#p: sugar spice and everything nice
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munson-blurbs · 2 months ago
Hi bug! I’m asking in anon bc it’s a bit of a sensitive subject for me to discuss but could you possibly write something about Eddie and reader being close(hopefully turning into lovers) and he sees her self harm scars for the first time and she is really embarrassed and tries to just stop speaking to him but he finally catches her alone and it turns into soft smut? I feel like your writing would do a story like this justice, but if it’s a heavy subject and you don’t want to write about it I understand ❤️
Hi! I kept the premise but changed a few details. I hope that's okay.
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), fingering, unprotected p in v, mentions of self-harm (cutting) but no descriptions of blood or the act itself, parental conflict, Reader celebrates Christmas, angst to fluffy smut WC: 2.5k A/N: This fic is not meant to romanticize or promote self-harm of any kind. This is a comfort fic where the reader-insert character has a history of self-harm. That being said, if this subject matter is triggering for you, please keep scrolling. Sending all of you love, always.
Divider credit to @strangergraphics
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“Okay, first we need two and a half cups of flour.”
Eddie wrinkled his nose when you handed him the measuring cup and a butter knife. 
“So you can scrape off the excess,” you explained. 
Your boyfriend scoffed and plunked the knife onto the countertop. “Have you ever heard of guesstimating, Sweetheart?”
“There’s no guesstimating in baking, Eds.” You dragged the bag of all-purpose flour away from him before he could ruin the recipe. “Everything has to be precise.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, dear,” he grumbled. But there was no missing the smile playing on his lips. 
Spending time with Eddie wasn’t new; you���d known each other since he’d moved to Hawkins as a kid. The friendship had survived the ups and downs of junior high and high school, not to mention the years you were away at college. 
What was new was the romantic relationship that had only developed six months ago. Now, Eddie was your boyfriend. Your regular movie nights ended in heated make-out sessions rather than nervous hugs goodbye. Eddie held your hand while you walked rather than playing air guitar. And your sleepovers often involve much less clothing than before. 
It was different, but it was nice. 
“Can you hand me the cream of tartar?” You asked him, holding out your palm. 
“The what?” Eddie’s eyes widened. “Isn’t that the stuff you dip fish sticks in?”
You snorted. “No, that’s tartar sauce. Cream of tartar is a spice that will give the snickerdoodles a little tang.”
Strong, tattooed arms wrapped around you and pulled you toward him, his lips finding the crook of your neck in an instant, sending a shiver of pleasure down your spine. 
“How about I give you a little tang?” Eddie’s words vibrated against your skin. 
It took all of your willpower to focus on the task at hand and not give in. “I’m about to ban you from my kitchen.” You pinched some flour between your fingers and flicked it at him. It dusted his chin and the U-neck collar of his Metallica t-shirt. 
Eddie gasped in mock-offense, reaching over and taking a handful of flour. Before you could protest, he opened his fist just above your head. The powder plopped onto your scalp and cascaded down your cheeks. 
“Gotta go!” He bolted from the kitchen, nearly flinging himself up and over the counter. 
You were fast on his trail, knocking over the yellow-and-white box of granulated sugar. It toppled off of the counter and landed on its side with a thud, leaving a crystalline trail in its wake. 
“Dammit.” With an exasperated sigh, you rolled up your sleeves and cupped your hand, brushing the spilled sugar into your other palm. 
It was suddenly too quiet—and not the kind of quiet that preceded a prank. The only sound came from the thunk of the trash can lid as you dumped the wasted sugar into the bag.
Eddie froze, his widening eyes the sole movement across his lithe body. 
“Sweetheart…are those…?” 
You follow his gaze to the thin lines along your wrist. Most had faded over time and were ones he had seen before, but there were a few new scars that you’d forgotten about.
“You’re…you’re still doing��that?” Eddie’s voice was laced with palpable nervousness, but there wasn’t an ounce of disgust. It might have been easier if there was; you were disgusted that you’d relapsed into self-harm, even if it was just once. 
No, this was genuine concern and love. 
“I…” You struggled to find the words, feeling like the teenager you were when you’d first cut yourself. Now you’re an adult–an adult who’s supposed to have better, healthier coping mechanisms–yet after a conversation with your mother led to an argument, you’d turned back to old habits.
Eddie took your hands in his. The slight tremble broke your heart into a million pieces and filled each crack with shame.
His thumb grazed over the new marks, careful not to reopen the wound. “When did you do this? W-Why did you…?”
“I don’t know.” 
A flicker of frustration sparked in his deep brown eyes at your lie, a silent plea for your honesty.
And so you shoved that shame aside, your body caving into his as you told him everything, starting with the phone call from your mother. 
You’d tried to explain that you were splitting Christmas between their place and Wayne’s, and since Eddie’s uncle worked the night shift, you’d go over to his trailer in the morning and your parents’ house in the evening. 
A solid compromise as you navigated the balance of your relationship with Eddie. 
Or so you thought. 
Because the moment you laid out your plans, Mom was blubbering about the family tradition of opening presents on Christmas morning and how it won’t be the same and why is Wayne working on Christmas, anyway?
You didn’t have the energy to break down the older man’s finances—not that it was her business—but it didn’t matter. Mom already began tossing around terms like ungrateful and disrespectful. 
Suddenly, you were no longer an adult in an apartment of your own. You were a teenager trapped under your parents’ roof with nowhere to go, no way to escape the chaos. 
You couldn’t stop apologizing—to your mom then, and to Eddie now. Tears streamed down your cheeks, drawing hot rivulets over your skin. 
But with Eddie, there was no disgruntled huff and abrupt end to the conversation. He grabbed a tissue, wiping at your eyes and beneath your nose.
“You could’ve called me,” he said. “I would’ve been over in a heartbeat. You didn’t need to do this.”
You shook your head. This was beyond him, and he knew it, too. 
You didn’t realize that your eyes had glazed over, that your rumination had taken hold and kept you locked inside your brain, until Eddie spoke again. 
“Look at me.” 
You blinked, allowing yourself to re-enter the space. When the haze of anxiety began to clear, you felt his touch before you saw his face. His hand was noticeably warm and sweat-slicked, forefinger tucked up under your chin as he lifted it. Whatever stray tears remained on your face trickled down, sneaking into the crevices of his rings.
“Please don’t hurt yourself anymore.” The tip of his tongue swiped over his lower lip. With utmost tenderness, he leaned his forehead against yours. His exhale tickled your own nose. “Please just tell me when you’re sad or mad or…or anything.”
And then you were fourteen once again, confessing to Eddie the real reason why you only wore long-sleeved shirts while he stood there helplessly, nearly dropping the can of Chef Boyardee in the middle of Wayne’s kitchen. Though you were a decade older now, Eddie’s face fell the same way it had in 1980. Confusion and defeat warred for prominence, his brows knit together and his shoulders slumped. 
“You can’t fix me,” you said finally. 
“I know. Because you’re not broken.” Eddie’s hands fell to your wrists, gingerly clutching them. “A little battered, but not broken.”
He meant it, though you didn’t know how. Besides the physical scars on your wrists, you carried a world of pain on your shoulders. You were buried in the weight of inferiority and the inability to measure up to expectations. 
Eddie sensed your hesitation to believe him. “I love you,” he said softly. “I loved you when we were seven and you gave me a Band-Aid after I fell off of my bike. I loved you when we were thirteen and you used the peanut butter from your sandwich to get Tommy Hagan’s gum out of my hair. 
“I loved you when we were eighteen and you went off to college, but you still called me every Thursday night. I loved you when we were twenty-four and I finally asked you out, and you kissed me before I could finish my sentence.” He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling through his t-shirt. “And I’ll never stop loving you. So, please…please don’t hurt yourself again.”
You nodded, hoping it was a promise you could keep. Hoping that this was just a slip-up and not the beginning of a full-blown relapse. 
Exhaustion fell over you as your tears slowed. “I should probably clean myself off.” You shook your head for emphasis, some of the remaining flour clouding as it fell. 
“Let me help.”
Eddie followed behind you, just watching as you picked out the residue over the bathroom sink. The yellow-tinged vanity lighting emphasized the worry that he wore like a mask. 
You turned to him. “I’m okay,” you said with a timid smile. “It was just a one-time thing. I swear.”
His tone was firm when he spoke. “But if it isn’t—if you want to do it again or think about doing it again—you need to tell me.” He pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I won’t run away. I’m right here.”
You melted into him, flour-coated scalp be damned, and wrapped your arms around him. “I promise.”
“Good.” A small relief, but relief nonetheless. 
Your fingers tangled in the soft cotton of his t-shirt. “It’s like my brain gets too loud, and I can’t shut it off sometimes.” You swallowed, not able to look at him yet. “But sometimes it helps when I…when I think about you. About how safe I feel with you.”
He brushed flour from your shirt collar. You could tell that he wanted to say something despite the ensuing quiet. Yet he just shoved his hands into his pockets and walked back out to the kitchen wordlessly. 
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It wasn’t until that evening, laying in bed with one tattooed arm wrapped around your waist, that Eddie posed the question that had been sitting on his lips since the afternoon. 
“You feel safe with me?”
You rolled over to face him. “Of course. You’re, like, my safe place.”
Eddie held you tighter. “You’re my safe place, too.” He pressed a soft kiss to your nose. “And maybe I’m a little selfish because of it, but I really need you around. Okay?”
Even in the darkness, you could see his eyes shining with worry and fear. That he would wake up without you. That you’d be gone when he least expected it. 
“I never meant to scare you,” you promised, your voice a whisper even though it was only the two of you. “I wasn’t…”
I wasn’t thinking about you, you almost said. Not that you didn’t care about him—your mind was too occupied with Mom’s stinging words to think of anything else. Of anyone else—including Eddie. 
His reassurance came swiftly. “I know,” he said. “And I want you to know that you deserve to be happy. You deserve not to worry about anyone else’s bullshit. Even your mom’s.”
Eddie took your hand, lifted one scarred wrist to his lips, and kissed it. There was a slight sting from the newer cut, but it disappeared as quickly as it presented. 
“You deserve to be happy,” he continued, kissing another scar. “You deserve to live a life where you know that no one is worth hurting yourself over.”
You brought your arm back to your side and shifted even closer to him. Your nose bumped his when you leaned in to kiss him, eliciting a giggle from both you and Eddie. 
“Sorry—” You started to apologize, but his hands flew to your cheeks as he kissed you harder. His tongue flicked over the seam of your lips, asking for entry that you granted without a second thought. 
“God, I fuckin’ love your laugh.” Eddie shook a rogue curl from his eyes. Instinctively, his leg slotted between yours. It was only when you ground your core against his flannel-clad thigh that he realized what he’d done. 
He moved back an inch, though that one leg stayed in place. “Baby, we don’t—I know today’s been a lot. I’m fine kissing you, y’know?”
“I know.”
“You don’t have to do anything for me. I’m a big boy; I can jerk off in the bathroom if you’re not in the mood—”
You were tired, but an invisible thread inside you had been tugged, awakening an ache that only Eddie could quell. 
“I know,” you repeated. “I want this, too. I…I need it, Eddie.”
His teeth grazed your neck. “What do you need?” He growled, a primal edge in his tone. 
“I need you to show me I’m safe.” 
With those words, you let go of the control you clutched like a precious stone. The relief would be temporary—everything in this world was—but you felt the burden ease with each article of your clothing that Eddie removed. You could have floated, your body weightless, when he kissed each millimeter of your skin. Even the parts you preferred to keep hidden. 
His middle finger was what anchored you to reality. It found your clit, rubbing circles on it while his other hand gripped your hip. 
Slowly, torturously, his finger inched inside you, drawing a shuddering breath from your lips. 
“S’good?” He looked down at you, waiting for confirmation. “Do you need more?”
More. More sounded perfect, and you told him so. 
There’s no teasing tonight. Eddie didn’t make you beg before he slipped his ring finger inside you, curling both fingers to stroke that sweet spot. 
Your back arched, taking him in deeper. He obliged, murmuring your name and sweet praises as he touched you. 
“There you go.”
“So good for me.”
“That’s it.”
“You’re gorgeous like this.”
Wetness slickened his fingers and dripped down onto the bedsheet. He let go of your hip for a second to palm himself over his pajama pants, stopping only when you reach for him. 
“Eds.” You tried not to pout when he paused his ministrations. “Y-You can…”
With a quick nod, Eddie shucked off his clothes and tossed them to the carpeted floor. They landed with a plop, a noise drowned out by his moan when he pressed his erection against you. 
Safe. With Eddie, you were safe. 
Your breath hitched as he entered you; it was a fullness that felt so natural yet like each time was the first. 
Eddie groaned as your fingers dug into his back, reveling in the mutual desire. He braced his forearms on either side of you, caging in your head.
“Eyes on me,” he ordered. “There’s nothing else. Just us, okay?”
“‘Kay.” There was no time to say anything else; he leaned down and kissed you, moaning into it with unbridled need. 
If the alarm clock on your nightstand wasn’t counting the minutes, you would have sworn that time was suspended. Each thrust, each kiss, each murmur of your name was a second and a day. 
Eddie’s lips brushed your ear. He whispered, “you’re so beautiful,” sending an arrow of need straight to your core. “My sweet, beautiful girl.”
“Yours,” you agreed in a whimper. You wrapped your legs around him, pulling him in further, as pleasure washed over you. It claimed him a moment later, his face buried in your neck. 
When the sun rises, your scars will once again be visible. And the lingering sadness and frustration won’t have completely dissipated. 
But you’ll handle it. With Eddie by your side, you’ll power through until getting through each day is no longer a chore. 
You’re safe. 
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eddiesxangel · 1 year ago
Sugar and Spice | Santa!Eddie x Reader
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Thank you to my beautiful darling Gia @onegirlmanytales for the prompt 🩷
“Santa Eddie and Sugar Plum are making a gingerbread house that turn into a food fight and then fucking in the kitchen while they lick the frosting off of each other ☺️”
wc: 1.4k
cw: pet names, p in v, blowjob, nipple play, food play
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“Babe!” You scolded, “It will fall if you put too much icing!”
“How does that make sense? It’s like extra glue?”
Your gingerbread house looked like it belonged in Alaska with the amount of “snow” Eddie had used.
“I know, but it’s going to get too wet and gooey and crumble!” You huffed. You wanted it to look pretty and cute, not like it had been made by a 5-year-old.
“Oh, I know something that also crumbles when it gets wet and gooey,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you.
“Don’t be gross!” You laughed.
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About half an hour later, you were still frustrated; the house walls were collapsing.
“Why won’t it stay!” You cried out in frustration.
“Why don’t we take a breather?”
“No, I want this to work!” You really should have listened to Eddie. You were at the point of steam coming out of your ears.
You look up at him, and a little green jellybean bounces off your forehead.
“Eddie!” You scold as he is bent over laughing.
“It’s not funny!” You try to hold back your laughter, but how could you when it was so ridiculous?
You retaliated by tossing a handful of the peppermint swirls at Eddie.
“Oh, you wanna play it that way?” Eddie cocked an eyebrow.
“No! No! I take it back. I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” But it was too late. Eddie had picked up the leftover icing and started to chase you around the kitchen table. You were quick. You managed to outrun him around four times, but then you got dizzy and tried to escape on the left. But Eddie was cunning and saw how your brain worked.
He anticipated the switch and got you by the wrist before you could escape.
“Got ya!” He tugged you into his middle and smeared the sweet white icing all over your cheeks.
“Babyyyyyyy” you whined.
“I didn’t think you could get any sweeter sugarplum.” Eddie bent down and licked a tiny bit off your cheek before peppering small kisses all over your face. You couldn’t help but giggle at his antics.
You tried to shimmy your way out of his grip to get the piping bag, but he was too strong.
“You know… I can think of a better way to use this stuff…. It’s clearly not working on the house.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“What do you have in mind?” You decided to play along.
“Take your shirt off, and I’ll show you.”
Eddie let you go tentatively… making sure you wouldn’t try anything in retaliation...
Eddie watched as you wrapped your arms around yourself and slowly lifted your red Christmas hoodie. His eyes glazed over when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra and that your nipples were already peaked and ready for Eddie’s attention.
You let out a squeak when you felt something cold and wet touch your chest. Eddie had squeezed the sugary substance onto your chest.
You watched as Eddie licked his lips before he tilted his head down and wrapped his mouth over your nipple, coated in the sweet, sugary goodness.
“Mmmmmmm” you let the weight of your head take over as you moaned with pleasure. With your neck exposed, Eddie took the chance to squeeze more icing into your supple skin.
“Oh-ohhh, that’s nice,” you stutter as the goosebumps spread across your skin.
“You taste so good… just like Sugar”
“I guess the nickname is fitting,” you sigh.
“Yes, it is, my sweet girl.” Eddie’s hands found your waist and pulled you in closer to him. He squeezed the icing into your lips and tossed the bag onto the kitchen table before kissing you sensually.
It was literally the sweetest kiss the two of you shared. The taste of ginger, vanilla icing, candy cane and Eddie swirled around in your tongue. You deepened the kiss; you wanted more, needed more. Eddie was intoxicating. Everything about him made you need more.
“What are you trying to start here, baby?” He asked playfully.
“Me? You got me half naked in our kitchen,” you mumbled into his mouth.
“Yes, just how I like you.” He bit your lower lip.
“I thought that was fully naked?” You slip your hands under the waistband of his plaid flannel pyjamas.
“You cheeky little thing. You trying to take advantage of me, Sugarplum?”
“Can’t a girl just love on her man?” You ran your hand lower to cup his hardening cock.
“You can do whatever you want,” his breath hitched.
“Got any of that icing left?” You slid his pants down his thighs.
“Oh, you cheeky little thing.” Eddie bit his lip and handed you back the bag.
You strategically squirted some in the tip right where a bead of precum lay. You begin to kitten lick the tip, collecting to set and salty taste of vanilla mixed with Eddie. You hummed at the taste and piped more icing all the way from the tip to the shaft, avoiding the soft, curly hair at the base.
“Oh you are a little tease”
“Just gotta get my fix,” you winked before licking him from top to bottom, following the line of sugary goodness you had placed down moments before. The fallen gingerbread house was long forgotten as you enveloped Eddie’s shaft in your mouth. Eddie’s eyes rolled back with suffering lashes as your warm mouth worked his shaft. The mix of saliva, icing and precum was a delicious lubricant on Eddie’s hard cock.
“Fuck you’re so good at this.” Eddie’s knees buckled as he leaned into the kitchen table for support.
“Better than gingerbread house making?”
“Shut up” his cock slipped off your lips with a loud *pop* and continued to work his cock with your hand.
“You know we’re out of icing, but I can think of something else white and sticky to help hold that house together.”
“Oh my god,” you laughed.
“Wh-aa what?” Eddie stuttered but cut you cut him off as you took just the tip back into your mouth and gently sucking on the head.
“You like that baby? You like having my cock in your mouth?”
You hummed in agreement. The vibration of your mouth was too much. Eddie needed to pull you off before he blew his load.
“I need to fuck you, Sugar” he helped you up and bent you over the kitchen table.
Your pussy was already dripping from the foreplay. It didn’t take much to get you ready for your man to finally stick it in you. You felt his hands spread your pussy lips before slowly plunging in two fingers.
“Ohhhhh,” your eyes rolled to the back of your head as his strong fingers massaged your inner walls.
“Yes baby get loud for me.”
“You ready for me sweetness?”
You leaned into Eddie’s body as he stretched you out. The feeling of him filling you made you cry out in pleasure once again.
“Fuck, your pussy was made for me” Eddie gripped your hips with each hand and started to speed up his pace.
“It’s all yours,” you sigh.
Your mind went blank; the feeling of Eddie's cock brushing your walls was the only thing you could focus on. A blot of lighting struck through your body as Eddie wrapped his arm around you to give your clit the attention it desperately needed.
“You fuck me so good, baby!” You moaned as Eddie’s hips snapped against your ass. The sound of smacking skin filled the empty kitchen.
One of Eddie’s hands moved up from your hip to your hair. He gave your scalp a small tug to bring you up so you were flush with his chest. His other hand continued on your swollen bundle of nerves.
"Gotta fuck my girl right, can't have her running off," he spoke into the side of your neck before assaulting it with his mouth. You knew you would have to wear a turtleneck tomorrow. Thank god it's winter...
“Baby, I’m so close,” you whispered. The combination of him inside and on you was getting you close to your breaking point. “Can’t hold it anymore.”
“Let go for me, Sweetness”
You were cumming in an instant. Your shaking legs somehow held you up as your orgasm spread throughout your body.
“Good girl, let go for me,” he huffed. He baby you back down, and with one last stroke of his cock, he pulled out and let his release spurt out onto your ass and lower back.
“Why did you pull out?” You asked after you came back to earth moments later.
“ 'cuz I thought we could use more icing for the house…”
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Santa sluts tag list: @slutty-thevampireslayer @reidsbtch @onegirlmanytales @chrrymunson @taintedcigs @xxhellfirebunnyxx
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giveafike · 3 months ago
Sugar, Spice & Everything Nice! -B.T.S
TLDR: making gingerbread cookies w Ben :p. This is part 4/12 of Azzie's Advent Calendar 2024!
Word count + info: 4.6k. including dialogue.
Warnings + Content Ahead: SFW! No warnings : )
Azzie Notes ✚: this one’s heavily inspired by my own family tradition - we always bake gingerbread cookies since I was a little girl! The first time I did, it was in primary school when I was maybe 6, 7 years old? And after that, my family took it and made it our own little mess :) v v wholesome making little biscuits, shaping them and waiting for them to cool and then decorating them… it’s such a pure act of patience and love, right? Also, changed the middle pic to the MSG pic, his eyes are twinkling, god I love him bad
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The morning was quiet, the kind of stillness that only came when the house was nearly empty. A faint December golden light filtered through the kitchen windows, warming the wooden table where you sat, flipping through the cookbook you had picked up at the Christmas market. The glossy pages felt smooth under your fingers, each recipe accompanied by photos of perfectly baked treats and artful decorations. It was the sort of book that made everything seem achievable, even for a novice. A steaming mug of coffee sat on the table beside you, the rich aroma mingling with the faint hint of pine from the Christmas tree in the other room. Ben had made the coffee, placing it in front of you with a casual kiss on the top of your head and a small rub on your shoulder before taking his place, sitting across you at the table with his own mug. Underneath the table, Halo was sprawled out comfortably, still softly snoring against the floorboards whenever you shifted your feet.
The house was calm, Lisa and Bryan were out doing some last-minute Christmas shopping, and Emma had spent the night at her friend’s house, leaving her still lounging over there for the day. It was just you and Ben.
He seemed at ease, leaning against the counter in his sweats and a faded T-shirt, sipping his coffee and scrolling on his phone. There was something different about him in his childhood home, a quiet confidence, a comfort that came with years of familiarity but you being with him? He liked the way that felt.
Curiosity got the better of him as he set down his phone and stepped closer. “What’s got you so locked in?” he asked, peering over your shoulder.
You smiled, holding the book up slightly so he could see. “Gingerbread cookies,” you said, pointing to a page with intricately decorated cookies that looked almost too good to eat.
Ben squinted at the lengthy recipe and let out a soft laugh. “That’s... ambitious. Is that what you’re thinking of makin'?”
“Maybe,” you said with a shrug. “I mean, when I was a kid, we made gingerbread cookies once or twice, but it was the easy kind. You know, cutting out shapes from pre-made dough and sticking them on parchment paper. Not exactly homemade.”
He chuckled, leaning against the back of your chair. “So, you skipped all the hard stuff and went straight to the fun part, huh?”
“Exactly,” you said with a grin. “But this... this is the real deal. Making the dough, rolling it out, and baking from scratch. It feels like something I should try at least once, one day...”
Ben’s eyes softened as he watched you, the corners of his lips twitching upward. “Well,” he said, straightening up, “why not today? Let’s do it.”
“Really?” you asked, raising an eyebrow. “You sure? This recipe is, like, a full-day commitment. I was just looking for inspiration.”
He nodded, setting his empty mug on the table. “Yeah, I’m sure. Mom’s stocked up on all the baking stuff for the holidays, so we should have everything we need. Besides, you’ve been talkin' about a baking day since we got here. Why not now?”
You hesitated for a moment, scanning his face for any hint of second thoughts, but his broad smile was nothing but genuine, his excitement contagious.
“Alright,” you said, closing the cookbook and standing up. “Let’s do it. But you better be ready to work, I’m not doing this all by myself.”
Ben smirked, crossing his arms. “Don’t worry, I’m a great assistant. I’ll handle the hard labour.”
You rolled your eyes, unable to hide your small smile as you began to call out ingredients while Ben gathered. Ben leaned casually against the counter, watching as you carefully measured out the flour, sugar, and spices, the soft clinking of measuring cups the only sound in the room. There was a quiet concentration in the way you moved, a small crease forming between your brows as you checked the recipe and sifted the flour into a large mixing bowl. Every so often, he caught you muttering numbers under your breath, double-checking your measurements, making him smile in pure smitten adoration.
“You’re taking this seriously, huh?” he teased, arms crossed as he leaned a hip against the counter.
“Of course I am,” you replied, not looking up. “You don’t mess around with dough. One wrong move, and it’s game over.”
Ben chuckled, stepping closer to the cabinets. “Alright, Chef. What’s next? Spices?”
You nodded, dragging your finger across the page of the cookbook to check the measurements. “Yep. Cinnamon, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg. You got it?”
Ben nodded before he pushed himself off, stretching up to the top shelf of the cabinet, his fingers easily reaching the small spice jars that were out of your reach. He handed them to you one by one, lingering close as you measured each spice into a small bowl. The kitchen was soon filled with a warm, heady aroma, the kind that instantly made everything feel more festive.
“Smells like Christmas, for sure. You're doing somethin' right” Ben said, leaning down slightly to take a dramatic sniff.
“Smells like a lot of hard work,” you corrected, smiling as you added the spices to the bowl. “Alright, next is the wet ingredients. Butter and molasses, grab the molasses for me?”
Ben grabbed the jar and slid it across the counter toward you, watching you spoon the thick, dark syrup into the bowl. “That stuff’s like tar,” he remarked, raising an eyebrow.
You laughed. “It’s basically liquid gold for gingerbread, though. Trust the process.”
He nodded, though his expression remained sceptical. “Mhm. If you say so.”
As you cracked eggs into the mixture and began to combine everything, Ben wandered over to your side, resting a hand lightly on your back as he peered into the bowl.
“You’ve got this,” he said playfully. “But if you need some real muscle for the next part, I’m available.”
You glanced up at him, smirking. “Oh, don’t worry, you’re about to get your hands dirty.”
His grin widened. “Man, I’ve been waiting for you to say that!”
Once the dough had started to come together, you handed him the wooden spoon, pointing at the thick mixture.
“Alright, muscle-man. It’s your time to shine. But be careful, don’t overwork it. We need the dough to be soft and pliable, not like a brick.”
"Don’t overwork it," he echoed, his voice deliberately mimicking your tone. He tried to press his lips into a straight line, but his smile betrayed him. With a playful glint in his eye, he took the spoon from your hand. "Got it," he said, his grin slipping through despite his efforts.
You stepped back, crossing your arms as you watched him take over. His biceps flexed slightly as he stirred the dense dough, and you couldn’t help but notice how effortlessly he managed it, effortless and, somehow, ridiculously attractive. He was a mix of charm and frustration rolled into one.
“This isn’t so bad,” he said, glancing at you with a smug grin. “I thought you said this would be hard work.”
You rolled your eyes, sighing as you distracted yourself by taking the dirty utensils and bowls into the sink to stop yourself from drooling. “That’s because you haven’t gotten to the part where your arm feels like it’s going to fall off.”
He laughed, shaking his head. “Please. I’m a professional athlete. I think I can handle-”
Mid-sentence, the spoon hit a particularly stubborn clump of dry dough, plastered in flour, and Ben’s smug expression faltered as he struggled to keep a massive part of the unmixed batter from spilling over the edge of the bowl.
“Careful!” you exclaimed, eyes widening as you stepped forward to steady the bowl.
“Alright, alright,” he said, his voice tinged with laughter as he adjusted his grip. “Maybe this is a little more work than I thought.”
You grinned, giving his arm a playful nudge. “Told you. Now, keep going. You’re doing great.”
With a determined look, Ben continued to fold the dough, his movements steady and deliberate under you as you glanced every now and then. You found yourself smiling as you guided him, appreciating how he seemed to take it all in stride, even the mess.
Finally, the dough was smooth and well-mixed, and you placed a hand on his arm to stop him. “Okay, that’s perfect. Any more, and you’ll ruin it.”
Ben set the spoon down with a dramatic sigh, shaking his hand as though he’d just finished a workout. “You weren’t kidding about the arm workout.”
You laughed, reaching for the plastic wrap to cover the dough. “See? Baking isn’t just about precision, it’s about endurance. You’d better hydrate if you want to make it to the next round. Maybe take a seat on the bench.”
Ben chuckled, as he watched you wrap the dough in cling film and set it in the fridge to rest. His gaze soft as he admired the way you moved around the kitchen.
“You’re kinda cute when you get all serious about this,” he said, his voice low and warm.
You shot him a playful glare, your cheeks warming. “Focus, Shelton. We’re only halfway there.”
He held up his hands in surrender, a grin tugging at his lips. “Alright, Chef. What’s next?”
With the dough resting in the fridge, you began tidying up, wiping down the counter and setting out the tools you’d need for shaping the cookies. Ben, however, wasn’t nearly as patient. He leaned against the fridge door, staring at it like he could will the dough to finish resting faster.
“So,” he said, breaking the silence, “do we have to wait for an hour? Can’t we just… you know, start shaping them now? It's not like we're in an exam, no one's gonna know.”
You glanced over your shoulder, catching the almost puppy-like look in his eyes. “Yes, we absolutely have to wait,” you said firmly, though you couldn’t help but smile at his impatience.
Ben groaned dramatically, dragging his hand down his face and through his curls, tussling them softly. “But why? It’s just dough. It’s not like it’s a steak that needs to rest or something.”
You laughed, shaking your head as you reached into a drawer to pull out the cookie cutters. “Because,” you explained, setting the cutters on the counter, “resting the dough lets the gluten relax, which keeps the cookies from spreading too much when they bake. It also gives the spices time to blend together and makes the dough easier to roll out. Trust me, it’s worth it.”
Ben sighed, back again with that sceptical look, before mumbling, “Sounds like a lot of fancy science talk just to make some cookies.”
“Maybe,” you admitted, grinning at him. “But it’s the kind of science that keeps your cookies from turning into sad little blobs.”
He broke into a smile, finally conceding. “Fine, fine. You’re the expert.”
“Thank you,” you said with mock seriousness, giving him a teasing salute before focusing on your setup.
While the dough rested, you busied yourself with preparing the island. You got Ben on an exploration to find a large rolling pin and the cookie cutters, while you dusted the surface and neatly lined up the equipment, spreading them out across the counter as excitement spread through you. There were hearts, stars, gingerbread men and women, Christmas trees, and a few other festive shapes.
Ben watched you work, his hands tucked into the pockets of his sweatpants. “You love preppin', huh?”
“Always,” you replied, tossing him a smile as you laid sheets of parchment paper onto baking trays. “Baking is all about being ready before the chaos starts.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Chaos?”
“You’ll see,” you said ominously, grabbing a canister of flour and sprinkling a thin layer across the island. “Just wait until we’re elbow-deep in icing and sprinkles.”
Ben chuckled, stepping closer as you worked. “Oh, that sounds like my kind of chaos.”
Once everything was set up, you took a step back, admiring your handiwork. The counter was clean, floured, and ready to go, with the trays and cutters neatly arranged. Ben, however, was back to pacing near the fridge, occasionally glancing at the clock.
Once the dough had rested, you pulled it from the fridge and placed it on the floured countertop, its chilled surface smooth and pliable under your hands. Ben leaned in eagerly, eyeing the mound of dough like it was a prize.
"Alright," you said, handing him the rolling pin, "your turn. Just don’t go too wild. Nice and even, okay?”
He raised an eyebrow, gripping the rolling pin with an exaggerated flourish. “Nice and even. Got it. I’m basically a pro already.”
“Uh-huh,” you teased, stepping back to preheat the oven.
Ben pressed the rolling pin to the dough and began rolling, his movements a little uneven at first. He squinted down at the dough, muttering, “This is harder than it looks.”
You glanced over, biting back a laugh. “It’s not a race, Ben. Just take your time and keep it even.”
“Don’t worry, I understand it now” he whispered, almost to himself, as he shot you a grin. “I’ve got it handled. Gimme a second and this dough’ll be flatter than a pancake.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head as you prepared the cookie cutters, dipping them lightly into flour to keep the shapes clean.
Once the dough was rolled out to the perfect thickness, you stepped in, lining up the cutters.
“Okay, now for the fun part,” you said, handing him a gingerbread man cutter. “Start with this one. We’ll work our way through all the shapes.”
Ben pressed the cutter into the dough, lifting it to reveal a cleanly cut gingerbread man. He held it up like a trophy, beaming. “Look at that! First try. Told you I’m a natural.”
“Alright, natural,” you said, handing him a Christmas tree cutter. “Let’s see how you do with the next one.”
The two of you fell into a steady rhythm, cutting out hearts, stars, and more gingerbread men and women. Ben found himself holding up each shape, constantly amazed and proud before gently setting the cookies down onto the parchment paper.
As he cut out another gingerbread man, he paused, holding up one of each. “Now, hold on. We gotta make sure there’s an equal number of these two.” He gestured between the gingerbread man and woman cutters. “Gotta keep things fair. Equality and all.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “How very noble of you.”
“I’m serious!” he insisted, though the twinkle in his eye betrayed him. “We’re not gonna have more dudes than ladies on the tray. That’d be unbalanced.”
“Okay, okay,” you relented, humouring him. “Equality it is.”
As the shapes piled up, flour seemed to cover everything and everyone. Ben had a streak of it across his cheek, and you could feel it dusting your own hands, arms, and even your clothes. At one point, he reached across to grab another cutter and left a powdery handprint on your sleeve.
“Ben!” you exclaimed, pointing to the mark.
He glanced down at his flour-covered hand, then back at you, his grin widening. “Oops. Too focused on the task at hand.”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. Despite the mess, you were both surprisingly focused, working in sync as you filled tray after tray with perfectly cut cookies. The shapes were neat and even, and the dough scraps were rolled back together with care to minimise waste.
“You know,” Ben said as he carefully placed a gingerbread woman onto a tray, “I’m impressed. I thought for sure I’d mess this up by now.”
“You’re doing great,” you said, genuinely impressed by his effort. “See? Patience pays off.”
“Don’t get used to it,” he teased, brushing a bit of flour off his hands. “I’m still not sold on this whole ‘waiting for the dough’ thing.”
“You’ll thank me when the cookies turn out perfect,” you shot back, sliding the trays into the preheated oven.
Ben stood back, surveying the trays of cookies with a satisfied look. “Alright,” he said, crossing his arms. “What’s next? More science lessons, or are we finally gonna taste-test these bad boys?”
“Not yet,” you said with a laugh. “We still have decorating to do. And no, you’re not eating them straight out of the oven.”
“Why not?” he drawled, feigning a pout.
“Because,” you said, placing a hand around his waist, “burnt tongues aren’t fun.”
“Patience isn’t my strong suit,” he admitted, as he put his head in his hands, groaning.
“Really? I would've never guessed,” you said dryly, earning a playful nudge from him.
“Alright, what can I do while we wait?” he asked, clearly trying to distract himself.
You handed him a dishcloth and pointed to the floor where flour had inevitably dusted its surface. “You can start by cleaning that up.”
Ben groaned but grabbed the cloth anyway, crouching down to wipe the floor. “Slave labour,” he muttered under his breath, though the smirk on his face gave him away.
“You’re the one who asked for something to do,” you pointed out, crossing your arms as you watched him.
He glanced up at you, his grin widening. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t forget this when I’m a pro-level cookie decorator later.”
“Oh, trust me,” you said with a laugh. “I won’t.”
"You’re on decorating prep duty, babe. No rest for two pros like us.”
“Deal,” you said, as you hauled over the bags of powdered sugar, food colouring, and piping bags from the counters. As Ben wiped down the counter, his movements methodical but still sprinkled with his usual flair, you busied yourself mixing the icing. The clinking of bowls and the soft sound of Ben scrubbing created a cozy rhythm. You glanced over occasionally, catching the sight of him brushing stray flour onto the floor with a sheepish grin.
“Hey,” you called out, pointing a spatula at him. “I saw that.”
He froze mid-swipe, his grin widening. “What? The counter’s clean, isn’t it?”
You shook your head, giggling, and returned to your icing. With a careful hand, you divided the thick, glossy mixture into separate bowls, adding drops of food colouring until you had a rainbow of festive hues: deep red, vibrant green, black, soft white, and even a cheerful yellow.
Ben, having finished the counter, moved onto the floor. “How does flour even get under the table?” he muttered, crouching down to clean up.
“Halo probably helped,” you teased, glancing at the dog, who was padding through the house innocently.
As the first batch of cookies began to brown in the oven, the warm scent of spices filled the air. You could feel your shoulders relax as you peeked through the oven door. The cookies were holding their shape perfectly, with no spreading, no cracking.
“Success,” you whispered to yourself, relieved.
Ben stood up, dusting his hands on his sweatpants. “Counter’s spotless. Floor’s… basically there too.” He leaned against the island, watching as you filled the piping bags with icing and lined up the bowls of candy, mini M&Ms, jelly tots, and even icing pearls.
“This is starting to look serious,” he commented.
Ben didn’t wait for an invitation. He reached out, snagging a still-steaming gingerbread man from the tray.
“Ben!” you exclaimed. “It’s hot!”
“Yeah, I noticed,” he said through a wince, pulling the cookie back quickly and blowing on it. He took a cautious bite, only to pause, his face twisting.
You couldn’t help but sigh at the way he pouted, holding the cookie gingerly in one hand.
“I warned you,” you said, stepping closer.
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, his pout deepening.
Still laughing, you leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, lingering just long enough to distract him from his discomfort. When you pulled back, his expression had shifted from a pout to a sheepish smile.
“Guess it was worth it,” he murmured, his voice warm.
You rolled your eyes playfully, taking the cookie from his hand and setting it back on the rack. “You’ll get your turn when they cool down. Patience, remember?”
“Patience is overrated, babe,” he said, but his grin told you he wasn’t serious.
As the cookies cooled, you finished preparing the decorating station, laying everything out neatly. Ben leaned against the counter, watching you with an easy smile. The kitchen felt brighter, and warmer, with the two of you moving around each other in sync. The air smelled of gingerbread, and the promise of creative chaos hung in the air.
Finally, it was time to start decorating. You handed Ben a piping bag filled with red icing and grabbed a green one for yourself. “Okay, let’s see those artistic skills,” you teased.
“Oh, prepare to be amazed,” he said, squeezing the bag experimentally.
The first few cookies were simple, a heart with white trim, and a star with bright yellow accents, but the moment Ben decided to create a gingerbread woman to resemble you, all bets were off.
“Hold still,” he said, squinting at you with a ridiculous level of concentration.
“Ben, it’s a cookie, not a portrait session.”
“Shh. Art takes focus,” he said, holding up a finger up dramatically.
You watched as he gave the gingerbread woman what was supposed to be your hair but looked more like lopsided spaghetti. The face was slightly off-centre, and the dress he attempted was smudged in one corner. When he finally set the piping bag down, he stepped back with a proud grin.
“Ta-da!” he announced, holding it up for you to see.
You stared at the cookie and burst out laughing. “Is that supposed to be me?”
“It’s abstract,” he defended. “You don’t get it ‘cause it’s, like, high-level creativity.”
“Uh-huh,” you said, wiping tears of laughter from your eyes. “I think I’ll stick to realism.”
You got to work on your gingerbread man, deciding to return the favour as you made a gingerbread version of Ben, giving him signature curly hair, his big grin, and, of course, his ON tennis kit, complete in black with a bright pink line in its detailing.
When you showed him the finished cookie, his eyes widened, clearly taking it sorely. “Okay, I see what you’re doin’. Showin’ me up.”
“It’s not a competition,” you teased.
“Everything’s a competition,” he said, but the small smile on his face told you he didn’t mind losing this one.
Next, you both decided to make cookies representing the rest of the family. Bryan’s gingerbread man got a blue sweater, Lisa’s had an apron and a pearl necklace, and Emma’s had her glasses and a small, closed-eye smile.
“Think they’ll recognise themselves?” you asked, tilting your head as you studied the lineup of gingerbread people.
“They’d better,” Ben said, carefully adding a final swirl of icing to Lisa’s apron. “I put effort into this.”
By the time you’d decorated the rest of the cookies, trees, stars, hearts, and more, the sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow through the kitchen windows. The oven was off, the counters were cleared, and the air was filled with the lingering smell of gingerbread and icing sugar. Just as you were cleaning up the last bits of mess, the front door opened, and the sound of laughter and familiar voices filled the house.
“Y’all home?” Lisa called out.
“In the kitchen!” Ben answered, rinsing the last mixing bowl in the sink.
Lisa and Bryan walked in first, carrying shopping and takeout bags, with Emma trailing behind. The three of them paused when they saw the island covered with cookies, their eyes immediately landing on the five gingerbread figures standing together at the front of the spread.
“What …on earth...?” Bryan said, leaning in to examine the cookies more closely. His eyes darted from the gingerbread man with a blue sweater to the one wearing an apron, and his face broke into a grin. “Are these supposed to be us?”
Lisa gasped, clapping a hand over her mouth. “Oh my gosh, look at this!” She reached out delicately, picking up the cookie version of herself. “This is adorable, what a sweet surprise! Is that… an apron? You even added pearls!”
“That one’s me!” Emma crowed, pointing to the gingerbread woman with glasses and a massive smile. “I look so happy. Accurate.”
“Yeah, that was intentional,” you said with a smirk, glancing at Ben, who gave you a sly grin in return.
Bryan carefully picked up his cookie, inspecting the details. “Meanwhile all I got was a bald cookie and a sweater. Real funny.”
“You love sweaters, Dad,” Ben teased, drying his hands with a kitchen towel. “Don’t act like it’s not spot-on.”
Lisa placed her cookie back on the tray and turned to you, beaming. “This is so precious. Did you two make all of these today?”
“All day,” you confirmed, leaning against the counter. “We went all out, cutting, baking, decorating. Ben even rolled out the dough.”
“Don’t let her fool ya,” Ben drawled, nudging your shoulder with his. “She was the boss in this operation. I was just the muscle.”
“And the comic relief,” you added.
Emma leaned over the tray, picking up one of the star-shaped cookies. “These look amazing. Did y’all seriously make all these by hand? No, like, premade stuff?”
“Handmade, start to finish,” Ben said, puffing out his chest. “We’re pros now.”
Lisa laughed, shaking her head. “Well, I’d say it was worth it. They’re beautiful. I almost don’t want to eat them.”
“Almost,” Bryan echoed, already reaching for one of the undecorated trees.
Ben darted forward, intercepting him. “Hold up! Food first. Cookies are dessert.”
“Who made you the dessert police?” Bryan asked, but he let the cookie go, chuckling as he set it back down.
Lisa set the takeout bags on the counter, and the family gathered around, plates and utensils being passed out as everyone helped themselves to the food. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and teasing, and the cookies remained at the centre of attention, a charming reminder of the day you and Ben had spent together.
Later, Ben stood with his arms crossed, watching his family laugh and talk as they picked out cookies to eat. When he noticed you looking, he gave you a soft, warm smile, the kind that made your chest feel full as he opened his arm to invite you in for a hug.
You walked over to him, settling into his side. “This turned out pretty great, huh?”
“Yeah,” he said, his voice low. He glanced at the tray of cookies again, then back to you. “Today was fun.”
You let your head rest on his shoulder. His arm slipped around your waist, holding you close as the room buzzed with warmth and love.
“Next time,” he murmured, his lips brushing your temple, “we’re makin’ gingerbread tennis rackets. I’ve got ideas to workshop.”
You sighed, feigning exasperation before laughing softly, tilting your head up to look at him. “I can’t wait to see how that turns out.”
“Better start stretchin’ my art portfolio now,” he teased, but the look in his eyes was anything but playful, soft, steady, and full of affection.
And just like that, in the middle of his childhood kitchen, surrounded by his family and the lingering scent of gingerbread, you realised this moment was one you’d hold onto for a long, long time.
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lipglossanon · 1 year ago
Pumpkin Patch
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stepbro!Leon S. Kennedy fem!reader - SFW
Warnings: stepcest, cute and fluffy moment with Leon 🤭
not proofread ✌️
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"If I hear pumpkin spice one more time, l'm going to scream."
You fight down the smile on your face but Leon still notices and squints at you. 
He claps his hand over your mouth muffling the rest and making you giggle against his palm. 
“Now now you two, no horseplay,” your mom chides as she shades her eyes to look around for your stepdad. 
“You know where to find us?” she asks turning in time to catch Leon yanking his hand back with a disgusted face as he wipes his palm on his jeans. 
“Real mature,” he rolls his eyes as you shrug. 
“You put it there.”
“Kids,” your mom clears her throat with a huff, “I asked you—“
“Yep,” you smile brightly at her, adjusting your coat, “we’ll find you guys once we’ve picked out our pumpkin.”
She sighs but smiles back, “Yes, well you have fun and remember—“
“No horseplay,” you all three say at the same time. 
You and Leon share a grin as she turns her back to you both, muttering under her breath as she walks over to your stepdad near the vegetable stand. 
“So princess, what’s the goal?” Leon smirks at you as he throws his arm over your shoulders. 
Instead of annoying you like it usually does, you relax into his side, soaking up his body heat to combat the chilled afternoon air. 
“We’re off to find the best pumpkin, duh,” you pat his chest, “you’re talking to an expert.”
“Oh am I?”
You roll your eyes at his snarky tone but preen to yourself when he keeps his arm wrapped around you as you both walk further into the farmstead, making your way over to the rather large pumpkin patch. 
The place is pretty busy, families and couples mingling and calling out to each other, pushing wheelbarrows laden down with pumpkins past you and Leon as you make your way down the rows. It smells like fresh dirt and growing things, making you breathe deep even though the cold air stings your lungs. 
You both walk in comforting silence as you take in everything. Even though there’s a ton of people there’s also twice as many pumpkins, so you don’t feel rushed in finding one. The people running the place have dotted corn stalks and scarecrows all along the patch and strung up cute pumpkin shaped lights to add to the festive look. 
“How about this one?” Leon pauses and pulls away from you to bend down and roll a warty looking pumpkin right side up. 
“What? No!” you shake your head, “that one’s terrible for carving.”
Leon tosses the fringe from his eyes as he stands up, “And why is that? Doesn’t this one look Halloweenie?”
“Nope,” you pop the p extra loud, “we need one that’s smooth on one side but sturdy on bottom. Oh! And with a good stem.”
Nodding to yourself as he rolls his eyes at you, you scout the area before grabbing Leon’s hand and pulling him along. 
“This one!”
You let go of his hand and kneel next to the bright orange gourd, “It’s perfect.”
You look back up at Leon with pouty lips, “Will you carry it for me?”
“That?” he scoffs rolling his eyes, but you don’t miss the way a blush dusts the bridge of his nose, “why should I?”
“Because you’re nice like that?”
He shakes his head, “Just get a wheelbarrow.”
“But I don’t wanna,” you whine, standing up.
You step in front of him, clasped hands resting on his chest as you make the saddest face possible, “Pretty, pretty please with sugar on top.”
He glares down at you but you don’t move. 
Finally with a put upon sigh, he pushes you back, “Fine, but you owe me.”
You laugh and wave him off, “Okay, okay.”
He crouches down and lifts up the pumpkin with a huff, “Please tell me I don’t have to lug this around the rest of the afternoon.”
“Of course not,” you roll your eyes as you  wrap your hand around his bicep to help guide him, “just until after we get some hot cider.”
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divider: @firefly-graphics
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weird-bookworm · 11 months ago
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
oh god this is gonna be one hell of an answer
@fairyhaos because shes the sweetest comfiest most adorably chaotic lil ball of energy + she gives the best advice like hello??? what are you??? oh god my heart goes a little off track everytime we talk i just love you so much
@wheeboo okay shes part 2 of the they-make-me-feel-the-safest trio along w yena and axe like please i stumbled across the sweetest sassiest boo stan ever ALSO UR GORGEOUS???
@blue-jisungs axeaxeaxeaxeaxe so chaotically lovely and so boomer and so fun and yoid think shes savage but no shes just soft and as harmful as a pinecone (why do u remind me of tht one joon meme of him just. sitting there. peeling potatoes. in tiny.)
@slytherinshua we kinda talked less for a while bc life happened and then caught up (kinda lol) and im so glad to see shes still as crazy and lovable as ever (im waiting for tht ppt) like talk abt impressive. impressive is her whole personality. sometimes in, uh, less than conventional ways...hehe
@eternalgyu HANNIE WHERE TF R U I MISS UUUUUUUU 😭😭😭😭🫶🏻 like yk what i imagine when i think of hannie? causing mischief. LIKE IDEK WHY OKAY i just feel like we'd be running around giggling like idiots js pulling random pranks on people and js the thought makes me smile
@yllouhannie ylli is like love. ylli is gentle and kind and sweet. shes understanding and passionate and really quite cute. oh my love you make me wanna jump off a cliff because how can someone like you exist 😭 (no srsly what is this witchcraft ilysm mwah)
@woozvc nora is like home. which is saying a lot lmao i sound dramatic but like yk when u just talk to someone and it feels just right even tho ur not rly doing much? shes older but she lets go and i can just feel how absolutely beautiful this person is *melts off a cliff*
@welcometomyoasis shu oh shu i have no words so pardon if this is a little small but. ik i say this a lot but i rly do mean it. i love you. so much. yr msgs and reblogs and asks always make a smile and they make me giddy and suddenly nothing is wrong with the world 🥺
@haecien bro is my ultimate gay bestie like what else do you need in life other than cien. what. nothing is the answer. life is complete when u hv cien and his shenanigans lolol like i dare you try to Not like him. i m p o s s i b l e.
@glosskirt AYYYYY MY ARMY SOULMATE we connected over min yoongi. we still rant over min yoongi. we shall die talking about min yoongi. like there is nothing better than having someone to fangirl with over my favs gloss you filled a hole in my life <3
@mesanthropi weiwei!!!! my little bundle of sugar spice and everything nice!! (+ chaos and a passion about the randomest shit ever how do u live why am i not this exciting) how is it always fun to talk to you and why do ur msgs excite me so much
@aaniag chaos. thats it. chaos. this woman brought with her about half a dozen more desi moots for me like how do i hug you how do i appreciate you enough i ugghhhh 😩
@thepoopdokyeomtouched im still waiting for my flirting yk? lol on a serious note, u and ur crazy streak r probably the most entertaining thing on here, and i fucking love it. i love ur chaos and the fact tht u choose to share it w me, thank you 🫶🏻
@arafilez bro rly dropped outta thin air like a fucking ghost and made my life abt a 100x more exciting where were you my entire life ara. where. why didnt the atz rants and the writing and the random asks show up sooner. why.
@nonononranghaee HAFS MY LIL CUTIE PATOOTIE WHY DO I ALWAYS WANNA SQUISH U NOMNOM U CRUSH U KSKSJEHEH u give me so much cuteness aggression oh my god...
@kkooongie sarah sarah sarah sarah sarah i live for ur writing and im always looking forward to our little chats abt books and random stuff (...when r u updating btw 😅)
@maeleelee @mxnsxngie @imagine-a-life-like-this i don't tell you guys enough how much i love and appreciate each one of you. i dont tell u enough how grateful i am whenever i think abt u bc god ik how hard it is to take in a random person in ur circle, to adjust w a kid, to make said kid feel safe and included and loved. so thank you. for all that you do for me and for loving lil ol' me <3
@cadenonlinelive where u at damn i hvnt seen u in ages
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syd-djarin · 1 year ago
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Sugar, Spice & Please Fuck Me Nice (neighbor!joel AU)
chapter three: fair game - in collaboration with @katiexpunk
*18+ Minors DNI*
Word count: ~6.5k
a/n: katie and I wrote to our slutty hearts' desires. srsly she is a smut fairy & loving friend. plz follow her. @katiexpunk
warning(s): SMUUUUUT.
tags: f & m masturbation, 2000s style (needs a TW lol), joel is a little rough/bossy, unprotected p in v, creampie, blowjob, pet names, praise kink, spitting (1), fair date, eating, flirting
NOV 2005
You can’t stop thinking about that night at Joel’s a week ago. The way he touched you, pleasured you in a way that you've never experienced before. The way he kissed you, fervently yet soft. You could kiss him for hours and never tire. 
Not only are you craving his touch, but you also find yourself wanting to learn more about him. You want to know him. The things you’ve learned about him through Sarah and what you’ve picked up on are tiny crumbs, leaving you starving for more. 
You hope he feels the same. 
You haven’t had a chance to talk to Joel since that night, as you’ve been drowning at work. You started working for this publishing firm in college, first, as an intern, and now that you’ve finished school, you’re an editor. You agreed to take on extra responsibilities due to your coworker being out on maternity leave, which has exponentially increased your workload, on top of your boss being a micromanaging asshole.
Joel’s been burning the candle at both ends. He’s working against a tight deadline on a big project for a persnickety client and Sarah’s soccer team is in the playoffs for the district championship; he’s incredibly proud but attending her neverending roster of games has left him a bit preoccupied. He never thought he would end up being a soccer dad, but life has a funny way of keeping him on his toes. 
Much like you, he’s replayed you squirting on his leather couch in his mind over and over, a never-ending lascivious reel that plays in his head as he fucks his cock at night. Joel longs to hear those saccharine sounds you make while you ride his cock, your tits bouncing in tandem with your movements. He’s kicking himself for not getting his hands, or mouth, on your pillowy breasts. The cheekiness of forgoing a bra in your bunny costume revealed a side of you that he wants to unleash. 
He wants to know everything; what keeps you up at night, what makes you double over in laughter, your ticklish spots, which movies make you cry without fail, all of your little quirks. Hell, he even wants to know if you believe in aliens. 
You pull into your driveway after a long, grueling day at work. Your brain is so fried you didn’t even turn the music on for the drive home; a rarity for you since you always have music playing in your car, whether it be the FM radio or one of the various CDs you’ve collected over the years. A true indicator of your current state of being. You can’t wait to veg out on the couch, rid your mind of this shitty week, and huddle into an antisocial ball. 
After a few moments of idly sitting in your car, you peel yourself from the driver’s seat and go to retrieve your work tote from your trunk when you hear a deep voice calling out to you, one you’d recognize anywhere. You turn in the direction of the sound and find Joel. He’s clearly working on a renovation project; a miter saw, lumber and a plethora of other tools are set up in his front yard. There’s another man with him, bearing a slight resemblance to Joel. Brothers, maybe? 
“Hey, neighbor!” Joel immediately regrets his word choice, finding it oddly stiff — considering he’s had his face between your thighs. 
“Hey Joel!” You manage to shout back, despite your energy battery being crucially depleted. 
He waves for you to come over. Unfortunately, or fortunately, you’re unable to resist him. Not when he’s covered in a sheen of sweat, hair tousled, and coaxing you across the street. 
Though you feel drained, being in close proximity to Joel makes your body thrum in nerves. You’re being energized by anxious attraction. 
Joel and the mystery man greet you at the edge of the yard. 
“This is my brother Tommy. Tommy, this is my neighbor.” 
“So, this is the pretty neighbor you were tellin’ me about,” Tommy says, his southern drawl identical to Joel’s. 
Joel glares at Tommy. If looks could kill. 
Tommy holds out his hand, you tell him your name and give him your hand for a brief shake; much like Joel’s does, his palm size is large in comparison to yours and envelops your full hand. You survey the man in front of you; handsome, dark curly hair like Joel, slightly longer and free of the grays his brother sports, deep brown eyes, similar to Joel’s. The Miller genes are super fucking strong. 
“Nice to meet ya, sweetheart,” he says, nodding his head in acknowledgment, his eyes dragging over your figure just a second too long. 
“I’m gonna start packin’ these tools up,” Tommy announces to Joel and then shoots him a wink. It’s obvious he wasn’t aiming for subtlety, clearly wanting to give you and his brother a moment alone. 
Joel shifts his broad frame to face you directly. You wish you didn’t feel so bashful in his presence, but it’s hard to breathe evenly when he is standing so close you can smell him - earthy and a hint of his deodorant wearing off. It should be gross to you, but you want to put his scent in a candle. You’re fucking deranged. 
“Sorry, ‘m all sweaty…” Joel apologizes, looking down at himself, remembering that he probably reeks like a locker room. 
You wave off his apology, giggling at his self-awareness. 
“I wanted to ask you somethin’,'' Joel says, gently wrapping his hand around your arm right above your elbow. Goosebumps erupt on your skin at the touch of his calloused fingers. 
“I was wonderin’...” Joel pauses, his fingers now grazing over the soft skin of your arm. 
You gulp in anticipation. “Yes, Joel?” 
“I was wonderin’ if you’d like to go on a date with me,'' he asks, his eyes dropping to his boots for a second before coming back up to meet yours, “a proper one.” 
You’re so giddy at his proposition you think you might burst.
“Well, you know…I’ve gotta check my calendar,” you say, a big grin plastered on your face. You see his face drop, but before he can sulk too much you wink at him and say, “yeah, I’d love to,” you exhale and try to keep your voice level, not wanting to give away how excited you actually are. A date. With Joel Miller. 
“You free tomorrow?” he asks, beaming, revealing the dimpled smile you’re so fond of. 
“Lucky for you, I am,” you say, feeling your skin warm. 
“Pick you up at 7?” he asks, dipping his face closer to yours, his hand now on your waist pulling you into him. 
“Works for me,” you confirm while planting a chaste kiss on his cheek, “see you then, neighbor!” you conclude, being sure to emphasize the neighbor in your words, and before he can convince you to stay, you’re sauntering across the street back to your house.
It’s finally here. Your big date with Joel.
The day went by torturously slow, anticipation pulsing through your entire body.
You spent almost two hours getting ready, the majority of the time trying to pick an outfit. You probably changed 30 times, trying to find the outfit that conveyed the perfect balance of sexy, yet subdued. 
You decide on a pair of dark wash flares and a lacy top, both accentuating your figure heavenly. You spritz on a little perfume you save for special occasions. If this ain’t a hell of an occasion. 
Joel, with impeccable timing, rings the doorbell right as you tug your black cowboy boots on. It’s sill relatively warm in Austin, so you decide to forgo a jacket. 
Opening the door, you and Joel take a moment to check the other out, neither of you trying to hide it whatsoever. Joel’s wearing his signature jeans and a green flannel with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, exposing his veiny, strong forearms. You’d hump his arms given the opportunity. 
“Absolutely stunnin’, sweetheart,” he licks his bottom lip while his brown irises roam over your entire body, paying special attention to your waist and tits. You’re mentally patting yourself on the back for your outfit choice. 
“One could say the same for you, cowboy,” you quip back, a smug grin plastered across your face. 
Your smile shoots blood straight to Joel’s cock. 
He swallows as he realizes the night is just beginning. 
Joel takes you to a quaint diner for your date. From the outside, it’s unassuming; an older building in urgent need of a pressure wash, adjacent to a virtually empty shopping center. A true hole-in-the-wall in the middle of downtown Austin. 
“It doesn’t look like much on the outside, but I promise ya, they got the best damn burgers in town,” he assures, seeing the questioning look on your face when he pulls into the parking lot. 
You and Joel slide into a booth in the far corner, Joel insisting that booth seating is part of the experience. You both order burgers, per his recommendation and boy, it does not disappoint. 
Between bites of food, you and Joel learn more about each other. The conversation flows easily, both hanging onto each other’s every word; no awkwardness or feigning interest. You both share parts of your childhoods and you share stories from your college days. Joel recounts the mischief he and Tommy got into when they were younger, earning several belly laughs from you. 
Joel loves the way you laugh; candidly, throwing your head back, your shoulders jerking uncontrollably as you try to catch a breath. 
You’re pleased to learn that both you and Joel have a fondness for 80’s action movies, especially the over-the-top-borderline-cheesy ones, and 70’s artists like Fleetwood Mac and Electric Light Orchestra.
Joel asks about your job as an editor. You tell him the different types of manuscripts you have to read; some you drudge through, others you enjoy. “I love seeing how the story progresses from the first rough draft up until the final copy,” you tell him,” a lot of authors are really full of themselves, so you have to boil down a lot of the flowery language and hubris.” 
In return, he tells you about how he got started as a contractor, hard work rewarded him with promotions until he opened up his own contracting business six years ago. “It’s priceless gettin’ to be your own boss,” he says, “not havin’ to answer to anyone, can be more selective in projects you wanna take on,” he continues, and you swear you’re listening but you’re secretly caught up in the sound of his voice and the way his lips move when he’s talking; hypnotizing you with every word.
Joel opens up about when Sarah came into this world; the happiest day of his life while simultaneously being scared shitless — he was wild and ungovernable, definitely not ready for fatherhood.  
Through the years he’s found his rhythm. He doesn’t talk about her mother and you don’t ask; you’re not looking to dig into that lore on the first date. He tells you what Sarah was like as a baby and the subsequent years. Your heart melts at the adoration and pride that glow in his eyes when he talks about his daughter. 
You both sit in the overused booth, totally absentminded to the world around you. You’re both locked into one another, afraid of missing even the faintest shift in facial expressions. You might as well be the only two people here. 
Taking the final bite of your burger, you tell Joel that you’re inclined to agree that these are the best burgers in town. 
He mumbles something to the effect of “told ya,” before finishing his last bite. 
On the ride home from the diner, you spot an illuminated Ferris wheel, glowing in the distance of the Austin night. 
“Oh, I didn’t know the fair was still in town. I haven’t been in years!” exclaiming a little loudly for a woman your age, “can we…..?” 
Joel can’t say no to you, not when you’re giving him a pleading, pouty look. 
Once inside the fairgrounds, you both walk through the selection of vendors, and it doesn’t take long for the funnel cake sign to catch your eye; Joel purchases you one and you continue on your adventure together. 
“Here,” he says, offering you a paper napkin. 
You gently shake your head, shoving another bite of funnel cake into your mouth, “don’t need one.”
He laughs. You look like a stubborn child learning what sugar is for the first time, “you’re gonna get all sticky,” he says, a big grin enveloping his face, your eagerness for the sweetness of the battered dough reminds him of Sarah’s sweet tooth. God, you’re cute – it makes him wish she was with you both tonight. 
Well, that is until he notices it. It’s subtle, but it’s there – a sprinkling of powdered sugar on your cheek and exposed chest.
He knows this is a family event, but he wants to do anything but PG-rated things with you right now.  
He stares at the white dust on your skin until your voice catches his attention again. 
“Maybe I want to be sticky,” you reply, “gives you more to lick off of me later.” 
And fuck, if that doesn’t turn him on. 
The thought of his tongue on you sends a flood of impure thoughts to his brain; much like the ones he had when you first showed up at his door, covered in remnants of flour, all sugar and sweetness. 
He knows now.
You may be sugar, but fuck, if you haven’t got some spice in you, too. 
As you stroll, your eyes grow wide when you see it; a yellow wooden sign with the words “bobbing for apples” in Comic Sans engraved into it. 
“Ah! Joel! Bobbing for apples! I haven’t done that since I was a kid – we have to do it!” you say, your voice is a little too eager and a little too high-pitched, but the childlike wonder on your face is all the convincing that Joel needs. He might not admit it, but he’d give you anything you want. You reach out for his hand, and he takes it, letting you lead the way. 
You and Joel make your way up to the station, and a fair worker in an apron and a straw hat shouts to the crowd, “Come one, come all! Test your skills at an apple grab; the winner gets a prize,” his voice is low in octave but loud enough like he’s speaking through a megaphone. 
A line of fair-goers of all ages quickly forms around the barrels filled with water and apples, and you look at Joel with eager eyes as you step up to yours.
The rules of the game were explained by the worker with a chuckle, “Alright, folks, no hands, just your teeth. Lean in, and bob for an apple, and what you catch is yours to keep plus a prize from the booth to the right.” 
“You sure about this, sweetheart? You’re gonna get all wet,” Joel asks, probably just a smidge too concerned about your well-being considering it’s just bobbing for apples. 
“You gonna act like you don’t know that I’ve been wet this entire night?” you say, not waiting  to hear his response as the worker calls out a loud “GO!” 
Giggles and cheers fill the air as you and your fellow participants lean over the barrel. Your face disappears into the water; your competitiveness in overdrive  – edging yourself deeper and deeper into the water; so far that your shirt gets soaked. You don’t care, though, and you gleam from satisfaction as you resurface with a gleaming red apple held triumphantly between your teeth. 
The crowd erupts in applause at your efforts, and Joel stands watching you with his hands on his hips, a smile plastered on his face. As his gaze drops from the apple in your mouth, he notices the wetness of your shirt and shit, you’re positively drenched. 
It takes Joel all of .0002 seconds to notice the silhouette of your nipples peeking out from your shirt, the goosebumps littering your skin, and the tail ends of your hair wet and starting to curl under the weight of the water. 
You drop the apple from your teeth and catch it in your palm.
“Well, well…looks like you’re on a date with a prize-winnin’ apple picker. Feeling lucky yet?” you tort, attempting to flirt through the uncomfortable press of the damp fabric on your skin. 
“Sweetheart, I’ve seen that mouth in action, I already knew you were going to win,” he says, “but you know I’d never thought I’d see the day…” he trails off. 
“What do you mean?” you ask, slightly confused. 
“Never thought I’d see the day that I was jealous of a fuckin’ Red Delicious apple,” he says, humor behind his voice, “s’ashame I wasn’t the one you were bobbin’ for in that barrel.” 
“Listen, if you want to get wet and let me put you in my mouth, I am more than happy to accommodate,” you reply back, your voice flirty and suggestive. 
Joel doesn’t respond, but you see him palm himself through the denim of his jeans at your suggestion, interjecting his thoughts. 
You can’t hide the shivers that take over your body from the chill of the night air and the wetness of your clothing. 
“C’mere, baby, you’re freezin’,” he says, brow furrowed, and arms wide open stretched out to you, beckoning you into his large arms. You take a step forward and step into his brace, letting yourself melt into the warmth of his arms and the aroma of his natural scent. 
You stand there, wet in more ways than one, and let him hold you. Your arms wrap around his thick middle, and he rubs up and down your back with both palms in an attempt to warm you up. He releases you momentarily before saying, “Here, take this.”
You step away from him for a second, giving him space to slip off the flannel he’s wearing, revealing nothing but a white t-shirt underneath; the little tufts of hair peeking out through the collar of his shirt almost send you into a tailspin. 
He holds the flannel open by the collar to face you, encouraging you to put it on. You turn your back to him, allowing him the privilege of holding  it as you slip your arms into the sleeves. The fabric of the shirt is warm from his skin, and the moment you put it on you’re flooded with the smell embedded deep within the fibers; all musk, whiskey, cinnamon, wood, and Joel. 
“Come on, now, you little bobbin’ minx,  let’s go get you your prize,” he says, tilting his head to the prize booth. You grab his hand and let him lead the way this time. 
You and Joel make your way to the prize booth, the smell of kettle corn invades your senses; sure, you were already stuffed with funnel cake and your dinner, but the sweet aroma makes your mouth water. Or maybe it’s just Joel, you’re not quite sure, but you don’t really care. 
In the small structure of the prize booth, the shelves were adorned with a colorful array of stuffed animals of all sizes, trinkets, and games. You carefully assess your prize options while the attendant tries to convince you that of all of the random assortment of prizes, you absolutely need the goldfish. Right. 
You look over the options in front of you for what feels like a good ten minutes before the attendant not so subtly grows tired of your indecision. You sigh. You decide on a small puppy dog with beady plastic brown eyes, and you nod in thanks as he hands it to you, and you and Joel walk away from the booth. 
“Had a tough time decidin’ there, didn’t ya, sweetheart?” Joel asks, not really questioning. 
“Well, to be honest, none of the prizes were really appealing to me,” you respond, playing with the fluffy ears of the stuffed plush in your hands. “I only picked this one because I thought Sarah might like it,” you say. Your consideration for Sarah, and your accepting demeanor to her, warms Joel’s heart. 
“But I can think of one I’d really like to claim,” you say, catching his gaze. You see his jaw clench at your words. 
“Oh yeah? And that would be..?” 
“You,” the word comes out breathy. 
You both stop walking and the crunch of the dirt under his boots and the distant sounds of the fair in the background all but freeze as you stand there, seemingly paused in your own little private moment. 
“Take me home, Joel,” you say, planting your palm on his broad chest and stepping closer to him, your chest nearly flush against his. His hands skate down to your waist, and he closes the gap between your bodies, holding you close enough that you feel the growing bulge between his thighs. 
“Yes, ma’am,” he says, leaning down, planting a kiss on the top of your head. 
And it’s sweet. 
Just like the funnel cake. 
And just like he thinks you are. 
But you have other plans for him tonight. 
And he has the same for you. 
You and Joel make your way out of the fairgrounds and to the lot where Joel parked his truck. 
Still wearing his flannel, the stuffed puppy dog intertwined between your crossed arms, you wait for him to open the passenger side door. You all but eye fuck him as he reaches into the depth of the  front pocket of his jeans and grabs his keys. He unlocks the door, and opens it for you; offering you a hand to help guide you in. 
“Always such a gentleman,” you say, placing your hand in his, accepting his offer, using the strength of his arm to help lift yourself into the bed of the truck. 
Joel rounds around the front of the vehicle, unlocks the driver’s side door, and slides in. He turns the key in the ignition and the engine rumbles to life and the radio turns on, “Come a Little Closer” by Dierks Bentley plays over the speakers. 
Deciding to take a note from the lyrics, you don’t bother to buckle yourself into the passenger seat, and instead slide over into the middle seat of the truck, positioning yourself tightly against Joel’s side. You lace your arm through the underside of his and interlock them, your hand curls around his firm bicep. You lean your head into his shoulder, and close your eyes, taking a moment to bask in the solitude of the strong man beneath you. 
He looks down at you for a moment – god, he could get used to this. He dwells on the thought for a moment longer and then begins to drive away. 
You’re clinging to him and you both ride like that in an easy silence, apart from the faint music and the hum of his truck. It has been so long since you felt so content, so at peace with the moment and yourself; not worried about work or life, or anything. It was just you and Joel, and you like it that way. 
Nearly back to your house, and your shared neighborhood, you let your left hand wander on the expanse of his thigh. The time for sweetness is over. The events of the night, your combined obvious want, and the flirtatious taunts catch up with you. 
Joel keeps his eyes on the road, but you don’t miss the way his grip on the steering wheel tightens as your hand makes its way closer to his belt buckle. You begin to toy with the cool metal there, and his large palm comes down to cup yours. 
“We’re almost home,” he says, holding your hand tight against his stiffening cock, not letting you move. “But I want to feel you now,” you whine. 
“I know, baby, I know you wanna get your hands on this cock, and I would like nothing more,” he says, “but you’re gonna have to be patient, we only have a few more minutes until we’re there.” 
“And why do I have to be patient, neighbor?” you ask, pulling your hand away, slightly keyed up. Greedy. Horny. 
“Because I wanna give that needy little pussy the attention she deserves,” he says, “and because once I get started, I know ‘m not gonna be able to stop.”
“And neighbor ain’t gonna be what you’ll be calling me,” he says roughly, “I’ll fuckin’ make sure of that, sweetheart.”
He takes a turn and pulls into your neighborhood. You catch a glimpse of Mrs. Morrison taking out her trash. She glares at you in disapproval as you drive past in Joel’s truck. 
You sometimes wonder what your neighbors might think; a pretty little young thing like you, the youngest daughter, hanging out with the older, single-father neighbor across the way. 
But truthfully, you don’t really give a fuck. 
Joel pulls up into your driveway, the engine purrs softly before falling silent.  You both pause in silence. 
Joel turns to you, a smirk on his lips “We’re here,” he says, his voice carrying a hint of invite me in behind his voice. 
You glance out the window, your house bathed in the soft glow of your porch light. You turn back to Joel and say “Thank you for tonight, I really had a fun time. But to be honest, I just realized I never got to thank you properly…” 
Joel looks at you and something dark flickers in his gaze. “And what would you need to be thankin’ me for, sweetheart?”  As if he didn’t know. 
“For the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Come in and I’ll return the favor” conjuring your sultriest voice, knowing he doesn’t need an invitation.  
You step out of the truck, and the night air is cool, a  gentle breeze whispers through your hair;  your features are illuminated by the street lights in your neighborhood, and the warm glow casts an inviting aura around you. Joel appears at your side of the truck and helps you exit. 
The gravel under your feet crunches as you walk toward the front porch; the air is charged with electricity, a livewire, a magnetic pull drawing your bodies together. 
The porch light by your door casts a warm yellow glow on your faces. You pause at the front of the step and reach for your house keys in your purse. Your porch swing sways gently in the breeze, its rhythmic creaking adding to the undertone of the moment. 
You insert the key into the lock, but before you can fully turn the doorknob to open the door, Joel already has his large palm on yours, opening the door,  pushing you through the door frame and into your house, his hands cradling your face before he crashes his plush lips into yours. 
The second you’re both fully in your house, Joel's hands are on the hem of your shirt,  silently begging for you to take it off. You let him work on getting you topless, meanwhile, your hands are hastily working to undo his belt buckle, the excitement of finally being able to touch him and him not being able to stop touching you has you worked up.  Joel presses his thighs together against yours, drawing little moans from you while he nips at your neck. 
As much as he is trying to distract you, he’s no match for your determination. In record-breaking time you have his buckle undone and the zipper of his jeans is down; you gracefully fall to your knees before him, tugging his pants and his boxers down with you to the floor. Joel’s cock releases from the confines of his clothing and slaps against his tummy, leaving a little trail of pre-cum in its wake. You already knew he was big, but having him in full view makes you realize just how big he really is. 
You lick your lips and reach out to grab his thick cock, affectionately kissing the tip of his cock; you run your tongue through the slit, lapping up the salty pre-cum that drops out before you circle your tongue along the underside of his head. You let your jaw go slack, and you begin to dip down on his length; a gurgling sound escapes your lips as you pull back up again. You do this a few times before letting his hard cock fall from your lips, your lips puffy and coated in saliva, some of it dribbling past your chin. 
You pull off momentarily and smile up at Joel. He thinks you look far too sweet and innocent for someone who is absolutely taking his cock deep in your throat like a champ. He intertwines his fingers through your hair and groans, before gently urging you back down onto his cock. 
“Fuck, sweetheart – can’t tell you how long I’ve been thinking about having that pretty little mouth of yours on my cock,” he says slightly breathless. 
The thought of him thinking about you goes straight to your core and makes you want to mouth fuck him harder. 
You wrap your lips around him again, and he thrusts his hips to glide his cock inside of your mouth to the back of your throat. 
He begins to pick up his pace, holding your head steady by your hair as he fucks into your throat, pressing deeper and deeper until spit pools at the corners of your mouth and slight tears form in the corners of your eyes. He presses you down onto him until your lips are wrapped around the base of him and the coarse hairs that reside there. You’re drowning in the taste of him, hardly able to breathe, but you don’t care; you want him to chase his high, to use your mouth for his own pleasure. He made you come harder than anyone ever has before; this was the least you could do for him. 
“Jesus – look at you, pretty girl, fuck you feel so good wrapped around me,” he grits out, “takin’ it so well, baby.”
His words go straight to your cunt, the ache now insufferable. 
You begin to work him harder with your tongue, struggling for air, and he inches closer to the back of your throat and you begin to gag. Joel pulls out, not wanting to hurt you, and a strand of saliva trails between your lips and his cock. You blink back tears and look up at him, your mascara now a mess on your face, and your eyes glossy. 
“You okay, sweetheart?” he asks, his brow furrowed in concern. 
You swallow, and reach up to wipe a tear from your cheek. You are okay. More than okay. 
“Peachy. I'm relieved I finally got to return the favor,” you hum, standing to rise to meet his face. 
He wraps his hands around your waist, and pulls you tight against the front of his body; you feel the warmth of his tummy, the hardness of his cock, and the strength of his back behind your grip and it makes your legs turn to Jell-O. Fuck, you need him. 
Joel kisses you for a moment, before pulling away and bringing his lips to your ear “Gonna fuck you now, sweet girl.” 
You feel your stomach swoop and your folds tingle; you have thought about this moment for so long and you yearn for the stretch of him; to know what it’s like to be filled to the brim with Joel fucking Miller. 
He kicks off his boots, steps out of the clothing bunched around his ankles, and takes your hand to follow you down the hallway into your bedroom. 
Part of him wants to take his time; to make you feel good, to taste you again, and feel you come and come on his fingers. Part of him wants to shuck down your jeans and put your pretty pussy in his face. 
Joel doesn’t particularly think of himself as a selfish man, but he has waited patiently, and he needs you. Now. 
As much as he wants the taste of you on his lips, the part of him that wants to shove himself into your addictive cunt until you forget your name until you forget every other name except for his, is the dominant one right now. 
Once in the bedroom, he crowds you back until the back of your calves meet the edge of your mattress. He grabs both of your hips in a bruising grip and pulls you tight against his chest, his hips grinding into yours, and you lean your face up to kiss him. You think he might kiss you, but instead, he ghosts your lips and leans forward until your back meets the soft fabric of the mattress with an oof, and he’s on top of you. 
He grabs both of your wrists, pinning them above your head. His grip on you is firm, yet gentle. You’ve seen his brute strength in action and the fact that he could overpower you sends a shiver to your clit. 
“So beautiful, darlin’ – you know that?” he kisses your nose and trails a slew of them down your cheek, your jaw, your chin, and neck. Once at the nape of your neck, he nibbles on your earlobe and whispers “You ready for me, sweetheart?” his breath is heavy in your ear. 
You can’t nod fast enough in agreement. 
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” he practically purrs the question. 
You want nothing more than to be a good girl for Joel. You nod almost aggressively to make up for the fact that you’re unable to construct a single sentence right now. 
He lets out a satisfied moan and drops his grip on your wrists, and drags his heavy hands down your body to the center of your jeans and undoes the button of your pants, and hooks his thumbs in the waistband of both your jeans and your panties and pulls them down in one fell swoop. 
He dips down to place a delicate kiss to your tummy and lets the weight of his head rest on the softness of you. He inhales deeply, the aroma of your perfume comforts him, and he fights the urge to dip his face lower and bury himself in your pussy. 
You drop both of your hands and grab his head, your fingers carding through his hair, and he groans. 
“Thought you were gonna be a good girl for me,” he says, not really questioning. 
“I am being a good girl,” you respond back, not really sure what prompted his statement. 
“Maybe I wasn’t clear enough the first time. When I put you in a position, I want you to stay there, until I say you can move. Got it?” 
And holy fuck, bossy Joel turns you on. 
You only hum in response. 
“Need you to use your words, sweet girl. Answer me, or I’ll make you,” he says, voice low, his head closer to your center now, almost to exactly where you need him but not quite. 
“Ye - ah, yes, fuck I understand,” sending all of your energy to string the words together. 
He hums in acknowledgment and pushes your hands back up overhead, telling you to keep them there, and only to touch him when he says you can. When he releases your hands and sees that your arms stay put, he rasps out a “good girl”. 
He then reaches down and notches his tip at your entrance, and drags the weight of his thick cock through your glistening folds.
“Mmmm so fuckin’ wet, this all for me?” 
“All for you, J-oel,” you’re trembling, desperate to feel him deep inside you. 
He pauses momentarily, only the tip of him inside you, and god, it’s such a tease. 
You know it’ll sting, but you want him to just fucking bury every inch of himself inside of you. You don’t care about the pain; you crave the stretch of him. 
“Joel – ah, need more,” you moan, “need all of you.” 
“You sure, sweetheart? I ‘don wanna hurt you,” he says, once again concerned about you. 
“Joel, I want you to fucking wreck me. Need you to move, please.” 
After your plea, he obliges. You feel every inch of him, the way he throbs inside of you, and the tip of his head drags against the spongey spot inside of you. 
Your eyes flutter shut as he begins to move in and out of you, he feels so fucking good, and you’re so perfectly full. 
“Open your eyes, sweetheart,” he says, voice low and gruff, still continuing to saw in and out of you. ‘’Want you to look at me while I fuck you.” 
And his words are like music to your fucking ears. He’s the perfect balance of gentleman and fucking filth. 
He brings a hand down to circle your clit, and with the added sensation you’re not far off from your orgasm. You can feel it growing in your stomach with every circle of his thumb and every thrust of his cock. You open your mouth, your jaw slack, and you begin to moan. 
“Fuck, baby – you shouldn’t open your mouth like that,” he moans. 
“And – fuckkkk, why not?” You respond back, breathless from each of his thrusts. 
“Just a reminder of another hole I need to use,” he responds, and then gruffly says “Open,” while pressing his thumb and index finger into your jaw, holding you in place. 
You do as he says, and he spits into your mouth. Your eyes wide as saucers. It was hot, dirty, filthy. 
“Taste how perfect we are together, baby” he says, still pounding into you and circling your clit. 
His words send you into fucking oblivion, and you’re gone. Your vision goes white, and despite his order to keep your eyes open, your eyes fall closed and he fucks you through your orgasm. 
Your tight, slick walls pulse and squeeze around him. His hands squeeze your hips, his fingertips bruising your skin as he rocks your limp and shaky body against his cock, chasing his own orgasm. 
Not long after you’ve come, he’s finishing too. He fucks into you at an erratic pace and then shoots his seed deep into your cunt. 
“Fuckkk, baby” – he trails off, letting the final spurts of his cum paint your walls. 
You let out a sigh, and once again drop your hands to his head, intertwining your hands with the hair behind his head. 
You both lay there in your fucked out bliss and then he pulls out of you, taking a dribble of his cum with him, a glob of it landing on your thigh. 
You’ve never felt so satisfied, to be laying there, content and full of Joel Miller. 
He rolls over onto his side and puts his hand on his chest. 
“Fuck, baby. You’re perfect,” he says. “I don’t think I’m ever gonna get enough of you.” 
You hum in delight and roll over onto his chest, melting into him. 
“You in the mood for some cookies?” you ask, and he beams in delight. 
He hit the fucking lottery with you. 
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fatalitysficbakery · 1 year ago
𓆰♥︎𓆪 Confessions Of Sin. —
Selina Kyle x Black Fem!Y/n
genre: (sprinkle of) angst/fluff/SMUT.
warnings: vampire!selina, hybrid!y/n (wolf/witch), g!p (selina), degradation, stalking, slight dub-con, mating, sadism, masochism, mommy kink, slight!puppy play, intercourse, slight fingering.
synopsis: she’s been watching you.
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I'd been running from fate my entire life, I didn't believe in it, thought I was destined to trek through life alone, I thrived better in the solitude, that is, until I saw her face.
Been here over a thousand years and nothing quite captivated me like she did, she was the embodiment of everything I was opposite to, she was sweeter than the sour I was accustomed to, that I so admired because within my life, I could never be described as...sweet.
But her? She gave me a damn toothache, and it was worth the cavities. I admit, it turned into a bit of an obsession, an understatement I'm sure the readers will realize soon enough.
I liked crimson. Red. Blood. I've never been one for sweets, I enjoyed the finer delicacies the humans found disgust in as they continued eating their rare bloody raw steaks without thinking twice, a nice glass of blood could do a body good, but I get it, I do.
I liked my blood like I liked my wine, dry, bitter, it was true but again, you'll find that I changed my tune.
Y/n Y/ln is sweet, made of sugar, spice, and all things nice so to say, with her body wrapped in visions of pink and hues of deep purple, jet black curls framing a deep brown complexion. When she spoke, I swore I could hear birds singing to her pretty little tune, but love is blind, and I was too.
I saw innocence in her eyes, she couldn't have been more out of place in a city like Gotham, with evil lurking throughout every corner, maybe I felt it my responsibility to protect her. That's a nice excuse, right?
The truth was far more sinister, though I guess it's somewhat true, her blood while enticing belongs solely to me and I needed the filth in this dreaded town to know it, so maybe I told a few more lies but you would too to protect what's yours.
And she...was mine.
She worked in downtown Gotham in this slumlord-owned bar, as a barista and despite her sweet exterior I could tell she held her own rather well in a place with gross older gentlemen going from wall to wall, their younger dates passing disgusted glances hoping those pockets went deep and that the discomfort proved worth it.
It was only right that I keep a close eye on her, no? Besides, I needed a job, and Blue Silk had a spot open for a new dancer, it wasn't like I had no experience on the stage; It wasn't all about the pretty-eyed soft-spoken bartender, was it?
Selina had just gotten off the stage, she was Catwoman to the crowd and Sel to her colleagues, slipping some shorts over her lingerie, she made her way to the floor, eyes searching until she found Y/n standing behind the bar, a smile spread across her face, her lively kind demeanor inviting to the locals that came in regularly as if their lives depended on it. She could see instantly why Y/n was a good fit for the nightclub, that smile could charm a polar bear.
It wasn't until that smile fell that Selina became worried, she sees the woman stiffen when a regular named Lenny walks in, she cocks her head, zoning in on the scene before moving in.
"Hey, Barbara's looking for ya. Said she needs your help".
Selina steps behind the bar, her eyes on the man hard in contrast to the gentleness she displayed when wrapping her arm around her shoulder and pulling her in a little closer, Y/n is more than thankful for the interruption, her smile when she sees Selina is one of utter relief.
"Bet". Is all she says, putting her dish towel down, her gaze never breaking the man's until they leave him and head into the back, her heart thunders through her chest, adrenaline on a 10, Selina hadn't heard everything that was said but she could see the anger and anxiety on her face.
"You okay"? She asked when out of earshot of the floor, letting the other barista know you were taking a moment.
"I'm good, Sel. Got a light"?
The air was cold against your skin, light snow was falling over Gotham and neither you nor Selina, in your haste to escape the scene had remembered a coat, grabbing nothing more than a pack of cigarettes.
Y/n was still rattled, but Selina, Selina was thinking about their proximity, watching her blow her smoke out into the air, her eyes remained fixed on the woman's every move, she'd been doing it for so long now it was like muscle memory observing her from head to toe.
"Yeah, Hun"?
Passing her the cigarette, she lets out a sigh the chill from the air turns her breath into its own cloud of smoke as she turns to face her friend, leaning against the pillars that were just outside the double doors of Blue Silk, "We need to look out for each other. Okay"?
"We will, Honeybun".
And just like that, Selina was walking her out nightly, sometimes walking her home when she needed to, and within that time she decided, she wanted more than her blood, she'd started this after a whiff of something so tantalizingly sweet, so delectable smelling that it invaded her mind for days on end. God, she needed the poor doe more than anything, and now...She was seeking all of her.
She'd learned so much about the woman she felt she'd known her for years, from something as surface level as her favorite color to the more personal like how she'd ended up in Gotham in the first place — Through an orphanage.
There was more than met the eye to Y/n Y/ln but Selina hadn't found out just how deep the mystery went until the night it all came out in throes.
Y/n hadn't asked Selina to follow her out in a week due to being out sick, the night she came back the world had become a vibrant place for the vampire again and she wasn't going to waste it, not when she was so close to her end goal, so close she could practically feel the pulse of the woman's veins against her tongue.
She was absolutely drooling for it, as desperate as it sounded to admit it. She was hungry, and the only craving to satiate her appetite rested in the manicured hands of a 5'3 bartender with bright shining e/c eyes that lit up any room she damn walked into.
Selina was at the mercy of Y/n, but in due time she hoped to welcome the opposite.
"Missed ya, Kitty cat".
She was quick to wrap Sel up in her arms, that smile shone brightly up at the Cat, so sickly sweet it made her weak in the knees, why wouldn't she hug her back? Her arms wrapped tightly around her in return and she wasn't shy about nuzzling her cheek up against hers.
"Missed you too, honeybun. Walking homes been so lonely without you, sweetheart".
"We'll fix that. You're gonna kick ass out there, Kit. I missed seeing you in your element".
A smirk threatened to tug at Sel's lips thinking about the younger woman watching her on stage and possibly enjoying it, if that in any way hinted at reciprocation, she'd hold onto hope.
"You're gonna watch me? Be my good luck charm"?
"I don't know what luck I'd bring but I'm for sure gonna watch you, I always do".
When they pull away, Y/n leaves her with the lightest feathering of a kiss on her cheek. Selina feels her fangs threaten to pull, and Jesus is it so dangerous to be so close to her like this. "You always do..."
It was around time for Y/n and Selina to leave but the bartender hadn't seen a hint of Selina after her last performance that night, even as she looked around for her; It wasn't until she'd gone out for a smoke that she appeared almost out of thin air behind the girl as silent as a mouse, she swiped the cigarette from her hand and slipped it between her own lips that curved into a grin after she exhaled and let the smoke flow freely. "You didn't think I'd forgotten, did you"?
She flinches, the hand that had been on the knife only loosening when she hears the familiarity of Selina's voice, shaking her head, biting back a matching grin at the sudden appearance.
"Maybe. You disappeared, Kit. Where'd ya go? Didn't see ya round after that last performance, you killed it by the way. As I knew you would".
Playfully she punches her shoulder, but the Cat has one thing on her mind and it's pumping through her veins like lava, she licks her lips and throws down the cigarette, stomping on it with her boot, "Fancy a ride home? I had a few loose ends to tie up".
"Mm, a ride"?
Selina holds out her hand, grin broadening when Y/n easily takes her hand; leading her over to her new wheels, a smooth black motorcycle, she holds up a backup helmet and hands it over to her.
"You ever been on one of these, love"? She asked, watching her struggle with the helmet before coming over to help her out.
"Once or twice, one of the kids I was placed in the orphanage with got his own when he was adopted, he was like a little brother to me so when I was trusted to go out on my own, we'd go out riding".
"Oh yeah? So you know I need you to hold on tight, right? Real tight, don't let go".
She was a breath away now, her breath tickling Y/n's skin as she fastened the helmet to her head, eyes locked to hers while she did it.
"I won't, I promise". Y/n mumbles, slightly blushing and happy the helmet could help hide it, but Selina had always had that allure that took her in and refused to let go, anyone could fall victim to it, man or woman, and Y/n was no exception.
Holding onto her hand gently, Selina aids her on the bike and then situates herself as well, Y/n's arms firmly wrapped around her waist. They set off just as it begins to fade into a starless night, few to no bodies on the streets.
Mystique. She threw wrenches into the lives of many but never did I expect myself to be playing her game, I thought I had everything figured out, she was one of many necks, I'm an expert in my selections, but I missed so much, far too much.
When we got to her house she invited me in under the guise of a drink, but I had planned in advance to talk my way in, the fact that she was so willing to gaze at me all sweetly, so trusting, so naive, it was a rush. Something like a drug.
Her hand tugged at mine, and she smiled all brightly, eyes staring up at me so...enticingly. If I could've kissed her then, I would've but that would've ruined the surprise and we didn't need that, no. For this to work I needed her to trust me...fully.
"Coffee...Or wine"? Her neck craned to the side and my eyes capped it immediately, her throat like a lure and I was the fish that had taken the bait, my mouth went dry; It was then that I realized how close I really was.
We were alone. She was mine.
"You're in luck, I don't enjoy dry, myself but I do keep it for guests that do".
"Social butterfly".
"You aren't the first to call me". Sending a wink my way, I was in hook line, and sinker, and her every movement sent my body into overdrive, I could feel myself pulsing beneath my jeans.
"It is how you got the necklace, no"? I asked referring to the butterfly pendant around her neck, she'd been wearing since the day we met, I could tell by the way she frequently fiddled with it that it meant a lot to her.
"Keen eye. When I finally got adopted, I was a teen, freshly 13, and a teacher from my school became my own real-life Ms. Honey from Matilda, adopted me after fostering me when I was at my worst; Nickname is from her, necklace is from her. I've been Butterfly to anyone I've ever known".
I chuckled, hanging onto every fucking word she said. Her accent was distinct, Nola dipped heat spoken like honey, I wanted to hear it moaning my name, and it would. In due time.
"Now you are Butterfly to me". I got closer, fingers grasping onto the glass she held, our fingers brushing against one another briefly.
"I've never heard it better".
She would be the death of me, I swore.
Even after our hands stopped touching, I could feel her fingers running down my arm, traveling the length while my lips wrapped around the glass, something out of my wildest fantasies if you asked me; I sat the glass down and within a moment my lips were against hers.
It was finally time, after the first kiss Selina found herself craving much more than a sample taste, she'd waited so long for this moment and she was prepared to savor it, tugging Y/n to her and pressing her lips to the woman's chest, kissing what revealed skin she could reach, and Y/n didn't resist, not with the way a soft whimper fell from her lips, parted to allow her noises to freely drip shamelessly but a whimper was just the tip of the iceberg, Selina wanted to hear far more.
"This, this is what I've wanted since I met you, at the club".
It had always been entertaining to hear prey speaking of their own crushes on her, how they fantasized, and manifested...With Y/n, however, it meant something different, something special. The woman threw her off of her game, she was so used to being in control but it all came crashing down the moment she'd gotten her hands on the one she was convinced fate wanted her to have.
"You're filled with sugar, ain't ya, Sweet thing? C'mere. On my lap".
Moving to sit on the couch, Selina has Y/n sat in her lap, her back to Sel's front, and her lips quickly find her neck just as they'd found her chest, she's damn near quivering with anticipation when she has the sweet girl in her lap at her very mercy, it all feels like it's fallen into place.
"Let's play a game, yeah? I wanna play a quick game, it's simple".
Y/n trembled underneath Sel's touch, her hands roamed her body eagerly, and her body reacted like it was made solely for the vampire and her alone, her core throbbing with a sick need for Selina to touch her. She gulps. "What's the game"?
Selina laughs, her grin akin to the Cheshire cat when she's met with curiosity instead of reluctance. Her claws gently run over the girl's stomach, goosebumps left in her wake. "It's called two truths and a lie, it's as simple as it sounds, I'm going to tell two truths and one lie. You tell me which one the lie is, okay? ...Little pup"?
Y/n's voice is timid, her eyes following Sel's every touch on her skin trying to keep her composure though it seemed for naught the moment she felt Selina's boner poking into her backside, the thought of it inside of her instead sent unwavering unadulterated arousal washing over her.
"I can".
"Good girl. You're too damned sweet, angel. You know that? Listen carefully, love. 1. I hate sweets. Disdain them even...2. Bloodthirsty creatures? They're not...as mythical as you'd believe they are And 3. I...know you better than you'd like to think, sweet girl".
All of this is said while her hands play with the hem of her shirt, allowing her time to think over all of Sel's questions thoroughly, and immediately her eyebrows furrow in confusion, trying to think through a lust filled lense was already hard enough but Y/n could swear she spotted two lies, one truth.
"I'd say...2 maybe, but 3. Are you sure? I think there's more to me than that, no"?
A chuckle leaves the Cat's lips, she leans her head back and squeezes her just a bit tighter than before. "You might be right, but you are incorrect and misguided in so many ways, may I count them as I undress you"?
Letting out her own laugh, Y/n moves Selina's hands from her waist back to the hem of her shirt, and Selina so happily counts the ways.
Her hands worked your shirt over your head, lace pink bra underneath taking her eyesight happily, smirk on her face she speaks up but her eyes don't leave your chest. "I don't know which will scare you off first but know that this is all I've ever needed, and hear me out before you scream".
Most would've ran from those words alone, but the woman on her lap stayed firmly placed allowing Selina to undress her even while her words became ominous and vague. "We live in a world where superheroes fight villains. Go on then, frighten me".
That was exactly what she meant when she called you trouble, she groans, leaving a trail of kisses down your neck, voice raspy when she speaks, "Bloodthirst is all too real, and it's...how we got here today, you see? It ties into my other, pretty little truth, and funnily enough? Also my lie. See...I thought I hated sweets".
"I thought you did too, I don't think I've seen you eat a dessert ever in my time knowing ya".
"You haven't. But you're the reason, the reason I started...craving them. I've been on this earth for over a thousand plus years and nothing has quite lured me in like the scent of your blood, my dear".
It took a minute for her words to register but when they did you almost thought you were hallucinating, it was shocking for all the most insane of reasons, her news.
"I can see you look...disturbed and for all good reasons, I'm sure. I won't confuse you with my vagueness so let's cut it straight, I'm what you humans call...a vampire. I have a bloodlust that I just found cannot be satiated by any other, any other but..."
She pauses to let you answer, humming when you do, "Me"?
"Smart girl. Gotham is filled with monstrosities, I'm sure you're aware, and I, unfortunately, am one of many of the freaks this town has to offer. I've always had a rather strict appetite, but you? You have ruined me".
There was a heat in her voice now, a darkness and danger that settled in the pit of your stomach listening to what no longer sounded like the Selina you knew, and even though you knew you should run, get out. It was like she had you pinned to her lap, under her spellbound with the hypnosis that was her voice; You weren't sure if you could move or if you'd stay compliant even if you wanted to.
"I-I ruined you? How could I eve-" Your words are cut short when her fingers hooked onto your leggings, taking them down with ease whilst whispering sinful truths into her ear.
"I'm hungry and it's all your fault, I haven't looked at another neck in 10 months, sugar and let me tell you...living off blood packs isn't sustainable for a woman like me, and that, I will have to fix and soon. And how, tell me, do you think I should fix it, Y/n"?
Your mind ran, it ran with many things but the first that falls from your lips is fueled by shock, "What do you mean 10 months, Selina"?
From your point-of-view it had only been 3 months since you'd known one another, she'd only been working there for that long so it couldn't have been ten months but the more you ran through it, the more you realized what she'd meant by two truths and a lie, and if she'd been watching you that long, truly...Was all of it true?
"Do you wanna run"?
You'd sat up by now, running over everything in your head repeatedly trying to come to terms with the fact that what seemed to be Satan, herself was in your living room, her fingers running the length of your neck and collarbone watching you put it all together.
Did you wanna run? A normal person would wanna run hell anyone in their right mind would be calling the cops, right now yet you were still there sitting in her lap, watching her hands run over your skin, her fingers now playing with the fabric of your lace pink thong.
"Do you wanna play two truths and a lie, Selina"?
If Sel had a heart it would probably be beating out of its chest right now, how could this innocent, pure little thing be so close to death itself and not completely freak out? "Lay it on me".
Y/n stands up, Selina's eyes following after you when you do, slight surprise on her face as you, instead, take down the pink thong on your own, your eyes dancing with mischief, you speak too calmly for a woman standing in front of the undead who'd apparently been stalking her for longer than they'd even known each other.
"1. I knew that you weren't human...2. I hate all things bitter, sour. And 3. I, myself, ... am not human".
You reveled in the way Selina's eyes widened, how her shock turned into intrigue thinking over your words and making her final decisions before she pulled you in closer by the thighs, her chin resting on your legs, sage green eyes staring up into your e/c ones.
"Tell me a story, mama. I wanna hear it all from those gorgeous lips of yours, and don't leave a thing out, ight"?
Your breath hitches at her words, lips parted but not a peep comes out. 'Adorable', Selina thinks, pulling you back onto her lap and spreading your legs effortlessly, her head dipping down to whisper into your ear. "Ready, set..."
Her fingers move to toy with your clit, a dangerous, sadistic smile spread ear to ear, finally getting what she wanted, and God was it worth the wait. Her cock twitches in her pants, and she's glad she has a semblance of self-control, she just really needs to hear every little thing Y/n says, she finds your words...fascinating. And maybe, maybe she wanted to see your squirming and moaning in her lap, dripping from her fingers dipped into your sweetness all by themselves.
Struggling to get your words out.
"Witches blood. My family's one of the oldes- Selina... I-I'm also half-wolf, I could smell it on you from the moment we met".
"Wolf's blood... and witch? It must be why you smell so damned sweet, a hybrid. I don't know how I didn't peg it sooner". Selina grunts into your ear, her hips involuntarily bucking up against the wolf, now that she knows, she's aware she has something more special than originally thought. she takes a moment to think before dipping her fingers inside your cunt, she knew she couldn't wait too long, she had too much desire building within her own stomach.
"If I were a stronger woman, I'd have you trembling and squirting on my lap before I even thought about fucking you but when it's you..."
Pulling her fingers from your pussy, she puts the fingers in her mouth, fangs popping out when she gets even the slightest taste of your essence on her tongue. "My control— It's evaporated into nothingness so here's what I'm gonna do".
She stands you back up, but this time she follows after you, taking your hand and leading you down the hallway to your own room as well as you yourself could find it.
"I don't want to compel you but I could make it easier on you when I feed. Now is that what you want, Darlin"? When you turn back around, she's lowering her pants, and underwear revealing 7 inches, circumcised and a caramel brown, it's something that leaves Y/n's mouth-watering. She shouldn't want this but she does, and it's intense.
That was exactly what Selina wanted to hear, she needed to know in her heart of hearts that you wanted this just as much as she did, and even if she had the power to bring you to your knees, herself? She wanted it to be real, fuck this wasn't like her at all but her cock wouldn't let her hold back any longer.
"And you know what that means, princess"? Sitting on the bed, she brings you over to her, stood between her legs, she turns you to face the door, groaning quietly at how beautiful you looked up close and personal, better than any invention of you her fantasies could create. "Spread your legs and talk to me".
You're snapped from autopilot, spreading your legs only to be grabbed swiftly into her lap, and this time she keeps your legs open and breathes into your ear, "I said...talk to me".
Taking her length in her hand, she guides her cock between your slit, collecting your slick and pulling an audible shudder from you as you finally begin to talk, "I-it'll hurt. I know, but I don't...I want it to".
Selina grunts. She grunts, and suddenly her cock is bottomed out and sunk deeply into your cunt, the only things heard are the sounds of the effect she has on you, from the squelching between your thighs when she sinks as deeply as she can to the way you let out the cutest little yelp she'd ever heard, tugging your hair back, she exposes your neck to her.
"It will hurt, but you don't care. You don't even care. Fucking masochist, look at yourself".
Scooting to the end of the bed, a hand firmly around your waist and the other forcing your eyes to the full-length mirror in the corner of your room not allowing you to look away, and the sight is as erotic as Selina made it out to be; You can see her slowly pumping into you, your lips parting to allow soft moans to escape, eyes struggling not to roll back. And when you look up to her, she's already staring back at you, lips curved into a shit-eating grin still leaning down so she could whisper into your ear. "You see that, hun? You're so pretty, baby but my god...You're a damned whore".
Her words though degrading are said with the care you'd provide a wounded animal with, they are meant to lull, to tame, and you were so sick with arousal that you didn't even notice you'd fallen right into her trap; She wasn't about to let you leave.
"You're gonna look at yourself and bounce on my cock, got it"?
Without needing anything more said, you'd been broken out of your stupor and ready to obey her every whim, your hands are braced on the bed in front of you, eyes to the mirror, and back arched; Selina, pressed against the headboard sitting with eyes low and a hand resting on your hips, she watches the first roll with an entranced intrigue, your hair still wove around her fingers, she lets her fangs graze your neck, reveling in the way you slightly flinch but never stop moving.
"Count down from 3..."
Her claw digs into the hip she holds, pricking the skin beneath and drawing your blood with a scent so dizzying she forgets her own words, and with a hiss, she sinks her fangs into your neck.
"T-THREE"! Y/n screams out, pain melding with pleasure, your cunt clenches tightly around her, ensnaring her into a chokehold, the light behind your eyes bright and blinding you feel yourself growing ravenous as the room fills with your collective pleasure and Selina helps you along with the thrusting when she realizes how distracted and clouded you are with her feeding from you.
She doesn't let up, she speeds up her pumps, pulling herself back from your neck, your ass pressed to her pubic bone, she savors the way the blood looks against your complexion, licking you clean, her hands move from your hair and underneath your chin, tilting it up slightly. Raising your leg for better access, she angles her hips deeper inside you, drinking in the way you moan her name. "I knew it, shit, I knew it...so. damn. sweet".
"S-sel, I need a little more, I need—" Your head is on fire, you didn't even notice that it wasn't only the lack of blood clouding your judgment, but something more, Selina's pheromones carried a floral scent to it that sent you into a world of your own, enhanced the already natural chemistry the two of you already had.
"Ah, say please, pretty thing. Mommy can make it all better".
Her voice is like a siren's song, a snake charmer. All you can do is succumb to her efforts, your cunt soaking the bed and in kind, Selina's stomach and thighs, as well as your own; You feel her throb inside of you, swelling at your words. "Please...please mommy".
She couldn't deny that, now could she?
This time, her eyes lock in on her target, the space between your shoulder and the nape of your neck, the final nail in the coffin of your lovestory, then it would all be set in stone. "Mm, since you asked so nicely".
"Cum. for. Mommy".
Selina growls into your ear, pushing herself to the hilt and sinking her fangs into your neck again, this time harder than she had before, on a mission to make you hers for good. Your body quivers in response to her power, moans loud yet strained, she can feel the moment you let go; Your legs wrap around her torso, and your cunt turns into solitary confinement, keeping her in an inescapable hold, hole twitching around her.
She could cum at that alone but it takes a few more rough pumps, her body leaned over yours, she holds her wrist up to your lips and compels you to bite. "It won't hurt me, I promise".
And so you listen, not as though you had much of a choice; It's when the black de-oxygenated liquid spills onto your tongue that she finally climaxes, rope after rope flooding your womb whilst you feed from each other shamelessly, heads filled with only thoughts of sin.
She watches over her sleeping figure, a crimson-splattered soft grin spread across her face, she watches Y/n's mate mark swell and glow as it all settles down, and leans down to whisper in her ear.
"The midnight won't be so bad, not with you here, sweet deer".
All she gets in response is all she needs, Y/n turns in her arms and wraps herself up in Selina's grasp, mumbling incoherently; she presses a kiss to Selina's shoulder.
She falls into a dreamless sleep.
A/N: let's call this your birthday fic, love you more than the moon loves the sun, happy 21st grandpa bear~ <33 @u4iuh
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puella-peanut · 6 months ago
Tagged by @nyhne Thank you! So good have you back <3
Favorite color: I think I lean most towards red, a nice scarlet or blood-red. Yellow too (mustard…gold…) and a nice eggplant-purple. I like all colors though…but not taupe or beige. They shouldn’t be allowed!!
Last song I listened to: I’ve been revisiting everything Green Day since I just saw them in concert (yes they were absolutely terrific)—and I think I was listening to Give Me Novocaine and contemplating eyeliner.
Reading: Mere Anarchy, a book of witty and sharp essays by the horrible Woody Allen, as well as the excellent Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain.
Craving: I wish I had more time to sit and write and also read, but my job and traveling takes up so much of my time :( I also want to return to my deep-dives into The Criterion Collection as well as more obscure or art films, as film and cinema have always been so important to me. 
Coffee or tea: I’m a tea person, absolutely, but I’ll drink coffee occasionally. My parents immigrated to the States and both come from mixed backgrounds where tea was important from all sides, funnily enough. So tea has a strong cultural relevance to them…a relevance which was then imparted to me from childhood. I like my tea the way they do, with milk/cream and sugar, occasionally ‘chai style’ or spiced. Tea leaves sometimes, but bags usually. My husband sadly despises all tea except iced-tea, but he’s a Southern boy so that’s to be expected… ;p
No pressure tagging:
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ghcstfish · 2 days ago
hi hello guess who did a Thing. I joined soulmate sweepstakes and I'm allergic to shutting up so uh. post for the worldbuilding I did for Sugar, Spice, is Everything Nice?, a fic set in wild life where a wildcard goes Just a Little Bit wrong and now the lifers find themselves in a candyland, yk how it is!!
alrighty so I won't mention the player changes again since they're already in the fic itself!! however we still have mob and block replacements. not all mobs n blocks ever got a candy replacement, and a bunch were never mentioned in the story, whoops.
please note that I copylasted this directly from my notes, typos n grammar errors might be present :P
for mobs:
zombies: similar texture to gummy bears. have a 10% chance to spawn with a sharpened candy cane
skeletons: made from white chocolate, hollow on the inside. easy to defeat with a few good punches. bows replaced by gummy strings to attack players
bogged: similar to normal skeletons, though their white chocolate looks a bit greener (mint). chocolate appears cracked in some areas, yet they're not easier to take down than normal skeletons
creepers: made of popping candy. hard to knock down, when touched with bare hands it leaves a tingling sensation. has a small chance of exploding.
spiders: bursting bugs shaped like spiders. gummy-ish at first, but filled with strawberry syrup.
endermen: made of strings of licorice, hard to knock down. they can't teleport anymore, but instead they have very long limbs that are very good at holding people down. they can also run away very easily due to their flexibility
creaking: their skin is chocolate bark, their eyes are hard orange candies. extremely fragile, yet they somehow don't die unless their hearts (a block of pure chocolate with orange shavings) are broken
breeze: marshmallows. wind charges are mini marshmallows tossed at the player. breezes, while still hostile, are way less threatening
blazes: while not spawned, they're molten/burnt marshmallows, and they attack with burning hot molten marshmallows.
wolves: cotton candy.
sheep: their cotton is replaced with whipped cream, their bodies are made from chocolate.
bees: hard honey candy.
horses: hard sour candy.
cows: their white parts are made out of foam, their dark spots are made out of gummy.
chickens: they're made out of white chocolate, but they're not solid. their feathers consist of white chocolate shavings, and two punches can turn a chicken into crumbles.
cod, salmon and squids: smooth pudding. cod and cods are made of banana pudding, salmons are made of strawberry pudding and squids are made of chocolate pudding.
frogs: candy frogs.
pigs: bubblegum.
for blocks:
grass: sour apple mats.
dirt: cookie crumble.
stone: nuts.
oak wood: lollipops.
birch wood: candy cane.
bamboo: long, round sticks of peppermint.
dark oak wood: cinnamon sticks.
pale oak wood: decaying cinnamon sticks.
eyeblossoms: small bits of cinnamon with a core of chocolate and orange shavings that looks a suspiciously lot like an eye.
resin stuff: orange shavings.
rest of pale garden is absent.
cherry wood: strawberry pocky.
cherry leaves: strawberry cotton candy.
cherry blossoms: little bits of cotton candy.
everything copper: caramel.
sculk blocks: dark chocolate.
sculk veins: dark chocolate powder.
sculk shriekers: N/A, disappeared alongside sculk sensors.
sculk catalysts: pieces of chocolate that spread chocolate powder on hit.
water: milk. harder to see through than water, easier for ambushes if desired.
lava: thick syrup. sticky, hard to swim through, can probably suffocate someone if they drown in it. can be used to harm!!!! but more in a spiderweb sense.
dripstone block: wafer cookie.
dripstone: wafer.
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beautifulbizarremagazine · 2 years ago
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@lindseycarrart’s surreal painting, "Sugar and Spice, and Everything Nice" [Oil in canvas, 40x50cm] for the current Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition 'Secret Longings' at @coreyhelfordgallery . About the painting: “Part of a new series of work that explores the feminisation of grotesque forms such as shells, snails and internal anatomy gone awry. The colour palette is a blend of soft pastels with lost edges to give a delicate and traditionally feminine quality.” Secret Longings | March 11-April 15, 2023 Corey Helford Gallery 571 S Anderson St #1, Los Angeles, CA 90033, United States For sales enquiries, please email Gallery Director, Sherri J. Trahan at [email protected] #beautifulbizarre #artexhibition #artcollector #artwork #secretlongings #surrealart #artinspiration #artist #newcontemporary #lindseycarr #figurativeart #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQCFNqhq6t/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maribeaux · 2 years ago
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sugar, spice, and everything nice 
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 4 months ago
꒰ nov + dec scheduler below ꒱
will be moved to my notice board start november !
subject to changes/ in the midst of writing
sugar, spice and everything nice! -> 11/11/24 - ateez j. wooyoung ↬ "bye...see you again!" he precariously leans over the counter, neck craning as you walked off. he sighs dreamily before having a "reality check" when another customer not-so-subtly coughs a distance away from him. love on the line -> 21/11/24 - enhypen p. sunghoon ↬ sunghoon stood protectively beside you as you swung your legs back and forth on the ledge, not at all bothered by the cool night breeze. he shifted his weight towards you, arms ready to catch you if you fall. unnamed -> 1/12/24 - nct undecided member i'm at his and he's at mine -> 11/12/24 - svt b. seungkwan ↬ "an apology isn't going to save you when your body gives out on you. next time just text me, call me or whatever. wherever you are, whenever you can, because if it's you i can wait." the sincerity lacing his voice caused your heart to skip a beat.
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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momercurio · 1 year ago
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#NEW! Sugar, spice and everything nice make this darling bear sweeter than holiday cookies. Her decorative jacket is removable and includes a mini plush gingerbread man in the pocket! Comes with the Scent Pak of your choice. 🧸
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instagrambioforgirls · 1 year ago
Best Aesthetic Instagram Bio for Girls
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In love with sunsets, coffee, and good books ☕️📚
Happiness is the best makeup 💄😊
Aesthetic enthusiast, capturing the world around me 📸✨
Passionate about art, fashion, and everything in between 🎨👗
A girl with a vision and passion for success 🔥💼"
Creating my own path, not following trends 👣💫
Life is a canvas, paint it beautifully 🎨✨
A day without chocolate is like… just kidding, I have no idea.
Bio under construction... adding more sass and sarcasm daily!
Just a girl with a heart full of wanderlust ✈️ and a mind full of donuts 🍩
Living proof that Pinterest and reality are two different worlds 📌
If sarcasm was an Olympic sport, I'd definitely win Gold.
I'm the kind of girl who rearranges the candy aisle at the supermarket! 🍭
Professional ugly crier, but still cute AF 😢💁‍♀️
Putting the 'Pro' in procrastinate since... oh, look, a squirrel! 🐿️
I come with a warning label: Contains excessive amounts of sass and sarcasm! Handle with care.
If looks could kill, my mirror would be a crime scene 🔪
Just a girl chasing dreams, ignoring responsibilities, and eating ice cream 🍦
Unfiltered, unapologetically me 💃 Life's too short for Photoshop anyway!
Sorry for what I said when I was hungry... and when I wasn't. 🥪
I've mastered the art of binge-watching and overthinking, ask me anything! 🍿
Still trying to figure out how to adult gracefully. Any tips? 🤷‍♀️
Hopes to be as iconic as the 'undo' button. Life regrets, begone! 🙅‍♀️
Fierce, fabulous, and not wasting any time apologizing for it! 💁‍♀️
I'm not a regular girl, I'm a cool girl. And by cool, I mean the kind who wears a blanket as a cape! 🧥
Currently writing an autobiography titled 'My Life in Memes' - stay tuned!
In a committed relationship with WiFi and Netflix 💑
My superpower? Always finding the cutest cafes in the city! ☕️
Out to prove that unicorns exist. So far, no luck... but I won't give up! 🦄
Love is in the air... and so is the smell of freshly baked cookies! 🍪
Believes that the best exercise is eating chocolate while lifting eyebrows 💪
I put the 'pro' in procrastination... but I'll get back to you on that later.
On a mission to find the perfect balance between sarcasm and maturity. Wish me luck! 😂
I'm not pretty like those girls on Instagram, but I'm pretty funny! 🤪
Not all girls are made of sugar, spice, and everything nice. Some, like me, are made of sarcasm, laughter, and a little bit of chaos! 🌪️
Life is a combination of magic and pasta - don't underestimate either! ✨🍝
Pinterest Queen 📌 - Curating endless inspiration for a beautiful life.
Sunshine seeker ☀️ - Chasing rays of happiness.
Classy and sassy 💋 - Living life on my own terms.
Life is short, buy the shoes 👠 - A fashionista with a love for footwear.
Moonchild 🌙✨ - A dreamer in a world full of reality.
Wanderlust 🌍 - Exploring the world, one adventure at a time.
Flower child 🌸 - Dancing through life in a garden of dreams.
Free spirit 🦋 - Embracing the beauty of authenticity.
Coffee lover ☕ - Caffeinating my way through life.
Vintage vibes 📷 - Capturing memories with a retro touch.
Bookworm 📚 - Getting lost in the pages of a good book.
Beauty with brains 💡✨ - A powerful combination.
Beach lover 🏝️ - Salt in the air, sand between my toes.
Adventure awaits 🧭 - Ready to explore the unknown.
Dreamer 🌌 - Believing in the magic of tomorrow.
Music lover 🎶 - Finding solace in melodies.
Fashion enthusiast 👗 - Dressing up is my form of self-expression.
Hopes and dreams 💭💫 - Building castles in the sky.
Fearless and fabulous 💃 - Conquering the world one step at a time.
Artistic soul 🎨 - Painting my world with vibrant hues.
Angel with a devilish smile 😇😈 - The perfect balance.
Self-love advocate 💖 - Celebrating the beauty within.
Dancing through life 💃 - Finding joy in every step.
Nature lover 🌿🌺 - Embracing the beauty of the natural world.
Empowered and unapologetic 👑 - Breaking down barriers one day at a time.
Capturing moments 📷 - A passionate photographer with a keen eye.
Gothic Vibes 👻 - Sometimes dark, but always fabulous!
Daydream Believer 🌈 - Creating magic even in the simplest moments.
Fashionista 💃 - A canvas for showcasing style, one outfit at a time.
Music Junkie 🎧 - Dancing to the rhythm of life's beats.
Bookworm 📚 - Lovers of fresh pages and untold stories.
Beach Babe 🏖️ - Sun-kissed and ready to conquer the waves.
Self-love Advocate 💖 - Embracing every flaw and celebrating uniqueness.
Sports Enthusiast ⚽ - Living by the motto "Play hard, have fun".
Foodie 🍕 - Exploring diverse flavors and creating delicious memories.
Makeup Lover 💄- Enhancing beauty with a touch of artistry.
Fitness Junkie 💪 - Striving for a healthy body and a happy soul.
Laughter Queen 😂 - Spreading contagious giggles everywhere she goes.
Wanderlust Princess 🧚 - Following the call of the unknown.
Ambitious Soul 💫 - Dreaming big and chasing success.
Film Buff 🎥 - Lost in the world of captivating stories and endless creativity.
Artist by Heart 🎭 - Sketching life with passion, colors, and emotions.
Beach Lover 🌊 - Soaking up the sunshine and salty air.
Spiritual Seeker ✨ - Finding solace in the depths of the universe.
Dream Weaver 🌙 - Making the impossible possible, one thread at a time.
Sunshine Addict ☀️ - Spreading warmth and happiness wherever I go.
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saharamichelledowell · 2 years ago
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Sugar and spice, and everything nice. Our long awaited gift has finally arrived. We are so happy & blessed, we love you baby Z! ❤️❤️❤️ #bsdowell https://www.instagram.com/p/CqdXvjCusF4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pinkroboticunicorn · 2 years ago
The revision.... + new stuffs for the Powerpuff-Verse.
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Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice, these were the Ingredients Chosen To Create the perfect Little Girls, but Professor Utonium Accidentally added an Extra Ingredient to the concoction Chemical X...
And since then the Powerpuff Girls were born, and dedicated themselves to the people.
But did you know that there are others? Other Powerpuff Girls? They're all just in different universes, in different timelines, in different versions. You will find them in the stars of Pocket Dimension P-0, or PO, the other dimensions are called Puffs, and they are numbered by the billions, upon millions, strange it is, but there is a reason as to why, it is because as predicted once one timeline was created, more and more followed, this is usually what happens when you become a big enough hero and all.
Hey! Pinkroboticunicorn here! Have you considered the PPG-Verse? Uh let me explain... I came up with the concept due to People's OCs of their own Powerpuff Girls, based off the OG, cause let's be honest, it's fun, and off different show versions of the Powerpuff Girls, so I made a bit of a Parody to the Spider-verse, and made this, enjoy!:
The PPG-verse
Introduction: The OG Tale.
The Original Story is but a classic, known throughout the panels and annals of history, the Original tale of 3 little girls who became superheroes...
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice, these were the Ingredients Chosen To Create the perfect Little Girls, but Professor Utonium Accidentally added an Extra Ingredient to the concoction Chemical X...
And since then the Powerpuff Girls were born, and dedicated themselves to the people.
...it was a classic, a classic story down to the bone, everyone loved it, everyone loved them.
But what if I told you there was more of them, more of the Powerpuff Girls.
Out there are different dimensions, which are represented through different stars in the sky of Pocket Dimension PPG-0, there's the original which is PPG-1, there's PPG-2 which is where they're Magical Girls, and it goes on and on and on, mostly OCs or remakes, just that it fits.
They usually stick to one formula however.
They have to have their own twist on the Origin Story, or something else but similar, and be a group of 3. Usually heroes, but sometimes things get mixed up.
The time has now come however, now that everything is prepared, to summon everyone into PPG-0.
And that's that, your OCs have been summoned! Prepare to enter PPG-0 friends!
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