c-40 · 11 months
A-T-3 233 O Yuki Conjugate - Disco Song
From OYCs first set of recordings, never intended for release until the internet came along and someone put a cassette up for sale on Discogs. From this cassette Disco Song was featured on the Cherry Red compilation Close To The Noise Floor which led to Emotional Rescue releasing of all 4-tracks on a 10" https://oyukiconjugate.bandcamp.com/album/untitled
OYC are from Nottingham, they release their first album proper Scene in Mirage in 1984, they are possibly best known for the late eighties/early nineties dark ambient album Peyote. Still going 41 years after forming (albeit as a duo since the early nineteen nineties) OYC released A Tension of Opposites Vols 3 & 4 in April this year
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janlouise · 2 years
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Good vibes on the boardwalk #oyc #peace #peacesign #design #walk #float (at Oregon Yacht Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg3WCXfulsZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
I’d love to see more Doctor Eddie sick but being all soft and vulnerable with his patients!
My friend, I love this idea so so much. I think I may have mentioned in earlier fics that Joyce Byers works at a different clinic or something like that - but for the sake of this story, we’re going to say that she also sees Eddie as her PCP. -🤍KB
Letters danced around the computer screen that Eddie was staring blankly at, completely zoned out. A tap on the shoulder jolted him back to reality, the letters returning to their original placement - an email he’d been trying to answer for the last half hour.
“You okay Doc?” The freckles brunette asked, waving a hand jokingly in front of his face.
“Yeah, I’m-” he blinked at her before pulling his arm up to shield his face, “N’xxTCH! ii’xxtchu! H’isSHuhew! I’b fine.”
It was Robins turn to blink incredulously at him as he blew his nose gently a few times. He looked back at her over the tissues.
“Im fine Birdie.”
She sighed, holding out the blue folder with papers clipped to it, “Joyce is in exam 3 for her annual. Should be pretty straight forward. Steve says she’s in good shape.”
Eddie nodded his thanks, taking the chart from her and standing up. He punched at the bridge of his nose, hoping to ease away the tickle that had set up camp early this morning.
He knocked on the door and let himself in, seeing his smiling friend and colleague waiting for him. Although he occasionally worked with Joyce, she was more of a mother figure to the entire office at Hawkins Medical.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” She chimed.
He tried to clear his throat but had to turn to cough dryly into his elbow.
“Im doing alright, love. How are you?”
She furrowed her brows. Clearly her mom-senses were on high alert. Especially with two boys of her own at home, Eddie knew Joyce could spot a cold from a mile away.
“Im doing just fine, but you sound a little scratchy. Are you catching that cold that’s going around? Will says half his class is out with it.”
Eddie didn’t like to admit to being less than 100%, but he knew with Joyce there was really no point in trying to hide anything.
“Ugh, yeah. Steve had it a little over a week ago. Think it finally caught up to me. It’s not too bad though, really.”
She looked him up and down with her motherly gaze, “If you say so.” She commented warmly.
“Anyways! Let’s snff skip to the good stuff. Your labwork!” He pulled one of the pieces of paper out from her chart. “Labs look great, Joyce! Sugars are all snfsnff normal. Thyroid is in range. Blood pressure is a little bit high but I think for now we can chalk that up to the stress of the job. It’s not high enough to concern me.”
“That’s great to hear! Jim will be thrilled to know I passed.” She teased.
“You’ll have to tell him I said hhh hello. Excuuuse me- H’ESHuhew! eh’TSCHew! snfsnff ii’KSHiew!”
“Aw bless you, honey.”
Joyce had stood up and walked to the counter Eddie was leaning against. She handed him a tissue, using her other hand to rub little circles on his back.
“I know you love your patients, but you should really be home in bed taking care of that cold.”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut, again pinching at the bridge of his nose as he sniffled.
“I k’dow. SNF It’s silly. It’s just… doctors can’t get sick. The patients will think I’m weak.”
He winced slightly, knowing it sounded more pathetic once the words had escaped his mouth.
“Sweetheart. No one thinks you’re weak.” Joyce cooed, “And doctors can’t get sick? I think you’re losing the argument against that one.”
“You’re right. At least it’s Friday. I’ll rest up this weekend.”
“Good, I’m glad to hear it.” She smiled warmly before they wrapped up her appointment.
At the end of the day, everyone was heading out the back door. Robin was in the lead, but shortly behind her were Eddie and Steve.
The younger of the two was shouldering both their backpacks, arm around Eddie as they walked out together. His cold had truly drained him and all he wanted was to go home and sleep for 44 years.
Right before they made it to Steve’s car, Joyce came running up from her mini van. Had she never left? She answered her own question as she approached the two men.
“Hi boys! Glad I caught you!”
“Did you forget something inside? I can let you back in.” Steve asked.
“No actually, I was telling the boys at home about the appointment and Will insisted I drop this off with you, Eddie.”
She handed over a piece of paper folded hot dog style. On the front was a decent crayon drawing of what appeared to be Eddie sick in bed. It had scribbled on the front in Will’s handwriting:
DoctOrS gEt siCk tOo
Eddie opened the card to reveal another classic Will drawing. This one was of Eddie holding up a guitar standing next to what appeared to be Will in a wizards hat. The inside of the card read:
DoctOr RocKsTar,
I hoPe yOu fEeL bEtteR.
From Will tHe WisE
A sappy smile crept across Eddie’s face as his heart warmed. He blushed slightly, embarrassed that the whole Byers family knew he was ill, his cheeks matching the pink tone of his nose.
“Thank you so much Joyce. Please tell Will the Wise that he’s healed me! I’m all better now!”
He coughed into his shirt sleeve and Steve rubbed up and down his arm. “Alright Doc, time to get you home I think.”
Joyce nodded in agreement, smiling at them. “Feel better Eddie!”
The long haired man mouthed ‘Thank you’ one more time as he got into the car, holding the card tight to his chest.
Steve got in the car second, and looked over at his partner still staring at the card, smiling. He chuckled to himself.
“That make you feel better?” He asked.
“MmHmm.” Eddie nodded before quickly pulling the neck of his shirt over his face. “M’Ptsch! TsssCH! H’IKSHiew!! … snFF, m’buch better.”
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patriciaselina · 5 months
Hi, I just read your fics and I really like them! I really like how you capture the characters' emotions. Can I translate the "dearest, darling, my universe" one to Chinese and post it on weibo? I want to let more kusuriya fans appreciate your works. I will definitely give credits. Thanks!
hello hello! i think youre the same comment i replied to on ao3, so sorry for this delay in replies - but im all for it, please let me see how it looks like when you're done! i am very interested hahaha. if you ever think of posting the translation on ao3, feel free to relate it to mine too! translations are fun! - spoken, as someone who loves them
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sleptwithinthesun · 2 years
Jonathan Byers prompt for you! Jonathan agreed to help Joyce decorate their place for the holidays, but it’s cold outside and he’s definitely been coming down with a cold all day, so he ends up feeling pretty awful.
oh wow i love this. ngl it feels a bit weird writing this in august but!! i've literally never hung up christmas lights before & have no idea how this works so i'm guessing lol. please enjoy 2.4K of fic :D
The Byers don't do Christmas lights anymore.
It's sort of become a fact of life, almost in the same way that the sky is blue and the sun is hot. Whenever the holiday season rolls around, their house will be the only one on the block lacking in festive decorations. Sure, it's gotten them a couple of weird looks and confused neighbors in the past, but if it keeps Jonathan and Joyce mostly sane for the three months the lights stay up, then so be it. 
Will had asked for them only once since his return, a month after the anniversary of his disappearance. They'd tried to string them up, they really did, but Jonathan's hands were shaking the entire time and Joyce made him stop when the dry heaves started in the middle of the living room. His little brother spent the next hour apologizing as the panic crested under his skin and forced itself out of his lungs.
But it's been four years since then. Jonathan's nineteen now, and he's home from college for the holidays, and he just really wants to see his little brother smile. This is something he should be able to handle. Besides, his mother has been wanting to start decorating the house again anyway, and her memories of the Christmas lights are mostly centered around the suspicion and then confirmation that Will was alive. There's no reason why they shouldn't. 
(So what if Jonathan can't even drive up the street without feeling like his heart's going to beat out of his chest? This isn't about him.)
His flight ends up landing at ten-forty-eight, almost an hour after it was originally supposed to due to delays. He's exhausted by the time he finally gets off, features pale and drawn as he walks towards his mother at the gate. 
"What's wrong?" Joyce asks immediately, her hand already rubbing up and down his forearm. 
"Nothing, I'm fine," Jonathan answers, voice raspy before he quietly clears his throat, wincing nearly imperceptibly at how raw the action makes it feel. "Long flight."
"Was it at least okay?" Her expression is worried. It's been hard for her, raising Will and El without Jonathan around to help anymore, as well as being unable to visit him due to the distance and expense of the flight. The only reason Jonathan's even able to come home for the holidays is because he's picked up two side jobs while at college and can pay for his own flights instead of having Joyce struggle to cover it. She's never even been on a plane, has no idea what it's like.
So, despite the turbulence and terrifying two minutes where he'd had to unbuckle to use the restroom, Jonathan smiles softly and says, "Yeah, Mom. It was fine."
She smiles back. "That's good. I'm glad. Come on, let's get you home. Will and El refuse to go to sleep until you get back, so they'll be awake to greet you." At Jonathan's questioning glance, she sighs fondly and rolls her eyes a little. "It's their winter break, how am I supposed to stop them?"
"I suppose you can't," he replies, crossing the straps of his backpack over the handle of his suitcase and rolling it behind him as Joyce starts making her way towards the parking lot. Luckily, he doesn't have all that much, just clothes and gifts for his family, and therefore doesn't need to get anything from baggage claim. "I had an idea, though."
"Oh? What is it?"
She's changed a lot, Jonathan thinks, looking at his mother. Before he left for college, she'd been... dependent on him for a lot of things. Which he never blamed her for, of course; she was a single mother struggling to make ends meet and needed someone to help her out. Jonathan will never fault her for that. Still, she seems to be managing now, and she looks a lot better than the last time he saw her. There's a glow about her now, like she's figured out what she's supposed to be and is emulating that energy. A lot of that can probably chalked up to raising El alongside Will and being able to focus her energy into making sure they're okay, but a significant portion of that is likely because she also has Hopper now.
But Jonathan's changed too.
College has done a lot for him. In addition to providing all the needs he's struggled for his entire life, he's also been exposed to an entirely different group of people that couldn't possibly exist in Hawkins. It's been an incredibly freeing and deeply personal experience for him, one that's allowed Jonathan to discover who he is outside of his family and the caretaker role he's had since he was eight. He's somehow become even more independent while also having gained friends who actually appreciate him in the way not many people do.
So, he takes a deep breath as they step into the bitter night air. Twists the hem of his shirt around his pointer finger twice. Says, with the smallest tremor in his voice, "I want to put up the Christmas lights this year. For Will and El. And... and for me."
"Are you sure?" she asks, concern written all over her face as she unlocks the trunk and lets Jonathan put his luggage inside. "I mean, considering last time..."
"I'll be okay," Jonathan says, shoving down the small flare of hurt her doubt causes. "Seriously, Mom. I've thought about this. My dorm hung up Christmas lights before finals, okay? I can handle it." He doesn't have to tell her that he'd spent the entire time on edge, breathing shallow and heartbeat quick. It was just unexpected. Jonathan will be prepared this time, since he'll be the one putting them up.
"I know you can." Joyce pauses before opening her door, staring at him over the roof of the car. "I don't want you to get hurt, though."
He gets it. Anything that upsets Will upsets him too, and he's not even his brother's parent, despite playing the role for ten years. Jonathan can't imagine how much the whole experience has hurt their mother as well. "I won't be. I promise."
"You don't need to. The second you start feeling uncomfortable with them, let me know, and we'll take them down," she says.
"Okay. Can we go home now?"
Joyce chuckles. "Of course, Jonathan. Let's go home."
He, Joyce, and Hopper start decorating outside.
They're saving the inside for tomorrow, once Will and El know about it and can help them out. For this to be a surprise, though, they have to make sure the two of them are sufficiently distracted before starting the process. However, because of the absolute chaos that is winter break, they don't manage to send the two of them off to the Sinclair's to hang out with Lucas and Max until well past midday. Meaning, it's positively freezing by the time they get started.
Jonathan's hands have already begun to lose feeling by the time he makes it to the left side of the house. The nails they're supposed to be hooking the strings over are too small for him to work with gloves, so his hands are slowly getting paler the longer they're exposed to Hawkins' bitter winter air. He's not going to finish this and still be able to feel them, but he cannot mess up this gift for Will and El. They deserve it. They deserve everything he can give and more.
After all, out of the three of them, Jonathan has suffered the least. Will's been through hell and back because of everything with the Upside Down and the Mind Flayer last summer, and Eleven's endured a lifetime of trauma and is continually forced to face it just to help a bunch of people who were never supposed to be involved in all of this supernatural shit. Sure, they may have saved her, but at what cost?
"How's it going over there?" Joyce calls from the other side of the house, easily pulling Jonathan out of his thoughts. They'd split up, starting at the front door and slowly working away from it. Joyce and Hopper have the right side of the house, the plan for the three of them to meet at the back and finish up.
Jonathan steps back to inspect his work, blowing on his hands to try and warm them up. "Well!" he yells back, wincing as his voice cracks on the single syllable. "I'm almost done."
Hopper says, "We're about halfway finished on this side, so you'll probably beat us to the back."
"Alright," Jonathan calls, careful not to speak too loudly. The winter air must be getting to him; cold temperatures have a special way of fucking with him and leaving him short of breath. It doesn't quite explain the slowly-rising in his throat, but maybe he's just too used to New York. Needs some time to readjust to home.
He coughs lightly into his fist, not allowing himself to give fully into the itch at the base of his throat for fear of causing it to hurt more, then picks up the string of lights again. Jonathan's thankful they're not the big multicolored bulbs that'd tracked across the ceiling four years ago. These ones are plain, glowing a soft, muted yellow when lit and definitely not as bad as they could have been. It's the truth, and it's a comfort, but if he's being honest, they're still pretty bad.
Jonathan's not struggling as badly as he was last time, doesn't feel quite as awful as he did back at college, but he can still feel anxiety thrumming through his veins and playing along with each beat of his heart. He's genuinely struggling to drape the string over the last few nails when he spots Hopper out of his peripherals and forces himself to stand up straight, clearing his face of any errant emotion.
"Hey, kid," he says, gentle in the way he denies being around anyone else that isn't their family. He glances down Jonathan's tight line of yet-to-be-lit string. "This looks great. Much better than our side."
"Let me guess." Jonathan smiles, clearing his throat before continuing. "Mom insists on putting most of them up, but she's too short to reach and keeps fighting with you about it."
Hopper laughs, deep and rich. "Right on the money. I'm letting her attempt it on her own and hoping she comes to her senses."
He smiles a bit wider before it suddenly drops and his leg jerks up for barely a second, foot barely coming off the ground as he stifles a sneeze into perfect silence. For a moment, he thinks that he might have gotten away with it, until—
"Bless," Hopper says, peering down at him with sudden scrutinization. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. 'S just a sneeze," Jonathan says, embarrassed and sniffling as softly as he can.
"You're all flushed, though."
Jonathan presses his fingers to his face, unsurprised when his cheeks are even colder than his hands. The area under his eyes does feel a bit swollen, though, and he frowns before shaking his head to discourage Hopper. "The cold. It happens all the time, don't worry."
"Got it," Hopper says, nodding his understanding. "We'll meet you again at the back, alright?"
"Yep." Jonathan goes back to placing the string, falling into an easy rhythm by the time he rounds the corner to the back side of the house. Hopper's conversation with him has eased a bit of the panic, at least, and he just focuses on how happy Will's going to be when he sees the whole thing. It gets him through the rest without too much of an issue, at least.
His hands are completely numb by the time he runs out of string, which happens to be at the same moment Joyce and Hopper reappear. His mother claps her mitten-clad hands together in delight, obviously having given up on placing the lights. "It looks so great!" she exclaims, beaming. "Oh, it's been so long since the house looked like this."
Guilt twists in Jonathan's stomach, but he smiles anyway. "I'm glad we put them up this year," he says, moving to stand next to Joyce as Hopper finishes with their part and goes to turn them on. "They're going to love this."
The lights flick on just then, and Jonathan finds himself almost breathless with the sight. Joyce is right; it's been so long since their house was decorated he forgot what it looked like. He's been so wrapped up in fear of this, he forgot how beautiful it could be as well.
Joyce squeezes his shoulder in silent appreciation, then waits for Hopper to emerge. "We finished just in time," he says, smile on his face. "Sue called; she's driving Will and El home. They'll be back in a few minutes."
Wordless, the three of them move to the front of the house to wait. The Sinclair's car is easy to track as it turns down their empty road, at the very end of the street. Jonathan suddenly itches for his camera, wanting to catch the joy on his siblings' faces when they see it, but they're exiting the car before he can even take a step. "Mom?" Will asks, confused, "what—?"
She grabs him and pulls him into a hug while Hopper goes to thank Sue for driving them. "Do you like it?" she asks, excitement palpable.
In the fading daylight, brought on by the early winter sunsets, the lights take on a magical appearance. "I— I love it," Will stutters, confusion instead of joy expressed on his face. "But I thought... you're both okay with this? Really?" He turns to look at Jonathan, concern washing anything else away.
Jonathan reaches out to grab his shoulder. Like mother, like son, he supposes, squeezing it the same way Joyce had done to him earlier. "Yeah, Will. We did it for you and El."
There's barely a second between when he finishes his sentence to the moment Will slams into him, wrapping Jonathan tightly in a bone-crushing hug, his face pressed into his older brother's shoulder. "Thank you," he whispers, and Jonathan just holds onto him tighter, the two of them standing like that until El walks over.
"Pretty," she comments, smiling and leaning against Hopper.
The decorations aren't going to mean as much to her as they do to Jonathan, Will, and Joyce, but he nods anyway. "Yeah," Joyce says, emotion choking her speech.
The five of them stand in silence for a second, taking it in, before Jonathan turns away to stifle another sneeze into silence. No one notices, incredibly enough, and he lets himself relax for the moment.
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bronzebtch · 1 year
i'm shaking bc right after lady jeyne of the eyrie died, there was a vale civil war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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forgaeven1 · 2 years
all of my typically good boy next door muses? if they’ve got brown hair, brown eyes or a smile that could charm your mom? yeah, they’re also fucking insane. hob chooses to live forever even tho he has no idea to whom he owes the immortality to. wilson actively chooses to be with someone who has consistently been difficult, an addict, and sometimes dangerous, and he loves the son of a bitch through it. i may have more others but u get what i mean
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puresel · 7 months
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    ◞◟ ♱ ◞  Moon ╱ Ocean Themed Prns ──
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      Moon ) Moonself ,Myo ) Myon ,Lune ) Lunar      Cre ) Crescent ,Li ) Light ,Sea ) Seaself ,Foa ) Foam       Wa ) Water ,Oyc ) Oycean ,Oce ) Ocean ,Swi ) Swim     Aqu ) Aqua ,Wa ) Waves ,Cel ) Celes (tia) ,Spa ) Space         Glub ) Glubself ,Blu ) Blub ,Bubb ) Bubbles     Ecli ) Eclipse ,Shi ) Shine ,🫧 ) 🫧self ,🌊 ) 🌊self
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   ── requested by ﹕@ anon  hope it's 2 yur liking :3
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it's cool that j/oyce has a canon last name but it's weird that they're gonna continue to have a w/hite woman portray her who isn't h/ispanic or l/atina while completely ignoring that the b/yers are portrayed by w/hite people and are j/ewish. ig i shouldn't be surprised but it's a weird choice.
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igazikutya · 9 months
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2023. 09.
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Kedves olvasó! Bocsánatod kérem, de az eltelt időszak történései, irama és sűrűsége nem tette lehetővé, hogy zenei asszociációkon elmélkedjek egy mikroblog kedvéért, pláne, hogy ezeket a gondolatokat lejegyzeteljem. Így most: nincsenek szavak.
Arnold Dreyblatt & The Orchestra of Excited Strings - Resolve [2023, Drag City][LP]
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Deena Abdelwahed - Jbal Rrsas [2023, Infiné][LP]
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Kasper Bjorke & Cooper Saver - Junctures [2023, Live At Robert Johnson][S]
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Kim Oxlund - Very Special Things [2023, Hotham Sound][MC]
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offspot data: Very Special Things LP
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Laurel Halo - Atlas [2023, Awe][LP]
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Low End Activist - Gossip Is the Devil’s Radio [2023, ESP Institute][EP]
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Mouse on Mars - Bilk [2023, Sonig][EP]
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offspot data: BILK (bandcamp)
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O Yuki Conjugate - A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4 [2023, OYC Limited][LP]
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Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Killer Whale Atmospheres [2023, Hospital Productions][LP]
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Terrain - Corners [2023, Varmal][EP]
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Various Artists - Point E [2023, On Board Music][EP-Comp]
Various Artists - Unseen Series III [2023, Analogical Force][EP-Comp]
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Void - REM [2023, Agos][LP]
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Traxelektor 2023 09 Spotify playlist - link
(66/75, 7:09/8:23, 88%)
Traxelektor Playlist 2023 09
Adam Pits - Gadget Crew [Gadget Crew, Constant Sound] Ancient Plastix - Daydream Research [II, Maple Death] Ancient Plastix - Museum Of Barbed Wire [II, Maple Death] Anoesis - Trash Man Broken [Frame Jack 1, Krankq] Anthony Linell - Advanced Spiritual Evolution [Advanced Transcendent Evolution, Northern Electronics] Anthony Linell - All at the Same Time [Advanced Transcendent Evolution, Northern Electronics]
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Arnold Dreyblatt & The Orchestra of Excited Strings – Container [Resolve, Drag City] Arnold Dreyblatt & The Orchestra of Excited Strings - Shuffle Effect [Resolve, Drag City] ASC & Semblance - Impulse [Point E, On Board Music] Barker - Golden Hammer [Unfixed, Smalltown Supersound] Barker - Wick and Wax [Unfixed, Smalltown Supersound] Blevin Blectum - Nocturn (Planetfall Edit, Psaltriparus Minimus Maximus Mix)[Omnii, Deathbomb Arc] Blevin Blectum - Soft Death (Afresymegol)[Omnii, Deathbomb Arc] Ciel - Scenes from a Marriage [Orlando, !K7] Coco Bryce - Yallah [My Space, PRSPCT] CZN - Year of the Rat [SSS, Trilogy Tapes] Deena Abdelwahed - Each Day [Jbal Rrsas, Infiné] Deena Abdelwahed - Six as Oil [Jbal Rrsas, Infiné] Dom & Roland - Burn Bright [Burn Bright / Being, Individual] Flower Storm - The Evil Tyrant Has Been Captured [YEK, Flower Storm] Flower Storm - This Is My Court [YEK, Flower Storm]
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Ishq - A Soft Breeze at 4AM [Hillside Harmonies, Ishq] JK Flesh - NOT YOUR DUB [NO EXITS, Avalanche] Kasper Bjorke & Cooper Saver - 02 47 AM (Original Mix)[Junctures, Live At Robert Johnson] Kasper Bjorke & Cooper Saver - 06 13 AM (Original Mix)[Junctures, Live At Robert Johnson] Kim David Bots - Die Trommel, Der Trum [Oostwestkruisbest, South of North] Kim Oxlund - Hours in a Day [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kim Oxlund - How Long Does It Last [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Kim Oxlund - Older Than the Sea [Very Special Things, Hotham Sound] Laurel Halo feat. Lucy Railton & James Underwood - Late Night Drive [Atlas, Awe] Loraine James - Gentle Confrontation [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] Loraine James - I'm Trying To Love Myself [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub] Loraine James - Tired of Me [Gentle Confrontation, Hyperdub]
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Low End Activist - G.E.L. [Gossip Is the Devil’s Radio, ESP Institute] Low End Activist - Perpetual Conflict [Gossip Is the Devil’s Radio, ESP Institute] Mouse on Mars - Bilk A3 [Bilk, Sonig] Mouse on Mars - Bilk B1 [Bilk, Sonig] Na Nich x Vera Logdanidi - Journey [Point D, On Board Music] Nuversion - Impression [Point E, On Board Music] O Yuki Conjugate - A Change of Heart [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] O Yuki Conjugate - Deep Head Scene [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] O Yuki Conjugate - Doubleback [A Tension of Opposites Vols. 3 & 4, OYC Limited] Om Unit - Acid Tempo (Tapes Remix)[Acid Dub Versions II, Self-Released] Om Unit & Dego Rankin - Bristol Theme (V.I.V.E.K Remix)[Acid Dub Versions II, Self-Released] Polygonia - Meteor Storm [Tales Of The Nocturnal Sky, Monument] Polygonia - Veluo [Point E, On Board Music] Purelink - Stadium Drive [Signs, Peak Oil] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Darkening Rain (Killer Whale Atmospheres) For Phillipe [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Grown In The Shade Of The Glacier [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Rainforest Spiritual Enslavement - Violent Spirit Looking Forever Out To Sea [Killer Whale Atmospheres, Hospital Productions] Shackleton & Waclaw Zimpel feat. Siddhartha Belmannu - Your Love Pours Like Water [In The Cell Of Dreams, 7k!] Shinedoe - So It Is (Lawrence Remix)[Freedom Riders Remixes, Music That Moves] sin:it:sin - Suburban Electro (Original Mix)[False Transmitter, Electro Music Coalition] sin:it:sin - The Future Is Not Yours (Original Mix)[False Transmitter, Electro Music Coalition] sin:it:sin - You'll Be Back (Original Mix)[False Transmitter, Electro Music Coalition] Sockethead - I'm Losing My Fingers [Drenched Worlds Fall Apart, Youth] Terrain - Blind Spot [Corners, Varmal] Terrain - Corners [Corners, Varmal] Terrain - Vintage [Corners, Varmal] The Chemical Brothers - Feels Like I Am Dreaming [For That Beautiful Feeling, Virgin] Timothy J. Fairplay - Aerial Phenomena [Why Are They Here, ARCHAIC FUTURE SOUNDS] Timothy J. Fairplay - Seabrook's Dream [Why Are They Here, ARCHAIC FUTURE SOUNDS] Unhuman & Petra Flurr - No Excitement [Mala Vida, Bite] Unhuman & Petra Flurr - Rush [Mala Vida, Bite] Unhuman & Petra Flurr feat. Garden Krist - Short Life [Mala Vida, Bite] Unknown - Lonely Objects [Unseen Series III, Analogical Force] Unknown - Phases [Unseen Series III, Analogical Force] Versalife - Ghosting [Genetic Cluster, Natural Selection] Versalife - Overclock [Genetic Cluster, Natural Selection] Void - Circadian Rhythm [REM, Agos] Void - Midnight [REM, Agos] Void & Materia - Adenosine [REM, Agos] Vril - Animist [Animist, Delsin] Vril - Kuru [Animist, Delsin] Vril - Terraformink [Animist, Delsin]
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my brain: make a j/oyce b/yers sideblog
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pianocat939 · 1 year
hey sunshine, how are u? Did you took your medications today? Did you sleep well? Remember to drink water and give your self some rest from time to time
*throws this picture at u and runs away*
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When was the last time I took my meds? Like 2 days ago?
I think I slept 6 hours. Which is better than usual.
Waiting for my upperclassman to finish up his audition then I get to eat the Oyce Screm.
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yarnnerdally · 11 months
Imagine - you running down the street, a couple of guards do a double take and give chase but they're dumb and you aren't so you see Sampo, grab him by the arms and drag him into the nearest convenient alley or alcove, "Hide me!" and you pull him into a kiss. The guards run pass without noticing and Sampo's all "hehehe, why where they chasing you?" and you "I don't know. They saw me running and chased. I hadn't even stolen anything yet." Sampo's 🤔 "huh? So what did you steal?" you, smirking, "A kiss" and Sampo blushes so fucking hard he hides his face in your shoulder, "that's the most romantic thing any one has done for me"
He would think that's the most romantic thing ever omfg. T.T
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
Really in the mood for Eddie to be sick as fuck - like worse than normal.
Wayne can kinda handle it at first but then he just can’t get Eddie’s fever down. So he calls in the only reinforcements he knows.
Joyce Fuckin Byers 🔥😎🔥 and she’s got two kids she’s prob done this a hundred times. But Eddie’s not used to it and so he’s just. Big uncomfortable the whole time until he finally starts feeling better.
Anyways that’s been in my head rent free. File it away under things I wanna write
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me: has a m/ike blog, n/ancy blog, j/oyce sideblog, and a multimuse
also me: i should make an el sideblog bc i wanna try my hand at writing her…
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lost-tanuki · 2 years
Am I the only one who finds it so fucking funny the way Zane yells his element like "OYCE!!"
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