#outlast fun character
un-te-con-zucchero · 4 months
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Meet "The Gardener" :) So, I originally intended him as an Outlast fun character, but I think he looks too healthy and normal for a Mount Massive patient. So I'm definitely going to make him look more scary and sick.
I'm also thinking of making a web comic about his past, time at Mount Massive and his death.
But it's a big and complicated job. So I'm not promising anything. Maybe the comic will go online in a few months.. maybe never :P
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anonself · 2 months
If I recite his name three times will I summon a hate anon
Franco barbi Franco barbi Franco barbi
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muffy-official · 2 months
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she might become a wreck over time the more pain she has to inflict on others, makes her prone to offer comfort to diffuse situations more easily than before meanwhile she herself might actually feel like absolute ass to be able to do this at all. Sometimes there's moments where she really needs that herself too. No matter how long she's been hunting reagents it still hurts her to hell and back to hurt others so bad just to avoid punishment from doctors and the such. She honestly never wanted to hurt people, she sometimes wonders why she hasn't been killed during that incident in the farewell mansion before she got recycled as expop, why he didn't just do it to end it, why he pulled her head out of the pool instead of keeping it in as he was still raging in a frustrated manner over the past, why he let her claw against his leg as she tried to desperately grasp for air, violently coughing water out. Something seemed to have stopped him, something might've made him feel bad about it, it's unclear. It honestly would be horrifying to her to get killed by the hands of someone she used to play with, even if it was short-lived as kids many years ago. She might be thinking a while about this to process it, but never asks why
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As I mentioned before she's sensitive to very loud noises when she happens to be too close to them and only discovered that when it happened while hanging out as a child during her 2 day stay in new orleans where something loud blew not so far from them. Later as expop in Sinyala it's possible he didn't really notice she wasn't that far away before firing the gun. Flinching up and needing a moment to calm down from it depending how badly it got her
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sad-zombie-boy · 3 months
Is it to OOC for Easterman if I write about him taunting my blindfolded Reagent OC?? Like I know he doesn't want to be present but I feel like it would be good manipulation and they can't see him.
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weezerpilled · 1 year
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ouughgh outlast sketchg
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heretyc · 1 year
Outlast Characters w/ a Sarcastic Partner
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Had this all written out. Tumblr decided to delete it. [Facepalm]
Let's try this again, shall we?
Synopsis: You're dripping with sarcasm, you take nothing seriously, you make jokes here and there, and you love making antagonists angry. The protagonists and antagonists have thoughts about that.
These are meant to be platonic, but they can be seen as romantic if you'd like. Up to you.
Miles loves it. Yeah, you're both stuck in literal Hell, but also...humour tends to soften the blow of seeing corpses, blood, and in Miles' words, a "guy fucked by a cheese grater". Chris and the nude twins become laughingstocks to you. When Miles lost his fingers, you so casually asked him to "give you a high three". He had to sit down.
Waylon is not a fan. You're both stuck here against your will, and you're making JOKES? And could you maybe not ask the raging cannibal behind you a question regarding human meat and the best sauces that go with it?? He's petrified, and he would have let you take the reins if not for the fact that you walked up to a variant holding a scalpel and made fun of him for its size. "Size matters, dimwit."
Blake's okay with it. As long as you're not eagerly walking up to a cultist to insult their clothing choices, or sarcastically ask if they're on "FarmersOnly.com", he enjoys your humour. It grounds him. You had an absolute HAYDAY when the heretics straddled you both, and you asked if "there was a spa nearby that offered mud baths". He would have laughed, if not for Val sitting on his chest. When you were next he exhaled a laugh, both relieved and amused, however it sounded like a sigh. He did not shy away from mocking the saliva on your face.
Lynn hated it at first, but grew to love it. Her brain was fried due to constant fight or flight, so she was exhausted. She let herself become amused with time. She'd look at you with horror when you mocked a heretic's language or when you questioned Val's mental state, but grew to find you hilarious. She loses it whenever a heretic looks at you, confused as hell.
Trager gets down on one knee and proposes right there. Fuck Miles, he just found an absolute goldmine! You're humorous, you don't give a shit about him, AND you don't fear him? Jokes aside, he finds you amusing, and would love nothing more than to offer you a martini. But you have lessons to learn...that little priest guy has got you confused. Give him your fingers, won't you?
Jeremy either loves it or hates it depending on who's the butt of your cynicism. If you ask him about his "obsession with SuitsRUs", he may become offended. But he'll join in with you if you mock a variant or something.
Eddie is..confused, at first. You complimented his gutting skills, but your voice sounded off, and your body language suggested that you were disgusted. You felt somewhat bad after he got angry over not understanding your jokes, so you toned it down. He'll laugh at your jokes as long they're not too difficult to grasp. And don't mock him when he's angry. That's a literal death wish.
Walrider doesn't care too much. He's too busy Wall Riding and being a menace. But he's the type to mock your movements, much like a mime or something. Silly boy.
Frank Manera cares not for your jokes and humour, he is far too busy chasing and scaring the fuck out of poor variants so they can become his dessert. He is more than confused when you call him "Frank Marinara". Just keep him fed and he'll be your eager audience. But you have to explain that no, you will not literally give him "an arm and a leg to see him chase Chris with his saw". Afterwards, he will grumble and say "he ain't stupid".
Chris is far too determined about killing Walrider to care for humour.
Marta HATES it. She will roll her eyes and ignore your attempts at humour. She hates it. Hates it all to hell. You need to start taking things seriously for once in your life. That's what she thinks. She was told not to kill you, as Knoth says you're important, but she wishes she could at least rip your tongue out. She wishes you'd stop with the "goth" jokes, or the "Hot Topic" jokes. Ugh.
Val, on the other hand, loves it. Mockery towards The New Testament is well deserved, in their honest opinion. Especially if Knoth is the butt of your jokes. They'll join in. I like to think they're somewhat sarcastic themselves. They, also, might become a little hot and bothered.
Laird and Nick don't care for it, mainly because they're confused. It takes Laird a moment to decipher any sarcasm, and once he does, he'll grumble and ignore you. Nick will remain addled. Help him.
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crystallakec · 2 years
I miss you (im sorry for not being active much ive been busy so i havent find the time to draw your trials oc 😭😭😭 i really wanted to thoo aaaah)
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gyaaaaooh!!! Hi krim hihi hi!!!! I'm SO sorry for taking so long to get to this and OF COURSE I MISSED YOU TOO o(-( ouggh I think I was dealing with a lot of personal stuff during that time so I didn't check here!!
now it's really the perfect time for me to answer this because we finally get an exact date for full launch!!! plus I've been wanting to draw your trials oc for so long....pls accept this doodle of them!! I think they are like. the type of character who panic easily facing danger but somehow always manage to survive everything. scream and cry really loud but pro at escaping actually. lucky100%
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trickster-whim · 1 year
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My sister and I had an Outlast watch-LPs-and-read-the-wiki marathon the other day and this wouldn't leave my mind until I made it.
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Happy Pride! 🌈✨🧑‍💻🏳️‍🌈
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lucky-draws · 1 year
does anyone remember outlast.
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Heavy and Spy are on opposite ends of the spectrum where Heavy could take a dozen loads each from everybody else like a champ but Spy gets cummed in like 3 times and just blows away like when you let go of a balloon you blew up it didn’t tie off
Saw like a jokey post once abt how the "cock bulge in your stomach" trope really only works if ur skinny n someone else was like "guess that just means we'll need to fuck you with even bigger cocks then" (on like, monsterfucker Tumblr so u can imagine LMAO) and I think that's the logic here. Just gotta put in more work!
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transgender-catboy · 7 months
As much as I hate him... Trager is such a fun character
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
if I don't get my $2k+ today from my company, I just don't know what i will do to them ._.
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charcoalstardust · 1 year
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happy pride have an itty bitty guy
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misterradio · 1 year
characters who are unwitting or unwilling hosts to something. btw
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mother-maxyne · 2 years
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Maxx ?? Posting more than once a week ?? It’s more likely thank you think .
— Okay so , this was just kind of a test of how to animate in procreate . I wanted to do something simple , so why not a creepy lil gif of Gwenny . I did make a full animation based off this , but i kinda hate it and don’t know if I’ll post it .
EDIT : i just realized i didn’t put my signature on this but , oh well .
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