#owari no seraph theorie
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lynnlyrae · 7 months ago
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…… I think I read too many vampire related manga
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lostsoulaltair · 6 months ago
OnS Analysis - Everything connects. The final spiderweb.
Hello everyone. On the last post I updated, I mentioned I'd talk about certain topic regarding the story along how Yuu might actually underestimate Guren and company but at the end of the day, this is merely an analysis and a theory to some extent.
P.S: Analysis are held within a neutral view
First of all, to some degree it was rather special that Yuu was the first to take independent action regarding his fate along what he wanted to achieve, which of course lead to the Shinoa squad take a path on their own as well.
But now. The first point surges
1. The proof of the spiderweb
To begin with, it is evident that we have had several schemers within the OnS Story, those schemers being: Guren, Mahiru, Rigr Stafford, Ferid Bathory and Shikama Doji.
In the LNs of the Resurrection at 19, it is stated that Shikama Doji or Sika Madu was well known for being someone who could command which empires would rise or fall, leading to having control of "Fate" itself. Of course this changed thanks to Rigr Stafford after he made the Ichinose branch split or distance from the Hiragi Family.
But let's get closer to events that affect the characters.
The fateful encounter
The very first element of this spiderweb between Guren, Yuu, Mika, Mahiru and Ferid lies in the very encounter between Yuu and Guren.
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At the beginning, the story itself felt like coincidence but further events proved that the whole meeting and arrival of Guren was planned from the get go which is revealed after 109 chapters, leading to chapter 110.
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In chapter 110, Mikaela managed to rewind the events that took place when Yuu and him were children, given that their memories were quite the same and his status as a demon allowed him to spot anomalies, he managed to see who were their schemers along realizing that Ferid organized everything so Yuu could leave along making Mikaela turn into a vampire.
The next element to the massive spiderweb is the very fact that the reunion between Mikaela and Yuu once they turned 16 was planned very independent from Guren activating the Seraph within Yuu for the first time.
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Of course at such time, such point could easily be misleading given that it was more aligned to human experimentation than what Guren truthfully sought.
But what was the real reason?
Correct. Guren needed Yuu to actually erase his humanity given that at the beginning of the story; among the three wielders of black demon series, only Yuu had the special drugs to trigger the Seraph trait. This eventually would lead for Yuu to lose his humanity due to the abuse he gave along finally touching the trumphet.
Within this, it also played the role that given the love Yuu felt and the signs of Yuu's bonds with the Hyakuya Sect, specially with Mikaela; this lead to the first awkward statement from Yuu.
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The next part that follows up is the fact of the purpose or reason. Guren never lied in the fact that he needed to use Yuu along Mikaela.
The very first time Guren opened on his use for Yuu given that he was the vital piece for the Resurrection was back in chapter 59.
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Now, this might feel like a disconnection but actually, it connects to the fact that in chapters 113-114, Guren explained briefly the requirements for the Resurrection but of course, that wasn't the real plan at all.
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The beginning of the battle against the First and the birth of Demon Mikaela.
Now, following up with this, Mikaela's transformation as a Demon wasn't just something that was within sight from the First Progenitor but also a plan from Guren and Mahiru. But what was the whole purpose for it?
Truth to be told, there is actually a purpose but just like the other points, it was made from a finite spiderweb as well.
Given that Mikaela was a test subject for carrying the Michaela Trait and the Seraph Trait, he was bound to be special and among the abilities he had, was the fact that in contrast to the other demons, Mikaela was able to see through Yuu's memories into more depth.
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And this of course, eventually led to something Mahiru aimed from the get go, since in chapter 110 she suggested they needed to figure out who they were millenia ago.
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Back in chapter 120, Yuu and Mikaela finally chose to discover who they were but, the question might pop: If the purpose was for them to see their memories and identities, was there a need to split them?
This connects to the next point.
2.Is Yuu in control of his own fate or is he actually dancing on Guren's palm?
Answering the question in point 1; there is actually a reason as to why Guren, Mahiru and Ferid needed the Squad to split but this is divided in two points.
1. Adquiring the remaining sinful keys.
First of all, way back from old chapters, it was known that there were seven sinful keys, but so far, we were able to see in total 4 within the manga, one being held by Yuu in chapter 139 making them 5, and lastly the mystery of the remaining two as shown in the same chapter.
(Side note: I know that in the LN of the Resurrection we see Mahiru getting one on her neck...though, as to why now there are physically 5 in the current manga, I don't know, perhaps that sinful key Mahiru got had its use or was more akin to a prototype. This is mere speculation)
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Given that Shinoa was aware that Guren and Mahiru along the aid of Ferid were pretty much planning things without letting vital information float for the whole squad, and considering the lack of power at that time. Shinoa's squad pretty much stayed like lambs, taking in consideration that Yoichi and Kimizuki never got their Seraph trait exploited like Yuu. This left with the consequence of an umbalanced Squad and any hope of fighting against Guren would be a complete loss.
But given the new events of Shinoa finally analyzing everything that has happened so far along gaining coinfidence, this led for her to finally have a vast amount of power along ensuring her friends and family aren't deceived any longer by fake promises.
Along this, she is aware Ferid is stupidly smart, she was aware that Guren's team made Ferid keep an eye on them hence why she spied on them back in chapter 139; this of course led for her to know that within her squad there are two sinful key sources which of course are Yoichi Saotome and Shiho Kimizuki.
2. Divide and Conquer. Dancing in the palm of Guren
While it's good that Yuu and Mika chose their fate to their own hands; Mika and Yuu are pretty much dividing and conquering but there's one issue here. Which is it?
Correct. He's not the only one using such tactic. The second one using them from the very beginning was Guren's team.
But why?
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Back in chapter 130, there was a flashback showing Ferid, Guren and very likely ghost type Mahiru to check the memories of Yuu and Mika, leaving an open ending about such events.
But why do I state they're still dancing to someone's tune?
Given that Guren exploited the nature of Mikaela's distrust towards humanity along having the knowledge of Mahiru of how perceptive he was; Guren knew that if the Squad along Yuu and Mika, there would be a difference in terms of power given that the squad would have played the role of supporters in a real combat.
Hence why instead of making such scenario, the best one was of dividing and conquering while making certain Yuu and Mika would dive into their pasts along ensuring to get one special thing Guren needs. What could it be?
Correct. The three spells and power of the First.
But how can I state this?
This follows up by the nature of the First. He was secretive always evading and making his web to counter possibilities but what he didn't have in sight was the very issue that Guren was one of the few that could go against such flow along the inclusion of Ferid Bathory to such team.
But in order to trigger such massive miracle, they need power of an equivalent force for such miracle.
Yuu and Mika so far have joined with the progenitors but at the same time, those progenitors are the very target of Ferid Bathory. Quite ironic isn't it?
At the end, it is possible that a decisive battle between Guren and Yuu takes place and this time won't be about letting win someone but rather defeating and proceeding with their agenda.
What do you think guys? Let me know !
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highway-road23 · 8 months ago
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Why do I have feelings that the blade Mikaela killed himself with it, was the same blade Mahiru gave Guren to poison him even more on Catastrophe at 16 novel 4?
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yuukiyuunairumafan · 8 months ago
Stop trying to blame Mahiru.
"She's a monster." "She manipulate Guren." "She use Guren."
First thing first, ever since the beginning, it had been proved that, in chapter 97, both Mahiru and her sister Shinoa was born with demon implanted inside them. And yeah, she's also a freaking test subject. A guinea pigs. Seriously, it doesn't make sense if you guys try to blame her for everything she did. If you read Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at Sixteen, you'll understand what I mean by that. Mahiru, in order to protect and save Shinoa, she take the role as the guinea pigs. She's suffering in silence. It also had been claimed by Shinoa herself that the person who would go against her death is Mahiru. Shinoa is Mahiru source of happiness. She's the one in the Hiiragi family that she truly cared about. Okay, how could you expect someone who have went through hell since childhood to be sane? At that time where Mahiru make a deal with Tenri, he already have Shinoa as the hostage. And as you guys can see in some chapter, Mahiru appeared to be killing some soldier from the JIDA. And there's one person who clearly say "As expected of Mahiru-sama" It seem like all the followers whose been working with Tenri know pretty well and very aware of what they are doing. Back then, she was still a child. Mahiru also the victim of the Hiiragi Family. Not only Shinya, Shinoa and Guren.
It had been stated by Shinoa herself that being born into the Hiiragi family, familial love doesn't exist. Which make sense on why Mahiru beat Shinoa at chapter 97. Growing up without familial love might make Mahiru wonder "what is love?" "How does it feel?" And so, Mahiru, whose grow up with her live being controlled by the Hiiragi family, might as well doesn't really know and know very little of which is right and which is wrong. She think that beating Shinoa can save her from being possessed by Shikama Doji. She saw this as an act of love. She saw this abuse as an act of love. It's all because of her messed up life. Being experimented on since birth, she already think that this is normal. The "I love you" from Mahiru was truly genuine. If she didn't take this kind of action, Shinoa might as well unable to hold back Shikama. It's all thanks to Mahiru that Shikama never possessed Shinoa up until she started to developing feelings towards Yuichiro Hyakuya. Mahiru is also a human being. She have heart. She does. She too, have feelings and emotions like others. All Mahiru wish is to be a normal girl. She is someone who was desperate for other love. Being the only daughter in the Hiiragi family before Shinoa, she is responsible of heavy responsibility and duty. Just like Kureto. Even if it was clear that Mahiru can control her demon, we must not forget she has been experimenting on herself to make sure of it. However, due to her lingering love and affection towards Guren, it simply turn her love into an obsession. And at Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at Sixteen chapter 17, Mahiru had call Guren to hear his voice. She also had indeed, requesting him to kill her.
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She know it's too late already. But still, she never stopped telling him and asking him to kill her. But Guren, being stubborn, refusing to kill her as he is still inlove with her. He wanted to save her. He does. But in the end, he can't. He had to watches the person he loved the most turn into a demon. And the worse part is that, he had cursed Mahiru for enternity to forever be his demon stuck inside his swords. Which is also his own cursed gear.
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And just look at Guren expression. He was clearly hurt by this as his fist were clenches tightly. Mahiru cry. Tears falling down her amber eyes, following down to her cheeks. She smiles lovingly yet sadly as she tell Guren that she love him. She too, had asked for Guren to kill her before it's too late because she doesn't want her love, her feelings and emotions to be faded away by her own demon. She's scared. And truly care for Guren and Shinoa. She gripped her chest through the fabric of her uniform, signalling that she is hurt and having a hard time on controlling her demon to keep it under control. She doesn't want to turn into a selfish, manipulative demon who only care about is their master desire. She left the path. The right one. It's all because she wanted to seek out power to save them. Mahiru love Shinoa. She just can't show it. What did you expect if she didn't love Shinoa, she wouldn't make that kind of deal with Tenri. "Do not use Shinoa as a test subject." And with that, she struck off the wings of a genius. She too, willing to cut off Shikama from Shinoa body and put it inside her own body. It was clear on why Mahiru human self is starting to dissapear. When she already have a hard time controlling one demon. Not to mention now she doesn't have only one, but two. It only increasing the chances of having her humanity to be faded away faster. And so, her action is all was because of her demon. Not because of her. She already explain from the started that she wanted Guren and only Guren to kill her. And yet, he keep trying to save her. That's why. But don't blame Guren. He's inlove with Mahiru too much that he is unable to kill her and always been trying to find a way to save her and free her from the curse. He done this for Mahiru. For the person he loved. The girl he loved.
Stop trying to blame Mahiru. She doesn't deserve the hate. For those who agreed with me, please make a comment.
And yes, I know that Mahiru is a genius. She is. But still, she need someone to at least guide her.
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amethystroselily · 11 months ago
My new fun little theory is that Yoichi murdered Narumi and that’s why he just kind of disappeared.
…This started as a joke but then I remembered there actually kind of is evidence for this in the middle of writing this so then I went to make sure and yep.
Narumi’s last appearance is here in chapter 77 where he leaves with Yoichi and Kimizuki and is never seen again.
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And then the next time we see kimizuki is here in chapter 80
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And then yoichi doesn’t catch up until (ch 81) after Saito shows up and stabs mirai and talks to Shikama and the fight starts.
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So what took Yoichi so long hm🤨? That’s Right! He was murdering Narumi! Or keeping lookout, but until we learn whatever actually happened to Narumi, that’s what I choose to believe happened because it’s hilarious.
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distinguished-slacker · 2 years ago
Angy about how we have known about Mitsuba and Shinoa knowing each other before the formation of the Shinoa squad ever since chapter 8 and still… a decade, 4 months and 5 days later the manga never ever touched this subject again…ever…
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feridsluver · 7 months ago
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🥀The bathory parallel🥀
♡Little note :So hello hellooo I'm back <3
Side note: The crimes of Elizabeth are not confirmed to be true. These are myths but most authors use these myths of the bathory household for their story writing. Example would be Bram Stroker's Dracula. (Inspired by both Vlad the impaler and Elizabeth bathory)
Yesterday I was realising smth right. Ferid is inspired by the blood countess Elizabeth Bathòry. And I thought of their parallels and boy they are more similar than I anticipated them to be....
No.1: Both Bathory royalties have used needles that correlated back to a disturbing event.
Example: Elizabeth used needles and pins to torture young girls by putting them under their fingernails.
Example for Ferid: Ferid literally fished a needle out of a dead corpse. (I'm not sure if he inserted into the carcass but who knows)
No.2 Both decide to brutally torture or murder their victims that are deemed as pure or innocent
Example for Elizabeth: Elizabeth was a very jealous woman and a sadist( I'll come to that later.) she was infuriated that her innocence was taken away at such an early age. She lost her virginity young and birthed a few children. Therefore targets young girls as she believed that they were to be pure and therefore their blood mustn't be corrupted.
Example for Ferid: as we have seen in the first episode, he decided to also target children to fulfill his plannings. Whilst both have different objectives, Ferid decides to also target the children because he wants to see their hopes being crushed. A child's hope mostly comes from an idealised version of a world or in this case, a plan. Children are by said law very naive and haven't been tainted by the the corrupted world. Ferid wanted them to see how he corrupts them.
no.3 Both royalties have cravings for young blood
This is where I think that Ferid Bathory Takes quite the inspiration off of Erzsbeth Bathory.
Ferid Bathory and Elisabeth bathory correlate children's blood to a delicacy.
For ferid this is a gourmet choice. He has confirmed he hates sour blood, which is found in adults.
For Elisabeth, the blood of the young was a means to also regain her youth that she has lost so early in her life.
🥀Theory🥀: Given that Elisabeth Bathory is the main inspiration for Ferid Bathory, I can imagine that ferid craves young children's blood because he never got to be a child. So to say "he never had had the sweetness of childhood that he can find in his own." Or perhaps he's just a sweet tooth.
No.4 Elisabeth and Ferid were perceived as "strange".
Elizabeth Bathory: her husband had fallen in battle, which left her to be the authority of her land. A lot of people were suspicious of her authority and wealth because she's a woman.
Ferid bathory: Apart from being known for his eccentrics, Ferid has always had a different mind. He remembers things which other people would never be able to remember.
Correlation: Both are seen as strange for different reasons yet are in the same power category. Elisabeth had the authority, military and even was able to influence the king with her amount of power. Similar to ferid, while his mind is what differs him, he too was able to control the vampire councils narrative and also the consumption of young blood (illegally.)
It is interesting to see how Kagami takes a rough concept but shapes Irvin to a different character.
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iloveyanderes · 2 years ago
Guys I am in need of help.
My Friend and I had made a post about unhinged white haired characters that have a braid and how there hot and better then everyone else.
We have decided to make a bunch of honorary mentions.
The main mentions must be, white haired, have a braid, and be unhinged.
Honorary mentions must be unhinged and white haired.
I need help finding ever single unhinged white haired character. Pls help me.
Give me the names of the character and I'm adding it to the post I made about unhinged white haired characters.
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schneereggen · 2 years ago
Hello, I hope you are well, since you have not been active for a long time, I came to ask your opinion about the current story of Seraph. I really like your deep analysis. But before that, I wanted to express my opinion that I was badly disappointed. Why doesn't this story have a real and true and normal villain? Villain is a main pillar in the story and we don't really have such a thing now, and it is clear that Kagami intends to cover up Shikama's crimes. While Shikama has not failed to do anything bad that we don't want to call him a villain. He even wants to create a dark world and destroy humanity, is it reasonable to call him a villain and close our eyes to all his crimes? In the first place, Shikama committed the forbidden (Mikaela's creation) and caused his own punishment. How can I feel sorry for someone like that? I think everything is very illogical and ridiculous. I feel like Kagami doesn't even know what he is writing anymore and he is writing everything for the sake of Mikayu fans. what's your idea?
Hey, thanks for checking. I'm doing well, my priorities just shifted over the last months that's why I'm not that active on Tumblr anymore. I still hop in and hop out of the fandom from time to time. But yeah, the story is tiring at the moment. That's why I don't have not much to say about it.
Still, thank you a lot for asking me. I love analysing the story. But the deeper you dig, the more frustrating it becomes to know what the story would need and what we aren't getting for years now. But I still want to properly answer your question because it interests me as well, what's wrong and why I feel sooooo over bored with the story.
You are totally right, the story by this point has no villain, not in the traditional sense and not even in the meta sense.
As I explained in another analysis, the villain mustn't necessarily be a person. But there needs to be an antagonistic force. Something that prevents the hero from achieving his goal. This can be a person, the limitations of the world or a bunch of characters. Nevertheless a good story needs an obstacle. In case of ONS, the antagonist had been Shikama and other characters for a long time.
But with the characters kind of working together or not being a real threat to Yuu. There was only Shikama left as a villain and when there was the moment for him to appear and show he's a threat he was weak af. He wasn't even an obstacle because other characters already "defused" his powers. On top we are now getting his backstory. Which is fine by me. But do I really bother if I don't know the characters? Sure, they are supposed to be previous versions of more well known characters. But they aren't these characters. So why should I bother?
So now, we are left with no antagonist, no villain, no obstacle to overcome. Maybe god? But that's too vague.
In general the story had always been about Mika and Yuu wanting to save each other. But at the moment it's not even defined how. We only know, Mika will be smart enough and figure out something. But that's it. That's nothing concrete. No Goal to achieve.
Moreover, what's currently happening seems to have nothing to do with that goal. How does it help to know the backstory of Shikama of the goal is to revive and safe Mika. Plus, we all know Shikama failed doing it for thousands of years already.
So having his backstory now indeed feels misplaced. I also feel that kagami wants to give him a reason and a backstory. But why now? Usually the best place to but a tragic backstory would be the point in time where a character is at his lowest. In the case of ONS that would have been the moment Shikama was captured. I could have understand that a glimpse of tue backstory could have been placed there.
But getting it now, where I rather want to know how Yuu's going to figure out something like a plan, it's not the right time to dump the story with lore that (currently) has no connection.
To me it also feels like Mila and Yuu had to be in the story now to serve the fans. But they aren't even necessary. They do react in a minimal way, making it easier for the reader to understand what's going on.
But they aren't actually reflecting or putting the story they are witnessing into a bigger picture or drawing conclusions themselves. Witnessing what's happening has no effect on them, they are only there for the reader. And that's plain boring.
Back to Shikama himself. The story never has judged characters before and left it to other characters and the reader themselves to judge them. He almost never made anyone explicitly evil (except for Tenri) and left them mostly grey.
In that sense, the story at least thinks the readers are smart enough to put what they know about a character and what they learn new in a context themselves. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. In my personal opinion, the story at the moment desperately lacks characters with different options. If the story doesn't judge, let other characters judge.
Let Yuu and Mika remember that Shikama was said "terrible monster" that possessed the Hiragi or let some other character remind them about it.
It's the same with every other potential villain in the story. None of their crimes is ever brought up again as if everyone was a saint now. Guren, Ferid, Saito and most of all Mahiru.
I miss the time were characters were cautious, were every character was against the other because of different goals. It's all too harmonic. And the main reason is that there is no real obstacle, no threat, no clear plan towards the goal.
Even though the story that is told in general might be not as bad. It just doesn't feel like the same compared to the previous storyline which always had that threat, a clear goal and an obstacle to overcome.
Kagami better pick up the right writing books to make the story match his themes again. I feel like a structure had always come to him naturally to him in the past because he had been writing a lot and with passion. But now that he had been struggling for so long, the passion and the flow is gone and he has to do some hard structuring to get it back. I really hope he remembers what made the story enjoyable in the first place. And that it wasn't only Mika and Yuu to begin with.
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makotoarashi · 2 years ago
I love WikiFandom
Okay so I just found out that there are official dates/years about when Owari no Seraph is happening and when characters were born by year. Yuu would be about my age by now if it was all real.
Yuu was born in October 16, 2004
Mika was born in May 1, 2004
I’m from July 16, 2005
Yuu was last seen in Hyakuya orpahanage at age 8, before and after Mika helped him and other orphans get back to the building soon after vampires released the virus (2013)
There were small memories of Yuu, being nagged by Mika to join his family more than one time, they could be 8 and 10 by that time (2013&2015)
Yuu escaped from vampires at age 12, meanwhile Mika was turned into a vampire by Krul, all after all the other orphans were killed by Ferid (2017)
Four years pass and Yuu becomes a soldier to fight vampires probably at age 15 assumed on the weather he wasn’t lawfully and physically 16 yet but Mika could already be 16 since warmer seasons couldn’t really be visible amongst city ruins (2021)
The rest of the war displayed in anime lasts about a year if you take weather change, snow, as proof (2021-2022):
At some point it started to snow (Mika watching and catching snowflakes in his hand; it could imply him worrying about missing Yuu’s birthday for the fourth time) so the year was about to end without New Year’s celebration (2021)
Last timeskip in anime said few months later then shows summer-like atmosphere by the beach which means Mika already turned 17 and Yuu was stil 16 (2022)
So according to those calculation I could be sent to war and the world would be nothing but ruins, soon to be rebuilt, right now.
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chalkprinzlove · 4 months ago
decided to get this place back to life 🥴 now that discord is banned i have no more excuses to not use tumblr
Will probably mostly post theories here, about owari no seraph, final fantasy, genshin etc or whatever i feel like ;D
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namimikan · 4 months ago
not really holding stock in crowley being ferid’s reincarnated older brother tbh.
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lostsoulaltair · 2 months ago
Owari no Seraph - Answer Found. A reason to live
Hello everyone, this post itself is a final conclusion of one of the aspects it's often touched in the manga story...and I finally found the answer to it.
P.S: Theories, analysis, thoughts are held in a neutral view, ships are excluded.
What is a reason to live? Why is it always emphasized on this story?
With the many chapters of the story, we've seen how many characters have talked about a "reason to live" right? Along this we've seen many "finding out one". But...
"Is finding a reason to live equivalent to live for others? Is it equivalent to fulfilling someone's dream?"
The answer to this is a big no. But why? Is there something backing this up?
Such answer lies on the next questions
Have you ever wondered why vampires become demons?
Why even humans can become demons?
Why do demons feed on desires?
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Those questions actually can be answered on the very core of how vampires are made which is back when they were human beings.
The very main task of humanity is to find a purpose, to find a reason and a place in the world. Something that motivates you to live another day and struggle against the constant battles in life.
Thus, let's focus first on the very core group of the three that are bound by desires and emotions. Correct, the first group is
Despite humans being the most emotional group; humans are tasked with finding a purpose. Along the series, we've seen the MC state so many times he's going to live for someone, this also applies with Guren and Mahiru mainly. What do I mean?
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Contrast to what it is believed, Yuu, Guren, Mahiru are characters that haven't found reasons to live; they're living for others along having objectives for others rather than themselves.
Guren ever since he was small he was raised to follow what it meant to be the head of the Ichinose Family. But that responsibility changed when he met Mahiru and saw himself as weak, unable to save the love of his life; adding to this, when his squad was defeated and killed, he was about to give up but he didn't and instead chose to follow the path he chose. Mahiru's destiny was set in stone if she wanted to see her baby sister alive, she had to quit any idea of actually living and finding a purpose. Yuu doesn't love himself, he craves love but there's not a single hint of him focusing on pursuiting a reason to live; a reason that can be called his for his own.
All these three have something in common and that is that they are demons, they've reached a step of becoming demons that exploit their desires.
But for that, let's explore the next group.
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Vampires have the normal desire to drink blood to live, which is an equivalent to humans eating and drinking water to live. Vampires are the group of humans that long gave up on life, they chose a different path instead of finding a path, to find a purpose and Mikaela is a prime example of that. He lives because Yuu is the being that pushes him to continue living but that's very different from actually willing to live along finding a reason to live.
Yuu is a motivation source, but not what Mikaela wants for his own self but let's not confuse that Mika has bad thoughts. But rather, Mikaela is an example of humans who aren't able to be strong against certain conditions and it's normal and something that shouldn't be criticized.
In special conditions, no matter the willpower one's soul carries, some things simply come like a wave, hitting us and overwhelming us. There can be sources that push us to continue but it's not akin as having the will.
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This also applies with the vampire progenitors. They endured trials in their life but instead of walking in the path where the light of the sun lied, they chose the shadows. They resigned their humanity but in exchange, they became unable to find reasons to live.
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Urd for example, given that he has no passion or lively emotions, he can only seek salvation through making vampires humans again, letting them find the final solace which is to die as a human being.
And given that we know that the final path for vampires is to become demons. Let's head towards such group.
The last step for vampires. But why do they become demons? Is that really the end?
Vampires turn into demons not just because they can be made but rather, because they've never found out a reason to live. Hence as demons, they have a neverending craving of human desires so they can keep searching for eternity what they long lost and cannot seek. Demons are bound to get lost given that their former selves gave up in life to find a reason to live and exist.
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One of the best examples for demons is Ashera Tepes. One who accepted the conditions of the First with the long dream of giving a happier world for his sister, Krul Tepes.
For sure, the day he died as a human, he was born as a vampire, he sought for his sister only to find her in her last breaths. But instead of allowing her to travel through the course of life no matter how painful it was, he made a choice for her. Krul didn't have a voice but rather his brother. The consequence? Krul was unable to die; she as a vampire was tired of living endlessly, with a never changing body, being unable to walk under the sun, being unable to walk on the path on which humanity walks and most importantly, being unable to the be ruler of her life.
Furthermore, even if he felt gratitude towards the First, what did Ashera even fulfilled? Did he have a personal dream for him? It will forever be unknown...he became someone that fed on desires given that demons have a chained need to them.
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Then. What is to "find a reason to live?"
To find a reason, is to find a purpose, to give meaning to one's existance. It's not receiving or giving to someone given that people will be part of your path; but rather, it's actually deciding what you want to do, what dreams you want to achieve, to cry, to get angry, to stand up once again.
It's to literally choose why you want to keep standing, why a new day is a new opportunity, it's deciding your path for your own, not choosing for others but you alone, it's defining what makes you "you". What defines you exactly as the current being existing.
This couls be compared to our daily lives. What do we want to reach? You get emotion thanks to someone's art, speech, actions; then something like a flame bursts giving a fiery passion like emotion, and so, our actions begin but they're not made for selfishness. When you draw, when you create your first piece, what is it that you feel? When you manage to play your first song, what is it that you feel? When you make your first discovery, what kind of emotion is born? When you create your first story, what do you feel? When you conclude and give birth to new ideals, what is what your heart feels? When you pursuit a goal such as becoming number one or aiming to be first place or managing to do something that gives fulfillment, what kind of emotions are born?
But most importantly..
This is a delicate thread between being selfish vs giving love to one's self, embracing the concept of one's existance and walking firmly in this trip called life.
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The squad right now, are having their own agenda, not Guren's, not Ferid's, not Mahiru's, nor Rigr's. But their own. They found a beacon of light but said beacon is motivating them to fight for what they want to achieve, for the very goals they have along finding for each other why they want to live and see a new tomorrow.
Mitsuba is slowly finding a reason, so will the boys do so as well.
Lastly, what differences humans from vampires in general, is that humans have the right to walk under the light for the very reason they keep fighting. Whereas vampires long lost the opportunity for that. They long abandoned the righteous path that would let them have a human heart.
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Humans on the contrary, strive down a path until they leave a mark on the world. The memories they bury on Earth dance between the hearts of people they managed to connect with. And so it begins once again in a new cycle.
That's my answer.
What do you think dear readers? Let me know!
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highway-road23 · 8 months ago
Reffer of Buddhism in Ferid+Guren characters in ONS story
Chapter 137 and this line of Ferid's calling kind of his demon
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made me to search for what it actually means so I searched it simply through GT from Japanese to English and I found it means: Regulatory mantra
I searched what mantra is and I found out how Kagami rotten his story deep down of Buddhism
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And then searching more I found this
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And guess who was like this sitting under the tree of life and dead in the story:
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Conclusion: Ferid represents Buddha in the story and it even explains his relationship with Guren which his names means: red lotus
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The story is so much base on Buddhism along side Christianity.
Final Note:
1) if you want to share this idea with others, use the link and give me references not taking useless and nameless screenshots and spreading it away, I don't allow that.
2) if you have anything to add to it, just reblog, I don't allow for outsider sharing.
3) if you are not agree with this idea, keep it to yourself because I don't care for your negative and different ideas at slightest just like how I mentioned in my bio, therefore simply go away if you are not agree or if you don't like it.
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v4mpzyyx · 7 months ago
Does anyone else believe Ferid is neurodivergent?
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I say this because everyone sees Ferid as "abnormal" (I mean, I believe everyone sees him that way), but what made me think about this were these two points:
• I remember that in the manga, Saito says that Ferid has been abnormal since he was young or something like that, maybe he's referring to the fact that Ferid is "crazy"? Maybe, but I don't think that's it;
• I remember reading a part of the Owari no Seraph novel (I don't remember which novel it is, sorry) and Ferid says something about him talking too much as a child and apparently his mother didn't like that;
With these two points I can now explain my theory, what I want to say is that Ferid was always different from everyone else and no one understood him (I think this is confirmed in his analyses, but whatever), and ironically, this is something common to occur in neurodivergent people, especially those who were diagnosed late. "Okay, but what does the fact that Ferid is a chatterbox have to do with this?" So, this could be one of the characteristics of autism. In cases of extroverted autistic people, most of the time they will have difficulty knowing "when to stop talking", and this consequently hinders being able to maintain lasting relationships. There's actually a lot about this, but I won't go into too much detail for now (In fact, I am one of those who believe that Ferid is only the way we know him today because of trauma).
I would also say that I think this way because I am an autistic person who lived my entire childhood and adolescence without a diagnosis and everyone around me thought I was weird, including me, and only this year I discovered that I am autistic and understood why I was " different" from everyone else.
Anyway, this is just my thought and I could be wrong, but I wanted to know if this makes sense to you, and even, if I reread the entire manga and read all the novels, I can try to do a better analysis (if I can find more evidence that can help me with this theory). By the way, I don't speak English, so sorry if anything seems strange or wrong ^^
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silverflqmes · 1 year ago
ignore that im on my selfship account it’s luma lmao
some selfship questions for u and tooru <3
•does tooru get you flowers? if so, what kind?
ldoes tooru like to read books with you? or does he secretly collect all your favs and binge read them?
•what shows do you watch together?
•have you guys had any thoughts on marriage? (sorry if this makes you uncomfy i’ll note it for the future)
•do you guys match icons on like tumblr or insta?
•what couple do you resonate you and tooru with? like for example me and scara kinda resemble harley quinn and the joker (minus the toxicity)
•what video games do you guys play together? if you play genshin together, who does he main / what team does he use and do you do cute genshin couple things?
hi luma! no worries, i figured it was you😭 woohoo selfship questions, i’ll do my best to answer those<33
— tooru is the flower giving type!! i think he’s the kind of person to read into flower language and symbolism cuz like, it’s tooru.. he never does anything haphazardly and always wants to provide the best, so he definitely looks into their meanings before choosing accordingly depending on the occasion or mood<3 red roses are a common ( given their symbolism for love and passion ), forget me nots are also some he frequently sends ( often as a reassurance to me, along with himself ), daisies ( he remembers how i used to really like them as a kid, and brings them as a reminder of those times ) and a combo between lily of the valley and larkspur ( they’re the flowers of our birth months<3 )
— i think he would show interest in what i read and i would beg him on my hands and knees to read my favs, specifically the folk of air series, to scream with him!! bonus if he decided to annotate and swap copies with me so we could read each other’s comments<3 furthermore, he serenades me to sleep by reading on stressy nights :’) and just cuz his voice is so<3
— definitely star wars oriented shows.. the clone wars has consumed us wholly and we have not recovered from the siege of mandalore.. sitcoms FOR SURE, i love friends a completely normal amount, seinfeld too, modern family, big bang theory, king of queens, etc. anyway, other than that we’d probably watch a lottt of slice of life / romance anime since it’s super comforting and silly<333 although some shonen anime make certain exceptions ( owari no seraph my love ) OH AND CARTOONS BC OLD SPONGEBOB HUMOR >>>
— TOORU IS DEFINITELY A MARRIAGE KIND OF GUY and like same i want marriage too but later down the line cuz i wanna enjoy the youth and sillying around of dating.. but i think we would unironically refer to each other as husband n wife.. and act like a married couple.. proposing is gonna be a challenge because he wants to do it but i ALSO want to do it like babes let me get on my knee pls and propose to you like the king you are smh
— i don’t think tooru would be on tumblr, maybe he would be if he indulges in my nonsense.. so probably instagram!
— we are anakin and padmé for sure and take turns, although misaki and usui are definitely us too, as well as kuronuma and kazehaya ( THEY MAKE ME SO EMO AND NOT NORMAL )
— we play a lot of wii and ds games together pre timeskip, specifically super mario bros, mario kart, mario party, wii sports, just dance — all that jazz, and i would have begged him to indulge me in my tekken addiction despite the amount of times he would get his ass handed to him BAHAHAHAHA ( he’s petty bc i use asuka since she counters attacks ) now post timeskip, we would definitely play ssbu because it’s just sm fun ( a-and um um sephiroth…. ) — now i would get my ass handed here instead.. and of course we cannot forget the hit game GENSHIN IMPACT!!! bro mains either tartaglia, ayato or alhaitham because i am not normal about them and he makes it a goal to tease me using them.. think he probably uses vaporize a lot to stick to my synergy or spread; as for couple things, we definitely take each other to pretty locations we found or help one another with grinding / quests. if there are also co-op games, those too!! for the rest, we’d probably take turns on ffvii since it’s single player and i have a tendency to throw a controller at someone when things get too heated.. prepare yourself tooru!! especially if sephi is the final boss..
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