustration #sketchbook #inktober2018 #drawlloween #cryptid #mothman #goatman #buzzfeedunsolved #nevergoogleyourself #artistofinstagram #artwork #traditionalart #posca https://www.instagram.com/p/Bofn4joh40U/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gj14rkd4nb9
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krowface · 4 years
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/cue Unsolved Mysteries theme. (at The Mothman Statue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCfB3QUH132/?igshid=uj46rdvtbbue
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spoopybruh · 6 years
it’s me ya boi, where’s my holy water, shane’s hair
I forgot this was for the meme I reblogged for a hot second and got really confused lmao. Thank you for sending something in, anon! Hope you’re doing good. c: 
it’s me, ya boy: describe yourself in two words
Mirrored whispers
where’s my holy water: favorite buzzfeed unsolved episode?
I’d say the mothman episode if I really have to pick. There’s a familiar peace I could draw from it bc I grew up in a village where everyone believed in the concept of spirits. They’re celebrated, feared and respected in the same vein. Plus what more could a man ask for? You get to chill with your bro, eat food, go on trips and explore the dang wilderness. S’pretty good. 
shane’s hair: are you messy or tidy?
Organised messy. Things are arranged in a way that makes sense to me but that’s p much it.
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