#ovo’s first lady
sharky857 · 1 year
Now am curious how the other bachelors and bachelorettes would react when facing the Troy to their farmer. OvO
Ohh, this is going to be fun.
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QUICK HEADS UP! I'm tweaking this a little, because my brain was low-key fried and the whole time visualised only a "male-coded" kind of Troy, completely skipping over the fact that there are also "female-coded Troys" out there. Once realised this "f-up", I decided to "update" this musing to include also that counterpart.
I'll be referring to the two versions as "Troy" and (even though it may sound so bad to my ears) "Troyette". INB4: Why would anyone have two different approach to the same issue? The answer is simple: it wouldn't be uncommon for Troy(ette)s to turn the table around so that they would look like the victim. Sadly, it appears that f"emale abusers "Troyettes" can have a small advantage in this than their male counterparts, especially when they try to frame someone of the opposite sex. I figured even our bachelors would know this all too well, therefore adjusting their reactions accordingly, while the ladies would just not give two 💩 and potentially go on a rampage all the same.
(Which also means that yes. Not all reactions are being tweaked.)
In no particular order:
Elliott: As per last fic uploaded, both with a Troy and Troyette he wouldn't be able to intentionally hurt thethem. He would still take advantage of the size difference between himself and the other to scare the livin' 💩 out of them (I'll die on the "Elliott is 6ft tall" hill), although being very careful to keep some distance between himself and a Troyette, just in case she would even think about trying to play the victim afterwards. Bonus point for being an active writer, therefore incidentally and constantly "training" himself on which words to use and when. ("The pen is mightier than the sword", after all.)
Sam: His (over?)protective instincts would instantly kick in and he would feckin' deck & pound the Troy on the spot. There might be need for a couple people to get his rabid arse off of that jerk too. He would try to keep the quietest demeanour as possible with a Troyette, partly because he knows how female abusers are underrated and partly because his parents (mostly his mother, probably) have ingrained the "boys shouldn't hit the girls, no amtter what" kind of belief.
Shane: Might headbutt the Troy in the mouth, without a warning. He might or might not also wield an empty glass bottle like a one-handed club. He would look intimidating doing so, but he would never dare to actually smash the bottle against the other's head. Maybe. When dealing with a Troyette he could put on his best unfriendly and unapproachable scowl while demaning the other to "fucking leave before I call the cops".
Alex: He's been training to become a pro gridball player, therefore he could knock the Troy out simply by tackling him to the ground. He might be later spotted dragging the barely conscious Troy to the train station to chunk his sorry bum on the first train headed to the city, as if "the fuckin' incel" was made of thin air. Which shouldn't be much of a surprise, considering how ripped Alex would be. He would probably turn the opposite way when dealing with a Troyette instead. Pounding "a poor woman" and potentially getting himself into serious troubles is definitely not advisable. Alex would try to reason with the other instead; if the Troyette started to be more hostile and try to hit him too, he would take every single blow in like a boss, only trying to put some distance and threatening to call the authorities.
Harvey: The doc seems the kind to despise all forms of violence and he also looks the exact opposite of intimitading. He would try a pacific approach at first, telling the Troy to kindly leave the town. If the other is persistent, Harvey might then threaten to call the authorities to have him forcibly removed from the town. If the other insists still, Harvey also has a vaste knowledge of the human body anatomy; the doc may hate himself afterwards for hurting another person, but in that moment he would give the other either a single kick or punch to some specific nerves (the thighs would be the perfect target), leaving the Troy on the ground in a fetal position for quite a while. There might or might be not an howling Troy too, depending on his level of pain tolerance, to the point of leaving the others to low-key wonder if Harvey had just tried to eviscerate the Troy instead. But no, it's merely a bruised quadriceps femoris muscle. Extremely painful but definitely not life-threatening. Y'all can chill, now. Things wouldn't change much when dealing with a Troyette. Same step-by-step approach, but eventually he would actually go for the phone call instead of trying to hit a nerve.
Sebastian: He's not exactly as imposing as some writer and also kinda scrawny. Theoretically he wouldn't look like much of a threat, but he has a secret ace up his hoodie's sleeve: a resting bitch face. The Troy may already cower at the sight of Sebby's (accidental) homicidal glare. Then the Troy would flee for the hills at the mere sound of the coldest "buzz the fuck off and don't make me hunt you down" ever. He might or might not really mean that latter part. He owns a bike and is also a tech wiz; theoretically it would be a piece of cake to track the Troy down with an online research and pay him a "surprise visit" back. But Sebby would also have this funny feeling that all that would be called "stalking". In the end he might feel tempted to take that kind of action, but would refrain from putting it into practice. Things stay the same in case of a Troyette. Seb simply wouldn't give two 💩 about the other potentially trying to get him into troubles. After all, he would also have a few witnesses on his side to prompty prove a Troyette's words wrong.
Leah: Similarly to Sam, she would go instantly and absolutely apeshit, be them Troy or Troyette. She wouldn't hesitate to make a blunt weapon out of the first thing she could rip off with her bare hands, be it a tree branch or a big rock yanked from the ground. There would be need for more than a couple people to hold her rampaging arse back. The same people would also be the ones actually and kindly suggesting the Troy(ette) to leave the town and never come back or so may Yoba help them next time.
Haley: Might first murderise both Troy and Troyette's eardrums with her high-pitched, bloody-murder screams. She might or might not also take off one of her pretty shoes and try to stab them with the heel (with a bonus of trying to rip chunks of hair off of Troyette's head, if it's long enough); it would take only one person to hold a furious Haley back.
Emily: Precious, little Emily. She would probably cry a waterfall, as if she had been the one personally hurt. She wouldn't try to hurt the Troy(ette) herself, but you can tell she and Haley are sisters from the volume of her yelled cusses. She might or might not need for a valerian infusion tea in the aftermath (and probably a few hours of relaxing meditation).
Abigail: Once her brain has processed the shock, she won't hesitate to keep the Troy(ette) at knife point. It would be merely a tiny, pocket knife, the blade might be a little dull as well, but it would be still enough to get Abby's point across quite effectively.
Maru: Would try to not let on how terrified she is, trying to think what Sebby (and/or her father) would do in a similar situation. She would then resort to grab her own phone, threatening both Troy and Troyette to call the autorities this instant if they don't leave immediately. She would even show the other the already dialed number, all she would need to do would be to just start the call. After the Troy(ette) would be gone, Maru would talk with her S/O about filing a restraining order. Just in case.
Penny: Initially she would look at the Troy(ette) as if they had just murdered her firstborn before her eyes. Then she might cry a waterfall while telling the other what a horrible person they are, how could they be so cruel with their own partner, that was so terrible, what if someone did the same to one of their friends or relative, they should be ashamed of themselves, and so forth. In an accidental twist of events, in the end it would be the S/O to try and comfort Penny first (Penny would still comfort her S/O back, as soon as she would regain control over her nerves).
Inb4 someone may come and ask me something similar for SVE and/or RSV: I have not started those mods yet, so I'm not familiar at all with those other bachelor(ette)s. Sowwie. 😔
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lindsaywesker · 6 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.
We have now reached the ‘marking’ part of the module.  For the next eight days, I will be reading essays.  I want to know that they’ve taken the information on board.  Even if they’re sitting on the best track of 2024, if they don’t understand how the music industry works, that track will not reach its full potential (and they won’t get to reap the rewards!)
It's a good thing the diary is filling up with delightful treats.  All work and no play makes Lindsay a dull boy.  I have fabulous concerts, DJ bookings, dinners and parties in forthcoming months, and I am looking forward to some extravagant selfies, and hugs and kisses with beautiful people.  As we both have Monday, March 25 off, we’ll be able to spend two nights with Lady Wesker!  Have even booked myself in for some personal grooming!
I’m still getting over some London shop selling six Mr. Kipling Bakewell Tarts for £3.25.  I can’t get that figure out of my head.  What the hell has happened to the cost of living?  The reason ministers have no knowledge of what’s going on in our shops and supermarkets is because they are focused on irrelevant nonsense.  They were elected to take care of their constituents  - yes, you and me - and they have no real idea of what ordinary people go through every day.
An energy boss who told struggling customers to “cuddle their cats” to stay warm during the freezing winter is building a luxury gym and spa at his £3.5million home.  Stephen Fitzpatrick, the founder of OVO Energy, one of Britain's biggest energy suppliers is adding the spa to his pool-house and tennis court.  According to planning documents submitted to the council, Mr. Fitzpatrick's new 1302 sq. ft. gym and spa would “complement the existing leisure facilities.”  OFGEN is meant to be protecting us from his greed but they are NOT and the price of energy keeps rising.
Have a tremendous & tumultuous Tuesday.  I love you all.
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yeehawbvby · 1 year
OC ask game time!! ovo 2, 12, 23, 24, 28, 32, & 44
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
Not really! They’re all a self insert in some way or another and then with some razzle dazzle added to make them more uniquely their own (like children in a way??? I guess?)
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours who you like a lot
Oh gosh ;;u;; it feels wrong to pick just one when all of my friends here have really fun and cool OCs. Chances are if we interact and I know about yours, even at a minimal level, then I love them so much (and ik this is a total cop out answer but! I rly can’t choose!)
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like
All of them tbh but Ethie (botw/totk) has probably changed the most!! In short she’s a blacksmith in hateno that got wrapped up in all of Link’s junk, but at first, she was a farmer and healer whose village got destroyed by monsters/maybe guardians it wasn’t super fleshed out, and the sheikah (more specifically impa and paya) took her in! She was also much more quiet and reserved and super similar to paya personality-wise
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Autumn (Sun Haven)! She’s a sweetie, she’d probably make me feel the most cozy. Maxine (Pokémon) is too similar to me so we’d both feel uncomfy and then I feel like Ethie would probably overwhelm me a bit
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Ethie >:) A feisty and super strong lady who also just happens to be a blacksmith who’s super good at wielding her own creations.. a force of nature
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Honestly the more logical answer would be Ethie, but then I thought about it and she might be a little too reckless?? To which I then volunteer Max! She’s like.. built for surviving through trauma……
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
They’re all unified with one common non-appearance-related trait: The Autism
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hiphopnewsoftheday · 2 years
Drake’s OVO Sound Record Label Lands Its First Lady With Alternative R&B Singer Naomi Sharon
Drake’s OVO Sound Record Label Lands Its First Lady With Alternative R&B Singer Naomi Sharon
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Album Review: Drake x 21 Savage-Her Loss
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Drake and 21 Savage dropped, Her Loss a week ago and it is still the hottest thing out!  The October babies planned the album to drop around their birthdays, but 40 caught COVID, which delayed things.  But the delay didn’t affect much as the duo was predicted to sell over 400K in the first week!  This is really a great album.  Let’s run through the work of art! Her Loss Drake and 21 Savage set the tempo off for the album with the first song, “Rich Flex”.  I already knew it was going to be something for the club as before the song plays there is a skit.  Drake starts the song off nailing the chorus, while Savage takes the first verse.  The Atlanta rapper raps about his opps (of course) mixed with bars about dissing and stunting on his exes.  His verse cuts out and Drake starts to serenade the beat before it switches up for his verse. The OVO boss shouts out a few people in this song such as his loyalty to Young Money Cash Money Records and his old ties to CMG.  In his previous songs, Drake has always mentioned his ties to Memphis as well as Yo Gotti.  Fellow Canada artist, PartyNextDoor gets a shoutout as well.  Hopefully, they have new music coming. As “Major Distribution” starts, you would think it would be one of Drake’s R&B ballads.  But, after he sings for all of 36 seconds, the beat switches again and Drake starts to rap.  Just like “Rich Flex”, this will be played in clubs from Toronto to Atlanta.  They keep the tempo going with “On BS” as 21 Savage starts the song off first before the two trade lines.  They both show off their rapping ability and sound great together over the hard track.  Who knows what else Drake and 21 Savage can do together. Drake goes solo on “BackOutSideBoyz”.  Here, the 6 God mentions Shelley fka Dram.  Dram’s biggest song, “Cha Cha”, came out in 2015 and Drake made “Hotline Bling” in the same year.  Dram felt Drake jacked “Hotline Bling” and approached him about it years ago.  Drake is letting people know things didn’t go well for Dram in that situation.  Later in the song, he raps: “She a 10, tryna rap/ it’s good on mute” Many felt he was talking about Ice Spice since he flew her out a few months ago, but shortly unfollowed her on Instagram after that.  Ice Spice even addressed the line on her Twitter page. https://twitter.com/drake/status/1588657228755894272?s=46&t=n9MDAwnNmZ2QjDOAwf-hYQ Both 21 and Drake floated on “Privileged Rappers”.  They make it look easy over the easy listening beat, causing it to be one of my favorites off the album. I just have one question: who are these privileged rappers that they are speaking of?  They transition on “Spin Bout U”, making a song for the ladies.  With a 90s sample in the background, the Slaughtergang CEO lets his woman know what he would do for her.  Drake comes in after 21 doing what he does: making a catchy chorus so it’s impossible not to sing along to.  The Toronto rapper shares his take on a big issue in the United States today.  He starts to rap: ”Damn, just turned on the news and seen that man who never got p**** in school/ are making laws about what women can do” This is aimed at the men who overturned the long-standing Roe v. Wade Act, which allows women to have abortions legally.  Drake follows Savage’s lead and assures his woman what he would do for her since she is worth it.  In another ballad for the women, Drake dominates the song and starts off first in “Hours In Silence”.  He influences 21 in this as he actually has him sing a few lines!  Drake’s second verse reminds me of the Drake we are familiar with: pouring his heart out over a woman in a somber tone over a slow, dark beat.  It seems like Drake still hasn’t changed in the women he likes and the way he treats them. You can take “Treacherous Twins” in a couple of ways.  Twin could mean friend or lover in this case.  In both of their verses, it seems like they are talking about both their friends and women.  Drake references “dawg”, but also mentions that he’ll lay something down for you.  Similar to what he said in “Spin Bout U”, I assume he is talking about a woman again here as well.  Another catchy chorus, Drake gives us a few Instagram captions by the way.  What they do on “Circo Loco” is pretty cool.  A play on a pop classic, Drake and Savage turn it into a club hit.  In the first few bars, he does a play on the Megan thee Stallion shooting rapping: ”This b**** lied about getting shots, but she still a Stallion” Lil Yachty went on to clear that up on Instagram stating that Drake wasn’t talking about Megan thee Stallion.  He was talking about women who lie about getting their body done.  Unfortunately, social media already made their minds up and shamed Drake.  A few lines later, he brings up Ye again.  He raps: “linking with the opps, man I did that shit for J. Prince/ yeah I did it for the Mob Ties” Drake may be responding to Kendrick Lamar here.  On Kendrick Lamar’s album, Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers, he said he was surprised Drake and Ye made up.  Drake just assured us they are not cool. Like we already didn’t know, but Drake and Savage let us know what is on their minds, “Pussy & Millions”.  They tapped in Travis Scott, in a beat that seems to be perfect for the Houston rapper.  But his mind is actually on billions (& p**** as well).  Drake lays a great chorus, making it sound effortless per usual.  The duo comes back to the theme of the album and deliver another slapper!  On “Broke Boys”, they boast about their pockets in the almost four-minute-long song. Drake gives us the best Drake (in my opinion) on “Middle of the Ocean” as he just talks to us for almost six minutes. He slows down the tempo to talk his shit.  21 Savage said he encouraged Drake to really say what is on his mind all throughout the album, no filter.  Drake picked the right beats to do it on as he switches to the classic AZ and Nas beat, “Mo Money, Mo Murder, Mo Homicide”.  The OVO boss must’ve took what his friend said to heart.  He decided to speak on Serena Williams’ husband, Alex Ohanian’s, calling him a groupie.  The boy was on one!  My favorite part of this song is at the end.  He has Birdman talking to lead the song out.  Him and Stunna still locked in after all these years is amazing! 21 Savage watches from the sideline again as Drake takes over on “Jumbotron Shit Poppin”.  Drake is just popping off on this quick track.  He’s not talk big shit anymore, he’s talking Jumbotron shit now!  21 is back on “More M’s” and starts the song off in a sound he excels on, which is a Metro Boomin beat, his favorite DJ.  Drake comes in and confirms that no one can compete with him in a Verzuz.  He claims he can go for 5 hours in a Verzuz!  Who could compete with that? Now, I know what everyone was thinking once they saw the tracklist for Her Loss.  Everyone assumed Drake would go in on “3AM on Glenwood”.  He is famous for his timestamp and location songs, such as “9 Am in Dallas, 5 Am in Toronto, and 6 Pm in New York”. To everyone’s surprise, 21 Savage took over this track and he did it just right.  Taking advice from Drizzy (I’m sure), 21 executed it just like the 6 God would: giving us his thoughts, feelings, and straight bars!  Just like every other rapper, I think he has something for Kim Kardashian as he mentions her multiple times on this tape.  Drake ends the tape by himself in Drake fashion.  On “I Guess it’s Fuck Me”, Drake serenades the women in his life.  This song is a great ending for a great album!  Hey, if it’s fuck me, then it’s her loss.  Right, Drake and 21 Savage? Her Loss Grade Overall, I rate this album as “Platinum”.  The new duo might have set the standard for joint albums. There’s nothing 21 Savage and Drake did wrong here.  The songs suits both of their styles and is something both of their fanbases will appreciate.  I never thought about a 21 Savage and Drake album, but I guess it’s the sound we didn’t know we needed. Written By: Brandon Simmons   Read the full article
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the6oddesslife · 3 years
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urlocalnctstan · 3 years
𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚏𝚝 𝚄𝚗𝚜𝚊𝚒𝚍 - 𝙹.𝚂𝙶
• Candy Hearts Collab - @127-mile​
Prompt : “I came to say goodbye.”
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Genre : Angst, Fluff, kinda Slow-burnish?, Slice of life, highschool + college AU
Pairing : Sungchan X Reader (Ft. Jeno)
Warning(s) : mentions of bullying and injury (like one scene only), unrequited love, mentions of slight anxiety, hormonal shifts, language, minor character death
Writing nets : @kdiarynet​ @k-dinernet​ @kpopscape​ @czennienet​ @neoturtles​
Taglist : @eh-ovo-nctu​
WC : 9.7k
Summary : What people hated the most is the very word ‘goodbye’. However, it’s the very word that becomes something that you yearn to hear from Sungchan for years.
→ Playlist [recommended]
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The sound of the rain was supposed to calm you down, not make you even more anxious and sweaty and you sat with your legs firmly pressed against each other, hoping to fill in the lack of company you were feeling amongst the swarm of people who perhaps shared the same dreams, same aim as yours. Public places as trains, trams, bus stops; you always thought they portrayed as the perfect definition for the word ‘sonder.’ Each individual having a life pretty much as complex as yours — sometimes a little less or sometimes a little more. It fascinated you.
“Do you think the trip is worth it?” Lee Jeno, your best friend of quite a few years puffs his cheeks as he stared dubiously at the red and white poster he held. You took a peek at it, the amount of times Jeno had been pestering you if he should really give up the money he had saved for PS5 as a sacrifice for this trip, it was safe enough for you to say that you had every words printed on it memorized. Well, maybe not every words but the main stuff at least.
“Lee Jeno,” You sharply gawked at the male sitting beside you, earning an ugly grimace from him. “Stop it already. I don’t know about you but I ain’t passing this chance.”
“Wah, what a nice friend I got.” You failed to notice the dramatic eye roll he makes before shoving the poster in his backpack, the one he had been using since the first day you had befriended him. Was it 5 years? 6 years?
“Are we five years or six years?” But I met him on that bookstore down my neighborhood, that was like spring of 2017 and now it’s 2021.
The male let out a snort.  “If I am a five year-old then you are definitely still inside the womb.” Even though he was smiling with that ‘innocent eye smile’ the evil smirk sheathed beneath went unnoticed by you. No sooner had he opened his mouth, a fresh harsh smack landed on his arms that were clad in a filmsy material of cotton and thus a silent yelp of pain escaping from him as he grabbed the area which was starting to sting with each passing second. The smack, albeit meant for him, you were unable to ignore the similar stinging pain in your palm, tears pricking in the corners of your eyes. But you made sure to show absolutely no signs of distress; it was somewhat a matter of childish pride for you.
“Change your career aim from a perfumist to an assassinator will you?” If it were the campus grounds, you two would have already been latched at one another throats; both metaphorically and literally.
“I will gladly not.” You huffed at the male whose eyes held a scornful gaze, now even more annoyed or perhaps, as you would think most of the times, he was just exaggerating. You found yourself mindlessly scrolling through your gallery in search of the recent notes from Mr. Kim’s classes. Until you stumble across something you had been long avoiding, a forlorn fragment from the former days of your high school.
“Here lies the proof of my utmost love and affection, always devoted to my only Y/N.”
It was a picture of you smiling way too bright, cheeks and nose flushed red while being squished by the only male in the frame as he pressed a peck against your cheek. His neck was craned to the side, ripe ears clearly visible in the small Polaroid film. As much as you hated to admit, your heart would still make flips and turns whenever you run into something that reminded you of him, your very first love and first heart break—Jung Sungchan.
Jeno was too busy in his dreamland as he dozed off with his head resting peacefully against your shoulder. It was no new news that the lad had been immensely in love with you ever since the first time you saved him from getting bullied back in 9th grade. However, you were always too busy with your academics and extra-curricular activities and thus clearly drawing a line of only being friends. Nothing else. It happened when Jeno had finally mustered up the courage after excelling in his Maths Olympiad, where he made a bet that if he indeed secures a place in the top 5, you have to abide by anything he wishes for. But he wished for your love, something you were not really capable of doing so; especially at that time. You did not have the heart to say no when Jeno jogged up to you, his eyes transforming into crescents as he smiled wide. “I did it!” His words came out rather breathy, possibly because of him running to you, and maybe because how hard he could feel his heart thump against his ribs when he noticed the proud grin on your face. Without wasting any moment further, Jeno lets go of the white banner of achievement he had been holding, his hands now focusing on yours. You could almost feel the slight tremble and the wetness of his sweaty palms, but before you could even say anything he beat to you by saying, “Go out on a date with me. Only one.”
There were numerous times when you felt guilty about turning down Jeno. At times it had you baffled that why a guy like him would ever bother liking you so much. Jeno was incredibly talented; gifted with unfair boon of genius traits in both academics and athletics. His little version of him always demeaned his abilities, often failing to notice that how much more he was rather than just a quiet kid who loved coding and maths. Maybe perhaps that was the very reason for him to face the bullying, at least that’s what you thought when you first noticed him getting cornered by some stupid idiot dipshits from your class during recess. Jeno’s ID card lay discarded on the ground, as Kihyun grabbed its owner by the collar. You could not understand his reason for not fighting back, and thus being a silent spectator was never your thing so you decided to butt in. As much as you equally hated and liked one thing, boys seemed to get kinda wary of your presence. Especially boys like these who were already in the blacklist of the teachers. It did not take them long to pick their asses and run from the site when you glared them with a threatening gaze, a single word from the class president and they would get suspended yet again for the umpteenth time in the year. You crouched down to Jeno’s level, carefully handing him his ID. You did not bother asking him if he was okay, of course he wasn’t. His face showed signs of previous injuries, the purple hues of bruises slightly fading beside his jaws. You still don’t know why but you felt the need to protect him from his solace, thus leading to this inseparable bond of yours.
But that was a version of him that was long forgotten. Jeno had become the star and face of the school in the last years of your highschool. Acing various quiz competitions, Olympiads, getting highest grades, being the captain of the soccer and basketball team; you were sure God really had His favorites.
You were not surprised when Jeno brought you to your usual favourite—candle shop. It was a hidden gem in your hometown, a small secluded shop located just a few miles away from the metropolitan. Not everyone was aware of its existence until that one day you decided to act rebellious for once in your school life. Of course dragging Jeno into this so called rebel act with you. The date was rather casual, just two friends messing around with wax and chemically named perfume essences. The shop was owned by a lady close to your grandma’s age, and it still makes you wonder how on earth was she able to keep up with the hollering you two were making. No matter how much you convinced yourself that maybe you could give the boy a chance, and perhaps feelings might grow on you later on; you could not make yourself cloud your rationality with the uncertain possibilities. You confessed every single thing that had been on your mind and Jeno just calmly listened to everything you uttered. You could clearly see the expression of hurt washing over his face, but he knew you. He knew that once you had made up your mind, there was no going back. The night did not cause any indifference in your friendship; it bloomed with each passing years of your middle school and then highschool. You two had become the infamous bestfriends, the once timid boy then all buff and handsome and the once spotlight lover girl then buried in her textbooks to pass the college entrance exams.
Throughout these years of teen, the candle shop had become a constant place for anything to you both; sadness, comfort or just enjoyable times. Until that one day when you met the grandson of the lady who owned the shop. Make a guess who it was.
When people spoke of their first heartbreak, you always cringed at how they exaggerated. Technically you never experienced one, so it seemed ridiculous to you that how was it possible to a simple break to cause others this much pain. You were shocked, no scratch that. Using fancy words, you were utterly bewildered when you saw the new transfer student—Jung Sungchan was the name, standing on the makeshift podium of your classroom. Thank God the architects decided to stick to keeping the height of the room above eight feet. You had changed drastically, contrasting your previous bubbly persona, you had become more reserved. It was just you being ambitious about something you had grown to like, and after some backstabs from your friends, you did not feel the need to have so many around you. Just Jeno being there for you was more than enough.
It would be a lie if Jeno did not sense the subtle looks you had been sending over to the new guy, but he was in no place to object you. It had only been a few moments of Sungchan’s arrival and Jeno already sensed his position in your life being threatened. He knew you were a saint who always looked out for others, and something about his presence made Jeno feel wary. Jeno did not need any of the privileges he had, all of it he owed to you after all. It was you who brought the best out of him, and in the end if he has them all but not you, it wasn’t clearly worth it to him. You preferred unpredictable things; it was what he learned about you in all your years of friendship. How you would always choose mystery thrillers over typical rom-coms, how you would always vouch for the new dish in the menu every time you both visited the local barbecue house. And he knew it was impossible to be one like that, it was just typical Taurus things (as he would like to blame) that made him too practical, too predictable for you. But, you never thought like that. It was just that even though you wanted to, you couldn’t make yourself grow romantic towards the boy you always shared your oreos and ramen with. He held a dear place in your heart and life.
Sungchan was immediately welcomed to the family, the girls already swooning over his good looks and amazing grades. Plus icing on the top, he was the half-brother of the infamous Jung Yoonoh, the heartthrob of the whole school, from juniors to seniors. While Jaehyun was the typical definition of being that one dude we always see in rom-coms who is loved and admired by all for his too humble personality and ethics, Sungchan on the other hand was more of a quiet one, often too shy properly open up his orginal self around new environment. Despite that, he was naturally amiable just like his brother, a trait that perhaps ran in the Jung household. Unlike Jaehyun who was presumably born with good brains, Sungchan was a hardworking one. Sungchan tried to settle down the queasy feeling he had been feeling ever since he moved back here, now that Jaehyun was always busy in Seoul with his medical degree someone had to look after their aging grandma. Sungchan was never really a part of any group, so leaving behind his school back in the city was not that painful for him. The atmosphere of the whole campus was pretty soothing; the bushes of neatly trimmed trees, big huge playground and the ochre shaded building. He liked all of it, and to top it all the uniform was really his style: solid crème and dark maroon combination.
When Sungchan stood awkwardly in the middle of the classroom, clearly clueless as to where he would be seating since all the seats were occupied, a soft voice called out his name rather eagerly. His eyes scanned for a while until he saw you; dark hair tied up neatly into a ponytail with a pencil in your hand as you waved him to notice the empty seat beside yours. Sungchan smiled at your sweet gesture, his out of place feeling now subsiding into the warmth of the possible blooming friendship.
“Hi there, I am Y/N.” You chirped, wiping your left hand before bringing it out for him to shake. Sungchan froze for a while before he realized what he was supposed to be doing. “Oh! And this is Jeno!” You turned slightly towards your best friend sitting just behind you with his famous eye smile.
“Hello, I am Jung Sungchan.” He returned the gesture shaking both your and Jeno’s hand. Whilst Jeno had the feeling of roughness and athleticism in his, your hands were warm and soft; it felt nice he thought. That was the first impression of yours to him: ball of sunshine. And your impression of him? Reserved and unpredictable; a combination that only meant chaos and imbalance.
Sungchan side-glanced at your fumbling state. Seating next to him you in the front row, you skimmed over your not so pleasant looking notes that you had scribbled anxiously in the prior night. Public speaking had never been a big deal for you once you get adjusted to the audience after going up on stage. However, it is the pre anxiety session that just always riles you up.
“You know,” Your head whipped a bit too fast to your liking at the voice belonging to the only male that sat beside you. “I’ll show you a trick. Here.” Sungchan proceeded to softly place your trembling hands on his, cautiousness apparent with every move he made. Even though you both had been seatmates for the last three months, you never found yourself involved in any sort of skinship with him; something that was really common for you and Jeno. The look of fluster was way too obvious when Sungchan softly rubbed various shapes on the back of your hand with his thumb, you were unsure if he was actually helping you ease from nervousness or just increasing it further. It had quite been a while since you had your hands caged in his, both of you completely unaware of the looks you had been getting from your senior teachers seated in the neighboring row. The moment was cut off when your name was announced from the stage by a senior, requesting your presence to commence your speech. Sungchan slowly lets go of your hands, mumbling a soft ‘best of luck!’ with his hands now fisted as an act of verbal encouragement. You eyes wandered around the crowd for a while before locating your best friend who sat miserably beside the homeroom teacher, really closing to dozing off before noticing your presence and copying Sungchan’s gestures.
The bus paused, Jeno still deep in his slumber despite the harsh jerk of the vehicle stopping in its tracks. You sighed, he must have probably been gaming the whole night with his roommate Donghyuck again. You nudged softly at first, the lack of response later than causing you to shake him vigorously by his toned arms that barely fit in your palms. Jeno instantly sprinted up with wide eyes before softly muttering a curse at your cruel way of waking him up.
“I was definitely right about you being a torturer in your previous life.”
“Sure you were. Get your ass off the bus now.”
You parted your ways with Jeno on the campus ground, him heading to his coding facult while you headed towards the chemistry club room. Apparently a newbie was supposed to come today from the US. It was odd you assumed since US had much better facilities for students majoring in chemistry. You glanced at your figure on your way to the room, wondering if the ripped jeans were a good choice as a first impression. You just disliked the idea of leaving off bad impressions, even if you are never going to meet the person again until your next life. Jaemin, another close friend of both you and Jeno smiled widely at your entrance, waving his hand as he pointed the seat next to him enthusiastically. Jaemin and you were basically clones of each other, the leos inside of you both shinig at its best whenever you two are together.
“I don’t understand why move back here from THE United States.” Jaemin dragged out the word, scoffing silently as he handed you a cup of iced Americano. You were about to sip before pausing. You could not have possibly risked your stomach again after that one fateful day when you tasted ‘his type’ of iced Americano. This dude legit gulped down eight espresso shots with a satisfied hum, horrified looks painted on your and Jeno’s features as you both just stared at him in utter shock.
“Please not the poisonous drink.” You eyed the male suspiciously, who scoffed at the nickname.
“Of couse not little baby.” Jaemin cooed with his lips puckered and an annoying high pitched voice, purposefully pinching your cheeks a bit harder than he usually does.
 “You little moth-”
“Hello guys, I am Sungchan. Nice to meet you all.” Your heart dropped at the familiar tone of voice. He isn’t possibly back again after leaving without any traces, without a single goodbye, is he? You did not dare to look at his figure standing in front of the table, awkwardly shifting in your seat while Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
“Hello, Sungchan.” Sulli, your senior by 2 years and also the president of the club greeted him warmly. “I hope you like it here because adjusting to a new place might be hard at times. Oh, these are your classmates; Y/N and Jaemin.”
Sungchan immediately looked in your direction at the mention of your name, his eyes equally wide in surprise mirroring your previous reaction.
“Y/N?” He called out in a rather unsure tone, just like his movements the cautiousness was also present there. “It’s been……a while….”
“Yeah, indeed.” You had a visible change in demeanor, Jaemin finally grasping the tense situation before jogging up to the male.
“Hi there, I am Na Jaemin. You can call me Nana if you want.” Jaemin put his hand out as a formality, to which Sungchan politely complied. “There’s a seat there you can sit.” Jaemin was luckily wise enough to occupy the empty seat beside yours without knowing the turn of events. He motioned Sungchan towards the seat diagonal to you, sensing the discomfort in your posture he assumed it was best if Sungchan sat somewhat further.
Concentrating on the yearly planning for the club was harder with his presence; Sungchan unable to hide his obvious lingering gaze on you. Jaemin would cough every now and then, signaling the male to focus on the club president’s instructions instead of you. But as his usual self, Sungchan pretended to not notice the clear hints, continuing keep his eyes locked on yours. You were barely able to note down some important events, knowing that Jaemin certainly cannot be trusted with his short time memory. After that president bids her farewell to everyone present in the room, you take it as your cue to just flee as soon as possible from his reach.
“Y/N, wait!” Sungchan was quick to grab you just as you were about to exit by the door, the sudden halt in movement causing you to stumble back into his embrace awkwardly. You were definitely embarrassed, your back pressed against his chest in a weird manner as you straighten yourself again. You scrunched you nose to hide your embarrassment before asking him.
“What is it now Jung Sungchan?” You were not meaning to snap at him, but the bitter memories of the past seemed to get the best of you.
Sungchan slightly winced at your cold tone, but what else could have expected after all the pain he had caused you. “I…I do..I mean like I..”
“Sungchan, I have my classes. Gather up your thoughts and then talk.” With that you turned on your heels, not even bothering to take your bag that you left on the seat you were prior sitting. Jaemin observed the scene quietly, his minds finally connecting the dots. Jung Sungchan, the boy you would always cry about whenever you got drunk, the boy who left you with nothing but memories of him. Jaemin thought it was best to not let out his inner frustration towards the guy who was now standing motionless in his tracks, lost in his trance as he gaped towards the door you had just left. Jaemin passed by Sungchan without a word, instinctively grabbing your bag as he made his way to his next class.
Sungchan stood dumbfounded, numerous thoughts racing in his mind. Why did I have to be so foolish? He thought. How can I blame her when I was the one who broke the promise first?
 Summer 2017
It was getting pretty boring for you at the library; usually some of the classmates bickering would give you some sort of silent company as you scribble down the notes. But for some unfound reason you seemed to be extremely distracted. You let out a long annoyed huffed, hands stretching in weird directions as you rested your head on the wooden table. It struck your mind there might be butts of nails pointed out and you didn’t want to get yourself a shot of tetanus, so you lazily glided your hands across the surface before returning back to your half laying position. It didn’t take long for you to zone out, mind running through various scenarios of university life, jobs and perhaps marriage? You blushed at the thought, just like any other teen you were also low-key always looking forward to your wedding.
“Are you asleep?” You shot up startled at the sudden voice, eyes immediately widening as you realized the owner. Sungchan had a smile with his lips pressed into a thin line, casually pulling out the empty seat beside yours as he made himself comfortable on it.
“Good to know you’re not. I need your help.” Sungchan wasted no time rummaging out a stack of sheets from his backpack, pressing them against the wood with a loud thump. You slightly winced at the loudness since the library was extra quiet today, the sound thus bouncing off more.
“You know if it’s literature, I suck at it.” Your mind took you back at that one time when you almost got yourself a C on the mentioned subject, chills running down at the memory.
“No, no.” Sungchan waved his hands softly chuckling. “It’s actually chemistry. Judging as a seatmate, I believe it’s your best sport.”
You happily nodded at the male, pleased that you get to help him with something that was under your specialty. Sungchan took a notice of your happy state, equally pleased that it was you that would be helping him.
“Tell me, what can I help you with.” You took the fat book from his hold, skimming over the contents page before highlighting the topics that were extremely important for the semester.
“I think hybridization? I just can’t seem to get how it works!” Sungchan’s voice levitated suddenly out of frustration, momentarily catching you off guard. Sungchan seemed to notice your amused look, shyly rubbing the nape of his neck with a little shrug.
“You know this is the first time I’ve seen you frustrated.” You commented, eyes fixated on the pages even though they were being extremely reluctant to rather focus on the fussy male. “It’s pretty easy you know. Look.” You explained him cautiously and slowly, how the overlapping of the orbitals occurred not realizing the proximity that seemed to lessen drastically. You whipped at his direction to see any signs of confusion, only to be met with a pair of dark orbs that stared at you intently. As embarrassing as it may sound, you gulped loudly. A bit too loud than you had intended to.
Sunghcan took notice of the situation you both blanketed in as a wave of déjà vu washed over him. He cleared his throat loud and awkward, half to lessen the embarrassment you were feeling and to poorly hide his own. You both were looking everywhere but each other, too dumb to maximize the close distance instead of acting like awkward cats.
“What are you both doing?” a deep male voice jerked you back to reality, upon turning you saw it belonged to Jeno. When did he come here?
“She was explaining the hybridization shits.” Sungchan huffed, slowly settling back to his orginal position. “I asked you so many times though…”
“You know chemistry is not my cup of tea.” Jeno shrugged at the male, a lazy smile playing on his face. “You wanna stay for b-ball practice today?”
“Not sure, I’ll see to it mate.” Sungchan did that fist-bump with Jeno, the two casually mingling like old friends as you stared idiotically at the scene unfolding in front of you.
“Since when did you both become Damon and Pythias?”
“Y/N, please not again your alien languages.” Jeno rolled his eyes before taking the seat beside, sandwiching you between both the males. “Since you happen to be tutoring a clown, an addition of another clown won’t do you any harm.” Jeno smiled at you, his doe eyes disappearing in the process.
Sungchan held back his snort, looking over both of you, he was happy. Though he was not as close to you as he had become to Jeno, he still considered you somewhat a close friend of his. Being seatmates with you and Jeno, it was inevitable that he soon became a constant in your life. Did I tell you that the candle shop was owned by his grandma? The shop if anything, had become this secret spot for you three. Study dates, random chills or just lazying around, the candle shop would be the first name that would pop up in your mind. 
With a blink of an eye perhaps junior year passes. Maybe that was how last years of highschool were. At one moment you barely just got promoted to a new class, and at another, you’re yet again getting promoted to higher one. You sat under the dull moonlight, a thin cardigan that was gifted to you by your dearest friend’s grandma. When Sungchan invited you and Jeno at his, his grandma had knitted this cardigan for you and a beanie for Jeno. The gesture was so sweet that it completely melted your heart, she was the living definition of wholesome for you. 
It was maybe that one day when you three decided to stroll the spring fair of your neighborhood, when you both finally came clean to your feelings. Jeno was always the one pointing you out that how you should just be a woman and confess. “It doesn’t always have to be the guy that says I LIKE YOU!” This what we he said before disappearing into the hives of crowds, leaving you waiting for Sungchan at the front of the public toilet he was finishing his business in. Pretty awkward right? Where else does anyone get to see a girl waiting for her crush in front of a public restroom. Sungchan came back outside, shuffling out his handphone before furrowing his brows at the text he just received. You immediately understood it was from Jeno. You had no idea what came over you, it felt like the adrenaline in your system decided to flood your nervous system, not even aware of yourself just launching at the dude with a chaste kiss on his lips. He was completely taken aback by the sudden feeling of your lips on his, it took him a while before responding you back with the same enthusiasm. You broke first from the kiss, not realising your fists crunching his prior perfectly ironed shirt. But he did not mind it all, a shy smile playing on both of your faces. The rest of the night was spent with your hands laced in his, just like another high school sweethearts of the time.
You smiled at the memory. Sungchan had a cigarette lit between the tips of his fingers, the tobacco smoke slowly poking your nose but not strong enough to bother you. With a deep sigh, he took a puff before blowing it own again in the air, a cloud of smog dancing around his figure.
“You should quit it, it’s not healthy.” It had already been a year since you became friends and six months since you became more than it, but there were times like this when you still found yourself nervous and wary whenever you are talking to him. You snuggled yourself into the cardigan, hugging yourself to minimize the tinges of frostbites. Sungchan was considerate of your discomfort, whenever he smoked, he made sure the cigarette was at least 2 feet away from you. 
“Take this.” Sungchan handed you another thick layer of clothing from his bag, his initials “J.SG” written big and bold. Without much thought, you accepted his kindness, and Sungchan had high tolerance to cold anyways unlike you who would shiver to death in the most usual temperatures. You figured Sungchan decided to dodge the topic you brought it, and you figured it would be better to not bring it up for a while.
“Where do you plan on going for college.” Sungchan spoke while rubbing the shortened cigarette on the bricks of the roof, swallowing the remaining water from his bottle throwing a strawberry gum inside his mouth. You figured he was now free from the reek of tobacco as you scoot closer to his form, opening your arms within the jacket for his to snuggle in as well. Just like Jeno, skinship was no new news for you both too, however; it always had your heart racing like crazy. You both remained cozy under the warm embrace of the jacket, and you prayed Sungchan would never listen how your pulse was acting up.
“I don’t know. Perhaps SNU? I mean only if I get accepted...” You trailed off, propping your chin against your bent knees before glancing at the boy. Then it struck you, what made him ask this sudden question, what made him smoke three cigarettes straight despite having yearly break for a whole month. “Will you be going to the US as well?”
“I don’t know...” Sungchan deeply sighed, his lips forming a small pout as he indulged in deep thought. What if he actually happens to leave for America? Your heart clenched at the thought, mimicking his sighs you rested your head against his shoulder. 
“You know,” You stared at the sky, it was dark and clear with no signs of stars. The feeling was unsettling. “Wherever you go, we’ll always be there for you.” Your eyes shifted to the illuminating lights from numerous buildings that replaced the absence of the twinkling stars in the sky. The ominous feeling soon dissipated into relief. It was as if the universe telling you, we just have to look out for the good sides instead of dwelling on the bad. 
“I know.” Sungchan smiled, one that was both happy and sad. He rested his head on yours, joining your company of gazing at the scenery. “I know.”
“Just...” there was hesitation laced in your tone, Sungchan was quick to notice it as he looked at you, nodding for you to continue. “Please don’t leave...not without a goodbye. Promise me that.”
“I promise you.” Sungchan held your cold hands in his warmer ones, a firm assurance making your heart swell in both hurt and adoration as you kissed him again.
You both never really made it official, despite the kiss at the fair. It was perhaps the uncertainty that held you both back. Sungchan’s future was not in his hands but his family’s; just like his brother, he is supposed to make his family shine bright. It was one of the major reasons why his parents let both the brothers two years of freedom on their remaining bits of high school. ‘All parents want the best for their kids,’ that’s what you would always say to him whenever you meet him at his roof; him smoking while you offered his physical comfort.
The senior year passed within a whim, the fright of entering into adulthood descending upon all the students as they remained buried in their textbooks. Maybe it wasn’t the case for everyone, but it did apply to you and your friends. You remained occupied with you daily extra classes for chemistry while Sungchan had biology and Jeno had mathematics. You three would meet up in periodic breaks, catching up with small talks before returning back to your respective schedules. It was nothing but hectic, and soon, the candle shop returned back to being just another isolated shop in your hometown.
Graduation day was filled with smiles and congratulatory phrases from different individuals, throwing your grad caps in the air felt like as if you were throwing away a significant part of your life, ready to embrace a new version of you. All the parents stood their with proud grins, delighted at their children’s achievement to their dreams.
“Congratulations!” You chirped, receiving bone crushing hugs from both your males before an elderly voice called for you.
“Y/N! Jeno! Sungchan!” It was your mom, waving excitedly to grab you and the males’ attention. “Say cheese!”
“Cheese!” You all resonated together, happy and delighted.
A series of furious knocks jolted you awake from your sleep. You figured it might have been your younger brother, probably wanting your help in his homework.
“I swear to god Y/b/n!” You let out an ear piercing shout, groggily rubbing your eyes from deep slumber.
“It’s me. Jeno.” You heard how breathy his voice sounded, it was coated with urgency and hurt. You heart dropped but you prayed to the Heavens and God, you prayed that it should not be the very thing that you had been dreading so much. You shot up from your bed, not even bothering to make yourself look presentable before whipping the door open to meet with an equally dazed and riled Jeno.
“It’s Sungchan. He...” Jeno beathed out a deep sigh, before handing you a lilac envelope, the initials J.SG written in bold. You failed to feel the tears pooling up, threatening to fall anytime. Jeno glanced over you sympathetically, with shaky trembling hands, you took the the paper. 
You don’t bother to closer the door, Jeno soon taking his leave as he thought it would be best to give you some space to absorb it all in. The tears had started to stream uncontrollably when you saw the picture that came with the letter. It was one of the many pictures that you took on the night of the fair; the day you had confessed, the you had your first kiss. It was a polaroid of you holding him lovingly in an embrace, him shyly placing a kiss on your cheeks with the words ‘Here lies the proof of my utmost love and affection, always devoted to my only Y/N’ scribbled on the white frame. Your hands fished for your cellphone, frantically dialing his number as you waited for him to pick up, hoping that he’ll soothe your anxiety by saying he did not leave, that he was still in town and you were just being delusional.
But every time you dialed his contact, you were being forwarded to the monotonous tone saying that the number was currently unreachable. Your chest squeezed in pain, he had promised you. He promised you that he will come for a goodbye at least. He had promised you that he would never leave you clueless and hurting. All you ever asked for him, was just a goodbye; perhaps a source assurance for you to wait for his return. 
You wiped the tears with the edge of your sleeves, opening the the piece of folded paper.
‘Dear lovely Y/N,
You might resent me when you receive this letter, and I certainly don’t blame you for that. I am not the best with words, I am clumsy and unexpressive but I hope that this piece of scribblings makes you understand all my feelings, my thoughts and emotions that have been haunting me from the day I first saw you.
You know I that I am very much aware that I do....hold some handsome genes.’ You couldn’t help but snicker at this. 
‘However, unlike all, as typical as it may sound, you stood out. You lazily laid sprawling across your desk in deep slumber, completely unaware of the chaos of classroom. I wish I was that carefree like you, indulged in her own world and comfort bubble. It attracted me a lot.’ You got up from the floor, eyes still glued to the piece of paper as you shut your door locked. Your hands still went to dial his contact, but only to be forwarded to that damned robotic voice.
‘I wanted to be like you, not bothered by the constant pressures of coming from a prestigious family. Did I ever tell you my dad is the Director of Myeongsu Hospital?’ You gasped at the sudden information. His dad was the director of the one of the most prestigious and renowned hospitals of South Korea. It was too overwhelming for you to process, but you still found yourself continuing. 
‘It was inevitable for me to act like just another teenager, not for me but for my brother too. I always blamed him for being so selfish when he just left me alone when he came to grandma, I failed to realize that it was some sort of comfort gift from our parents so that we’ll devote ourselves to build the family’s name for the rest of our lives. 
Even though I wanna blame them, I don’t think I can because they had the same fate. It comes with a price when you’re born with a silver spoon, and I guess I had to pay mine when I left your doorstep last night. I...I was a coward. I know I should have just come up, hug you and kiss you for the last time. But I just couldn’t. I was too scared.
I was scared that the moment I’ll see you, my guards will crash down. These two days were really hectic for me, I made up excuses when you invited me at yours because I was afraid of losing my balance. I knew that only a glance at you would be enough to make me change my mind and revolt against my parents, my fate. And you have no idea how much I wanted to do so, you have no idea how I’ve spent endless of sleepless night where it is the only thing that would run on my mind. But you tell me, would it be really worth it? I did not want you spending the rest of your lives with swarming paps and reporters, publishing reports and articles of how you managed to tarnish the heir-in-line of the prestigious hospital. No I could never do to that someone I love so dearly. I could never in a thousand years do that. 
You know every time I picture you in your grown-up self, I can only see a strong and confident woman thriving in her career, a woman that is so powerful but still has a heart of gold. I know that you’ll be an amazing person, inside and out. I wasn’t really planning to express my love and admiration for you like this, I hoped to do it in person, but perhaps, maybe that’s how the stars planned it out for us. Fate is extra cruel in my case don’t you think? 
It would be extremely selfish of me to ask you to wait; I am not even sure if I would ever return because my father would be opening another branch in US. And well, I am not sure what plans he has for me.
So please, if you ever find it in your heart, I hope you will forgive me. And even if you don’t, please don’t ever feel guilty about it. You have all the right to do so and I most certainly deserve your hatred. I love you so much, Y/N. You’re my first kiss, my first love, and you’ll  always hold this irreplaceable place in my heart. 
With Love,
Jung Sungchan.
You felt your world crashing down, a part of you wished that this letter never ended. The only remain from him had also come to an end, and you were not sure how you would be able to cope with his absence for the next years of your life.
“Sungchan is back?” Jeno widened his eyes in shock, the information seemingly unbelievable to him. “He really is?”
“Yes.” You monotonously replied, numerous thoughts battling at the back of your head. Jaemin cleared his throat, a sign for Jeno to not bring up the topic for a while. Jeno eyed the male in confusion before finally getting the hint.
“You’re lucky you don’t get to have Mr.Suh’s classes, he’s just hot and it’s frustrating. And that’s coming from a straight dude like me.” Jeno slurped on his smoothie loud and sound, probably to annoy the other male as he was well aware his distaste to people making sounds while eating.
“Y/N.” a voiced called out from behind, and you instantly knew who it belonged to. 
“Sungchan. Oh my god!” Jeno shot up from his seat, immediately embracing the old face from his past. “How have you been man? You just disappeared...”
“I am so sorry.” Sungchan looked at Jeno with pleading eyes. “I know I have absolutely no excuse for my act and I am just so sorry, Jeno and Y/N.” Sungchan looked at Jeno who silently urged him to talk to you.
“Y/N, please talk to me. I don’t expect your forgiveness but please. Atleast curse me, hit me just do anything. Please.”
You whipped your head to find Sungchan crouching down to match your seat level, a sigh escaping from you as you stood straight from your seat. 
“Guys, I’ll be back.” You gripped his hands before dragging him alongside the canteen corridor.
Jaemin looked over his friend who stood staring at the way you just took. And expressionless look was painted on his features, causing Jaemin to shake his head and sigh. “You know man,” Jeno changed his attention to the male speaking, fixing his glasses. “If I were you, I would have just held her back. You’re extremely strong, I could have never done that.” With that Jaemin patted his friend’s back, a silent assurance that if he needed a shoulder to cry or to simply lean on for comfort, he’ll be there for him.
A mixture of feelings were erupting inside you, you were furious but happy. Sad but grateful. You scanned the halls for signs of any empty classroom and upon finding one you just shoved the male inside it.
“What’s so funny about messing with my feelings?” You already tears welling up, your vision blurry as you sharply glance at the male with a frown on his face.
“Y/N, I would nev-”
“You left me,” you utterly hated at how pathetic you sounded at the moment, harshly wiping the tears streaming down your cheeks. “You promised me that you won’t leave without showing up one last time, but you did. You fucking did.” You knew it was not something under his control, but you couldn’t help but pour your bottled feelings.
“Please...Y/N...listen..to me...Please..” Sungchan lost his composure, his voice breaking as he stepped closer to you. Seeing how you did not flinch at his approach, Sungchan captivated you in his embrace, something that he had been yearning for ever since he parted ways. You felt the wetness of his tears on your head, melting in his longing embrace you found yourself hugging him back. You missed him so much, his scent, warmth, presence. Everything about him drove you crazy, you were still dazed to believe if he was actually back for real or is it just one of your numerous daydreams. 
The rest of the days went as usual, but only with the addition of Sungchan back again in your life. Although you had long forgiven him in his heart, you decided to not vocal it out. As heartless as it may sound, you wanted him to make up for the pain he caused you, and he indeed did. Jaemin was skeptical in the beginning at the idea of another person joining you small group, he had come to liking the idea of you guys as trio and was more comfortable like that. But he saw how your eyes lit up every time you about him when you were newly friends with Jaemin, how Jeno would always drunk talk about the times they passed as seatmates bothering the hell out of you. So Jaemin broke his exterior cold composure on the fourth day, finally accepting the banana milk from the new male as a form of bribe for his addition to the group.
Sungchan worked harder than deities; always making sure to get you Americanos before your classes, taking extra notes for you whenever you felt sick, tolerating your extremely drunk self and even dropping you back at your dorms safely. He had mentioned how he finally mustered up the courage to stand up against his fathers, that he wanted to do something else rather than working in the medical field. Even though he had still yet to decided his desired career, Sungchan decided to just follow his intuitions which ended up him taking chemistry as his major and thus landing in the same institution and same class as yours. And not to mention, he was beyond grateful for it.
A month had passed with his arrival, the awkwardness amongst everyone long gone and forgotten. It was as if he never left you. You were never over him, so his all time sweet gestures was making it harder for you to maintain your cold act.
“I happened to attempt making kimbap? But I am not sure if they are edible..” Sungchan trailed off as he hesitantly hands you the small metal box. You almost laughed at how cute but messy they looked, his failed attempt at giving the rolls eyes and lips with sesame seeds and ketchup was beyond adorable. You took the box from his grasp, a smile playing on your face as you looked at him. Sungchan upon noticing your grin, rubbed the nap of his neck shyly, his ears and cheeks mirror the shade the of the ketchup. You took a bite from one of the many rolls he made, a hum of satisfaction escaping your lips as you relished the tangy sweet taste. It was perfect, just how you preferred it.
“It’s pretty good.” You licked the stain of ketchup from your fingers, failing to notice how the male blushed harder at your subtle act. “We have Mr.Lee’s class, so I believe we should hurry up before it’s too late.”
On the night of the annual university carnival, Sungchan confessed to you. At least not in front of a public washroom this time. With the constant aid of Jeno and Jaemin, Sungchan was able to plan out a pretty dramatic confession for you. You were completely surprised when Jaemin called you out of nowhere, frantically asking for your presence to a specific classroom. You feared if the dork had committed some sort of treason explaining how dramatic he sounded, so you rushed without giving any second thoughts. However, when you saw the trail of roses with candles adorning the edges, you froze. It had the same scent both you and Sungchan had invented; the sweet scent of lily with tinges of tangerine to it.
A flustered looking Sungchan steps out from the dark, his hands rest behind his back as you cautiously scanned your face. When he saw no signs of discomfort, Sungchan slowly jogged to where you stood, his hands holding a bouquet of lilies with a small note on top of it.
“I know I have made tons of mistakes, hurt you so many times. But I still want to test my luck.” Sungchan got down on his knees, holding the bouquet with his head hanging low. “Y/L/N, will you allow me to be your man? Will you be my girlfriend?”
A shit eating grin spread on your face, slightly giggling at how adorable he looked. “I thought you’d never ask.” You took the flowers, a soft smile adorning your lips as you lock eyes with an extremely surprised Sungchan. “Of course Sungchan.”
“Of course? For real?” Sungchan couldn’t believe what just happened, he was half expecting you to flat out reject him at how inconsiderate he had been. But you accepted his apology, accepted his love. Sungchan stood up, his heart squeezing in delight and adoration for you. He cupped your face gently, as if you were a porcelain doll that would just break if not handled carefully. You saw how his eyes shone with love, sparkling brightly on the soft light from the lighted candles and you swore you never felt so much before for anyone else as much as you felt for him. Sungchan closed the proximity, his nose slight touching yours as he rested his forehead against yours, the smiling never for once leaving his face. 
The tension was building up with each passing second, the sounds of your heavy breathing being the only silence breaker. You got impatient, the feeling of his lush lips got you being greedy as you closed the distance standing on your tip-toes, momentarily catching him off the grid before receiving the same attention back. You gripped on his shirt, too unbothered to break the kiss despite losing your breath. He paused for a moment, panting before pulling you back under his spell. The bottled feelings and emotions of longing and pining for each other were poured into the this sweet shared moment of yours. You were grateful that the whole building had no signs of any lurking students and professors, what was supposed to be a innocent make-up kiss soon transformed into a heated one as he held you by your waist, pinning you against the wall with his lips still attached to yours.
You pulled back for the heavy make-out session, almost earning a whine from the male before you soothed him with you words that came next. “I love you.”
 Sungchan felt his already beating heart pick up its pace, becoming hastier that he was low-key afraid if he might face a stroke anytime. With a loving grin, he looked back at you who was still caged in his arms. He tucked the stray of hair brushing across the sides of your face from the soft breeze entering the windows, the illuminating yellow hues from the candles making you look like a dream. A dream that seemed unattainable to him until this very moment.
“I love you so so much. Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance to prove myself, to allow me to show you my feelings, Y/N.” He was breathless, he felt so many emotions at that moment when you glanced at him loving. He was afraid his pulse might stop any moment, so he kissed you back, but now filled with passion and desire. And let’s just say, one of your fantasies were fulfilled that night.
The news of his grandma passing away came after a few months when you both had officially started dating. Both the Jungs were extremely close to her, so when Jaehyun took her back to Myeongsu Hospital where he was currently the chief of neurology, her condition was inevitable. Jaehyun hoped that maybe she might get to spend more time on earth under his care, but he too was victim in the cruel hands of destiny. Sungchan rushed to your dorm, bloodshot eyes as he told you the news. You found yourself sobbing alongside him, tenderly keeping him embraced in your warmth as you shared his pain. You knew her personally as well, all the moments spent with her were a profound favorite part of teen years. 
“I wanted to meet you before I leave for Seoul. I came to say a goodbye.” Sungchan sniffed, his hands wiping away the streams of water rolling down your face. You smiled at his concern, mimicking his actions you brushed his sweaty bangs away from his forehead before placing a soft peck against it.
“It’s okay. Don’t tell me goodbyes anymore...for I know you’ll always come back to me.”
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Sungchan fumbled with his tie nervously, bile reaching up his throat as the worst scenarios flooded his brains. His eyes frantically looked around for help, making a bow-tie was just not his cup of his. A breath of relief escapes his lips when his eyes landed on his closest beloved friend Jeno. Jeno stood leaning against the door frame, an amused grin painting his sharp features as he walked to the struggling male.
“Bro...” Sungchan huffed pleadingly, a pout forming his eyes.
“Yes bro.” Jeno flashed him an eye roll, before having the same eye smile again as he fixed his friend’s tie. After all, it was a big event for him.
To say the least, you looked breathtaking in your white laced gown. The simplicity of the dress made you look more elegant, it enhanced your natural beauty and Sungchan couldn’t just tear his eyes away from your form. It was supposed to be the bride’s day, but to him you shone the brightest.
“You know it’s me getting married, but the new comers might assume it’s you considering how you are gaping at y/n shamelessly.” Jaehyun hissed to his best man, earning a scoff from Sungchan.
“Hyung, let me have my moment! Please.” Sungchan whined but was careful to tone it down, only to receive a slight nudge from the groom who chuckled at his antics. 
The wedding was glamorous, elegant, anything that could be named as a dream wedding. Sungchan remained glued beside you the whole night, a proud grin on his face every time he was asked about the lady whose arms laid locked with his. With a smug look, he would rub on their faces that you were his girlfriend, especially exaggerating to the males who seemed to had their eyes on you. You both enjoyed the silent company of each other, the soothing sounds of the wind replacing the absence of music as Sungchan drove you back to your place, hands still intertwined. When he came in front of your shared apartment, he fidgeted in his seat nervously; fishing out something from his coat. 
You figured it was another one of his endless gifts, so you just smiled with your back resting against the cushion seat of the car. 
“Sungchan, you really need to-”
A throat seering stopped you in the midst of speaking, your eyes widening when you realized what the purple velvet box might contain. Sungchan let out breaths of nervousness, blowing out some air out of his lungs to lessen the feeling of anxiety as he looked at you, eyes as genuine as ever.
“Y/N, I don’t believe in fancy proposals as you know. It is an intimate moment for us so I want it to happen in the presence of only us.” Sungchan stuttered in the middle as he opened the box, revealing an extremely gorgeous but simple plated band with a small stone adorning the top perfectly.
“So will you marry me?”
You stared at the male dumbfounded. Your eyes refused to believe the scene in front of you, hearts doing numerous flips and turns and it was just hard to explain all the feelings you were feeling. Sungchan had always been the one for you, and even though not everyone gets to have a happy ending with their first love, you were beyond grateful that you had happened to fall in the rare probability.
“I...OF COURSE. OF COURSE I WILL.” You yelped in delight, shoving your hand in front of his face as he just laughed while placing the ring on your finger. It fit perfectly. You grabbed him by the collar and kissed him with your overpowering passion and love, not realizing how if continued any longer, you guys might have to pay a fine for parking on the wrong side. So without wasting any time further, you both hauled yourselves to your apartment, refusing to break the contact of your lips molded perfectly together on your way. In short, let’s just say ‘sweet innocent kiss transformed into a heated one’ yet again.
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© urlocalnctstan 2021
I went completely overboard with this. I am so sorry if it didn’t turn up as you had expected it to, and honestly I am not completely pleased with it either. I felt like it could’ve been better in terms of expressing emotions. However, improvement is a never ending proccess and im still learning. SO TO WHOEVER WHO HAPPENED TO MAKE THIS TILL HERE. I LOVE YOU SODIJMS YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT MEANS TO ME. 
Feedbacks and criticisms are always appreciated! Please care to leave them as it may help me potentially grow as a writer. Thank you for sparing your time to read my piece of work.
with love,
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considermeharmless · 3 years
The Labyrinth Games - Part 1
First day of insanity, hooray! XD I suggest familiarizing yourselves with the Labyrinth arc of Inky Mystery, otherwise a lot of this won’t make sense. This simulation will be tagged as “The Labyrinth Games” if you want to avoid it in the meantime!
And now, enjoy!
The Bloodbath
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… Ah yes, it’s good to be back to this nonsense. Notice I changed a little bit of some texts to add flavor?  Now, what can I say? I think it’s incredibly fitting that Mayhem would immediately go for the throwing knives XD
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HAHAHAHA!! Meanwhile Mickey is already bloodthirsty X’D What? Is it because the cHiLd more or less maybe perhaps joined their Pack on accident? A bit unnecessary, no? (although, it doesn’t escape me that it specified “with a sword”. It’s so fitting for him.)
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Oh my- *facepalm* Mugs, I do not want a repeat of last year! Please don’t use them! Geez, any weapon in his hands seems like a recipe for disaster. OvO
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Hah! While I’m not surprised that Chaos can act creepy enough to scare someone away, I’m surprised he scared Michael. Nothing seems to faze this man. XD
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Finally some characters with some common sense TvT Also coughBorishasshownheisverygoodatrunningawaycoughcough.
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Canni nooo! QnQ While terribly tragic and morbidly described holy stars above, can we talk about that sentence a little? Cannikin, a literal ghost, getting owned by some poison X’D And how on Earth did the Night Terror shoot that? Why?! It already has enough defensive and offensive mechanisms! This is such overkill. x)
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Bgrnhzougajho well alrighty then. Rude. xD
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Wow. WOW. WOOOWWW. What the heck Oswald?? What did she do to you?! Also how? She’s so powerful! But well, I guess it’s the end for Alice. TvT
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... I’m surprised she didn’t end up with some explosives as well, but to be fair, even a toothpick in her hands would make me worried for my life. That lady is just too good at killing.
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Pfft. Ventis, you go girl. Show him who’s boss. X’D
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Oh? Surprising but fine. :P
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The wording makes me think they decided to truce and get fishing necessities as a duo. The fact that they managed to agree on something with no sass or threats for fishing purposes of all things is highly entertaining. x)
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O... kay? People aren’t going to be happy she didn’t get killed right away but I can only applaud the self-preservation.
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Yessss. Run. Run as far as you can.
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I don’t see a world were she’d need it, but also an unknown sponsor? Do you think that could be the Warners? XD
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Haha! Usually, I’d be concerned for the rabbit and mouse siblings against these chaotic lads but since they both got the first kills alongside the Night Terror so I’m more concerned for Amish and Michael at the moment XD
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Well, for once he can catch a nap at least...
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This is illegal. I refuse this. TvT I love it.
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Boris noooo I thought you had the street smarts on your side QvQ Well, what a shame. One of the two title characters dead for the count.
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Ohohohoh this is one cursed group for sure! How on Earth did they talk this arrangement out without tearing each other to shreds?! Well... The Night Terror specifically XD
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Felix, what did you do?!
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No no, you’re supposed to run away from him not toward him :’D
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Hm. Quite on point with some of her character arc, ey?
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Sarah is being oddly cautious, but you never quite know with her.
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Chaos is ruthless! Look at Donald, even he is judging me for having added the God of Chaos himself in this little game like: “Really? You expected me to last this long with this kind of bigwig?”
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Oh now, that’s scary...
And now...
The Fallen characters
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Overall, an interesting mix of main and secondary characters, powerful and rather standard capacities.
Status of the day
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I’m half-surprised and half-not at who had those early kills... And most of the extremely powerful and deadly characters are still in the race :’D Are you excited for what’s yet to come? I know I am!
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dwellordream · 3 years
“…Inés Vanegas was only one of Catherine’s ladies at court who came to England and stayed. María de Salinas was the daughter of Martín de Salinas, a noble courtier to king Fernando, and Josefa Gonzales de Salas and, some suggest, perhaps related to the royal family. María was part of Catherine’s entourage from Spain but the details from 1501 to 1509 are not well known except that she attended Catherine at her coronation. Her family’s wealth and prestige made her an asset to Catherine’s court and she remained one of the queen’s closest and most loyal friends. Their friendship is well documented in the Tudor historical record, which include letters, payments and gifts, and reports of life at court from the Spanish ambassadors.
María was a very appealing bride, marrying William, eleventh lord Willoughby of Eresby, a baron and the largest landowner in Lincolnshire, on 5 June 1516 at Greenwich, probably in the chapel of the Observant Friars (Franciscans) where Catherine and Henry had married. By all accounts, María de Salinas moved fluidly from the Spanish court to the English. Her ease with the English customs and culture and family connections on the continent had important practical benefits. Her relative, Juan Adursa, a Castilian merchant in Flanders, worked with Juan Manuel, former advisor to Catherine’s brother-in-law, Archduke Philip of Burgundy, giving Catherine access to information about her sister, Juana.
Eustace Chapuys, the resident Spanish ambassador and a man privy to the secret, and not-so-secret activities at court, reports that the: few Spaniards who are still in her household prefer to be friends of the English, and neglect their duties as subjects of the King of Spain. The worst influence on the Queen is exercised by Doña María de Salinas, whom she loves more than any other mortal. Doña María has a relation of the name of Juan Adursa, who is a merchant in Flanders, and a friend of Juan Manuel. He hopes, through the protection of Juan Manuel, to be made treasurer of the Prince of Castile. By means of Juan Adursa and Doña María de Salinas, Juan Manuel is able to dictate to the Queen of England how she must behave. The consequence is that he can never make use, in his negotiations, of the influence which the Queen has in England, nor can he obtain through her the smallest advantage in any other respect.
The word “love” in the later Middle Ages can mean many things depending on context –courtly love, friendship, love of God, lord-vassal relationships, an apprentice for a master– and it could be shorthand for friendly affection. But Chapuys is clearly suggesting that the love has political implications, which further complicates an understanding of the significance of the relations of Catherine and her servants. But later events suggest a deep personal bond. María de Salinas had been forced to leave queen Catherine’s service in 1532 due to the politics of the divorce proceedings and Henry VIII’s marriage to Anne Boleyn, but she remained part of Catherine’s life. She defied Henry’s orders –never a wise thing to do even under the best of circumstances– and continued to correspond with the cast-off queen and sent her news of her daughter, Mary Tudor.
She and Charles Brandon, the king’s brother-in-law and close friend who was sent by Henry on numerous missions, had to impress upon Catherine the reality of her new marital state. In April 1533 Brandon had to tell her that she was no longer queen, and in December 1533 he was ordered to disband some of her servants and move her to the unhealthy home at Somersham. Catherine, defiant, locked herself in her room. María de Salinas told Chapuys that Catherine only relented when Charles admitted how he wished something dreadful would have happened on the road that would have made it impossible for him to carry out his duty to Henry. These are the actions of someone who is more than just a servant.
The depth of this relationship continued to the end. In 1535, when Catherina was seriously ill, María was denied permission to visit the former queen but once again, she defied Henry and traveled to Kimbolton Castle anyway. She was with Catherina when she died on January 7, 1536 and was the second mourner at Catherine’s funeral in February. Catherina had an equally close friendship with another Spanish noblewoman who served in her court. María de Rojas, daughter of Francesco de Rojas, count of Salinas, was one of Catherine’s closest and most intimate of the ladies at court, first in Spain and later in London. She appeared in queen Isabel’s household accounts in 1501 when she was paid 27,000 maravedís and received clothing in payment for service in 1500.
Her relationship with Catherina was as close as that of María de Salinas, a fact known best through her testimony in 1530 before the papal court concerning the divorce. She was asked to give a deposition concerning the consummation of the marriage between Catherina and Prince Arthur, who had died in April 1502, just a few months after their wedding. María de Rojas stated that to comfort the young widow, she had slept in bed with Catherina for the first few days after Arthur’s death: The same questions to be put to the wife of Juan Cuero once waiting maid to the said queen of England, and who is supposed to reside nowadays at Madrid; also to María de Rojas, wife of Don Álvaro de Mendoça, who used to sleep in the same bed with Her Most Serene Highness the Queen, after the death of prince Arthur, her first husband.
This is a remarkable glimpse into Catherina and into the sort of intimacy of life at court that was crucial to Catherina’s transition first from Spain to England and then from bride to widow. María de Rojas’s social rank and closeness to Catherina made her a desirable potential bride, first for the son of the earl of Derby, and later, the son of Elvira Manuel. Neither marriage took place and she returned to Spain around 1504 as señora de Santa Cruz de Campero where she married Álvaro de Mendoza y Guzman, son of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza and his second wife Leonor de Guzmán. It is possible that Maria de Rojas and María de Salinas were related and that when María de Rojas left England to marry, María de Salinas replaced her.
The intensely political life at court was not always conducive to such loyalty and devotion, and was often fraught with dangers. This is best exemplified by the relationship of Catherina and Elvira Manuel, guarda de las damas for Catherina, from 1499 to 1500, and her camarera mayor (chief household officer) from 1500 until 1507. Elvira Manuel de Villena Suárez de Figueroa was the daughter of Juan Manuel de Villena Fonseca, señor de Belmonte de Campos, and Aldonza Suárez de Figueroa. She married Manrique Manuel, Catherina’s chief mayordomo, and together the couple formed a key part of Catherina’s household in England.
Elvira made her first appearance in Catherina’s household in 1501, as Catherina prepared to move to England and on 10 March 1501 she received a payment of 100,000 maravedís: en cuenta de 216,666 marvedís de ovo de aver de su rraçcion e quitaçcion e ayuda de costa de vn año e ocho meses, en que seruio los años pasados de noventa e nueve e quinientos años, por el cargo de la guarda de sus damas. Their son, Iñigo, also came to England, as the master of Catherina’s pages. Elvira kept close contact with her brother, Juan Manuel, who was a servant of Philip of Burgundy.
In December 1505, Elvira was accused of promoting Philip’s interests at the expense of those of king Fernando, Catalina’s father, and Elvira was told to leave England. She departed on the pretext of visiting a doctor in Flanders about a disease that had already caused her to lose one of her eyes, but she knew that she would not be permitted to return. She had alienated not only king Henry but also Catherina. Elvira spent the rest of the life among Spanish exiles in Flanders.”
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vcmpyrr · 2 years
@mcmcntomorii said: \ I’d love to see them! ovo
AAAAAAAA time to be annoying but ill put it under a cut
First is Siegwulf who had a blog but I deleted it in my culling of blogs that I had no muse for. He’s a drude, and king of a different realm but he takes “little vacations” to the human realm to entertain himself and take a break from being king. I made him after watching Laby.rinth and Rock.y Hor.ror, very inspired by Jar.eth, Fran.kie, and of course just regular Frankenstein. Despite his... behavior lol he’s a very caring and loving father.
Second is Soren. A sharpshooter who loves to fight but is sadly stuck to errands and little jobs due to his unsavory and bad past history of people he’s worked for and what he’s done- both for employers and himself. He’s missing his left arm and eye, both have been replaced with cybernetics, which augment his abilities but never get to be used.
Third is Aito, a robot companion/boyfriend. Not well enough in his AI to be sold is the reason his creator says he wasn’t sold to a company, but his AI is always learning and evolving so that’s just a blatant lie to anyone that actually pays attention. He’s still given companions to learn, but he’s not “sold”. The companion can keep him, so long as they’re a decent person and not actively trying to destroy/sell/or ruin him, but they have to agree to continue to teach him and bring him in to his creator for maint. and the like.
Then for new concepts I was thinking of 
A man cursed with a parasitic demon feeding off him, struggling to keep control of his body, and researching demons and the like to purge the demon.
An idol?/or actor? or maybe she’d be a regular ol’ person that’s not human idk what yet but I want more lady ocs lol  Maybe an up and coming star that still lives at home to help her family business ? We’ll see what becomes of her.
there was another one but ive forgotten it time to cry
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power106hq · 4 years
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QUEENS COURT is now LIVE! Powered by Power 106 FM in partnership with TS MADISON and KHIA. The podcast will go live at 9 PM (yes we late) every SUNDAY. Starting off with a recap of the week, KHIA will share her opinions on the biggest news stories and rumors of the past seven days. The court will then be accepting callers (anons) to send in their own thoughts about the past week. To close the show, KHIA and TS will issue out presents to the celebrities discussed in the recap. Click below to stream the full episode!
TS MADISON: We are live baby! Welcome viewers and callers to Queens Court starring myself and the legendary Ms.Khia Thug Misses! We are going to get right into the gig tonight and waste no time. Now remember that everything said is alleged unless we say otherwise. We don’t need any of these rich folk trynna get us shut down or give us gag orders. Starting off this episode we are going to be having a segment of DIVORCE COURT. Now Miss.Khia how do we feel about some alleged trouble in paradise for the West family?
KHIA: Yes, allegedly Meat Lofi and Yeezus the Goddess marriage is on the rocks due to Meatys lack of housewife abilities. Allegedly Mr. Yeezus is sick and tired of his wife not being able to be his rock when he needs her to be. The people are saying Yeezus asks his wife multiple times during the day for his meds and a crustless ham and cheese and she reportedly can’t even handle that task. Allegedly he also is criticizing her ability as a mother. Reports are saying that the two’s eldest child has been playing tee-ball for about three months now, and Meaty hasn’t showed up to one game. As a mother and wife, your job is to be there for your kids. Bitch, your baby is out there playing her heart out in the dirt the least you could do is push that van to the park and give some orange peels out to the kids. Meat Lofi, I don’t really know what else to say about these allegations. I hope that they aren’t true and you’re actually out there with the other moms on game day. What else could you possibly be doing? I’m on team Yeezus with this situation, a real woman takes care of her tribe! I’m gon’ sentence this dizzy ass bitch to a year of Home Economics classes. Hopefully carrying around them plastic babies will help you take of your own! NEXT CASE!!!
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TS: Wow, okay. Moving on to CIVIL COURT we have reports of rapper Saint being involved in an altercation with the members of DVSN, who as you all should know are signed to his management label. We were actually able to get some insiders tea on what that was about. Now Miss. Khia how do we feel about what took place earlier this week between the OVO family?
KHIA: Yes, apparently the stars were out for somebody’s event last week and Saint was one the bigger names mentioned, but for a completely different reason. Now, allegedly Paint
TS: Wait Miss.Khia, who’s Paint? 
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KHIA: Oh, that’s what the ‘girls’ call him ‘round there on the Ave. ‘Paint Leave-A-Nigga-Shitty Arazi’ has not been paying his artist at all! Allegedly he’s been in debt for a while now due to him receiving costly services from the girls with ‘no no spots’ down there at the piers. Now the people are saying he’s been taking care of a woman by name of Dashiki but we gon get into that tea on a later date. But apparently this is the reason why his artist aren’t getting paid. This led to an altercation at the event last week where Paint got jumped by the struggling artists. I’m 100% sure this isn’t the first time Paint has been chucked around like this. Allegedly he’s been the host of annual “Arazi Bukkake” parties every first Sunday of Pride Month, so I’m sure this was familiar territory for him at first. But when them niggas started really lettin’ lose on him it became a bit too much. I’m gonna sentence Paint to three years of self defense classes and two years of personal finance classes. NEXT CASEEEE!!!
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KHIA: Speaking of personal finances and leaving niggas shitty, next on the docket is Miss. Xymira Futon in BANKRUPTCY COURT. Now I’m not really gon’ spend much time on this one because I don’t believe this is her fault entirely. We the people allege that Ms. Futon has been getting played her entire career by our previous defendant Mr. Yahweh “Crazy Steve” West. It’s being alleged that Crazy Steve hasn’t been paying Cosmo and this resulted in the parking boot being clamped on her beat up ass G-Wagon. I’m Team Cosmo on this one how you feel about this shit sis?
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TS: Girl, I-.
KHIA: You don’t wanna talk about this? Well I’ma leave it alone but like I been telling y’all hoes: Don’t trust no nigga, don’t trust no Christian, don’t trust no sissy?! Don’t trust Crazy Steve either. I’m sentencing Ms.Futon to remedial reading classes. Bitch ain’t no way in hell you read yo contract the way Crazy Steve swallowing up all yo’ coins. Go learn how to read and find a way to get out the asylum bitch. NEXT CASEEE!!!
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TS: Okay, well. We are moving on to the COURT OF APPEALS. Now Miss. Thugga has been spotted around the beautiful city of Los Angeles for the first time in months since Señora Sabrina went on that lady’s show and told everyone that he was violent towards her. Now, Sabrina did have a lot of women and movements behind her that shamed the man but Miss. Thugga also has his believers who don’t believe the entire truth was told in the interview. Miss.Khia do we think the people should appeal Miss. Thugga’s sentence of cancellation?
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KHIA: Yes, well just to recap apparently Sabrina is alleging that Thugga had been abusing her while and when they were together. She didn’t speak up about it while it was going on and we the people wanna know why? Why now out of all times would you tell us ‘bout how this man been knockin’ you in yo shit for the better half of y’alls relationship? I don’t know bout this one y’all, I’m team Thugga on this. I think Sabrina’s ultimate plan was to trap him with a baby but since she’s not able to really produce children like that, ALLEGEDLY, the plans fell through. Also the people have been saying that Thugga had already moved on to another women around the time she went to cryin’ on that old lady show. Now it all makes sense. Bitch you mean to tell me that this man been kickin’ off in yo ass for that long and you ain’t hit a Tina Turner and dart yo skinny ass across the street where grass is a lil bit greener? I just don’t believe this at all! Now that another bitch gathering up all of Thugga’s coins you wanna go to hollering bout how he been kickin’ off in yo ass? Well I’ll tell you this, for that amount of money a month bitch you should’ve continued to get knocked upside yo muthafuckin’ head! The court will appeal Thugga’s sentence and also sentence this lying ass bitch to a lie detector test so we can really see what’s going on here. Next case, I’m tired of talkin ‘bout this bitch.
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TS: Oh Lord in Heaven, now we gon’ do our last segment before we start taking some callers. JUVENILE COURT also known as YOUNG DUMB AND FULL OF CUM! is now in session. Now allegedly some people spotted Miss. Chloe Love getting frisky with some D-Listers at an event earlier this week. Miss.Khia how do we feel about this?
KHIA: Well apparently Chloe “Slim Thug” Jones was seen at the drive-in party with one leg on the dashboard and the other hooked in the door handle, chile. Witnesses are alleging that Ms. Jones was sitting on the center console with her legs open wide as all outside while two other men were playing tether ball with her bean. We the people are alleging that these two men were rappers Blueface Bleedem and PontiacMadeDDG. I really don’t have a whole lot to say about this freaky ass lil bitch. I just want to ask, bitch how dumb could you possibly be to let these two melon munchers spread you open like that in the middle of a parking lot? The girls of the girls were supposedly out there trying to watch Precious in peace, but yo trifling ass wouldn’t allow them to do that? I’m sentencing yo pussy to the gas chambers bitch. CASE CLOSED!
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TS: Okay that is all the time we have for cases today. The lines are open for callers if the people want to chime in and tell us how they feel about this past week. We’ll be spending the next hour talking to the callers before we get into the gift giving segment of the show. 
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attollogame · 4 years
145, 166, or 184 for either operator or sylvester? i cracked up when i saw my quiz result (dreamwalker) because that was completely unexpected but also flattering!! thanks for the fun quiz 🖤
You asked and imma give you all 3 (also i’m glad you enjoyed it! congrats on being 1/9 people to get Dreamwalker djdjd)
145. Sea. 
The Operator has a great amount of admiration for the sea. His night walks will often lead him down to the docks where he’ll stand on the beaches and look out into the ocean, imagining what it would be like to be able to simply drift away on the waves and far out of Attollo. He thinks he’d like that, if the Abyssal Prince wouldn’t eat him first. 
166. Melancholy.
Contrary to his usual carefree demeanour, The Operator actually spends most of his time in a melancholic hum, to the point that it’s quite concerning. He feels a great sense of longing to no longer be kept in the position that he’s in, but he also knows how critical his role is, and he has no heir to take over his position in the future. So he sits, and he watches, and he dreams of another life, because that’s all he can do. 
184. Moon.
The Operator loves the moon. He loves the moon so much that he’s written poetry about the moon, simply because he thinks it’s one of the greatest natural wonders that any human can be blessed to see. The moon is also why he goes on so many night walks; some nights he can see it through the smog, and those are the best nights in his opinion. 
145. Sea.
Sylvester grew up by the sea. He use to listen to his grandmother recount tales of what the sea was like from other lands, like the oceans by Italy, or by Greece. He use to play on the beaches a lot in his youth, and he returns to them frequently in adulthood. There, by the sea, he can let go of his facade; he can be that naive child again, the one who didn’t have the pressures of society weighing on his back. 
166. Melancholy.
Sylvester has a great amount of melancholy about the decisions that he’s made and where they’ve led him to, but he knows that he’s too far gone now to change them. He chose this mask as the one he wears for both Ovo and Attollo’s society, and now he’s tied his own hands with his choices. He says he’s doing fine, but he’s like a porcelain doll on a shelf’s edge; teetering, and ready to shatter. with a singular push 
184. Moon.
Sylvester’s Grandmother used to tell him about the Lady on the Moon when he was a child. Sylvester convinced himself that his absent mother was actually the Lady on the Moon, and that one day she’d come and take him out of Attollo and back to her home. He’s grown older now, but some part of him still wishes for that to be true. 
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bloodiedbiotic · 3 years
i’m mobile-bound rn bc at work but got free time to kill (finished my first store early, waitint for the kitchen to close) but i wanted to hop on and say!! that i miss you guys!! so much!!! and i really miss roleplaying my angy biotic lady here on this hellscape of a website.
i’ve just been busy with working my overnights and exhausted because your girl got the help she needed and started antidepressants and then shit hit the fan and tl;dr i’m staying at my boyfriend’s until mid-july because my sister and her ex moved to san antonio and sold their house. thankfully i have my living situation figured out, it’s just that waiting period. ovo;;
i’ve been playing mele, tho!! i’m playing my girl in me1 and it just feels nice to do stuff like side quests, which is?? so nice, bc me1 side quests felt like a SLOG (i just finished the helena blake mission before work). also i noticed i’m playing blair a bit more renegade than before but that’s probably just because her muse has progressively gotten grumpier and more cynical.
anyhoo, i’m not dead, blair’s not dead (not until me2 at least), and i’m hoping to start getting my activity rolling again!! with that said, feel free to im me if you’re interested in plotting, or check out my meme tag, ask for my discord, etc!!
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fmhiphop · 2 years
Album Review: Drake x 21 Savage-Her Loss
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Drake and 21 Savage dropped, Her Loss a week ago and it is still the hottest thing out!  The October babies planned the album to drop around their birthdays, but 40 caught COVID, which delayed things.  But the delay didn’t affect much as the duo was predicted to sell over 400K in the first week!  This is really a great album.  Let’s run through the work of art! Her Loss Drake and 21 Savage set the tempo off for the album with the first song, “Rich Flex”.  I already knew it was going to be something for the club as before the song plays there is a skit.  Drake starts the song off nailing the chorus, while Savage takes the first verse.  The Atlanta rapper raps about his opps (of course) mixed with bars about dissing and stunting on his exes.  His verse cuts out and Drake starts to serenade the beat before it switches up for his verse. The OVO boss shouts out a few people in this song such as his loyalty to Young Money Cash Money Records and his old ties to CMG.  In his previous songs, Drake has always mentioned his ties to Memphis as well as Yo Gotti.  Fellow Canada artist, PartyNextDoor gets a shoutout as well.  Hopefully, they have new music coming. As “Major Distribution” starts, you would think it would be one of Drake’s R&B ballads.  But, after he sings for all of 36 seconds, the beat switches again and Drake starts to rap.  Just like “Rich Flex”, this will be played in clubs from Toronto to Atlanta.  They keep the tempo going with “On BS” as 21 Savage starts the song off first before the two trade lines.  They both show off their rapping ability and sound great together over the hard track.  Who knows what else Drake and 21 Savage can do together. Drake goes solo on “BackOutSideBoyz”.  Here, the 6 God mentions Shelley fka Dram.  Dram’s biggest song, “Cha Cha”, came out in 2015 and Drake made “Hotline Bling” in the same year.  Dram felt Drake jacked “Hotline Bling” and approached him about it years ago.  Drake is letting people know things didn’t go well for Dram in that situation.  Later in the song, he raps: “She a 10, tryna rap/ it’s good on mute” Many felt he was talking about Ice Spice since he flew her out a few months ago, but shortly unfollowed her on Instagram after that.  Ice Spice even addressed the line on her Twitter page. https://twitter.com/drake/status/1588657228755894272?s=46&t=n9MDAwnNmZ2QjDOAwf-hYQ Both 21 and Drake floated on “Privileged Rappers”.  They make it look easy over the easy listening beat, causing it to be one of my favorites off the album. I just have one question: who are these privileged rappers that they are speaking of?  They transition on “Spin Bout U”, making a song for the ladies.  With a 90s sample in the background, the Slaughtergang CEO lets his woman know what he would do for her.  Drake comes in after 21 doing what he does: making a catchy chorus so it’s impossible not to sing along to.  The Toronto rapper shares his take on a big issue in the United States today.  He starts to rap: ”Damn, just turned on the news and seen that man who never got p**** in school/ are making laws about what women can do” This is aimed at the men who overturned the long-standing Roe v. Wade Act, which allows women to have abortions legally.  Drake follows Savage’s lead and assures his woman what he would do for her since she is worth it.  In another ballad for the women, Drake dominates the song and starts off first in “Hours In Silence”.  He influences 21 in this as he actually has him sing a few lines!  Drake’s second verse reminds me of the Drake we are familiar with: pouring his heart out over a woman in a somber tone over a slow, dark beat.  It seems like Drake still hasn’t changed in the women he likes and the way he treats them. You can take “Treacherous Twins” in a couple of ways.  Twin could mean friend or lover in this case.  In both of their verses, it seems like they are talking about both their friends and women.  Drake references “dawg”, but also mentions that he’ll lay something down for you.  Similar to what he said in “Spin Bout U”, I assume he is talking about a woman again here as well.  Another catchy chorus, Drake gives us a few Instagram captions by the way.  What they do on “Circo Loco” is pretty cool.  A play on a pop classic, Drake and Savage turn it into a club hit.  In the first few bars, he does a play on the Megan thee Stallion shooting rapping: ”This b**** lied about getting shots, but she still a Stallion” Lil Yachty went on to clear that up on Instagram stating that Drake wasn’t talking about Megan thee Stallion.  He was talking about women who lie about getting their body done.  Unfortunately, social media already made their minds up and shamed Drake.  A few lines later, he brings up Ye again.  He raps: “linking with the opps, man I did that shit for J. Prince/ yeah I did it for the Mob Ties” Drake may be responding to Kendrick Lamar here.  On Kendrick Lamar’s album, Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers, he said he was surprised Drake and Ye made up.  Drake just assured us they are not cool. Like we already didn’t know, but Drake and Savage let us know what is on their minds, “Pussy & Millions”.  They tapped in Travis Scott, in a beat that seems to be perfect for the Houston rapper.  But his mind is actually on billions (& p**** as well).  Drake lays a great chorus, making it sound effortless per usual.  The duo comes back to the theme of the album and deliver another slapper!  On “Broke Boys”, they boast about their pockets in the almost four-minute-long song. Drake gives us the best Drake (in my opinion) on “Middle of the Ocean” as he just talks to us for almost six minutes. He slows down the tempo to talk his shit.  21 Savage said he encouraged Drake to really say what is on his mind all throughout the album, no filter.  Drake picked the right beats to do it on as he switches to the classic AZ and Nas beat, “Mo Money, Mo Murder, Mo Homicide”.  The OVO boss must’ve took what his friend said to heart.  He decided to speak on Serena Williams’ husband, Alex Ohanian’s, calling him a groupie.  The boy was on one!  My favorite part of this song is at the end.  He has Birdman talking to lead the song out.  Him and Stunna still locked in after all these years is amazing! 21 Savage watches from the sideline again as Drake takes over on “Jumbotron Shit Poppin”.  Drake is just popping off on this quick track.  He’s not talk big shit anymore, he’s talking Jumbotron shit now!  21 is back on “More M’s” and starts the song off in a sound he excels on, which is a Metro Boomin beat, his favorite DJ.  Drake comes in and confirms that no one can compete with him in a Verzuz.  He claims he can go for 5 hours in a Verzuz!  Who could compete with that? Now, I know what everyone was thinking once they saw the tracklist for Her Loss.  Everyone assumed Drake would go in on “3AM on Glenwood”.  He is famous for his timestamp and location songs, such as “9 Am in Dallas, 5 Am in Toronto, and 6 Pm in New York”. To everyone’s surprise, 21 Savage took over this track and he did it just right.  Taking advice from Drizzy (I’m sure), 21 executed it just like the 6 God would: giving us his thoughts, feelings, and straight bars!  Just like every other rapper, I think he has something for Kim Kardashian as he mentions her multiple times on this tape.  Drake ends the tape by himself in Drake fashion.  On “I Guess it’s Fuck Me”, Drake serenades the women in his life.  This song is a great ending for a great album!  Hey, if it’s fuck me, then it’s her loss.  Right, Drake and 21 Savage? Her Loss Grade Overall, I rate this album as “Platinum”.  The new duo might have set the standard for joint albums. There’s nothing 21 Savage and Drake did wrong here.  The songs suits both of their styles and is something both of their fanbases will appreciate.  I never thought about a 21 Savage and Drake album, but I guess it’s the sound we didn’t know we needed. Written By: Brandon Simmons   Read the full article
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26. Part 3
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Looking around my daughter’ room, I just need to know I have everything ready for her. Like I am just being random, but I just woke up because I needed to pee but then it came to mind, have I got everything I needed. I know I did, I got everything, but I need to make sure I got plenty of diapers, but I am just wondering. I am more than happy with this room, she is getting everything I never got, and she is a queen, will be treated like one. Chris has yet to do the crib in our room, you never know we may keep her in our room for a while, but this room is perfection, it looks like a queen is giving birth to a future princess, but she is. She is super lucky; her room is direct opposite of our room. Because the way the stairs come up, it breaks the rooms up in a way, but her room is opposite ours which I like but I know this whole house would need babyproofing badly, everything here is not childproof at all, it’s scary. But I should go back to bed, but I will just go down, I did sleep better then I usually do so that is ok and that is thanks to Chris for snuggling me, putting the cream on me and also giving up his side of the bed. I am lucky to have him with me, I sighed out turning back on myself. I feel myself waddling, it’s actually not cute but I am waddling now. I did think I would have an easier pregnancy, like the model type but in real life I am a mess. I have not got ready for much, just Chris coming back, I don’t feel sexy like Chris says but Chris has no filter, he would say it to me in a joke, but he hasn’t so maybe it is just me feeling it.
The blinds rose up automatically as I got down the steps, one of many fancy things this place has which I like. It senses its morning and the sun is rising so the first person that comes down triggers to put the blinds up, let me open the door for the dog. He is probably waiting on someone to open the door so he can come up. It’s a little cold downstairs, looking out of the window, oh it’s snowed a little so no wonder. Opening the door for the downstairs “Zeus, come up boy” I said, he will come up when he pleases, I been contemplating on if I should get my chef back in my life, I think I may do it until I am back to normal functioning life but maybe I can just do it myself, why can’t I just be a normal pregnant woman. Hearing the scurrying behind me, either Chris cuts his hair, or he gets some professional. The dog’ hair is long as fuck “morning” Zeus always sniffs my bump, I don’t know why “yes, it’s a baby in there. Shall we cook breakfast, you don’t want to go out today. It’s cold out there” Zeus walked with me side by side to the kitchen, I am getting used to this big thing now, he’s not all that bad, he is better then Chris anyways because he keeps me company for longer then he does when sleeping, Chris moves off after a while.
Bopping my head along to the radio playing in the background as I made breakfast for all “hey Google, can you wake up the house” I said aloud, we going to wake up the house without walking up no stairs. I can’t wait for this home to be filled, after the baby born then I can start having my people back, holiday will be over. I can get family here to see me, it’s just going to be good vibes “waking everyone up now” I like the Google shit I have in this home, looking down on the floor, Zeus is laying there and doesn’t move unless I leave the room. It’s hard to get him to go downstairs, he doesn’t move at all because he wants to come with me but it’s very protective of him, I like that “oh, not heard this in a while” as No Guidance started to play on the radio, going to my phone. Mel has been texting me, she misses me for once. We are usually in each other’s pockets but since being married and pregnant this is the main priority in my life, but things will be back to normal, she will be back soon. Unlocking my phone, tapping on Instagram. Tapping on the plus sign and adding to my story, aiming my camera at Zeus and panning to the cooker and stopped it, tapping in a caption ‘who needs a man when you got this big ball of fluff’ pressing send, let them have a meltdown over that, which barely shows much.
“Robbie, I don’t like this loud noise that be waking up. It’s not nice” my mom is the first to come down “but you’re here, I made breakfast for us. I hope the boys come down next” my mom is not impressed, she is not impressed because the way she has come down with her wig lopsided and a robe on “come here mommy” walking around the counter “you look very happy today Robyn” fixing her wig “I am” pressing a kiss to her forehead “I am in less pain, and I just saw a different side to Chris. Like you know he is an idiot, every time he is stupid about things” moving back from my mom “I had a warm bath like the nurse said, he helped me out of the bathtub, so I don’t fall. He watched me that I didn’t fall in the bathroom on the marble flooring then, I didn’t want him to do it. Like I was nervous about it and I wanted the pads, but I did it, he put cream there where it’s hurting. I was scared because what if he did it wrong, but he didn’t, he was so gentle with me mom, and it was then I knew how much he loves me, like that love is deep to be doing that. For anyone” my mom’ eyes widened “he did that?” my mom said “he did, like he did it. I wouldn’t even get my own mother to do that, just the nurse because they are trained in that and generally, partners don’t do it?” my mom looks impressed “and you feel better too?” nodding my head “he has impressed me, not even your own father would do that” I chuckled.
They eventually came down; I mean I did need to call Dennis twice, but he finally came down “the pancake is cold” raising an eyebrow looking at Chris “you came down late? The hell you want me to do. Warm it up for you when I am eating myself?” Chris nodded his head “your thighs are warm enough” rolling my eyes at him “I heard what you did for my daughter, it just brings me so much peace that you will be there for her. No matter what people say about you, they don’t know you and I am so happy with you. That is something many men will not do for their partners, even be here for them like this. You are someone many don’t know, the real you” I died a little inside, my mom is mentioning it at the table “did Chris make your butt better?” Dennis snorted laughing “be quiet you!” Chris looked shocked, he was not expecting that “uh thank you Monica, it wasn’t a choir for me. I did it because it’s what is right for her, with Robyn I would do anything for her. I know she felt a little weird about it but like I seen it. she is the only one I would do that for. Like I joke about it, but I would. I know like how it will be for her; she will take lots of rest. She seems happy so I am happy” the buzzer went off for the gate “I will check” Chris said, nodding my head “things are quiet, don’t you think?” I said to Dennis “to you! You’re in your bubble” Dennis said laughing “things are still a mess, oh girl. Nothing is quiet, Roc Nation seemed to have tried to handle it weird enough. I think they are scared of you; they are scared on what is next” they should be “it’s a parcel, I will get it” Chris got up “cool, probably for the baby. I be ordering a lot of shit” which I have been, some things I don’t think I needed to get.
Furrowing my eyebrows “where that nigga go?” it’s so quiet and he never came back “so I was thinking, we could sell this to Netflix. Remember how Amazon outbid Netflix but I think with this we should aim for Netflix” pulling a face “but Amazon, I like them. As a team, they are very much involved. See what happens, I am warming to the idea anyways. I am just literally counting down the days until this lady is here, I feel it so much Dennis, the tightening. The heaviness. I feel my pussy is coming out” Dennis laughed out “he is so sweet Robyn; I have to say it again. I am in shock, to hear he did that for you. I am happy to go back once this is over” my mom is so impressed with Chris, Dennis looked behind me and then I felt a hand on my shoulder “there is so much mail Robyn, like there is boxes of things. Also the team are fixing the tree up for us” looking up at Chris “I didn’t do that, really? Where is the stuff?” I mean I have been ordering but not that much “in the hallway, just filled. I see some Fenty boxes too, and also Adidas. Maybe they are gifts” my eyes lit up “I love gifts, I want to see” getting up from the chair “come and help me” looking up at Chris “and I need you to shave this stubble” I grinned at him.
I gasped “oh my god, what is all this!?” I half shouted, “can you like move it all to the second living room, because the people are doing the tree aren’t they?” Chris sighed out “man, do I have too. Is Dennis going to help me?” turning around “I will help you there brother Chris” I laughed at this bromance, they have bonded “I think this is gifts from Bey, she has some new line from Adidas and I remember seeing the box so that is it. I won’t be able to fit in that yet. That is Dior” I know these boxes “also that is Fendi, why did these all come at the same time. Roc Nation too? Chile, what they sent us” I am scared about that box now, it’s probably some dead rat in here, they hate my ass “how does that dickhead know we live here?” Chris said, seeing the box “OVO, ok then. Erm, possibly Mel may have, I am not sure but Jay Brown knows where I live, I did tell him” Chris is not impressed, Chris is picking at the tape to open it “he has a fucking nerve to do that, he wrote a whole diss track about you” Chris managed to rip it open, I wonder what he gave and the nerve of him anyways. Taking the packet from him “a baby grow” I held up and then looking into the box “he’s given baby clothes” looking up at Chris “he disrespected you so badly, that shit has pissed me. He fucking made a diss song about you” Chris is so angry “there is a note” taking it out before Chris did, opening up the note “It’s handwritten too” oh this is Drake’ handwriting “wait there!” I pointed at Chris, he is ready to come and get it at me “Rihanna, I spent days thinking about you. I spent moments where I cried, I was hurt, and I made a bad decision to make such a song. I am sorry and I hope you are happy even if it’s not with me, I want the best for you because in my eyes you are queen. Accept the gifts from October’s Very Own, and I can’t help but think Adonis will have a play friend now and we can meet and just have kid day. Love Aubrey” looking up at Chris “not even a mention of Chris?” Dennis said, oh Chris is mad “no” I pointed at him.
This is wrong but we don’t need trouble “Chris listen to me” he went to get his phone “Chris, do not and I mean do not post anything! We don’t with that, we have moved on. We are not going to write any Instagram post, because I will” Chris furrowed his eyebrows confused at what I meant “I will post some shady shit, not you. What he did was wrong. I am shocked he had the nerve to send that, he knows you are here with me. He also knows you are the father, just don’t’ get involved. I will do it. Please move the things in there” Chris will do it and then it will be something bigger, I will do it because I know what he did and I know he fucking tried to make a song about me “just calm down, help him Dennis” taking the note with me walking off, I don’t think it’s the best idea to ever get Chris to do that, not when I am trying to help rebuild his profile so people can like him again, I don’t want them to say look at the man she is with “what is it?” my mom asked “Drake” holding the note up “he didn’t mention Chris in this, he made a diss song about me. He shamed me in that studio, he didn’t know that Chris was the father, but he does now” placing the note on the kitchen counter, taking a picture of the note “so what are you going to do baby?” my mom asked “I am going to write a nice little thank you” typing out the caption ‘Octobers very own bitch sending me gifts when you wrote a diss track about me, this fatherless child doesn’t need owl for clothes! She is ok and she kindly declined the dinner date, she doesn’t like blondes boo. Imagine being such a pussy all your life that you then bully a pregnant woman….. Trash!’ pressing send, I want to say more but then I am causing havoc.
Dennis took the picture of me with all the gifts that are for my daughter, I am super happy about this, I didn’t expect it “Roc Nation doing baby grows and shit, or was that just to be cute” Chris is never happy “it works, Chris standing there complaining looks good” Dennis crouched down to me, I am like drowning in kids clothes “mhmm, it does actually. Chris, you better post a thank you, I mean it. Send it to my phone, Chris help me up” this what happens I try to be cute on the floor, now I can’t get up. Chris yanked the hood off my head “hiding in the jacket” I smiled at him “let me pick you up, don’t get up. You might hurt yourself” before I could disagree he picked me up “don’t drop me, am I heavy” the face he pulled, I am heavy for him “no” he placed me on the couch “thank you baby, I am super shocked at the gift that have been sent” Dennis held my phone to me “write the caption, and Chris, I sent the picture to you also” I hide my face with he hood on the jacket and hid my bump, I look a mess but they still know it’s me ‘Thank you, thank you, thank you! For all of the gifts sent by everyone. So many to name, this could be a long post but thank you to my Barbados family for the gifts, all of the toys, auntie the outfits are the cutest. To @kimkardashian and Kanye, her first Yeezy’s and all of the Yeezy clothing, thank you. @Beyonce @Adidas the baby grows are the cutest, Also to @Fendi @Dior @Burberry @blackpyramidofficial and my record label @rocnation my family. And such surprise from @Fenty, these unique baby clothing that my team have made, you know I would love that. I am so blessed with love and support. We are thankful!’ that is long “you done?” I asked Chris “I put thank you everyone now my back hurts from moving the boxes” shaking my head at him, he is stupid.
Poking my lips out, I feel like a baby with diaper rash because I mean it was bad enough Chris had to do it last time but it’s another night and we have to do it again “are you ready? I am going back down after, Dennis and I are playing pool” nodding my head “sure, I love the tree by the way. It makes me all gooey inside because it’s Christmas and I love Christmas. I didn’t feel it but now I do, and I get to spend it with my husband” I am super happy about the tree “it’s ok, well I wanted you to feel it. Oh and I saw the picture you posted; I was shocked. Why?” he posted a very personal picture of me, like I wasn’t even looking for him but we was sat in the living room, I was talking to my mom but I look so well, like I feel I don’t but I am just concentrating on the conversation, I don’t hate the picture but I am glad he didn’t get me looking fat “you like it? I was just playing around with my phone and I realised it was a dope picture. I was like that fucking dickhead deserves a beating for that shit. He disrespected me” he got me choked up “it was very loving from you Chris, I loved the picture and the caption, thank you” I am so loved by him “it was nothing, come on. Get on the bed” smiling at Chris “no wait, let me read the caption again” unlocking my phone, it’s the cutest “go on then, than I can put it on” such a softie he is, letting me waste his time “You said she is for everybody but she is for me, you know Rihanna but I know Robyn. That really warmed my heart thank you” Chris kissed my forehead, I love him so much.
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Lunatic Parade: Carla Tsukinami
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C: You are mine, so is your life. From now on, as long as I'm here, you won't die. 
(Carla saved her when she was abt to fall from Earl Walter's castle's balcony)
A cute scene that I really like: Y and C were walking in town, there were so many people bumping into Y and then:
C: Good grief, I can't take my eyes off you. If I wasn't here, will you be able to walk straight? *hold her hand*
Y (Somehow walking while holding hand like this ... it's like we're on a date *blush*)
C: Why is your face red? You have a fever?
Y: ... Uhm... Walking while holding hand like this ... I was thinking this is like a date
C: It's not like-a-date, isn't this a date?
Y: Eh!? You really think so?
C: What are you surprised about? A man and a woman, only two of them, walking holding hand. If you don't call this a date, what do you say is a date then? 💯💯💯
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C: There is a snake from the demon world called Medusa snake inside Zatan's mouth. 
In this town, there is a Zatan’s mouth at Diamante fountain, if you put your hand inside the mouth, it will tell you the truth, but no one have tried yet because it’s said that a disaster may occur to you (I included its picture in Lunatic Parade's Kanato's post). C put his hand in and got bitten by the Medusa snake, and he's gradually turning into stone aka he still has his consciousness but unable to move. 
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Y: Kyaaa...!! (Carla's lips... it's hotter than usual...)
C: It's really strange how much you capture my heart ... 
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C: Be quiet
They were hiding from the group of pureblood advocate vampires chasing after C asking him to guide them. In the end, he did give them advices, C is such a kind king :3
Old lady Aji from Reine de Aji general good store offered to help make the antidote, but some vampire kids sneaked in and stole some stones (that is part of the ingredients for the antidote). C and Y found the kids, turned out these kids were trying to save their dog Gatsby, which also got bitten by the Medusa snake while trying to protect the kids playing in the wood. C let the kids have the ingredients to save the dog :’( 
Then he went to Zatan's mouth again, put a curse on the snake to catch it (the stones they need are inside the snake’s body too), However C was weakened from the first bite, the snake resisted and bit him the second time :((( He still managed to bring the snake back to Aji. Y asked if Aji’d kill the snake, then C said if there's a way to take the stones out without killing the snake, pls do that, even if it'd take more time. While waiting, the kids gave C a candy to thank him. He muttered he wasn't good with kids but Y thought he was very kind to kids, and wondered about how he'd be a good father in the future //v// By the time the antidote finished, C lost consciousness and couldn't drink it by himself so Y fed it to him mouth to mouth (*゚∀゚*) They made it just in time, C was fine now yay!
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Earl Walter returned Y's heart, the butler came to say it was great they were safe and dinner was ready. Y was excited to go to dinner but 
C: Ah, but before that, there is something for me to do. You make me hold back for a long time. I have been as patient as you want *kiss her* There is no need for me to hold back right? I won't go easy on you. 
Y: ..But dinner...
C: Is dinner or more important than me to you? (can I answer dinner :3)
Y: That's not it...
C: Y, I love you. How about you?
Y: Of course, I love you. Even if I don't say it, you can see through me right?
C: Fufu... well it's true, but sometimes hearing you say it (from your mouth) isn't bad. Say it one more time.
Y:... I love you.
C: ...More
Y: I love you
C: Fuu... You pass. 
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Care for vampire
C: Apart from you, there isn't anyone that I trust this much, no? (...) Now it's time for your reward... come here Y _(:3」∠)_
Ok I love Kaji Yuuki and Kimura Ryouhei too much, but story-wise, Carla’s routes are my favourite out of the 3 I've played Kanato-Kou-Carla in Dark Fate and Lunatic Parade. He is strict, but also wise and kind king, and there are lots of cute convo btw him and Y that made me dokidoki (*´﹃`*) Erm I was surprised how chilled he was with the turning-to-stone thing. In my head, I pictured him to become like the ojizou-sama stone statues wrapped in his beloved scarf ha..ha...OvO
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