#p: complicated
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marzipanandminutiae · 1 year ago
as a woman who grew up with an emotionally abusive mother constantly telling me I needed to wear more makeup/more revealing clothing/date (boys) more/go out to "normal" parties more, I despise "she should be at the club"
god forbid some people- especially young women, who already have to deal with a thousand different behavioral standards from a thousand different directions -not have the same dreams and desires for their lives as you do for yours
fucking hell. the correct response to "women should stay at home and have kids and be submissive wives" prescriptivism was not MORE PRESCRIPTIVISM
(I also just saw a poll asking if people partied as teenagers, and OP responded that the answers were "killing them" because No was winning. like? why is everyone so personally invested in other people having a very specific kind of fun?)
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echosong971 · 11 months ago
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[wip] Sunrise
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13eyond13 · 1 year ago
I feel like some of the "Light is NOT socially adept" discourse rn is based on the fact that people just personally don't like him because of what he does secretly in canon, or don't find him as charming as he's supposed to appear to others in canon. I fall more into the category of people defending him as the opposite though, and that's mostly because I think the point of the story is to show how a guy who has everything going for him and doesn't actually have a tragic backstory or a lot of deep dark antisocial tendencies or problems could actually also wind up being one of the worst people you've ever met if he ended up with something like a Death Note in his hands at age 17. Right? Not necessarily because I think everything Light does is excessively polite or incredibly suave, but because I think he'd easily trick me with his regular politeness and good looks and achievements / the usual facade he puts up around others. One of the strongest things about this series to me is the lack of troubling backstory for Light. I think the story wouldn't really make a lot of sense or be as good if he was mr. socially oblivious and delusionally vain who can't actually make friends or impress anybody or fit in.
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italiantea · 6 months ago
in which cure gives me brainrot 5 months after release
so ive been transcribing the guitar parts for cure and i just have some thoughts regarding the music and its relation to the video
first of all, the guitar motif that you hear front and center in the teaser is pretty hard to spot in the actual song.
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it plays very quietly in the left audio track starting from when ivan begins singing his part, and lasts for 7 bars until the main guitar riff kicks in. i think there's interesting ways to interpret this, if you think of this little guitar motif as representative of ivan. by choosing this motif to represent the entirety of round 6 in the teaser video, it's made clear that ivan's feelings are the focus of round 6. in the song it plays quietly, hidden in the mix, as if symbolizing his masking of his true emotions. however, it plays loud and clear as the sole melody in the teaser; not the guitar riff from the intro of the song or the stuttering guitar of the chorus, even though they are more recognizable parts of the song. it's like an audio representation of ivan throwing his round: this is not about the song, or the performance; that is all cast aside for ivan's emotional outburst. something that should have been neatly hidden away is now the focal point of the round.
the next part i wanted to talk about is the ending, the part that deviates from the studio release. after till and ivan sing their individual parts, there is a call and response section where they take turns singing.
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till stops singing halfway through this part, and ivan tips over the microphone and goes in for the kiss.
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during the kiss, the guitar part from the chorus plays, as if to say that this is ivan's chorus now. it's an expression of his feelings, and ivan is the one in control.
after confirming their scores, ivan leans back and holds till's neck. till closes his eyes.
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during this part, the guitar part from that previous call and response section repeats.
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the shot switches between ivan and till. till closes his eyes. ivan is shot. ivan looks at till. till's eyes are closed. ivan looks at till. till's eyes are still closed. the guitar returns to the tonic chord, Fm, again and again, and the visuals parallel the same failed call and response as the music. ivan is waiting for a reaction from till, anything in response to his outburst—and till is giving him nothing. and that's how the round ends, no duet, no last run of the chorus, no callback to the intro. it just ends, unresolved.
so anyway i thought that was neat.
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ryoubandwagon · 4 days ago
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I kept promising some marker Ryou doodles on main so, yeah, have a marker Ryou doodle!!
Outfit is inspired by my own outfits uwu
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hyperactive-rogue · 1 year ago
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My favorite emo (jk) character and I really need to read more of his comics
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teardropwolf · 4 months ago
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"Doodles" of oc/self x canon for @v0mitbeetle
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howifeltabouthim · 2 months ago
'It makes a man feel bad if a woman tells him she loves him — too often that is.'
L. P. Hartley, from The Hireling
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op-dumpstertruck · 2 months ago
“I got you no matter what” EXCUSE ME WHILE I CRY SCREAM THROW UP—
Yesss - if there is one thing Zoro is, above anything else, he's loyal! I haven't drawn much out yet, but I do see him being not exactly perfect with this (he does tumble along, says some insensitive stuff, really doesn't get Sanji for the longest time because they communicate badly) but! When shit hits the fan he is there! And of all the strawhats I think he'd be the most quiet/calm/stalwart support there is. (And Zoro is definitely pro choice, I do see him as someone for whom it's as simple as 'he doesn't want this so it's not gonna happen'.) With alllllll the other things they argue about, this should be a huge fight. But it doesn't happen - not here, and not about that.
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cherub014 · 2 months ago
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more oc x canon shitposts. idk what came over me in the last hour
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jewreallythinkthat · 1 year ago
Also, if people want to talk about reparations, fine (and TBF, I have been saying since October that Israel needs to be involved in the rebuilding of Gaza) but you cannot talk about reparations without also implicating Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, Iran etc. Who also forced out hundreds of thousands of Jews after the formation of the state of Israel. If you want peace, you need to want peace for both sides otherwise just shut up and maybe you won't be revealed as a Bigot
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phangays · 6 months ago
If anyone asks me if Dan and Phil are dating I’m gonna refer them to this video and watch them get more confused than before
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xxplastic-cubexx · 3 months ago
re: the triplets anon isn’t charles TECHNICALLY a canon triplet bc cassandra nova and whatever tf was going on with him jumping into his braindead twin brother’s body in the movieverse?
ok so SOMEONE deserves like. at LEAST seven dollars for even remembering this wtf 😭
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flappielxx123 · 19 days ago
If I could, I'd do it over again, Cause I'm good, growing old with my friend
Meghan Trainor - Final Breath
Made for my dear friend @the-heartstring-chronicles , I love the song you suggested it fits them so perfectly, I hope you like it ❤
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fxnker · 1 month ago
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his fool
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mettywiththenotes · 1 year ago
The fact that Mirio walked into UA with Eri and the other students were like "omg are they father and daughter??" is so funny to me. They yearn for drama
I need an eventual callback to this where Mirio, Aizawa and Tomura enter the school with Eri and every other student promptly loses their mind over possible implications
They'll be like this trying to figure out who is really the father:
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