#outlast has so many fun characters
transgender-catboy · 7 months
As much as I hate him... Trager is such a fun character
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darklcy · 9 months
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☆ 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧! 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☆
this has been in the drafts for a long, long time and i haven’t posted aot in a while, so enjoy :) | also i feel like some of these may be ooc but this was fun to write! just keep in mind this is how i think they’d act in a modern setting, ofc minus the war & trauma
attack on titan masterlist
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skips class to vape
smokes to thundercat & nirvana
flannels flannels flannels
naturally you steal them. acts coy when you do.
“you didn’t steal it, i just let you wear it and didn’t say anything when you went home with it.”
i feel like he’d be into meditating. idk why. like someone said he should do it so now he does a quick 5-min guided meditation every morning
showers with his chain on and gets green neck
doodles on his converse and yours
writes “hi :)” on your homework, journals, notes, etc during class
has a minecraft server w jean, connie and armin
claims he’s not scared of games like outlast or silent hill but everyone knows he’s lying
ends up hiding behind you in haunted houses
LOVES DRIVE THRUS/FAST FOOD. sonic & in n out specifically
toddler sense of humor, like finds things falling over funny (y’all remember the video of the piece of bread falling over-)
doesn’t know how to work pinterest
leans over people’s shoulders to look at their phones
tried getting his cartilage pierced but it got infected
has a few tattoos on his wrists and bicep
will bite you impulsively
you mean my bf
so this boy DOES know how to work pinterest, and has so many boards
one of them is filled w future pets he wants & another one includes house ideas with you :3
is the best language learner and knows french, spanish, and german
can’t watch gory shows like squid game or the walking dead, but enjoys psychological horrors like black swan
has a billion playlists with like 6 songs each
your playlist is titled “lovey” bc i said so
has maybe one lobe piercing. but only one
he goes so hard to TV girl and mac demarco, but also loves singers like sza & jack stauber
downloaded bumble only for the fun of it once but immediately deleted it when someone liked him
bounces his leg and picks his nails
best. skin. ever. has a good skin care regime
drives a silver toyota prius 
super into journaling & drawing :>
such a gentle bf, but lives for gossip
you text him, “you will NOT believe what i just heard.” and he drops everything he’s doing to respond
coffee dates!!!
you two have a stardew farm together with a dog and a bunch of chickens and cows
his favorite character is crobus
i love him very much
hardcore alison from breakfast club vibes
secretly into girl kpop groups
but loves hardcore women, like björk & poppy
definitely owns a lot of platform shoes: has like three pairs of demonias
shaves her brows to draw them on 
loves online shopping from aliexpress & etsy
into weird chunky jewelry!! has a necklace with a heavy cat pendant & a pair of eyeball earrings
loves to do your makeup! if you don’t wear a lot daily, she’ll do something for special outings like concerts or even for fun she’ll ask you to let her do it :3
has a tiktok specifically for ootds
favorite foods include spicy ramen, mediterranean meals & ice cream
i feel like she’d be in art class! she’d draw you random portraits or cute versions of you two to put in her scrapbook
oh yeah i also feel like she’d have a scrapbook!!! and keeps a lot of mementos from your dates/hangouts
when you come over, you, her and eren play mario kart
no doubt a spiritual girly: maybe not super into spells but has a tarot deck and a few oracle decks as well as a beautiful incense burner
you two go to goth clubs cuz yeah
her lipstick gets on you all the time
dressed up as lydia deetz one year for halloween
makes rings and necklaces and gives them to you, and she debates on opening an etsy shop
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— hope you enjoyed!
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coimbrabertone · 4 months
Le Mans vs. Daytona, Two Sides of the Endurance Racing Coin.
A bit of a belated blog on the 2024 24 Hours of Le Mans, how it compares to the other major 24-hour race - the Rolex 24 at Daytona - and how IMSA and WEC differ.
First things first, sports car racing in general is at a peak right now.
The largest prototype fields in decades, interclass competition of sorts with LMDh/GTP cars on one end and Hypercars on the other, and equally diverse GT3 fields to go with it. It's not a competition between IMSA and WEC as far as I'm concerned, both series collaborated on these regulations and that has benefitted endurance racing as a whole.
That being said, I've noticed some differences between the two, and I've had some discussions with friends about it lately.
The crux is this: the Rolex 24 at Daytona is the curtain raiser for the racing season, where drivers from every discipline from Formula One to NASCAR to half the Indycar field, plus all the regular cast of characters from endurance racing come to play. It's all within the confines of a 2.5-mile oval with big grandstands and clear sightlines, and the lights are all over the track, meaning you can see all the action pretty well. It's also in Daytona Beach a few weeks ahead of the Daytona 500.
Daytona is a party, a celebration of motorsport to kick off the next season of racing.
Le Mans, meanwhile, is a beacon of history. The start-finish line is where it has always been, the Dunlop Bridge has outlasted Dunlop itself making racing tyres, and it's an old school reminder to when those types of circular bridges were all over racing. Then onto the Mulsanne, the long, dark highway, with bits of civilization interspersed with woods, a theme with continues in the back half of the track. Some corners are named after historic tracks, like Indianapolis, others are named after the marques which defined era of Le Mans history - Corvette, Porsche, and Ford in particular.
Corvette, which has dominated GT racing at Le Mans for decades now.
Porsche, which is the most successful brand at Le Mans, and
Ford, who went back-to-back-to-back-to-back in the late 60s with the GT40, and then returned with the GT1 and GTE models in more recent decades.
That dedication to history shows in the broadcast too, with the broadcast often cutting to Tom Kristensen for interviews or by harkening back to similar events in Le Mans' past. Obviously, that's something that comes up in all racing broadcasts, but it was very apparent at Le Mans this year.
For the record, I'm not saying that's bad, this blog is proof that I'm a massive nerd when it comes to racing history, and I love that, I'm just noting it's a difference.
The crowd burning a couch in celebration after the 12 Hours of Sebring? Fans celebrating the misadventures of the Sean Creech Motorsports American flag Ligier LMP2 with its many cautions at Daytona and now Watkins Glen? You don't really see that at Le Mans.
In fact, there was one very fun thing from the 2023 Le Mans that was missing this year: the Garage 56 NASCAR. Now, i understand that was a one-off thing, and I do get the impression that the hydrogen car they showed off before the race - which was numbered #24, just like the NASCAR had been - was supposed to be a G56 entry for this year but they couldn't quite get it working yet, so I know that it's a bit of an unfair criticism to levy against Le Mans.
Still, 2023 had the big Camaro memes, the V8 sound, all those Freebird on the Mulsanne edits, it made Le Mans more fun.
And of course, Le Mans is fun even without those things - ferris wheels, fireworks, and, you know, the whole twenty-four hours of motor racing thing - all make for appointment television for racing nerds like me, but it is something I've noticed coming out of the 2024 race.
So does Le Mans need to change? No, i don't think so.
I like seeing cars coming down the Mulsanne, I like seeing the Ferrari hypercar racing against Toyota in addition to all the cars that do both IMSA and WEC, I like the announcers getting increasingly delirious as it gets into the night stint, and I like the fact that Valentino Rossi is now a BMW GT3 driver who competed at Le Mans.
The Rolex 24 at Daytona is probably more fun that Le Mans and its position on the calendar probably lets it get a handful of one-off drivers that may not be able to do Le Mans, but Le Mans also attracts plenty of unique talent as well. Ferrari doesn't do IMSA, nor does Toyota, nor does Valentino Rossi.
Would I like them to? Absolutely.
Am I fine with just having two different, successful endurance racing series on either side of the Atlantic? Absolutely. It's like the modern version of CART vs. Formula One as far as I'm concerned, only this time, I'm in a position to enjoy it.
So yeah, there are some things I prefer about IMSA, but there's plenty I love about Le Mans as well.
Hell, the fact that after the sister Ferrari won last year, we got to see the #50 Ferrari of Nicklas Nielsen, Miguel Molina, and Antonio Fuoco win. Both cars have now won Le Mans, and this means that last year's Antonio Giovinazzi, and this year's Antonio Fuoco - two drivers I've followed since the mid-to-late 2010s when they were actively in the open wheel junior series - are both Le Mans winners.
That's cool. I love the fact that drivers can fulfill their dream of winning for Ferrari, not just in Formula One, but now at Le Mans too. It's a great time to see, and between this and Indycar, I'm developing a lot of hope for talented junior drivers without F1 prospects.
Hell, on that very note, Felipe Drugovich raced at Le Mans for Action Express Cadillac this year, which seems to be his first time back in a major racing series since his F2 title campaign. Glad to see him back behind the wheel, just wish it went better for him.
Anyway, this last weekend of racing was a bit of a dud for me and I find myself busy yet again, so I'll leave the blogpost here, but do let you know what you think!
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Your tf2 headcannons make me smile :), how about the mercs going into their favorite game for a day and they have ti survive
Would The TF2 Mercs Survive In Their Favorite Video Game World? (+ Their Favorite Video Games)
Awe! I'm so glad I can make you smile 😭Honestly makes me so happy in general to be able to make stuff people enjoy! For the sake of this to make seance I'm going to pretend that all these games work on real human time and take 24hrs for a day to pass (If the game takes more than one day to beat) or the game to be finished. (If the days passing is unspecified)
Also! Mutual appreciation comment time! Thank you for being a mutual I love your asks and thank you for all the likes 💖
Okay enough of that to the prompt!
Demo- Borderlands 2
Of course Demo would love a game with mayhem, destruction, and humor. He also loves the fact that (for him at least) the game never gets boring, or dull. He always has fun when ever he loads up the game, so waking up one day in the game was both super exciting, and terrifying. I think he would survive, but then die as soon as the day was almost over, like he's not dying the second he wakes up, he's pretty good at the game after all, but he'd get confident, and then two seconds before the day his over he's shot in the head or something 😭
Engie- Minecraft
I know, I know. It's not a fresh, new, or even controversial take, it's just what everyone assumes, but I wholeheartedly agree Minecraft is his favorite game. He loves the freedom to build, he thinks it super cool he can use things that he would normally not be able to build with. He also loves being able to play with his friends (Pyro and Scout) specifically. He's beat the game at least ten times, and knows the game inside and out. Waking up in the game was suppressing, but to be honest, I think he's had weirder situations happen. He immediately knows what to do, and is on it. After only twenty minutes of being in the game, he's already working on a house, by time the night is actually here he's somehow found diamonds and is working on his nether portal, is so upset to wake up in his bed the next day. He's bitter he couldn't finish the game. Doesn't die, obviously, but did have strong words with a skeleton after receiving an arrow to the back of the head.
Heavy- Animal Crossing New Horizons.
I'm going to say it, this man doesn't really like violent video games. I know, controversial. My thing is, I don't think some of the mercs want to spend all their time killing, and then come back and kill fictional characters. But I could be wrong, but that doesn't matter because Heavy like Animal Crossing. He loves the villagers, loves the mundane tasks, loves how just, relaxing playing the game is. If he woke up on his AC island he'd be so happy. Hugs all the villagers, fishes, catches bugs, talks to Blathers about literally everything he can. This man is just having a great time, and I for one, am happy for him. Doesn't die (Even if he could, he still wouldn't) But did get stung by wasps at least once trying to catch them.
Medic- Outlast (For the sake of the game being finished in the way Outlast is played medic is forced into the same confines Miles is put in)
Are we shocked that this man loves one of the most iconic horror games ever made? Loves how many boundaries it destroyed, how gross some of the parts are, and how bloody other parts can be. Giggles at all the gory scenes. ALSO WHEN SEES THE DOCTOR??? When he wakes up in the world, he's very excited until he remembers how pretty much useless Miles is. He still, remains confident in his survival skills, still goes through the physical issues Miles goes through, and finds that to be rather inconvenient, (Regrets always complaining about how upset Miles seems to get, but he understands now that maybe, just maybe, when you aren't able to heal almost immediately, that losing a finger or two isn't super easy to cope with) but regardless, he does survive, he doesn't die because of a lack of skill or overconfidence, but dies do to the plot advancement, you know?
Scout- Apex Legends
I think in the same vein as Engie, this probably isn't a fresh take, but it still fits. Scout is good at Apex, like really good. I think it's easy to make him a silly little guy, but he's ruthless when he wants or needs to be. This man is an Apex champion more than most people, has more kills than you'd ever think, and is honestly a better teammate in Apex than on the field with the other mercs 😭 He wakes up in Apex world and he's so thrilled, he's ready to put his real-world skills into his favorite game and does pretty well until he's knocked down by an enemy, he hides behind a box and waits for his teammates to come help him, they start moving father away, he moves over to them, they move again, he bleeds out as his two other teammates walk away from him. (Totally never happened to me) then they didn't pick up his banner, so eventually, he just woke up after dying and is so pissed. It did make him a bit kinder when it comes to helping out his teammates, in hopes that he'll never go through that again.
Sniper- Superhot
Way too good at Superhot, it's almost troubling how many hours he's put into the game. You'd swear you could see the enemies shaking anytime they appear on camera. Sniper sometimes uses this as an opportunity to practice dodging, but also just has fun fighting against an enemy. Loves the slo-mo shots he can get. Loves splitting enemies in half with different weapons. Also love the mind control and weird story setup of it all. If he woke up suddenly pixilated, fighting other pixilated entities, he's either freaking out or shrugging it off. Probably the latter, knowing him. He survives well, with only a few close calls, it's a lot easier when your hitbox isn't an entire VR headset after all. Genuinely has fun being put in the Superhot world for a day.
Spy- Hitman
Now, I thought I'd be so clever and come up with original ideas, but I was wrong. I think Spy plays Hitman plays for ideas, how weapons would look, how messy a kill would be, etc. Also loves being able to have very minimal risk when he's "killing" It stresses a guy out when you live life trying not to get caught every day, you know? As much as this man likes this game, he is so pissy when he wakes up in this game. He's basically just living a full 24 hours of his regular day job and is exhausted by the end of it. He does a good job, doesn't get caught, and manages to keep his suit clean. Has never been so received to wake up.
Soldier- Call of Duty Modern Warfare
A man who loves war likes a game about war, who would have guessed? No, but in all honesty, the military aspect is one of his favorite parts of it, he also loves the range of weapons and all the different roles you can play in the game. I'm not going to lie though, if he woke up in the COD world, he'd probably have a breakdown. Like he'd freak thinking everything before this was a fever dream, but he'll eventually figure it out. He would kill at any task he was given, and survive, he'd wake up and immediately feel better because as much as he loves the game, he never wants to go back.
Pyro- Undertale
Pyro loves Undertale so much that it's insane. Has played his game, at least 30 times. Has never, not even once, played the genocide route. They cannot bring themselves to kill a froggit, let alone Papyrus or anyone else. When Pyro wakes up in the Undertale world they are thrilled, jumping up and down, giggling, screaming, you know all that fun. Literally gives Toriel the biggest hug ever. They have the best time of their life. Manages to do a deathless run, somehow, probably because of the insane amount of times they've played through it, but is heartbroken that they wake up after only being able to get through the neutral route.
I'm sorry this took so long! I loved this prompt but I hit a slump, and I've been fighting with myself to get it posted, I'm sorry if it's not great, I hope you like it though 💖
I'll try and be more consistent I promise 🫶🏻
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barbatusart · 3 months
Evil wyll is now my obsession and you got yourself to blame LOL
No but fr I love your analysis and how you doing him, speaking of which how does he look in your playthrough as of currently?
thank you kindly hehe the wyllenium was fun to explore! right now he looks like temporarily uninstalled cus i had to make room on my laptop to dig into outlast trials LOL but last time we were like mid act3 & evyl wyll had brute forced everybody into eating the worm, had signed the contract with mizora for the sake of gaining more power with No intention of saving his father, hes currently working with gortash for as long as it's mutually beneficial, & he basically agreed to become bhaalspawn so this has now turned into an origin character dark urge run LOL im playing him as evil as i possibly can just to see how far the game'll let me go
it's really interesting cus the game (as indepth & as many factors as it considers with different play styles) only considered so many possible outcomes for if you play an origin character completely against their written character sheet personality - or at the very least thats how it is with wyll, as im havent been too rewarded for doing a heel turn with any evil narration. or at the very least the game didnt consider the possibility that i wanted to play wyll as Wanting to be a warlock & work with mizora. could be the underwritten problem wyll has, could be an origin difficulty with only being able to consider so many playstyle factors - i dont know cus i havent played any other origin runs lol
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des2dream · 1 month
Okay, Crumpets! Let Me Tell You A Story....
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By the way, thanks for asking, @xxluneilaxxaus
Once Upon A Time (a few years back in late 2020 and around 2021),
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I wasn't a big ASMR fan either. I looked at ASMRs of people eating food, whispering into the mic, scratching on their microphones and I was like, "I don't get it!".😕 I also cringed because it always made my ears feel funny. One day, I got curious again and did some research until I found male audios. The first one I found was ZSakuVA's first Kayson locker video....before it got remade and I was like, "Oh.....woah!" 😲😳 At first, I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself so I laid off for a while. I think a few months later, my curiosity got the better of me and I saw the audio again....actually, the whole Kayson series (at the time where there was only The Locker Episode until the Halloween Episode). I guess you could say I was hooked. I was hooked on the character, the storyline, and the romance (Yes! Yes! I know, I know! A little silly!). I enjoyed listening to the audios and didn't think of them much as ASMRs, but just audios. Then....it hit me. I realized something that day. I've listened to audios BEFORE!!!
Before I listened to ASMR, I frequently listened to audio dramas and dramatic readings since I was a teenager. One of the best things I enjoyed about a story was hearing how the scenes played out in my head while reading it and listening to it was the next best thing! I've listened to a few audio dramas that were pretty enjoyable over the years. Creepypasta readings, audio dramas based on shows that I liked, even audio books/stories! It wasn't until that moment that I understood what I liked. I didn't want to watch ASMR videos of eating food and watching people do slow-motion on camera! I wanted to listen to audios! After listening to Saku's audios, I searched for other creators and I was blown away by what other people had to offer like DemonPishi, NoraASMR, SaejinVA, IceBoy, GoodBoyAudios, and much more that I apologize for not naming because we'd be here all day. I'm so sorry! They were all full of personality and talent! Still, there was something I was most curious about.....The ZSIMPS....Oh! Uh, I mean....THE CRUMPET COMMUNITY!!!
I used to be a lurker (though, I like the term, observer) and I would sit down and watch Saku's livestreams on Youtube and I was pleased at how kind the community was. I wasn't used to that because I was WELL aware that communities like The MLP Fandom, The MHA Fandom, and The Sonic Fandom had a TON of problematic fans and terrible misbehavior and illegal activity going on. The community seemed like a cozy spot to be around with. However, I didn't officially introduce myself into the community until I came to the Discord Server on the first day of 2024. So, I was always around since 2021 except I wasn't seen or heard of. However, in 2023 I decided to get involved in watching Twitch Streams after dear ReverieVA and Saku played Outlast and I couldn't stop laughing. It was a fun time too! Twitch was a lot of fun and it still is. It's because of Twitch that I decided to get into Discord with how great the community has been and I've grown to remember so many usernames! Tumblr has been kind to me too! All the creators, VAs, ASMR Audio-ists, and all the fans have given me more inspiration to work on my own stories and creations while I continue to focus on working hard for a future involving Creative Writing and becoming an author.
I guess this is also my way of saying, "Thank You!" ❤🌹💗
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kookieswan · 1 year
Outlast Them All - Bloody Beginnings
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Variant!Namjoon x Journalist!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Interactive AU, Outlast!AU, Horror, Psychological Horror, Angst, Strangers to Enemies to ???, Fluff?????, NSFW content (Sexual and Non-Sexual).
Warnings: OOOOF. Minor character death, blood/gore, foul language, general horror, angst. This story will consistently tackle themes of obsessive behavior as well as psychological/general horror and many of the characters are morally gray. Please be warned.
Notes: Remember, your choices will heavily impact the outcome of the story. Choose carefully lovelies ♥️
This is Part I of the Outlast Them All series. Find the Masterlist here! 💀
“Breaking NDA’s, huh…?” You scan the email one more time before closing your laptop with a huff, the beams of your headlights shining through the fog ahead. You can’t see much in the darkness, the lights of Mount Massive Asylum not nearly as bright now that they’re shrouded.
It’s a massive building, true to the name, and you can’t even to begin to guess how deep it really goes. With the sheer amount of patients and employees the place likely has, you know you’ll get answers one way or another. You already have a good start from whoever the hell sent you the damning documents.
Some random employee apparently decided to have fun as a whistleblower, decided to say fuck it, and somehow chose your ass to be the one to expose whatever the hell is going on inside the walls ahead. Were they descriptive? No. Could this possibly skyrocket your career into something amazing? Fuck yes.
Glancing over, it’s obvious that no one’s been at the security gate for a minute, not a single fucking soul in sight as the door blows back and forth. A blessing to be sure; you’ve been sitting st the gate for more than twenty minutes and nothing. Stepping out of the car and toward the small security box, it’s easy enough to pull the lever to allow the gate to open slowly in front of you. Fuckers didn’t even take the keys out. Nice.
You walk briskly toward the entrance with your camera raised after pocketing the keys, the courtyard completely void of any sign of life. Glancing up toward the windows, you can see light flickering on and off in some of them, others completely black. As you walk carefully up the stairs, the thumping of your boots echos through the emptiness without remorse.
Just when you reach the front door, there’s a shriek in the distance, just barely there. It makes you pause, having to remind yourself that sounds like that are probably normal around here. Gripping the handle, you shake it roughly but to no avail. It’s locked up tight, just as you had thought it would be. Didn’t hurt to try though… Another way then. You’re nothing if not resourceful.
Sneaking around the side of the building seems like the obvious choice, and so you trail along the shrubbery, looking for any broken door or open window. You spot one before long, way up in one of the floors above, the drapes billowing out as the wind picks up. It looks as if they were doing some landscaping, a ladder nearby masquerading as your lifesaver. Time to climb then. Joy.
You wonder idly if any of this footage will actually be useable, most of it being your breathing and gusts of wind. No one would even guess you were here for one of the biggest story breaks of the last ten years, not as you grunt and groan while scaling the side of the building like an idiot.
“What the hell…?” The window is broken it looks like, shattered by something with some sort of liquid dripping around the glass. Looking closer, you notice that it’s red. Blood most likely, and not really what you wanted to find. Recording a shot of it, you slowly slide through the window and creep into the room, careful to avoid any broken glass. No need for booboos, it’s bad enough you probably got blood on your coat.
It seems normal, if not a little quiet, and you distractedly pan your camera around as you step toward the door. Clearly what you’re looking for isn’t here, probably down in the basement because honestly, the secrets are always hidden in the basement. The door creaks as you open it, and you peek out quietly, looking both left and right. It’s a simple hallway a hallway, one that quickly becomes a safe zone as you peer into the lobby below with widening eyes.
It’s a fucking bloodbath.
Guards smeared across the floor like bugs; blood and guts scattered around the room like confetti. You stare, the camera shaking a bit as you capture footage of whatever the hell happened to those poor fucks. Backing away right into the wall, you pull the notepad out of your pocket and scribble down your newest findings.
‘Stumbled into absolute carnage. Things seemed fishy but fine at first- that quickly changed; bodies everywhere just in the lobby alone. Don’t know how bad it is yet, have to go in further.’
If you thought the higher ups of Mount Massive were fucked before, well, they’re definitely fucked now.
On some sort of shocked auto pilot, you meander over to the next door you see wobbly, not really sure where to go from here. It’s clearly not safe down there, in here, but the urge to explore further is strong; something isn’t right here. Trying not to second guess this whole thing, you push the door open and nearly shit yourself screaming.
Something- a body?- swings down from the rafters, nearly hitting you in the face. The fumes smack you in the face anyway, and overwhelming need to puke your guts out rising up quickly. There’s a loud groan from beyond the bookcases and peering into the darkness, you see a man… Hanging from the fucking rafters like a slab of meat. What in the fresh hell did you walk into…?
“G-get out of here! Fuck, why the hell…? Don’t let them…” Turning the night vision on on your camcorder, you cringe as the man chokes violently on his own blood, flailing around a bit more before falling completely limp. What a fucking way to go.
Maybe it’s shock, maybe it’s a very morbid curiosity, but you just stare for a solid minute, the battery slowly draining from your camera. Snapping out of it finally, you stumble over what you can only guess is dead bodies until you get close enough to touch the man.
“Hey… Hey!” You tap the poor guy a few times, trying very hard to ignore the rotting bodies around you. It reeks of blood and piss, maybe some vomit too, it’s all the same as it makes your eyes burn. The man doesn’t respond, and at this point it’s pretty fucking clear he’s dead just like all the other poor fucks you’re surrounded by.
Should you turn back? Yeah probably. Are you going to? Fuck no; your whistleblower was making it seem like rainbows and fucking unicorns in their email compared to whatever the hell this is. A fucked up cooperate nightmare and you’re going to expose it to the world.
A loud bang against the door startles you, causing you to jolt forward and almost drop your camcorder. You nearly stop breathing, listening as the clanking sound coming from outside of the door. It’s at a steady pace, the sound sharp against the brick walls. Whatever it is, you’re going to have to walk right past it to leave the room…
You have 24 hours to decide. Choose wisely 🎃
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the-hunter-himself · 27 days
" Welcome to the Cabin in the Woods "
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. Bio . Introduction . Gallery . Playlist .
An Ask Blog dedicated for Outlast Trials OC, Hunter Robbertson aka “The Hunter himself”. This blog will contains : 
Ask and rp obviously 
His daily diary
Aesthetic / moodboard post and reblog
Some Outlast Trials fanart 
And many more
Rules to interact : 
This blog will contain a lot of dark themes as well possibly animal gore description (however, there will be no graphic gore imagery). Everything here is for fictional purpose, and anyone who glorified / condoning such behavior (including real life animal poaching) will be blocked. 
Any kind of ask is allowed. NSFW is okay, including dark romance, gore, and pretty much Outlast type genre. However, please prevent asking something that has a noncon element inside. Dubcon on the other hand is still allowed.
18+ Ask and RP will be put under “Keep Reading”
Visual / art rp is encouraged. But it may take some time to respond.
Meme ask is also encouraged lmao. It never hurts to got a lil bit ooc for shit and giggles ;)
Romantic interactions from canon characters are allowed. Romantic interactions from OC are encouraged as well. While this doesn’t mean he will be officially shipped with another character, I love exploring more of his romantic side so have fun !
Sometimes i put OOC / Author note in the tags
All Anon ask about Hunter in my main blog will be moved to this blog
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or contact my original blog @nicktremblaywayfu via dm / ask
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"And i see that creature. Its horn coated in the most luxurious gold, with its red eyes starring right into my heart. It stood proudly, starring bellow at me from the top of the mountain, with its herd of white antler deers"
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thatdogmagic · 11 months
HI! How's playing GW2 been? I hope you've had a lot of fun with it, but would love to hear your thoughts!
Oh boy, how much time do you have :D
I've enjoyed the hell out of it, and have put in an unconscionable number of hours. Managed to finish the entire story during some downtime and have about a million things to say about the campaign overall. Enough highs to make up for some very bitter disappointments in terms of which types of characters the writing staff has a real bad habit of killing off (you can probably guess which ones really got my back up).
I've had to play with controller which has been a bit of a trial, since mine has been signalling that it's fucking dying ever since I started. Means there are some class limitations but I don't mind being a necro schlub outlasting literally everyone else, so it works out overall.
One thing I unironically have come to really love is running into lore-friendly, well-designed charr. So many are stupid (and admittedly, at times, very funny) memes that, like, when someone clearly gives a shit about them, it stands out. It's lead me to reach out and compliment the ones I really like so they actually know, hey, someone appreciates the work you put in. I've gotten a few random unsolicited compliments on my own girls occasionally, too, so it's like the most wholesome whisper network in existence.
All in all, very fun game, will be playing for a while yet probably, p jazzed about demon mommy in the latest expac being fucking enormous.
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Organizing Hetalia Characters Into Arbitrary Categories: Games In My Steam Library
Italy: Placid Plastic Duck Simulator Cute plastic ducks that you can name???? He's sold, even if they don't do anything Germany: Cities Skylines He owns all of the DLC and miraculously doesn't run into traffic issues like every other player does. With how organized this man is you CANNOT convince me that this dream isn't a dream come true for him. He will spend over an hour going through and making sure all of the traffic light nodes are correct and he spends time thinking about optimization. He might be a little overly invested in his city, though Japan: Plants vs. Zombies or Undertale Japan gives me completionist kinda vibes and I think he would like games that have multiple routes you can take. I thought Plants vs. Zombies because you have to play through the main story several times if you want to get all of the achievements and that's on top of the series of mini-games that exist. As for Undertale, I think having the three different game modes would be fun for him, on top of the millions of easter eggs Toby Fox has hidden throughout the game. I could also see him really liking Portal, but I've already given that to someone else America: Outlast I don't know what you want me to say, I think this one speaks for itself. He's also giving me Portal vibes but I don't think he has the patience for some of the puzzles England: Overcooked! 2 Man can't cook in real life. This also translates to video games. I would like to think that he's gotten decently far into the game, but I'm gonna say he's stuck at level 4-3 because so far that level seem impossible in single player France: Unpacking This man is canonically afraid of computers. I don't know what he would play, so he gets Unpacking. I think he would like the sentimentality of the narrative at least Russia: The Sims 3 or Unturned Sims 3 because I see this man spending far too long planning out families and being devastated when they die. He also refused to upgrade to The Sims 4 when it came out and still holds this grudge (and because I have TS4 on origin not steam lol). Unturned for so many reasons. I think he likes a healthy balance between calmer games and combat games; Unturned isn't a combat game per say, but playing in PVE servers in like 2018 was a nightmare. Man has no fear either, so he's much more willing to take on the roblox-reject looking mega zombies than I ever will be China: Stardew Valley There's so much you can do in this game and I think the variety in content and the art style are what appeal to him most. I think he would like caring for the animals most of all, which couldn't be me, so kudos to him. Don't ask me who his choice in bachelor/bachelorette is because I don't know. I'm not even sure if he would care to befriend many of the NPCs save for Shane for the blue chickens Prussia: Star Wars: Battlefront II I don't have a real reason for this other than Prussia's simultaneously a huge dork and also one of the worst people to be in VC with. He thinks the desktop version of this game sucks, though, and misses the PS2 version (me too) Canada: Portal You can't change my mind on this one. GLaDOS is his favorite once she gets turned into a potato. Also he deserves to have a companion cube plush (it's very fun to throw at people, speaking from experience). He has the patience for puzzle games and I think it's more suited for him than America
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bearphase · 2 days
Legacy superlatives tag game (Bright NSB)
Tagged by @bastardtrait! Thanks for the tag. I kind of just had surgery so I'm a little out of it NGL, but I wanted to go ahead and do this because it looks fun and I love when mutuals tag me :') I'd put in screenshots but it's a minimal effort kind of day, yall
Favorite heir: 100% has to be Clem. Her generation was one I kept thinking about and toying with ideas for through the others, and I think it came to fruition pretty well.
Favorite spouse: While I want to spread the love and not keep it all in one generation, likewise, this has gotta be Silas.
Favourite spare: Florence! She's by far the one I've put the most focus on, and I really quite like her.
Favorite side character: Galatea. She shows up every time it's raining to try and die on me, but she is not permitted. She shall outlast the legacy itself. I love Servos, and her whole deal is just very fun to me.
Mishaps during your legacy: Gray was my fastest generation played, and I fully didn't realize that Floyd was supposed to break up with Lani until after he'd proposed. Really threw a spanner in the works, that one. Also, Violet hired a butler, but had to fire him because he constantly tried to repair Galatea, no matter if she needed it or not.
Largest number of children: I don't tend to do big Sim families, since the extra children always get neglected, both for screentime and in gameplay 😅 Floyd and Olivia having two more after he and Lani'd had Violet (for a total of three) was the most, unless I'm fully forgetting a fourth baby somewhere. Kacie and Rhys (Clem's little brother and his spouse) did have four through story progression, but I don't really count that.
Any surprises: I didn't actually get Lani pregnant on purpose! I went to play her household for a minute after the breakup and realized she was, as they once said on Yahoo Answers, gregant. I think this worked out pretty well for the story, though.
Favorite family pet: I also don't do many pets, but this would be Solar's dog Moon, who I kept aging down because I couldn't let her go 😩
If you're reading this and have a legacy, YOU ARE TAGGED 🫵
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
Can I request that #4 as well, only it’s the Empire Kids instead?
4. Protecting other characters from harm even when they know they'll get hurt
Beau has a job to do, and she takes that job seriously. Get in the monster's face, pop pop, take the hits so the others don't have to, so the others can work their magic from afar. She likes this job, likes getting into the sweat and the blood and the thick of it, likes the throbbing bruises that tell her she's succeeded. Her training gives her the abilities to outmaneuver and outlast even the wiliest opponents, and using that to the Nein's advantage is just so satisfying.
Until she gets distracted. They're here in the Lebenda Swamp, at the behest of the Cobalt Soul, and they're trying to take care of this nest of grotesque, many-tentacled swamp monsters, and there's just so much going on at once. The thick of it is everywhere, and as fast as she is, she keeps getting snatched up and waved around like these monsters are children playing with dolls. She manages to avoid most of the teeth—razor-sharp and simply too many to count—but it's hard to hit these things in their fleshy underbellies from thirty feet up in the air.
She manages to wriggle herself free, slipping from the slimy tentacle and crashing to the ground harmlessly, but she can't book it for the monsters' center mass because Jester is half-conscious on the ground beside her. She kneels next to her friend's head, rooting around in her side pouch for a healing potion. "Fuck, come on, Jes," Beau mutters, trying to tip Jester's head up to administer the draught.
There is a telltale whistling in the air behind her. She doesn't have to look to know its source: a tentacle, slim and deadly fast, is whipping toward her, and if it strikes true, it'll knock this potion right from Jester's mouth and probably crack Beau's spine into two for the hell of it. She tenses her muscles to leap away, but before she can, there's a grunt and a howling yelp, and she turns her head to see Caleb of all people, gripped tight around this tentacle like he's going for the full eight seconds at the rodeo. Beau watches in horror as Caleb, clinging on for dear life, sends some kind of sizzling, acidic burning into the monster's flesh as he's flung about through the air, and for his trouble, he gets slammed back-first into a thick cypress tree. He tumbles to the ground in a heap as the tentacle, now free of its rider, moves on to other goals.
"Shit shit shit!" The potion bottle is empty, and Jester is stirring now. "What..."
"Get up and follow me!" Beau, who can run easily twice as fast as Jester, she's aware, tears off toward Caleb's unmoving body. She rolls him over, and she can practically see the twittering birds dancing around his head. "Caleb, are you with me?"
"Ja, okay," he says faintly, clearly dazed.
"JESTER!" she shouts over her shoulder, worried that their one healer—honestly, fuck Caduceus for not wanting to leave the Grove for this—not making it in time. "Hey, you don't get to die on me, okay? Do you know how much fucking paperwork I have to fill out if you die on a job for the Cobalt Soul?"
"Sorry." His eyes roll back in his head.
"I'm here!" Jester crashes to her knees and grabs Caleb's face with both of her hands. She closes her eyes in concentration, and a few moments later, Caleb's own eyes are fluttering back open.
"Sheisse..." He coughs with a groan. "That...looked more fun than it was."
Beau could strangle him. "What the fuck were you thinking? You're basically made of tissue paper and sugar glass. That thing could have killed you."
He shrugs, then winces at the movement. "You've taken quite a beating yourself, and you needed to get Jester on her feet again."
"Aww!" Jester presses an obnoxious smooch onto his cheek. "So gallant! Beau, tell him he did a good job."
"You're a fucking moron."
"Close enough." Jester hops to her feet. "I'm going to go hit that thing with a lollipop. You two catch up!"
Annoyed as she is, Beau puts her hand out over Caleb, and when he puts his own in it, she hauls up him from the ground. Jabbing a finger in his face, she grunts out, "You stay back, you hear me? Don't be a fucking hero."
He raises his hands in surrender. "I will be a coward from here on out, I promise."
"Good." She spins around to march back into the fray, but before she can, a hand on her wrist pulls her back. "Beauregard."
She turns, scowls at him. "What?"
"It was worth it."
And the annoying part is that she knows he means it. Rolling her eyes, she pulls her wrist free. "Stay hidden or I'll feed you to one of those things myself." And then she stomps off, hoping she never comes any closer to losing a friend again.
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paradoxlemonade · 1 year
For the ask game: Cleo
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Let me get one thing clear and it is that I ADORE Zombiecleo. They're my violent little meow meow and that means everything to me
Every time I make them a major character in an AU they have just. The WORST time.
Lunar Apocalypse AU (based on the end of S8 + I permakill over half the hermits lmao): she's trapped in the end for such a long time, second to last hermit to join up with the main group. Once she's rescued, it's to a tense group with infighting about to erupt and so many of her friends are gone forever. And they have to keep going.
Super Hostile AU: it's fucking super hostile no one is having fun here. And she can't stop, because there's no way out but victory or death.
The Life SMPs are like this too: Cleo cannot afford to stop moving. She has to outlast, because outfighting her opponent is a risky and unreliable maneuver. Any time she is too comfortable, something goes wrong.
There's something poetic about a zombie who cannot rest.
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bioshoook · 2 years
okay your ask inspired me so more AH asks for you: 1, 5, 8, 25, 34, 48, 51!! <3
Thank you for the questions Emrys :3
1) How did you get into AH?
Already answered, but I got into them by seeing a video somebody made on youtube with a bunch of other fandoms that were popular on Tumblr in 2014.
5) Favorite team?
Whatever the hell team name Trevor and Alfredo have now (tho Team Nice Dynamite is always right behind them in my heart)
8) Favorite AU?
Hmm favorite AU would have to be the Fake AH Crew AU just because of all the memories I have of messing around in that AU and all the great content that people have created using that AU. There's just so much to do when the characters you're playing with are literal criminals.
25) Has a video or specific moment ever made you emotional?
Not sure if this is for like sad emotional or happy emotional or whatever, but the first video I can remember off the top of my head that made me emotional in the sad way was when Meg had to host The Know after Monty passed away.
34) Have you seen the musical?
Yep I have! Watched the whole thing when it was mixed with the GTA video.
48) If you have one, who’s your favorite fic author or fan artist?
OOoohhh boy do I *cracks knuckles*
Since I know I can't narrow this down to like one author and artist I'm just gonna do a handful of the large amount of people that have created some of my favorite works and inspired me/influenced me with how I write.
So author wise I have to first give it up for @confusedeevee who without her I would most likely not be writing AH fanfic like I am today, plus she's an excellent beta, amazing writing partner and always helps me brainstorm when I need it and will listen to me rant and rave about all my au ideas even tho it's probably 3 am for her :') and her fics are out of this world, please go read them.
Next is @futureboy LIGHT OF MY FUCKING LIFE who fed (and continues to feed tbh) my alfreyco cravings and has some of the best written dialogue out there and a head full of incredible ideas when it comes to writing! They just have some of the best writing out there and they're honestly killing it with the ST fics right now.
And since we're talking about Alfreyco (because how could we not am i right??) @jusst-you-wait is honestly really to blame for me still writing AH fic to this day, because this lovely alfreyco obsession of mine started when I read her Fake AH fic about Trevor and Alfredo investigating some abandoned building for Geoff and that's all she wrote. Also one of the best hype mans out there and such a great writer!
And I can't forget @shadeofazmeinya and @sorcererinthestars who also have some of the best fics out there in my opinion. And tbh I included both of them in one thing because one is not far from the other when it comes to fics and tumblr and there places in my HEART! Love these two so much and both have them have produced such fantastic work in this fandom and appreciate that every single DAY.
Ok now with artists unfortunately there aren't as many as there used to be in the ye olden days of the fandom, but that doesn't mean we don't have some excellent artists still!
Firstly is @keeningthoughts who without them I would not have the lovely alfreyco outlast fanart that I cry over almost daily and would not have known the joys of being in a server dedicated to a podcast co-lead by two very silly boys. Clay, your everchanging art style and the art you've drawn, no matter how silly, have always made me so happy when i see them on here or twitter :3
And then @ursifors who has created some of the most awesome art in this fandom. Just the way you draw the AH members (and Jeremy lbr) is so incredible and fun to look at. Your shading and the way you draw expressions are always the best. Like the way you nail people's faces is just 👌👌👌👌
51) Any videos, series, podcasts, etc. you’d recommend to new fans?
Would definitely recommend Red Web (how can I not?) if you're into spooky things and conspiracy theories, but for general AH stuff I would recommend Off Topic because that is always a good, tho sometimes chaotic, way to get a feel for the vibes at AH. As for videos, any Between the Games and Shenanigans videos are always great to watch. Series wise, there are always MC and GTA videos, which are CLASSICS even if they're older and Play Pals which is 👌. Always recommend those. Some more recent ones would be GMOD and 7 days to die. Also the Rage Quit anniversary video they came out like two weeks ago. That was an excellent video.
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hyperion-catboy · 1 year
I apologize in advance for this (maybe pointless) rant and any spelling mistakes, I'm super tired but had to get this off my chest.
I'm trying my best to enjoy the Outlast fandom but lately I've started to feel kinda bitter about it. I'm very discouraged from continuing to upload anything despite enjoying sharing my ideas with everyone a lot. I know it wouldn't really matter because I'm just a very small artist here so it won't make a big difference. I would be sad at least since I've been in the fandom since the very beginning and have seen it grow over all this time.
Being able to interact with other fans, exchange ideas and create things together is something I absolutely love and I've made some amazing friends over our shared love for Outlast, too.
I've been in many different fandoms over the years and have seen them falling apart and the most ridiculous reasons for unnecessary drama. Fandom means a lot of different people share one space and naturally opinions, headcanons and ideas will be the absolute opposite from each other at times.
That goes for how people imagine the especially mostly faceless protagonists of this franchise, too. I personally don't think there's a right or wrong way to portray them as long as it doesn't hurt anybody and I welcome every single interpretation. It's a good thing so many interesting and diverse ideas come together.
For me personally the way the protags have developed with every new piece of art I drew of them over the years has been an incredible fun journey so far. They started out with just vague concepts in my head back then and over all this time more personal ideas, headcanons, impressions and also inspiration from many other fellow artists turned them into who they are right now.
Waylon started out with blue eyes, a completely different face, a short dark brown buzz cut and no freckles at all, I also adapted the headcanon about his Korean origin because it made a lot of sense to me. He has come such a long way and I want to keep going because a lot of neurodivergent folks here probably understand what a comfort character can mean to someone.
Miles has followed me through the time of realizing I am trans to the point where I chose him even as the name I want to live for the rest of my life with.
I got attached to Waylon as well and for some reason I started to deeply project on him as a character. That includes picturing him as transmasc, seeing in him a lot of the anxiety I've struggled with my whole life so far and feeling a certain detachment from my own roots (I'm adopted, I don't know anything about my original background).
I know no one can take that away from me and it's impossible for everyone in a fandom to get along or agree with each other. What I wish for is just some mutual respect for each other and the vast variety of creativity here.
Let each other enjoy Outlast and if there's something you don't agree with, just move on and look at content that makes you happy. Being kind and a decent person costs you nothing, it's not that hard. Curate this space into a fun one for you, create your own little bubble of people you're comfortable with but let those you don't agree with live too and have a good time.
That's what I will try at least from now on. If you made it through this whole rant thank you for taking the time and listening ♡
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foxieflower · 1 year
Lmao the nerves of people to complain about Eddie and weddie in their tags only to find them fangirling over Hotline Miami, a game about making violence fun
People lack tact and self-awareness when they find themselves morally superior in takes about fictional characters. Sometimes people only manage to enjoy things from a surface level and never actually deep dive into what the game is trying to tell you. Ie, Outlast puts you in a scared perspective so all the people you see are scary and villainous and nothing more, and Hotline Miami is a fun game with bright colors so you're having fuuuuunnnnn.
Anytime I witness someone who can't budge from the idea that Eddie Gluskin is a terrible person and nothing more I always just question how much Murkoff Kool-aid they drank. Anyone who has the ability to look at Outlast from a deeper perspective would understand that it's a game trying to make you understand that "no matter how terrible a person seems to be, they do not deserve to be tortured like this".
Not to mention, Murkoff, Jeremy Blaire specifically, proved themselves willing to lie about literally everything they are doing and even about the case of Waylon Park directly to Lisa. Who's to say literally anything you pick up off the ground tells the truth either. It's very obvious that they didn't even know how to directly diagnose Eddie, he was just frustrating to therapists. Which, once again, proves they didn't have very good therapists.
But all this aside, the inability to mark down that people can enjoy things differently than you do and instead make yourself out to be some sort of morally superior just means they are terminally online and don't have enough conversations with real living breathing people.
Fiction is meant to be fun and enjoyed through many different lens, if you sincerely do not find yourself comfortable with one or another, you are not necessarily in the right, just that you don't like that specific reading of said fiction. I personally do not like stories that are simply just torture porn of Eddie towards anyone else, doesn't mean I find that those that write them are terrible people, just means we have different tastes. I like redemption and hurt/comfort and the idea that someone seemingly awful can have more to their life and deserve love and care. So of course, I make Eddie sympathetic in my art and fiction.
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