#p: sacrilege
oh right, technically i sell t-shirts
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i forgot about that
#holidays are coming up and it would make a terrible gift#that's the main selling point#anyways these exist and can be exchanged for legal tender#the cost is the listed price + the emotional expense of knowing that i am judging u#bc i am. i am judging u#why would u want this. why would u exchange currency for this#there are so many other things you could exchnage currency for instead#a grocery store shrimp platter for instance#with the nauseatingly red cocktail sauce that is SO much better than a t shirt any time#hmm chicken picatta at a local Italian Eatery perchance? i am. a big fan of anything picatta#oh oh i know! 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH OKRA#FOR THE COST OF THIS FRIVOLOUS T SHIRT U COULD INSTEAD PURCHASE 3.6 POUNDS OF FRESH DELICIOUS OKRA#and then --hold on i have a recipe--and then what u do is#so it is basically sacrilege to suggest this but what u do is u skip the cornmeal entirely#my southern ancestors are shaking a wooden spoon at me right now but LISTEN. u skip. the gotdang. cornmeal#instead: wash chop and soak (for 10 min) the okra in a mixture of 1 egg to tblsp water#then coat in flour#THATS IT JUST FLOUR#No cornmeal. i am betraying my heritage rn but I'm RIGHT#coat in flour sprinkle liberally in S&P and FRY that suck in veg oil high heat#until crispy & brown & u hear your arteries clenching in apprehension#so. so yeah#that's what u should do instead of buying this shirt go fry the shit out of some okra#(but buy local and young & tender if u can bc the grocery store is full of old-and-therefore-super-stiff specimens#pro tip (aka grandma tip): if u can't chop okra smoothly with your normal cutting knife then it's too old and tough.#...i mean u probably CAN still fry the shit out of it I've certainly done that before it's just much less delicious#ANYWAY. anyway ANYWAY. shirt. okra. farmers market. that reminds me of a post i made back when we first started selling these dang shorts#shirts. shorts shorts. oh shit i should make a crop top option.#i. i don't Know How to make a crop top option#HUH . . . i need to lie down now and contemplate the constant and irreconcilable limitations of the human experience good night
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thus-spoke-lo · 5 months
You kneel before him, hands clasped in prayer, desperate tears staining your cheeks. There is something inside you—something wicked, something voracious, something that makes you radiate a desperate heat—that needs to be purged, or else you fear it may just overtake you, may just consume you whole. Your pleas are rambling, anxious, tinged with guilt; you know not what possesses you, but you must cast it out, for fear of what you may do to satisfy it if you remain beholden to it.
The priest licks his lips as you beseech him, the scent of your most unholy need beginning to fill his lungs. You look so glorious in your frenzied state, your chest heaving with staccato breaths, hands shaking, eyes darting around the room, settling anywhere but on him. His pulse quickens at the sight of the vulnerable creature before him, a fragile lamb led astray, in search of grace that only he knows how to provide.
He bends down and places a hand on your heated cheek, wiping away a stray tear as you hiccup and sob; he gently shushes you, implores you to trust in him, to trust that he can heal you. His thumb traces over your trembling lips before parting them, before sliding inside your warm, wet mouth, and he stifles a groan as you close your lips around it as if on instinct, as if driven by a power greater than yourself. Perhaps, he thinks as you finally meet his gaze, you can both find piety in the profane.
Tonight, you shall find the salvation you seek, and the ravenous hunger that vexes you shall be satiated.
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monotonepinocchio · 1 year
need to draw pinocchio in a priest outfit no im not going to explain why
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
For the ask game! 2, 12, and 26 I hope it okay I picked multiple :3
lmao more than okay! happy to answer these and more!!! thank you sara!!! 2. what’s your feel-good movie? ... and once again, no one was surprised when I said Pride and Prejudice 2005. Also probably The Holiday. Guilty pleasures and all but also I'm someone who hates rom-coms usually but the holiday is genuinely good and intellectual. oh also some like it hot (and I will stop there because if I go any further I will just start listing off movies I like and they will become more dark and grim and I will not be able to stop because there are so many movies out there that I love that may even be horrific but the elation I feel watching all sorts of shit that stimulates the mind?? that's what feels good to me)... ok Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away too there I'm done.
12. how are you? Well.. better than yesterday for sure. I was having a regular catastrophic morb there for a second but I took it easier today and with any luck I'll have an even better day tomorrow and everything will be grand! who knows maybe I'll make some more material progress in the first chapter of One Warm Line.
26. what movie would you want to live in? Ok I know I've already said in previous asks P&P 2005 but I also think living in a ghibli movie of any sort would be kindof neat
soft asks to get to know people
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warm-lacroix · 4 months
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happy father’s day
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gardenwons · 9 days
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SYNOPSIS: Jungwon, a celestial angel bound by the laws of Heaven, finds himself torn between his divine duty and the pull of an earthly feeling, he faces a choice that could shatter the heavens. Yet in the end, what is God in the face of a woman’s love and the lure of forbidden lust?
PAIRINGS: angel!jungwon x angel!reader
GENRE: celestial beings au, forbidden love, smut, angst, fluff (?)
A/N: word count is at 6k, vv sacrilege uve been warned ;P + mean n seducing won <3
The day you first met Jungwon was a whisper of eternity, a moment so brief yet so significant, it rippled through your existence like a stone dropping into a still lake. As a guardian angel, you were accustomed to the constancy of time, the serene repetition of your duties.
Angels were never meant to interfere with humans, never to step beyond the gates of Heaven unless a grand divine intervention was called for. But humanity has grown complacent, content in their free will, leaving angels to guard them solely from afar. No interaction, just silent watchfulness—angels touch forbidden in a world we can never truly know.
You observed, you guided, you protected humanity from a distance, never too close, never too involved. Emotions, especially those that plagued the mortal world, were foreign to you, nothing more than fleeting curiosity. They were indulgences you were never meant to understand.
But then there was him.
From the moment your eyes met, something about him was different. The air around him seemed to hum with a quiet defiance, as though the very essence of him was a challenge to the order you had always known. It was said that he embodied what the most beautiful angel had, or perhaps now a fallen one.  His every glance seemed to carry a depth that tugged at the core of your being, stirring something within you that shouldn’t exist between angels.
You weren’t supposed to feel this way.
The first time you exchanged words wasn’t in the usual manner angels would communicate- through thoughts, intentions, and divine understanding. No, it was in the silence between breaths, in the space between one shared breath and the next. You had taken a brief rest from your duties, your wings fluttering gently in the golden light of Heaven’s plain, when Jungwon appeared beside you. His wings, light and sleek, casting long shadows across the celestial space.
His voice was soft, but it carried a weight that unsettled you. “alluringly strange, aren’t they?” he murmured, his tone contemplative, his eyes locked onto the human world below. “To watch them so closely… yet feel so distant.”
You blinked, startled by the unexpected conversation. For a moment, you hesitated. It was rare for angels to speak so plainly, so openly about their thoughts. Nodding slowly, keeping your gaze fixed on the mortals below, oblivious to the divine beings who watched over them. “It’s how it’s meant to be” you replied, your voice quieter than usual, as if afraid to acknowledge the crack in your own conviction. Terrified the heavens would hear.
Jungwon’s laugh was soft, almost mocking, finding amusement in your response. “And you believe that? that we’re meant to remain detached, distant from them, from everything?”
You glanced at him, frowning slightly. There was something dangerous about the way he spoke, something that made your wings twitch in discomfort. “That is what we are told” you stated, though the words tasted like ash in your mouth. It was what you were told, what you had believed for so long. Yet now, standing beside him, you felt the certainty slipping away, crumbling under the weight of his questions. What was the logic in this rule? Humans can have their free will but to the ones closer to God are bound by strictest constraints, as if divinity itself demands the suppression of choice.
He stepped closer, his presence suddenly more tangible, more magnetic than it had any right to be. The warmth of him radiated through the air, a stark contrast to the cold and distant perfection of Heaven. “What if..” he said, his voice a low murmur “we weren’t meant to be distant at all? What if we’re just… afraid? Afraid of what happens when we get too close?”
Your breath hitched, wings trembling at his words—words that challenged the very core of your existence. Alarms rang in your mind at the defiance he spoke, yet deep within, something stirred—something that ached, something unmistakably human.Your heart, a thing you hadn’t even realized could race, seemed to beat louder in your chest, the sound echoing in your ears. You swallowed thickly, trying to suppress the unfamiliar sensation. “Jungwon...” His name left your lips, a warning, a plea.
His lips curled into a dangerous smile, the kind that made your pulse quicken against your will. “Tell me,” he said, his voice dropping even lower, “you’ve never wondered what it feels like to love, to feel, to desire”
His words lingered in the air, forbidden words that sent a shiver down your spine. You opened your mouth to respond, but the words died on your tongue. Of course, you had wondered. How could you not? Every moment spent watching the humans, observing their connections, their emotions, their pain, and their pleasure. How could you not be curious? But that was all it was supposed to be—curiosity, as guardian angels are supposed to be. Nothing more.
“I… I’ve wondered,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper, as if confessing to a sin that had yet to be committed. “But it doesn’t matter. We’re angels. We’re not supposed to—”
“Supposed to?” Jungwon interrupted, his gaze piercing through you. “We’re not supposed to feel? Not supposed to want?” His wings unfurled slightly, the movement slow and deliberate, and for a brief moment, they brushed against yours just barely. The contact was electric, a jolt of energy that sent heat coursing through you, making your breath catch in your throat.
“Wanting is greed, Jungwon. You know this.” you pleaded, your wings growing anxious as you held his intense gaze.
“You can’t tell me you don’t feel it” he whispered, his face now inches from yours. His eyes, deep and dark, seemed to search your soul, as if he could see every thought, every doubt, every desire you had tried to bury from the face of many Angels and God. “You can’t tell me you don’t want it.”
He glanced down from the clouds, his gaze shifting to a small apartment below, where a couple lay intertwined, their limbs tangled together in the intimate closeness only lovers knew. The warmth between them was noticeable, a soft glow of contentment that radiated from their shared breaths, their whispered words. They weren’t bound by divine law, but by something deeper, something that defied heaven’s cold perfection. "Look at them" he murmured, tone somewhat yearning "What they have is real. You can feel it too, if you let yourself."
You couldn’t speak. The words were there, but they refused to come out, tangled up in the storm of emotions that raged inside you. His nearness, the warmth of his body, the soft whisper of his wings. It was overwhelming, intoxicating.
“I... don’t...” you started, your voice trembling. But even as you tried to deny it, the truth lingered in the space between you.
He closed the distance between you, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek, his touch soft but firm, like he was grounding you to him. “You do” he said quietly, his breath brushing against your skin. “I can see it in your eyes. You want to feel it. what do you feel when you’re with me?”
Your heart pounded in your chest, your body betraying you in the way your wings fluttered, the way your breath quickened. This was wrong. You knew it was wrong. But the way his touch set your skin alight, the way his voice made your whole being tremble, it was unlike anything you had ever known. Unlike anything you were ever supposed to know.
You exhaled, a shuddering breath escaping your lips as you leaned into his touch, your forehead resting against his. “What are we doing?” you whispered, your voice heavy with uncertainty, fear, and most of all desire.
Jungwon’s smile softened, and for the first time, it wasn’t dangerous. It was tender. “We are choosing” he murmured. “Choosing something beyond Heaven, beyond what we were told, something that can be ours.”
His words hung in the air like a temptation you could no longer resist.
And for the first time in your existence, you allowed yourself to fall.
For the next few days, you had overused and beaten up your wings, desperately trying to fly anywhere but where Jungwon might be. Every time you felt his presence near, a wave of panic surged through you, pushing you to ascend higher, further, anything to avoid him. But the harder you tried to distance yourself, the more it felt like he was following, swarming up to you persistently, as if he was testing your resolve.
Your heart thudded painfully each time you thought of him. His defiant words echoed in your mind, growing louder despite your attempts to drown them out.
“What do you feel when you’re with me?”
“Choosing something beyond Heaven”
The boldness of his voice. The way he had dared to utter such dangerous thoughts, to let them linger in your head as if they belonged there. It terrified you how much power his words held over you. The tremors of his defiance crept under your skin, crawling their way into your heart, a place where only obedience and light should reside.
How dare he?
Your jaw clenched as you flew through the night sky, trying to clear your head. He was reckless. You were reckless. This was forbidden, after all. There would be consequences. All the angels would know. God would know. Surely, Jungwon wasn’t oblivious to this.
Was he not afraid?
Your thoughts raced faster than your wings could carry you. Was this all a trick? Perhaps the celestials were testing your faith, your devotion to the supreme being, that was the only explanation for how wrong this felt. Yet, no matter how much you wanted to hate Jungwon for planting these doubts, you couldn’t shake the pull he had over you.
You stopped abruptly mid-air, hovering in the thick clouds. It was cold and silent up here, your sanctuary from his presence. But the silence didn’t last.
“Y/N” a voice messed up the stillness, low and soft, with the same warmth that always managed to break through your defences.
You turned sharply to see him, his glowing figure descending through the mist, his expression calm but filled with determination. Both of you glowed in the clouds as your wings fluttered in agitation, but your body betrayed you. You couldn’t move.
“You need to stop running from me” Jungwon said, his tone firm but not unkind. He landed gently, his wings folding behind him as he stepped closer, his gaze never leaving yours.
You scoffed, looking away, trying to suppress the shiver his voice sent through you. “I’m not running.” But even you didn’t believe your own words.
“Really?” He tilted his head slightly, his dark eyes narrowing. “Because from where I’m standing, it sure looks like you’ve been avoiding me.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, your wings twitching. “What would you like to happen, Jungwon?” You kept your voice steady, trying to mask the turmoil broiling inside you. “Do you want to drag me down with you? Make me lose my faith?”
Jungwon’s expression softened, and for the first time, you saw the hint of vulnerability in his eyes. “That’s not what I want.” He took another step closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I just… I want you to understand. I need you to listen to me.”
You clenched your fists, glaring at him. “Understand you? That you’re willing to throw everything away? For what, Jungwon? Some fleeting desire? You know the consequences of defying Him.”
He flinched at your words, but didn’t back down. Instead, he reached out, his hand hovering near yours, his fingers trembling slightly. “I’m not defying Him, Y/N. I’m just questioning things. I’ve seen so much, felt so much, and I—” He stopped, searching for the right words. “I need you to tell me I’m wrong, that this is just in my head.”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words sank in. This was what terrified you the most because deep down, you couldn’t tell him he was wrong. You felt it too, that undeniable connection, that forbidden pull.
“Jungwon…we cannot question, this is not something we are supposed to do..” you whispered, finally meeting his gaze, your resolve wavering. “This can’t happen. We cannot happen.”
He took a deep breath, closing the space between you, his wings brushing against yours. “I know what we’re supposed to believe. I know what’s expected of us. But when I’m with you… it feels different. Doesn’t it feel different to you?”
Your heart hammered in your chest, your wings trembling as you struggled to find your voice. He was too close, too intense, and you couldn’t think straight. But the truth was already written in the air between you.
Ultimately your eyes gave way to confession, teary doe orbs looking up at him in defeat. 
His eyes softened at your confession, a small, almost hopeful smile tugging at his lips. “Then why are you running? Why don’t you want to feel?”
You swallowed hard, tearing your gaze away from his. “Because… because I’m afraid.”
He reached out and gently cupped your face, forcing you to meet his eyes again. “I’m afraid too, Y/N. But I don’t want to keep ignoring this. For us.”
You stared at him, the weight of his words settling in your chest. For the first time, you allowed yourself to truly see him—not as the defiant angel who had threatened to upend your world, but as someone who was just as lost and confused as you were.
But the fear was still there, gnawing at the back of your mind like the devil. “What if we fall like him?” you whispered.
Jungwon’s thumb brushed softly against your cheek, thoughts containing nothing but the way you glow under his touch as he answered, “Then we fall together.”
˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
It wasn’t long after that when the two of you finally crossed the line between curiosity and indulgence. What began as short glances became something far more dangerous. The way Jungwon’s eyes lingered on you felt different. It was heavy, charged with an unspoken yearning. Each stolen glance became longer, every shared moment too intimate, too deliberate to be mistaken for an accident.
At first, it was subtle. A brush of wings as you passed by each other in Heaven’s expanse, fingers grazing ever so slightly, a touch that sent a jolt of something forbidden coursing through you. You convinced yourself it was nothing. But when his hand lingered longer on your skin, when your breaths began to sync in spaces that felt too small, too electric, you both knew there was no denying it anymore.
You still  knew it was wrong—every stolen touch, every stolen moment. Heaven’s laws were absolute. Angels were never meant to feel love, never meant to desire in ways so primal, so human. Love, passion, and lust, these were things of the mortal world, indulgences you were forbidden from experiencing. And yet, with every passing day, your connection with Jungwon grew deeper, more consuming. What had once been a flicker of curiosity between you became a fire that burned brighter, hotter, threatening to consume you both.
It was under a sky painted with stars that the line between the divine and the forbidden finally shattered. You stood with him, high above the mortal realm, the glow of Heaven's light just out of reach. Jungwon turned to you, his eyes filled with something dangerous, something neither of you could ignore anymore. The air between you was thick with tension, with desire that had been kept on a tight leash for too long.
He reached for you then, slowly, as if giving you a chance to pull away. But you didn’t. His fingers brushed against your jaw, his thumb tracing your lower lip with agonizing softness. You inhaled sharply, feeling the heat of his touch sink into your skin. The moment hung between you, the anticipation crackling like lightning in the air.
When his lips finally met yours, it was like falling. Soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters of something you both knew you had no right to claim. But the moment his mouth touched yours, something inside you broke. A barrier that had kept you tethered to Heaven’s laws shattered under the weight of your desire for him. Your hands found their way into his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss with a hunger that surprised even you.
His wings unfurled, brushing against yours, the sensation of feather against feather sending sparks down your spine. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you against him until your bodies were flush, his breath mingling with yours, hot and erratic. You pressed yourself closer, needing to feel more, to take more, as if the space between you was suffocating. Every touch was a silent rebellion, a cry against the laws you had followed your entire existence.
“Are you scared?” you whispered against his lips, your voice breathless as you pulled back just enough to meet his gaze. Your forehead rested against his, the question lingering in the air like the last remnants of doubt.
His eyes, dark and full of something unholy, something that mirrored the desire burning in your own, met yours. His breath was shallow, his grip on your waist tightening as he spoke, “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my existence.”
Your heart raced at his words, at the certainty in his voice. His hands slid lower, fingers tracing the curve of your hips, down to your thighs, lifting you just enough so that your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist. The moment you did, a growl escaped his throat, low and primal, sending a shiver through your entire body. His lips returned to yours, this time more demanding, more urgent, as if he couldn’t stand to be apart from you for even a second.
He carried you backward, your back pressing against the soft clouds beneath you, though it felt as solid as any earthly bed. His wings flared wide, casting shadows over you as his hands explored your body, every touch igniting sparks along your skin. His fingers grazed the hem of your robe, pulling the fabric away inch by inch, exposing the bare skin beneath to the cool night air.
Your breath hitched as Jungwon’s lips trailed down your neck, leaving a scorching path in their wake. His teeth grazed your skin, just enough to make you gasp, your body arching beneath him. One of his hands slipped beneath your robe, fingers brushing over your inner thigh, teasing, testing, before slipping higher.
A sharp gasp escaped you as his fingers found the heat between your legs, pressing with deliberate slowness. You bit your lip, trying to stifle the moan building in your throat, but it was useless. The sound slipped past your lips, soft and needy, spurring him on.
Jungwon’s lips returned to yours, devouring your moans as his fingers moved in slow, agonizing circles. You felt yourself unravelling beneath him, every nerve touched with pleasure, every thought consumed by the sensation of his touch. His wings enveloped you, cocooning the two of you in darkness—shielding you from Heaven’s gaze.
“Tell me” he murmured against your lips, his voice rough with desire, “tell me you want this.”
Your breath came in ragged gasps, your body trembling beneath his touch. “I… I want you,” you confessed, the words tumbling from your lips before you could stop them. “I want you, Jungwon.”
His eyes darkened, something feral flickering in them as he claimed your lips in a bruising kiss. His fingers pressed harder, moving faster, and you could feel yourself teetering on the brink of something dangerous, something forbidden. But just as you neared the edge, everything changed.
In a heartbeat, you were bound. Silken ropes wrapped tightly around your wrists, pinning your arms above your head, your back pressed against a smooth, heavenly pillar. The restraints dug into your skin, not painful, but tight enough to remind you who held the power.
“You look pathetic like this” Jungwon sneered, his voice low and dripping with condescension. He stood over you, his gaze dark and unrelenting, roaming over your vulnerable form. “No celestial being or human could never amount to your beauty”
Yet, in this moment of power, he revelled in your submission, a twisted satisfaction lighting up his features. The tension between you crackled like electricity, and you could feel his breath against your skin, warm and taunting. “It’s almost tragic” he continued as he leaned closer, “how such beauty can be so easily bound and helpless.”
His fingers ghosted down your body, featherlight and taunting. You squirmed, testing the ropes, but they held firm. A sharp tug at your wrists elicited a gasp from your lips, and the helpless, needy sound only made Jungwon’s smirk widen.
“Just think of what I could do with you, all this beauty restrained,” he murmured, the promise of his intentions hanging heavy in the air. “Look at you,” he muttered, his voice laced with cruel amusement. “So desperate. So needy. What a disgrace for an angel.”
Without warning, his hand shot to your throat, gripping tightly enough to make your pulse race beneath his palm. He tilted your chin up, forcing your gaze to meet his. His eyes were filled with something dark, primal, something that made your stomach churn with both fear and desire.
“You think you deserve my touch?” he whispered, his grip tightening just slightly. “You think I’d be gentle after all your disobedience?”
You tried to shake your head, tried to speak, but the pressure on your throat choked off your words. Jungwon’s grip loosened just enough for you to gasp for air, and then his lips were on yours. Going rough, demanding, leaving no room for tenderness. His teeth grazed your bottom lip before biting down hard enough to draw a whimper from you.
“That’s more like it,” he growled against your mouth. “I want to hear you beg.”
He pulled away, his hand trailing down your body, curling around your thighs before forcing them apart. The cool air hit your bare skin, heightening your awareness of every inch of yourself, exposed for his pleasure. His gaze never left your face as his hand slid between your thighs, fingers hovering, teasing, never quite touching where you needed him most.
“Beg for it” he ordered, his voice low and dangerous. “Tell me how much you want this.”
You squirmed beneath him, your wrists tugging at the restraints as you tried to press closer. “Please, Jungwon,” you whispered, your voice shaky, “please… touch me.”
Jungwon’s laugh was cold and mocking. His fingers brushed against you, just enough to make you gasp, before pulling away entirely. “Is that the best you can do?” he taunted. “Pathetic. You’ll have to beg harder than that.”
A flush of heat crept up your face, your body burning with need. “Please” you whimpered, your voice breaking with desperation. “I need you… I’ll do anything.”
A cruel smile curved his lips as he finally pressed his fingers against your clit, slow and teasing, sending waves of pleasure through your trembling body. You arched against the pillar, a soft moan escaping your lips, but Jungwon’s other hand gripped your jaw, forcing your gaze to meet his.
“Keep your eyes on me” he commanded, his voice a low growl. “I want to see every second of your surrender.”
His fingers moved faster, slipping inside you with a practiced, ruthless precision. Each movement was deliberate, calculated to keep you on the edge of release, but never quite letting you tip over. You writhed beneath him, your body aching for release, but the cruel gleam in Jungwon’s eyes told you he wasn’t going to give it easily.
“Look at you, pretty angel~ falling apart with just my fingers. Do you even realize how weak you are right now? How easily I could break you?”
His words sent a fresh wave of heat through you, your body trembling with need. Your breaths came in ragged gasps, desperate for more, but Jungwon wasn’t done playing with you yet.
“Beg me to let you come” he commanded, his voice rough and unforgiving.
“Please” you gasped, your voice trembling. “Please, Jungwon… I need it. Please let me come.”
Jungwon’s smirk deepened as he leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, “You don’t get to come until I say so.”
With that, his fingers slowed, keeping you teetering on the brink of release, but never granting you the satisfaction. He watched you squirm, his cruel laughter filling your ears as you struggled against the golden ropes, your body shaking with the overwhelming need for more.
“You’ll come when I decide” he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. “Until then, you’re mine to toy with.”
Jungwon’s smirk softened as he looked down at you, your body trembling beneath him, bound and helpless in the ropes he’d tied with such care. His thumb grazed your cheek, and for a moment, the cruel glint in his eyes faded, replaced by something deeper, something more intimate.
"You look so perfect like this," he whispered, loosening the bonds around your wrists. His fingers lingered where the silk had dug into your skin, rubbing the marks softly. "But I’m not done with you yet."
Your wrists fell free, and as you collapsed into him, his arms wrapped around you, holding you close against his chest. He was still so firm, so in control, yet his touch was different, now gentler, but no less commanding. His lips brushed your forehead, soft and reverent, like a promise.
“I’m going to take care of you,” he murmured, his breath hot against your ear. “But only because you’ve been so good for me.”
You shuddered as his hands slid down your body, no longer teasing, but steady and sure. He lowered you back down to the soft clouds beneath you, his eyes locked on yours, dark with desire but softened by something warmer now. His fingers trailed along your thighs, and when he positioned himself between them, the world seemed to slow, the air thick with anticipation.
“You still want this?” His voice was low, almost vulnerable, as though he needed to hear you say it again.
“I want you” you breathed, your hands reaching up to touch his face, pulling him closer. “I’ve always wanted you.”
Jungwon’s lips found yours in a kiss that was slow and deep, a kiss that spoke of everything unsaid between you. Desire, defiance, and something more dangerous. His body pressed against yours, and you could feel every inch of him, hard and ready, but holding back just enough to make you ache with longing.
He broke the kiss, his lips brushing against your ear as he whispered, “You have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.”
Slowly, carefully, he positioned himself at your entrance, his eyes flickering up to meet yours. For a moment, there was no dominance, no power play, just the raw connection between you two, something that defied the very laws you had once sworn to uphold.
And then, with one slow, deliberate thrust, he pushed inside you. The sensation was overwhelming. He filled you completely, stretching you in ways that made you gasp, your body arching against him. His hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer as he settled into a slow, steady rhythm, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through your body.
“God” you moaned, your fingers digging into his arms as he moved, your body melting beneath him.
Jungwon chuckled softly, his lips brushing your jaw. “Not quite” he teased, his voice low and husky. “But I’ll make you feel like it.”
His pace quickened, his hips rolling in a rhythm that was almost hypnotic, his body moving with an effortless grace that made it impossible to think of anything but the pleasure building inside you. His wings, usually tucked away, spread out around you both, creating a cocoon of feathers and warmth, shielding you from the world, from Heaven’s judging eyes.
“Look at me” he commanded softly, and when you did, the intensity in his gaze made your breath catch in your throat. "I want to see you when you fall apart."
You whimpered, your hands clinging to his shoulders as his thrusts became deeper, more urgent, driving you closer and closer to the edge. His fingers curled around your thighs, pulling them up to wrap around his waist, and the new angle sent a jolt of pleasure through you, making you gasp.
“Jungwon” you moaned, your voice trembling, “I... I can’t—”
“Yes, you can” he growled, his lips brushing your ear as he thrust harder, his body pressing down against yours, his pace relentless. “You’re going to come for me, and I’m going to watch you break.”
You were so close, nearing on the edge of release, every nerve in your body alight with the sensation of him, filling you, consuming you. Your breaths came in uneven, shaky gasps, your body quivering beneath him. Yet, he kept you pinned in place, his fingers pressing into your skin, anchoring you to him.
"Say my name" he commanded, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down your spine. "Say it when you come."
His thumb brushed against the sensitive spot between your legs, rubbing slow, deliberate circles in time with his thrusts, and that was all it took. You came undone beneath him, your body arching off the clouds as the pleasure crashed over you, your hands gripping his arms as you cried out his name.
“Jungwon!” The word spilled from your lips, raw and breathless, your body trembling as wave after wave of pleasure tore through you. He watched you the entire time, his eyes dark with satisfaction as you fell apart beneath him.
And then with a final thrust, he followed you over the edge. His body shuddered as he came inside you, filling you completely. His grip on your hips tightened, his breath ragged against your neck as he buried himself deep within you, his release leaving him trembling in your arms.
For a long moment, neither of you moved, both of you lost in the aftermath, your bodies tangled together in the warmth of each other’s embrace. Slowly, Jungwon pulled out, his hands gentle as he lowered you back onto the clouds, his body still hovering over yours, protective and possessive.
His fingers brushed your cheek, and when you looked up at him, his eyes were softer than you had ever seen them before.
“You’re mine” he whispered, his lips pressing softly against your forehead, a promise in every word. “Always mine.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, the intensity of his gaze making it hard to breathe, but you couldn’t look away. The ropes were gone, but the invisible link between you and Jungwon felt stronger than ever.
“I’m yours” you whispered, your hand resting against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your palm.
Jungwon smiled, a real, soft smile that sent warmth flooding through you. He leaned down, kissing you again, this time with tenderness, the ferocity of his earlier dominance replaced by something deeper, something that felt almost like love.
And as he held you close, the weight of your defiance hung in the air, but it no longer felt like a burden. With Jungwon beside you, it felt like freedom.
˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
Heaven was quick to notice. The divine realm was not blind to such transgressions, and the whispers of your defiance reached the ears of the highest angels. You and Jungwon were summoned, the sacred halls echoing with the weight of your sin, warned to sever the bond that had ignited between you before it was too late. But the love you shared had already become your heaven—more sacred, more intoxicating than any celestial paradise could ever offer.
The Council of Seraphim loomed before you, their eyes cold and condemning, wings aglow with the pure, searing light of Heaven. Their gazes felt like knives against your skin, their judgement tearing at the very fabric of your existence. They told you that if you didn’t end it, this forbidden love, you would be cast out. Fallen from grace. Stripped of your wings, your immortality, your divinity. Everything.
And still, you hesitated. Because how could eternity in Heaven ever compare to a single moment in Jungwon’s arms?
Lucifer’s name was invoked, a warning etched in whispers that spread like wildfire through the ethereal clouds. Gasps echoed through the heavens, the horror of it rippling like a wave, a reminder of what happens to angels who want more. More than servitude. More than blind obedience. More than the perfection of paradise.
“Lucifer chose greed over duty, and now he reigns in hell” one of the Seraphim hissed, their wings flaring in anger. “Is this the path you choose as well?”
Jungwon, standing beside you, his jaw set and eyes burning with quiet defiance, reached for your hand. His fingers slid into yours, warm, trembling but unshakable in their conviction. That single touch… so human, so raw, that it grounded you, even as the weight of the Seraphim’s words threatened to crush you.
"Let them take everything from us" he whispered, his voice steady despite the judgement raining down upon him like fire. "They can have their paradise. As long as I have you, I already have heaven."
Tears stung your eyes, your heart breaking under the truth of his words. The reality of what you were about to lose weighed down on you like an anchor, dragging you into the depths of your sorrow. You tried to imagine it, tried to picture life without the wings that had carried you through eternity. The light of Heaven fading from your soul. The cold, eternal exile. Your body shook, not just with fear but with the knowledge that this choice would ruin you.
“I can’t…” Your voice cracked, barely a whisper, your tears finally falling. “I can’t lose everything.”
Jungwon’s grip tightened around your hand, his eyes softening for just a moment. “You’re not losing everything,” he murmured. “You’re choosing everything that matters. I’ll be with you. Wherever we go, no matter what happens.”
The Seraphim’s voices thundered, condemning you both. The words "fallen," "disgrace," and "damnation" crashed around you, suffocating your last ties to the divine. Yet amid the chaos, all you could hear was Jungwon. His presence, his love, was the only thing keeping you from breaking apart completely.
You closed your eyes, the weight of Heaven's judgement pressing down on you like an avalanche. You could feel your wings begin to tremble, the shimmering light that once radiated from them dimming, fading away. Your immortality, your celestial power—it was all slipping through your fingers. And still, all you could think of was him.
“Are you scared?” you asked, your voice a fragile whisper, barely able to meet his gaze.
Jungwon smiled, soft and full of that quiet, defiant strength. Everything that he was reassured you, “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my existence.”
His words were a bandaid to your soul, a tether pulling you back from the edge of despair. You knew then, in that moment, that there was no other choice. No amount of divine glory, no promise of eternal light, could rival the love you shared. The bond that had been forged between you was too strong, too real. More real than anything Heaven could offer.
With trembling hands, you reached for your wings, feeling the divine energy pulse beneath your fingertips one last time before you let it go. The glow dimmed, the feathers withered, and then, they fell. One by one, your wings disintegrated, leaving you exposed, fragile—human.
The Seraphim watched in silence as your fall from grace became complete. But there was no turning back now. You had made your choice.
As the last of your wings faded into nothingness, you looked at Jungwon, his wings still intact but now dark, tarnished by your shared sin. He pulled you into his arms, holding you so close you could feel the beat of his heart against your chest.
"Together, my love" he whispered, his lips brushing against your temple. "We’ll face this together."
And as the gates of Heaven closed behind you, casting you into the abyss of exile, you realized that the real paradise wasn’t in the clouds or the light of Heaven. It was here, in his arms, in the love you had chosen over everything.
And even though you had fallen, with Jungwon by your side, you had never felt so free.
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cillivnz · 1 year
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[𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪]
SYNOPSIS — you shift across continents hoping to leave all behind that drifted you apart from the Lord, only to catch the sole reason of your departure waiting for you patiently, with a rosary in one hand and his cock in the other.
WARNINGS — NSFW. MODERN AU. OOC!KENTO (kinda). RELIGIOUS IMAGERY, THEMES & RELIGION IN GENERAL. BLASPHEMY, sacrilege, impure thoughts, cursing, sins & sinning, sex in a church, indecent use of the confessional, DUBCON. oral (m! receiving), fingering, clit-play, biting, nipple/breast-play, unprotected and penetrative sex (p! in v!), overstimulation, against a wall (?), voyeurism, degrading. NANAMI HAS A GOD COMPLEX. there is repetitive mentions of religious themes throughout the smut, from praying to other things.
A/N — GOOD GOD. i’m asking you all for forgiveness, but i needed to do this. i intended it for leon kennedy but something in me snapped and i changed it to a nanami kento fiction, WHICH IS WHY THERE IS MENTION OF A CHRIS REDFIELD, i was too lazy to change it and also i didn’t want to incorporate too much from the JJKverse, so we’ll just leave Redfield at that.
i am NOT anti-religion, this is a common fantasy and i just wished to try my hand at this sinister trope. please refer to the warnings and DO NOT PROCEED if anything mentioned makes you uncomfortable. apologies in advance for any inaccurate detail written. not proofread.
art credits — unknown [pinterest]
[therefore the title].
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𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐘𝐎 𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐍’𝐓 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐘, but you knew the Lord only wanted what was best for you, and so a new chapter in your life had begun.
A woman above materialism, you leave with only your bible and habit, but of course, you carried the last memory of your past life— a photograph your Sisters took of you and Father Redfield from your hometown, the church you had sworn celibacy to, near the Arklay Mountains.
You loved Chris— Father Redfield, the way you’d love the angels of the almighty, but at times this love prevented you from preaching, causing you to often ponder on your style of living, and the fact that doubt settled in your god-driven mind became the primary reason why you decided to move away, all the way to Tokyo.
Your feelings for Father Redfield made you question your vows to chastity, and you knew at once you needed to get away. So, you left the mountainous foliage at once and settled for the noisy city.
Upon arriving, you were welcomed by a ‘Sister Nobara”, with a soft face and piercing gaze, but none that lingered.
She walked you through the large and lonely halls of the massive church. The infrastructure of your hometown’s place of worship couldn’t compare to Tokyo’s, perhaps the difference in population was the reason why.
Throughout the walk to the nave, you felt an ominous sense of being watched— no, preyed upon, but you and your naïveté blamed it on your nerves. It worsened while you said your prayers, seeking forgiveness for the note on which you left: that doubt and urgency to succumb to hellish pleasures with the priest that couldn’t even reciprocate a smile back to you.
“Ah, there comes Father Kento,” Sister Nobara interrupted the last of your calls to the Lord, the one where you beseeched to attain enough strength to never succumb to lust. You quickly muttered a, “Amen”, and turned to Nobara. You looked at her for a brief moment, before your gaze followed hers and landed on the most devilishly handsome man you had ever seen.
Hell, you had to leave your home over a man who, now, you realise, isn’t even half as attractive as the man towering over you.
You backed away when the sudden proximity hit you, your subconscious mind immediately associating that eerie feeling in your gut with the presence of this man.
“Hello,” his deep voice broke the silence. “Greetings, Father,” you quickly averted your lingering stare onto the wooden floor. There was a stroke of amusement tainted in his tone, “Sister Nobara tells me you come from the Arklay Mountains.”
“She’s right,” you confirmed, still not eyeing him.
He nodded along, eyes still etched on your face.
“Father, if you could excuse me.” Sister Nobara suddenly spoke, causing you to look up at the departing woman. A “But—” was all you could mutter, before Kento put two-and-two-together and figured you sought out your quarters. “I don’t mind showing you around.”
“If it’s not too much trouble, Father.” You laughed, nervously, obvious to the subtle but definite bite of the Priest’s lower lip at the sound.
“No problem, follow me.”
The walk wasn’t as bad as you’d thought it to be; it was worse.
You couldn’t help but glance repeatedly at the seemingly older, definitely taller and the most handsome man you had ever dreamt of, and the fact that he hadn’t turned to look at you, nonetheless utter a single word, aggravated you.
He gracefully halted, and you knew you’d reached your quarters.
“There we are,” he announced, opening the door to let you in before him.
“It’s not much but—”
“It’s perfect.” You interrupted him with a warm smile, genuinely pleased with where you were to be stationed. Father Kento seemed pleased with your response, the small smile that broke out gave it away.
You instantly got to settling in, not that you had many things to place. Just your clothes, holy books and—
“Who is that?” Asked Father Kento the minute your hand reached for the framed memory.
“Father Redfield from the Arklay Church.” You spoke in monotone.
“Is he why you left?”
You didn’t have to answer.
The way you clutched the photograph tighter gave Nanami Kento all the answers he needed.
“Confessional is always open.”
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“𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐈𝐒 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍.” The words rang in your ears, floating in the whirlpool of your disturbed mind throughout supper, and the fact that Father Kento was nowhere in sight was no solace. You decided to say, “Fuck it,” in a god-abiding way, and made your way over to the said confessional.
You step inside the wooden booth, steadying your breath you heard movement on the other side.
“Good evening, Sister.”
“I’m glad you obeyed me.” He said, seemingly in nonchalance, but you could picture a cocky smirk on his handsome face.
“Yes, father,” was all you could muster up.
“Tell me what’s on your mind.” He said so casually, yet compelling enough to get you to open up.
“You were right, Father Kento,” you sighed.
“It’s Chris—Father Redfield.”
“He’s, uh, the reason why I left.”
“Why would a man of the Lord drive you to that limit, Sister?” You heard that raspy voice of Father Kento’s inquire.
All you could muster up was a sigh. Talking about your feelings was something you’ve always struggled with, never there being a crucial need to do so, to redeem, like tonight.
“Because I would find myself thinking about him.”
“In what way?” Father Kento asked almost immediately, not wasting a breath.
“In impurity, lust, and love.”
The sigh on the other wooden end of the booth was almost unheard by you. “Describe them.” Father Kento broke the silence after a moment of halting. “W-what?”
“Describe your thoughts. What did you want to do with him?” You heard fiddling, but chose to ignore it.
“I would— would think about him and I, romantically. If and how things would’ve been different had we not chosen this life. Then, it was natural for excitement to settle in when he’d gently brush past me,” you oddly found yourself at ease, tranquil and nostalgic as you reminisce over the past.
“What about lust?” He interrupted in a tight voice.
“I thought of his large, aged and veiny hands: grabbin—grabbing me, groping my… breasts…”
The ruffling on the other side silenced you, and when Father Kento noticed, he spoke in a stern tone, “Sister,”
“I need you to let it all out.”
So, you took a deep breath, and did exactly that.
You tell the priest how badly you’d grown accustomed to that ache between your thighs, how damp you would feel while merely observing the older man casually interact with the churchgoers; the tinge of bitterness that coursed through your veins, replacing the electricity that he’d often ignite, but now that you see him caressing the arm of another woman, much like the way he’d do to you, you’d find yourself unravelled in the sin of envy.
“I would find myself wanting to start a family with Father Redfield— by any means necessary. I would’ve wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me, carry his load inside me each night, sleeping in the warmth of his arms while his cum leaks out of me, still puffy and sore but in the need of more—”
You heard him groan.
He fucking groaned.
Your sinful ramblings would’ve persisted had the feeling in your gut not begged for you to shut the fuck up that very instance.
“Tell me, Sister,”
“Was it Father Redfield you felt such vulgarity for, or perhaps, just the thought of a superior— One with the Lord— indulging in you?”
You were speechless. Surely there was no insinuation in his sultry tone, right?
“I— I don’t know, Father.” You cleared your throat, thighs involuntarily rubbing together. You raised your palm to bite the back of it, softly, but enough to distract you. A habit you thought you had rid yourself of, but it still lingers.
“Oh, I think you do.”
Before you could deny the blatant accusation, your eyes land on Father Kento through the open wooden network.
You had now realised that this was the first time throughout your confession that you looked up— at him, and the sight awaiting you had caused you to clutch your rosary and gasp the first profanities you’ve dared to say in decades.
Father Kento sat on a ruby, velvet sofa, while his robe lifted up to his stomach. The first thing your eyes trail to is the smug, sinister look on his face, his slicked-back, disheveled hair, his glimmering eyes and pink lips. Then, his broad neck lacking the amice that is supposed to adorn it. Between his thick thighs, stood tall and angry the most vicious thing you’ve seen.
What made it worse was that he had a hand wrapped around the leaking tip, and in that very hand, was his rosary.
“Like what you see, Sister?” He called you out, and you immediately averted your gaze.
You looked to the ceiling, folding your hands and dropping to your knees.
“No, none of that.” Father Kento ‘tsk’ed at the sound of your prayers, making his way over to your side of the confessional.
“As pretty as you look while begging for mercy,”
He grabbed ahold of your joined hands, opening them just enough to wrap them around the girth of his cock.
“Pray,” he said, squeezing your cheeks together. When your mouth forcefully opened, he shoved his tip past your plump lips, and you instinctively allowed more inside.
“Good girl.” He groaned, motioning your hands back in forth on his cum-slick cock.
Blasphemy coursed through your blood and all thoughts and prayers left your mind, and you twirled your tongue around his cruel tip.
He growled, “You have no idea what you’re doing to me,” pushing back your veil and bandeau to let your hair out and grip it.
“Oh, you have no idea what a punishment the past few hours had been,”
“I’d been doing so good. ‘So good,” his voice was weak yet hoarse; he damn near lost his mind when he hit the back of your throat, biting back a whimper.
“I was on the path to salvation, but you,”
“You just had to show up and send me spiralling to hell.”
He plunged into your tight throat one last time, savouring the sight of your hollowed cheeks and plump lips wrapped around his shaft. You bat your long, thick lashes at him and his heart skips a beat when he looks into those doe eyes of yours.
“Get up,” he yanks you up by the arm.
You were hesitant while bidding farewell to your attire, but there was unknown fervency in your movements.
Once bare, you couldn’t even look him in the eye.
“This is so wrong—”
“—But do you want it?” He asked, his was was stern and soft, his recollected breath made his velvety voice return.
“More than anything I’ve ever known.” You answered in all honesty; only truth came out of you in the home of the Lord.
There was a soft smirk on Father Kento’s face that widened into a genuine smile upon hearing your words. “Come here, then.” He motioned for you close the eternal gap between the two of you, and you nearly leaped into his arms, the distance growing unbearable.
Kissing you, tasting himself on you, Father Kento spoke in between kisses, “I don’t want a fucking word out of you, okay? You’re going to take cock quietly.”
“We want this to stay between us and God, yeah?”
You nodded, letting him corner you against the wooden box.
His eyes darted up to yours and then trailed down to your body. His frustration aggravated at the sight of you, and the fact that you’re the Lord— his master’s forbidden fruit heightens his senses with carnal instincts, making the Goddess in front of him even more insatiable.
“You know I’d have taken my time with you, right?” He nods, enchanting your dumb and dazed state to follow him.
“But you understand how badly I need to be inside you?” You nod, you need it, too.
“And you’ve sworn in celibacy?” He quirks an eyebrow, but the minute you felt the slightest touch of his fingertips along your velvety folds, you forgot all your vows at once.
“Answer me.” His voice carried a trace of humour, but stoic nonetheless, finding your clit and pressing his thumb onto it.
“Y-yes. Yes.” You bit down on your lip and the priest nearly lost it then and there. His free hand meets your face and tucks the pillowy lip out of your teeth’s grasp, stroking it back and forth.
His hand left your cunt, earning pathetic whimpers from you. It went back to his cock, jerking it a few times, leaving you mesmerised, before he gathered the slick that leaked out of the tip and smeared it onto your pussy.
“Prepping you.” He simply grunted, easing one finger into your tight hole. Your walls show hospitality and gladly accept the digit curling inside them.
You were a virgin, but masturbation wasn’t foreign to you.
“More,” you ached, and he obliged.
By the end of your aching heat, you had (barely) accustomed two of his long, slender yet thick fingers. The fervent circles of his thumb on your clit were torturous.
On the brink of your orgasm, spiralling into ecstasy, Father Kento pulled you out. Like a sinister saviour, he pulled you out of enlightenment.
“No! Please— Why?” You blabbered bullshit, too fucked out to care about anything but release.
“I told you I need to be inside you.” His voice was hoarse, the lust evident in his tone.
Watching you right on the edge of unravelling had him throbbing and twitching.
“I need to feel that tight cunt.” He was damn near hyperventilating. “Baby, I’ll go crazy.” He chokes out a sob when you grab his cock by the angry tip and align it with your hole.
He smiled at you, causing you to clench.
How was this blonde bastard so handsome?
Lifting you up with sheer ease, he let your legs wrap around his waist, your arms crossing over his neck, and his dick plunging into you, inch by inch.
You thanked God the tiny booth was tall, so you had enough space to let your head fall back without it touching the ceiling, courtesy of the man balls deep inside you, standing at 6’0.
The snug fit knocked the air out of both of you. Tears ran down your flushed cheeks like a hot spring, the passion with which he embraced you, devouring your warmth against the cold wood set every cell in your body ablaze.
“You’re so fucking— tight. ‘Hot, tight pussy squeezing so nicely around my cock.” Father Kento began pounding into you. Your legs had began to tremble already, but your vicelike grip on his waist and broad shoulders didn’t falter.
His fat cock fucked into you with desperation, the carnality of being wanted so much, so sinisterly by a man who had sworn chastity makes your soul quiver.
You’ll need to make one hell of an apology to the Lord.
As if reading your mind, the blonde priest spoke in a hoarse voice, “Pray.”
“For your sake and mine, you better fucking pray.”
So, you join your hands and close your eyes, bring Father Kento’s face closer to your chest. He closed his eyes, relishing in the feel of your soft breasts embracing his face like the pillowy clouds of heaven he’d never see.
With every thrust, your would slide up the wall, cunt gushing along his length. You said your prayers silently but couldn’t help letting out wanton cries when the tip of his cock would hit a certain spot inside you, and hit it repeatedly.
You were too far gone to hear him say, “Put it in my mouth,” not knowing what he referred to, until he hit the flesh right above your breast. You struggled to let go of his neck, but grabbed the supple flesh and lead it to his ravenous mouth, like a lamb being led to slaughter.
His hot mouth on your nipple; tugging, licking, circling, and nibbling. His cock inside you, fucking you at godspeed. Two of his fingers on your clit, rubbing maniacally; all had you coming undone in seconds.
“Oh, Kento!” You moaned pornographically, driving him to the point of release and insanity when the rhythmic contractions of your cunt pulsated around his twitching cock, and in mere seconds, Father Kento buried his seed deep inside you.
“Good god.” He groaned, parting with your nipple with a ‘pop’ and overstimulating you with slow, deep thrusts; his fingers never once leaving your clit.
“—Needs another confession altogether.”
And so every night you’d find yourself cornered up in the confessional, apologising for same mistake you’ve been making every night, with the man whose forgiveness you beg for, on your knees, and repentance he delivers with a rosary in one hand and his cock in the other.
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sirahegao · 6 days
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Knight Rengoku x Female reader
Summary: Sir Kyojuro Rengoku is appointed as the princess personal bodyguard due to rising threats of violence from the enemy kingdom. He would do anything his dear princess orders and desires. His sole purpose is to keep the princess safe and content.
Tags: Porn with a bit of plot, slight dom reader, oral (female receiving), virginity loss, p in v, fingering, masturbation, missionary, riding, arranged marriage, forbidden love
Word count: 6.7k
* ‧ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ * 𓂂 ꙳ * ‧ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ * 𓂂 ꙳ * ‧ ⨯ . ⁺ ✦ * 𓂂 ꙳
Every aspect of your life was controlled since the day you were born. Not only your life but also the one of your parents. They were promised to each other for the sole reason of royal bloodlines. That was the same direction your life was currently headed and you did not, could not, come to terms with it.
The idea of being stuck in a loveless marriage for the sole reason of pumping out babies filled you with something worse than dread. Looking at your mother was like looking into the life of your future self, a sad and miserable reflection staring back at you. All your Mother accomplished in her life was to give the royal family 6 children. Your brothers, however, had a better life set for them. The eldest was the sole heir to the thrown and was given the opportunity to chose his own wife as long as she was nobility which is a far better freedom than the one you were granted.
You were set to be married off to an enemy kingdom once negotiations were to be complete. You thanked god that their king was just as stubborn as your father when it came to settlements and you prayed the quarrel would never end. But once those negotiations were settled, your job would be to marry the eldest son and provide as many children as possible and as soon as possible. In all honesty, you would rather die before that happens.
The only thing you were able to control in your sad life, was your personal bodyguard. A knight specifically assigned to you when threats to the kingdom arose. The royal family had to protect you at all costs, after all, you were going to be used to settle disagreements between kingdoms.
That knight was to follow your orders without hesitation. After all, who would suspect you ever having ill intentions? The knight followed every single of your commands. The only one order he would never obey was to leave your side. There was a time where you would desperately try to shake him off your trail. He would follow you everywhere and would always stay exactly four steps behind you. He was like a bloodhound. No matter where you hid or how hard you tried to lose him, he would always find his way to you.
At the end, he became an aspect of your life you were able to control. After you got used to him being a thorn by your side, you decided to push his limits and see what orders he would follow. At first you requested silly tasks for your own amusement like making him walk your dog and clean up after him during your morning strolls or make him cut up your food and feed you as if you were a child. More than anything, you expected him to be enraged and snap at you for treating him like a common maid, but he never gave you the satisfaction. However, as time went on you noticed that any task involving him being in close proximity to you would incite a flushed reaction from his end.
Once you caught wind of that, it became the only thing that brought you amusement. Your demands became bolder like asking him to help you change into your over complicated dresses or making him give you massages when you became too stressed. All of this just to see that flustered expression of his. He never once declined any of your commands which you found entertaining. Of course, all of this was done behind closed doors. The rest of the servants tended to be gossipy and you did not want them to spread any misinformation.
However, one rainy night completely changed the dynamic of your relationship. The stress of being scrutinized for every aspect of your life, for every decision you made, had finally caught up to you. Nothing in your life was under your control except for this. As your hands wondered beneath your sleeping gown you realized this was something you would always be in control of. The need to forget everything that made you worry was strong, and you desperately sought that sweet release.
This was the only time during the night when you could be alone. Your knight would either be right outside your bedroom doors or patrolling in the nearby area, so you figured that as long as you were silent, you would be able to obtain that sweet release.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips when your fingers lightly brushed against your clit. The action bringing excitement and anticipation to the rest of your body. The bundle of nerves was aching to be touched and you granted that wish by drawing soft circles on the area. This caused the rest of your body to tremble as breathy sighs escaped your lips. Being the only female in the royal family meant that you were a virgin. You were promised to whoever your father decided to trade you off with.
This, however, did not change the fact that you were able to pleasure yourself. You reveled in the idea of being in control of something. Being able to control your climax was enough to settle your nerves. However, you couldn’t ignore the fact that you felt as if something was missing.
You continued to draw circles around your clit. You slowly increased your speed as the pleasure caused your legs to tremble. Soft gasps escaped your lips as you felt the wetness gather in your core. The finger pleasuring your clit soon wondered to your aching hole. Your finger slipped in easily due to the wetness. Opening your legs wider caused a shudder to escape your lips as you granted yourself better access. Adding another finger, you curled and scissored them searching for that spot that never failed to drive you over the edge.
What a sight you were. Your legs were up and spread open revealing your sopping cunt. Your lips were swollen from how hard you bit them trying to keep quiet, and your hair clung to your neck and forehead from the slight sweat you were building up. Once your fingers curled to that sweet spot, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out soft moans.
Accounting the rain, you believe no one would be able to hear your sharp gasps as you slowly built up your orgasm, or even the lewd wet sounds that filled your chambers. However, you were greatly mistaken.
After finishing his patrol faster than usual, Rengoku made his way back to your chambers only to be met by strange noises. Your sharp gasps made him believe you were having trouble breathing, so he took it upon himself to urgently check on you.
Without warning, your bedroom doors were swung open and his eyes shot wide open when he witnessed the compromising position you were in.
The first thought that ran through your head as your eyes met was anger. You were annoyed that he interrupted you when you were about to climax.
While maintaining eye contact, your fingers sped up. The squelching noises growing louder and your shudders were the only noises that filled the room. You desperately kept trying to reach that high again. “Well, are you just going stand there like a buffoon, or are you going to do your job and help me?” Your lust took the reigns as you spewed those words from your mouth.
He stayed silent for a moment which gave you enough time to come to your senses and realize what you were asking of him. Before you could speak, with that same flushed expression that always brought you amusement, he answered,
“As you wish my princess.”
That night set a chain of events that led you to the moment you were currently in, his head hidden underneath your dress as his tongue swirled around your clit. Anytime you demanded anything like this from him, he never argued or offered his opinion. He just followed orders like a good soldier. There was never any penetration since he always made sure to use his fingers and/or mouth to drive you over the edge.
Sometimes you wondered if he enjoyed this as much as you, since he never stopped until you tapped out from exhaustion or overstimulation.
You were currently supposed to be on your way to the opera, but instead you were in the back of the stagecoach with your dress ridden up to your hips as he held your thighs back, spreading you open for his tongue. The trees in your large estate shielded the stagecoach from prying eyes and was far enough to drown the lewd sounds you would make. You didn’t even make it out of the estate before your lust and impatience took over.
“Mmm… your tongue feels heavenly.” Every time you would compliment him, you could feel his body trembling almost as if your compliments brought him pleasure.
He just hummed in acknowledgment. The vibrations adding to your pleasure as his tongue delved deeper into your sopping hole. You couldn’t stop your hips as they moved along his face. Your body desperately seeking further stimulation. Your trembling fingers tangled into his golden locks pulling on them the closer you felt the dam break. A part of you would’ve like to reward him, to make him feel as good as you were feeling, but the way his eyes met yours along with his flushed cheeks and the juices dripping down his mouth hinted that this was more than enough for him.
As he sucked on your clit, a long thick finger teased your hole. He would slip the tip of his finger in, the wetness allowing him easy access, and softly begin to pump and curve his finger. The sensation was too much that you felt the familiar build up of your orgasm. It was so close that your vision went dark from the anticipation and the pleasure.
“Please… I’m so close.” You managed to whisper.
If only you knew you would never have to beg anything from him. That was not your place.
“Anything you wish, my princess.”
His mouth connected to your clit once more while his finger increased its speed causing your legs to tremble around his shoulders. The grip you had on his golden locks was enough to almost rip his hair out, but he did not complain. His eyes connected to your face as you came undone around him with a loud groan. You tried to bite your knuckles to stop you from making too much noise, and how he wished you could just be as loud as you wanted. To let everyone know that a commoner like him brought the princess to tears with how intense her orgasms were. The orgasms that HE caused.
He licked you clean along with his fingers, savoring your sweet taste.
“Well, it looks like we should be headed back soon before we raise any alarms. You did well Rengoku.” You said as you fixed your dress and hair, trying to get rid of the evidence these acts ever took place.
As Kyojuro took his place in the driver’s seat, he tried so hard to make his throbbing cock go down. He tried taking deep breaths along with thinking of any other distracting thoughts either the sky, the trees or the birds, but you always made your way back into the spotlight of his mind. How he wished he could claim you as his, but he knew that was not his place. You were royalty and he was just a farm boy who wanted to fight for his kingdom. If the royal family ever found out about his sacrilege towards the princess, he knew he would get executed without question.
But you were just so addicting. It was like doing heroin, he knew it was wrong, but he could just not resist the high. The night that he walked in on you was not on purpose. The noises you were making were almost as if you were having difficulty breathing which sent him into his fight or flight response. When you asked him to help you, every sane part of his being was screaming at him to turn around and leave, to pretend he just didn’t walk in on you knuckle deep and leaking all over the bed, but he was weak and you were divine.
Every time you requested him after that, he never failed to be there. It was as if you had him on a tight leash, always available to do your bidding. You were his Aphrodite and he would always worship you as such.
Once he was able to calm down, he set the carriage on its way back to the castle. However, both of your hearts dropped when you saw your father waiting outside the castles doors. There were times when you would go months without seeing him, so seeing him here without it being a special occasion or without any notice, made your thoughts race and hearts drop.
After holding the carriage door open for you and helping you down, Kyojuro broke the tense silence first,
“Your majesty.” He kneeled in front of the king, not able to make eye contact. You, on the other hand, gave a curt bow and tried to settle your nerves. Your hands began to sweat and your heart felt as if it was going to jump out of your chest. Your father had not said a single word since you arrived, and it was difficult to read his hard expression.
“Where have you been?”
“We just came back from the opera. I was beginning to feel as if I was going to die of boredom.” You fanned yourself, acting nonchalant.
“Guard, at ease and stay put.” Your father’s booming voice commanded towards Rengoku. Whatever it was that your father wanted to talk to you about, he made it obvious that he wasn’t in a hurry. It was almost as if he knew, and that paranoid part of yourself kept screaming at you that he knew.
You feared he would send his guards to execute Rengoku right there at the steps where you left him. Why else would he separate him from you? Still, you weren’t dumb enough to begin rambling first, as you waited for him to begin with whatever it was he wanted to discuss.
“I want you to get your affairs in order.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Father?” You urged him to continue.
“The east kingdom and I have come to an agreement. You will be sent to their castle to familiarize yourself with your new home and your new fiancé. I will join you in a few days time to oversee the royal wedding.”
The wedding would seal whatever agreement they had come to terms with. Hearing those words made your heart drop to your stomach. You knew this day would come, but you were not ready. It was too soon. You were not ready to leave everything behind and be bound to a complete stranger.
You were not ready to part with your knight.
“Another thing I wanted to mention, once you get married, I want you to… consummate the marriage and be with child straight away. That will be the only way for this peace treaty to fully become fulfilled. Do I make myself clear?”
You bowed slightly, not as a sign of respect, but as a way to hide your expressions. “Yes father.”
“Good. You shall head out tonight. I want everything done as soon as possible so I can forget about this mess.” He walked away without another word. As soon as you heard the palace’s doors doors close behind you, signaling his departure, you dropped to your knees and began to sob. You could feel the servants eyes on you as they continued to pass by, trying to get their chores done, but none of them dared say a word to you. It was not their place to speak their mind in matters regarding the kingdom.
You were so engrossed in your own thoughts and sadness, that you did not feel the soft touch on your shoulder.
“Princess… we need to start packing.” Came Rengoku’s soft and reassuring voice.
Taking deep breaths, you tried to regain your composure. You let him help you up and guide you to your chambers.
Once the door closed behind you, you continued to quietly sob. Without a word, Rengoku began putting together the things he knew you wanted to take. His fingers caressed the material of your dresses as he placed them on the bed. Almost as if he was trying to memorize the feel of the material. Rengoku felt defeated too. The most likely scenario would be that your new husband would probably send him back to his kingdom. Rengoku will be seen as an outsider and a spy if he was to stay there, so there was no way he would ever see you again after the wedding.
This day was bound to happen, and he thought he was prepared. If only things were different. If only he were royalty, maybe he would’ve had a chance to remain by your side if at least just for a little while longer.
“I’ll get a carriage ready and send a maid up to help you pack.” When he was about to reach for the doorknob, he felt your arms wrap around his torso. Your head nuzzling against his back armor. He froze under your touch, unsure of how to proceed or what to say.
“Please stay…” you sobbed, “I want to remain by your side as long as possible.”
You were afraid he was gonna push you away. What if he did not adore you the way you adored him? What if he just followed your orders because he was your subordinate?
Now that you were coming to terms with the fact that you might never see him again, your true feelings for him began to rise. At first you believed that your feelings were just driven by lust, but now you realized that you did not see yourself without him. Without your protector.
“I don’t want to go. I want to stay here. I’m so scared.”
This was the first time you spoke to him like an equal. You were showing your vulnerable side to him and all he could do was hold you.
“It’s your duty. Just like my duty is to protect you.”
“Then protect me. Don’t let this happen… please.” He remained silent at your request. This would be the first time when he was not sure he would be able to follow through with your orders.
You tried not to keep sobbing as you were on your way to your new home. The only sounds that filled the air were the thuds of the horses hooves hitting the dirt road, and the occasional snorting from the horses. You massaged your eyelids to keep them from swelling. The coldness of your fingertips soothed the area, but no matter how hard you tried, silent tears continued to slip down your rosy cheeks. You didn’t want to arrive at the new kingdom with obvious signs of distress.
Kyojuro had been silent since you spoke about how you really felt towards this situation. You figured it was due to the fact that he was just following your orders and he did not really care for you the way you thought he did.
You sighed heavily as you stared out the window of your carriage. The rustic buildings became less and less and soon replaced by the trees of the thick forest that swallowed your kingdom. The feeling of hopelessness consumed you as you realized there was no way around this. This was your fate. This was what you were born to do and your only use as a princess.
The trip towards the east kingdom was long enough to require staying overnight at a formal hotel. There was an upcoming small town that belonged to the east kingdom which was were you would stay for the night. The last night of the life as you knew it. The last night you would spend with your knight.
You watched the stars out of the spacious balcony of the luxurious hotel you were staying at. You could see Rengoku near the stables, settling the horses of your carriage down for the night. He was so gentle with the horses. Offering them small smiles and pets as he spoke to them. Most likely telling the horses sweet words as if they were puppies. You couldn’t help but smile at that. It made you realize that whoever Rengoku ended up with, he would be nothing but loving and gentle towards them. How envious you were of that person. Slight guilt built up in your gut as you realized you basically took advantage of him. As his superior there was no way he could deny your requests without fear of retaliation. You made a mental note to apologize to him before arriving at your destination.
Once you changed into your nightgown, you tried to settle beneath the covers and enjoy the last night you had for yourself, but the room felt dark, cold and lonely especially in the giant lone luxury bed you were in. The heavy armored steps outside your door let you know that Rengoku had returned from the stables into his assumed position, and you were debating whether to ask him to join you in bed.
Of course, there was no ill intent behind your request. You just wanted these feeling of loneliness to go away.
As if he read your thoughts, there was a knock on the door before his deep voice asked if he could come in.
“Just checking if you have anything out of the ordinary to report. Although we are on the high end of town, it does tend to attract thieves.”
“Can I request one last thing from you? You know, before our journey ends tomorrow?” You interrupted, your mind too preoccupied to acknowledge what he was saying.
“Anything my princess.”
“Can you lay with me? It is a chilly night and I don’t feel the fireplace warming up the room enough.” You requested shyly, your eyes not able to meet his amber ones as you were sure your cheeks were flushed. This was not the worst thing you’ve requested from him, so you weren’t sure why you were acting this pathetic.
“As you wish.” He bowed slightly. A sign of the respect and admiration he still had for his princess.
Before joining you, he began to take off his armor, revealing a white long sleeve dress shirt along with black trousers. The shirt fit loosely around his torso, a deep v-cut showing off his perfect chiseled chest. Your hands ached to feel his body under your fingertips. As much as you invited him in with good faith, you couldn't help the filthy thoughts that clouded your mind.
Little did you know, he felt the same way too. The way your nightgown clung to your body in a way that your usual dresses failed to do, leaving nothing to the imagination. Not to mention your cute messy hair that was usually in a neat and elegant style. All these factors made him want to defile you, but you were the princess. You were royalty, and he believed you shouldn’t be requesting things like this from a commoner like him.
You scooted over leaving a generous amount of space between you as to not make him feel uncomfortable, and as much as you wanted to reach out to him and feel him underneath your fingertips, you turned away from him acting indifferent.
However, as you were trying to drift off into sleep, you felt him close the space between you and drape an arm over your hip.
“You stated you were cold, I cant let my princess suffer like that.”
Your heart leaped every time he called you ‘his princess’. It was a warm fuzzy feeling that spread across your chest which you’ve never felt before. It made you nuzzle against him, cherishing the feeling of his warmth that you might never feel again.
With how comfortable you felt, you began to drift off again, that is until you felt something hard poking your lower half. You weren’t as clueless as to not know what it was. He believed you were fast asleep with how your chest softly rose and fell, so he let his mind wander and delve into those lewd thoughts of his which immediately made his cock ache from how hard it was.
You didn't dare move, enjoying the way he was rubbing slowly against you. His breathing became shallow and low whimpers would leave his mouth here and there. The noises he was making made wetness pool between your legs. You were aching to feel more, aching for him to cloud your mind and make you forget all your problems like he always does.
He felt pathetic, but he couldn’t control his body. He felt like a dog, but you were just so soft and warm. The desire was unbearable unlike anything he’s ever felt in his life.
You knew it was wrong, but your body moved on its own. You rubbed your ass against him making him let out a painful wince.
“Princess… I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to-“
You interrupted him by turning around and crashing your lips into his. It was a heated kiss full of desperation and desire. Teeth clashed against each other as you took control of the kiss. Your tongue dancing with his as your hands held unto his face desperately, as if you were afraid he would disappear.
“I need you my knight.” You whined against his bruised lips. A string of saliva connecting your mouths.
It was as if a switch had flipped. Any thoughts of future consequences were shoved deep into his mind and all he could focus on was your lustful gaze and how soft and warm your body felt against his. You belonged to him for tonight while he has always been yours.
His hand came up to your face. His rough thumb caressing your flushed cheek. He looked at you with so much adoration as if he were staring at a deity. “Then use me as you please, my princess.”
That was your cue as you closed the space between you again. Your hands roamed his muscular arms and broad chest while he still seemed hesitant to touch you, but he was just afraid he would loose control and take over. You were his superior, so you were in charge. Desperate to feel him, you guided his hand under your nightgown and towards your chest. His large hand engulfed the soft mound making a soft moan escape your lips. The way his fingers pinched and groped your breasts was making the ache between your legs unbearable.
“Please… I need more.” You whispered against his lips, begging for some relief.
“Anything for you, my love.” He began to place kisses against your cheeks trailing down your jaw and neck just to stop briefly by your chest. He nuzzled your right breast, taking your clothed nipple into his mouth while he pinched your left breast. It was almost as if he was teasing you since you couldnt stop the way your hips lifted trying to obtain some sort of friction.
He felt comfortable enough now to worship your body properly without the fear of being caught lingering in the back of his mind. He wanted to take his time exploring every inch of your body, since he never had the chance to before, but seeing the way you desperately sought relief made him take pity on you.
You soon felt his breath against your clothed pussy making you shudder. God, how he had missed your pussy. If it were up to him, he would be tongue deep in your pussy for hours. Your wetness had leaked and formed a Heavy wet patch on your lacy panties. He couldn’t stop himself from licking a stripe along your clothed wet slit. You tasted so divine that it was almost intoxicating. He was like a man who had been wondering the desert for days before finally having a sip of water.
“Fuck…” he muttered under his breath before ripping your underwear off of you making you yelp. Without missing a beat, his mouth enclosed around your clit as he softly began to suck. Your thighs trembled around him as you moaned, finally being touched exactly where you wanted. Soon the room was filled with lewd wet sounds that didn’t fail to turn you own even more.
“Such a good boy.” You whined into your hand trying to keep your moans low.
“Tasty… you’re so tasty… so sweet..” his incoherent babbling filled the air. The first time he’s ever been vocal while you performed these sinful acts. He would usually stare at your face as he lavished your folds, but this time he was entranced with the way your tight wet cunt would swallow his fingers. He loved seeing the way your hole would clench around his fingers the closer he drove you to your release.
“Use your mouth more.” You shuddered. Your sentence coming out more demanding than you intended, but either way he was eager to comply, moaning as his mouth encircled your throbbing clit.
Once he felt your thighs tighten around his head as you released around his mouth, he couldn’t help but to desperately fuck himself into his wrist. Your praises and the way you moaned his name making his cock throb. It was almost painful how desperately he wished to be inside you.
As if you read his thoughts, your hands cupped his cheeks as you dragged him up to your face for a deep messy kiss. “Put it in. Please put it in.” You whined desperately against his lips.
Those words were enough to cloud his judgment and to silence the voice in the back of his head screaming about the consequences.
“As my princess desires. I am yours to command.” He moaned against your cheek. His lips leaving sloppy wet kisses down your jaw and neck. He quickly rose to remove his dress shirt, but too desperate to remove his trousers.
He was mindful of your virginity as he slowly and steadily guided the head of his cock through your weeping hole. Your legs immediately clenching around his hips due to the painful sting. Your wincing pulled at the strings of his heart.
“Shhh… I know my princess. It’ll feel better I promise.” He kissed and nibbled on your lips as a way to distract you from the pain. Oh how hard it was trying to not just slam into you. Your tightness causing whimpers and moans to escape from his lips.
“So tight princess… all for me.” He babbled. His eyes hazed over with lust at the way your squirmed and twitched beneath him.
The pain began to slowly subside as the stretching of his cock began to cloud your mind with pleasure.
“Mmm… faster.” You commanded breathlessly as your soft hands roamed his hard body. You loved the way his muscles felt under your touch, hard and contracting every where you roamed.
His hips began to roll faster, filling the room with sinful squelching. The slap of skin on skin grew louder and you feared the sounds could be heard by other patrons down the hall.
He whimpered and moaned against the crook of your neck, trying his best to keep quiet. You felt so heavenly around his cock and all he could think about was to fill you to the brim with his cum.
“My beautiful princess… ah~ I want you to carry my babies.” The pleasure became so unbearable that he had to close his eyes. Just seeing your beautiful flushed face with your swollen lips and disheveled hair was enough to make him want to cum. Not to mention the way your innocent looking eyes locking with his made him feel.
“I would love to carry your children my handsome knight.” That was all he needed to hear to release deep inside you as his moans filled the room. The strange feeling of his warmth inside was enough to make you join him in that high. Your legs trembled at his sides as you clenched the sheets beneath you. This was much more intense than when he used his mouth.
He collapsed next to you, shoving his sweaty golden locks out of his face. Any timidness that lingered quickly disappeared as you craved that high again.
“Awww… don’t tell me my knight is spent already.” Came your taunting voice as you crawled up his lap. You rubbed your juices along his softening cock which immediately became rigid at the sensation of your cum dripping down his shaft.
“You told me I could use you for my pleasure, and I’m not done yet.” There was a new malicious look of lust glazed over your eyes that ignited the fire within his core again.
“Let me worship you like you deserve.” His heart stopped as he watch you remove your robe. The fireplace reflected the slight sheen coating your beautiful body. He swore he had died and gone to heaven. This couldn’t be real. There was no way you were about to sit and bounce on his cock.
“Fuck… you don’t have to do this. I’ve defiled you enough, my sweet.” His hips betrayed his words as he thrusted himself between your folds.
You made him shut up as you shoved yourself down his length in one swift move. Both of your moans filling the room. Any concerns about being heard long forgotten. His cock stretched you so deliciously that it was addictive. It made you wish you could have his cock deep inside you all the time.
His throbbing tip hit your g spot perfectly that with each bounce, it drove you closer to the edge. Yet, you didn’t miss the way he trembled and whimpered beneath you. He was so blinded by pleasure and he demonstrated it by balling his fists into the sheets, anything to keep him grounded to reality.
“I… I want you to fill me up again… Kyojuro.” You felt so close, but you didn’t want to climax before feeling him coat your tight he walls.
He groaned hearing his name roll so sweetly from your pretty mouth. It was enough for him to sit as he held you so tightly he shoved you down on his cock as deep as he could before releasing inside you. He moaned breathlessly against your ear leaving opened mouth kisses wherever he could reach.
There was something about watching this man come undone beneath you. There’s nothing like seeing your powerful, indomitable warrior reduced to a whimpering wreck as he loses himself in you. It’s a power which omly served to intensify your climax.
You felt your orgasm drip down your thighs and dirty the trousers he never took off.
“I love you… my beautiful princess.” His confession made your heart still. All the thoughts of your responsibilities rushed back and hit you like freight train. All you could do was remain silent as you held onto him. Not knowing what to do or what to say.
He felt as if he overstepped his boundaries, but he couldn’t stop himself from uttering his next sentence.
“Let’s run away together.” He muttered against your neck making you shoot up in surprise.
“I’ll look after you. I’ll provide for you. If you’re with child I’ll look after both of you.”
You remained speechless.
“It may not be the lavish life you’re accustomed to, but I promise I’ll take care of you.” He kissed your cheek and forehead. His kisses just dripping with the affection he had for you.
You really did not want to go through with the arranged marriage. You wanted nothing more than to remain by your knights side, but what about your kingdom?
Well it’s not like you came from a loving family, but you couldn’t help but still feel guilty. Not to mention you would probably end up executed once your future husband finds out that you are no longer pure.
“I love you too, Kyojuro.” You held his face so softly as you brought him in for a soft kiss. A kiss where you just poured all your emotions for him. No one had ever made you feel the way he did. His heart fluttered at your actions.
He chuckled against your lips. “Let’s get you cleaned up and let’s get the hell out of here, my love.”
Running away with Kyojuro was the best decision you could’ve ever made. You both ended up at his family’s farm which was secluded deep in the woods at the base of a mountain, away from either kingdom. It was located on an elevated hill that was covered in beautiful sunflowers in which, once you reached the top, gave a beautiful view of the mountains. It was secluded enough from the nearest village that no one would ever think of looking for you there.
You doubted anyone would try to look for you anyways. Kyojuro made sure to make the carriage seemed like it was attacked and ransacked before setting it on fire. He also made sure to leave his weapon and his armor damaged enough that it made it seem like he did not survive the attack.
Word from the nearby village, according to Rengokus family, was that your father blamed the other kingdom for your disappearance and declared war on them. Even though the other kingdom denied the accusations, your father had made up his mind and nothing could change his views. He was a stubborn man who believed you would never run away from your duty. Not to mention the state he himself found the carriage. It just helped seal any doubt he had.
But you could care less about what your family was up to.
Kyojuro had introduced you to his parents along with his little brother. To say you were shocked by how similar the Rengoku men looked was an understatement. And if his family recognized you, they didn’t say a word. The story Kyojuro had told them was that he had met you in the nearby town your castle was located in and that it was love at first sight. Neither you or his family doubted that part of the story.
His family accepted you with nothing but love and open arms. And as the years went by, they became the family you never had. You had grown close with his mother who taught you everything she knew from cooking to baking to house chores.
Of course, Kyojuro would never let you lift a finger when he was around. As much as you protested, he promised to keep treating you as a princess and that’s what he was going to do as long as you were by his side.
Eventually, he along with the help of his father, ended up building a small cottage on the other side of his family’s property, and when Kyojuro had decided that enough time had passed from your disappearance, he proposed and held a small wedding ceremony in the family farm where no one other than family and a small amount of close friends where invited. Not soon after his parents began asking for grandchildren. How you did not become pregnant your first night together will always be a mystery to you.
But eventually, you became pregnant multiple times throughout the years and gifted him four beautiful children. Three boys and one girl who were the spitting image of their father. Oh how you held a grudge against him for that.
However, no matter how much time passed, he never failed to make you feel as giddy as he did when you first met. He never broke his promise about treating you like a princess either. He would always do everything you said and always made sure you were content. He also never failed to thank you for choosing him and giving him a chance. He gave you a wonderful life where you knew nothing but peace, stability and love.
If you had the chance to do it all again, you would walk down the same path over and over again.
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drunkenlionwrites · 1 year
Lapis Lazuli Warnings: afab g/n reader, slight sacrilege , p in v sex
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You feel so devastatingly overwhelmed with sensations that your brain is almost shutting down. The back being pressed to the cold and moist surface of the frescoes-covered wall, the hot body of your lover against your chest, the tail of his slithering between your thighs to then hug your waist possessively while he languidly pushes himself into you.
The air around you is humid, Dan Heng’s exhales near your face only making you feel it stronger. The look in his azure eyes fills you with some kind of primal need and reverence. His skin is velvet under your fingertips. The strands of his hair are nothing but finest silk falling onto your shoulders. The act feels so sinful – a sacrilege of sorts, yet Dan Heng’s breathy grunts beside your ear make you forget everything else. “I see you’re still a sinner in this life, Dan Heng?” you manage to tease him, which grants you a deeper and harder push of his cock into your core.
One more thrust and a chuckle follows. “Don’t antagonize me. You’re the willing participant too, my love.” The sarcasm dripping in his tone, his movements shifting back to agonizingly slow again while his sleek tail wraps tighter around your waist. You whine, trying to shift your hips against Dan Heng at least a little. Naïve. He won’t allow you that. But still, you’re stubborn. “At least I’m not doing it against the relic of my people.”
“Oh, is it so? If I were you, I would know better than that and stop talking now. That is…if you still want me to make you come now.” His voice grew darker, but you knew that some darker parts of him resonated with your taunting.  With a huff you relent, deciding not to dwell on the subject deeper, biting his pointed ear and pressing the head to his shoulder. It served as a sign for Dan Heng to continue with your slow punishment.
Hands running up your thighs with utmost tenderness to only grip them harshly in attempt to bring your lower body even closer to his. Every grind of his length inside you painfully brings you closer and closer to your release. The feeling of his fangs grazing the skin of your neck hard enough to make it bleed doesn’t make it easier on you. The skin where your lower bodies collide is covered in your combined fluids and produces lewd squelching sounds now that make you shiver in the tight hold of your lover. It’s still not enough.
“Please…Please. I need more…I’ll be good to you” you mewled into his shoulder pathetically. Anything to make him move faster inside you.
“So weak now.” he chuckles, biting your neck once again until you cry out. “Well, let this sinner grant you with the long-awaited deliverance then.” he breathes out in your ear, which makes you clench around his length. His pace becomes punishing now, each thrust precise, each touch making you feel sublime, yet somehow dirty. Your pants and moans only encourage Dan Heng to move faster. The stinging pain in your neck and back adds to your pleasure and pushes you closer to your release.
With moans of your name his thrusts become erratic, and you feel him pulsing inside you so deliciously, that it serves as the last stroke before impeding orgasm. You shudder and pulse around his cock, barely registering now how his hot cum fills you. While coming down from your release, panting and holding each other close, Dan Heng smiles in his usual warm way – the corners of his lips slightly upturned, his eyes, now of darkened lapis lazuli color full of adoration. “Well that definitely ‘spiced it up’, right?” you murmured, exhaling.
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I'm sorry, this just lived in my head and I needed to spill it out somewhere. Basically reader and Dan Heng are roleplaying here a bit to have rougher sex, but I feel like Dan Heng is still kinda OOC here and he for sure won't be joking about the sins of his past incarnation while fucking at the Scalegorge Waterscape of all places 😂
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gojhoes · 9 months
“come one, come all”
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summary: It’s the eighth annual haunted house held by your boyfriend’s university theatre program. You decide to pay it a visit in support of Gojo, but what happens when you get lost and find yourself alone with him in the Blue Room?
- contents: NSFW, MDNI. fem!reader x gojo, all characters in their early 20s, college student au, gojo is a theatre major, established relationship, dom gojo, sub reader, sex in a public place, smut, dirty talk (sacrilege, tbh), gojo speaks in quotes, p-in-v (why not), praise kink, unprotected sex, masque of the red death theme - wc: ~4k
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Having been in the same year in high school, you knew very well of Gojo's affinity for pulling pranks. You also knew, however, that sometimes he could take it just a little too far.
It wasn't unusual to come home after a grueling day of exams to get jump-scared by Gojo before getting into the shower. More than once, he'd claimed to have stood behind doors for up to 30 minutes just so he could leap out and scare you as you walked by. Not to mention the time he'd camped out in the backseat of your car after overhearing that you were about to leave to meet Shoko somewhere. You'd come pretty close to accidentally stabbing him over that, and you made him promise not to do it again. But still, every time you got in the car, you peeked over your shoulder just to make sure there were no surprises.
October, the second month of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and arguably your favorite of them all, had come at last. The changing of the leaves, the merciful drop in temperature, and new scents in the air were all pleasant. But the main reason you loved it so was Halloween.
It wasn't until you were well into your new relationship with Satoru that you discovered your love for the holiday was something he reciprocated. His university's theatre program held a haunted house annually, which he'd participated in religiously since his freshman year. So, being the supportive girlfriend you were, of course, you agreed to pay him a visit with all your friends.
The morning before your ticket for the haunted house was valid, Gojo waltzed up behind you as you stood naked in front of the bathroom mirror. He slithered his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder, leaving sweet kisses all over your bare skin. Being that it was opening night, his day was starting early with back-to-back dress rehearsals. This meant he wouldn't be joining in the shower, as was usual, and that you would be alone until it was time to meet with Nanami and Shoko later. He was already dressed in his costume- a burned, destroyed, fake-bloodied ensemble that represented nothing in particular. It didn't matter to you, though. He could've been wearing rags and he'd still be the prettiest man you'd ever had the pleasure of looking at.
"Wear something cute tonight," he'd murmured into your ear before giving you a teasingly chaste kiss and heading out the door. For Satoru, 'cute' meant slutty, or something with easy access like a skirt with no panties. The implication sent your heart aflutter and resultantly, you were left distracted the entire day.
In the car, you tried desperately to pull down the skirt as it relentlessly rode up and threatened to expose your bare ass. Shoko had been able to convince Nanami to drive you, much to your surprise. Getting him to do anything outside of school hours was about as pleasant as pulling teeth, but with Shoko's promise to buy him a couple of beers, he'd eventually agreed without much grumbling.
Gojo had warned you that it would be packed for opening night, so the best course of action was to come early. Turns out, this one was one of the rare times when his advice had been useful, as the ticket line damn near wrapped around the block as you approached the haunted house itself. There were no phones allowed in the house per university rules, so Nanami offered to take yours before you took off inside.
"Aren't you coming?" you asked, a last-ditch effort to try and convince him to join.
"Absolutely not," Nanami replied stubbornly. "I'm here as the designated driver only."
Your face fell in disappointment, but you knew better than to try to argue with Kento Nanami.
You, Shoko, and 50 of your closest friends filed into a room much too small to house such an amount. The walls were painted to look like blood-spattered wood, and you could just make out the motifs of several different doors. Any trace of sunlight seemed to be sucked away the moment you entered, truly adding to the effect. You were impressed with the design thus far, feeling inclined to agree with Satoru's claims of his theatre program being The Best.
"I'm bugging out," Shoko said to your left.
"You claustrophobic?"
She gave you a look as if to say, "are you stupid?", and you raised your hands defensively. More and more people kept spilling into the room, squeezing you impossibly closer to the wall. There had to be at least 100 or more patrons occupying the space now, but there was no sign that the outer doors were going to close anytime soon.
A random frat boy tripped and crashed into Shoko, which not only pissed you off but also happened to be her last straw. She ignored the boy's attempt at an apology, all the color draining from her face in an instant. Her brown eyes were wide with fear as she sputtered out,
"Fuck this. I'm getting the fuck out of here."
Before you could get the chance to call after her, she turned quickly and hurried toward the way you'd come in. The crowd was impossibly thick, and she moved so fast in her panic that you were unable to catch up. Just as you made it to the edge of the crowd, the loud sound of a gong rang throughout the room at an ear-splitting volume.
Right before your eyes, the large doors swung inward with a melodramatic creaking, bathing the overly crowded room in complete darkness. At least Shoko had made it out safely. For a moment, nothing happened aside from the illumination of several dim lamps overhead. You thought that maybe someone had missed their cue, but then a sound sweeter than singing angels filled the room: Satoru's voice.
“Quiet, brats!” he boomed. The room fell silent in an instant- even you had to admit that the command sent a slight chill down your spine. You concluded that his voice was being carried over a set of speakers, as your boyfriend's familiar tall frame was nowhere to be seen.
“Our university’s theatre department would like to welcome you to its eighth annual haunted house.”
There was an awkward pause, and you heard someone cough.
“APPLAUSE, brats!”
You joined the others in a series of claps and forced cheers, smiling to yourself. No wonder Satoru enjoyed this so much; he was perfect for it. In your mind’s eye, you could see his lit-up face as he bellowed into a microphone in some nearby room.
He knew your time slot already, but you'd shot him a quick text to let him know you'd arrived before leaving your phone with Nanami to go in. You wondered if he’d spotted you yet, thinking maybe you should wave or something. Surely there had to be cameras in the room.
"'One thing I do dislike, are cowards'," Satoru went on. “However, because of your precious laws, emergency exits are marked in every section. As you proceed through the house, follow the WHITE ARROWS. Does everybody get that? WHITE. ARROWS. Everyone, repeat it so we get your verbal acknowledgment.”
In unison, the crowd obediently droned out ‘white arrows’, and you fought back a giggle at the absolute kick he must’ve been getting out of this.
“Wonderful!” Gojo cried, pretending to make his voice break emotionally. “Doing so well already, brats, makin’ me proud.”
He cleared his throat as murmurs of laughter floated through the room.
"NOW!" he shouted abruptly. "After I stop talking, the doors will open. There are seven of them, so choose carefully because God knows what might lie beyond the wrong one.
"And remember," he crooned. "'Hell is empty, and all the devils are here.'"
A dramatized rendition of his signature snicker warped into deep, evil laughter as several doors opened on the room’s other three walls. The house-goers around you burst into nervous laughter and excited chatter as groups decided which way they would go. You trailed behind a group of high school girls on the premise that they'd likely be safer to follow than the frat boys you'd seen earlier.
It was a tight fit, to say the least. You found yourself at the back of the line as the holding room emptied and patrons passed over the various thresholds. The door you'd chosen to enter led into a long, dark hallway with, as promised, an arrow slathered on the floor in white paint. The same dim lanterns hung from the ceiling in intervals, though they did little in terms of providing much brightness.
The group of girls you'd chosen to follow turned abruptly into the first room off the side of the hall. It was a room painted completely in the dimmest of blue light, casting an eerie glow over your skin. It was a grand chamber, with impossibly tall ceilings and a chandelier hanging in the middle. You were unsure if it was the hued lightbulbs and lack of other illumination, but every prop in the room seemed to match in shade. You traipsed around the edges of the room, peeking at every object from the cerulean breakaway chairs to royal books and faux food.
When you glanced up in search of a guiding arrow, you found that you were completely alone. The girls you'd been dead set on trailing had disappeared. How was that even possible? You'd stopped only for a minute to look. Just moments ago, you’d been surrounded by people, trapped in a suffocating cloud of body heat and bad breath. It was so cold now in comparison, so dark, and so quiet. There wasn’t a shred of decent light in the room and having left your phone with Nanami, you had nothing in the way of a flashlight. You started feeling your way toward the wall to guide yourself when a familiar voice spoke, and your blood ran cold.
"I was hoping you'd go with that one."
You gasped at the sudden tickle of Satoru's breath on the back of your neck. Where had he even come from? The disappearance of your fellow patrons suddenly made sense as you dawned on the thrilling realization that you two were completely alone.
"You told me to dress cute," you replied, fighting to keep your voice steady.
Satoru chuckled, low and breathy, and you felt the fine hairs on your neck stand up straight. "And that you did, didn't you? Always so good for me."
His praising words sent a wave of heat straight to the space between your legs. He wasn't yet touching you, though you could feel the warmth of his body from behind. You didn't dare move, having all but frozen under the weight of his proximity. Blood roared in your ears as your arousal burned low in your abdomen. Just his presence was enough to make you forget where you were in only the minute he'd gotten you alone.
"Always," you affirmed shakily.
You felt him move forward and close the space separating your bodies, his hips pressing against your ass. You willed your hands to remain at your sides and the air felt thick and hot, not unlike how the holding room had been just a few minutes ago. Something hard between his legs poked at your flesh and if you'd had any, your panties would've been soaked from that occurrence alone.
"'If you love me,'" Satoru murmured, his wet lips brushing against your neck. "'Then you will keep my commandments.'"
There were so many things about Satoru that were hot. His body, the charm, and his pretty face. But the way he’d sometimes speak in quotes and passages was by far his most attractive virtue. Perhaps some found it cringe-worthy, but the words slipped off Satoru’s tongue like honey and you hung off the end of each one.
“I love you,” you said, surer of that statement than of any other you’d uttered in your life.
His tongue and teeth took turns connecting with the soft skin of your neck. His pretty mouth latched on, sucking gently on your most sensitive spot as a hand landed on your side. You leaned into his touch, long fingers toying with the fabric of your skirt as they crept up your thigh. He trailed teasingly over every inch of skin you had to offer, and goosebumps erupted over the entirety of your leg. You heard him let out a sigh when his hand reached your bare hip under the skirt.
"Such a good girl," he said in a low voice. "Always doing exactly as I tell you to do."
"Satoru," you whined as his fingers flitted over your clit, which throbbed persistently in protest of the lack of stimulation.
"Shhh, keep it down," Gojo chastised in a whisper, circling his free arm around your waist. He pulled you into him roughly and you let out a small squeak. "Think of all those people who might hear. Don't want to scare them, do you?"
You opened your mouth to reply, only to slap your hand over it to stifle a moan when he slipped two fingers into you without warning. Your other hand grasped at the wall, searching for something, anything to grab to help cope with the sudden intensity of your pleasure.
"So wet," Satoru said softly, approval dripping from his tone. "All for me."
The hand crushing you against him slid down from your abdomen to your hip, creeping over agonizingly slow to rub circles on your achy clit. You relaxed into him instantly, the relief sending tingles through your whole being as he took his time fucking you on his fingers. His cock was painfully hard through the thin layers of clothing that separated him from you. You trusted him to hold you upright, retracting your steadying hand from the wall to reach down and palm at him behind you. As if rewarding you, the tips of his fingers curled against that sweet spot that made you dizzy, and you whimpered pathetically.
Your back still pressed to his chest, you fumbled over the waistband of his costume pants as you blindly slipped your hand inside. His cock strained against the fabric of his briefs so hard that you almost pitied him, already wishing to relieve him of the clothes and have him buried inside of you. You pulled his underwear down enough that you could feel the curve of him, running a single finger over what you could touch of the shaft. He laughed breathily into your ear, praising you for touching him even in such a difficult position.
That familiar twinge in your cunt drew a deep, unwarranted moan out of you. The sound rang throughout the room loudly enough that it distracted you from your pleasure. Were you really about to fuck in this very public haunted house? The door was wide open and while it was very dark, there was nothing stopping anyone from entering. You turned your head and pawed at Satoru's chest pathetically to get his attention.
"What if someone comes in?" you babbled in a fleeting moment of clarity, searching his face for any sign of fear.
Satoru rolled his icy blue eyes affectionately, though his tone was deliciously condescending when he replied,
"Then I guess someone will see me fucking you in the Blue Room. Isn't it ironic that we're doing such an act in the one that's supposed to represent birth?"
After one final curl of his fingers, he retracted them in an instant, leaving you understimulated and clenching around nothing. He nudged you in encouragement to face him, to look upon his lust-clouded eyes and flushed cheeks. You held his gaze, knowing that if you didn’t, you'd be punished, as Satoru guided your mouth open with the fingers he'd just fucked you with. He loved to see you taste yourself, half-devoted to getting you addicted to it. And you, always aiming to please him, licked them clean in earnest.
"Good," he praised, wiping the appendages dry on his pants leg. "Now lay down for me."
You whirled around and let him guide you downward so that your chest was flush against the tabletop and your ass faced the ceiling. You heard the telltale brushing of fabric as he freed himself from his pants and let them bunch around his ankles. He teased his hardened cock against your clit, knowing how much it drove you crazy when you were already so frustrated.
You whined impatiently. "Satoru, please-"
A gasp escaped your lips and interrupted your plea as large hands latched onto either of your hips and jerked you backward suddenly. His chest brushed your back as he leaned over you, lips brushing the shell of your ear as he spoke.
"Quiet, baby," he cooed. "I'd hate for us to get interrupted."
Just the idea of having to stop right now was enough to send you to your wit’s end. You dedicated what was left of your focus to keeping your lips pressed tightly together to trap any sounds that might escape through them. With how wet you were, you could only imagine how unhinged Satoru had become. With the knowledge of what was to come, you gripped the edge of the table with both hands to steady yourself.
The risk of getting caught was imminent, and even if he acted like he didn't care, Gojo wasted no time in sliding into you. You took all of him at once, swallowing hard to keep an instinctive moan at bay. He was struggling too, it seemed, as you heard air expressed sharply through his nose the moment he bottomed out. His pleasure always amplified your own and you felt yourself clench at the sound. It was a sick satisfaction, knowing that he was feeling as good as you did because of you.
He fucked you slow at first, pulling out till only his cockhead remained, and sliding back in at a teasingly hesitant pace. You knew he would have to make it quick, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to have his fun with you. Impatient little whines replaced the noisy complaints you normally gave him when he teased you. Gojo loved to make you beg, but the thrill of taking you in such a public setting would fill the need for now.
Satoru settled into a pace that had you melting into the table, especially when two of his fingers found themselves rubbing your clit just as consistently. He knew exactly what to do to get you off, his tempo never stuttering even when his own pleasure clouded any rationality he might've held. You kept your back arched low, following his lead as he pounded into you roughly.
"You feel good, baby?" he asked, his voice a strained whisper.
You nodded quickly, distrusting of your ability to remain quiet. It was always good, even when you didn't get to take your time and work each other up to the breaking point. Despite his unrelenting nature, the way in which he held you was gentle, and he knew how to read your body even better than you did.
It was too much, the length of him, the speed of his fingers on your clit, not being able to express yourself vocally. You felt stunted like you were unable to get the stimulation you needed to achieve your release. Too much, yet not enough, but you told yourself to trust Satoru. He always promised he would take care of you.
"Look at me."
He didn't give you much of a choice. Gojo's hand cupped your chin and guided it backward so that your eyes were staring directly into his. The telltale pink flush on his cheeks was visible through the many layers of white stage makeup. The horribly painted-on clown eyes were smudged around his pale lashes, but the wild lust in his expression was all you cared to notice as you fluttered around him in a way that signaled you were close.
"I want to see your pretty face when I make you cum right next to all these people."
You shoved a hand in your mouth to muffle the involuntary moans as you came. The roiling waves of pleasure rushed over your body as your cunt clenched rhythmically around Satoru's cock. He grinned at you widely as he fucked you through your orgasm, reveling in the way your body went rigid under his own. His own washed over him without much difficulty; a few moments later his lower lip was caught between his teeth as he grunted with the effort it took not to moan himself. His pace picked up rapidly as he gasped.
"Ahh- 'm gonna cum," he said breathlessly.
You relished in the feeling as he emptied himself inside of you, hot and twitching as he painted your walls with his seed. The grip on your hips was near bruising as if the shape of your bones beneath his hands was the only thing tethering him to this earth. You remained in that position, both of you panting as you came down from your high. Even with him still sheathed inside of you, you could feel the astronomical amount of cum pooling there. Just how pent-up had he been?
He slid out of you slowly, the lack of his bodily warmth adding to the heartbreakingly empty feeling as he did so. Before you could even think of moving to get to your feet, Satoru aggressively slid two of his fingers back into you. He didn't like to waste a single drop of his cum, shoving what little had begun to trickle out back inside.
"There," he said retracting them once more, satisfied now that you were properly filled. "'ll help you up."
He smoothed your skirt down over the tops of your thighs and reached for your arms to guide you into a standing position. His hands found your waist as he pulled you into him, nuzzling your hair and breathing deeply. Your head grew fuzzy at the feeling of his cum beginning to seep out of your cunt once again. You let him hold you in a hug that encapsulated both your body and soul.
Satoru drew you away from him, smiling when he glimpsed your face.
"Aw, baby," he said softly. "You're such a mess."
You brought a hand to your face to feel something sticky beneath your eyes, likely mascara that you'd smudged. Your cheeks were already flushed from his incessant fucking, not to mention the sticky warmth trailing down your inner thighs. You could only imagine the state of your lipstick.
"Not my fault," you protested, attempting to smooth out your disheveled hair.
"It is your fault," Gojo corrected, tapping your nose with his index finger. "For wearing that skirt and letting me catch you."
Your face drew up in a pout, to which he grinned devilishly. He pulled you into him once more, peppering kisses all over your face and squeezing you tight. You tried to fight him off in lieu of your already tousled hair, but even your stubbornness was no match for his strength.
His breath tickled your ear as he whispered, "What are our friends going to think?"
Somehow, your face burned hotter at his words. When you finally forced yourself to break away from him, he let you out through one of the emergency exits to find Nanami and Shoko. They looked appalled at your appearance, and you silently cursed Satoru for using you so roughly. They demanded to know what happened, and you couldn't very well tell them the truth.
"I just got really scared," you lied. "They made me cry. Fucking jerks."
Even though he wasn't there, you could hear Gojo's laughter in your ears at such a stupid response.
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sooguru · 4 months
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⌗synopsis ⸝⸝ 𝜗𝜚 ── father suguru is always here to help, especially when a sweet little congregant says she has something to confess.
⌗cw ⸝⸝ 𝜗𝜚 ── TABOO CONTENT AHEAD. sacrilege , older priest!suguru , oral sex (m receiving) , dirty talk , daddy kink , religious talk , praise , creampie , spanking and dumbification.
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─── ⋆⋅ 𝜗𝜚 "FATHER can i talk to you please..?” your brows were furrowed, plump lips forming a pout as you looked up at your priest, standing by the door of his office.
“of course.”
suguru gave you a soft smile, moving from behind his desk, ushering you into his office, closing the door behind you.
“what can i assist you with?”
you nibbled on your glossy bottom lip, hands fiddling with the skirt of your dress. the dress you wore just for him. you could feel his eyes boring into you, waiting for you to say what was clearly bothering you.
“i wanted to..confess”
you whispered, eyes meeting his, staring at him, getting lost in his gaze. the older man nodded, smiling at you as he held his hands together, his rosary squished between his calloused grip.
“of course my dear.”
his smile was warm, staring at you curiously as your body sank to the floor, sitting on your knees in front of him, your eyes dragging up his body, finally landing on his face, suddenly feeling hot. you clasped your hands together, closing your eyes, brows still furrowed.
“f-forgive me father for i have sinned..it’s been a week since my last confession..”
suguru peered down at you, specifically at your lips as you spoke. he noticed your demeanour, wondering what you would say next. your senses were being overwhelmed with the scent of his cologne, your mind feeling foggy.
“i have been struggling with..obscene thoughts, they continue to play on my mind, i fear that i won’t be able to control these desires any longer..”
your eyes were still tightly shut, your thighs squeezing together as those same thought continued to plague your mind. sinful images of father suguru bending you over, taking you from behind, or with him between your legs, lapping at your pussy. you kept your eyes closed, your body reacting to the wild scenes playing in your mind.
“p-please…please help me father suguru..”
suguru’s hand softly caressed your face, pushing your head forward before you were bet with something hard pressing against your cheek.
“of course my dear.”
he cooed, your eyes fluttering open, met with he sinful sight of your priest. his bulge was evident, poking though his robes, tempting you further. he was still smiling down at you, patting your head gently while pushing your head through the slit in his robe, your head pressing against his bare cock, pre-cum oozing out from his fat tip.
“your penance my dear.”
he groaned as your tongue dragged along the underside of his cock, your clit throbbing as you slobbered over his girth, pressing kisses along it while your tongue coated the length in your spit. your lips wrapped around his tip, his hand on the back of your head slowly pushing you down, helping you take more of his cock even though he was already touching the back of your throat.
groans slipped from suguru’s lips, his hands gripping your hair slightly as he started to thrust into the warm cavern which was your mouth, the cold metal of his rosary pressing against your wet cheeks as he kept your head still. he cursed under his breath, brows furrowing as he looked down at you; tears welling in your eyes, grazing your cheeks as the fell, saliva dripping from the sides of your mouth to coat his cock, plump lips wrapped around his girth like a perfect doll.
“God’s perfect creation.”
he grunted out, cock hitting the back of your throat, bruising the soft flesh as you gagged and choked, eliciting moans from the man above. he yanked your head back, breathing hard as his cock leaked with pre-cum and saliva, his eyes dark, filled with a carnal need and desire. suguru pulled you up gently before finally getting a taste of you, his lips moving against yours, tasting himself on your sweet tongue. his hands busied themselves with sneaking up your dress, roughly ripping your panties off, his fingers desperately getting a feel of your dripping cunt.
“so wet for me my angel”
he mumbled, sucking on your bottom lip as he pushed you back into his desk, turning you around and bending your over, lifting your ass up as he bunches the your dress up to your waist, finally getting to see your glistening pussy. he groaned lowly at the sight, his thumb pressing against your clit, rubbing quickly while his other hand slipped two fingers in, pumping them in time with his thumb, his fingers making a scissoring motion to stretch you out while also hitting your g-spot, needy moans and whimpers erupting from your mouth.
“d-daddy- i”
suguru’s ministrations sped up, his cock twitching at your words.
“what is it my angel? i’ll make you feel better soon, all your sins shall be forgiven in no time.”
he pulled his fingers out, his sticky hand grabbing your face from behind, lining his cock to your drooling cunt, his tip prodding as your hole while he kissed your cheek, smiling down at you as you both maintained eye contact. suguru revelled in the power he had over you, his cock slowly slipping in, stretching you out further, making you take every thick inch.
“hngh..oh god..”
you whimpered out, your eyes threatening to close but he made you look at him, a shit eating grin etched onto his lips as he looked at your blissful expression, pleasure and lust swirling in the brights of your eyes.
“don’t take the lord’s name in vain angel.”
he reprimanded, hand coming down to land a harsh spank to your ass before slamming the rest of his length in you, the painful stretch causing a cry to leave your lips, soon followed by the pleasure of being so full. suguru didn’t wait much longer after that, his thrusts turning quick and fast, his tip abusing your g-spot while his girth continued to stretch your slopping hole out beautifully.
the sounds of your moans and his groans mixing together to create a sinful symphony was more than you could bear, your mind already starting to feel empty, struggling to speak as incoherent blabber left your mouth.
“‘s soo good daddy..!”
“yeah? daddy’s cock making you feel good angel? keep going with your penance..”
he whispered in your ear, biting the shell of it as he felt your gummy walls tremble around his cock, sucking him in deeper, your eyes tearing up as you panted and gasped.
“‘m gonna cum daddy-! hngh!”
“that’s it, let me make you feel good. only i can get you like this…the power of the lord..”
tears rolled down your cheeks, drooling as you took suguru’s cock like a champ, panting as you came all over him, juices squirting against his robes and dick, the action bringing the older man even closer to his impending orgasm, eyes rolling back as he fucked you through your orgasm, your mind going blank, the only thing on your mind being the white hot pleasure he gave you, stars filling your vision as he got deeper, thrusts getting harder and more erratic, clearly close to cumming.
“that’s it angel, you’re gonna make daddy cum so hard.”
he bit your shoulder, moaning as he spilt his cum into your quivering pussy, painting your slippery walls white, making sure to give you every spurt of his cum as he let you go, your body weak against his wooden desk. he slowly pulled out of you, groaning as he watched his cum slip from your pussy in chunky globs. he took his thumb, gathering some of his cum on it, drawing a cross on your forehead before kissing your cheek.
“you have been absolved of your sins my dear.”
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darqx · 4 months
Some MORE BP/HH asks
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Yes there are! The Battle Monks deal with those ones.
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Yes it is! Or at least will be ╭( ・ㅂ・)و ̑̑ I've been doing a lot of thumbnailing and once i finish this chapter i can possibly start actually making some pages lol.
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His name is Zeke and he's a big (~6'8") demon softy who likes cooking :D And bacon 🥓
Is this chicken predominately supposed to be a pet or not cos BP!Zeke could very well just cook it.
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Of course you can (please give credit for BP and say its an OC tho)! I'm honored that you want to :D However until i get BP out and about i probably can't interact with any art/info of BP OCs because this could be a problem if they turn out to be similar to any of my planned events/characters.
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I kinda had no ideas for a doodle (sacrilege i know lol) but then remembered i had one doodle that I'm p sure never got put here.
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I used this pic to reply to a friend once and it became one of our chat emotes lol.
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He has a like...chateau/manor/whatever in the region that he rules over -nods- He doesn't live on Earth he just visits.
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If i were to put it succinctly lol:
The main gang are/become friends, Caleb p much dislikes/is indifferent to everyone but particularly hates Izm and vice versa, the demons generally try to avoid Rire if they realise who he is, and Rire finds at least two people rather interesting.
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Anon I'm also very confused about why you think bots(??) are a credible source of information |D; But to answer your question no he's not a demon.
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I hate to say this but the demons already have marks indicative of themselves so, those for them XD
.D would maybe have something like the BP logo, Wei Ren a book, and Marcus could have a heart of embers or something 🤔
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The demons I decided could hybridize with humans is actually somewhat random and based entirely on gut feeling lol. Half-breeds take more after the demon parent (as the genetics is stronger) but would have a lot less power than a full-fledged demon (and might be infertile, I haven't really thought about that aspect yet). Yes an abortion is possible.
All of my demon species have specific phenotypes. Eg Caleb's species has several different eye colours they can have, Caleb's happens to be green. If/when I make enough demon species I did have a tentative plan to make a field guide about them \o/
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HH only ever existed as random one shots and stuff on my DA so if you were looking for like a webcomic you would be sorely disappointed lol.
To be fair to myself it DID actually have somewhat of a storyline but i never actually got around to it |D
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LMAO XDD Ok, ok but listen if this happened it would only ever happen ONCE because omg have you ever had hair caught in your mouth? It is, the worst XD
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Nope it is an all boys boarding school
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It is a generally normal high school so normal high school subjects would apply haha, you know, things like English, Science, Maths, Art, Sport, Languages and various sub catergories etc.
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hellameyers · 4 months
According to JD, Teen Wolf is dead in the water. Tyler P isn't willing to give up, he's still fighting. But JD has tapped out.
Part of me is glad it's over. They really screwed the pooch with that movie. It had a few brief moments of beauty, like giving us Eli, DILF Derek, and Sterek as canon (even if it was only one side confirmed). But in the end, it was a dumpster fire.
The other part of me wants it to continue for at least one more movie just to be vindicated in what I've been saying since that sacrilege blasphemed my television; Derek isn't dead! But I know it in my heart. That's the important part.
Now, I won't have to worry about another movie that will further destroy what I still hold dear about Teen Wolf. I will have fanfic, and my own writing, to give me the ending I wanted. We are still here, we are still a community, and we still support each other. And that's a beautiful thing ❤️
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ichore · 5 months
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synopsis: reader is a junior sister under father fushiguro's care, and the priest will do everything in his power to turn the innocent sweet lamb into a perfect woman of god
tags, warnings: modern au, afab!reader x toji fushiguro, toji is a priest, reader is a naive sister but not a virgin, sacrilege, p -> v, cunnilingus, teasing, MINORS DNI, no aftercare
a/n: @/rottiens 😌✌️
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Sweet lamb is what he calls you as he gently holds his hand against your jaw, his fingers delicately squishing your cheeks. The soft of his thumb runs along the line of your lips that you've bitten raw during the nights when you had unholy thoughts of Father Toji Fushiguro.
First, it was the feeling of his large palm resting on your lower back as he welcomed you into his church while excitement bubbled in your stomach regarding your new learning experiences as a nun, as a woman of God. Toji's fingers found the curve of your hip when the sudden turn on the candlelit hallway led you to your frugal room. Your eyes immediately found the black cross hung above your bed on the white wall, the spring green of the grass, and the vibrant pink of the freshly bloomed tulips in the garden were right ahead your window.
"I can't even express how grateful I am for allowing me stay at your church, Father Fushiguro." you turned around, finding him mere inches from you as his green gaze was studying your features.
"You're most welcome, but if you wanna stay here, we'll have to call each other by first names." his scarred lips curved into a slight smirk at the sight of your surprise, and his hands embraced yours into a prayer. "I'll make you a perfect child of God you desire to be, that's a promise. Supper is in thirty minutes, you can find fresh clothes and towels in the closet if you need any."
"Thank you, Father Toji."
It did not take much time for you to hear the other junior sisters' gospel about Father. Even if you did not want to indulge in such things, it was hard to not pay attention to whispers during lunch and dinner at the cafeteria.
"They say he was a soldier, that's how he got his scar. He was said to be one of the best." one said.
"They also say he was disowned by his family, and he took his wife's name, but she passed away while he was on deployment- which is why he turned to God."
It made sense, you thought as you watched him from afar; his raven black hair falling on his pale forehead, his strands tickling the width of his nape as he got another spoonful of his food. Despite his large chasuble, it was obvious he was an enormous, muscular man. Whenever his large hands clasped yours, you felt yourself grow weak and tiny while strength and warmth seeped through his pale skin.
One night you could not sleep, you twisted and turned in your bed for hours before you finally decided to take a walk in the nearly empty church. As always, it was before the altar where you felt the bottomless tranquility find you once more, so you got on your knees with your elbows against the bench as you began to pray to God to chase away Toji Fushiguro from your mind. Perhaps it was God's joke to make that man appear right in front of you that night.
"Trouble sleeping?" you jumped a little, not even noticing him walking up behind you. To your even bigger surprise, it made him laugh. "Didn't mean to scare you, but you should see the look on your face."
"That's not funny, you nearly made me have a heart attack." you said, trying your best to appear at least annoyed, but hearing him laugh made your own lips turn into a gentle smile. "It's going to sound silly... but although some sisters here are my age, sometimes I feel terribly lonely."
A faint curve remained on his lips while he settled down next to you on his knees. The warm, orange light of the candles danced in your eyes as you looked at him, his arm nearly touching yours. "I remember feeling that way before God found me and I found him."
"Do you think he will find me too, Father?" your voice was near a whisper, mouth agape as you held your breath while warmth oozed out of his body and you began to feel like it was inviting you in. He smirked as he looked down at your eyes before his green eyes wandered at your braless chest that was only cloaked by a thin, white nightgown.
"Maybe he already found you... and now it's your turn to find him."
"Will you help me?" you placed your hand on his arm.
"Of course, I will help you, sweet lamb. It's my duty to do so." he said, his palm finding the top of your head before it ran along your unruly, bed hair and stopped behind your nape when your cheek touched his chest. Your hands rested on his back, you deeply inhaled his scent of burnt vax and cinnamon as you felt his muscles tighten around you into a hug that nearly made you cry from how well it made you feel. His palm began to caress your back in small circles as his other hand made sure your head comfortably rested under his chin. "Do you want me to help?" he whispered, his voice sounding deeper than before as his hand on your back travelled a bit lower.
"Yes, please" you sighed, your embrace tightening around him enough to have your stomach feel against his lap where something hard twitched against you.
"You really are the sweetest," he mumbled, his hand gently fondling the soft of your ass cheek before firmly grabbing it before he fully pulled you onto his lap. "I'll make you find God tonight, I promise. How do you feel right now?"
Wet was the first word that came to your mind; you did not know when it happened, but as Toji's hand held you and then made you grind against his lap, you felt a pool swelling in your underwear and an ache iching between your thighs. "I feel strange, but good, I suppose."
"Good," he said before his hand on your nape went under your nightgown and found your clothed pussy, your juices wetting his fingertips even through your panties. You heard him hum as he began to stroke your wetness, each rub faster and rougher than the one before until his free hand had to cover your mouth as your moans seeped through your agape lips. His movements stopped at once, leaving you desperate for more before his stuck his wet fingers into your mouth. You sucked on them without question as you finally glanced at Toji again whose grin was ear to ear as the green of his eyes was nearly impossible to see from the black pupils.
Suddenly, he pulled away from you. Leaving you feel more desperate and alone than you ever felt before. "Meet me in my office this Sunday, the Lord will be waiting for you there."
He said this on a Thursday night, which left you exactly enough days to torment yourself with the idea of his hands all over you over and over again. Toji Fushiguro is so intoxicating, large and warm that you're certain if anybody can bring you to God, it is him.
On your knees in front of him in his office behind locked doors, you let him clasp your cheeks with one hand as he raises your chin to make you look up at him. A trail of saliva leaves his mouth and slowly drops into yours before his tongue forces its way through your lips. His hunger made the pit of your stomach tremble with need, you kiss and devour him as if he is the ripest, sweetest peach found in the garden.
"I'm on fire. Help me, Father," you moan into his mouth, making him look at your hands already between your thighs. "My fingers don't feel as good as yours."
"Have you touched yourself in the last few nights, Sister?" he asks as he picks you up from the ground with ease and makes you sit on his desk, your naked pussy feeling his hot breath while he's sitting in his chair with one of hands holding his bulge.
"Yes, Father. I could not stop thinking about you... or God."
"Good girl," he said, he peppers careless kisses along your inner thigh while his fingers caress your clit and entrance with agonizing softness and slowness. He's staring at your pussy with no shame before he spreads out his tongue and two fingers to dive into you, his upper lip continuing to tickle your clit. He hums as your hand clenches into the soft darkness of his hair, and he uses his broad shoulders to keep your thighs apart.
Under the moonlight, you can see the reflection of the two of you; you can finally see how much muscle he really has on, how many scars batter his body from the war and how disheveled he got you as your toes curled in the air and your mouth formed a silent O. Your first orgasm has your eyes roll back, your hips still rocking against Toji's face as you throw your head back in pleasure. A painting of the Lord is hung up on the wall right ahead of you; you watched his eyes, although Toji just spun you around to have your belly rest on his desk as he spreads your legs with the width of his thighs. He rubs his length along your folds a few times before he uses his hand to spread it all over his thickness. His eyes follow your gaze onto the painting as he lifts up one of his feet, and put it on the chair on the side before the head of his precum-rich cock enters your soaked pussy.
"God surely loves you," he said with his hands caressing across your arched back, if he gave you a pussy like that, he thinks. Sweat begins to bead along his brows from how hard he's fucking into you, your screams and his balls slapping against your folds fills the room and the hallways, but he does not care. It drives him nearly mad how your walls are milking him, how they tighten around his cock with each stroke as your legs shake with so many orgasm you lost count.
Perhaps he does actually go mad, and your cries for your precious God just excite him just enough to grab you by the hair and force you to look at the painting as his thrusts become faster and rougher, but also disoriented, causing you to orgasm as his cum filled you up.
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anyasathenaeum · 3 months
Our Father, Who Art In Heaven (98!WW X Reader Smut)
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A/N: Hey everybody, I'm baaaaack! It's been a bit of a stressful and busy time, but hopefully you guys can enjoy this. I actually wrote this piece well over a year ago privately (for my dearest and best friend, @vanille-sweet, who has kindly granted me permission to alter and share this work so you can all enjoy it!). Literally nobody asked for this but here, have it anyways. I went with 98!WW here. Please be nice. Warnings: MINORS DNI!, AFAB!Reader (female terms used), smut (lots of it), sacrilege (y'all get nasty in a church), oral (female receiving), P in V sex, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT, FOLKS), a tiny hint of exhibitionism towards the end, WW has a thing for being called "Father" (does that count as a daddy kink?...), no established relationship
Time on the road was wearing you down.
Slowly but surely, you felt your resilience and your drive to continue beginning to die out. Everything was becoming too much for you to handle. From the chaos of being around Vash, all the people hunting him down and, by extension, you and the others, to just constantly moving from town to town, you found yourself exhausted. Mentally, physically, emotionally, you were drained.
What you hadn't expected was to find solace and a moment of peace in a place you had only stepped foot into maybe once before - a church. It was nothing special - no beautiful stained glass windows, no huge arches, no beautiful, expensive chandeliers. Just a small building with an alter, a confessional, and a bunch of small, wooden pews for those wishing to pray in this tiny town.
You now found yourself sitting in one of those pews, entirely alone in the whole building, left to be with your thoughts and emotions and try to sort yourself out. You sighed heavily, resting your head on the pew in front of you, shutting your eyes tightly as your exhaustion coursed through you.
"Hey, pretty lady, whatcha doing here in the house of the Lord?"
The sudden voice scared the crap out of you, causing you to yelp and jump straight out of your skin, turning to see Wolfwood standing there, smiling coolly as if he hadn't just scared you.
"Oh, Wolfwood, it's just you. You startled me," You replied, letting out a deep breath and lean back against the pew where you were sitting, your gaze going straight up to the ceiling as you answered him, "I'm just... thinking."
Wolfwood didn't say anything as he approached you, sitting directly next to you in the same pew. Once he had been seated, he spoke softly.
"Thinking about what? You don't look too happy, I gotta say. It's not a good look on you, (Y/N)."
You just scoffed and shot him a look, "That's rich, coming from you, Mr. Preacher Man."
That drew a chuckle from the priest, who brought his arm around your shoulders and drew you in close to him, bringing a blush you hoped he wouldn't see to your cheeks.
"Seriously, (Y/N). What's on your mind?"
He spoke softer, his voice gentler than before. Wolfwood always surprised you with how kind he could be - you never anticipated it, for some reason. But right now, you didn't mind one bit. It felt nice, having just one person there with you right now, and Wolfwood seemed like the perfect person to talk to about your troubles.
"I just..." You sighed out, "I'm struggling to keep going on. Constantly being on the run is starting to drain me. I wish I could just... stay somewhere for a little. Forget about life for a moment. You know?"
Wolfwood was smiling down at you softly as you spoke, nodding his head in understanding, "Yeah, I get it. It's a lot. But you're strong, pretty lady. Don't doubt that for a second."
You felt your blush darkening as you looked away from him for a moment, quietly mumbling "Thanks, Wolfwood" in return.
Of course, though, Wolfwood noticed your blush and tilted your head towards him, his fingers under your jaw firm in their motion but somehow still gentle. You felt your heart rate hit the roof as you looked up at him - he was exceptionally handsome. You always knew as much, but now... it felt like you were really seeing him for the first time. His dark skin, his eyes, his curved nose, his muscled figure, his dark hair, everything was suddenly hitting you all at once and the thoughts going through your mind were bordering on unholy for being in such a holy place.
"Ya know... you're pretty much in confessional right now, pretty lady. Got any sins you wanna get off your chest?"
Wolfwood's tone was sultry and gently teasing, his dark eyes scanning your face for signs of a reaction to his comment. You, however, took this as a challenge and decided not to make it easy for him.
"My sins are all I have left in my life, Father," You replied, your own tone dropping and silky smooth as you answered, "I have nothing but my sins to hold onto."
You could see Wolfwood's face changing colour at your answer, and you could see him swallowing hard as he processed your tone and your words. You had succeeded in flustering the priest back just as he had flustered you, and a sense of pride swelled in your chest.
After a few moments, Wolfwood had recovered and immediately took it one step further, bringing his face down close to yours. So close that you could feel his breath fanning across your skin as he spoke.
"Then... why don't I give you something else to hold onto?"
Your eyes widened at what he was insinuating - he couldn't possibly be serious. Could he?
"My, my, Wolfwood... are you suggesting what I think you are? And in a church, no less?"
Your tone was teasing, but you genuinely wanted to know if Wolfwood was seriously asking you if you wanted to sleep with him in a church. You knew that if Wolfwood was even the slightest bit serious in his teasing, you would accept without hesitation. It had been forever since you'd had sex with anybody, and the last time it had been some random stranger in a one-night stand. But Wolfwood... that would be sex to remember.
Wolfwood grinned cheekily at you, bringing himself closer until his lips were mere centimeters away from yours, "What's the point of absolving people of sin if they have no sins to absolve, eh, pretty lady? Makes my job more interesting."
"Oh, so I'm just a job to you, then?" You snapped at him - there was no way you were gonna let him get away with this.
You weren't making it easy for him to get into your pants, regardless of how badly you wanted it. You stood up, scoffing as you walked past him and begun walking towards the alter of the church, pretending to be upset with him to get him riled up.
"Hey, wait, I'm sorry, (Y/N). That's not what I meant, I just-" Wolfwood was explaining as he followed you up to where you stood at the front of the church, "I just meant-"
You couldn't keep it in any longer, bursting into laughter at his attempts to fix the "damage" he had done. The look of confusion and disbelief on his face was worth it, causing you to laugh harder.
"Oh, Wolfwood! Your face!" You were laughing hysterically, almost doubling over from laughing as you heard him grumbling under his breath. Once you recovered from your laughing fit, you turned to Wolfwood and walked up to him, getting all up in his personal space the way he had done with you earlier.
"So... Father... you gonna punish me for my sins?"
Your tone was sultry and silky again, low and seductive as your breath ghosted over his skin. You could see the goosebumps raising across Wolfwood's skin at your words, and you knew then and there you had him hook, line and sinker.
Sure enough, without saying another word, Wolfwood was pressing you up against the wall near the alter of the church, his lips pressing against yours in a passionate, messy, heated kiss. You could feel every muscled plane of Wolfwood's body pressing against yours, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck as you kissed him back hungrily.
The whisper that escaped Wolfwood was breathless, as if the kiss and the taste and feeling of you had knocked the wind straight out of him. You just smirked up at him, panting slightly.
"I thought you weren't supposed to use the Lord's name in vain, Father."
The growl that left Wolfwood's throat was beyond primal, and you soon found yourself with his lips pressed against yours once more, his tongue soon exploring your mouth as yours explored his, relishing his taste and the feeling of him against you. His leg nudged yours apart, and you let out a stifled moan into his mouth as his thigh brushed against your clothed core, sending shockwaves of pleasure through your body.
"N-Nicholas," You moaned out, panting more heavily than before, struggling to find words as you felt his thigh continuing to brush against your core.
The smirk on Wolfwood's face was large, and it only grew as he brought his hand down to wrestle your pants off, revealing your underwear and the extremely noticeable wet spot forming on them from your arousal.
"Well, well, well, pretty lady," Wolfwood growled, "Seems somebody's enjoying herself."
"More," You moaned out, not caring of the location anymore - you wanted Wolfwood and you wanted him now, "More, Nicholas, please, more."
"Shhh, (Y/N). Don't you know patience is a virtue?" Wolfwood teased you gently, his fingers beginning to rub circles over your clit through your underwear, drawing more beautiful moans out of you.
"S-Sorry, Father," You replied, a small smile appearing on your lips as a groan escaped from Wolfwood as you spoke the word "Father" - it confirmed your suspicions that Wolfwood got turned on being called as such.
"Good girl," Wolfwood praised you, before kneeling down in front of you.
He slowly but surely pulled your underwear down and off of your body, before lifting one of your legs and letting it rest over his shoulder, raising your leg slightly and exposing your pussy to him, dripping wet from his touch and his taste and his words. The moan Wolfwood let out at the sight of your pussy had you blushing, and then you suddenly heard him mumbling something lowly. It took you a few moments to realize that he was praying.
"N-Nick?" You whined, shifting slightly as you desperately wanted him to touch you, even if only for half a second, but Wolfwood just continued praying until you were whining more and more. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you heard Wolfwood mumble "Amen", signaling he was done praying.
"What was that?" You asked, looking down at him, your face flushed red as you gazed at the man who was level with your pussy.
A devilishly charming smile appeared on his face as he replied simply, as if stating the most obvious thing in the world, "I was saying grace and giving thanks for the meal I'm about to have."
Your expression became one of confusion, but before you could understand what Wolfwood had meant, Wolfwood leaned forward and immediately begin to eat you out like a starved man.
You almost shrieked at how amazing it felt, your hands burying themselves in the priest's dark hair as he continued to lick your pussy, alternating between licking and sucking and fucking you with his tongue. You had all but lost the ability to form coherent words, the only thing leaving you being moans, high-pitched whines, whimpers and Wolfwood's name on repeat.
"God, (Y/N), you taste incredible," Wolfwood moaned into your pussy, causing your cheeks to heat up and a particularly loud moan to slip from your lips.
You couldn't say anything in response, only bucking your hips so that Wolfwood could fuck you with his tongue a bit deeper, and suck on your clit just a touch harder.
The pressure within you was building, the coil of pleasure tightening more and more until you were right near the edge. As if reading your body and your thoughts, Wolfwood continued to eat you out but then slipped one of his fingers into your pussy, causing you to cry out. The sudden intrusion was welcomed, with you bucking your hips more as you chased your high, moaning louder and louder. Then, to your surprise, you felt Wolfwood moving his finger within you in a "come-hither" motion, grazing over that spongy spot inside you perfectly until you cried out and the coil of pleasure suddenly snapped, your orgasm washing over you in waves, over and over.
Wolfwood didn't move from your pussy, continuing to lick you and eat you out until you were completely down from your orgasm. When he finally withdrew, he was smirking widely, your slick all over his lips and chin, even as he pressed forward and kissed you, causing you to moan loudly as your tasted yourself on his lips and on his tongue. You don't know how, but this man, this priest, was making you feel better than anybody else ever had.
You simply continued to kiss Wolfwood passionately, your hands coming down to fumble with his belt, all but ripping it open and pulling his pants down enough so that you could palm his rock-hard cock. You gasped slightly at the feeling of Wolfwood, and you realized that this man was BIG. You cleared your throat, feeling your cheeks turning a bright red as you spoke up softly.
"Nicholas, a-are you sure you're gonna... fit?"
The smile on Wolfwood's face was big, and you could hear him chuckle as he leaned in for another passionate kiss.
"Don't worry, (Y/N), I think we got you well prepared to take it."
With that, Wolfwood pressed you back into the wall, lifting your leg into the crook of his elbow, stretching you open a bit more so that he could glide his cock over your pussy, letting out a moan as he watched and felt his cock brush against your slick, soft skin. If it was up to him, Wolfwood would've already been fucking you hard. But he knew this was the first time you two were together like this, so he should play nice.
"God, I've wanted you for so long, sweetheart."
You almost missed his words, your eyes widening at the priest's confession, your mind wandering away from the feeling of his cock against your pussy for a moment as you processed that. You just smirked in reply.
"Well, now you have me. Make it good, Wolfwood, and I'll consider doing this with you again."
Not needing to be issued the challenge twice, Wolfwood immediately adjusted himself so that his cockhead caught on your entrance, and in one slow, steady thrust, sheathed himself completely within you.
The cry of his name that left your throat as he did so would forever be engraved in Wolfwood's mind, and it would be something he'd strive to hear again and again for every day for the rest of his life. The feeling of your warm, tight walls clenching down around him was SO much better than he'd envisioned all those times he'd touched himself to the thought of fucking you. This was incomparable.
"O-Oh, God, (Y/N)..."
The broken moan that slipped from Wolfwood's lips made you clench tighter around him, pulling another moan from him in return. He was already so stupidly close to cumming, it was unbelievable. Just the feeling of sliding into you and feeling you around him was enough to get him close to the edge.
On your end, the sting of the stretch of Wolfwood entering you surprised you, causing you to hiss a bit at the feeling - he really was big. You hadn't ever been stretched as much during sex as you were being right now, and it was enough for you to know that you'd definitely want to fuck Wolfwood again and again and again. He just made you feel so full. It was incredible, feeling him pressed up inside you, his cock pressing on all the right places just sitting within you, not even moving yet.
"I-" You hiccupped, trying hard to form words, "You can move, now."
Wolfwood was now the one unable to speak, taking a moment before nodding and pulling himself out of you slowly before thrusting back into you hard. Immediately you moaned, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck and pulling him down so you could kiss him. You and Wolfwood were moaning into each other's mouths as he fucked you at the alter of the church, with you begging him to move faster, thrust harder as that familiar coil of pleasure began to build within you again, faster than ever before.
"F-Father, I- I'm gonna-" You stuttered, your voice high-pitched and breathless as all you could focus on was the feeling of his cock stretching you out over and over, brushing over that spot deep inside you that drove you closer and closer to the edge.
"Cum for me, (Y/N), cum for me," Wolfwood growled, his hands grabbing your ass with a grip tight enough that you were sure he'd bruise you and slamming your hips forward in time with his thrusts, somehow going even deeper than he was going before.
Just feeling him grip you and manhandle you like that and hearing him growl alongside all the other sensations raging through your body immediately brought you straight over the edge, you crying out Wolfwood's name over and over as you came again, clenching down on him harder than ever before, milking his cock as you came on him.
That feeling of you squeezing him harder, your walls fluttering on his cock brought Wolfwood to the brink in an instant, another broken moan escaping his lips as he thrusted into you a few final times, "I'm cumming, oh, God, (Y/N), I'm cumming!"
You felt Wolfwood thrust into you one final time, all the way to the hilt and a warm feeling bloomed within your abdomen, signaling that Wolfwood had made good on his promise, cumming deep inside you. Both of you were panting hard as he let your leg down, his cock slipping from within you, both of you letting out a moan as he did so.
"O-Oh, my God..." You panted, your legs shaking as you looked at the priest, your eyes shining from the afterglow of your orgasm, "Nicholas, th-that was amazing..."
Wolfwood simply grinned at you as if he hadn't just fucked you better than any other man had before, before pulling his pants back up and getting himself more cleaned up. As you went to put your underwear back on, Wolfwood reached out and slapped your wrist.
"Ah, ah, ah. Leave those off."
You just gave him a confused look as he began to walk towards the entrance of the church, calling out, "What, why? Wolfwood, I can't walk back to the inn with no underwear on."
The priest smirked as he answered, "Yes, you can. Because I hope to sin with you again tonight the minute we get back to the inn. What do you think about that?"
You let out a small laugh, your pussy clenching at the thought of Wolfwood fucking you again tonight, and you could feel the combination of his and your cum beginning to trickle down your thighs. Regardless, you began to follow Wolfwood out of the church, heading back to the inn.
"I think I'm gonna have to actually go to confessional after all this."
And you couldn't have been happier.
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CADENCE: Masterlist
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Audio Erotica Reader
Summary: You're a barista living in New York, but you create erotic audios and sell subscriptions to make extra money. Matt has found a new outlet for his sexual frustration, and it's your voice. What happens when a chance meeting at your coffee shop threatens to blow both of your covers?
Warnings: SMUT. If you are under 18, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. Masturbation, sex toys, pillow humping, light sacrilege, eventual p in v sex, sensory deprivation, and inappropriate erections. All the juicy stuff.
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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