#oxford application
vitaminctablet · 19 days
fuck the LNAT. what the hell even is the LNAT dude. what genius genuinely thought it was a good idea. making it you read passages and interpreting it through multiple choice questions bastardises everything about the humanities. there is by definition no right and wrong in the humanities dude. FUCK you.
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wotchergiorgia · 11 months
I could not know how tomorrow looks like, the mood I’ll get up to or the people who’ll talk to me. I could try and guess, shoot my shot and make a try. see what happens next and plan nothing. I could not know what the next few seconds hold for me, but I perfectly know what’s going to happen on this day in a year. I woke up this morning and felt my heart skipping a beat - 18th of october. a date that just a year ago meant absolutely nothing to me. a still meaningless day for most people out here. and yet, in a year, today, I’ll have sat down at a desk and got nearer to my future. in a year, today, all the studying, all the efforts I’m now doing will partly be put down on paper and sat aside for a month or two, closed in a drawer no one knows about. part of my future will be determined by this day in a year. what a responsibility! shivers down my spine thinking about it. there’s still so much I need to do, not enough time to do everything and to be everything, but somehow I’m managing to cope with it, get through it and work well on the fundamentals. building up a future for yourself no one, with a few exceptions, knows about is hard and overwhelming and it makes you busy. but, gosh, the satisfaction will be worth it all.
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jonquilandlace · 1 year
Resist accepting absence of evidence as evidence of absence.
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cresolinfoserv · 1 year
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parktheghost · 1 year
i am normal and can be trusted around media
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m-jay-gee · 2 years
just thought about how at oxbridge you can't work while studying. i get that term time workload is a lot but also, even if you can handle it, it's frowned upon. something something classism.
i know they can provide support but yk not all people can/know they can get it.
sorry for being british and worried abt my friends.
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genblog4 · 2 years
applying to oxbridge be like. i do four a levels and i want an A* in all of them. i’m doing an AS level outside of school. i’m doing an EPQ. i’m tracking opportunities for me to show my love of classics. i’m doing three creative writing competitions at once. i’m going to a million talks and reading a million books
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thedissociatives · 10 months
ok so i am actually considering applying to oxbridge next year
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yiddishknights · 1 year
This is a friendly heads up that the Oxford School of Rare Jewish Languages has opened applications for their language classes beginning in Michaelmas term (October) 2023. They offer classes in 18 Jewish languages, including Old Yiddish. Classes are on Zoom, so applicants can live anywhere in the world. The deadline to apply is September 5, 2023.
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clehame · 1 year
in cambridge for a wedding/soon to be in oxford for nostalgia and unfortunately it does activate my inferiority complex. [through gritted teeth] i could have gone to oxbridge if i wanted. they’re probably all annoying anyway.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Patrick Barkham
The Guardian
May 27, 2023
York groundsel was a cheerful yellow flower that slipped into global extinction in 1991, thanks to overzealous application of weedkiller in the city of its name.
But now the urban plant has been bought back to life in the first ever de-extinction in Britain, and is flowering again in York.
The species of groundsel was only ever found around the city and only evolved into its own species in the past century after non-native Oxford ragwort hybridised with native groundsel.
York groundsel, Senecio eboracensis, was discovered growing in the car park of York railway station in 1979 and was the first new species to have evolved in Britain for 50 years, thriving on railway sidings and derelict land.
But the new plant’s success was short-lived, as urban land was tidied up and chemicals applied to remove flowers dismissed as “weeds”.
It was last seen in the wild in 1991. Fortunately, researchers kept three small plants in pots on a windowsill in the University of York. These short-lived annual plants soon died, but they produced a precarious pinch of seed, which was lodged at Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank.
Andrew Shaw of the Rare British Plants Nursery had a vision to bring the species back to life, but when tests were carried out on some privately held seeds very few germinated successfully.
So Natural England, the government’s conservation watchdog, quickly authorised a de-extinction attempt via its species recovery programme, which has funded the revival of the most threatened native species for 30 years.
“The Millennium Seed Bank said the seed was getting near the end of its lifespan and so we thought we would only have one more chance of resurrecting it,” said Alex Prendergast, a vascular plant senior specialist for Natural England.
Natural England paid for a polytunnel at the Rare British Plants Nursery in Wales, where 100 of the tiny seeds were planted. To the botanists’ surprise, 98 of the seeds germinated successfully. The polytunnel rapidly filled with a thousand York groundsel plants.
In February six grams of seed – potentially thousands of plants – were sown into special plots around York on council and Network Rail land.
This week, the first plants in the wild for 32 years began to flower, bringing colour to the streets and railway sidings of York.
This de-extinction is likely to be a one-off in this country because York groundsel is the only globally extinct British plant that still persists in seed form and so could be revived.
But Prendergast said the de-extinction showed the value of the Millennium Seed Bank – to which plenty of York groundsel seed has now been returned – and there were a number of good reasons for bringing the species back to life.
“It’s a smiley, happy-looking yellow daisy and it’s a species that we’ve got international responsibility for,” he said.
“It only lives in York, and it only ever lived in York. It’s a good tool to talk to people about the importance of urban biodiversity and I hope it will capture people’s imagination.
“It’s also got an important value as a pollinator and nectar plant in the area because it flowers almost every month of the year.”
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wotchergiorgia · 11 months
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badjokesbyjeff · 2 months
Mr and Mrs Frog only had one tadpole, and they loved her so much. 
Both of them has to enter the work force from a young age to support their family’s. Neither of them had any further education and their life’s desire was for their only daughter to have the opportunities they didn’t and to go to university, preferability Oxford or Cambridge. They worked every hour to secure extra tuition for their daughter and extra curriculum activities.
One morning there was the familiar thud of post on the doormat. Sat there, a letter clear embossed with the Oxford University crest.
Their daughter was at school. They both looked at each other. They both glanced at the clock, it was a Tuesday so after school she had extra maths, ballet class, and then chess club. It’s would be hours and hours before she would be home to open it herself and revel if her application was successful.
The air hang heavy with the ethical dilemma ahead of them…. They so desperately wanted to know if their life’s work, all their sacrifices, all their daughters hard work had paid off, equally, they respected their daughter and knew her trust in them would be crushed if they opened the letter before her.
Gently, they lifted the envelop up, time seemed to freeze. Then in a sudden, Mrs Frog ran to the kitchen, grabbed the kettle that was full of freshly boiled water and gently held the letter above it. Using the steam to attempt to gently unfurl the firmly glued seal on the envelope so they could glimpse the secret’s inside, before gluing it back down for their daughter to open in the evening, none the wiser. Minutes passes, the kettle was reboiled, the kitchen clock seemed to slow down, still only a tiny millimetre of the envelope seal had be carefully unfurled.
Mrs Frog looks up, sweaty, breathing heavy, and looks over to her husband. What should we do my dear? She asked?
Ripit! Ripit!
He replied
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cresolinfoserv · 11 months
Best Web Design and Development Services in London UK
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parktheghost · 1 year
everything is awful!!! all the time!!!
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How to Build A Social Media App Like TikTok?
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Do you know about the most downloaded application in the social world?
Surprisingly, it was TikTok with a count of 656 million downloads annually in 2021. The application has been in trend for three years, with over three billion TikTok downloads worldwide. This number is even more startling when you consider how quickly the number went from two to three billion.
The numbers quite sum up that the appeal of TikTok is undeniable. The platform’s user base includes users from all corners of the globe, spending hours interacting with the material. However, you need a top-notch development team if you plan to create your own social media app with a video hosting platform. So, do you want to learn how to create a platform for short videos similar to TikTok?
Well, this blog covers every aspect of developing a TikTok-like app, including the features that must be included, the technology needed, and the potential development costs to get started!
Do you know about TikTok App?
TikTok is a social network for sharing videos. Users of TikTok stream live events, produce short videos with lip sync, gags, memes, performances, and other material, add music, and share them with others all over the world. TikTok’s original concept was integrating music, video, and social media.
An individual user uses TikTok for more than 45 minutes daily. A few key factors explain why TikTok has gained popularity:
Brief video length: The initial time restriction for video content was simply 15 seconds. Given how little attention individuals have these days, that is incredibly helpful.
Young target market: Nearly fifty percent of users are under 25. This age group is more dependent on social media and smartphones.
Monetization: On live broadcasts, video makers may give away prizes, sell their commercials, and run contests.
Presence of celebrities: The younger generation’s favorite celebrities frequently have TikTok profiles where they post exclusive video material, launch challenges, and interact with followers.
Now that you know the prospects of owning a TikTok Clone app, it is time to start app development.
Develop a social media app like TikTok
Let us provide you with some key ideas to keep in mind when you develop your TikTok clone to assist you in making your app like TikTok a success.
Step 1: Conduct Market Research
If you want to construct any social media app, but are unsure where to start, start by analyzing your audience. You will then understand the market dynamics, competitors, marketing tactics, and trends to watch out for.
Try to offer concise answers to all of these questions since they can point you in the right way as you work toward creating an app similar to TikTok.
Step 2: Choose a Monetization Model
While social media app development cost is pretty high, it is crucial to choose a future business plan for one of the best TikTok alternatives once you’ve identified your target users. To assist you in creating an app similar to TikTok, consider the following revenue options:
In-app purchases
Cost per Click/ Mile/ Action
Step 3: Connect with your Audience
It’s time to get to know the users of your software. For instance, TikTok presently has users from over 150 nations who speak over 75 other languages. To cover such a broad audience at the beginning of your app development, though, is a bit unrealistic.
We advise starting with that group of folks after segregating your target audience. For instance, TikTok began by only being available in China before reaching a wider audience.
Step 4: Work on the Design
The user interface of the program is what draws and hooks people. How new customers are enrolled is one of the elements that determine how popular the app will become. TikTok’s viewers won’t be distracted by its simple UX/UI. It makes it simple to sign up, complete the required profile information, and get started.
It is recommended to use the same golden rule while developing the UI/UX of your application. For the simple promotion of their work, you may also incorporate features like an unlimited playback feed and user profiles integrated with other social media.
Step 5: Hire a professional development team
Without a group of qualified professionals, creating an app is virtually difficult. Hire professionals that are knowledgeable about market strategies and have a clear understanding of the user’s journey. They are excellent at putting the finest design principles into practice and will ensure the success of your application.
To create an app like TikTok, a qualified team must consist of the following:
Front-end Developer
Back-end Developers
UI/UX Designer
QA Engineer
Depending on your time and financial constraints, you may either engage an internal team of developers or outsource the development team. Since social media app like TikTok does not require the retention of full-time personnel, we advise you to outsource it to save time and money.
Step 6: Work on the MVP
A minimal viable product (MVP) is a product’s initial, fully operational iteration. It enables numerous entrepreneurs to test the concept, get feedback from actual customers, and ascertain whether their project aligns with the market’s demands.
MVP prevents business owners from spending their whole startup money on a product that may never reach the market and won’t be known to users. Instead, if you have a minimum viable product, you can test your idea faster, cheaper, and with less risk.
Step 7: Release the App
You should create your app in advance as part of a dynamic marketing strategy so that your target market is aware of it. Using a standard advertising strategy or engaging a marketing expert is a good idea. Running sponsored advertisements, working with bloggers and social media influencers, advertising your social media app through Google Play and Apple Store, etc., are a few typical strategies to advertise your mobile app.
Once your mobile app is available on the market, you can start collecting user reviews. By doing this, you can produce the most remarkable final product to meet the demands of your intended market. Additionally, this survey might show you where you fall short and what needs to be changed.
Read Also – Planning To Build A Social Media App In 2022?
Wrapping Up!
Due to the industry’s level of competitiveness and saturation, creating a social networking app may be challenging. However, you can ensure your app has the sustainability to maintain a competitive advantage by emphasizing content and attracting devoted users.
Developing, adapting, and adhering to your project’s roadmap can be difficult. Even it might not be easy to describe the project’s goals and functional and non-functional needs. Therefore, it is advised to work with a skilled and trustworthy app development company that can help you put everything together in a complex program like TikTok.
Article Resource - https://zimblecode.com/how-to-build-a-social-media-app-like-tiktok/
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