#ozi's kids
dokupine · 1 year
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Ozi’s kids
Tizwiit is the oldest, Otikiu is the youngest and only recently learned to stand up. They have blue spots due to their blubber layer not being fully formed yet, so their blood shows through.
Witiuu, KiuKiu and Otiwiuli are all functionally middle schoolers, and are just as annoying.
KiuKiu has a piebald spot on her face, inherited from her mother.
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ozymoron · 1 year
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ardenssolis · 2 years
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     ALL THIS JEALOUSY TOWARDS his incredible self.
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elderly-scrolls · 29 days
"ozy has uncle vibes" make that man care for children. it can only go well
we simply must ask @cityandking if ozy will be allowed to babysit the hypothetical future dairef kid/s
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femboy-expert · 11 months
15 people 15 questions
Thx to @agaypsychicrat for @ing me :333 (I love sharing information)
1.are you named after anyone
Nope. Taiwanese(and East Asians in general) don’t have a tradition of naming children after other people. We name babies with the characteristics that we want them to have. For instance, one of the most popular names for boys is 志明(tsì-bîng)which means bright ambitions or achievement of ambitions. (My dad just picked two random characters that sounded good tho lmao)
2.when’s the last time you cried
I can’t remember because I was taught to suppress my emotions to an obviously unhealthy degree
3.do you have kids
I have some in my base- oh you mean parenthood?
4.what sports have you played
I jog :3
5.do you use sarcasm?
No. Every statement I have ever made is 100% unironic(no kids in my basement tho haha)
6.what’s first thing you notice abt ppl
Uuuhhhhhhhh face? I am very self absorbed
7.what’s the color of your eyes
Pure black (very pretty :3333)
8.scary movie or happy ending?
I don’t need movies to be terrified of what’s to come
9.any talents?
Language learning I guess? I am more academically gifted than most but especially in regards to that aspect. Asides from English and mandarin, 日本語も少しだけ話せる(台語嘛會曉)
10. Where were you born?
Random hospital in Taipei
11. What are your hobbies
Learning abt trains, riding trains, taking pictures of trains, trains are love trains are life.(also dressing up)
12. Pets?
Three kitties:3
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13.how tall are you?
173cm(no I am not converting it)
14.favorite subject in school?
15.dream job?
Immortal god-king. I want to micromanage
@sasha-psychedelia @clarificationsw @ill-steal-your-tea @ozi-uwu @parax342
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liskantope · 6 months
I may as well share my semi-effortful (though rambly) comment on one of Ozy's recent posts criticizing Amanda Shrier on her recent anti-therapy-culture book, as I imagine more people might see or interact with it here than in that comments section. What I'm most interested in here is, what does it mean to experience the emotion of happiness?
I learned of Shrier's existence and her book from seeing her interviewed by Coleman Hughes on his podcast, and I thought throughout that interview Shrier sounded like she was made of good common sense (it helps that I'm already broadly in sympathy with wanting to push back against what we might call "very online therapy culture" which Ozy seems also to be in agreement with), with an exceptional moment here or there: for instance, at some point one of them (I think it was Coleman) seemed to imply that it's good when children are slightly scared of their parents. While there may be some empirical evidence somewhere that children who are slightly scared of their parents stay on the straight-and-narrow and have more positive life/career outcomes or something, this idea still massively creeps me out. But still, overall in conversation, Shrier comes across as reasonable. I think this sequence of posts tearing apart her parenting beliefs as expressed in her book (unless a bunch of these quotes are grossly taken out of context in some way I can't see) show that she's less reasonable "in writing" and that her more deliberate beliefs that she expresses in her work represent a pushback that is righteous initially but goes to an unfortunate far extreme in the other direction. The part of her interview that stuck in my mind the most, actually, was her line about "We used to ask kids such-and-such; now we ask them about their feelings all the time", which wasn't something that had occurred to me before but I was open to where she was coming from. So I find the response to it in the end of this article interesting. I don't say this with much confidence, but I tend to feel more like Shrier on the issue of how often we're actually feeling the emotion of happiness, although I don't think I'm clinically depressed or at all prone to it (although I have a rather negative outlook at the moment about my future prospects and the world in general which may prevent me from feeling much wholehearted happiness, but that goes for a lot of us. I think perhaps a majority of people relate more to Shrier here. Just yesterday or so, I saw a post from a Tumblr mutual saying they haven't had a single actually *pleasant* day in years like they used to in the 2010's, only "good given the worse background situation" days. This seems to relate to the same idea. Maybe due to recent shifts in world events most of us have moved in that direction? I don't know.) I would suggest actually from reading the end of this article that the difference might come not from psychological make-up but from a disagreement over the definition what it means to feel happiness, where Ozy's definition aligns more with what Shrier and I would call "feeling okay".
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look, I realize Ozy has dozens of kids, but can you really picture Luvia as anything but a strap queen?
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snapdragonling · 28 days
ozy very solemnly telling the dairef kid to listen to their father, as he should have done
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Leo, Ladon & Shin Headcanons
Just a couple headcanons about the boys, some pre and some post-GxK:
- Ladon and Shin initially have some difficulties adjusting to family life, to being around people who care. In Ladon’s case, he was tortured and experimented on, his own body hurts itself because Apex were dicks who couldn’t be bothered to fix that/actively didn’t want to, and he was made to ultimately be killed by their “magnum opus”. And for Shin, he’s a failed experiment whose initial waking moments were actual agony until his parents siphoned off his excess radiation. Neither of them have any idea how to take having parents, a proper home, and a bunch of reliable older Titans + kids their age to fall back on. In both cases, their base reaction is hostility and closing themselves off, which the other Titans let them do until they’re ready to open up a little.
- Ladon being so angry at the world (and at himself - likely having internalized back in Apex’s facilities that whoever ‘Godzilla’ is, him “not being him” is something bad given how he was treated for not being a perfect Godzilla clone) makes it pretty difficult for anyone to approach him. He especially gets snippy with Shin when they first meet - despite Shin being physically older, Ladon’s body looks more advanced/stable and he’s mentally more mature than Shin who is still getting used to everything not being endless pain. So a lot of harsh comments probably got thrown around initially, especially in the event Ladon found out that Shin was meant to be his predecessor had his development been successful. Things start to get better later on, especially with Leo around, but it takes a while.
- Running with shadowblade’s idea that Leo’s egg could have been laid thousands of years ago, I imagine that Mothra kept the idea that she was pregnant with him a secret from Goji and planned to surprise her mate, but in-between multiple competing Titans, trying to get the already loyal Titans to play nice, mourning those who fell to various threats over the centuries, and simply trying to fix the damage done by Ghidorah, she never had time. Even more unfortunate if Leo’s egg just never showed any signs of hatching, so she had it placed in a shrine or cavern somewhere to wait for that time. By the time Leo DOES hatch well into the modern day, Mothra was already starting to lose hope he ever would.  
- Armed with the knowledge that Leo is technically the oldest prince by some thousands of years, Goji and Mothra have made a solemn vow to never tell him. He’d lord it over his brothers forever and they’d never hear the end of it - he already did it when he found out he’s their biological son. There is no telling how he’d behave with the awareness that he’s the firstborn prince.
- Ladon frequently organizes sparring sessions with the other younger Titans, both to work off energy and simply to keep their skills sharp. He even ropes in Suko into it after the events of GxK once he finds out about the little runt. Some like Leo, Shin, or Manda don’t want to go and he usually has to drag them into it - which is ironic in the former’s case, since Leo is probably their strongest fighter.
- Unlike his brothers, insults tend to bounce right off of Leo. It’s not that he’s unaware of them - he simply does not care. Besides, a good way to prevent more insults from being thrown at you is simply to break the insulter’s face as dad always tells him.
- Despite acting like he couldn’t care less, Shin probably has the largest ego of the brothers next to Leo. If you let him get going, he can puff himself up to the point you’d think you were talking with Rodan instead of Godzilla’s quiet, timid son. And he soaks up praise and compliments like a sponge. Dagon and Shimo both note an uncanny resemblance to a younger Ozy in him.
- Leo collects random junk when he’s bored, the weirder the better. Manda could give you a list of all the weird shit Leo has left with him over the years. The most dangerous stuff he scraps. He does it enough that much later on, even Suko joins in alongside Keeta. 
- Before he matured, Ladon and Shin often had to follow Leo around since the little larva would keep getting into fights with other more dangerous Titans and both of his brothers wanted to make sure he wouldn’t get carried off by like a Skullcrawler or Ion Dragon or something.
- Leo has made a habit of annoying the shit out of his brothers to get them to do stuff. He especially loves to do it when people are in danger and either Ladon or Shin (or both) are in one of their “humans suck and we shouldn’t help them” moods. It’s amazing how quickly they turn around and help if it gets their brother off their backs. Literally - Leo will stick himself on top of them and pester them until they go.
- Ladon and Shin like to explore the upper layers of the Hollow Earth together as a passtime. It’s one of their favorite bonding activities, especially when it means they can fight some of the hostile Titans or Sub-Titans. They’re specifically told to stay near the surface though, where the older Titans can reach them quickly. Given everything with Skar King, this probably ends up being something that comes into play later - maybe they encounter one of the Red Stripes wandering in the upper layers early on, before everyone else knows Skar King is around or possibly they find Skar King loyalists still skulking about HE well aware their king was defeated. 
- Not a Princes headcanon, but Dagon probably had a bit of a breakdown when he got his memories back and realized just how much of an ass he was to his family: treating Goji like he wasn’t even there, pretty much disregarding his other kids, and essentially only focusing on Ozymandias to any real degree. And the awareness of what became of his youngest after Ozy got taken and his own death would likely make him feel even more guilty. Sure, he might understand that this is just how fathers of their kind typically acted but it would not make him feel any better.
It’s why Dagon might end up overcompensating for when he was alive and might try to interact with his family as much as possible now. Telling stories to his grandsons, interacting with his son, spending time with Shimo and asking her to tell him about her time with Ozy, etc. He can’t make up for what he was like back then, but he can try to make a difference now.
Ah, the lads both young and old each have their own baggage, but at least they no longer have to deal with their issues alone, though it’ll take more time for some than others before they trust others and themselves enough to open up.
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spurhill-n · 3 months
Boothill 🤝 Ozy : having cute kid. losing that kid.
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"Well, hello there."
Root jolts and turns around, surprised to see Silver Sulfur standing a few feet behind her. He tilts his head, a small smile on his lips. "What's a kid doing here, all alone?"
She quickly looks around, surprised to no longer see the crowd. She blushes, embarrassed a bit. "Ah, sorry. I was just.. I'm really surprised by your performance.
He blinks. "Is that so?"
"Mhm, you perform really well." She smiles.
Silver Sulfur pauses before tilting his head. "You're keeping quite the distance from me. Is everything alright?"
Root jolts before looking away. "Ah, I.. I just don't want to get close." She frowns. "I.. hurt those I get close to."
He chuckles. "I doubt that." He smiles. "I saw you eyeing the fire I held. Would you like to see?"
She hesitates before approaching. He kneels down before her fire swirls and appears in his hand, soft blue fading to pink with a harsh red outline. She stares, surprised.
"I've never seen fire like this before.." She whispers, staring in awe. "What kind of fire flower do you use?"
"None." He chuckles gruffly. "It's all natural. Took a while to hone, but I got it."
Root nods softly as she watches the flames dance around his palm. As she watches, there's a small part of her that wonders if she'd burn if she'd touch it. (Despite knowing she wouldn't. A monster like her could never be burned. To face retribution for what she did.)
"Would you like to touch it?" Silver Sulfur tilts his head with a smile.
Root hesitates. Slowly, she reaches out, letting her fingers touch the fire-
And recoils as it burns her.
She yelps softly, shaking her hand, surprised. It.. it had burned her. The flame burned her.
She looks at her singed fingers, confused. Before, slowly, something dawns on her.
With a sudden yank, she pulled into the darkness behind the building that 'Silver Sulfur' would usually perform in front of. With ease, he held her by her throat against the wall, ignoring how she claws at him. But he doesn't ignore how it stings against his skin.
"Finally found you, you pathetic waste of code," he chuckles lowly, eyes glowing a menacing yellow. Root chokes on her breath as he squeezes his tighter.
"Ozymandias, yes, that's who I am," he mocks her with a roll of his eyes. There's then a prick, and Root feels like she's being torn apart.
She let's out a strangled shriek, feeling herself being ripped apart, parts of her going missing.
Ozymandias grins down at her. "Good on you for making my job so much easier."
Then, it was black. The Offshoot was gone.
Root was no longer Root, but Ozymandias.
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goosemixtapes · 10 months
max's november 2023 reads
so many online articles this month. which is maybe why i feel like i'm making 0 progress on my hard copy books. in december i'll need to reprioritize, it seems. i also wrote next to nothing this month, which probably explains why i read so many online articles.
Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, books 5-6
the latter half of Lavinia by Ursula K. Le Guin (again)
Shakespeare's Richard III (again, + i started Linda Charnes' Notorious Identity)
Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods by Suzanne Collins (review)
Gregor and the Marks of Secret by Suzanne Collins (review)
Vergil's Georgics, book 3
i continue to chug away at asoiaf #3 but god knows it is neverending
Getting Involved and Staying Regulated by Devon Price (↳ on finding your place in the fight for palestinian liberation)
The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin (↳ on the patriarchal domination of the war narrative, and our other options)
The Cool Kid's Philosopher by Nathan J. Robinson (↳ on Ben Shapiro)
Propaganda 101: How To Defend A Massacre by Nathan J. Robinson (↳ on biased reporting, using the I/P conflict as an example, though this is from 2018 rather than recent)
A Guide For High School Students On How To Avoid Propaganda by Nathan J. Robinson (↳ what the title says; i found it useful despite not being in high school anymore)
the latter half of Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price (review)
What Do We Do with the Art of Monstrous Men? by Clare Dederer (↳ found this one rather disappointing. i like the start, but the gender takes feel lukewarm and imo there's not enough emphasis on the structural vs. individual. this is a nice counterpoint)
Physical Destruction in Whole or in Part by Saree Makdisi (↳ "What we’re witnessing in Gaza, in other words, is not self-defense; it is an opportunistic offensive. It is not a “war,” the word used mendaciously and misleadingly by most of the mainstream Western press; it is a campaign of genocidal violence.")
the first chapter of Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano
the first two chapters of The Great White Bard: How To Love Shakespeare While Talking About Race by Farah Karim-Cooper
a close read of my MFA statement of purpose by Brandon Taylor (↳ on goals, responsibilities, and fictions)
On Mental Hospitals by Ozy Brennan (↳ this is pretty short but very worth it)
How An Algorithm Feels From Inside by Eliezer Yudkowsky (↳ on the psychology of the tree-falls-in-a-forest question)
Scrupulosity Sequence #3: Load-Bearing Things by Ozy Brennan (↳ posts i am clinging to with my fingernails)
Why Are AMAB Trans People Denied The Closet? by Julia Serano (↳ on "gendered socialization" and closeted transfemininity)
Trans Masc Misogyny and the Red Six of Spades by Jude Ellison S. Doyle (↳ "No-one is ever actually a man. Everyone is always in the act of proving they’re a man, first by dominating women and children, then by dominating other men, establishing higher and higher rungs of man-ness until at the end, presumably, the one Real Man in existence gets to be in charge of everyone and everything else.")
Henry Kissinger, War Criminal Beloved By America's Ruling Class, Finally Dies by Spenser Ackerman (↳ clicked for the title, stayed for the comprehensive and vicious takedown of kissinger's crimes)
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ozymoron · 1 year
finding out spencer was meant to be bi but the network said no its honestly so funny like what a bunch of cowards thats not going to stop me from knowing hes bi like as this pinterest comment my friend sent me says
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ardenssolis · 15 days
Amun's friend is here, and she grasps at the man's hand, tugging it strongly... or as strongly as her small body can muster. She seems very concerned.
"Mister Dad!" She yells softly, tugging him toward the door with her. "We were playing and he fell, the boy fell, please help." Once she manages to get him to follow her, she rushes off with him to a rather comfortable corner of the building akin to a little lounge spot with pillows and snacks. There, Amun lies motionless, perished even. Clara sits by his side, shakes him, and when he doesn't move, she looks back at the man teary eyed.
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"He won't wake up." ... .. Of course, naturally Amun peeks his eye open and watched the dramatics. He's fine, and it seems this is a new source of entertainment. A prank, if you will. He feigns a cough and she turns to him, holding his hand.
"Don't go toward the light! O... Or do!! I don't know!"
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OZYMANDIAS’ BROWS FURROWED SLIGHTLY in confusion as he listened to Clara. Did she say that Amun fell? A fall would hardly do anything to that child. Even falling from a building would be just a small annoyance more than anything, but then again…he was still a young Servant, so he wasn’t quite sure how much damage he could actively take. Even so, surely a small fall would do practically nothing to him. But Clara was…not really much help in terms of explanation, and so he allowed her to tug him along, doing his best to not to show too much worry lest he make the poor girl panic all the more. As soon as they reached their destination, he stood still, gaze taking in the area curiously. Was there were Amun liked to ‘hang out’, as people said nowadays? He often wondered where his son was most of the day, but it seemed he had his own little spot he too liked to linger at.
     Gaze slipping back to his son as Clara ran over to him, Ozymandias stepped closer, arms crossing over his chest even as the young Servant was shaken. Amun…when did you become so mischievous? As soon as he met the other’s brilliant gold, he clicked his tongue, shaking his head a little. ❝Everything is fine, Clara. Amun seems to be playing a trick on you.❞ Alas, Ozymandias was nothing like this when he had been the other’s age. He was a well-mannered (non-bias opinion) child. ❝Up, up, Amun, you had your fun. Cease with your pretending before you make your friend cry.❞
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chururiii · 2 years
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I love my new kids so much. Thank you papa ozy
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ahamkaracature · 1 year
5 questions 15 mutuals
I got tagged by @pinkestpigglet
1. Am I named after anyone?
My middle name has been passed around multiple people on my dads side of the family as first or middle names. I share the same initials and middle name as my dad
2. When was the last time I cried?
Just a little bit today (visited a relatives grave)
3. Do I have any kids?
4. Do I use sarcasm often?
No I’d never
5. Have I played any sports?
I played youth soccer and baseball when I was a small child. Closest I’ve done since is highschool marching band.
6. What is the first thing I notice about people?
Their clothes. I cannot read people at all it sucks
7. Eye color?
Blueish greenish brown
8. Scary movies or happy ending?
Both are good :)
9. Any special talents?
I love to play the trumpet
10. Where were you born
Houston, Texas 🤠
11. Hobbies?
Video games (most kinds), meeting strangers on the internet, hunting, fishing, an dnd.
12. Pets?
13. How tall am I?
5 ft 9 inches
14. Favorite school subject?
I absolutely loooove history (and band if you count electives)
15. Dream job?
I would love to work in a museum and handle ancients artifacts and put together or study exhibits OR I’d love to be an archeologist and do this in the field
Tagging: @ozi-uwu @stardbio @chickenincinerationsociety @matchacatboy @big-gay-haven @politeyoungmenace @flyawaybk @suncattle @shitass-broadsword @endorblast @seancodydotcom @bobthecoolrock @philosophy-in-blue @456sight @dehydratedlydia
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