jack--valentine · 2 years
who: @taylorisnthere​
where: near the food trucks
Jack glanced up from his phone, squinting to try and find Taylor in the crowd. Once he spotted them, he raised a hand to wave and walked over. “Hey! How’s it going?” He asked, before glancing around at the stalls. “What are you feeling for lunch, hm?” Jack wondered. He was leaning towards getting some typical fair food, maybe some funnel cake was in order. “Are you excited to see the floats later? I can at least promise that the one I’m on is going to look pretty good” Jack added with a gentle smile. 
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sstarlessea · 6 years
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Anatomy of Taylor Swift’s Instagram.
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rezathevamp-blog · 9 years
Training Montage Music || Taylor & Reza
So Reza was kind of excited. And kind of terrified. Reaching out to Taylor, the siren who’d tried to literally eat his heart out, for self defence lessons, just so creatures like Taylor wouldn’t kill him... Well, it was either his best or his worst idea to date. Hopefully the best. The fact that this was taking place in what was supposedly Ana’s yard just made the whole situation that much weirder. Not to mention the fact that he still had an eye patch and a puffy pirate shirt in his bag. He really needed a new job. 
The now familiar house was fading into dusk when Reza arrived, the street awfully quiet without the music that had poured out the windows the last time. Nervous anxiety began to bubble up as he neared the door, mostly because he was starting to dread looking like an idiot in front of Taylor. He’d never thrown a punch or gotten into a genuine fight that wasn’t just steroid freaks shoving him around so this was bound to be a session of him embarrassing himself. He’d already done enough of that when the crazed siren had almost killed him. And he was fairly winded just from running down Old Townhouse Road. This would turn out great.
Willing himself not to bail, Reza drew in a deep breath and knocked on the door. Hands stuffed into his pockets, feet shuffling awkwardly on the doorstep, he listened for the sound of approaching feet. A tense smile was mustered when the door opened, his stomach still knotted up with nerves. “Sorry I’m late, work ran a bit late and I had to change and it was a bit of a run here...” he trailed off, letting out another huff of breath, eyes mostly fixed on the ground.
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lolimariana · 11 years
Town || Taylor & Ariana
Agreeing to hang out with Taylor tonight, Ariana felt her nerves kicking in which left butterflies in her stomach, and her blood pressure skyrocketing. She had recently realized that she was starting to develop feelings for him, which she was completely overwhelmed and confused with. Coming here she thought that her focus would solely be on Nathan and Jai, and trying to patch her relationships up with the both of them. 
As soon as she had met Taylor, she found that things were different. Usually she would wait a while before deciding how she felt about a person, but this time, her feelings came quick and gave her no time to prepare for them. Ariana wanted to tell him how she felt... That things were different for her now. But she couldn't.. considering how complicated the situation was. He was in a relationship.. and she had just gotten out of one.
Grabbing her bag, phone and jacket, sending Taylor a quick text to let him know that she was ready to go, ready to 'let loose as he suggested. She smiled to herself for a moment, hoping that she would be able to ignore her feelings for the night, to just have fun with Taylor.
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flynnevansx · 11 years
Party | Jonathan&Taylor
Wolfing out and running felt very good. Any tension he had left in his body was gone as soon as he got himself relatively tired out. So Jonathan just jumped in the shower because he was sure he didn't smell okay and dressed, making sure that no one was close enough to hear him leave, mostly because no one knew he went home. He really didn't want to face either of his dads.
He grabbed the keys to his car and climbed out the window the way he did whenever he went to spy on Stiles' and headed over to the McCall's. He didn't bother going up to the door, just sent Taylor a text saying that he was outside and waited, turning up his phone, which was playing through the car stereo.
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I'm pretty sure that Taylor and Lucy are over. -Submitted by an Anon.
     Well, color me not surprised at this story. It was only a matter of time before Bambi and Lover Boy broke up. Now they're free to be with the people that they really want to be with instead of each other. Like for example Teen Wolf or Band Camp for Bambi, and Starmony or Ingen-ew for Lover Boy. Good luck with that though. Until next time.
Remember, Secrets have ways of getting out.
-xoxo Gossip Queen
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sstarlessea · 8 years
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rezathevamp-blog · 9 years
Foreshadowing || Reza&Taylor
Reza wasn't quite sure how his sister had managed to persuade him into agreeing to a movie night but still, here he was, waiting for the cashier to ring up the candy she'd specified as well as the drinks and other supposed 'movie night necessities.' So maybe he hadn't had any ​actual​ plan for the evening and spending it with his sister beat doing nothing, but the thought of what her movie of choice would be loomed over Reza's head. A polite smile was directed to the weary-looking cashier as he stuffed everything into a bag. Just next to the entrance, familiar words caught his attention and the young boy sidled up to the wall, paying little attention to the other customer standing close by. The dark poster was, as he'd glimpsed, a flier for Dance Macabre. The vague descriptions were rather amusing as it would be hard for an outsider to really tell that there was something off about the club. But not for people in the know. People like Reza. In the lower corner was a list of dates, showing small and various events taking place in the upcoming month. Intrigued, Reza manoeuvred the plastic bag and pulled out his phone, snapping a picture of the dates as well as the aesthetics of the poster.
Taylor was used to shopping for herself, but Took's wasn't usually her place of choice. Most of the time, she'd gotten the things she needed from the fish market. Despite being called a "fish" market, they really did always have everything. But now Took's was closer now that she was staying with Ana, so Took's it was. The boy in line behind her looked impatient but bored at the same time, but Taylor didn't pay too much attention to him as she was rung out. At least she only had to buy for herself still, so it was quick. Before she walked out, though, a flier on a bulletin board by the door caught her eye. Dance Macabre. She'd heard things about that place. It was like a club for the undead. She was actually thinking about urging Nate to go at one point. But then the boy that was in line behind her came up and took a picture of the flier, and that prompted her to immediately rip it down. "Kid, what do you think you're doing?"
Right before his eyes, the flier was torn off the wall and it took ​Reza​ a moment to actually comprehend what had happened. Had she just called him kid? Eyebrows furrowed, he looked from the flier to the stranger. That had been a pretty violent reaction to him taking a picture. "What do ​you​ think you're doing?" he retorted right back, confusion clearly visible on his face. The people in this town seemed very invested in what other people were doing and for some reason, thought that it was their duty to intervene. Honestly, it was like having a disapproving parent at every corner. "And I am ​not​ a kid," he added stubbornly after a beat because he ​wasn't​ a kid. He was turning 18 in just a few months and besides, he had an ID that said otherwise.
Taylor rolled her eyes at the kid. "How old are you?" She figured he was probably gonna lie anyway, so she barely let him spit out an answer before speaking again. "Do you know what kinda club this is?" She asked him, holding up the crumpled flier. She'd never been one to lecture a kid if she could help it. She always hated when people lectured her, and at 23, it wasn't like she was ​that​ much older than the high school kids anyway. Youth had the right to make their own decisions, their own mistakes...their own paths...but when a kid was about to walk into danger, she was gonna step in and sound like a disapproving dad even if she hated the sound of her own voice in that moment.
Reza huffed at the questions, neither planning on giving a reply nor really getting the chance as the scolding immediately continued. His stubborn frown deepened and he moved his gaze from her to the poster. "Yes." His voice sounded confident, more confident than he should have felt, standing here with a bag full of sugar and some stranger glaring him down. "I'm a regular." The bag crinkled as his arms crossed defiantly, daring her to judge his choice of night time entertainment. At first, it hadn't ​really​ bothered him but repeatedly being told that he was making bad choices in life, mostly by complete strangers, was starting to get under his skin. "Why do ​you​ care?"
Taylor honestly saw a little bit of herself in this boy. Defiant against anybody they viewed as an authority figure. An attitude that almost got her killed when the police captain tried to get her off her boat. It was true that time made you wiser, that's for sure. "Look ki--dude. Not trying to tell you how to live your life, but if you make a habit of hitting that club, you're not gonna have much more of a life to live. That place if dangerous."
Eyes narrowed just so as the word 'kid' almost slipped out again but thankfully, she caught herself. Honestly, she didn't even look that much older than him, where did she get off on calling him a kid? ​Reza​ sighed, not in the mood to have this conversation about why vampire clubs were dangerous and how it was an irrational hobby that would get him killed. He'd heard it all before and some stranger at the store wasn't going to change his mind. "Thanks for the memo, but I'm fine. I know what goes on there and I ​know​ what I'm doing." His arms uncrossed as he shot her one last sceptical look. "So have a nice evening."
Taylor let her lips purse as the kid walked away, letting out a heavy sigh. Maybe she just needed to stop trying to protect everybody all the time. It wasn't her problem if this kid got himself hurt or even killed at a vampire club. Not her problem if he made himself an easy snack trying to get in on a dangerous scene he ​thought​ he knew everything about. So she turned and walked away, out to her truck. This wasn't her responsibility. Besides, he'd be fine... right?
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David and Lucy hooked up. -Submitted by an Anon.
     It seems that old habits die hard, or someone was getting revenge... Is Band Camp so irresistible to you that you would cheat on Lover Boy, Bambi? Were you just lonely in the relationship? What was going on in your head? Let's see what Lover Boy thinks of your indiscretion... Until next time my loyal followers.
Remember, Secrets have ways of getting out.
-xoxo Gossip Queen
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