#owner and neither option sounds very good to me...
acgames · 8 months
Sometimes I think if there's a way to sell my art without doing commission work. Like maybe some site could turn my art into posters and such, while I get cut of the profit?
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yowlthinks · 9 months
Is Aziraphale making a statement?
So I decided to re-watch the Edinburgh episode (3), and something dawned on me: Aziraphale wants to take the car BEFORE Muriel shows up. So can it be that his original plan was that he'd be away before the angelic inspection comes in (and he knows they are sending someone to check)? But then if they came and saw Crowley in the bookshop with Jim, how is this a good idea?
We know Aziraphale is smart, and there is no real time pressure on "The Clue", but there certainly is a time pressure on the Maggie and Nina business being inspected by an angel.
It would make some sort of sense of he took "Jim" with him and they went all together. We missed an epic road trip, you guys! This is certainly one of the obvious options: take the fugitive and your trusted stooge and confidant with you. The inspection comes, whoops, noone here, noone to point who is supposed to be in love with whom.
But that is not what we see. Jim is hidden, but Aziraphale would not want to leave him alone, and he wants to take the car away so Crowley has to protect Jim? He wants a demon to protect a fugitive amnesiac archangel in a bookshop that is an independent embassy? That sounds like some sort of... statement? Like "this is my kingdom and only those I invite can come in, and no angel or demon can enter without permission, and I am conveniently absent to grant you one" - but why does Aziraphale want to make this statement?
During the ball Aziraphale says the bookshop is "an independent embassy". But independent of what? Embassies are not independent, they count as part of the country they belong to. So what does the "independent" refer to? Independent from Heaven?
This lines up nicely with Aziraphale and Crowley taking the side of Humanity in "the big one": the bookshop is not accessible to hell, but with Aziraphale leaving heaven is also no longer a Heaven's outpost. Neither demons, nor angels can enter it without invitation, but humans can, have been able to for centuries (even if the owner has let them do so begrudgingly). So the bookshop is already an embassy of the 3rd side = the Humanity.
And it seems to me that the Metatron is not a fan, obviously, so he would like to claim it back => drives Aziraphale out and gives it to Muriel
It also lines up nicely with the fact that Hell attacks the bookshop, and Aziraphale then takes action only to defend the 2 humans + Gabriel (innocent fool?). So Aziraphale takes action against hell on behalf of the humans. And now he is forced to go back to Heaven as a supreme archangel, very convenient for them cause technically he has already kinda declared war on hell (he did not mean to, of course).
However, having not been "employed" by heaven at the time of attack he did not declare it on behalf of the angels, and I am wondering if Aziraphale-master-of-excuses-Fell, Principality of technicalities and loopholes, is gonna use that at the end.
Or maybe someone else will (the Metatron?)
Anyway, I fully expect that in s3 we will get an explanation of why Aziraphale was trying to make a statement with his independent embassy. It'll be interesting to see what it is.
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crowned-peony · 2 years
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Akashi x reader fluff
(This is just pure self indulgent and super cheesy like the Hallmark movies it's based on)
Akashi comes to understand that life sometimes imitates art a little too well
Word Count: 1,665
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How many movies could you realistically fit in a day? Maybe if you're lucky you can watch a few back to back. But the large pile of dvds in the living room table has Akashi regretting many things. Right on top of the pile was a bright pink paper covered in glitter that you just placed there not too long ago. He really has a hard time believing that the paper has survived so many years. One of three "Akashi Coupons" as you called them. Given to only people that have been able to beat him. Each of the three coupons were made by you and each one was made to be uniquely for the owner of the coupon. The coupon is a free pass for Akashi to basically grant one free wish. Kagami had claimed his almost immediately after getting it for a 1 v 1 match. The outcome of the match has never been revealed to anyone but you like to think it ended in a very close tie but Akashi has never given you a hint if the suspicion was right. Kuroko has said that he will redeem it when the time is right. And here you are redeeming yours the first Christmas you shared as a couple. You won your coupon when you both were children, at a simple game of goldfish. A secret you were sworn never to reveal. Everyone feared Akashi and for good reason but not once had he ever thought you less than him. You from the beginning were his one and only equal. The one that he will let share his crown and throne. 
“Why haven't you gone and changed yet? We can't start the marathon until you do! It's tradition!” You pouted and scolded him while coming out of the kitchen barely keeping the snacks in your arms from falling. He looked at the red and green plaid pajamas you were currently wearing and the ones that were folded up on the table. He signed. “Why can't I just stay in the ones I'm currently wearing? It won't change anything” he said as he tried to hide his dislike for them. “It's tradition!! Now go change!” you told him with a glare. The one redeeming the coupons request cannot be denied unless it's something illegal and dangerous. And wearing festive pajamas happens to fall into neither of those categories. He reluctantly gave up trying to persuade you and went to change. You didn't ask many things from him so there really wasn't a reason for him to be fighting this as he is.  
Once he was changed, he walked into your shared bedroom and grabbed a few of the blankets of the bed and two pillows. He also grabbed the lion squishmellow that you affectionately called Seijuro #2 as he walked out the room. He never understood why you liked to use the stuffed animal as a pillow and almost always carried it around the house but if he made you happy who was he to question it. He set the blankets down to your side of the couch and put the pillows on his and lazily hugged Seijuro #2 watching you as you tried to figure out the order of the movies. He barely could barely make out the mumbling but sounded like you were arguing with yourself what the best option was. After a few minutes he got up to look at all the piles you made. He stopped trying to figure out your logic when sorting things. One time you had a whole powerpoint ready trying to tell him that skittles were more closely sorted with MnMs than gummy bears and he just let you be. Looking around at the piles he picked up one randomly and handed it to you. “You wanna watch Kiss me on Candy Cane Lane?” you asked him and he just shrugged before going back and getting comfortable on the couch once again. 
“Are you sure this is one you wanna start with? Like want to look again?” 
“That one is fine. Just start it and come sit down if you want to watch a few of the movies” 
You didn’t try and ask him again and went to go put movie on before wrapping blankets around you both and curling up next to him and hugging Seijuro #2. You knew this movie like the back of your hand. Well if you see one movie you have seen them all. They all share the same cookie cutter plot but you couldn't help but love them and keep watching them. Someone is giving their all to a job that doesn't make them feel accomplished and go back home to celebrate holidays with family. Once back home in their small town, they run into the person they had a crush on before they left. A spark happens between them and slowly start hanging out more, getting into holiday spirit and slowly fall in love and just before they can confess comes the choice. Leave their successful job in some big city or stay in their small town with the one they love. The main character always chooses love and the story has a happy ending. Kiss me on Candy Cane Lane is no different. The only reason you had it high on your list was that you felt a connection to the love interests. You both felt that you wouldn't be enough for the one you loved so never acted on feelings and tried to keep them quiet until your saw your love at a low point, at a point were they lost themselves in an attempt to keep giving themselves into something that they no longer found happiness in for the sake of proving that they can do it. And having the love interest help the main character find out that somethings mean more than being successful like finding joy again and learning what really makes you happy. 
Akashi would occasionally stop watching the screen and just stare down at you. He didn't realize how much this movie meant to you until he noticed how the words the characters were saying you would be quietly saying to them too. You knew this movie by heart.  Slowly the pieces began to click as the movie progressed to the part where the main character is telling the love interest that they are choosing to stay with them and be happy together. You were holding Seijuro #2 so close to yourself and wiping away some tears. 
“This is the movie you were always talking about back then, when you kept telling me that I would find my way back to happiness, this was where you got that line from wasnt it?” 
Feeling embarrassed of your secret being out all you could do was nod and hope that he wouldn't make fun of you. 
“Did you know back then that I would choose to be happy over trying to always win?”
“I didn't, I just always hoped that you would be able to see that somethings are worth more than winning, you went to being the Akashi i knew and loved after your loss.” 
“Will you tell me what you told Kuroko all those years ago during that match?”
“I thanked him for giving me back my love and for giving you back the love you had for the game” 
Akashi just felt that his heart was beating so loud that everyone could hear it. He didn't say anything for several minutes and quietly got up and walked into the kitchen. You just stayed on the couch fighting back the tears. You knew this was a stupid idea and should have asked for anything else. He must be so mad that you basically confessed that you were happy at his loss back then and thankful for it even now. You laid down on the couch and covered yourself in blankets holding the poor little lion so tightly as you let some tears fall hoping that you could just disappear. You heard some noises in the kitchen and close to you but you didn't want to come out from under the safety the blankets provided. If you didn't see it, you could pretend nothing happened. 
The noises stopped and the blanket was pulled off of you. You didn't have the heart to look up so you stayed curled up and closed your eyes. 
“Honey, why are you crying?”
No response
“Honey, please look at me”
You shake your head, closing your eyes more. 
“Love, please don’t cry. I am not mad, I'm actually really happy you told me that. I really didn't realize until I knew just how close I was to losing everything that was important until I actually lost. I love you so much so please don't be upset.” 
After a bit you finally sat up and wiped some of the tears and looked up at him. 
“You really aren't mad?”
“Nothing to be mad at love. So can you do me a quick favor and come with me to the kitchen?” 
Slowly nodding you took his hand and followed him to the kitchen. On the floor were two rows of candy canes. You looked at him confused. 
“What is this?” 
“Best i could do in a short notice”
“Huh? I'm still lost here” 
“I'm doing as the title says and like they did. I'm going to kiss you on Candy Cane Lane. You never stopped believing that I would be happy again and you never stopped loving me. You have and always will be my happiness.” 
“I always told you that you make your way back to happiness.” 
“I made my way back to you”
A soft kiss was shared between you both, one of many. The rest of the day was you both going back and forth choosing movies and realizing that maybe there is something that they got right. Some things aren't worth more than love or happiness. 
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Banner made by me
Divider made by Moonstrider9904
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
AKA we combine several types of time travel for maximum Soft Chaos, let’s go
EDIT NOW THAT I’VE WRITTEN THIS UP: jfc this ended up much angstier than initially intended uhhhhhhhhhh sorry
So a common enough thing I’ve seen in time travel fics is characters getting de-aged when tossed back physically, to neither the age they should be in that time, nor the age they were from the time they left, but whatever is most convenient. This is usually de-aging OT Obi-Wan into his TCW self, for reasons relating to, chiefly, removing the damage of Tatooine absolutely destroying his body alongside PTSD-driven alcoholism, but also because fic writers are horny, and Ewan McGregor playing a late-thirties negotiator is on average more appealing to people than Alec Guinness playing a vaguely feral desert hermit.
So, here’s how it plays out:
We take Luke and Ben from some point in the OT. There are a variety of options depending on how angsty we want it to be. My first instinct is ‘right after Owen and Beru die’ but I want to have that sweet angst where Luke knows that his dad is Vader and that Obi-Wan was trying to convince him to kill his own father without telling him that.
We’ll go with shortly after Bespin, and then they end up significantly before TPM. The Obi-Wan of the timeline proper is, eh, let’s say eighteen. Not really ready to be a knight, but old enough that we don’t have to worry about “if we go save Shmi, do we somehow wipe out Anakin?” which is absolutely a worry. Anakin is a toddler, and is in no place to be evil, on account of being literally two years old. He can’t even explode people with his brain yet.
Now, Ben finds himself mid-thirties, as is traditional. He’s not upset at this, because his joints hurt so much less than they used to! His knees aren’t exactly teenage-perfect, but by the Force are they better than they were in the years before he died! His hair has color! He doesn’t have arthritis! And, goodness, no physical withdrawal symptoms! The psychological aspect is still there, but nonetheless, he’s in much better shape than he last remembers being.
Luke looks like he’s about six. He was recently twenty-two. This is not an upgrade. Ben keeps having to carry him. He can’t see over the counter when they enter a bar for information. He can’t enter the bar in the first place. He’s very annoyed by all of this.
Ben is not annoyed. Ben is having a lot of emotions, actually, but annoyance isn’t one of them. He didn’t get to help raise Luke the way he might have if Anakin hadn’t lost his shit, okay, he sees a small Luke and he wants to hug him and cry.
Luke would like to be able to purchase a speeder part without the lady at the stall asking him if he needs his “dad’s” permission.
Once they figure out when and where they are, they need to decide where and how to leave. There are general shenanigans to gamble their way into enough money to hire a ship. They are in the ass end of nowhere, but definitely not Tatooine. There appears to be a jungle. There appears to be a significant variety of man-eating creatures. There appears to be a temple to the Force of questionable origin. None of this is actually helpful, except for the moment they find a “baby’s first lightsaber” in the temple.
Luke only has one hand and, being a six-year-old, his body is growing too fast for him to bother with getting a wired-in prosthesis the way he could as an adult. He can get a more basic prosthesis, but nothing that attaches to the neurons. He’ll outgrow it too fast.
He’s tiny and he’s not used to doing things with just one hand. He uses the Force to do what one hand can't, and every time someone tries to tell him he's misusing the Force he whaps them with the empty sleeve.
So, you know, they find out what year it is. Ben has a breakdown. Luke is upset that he left behind his friends. Ben admits to him that Leia was his twin. Luke stares in horror because dude, she kissed him, you couldn’t have mentioned this earlier???
Ben points out that Beru and Owen were keeping Luke away from him for nineteen years, and then they had about three days of awkward travel to find Leia in the first place, and then Ben died. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to figure out how to tell him.
(This sparks an argument that lasts several days. All onlookers assume that Ben’s son is throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t correct them, even though this is a very valid reason to be upset, because the truth is much harder to explain.)
Sooooo they travel. Mostly, Ben plays Sabacc, cleans house, and pays their way towards Coruscant. Luke still really wants to learn to be a Proper Jedi, even though Ben is pretty sure that Luke would have... a lot of difference of opinion with the Temple, but sure. Coruscant. They can at least stop by, and see Qui-Gon, and Mace, and Quinlan, and Bant, and everyone else that’s still alive and not tragically deceased in the horror following the start of the Clone Wars and then the birth of the Empire, and Ben can have a nice sob over all his dead friends being alive again.
Ben is only barely holding it together while Luke is in the room with him at any given point. But it’s fine! It’s fine. He’s fine. All of his loved ones have come back to life! It’s great! HE’S FINE.
He is not fine.
Luke is also grieving all the people who haven’t been born yet, but he’s... significantly more okay than Ben is.
The closer they get to the Core, the more often people just assume Ben is Luke’s father, and then look shocked and uncomfortable when Luke flatly calls him by his name, and they just... compromise. This is the point at which Luke starts calling him “Uncle Ben.”
Ben cries in his bunk later that night. Luke overhears it and wonders how the HELL Ben is more unstable now, when there’s a chance to fix things and no Vader or Empire trying to kill or capture both of them, and all his friends are alive.
(Luke will later learn a lot about PTSD and realize this is actually a fairly normal situation, to process significant events and emotions only after gaining safety or catharsis.)
(Twenty years on a ball of sand with an alcohol addiction and debilitating fear of the man you raised as your own brother is not, in fact, safe or cathartic.)
At any rate, they’ve settled into that pattern by the time they reach the Inner Rim. The Inner Rim is the part of the galaxy at which they’ve collected enough money (and mental stability) to travel a little better, and to take a few more risks.
Risks like “manipulate people with those baby blues.”
Ben tells Luke that he’s a menace, after he pouts so cutely that he gets a free scarf added on to a purchase that Ben makes. Luke responds that Ben has no room to talk, since he flirted a free breakfast out of that one inn owner.
Also, Luke is currently physically six. That is objectively a situation that sucks. He deserves to use it for all it’s worth if he’s stuck like this.
“You know, if you keep wearing all-black and looking longingly at the velvet cape and Space Chanel boots, the temple is going to worry that you’re a darksider.”
“Uncle Ben... you told me, yesterday, that I sparkle so brightly in the Force that it’s almost blinding.”
“Yes, but the gloves--”
They don’t agree on this, but Ben relents. He does actually understand good fashion, unfortunately, and he’s not unaware of how much Leia taught Luke about such things.
Luke’s about forty years ahead of the curve, of course, but Skywalkers are prone to such things. It’s usually in regards to technology, granted, but...
They get to Coruscant. Ben is very obviously a Jedi. He knows all the right words and walks like a Soresu master and feels warm and comforting in the Force. They let him in with minimal questions. They note down “my first padawan left the order to have a child, but died shortly after; I consider Luke here to be my nephew, and have raised him as such,” and move on.
Luke is vaguely annoyed because he already had an uncle (and aunt) that raised him, but he admits that a person can have more than one uncle. He can live with this. Ben was more family to Anakin than Owen was, in some ways, so it’s kind of true. Luke is even working on feeling more childish affection for Ben instead of the complicated mess of emotions that come from being lied to about some very large and important subjects, and then seeing the person saying those lies have regular emotional breakdowns due to something as small as Luke saying he likes the curve of the hull on that freighter.
(Apparently he sounds just like his father did as a child. This is almost heartwarming.)
The thing is! The thing. The thing is, they almost make it to the Halls of Healing to get looked over for weird viruses, or Outer Rim Parasites, or whatever the hells needs to be happening. They almost make it without Ben having a flashback to dead younglings or brainwashed troopers or the declaration of a Sith Empire. They almost make it without incident.
Then Ben sees Qui-Gon, and freezes, and does not move again.
Luke cannot get him to restart.
People are staring.
They haven’t even made it to Medical, Uncle Ben, come on.
Young, local Obi-Wan comes over and asks if there’s something he can do to help. Or maybe this “Ben” knows Qui-Gon? Master Jinn doesn’t recognize Ben, but maybe Luke knows more?
Luke does know more, but what Luke actually says is “he probably needs a mind healer.”
(Ben will not appreciate this.)
(Ben is unfortunately standing in the middle of the hallway and completely unresponsive, and is unable to argue with this assertion.)
(Ben is pretty much proving this assertion entirely correct, actually.)
Obi-Wan is helpful, if a little bitchy in the manner of most late-teens individuals, and offers to help get Uncle Ben down to the Halls of Healing. It involves Obi-Wan gently pushing on Ben’s shoulders, and Qui-Gon offering to carry Luke so he can be in Ben’s sights (because Ben is a Mystery, and Qui-Gon is quite fond of those, so he wants to stay involved). Ben kind of just... shuffles on down.
There are medical tests. They ask about how Luke lost his hand. He refuses to talk about it. They ask how Ben got all his scars. Luke says he doesn’t know. They ask if he knows why Ben looks like he’s been through a war. Luke says it’s because he probably was.
They check for foreign viruses. They find evidence of thus-far-unpatented vaccinations. They ask Luke if he knows what he’s vaccinated for.
“How would I know? I’m six.”
They agree that this is a good excuse.
(It is not. He’s lying. They do not know this.)
They do some more tests. They find a lot of questionable medical bullshit in Ben’s body. Most of this is from the clone wars, but they don’t know this. Someone realizes they haven’t gotten a ping back from the Shadow Network regarding “do we have permission to pull the medical file of a Jedi that isn’t in the normal database? We’re assuming you know who he is, since we don’t.”
The Shadow Network does not know who Ben is.
The healers, of course, go “huh, that’s weird, but maybe the name he gave his nephew was fake. We can’t exactly ask ‘Ben’ for more details right now. We already had to sedate him. Let’s check the DNA!”
The DNA pulls up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The padawan who brought this guy in two hours ago.
“Huh, that’s weird. Let’s call in Kenobi and ask if he knows what’s going on.”
Obi-Wan absolutely does not know what’s going on.
They ask Luke.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he says, lying through his teeth and not even pretending otherwise.
“You’re not a very good liar,” teenage Obi-Wan tells him.
“I’m not trying to be,” Luke says. “Can you get Master Yoda? I feel like we’re going to need him.”
They normally wouldn’t get Yoda on the request of a six-year-old, but they also normally don’t have a catatonic thirty-something Jedi who looks like he’s been through a war popping up in the medical database as the pimply teenage padawan that broke his pinky trying to do a Badass Ataru Flip last week.
Or... whatever Luke i... is... oh dear.
“Young one,” Qui-Gon asks, while people whisper-shout behind him, not realizing he’s cutting the Correlian Knot and just asking the kid himself. “Do you know why your midichlorian count is so high? It’s almost unheard of.”
“Uncle Ben said my dad was the Chosen One,” Luke says, because he is capable of being a little shit and is actually really eager to let Ben deal with some of the fallout. He feels for the man, really, but he’s also tired of being the one to field every single question.
Also, the expressions that pass on Qui-Gon’s face are hilarious.
(Luke may or may not be more affected by his six-year-old brain than he would like to admit.)
“Thank you,” Qui-Gon says, sounding more than a little strangled about it.
It takes another three hours for Ben to wake up.
He listens to the questions. He hears what they say his ‘nephew’ said. He looks at Luke.
“Is this revenge for not telling you about Leia?”
“It’s not revenge,” Luke does not lie. “I just don’t know how to explain it.”
“It’s pretty easy to explain.”
“It’s not my secret.”
“This is revenge for the Leia thing.”
“No,” Luke says. “Revenge for the Leia thing was when I ate a live frog in front of you.”
This is the point at which someone interrupts and points out that they appear to be stalling.
“Oh, he is,” Luke tells them. He gestures at Ben. “I can’t tell you more, because it’s more his story than mine.”
“I’m afraid, Master, that I am very likely to have an emotional breakdown if I allow myself to consider the reality of this situation for longer than the fraction of a second I already have,” Ben reports, full of false cheer. “Suffice to say, I am far from stable and have only held out this far for Luke’s sake.”
“Can you explain why you have my DNA?” Obi-Wan asks, as the person who’s most concerningly involved in this situation.
“You can,” Ben says, smiling like there is absolutely nothing wrong in the slightest, ever. “I’m you, from the future. I actually died and spent a few years dead before coming back. I’m not sure why I’m younger than I was when I died, but I appreciate being able to put on my shoes without my knees attempting to mutiny.”
“He needs a mind healer,” Luke reiterates, in case the strained grin hasn’t made it clear. “So do I, but not as much.”
“I have felt literally every person in this Temple save for Luke and Yoda die,” Ben reports, looking a shade more manic than a few seconds earlier. “It’s very overwhelming to feel you all being alive again. I may be approaching a mental breakdown, and I’ve been rather strictly advised against using alcohol to treat my traumas again.”
Luke kicks him in the thigh. It’s not a very hard kick, because he is very small, and he does actually like Ben. “I’m not letting you turn into an old drunk again.”
After several seconds of silence, a healer quietly suggests that everyone clear the room, and asks if someone could fetch Master Yoda as the youngling requested.
(THIS IS ALMOST THREE THOUSAND WORDS. I started it less than two hours ago. Why am I like this.)
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novaiya · 3 years
Of Cigars and Delicate Flowers - Dutch x Reader
Summary: Based on this request for @fandomhoesworld ; heyyyyy, I love your works, they're amazing 🥰 could you do a Dutch X badass reader where he gets captured and she comes to save him? It's okay if you don't want to, thanks 🤍
Words: 2,888
Tags: GN!Reader, Canon Typical Violence
A/N: This was a good practice for me for writing literally anyone else but Arthur. I need to keep expanding my horizons 😩 AO3 Link.
There was a reason Dutch almost never went out alone, staying mostly in camp and commanding the gang from the porch of his tent; His likeness - the slick-back, black hair, the carefully cut mustache, the black hat - was plastered all over the country, posters hanging in post offices, general stores, train stations and sheriff’s offices. It would be no time before someone recognized him if he decided to take a stroll into town or visit the local saloon, so more often than not, he stayed in camp, and everything that he needed was brought to him, like his cigars.
When it came to cigars, Dutch had a very specific taste; the size had to be just right, not too slender so it burned too hot too fast, and not too thick either so it was heavy and harsh. The notes played an important role too; he preferred the spicy flavor of coffee mixed with toasted nuts, though he didn’t mind the notes of cedar and vanilla from time to time. Due to the specifics, finding the right pack of cigars could be a hassle and a headache, so whenever he did find the right one, he made sure to stack up on them.
This time, unfortunately, Dutch had found himself in a new place with no reliable cigar shop and his own supply dwindling down. He’d been puffing on the same cigar for a few days now, hoping to prolong it for as long as possible, though he could already see the end of it. He was hoping to send one of the boys into town to check for him, but everybody was busy; Arthur was on one of his monthly hunting trips, Hosea and John were working on a job, and the rest of the men were out, scouting for any leads. That left just one option; going himself. He knew it could be dangerous and risky, but his need for nicotine was stronger than his rational thought.
“What are you thinking about, Dutch?” you asked when you walked past his tent, noticing his absent minded gaze.
“Hello there,” he said, his gaze shifting towards you, a smile on his lips. “Just thinking about going out.”
Your brows shot up upon hearing his words. The gang had just fled from the previous town on the account of robbing it blind, so all of you were trying to lay low, hoping to make as little noise as possible for the time being. Having Dutch go out was the last thing you needed.
“Out?” you repeated his word, trying to hide the worry in your voice. “What for?”
Dutch brought the cigar to his lips, the usually long stick now reduced to less than a third of its previous length. You watched him as he brought the cigar to his mouth, his lips enveloping and puffing on it before exhaling the smoke. “Unfortunately, I’m down to my last cigar. Need to pick up some more in town,” he said, making you shift your eyes back to his, “Wouldn’t hurt to stretch my legs either. I’m feeling like a prisoner stuck here.”
“Are you sure, Dutch?” you said, not hiding the worry in your voice any longer. “Perhaps I could go for you. It’s not safe for you to go right now since we just-“
“Nonsense!” Dutch interrupted you. “I wouldn’t dream of putting a delicate flower such as yourself in harm's way for me.”
‘Delicate flower?!’ you thought. ‘Since when do delicate flowers rob, kill and steal?’
You opened your mouth, hoping to change Dutch’s mind but you barely parted your lips before he raised his hand, saying, “I won’t hear it” squashing any argument you could have had.
You deflated before nodding your head, leaving Dutch to himself and continuing on to where you were going originally. Worry filled you as you continued on with your day. You’d hate for anything to happen to him; not only was he your leader who you believed in and looked up to, he was also someone you liked. It was hard not to fall for him; well-read, mannered, strong and sinfully attractive, you’ve fallen for him and his promises of a better life right away. You didn’t act on your feelings though, considering he was the leader and you were just one of the members, and a new one at that. So you retorted to watching from afar, and now you were watching him as he left the camp, ready to make the trek for some puny cigars.
Dutch could be unbelievably stubborn and uncooperative sometimes; It was dangerous for him to go out, especially on his own and especially when you could still be followed from the town you just escaped. And for what? Cigars? You shook your head as you continued with what you were doing, trying to keep yourself calm. It was Dutch you were talking about after all, your fearless leader, he knew what he was doing, right?
Dutch didn’t know what he was doing. He decided to go out after supper, when the sun had already set, but the ground was still warm from the day’s heat. He made his way into town at a trotting, leisurely pace, having no reason to hurry. The weather was cooler now and he took big gulps of it, a welcomed change to inhaling the campfire smoke and the scent of Pearson’s stew. He arrived into the town with no hiccups and found the store almost right away. The selection was vast, with cigars from Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico among others. Dutch looked like a kid in a candy shop as he studied every cigar, wanting to take them all but in the end, settled on a pack from Jamaica, its promise of a mild and sweet taste piquing his interest.
With his purchase in his saddle bag, Dutch made his way back to the camp in the same way he did into town, slow and steady, taking in the scenery and the weather. It’s not everyday that he ventured out, so he made sure that he enjoyed it. It was not long after he passed the border of the town that he heard a faint sound of hoofbeats behind him, getting closer and closer and multiplying in numbers.
“Nice night, ain’t it?” said a man who came up to Dutch, riding next to him on his right side. Not a second later, another man came up, riding on Dutch’s left.
Dutch kept one of his hands on the reins, his other (which was previously hanging on his side), icing closer to his holster.
“Yes, it sure is,” he said.
“Say what, mister,” the man on his right began, “Are you Dutch Van Der Linde?”
Without missing a beat, Dutch laughed, saying, “You must be mistaken, sir. My name is Robert Carnegie.”
Neither of the men riding next to him laughed. They looked at each other, before looking behind them, presumingly to communicate with the other. Dutch’s hand was now on his revolver, the cool metal sticking to his sweaty skin. He gripped the handle, and as soon as he did, a hit landed on the back of his head, knocking him out cold.
Your worries kept you through the night, not letting you go to bed and making you sit by the campfire instead, waiting for Dutch’s return. Each time you heard a snap of twigs or what sounded like horse’s hoofbeats, your head would snap towards the entrance of the camp, hoping that it was Dutch coming in, but alas, it wasn’t.
It was long after everyone fell asleep when you finally saw Count trot into the camp, his platinum coat standing out against the dark trees.
You smiled, jumping up from the log you’ve been sitting at, ready to welcome Dutch back, but that smile quickly fell when you noticed that Dutch wasn’t with him.
“Where’s Dutch?” you said when you came up to stand next to Count, talking to the horse as if he could understand you, and perhaps, he did. He snickered, shaking his head and kicking around with his legs.
You placed your hand on him, running it up and down his neck to calm him down. Something went wrong, terribly wrong. Despite not wanting to think of the worst, you understood that there was no other explanation of what could’ve happened; Dutch got captured.
Time was of the essence, so without talking to anyone else or even taking time to make a plan, you mounted your own horse and made your way to Count. Dutch might’ve called you a “delicate flower”, but you were anything but that. You survived on your own for years before falling with the gang, and you were going to show him just what this “delicate flower” was capable of on their own.
“C’mon, show me where Dutch is.”
Upon hearing his owner’s name, Count sprung to action and bolted out of the camp, giving you almost no time to follow after him.
It didn’t take you long to arrive at where Dutch was held. The burning campfire and the sound of chatter could be seen and heard yards away. You hitched the horses to one of the trees before continuing the rest of the way on foot.
“Robert Carnegie, he said his name was,” you heard a man say. “What kind of idiots does he think we are?” A flood of laughter followed, drowning out any other sound in the bushy forest. You took out your binoculars, trying to see where Dutch were. There he was, tied to one of the trees not far from the campfire. His hair was a mess, and you could see traces of blood on his lip and nose. You could feel your blood boil at the sight, and quickly put away your binoculars before continuing your way forward.
“I’d say we turn him in first thing in the morning,” another man said. “No reason to drag this out.”
“Sounds good to me. The sooner we get this over with, the better.”
The men continued on with their conversations when you finally approached them as close as you could without alerting them of your presence. You could feel your heart beat wildly against your ribcage as you gathered your thoughts, thinking of what to do next. It would’ve been nice to have someone else with you right now, you thought, to act as a distraction. Perhaps you should’ve thought this one over more before springing into action. Too late now.
You peeked your head from where you were hidden behind a tree, trying to get a look at Dutch. He was conscious, thought quite, tied to a tree, his head hanging low. It was weird seeing Dutch like this, helpless and vulnerable.
You picked up a small pebble before throwing it into his general direction. Nothing. He didn’t even raise his head. You picked up another one, debating whether to throw it right at his face, before deciding to throw it next to his shoes. That got his attention. Tentatively, as to not alert the men around him, he raised his head, his eyes searching the woods before finally landing on your face. Your eyes met, and you could see a hint of smile appear on his lips as soon as they did. A smile of your own made it to your lips for a moment, before turning serious again, your mind going back to the job at hand. There would be time for smiles and hugs and laughter later. Using your hands, you motioned around, pointing first to him and then to the bounty hunters, before pointing to yourself and to your gun. Dutch made a small, almost unnoticeable motion with his head, indicating that he understood your plan.
“Gentlemen,” Dutch said, stopping the men in their conversation and making all of them turn to him. “Are you sure you want to do this? If I was you, I’d walk away now.”
One of the men snickered, looking at his friends before turning his attention back to Dutch.
“That’s big talk, considering you’re the one tied to a tree.”
“I’m giving you a chance, my friend,” Dutch said, sincerity painting his words.
The man’s face grew dark and somber as did the atmosphere around. He didn’t appreciate Dutch’s words, so with a hand itching closer to his revolver, he said, “Listen here, friend. The poster said to bring you dead or alive, so don’t think for a minute-“
Dutch’s face was painted red as you shot the man in-front of him, blowing his brains out and making his blood spurt everywhere, Dutch included.
The other men sprung to action immediately, their hands going for their firearms and shooting blindly into the dark woods. For a while, all that was heard was the sound of gunshots and occasional cries and screams. You alternated between hiding behind the trees and rocks, occasionally peeking out to shoot one of the men. At last, the fire seized and the forest was once again quiet, the only sound heard being the crackling of the fire.
You peeked your head out, making sure that you’ve got all of the men before finally leaving your hiding spot and making your way to Dutch in long, powerful strides. With shaking hands, you cut down the rope that was tying him to the tree. As soon as he was freed, he massaged his wrists and the imprints that the ropes left on them. He was about to open his mouth to talk, but you began first, your voice loud enough to startle him.
“What were you thinking?!” you screamed, getting up in his face. “Getting captured because of some god forsaken cigars?!”
Dutch tried to speak again, almost got the first word of his sentence in but you continued, not letting him speak.
“What if I didn’t get here? What if I couldn’t find you? For God’s sake Dutch Van Der Linde, why did you have to put yourself in such danger, all for some cigars?!”
To say that he was shocked was to say nothing. He did not expect such a reaction from you, for as long as he’d known you you’ve been cool, calm and collected, always using logic instead of feelings, never speaking in bursts of fury. The fact that you were so riled up, because of him, shocked him and left him practically speechless.
“I…” he began,” I didn’t know you cared so much.”
At this point, you have calmed down somewhat, so you heaved a sigh at his words, shaking your head a little before saying, “Of course I care, Dutch.”
His question was sharp and quick, and you were caught off guard by it, not having a moment to think of an answer or a lie.
“Well, I…” you said, awkwardly glancing around. “I care about you, Dutch.”
“You do, huh?” he said with a smirk.
“Of course I do, all of us in the gang do!” you try to backtrack on your statement, but it was too late, Dutch caught on. You tried not to pay attention to his smug smirk as you whistled for the horses. “Let’s get out of here before anyone else shows up.”
You were up on your horse almost as soon as she arrived, and waited for Dutch to get on his before moving. He mounted Count with a grunt, the injuries he sustained while being held captive making themselves known.
For a moment, you let yourself forget that it was Dutch Van Der Linde you were talking to, and said, “Who’s the delicate flower now?” As soon as the words escaped your mouth, you placed your hand over it, shocked at your own boldness. A silence followed, and you braved yourself for whatever would follow next. A laugh from Dutch startled you as much as his wrath would, and you didn’t dare to say anything until he spoke up, saying, “Perhaps I underestimated you.”
You couldn’t help but relax and smile upon hearing his words, his praise nourishing your soul and making you sit up straighter in your saddle.
“Thank you, Dutch.”
As the two of you made your way out of the forest, Dutch slowed down the pace of Count so he could be riding next to you.
He cleared his throat to get your attention, and when you turned towards him he said, “I should probably apologize for misjudging your potential.” He was silent for a few moments after saying that, before adding, “Perhaps a night on the town and a dinner are in order to make up for my mistakes?”
You couldn’t help but laugh at his offer, considering the situation he got himself in was directly caused by going into town.
“After everything that has happened,” you said, squinting your eyes at him, “you still want to go into town?”
“Well, of course! I got you by my side,” he said. “With a capable and clever person as you, I feel comfortable going anywhere.”
His statement made a blush appear on your cheeks, which you hoped he didn’t see in the dark night. Even beaten and bruised, Dutch never lost his famous charm.
“You are something else Mr. Van Der Linde,” you said with a smile, shaking your head.
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sparklysung · 4 years
© sparklysung – 2021. all rights reserved. no reposts, modifications and/or translations allowed.
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pairing – na jaemin x female!reader
genre – fluff, smut, angst | non-idol!au, school!au
warnings – good boy!soft dom!jaemin, bad girl!reader, heartbreak, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap your willies), creampie, dirty talk, pet names
word count – 4.731 words
summary – after leaving jaemin alone in the school’s library, there wasn’t only one heart broken.
note – it’s finally here! i hope it isn’t too bad, though, i don’t think i’m too good at writing stuff like this lmao. either way, enjoy! also, the gif isn’t mine, i found it on google, so credit to its owner! 
taglist – @junguwuuu , @prvncejxon, @iwishihadabettername, @carelessshootanonymous 
part i ; part ii
the next few days after you left jaemin all alone in the school’s library, you couldn’t help but feel bad for him.
you weren’t supposed to feel guilty, after all, that’s what you usually did; hookup with guys you found attractive and then never reach out for them again, pretending to not know them. and you have never had a problem with it before, you never got attached and they were aware of your reputation, so they knew what they were getting into.
but for some reason, jaemin was… different.
you weren’t really sure why, but something about him just made you feel things, things you have never felt with anyone else. you have never felt so good with any of the guys you had hooked up with. and by that, you didn’t only mean how good his touch felt on you, but also the sweet way he reacted to your loving pet names and caresses. 
your heartless attitude only earned you what you had never thought you, a self-proclaimed cold-hearted bad girl would ever experience. 
now, jaemin tried everything to avoid you. he got out of his way so you wouldn’t bump into each other, leaving class as fast as humanly possible just so you wouldn’t be able to approach him.  though he doubted you would ever get near him again, so he was actually doing you a favour, right?
after all, why else would you have left the way you did after your little rendezvous?
every time you happened to be in a room he had just stepped into, he turned around and left without giving you a second glance, face expressionless. but even when he tried to act tough in front of everyone else, you could see the pain in his eyes and it was slowly killing you. 
truth is, you felt like a complete jerk.
scratch that, you knew you were.
but how could you comprehend the effect your actions had on jaemin if you didn’t even care?
as he had realized when you decided to walk away from him that awful day in the library, he meant nothing to you. and even though it hurt him to no end, that’s how life is.
his friends knew something had happened to him. they could see how the usual spark in jaemin’s eyes was completely gone after you two got together to work on your genetics project. he usually kept to himself, which wasn’t really out of the ordinary coming from him, but lately he barely talked, only answering with monosyllables. he stopped taking part in their conversations, not even intervening when renjun and donghyuck’s bickering got out of hand.
“hey, nana, are you coming to chenle’s place later today? we’ll probably stay over and play games in his huge ass tv.” jeno’s cheerful voice made jaemin look up from his untouched lunch. he just nodded slightly before looking back down to his food.
he didn’t feel like talking or hanging out with anyone, but noticing the worried expression that had replaced jeno’s usual bright smile, he tried to put on his best smile. “sure,” he tried to reassure him. jeno didn’t seem so convinced, though he didn’t say anything about it.
his friends also noticed how he seemed to disappear whenever you were nearby, which confirmed their suspicions of something happening between you two. he usually took his time to get ready for his next class and was fairly organized, but from that day on, he didn’t even try, throwing all his belongings inside his back before rushing out of the door. 
they were determined to find out what had happened with you to make jaemin stop being his usual self. the only problem was, how were they going to get it out of him?
“hyuck, go open the door, it must be jaemin.” jaemin could hear renjun’s voice yell from somewhere inside the house.
“ugh, you’re so annoying,” donghyuck rolled his eyes as he opened the door before going back upstairs to what he assumed was chenle’s room.
“dang, not even a hello,” shaking his head in disapproval, jaemin made his way inside, closing the door after himself.
noise –or more like screams– could be heard coming from upstairs as his friends were most likely already playing some game. he walked towards the kitchen where he found renjun and jeno preparing sandwiches and other snacks for all of them. when they saw jaemin walking in, they stopped what they were doing to look at him.
“hey, you came,” renjun smiled, happy to see his friend coming out of his newfound shell. just like the other guys, he was concerned about his sudden change of demeanor. he honestly missed his presence and dumb comments. not that he would ever tell him, though.
“can you help us with the drinks please?” jeno asked, hands full of snacks. 
jaemin just nodded his head before taking six cups to fill with any drink he could find in chenle’s fridge. after they had emptied half of the cabinets, the three boys made their way to his friend’s bedroom in silence.
none of them knew what to say, or more like how to say it. renjun and jeno were dying to ask jaemin what was going on, why did he decide to stop hanging out as much with them, if they were right about you being involved in whatever happened. and jaemin could tell. he wasn’t blind to not notice the weird looks they constantly threw at each other, the way they quieted down every time he approached them. but he didn’t want to admit the mistake he had made. he couldn’t look them in the face after spoiling all their efforts to prevent this very situation from happening.
what would they think of him?
he was supposed to be the cautious one of them all, the one who wouldn’t get fooled so easily, the responsible one. but even if he knew for a fact you didn’t have good intentions, he still let himself fall and ended up hurt. how could he take care of his friends if he couldn’t even take care of himself. 
“what took you so long?” jisung asked once they made it to their destination, snatching a few bags of chips from renjun’s arms.
“next time you’ll go get food, then,” the older boy clicked his tongue in annoyance, going to sit next to chenle on the bed.
nobody was surprised when jaemin sat by himself in a corner of the room, quietly staring at the floor. he didn’t even try to take part in their conversations, just nodding from time to time to assure them he was still listening. no one knew how to approach the situation, so chenle, tired of the weird ambiance the group of boys had been engulfed in for some time now, decided to take the initiative.
“what’s going on, jaemin? why can’t you tell us?” jaemin felt cold, mouth ajar in shock. he wasn’t expecting the topic to be brought up so soon and neither chenle to be the first one to confront him about it. “don’t even try to deny something’s up, we’re not dumb.”  
“we want to help you, but we can’t do anything if you don’t trust us enough to tell us.”
and in that moment, jaemin finally broke.
“i fucked up,” his voice cracked, tears welling in his eyes, making his vision blurry.
“what? what do you mean?” donghyuck intervened. he wasn’t one to usually show concern but seeing his friend so distressed made his heart hurt.
“i hooked up with y/n that day we were supposed to work on our project.” 
“we t-.”
“i know, alright! i know it was a mistake and i shouldn’t have let it happen, but now i don’t know what to do,” jaemin thought that venting to someone else about what happened would maybe make him feel better, but it didn’t, if something it actually made him feel worse. he was sure his friends though he was the biggest idiot in the whole world.
“shh, it’s okay, come here,” jeno opened his arms for jaemin, so the broken boy hugged him tightly, hiding the pained expression on his face in the elder’s shoulder.
“i don’t get it, how did this all happen?” a confused jisung asked, not understanding how the hell a simple project in pairs ended up in a hookup.
“i told her to meet me at the library so we wouldn’t be alone. i thought nothing could happen because there would be a lot of people around us, but things didn’t work out the way i thought they would,” and as jaemin told them the whole story, they couldn’t help but pity their friend.
“i thought maybe this time it would be different, you know? she talked to me as if she cared about me,” the dry chuckle he let out made the boys feel uneasy, “and i believed it.”
none of them doubted jaemin had at least a crush on you. yeah, sure, what you did was certainly not nice, but you weren’t together in any way. And that’s how hookups work, right? you fuck and then you leave. no feelings attached.
“so you like her?” renjun asked, although it sounded more like a statement. 
“i think i do.”
as much anxiety the thought of having to face you again sparked in jaemin, you both still needed to finish the project and you only had two days left. even if he didn’t feel ready to talk to you yet –though he doubted he would ever be–, he had to man up for the sake of his grades.
seeing as his strategy of working on it in a crowded place didn’t work, there wasn’t another option but to section the project and get it done each on its own.
so that’s what he intended when he waited for you in your locker, practicing his next move over and over again. the only thought in his head was getting out of the situation as soon as he could to avoid any kind of unnecessary interaction.
he was scared of his heart controlling his body and his actions rather than his head, as it would inevitably end in him falling for you once again and only more pain. it would be the perfect formula for yet another heartbreak.
and you were completely shocked when you saw him standing next to your locker, apparently waiting for you. 
“you can finish the first half, i’ll do what’s left,” his eyes stayed trained on the floor as he spoke. he didn’t want to give you the satisfaction of seeing him so affected, so as soon as the words left his mouth, he was on his way, trying to flee the scene before you could react. 
“jaemin, wait!” he stopped dead in his tracks, not bothering to turn around and look at you. “look, i-i’m really sor-.”
but he didn’t stay to hear the end of it.
he walked away just like you had done not even a week ago.
feeling a lump in your throat that made it harder for you to breathe, your heart shattered into tiny pieces you didn’t care to pick up as you stood frozen in place.
but yours wasn’t the only heart broken.
jaemin walked home with a heavy heart, eyes stinging from tears that threatened to run down his cheeks. his friends had warned him and yet there he was, sulking over you.
he felt like a fool. how could he have fallen into your trap? he knew the type of girl you were; a heartbreaker, a player, the bad girl. but either way, his heart betrayed him, pumping furiously whenever you smiled at him, whenever you got close enough for him to inhale your sweet perfume and feel your minty breath fan over his face.
anger boiled in his veins, why did you have to play with him like that? what did he ever do wrong to deserve it? he had never bothered you, always staying in his lane and out of your way. he didn’t like confrontations so he stayed away from them, and being near you always included some kind of trouble.
but what hurt him the most was that he actually believed your sweet words, soft touches and loving kisses meant something. that he was stupid enough to think they meant the same to you as to him.
as you watched his figure disappear in the distance, you realized you had fucked up big time and you weren’t sure there was any way you could fix it.
the very next day you found yourself walking as fast as your legs allowed you around the campus to find jaemin. you probably looked like you had gone crazy to everyone you walked past, hair messy and tired face. you pulled an all-nighter the night before, determined to finish your part of the project. you really weren’t that interested in your grade. actually, your only motivation was finding an excuse to talk to him.
half an hour later, you still hadn’t been able to find jaemin. you were utterly and completely frustrated, it felt like you had just wasted your time. but just as you were about to give up on your search, you found him.
he was walking down the hallway towards the opposite direction and away from you. you could only see the back of his head, but you could tell he wasn’t looking ahead but at the floor, like he had been doing ever since that day. your feet started moving on their own, directing you to him. 
“jaemin, please, listen to me,” your fingers wrapped themselves around his wrist in an attempt to make him stay. he didn’t want to turn around, he didn’t want to see you or be anywhere near you.
the memory of you leaving the library after using him for your own pleasure hunted him. it may sound dramatic, but jaemin was tired of the pain you brought him. he hated the way your voice still made him feel all giddy and warm inside, he wanted to forget you for good and go on with his life as it was before.
“why should i?”
“because i want to apologize, just hear me out for a second,” you pleaded, not being able to find one good reason for him to stay.
“why would you even be sorry, anyway? you’ve never cared about others, why now and why me?” a bitter, full of hurt chuckle left his lips, eyes rolling in irony. his words felt like a punch to the stomach, the cold tone of his voice making your heart crack.
he was right, you had never cared about anyone else but yourself.
the cold-hearted behaviour jaemin witnessed in that library was what got you your infamous reputation at school; you did whatever you needed to do without looking back to see how it affected others.
that’s why it hurt so much now that you also cared about him.
“because you’re different,” you whispered, eyes closed in distress and white knuckles from how hard you were clenching your fists.
“w-what do you mean? stop playing around, i’m tired of getting hurt.”
“jaemin,” your expression softened, voice coming out in a sigh and helping him relax a little. “i’m not playing with you,” you took a deep breath before proceeding to spill your guts.
“i know i made a huge mistake acting the way i did, and when i say i’m sorry i really, truly mean it. i’m aware that the wound has already been done, but it makes my heart feel heavy to see you avoiding me. it’s selfish, i know, but i don’t want you to be away from me. i-i’m not sure what these feelings are or where they came from, the only thing i know is that i don’t want them to go away.”
what in the world was happening?
“i think i like you, na jaemin.”
“you like… m-me?” confusion was written all over his face, he couldn’t tell if you were being honest or not.
“yes, i like you, and if you’d give me a second opportunity i promise i’d make it worth it.”
and as much pain you had been causing him for the last few days, he couldn’t contain the butterflies that erupted in the pit of his stomach when he saw the sincerity your eyes held. 
his body moved without him realizing, walking towards you until he could smell your sweet scent. you didn’t back down, staying still with eyes locked in his even when you were sure he could hear the crazy beating of your heart. you hoped he believed you, but even if he didn’t, you were determined to prove it to him, regardless of the price. 
a surprised gasp fell from your lips when he leaned in with eyes closed, lips locking in a mind-blowing kiss. he tasted the same as last time, but the moment felt different. this kiss was less rushed, filled with strong feelings that you hoped were reciprocated.
had he accepted your apology and was willing to take you back after all you had done?
“does this mea-,” you broke away from the kiss to ask, but he cut you off quickly before going back to attack your mouth.
“i like you too,” your heart felt like it was about to explode, something you had never felt before.  
your arms snaked around his neck as his hands positioned themselves on the small of your back, both trying to bring the other closer. your fingers went to his soft, fluffy hair to tug on it and jaemin groaned into your mouth. 
for a moment, both of you forgot you were still in school’s grounds and anyone walking to their locker or next class could find you, but at that moment, nothing mattered.
his body felt like it was on fire, the burn almost addictive as he unconsciously pressed his hips into yours, letting you feel his growing boner. he was so into the kiss he didn’t notice at first how his body was reacting to your closeness, your scent filling his senses and plump lips moving against his. but when you responded with a roll of your hips, he gasped in surprise.
“come on, baby,” his heart pumped harder as you intertwined your fingers with his and dragged him to the teacher’s bathroom. after making sure no one was nearby, you got in and locked yourselves inside. you didn’t waste any time smashing your lips together, the kiss eventually turning rougher and full of lust.
when jaemin’s back touched the wall, he broke away from the kiss to regain his breath. 
he wasn’t a resentful person, but he was determined to give you a taste of your own medicine. you were going to regret what you had done.
oh, sweet revenge.
the tables turned as he pushed you against the wall, pressing his body flush into yours. a surprised moan left your lips, hands going to his chest in a failed attempt of pushing him away and re-establishing your dominance.
“no, it’s my turn,” the new found confidence that was taking over his body made jaemin feel great. you were wordless because of the sudden change of attitude so he took the opportunity to pin both of your wrists above your head with only one of his hands and with the other, he grabbed your thigh and lifted it, holding it to his hip. with a roll of his hips, his hard cock grinded against your clothed core in such a way your legs almost buckled.
“look at you now, where did the mean girl attitude go?” 
you could only moan, already feeling your damp panties stick to your folds uncomfortably, and he smirked at your lack of response. you wanted nothing more than for him to fuck you and now knew how desperate jaemin must have felt that day at the library with all your teasing.
“what do you want? tell me baby,” when you tried to free yourself from his grip, he tsked, only tightening it more. “i’m not letting you go, so stop being a brat. i asked you a question, tell me what you want.”
jaemin was enjoying every single second of having you so under his control. you had pegged him as someone who liked being dominated, but apparently you were wrong. by the looks of it, he was having the time of his life, not even caring about how long it's been since everything started, engraving in his brain every sound you made and the way your face contorted in pleasure when he pressed himself against you. he didn’t care about his reputation anymore either, after ruining you just the way you had done with him he would have had enough to make it worth it.
“i want to see you,” your hands twitched in his grip, fingers wanting nothing more than to tug on his shirt and undress him. last time you didn’t get to see him due to being in a public space, but now, locked inside the teacher’s bathroom, you could finally see him in his full glory. jaemin would normally feel shy about showing his body to someone else, especially a girl, but he couldn’t let his whole confident facade fall down, so he set you free, “unbutton it then, babygirl.”
you worked on unbuttoning his shirt as fast as you could and pussy clenched around nothing when you saw his toned abdomen and chest. he was stunning. your hands trailed down his body, caressing the soft skin, drinking in all the little details. in return, jaemin lifted yours above your chest to have easy access to your breasts. the hand that was previously holding you still now came to knead your soft boobs, groaning at the way your hips bucked against his cock.
“fuck me,” you managed to let out in a whimper.
“uhm, is that what you want?” you shook your head ‘yes’ as soon as the question came out of his mouth, eager to feel him inside once again. “then beg for it.” 
you weren’t used to being the one to beg and as much as you hated following orders, you were willing to swallow your dignity if it meant he was going to touch you just how you needed. 
“please, jaemin,” he shook his head, not satisfied by your response, “i’m so wet and it’s all just for you, i need you to fuck me, please” you felt your face heat up in embarrassment but you opted to ignore it. he hummed, letting go of your leg for a moment to slide your panties off your body and pull down his pants before gripping your thigh once again.
“your wish is my command,” you giggled at his cute antics, but the laughter soon got stuck in your throat when he slid his cock inside you. your eyes closed, head falling to the crook of his neck and hands gripping his biceps to hold yourself up, as jaemin groaned. you felt as tight as he could remember, but he still couldn’t get used to it. his legs trembled slightly as your walls squeezed around him, “f-fuck, still so tight.”
“move, please,” the stretch felt nice, but you needed more. and so he did as he was told, starting to slowly buck his hips into you before eventually building up a steady pace.
you felt so full with him snuggled deep inside of you, reaching places you didn’t know he could with the new position. his hips angled so he could hit your g-spot with every thrust, loud moans leaving your lips. 
“if you keep being loud we’ll get caught baby,” his teeth nibbled on the skin of your neck, mouth sucking softly as to not leave marks, “or maybe that’s what you want? for someone to catch us fucking in school property?” your moans got louder so jaemin put his hand over your lips to shush you.
“uhm, that’d make so much more sense as to why you suddenly decided to risk my reputation and fuck me in the library where anybody could have seen us just with a turn of their heads.” his words came out so bluntly your eyes widened, body convulsing against his and high getting closer.
“f-faster, please, fuck me faster,” he obliged, lifting your skirt so it hung just above your waist to uncover your lower half. his hips snapped rougher than before as his thumb played with your sensitive clit, pressing harshly and circling furiously on it.
“oh my god, jaemin!” your eyes rolled to the back of your head, mouth falling open as muffled moans fell from your lips. jaemin’s pace got sloppy as your walls clamped down on him. he was finding it hard to move, both from the strong grip of your pussy and his nearing orgasm.
“that’s it, baby, come for me,” and with a particular flick of his fingers you were cumming hard, juices running down the inside of your thighs. jaemin fucked you through your orgasm and followed soon after, thick cum filling you up nicely. heavy pants could be heard all over the room, fogging the bathroom’s mirror. 
after your breathing had evened, he pulled out and dropped your leg to let you stand up comfortably. neither of you made an effort to move away from the other, eyes staying locked in the other’s, sharing a last kiss before fixing your clothes as best as you could in the shortest period of time you could manage. you were most likely already running late for class so you didn’t have time to lose.
noticing the only piece of clothing you were missing were your panties, you started searching everywhere for it. you couldn’t get caught or else you would be in big trouble. two teenagers spending a considerable amount of time locked together in the teacher’s bathroom without the supervision of any adult wouldn’t look good to anyone.
at some point you began panicking, you couldn’t just leave your underwear in there, somebody was going to find it and you both would be fucked. for real this time.
“jaemin, have you seen my pant-.”
“your what?” you hadn’t noticed the big ass smirk jaemin was carrying as he looked at you, enjoying your misery. “my panties,” but that wasn’t the only thing you noticed, you could see the pink cloth hanging from his finger. 
“give them back,” you pouted cutely, making jaemin smile teasingly. “nope, now they’re mine,” he shoved the piece of clothing inside his pocket and left you to deal with his cum dripping down your legs by yourself.
“but it’s leaking, i can’t go out like this.”
you probably sounded like a whiny child throwing a tantrum, but you really needed your underwear back or else you wouldn’t be able to keep it all in. 
“you can and you will, sweetie,” jaemin smirked, taking your hand in his before opening the bathroom door to leave. you didn’t want to leave like that, so you leaned your whole weight back so he wouldn’t be able to pull you with him, but he managed. with a hard tug on your hand, he forced you out of the room and into his back.
just as you were mumbling about how strong he was, a voice made you both freeze in your spots.
“did you guys just leave the teacher’s bathroom? what the heck?” donghyuck gasped, mouth agape in shock. he couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing; na jaemin and y/l y/n, school’s good boy and bad girl, walking out of the teacher’s bathroom hand in hand. jaemin’s eyes opened wide in panic. someone –or more like the worst person who could have found you– caught you in a very compromising situation. the erratic beating of his heart made his body feel numb, cheeks flushing a deep tone of red.
he noticed jaemin’s messy hair, blushing cheeks and not properly buttoned shirt as well as your untucked one and skirt way too high up your legs that revealed a fair portion of your thighs.
and then it clicked.
donghyuck’s own eyes shot open as he connected the dots.
“oh my fucking god, you fucked in there.”
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bonnymori · 3 years
𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
Word count: 1200+
Contents/Warnings: (1) Fushiguro Megumi x gn!Reader (2) Classic training but no fighting scene I apologise (3) A... dirty humor joke? (4) Idiot in love cough cough (5) Laidback romance, this may become a pattern on my fanfiction :3
A/N: Hello, I introduce myself as Hara! This is my very first written piece! I would like to apologise for any typos, english is not my first language; that being said, I hope this works out alright! :)
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It's around mid afternoon, the sky painted in a vibrant blue with multiple clouds scattered around, Fushiguro recalls having started training right after lunch; he politely declined Maki's suggestion of training together, it wasn't about strength or fighting hand to hand today, the struggle was his shikigami. Lately, he's been having problems over teamwork - before, he thought such a thing was impossible, since all of the shikigami were under one will alone, being his. Yet the amount of times the divine dogs have bumped into eachothers, sometimes Nue would simply skip past the target, not paying attention to it at all.
Or perhaps, he himself was to blame. Fushiguro likes thinking about you, more than he'd admit, but now it's starting to distract for real. That's what he need, to think of you- I mean, concentration! And maybe, new group attacks, that would do nicely, too.
He's been beating a tedious dummy for a hour and half now, maybe more. After managing to make up a combo or two, he sits down on the grass, just to breathe for a moment. Breathing is nice, he observes as the divine dogs go slack like their owner, now playing around with one another rather than chewing the dummies stuffing. His black and white snake is watching the banter between the canine shikigamis, tongue coming in and out just like a real snake. Nue settles upon the dummies ragged body, eyes closed- peacefully enjoying sunbathing. Fushiguro had no idea they were so lively until now, now he knew why people constantly asked if they could pet his shikigami.
He glances down at the frog supporting his arm, it's like they enjoy just laying on grass, just breathing like him.
"How many buddies out! Are you training today, Fushiguro?"
At the sound of your voice, you bet his lips casually turn upwars in a casual yet small smile. Kugisaki saw it from distance once, says she it's almost a robotic response.
"Yes, I'm training their cooperation." Fushiguro replies, swiftly getting up. He notices the frog from earlier making a beeline to you, as if to say hello.
So you crouch down and pets it briefly, smiling at the small creature.
"That ought to be hard, specially with a innefective dummy." You approach its remains, chuckling at all the stuffing and cloth scattered around. "Make me your target instead!"
Say what?
"I uh, come again?"
"I'll do the running and dodging, it's much practical this way!"
He has trouble accepting that, even if it's true. You mean more than an ally on his heart, and besides, that's some Itadori-level-recklessy. So he groans, slightly irritated and obviously, worried for your safety. "You'll get hurt."
"Don't we get hurt everyday? Even if there is an accident, I know you'll call them out and help me quickly, you notice things fast."
He does, Fushiguro would help you in a heartbeat- probably faster.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, lash out on me!"
Putting 'lash' and 'me' in the same phrase got heat rising on his ears, but he complied nonetheless. "Just letting you know, I'll stand here and the shikigami attacks."
You protest. "Wouldn't it be better if you fought among them?"
"For today, I'd like to focus on their compatibility only."
"Oh, got it! Next time we can work on the latter option then!" Next time. He wants there to be a next time.
Even though you're the one troubling his mind in battles, he's head over heels. He remembers when it all started, your relationship is basically pools worth of quality time. You came along with Itadori, tangled into the mess back in Sendai. Strangely, Fushiguro clicked with you even faster than Itadori- your collected personality was a great factor, even though you are just as cheerful as the cherry boy.
"You're spacing out, what's up?"
Fushiguro's gaze snapped up to meet yours, realizing his mistake. "Ah, nothing, let's start." His hands folded as your guard rose, so it begun. If you noticed his lame excuse, you didn't comment about it.
The ravenette was pleasantly relieved how easily you could deceive and dodge his attacks, his shikigami may leave a tear or two on your clothes, that he didn't have to worry about, because they're easily fixable. Naturally, the toughest for you to dodge was mostly his snake, sometimes Nue would surprise you from above, nothing you couldn't handle. He started intensing up using the combined attacks, and immediately noticed your faltering steps, earning a bruise on your calf. Although neither he or you stopped, adrenaline rushing through veins nonstop.
You somehow finished training with a bite mark over your forehead, not deep enough to be worth worry. The instant your bodies came to slack, his shikigami ran to you like little children lost in a supermarket. At this point, it was pratically multitasking, to pet both demon dogs while trying not to run out of breath having Orochi wrapped around your midsection. Megumi flushed over the affectionate antics, knowing they were a manifestation of feelings within himself.
Now, you and Fushiguro are spawled on the training field, neither showered, coated with sweat sticking to your clothes, but it didn't matter much.
"I never realized, just how many cursed energy do you have? It's surprising how many shikigami you kept our for this long time." Fushiguro heard you shifting to sit up, and followed you up.
"A bunch." It was not a creative nor informative answer, but you took it in with a smile on your face anyway.
He watched you get up to fetch a drink, careful to not trip over the shikigami also scattered around -- Fushiguro always 'forgot' to put them away next to you.
You handed him a strawberry yogurt box, the same drink also sat in your hands. "Well then, why are you spacing out so much these days? You can be honest with me."
'She's oblivious enough, I'm in need of advice, it's convenient.' So he thought, figuring if he disguised it enough, you wouldn't be able to tell. It's not a big deal if you did, though, saves time actually.
"Something's on my mind, and it troubles me during fights."
"Simple, you can just come in terms with it."
He glanced down, "Why?"
"The sooner the better, when you accept something, it comes at ease on your mind. I'm a hundred percent sure it works!" You gave him a thumbsup, slurping on the pink drink.
"Such faithful source."
"I'm sure it does! The thought keeps coming back because you're denying it, am I wrong?"
Not really, no. Fushiguro wants to keep it as friendship for the sake of your both careers within the jujutsu world; he knows it's dangerous, yet a part of him just wants to say 'fuck it', like if he had the guts to. The ravenette thinks it's a way too much generic way to describe what he feels, but it's the easiest, so he goes with it anyway. The back of his brain fears rejection, part of the reason why he hasn't made a move yet.
"I'll try it out."
"Good!" And you're always supportive no matter what, to the point it charms him more and more everyday.
For now, he's okay keeping it platonic. But, when the day after tomorrow comes, he just might confess.
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band--psycho · 4 years
Harvey Specter x Reader-Pretend Boyfriend (Fake Dating)
My fourth entry for @girl-next-door-writes bingo challenge! I hope you enjoy!
(Credit to the gif owner)
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Third Person POV
“Hey, Harves,” Y/n greeted in a chirpy tone, the sound of her heels clicking against the floor as she sauntered into his office with a huge smile on her face, placing an expensive bottle of single malt whiskey on his desk.
“What do you want ?” Harvey asked, his eyes flicking up from the file for a few seconds, before focusing back on what he was reading. 
“Who says I want something?” She said, slightly taken aback by his comment as she sat down in the chair on the other side of his desk. A small chuckle left his lips as he placed the file to the side of the table, examining the bottle that she placed on his desk before his eyes moved to focus properly on her. 
“You only ever call me Harves when you want something, plus you’re being outlandishly nice,” he observed, his eyes glancing back to the whiskey bottle.
“I’m always nice!” she corrected with a sweet smile on her face. Her actions only caused Harvey to raise an eyebrow in confusion. He knew she was hiding something, normally he’d be answered with a much wittier comment than ‘I’m always nice,’. The pair sat in silence for a few moments, their eyes burning into eachothers, as they tried to work out who would cave first and break the silence. Y/n was debating whether to give up the sherrade she was clearly failing at portraying whilst Harvey tried to work out what she was hiding from him. 
“Fine,” she sighed in defeat, running a hand through her long y/h/c locks. 
“My parents are in town and they think I have a boyfriend,” Y/n began, a wave of anxiety washing over her as the words left her lips. She knew this was probably a stupid idea, but it was too late to leave now, she was in the lions den now, trying to leave wasn’t really an option. 
“And do you?” Harvey asked, knowing the answer before it even left your lips. He knew damn well that you wouldn’t be here if you did.  
“Do you think I’d be here if I did?” Y/n bit back, a hint of frustration in her voice. Harvey couldn’t help but let another small chuckle escape his lips as he looked how flustered Y/n was becoming; in all the years they’d known each other this was the only time he’d ever really seen her this nervous.
“So let me get this straight, you want me to be your boyfriend?” He smirked as the words left his mouth, taking pure pleasure in teasing her.
“Pretend boyfriend, you just have to come for dinner at mine, meet them and then we can go back to our normal lives,” Y/n explained simply, a pondering look came across Harveys face as he processed the words she’d just said.  
“Plus you owe me, you all but scared off the last guy I was seeing,” 
“I’m your friend, I merely warned him about what would happen if he hurt you, so what?” He defended; the memories of that particular conversation with her ex playing back in his head. Harvey was good at reading people, it was something that he prided himself on and that’s how he knew that that man wasn’t any good for her but he also knew that it was Y/n decision, so he just warned him what would happen if he hurt her, he knew she didn’t have a particularly good history when it came to dating and that last thing he wanted to see was her get hurt because some asshole didn’t know how to treat her. 
“So, that means you owe me,” Y/n pointed out with an almost pleading look in her eye. Y/n knew that this was such a bizarre thing to ask, to most people it probably wouldn’t even matter, but she knew better than anyone what her parents were like and if she didn’t have a boyfriend to show them, then the whole evening would just be about why she doesn’t and that it was probably to do with her work. Her parents were lovely people most of the time, but they were quite old fashioned in the sense that they didn’t understand why she’d want to work countless hours during the week when she could be a stay at home wife and no matter how much Y/n explained her reason for doing it, the conversation near enough always ended in an argument and right now Y/n just didn’t want to deal with all of that. Harveys features softened slightly as he looked at her, he could see ther desperation evidently in her y/ec eyes and he hated it, he hated seeing her upset. 
“When’s the dinner?” He asked, with a smile on his face, watching as the relief seemed to wash over Y/n.
“Tomorrow at 6,” she answered quickly; hoping that he’d still be able to make it on such short notice.
“It’s a date,” Harvey joked, feeling his heart swell slightly at the sight of her beaming smile. Y/n quickly said her thank yous and left the office, happiness and relief emanating off of her. Harvey eyes followed her out of the room, before meeting Donnas gaze when Y/n vanished from view. Donnas glance said it all, it was a glance she’d given him multiple times in regards to you. A look that screamed, ‘Tell her the goddamn truth.’ Donna like Harvey, could read people very well, she was Donna, there wasn’t a thing she didn’t know. And she knew that they both had feelings for each other.  She knew that they both had their reasons for not wanting to admit them, neither of them had a particularly good track record when it came to relationships and neither of them wanted to hurt each other and ruin the friendship that they had built but she was hoping hoping that now, after this dinner, they might actually admit their feelings to one another, and if they didn’t then she might just lock them in a room until they did.
First Person POV
“So how long have you two been dating” My mum asked, sipping her wine.
“Umm..only a few months,” I answered, mentally cursing myself for stuttering on such a simple answer. Harvey obviously sensed how anxious I was about this and  delicately grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of my hand. I was surprised no one heard my heart beating, that simple action was enough to have it beating like I’d just run a marathon. 
“How did you meet?” She asked in a sickly sweet tone.
“At work, we work in the same law firm together,” 
“I guess that means you’ll be provided for then” my dad instantly said as soon as the words left my mouth.
“Dad,I can look after myself,” I reminded, making sure that my tone didn’t show any of the annoyance I was currently feeling. 
“Nonsense, at your age I’d already had you and your brother,” my mum argued, a flicker of disappointment momentarily clouding her eyes as she looked at me.
“Well I’m focusing on my career, rather than having children,” I answered honestly, only for my dad to scoff at my answer, shaking his head disapprovingly.
“I know you enjoy your job but is it really what you want to spend the rest of your life doing, being a lawyer is a great opportunity but it’s nothing compared to having a family,” he finally said, not meeting my eyes once. I went to say something but before I could he’d already started speaking again, but this time his eyes were on Harvey.
“What do you think on the matter Harvey, surely a respectable man such as yourself would understand that it’s a man's job to provide and a woman's job to stay at home,” as my father said those words I could see the rage flicker in Harveys eyes, as he squeezed my hand harder. 
“Y/n is an amazing lawyer, one of the best I’ve ever known, I’d never ask or expect her to give up the career she’s worked her ass of to build,” Harvey answered bluntly, taking a swig of his whiskey. 
Third Person POV
Y/ns parents obviously didn’t like what Harvey had said in regards to Y/n, it was obvious not just in how they looked at him but with how silent they’d grown. Before, it felt like they were playing a game of twenty questions but now, Y/n struggled to get more than a one word answer from them. Harvey felt his heart ache for her, he knew that she loved them that was clear by how hard she was trying to impress them, he could see the sadness in her eyes at their blunt replies. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, to tell her that her parents' view on the world was medieval and outdated but he couldn’t do that with her parents here, so he just squeezed her hand softly, grabbing her attention as his thumb slowly circles onto the back of her hand. A small smile graced her face before she continued to eat the food in front of her. The dinner soon ended and her parents soon left, they couldn’t get out the door fast enough whilst muttering goodbye as they left.  
As soon as they left, Y/n let out a huge sigh as she gathered up the empty plates putting them into the sink, Harvey being the gentleman that he was, gathered up all of the empty glasses and placed them into the sink.
 “Are you okay?” Harvey asked breaking the silence that’d been engulfing them since her parents left. 
“I’m fine, I’m sorry,” Y/n answered, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her. 
“Why are you apologising?” The confusion was clear in not only his voice but in his demeanor as well. 
“For my parents, I know they’re kind of-
“Medieval,”  Harvey finished with a solemn smile on his face, Y/n just nodded at his words, another long sigh escaping her lips. 
“It’s late, Harvey you should probably go,” Y/n said, making her way towards the front door. Harvey nodded in agreement, grabbing his coat and putting it on. The closer he walked towards the door, towards her, the faster he felt his heart beating almost like it could beat out of his chest. Y/n went to open the door but was stopped by something completely unexpected. Harvey kissing her. Their lips molded perfectly together like they were made for each other, instantly she placed her hands on his face whilst he grabbed her waist, both of them pulling the other closer than ever before. She’d heard that he was a good kisser, but this, this was unlike any kiss she’d ever had before, it was an intoxicating high that she never wanted to end. A small whimper left her lips when they finally pulled away from the kiss, a huge smile beaming on both of their faces. 
“I have been waiting so long to do that,” Harvey muttered against her lips, squeezing her hips lightly as he placed a delicate kiss on the tip of her nose, a small giggle coming from Y/n as he did so. 
“I like you, Harvey,” she whispered to him, their lips inches apart. 
“I like you too, Y/n,” Harvey whispered back before closing the distance between their lips.
@little-diable​ @rebelwrites​ @xacatapelsyx​
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darthzero22 · 3 years
It's all about you
Crosshair x Neutral Reader 
You'd rather be shooting droids, but every once in a while you had missions that required stealth, or in this case impersonating a civilian. Crosshair knew about the plan, but he didn't know that Hunter decided to send you alone.
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“Are you sure, Hunter? I'm not good at missions that require me to impersonate a civilian”
“Believe me, I don't like it either, but you are the most capable of doing this”
“So... I have to go to that store where the owner sells weapons and information illegally, who is also a contact of the separatists, to try to steal information from him”
“That's the short version, yes”
Crosshair manages to overhear the conversation, so he stops what he was doing and comes over to stand next to you. He had a frown on his face, clearly an indication that he didn't like what he heard.
“You can't be serious, Hunter. Are you seriously ordering Y/N to go alone?”
“None of us are capable of doing what Y/N can do, Crosshair”
“There are better plans than sending Y/N alone into an enemy area!”
“If the contact sees any of us, he will be instantly suspicious and the mission will be a failure! Believe me, if there was another option, I would have taken it"
“Right, because you stopped to think about other options. Don't lie, Hunter. You took the first option there was”
“If you are so unhappy with the plan, why don't you come up with a better plan instead of complaining? Because I wouldn't be seeing you do anything useful”
Crosshair squints, there was some tension between Hunter and him, so it was your time to interfere, after all the discussion was about you.  
“Cross, I don't like the plan, but Hunter is right. The only way to get that information is to talk to the contact, and I'm the only one who can do that without arousing suspicion”
Crosshair could stand up to Hunter, insist that he change his mind, but not with you. If you said you could do the mission, he could say no more, so he lowers his arms, which were previously crossed, and leave.
“Leave him, Y/N. You know when he gets stubborn, it's hard to talk to him for a few minutes”
“I know that, but...” you sigh. “I'll go put on my civilian clothes”
You headed to your room to change clothes, and in at least five minutes you were ready. After receiving Hunter's signal, you left the ship and went to that store that was secretly a place for arms and information trafficking, all in favor of the Separatists. Something you didn't like was that you managed to see, before entering the store, two guards in the area. Maybe they were guards protecting the contact? You couldn't tell now. You didn't feel safe being in that place, but you had your blaster hidden under your clothes.
“So, a new customer. What can I do for you?” the merchant asked you.
“I heard that the best gun parts were sold here, and I am interested in spending credits”
“Well, you heard right, my friend. What parts do you need exactly?”
You pull out another blaster from your belt, which was not the one you had hidden in case things got ugly, and leave it on the counter for the merchant to see.
“You see, this blaster has power, but I'm aware that that can increase”
“Yes, I can see that. But just that won't be cheap”
“I said I felt like spending credits, didn't I?”
In order for the merchant to believe you and not think you were lying, you take out of your pocket a good amount of credits.
“In that case, I have just what you need. Wait for me here”
The moment the merchant walked through the door leading to the back of the store, you turn on your communicator, signaling Tech to hack into the cameras.
“Cameras disabled, Y/N. Hurry and find the computer” Tech said.
With Tech's help, you manage to save the information that the computer had on your holopad, and you are surprised to see the amount of separatist contacts that the "trader" had. No doubt he was going to be useful to the Republic. But to your bad luck you notice the two guards you saw earlier enter the store.
The merchant finally appears, looking surprised to see the two guards. That confirmed to you that your theory that they were his allies was false.
“Hey, hey, what's going on here?” he asked.
To your surprise, one of the guards shoots the merchant, killing him. They were not guards, they were mercenaries. The two mercenaries target you at the same time, but you quickly pull out your blaster and aim at them.
“Listen, my friend, you have something we want” one mercenaries said.
“Too bad for you that I got there first” you said.
“Come on, we are two against one. If you don't want to be shot in the head, you better give us that holopad”
“Yeah, I think I'll keep it, thanks. This holopad is very important to me” you didn't care about their threats, they didn't scare you.
“Do you think this is funny? Did you even hear what I said? If you don't give us the holopad, you will receive a...”
The guard falls silent when he feels the tip of a gun, a rifle to be exact, pressed against the back of his neck. You are surprised, that person who appeared was Crosshair.
“... shot in the head. I'll keep that in mind. I have experience in not missing any shot” Crosshair said.
You shoot the other mercenary with your blaster's stun and he falls to the ground.
“Well, the tables have turned” you said.
Crosshair shoots the mercenary with a stun bullet causing him to fall to the ground. He quickly approaches you.
“Y/N, are you alright?”
“I'm fine, Cross, I'm fine” you rest your hand on his chest. “It always makes me happy to see you, and now even more so. The bad thing is... the separatist contact died”
“Who cares? We have to get out of here before...”
At least three more mercenaries entered through the entrance, they were definitely determined to get the information you had stored on your holopad.
“… before that” Crosshair finished the sentence.
Since you were the only one without armor, because you were dressed in civilian clothes, Crosshair stands in front of you, at the moment he sees the enemy weapons. He wanted to protect you, so he practically became your shield.
“Don't move!” a mercenary said, pointing his blaster at you.
The mercenary was aiming at you instead of him, so Crosshair moves you with his arm to get you completely behind his back, you didn't want to put him in danger, but he was forcing you.
“Cross…” you whisper.
With his helmet visor, Crosshair quickly scanned the area where the mercenaries were located and discovered a weak spot in a pipe protruding from the wall.
“Relax. I have a plan” he slyly readies his rifle to take aim.
“Hey, you. Give us the holopad, now” said another mercenary, the three mercenaries were still aiming at you.
“You know, you didn't say the magic word” Crosshair said.
Crosshair aims and shoots, he was so fast that the mercenaries didn't notice, but they are surprised to see that he didn't shoot at them. They were going to mock him for it, but they hear a metallic sound and look up. The pipe bursts letting out a blast of steam that hits them in the face, which obviously distracted them, and you shoot them with your blaster's stun and he with his stun shots, knocking them down.
“And that's how you take it out to the trash” he said, resting the barrel of his rifle on his shoulder.
He looks down and sees that in the part of his abdomen there was a shot mark, a mercenary had managed to shoot, but the shot failed to hit him, only grazed making a mark on his armor.
“These idiots never learn”
“Are you okay? You're not hurt?” you were very worried.
“I am fine. I didn't even get a scratch”
“Yeah, but…”
Crosshair rests his free hand on your cheek, giving you to understand that he was fine, that there was no reason to worry.  
“There is no time for this, Y/N. Let's get back to the ship”
You simply nod and follow him on the way to the ship. You avoided the open spaces, because surely all the mess you made would have attracted the attention of the real guards. When you finally arrive, you hand Tech the holopad and he immediately starts to analyze it, while Hunter looked at Crosshair with an angry face.
“You would have told us what you were going to do, Crosshair” Hunter said.
“Your plan was horrible and I was right. You put Y/N in unnecessary danger” he takes off his helmet.
“Now you're going to disobey my orders? We all know the risks of our missions”
“Poor excuse on your part, Hunter”
“Putting yourself in danger too doesn't help anything, you know?”
“Neither endanger Y/N. You didn't think of other better options!”
“You seem to think I put Y/N in danger on purpose. I would never do that!”
“Then you would have come up with a better plan! If I hadn't been there...”
“Hey! That's enough, both of you!” you were sick of hearing them argue.
From the scream you gave even Tech stopped what he was doing to look at you, and Wrecker even got a little scared. Hunter and Crosshair looked at you, surprised as well.
“I am sick and tired of hearing you argue over this nonsense! The mission was successful, I'm fine. That's enough!”
Without further ado you get out of there and go to your room, to take off those clothes. The boys were quiet for a few moments and as always the one to break the silence was Tech.
“Well, Y/N was right. The mission was successful, I have all the information we required. And I think for a moment Y/N became the new sergeant”
“Yeah. It seems you've given Y/N your bad temper, Crosshair” Wrecker gives him a pat on the shoulder.
Crosshair removes his hand from over his shoulder dismissively, as he always did. Then he looks at Hunter for a few moments, but they didn't speak to each other until he saw Hunter step forward. 
“Hey, hey, not so fast, Hunter. I am going to talk to Y/N”
“I think that of the two, you are the one Y/N least wants to see, Crosshair”
“I am Y/N’s partner, not you”
“I don't think Y/N wants to see either of you two” Wrecker said. 
“What do you know?” Crosshair asked him.
“The door to Y/N's room is closed”
Crosshair approaches the door to your room, which was also his, and confirmed what Wrecker said. The door was closed and no matter how much he knocked, you didn't answer. He waited a few minutes before insisting again and you finally open up to him, since you thought that after all that room was his room too. 
“I don't want to talk about it, Cross"
“Yeah, I can see that. Can I come in or what?"
You stand back from the door and let him pass, then Crosshair enters the room and closes the door. He could sense that you were angry with him, he just didn't understand why yet. You were no longer wearing civilian clothes.
“I know you don't want to talk about it, but I'm going to anyway. Why are you mad at me and Hunter?”
“I don't know, maybe because you were arguing about the mission and me? You made me feel useless!”
Crosshair was surprised by that, he hadn't expected it at all.
“Wait, wait. What did you say? That I make you feel worthless just because I care about you?"
“At no time did you imply that I was capable of handling the mission alone, you were only reproaching Hunter for sending me alone, as if you thought I wasn't capable of taking on a mission. I know you didn't mean it, but you made me feel it”
“This is unbelievable. I'm not going to apologize for worrying about you, do you understand?” now he was angry. “Besides, the mission got complicated, right?”
“Yes... But missions get complicated, and I'm here because I'm prepared for those things, all of us" 
You realized you sounded like Hunter when you saw Crosshair's face, and he clearly didn't like that.
“Now it's bad to worry about you. Right, I get it. Next time tell me, so I'm not a problem for you and make you feel bad for fighting with Hunter for just wanting to keep you alive” 
“Cross, you know I appreciate you helping me! But I could...”
“Clearly you could, Y/N. You had five mercenaries in your face, pointing their guns at you, and you could only with your damn blaster and without your armor" he said with sarcasm. “What if you got shot? Hmmm?”
You remain silent, answer enough for Crosshair.
“Oh, right! You didn't even think about that possibility because you don't care what might happen. Well, next time let me know, will you? Because that way I don't have my heart all the damn time worrying about you!” 
“Cross, I...!”
“Do you want to know how I felt when Tech warned us that you were being targeted by two mercenaries? No? That's because you surely didn't think about it. As you and Hunter said, we are prepared for these situations... But I am not prepared to lose you!”
You didn't expect that, on top of that Crosshair's voice was somewhere between anger and sadness. He was silent, looking away and breathing heavily from the scream he had given. You didn't know what to say, you realized that he was worried about you all the time and at all times he showed it, not caring that something happened to him. You approach him, but he moves away by taking a few steps back. 
“Do you care about me now? How touching” he said with sarcasm. “I don't want you to feel sorry for me, it's the last thing I need”
You approached him so fast that you didn't give him time to move away, and so you hugged him, resting your cheek on his chest. He did not reciprocate, he remained still and firm.
“Today you were shot...” you started to say.
Crosshair's eyes widen for a moment, as his brow furrows, and he remembers that he had been shot and grazed his armor.
“And while it did nothing to you, my heart stopped for a moment...”
He remembered your face when you started asking him if he was okay, if he was hurt. Those eyes of yours that he adored showed a lot of concern, not to mention the gesture you made by taking your hands to the area where he was shot. 
“You almost got shot in the stomach... Hunter knows this, that's why he got angry with you because he was worried about you... just like me. I'm not ready to lose you either, Cross...”
Crosshair closes his eyes tightly for a moment and when he opens them he rests his chin on top of your head. Finally you feel him reciprocate the hug. You said nothing more, only staying in each other's arms for a few more moments as words were not necessary, not now. The apology was not necessary either, with the hug it seemed that everything was being fixed little by little. Suddenly you feel him lower his face and place his mouth on your ear. 
“You scared me with that scream you gave before, I'm just saying” he whispered, to add a little humor to the atmosphere.
That helped because you laughed, and maybe also because his breath in your ear gave you a slight tickle.
“I didn't mean to shout so loudly"
“For a moment I doubted who was in charge”
You smile and bring your mouth up, brushing your lips against his cheek and then place a kiss there.
“Cross" you look at him. 
“Let's not argue like this again, okay? My heart can't take it... And don't question the love I have for you”
“And don't ask me not to worry about you... because that's impossible"
“Done. Deal?” you smile again. 
“Deal” he smiles too. 
Instead of a handshake, you give each other a kiss on the mouth, a loving one. The kiss lasted, at all times it was loving, soft and had only the intention of feeling the other. As you kissed, you caressed his face, and he caressed your back. You separate after a few moments, only for lack of air, and stare into each other's eyes. 
“You still have to apologize to Hunter. He's your brother and he cares about you”
Crosshair complains in the face of reality.
“Don't make me remember that. I'm not... good with apologies”
“Relax. I'll help you” you smile. 
“No, no. You'll come up with something too sentimental”
“That's not true! Well... maybe a little, but he's your brother”
“I'd rather shoot an army of droids...”
“If Wrecker makes fun of you, I'll take care of it”
“That doesn't make me feel any better!”
“Come on!” 
Before he could realize it, you had already pushed him out of the room, and he wanted to go back in, but you stepped in to block his way.  
“Cross, please”
“I told you I don't...!”
Hunter appears, attracted by your call, and Crosshair had his back to him.
“There was no need to yell like that again, Y/N. What's wrong?”
“Sorry about before... But Crosshair had to tell you something"
“What will it be this time? Well, Crosshair?”
Crosshair was with his arms crossed, refusing to turn around, but you grab his shoulder and force him to turn around and finally face Hunter. Then you pat him on the back,  and he sighs in annoyance when he looks into your pleading eyes.
“For what I said before, I'm sorry, Hunter” he said. 
Hunter didn't expect Crosshair to apologize for anything, that meant you were the only person to convince him to do something like that. Wrecker, who was a witness, was about to laugh, but you silenced him by giving him a little punch in the arm. 
“Right. Thanks, Crosshair. Apology accepted"
“Yeah, yeah” 
Crosshair enters the room again, with a considerable blush on his face and feeling an embarrassment that no one had ever seen before.
“You are a good influence on him, Y/N" Hunter said, with a smile. 
“I try to be” you smile. 
“Hey, Crosshair!” Wrecker calls him. “Are you going to apologize to me too?”
“Go away, Wrecker!” Crosshair is heard inside the room. 
“Aww! I wanted an apology from him"
“Maybe someday he will apologize to you for something” Hunter said. 
Your smile widens and you enter the room after Hunter and Wrecker leave. Crosshair was sitting up in bed, his face still a little red, but not as red as before. 
“It wasn't that hard, was it?”
“Don't make me talk” 
“You looked adorable, I want you to know that"
Crosshair grumbles in an annoyed manner and lies on his back on the bed, covering his eyes with one arm. You laugh and sit on the bed next to him to watch him.
“Fighting droids is easier than that, right?” you asked. 
“Absolutely, yeah" 
You smile and start stroking Crosshair's chest.
“What now?”
“I love you"
Crosshair removes his arm from his eyes to look at you. You were smiling, so he sighs and smiles at you too.
“I love you too”
You position yourself on top of Crosshair to start kissing him, then he kisses you back and wraps his arms around your back.
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lady-ofroses · 3 years
something else to talk about chapter 2
in which cordelia is an oscar winning actress, anna is an entrepreneur and the author of a popular lifestyle blog, ariadne is a model and owner of a famous winery, matthew helps write anna’s lifestyle blog and is a highly sought out fashion designer, james is a singer and occasional actor, lucie is a famous author, thomas and alastair both have their own separate talk shows, christopher is bill nye 2.0, jesse is director and producer, and grace is a model
thank you to the wondrous @sleepy-sendhelp​ for helping me come up with this and proofreading i could not have done this without you!
you can read chapter one here!
hope you enjoy!
When James opened the door to his penthouse he was not expecting to see Cordelia Carstairs, standing in all of her crimson-haired glory. He certainly wasn’t expecting the words: “be my fake boyfriend” to leave her mouth.
But, in spite of that, he invited her in. Offered her a glass of water and waited for her to explain. She was sitting now on his plush gray couch, water in hand, taking a long sip of water and James made his way over to the couch. Of course, he knew what had happened with her father, it was all over the news. 
He was also scared of the impact it would have on his career since it was his first role ever. His career as part of the band he was in with Matthew, Christopher, and Thomas, The Merry Thieves, had given him his start as a musician and now his career as a solo artist had cemented his future for the next five years. But he knew that if this movie failed, he would forever be known as “that singer that tried (and failed) acting” and he didn’t want that. He also knew that this movie was a huge thing for Lucie and he could not risk ruining that.
He turned to face her, finally ready to listen to whatever thought process brought her to this insane idea of fake dating. He didn’t know Cordelia very well. Other than the fact that she was Lucie’s best friend and that they were co-workers, they had never spent any one-on-one time, unless it was to practice their “chemistry” for the movie.
Cordelia was looking at him now. She placed the glass of water onto the wooden coffee table and tucked a strand of her garnet hair. “I feel like I should elaborate now,” she said as she chuckled awkwardly, “About the whole ‘fake dating’ thing.”
“Yes, I think that would be quite helpful,” he replied, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as he was. After his relationship with Grace, he wasn’t really in the mood to date somebody else, even though his publicist had told him multiple times that he had to date someone else so that he wouldn’t look like he was still pining after Grace and also make him win the date race.
“So you probably already know about my dad,” she paused and took a shaky inhale. “And that’s going to cause ticket sales to drop. My plan is... to give them something else to talk about, for example, a new romance.” She gestured towards him and looked him straight in the eye. “And you also care about the ticket sales and with the whole Grace thing, well... we could... you know...”
“Fake date?” James asked. Listening to her now it did seem logical even though it was a little unorthodox. This could be the perfect way for James to make the public happy but be happy himself. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cordelia clench her hands into fists. 
Dating someone was out of the question for James. He had so much going on that he didn’t want to have to deal with another person, especially if that relationship would end up like his relationship with Grace had. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to handle the heartbreak that came from breakups and he also knew that he wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend. He looked back at Cordelia, she sat with her arms crossed over her chest, one of her fingers tapping impatiently on her elbow. He could feel her anxiety, the waves of it reaching him, almost as if they were beckoning him to respond faster.
She stood sharply and began walking towards the door. She wrapped her hand around the doorknob. “Never mind, it was a stupid idea. I’ll see you tomorrow, James.” She twisted the doorknob and opened the door. James desperately reached his hand out to her. 
“Wait!” he called out. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to face him. He looked her in her coal-black eyes that seemed to shine, almost as if she had captured the stars of the midnight sky in her eyes. “I’ll do it,” he announced.
Her eyes widened in surprise as if she couldn’t believe his answer and frankly, neither could he.
He couldn’t date someone, it would end badly for the both of them.
But this wasn’t a real relationship, this was for the press, it was simply a mutually beneficial alliance made between two co-workers to get a job done. It was all fake. He couldn’t ruin their relationship by breaking up with her because there wasn’t a real relationship to ruin.
“Okay so... we need to make some ground rules,” Cordelia said, as her surprise wore off. She stepped out of his apartment. “But not now. I’ll see you tomorrow, you’re taking me out on a date. Pick me up at noon and make it public.” And with that, she shut the door to his apartment, not even waiting for confirmation from him.
James knew that this was the best possible option for the both of them, but a part of him knew that something was going to go wrong.
The next day, James woke up at eight and went through his usual morning routine. He got up, went out for a jog and stretched afterward, showered, ate breakfast, and finally, brushed his teeth. He looked at his closet, trying to find proper first date attire while debating where to take Cordelia for lunch. He eventually decided on going to Perch because of its glamorous rooftop dining and quickly called to get a reservation. On normal occasions, James would’ve tried to reserve the entire rooftop for privacy but Cordelia had told him to make it public. He made sure that the table was in a more secluded space that was still seen by others.
It was a smart idea, to have their first date in front of others, it would ensure that they were seen so they could get the rumors about their relationship started. They would still have to come up with an official relationship timeline and a whole story on how they got together. 
James speedily chose his outfit, a white t-shirt, and some jeans, left his penthouse, and drove over to Cordelia’s apartment building. He had only been there a few times since they usually went to his place when Lucie made them practice their chemistry, he rushed inside and turned to go to the elevators when he saw a familiar flash of red hair out of the corner of his eye. He turned around to see Cordelia sitting on a sofa near the entrance to the building. She was reading her favorite book, Layla and Majnun. 
“Hey!” James said, trying to sound enthusiastic as he walked over to her. In reality, his stomach was a mess with nerves and he couldn’t help but think that yesterday had been his last day of normal, his last day of being real, because now, everything he did, every move he would make, would be part of the show he and Cordelia would have to put on.
Cordelia had put her book in her purse and was walking towards him by the time James had been snapped out of his mind. She was dressed in a dark green sundress that was decorated with tiny white flowers. It had a square neckline that perfectly allowed Cordelia to show off the friendship necklace that Lucie had given her. 
James signaled for Cordelia to follow him as he led her over to the place where he had parked. He unlocked the doors to his black BMW and slide into the driver’s seat as Cordelia slide into the passenger’s side. He could tell that she was also as nervous as he was from the way that her knee bounced and the way that she kept on looking around, almost as if she was trying to find an escape.
“Where are we going?” she asked, as she continued to look at the street. She had stopped bouncing her knees and started to tap on her elbow, just as she had the night before.
“Perch,” he replied. He got to a stoplight so he turned to look at her, “I didn’t reserve the entire roof though so that it would be public.” The light turned green and James accelerated again.
“Thank you for doing this. I really do appreciate it,” she said as she stopped tapping her elbow. She seemed calmer now. As if knowing where they were going was calming her down or maybe she just really liked the food from Perch and that was making her more calm.
“No problem,” he replied as he took a turn to find a place to park. Cordelia seemed to notice because she began to sit straighter and look around again.
“There,” she said as she pointed at an empty parking spot near a tree. James began to make his way over there and parked flawlessly. He turned off the engine, took off his seatbelt, and looked out of the window before opening the door to get out. He went around the car to open the door for Cordelia and waited as she stepped out to close the door.
Together they walked over to Perch and went into the elevator. This was it, the point of no return. Once they stepped out of the elevator, their scheme would have to face the scrutinizing eyes of the media and everyone else and they would have to hope that they would never be found out.
Cordelia looked up at him, almost as if waiting for confirmation.
He held out his arm for her and looked her square in the eye.
“Ready?” he asked.
the next chapter will definitely feature their first date and it will be in cordelia’s pov. constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated! please let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @alastair-esfandiyar-carstairs1, @jem-nasium, @writeforjordelia
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barnesandco · 3 years
Little Hands (IV)
Series Masterlist
Communication is key.
This is an entry for @star-spangled-bingo 2021. Word count: 2248. Square filled: “Sung to Sleep”
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: More Hydra Evilness, More Sad Child, Parental Anxieties. Brief mentions of war, sickness, death, grief. 
A/N: I know 2.2k words isn’t objectively a lot but boy did this feel like it. I hope every word is worth it and that you enjoy! Lmk what you think!!! Also I won’t even lie, the idea of Steve’s kids is 100% from one of my favorite comfort fics, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten, by the genius, the wonderful cosmicocean. IT’S SO SOFT. Pls read it.
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You’re stunned when Bucky tells you what’s going on. The idea that his daughter (?) was made in a lab like some kind of experiment, and that the man who led said experiment now wants her back like she is his property, his weapon, is too horrid to consider for very long. Weaponizing an innocent child. Hydra.
Bucky gave you the broad strokes of the investigation – currently running on little more than educated guesses based on the meagre intel they have – and has let you know that he has had to recuse himself from the case, due to his… personal connection. That leaves him somewhere he finds awkward, to say the least.
It's evident in the way the corners of his lips turn down, how he is constantly rubbing the pads of his fingers against the coarse scratch of denim, while he watches Ana watch Zoya, Steve’s 17-year-old daughter, working on a tablet. Zoya tucks a strand of hair behind her hijab, then continues to draw up a storyboard, narrating the events to the younger girl. Steve had apparently forgotten the lunch his kids had made him at home, so Zoya had brought it in, and decided to stay the day.
Ana’s quiet, attentive for the most part, listening with her full capabilities, but her eyes flit away from the screen every now and then to look at you and Bucky, as if to reassure herself that you’re still there.
Besides that, there aren’t all that many distractions present for an already precocious child. Most of the team has dispersed for the investigation, with the exception of Peter, who is sat at a table in the corner making intentionally fruitless efforts at teaching Morgan chess, while she giggles and tries to stack the pieces like Jenga blocks instead.
However, Bucky’s restlessness is infectious, and you think he needs to get it under check before it grows any further. That’s why you stand, saying, “Could we go for a little walk, Bucky?”
He nods, man of few words that he is, and leads the way. You’re sure he knows that you formulated it like a request for his benefit, but he doesn’t mention it. It’s just as well – that he knows you like that, and knows when to accept the proverbial hand being offered.
Bucky takes you to a corner of the roof that you’d mistake for a community garden if you didn’t know any better. The Avengers seem to have green thumbs, or at least, a significant portion of them do. They’re good with plants, and possessive about them, too. Autumn ferns grow outside the circle they seem to have been planted in – with a sign shouting Wanda! – to invade the territory of a vegetable garden labelled Bruce (accompanied by a Hulkish, green thumbs up presumably not drawn by the man himself).  
Meticulously maintained daylilies and columbines, in vivid reds and vibrant purples, litter the edges of the path that has been carved through this little paradise, and the birdhouses between them stake the claim of the owner more effectively than a neon sign screaming Sam Wilson. Bucky’s told you about his abilities, how they veer into the decidedly supernatural but Sam insists are only the residue of a childhood with homing pigeons.
Nothing here looks like Bucky’s, though. He seems to be taking it in, perhaps thinking about his own little paradise back in the city, and how he’s chosen to keep it distant from that of his teammates. That worries you. He worries you.
And this, the situation with Anastasia, becoming a father, it’s terrifying. Hell, if it scares you this much, how is he feeling? You ask him as much.
“Bucky, are you okay?”
He laughs, softly, disbelievingly, no malice in his scoff, only fear. Only the sound of a voice saturated with consternation and total, complete anxiety. “Would you be?” He asks back.
“That’s why I’m asking.”
Bucky evades the questions, turning first one way on the path, and then the other, approaching the edge clear of shrubbery and blooms alike, resting his palms on the top of the wall.
“I can’t be a father.”
The solemnity in his tone allows no room for negotiations, but then, neither do the facts. “You are,” you reply, somewhat hesitantly, because the technicalities of how Ana came to be are still a little blurry to you. She’s far from a normal child, and not quite a clone, either. She is of Bucky, though. His, in any way that counts.
“That little girl was created in a Hydra lab as a super soldier to serve the cause,” he says, shaking his head vigorously as the cause repulses him even more than it does you. “And who knows what else she was put through before SHIELD fell and Orlov got her out, and it’s my fault.”
“You didn’t—”
“I didn’t ask for it to happen but it wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t happened. They used me to make a super soldier from scratch, and now I’m supposed to raise her? It’s not that simple. I’m not Steve. I can’t…”
Being honest, you feel you’re pretty far out of your depth here. But you’ve promised him your help, and you’ll do your best.
“You don’t have to. There are other options.” You’re sure you’re overstepping. Perhaps this gentle companionship has not yet reached the point where you can give advice on parenting. But if you don’t, who will? Steve, whose answers don’t enter the gray territory Bucky’s mind is residing in right now, who parents like he was born for it?
Steve chose fatherhood. Bucky has been nailed to it like it’s a new cross to bear, heavier than all the previous ones put together.
His gaze roams the grounds that stretch as far as you can see. You’re both far away from home right now, far outside your comfort zones.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into my mess, sweetheart. It’s not right. You have things to do, and I shouldn’t have—”
“Bucky, I’ve been staring at the same four sentences of dialogue for the past month. I literally could not have been happier to get out of the house. Even if I do wish it was under better circumstances,” you say fervently. You’re here because he needs you. Because Ana needs you. It’s nice to be needed.
“That’s one way to put it,” he smiles, and you’re glad to see it.
“Not to mention, it’s not your fault. It’s not anyone’s fault except whoever your team is looking for,” you insist. “And Ana’s a sweet girl. A little quiet, but Baba says I was, too.”
This, Bucky thinks about. You wonder if he was a quiet child, too. “What’s he like?”
“Hmm?” The reverie snaps like a rubber band.
“Your father?” Bucky asks, shyly, his eyes meeting yours, letting you know exactly why he’s asking.
You look up at the clouds, think back to Boston, to time shared between the library and the park. A childhood with books, lunch breaks under a desk in an office at MIT, stealing his glasses and running away with them, rubbing at his stubbly beard like he was a housecat. Inside jokes with your father and rolled eyes with your mother. Laughter and tears, laughter with tears.
After a long while, trying and failing to summarize your father, you say, “A jokester. The most sarcastic person I know. But still kind of neurotic, to be honest. The kind of parent that makes you show up at the airport a full four hours before your flight.” It’s grossly insufficient. For a writer, you’re not very good with words. You suppose it’s not the words that are the problem; it’s the lifetime they have to encompass. “What about yours?”
Bucky sighs. “Soldier. He’s one thing I don’t feel bad for not remembering because it wasn’t Hydra that wiped those memories. He just died when I was really small. Survived the Great War only to be killed by TB a few years later at home.”
“I’m sorry.” You avert your eyes. Grief feels private, even decades later, even in the smallest doses.
He shakes his head, smiles fondly, up at the sky, too, like you did. Only, he’s smiling at it, like he’s thinking of someone beyond the clouds. “Don’t be. Was a long time ago.”
“That doesn’t mean it isn’t allowed to hurt anymore.”
“You sound like my therapist.”
“I sound like my therapist.”
At this, the two of you look at each other and burst into laughter. It feels forbidden, as though the severity of the situation condemns joy. That isn’t fair, you think. The situation is that of a child, and nobody needs laughter more than kids do. Food for the soul.
When the echo of your exhilarations falls, Bucky grows serious once more. “They have them for kids, now, too, right?” He asks, referring to therapists. “Do you think Anastasia should see one? She’s not exactly… normal, you know?”
“Maybe.” It’s a difficult question, but a good indicator of how Bucky is growing to feel about Ana. “You’d make a good dad, if you wanted to be one, Bucky,” you say, and mean it. It’s plain as day that he cares about her.
“I can’t even remember my own.”
“Parental instincts are intuitive, not genetic,” you tell him.
“You been reading handbooks?” He teases.
“You’d be surprised by how much you learn from the rabbit holes you fall down while researching books,” you deadpan.
“Can any of that research get the nightmares out of my head? I think it might scare a kid.”
The self-deprecation hurts, but your response is honest, heartfelt. “She likes you already.”
“She won’t if she thinks I’ve run away,” he answers, straightening up. He might be trying to evade the conversation, but you’ll let him, for now. He’s gotten some fresh air, had some time to clear his thoughts, or sort them, at least. And so you return, to the little girl who has a tighter grip on both of you than you even realize.
Ana grows unsettled as night darkens the sky. It could be the ruckus she isn’t quite used to. It could be the toy fire truck Tony has been altering with his utensils to increase its noise output, much to Morgan’s amusement. It could be the actual parrot perched on Sam’s shoulder.
Whatever the cause, she hasn’t succumbed to it enough to make a seat out of the fridge again. She’s sitting in her seat, between Bucky and yourself, eating the hummus Bruce and Wanda have made. Nat discusses sniper scopes with Clint, Peter tries to get away with eating the side of vegetables on Jordan’s plate without Steve noticing, and Bucky eats silently, eyes almost constantly on Anastasia, who takes it all in while her knee bounces up and down with an ever-increasing speed, much like her father’s.
You excuse yourselves soon after dessert, after Morgan has fallen asleep against Jordan’s arm on the couch, and Steve and Tony’s friendly debate is starting to develop the edge it tends to when they’ve been bantering for too long.
Bucky sets up on the sectional in his room, and leaves the ridiculously large double bed to you and Anastasia. It’s been a strange, strange day, and one can only hope that tomorrow brings some ease, a balm for the prickly, fiery ache that has settled over the man you care so much about.
When you wake, it’s because of singing. For half a moment, you think you’re in a dream, but as your eyes adjust to the blanket of dark, you see the shadow on the sofa nearby. Only, it’s bigger than just Bucky. Anastasia is sitting on his lap, her head cushioned against his chest. Scrambling for your glasses, and turning on the lamp on the bedside table, you notice that there are trails of drying tears on her little cheeks, and she’s still shaking with the aftershocks of whatever scare she must’ve had during the night.
Not for the first time, you curse your deep sleep that meant you didn’t wake with Ana, but watch in wonder as Bucky sings.
Hush, little baby, don't say a word Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird won't sing Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring
Ana’s eyes begin to close, but she fights the sleep. Bucky doesn’t let her. He lies down, easing her down beside himself, singing all the while.
And if that diamond ring turns brass Papa's going to buy you a looking glass
And if that looking glass gets broke Papa's going to buy you a billy goat
His voice fills the room, low though it may be, and he curls himself around Ana.
And if that billy goat won't pull Papa's going to buy you a cart and bull
And if that cart and bull turn over Papa's going to buy you a dog named Rover
She succumbs to the lull of his tone, his song, his promises, sighs a little sigh, lets the last, little hiccup leave her body.
And if that dog named Rover won't bark Papa's going to buy you a horse and cart
And if that horse and cart fall down You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town
Bucky lifts his hand from where it was stroking the hair at her temple, and lays his arm over his daughter. They’re safe, for now. Together.
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soenchantingly · 3 years
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“Hey. Chancellor Blake,” you shouted, getting the attention of the ravenette who was walking just a few feet in front of you.
He turned around in a swift movement, watching you intensely as you came closer. He did not seem to be in the mood for your antics. Bellamy opened his mouth to speak, but you didn’t let him.
“What the hell is wrong with you, huh? You think you get to decide who lives and dies. Do you think your life is worth more than Jasper’s?” You did not mean to cause a scene, but Bellamy Blake needed a good scolding.
Alternatively:  you manage to talk some sense into Bellamy Blake
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Hello! You have stumbled about a story with an overarching plot following one of the 100 that was sent to the ground. It will start in season one of the 100 and likely continue until I decide it's enough. It is a Bellamy Blake/Reader fanfic. The reader is female, sorry. I am basically just inserting myself into the fandom. Comments and constructive criticism are very much welcome! This is part of a series called Stellate that I am also posting on Archive of our Own (which you’ll find here).
The characters and the plotline of the books are not mine and belong to their respective owners. The story is mine, however, as is the character of 'the reader'. Please do not publish this story elsewhere without asking for my permission.
If you like the story, please leave a heart and feel free to reblog :)
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The screams echoed loudly through camp and the complaints were almost even louder. People were sick and tired of Jasper Jordan moaning loudly and groaning, but all you could think about was the amount of pain Jasper was in. Though you did not particularly know him, Jasper had quickly become one of your favorite people on the ground – which was not a hard task, since most of the people on the ground were insufferable. The fact that Jasper was alive was a miracle. After Clarke, Finn, Monty, and Octavia came back to the camp and informed everyone that Jasper had been speared, you thought it was some kind of sick joke. Of course, by the look on their faces, you soon realized that they were not joking at all. In fact, they were being completely serious. You were not alone on the ground. You were not safe.
Even in your own camp, you were not safe. The fact that people were lining up to kill Jasper just because they found him too noisy proved that. You were worried for his life. The chances that Jasper was going to make it were slim. Not only the fact that there was hardly any medicine to heal him seemed to cause that, but the lack of interest in keeping Jasper alive from the rest of the delinquents made it seem even less likely that Jasper was going to survive the night.
After Jasper had returned to camp, miraculously alive, you spent most of your time in the dropship, assisting Clarke as she tended to the wound. Finn helped from time to time, but you had a feeling he was mainly there to keep an eye on Clarke. You could see that he had a thing for her. Monty also spent most of his time in the dropship, trying to work on getting a signal out to the Ark. Octavia came to check in on Jasper from time to time as well. The atmosphere was tense in the dropship.
You cursed silently as Clarke announced her plan to cut away Jasper's infected flesh. "This isn't going to work, Clarke. You have no supplies and no offense, but you aren't a doctor. How do you plan on saving Jasper with just your bare hands?" You did not mean to sound blunt but you were tired and you were being realistic.
"I have to do something. I can't just let him die." Clarke replied, examining the wound.
You were silent for a moment, debating your options. Finn and Monty were silent as well. It was like everyone in the dropship was debating on whether or not anything would help his case. You knew that you would not be able to live with yourself if you didn't try absolutely everything to save him and neither could Clarke. "Alright, tell me what I can do to help."
"You can-" Clarke stopped talking and you looked up to see who caused the sudden mood change Clarke displayed.
Wells Jaha entered the dropship, taking his place next to Clarke, "How is he doing?"
"How does it look like he's doing?" Clarke snapped, paying as little attention to him as possible.
You sighed, "He's just trying to help." you said, shooting Wells a sympathetic look. You were not friends with Clarke and Wells when you were on the Ark. Sure, you were friendly with Clarke because you both practiced medicine together but you did not hang up with her or anything that resembled a friendship. You did not dislike them either. Wells was always nice to you and you appreciated it when he sat at your table during lunch but didn't attempt to talk to you because he knew that you were too busy reading whatever book you had managed to get your hands on.
Clarke lowered her shoulders in defeat, turning to Wells. "Alright, if you want to help, hold him down," she instructed, turning towards you, Monty, and Finn to show that she meant you as well.
The four of you obeyed, grabbing onto Jasper as Clarke sterilized the knife. Monty mumbled something about how he wasn’t going to like what Clarke was going to do and the process started.
Loud screams, harsh squirming – it was hard to keep Jasper still so that Clarke could do what she was doing. You had seen nasty wounds before, but this was worse than anything you had ever seen. On the Ark, they had anesthesia, after all.
The screams got louder until Jasper’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out. You instinctively checked his pulse. He was still alive.
“Stop it!” a new voice caused you to look up, startled, “you’re killing him!”
Octavia Blake had entered the dropship with her brother Bellamy. You frowned at the Blake siblings.
“She’s trying to save him,” Finn said, while Clarke continued examining Jasper’s symptoms, ignoring Octavia as she crowded around Jasper.
Bellamy decided to chime in, causing you to glare at him. He was really getting on your nerves. “She can’t.”
Wells stood, sizing Bellamy up in a protective manner, ready to defend Jasper if Bellamy wanted to try anything. In the meantime, Clarke huffed in annoyance, “We didn’t drag him through miles of wood just so that he can die.”
“Kid’s a goner.” Bellamy declared, looking less than amused. “If you can’t see that, you’re delusional. He’s making people crazy.”
You snorted, “Sorry that Jasper dying is such an inconvenience.” The sarcastic remark came out a little bit louder than you intended, but it got the message across.
“This isn’t the Ark,” Clarke added, “Down here, each life matters.” Turning to Octavia, the blonde attempted to reassure her, “Octavia, I have watched my mother heal people since I was born. If I say there’s hope, there is hope.”
“It’s not about hope, it’s about guts.”
You turned around and look up at Bellamy as he spoke. You had your eyebrows raised, impatience spread across your features. You genuinely felt like punching Bellamy in his face, but you weren’t a violent person so you refrained.
Bellamy continued, “You don’t have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He’s been like this for three days. If he’s not better by tomorrow, I’ll kill him myself.” He started heading towards the ladder but stopped, telling Octavia to join him. When she refused, Bellamy went back outside.
“Power-hungry, self-serving jackass.” Monty said, before quickly saying, “No offense,” to Octavia.
You stood, fists clenched.
“Where are you going?” Clarke asked, bewildered at your sudden movement.
Heading out the door, you said, “I am going to give that jackass a piece of my mind.” You did not bother looking back or listening to any reactions to what you had said. You were pissed.
“Hey. Chancellor Blake,” you shouted, getting the attention of the ravenette who was walking just a few feet in front of you.
He turned around in a swift movement, watching you intensely as you came closer. He did not seem to be in the mood for your antics. Bellamy opened his mouth to speak, but you didn’t let him.
“What the hell is wrong with you, huh? You think you get to decide who lives and dies. Do you think your life is worth more than Jaspers? Huh?” You did not mean to cause a scene, but Bellamy Blake needed a good scolding.
Bellamy wasn’t too impressed with your outburst. In fact, he was pretty annoyed. “Listen here, sweetheart. Jasper is going to die. We can’t keep wasting rations on him-“
“Wasting rations?” You shot back, “Are you kidding me? We are not on the Ark. There is no such thing as ‘limited rations’ on earth. In fact, the whole earth is one giant ration depo. We can find things to help Jasper if we just try.” You looked up at him, your eyes meeting his. He could see that you were serious and you were not going to take no for an answer. “We aren’t alone here. People are going to get hurt but we can be the difference between life and death. Everyone deserves the chance to live.”
Bellamy looked around, aware of all the stares he was receiving. Knowing that he could not have people thinking that it was alright to be defiant or it would cause absolute chaos, he grabbed you by the arm and attempted to drag you to a more private place.
“Hey!” you protested, “Get your hands off of me-“
“Look.” he said, dropping your arm, “I am doing what is necessary for us to survive-“
You weren’t having it, “Bullshit. You’re doing whatever is necessary for you to survive. I know it, Clarke and Monty know it, and Octavia knows it, that’s why she won’t follow you. Over time, more people will realize that you are out for yourself and you are going to end up all alone, realizing that you are just as bad as the leaders of the Ark that you hate so much.”
Bellamy opened his mouth to speak, or rather, to argue, but you cut him off before he could.
“I’m done with this conversation,” you announced, raising your hands in defeat and turning around and marching back into the dropship.
You had left Bellamy speechless and frustrated. He wasn’t sure what to think after that. Noticing that there were still eyes on him, Bellamy raised his voice, “Alright, alright. Show’s over. Get back to work!”
You had decided to stay in the drop ship while Clarke, Wells, and Finn looked for the seaweed that they needed in order to save Jasper. Bellamy had taken a group of people to go hunting. With both of them gone, it encouraged people to go after Jasper and try to kill him. You weren’t about to let that happen. Though you probably would not be able to stop a group of criminals, you knew enough self-defense to hold off at least one of them. Besides, you wanted to keep Monty company.
Of course, as expected, John Murphy attempted to force his way onto the floor where Jasper was moaning in pain. You had managed to fend him off with a swift kick towards his face – though you weren’t sure if you had managed to hit him or not – while Octavia locked the hatch. You, Octavia, and Monty stayed locked in the room for quite a while before you heard someone say that Clarke and Bellamy were back. You and Octavia shared a look before opening the hatch and rushing to meet them.
“Did you get it?” you asked as soon as you spotted Clarke.
She nodded in reply but directed her attention to Octavia as she tried to steer the girl away. Of course, that made Octavia more curious as to what was going on.
You followed her, wanting to know what had happened. When you saw, you stopped in your tracks. Atom’s body laid on the floor motionless. You weren’t close with him, but his death still saddened you. Though you were curious, you didn’t want to ask what had happened. The dead body was shocking enough. Octavia was silent until Bellamy tried to consul her, to which she replied with a firm “don’t”.
Watching in silence for a moment, you could not help but feel bad for Bellamy. He seemed pretty gutted by Atom’s death himself and you had a feeling that there really wasn’t anything he could have done.
When Octavia ran off to the drop ship, you looked back towards Bellamy, who had turned to one of the other delinquents, “Get Clarke whatever she needs,” he ordered her.
Then he met your gaze and gave you a single nod as to say ‘you were right’. You offered him a small smile in return, but all you could muster was a sad one. Then you were off, rushing to the drop ship to see if the tea that Clarke was brewing had any effect. You could not help but feel warm inside. It did you good to know that your words had gotten through to Bellamy. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you thought he was.
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Timeline: Season One - Episode 03 “Earth Kills”
Part two of Stellate.
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credit for the pictures goes to lulu.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
City of Major
Summary: Major Yoo Taeyang makes every excuse he can to see you, he likes you but unknowingly, he has also fallen into a plan intricately crafted by you and Captain Kim Youngkyun
Genre: Mystery au? [Warnings: descriptions of anxiety (fear of death; recurrent traumatic memories and cues for them to resurface whether verbal or situational; repulsion towards an individual concerning sex + the individual's involvement in a sexual crime but not the principle offender), mentions of guns, death (murder and death of another team, many witnesses), sexual assault (also referred to as rape) and physical assault (refers to the physical assault as a punishment, implications of reinforcing hierarchy in a derogatory manner) references to being dispatched in the military, result of civil wars/indirect reference to poverty]; Fluff-flu; smut (so brief that if you blink, you'll miss it)
Characters: Yoo Taeyang x reader x Hwiyoung I Kim Youngkyun
A/N: None of the images in the collage are mine, refer to here for more; For more SF9, read here, for iKON, read here and for optional bias writings, read here
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As he steps outside the building and slips past the guard, the cool air becomes his. He adorns a striped shirt with subtle colours so that he does not stand out particularly in the dark, except for the occasional illumination by the streetlights over- head. His steps are light, careful not to alert the two people ahead, in this case, he makes sure to tread lightly. One eye is out on his surroundings, for stray animals or motorbikes. A third carefully watches him from the back, smiling at the unknown.
There's nothing in sight, at least for the next metre or so. Youngkyun's first time following a pair just so happens to be the two of you. One of the two is Major Yoo Taeyang, not forever defined by his numerous accomplishments but by his dutiful services to the military. The second of the two is you, never sought-after despite your unlawfulness, but penned by your achievements towards the community.
Now that Youngkyun's been drafted to this base- coincidental occurrences, not anything that either he or the Major would wish for, he can tell the truth. Some people will believe him like the higher-ups who have let their doubts about the Major's reports fester for months but wave at him when they see him. Ruthless killer. Others will doubt but come around. There's nothing Youngkyun can do now, but sit and wait on his pot of gold.
For every moment that he remains in the proximity of a place that worships an individual such as the Major, Youngkyun is reminded, very frequently of what he had to undergo whilst he was taking orders from him. He's close when you and the Major pause, right in the middle of the street as if you have done this many times before, automatically, with no fear of being interrupted. Then again, it is the place itself. It is deserted for miles with boundless high-rise buildings. Youngkyun slips into a dark corner, watching you from there. It's the side entrance to one of the buildings, two staircases to navigate in the dark.
Your safety has been on his mind since the first time you've been involved, with him, in this plan. Except him, everyone is in the right place. He is supposed to be in bed, snoring to the lull of soothing dreams. But when he remembered what was occurring today, his eyes snapped open with a blurry view of his ceiling. Half asleep and just like that, he got out of his bed and dressed in a hurry, not bothering to question the rationality of his actions.
His eyes squint to make out the figures, looking away when they meet, connecting their lips in the dark of the night. They pull apart and exchange something, most likely words of affirmation. Guiltily, he begins to move when they do. He pulls back, slithering back into the unlit corner. Further down, away from the figures, close to Youngkyun, he sees an automatic light perk on from the corner of his eyes. There are no alleyways either. So, there is someone else behind him.
Youngkyun sighs, he can't move unless whoever's following him does. He looks both ways, making sure that he doesn't lose the direction you headed in or get caught in a two-way intersection with the person behind him. Ahead is an alleyway, narrow and enclosed by two large green bins with black tops. Youngkyun makes a run for them. He looks behind as he runs, twice turning his head in caution before slipping into the small space.
He sighs when he gets there, he's locked. The bins are against the wall and he's standing in between them. It feels like he's floating, an obvious interpretation because although little light catches his figure, anybody could see him. 'I'm not great at this'., he thinks, racking his head for a solution. The figures now disappear out of sight. Not being able to crouch or look past the wall, he turns his attention to the figure that was following him.
You've left, he sighs. He also takes two steps back, quickly, out of extreme caution, instinctively raising his hands. A figure clutches the gun with both their hands, pointing it at his face. Their posture is relaxed, far from the average- not bent at the knees or directing a glare at Youngkyun. There's real fear that fills his system, freezing his legs to the ground and hands at the side, unable to reach for his gun. A hand pats his trousers and it's taken away.
The fear is much more prominent now, clutching Youngkyun's throat, squeezing it. It's more of a tug than a squeeze. A figure, enshrouded in black emerges from behind, swaying a little as it makes its way to oblivious Youngkyun. It presses into the tufts of his hair and touches the scalp. ''Don't move'' a scruffy voice says from behind him, walking to the front where Youngkyun can see him. The figure that made himself apparent never leaves his gun's aim on Youngkyun’s tummy when he clamours Youngkyun's pockets for any weapons that he may be carrying.
Youngkyun's throat runs dry and his fingers begin to tremble. He looks at the figure in front, not tearing his eyes off him. They finish, chuckling as they pocket his weaponry, only weaponry.
The one on the left has black hair, brown eyes, and wears a skin tight shirt, made from the material of gym clothes along with cargo trousers. Youngkyun knows who he is, by face not by personality. He tailed Youngkyun and his group- peeking from behind buildings, on foot rather than in a car. Everybody wanted to see the husband of an undercover cop that day. They have contacts everywhere, from the owner of the restaurant in the building to the guard sitting inside, payment to the gang in the area perhaps.
Youngkyun can take the two but is outnumbered by weapons. The figure on the right is unknown to him. His dark circles are prominent, uniform worn-out, maybe from a recent mission. Youngkyun had heard of it but they could not track them. 'Or maybe that isn't it', Youngkyun thinks. The figure is bulky and imposes his presence by towering over Youngkyun's one point seven nine metre frame. He has a scar on his chest, a diagonal line, peeking out from his shirt and an unshaven beard.
''Come with us, our-'' the one on the left speaks.
''Why'd you search me?'', Youngkyun asks.
''Formality. Our boss wishes to speak to you, over.. certain misunderstandings.''
''What misunderstandings?''
''Over Major Yoo Taeyang's report, from the next state over.'' he said, whispering the last bit.
''I can't give you that information, details are confidential.'' Youngkyun says, pushing the most terrible of memories away. They came first.
''You murdered that reporter didn't you?'' he says, predetermined, rehearsed, as if he knew that they would come to this point.
Youngkyun feels a slight chill run through his hands in the warm, damp air of the night. Sweat clouds his back, staining his top in various places. He feels cold, his blood freezing. They sound so convinced about it.
''Come on, soldier'' the one on the right impatiently grabs Youngkyun's hand, hustling him forward. He's stopped by the one on the left.
Pulling his hand from the bulky man's grasp, Youngkyun states, ''You have some misunderstandings as well. That man is dead not because of me.''
The man makes a face as if he has heard everything he needs to. ''You have all the reason in the world to deny it. Let's go.'' he says.
The gun pointed at his torso, an easy angle to just pull the trigger is only out of sight when Youngkyun sits in the car. It's classy, a contrast to the two men.
They are efficient but not by much of the standard. From hasty steps behind him to the accidental flickering of the light, everything was predictable, save for the man hiding in the pitch black of the alley. Neither of them caught him flinching then.
''You'll meet her.'' the driver says, he was the one on the left of medium height and novice, almost- professional with this new experience. Youngkyun jumps at the word her. The driver chuckles, ''Slow down, she's not enthusiastic to see you.''.
The bulky man sitting next to him speaks up, ''Just a formality.''.
Youngkyun repeats the words, staring out of the window.
The driver drops the passengers off outside a dark blue building, decorated with luxurious apartments. A ground floor apartment's lights are on and people are moving about, happily dancing and giggling to music that can be heard by Youngkyun and the ruffian man.
The two pause to stare at the scene, Youngkyun is unimpressed, motivated by other feelings but the other guy is in mock awe. They press on, the guy says nothing all the way up the three flights of stairs. They pass by an elevator each time but make no move to use it. Easier to run away if they were being shot at.
You sit in the apartment, taking in a deep, good breath after hastily preparing for Youngkyun's arrival. Youngkyun knew you way before you were indoctrinated into your family's business. You were stubborn, righteous and had a few sets of rules that you lived by, no matter what. You were also justice-loving, ironic given that your family's business wasn't selling groceries or something, it was one of gangs in the area.
Youngkyun knew that Yoo Taeyang wanted to use your family. But that's as far as he knew. It was only half the story. If you were not going to use Taeyang back, you would not hesitate to shoot him. You wouldn't kill him to honour one of your principles. That did not mean that you wouldn't harm him towards the point of death.
You proved yourself with all the experience your family could provide you with. You knew that Taeyang was climbing up ranks in his head and trying to make it reality too, by buying off your family. It went from little stocks in the business to sleeping with you, every time he had a day off. He wasn't a bad guy either, just a little narcissist with twisted values from his father.
He insisted that he had good intentions. But people committed the worst crimes in humanity with their good intentions.
The figure nodded to you, leaving Youngkyun at the door. Youngkyun was relieved to see you but that went away quite quickly. Much more was what you were wearing, night clothes. Lace loose at the shoulders fell shortly below your buttocks, another strip tied around your waist. You left the door open and turned to the living room.
He shut the door behind him, locking it, taking his shoes off and admiring the open space. There was very little in the middle except for an antique glass table on a large, comfortable rug. Plush red sofas with jewels embedded in the handles stood out against the wall, two tall glass cupboards filled with ornaments and foreign gifts from around the world were placed in the corners.
You sat on one side of the glass table with your back against the sofas while Youngkyun took the opposite, crossing his legs and placing his hands firmly on his knees. His breath stopped short when you raised your arms to remove your hair tie, letting hair fall all over your shoulders.
You noticed his eyes following your movements. You chuckled, ''What do I have for you? Is that your question.''
''Uh-yes, yes it is.'', he says, clearing his throat.
You chuckle, wondering why this nervous behaviour of his. ''Is your behaviour flighty because of those men?'', you question.
''Yes you should stop doing that. It scares me every time.'' he says, with more confidence, leaning on his palms.
''I'm sorry, maybe next time.'', you say, carefully taking into account his anxiety. ''You weren't supposed to be there today.'' you continue.
Why were you there? is the question.
''I've made my mind up. The recording? Push the date up further, today. I'll do it today.'' Youngkyun almost rambles on. He'll kill two birds with one stone today.
''You don't-'' you start. He really doesn't have to. He should take his time and prepare.
''I have to, you should now. The full story.''
You sigh, ''come with me.'', standing up and walking in the direction of your room.
Youngkyun walks past you to inspect the room, purely out of instinct. You motion with your hand and tell him to do as he pleases before he turns to you and apologises. He had this right. A surge of anxiousness overcomes him, for many reasons.
Youngkyun had been with you before and you had been there, to see him break multiple laws. Him. You were a middle ground, neither here nor there or a grey area between your rival gang and the police. You knew snippets of what Youngkyun had been through on his missions under Yoo Taeyang. You needed to hear the full perspective from him. From someone who had observed and been through it all.
Youngkyun knows that you want to help him. Nothing of semblance to push his anxiety further down the edge, like hidden cameras or audio equipment, the newest probably hidden somewhere, in something easy to look over like an ornament.
You had no ornaments in the room, except for the paintings. Painted by you, having taken over hours and hours to complete, to reach that stage of luxury. Taking a seat to calm his spinning head, he faintly clutches the rich covers underneath. They give him warmth, which he doesn't need in this weather and the urge to fall asleep on them.
You haven't moved from your place behind him, watching him search the place with inquisitive, trained eyes, meant to detect things. ''It's safe here'' you are soft about it, trying to encourage him, coax it out of him.
''He will go to jail.'', he says after a pause.
''Evidence?'', it can't be circumstantial.
''Eyewitness testimony.''
''Who?''. He is one of the witnesses.
''Can't say now.'', protecting them.
''What did he do?''. Another way of asking, How did he do it? Earn his rank plus the commendation of his seniors?
You sit next to him, holding a recorder in your hand, urging him to say it again as you begin. ''Major Yoo was the one who sent those soldiers to stop the raid of a gang on the resources held at another base. They expected them to be armed but they did not expect them to know that they were coming.''
''Where was this?''
''Past the front entrance of South Central, two blocks down.''. It didn't mean anything to you.
''Did he give those orders himself?''
''That he did.'', a preamble to all of Taeyang's troubles.
''What happened to those soldiers, Captain?''
''They died, we have reason to believe that they were ambushed. A reporter working in the area colluded with the gang, soldiers- ten individuals sent there to stop the attack on a high status official. Presumably a raid on the base's resources, had tons of it all stacked and going nowhere, not to the hungry people in the village. Major must have not known, none of them made it back because of the information he had shared with the reporter. The failure was the result of planning irresponsibly.''
''He must have changed his report when he realised his mistake. They noticed so many people missing and investigations were open for quite some time. But Taeyang's elaborate, smart as hell, first reason he got that position, that and his capabilities in the field, calm and composed. He reported it differently, worded it in a way that allowed him to evade responsibility. It was premature, they didn't have enough information to go in in the first place but they were still sent.''.
Easier to control his wrong-doings from there, once you are high in status, people will come for you. Being high-status is also the fastest way to lose your job, if you aren't careful, you think. It is one of the cautions you are aware of as a leader.
''He's done it before.''. Youngkyun thinks. He isn't actively working on this case. They need a draft, someone to summarise it up. Surely they have asked other members of Youngkyun's team to do the same. Investigations into the Major have been conducted for sometime now. It is only now that they made themselves apparent.
''Done what?''. The closer you get to the truth, the harder it is to ask him questions. Especially given the fact that you were new to this. You didn't know what questions to ask. You wish he would just tell you everything, straight up.
''Frame someone else for his mistakes, must give him immense anxiety.''
''Anything is relevant right now.''.
''When I was under his orders, he made the mistake of replacing a code book. Going out would make it look like our country was in a pretence to the other, they had a contract or something. It was burned when we got it back, he was let off, save for his assistant.'', he clenched his teeth about. You knew about this.
''Pinned it on him?''
''I don't even know if that's possible. He had officials gloss over their reports, to cover for him because of what they believe he can achieve. To escape like that, he murdered once and he'll do it again, trust me.''
''Murder?''. You held back any visible frustrations now. Pushing him would gain nothing. ''Anything else?''
''He let go of a man from the same place as where the soldiers were killed. Committed sexual assault and homicide but Major let go of him.''
''Why is that Captain?'', you said, horrified, already unsettled, finicky, nervous at the hair tips.
''The man was protected by the gang- high in status, high enough for them to intervene and protect a life. Major could not start a war so he cut a deal, 'let go of the village and they'll release him'. All went well.''. Ironic for them to protect a life. Could it hint that there were discrepancies in the leadership?, you ask yourself but don't say anything about it.
''It's not out jurisdiction if the individual is not from here.''
''oh, but she is, was, the head of the resistance group, dual-nationality.''
''That's a lot of things to tie him for.'' you murmur, sighing at the boat-load of information.
''Tie him?'' he asks, curious. Are you considering punishing the Major by the law?, he thinks. You always did say that the law moves slower than it should.
There is no answer from you. You want to deny his question that you know he is currently asking. You could give it a try, again.
''Why were the resources held up?'', you continue.
''Take control of the resources y/n, take control of the village. Probably used it as leverage but not sure what. They don't have a lot to offer but the gang does, information on other gangs. Taking other's out would risk them gaining more power and we couldn't have that.''
''You think Taeyang has something to do with this?''
''He doesn't run the tide on that, his friend does, childhood friend. But you can't assume that she's going to help him, I know her and she wouldn't. She's got a mole in camp.''
''We'll have to come back to that.''. Human nature. It isn't even in your intention to come back to this topic. You want to know.
''I'll find out about it.''. It's a place to start, to wrap the mission up in bow tie and send it off.
''Don't get yourself into danger.'', you say, genuine about it and eager to prove him wrong. He thinks that you could care less about him. The like has always been there.
He nods, resting his head in his palms, elbows digging into his thighs. He takes your advice to heart. At this moment, he finds it harder than ever to separate you in his world from his profession. He wants you but how does he tell you about it?
''If you knew and you yourself did not die- were there groups?''
''Three, back up and because the villages are huge too. More soldiers means that work can be carried out in a time efficient manner. I wasn't in their group, one day- a day after the first four weeks were over they came and told us. They relayed the news, ''They're dead''. It was so professional, they answered the how's. It hurt y/n, it hurt all over. I wasn't in the same group as them but I ate with them, joked with them, worked with them outside of our team, together. We are one team less, y/n, one team less. That was a lot for us to think about, compartmentalise but we didn't have enough time to do it. We ended up covering for them, breaking our backs, taking orders while some bullshit went on in the background.'' Youngkyun ends it frustrated, referring to the rape and the injustice that that man was let go. Tears rim his eyes, he clenches his fists at the thoughts, recounting those painful memories.
You grasp his hand, soothingly running your finger over the clenched skin, waiting for him to relax before you pull yourself closer and take him into your arms. He tries his best not to cry right there. He lets go of his tense posture and snuggles into the warmth you have to offer which you take as a good sign.
You find yourself unhappy for him, pained rather. That he holds all of that, in there, this sensitive guy with un-coped, heavy amounts of emotional trauma at the back of his head. You feel for him. You run your fingers through his hair and kiss the side of his head, letting him go to sit up straight.
You want to say something but nothing is to be said. Words are meaningless right now. You sit in silence for some time, enduring the harsh humidity that makes your skin dry, waiting for him to snap out of it- everything, when he is ready.
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'Let's go!'' Sanghyuk would have said, pulling Major Yoo towards the restaurant to ease the awkwardness they felt with him. Lee Sanghyuk was one of the few soldiers killed in the blast of gang members and weapons. Taeyang tries his best not to think about it. Better profile for lying, he thinks.
He walks alone to meet a different correspondent. The staff politely greet him but turn their heads down and ignore him. Perhaps they have heard the nasty rumours about him. He finds you sitting on the far side, right in the corner, wedged in a seat for two and he smiles brightly. He can't tell if he really likes you or not, lines are beginning to blur. Some things are just not part of the plan.
He greets you, wrapping his arms around you in a loving embrace. ''You visited! Is this your first time at the base?'', he asks. You like to think that he's put a lot of effort into this relationship. Sometimes you like to think that he sits on his bed at night, runs over the conversations he's had with you and picks apart little details. You find it humorous. But it's a real possibility.
He loves your lips, especially when they touch his skin. He lingers over yours, pressing softly, feeling you for the first time this afternoon. Your hand curiously travels his uniform when he pecks your cheeks, your neck. You know where this is going.
He swoops in for your lips, taking you by surprise. Again?, he thinks. Delectably, he wonders why. He thinks of nothing; his groin stirs. ''Do you want me to show you around? Or go home?'' he whispers.
Your coffee, not touched at all, full to the hilt, is left there. It's a short walk to your car. He tugs you along, looking back and smiling, very obviously excited. The next question is car or home? He walks faster than normal, something callous is on his mind.
Pretence or not, in this relationship, the both of you want something out of it. His motive is far more clearer than yours. That's what Youngkyun had also asked you, ''What'd you want out of this thing, with him?''. It was hard to explain. You wanted almost nothing and you were not stuck so why were you here?
He takes you home, yours more specifically. It's in the same building as the apartment that Youngkyun had visited but a couple of floors away. If he was to find you, he would look in the wrong place, not ever knowing that you were nearby. In the elevator, upwards, he firmly clutches your waist. You try to squirm out of his gasp. It's the moment of truth. About the man that he let away, it comes to mind and you are repulsed.
You feel the need to get away from him. He's behind, slipping his arms around your waist, feeling your tummy, pressing kisses of air at your neck and you can't take it. You endure it all the way up, occasionally cracking a smile, hoping he's not going to ask about the gloom on your face on the ride up. You'll answer his questions, but not his arguments.
The doors open, without a hitch or some noise, closing away when you step into the extra bright sunshine that decorates the hallway floor and it's walls. Your mood is ruined but his? Strong and going on. He tugs you to your apartment, flashing back a smile which credit is due, momentarily makes you smile. The feeling his smile evokes is temporary, replaced by visual flashes of what he must have done.
You push them away, cautious enough on your feet to alert yourself of what he has done. You have distance because you never saw it with your own eyes. They were not your family members, nor your friends or distant relatives. You have to hand him over to Captain Kim but not whilst torturing yourself in the process.
''Let's go'' he says in a genuine tone of voice. You are surprised and have to remind yourself. Anticipation builds up, creeps into your skin with goose-bumps or tiny tremors, maybe only tiny to you. You chuckle and throw a smile that you hope looks like one, entering your apartment. ''The chapter can close here if you want too'' Youngkyun had asked you, out of concern for your well-being. He had told you what he had to, the same disgustingly gruesome but life-changing details as on the night the two of you had recorded it.
It would be given to them, the team consisting of high-ranking members, higher than the Major, someone that Youngkyun and his team know and trust, enough to find something in their investigative line into Taeyang's immoral doings. Youngkyun knows that he can't hide it anymore. He will be punished for holding back information. However, you will always admire his efforts to save his team and pull through, even when under the harsh gaze of secrecy that threatened to break their backs.
Taeyang doesn't miss the shadow of the figure sitting on the sofa as you kick off your shoes and enter the apartment. He's not shaken, just walking in like you'd walk into a store or something, curious. That is all. Kyun has confidence, the one that had been previously broken down. That estimation of how far in the future Taeyang will be behind bars as opposed to the confidence in Taeyang which he has none of.
Taeyang looks back, not as menacing as the manner in which you thought he would appear. He smiles. Like a knowing kind of smile. It makes your shiver from behind the counter. Kyun is closer to Taeyang than Taeyang is to you. Kyun could reach over the table if he attempted something. It could turn into a fight and he would be off with you- for negotiation or worse, since neither of them had weapons.
Which is why you choose the kitchen. It's open, giving you a view of both of them and contains all the objects you can turn into weapons in one place. It's also close to the front door. You could reach it in a couple of steps. If you ran fast enough. Taeyang is silently thinking as he pulls a chair and seats it opposite Youngkyun with only the barrier of the coffee table in between.
Taeyang smiles. You can see the curve of his cheekbones rise, even from behind him. He's not threatened, that's for sure. There is no hint of exasperation present. He moves to say something but doesn't, anything could give him away but none would be enough to implicate him. Some sort of unrivalled anger is provoked within you at that thought.
It's painful to watch this. They stay silent, waiting for the other to speak or maybe they have some unspoken agreement to stay like this. Placing all the weight of your palms on the marble countertop, you shift to the other foot, easing the pain you feel from standing. Youngkyun momentarily leaves his focus from Taeyang to look at you. He sees frustrated eyes but misses the look in Taeyang's.
There's a splodge of anxiety that belittles Taeyang. It nags at him for letting a loose end like Youngkyun onto the base, save for the fact that he has no control over that. Then it is for letting Youngkyun run his mouth. When you are in a position so high, people just wait for a chance to grab you down. He feels furious towards Youngkyun but also understanding. There is conflict. But eventually, the growing resentment wins.
When Youngkyun loses focus, out of concern when he hears you sigh, Taeyang stops thinking. He takes it as a moment of opportunity. It can't save him, but it can make him feel better. Seeping violence in and dismantling his opponent when at their weakest is what he was trained to do. That kind of mindset isn't trained but forced, coerced upon in circumstances of extreme danger and high mortality rate.
It's so fast. So sudden, in fact, too sudden. In your eyes, Taeyang gets up, only half way. His knees are still bent when he leans across the table, not by much. And swings a crack at Youngkyun's face. More specifically his jaw. The area between his ear and chin, not landing completely on the cheek. You don't see Youngkyun wring back.
First is a sound, a groan like the time he had come to you. He was bleeding from a fight, the closest place to come, he had said at the time but now, it is less worse. Your breath hitches. Perhaps you've been holding your breath for so long. You aren't sure. Taeyang could go feral, you aren't sure of that either.
You begin to take a step back. Only a second or two or three later, Youngkyun reels from the shock of being hit. He sits upright, fuming internally, displaying stern patience. His face is almost expressionless, save for the occasional unclenching of the jaw that was hit. He doesn't instantly react, waiting. You don't know what to think.
It’s like a power move, for Taeyang to put Youngkyun in his place before Taeyang would be sent to a worse form of hell, one below dignity for him. Like a punishment, you deserve more than this but this is all I can give you, Taeyang said in other words. Youngkyun reacts instantly when Taeyang gets up with his legs straight and feet tipped in the direction of the door.
He wouldn't run but he could come for you. You had feared it and now, it is about to come true. Youngkyun looks at you as he stands up, telling Taeyang, ''Don't do it.''. Taeyang instead chuckles, disarming Youngkyun, ''I'll walk''. Just then, as Taeyang hits the last syllable, soldiers arrive. Straight through the door. You hadn't heard the lock turning or boots thudding in the hallway.
First sight of them has Taeyang gritting his teeth. He complies, like a mouse in a game of chase. It burns him. He complies, seething at Youngkyun who chuckles. After he leaves, Youngkyun takes a seat, dropping his head into arms. He sighs, partly in relief, partly in the party that had just begun and maybe because, the bigger part of his deal was to keep Taeyang away from you.
You are stuck there. Where you chose to stand and where you are standing now. You try to move, to go to Youngkyun but it feels like Taeyang could burst through the door at any moment. In the face-to-face sense, you didn't know what Taeyang could do. Youngkyun senses it when you don't move. He expects the shuffling of footsteps but not absolute silence.
He gets up, coming to you, reaching for your hand and clasping them together. You hum, looking at him, shifting weight from one foot to the other. You try a smile, failing and then laughing at it which has him smiling too. ''You're okay, he's not coming back. That- what you saw, he can't try anything.'', he softly drops off to your listening ears, reaching to grasp your cheek and like turn-taking, you pull yourself closer to him too. He reaches for you in that moment, connecting your lips to his, softly moulding to yours.
He feels relief in letting you pour out the fear you felt, discarding it away in favour of being in arms. Letting him pick you up and take you to the sofa. Letting you gasp for breath when he lets go, placing you on the sofa with your legs on his thighs. ''I want to help you.'' he says, almost stumbling over his words to try and explain to you that he wants to help, only if you want.
He pauses after his whispers, his lips so close to yours that if you were to give a response, no matter how subtle, he'd know. You mull at his prospect, mind blank, looking like you are thinking. ''Stop asking.'' you say, so soft that it came across as a request, although feeling like a command, one stop sentence. He nods, instantly, absorbing your words, having his breath taken away by how you bring him down on your lips, knotting your fingers through his hair.
''We'll get you out of this gang, this place.'', he murmurs, sitting you down on his lap.
Taeyang could come back, there was a high chance that that event could occur. He was what? The best or second-best rumoured equal to the one in first place? With these people who you called soldiers beguiling you to stay, drawing you till you suffocated, now was the wrong time for Youngkyun's plans of staying with you.
''How? There's no way out, Kyun. They won't be so happy, to drag me back this time.'' you say, sucking in a sharp breath, fiddling with his clothes. He doesn't have a plan, at least not right now. All he wants to do is to get you away from here. Set up life somewhere else, away. The two of you don't have a plan, not yet.
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Fervent whimpers leave your lips and desperate fingers clutch tightly at the bedsheets, pleasure overwhelming your sex with the way his cock pulls out and fills you again. He's sweating, core clenching from snapping his hips against yours, absorbing every detail of your body beneath him as you ask him to let you release. The sound of skin slapping and the smell of sex coats the room. Fragrance leaks onto your inner thighs at the end but it doesn't stop him, not from kissing your lips and leaving a trail of heat all the way to your inner thighs, and repeating it, again.
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title: the next step is love
summary: Modern AU - It’s Sakura’s birthday, and after the party, she’s left to take care of the mess of dirty plates and glasses. Luckily, she’s not alone, but he can’t really stay forever, right?
a/n: Okay, this story was supposed to have come out way earlier, but I changed the plot so many times that I just couldn’t finish it for her birthday... The original idea was so different, and perhaps, I end up writing it another time when the inspiration strikes again (seriously, it was a nice one). Anyway, I hope you can still enjoy this one! As always, my fluff side took over me and I just had to make something simple and domestic for the Queen’s bday! Hope you enjoy it, and please, let me know what you think! (also, this is un-betta’d. I wanted to post this asap because I’m working on a different project, so... bear with me)
“Thank you for coming! ‘Careful on your way home!”
The sound of the door clicking shut reverberates across her entire apartment, and it only takes one second for that smiley expression to fade from her face. Her right hand is still placed over the door-knob, and for a brief moment, she closes her eyes, letting out a deep sigh in pure contentment. The last guests are finally on their merry way home now, and at last, she can stop worrying about things such as making sure no one’s feeling left out or re-filling toilet paper. Even if they’re all good friends, her perfectionist mind can’t simply allow her to enjoy the night without worrying about those details.
After turning the key, her hand moves to massage the back of her neck, and finally, she sets her toes free from her black heels. A mix of relief and calmness spreads all over her body, as a soft smile takes over her cherry-colored lips. This, perhaps, might be her favorite part of her birthday parties— or any party, for the matter— because, right now, she can finally savor all the things she's prepared for the night. The food, the decoration, the soothing music...
Oh, what a dream, she thinks, at first, before looking around with her lazy eyes and frowning at the scene. If only all of that mess could magically disappear by the time she wakes up tomorrow morning.
A sigh escapes her lungs as she makes her way back to the center of the hurricane that is her living room. Just like last year, she starts wondering why on earth she let Ino convince her to host her own birthday party instead of going out for a couple of drinks like most people do. Though the pinkette really enjoys having her friends over for a couple of hours, she can’t deny that the day after March 28th is probably the most tiring of the year. Sakura knows she's barely gonna get any sleep tonight, and by the time her alarm goes off around 5:30, she will certainly need at least 1 liter of coffee in order to go through her shift without falling asleep.
In theory, she could leave all that mess for tomorrow, sure, but thanks to her cleaning compulsion, that’s not really an option for her.
If only she could be a little more like Naruto...
Still, as she shakes her pink head, Sakura decides there’s no use in thinking about it tonight. That’s a problem for her future-self, and even if she’s probably going to regret that decision in the morning, right now, this is her moment. She can drink a full glass of champagne while eating another piece of her strawberry cake, and the best part is that she can do it all while enjoying the company of the only one whose presence will never be a bother to her.
Once she finally reaches her kitchen, the pinkette is fast to register the dirty dishes laying around the counter. There are way more glasses than the number of people she invited for the party, but for a brief moment, she forgets that she’s the owner of that mess. Her emerald eyes automatically drift towards the sink, and her heart skips a beat at the scene playing in front of her.
Not even in her wildest, teenage-ish dreams would she have ever pictured Uchiha Sasuke doing her dishes after her birthday party. Though she knows she’s the one who’s technically responsible for all of that, it’s inevitable for her to be entertained by how focused he seems to be while attempting to remove that lipstick stain from the cup.
How lovely, she ponders, bitting her lower lip in order to suppress a chuckle.
Too bad she can’t just keep watching him for the rest of the night.
“You know, even if I appreciate both your help and the view, you don’t have to do this, Sasuke-kun.” Sakura says, picking up some of the plates laying around and walking towards the sink. She’s standing by his side now, his tall body towering over hers, almost a head taller. The expression decorating his features remains unaltered, and she notices how he slowly moves to give her some space next to him. “You can go rest, if you want.”
“Do you want me to go leave?” He asks, unaltered, while scrubbing another knife.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.” She answers, grabbing a piece of cloth to dry the cutlery he has already washed. “I just don’t want you to do something you don’t want just because it’s my birthday or anything like that. It’s fine, really. I can do it alone.”
“Hn, It’s faster if we do it together.” He stops, a sly smirk taking over the corner of his lips as he closes the tap. His eyes are on hers, now, and she can feel her chest warming up in response. “Unless you wanna do it all by yourself.”
“Nope.” She says, promptly, handing him another dirty spoon and he’s quick to resume what he was doing. Her eyes watch the way the water runs through his fingers, and oddly, she can’t help but find that amusing. “If you’re willing to help, who am I to say no, right?”
A giggle escapes her lips when she hears the ‘tch’ that escaped from his lips, and eventually, they fall in a comfortable silence that is only disturbed by the clanking of the dishes touching each other. Every now and then, their fingers brush when he hands her the plates, and though she can still feel the sparks, those simple touches are no longer enough to make her blush in embarrassment as they used to.
His touch is no longer a stranger to her skin. His presence and his warmth have long been registered by her subconscious, marking every cell of her body with his constant presence. It’s been over 5 springs since their childish love finally bloomed into a serious relationship, and by now, both Sasuke and Sakura have grown used to one another. It goes beyond carnal desires or any poor excuse for a casual company, for their hearts share a connection deeper than words could ever describe.
Blame it on the fact that they used to be good friends before or even fate itself, but it’s impossible to deny the fact that they’ve reached the apex of their young love-life, to the point where doing the dishes together feels wholesome in ways neither of them can explain. There’s a sense of domesticity and mutual understanding shared in between unspoken words, and perhaps, that’s why it works so well for them as a couple. Even if they’re very different people, with different routines and personalities, they make it work.
They have enough trust, love and companionship to last for a life-time.
And though that should be enough—hell, that should be more than enough— Sakura can’t help but feel that there’s still something missing.
Something she can’t quite pin-point, but something that makes perfect moments lose their magic, for she knows they just won’t last. Even now, as they’re doing the dishes and making small conversation about how the party went, deep inside, her heart is heavy because she knows that once those dishes are clean, it will all be over and she will be left alone in her apartment before midnight strikes.
No matter how hard she tries, their moments together have their life-spawn shortened by the common laws of the universe, for every time there’s that stupid parting moment in which they both have to go separate ways. It’s painful for her to watch him disappear in the distance, and even if he doesn’t really express it with words, she can see the light in his eyes fading whenever they have to say goodbye. It’s always a new ‘good night’ and never a constant ‘good morning’ for them, and after so long, she’s sick and tired of this.
Perhaps, it’s just her tired-self speaking too loud in her head or even the few drinks she had during the party, but tonight, she doesn’t want the world to stand between them. Tonight, Sakura will break the natural laws, not caring about the consequences of finally taking the next step.
It’s still her birthday, after all. That has to count for something.
Her heart is beating faster now that she has made up her mind, and she realizes that she’s shaking when she picks another fork from his hands. She’s swallowing dry, and if not for the make up in her face, she knows he would be able to see a crimson blush decorating her cheeks. It’s now or never, she thinks. And before she has the chance to talk herself out of it, Haruno Sakura decides to act.
“Uhm... Sasuke-kun.” She starts, her voice shaky as his name slips from her tongue. Clearly, she forgot to think about the proper way of actually saying what she wanted, choosing instead to improvise— something she’s never really been good at. “I was thinking... Why don’t you spend the night here? You don’t have to go home after this.”
“Don’t even think about going to sleep, Sakura. You’re not leaving all of this mess to me.”
“Oi, that’s not what I meant!” She scolded him, a pout taking over her expression. “Shannarou, I just don’t want you to go home all alone at such late hours. Besides, is it wrong for a girl to want to stay with her boyfriend for the night?”
“You pervert.” He smirks, earning an elbow to his ribs in response. For someone so small, it’s undeniable that his girlfriend has some sort of abnormal strength people like her shouldn’t possess.
“Shut up. That’s not what I meant either! I just... I just don’t want you to leave, that’s all.”
Her words come out a little too low, but high enough so that he can hear them. Her voice sounded an octave too-melancholic, and perhaps, that was what made him actually take her offer seriously. “Hn, I guess I could. I don’t have to work tomorrow, so I can go home once when you leave for the hospital.”
“Really?” Sakura starts, a smile now threatening to take over her features. Though she still had to convey her real plan, that was already a win. A small one, but a win, nonetheless. “Well, you don’t have to leave that early if you don’t want to. You can just...stay. Maybe even wait for me to get home from the hospital and then we could eat dinner together.”
“What?” His eyes widen at her idea, and right now, she can’t really tell if his surprised expression is good or bad. “Aren’t you going to stay there until late tomorrow?”
“Well, probably, but you can stay here... is that a problem?”
”It’s not really a problem, but... I just don’t want to abuse your hospitality. It’s still your apartment, Sakura.” He scratches the back of his neck, and she could see that he was truly concerned about his manners. His mother has taught him how to be a gentleman, and even if she loves that about him, right now, she wishes he could let loose and just take her offer.
She bites her lower lip at his words, a puff of annoyance inflating her cheeks at his answer. Her boyfriend’s has never been good at reading her signs, and now, when not even she’s understanding them, the pinkette is starting to freak out.
Things are not going as planned— not that she actually planned anything to begin with. Her head is spiraling as she watches the snow-ball being created by her messy words, and slowly, she can feel her chance slipping through her fingers. If she doesn’t say it now, Sakura’s going to miss her opportunity, and who knows what’s going to happen to them. Will they break up? Will he think she’s not interested in a long-term commitment? Will they never do the dishes again?
No, she’s overthinking again. They have a solid relationship that has been built over the years and she’s not going to ruin it all in one night because she’s acting like a coward. She’s a modern, independent woman. A doctor, damn it. She has done a lot of things that were harder than asking her boyfriend to move in with her.
She can do it. She will do it.
“Sasuke-kun!” Her voice is determined now, her eyes filled with a different fire in them. This is it. No backing out now. “I need to ask you something important. It’s about our future together.”
“Okay... I’m listening.” He states, a little taken aback by her sudden burst. He stops what he’s doing, his dark irises now looking into her emerald ones. They’re holding a certain hope in them, and if anything, she was not expecting him to be paying that much attention to her. She’s feeling pressured by them, intimidated even. Her knees are shaking, her lips are trembling and her mind is suddenly blank.
She can’t do it. Nope. Not with those eyes staring into her soul.
“I-I... I...” Her heart is beating faster, and she feels like it will burst out of her chest any minute now. She’s going to faint, she can tell it.
“What is it, Sakura?”
“I-I...” She swallows, then, sighing as courage escapes her body. The pinkette has chickened out, finally opting for her ever-reliable plan B. “Naruto is an idiot, right?”
“... Yes.” He starts, his brows furrowing in confusion. “But what does that have to do with our future?”
“E-Everything! I mean, did you see how drunk he was tonight? Thank god Sai offered himself to take him home tonight, but we can rely on that forever. As his best friends, we have to do something about it. He lives far from both of us and we need a plan whenever we have a drinking night together.”
A moment of palpable tension grows between them, and right now, she’s sure he can hear her heart beating like crazy inside her chest. I’m an idiot, she thinks, holding back the urge to lower her head and cry. Sakura has just ruined everything, and right now, she’s going to have to pretend to actually care about where Naruto crashes when he’s drunk just so her boyfriend doesn’t think she’s completely crazy.
Ugh, those damn eyes of his. Why do they have to be so *freaking beautiful?
Thankfully, they can also read her like an open book.
“Hn, you’re right.” He says, finally breaking the silence that surrounded them. His voice is calm and understanding, as always, and she can feel her heart settling down at that. If anything, at least, his reaction isn’t bad or anything. “I guess we will have to have a spare room for him when we move in together.”
“Yeah, sure. A spare room when we—“ Her mind stops. Her hands freeze while holding the cloth and her green eyes widen. Her lips part slightly, but no word dares coming out of them.
Did he... Did he just say what she thinks he said?
She doesn’t know what kind of face she’s making right now, but if anything, she’s completely dumbfounded by his words. Sure, it’s not like he’s making a move tonight or anything, but he did say the words, right? Move in together. The three words she was trying so hard to get out of her chest, simply rolled out of his tongue as if it is the most logical thing in the world— and perhaps, it is. He says them in a way as if that decision won’t change their lives forever. As if it won’t affect their routine and the amount of food they have to buy at the grocery store.
It’s a decision that goes beyond a drawer filled with socks or an extra tooth-brush. And even if he sounds as calm as ever, she knows he’s aware of all that, because, if anything, Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t do anything based on impulse. He’s the kind of man who thinks things through and studies every possibility before making a decision.
So that means...
“Sasuke-kun... Are you suggesting that we move in together?”
“Aa.” He nods, no hesitation in his voice. “Weren’t you trying to say the same?”
“I-I... I was?” She says, sounding more like a question, to which he simply quirks an eyebrow in inquiry. If anything, that was not the moment for doubts anymore. “I mean, yes! That was exactly what I was trying to say.”
“Good. Then it’s settled.”
“Is it? Really?” She asks, hope now running through her veins and lighting up her entire system.
“Yes. It’s only natural for people like us, right?”
“Yeah...” He cheeks grow warmer, and her chest suddenly feels lighter. At last, he took the words out of her. “It’s settled, then.”
At last, their days of saying goodbye are counted and now they can enjoy each other from dawn to dusk.
A smile slowly makes its way to her eyes, and she can’t help but switch her attention to him. Sasuke is now looking at her, a soft expression taking over his face. She’s bewildered right now as she looks at the man who will be living with her. Totally and completely marveled, and more in love with him than she has ever been before in her life.
He understands her unsaid words and they share similar ideas regarding their past, present and future.
They are in love, and now, they’re ready to share the same roof above their pretty, little heads.
“You’re still staying with me tonight, right?”
“Tch.You really are a pervert, Sakura.”
He splashes her face with some water from the sink and her giggles fill her kitchen with joy. They’re young and in love, and for now, that’s all they need to take the next step towards their future together.
the end
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beansbeware · 3 years
Beans’ Bagginshield Recs
Here it is! My first rec list eight years since I first started shipping Bagginshield. When this lockdown started (and ended and started again) I found myself re-reading OG/classics and discovering new ones. Sifting through my AO3 history I realized I have read and already forgotten so much fic over the years. For a while, I though the ship had run its course but as we can see now, Bagginshield lives! Check back for updates as I discover (and remember) more fics. Pay attention to the tags and trigger warnings! 
I Sang In My Chains Like The Sea by orphan_account for lincesque, IronPanda
In which Bilbo is a Jaeger pilot candidate, and Middle Earth stands on the brink of destruction. (Pacific Rim AU) [Wasn’t sure how this one worked but man it did]
At the Turn of the Year by northerntrash
They say that strange things live in the woods, fair folk and things more spirit than man; don't step between the old oaks, parents mutter to their children, or they might find you, and eat you. Thorin never believed that, but now winter is settling into his bones, the shadows are growing longer through the hoar frost, and he is lost among the trees.
And it was there that Thorin met him, that strange, laughing creature, walking barefoot through the bracken.
Homeward Bound by perkynurples for 61Below
His life slips away from him on an elven boat carrying him overseas, and there is one last journey Bilbo Baggins must take if he truly means to arrive home.
Sansûkh by determamfidd
The battle was over, and Thorin Oakenshield awoke, naked and shivering, in the Halls of his Ancestors.
The novelty of being dead fades quickly, and watching over his companions soon fills him with grief and guilt. Oddly, a faint flicker of hope arises in the form of his youngest kinsman, a Dwarf of Durin's line with bright red hair.
(Follows the story of the War of the Ring).
The Great Shire Conspiracy by Avelera for Emsiecat
Ten years later, Bilbo can't even go to the Green Dragon without a dwarven tourist buying him a beer and sobbing over Bilbo's great tragic love affair with Thorin Oakenshield. Which would all be quite touching and heartbreaking, if not for one little thing...
Dark (generally not a fan but this one made the cut)
Pain-Bearer by lilithiumwords (unfinished)
In an alternate reality, Erebor was never taken by Smaug, and the War of Dwarves and Orcs never happened. The Orcs invaded the Shire, slaughtering hundreds and taking countless more as slaves. Bilbo is slave to Azog, the Dwarf King's mortal enemy... until the Dwarf King rescues him.
Dwarves! in the Shire
Selling to Hobbits by HildyJ 
Exiled from his kingdom and living on the mercy of others, Thorin is determined to make his own way in the world for him and his family. And the annual Summer Fair in Hobbiton sounds like the best place to sell enough of his crafted goods to do just that.
Oak and Mistletoe by HildyJ (series)
After a life dominated by a strange form of sickness, Thorin is sent to the Shire to seek a cure only Bilbo Baggins can offer.
Erebor - Nope, Never Fell 
A Most Sensible Idea by HildyJ
Bilbo Baggins isn't sure about this. Not one bit.
Frodo is definitely too young to enter into an arranged marriage with a dwarven king called Thorin Oakenshield. It's a good thing that Bilbo is there to chaperone him through their courtship.
After all, there's no chance that a fussy hobbit bachelor would ever catch the eye of a king.
Signs and Meanings by HildyJ
It shouldn't matter to Thorin that the visiting hobbit cook doesn't speak his language. But it does.
Per Aspera by northerntrash
Deep in the dungeons of the Kingdom of Erebor, in an old, unused storeroom, lived a Hobbit.
In which Bilbo Baggins, a strangely successful thief, makes a mistake, and meets a Prince.
Erebor - Rebuilding
Mother-Tongue by northerntrash for HildyJ
Forget-me-not: a small flower, with four petals, which are normally found in shades of blue with a pink or white centre. These are traditional flowers of intent in the Shire, used to express true love, and remembrance.
In which Bilbo plans to leave Erebor, and Thorin tries to understand why.
Previous Engagements by Lunarflare14
After the Battle of Five Armies Thorin and Company have a new task: rebuilding their reclaimed home. Suddenly Bilbo finds himself up to his ears in responsibility and he surprises himself with how well he can navigate negotiations with elf dignitaries, farmers in Dale, and a dwarf king who has patience for neither.
But as Spring approaches a caravan from the Blue mountains brings something everyone had nearly forgotten: the dwarf woman Thorin promised his hand to many years ago.
Which is fine. It's all fine. It wasn't like Bilbo was falling in love with the king or anything.
That would be tragic.
And I'm Your Lionheart by Lee_Whimsy
Bilbo lingers in Erebor while Thorin recovers from his wounds, and soon finds himself caught up in politics, romance, and the occasional kidnapping. Ensemble cast. AU. Eventually Thorin/Bilbo.
Fix-Its (Gawd we need them)
An Expected Journey by MarieJacquelyn
For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right?
Of course, change is a fickle thing and not everything can be done again as Bilbo is about to find out. In the end, it may not only be salvation that he’s fighting for.
though the stars walk backward by baggvinshield, killaidanturner
Bilbo wakes, always in Erebor, with dark shadows to one side and the first light of a terrible dawn to the other.
An Expected Journey by MarieJacquelyn
For years Bilbo has written about his adventures and told stories about his dealings with dwarves and dragons. To most it seemed like fanciful nonsense but to Bilbo it was all very real. A weight followed him home from his travels, one called regret. Now in his final moments Bilbo has a choice to make – go quietly into death’s embrace or go back again and face all the fear and pain for the chance to make things right?
Of course, change is a fickle thing and not everything can be done again as Bilbo is about to find out. In the end, it may not only be salvation that he’s fighting for.
Over Your Shoulder by northerntrash
The battle is over, and the lost have been counted. There is too much death, too much blood, and in the middle of it sits one small Hobbit, left quite alone but for a body on the ground and the memory of what might have been. But he is a tenacious creature, and if there is one thing that he has learnt, it is not to give up hope.
In which Bilbo Baggins goes on one last journey, and doesn't come back alone.
Historical Setting
The Ghost And Mr Baggins by perkynurples
They say that everything can be cured by saltwater - sweat, tears or the sea. Bilbo Baggins chooses the last option, taking his recently orphaned nephew and moving to the charming Oak Cottage, overlooking England’s grislier shores. The house charms him instantly, and though he knows nothing at all about the sea, or about making ends meet on his own so far from everything he’s known his whole life for that matter, he’s quite determined to stay, and see his nephew get better, odd sounds in the night be damned. He’s living in a modern world, after all, and the nonsense he’s been hearing about the house being haunted by its former owner, the mysterious Captain Durin, is just silly superstition… isn’t it?
Hobbit! Thorin
I've Grown a Hedge Around My Heart by pibroch (littleblackdog)
Thorin Brandybuck, just recently come of age, still lives in his family’s smial in Buckland, with his parents and two younger siblings. Thorin is an odd duck amongst his relations and neighbours-- unsociable, grumpy, shy, and awkward. And beyond that, he looks rather strange even for a Bucklander, strongly favouring the thick, dark haired build of his Stoorish blood.
It defies all sense and reason why Bilbo Baggins, an exemplar of all the respectable traits Thorin lacked, would ever desire a friendship with him.
Bilbo, as Thorin discovers, is not always as sensible as he appears.
Marriage (or something like it)
An Unexpected Proposal by Eareniel
As Bilbo sat smoking in his empty hobbit hole, he couldn’t help but wonder – when did his life become so boring? Or better yet – when did his old life stop being enough?
He suspected the answer to that question lay somewhere around the time when he had refused Thorin Oakenshield’s offer of marriage.
Something Blue by Lapin
Thorin marries Bilbo after the Battle of Five Armies, a marriage of convenience, not love. Slowly, they must come to make the best of it, Bilbo resolves. After all, he's a Hobbit. They make the best of things.
Magical/Super Powers
On Adventures and Other Forms of Conduct Unbecoming of a Wizard by manic_intent for beingevil
For as long as even the old Gaffer could remember there had been a wizard living in the hill at Bag End, overlooking the Shire. As wizards went, this one wasn't the wandering sort, always out to lure gentle folk out onto nasty adventures, or even the powerful kind, the sort that lived in high towers, reaching out into the ways of the world.
Modern Setting
Old Stone, New Fires by northerntrash
Bilbo was not sure what he had expected when he had agreed to supervise the restoration of Erebor House, on the lonely tidal island in the North sea, but it was not this. The winters up here are cold and harsh, and there is a strange feeling on the air, thick with the brine of the sea and secrets to which he is not privy; there is some part of the long and troubled history of the place that has not been spoken of, a shadow between the broken family gravestones and the caves beneath the cliffs, dark and dangerous.
Perhaps it is all in Bilbo’s mind, but as the nights grow longer, he starts to doubt it, and as Thorin sinks ever deeper into black and incalculable moods, he will have to find what has been lost, before it takes them all.
For This by northerntrash
Thorin Durin had lived in his new flat for approximately eighty four minutes when things started to go terribly, terribly wrong. The wrongness came in the form of a package, delivered to his door, wrapped in brown paper and string, with a small tag wishing him a very sincere welcome to the building.
Nothing Gold Can Stay by perkynurples
Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure?
Love-In-Idleness by perkynurples
Taking Bilbo Baggins, a successful movie actor who is only just getting used to the perks and intricacies of becoming A Face People Want To See, and putting him together with Thorin Oakenshield, with his very traditional (read: slightly backwards) ideas about what constitutes Real Art and Real Talent, might very well be viewed as just some clothead’s idea of a joke. But there are jokes, and then there are carefully calculated risks the size of controversial reproductions of classic Shakespearean plays - for Bilbo, it is the chance of a lifetime to prove himself to all those who have ever deemed him too one-dimensional to even attempt stage, while Thorin has the opportunity to get out of the rut that’s been hindering his career for so long now, and shine in a role worthy of his talent once again. That is if the two learn how to share the same space for more than ten minutes without wanting to tear each other’s hair out. The course of true love never did run smooth, after all…
If There Were Water by stickman
Bilbo Baggins might be in over his head. He’s purchased an old stone house atop a hill overlooking a city he doesn’t know, and plans to live quietly, largely ignoring the rest of the world. But it’s early April, the rainy season, and the roof leaks, and there's something strange about Bywater House that he can't quite figure out.
Thorin Oakenshield is in his fourth month of trying to reconcile his own grief with his failures at anything remotely resembling a competent single parent, living out of a shoebox flat with Fíli (seven, sullen, and stubborn as hell) and Kíli (five, resilient but cracking), working crap jobs and hating everything including himself.
Under the cover of rainy afternoons and sleepless nights, roof repairs and building restoration, Bilbo and Thorin try to figure out how one navigates isolation, and how one breaks out of it. Every step they manage to take forward finds them dragged back again; every question asked has too many answers, or too few. This is a story about living in a world where everyone is on their own, always, and how things go on.
How the West Was Won and Where It Got Us by stickman
Bilbo is a harried 1st year British literature Ph.D. (early 20th century fiction) who happens to have an interest in spatial narrative structures, a lack of time-management skills, and a tiny apartment with a lot of books and very little furniture. He’s stressed, always, and doesn't quite know where he belongs. He tells himself that really, this is, in fact, what he wants to be doing. But sometimes, as much as he loves books, he gets an urge to do something with his hands.
Thorin is a disgruntled M.Arch. 1 in his last year who can’t be arsed to shave and frightens his students, and, frankly, his profs, but his work is top-notch so no one can really say much. They can, however, bully him into running a hands-on design workshop on Saturday mornings, which is complete crap, because he’s used to drinking his Friday nights into oblivion so showing up at Milstein at 7:45 the next morning and trying to teach in a room of wall-to-wall windows as the sun rises is not at the top of his list. Besides, no one ever shows up.
Except one morning, someone does.
The Boy You Met (At The Coin Laundry) by Lee_Whimsy
Bilbo accidentally spends a summer in Ireland. One rainy day, Thorin appears in the hotel laundry room, naked and dripping wet and about to propose. (But not, unfortunately, to Bilbo.)
Gandalf, Thranduil, and a handful of Spanish footballers all guest-star.
Hooked On You by Chamelaucium
Thorin should have learnt not to trust his brother and sister by now.
Come with us on holiday, they’d said. It’ll be fun, they’d said. A nice break from work.
Yeah right. All this holiday had brought him was being knocked around the head, acute hay-fever, and the biggest, most ridiculous crush ever on the cute, golden-haired fishing instructor.
One-Sided Conversations by northerntrash
"Thank you for listening," Thorin said, getting to his feet. "I hope to be able to return the favour, one day."
The man on the bed didn't respond, but since he'd been in a coma for longer than Thorin had known him, that wasn't entirely surprising.
you lick your lips (you taste like years of being alone) by perkynurples for stopchasingflowers
Thorin Oakenshield was born without the longing, and has spent his whole life merely observing others as they pursued a feeling unknown to him until they finally found their One. He has made his peace with the prospect of being alone, and has been faring well enough, but little does he know the fates have a different story in store for him.
Things We Grow Together by serenbach
Dwarves are born with a bone-deep knowledge of their One, but Thorin stops feeling the pull of his after the dragon attacks Erebor. Needless to say, he is surprised, and not initially pleased, to find his One living behind a round green door decades later.
Hobbits find a seed that represents their innermost self and can offer it to someone else to plant. This creates a bond as strong as deep roots in the earth between them. It is just like Bilbo, after years of thinking that no one would want his, to offer his soul-seed to a dwarf that does not understand gardening metaphors.
But just because they have found each other does not make the quest to reclaim Erebor any easier, and in the end a sacrifice is still made.
Thorin has to trust in the strength of the bond between himself and his One, because otherwise he will never believe that the sacrifice was worth it.
Colour-struck by northerntrash
Soul mates are like adventures, Bilbo had often consoled himself. Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things that made you late for dinner. It was no great hardship that he had never met his, even if he couldn't tell which of his petunias were blue and which were purple.
Discovering Mr Baggins by Eareniel
The story of a Hobbit, told through the eyes of the dwarves.
Thorin Oakenshield's Majestic Diary by Fruitsie
Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain and Totally Majestic Badass of Middle Earth, does not have a raging hard-on for Bilbo Baggins.
No, seriously.
Just read his diary.
Call You Home by northerntrash
In which the Company are entirely too nosy about matters that are supposed to be a secret, and Bilbo learns that being concerned about propriety is overrated when you could be making friends instead.
Time Travel (because walking Middle Earth is not enough)
Of an Arcane Binding by Salvia_G
An inexplicable magic ties Bilbo Baggins, hobbit of the Shire, to Thorin, dwarven prince of Erebor
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Damage Is Done - Little Movie Star Chapter Three (Jensen Ackles x Daughter!Reader)
[Actors-Masterlist], [Little Movie Star-Masterlist]
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter 
Summary: Jensen & Danneel were ready to break the news. Surprisingly, so were you. You should have known better than that. Good feelings disappeared more sooner than later. How stupid of you to think that things were going in the right direction.
Words: 1,761
Warnings: fluff, cyber bullying, panic attack, fake social media posts (picture credits go to their rightful owners)
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Things were going slow. And you could tell that the tension built itself whenever you distanced yourself more again. But you were trying, you really were. Jensen & Danneel could tell. They saw you struggling when you took part in their family activities. Your body language gave you away a lot of times. Neither of them commented on it, though. Communication was improving. More often, you spoke up when something happened you did not like & Jensen & Danneel did the same for you. Sometimes, it hurt a bit, when they told you that the way you acted was not appropriate. Sometimes, you stormed off to your room to cool down, only for you to come out a bit later to apologize for your behavior. Danneel was incredibly proud of the change you had been through so far. She could tell that Jensen & you shared a stronger bond but that was one thing Bill had warned them about. Whatever family you were put in, you usually connected faster with the fathers. In her head, she was already planning a girls day with you. Shopping & all that. Maybe that would help your bonding process.
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You were eating breakfast when Jensen started a conversation that left you…unsure.
“So, we were thinking about breaking the news to the world. What do you say?” he eyed you carefully, waiting for some sort of reaction. You stopped eating for a second & looked down at your plate.
“For publicity?” the words were quiet but they could hear you crystal clear.
“Do you really think we need publicity?” Danneel joked & you were lucky that she eased the tension. Even a chuckle escaped you & finally, you looked up at them.
“What are you guys thinking? How do you wanna do this?” you asked, now starting to like the idea of them wanting you to be an official part of their family. It was fast but you thought if the world knew you were a part of the Ackles, then you might have an easier time accepting it yourself. They explained that they planned a simple Instagram post. Nothing more, nothing less. A picture with the six of you. The thought scared you but you agreed anyway which earned you two big smiles.
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“Hey, Jensen?” walking over to where he was sitting, he turned his attention to you. “Could you help me with something, please?” you felt stupid to ask for help, especially because of something like that but you knew he had more experience than you.
“Sure thing. What is it?” he looked intrigued & then confused when you handed him your phone after sitting down next to him.
“Um… I don’t have any social media accounts but I’d like to get them started? I thought you might know what’s fitting & what isn’t.” Jensen seemed more than happy to help you out. It did not happen every day that you came & asked him something. So when you did, he appreciated it.
The two of you played around for a while. Jensen explained the basics. Even though you had to admit that he was not the pro you believed him to be. It was alright & in the end, you had a twitter & an Instagram account (@iam(Y/N)ackles). At first, you were against the handle. After all, your last name was not Ackles. But Jensen insisted that it was right for you to have these account names. He helped you setting everything up & you started following people you liked, starting with Jensen & Danneel, obviously. Followed by the rest of the Supernatural cast.
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At the end of the day, after you took the picture Jensen & Danneel wanted to post, you were very nervous. The picture turned out to be incredibly cute. You were holding Zep in your arms, Arrow had been held by Danneel & JJ was sitting on Jensen’s lap. Immediately, you set this picture as your phone wallpaper, smiling wildly when you did so. All of a sudden, your phone was flooded with notifications. Both, on twitter & Instagram. Annoyed by the dinging sound, you turned them off completely. Jensen & Danneel tagged you in their posts & you were gaining hundred, thousands of followers in a very short time.
“(Y/N)? We posted the pic, just so you know.” but by the way you were looking at your phone, Jensen could tell you already knew this. He told you that it was probably better if you turned off the notifications but you brushed him off, saying you already did.
“Have you looked at it yet?” curiosity was written over his features. Shaking your head as an answer, he nudged you & told you to go on. Taking a deep breath, you opened Instagram & immediately were met with the picture on your timeline. The picture put a smile on your face again. You guys really looked cute. Like a cute little family. Then you went to read the caption.
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Scrolling down, you saw Danneel’s post with the same caption & tears threatened to spill. You had not cried in front of other people in so long but right now, you could not hold back anymore. Gratitude was rushing over you & before you knew what was happening, Jensen wrapped his arms around you & pulled you into a hug. This time, you did not reject him, needing the comfort of another person. It felt good to be hugged, you had almost forgotten how much you actually loved it
“Thank you.” you mumbled into his chest. Jensen simply stroked his hands up & down your back. He could tell that this was a huge step. You were hugging, after all, & he was more than thankful to share this special moment with you. When you heard Danneel entering the room, you rushed over to her & gave her a hug, too. You could feel that your body was not reacting the same way when you were wrapping your arms around Jensen but it felt good nevertheless.
The rest of the day, conversation flowed easier. Dinner was filled with laughter & you guys chatted a lot. This act, of them posting you on their social media, showed you that they were not going away anytime soon. They were in for the long haul. Still, there was this awful voice in your head but tonight, it sounded a bit further in the distance, a bit more quiet than usual. That night, you decided to do a movie marathon. You had done them before but this one felt…different. It felt easier. You found yourself enjoying their company more & for a second, you had hope. Hope in the future. Hope in your new…family. Would you ever feel comfortable calling them your family? Maybe, if you kept going forward at this pace, then maybe you would.
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Laying in bed, you wanted to check out the posts one more time. By now, you had thousands of followers even though you had zero posts on your account. Maybe you should repost the picture? Yeah, you could do that. Your thoughts were interrupted when you made the big mistake of going through the comment section under Jensen’s picture. Yes, there were a lot of positive responses, especially from his castmates, but when you kept scrolling, you found one hate comment after the other. They were awful to read through.
“really? she’s ugly as hell lmao”
“why would they choose her?”
“probably thinking she’s better than everyone lol”
“she should go back where she came from”
“wtf??? leave our ackles alone, bitch”
Tears were streaming down your face, this time because you were genuinely hurt by their words. One mistake followed the other & you were scrolling through your message requests. One was worse than the other. There were literal death threats people were sending you & you did not understand a thing. Nobody knew you & yet they were already building an opinion about you. Angry at yourself for reading through them & angry that you agreed on making a post for Instagram, you turned your phone off & threw it at the end of the bed. All good feelings had disappeared. Maybe they were right. You knew you were not pretty. You had asked yourself a billion times why they chose you out of everyone. You were sure they would send you back once they read through the comments. No matter how hard you tried to calm down, you could not catch your breath & started hyperventilating. Shit, you were about to have a panic attack. You had suffered from them ever since you were little but the last one had been ages ago. Usually, you would run to Bill & he would talk you through it. But he was hours away & he would most likely be asleep by now. Contemplating if you should go to Jensen & Danneel, you decided against it after the comments were repeating themselves in your head. So you just let the panic overcome you. It was better to let it out than to push it down further, you knew that. But having to go through such a period alone was everything but easy. Telling yourself you were fine & safe over & over again exhausted the shit out of you. It felt like hours but when you were finally at a point where your breaths evened out & your heartrate slowed down, you fell asleep almost immediately. Tomorrow, you had to talk to them, you knew it. Maybe they would be aware of the comments by then & would start the conversation. How were you supposed to start such a conversation anyway? Hi, your fans hate me & send me death threats. Come on, that sounded stupid. But the thing was that it did not feel stupid to you. Their words hurt you & Jensen & Danneel told you to come to them & be open with them if something bothered you. There was enough time for that in the morning, though. For now, sleep seemed like the best option & the best distraction. You just hoped that your dreams would be kinder to you than your family’s “fans”.
~to be continued~
Next Chapter 
Published (04/03/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @vicmc624​, @imaginationisgrowth, @stoneyggirl​, @alyispunk​, @thevelvetseries​, @multifandomlover121, @samsgirl93​, @supernatural3002​, @diabetes-03, @prettyybubblesintheair, @originalsoulcollector​, @vir-tual, @bellero​, @sergantbuckybarnes (let me know if you wanna be tagged <3)
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