themetalvirus · 10 months
whenever i post about egghogs and theres gore im like. wow i am so cringe. yeah. hes jeff and he the kills. i know. sorry
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tia-safalin-daily · 6 months
OKAY SORRY I'm in a very "responding to everything way too seriously" mood rn... I hope you have a fun break!!
thank you ♥♥♥ i love you pookiebro
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anonymocha · 4 months
KAALAA BAUNAA................
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shoechoe · 1 year
only diavolo fans should be allowed to insult him i think. same for doppio fans
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daisyachain · 1 year
Taking recommendations for works that have female characters who Banter. Who have repartee. Who do bits. There’s nothing more joyous than a couple of characters going at it and yet it’s so rare!
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fighting-these-demons · 2 months
His weeb senses are tingling!!!! He feels the Love Hime in the force!!!!
And Another One Bites The Dust falling for Onoda's overwhelmingly sweet and devastating sincerity.
o7 You didn't stand a chance Shinkai the Younger.
Oh dang they broke Imaizumi's mental defenses. That's not good.
Aaaaaaaw I'm rooting for the girl that likes Manami! 💖 They're cute! She likes him so much!
Oh dang The Boys are fighting!!!! But this time it's serious! :(
AUGH!!!!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖
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captainhongjoong · 7 months
why are all t*rf blogs the same
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burgerlabs · 1 year
i may be disabled but nothing can stop me from having a good frolic and running around the living room with my overexcited cats. theres a form of pure whimsy in the activity i will always strive to achieve
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p19gen3 · 1 year
like lowkey im a real fun high energy guy so its mad wack to deal w an uptight ass person
if u dont be singin loud and offkey and doin a lil dancey dance then we prly not super compatible
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gaphic · 5 months
cracking an egg kills it, yknow. the fetus can't survive outside of the shell. 'cracking' is something done to an egg, either to destroy it or consume it. in order for what is inside to live and grow, an egg must be incubated and allowed to hatch.
anyway not to be an overserious killjoy but can we shut the fuck up about 'cracking peoples eggs'
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whatsupbomb · 2 years
🍇 Nakshatra Observations 🍇
Check your Lagna (Ascendant) nakshatra. Some observations might fit to your Sun nakshatra
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Purva Bhadrapada (lion)
They want to get justice when others try to ruin something in their life
Many people think Purva Bhadrapadas are the reason of their failures
They're very ethical and strict about rules
They tend to have heart attacks when they feel injustice
Sense of family heals their hearts
Purva Phalguni (female rat)
They have victim mentality because they hate using their brains to work hard
They will even pretend to have mental disorders or addictions not to work harder
They want others to feel sorry for their unexistent disabilities
They tend to manipulate people with their fool act when in reality they undertstand everything
Uttara Ashadha (male meerkat)
They are a family person
They take responsibility for the ones they care about
They seek deep connections with the people they like
They want to feel included in the groups of people, but oftenly they don't get accepted because of how passionate they are about working together
Chitra (tigeress)
They are very kinky, but pretend to be super classy
They hate overserious and overbusy people
It's important for them to have some fun after working hard
They want to help those who feel left out by everyone
Kinda want to adopt everyone they care about
Krittika (female goat)
Very religious or just occult
They worship idols they choose
They get attached to unexistent entities they create in their own head
It's hard for them to communicate their feelings
They're disillusional about how others view them
They don't realise what other people feel for them until they lose these people
Dhanishtha (lioness)
They're always fighting for others
They feel trapped in their own insecurities
They're scared to lose people they care about
They hide their connections with people
They demand the right treatment
Hasta (female bull)
They hate people who are better then them
They always think that everyone wants to steal their partner
They tend to interrupt personal spaces
They think that everything and everyone belongs to them
Very bad friends because they will always be jealous of everyone not realising that people have their own problems
Bharani (male elephant)
They're very helpful and give good advices
They want to be useful and meaningful
They're always ready to save their friends from danger
They have good intuition towards those who want to ruin their life
They are very loved as kids by everyone
Their parents are very protective of them
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visenyaism · 4 months
new bg3 playthrough! what’s salome’s deal?
my high femme completely overserious evil tiefling dark urge queen. woke up on the beach and immediately started planning and plotting even though she doesn’t quite remember what for outside of the general kill everyone break everything trajectory. chessmaster playing blindfolded without pieces. hates feeling weak. academic passion for vivisection. too intense for shadowheart too cringe for astarion definitely going to romance minthara they are going to make each other so so so much worse.
was a divination wizard as the chosen of bhaal but getting tapolobotomized has allowed her to pursue her true passion: necromancy (she forgot how much of a heresy it is to bhaalists. is going to give ketheric thorm a heart attack when she kicks down the doors of moonrise towers and is like so has anyone heard of this myrkul guy he seems pretty cool.) completely losing to the dark urge because her instinct to listen for the divination portents destroyed any and all mental barriers she had up for not listening to the urges.
my little princess. her huge black eyes can look at so many atrocities. in act 2 i am going to give her the skull septum piercing to be the most on the nose anything has ever been
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dwter · 2 years
hey everyone, so ive had a lot of time at this point to ruminate and have had conversation after conversation about everything going on and i truly and genuinely mean this when i say i think so much of my thinking and immediate reactions were entirely based in fear, anxiety and grief that i didn't give myself the ability to view the situation as it is.
ill say from the beginning ive always chosen to view this in a worst case scenario perspective. not just for myself, but also i think dismissing the victim ESPECIALLY those using anything to dismiss her literally instantly is really icky and so ive always looked at this with the perspective of everything (more or less) being true. now with that in mind--i dont think this entire thing was nearly as black and white as i initially thought it was. im saying it straight to save everyone the time to try and figure out my perspective, but after talking with people and thinking about real life, how people irl would view this and DO view it and other instances of this exact scenario happening both online and in real life: this is truly just not the horrible morally bankrupt incident i thought it was.
i thought a lot about how i wanted to go about explaining my perspective or if i even wanted to bc i really didnt want this to he seen as "dream defense" or align myself with the people who have had that stance since the absolute beginning bc they are srsly insane, but this is more for myself and for anyone who felt like they didnt have a perspective they resonated with throughout all of this. this is one of the first instances where i felt a genuine dissonance between my thoughts and feelings and my friends in the community whose thoughts i have always always valued above anything else, often even my own, especially when i was struggling with feeling conflicted out of fear and grief. i always clung to the people whose opinions i trusted (and still do trust dont get me wrong) because it felt easier than having to sort my guilty and scared conscience into rationality that could possibly oppose the people ive always looked to for guidance in discourse. just that fear on being on the wrong side of history and such. but like i said, this long winded and horribly overserious essay is for me more than anyone else--if not for people who have struggled with the exact same shitty time.
ill say the absolute first thing: it was not grooming. i held this opinion literally the entire time and people calling it grooming are not only using the term wrong but genuinely causing harm to such a serious topic. we are talking about two adults in a relationship with an age difference of four years like holy shit. when the first girl dropped her story, almost everyone came to the conclusion that it just wasnt that serious because he thought she was 18. with the second girl, she was one month from 18 and the dms from before turning such were genuinely the driest conversations in the world that he never initiated or made any notion of pursuing. this isnt to say you cant be icked out--the point of me talking about this isnt to make you suddenly change your views on anything but to try and claim that it was grooming or a crime took place is just wrong and dishonest of everyone. this is such a large part of where my personal dissonance with everyone's takes came from bc the way people were trying to claim that liking an 18 year old as a 22 year old was something akin to literal pedophilia (<- bc people WERE genuinely saying this) made me feel confused but also deeply guilty because i really just did not understand. and now that im less miserable, i can recognize that that confusion wasnt just linked to parasocialism or whatever deep twisted thing i thought was in my soul, it was literally just not the big insane evil everyone made it out to be. again, this isnt to try and say you individually cant be like "i dont like this" or "this is icky to me" or "this was bad judgement on his part" (<- which is my personal view btw) but to pretend it is some strange insane act of an active predator genuinely boggles my mind. i dont want to chalk everything up to being covidbrained but i think its a huge part of where this dissonance to real life comes from because i really do think if most of you sit down with genuinely and utterly normal people, they will not give a fuck about this. ive SEEN people have conversations about this with noemal people irl and have them literally laugh in their face bc of how deeply unserious it is. and again, i want to reenforce that doesnt mean YOU dont have to care, but to act as if this isnt an objectively undeep incident between two people is odd, especially to the degree ive seen.
now i cant just say this and be done so lets talk about the next part that people had an issue with: fan and creator power dynamic. ill also say this very straight: when the stuff came out with both girls i had a much larger issue with the "age gaps" than i did this for so many reasons. ive always, even before all of this, had my own opinions and such about ccs and fans ever having relationships and it usually along the basis of "as long as there is consent and mutuality, i have no real issue." its not strange to me that people want to be with people they like and idealize and vice versa. to keep this as objective as i can with this perspective, i wont get into thoughts that for dream specifically it especially doesnt surprise me in the sense that his past relationship + facing vitriol from every corner of the internet but fans + overall paranoia could have absolutely reenforced the normalcy and reasoning in this judgement call but i digress. i mean just obvious examples of people wanting to get with celebrities, or groupies or even in platonic ways where fans become genuine and actual friends of creators--ccs having relationships with fans was never a big deal to me personally. and since its relevant to mention in this case, ESPECIALLY online ones. im not saying there cant be power imbalances among a fan and a cc/celebrity, but to get like theyre all inherently like that again just makes zero sense to me and never has even before dream. this applies especially online where power dynamics are significantly dampened from what they can be and just i mean logically, dream has been a full blown cc for like a little less than 3 years and only at this level for maybe 1 or 2 without experiencing it in real life too. the idea that he himself would not see an issue with this, especially because it was a mutual exchange of company, is so completely unsurprising. and at its core, there really is no real issue in it of itself. a bad judgement call from dream? yes and ill stand by that since he shouldve been better safe than sorry. morally bankrupt and manipulative? 😭 no, not after really assessing shit rationally. i also want to add that it was a mutual thing. i know people are really trying to tear everything amanda says apart (<- which is incredibly strange btw, especially if that was your instant reaction and you were doing it publicly too), but taking everything shes saying as true, we know that there was a MUTUAL exchange of things of a sexual nature and this wasnt some manipulative one-sided exchange where dream controlled everything and gave nothing in return. this isnt to say that amandas feelings are entirely invalid or anything along those lines, but those feelings stem from miscommunication and not morally bankrupt predatory behaviours. like seeing all of the info and looking at the situation as it is, its very clear dream saw and believed this to be a mutual relationship. i was so confused and scared and panicked seeing words like "groomer", "innocent", "guilty", "predator" and others being thrown around i didnt even want to try viewing it for myself. but now that i have and now that ive talked to others, this entire situation reads as a bad break up more than anything else, not a strange manipulative abuse of power where mutuality is nonexistent.
overall this entire situation was framed so horrifically and i was tearing myself apart so much about feeling confused, it genuinely did not hit me the extent of just how deeply unserious it was until a friend of mine told me how they went out with their normal, most unchronically online friend, told the situation in the most objective way possible, and they literally laughed in their fucking face 😭 i also started thinking about real life instances of this happening like if it was another cc, a random tiktoker, an actor and realizing i literally would not care--and significantly less people who are as up in arms as they are would care too. and that ignores the fact that it was ONLINE, compared to in-person where whatever power dynamic could exist would be amplified by a thousand.
this entire thing is just so entirely subjective and if your personal opinions and values find this all shitty, absolutely no one is going to try and say to feel otherwise, at least not me. but to completely ignore that its just that--personal--values and opinions that determine how you view this, and act as though it is objectively some morally bankrupt, impossible to understand, predatory situation just feels reactionary and disconnected from real life at best and just shitty and even virtue signalling at worst. and also dont get me started on what some of you twisted that charity event in technos memory into because fucking shame on you, but ill make a separate post on that later maybe.
this really isnt meant to be a form of "dream defense" because if i was taught anything this past week it was that the way i connected so much of my own conscience to my ability to defend dream and his pr was and is entirely unhealthy, and it was all a wake up call--just not towards dream. the level of miserable agony i experienced, not even mostly because of what dream did, but because i felt like i couldnt DEFEND it, was dangerously all consuming and i dont want that anymore. its just not a healthy way to engage with any media, the need to constantly justify it in every single instance, and especially not with a cc. i want to be able to just see drama and controversy ride out and not have it feel so utterly all consuming, even if i do choose to comment on it. im making this statement bc like i said, it really sucked to feel like there was no public voice i completely agreed with and i realized that i could do that role if i wanted. and honestly, its just been very cathartic for me to write all of this out after feeling like an echo chamber of other peoples thoughts and my own grief the last week.
this community disappointed me in many ways, both the freaks who jumped on any baseless thread disproving amandas claims, dissected her behaviour, was very strangely dream defensive and chose to do all that shit PUBLICLY too. but also the people who chose to use this as an opportunity to act in the most reactionary strange ways that felt so virtue signal-y it was nauseating. i know the people who held/hold the views i did also dealt with the guilt and fear i did too, and thus no one was willing to so deal with the mortifying ordeal of a) sorting through these thoughts and b) saying them in any kind of public space even with just close friends, but ESP on a public blog. i mean, that was literally me. but it really fucking sucked to have just these two extremely polarizing and extremely isolating opinions be the only available voices 😭 my thoughts are getting very rambley now and i apologize, but i hope my points are getting across.
this is already insanely long, but ill start wrapping up. if you disagree with me, obviously thats fine. like i said, this was never made with the objective to change peoples minds which arguably was what my usual dream discourse essays was meant for sometimes. this was made for me and for this specific perspective to have light for anyone who wants or needs it. all i hope is that if you do come out of this with anything, is some form of awareness. of either real life, your opinions or even just yourself i dont know.
i really did love my time on tumblr so so fucking much. and i loved the people here even more so. i think i owe it all to you guys and just my blog itself to say my thoughts on shit, no matter if any of you agree or not. plus i mean if this flops i surely never have to face the consequences if im leaving anyways so peepoClap. thank you all so much for everything, and if you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my bullshit. i dont know if after this ill still leave, but regardless, it feels wrong to not make some homage to such an impactful place in my life. impactful people too :)
thank u all for reading again, and good fucking night !
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greenofrain · 1 year
I think the Quinton Reviews iCarly series is more than just extremely long videos about children's shows tbh. I've been binging them for the last week and a half and there's a ton of really effective documentary storytelling about the toll these shows took on its stars.
The extreme length of the videos helps sell the magnitude and power that the Nickelodeon system had over its child actors. The decision to leave Dan Schneider out of the story until after the series is over helps to center the accounts of the actors and evoke a sense of dread that I'm sure was felt by the performers and production crew when working with him. The overserious analysis of Crimes and Psychology and Metaverses in the interest of exposing the "dark truth" behind these shows juxtaposed with the actual truth of the effects the shows, the creator, and the system had on actors like Victoria Justice, Ariana Grande, and especially Jennette McCurdy is a super effective way to frame the retrospectives.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it and it's not that deep, but I think there's some serious meaning and merit hidden behind these "8 hour iCarly videos." And I think once the series is complete it'll go down as one of the best YouTube series of all time.
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0xo · 21 days
nsjksksk okay so i could've sworn that like. i'm facially expressive. i've practiced my expressions for hours and hours to get them right since i was a kid. like, yes i am autistic, but i thought i had taught myself to "show emotion correctly" so that other people could understand me. (because that's normal i guess)
and then i saw pictures from today where i KNOW i was thrilled, like i was internally screaming with joy, and...... in 90% of them i look just absolutely stone-faced. like completely blank or maybe even a little upset. bro 😭 is this happening all the time? like i think i'm showing a happy face and people just see nothing??????? watching video of myself is so funny because i'll laugh and then just. snap into a blank face. but i know i was really happy?
like... i know i have to remember to smile or modulate sometimes, and i also know i don't always have to mask like that, and it's not good for me to always do it. but i genuinely thought i was way better at masking than that... do i really look so much more serious than i feel?
people used to tell me i was intimidating and i didn't understand it at all, because in my mind i'm really bubbly and expressive, but also. i smile in pictures *i* take and can see, and i have to work to make it match. in pictures from other people, i look so... different? and now i kind of get it because i do look sort of death-stare-y and overserious. but i don't feel that way!!! what!!!!!!!!
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thejugheadparadox · 11 months
you wrote a 116 page jarchie screenplay? 👀👀 feel free to share it
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh 😳 hehe i always all the time want to share this stupid overserious thing that i secretly think is really pretty good that i dedicated like half my 2020 to bc i was on furlough from my job for lockdown <3 not technically 116 pages anymore bc i reformatted it for ao3. also it relies on post killing mr honey rvd break canon only. gay ass jughead forever. pls tell me what u think love u
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