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//*internal screaming from sticky mouse buttons* This is not helpful with making icons. Not at all.
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{sorry guys... not gonna be able to rp until tuesday night or wednesday... Fucking overtime...}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{fuck i forgot i need to go to bed now so I will try to get on here after work tomorrow or be on my other blogs or something ;-;}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Oh! old rps have been dropped due to my hiatus but I am open for new ones!}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{What the heckie... Tumblr is messing up with me.. Sometimes I make a post it eats it or something... This is frustrating..}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Woohoo I'm FINALLY gonna get a new laptop next week! I'm so excited!}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{I forgot to do opens but I have one last rp reply to do which will have to wait... I have no clue if I have work tomorrow but I got to get stuff ready just in case x.x}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Wow geez all the followers I got! Thank you all for following me and I am so sorry about being on hiatus when you followed me. I am back a bit but not 100% percent. Atm I am at work but I will start making opens and reply to current rps after I get off work! But thank you thank you for following!}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Wow what the heckie tumblr? I'm so sorry if you werre unfollowed by me. I just logged in to see that tumblr made me unfollow a handful of people :(}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{I gotta go back to work but I’ll get to the rest of replies during my last break ^^}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{So my lack of rping is due to being kicked off the shared laptop my family uses and keeping myself busy with ffxiv. Sadly I can't edit my themes at the moment to show I am back to mobile only until I can buy my own pc....}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{I'll be rping a bit later but I will be on mobile so no icons ;_;}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Dont have much service right now but I'll try to rp until I can get home.}
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blurredbylies-blog · 8 years
{Oops sorry I havent been active. Been playing too much ffxiv. I lost my rp mood because of it ;w; I'll come back if that mood pops up so I'll be on a small hiatus but will be open for chatting ooc in IMs}
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