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The village of Ust-Ishim during a flood Taken on June 9, 2017 Photographer: Aleksey Malgavko (Алексей Мальгавко)
#Алексей Мальгавко#Aleksey Malgavko#Ust-Ishim#Усть-Ишим#2017#flood#enchente#overstroming#наводнение#Омская область#Omsk Oblast#Иртыш#Ишим
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Stress, stress, vanwege mijn 'the UOVO Project II' en het noodweer in Noord-Italië
"Spanning! Gaat 't allemaal lukken? Heeft dat voorbije noodweer in Noord-Italië toch nog steeds invloed op mijn keramisch avontuur 'the UOVO Project' in Gubbio?" Terwijl je dit leest, zit Toos van Holstein nog steeds in spanning. Lees en kijk maar waarom.
Vorig jaar mei. Mijn ‘the UOVO Project’ in Gubbio. Zie de video. Drie maanden geleden. Toen er in Italië nog geen sprake was van noodweer. “Daniele”, zo vroeg ik aan Daniele Minelli, de man met de gouden kleihandjes, “kun jij voor mij begin mei weer een stel van die UOVO-vormen draaien? Net als vorig jaar?”. Nou, dat was geen probleem. Voor alle duidelijkheid: uovo is Italiaans voor ei. in het…

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#Antwerpen#brocche#ceramiche#ei-vormen#familiebedrijf#Festa dei Ceri#glazuur#Gubbio#heiligen#keramiek#keramiekatelier#litho#Minelli Ceramiche#Museo delle "Brocche d&039;Autore"#Noord-Italië#oven#overstroming#paplepel#pigment#Rampini Ceramichr d&039;Arte#steendruk#stress#uovo#wateroverlast#weergoden
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Lawrence Weiner, Above Below the Level of Water with a Probability of Flooding (i.e. a Dike) / Boven beneden de waterstand met een waarschijnlijkheid van overstroming (d.w.z. een dijk), (audio cassette transferred to CD, offset printing on paper, adhesive letters, dimensions variable, 72min), 1977 [S.M.A.K., Gand-Ghent. © Lawrence Weiner]
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Dag 10 van het kasteel Wartensee naar Chur, een bijna 90km lange relatief vlakke rit grotendeels naast de gekanaliseerde, maar woelige, Rijn. Waterstand hoog en langs huizen zandzakjes gezien. Veel last van overstroming door hevige regenvan en smeltwater. Eerst op zwitserse zijde, dan brug over een stukje Oostenrijk en dan door het ministaatje met bijna 40.000 inwoners Liechtenstein gereden. Dus zevende land doorkruist. Bij bakkerij vers gemaakte broodjes gegeten, hm echt lekker. Dan weer op weg naar Zwitserland. Voor ons verschijnen de bergen met idd tot laag sneeuw. Vallei wordt smaller, en in Bad Ragae een triple pancakes met fruit en siroop gegeten. Veel kunstwerk in dit speciale dorp, en zeer uitgeschrekte golf. Uiteindelijk rond kwart voor vier aangekomen in Chur. Toch wat rust. Onweer met gietende regen vanzf 6u voor de ganse avond. Met paraplu op weg en in traditioneel Fransiscanerrestaurant gegeten, pol zelf de beroemde gerstensoep! Prijs was ca 140SFr. T is nog altijd nie goedkoop in CH. s Avonds naar de Belgen gekeken en genoten vd spanning. Morgen gaat het de Alpen in, zien ghoe het lukt…

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Ik gun ons
Ik gun ons
En kan niet geloven hoe lang ik ons wilde ontnemen
Mijn lievelingsbezigheid zijnde in jouw bijzijn
Een eindeloos verlangen dat je nog lang zou blijven
Niet verwachtend dit te overleven
Nooit denkende dat een overstroming reddend kon zijn
Maar door jou ben ik zo graag overspoeld
Hopende dat dit niet in de bodem zal infiltreren
In dit veel te lastig videospel genaamd het leven
Blijkt jouw liefde mijn favoriete cheat code
Soms lijk jij wel een zelfverzonnen sprookje
Veel te schoon om werkelijkheid te zijn
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🌧️ Overstromingen op de Canarische Eilanden, code oranje in Alicante en Valencia door hevige regen. Wees voorzichtig en volg de updates!
#Overstroming #Regen #Noodweer #CodeOranje #Spanje #CanarischeEilanden #Alicante #Valencia #BlijfVeilig #Weeralarm
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13 If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails. The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments. The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade. Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a Style.com alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER. “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause. We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer. Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy, Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy. Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Eddie Roche, Alison Loehnis, Charlotte Groeneveld, Elizabeth Kurpis Heather McAuliffe, Ferebee Taube, Krista Corl, Meghan Klopp, Claudia Overstrom, Sevda Kleinman, Austen Cruz, Charlotte Snyder, Whitney Schwartz, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom, Betsy Pitts Amory McAndrew, Virginia Tomenson Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Trisha Gregory, Elizabeth Kurpis Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Sarah Wetenhall Beth Blake, Ferebee Taube, Carolina de Neufville, Valerie Aston, Sarah Saint-Amand Annie Taube, Melissa Hornung, Marcie Pantzer, Courtney Corletto, Jenny Galluzzo Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Aliza Licht, Caroline Van Veen, Katie Zorn Amanda Waldron, Melissa Crandall, Sana Clegg, Abigail Klem, Abigail Baratta, Mimi Crawford, Sevda Kleinman, Ruchi Bhuyan, Kemp Steib Janelle Currin, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Bucceit, Laura Kornhauser, Gillian Hearst Brooke Kennan, Whitney Mogavero, Molly Moorkamp, Ashley Koch, Natasha Blodgett Whitney Schwartz, Ferebee Taube, Meghan Klopp, Krista Corl, Sevda Kleinman, Claudia Overstrom, Charlotte Snyder, Heather McAuliffe, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Austen Cruz Andie Kully, Alexandra Lari, Kat Dines, Gigi Stone Woods, Katherine Birch Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Micah McLaurin, Alexandra Lind Rose, Darcy Rigas, Amy Hoadley, Marc Gilbertson Stephanie Stamas, Erin O’Connor, Astrid Hill Lloyd, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Lindsey Coleman, Samantha Lynch, Elizabeth Singer, Dustee Jenkins Taylor Overstrom, Betsy Pitts, Anne Prosser, Deborah Norville, Karen Thornwell May, Julia Glade Bender, Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld Cecily Waud, Lauren De Niro Pipher, Joelle El Sawalhi, Alice Berman Kamie Lightburn, Lide Goodwin, Angela Dotson, Melanie Hollander, Meredith Marks Lara Meiland-Shaw, Joanna Baker de Neufville, Krista Corl, Alexandra Vidal Trullols Laurie Beard, Lesley Schulhof, Hélène Comfort Caroline Grosso, Amanda Kahn, Lesley Vecsler, Emily Elliot, Megan Ramm, Virginia Tomenson, Amory McAndrew, Elizabeth Kurpis Melissa Frankfort, Nicole Pappas Ferrin, Casey Weiss Amanda Kahn, Mercedes de Guardiola Savannah Engel, Caroline Grosso Charlotte Groeneveld, Sarah Hoover Stephanie Arfa, Meriwether Powell, Julie King, Betsy Pepe Emily Heitner, Chrissie Crampton, Jocelyn Gailliot Breanna Khoury, Ramon Walls Gumbel, Alana Axelrod Gul Coskun, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Jess Conroy Eddie Roche, Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Ruth Fleishmann, Kate Davis, Robyn Joseph Charlotte Groeneveld Taylor Overstrom Jen Doll, Brooke Kennan, Camila Vignuad Images: BFA Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the latest fashion news and juicy industry gossip. // Allow detecting when fb api is loaded. function Deferred() var self = this; this.promise = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) self.reject = reject; self.resolve = resolve; ); window.fbLoaded = new Deferred(); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '374762726405868', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.0' ); window.fbLoaded.resolve(); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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13 If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails. The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments. The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade. Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a Style.com alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER. “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause. We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer. Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy, Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy. Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Eddie Roche, Alison Loehnis, Charlotte Groeneveld, Elizabeth Kurpis Heather McAuliffe, Ferebee Taube, Krista Corl, Meghan Klopp, Claudia Overstrom, Sevda Kleinman, Austen Cruz, Charlotte Snyder, Whitney Schwartz, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom, Betsy Pitts Amory McAndrew, Virginia Tomenson Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Trisha Gregory, Elizabeth Kurpis Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Sarah Wetenhall Beth Blake, Ferebee Taube, Carolina de Neufville, Valerie Aston, Sarah Saint-Amand Annie Taube, Melissa Hornung, Marcie Pantzer, Courtney Corletto, Jenny Galluzzo Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Aliza Licht, Caroline Van Veen, Katie Zorn Amanda Waldron, Melissa Crandall, Sana Clegg, Abigail Klem, Abigail Baratta, Mimi Crawford, Sevda Kleinman, Ruchi Bhuyan, Kemp Steib Janelle Currin, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Bucceit, Laura Kornhauser, Gillian Hearst Brooke Kennan, Whitney Mogavero, Molly Moorkamp, Ashley Koch, Natasha Blodgett Whitney Schwartz, Ferebee Taube, Meghan Klopp, Krista Corl, Sevda Kleinman, Claudia Overstrom, Charlotte Snyder, Heather McAuliffe, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Austen Cruz Andie Kully, Alexandra Lari, Kat Dines, Gigi Stone Woods, Katherine Birch Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Micah McLaurin, Alexandra Lind Rose, Darcy Rigas, Amy Hoadley, Marc Gilbertson Stephanie Stamas, Erin O’Connor, Astrid Hill Lloyd, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Lindsey Coleman, Samantha Lynch, Elizabeth Singer, Dustee Jenkins Taylor Overstrom, Betsy Pitts, Anne Prosser, Deborah Norville, Karen Thornwell May, Julia Glade Bender, Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld Cecily Waud, Lauren De Niro Pipher, Joelle El Sawalhi, Alice Berman Kamie Lightburn, Lide Goodwin, Angela Dotson, Melanie Hollander, Meredith Marks Lara Meiland-Shaw, Joanna Baker de Neufville, Krista Corl, Alexandra Vidal Trullols Laurie Beard, Lesley Schulhof, Hélène Comfort Caroline Grosso, Amanda Kahn, Lesley Vecsler, Emily Elliot, Megan Ramm, Virginia Tomenson, Amory McAndrew, Elizabeth Kurpis Melissa Frankfort, Nicole Pappas Ferrin, Casey Weiss Amanda Kahn, Mercedes de Guardiola Savannah Engel, Caroline Grosso Charlotte Groeneveld, Sarah Hoover Stephanie Arfa, Meriwether Powell, Julie King, Betsy Pepe Emily Heitner, Chrissie Crampton, Jocelyn Gailliot Breanna Khoury, Ramon Walls Gumbel, Alana Axelrod Gul Coskun, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Jess Conroy Eddie Roche, Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Ruth Fleishmann, Kate Davis, Robyn Joseph Charlotte Groeneveld Taylor Overstrom Jen Doll, Brooke Kennan, Camila Vignuad Images: BFA Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the latest fashion news and juicy industry gossip. // Allow detecting when fb api is loaded. function Deferred() var self = this; this.promise = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) self.reject = reject; self.resolve = resolve; ); window.fbLoaded = new Deferred(); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '374762726405868', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.0' ); window.fbLoaded.resolve(); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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13 If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails. The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments. The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade. Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a Style.com alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER. “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause. We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer. Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy, Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy. Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Eddie Roche, Alison Loehnis, Charlotte Groeneveld, Elizabeth Kurpis Heather McAuliffe, Ferebee Taube, Krista Corl, Meghan Klopp, Claudia Overstrom, Sevda Kleinman, Austen Cruz, Charlotte Snyder, Whitney Schwartz, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom, Betsy Pitts Amory McAndrew, Virginia Tomenson Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Trisha Gregory, Elizabeth Kurpis Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Sarah Wetenhall Beth Blake, Ferebee Taube, Carolina de Neufville, Valerie Aston, Sarah Saint-Amand Annie Taube, Melissa Hornung, Marcie Pantzer, Courtney Corletto, Jenny Galluzzo Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Aliza Licht, Caroline Van Veen, Katie Zorn Amanda Waldron, Melissa Crandall, Sana Clegg, Abigail Klem, Abigail Baratta, Mimi Crawford, Sevda Kleinman, Ruchi Bhuyan, Kemp Steib Janelle Currin, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Bucceit, Laura Kornhauser, Gillian Hearst Brooke Kennan, Whitney Mogavero, Molly Moorkamp, Ashley Koch, Natasha Blodgett Whitney Schwartz, Ferebee Taube, Meghan Klopp, Krista Corl, Sevda Kleinman, Claudia Overstrom, Charlotte Snyder, Heather McAuliffe, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Austen Cruz Andie Kully, Alexandra Lari, Kat Dines, Gigi Stone Woods, Katherine Birch Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Micah McLaurin, Alexandra Lind Rose, Darcy Rigas, Amy Hoadley, Marc Gilbertson Stephanie Stamas, Erin O’Connor, Astrid Hill Lloyd, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Lindsey Coleman, Samantha Lynch, Elizabeth Singer, Dustee Jenkins Taylor Overstrom, Betsy Pitts, Anne Prosser, Deborah Norville, Karen Thornwell May, Julia Glade Bender, Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld Cecily Waud, Lauren De Niro Pipher, Joelle El Sawalhi, Alice Berman Kamie Lightburn, Lide Goodwin, Angela Dotson, Melanie Hollander, Meredith Marks Lara Meiland-Shaw, Joanna Baker de Neufville, Krista Corl, Alexandra Vidal Trullols Laurie Beard, Lesley Schulhof, Hélène Comfort Caroline Grosso, Amanda Kahn, Lesley Vecsler, Emily Elliot, Megan Ramm, Virginia Tomenson, Amory McAndrew, Elizabeth Kurpis Melissa Frankfort, Nicole Pappas Ferrin, Casey Weiss Amanda Kahn, Mercedes de Guardiola Savannah Engel, Caroline Grosso Charlotte Groeneveld, Sarah Hoover Stephanie Arfa, Meriwether Powell, Julie King, Betsy Pepe Emily Heitner, Chrissie Crampton, Jocelyn Gailliot Breanna Khoury, Ramon Walls Gumbel, Alana Axelrod Gul Coskun, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Jess Conroy Eddie Roche, Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Ruth Fleishmann, Kate Davis, Robyn Joseph Charlotte Groeneveld Taylor Overstrom Jen Doll, Brooke Kennan, Camila Vignuad Images: BFA Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the latest fashion news and juicy industry gossip. // Allow detecting when fb api is loaded. function Deferred() var self = this; this.promise = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) self.reject = reject; self.resolve = resolve; ); window.fbLoaded = new Deferred(); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '374762726405868', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.0' ); window.fbLoaded.resolve(); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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13 If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails. The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments. The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade. Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a Style.com alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER. “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause. We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer. Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy, Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy. Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Eddie Roche, Alison Loehnis, Charlotte Groeneveld, Elizabeth Kurpis Heather McAuliffe, Ferebee Taube, Krista Corl, Meghan Klopp, Claudia Overstrom, Sevda Kleinman, Austen Cruz, Charlotte Snyder, Whitney Schwartz, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom, Betsy Pitts Amory McAndrew, Virginia Tomenson Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Trisha Gregory, Elizabeth Kurpis Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Sarah Wetenhall Beth Blake, Ferebee Taube, Carolina de Neufville, Valerie Aston, Sarah Saint-Amand Annie Taube, Melissa Hornung, Marcie Pantzer, Courtney Corletto, Jenny Galluzzo Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Aliza Licht, Caroline Van Veen, Katie Zorn Amanda Waldron, Melissa Crandall, Sana Clegg, Abigail Klem, Abigail Baratta, Mimi Crawford, Sevda Kleinman, Ruchi Bhuyan, Kemp Steib Janelle Currin, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Bucceit, Laura Kornhauser, Gillian Hearst Brooke Kennan, Whitney Mogavero, Molly Moorkamp, Ashley Koch, Natasha Blodgett Whitney Schwartz, Ferebee Taube, Meghan Klopp, Krista Corl, Sevda Kleinman, Claudia Overstrom, Charlotte Snyder, Heather McAuliffe, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Austen Cruz Andie Kully, Alexandra Lari, Kat Dines, Gigi Stone Woods, Katherine Birch Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Micah McLaurin, Alexandra Lind Rose, Darcy Rigas, Amy Hoadley, Marc Gilbertson Stephanie Stamas, Erin O’Connor, Astrid Hill Lloyd, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Lindsey Coleman, Samantha Lynch, Elizabeth Singer, Dustee Jenkins Taylor Overstrom, Betsy Pitts, Anne Prosser, Deborah Norville, Karen Thornwell May, Julia Glade Bender, Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld Cecily Waud, Lauren De Niro Pipher, Joelle El Sawalhi, Alice Berman Kamie Lightburn, Lide Goodwin, Angela Dotson, Melanie Hollander, Meredith Marks Lara Meiland-Shaw, Joanna Baker de Neufville, Krista Corl, Alexandra Vidal Trullols Laurie Beard, Lesley Schulhof, Hélène Comfort Caroline Grosso, Amanda Kahn, Lesley Vecsler, Emily Elliot, Megan Ramm, Virginia Tomenson, Amory McAndrew, Elizabeth Kurpis Melissa Frankfort, Nicole Pappas Ferrin, Casey Weiss Amanda Kahn, Mercedes de Guardiola Savannah Engel, Caroline Grosso Charlotte Groeneveld, Sarah Hoover Stephanie Arfa, Meriwether Powell, Julie King, Betsy Pepe Emily Heitner, Chrissie Crampton, Jocelyn Gailliot Breanna Khoury, Ramon Walls Gumbel, Alana Axelrod Gul Coskun, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Jess Conroy Eddie Roche, Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Ruth Fleishmann, Kate Davis, Robyn Joseph Charlotte Groeneveld Taylor Overstrom Jen Doll, Brooke Kennan, Camila Vignuad Images: BFA Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the latest fashion news and juicy industry gossip. // Allow detecting when fb api is loaded. function Deferred() var self = this; this.promise = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) self.reject = reject; self.resolve = resolve; ); window.fbLoaded = new Deferred(); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '374762726405868', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.0' ); window.fbLoaded.resolve(); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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Cedar Rapids during the Flood of 2008 Taken on June 12, 2008 Source: Flickr
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13 If you’re looking for Fashion Week’s chicest dressed room, you’d be hard-pressed to beat The Society of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual Winter lunch at the iconic Rainbow Room. Last week, the uptown ladies brought out their best Chanel, Givenchy, and Oscar looks to the top of Rockefeller Center to help raise money to benefit The Society’s 2025 pediatric fundraising initiative, Empower Innovation: MSK Kids Investigator Clinical Trails. The incredible initiative is dedicated to providing vital funds for critical research on new treatments. The Society’s goal is raise funds to fully underwrite the studies that provide crucial insights to advance our understanding and treatment of pediatric malignancies. The lunch was generously sponsored by NET-A-PORTER, who have supported the event for the past decade. Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Claudia Overstrom, president of The Society of MSK (and a Style.com alum), welcomed guests to the lunch and introduced Alison Loehnis, Ad Interim CEO and president, YOOX NET-A-PORTER. “Ever since this partnership began I always look forward to this lunch for many reasons that I probably don’t need to explain to anyone here,” Loehnis said. “But today that much more so because of this incredible milestone. Over the past year it’s really been amazing how two totally different organizations come together for a really wonderful common cause. We see that build year after year. We don’t usually do a tally but I’m so happy to say that through our partnership, NET-A-PORTER’ has helped to raise almost $4.5 million dollars!” Julia Glade Bender, MD, Pediatric Hematologist-Oncologist at MSK, was also on hand to talk about the incredible work the hospital has been doing to save the lives of children with cancer. Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Guests included Alice Berman, Liddy Berman, Katherine Birch, Savannah Engel, Ruth Fleischmann, Mercedes de Guardiola, Charlotte Groeneveld, Gillian Hearst, Sarah Hoover, Jennifer James, Dustee Jenkins, Jane Keltner de Valle, Anna Kennedy, Breanna Khoury, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Erin O’Connor, Jennifer Oken, Marcie Pantzer, Besty Pepe, Darcy Rigas, Alexandra Lind Rose, Sarah Saint-Amand, Halsey Schroeder, Stephanie Stamas, Annie Taube, Virginia W. Tomenson, Lesley Vecsler, Marlies Verhoeven, Camila Vignaud, Cecily Waud, Sarah Wetenhall, Elizabeth Kurpis, and more! Special thanks to our extraordinary table host, Eleanora Kennedy. Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Eddie Roche, Alison Loehnis, Charlotte Groeneveld, Elizabeth Kurpis Heather McAuliffe, Ferebee Taube, Krista Corl, Meghan Klopp, Claudia Overstrom, Sevda Kleinman, Austen Cruz, Charlotte Snyder, Whitney Schwartz, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Claudia Overstrom, Taylor Overstrom Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom, Betsy Pitts Amory McAndrew, Virginia Tomenson Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Dustee Jenkins, Stephanie Stamas, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Samantha Lynch Trisha Gregory, Elizabeth Kurpis Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Sarah Wetenhall Beth Blake, Ferebee Taube, Carolina de Neufville, Valerie Aston, Sarah Saint-Amand Annie Taube, Melissa Hornung, Marcie Pantzer, Courtney Corletto, Jenny Galluzzo Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss Aliza Licht, Caroline Van Veen, Katie Zorn Amanda Waldron, Melissa Crandall, Sana Clegg, Abigail Klem, Abigail Baratta, Mimi Crawford, Sevda Kleinman, Ruchi Bhuyan, Kemp Steib Janelle Currin, Naeem Delbridge, Scott Bucceit, Laura Kornhauser, Gillian Hearst Brooke Kennan, Whitney Mogavero, Molly Moorkamp, Ashley Koch, Natasha Blodgett Whitney Schwartz, Ferebee Taube, Meghan Klopp, Krista Corl, Sevda Kleinman, Claudia Overstrom, Charlotte Snyder, Heather McAuliffe, Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss, Austen Cruz Andie Kully, Alexandra Lari, Kat Dines, Gigi Stone Woods, Katherine Birch Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Merrill Curtis, Kay Nordeman, Austen Cruz, Christina Sethi, Travis Acquavella Micah McLaurin, Alexandra Lind Rose, Darcy Rigas, Amy Hoadley, Marc Gilbertson Stephanie Stamas, Erin O’Connor, Astrid Hill Lloyd, Halsey Schroeder, Melanie McLennan, Lindsey Coleman, Samantha Lynch, Elizabeth Singer, Dustee Jenkins Taylor Overstrom, Betsy Pitts, Anne Prosser, Deborah Norville, Karen Thornwell May, Julia Glade Bender, Anjali Melwani, Claudia Overstrom Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld, Madeline O’Malley, Becky Malinsky Jane Keltner de Valle, Sarah Hoover, Meghan Klopp, Charlotte Groeneveld Cecily Waud, Lauren De Niro Pipher, Joelle El Sawalhi, Alice Berman Kamie Lightburn, Lide Goodwin, Angela Dotson, Melanie Hollander, Meredith Marks Lara Meiland-Shaw, Joanna Baker de Neufville, Krista Corl, Alexandra Vidal Trullols Laurie Beard, Lesley Schulhof, Hélène Comfort Caroline Grosso, Amanda Kahn, Lesley Vecsler, Emily Elliot, Megan Ramm, Virginia Tomenson, Amory McAndrew, Elizabeth Kurpis Melissa Frankfort, Nicole Pappas Ferrin, Casey Weiss Amanda Kahn, Mercedes de Guardiola Savannah Engel, Caroline Grosso Charlotte Groeneveld, Sarah Hoover Stephanie Arfa, Meriwether Powell, Julie King, Betsy Pepe Emily Heitner, Chrissie Crampton, Jocelyn Gailliot Breanna Khoury, Ramon Walls Gumbel, Alana Axelrod Gul Coskun, Joyce Kwok, Sherry Lee, Jess Conroy Eddie Roche, Anna Kennedy, Eleanora Kennedy, Ruth Fleishmann, Kate Davis, Robyn Joseph Charlotte Groeneveld Taylor Overstrom Jen Doll, Brooke Kennan, Camila Vignuad Images: BFA Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on all the latest fashion news and juicy industry gossip. // Allow detecting when fb api is loaded. function Deferred() var self = this; this.promise = new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) self.reject = reject; self.resolve = resolve; ); window.fbLoaded = new Deferred(); window.fbAsyncInit = function() FB.init( appId : '374762726405868', autoLogAppEvents : true, xfbml : true, version : 'v3.0' ); window.fbLoaded.resolve(); ; (function(d, s, id) var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = " fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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Terug van weggeweest
Terug van even weggeweest (koud en leuk, dank u) ruimen we de mailboxen op. We beginnen met een kort rondje Nederlands nieuws. Zo is daar het nieuws dat criminelen een uitvaart hebben misbruikt voor online oplichting. Die criminelen gebruiken immers álles om mensen op te lichten, van overstroming en een natuurbrand tot zelfs een begrafenis. Toen de 12-jarige Gianny-Davey werd begraven – onlangs…
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Snel Herstel van Waterschade? Vertrouw op Onze Expertise!
Overstromingen kunnen altijd gebeuren en leiden tot veel ongemak en kosten. Alles van lekkage tot daadwerkelijke overstroming is nooit eenvoudig, net zo min als het oplossen van het probleem en het indienen van een verzekeringsclaim. Daarom kan een schade-expert van pas komen.
Wat is waterschade?
Onbedoelde waterlekkage in uw huis of gebouw is altijd een ramp, daarom wordt de term waterschade gebruikt. Denk aan kapotte waterleidingen, waterinsijpeling op de dakconstructie of zelfs stortregens. Het resultaat? Overstroomde muren, meubels, vloeren en soms raken de muren van huizen en gebouwen beschadigd. Het veroorzaakt financiële stress en stress voor het emotionele welzijn van degenen die zich in de slopende positie bevinden.
Het is daarom het mandaat van een schade-expert van een verzekering
Een schade-expert helpt u bij het onderhandelen over het proces van schadeherstel en verzekeringsclaims. Het begint met een evaluatie van de gevolgen met de identificatie van de grondoorzaak. Dit is belangrijk omdat verzekeringsmaatschappijen standaardmaatregelen hebben bij het aanbieden van polissen voor dit of dat object, inclusief gedetailleerde voorwaarden voor compensatie voor waterschade.

Ook zal de expert een analyse uitvoeren van verdere details van de schade, zoals foto's en het schatten van de kosten van de reparaties. Dit stelt verzekeraars in staat om efficiënte en redelijke oplossingen voor claimbeheer te bieden. Een professionele expert zal de verzekeringsmaatschappij er ook van overtuigen om u de hoogste compensatie te laten ontvangen die is toegestaan onder de polisvoorwaarden.
Waarom een expert inhuren?
Een expert verzekering schade is niet alleen deskundig, maar ontlast u ook van extra werk om de taak te volbrengen. Ze begrijpen de complexe verzekeringsproducten en ze weten hoe ze een goede claim moeten voorbereiden. Dit verkleint de kans op afwijzing of vertraging en voldoet daarmee aan de doelstellingen van het project.
Het kan rampzalig zijn, maar maak u geen zorgen, u kunt een expert in schadeverzekeringen inschakelen. Zij bieden medische hulp, wat betekent dat u via hen veel sneller en zonder stress weer uw normale leven kunt oppakken.
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De Carnisselaan uit het westen gezien, 1920.
De Carnisselaan is vernoemd naar het oude dorp Carnisse in de Riederwaard, dat al in 1272 voorkomt. In 1375 is het dorp ten gevolge van een overstroming verdwenen. Later is dit gebied herdijkt en ontstond de heerlijkheid Carnisse met een buurt van die naam in de gemeente Barendrecht. Carnisse is nu een woonwijk, gelegen tussen Dorpsweg, Pleinweg en Zuiderpark in de deelgemeente Charlois. Midden in de wijk liggen de Carnisselaan en de drie Carnissestraten.
Carnisse is een voormalige buurtschap in de gemeente Barendrecht in Zuid-Holland. De buurtschap lag rond de Voordijk en de Carnisseweg. Carnisse was ook de naam van een ambachtsheerlijkheid, die een leen was van de baronie van de Merwede. In 1483 was de ambachtsheerlijkheid in bezit van de familie van Loon; later is deze overgegaan op de familie van Boetzelaer. In 1736 is de ambachtsheerlijkheid verkocht voor 36.300 gulden aan Diederik van Leyden, heer van Vlaardingen en Vlaardingerambacht. Omdat de familie van Leyden ook al ambachtsheer was van West Barendrecht zijn deze beide heerlijkheden daarna gezamenlijk bestuurd en met invoering van de gemeenten ook als gemeente West Barendrecht op de kaart gezet. Van der Aa vermeldt in 1846 voor Carnisse een oppervlakte van 400 bunders en rond de 400 inwoners, die voornamelijk leven van akkerbouw en vlasteelt, maar ook van de visvangst, met name zalmvisserij.
De prentbriefkaart komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt eveneens uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam en van Wikipedia.

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