#ozpin: it’s free real estate
ghostatjoes · 2 years
Rwby theory
So summers grave is fully empty right?? Cause what happened to her was a mystery and all that and Salem and stuff
You guys think beacons relic is in there
The relic of choice buried with summer
Wouldn’t that be messed up
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I'm kinda delighted that Adam doesn't show up at the table or in chibi. He's been dropped since volume six and it's like he really gets to rest in peace y'know? Ozpin is still getting dragged around and getting traumatized by both his abuser and the acronym mains, Ironwood is being posthumously shat on at every turn, and Blake is reduced to anime arm candy cat girl waifu. Like I get that Adam's death sucks but it turns out there are fates worse than death. Being Mile's most despised character lets you just stay dead because you haunt this man for his racist writing. The fandom is different, but I'm just happy that the writers are deeply insecure about Adam.
Best of all, Ice Queendom showed a competent depiction of his character (even though the rest the racism depiction was...bad. to put it mildly). Adam fans literally have nothing but free real estate without any fears of new development setting off demolition charges ✨
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So, i recently started watching rwby and I completely blame @theangelofangst for this idea, bc it’s basically their evil dadpin au but he just keeps stealing children. 
it starts with oscar - evil ozpin finds the babie, he has his grinch moment, kidnaps oscar to be a dad - but after getting oscar, he keeps finding reasons to bring more children home with him. 
Ozpin just sees a child with minimal (or not) parental supervision and asks “is anyone going to parent that?” and kidnaps them before he gets an answer. 
first its yang and ruby, during that time where yang puts ruby in a wagon to go find raven. ozpin hears baby yang screaming and accidently rescues them because he thought of oscar. he dispels the grimm and is left with a crying blonde 4 year old who’s too busy thanking to nice man to be scared of his appearance and a toddler with silver eyes gnawing on the end of his cane. He does the math: 2 small children - parents in visble area = 2 free playmates for Oscar! and he just snatches them up (possibly where qrow can see for angst) and from there it just keeps happening. 
ozpin originally kidnaps wiess to force her father into doing something and keeps her after learning her sad backstory. 
he finds Ren and Nora on the streets and tosses them over his shoulder like bags of flour
he hears about an incredible child fighter and investigates, only to find out that wtf that’s a six year old. ...My six year old now.
he finds 9 year old jaune arc running away from home and offers his home to the boy. 
(blakes not here bc she has good parents and doesn’t really strife with them until she hooks up with adam. so maybe she’s adopted as a teenager after he abuses her? if so, no more adam, daddy oz slowly tortures him to death)
(want this to be tragic? imagine in this au, it was still salem who killed her and Oz’s kids. Like, Oz was still willing to try to get along with salem until she attacked him for becoming evil and ended up killing their daughters).
Ozpin eventually has to stop doing evil all the time bc he’s too busy teaching his kids at Evil Homeschool, where he teaches them Evil subjects like evil fighting and evil riding grimm into battle and evil math, and he finds that he rather likes teaching.  (Meanwhile, good Salem is brooding into the distance in Beacon, thinking: I haven’t heard anything from my ex-husband in a while... he must be planning something. And then the camera flashes to Oz, who’s trying to stop Oscar and Ruby from eating paint). 
In a more angsty moment, Ty, who is already in a bad state from depression and grief, gets even worse. Qrow throws himself into finding his nieces, even ignoring salem unless he saw Ozpin take them. I like to think Ozpin would still have turned Qrow and Raven into birds in evil ozpin aus, only it would be permanent and only through salem’s powers could they be turned back (but they’re still part bird). Qrow might even strong arm Raven into helping, since he took Yang too. 
But evil is stopped bc Ozpin can’t stop being a dad. 
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kidpickarus · 5 years
raise your hand if you just want to hug oscar and adopt him because he has been through way too much
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lunatriense · 2 years
Pyrrha Nikos for the character bingo✨
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Pyrrha, my heart. My wonderful, perfect goddess of victory herself, hallowed be her name.
There is none greater, and though she was cruelly forsaken, we — her faithful — trust that she will deliver us from this darkest of timelines, for she is a paragon of virtue and glory, infinite in distance and unbound by death. ✨
Ahem... alright, let's get into the explanations for some of these.
They got done DIRTY by fans
So many people have this attitude that she's 'just Jaune's love interest', or that she 'had to die because she was too strong', or that 'her arc was complete and she had nowhere else to go' and it's just so utterly untrue, which leads me to…
Wasted potential
Pyrrha was just starting to come into her own when she was killed off. She was in the middle of an identity crisis, and was the only one of the core characters — the only one — with any connection to the main plot of the series that was going to become the focus of the show from then on.
She was also a celebrity, famous for having never been defeated, who would have been going forward off not only a devastating defeat the first time she was fighting a truly critical battle as a huntress but also widely considered responsible for the fall of Beacon after being tricked into murdering Penny. There's so much psychological development to work through with her, so much to unpack and so many directions to go. And that's without considering the implications if the aura transfer worked and how that would impact the identity crisis she was already facing — how much more difficult is it to know who you are and should be when someone else's soul just got fused with yours? — or if Cinder killed anyone during or after their fight (if she fought alongside Ozpin, or someone fought alongside her in the tower, or whatnot).
She could've added so much to the story, but instead RT threw her away so Jaune could angst. Unforgivable!
Nothing I like about them is technically canon
Not nothing, but so much of her canon characterisation is implied rather than outright depicted that it almost has to be fanonised. That said, fanon has done her so much better anyway and treated her with far, far greater respect and care than RT ever did.
Let's hope that IQ gives us a lot more good stuff for her (a looooooooot more), and maybe if we (read: I) get really lucky, this time around we'll get a Schneekos happily ever after!
I'm mentally ill about them
I'm not too proud to admit I'm obsessed with Pyrrha, but she changed my life, so whatevs lol. She's my pfp, on my phone both as wallpaper and popsocket, on my walls and shelves, and in my closet. She lives in my head rent free and has permanent real estate on my skin. I spend hours and hours reading and writing about her and far more money than I really should on art of her. So… yeah.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
If you are still taking the fanfiction mashup asks, may I request ozqrow with awful first meeting + historical au?
Rules: Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story.
I’m still disappointed that the new Downton Abbey movie was pushed to next year, so!
Ozpin is the Lord of a mansion and its crazy big estate. He’s a real man of the people, known not only for the little town of Remnant nearby that he takes excellent care of, but also the never-ending stream of guests he hosts. I’m talking non-stop, insane expense, “Don’t these people just live here now?” hospitality. Given that he’s unmarried with only his adoptive son Oscar for company, Ozpin has slowly accumulated everyone from the injury stricken army general taking up residence in the east wing (Ironwood), to the two street urchins who sneak through the kitchen every day and Ozpin pretends not to notice out of fear of scaring them off (Nora and Ren). What all this means is that he’s developed a reputation for hosting almost anyone, which is where homeless perpetual guest Qrow Branwen comes in. He’s made a living off of pretending to be long-lost relatives and rarely seen nobility, bumming a couple months’ worth of food, board, clothing—“My luggage was lost as sea. Tragic, isn’t it?”—and entertainment off of these wealthy fools before moving on. It’s surprisingly easy in the age of snail mail and rare photographs. Most people don’t know what their cousin actually looks like, or whether that local Lord developed an accent while abroad. The gentry are also far too wrapped up in their conventions to say no without good cause. People are easy to con and when they’ve got money? It’s fun too.
So Qrow is feeling supremely confident when he’s let into Lord Ozpin’s drawing room on a bright, Summer morning. Intel says the Lord has a long-standing pen pal he’s never met in person. Better yet, the locals say he’s a bit… eccentric. Prone to both distraction and thinking the best of people, no matter the circumstances. A little memory loss, some more snooping, the occasional, well worded question, and pretending to be this Taiyang will be a walk in the park.
That is, until Lord Ozpin greets him with a pissed-off blonde at his side.
“My dear Tai?” he questions, warmly taking Qrow’s hand.
“Yes. It’s so strange, finally meeting in person like this.”
“I couldn’t agree more, especially considering that this man,” Ozpin nods towards the now lethal looking blonde, “says he’s Tai too.”
Thus begins Qrow’s incredibly awkward stay at Beacon Manor. Because Ozpin insisted that he as least “Recuperate a bit” before setting off again, despite the deception. It is, theoretically, even more than Qrow could have asked for, considering he’s getting his cozy stay without any of the work involved, but the fact that half the household would like to personally strangle him puts a damper on things. Tai, most notably, is out for blood, not at all expecting his impromptu visit to be marred by an imposter. The General upstairs was yelling something about spies. There’s a matron type wandering about for god only knows what reason, giving Qrow the scare of his life every time he rounds a corner.
The really weird thing though is that all the kids around are… nice? Tai’s two brats seem to adore him for whatever strange reason of their own, as do the kitchen rats. The noble families Schnee and Arc both have heirs who seem to have taken a shine to him when they visit (Winter being a notable exception) and there’s a village girl who, when not smiling shyly at Yang, seems utterly enthralled with his stories. Even Oscar acts as if he’s a legitimate member of the household, rather than some vagabond Ozpin is letting stay because…
Why is he letting him stay?
If the situation weren’t so undeniably absurd, Qrow might admit to himself—and only himself—that he was staying for more than just the free luxury. Even putting the money aside, there was nothing about Ozpin that a man wouldn’t want, even one such as Qrow who had vowed, more due to a practical nature than anything else, that he’d never settle down. But that was too ridiculous to indulge in even as a fantasy. Even if Ozpin were to ignore the lie they’d started out on and the fact that half his mismatched family wanted to murder him, their stations were wider than the moon was far away. It just wasn’t done.
Besides, Ozpin clearly wasn’t interested. Qrow had no love for societal expectations, but even he knew when he was out of someone’s league. This Lord wasn’t the type to indulge Qrow's drink or laugh as his bawdy jokes.
Ozpin: [proceeds to loose it over a joke he has no business understanding, let alone finding funny]
Qrow: Oh? 👀
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good-rwbyaus · 5 years
Ozpin: *sees STRQ, a full team of bastards* Oz's well hidden and repressed desire to be a bastard: ITS FREE REAL ESTATE
Hey hey hey hey hey, Taiyang is the farthest thing from a bastard bucko ~ Green
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birb-fanus-oz · 5 years
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Next set twitter set.
Top left: A young bb!Qrow guiding Teen!Ozpin because he accidently broke Ozpin's magic glasses. Ozpin's hiding his wings for now so they don't knock into anything but he's having fun.
Ozpin's hand on Qrow's head : It's free real-estate.
Top right: Qrow and Oscar tried using disguises to hide BB!Oz’s bird!fanus features. He doesn’t like it. Bottom part is one of the ways Ozpin disguised himself when he was younger.
Note: Actual from the past Ozpin has Brown-Golden brown eyes while BB!Oz and Ozpin after death have gold-ish colored eyes b/c their body is made from magic.
Bottom pic: Teen!Ozpin’s ages varies when he’s summoned so sometimes he’s Oscar’s age and sometimes he’s a young adult. He wears uniforms when he’s not on missions to blend in with students to meet up with Ozma’s friends, but when he grows older, he starts favoring sweaters and cardigans after the loss of his wing.
He’s very versatile with his wings b/c the fanus children he rescues likes messing with them and his mother used to carry him around in her wings when he was a baby as well.
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Since there's been a saddening lack of your OC content lately, I'm wondering if asking about your kids will perk you up. In the weeks during and after, how much have the stories of HAIL and CHLC evolved through V6's revelations? Not just from The Lost Fable, but Argus, Atlas, and the Flying Monkeys as well...I'm not sure if sending asks this week did much, but I hope you've had reasons to feel positive. There's a lot of stuff that sucks this time of year, so I'm rooting for you to power through.
Aw, thank you. Means a lot coming back to a message like this after not being able to be online as much these past couple weeks.
CHLC is primarily unchanged; it’s set when basically the only events that would mess with it would be new Team STRQ information. Because we still don’t actually know who was the Ozma before Ozpin, that’s still free real estate; same goes for finding out Summer’s design – tells us neither jack, nor shit, about Team STRQ other than that my fanon design was wrong, *cries in Spanish*. 
HAIL, on the other hand, is a different story. HAIL is set 8 years after the Fall of Beacon, and right now we’re only about one year after the Fall of Beacon. Argus isn’t relevant to any of them, and none of them are from Atlas, so those Dramatic World Changing Things are so far negligible. I’ve already wired in Fuchsia’s role as a Menagerian in the attack on Haven, so that’s sorted. The only thing that worries me is that Hickory’s backstory is mostly in Vacuo, but that’s before any of this intrigue about Vacuo that they’re referring to every once in a while occurred, so I think we’re good.
I’m trying to make more about them, I swear D:
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