myxrowan · 4 years
—*: cuteats!
feat. @myxlaurel
Securing the camera into the tripod and making sure his microphone is working and picking up sound, Rowan steps back to look at his entire set up. On the counter sits his laptop, perched on several cookbooks. There are two studio lights facing towards the kitchen, even though the kitchen is plenty bright enough even without it. He nods in satisfaction before rounding back around to stand behind the kitchen island. Making sure he’s in the frame of the camera and that the camera can clearly see his workstation, he finishes wiping down the counter to prepare for his special guest today. He’s done plenty of cooking videos but very rarely has he had a guest on! He’s taking full advantage of his presidential position of the Cooking Club to use the university’s state of the art kitchen, with its sleek marble countertops and top of the line equipment. Just setting his eyes on the kitchen makes him feel a sense of pride, from the impeccably managed oven to the cabinets and drawers and all the way down to the silverware. 
He had taken extra care to set out two aprons: one his favorite red apron and another black one. He hums, awaiting his very special guest to make his appearance and start filming a video. 
“Hm, but what to make today?” Rowan hums, finger tapping against his lip as he mutters to himself.
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myxrowan · 4 years
—*: drunk in love
feat. @myxdamien
Rowan was not a big alcohol fan, and generally, he tried to avoid it as much as possible, preferring coffee and tea. Despite his claims, he finds himself nursing a drink on a barstool of Dionysus’ Pub, tucked in the corner and away from both the music blaring over the speakers and hopefully, Damien’s attention. Not that he was doing a great job of that... especially when he’s wearing a bright red hoodie, basically a flashing ‘Look at me! I’m over here!’ sign. This trip was just an excuse to see the god again and observe him without becoming a stuttering mess, a common occurrence during their interactions. 
After his own quick and hasty retreat, Rowan was almost nervous to see Damien again. It didn’t help that he got a particularly flirty (?) text from the other right after he had booked it from the party (and the kiss). They hadn’t seen each other since then, not even in their secret spot, the peaceful clearing where they would sit and enjoy each other’s company. To say Rowan was avoiding him in person wasn’t far from the truth, but truthfully, he was just extra busy with his duties for the Cooking Club and Student Government. They were still texting, and he was still glued to his phone whenever it pinged with a notification. But, texting was different from face to face interaction.
Still, he knew he had to confront his feelings, or at least sort through them. Rowan sighs, finger tracing the wood of the bar’s top. “Why are feelings so complicated?” 
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myxrowan · 4 years
       “you almost sounded like ron weasley. ‘why spiders? why couldn’t it be follow the butterflies?’,” quinn mimicked in a british accent. he couldn ‘t help but laugh at rowan’s expense. rowan wasn’t one for the darkness when it came to hunting things. how many times has quinn “accidentally” tortured rowan by forcing him on another possibly terrifying adventure. he should feel guilty, but it was really rowan’s fault. he could just hit quinn with a newspaper and tell him no, but he always agrees. however, that one seance where quinn started yelling at the supposed ghost was almost the end of the line for rowan. quinn needed to chill when it came to ghosts.
   quinn threw an arm around the other’s shoulder and grinned, “relax. while i may bring you into horrible situations, you’re always safe. i mean, ignoring that one time with that one pirate ghost. in my defense, when you’re name is ‘slash, the murdering pirate’, i should have probably not antagonized him, but even then, you were perfectly safe. i totally had it under control.”
    by under control, he means a professor came in and put the ghost to rest and quinn had detention for a month and roward had it for a week since it was obvious it was quinn who did it all.
    “beside, the mothman isn’t dangerous. people say he throws things, but i don’t believe them. i’m sure he’s super nice and will make us tea,” quinn assured, but he honestly hoped the mother man threw something at him. that would be another story to tell everyone. 
“Quinn, this is serious! Our life could be in danger!” Rowan whines, pout forming on his lips. “Whenever you say you have something under control, it never fails to get completely out of your control within the next second! I want to graduate with at least a fully intact body and mind, please.” 
The tamest of their adventures had been finding the rare and mythical unicorn. An adventure that, although was not safe by any means, was relatively less panic-inducing than their ghost hunts. Honestly, the number of times that Rowan swears his heart has stopped from ghost hunting alone is probably very worrisome. He’s probably going to grow premature gray hairs at this rate, but the soft-hearted boy can never turn down Quinn’s requests and love for adventure. “Honestly, through all that, how has that not taught you a lesson not to mess with ghosts!? Do I have to remind you that I snuck cookies through the window of the room you were in for detention for a whole three weeks?” 
But, as much as Rowan was complaining, he really did personally enjoy the time they spent together. The memories they made through their collective expeditions could last lifetimes, and it was only a bonus that the few videos that Rowan uploaded on his YouTube channel regarding their adventures were a big hit.
Rowan sighs, shaking his head as he points the flashlight at their path. It was getting increasingly harder to navigate and required his full attention to not trip over hidden tree roots. “I really hope you’re right, but where would the fun be if you were? Everything we do always has at least a hint of danger.”
—*: mothman: unsolved?
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myxrowan · 4 years
[ ... ]
he was the king of all baking as far as haeun was concerned. “i’m ready to learn everything!” she claps her hands together, rubbing them as she approaches the counter. the kitchen was spotless. it was rowan’s pride after all. she blinks at the display they have when he introduces their topic for the day. ….tempering?
“chocolates have tempers?” she inquires on impulse, not even taking a moment to process what he was saying. this was mythos university. they learn about many mystical topics. so who is to say the chocolate they eat isn’t sentient and isn’t upset about being eaten? wouldn’t surprise haeun, to be honest. but as her brain jumps to the conclusion, it made immediate sense to her. of course chocolate is sentient and magical here as well.
“who upset them?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Rowan’s brows furrows and he pauses momentarily, trying to process what she meant. Then, as quickly as the confused expressioon appears, it disappears as his face lights up, and it all clicks when he understands what she means. “Oh! No, no tempering chocolate is a process! It’s basically when we melt chocolate so that when it dries, it has a smooth and glossy finish. It also has that nice snap!” 
“Although, I guess... it certainly makes sense. Chocolate is kind of a hard material to work with; it can be... well, temperamental, so we just have to give it a gentle touch. So, in a way, I guess you’re right! Chocolates can have...tempers?” That kind of made sense? Or at least he hoped it did. Sometimes, he got too ahead of himself and started rambling, especially about the love of his life: baking. It was amazing to him how separate ingredients, when combined through the magic of chemistry, produced a fully edible confection.
He clasps his hands together, a wide grin curving on his lips. “Right, so I thought, to make this all a little easier, I’m going to temper chocolate with you too. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t turn out perfect the first time! These things take practice!”
“We’re going to be doing the seed method today, but first, we need to unwrap these chocolates!” Rowan tugs the giant pile of chocolate closer, gesturing to the mountain. “We’re probably not going to use all of them, but I brought extra just in case.”
—*: baking 101
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myxrowan · 4 years
text to { little red hood ❤ } -> "water your plants? not exactly the best excuse to run away from me after our really sweet kiss, little red berry. 😉"
[ text → underworld prince 💕 ] did i say that? i don’t recall saying that.
[ text → underworld prince 💕 ] pretty sure i said i left the oven on! 
[ text → underworld prince 💕 ] scone?
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myxrowan · 4 years
[ / text to : little red ] i messed up. [ / text to : little red ] i kissed him. [ / text to : little red ] i did the one thing i said i wasn't going to do. [ / text to : little red ] it was really good though. [ / text to : little red ] what have i done? [ / text to : little red ] do you think if my mom still had healing hair would it heal a broken heart? [ / text to : little red ] i want ice cream. [ / text to : little red ] cookies and cream please.
( … )
[ text → flower ✨ ] what. happened.
( … )
[ text → flower ✨] omw. don’t move.
[ text → flower ✨] be there in five.
[ text → flower ✨] i got eight tubs we’re going to eat until we get a food coma
[ text → flower ✨] everything’s going to be okay
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myxrowan · 4 years
clasped hands rest on a hard counter, rosie’s attentive eyes flitting back and forth along kitchen appliances and her dear friend, rowan. this isn’t the first time she’s made her way into the fourth year’s apartment, nor will it be her last; the cozy residence ranking on her list of top three places to go for tea, and rowan being quite high up on her list of favorite people—as unlikely as the pairing seemed. “so, do i finally get to help you make pastries this time?” her eyebrows raise in excitement, tone bubbling with an enthusiasm that could only be building up for so long, and she knows the older boy will always have a hard time denying her, especially when it comes to an activity he enjoys most—baking.
Rowan winces slightly at the mention of the younger helping him make pastries. While he loves Rosie to death, just hearing those words together gives him horror flashbacks. His apartment’s kitchen has gone through its fair shares of, to put it kindly, mishaps. There’s been more than a handful of times he’s had to bake apology pastries for his roommates in response to kitchen fires. Yes, fires, plural. It’s a wonder how the kitchen is still standing after the number of disasters that break out and explosions that probably rock the entire apartment complex. There’s even an emergency fire extinguisher stashed away within reach in case something happens.
It’s with a very hesitant smile and weary sigh that Rowan lets out when he agrees to her request. “Sure, let’s.... let’s start with something simple, okay? How about cookies?”
Rowan’s already moving to grab all the ingredients. Since he’s baked cookies so often, he doesn’t even need to pull up his grandmother’s recipe, muscle memory kicking in as he sets out the necessary materials.
“Could you grab some mixing bowls from the cabinet, please?”
chip! syrup! whip!
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myxrowan · 4 years
[ ... ]
though he really, really hoped that wasn’t the case. the brownies always did look amazing in whatever video he watched… 
“i guess we’ll see then. do you have the recipe?” 
Rowan laughs, cooing at Blitz before turning back to give Flix his full attention. He nods, an amused grin lighting up his expression, “They certainly do; it’s kind of weird how... perfect these videos make the brownies look? But I’m sure with our amazing baking skills we’re going to make bomb-ass brownies.” 
Rowan nods, pulling out his phone to bring up the recipe on the screen. He hums as he slides his phone onto the counter over for Flix to take a look. “Yeah, I just wrote down the instructions from all those... Tik Tok videos...? So, hopefully, this doesn’t turn into a total disaster...”
“Okay, first step....” Rowan murmurs, squinting at his phone screen and reading it off aloud, “‘Cream together the room temperature butter and two and a half cups of sugar in a mixing bowl until fluffy.’” As he finishes, he grabs the sugar, starting to measure out the necessary amount into a mixing bowl.
“And then, what’s next, Flix?”
—*: fire!
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myxrowan · 4 years
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the coziest bf ❤️ — for anonymous
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myxrowan · 4 years
[ ... ]
But, games aren’t the reason why he’s motivated to finish this without a hitch. The deity had formed a small crush on the other. Was this the ideal first move Damien wanted? No. But he wanted to try to see how the other would feel through this game. Even if it means the deity has to play it off cool. Damien noticed that their lips were almost touching. He leans forward, taking the last couple bites before his lips were on Rowan’s.
They are now kissing.
Rowan wants to squeeze his eyes shut when he sees the god coming closer, mostly out of some sense of self-preservation, like that could stop the assault on his heart. He would bet his favorite red hoodie on the fact that Damien can hear his heart fluttering a hundred beats per minute, and the shakiness of his hands doesn’t falter as he inches forward with each bite of the chocolate biscuit.
When Damien’s lips press against Rowan’s own, his eyes widen in shock. But, soon, Rowan’s watching him with half-lidded eyes before fully closing them. In an act of daringness, Rowan surges forward, leaning into the kiss and deepening it. He reaches up with a shaky hand to caress Damien’s cheek as he lingers for another few seconds longer before pulling away, hand dropping to his lap. It takes a second before the reality of the situation sets in: Damien just kissed him. He gasps before standing up abruptly, feet tripping over themselves and cheeks flaming red as he struggles to piece together a coherent excuse. Anything to get him out of this situation and calm his heart.
“I-I have to, uh, go water my p-plants!” Rowan squeaks before he takes off from the party. As he retreats away from Damien and the party, his fingers pressing softly against his lips as if he can still feel the god’s lips on his, he murmurs, “Wow.”
[ END. ]
—*: pocky kiss!
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myxrowan · 4 years
—*: mothman: unsolved?
It’s in the dead of night when the two boys venture from the safety of their apartment. They’re on an adventure, one that Rowan (begrudgingly) agrees to accompany the other on, especially when he knows he’s one jump scare away from fainting of shock. Rowan shakes his head, trying to think positive. It’ll be fun... right? After all, any trek with Quinn is fun, and he’s definitely created more memories than he could count on both his fingers and toes where the other is concerned. They’ve been on plenty of adventures, ones far more dangerous and possibly even life-threatening, and they’ve come out of it all just fine. The only thing guiding their path as they move further from the protection of Mythos’ bright campus is the moon itself, hanging full and eerily bright in the sky. The trek to the woods surrounding the campus is quick, almost too fast that Rowan can barely even steel himself for the expedition.
As they walk, Rowan sighs, eyebrows furrowing as he speaks, “Why do all the monsters come out at night?! Why can’t they come out when it’s bright and sunny? A little Vitamin D never hurt anyone! The darkness always makes everything a million times scarier.” The flashlight he holds in his hand lights the worn path now as they start to venture further into where the moonlight barely penetrates through the branches of the trees.
“W-wait, Quinn,” Rowan starts, his voice quieter than usual. His hands are trembling as he holds onto the flashlight and camera, eyes flickering warily from the thickening woods to his best friend, “Are you sure about this?”
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myxrowan · 4 years
—*: two can keep a secret
Rowan was an open book... or at least, that’s what everyone believed. For the most part, they were right. He had nothing to hide, the definition of ‘wearing his heart on his sleeve.’ And yet, his real lineage remained a secret to all but a select handful. 
As he sits next to Shin on the grass in the University quad, he leans forward with a loud sigh, brows furrowing in thought. A pout sits upon his lips, a rare expression on the usually smiling boy. His nimble fingers pick at the grass, fidgeting in nervousness as he breathes out shakily, trying to calm his nerves (and failing). Playing with a white dandelion in the grass in front of him, he worries his bottom lip as he tries to figure out exactly what to say. 
“Sometimes, it’s just really hard... you know?” Rowan sighs, keeping his gaze on the flower. He had plucked it from its original home in the ground and was currently observing its delicate seeds. “I-I don’t really know where to start.”
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myxrowan · 4 years
Mythos Meme #1: Interview the Muse
Hello everyone! We have finally decided on a meme for the directory. This meme can count as activity to make sure you are not in the activity check. You can reblog this meme until Wednesday, April 8th.
There is about 100 questions you can send to your fellow members in their inboxes. Please if you want to receive, you must send one to any fellow member. Happy Meme day! Have fun everyone!
Keep reading
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myxrowan · 4 years
“one sec!” he called, finishing wiping down the counter quickly, just a little tidying up here and there so make sure they had the optimal working space for this new exciting thing that everyone was going on about. 
scooping blitz into his arms, flix pulls open the door with a bright smile, leaning to peek into the hallway. “yeah? you better have! i hear this recipe is a tricky one!” 
At the sight of the fairy, Rowan’s grin brightens even more. “I brought extra flour and cocoa powder.” He lifts up said ingredients respectively as if he needs to show proof before stepping into the other’s apartment. “I hope you’re ready to take on the challenge!”
As he steps through the door, he smiles and coos at Blitz, “Hi Blitz, look at you. As handsome as ever. How are you, my favorite cat?” 
Moving to the counter, Rowan sets the bag of flour and cocoa powder on top before pulling his favorite red apron from his bag and tying the strings neatly. He hands Flix his own apron moving over to the sink and washing his hands. “Do you think these brownies are as good as everyone supposedly says it is? What if we get...disappointed because it’s overhyped?” 
—*: fire!
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myxrowan · 4 years
Damien like always, impulsively acted on his emotions. Whether these emotions are fueled by passion, mischief or even romance. It was hard to tell. A few people in the room whistled, “Wow Damien! We didn’t know you had it in you!” Damien shot them a few glances, in which their faces turned stiff as he intimidated them.
“I won’t back down.” Damien smiles, cocking his head to one side. Smiling at Rowan before giving him a wink. That likely answered the other’s question. The god on his knees, wobbled over to Rowan who was waiting for him.
Putting his hand on the Hood boy’s shoulder, “I’m sure and I’m glad it’s with you.” He smirked, flirting with the other.
Leaning in, he pursed his lips together around the other end of the pocky stick. He didn’t what was going to come out of this, but, Damien does like the sound of it.
Rowan took in a shuttering breath as Damien’s hand touched his shoulder, wanting to reply but unable to with the Pocky in his mouth. Even if that wasn’t the case, Rowan would’ve been unable to formulate even a coherent sentence. With Damien so close, he almost moves back, but that would effectively end the game... and Rowan was not someone who took to losing games easily. I’m not backing down either! He thinks. He averts his gaze, trying to look at anywhere but at the god, but that proves to be impossible. 
Rowan moves forward, his lips moving along the Pocky slowly before hitting the two centimeters mark. He pauses slightly, moving his gaze from the Pocky stick to Damien’s lips then finally his eyes. His heart is hammering in his chest, and at this point, he’s sure he’s as red as the hoodie he’s currently had pulled over his head. A part of him wants to pass out if only to end his embarrassment, but a greater part of him wants to keep going... see exactly how this pans out. From where he’s sitting, he thinks, the outcome is looking quite favorable.  
—*: pocky kiss!
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myxrowan · 4 years
—*: baking 101
The kitchen Rowan is standing in is spotlessly clean, and he swears he can spot the steel of the appliances shining like in a video game. Across the tabletop lay various ingredients as well as other kitchen appliances, but most notable is the giant pile of chocolate sitting almost smack dab in the middle. On the stove behind him, there is a pot with water in it. He makes sure he has everything he needs one more time, cataloging the items laid out and running through a quick checklist in his head. Tightening the strings on his favorite red apron (the one with the pockets in the front!), he turns to face Haeun, his pupil for the day.
“I’m so glad you came to me for help on your baking,” Rowan says softly, but the enthusiasm is clear in his voice. A smile curves on his lips as an exciting shine sparkles in his eye. “So, today I welcome you to your first official lesson in baking techniques.”
“Today, we’re going to be...” He pauses for dramatic effect, “Tempering chocolate!” 
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myxrowan · 4 years
—*: fire!
Making the journey to Flix’s apartments wasn’t hard per say, just slightly more difficult with the added weight of the bag of flour and cocoa powder in his arms. Rowan didn’t want to show up empty-handed, especially if they were going to be making multiple batches.  His steps are giddy, as they always were when baked goods were concerned. The two had briefly talked about meeting up to bake brownies, and the topic of trying that new recipe that everyone was raving about was briefly brought up as well. He couldn’t wait to taste the delectable chocolate goodness of the brownies and finally see what the rave was all about... Not to mention, this visit would mean he’d get to see and pet Flix’s adorable cat, Blitz. Arriving in front of the fairy’s door, Rowan raises his hand to knock, politely notifying the other of his presence.  
“Flix...? Are you home?” He calls through the door, a smile slowly curving on his lips. “I’ve brought reinforcements!”
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