#outlast college
brother-emperors · 8 months
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The Art of Dreams: Reflections and Representations
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The Tomb of Caterina della Ratta and the Iconography of the Reclining Reader in Renaissance Sepulcharl Art, Yonni Ascher
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Ancestor Masks and Aristocratic Power in Roman Culture, Harriet I Flower
okay so just. play connect the dots with me for a second. Girolamo Basso della Rovere is Giuliano della Rovere's (Pope Julius II) cousin. Ascanio Sforza was a long time rival, and later ex-enemy of Giiuliano's. this kind of familial mirroring in the tombs, the way that Ascanio is being subsumed into a matching visual with someone of della Rovere's family is. interesting. because it goes well beyond the expected patron-client relationship between the pope and his cardinals. like, these were companion monuments.
there's also a kind of tragic romantic violence to it, given Ascanio's persistent loyalty to his family and Milan, and Ludovico's plans to have Ascanio's body brought back to Milan in the event of his death and interred in the same chapel as Beatrice d'Este.
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The Outlast College AU: the cast
Eddie Gluskin:
Eddie Gluskin (also known as "Ed" or "the groom" in a mocking way) is a failed pre-med student who switched over to fashion design and merchandising and is known for his "retro" style of dress along with his misogynistic behavior. He is a social outcast due to how he acts so despite his good looks and "charming" personality, he seldom ever gets dates or even respect from his other peers (functionally making him an incel). He is "friends" with Frank (although this is mostly just because Frank also happens to live with him) and that is really about it. And despite his bizarre standards for women and beliefs surrounding sexuality: he is dating Val who is the polar opposite of all of what he holds dear.
Frank Manera:
Frank Manera is Eddie's weed-smoking, whisky-drinking, grunge music-loving culinary school dropout roommate. Unlike Eddie, he is a social outcast by choice and actively chooses not to socially engage with other people or things. Frank is probably the most easy-going person you might meet partly due to the fact he is high all the time but also due to his "I really do not give a shit" attitude he has about practically everything. If it is not about his pickup truck, guns, food, weed, or the bands he likes he could care less. Frank is also occasionally seen at Crust-punk bars and other hole-in-the-wall places around MMU despite not being a student.
Val is a former member of the hyper-religious cult Temple Gate who once held the role of being the "mother" of all of the bastard children of its leader, Knoth, along with the orphans. She was unable to biologically produce children (functionally be a broodmare) so she took on the role of raising them instead. Val escaped the cult when she was 17 and attempted to bring others with her but was unable to. After her escape, she began to hyper-indulge in sex, drugs, body mods, and all of the other things she was never allowed to even talk about while living on the commune. She never got an education and instead opted to continue partying while also taking a job at a Spencers near MMU. She is dating Eddie Gluskin for reasons not fully understood. And despite her new life of freedom and indulgence, she is still on the run from the cult who does periodically attempt to drag her back. She still misses some members of the cult, specifically the children she cared for and wanted to take with her, but also deeply fears being dragged back too much to do anything.
Miles Upshur:
Miles is a journalism student at MMU who also works at the Spencers with Val. He is yet another stoner similar to the likes of Frank only with a significantly more conspiratorial slant. He is best friends with Waylon Park and frequently pulls him into his strange schemes and ventures (like when he goes ghost hunting in abandoned asylums or attempts to prove aliens exist). And much to his friend's horror: he overall lacks a sense of self-preservation and self-control which frequently results in him getting into a lot of dangerous situations.
Waylon Park:
Waylon Park is a computer science major at MMU and the unwitting best friend/accomplice of Miles. He is a lot more timid than his best friend and spends most of his time locked in his apartment streaming video games or working on various coding projects and actively avoids danger/confrontation. He is dating Lisa, a literature major, and is in a pretty steady relationship with her. Due to his more ambiguous appearance, he was mistaken for a woman and thus pursued by Eddie but that was quickly shut down when the truth was revealed and a restraining order was filed.
Rick Trager:
Rick Trager is an extremely shifty business professor teaching at MMU who may or may not be addicted to cocaine. The only reason he has not been fired is due to his tenure at the university.
Jermey Blaire:
Trager's equally as shifty/douchy TA who practically models himself after Patrick bateman.
Chris Walker:
Chris Walker is a former combat veteran going back to school after his time in the service. His exact major is unclear as it has changed several times. But due to his emence size and overall strength he is also a coveted member of the MMU football team. Chris does not have a particularly close relationship with anybody and only happens to know Miles because he had a class with him once (and in turn grew to dislike him as he came off extremely annoying).
Blake Langermann:
Blake is a fellow jornalisim major along with Miles and is a catholic school survivee. Blake is only mildly acquainted with the likes of Miles and Waylon and instead focuses a majority of his time on working on projects with his girlfriend Lynn who is also a journalism major. These projects are usually Exposes regarding local controversies or drama going on (along with the periodic serious human rights/civil rights violation). However, he will join Waylon and Miles on their bullshit adventures from time to time.
Father Martin:
He is the weird guy standing outside of MMU with a large sign only instead of telling people they are going to hell, he warns of the end times and weird ghost demons coming but it is unclear if he is for or against them.
Sullivan Knoth:
Is the leader of the Cult Val escaped from and one of the main antagonists in Val's life. He is functionally the same compared to how he is in the game minus the radio tower frequencies: he is just crazy naturally.
Is funtionally the "Sister Cindy" of MMU. She, unlike Father Martin, does accuse all of the students of being whores and tells them they will burn in hell if they don't repent (and do so to Knoth's teachings). She is also the closest immediate threat to Val's freedom and safety outside of the cult given she is still actively looking for her (dubbing her "the Heretic").
The only person from the cult Val is still somewhat in contact with. He is too attempting to escape given his fading faith had the fact Knoth sexually assaulted his daughter and is denying his wife the ability to get cancer treatments as "only god can decide if she lives". He tried to leave with Val initially but had to stay behind in order to at least allow Val to escape and to protect his family.
Billy Hope:
Billy is a highschooler who has functionally adopted by the MMU football team and is "enrolled" at the school a year early so he can play football. His mother, Tiffany, more or less signed off on it due to the hefty sum of money she was offered to allow her son to play.
"The Twins":
Really creepy townies everybody avoids and can usually be spotted with Martin
Pauline Glick:
The asshole president of MMU who may or may not be taking bribes and doing a bunch of illegal shit along with Blaire and Trager
"Mother Gooseberry (Phyllis Futterman)":
Is a washed-up former children's TV host who later became an art teacher at MMU. She teaches several of the more "technical" arts classes such as sewing and technical drawing. However, she also teaches dental classes at MMU although not that many. It is unclear when or if she even got a degree in dental medicine. But given she is only teaching more "anatomy" based lessons and is not actually practicing medicine: it is looked over by MMU administration.
Leland Coyle:
The campus cop who is activly on a power trip, all of the time.
"The Pusher":
The guy who sells literally everybody drugs. Weed, coke, you name it, he has it.
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Some more College AU Val.
In short: Val was a member of a hyper-religious cult for most of her life and was tasked with caring or the children of the cult given she could not "produce" any of her own. She developed heretical beliefs early into her teen years and managed to escape with a few others she eventually lost contact with. Val wanted to liberate the others (mostly the children she cared for) but was never able to as the cult moved locations and went "off the grid". Val also leaned more into her perverse side and began to express herself through extreme fashion. occasional body mods, and some heavy partying. She never went to college and instead mostly just lives off of what she makes working at Spencers.
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aerinfrankellove · 1 month
Inning eleven. Everyone give it up for inning eleven
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talonpaw · 2 years
our new advisor lasted for two weeks and then he fucking resigned 🧍‍♂️
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instantarmageddon · 1 year
I lost the post that prompted it but I just sent an insane essay about how fucking evil the anti-trans laws they're passing in Missouri are to that bozo's office, I doubt anyone will read it but I used my actual info to send it so we'll see if I end up on some sort of list now
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joz-yyh · 2 years
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I AM DOING IT YA’LL! Here’s a preview of the Eddway College AU Comic I am working on~ Still not 100% sold on Eddie’s “winter” design though so, I might change some things.
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ittorama · 1 year
Me rn because YouTube bitchass decided to terminate Berleezy’s channel
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ap0stle · 1 year
man i need to work on my fic again. actually i need to do my fuckin comp sci course i abandoned it a little oops
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heartpascal · 10 months
the sun was collapsing
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▹— joel miller x platonic!reader
▹— summary: joel thought you moving to a college halfway across the country would be the worst thing to happen to his family
▹— a/n: first off. yes this is me projecting. second, this is a miller!kid fic HOWEVER. it is not specified whether reader is adopted or biological etc + there is no reference to looks/resemblance! edit upon finishing: this took a slightly different direction than i originally meant but erm. yeah. let me know if y’all want any more of this!
▹— warnings: reference to a suicide attempt / suicidal thoughts and feelings — it’s the last section of the fic, and if you wish to avoid it stop reading at “You knew that you would never get used to the sound of a gun being fired.”, i will also put *** at the start of it (joel’s, but still, be cautious), negative feelings about going to college, miller!reader (adopted/bio unspecified), regretting leaving home, outbreak day, angst!!, brief use of they/them pronouns
▹— taglist: @rhymingtree @sleepygraves @wnstice (everything) @auggiesolovey @just-kaylaa @evyiione @lemonlaides @fariylixie0915 @faceache111 @randomhoex @canpillowscry @pedropascalsrealgf @star-wars-lover @coolchick333 @soobsdior @rvjaa @sunflowersdrop (pedro)
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There had been a pit festering in the depths of your chest since the moment you had finished all of your exams. One which, no matter how many reassurances were provided, refused to go away, refused to allow you a moment of peace, of rest.
Strangely, it had only gotten worse the moment you had received your results, since you had received your acceptance letter, since your place at the college of your dreams was confirmed. As if all your hard work finally paying off was a bad thing, something to dread.
At first, you blamed it on the way Sarah had cried and held on to you for the way your chest caved in on itself. It felt reasonable to assume that your little sister could be the reason for such overwhelming trepidation about your impending departure. After all, you had always worried about her, had always looked out for her as best as you could, especially with everything that had happened with her mother.
When that didn’t explain away the uneasiness in your chest cavity, you shifted the blame to your father. Your dad, who you had looked after for what felt like the entirety of your life, who you had looked to in the best and worst times of your life. The very man who did his best to quell his own fear and worry about your move, just to reassure you, to encourage you.
Joel Miller was a self-made man, who raised two kids, a brother, and a business all in one short lifetime. He was a man who had struggled at practically every turn, and if this college was what would make you happy, was what would give you the head start that he had never received, he would welcome it.
You knew, really, that he would be fine. Your dad had raised you just fine, and he could handle your little sister without you, you were sure. For a brief moment, you had blamed that on the sense of foreboding within you; the idea that they didn’t need you. It didn’t take long for you to realise that they did, and that they would be glad to have you from miles away, rather than not at all.
So, you were at a loss.
It should have been an exciting time, something that you were looking forward to, rather than dreading. This was the start of the rest of your life, the reward for all of your hours spent working for the grades you had received, for the anxiety and stress of school. It was supposed to be a good thing. You couldn’t understand why your chest didn’t seem to get that memo.
The feeling persisted the entirety of the time that led up to your move, outlasting each brief flash of any other emotion. It continued the whole roadtrip up to the college, across multiple state borders, despite the multitude of karaoke covers that Sarah initiated.
Even when Joel and Tommy were taking your boxes up to your dorm room, you could feel it. Hell, when Sarah helped you start unpacking said boxes, it continued.
It was only when you were waving the three of them off, tears blurring the shrinking truck, that you realised just what was responsible for the feeling that had been bugging you for months.
You didn’t want to leave home.
Moreover, you didn’t want to grow up. You didn’t want to be alone.
The realisation was almost enough for you to call your dad, to beg him to come back, to pick you up and return you back home. Almost. Instead, you found yourself walking numbly back up to your dorm room, taking more than one wrong turn in the hallways which bled into one, and sitting down on the mattress which wasn’t your own.
For the next week, you breezed by, drifting along your timetable in some kind of half-there state. It was like you couldn’t fully comprehend that you were on your own.
You phoned Sarah on the fifth day, twisting the wire around your fingertip nervously, as if your little sister would ever ignore your calls. She answered on the second ring — unsurprisingly, given that was about how long it always took for her to answer the phone — and she greeted you with the most joyful call of your name you’d heard for a while.
“Sarah,” You responded fondly, tears immediately welling up in your eyes as you listened to her barrage of questions about your first week at college. “Slow down, Sarah, slow down!” You interrupted when her questions became intelligible over the spotty phone line.
“Sorry, sorry,” Sarah said, not sounding sorry at all. “I miss you. I wanna know everything.” She finished, which you already knew she would. Sarah was a lot like you in that way, curious and determined. You knew she was already thinking of what college she wanted to go to, and just how to get there. If she wasn’t swept up by playing soccer, neglecting her studies, that was.
Regardless, you smiled, just glad to hear her voice. “I know, I miss you, too. Is dad home yet?” You asked, unsurprised by her responding no, considering Joel Miller was renowned for his inability to stay on time, his tendency to overwork himself unrelenting. “Okay, well, you’ll tell him everything, right?”
“‘Course I will,” Sarah responded, sounding thrilled to get to relay such interesting information. She’d no doubt be sharing it with Tommy, first thing in the morning, too. “Now tell me!”
“Okay, okay.” You laughed, before telling her as much as you could about what you recalled of your experience so far. Some of it was embellished, of course, mostly for Sarah’s benefit, though also slightly for your father’s. You already knew he’d be worrying himself sick over you.
That phone call was the only time the pit in your chest lessened, the whole time you’d been at college. As if the smallest dose of home was having a real effect. It only made you miss the house back in Texas all the more.
You felt worse afterwards, somehow. As if the call had been a harsh and unneeded reminder of the distance between you and your family. It had barely been over a week by now since you had left home, and you worried that you would never get used to being so far away. How could it possibly get better? How could you ever settle in when the people you love were so far?
The days afterwards were spent mulling over all of your life choices, spending your time soaking in all the regrets you were beginning to have. Why did you work so hard to get into this college? You were miserable. Not to mention all of the experiences you had missed out on in your determination to get here.
Luckily for you, you finally made your first friend.
He had sat next to you in one of your classes, and finally, after three classes of sitting in silence, the two of you had struck up a conversation.
Strangely enough, the two of you bonded over missing home. He was all the way from Nevada, and shared your debilitating homesickness. He talked a lot about his mother, and his older sister, and it was nice to have somebody to share that with.
Things were starting to look up. Life was a lot easier when you had a friend to share it with.
But all the talking about feeling homesick didn’t actually get rid of the feeling. Your heart practically ached each time you went home to your dorm room, where you were alone, where there was no little sister to come and bug you about dinner, or about dad getting home.
You called again, on the three week mark.
Much to your annoyance and happiness, your uncle Tommy answered the phone.
“Hey, uncle Tommy. How’re you doing?” You asked, the smile obvious in your voice. Even to your ears, it was the happiest you’d sounded since speaking to Sarah, a little over two weeks prior.
“Well, if it ain’t our little ol’ Nerd Miller.” Tommy greeted over the phone, that familiar teasing tone making you roll your eyes. “I’m doin’ mighty fine, kiddo. How’re you gettin’ on?” He asked, tone taking on a more soft note, which had your chest aching all over again.
Still, you shook your head and tried your best to seem as happy as possible, for his sake. “Oh, you know, just learning the ways of the world, n’ all. Where’s dad?” You questioned, not wanting to be rude, but also desperate to speak to the man who had raised you, and who had also missed your calls since you’d been gone.
“He’s out buyin’ some last minute supplies for tomorrow’s job. Keeping himself busy, I’d say.” Tommy replied, before you heard him calling out Sarah’s name, away from the phone. “Hang on, now, Sarah wants to speak to you.”
You wait, listening to the shuffling of the phone switching hands from across the country, endeared by your sister scolding your uncle for taking so long to tell her it was you. They argued for a moment longer, their joking tones familiar, but sounding vaguely different from across the phone line.
Finally, Sarah greeted you. “Hey, little sister! How are you getting on, over there? Tommy causing you trouble?” You asked in return, hearing him yell, some distance away, straining to be heard across the phone. It sent you and Sarah into giggles, and she had to take a breath before she could respond.
“As always. So, have you been to any parties, yet?” She asked, always insisting that you were the Miller child who caused the most trouble. You vaguely heard Tommy yell out a ‘sure hope not’ over the phone. Sarah shushed him, eagerly awaiting your answer.
“No, Sarah, no partying for me! I’ve gotta work hard, make this whole trip worth it.” You said, and though your tone was teasing, your words were feeling more true by the second. You had seen plenty of fliers advertising parties all across campus, even been handed a few as you exited classrooms, but you were uninterested. Your new friend had suggested you go to one, just yesterday evening, but you had declined. You were pretty sure that underaged drinking wasn’t the right way to cure your homesickness.
“You’re so boring. Dad’ll be thrilled.” Sarah laughed, the sound crackling over the line, and you smiled. There was no doubt in your mind that Joel would be relieved about your lacking party life, as much as he said he encouraged you getting out and living. Hell, the whole reason he hadn’t called you was so that you didn’t feel suffocated by him, so that you could live your life without feeling pressure from your old man. “Made any new friends?”
You hesitated, for some reason. “Uh, yeah! There’s this guy in my—”
“A guy?” Sarah interrupted, immediately. And there it was! The very reason for your hesitation. You heard a struggle over the phone, and Sarah was sounding more amused as time passed. “What’s his name? Are you dating?”
“Okay, enough of that!” Tommy said, and there was more shuffling as he presumably snatched the phone off of Sarah. You could hear her complaining through breaks in her laughter, but Tommy was refusing to hand back the phone. “Your old man does not need this one passin’ along details of your dating life, kiddo.”
You smiled, rolling your eyes. “There is no dating life, uncle Tommy. He’s just my friend.” You responded, though your uncle sounded unconvinced. “Anyway, enough about him. About dad’s birthday, next week—”
It was Tommy who cut you off this time, shifting the phone in his hand. “Woah! Don’t you go worrying about that, now. Me and Sarah have got it covered, don’t we, kiddo?” You heard Sarah yelling agreements, though you doubted she even knew what you were talking about.
“Actually, I was thinking about coming home for it. Surprising dad, you know.” You admitted, mostly in hopes that your uncle would help you plot the journey. And he was slightly better at keeping secrets than Sarah was.
“Oh, you just worry about yourself, up there. We’ll look after your old man! You gotta get out there, live your life!” Tommy responded, dismissing your idea immediately, even though he knew his older brother would have secretly loved the surprise. But it had only been a few weeks since you’d left, and if Tommy was honest, he wasn’t sure you’d go back if you came home so soon.
You frowned at his response, eyebrows furrowing slightly. “You mean to tell me that you and Sarah are gonna manage the birthday breakfast, presents and cake? No way dad’ll remember any of it!” You said. For the longest time, you had been the one taking care of that sort of thing. Joel was always much too busy taking care of you and Sarah as well as overworking himself at his day job to sort out his own birthday celebrations.
Sure, Sarah was old enough by now to do this sort of thing, but it was something that you did. Since you were— what? Eleven? You had been the one to do it. Each year, you made Joel’s birthday cake, and either bought his presents or sent Tommy and Sarah out for them. Would they manage it without you? Did you even want them to?
It was the one day of the year where nothing else came first. Not schoolwork, homework, studying, work, not anything. You always made sure that this day was free, no exceptions. What would you do with it now?
“I think we can manage, right, Sarah?” Tommy said, teasingly, clearly not quite realising the significance of the day for you. Joel was your dad, in all the ways that mattered. He did everything for you! Hell, he even moved you halfway across the country, just because you thought it was what you wanted. This was the one day of the year where you got to return that. Where you got to show just how thankful you are for him, even if he did annoy the hell out of you whenever the chance arose. His birthday was the one day where you could get away with buying him gifts, and Tommy wanted you to… what? Stay this far? Be uninvolved?
“Tommy, I—… I always help with dad’s birthday. That doesn’t need to change now.” You murmured into the phone, suddenly feeling left out. It wasn’t a feeling you enjoyed whatsoever, and especially when it involved such an important day.
Tommy tutted, the sound just about crackling through the receiver, and you could picture him shaking his head, all the way back in Texas. “You gotta live your own life now, kid. Can’t be worryin’ about us little people back here. It’s high time you started puttin’ yourself first. Don’t worry about Joel’s birthday,” Tommy said, softer then, less mocking. “Me and Sarah’ve got it, alright?”
With a frown, you responded. “Alright.”
“Alrighty, now we better get goin’, your dad’ll have a fit if I make Sarah late again.” Tommy told you, and you nodded, before cringing and realising he couldn’t see that.
The three of you said your goodbyes, with Tommy putting the phone down soon after, cutting off his yells to Sarah about getting her shoes on. In the silence that followed after, you couldn’t help but feel more upset than before the call. Logically, you knew your family missed you. You knew that they couldn’t wait for you to be home at Thanksgiving, and you knew that they looked forward to your phone calls home just as much as you did. But it was hard. Brief phone calls with them just weren’t enough, and just showed that life was going on for them as normal, whilst you felt stuck.
You also knew that they were trying to give you your independence, that they were trying to let you live your life. Especially Joel. But you were finding, more and more, that you didn’t want this much independence. You wanted your dad to be overbearing and overly interested in your life, because he just wanted to be involved. You wanted your uncle to drive you to and from school, to sneak you a bottle of beer at family barbecues. You wanted to walk your little sister around town, because she was too nervous to go herself.
Everybody you had known back home had always told you that you’d be just fine at college. They had always told you that you were independent enough as it was, that you were practically an adult already, and that it’d be almost no different to home. For whatever reason, you felt guilty to think that they were wrong about you. You needed your family. You couldn’t do everything on your own, it was too much. It was too hard. It was too… lonely.
Where was your support system? Where were the three overbearing family members that would crowd you when you were upset, until you finally felt better? Who would you turn to when you needed a lift all the way across town? Who would you persuade to watch shitty DVDs from the Adler’s with you? Who would save Sarah from the Adler’s clutches?
As awful as you felt about it, you couldn’t help but want your family to feel as incapable without you as you did without them. You didn’t want them to manage without you. You wanted them to tell you to come home.
Part of you was just hoping that they weren’t doing it because they knew you were looking for the excuse to come home. Because they knew that if they asked, you’d come. Without question. Without even a moment of hesitation.
Your phone rang again, and you jumped up to answer it, hoping your dad was finally home, finally ringing you back. “Hello?”
“Hey!” Your newest and only friend greeted, the sound of a party muffling his voice. You sighed, hand over the end of the phone in hopes he wouldn’t hear it and misread your disappointment. “You sure you don’t wanna come to this thing? It’s a lot of fun!”
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
It was the morning of your dad’s birthday, and you had barely slept a wink, despite having a class relatively early this very morning. It had been a night full of tossing and turning, full of regrets and ideas about going home at 2AM. In the end, your exhaustion let you sleep when it was nearing 6AM, and your alarm woke you up not long later.
You’d barely managed to refrain from micro-managing Sarah and Tommy, all the way from across the country. Instead, you’d let yourself believe that they’d be able to remember everything, despite your anxiety telling you otherwise. You felt awful enough about not being there for Joel’s birthday, the last thing you needed was to feel guilty about him not getting a good birthday, too.
Not that you thought that Sarah or Tommy would allow that, of course. But Tommy was almost as forgetful as Joel was, and it wasn’t like Sarah could borrow Tommy’s truck like you had, last year. She wasn’t even old enough to drive yet! Surely it wasn’t unreasonable for you to worry, right?
You held off from calling home until it was nearing the time they would be leaving for school and work respectively, in hopes of not making the three of them late. You knew that you’d have to leave for your own class soon enough, but it felt wrong to start the day without speaking to your dad. Hell, your sad breakfast of toast had already started the day off on a pretty low note.
The phone rang for an uncomfortably long time, and you were reaching out to hang up when somebody finally answered. No greeting came immediately, just shuffling over the line, alongside some distant yelling. Finally, Tommy said, “Hello?”
“Hey, uncle Tommy. Everything alright over there?” You asked, brows creased as you listened to the commotion going on within the house, audible even over the crackly phone line. It seemed that the day was not starting off as smoothly as it usually did, no doubt due to your own dad and his persistent snoozing of his alarm.
Tommy yelled something away from the phone before finally responding to your question. “All good on our front, kiddo. How’re you doin’?” He asked, though you didn’t miss how distracted he sounded as he asked.
“Um, fine, I guess. Is dad there?”
“Huh? Oh, hang on.” Tommy replied, before you heard the clunk of him placing the phone down on the wooden table it sat on. There were some crackles that you think were his boots against the floor as he walked away, and you distantly heard him yelling for your dad. “Joel, your kid is on the phone!”
It’s awkward — the waiting, that is. The second hand on your watch ticking away until the minute hand moves, and still, there’s only faint rustling on the other end of the phone. Finally, after almost three full minutes, somebody picks up the phone.
Sarah said your name cheerfully, and you smiled tightly, despite yourself. “Hey, Sarah. How’s it been, sorting dad’s birthday?”
“Oh, not so bad. Made him eggs this morning, because he forgot the pancake mix yesterday. And he’s picking up the cake later! But don’t worry! I’ve got his present sorted.” She rambled, barely pausing to take a breath between sentences. You can imagine that she’d been stressed, trying to sort everything. It’s not as easy when you’re young, and you know that from experience.
“I don’t doubt you for a second. Where is dad?” You replied, eyebrows creased as you waited for her response.
“He’s running late, as always.” Sarah answered, and you could picture her rolling her eyes. She was punctual by nature, and definitely didn’t get that from Joel. He was always too late.
“I’m here, I’m here.” You heard faintly, the words muffled across the line. “You, go get in the truck. We’re late! Hey, kiddo.” Joel said, talking to Sarah before finally addressing you on the phone.
“I’m sorry to cut this short, but we really are running late. I’ll call you once I’m home, alright?” Joel told you, sounding apologetic and frustrated. He probably missed you — and your annual birthday breakfast — just as much as you missed him.
“Okay. Happy birthday, dad.” You responded, feeling increasingly down. You should’ve never listened to Tommy. Joel’s birthday would no doubt be a disaster without you. And you already knew he was going to forget to pick up his birthday cake before returning home from work. It was the whole reason you always baked him one before he got home.
“Thanks, kiddo.” Joel said, a faint smile audible in his voice. He hung up a moment later, already shouting to Tommy and Sarah before the call was cut off. You frowned at the phone in your hand, your eyebrows furrowed as you thought of your family back home. Moving away truly wasn’t a good idea, was it?
That was what your thoughts were stuck on, for the rest of the day. Even as you proceeded to go to classes and see your few friends as normal, you couldn’t help but feel that pit in your chest getting worse, like you really were making a mistake. It was suffocating, and it felt never ending.
When you finally got back to your dorm room — much to your friend’s dismay, after having left them in the library to do an essay alone — you waited by the phone for your dad to call you back.
But when the phone finally did ring, it wasn’t your dad on the other end. Sarah greeted you the moment you answered, sounding relatively tired. She started telling you about her day, and about how Joel still wasn’t home, despite it nearing the late evening. She also told you about having to go to the Adler’s house, and helping Mrs. Adler bake disgusting cookies, followed by how creepy her mother was. Sarah had always found the old woman to be creepy, with her motionless state and blank expression, but in her words, the old woman seemed even more creepy than usual.
You rejoiced with her when she told you the title of the shitty DVD she’d borrowed from their extensive collection, though. It was one of your favourite things about your dad’s birthday traditions, even though the movie was almost always awful.
The call didn’t last long, because Sarah wanted to get her homework done before the weekend started, so you let her go, and sat in your quiet dorm room, once more. It was lonely, more than anything, and even though you often just sat alone in your bedroom at home, it was different. There was no option of going downstairs to see your dad, or crossing the hall to see your sister.
Eventually, you fell asleep, the dim lighting of your room alongside your poor night of sleep prior meaning that you couldn’t wait for Joel to call any longer.
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
The first thing you think when you wake up to a world of chaos, is that you never got to speak to your dad last night.
Even as the world rages on around you, people going insane, reports of an outbreak, shots fired on the streets, you can only think of your family, who feel as if they’re half the world away. How are you going to get to them? Are they okay? Are they alive? What was the last thing you said to them? Did you tell them you love them?
It’s a quick downward spiral, one which you’re only pulled out of when your friend appears in your vision, gripping your arm with relief that is practically palpable in the air around you. He’s covered in sweat and dirt, and you think there’s blood staining his sleeve. Still, it’s a relief to see him, to see a familiar face as the sky turns dark and chaos rages on.
He’s pulling you down the street in the next moment, past the site of a car wreck, with three, four— five cars practically piled on top of one another, one of which is already ablaze. There’s glass and blood and bodies everywhere you look, and it’s a feat that you don’t throw up.
“Robbie, what’s happening? Do you know what’s happening?” You asked desperately, straining to be heard over the sound of people screaming and crying around you.
“I—I don’t know. We need to get out of here, it’s… it’s bad. It’s really, really bad.” Robbie answered, his voice shaking even more than it had when he’d been talking of home, missing his family. You imagine he missed them far more in this moment, just like you did. He didn’t look back at you, but he did lower his hand to your own, rather than gripping your wrist. You squeezed his fingers, breathing through the growing pit in your chest, through the weight settling in your throat.
You’re not sure how long the two of you walk, but by the time you paused, the sun was rising. Half of you is convinced that you’re in some kind of delusional state, delirious enough from your lack of sleep that this is some sort of illusion that your brain is creating. The other half of you, however, knows better. It’s the part of you that keeps that pit in your chest empty, that keeps it all consuming. It’s the part that knows something is very, very wrong.
You kept wondering how this happened. How did the world turn to chaos in a matter of days? Hours? Sure, you’d caught glimpses of news reports following what doctors believed to be some kind of virus outbreak, but that didn’t prepare you for this. It hadn’t seemed so serious yesterday.
Between lapses of silence on your trek with Robbie, he’d told you everything he knew. He told you about how he tried to call his family, about how all the phone lines were down. He told you about his roommate, who had tried to attack him the moment he exited his room. It was only thanks to a few passersby that Robbie had been able to barricade his roommate in their shared dorm.
It was a mass outbreak, it seemed, and clearly, the government had no idea how to handle it. The entirety of the state was in disarray, and there had been orders to shoot civilians on sight. Both of you were terrified of coming across anybody, whether they were Infected or just hostile, neither of you wanted to die. All you wanted was to see your family again.
You knew you never should have come to this college.
Neither you nor Robbie had brought it up, but there was an unspoken question about where you were going to go. Where could possibly be safe? How were you going to get to your families? The two of you lived in opposite directions, so what were you going to do? Split up and try to get back to your home states alone? There was no way to even tell what you were going to find, if you even made it that far. Would your family be there? Would they have left? What if they tried to come to you? What if they were already gone?
There was no way to communicate with either of your families, and the uncertainty was wearing you both down. What if you got to them, and you infected them, somehow? How did you even know if you were Infected? Was there warning signs before you turned violent?
You didn’t know what to do, and it was making you even more anxious. You wanted, more than anything in the world, to be with your dad. A part of you just knew that Joel Miller would know exactly what to do. He would know how to keep you safe. It was the only thing that was giving you any semblance of comfort, the knowing that Joel would look after himself, Tommy and Sarah. All you had to do was find him, and everything would be okay. It had to be.
∘₊✧───── ───── ───── ─────✧₊∘
It was nearing a month since Outbreak Day, as so many had taken to calling it, and everything still felt surreal. You and Robbie had stayed together, and had come across a group of three others who had some supplies. One of them, Benny, was an ex-military man, and coincidentally, he had known your uncle, back in the day. It seemed like too much of a sore subject to ask how, so you refrained. You hoped, however, that if you could manage to find somebody who knew your uncle in the midst of an apocalypse, you’d be able to find him. And with him, would, of course, be your dad and sister. They would have stuck together, you were certain.
Regardless, Benny was keeping you safe. You felt far more comfortable with him than you did the others with him, given he knew your family. There was something reassuring about it.
The five of you were travelling together, avoiding populated areas and sticking to forests and fields to travel when you could. It seemed to be the best way to avoid those who were infected, as many of them were clustered in cities and neighbourhoods. There was more than one time, though, that you came across camps which had been ravaged by the infection. Benny had shot someone on one of these occasions, when she had broke from the tree line and approached you at a run, sobbing through breaths.
You had been terrified at the time — horrified, really, but when you got closer, passing her body, you saw the infection crawling up veins, sprouting from her skin. You weren’t sure if you’d ever get used to the sound of gunfire.
All the work you had put in to get into that stupid college seemed trivial, now. If you thought too long about it, you were almost certain that you would go insane. It didn’t matter how much you regretted all of your past decisions, it would never change where you were. It would never change the fact that you had no idea if your family were okay.
There was no doubt in your mind that you would’ve never survived if it hadn’t have been for Benny. He was strict with you, stopping you from eating anything that could’ve infected you, because he was certain that the mass outbreak must involve some kind of infection in the food supply. He kept you alert at all times, and refused to let you lag behind the rest of them. He kept you alive.
That fact became all the more clear when you when he woke you up, a hand pressed over your mouth. Instinctively, you had panicked, eyes wide and your limbs flailing until you realised who it was, and when he pressed a finger to his lips, you had nodded. You trusted Benny, for whatever reason, he seemed to care about keeping you safe. But Benny had a certain look in his eye that you didn’t like, the furrow of his brow had seemed deeper than usual.
When he pointed towards Robbie, you could see why.
He laid on top of a blanket you had found, his head turned towards you, eyes closed as if he was asleep. But his fingers were twitching, and there was a sheen of sweat across his brow. His skin looked dull, and when you squinted at him, you barely stopped the gasp from escaping your throat. Instead, it had gotten stuck, and you couldn’t breathe as you stared at the Infection raised upon Robbie’s veins.
You had looked towards Benny, and he shook his head. You knew what that meant.
The four of you tried to leave in silence, but Robbie had woken up anyway. He squinted over at you, calling your name in a slurred voice, and his eyes had looked all wrong. Against your better judgement, you turned back towards him, Benny’s hand on your shoulder. “Where’re you goin’?” Robbie slurred out, his voice failing halfway through his words, and he had stumbled to his feet. You had taken a step back at his approach, and he noticed. He looked down at his hands, brows furrowed, eyes taking in the way his fingers had twitched, and he shook his head. “No. No, no, no, no, no!” He had yelled, stumbling around before he had turned back to the four of you. “This ca—can’t be happening.”
“Robbie, I’m—I’m sorry.” You had answered, voice cracking over the words, as you stared at the boy who would never make it home to his family. You had wondered if you would meet the same fate.
“C’mon, kid,” Benny murmured, eyes stony as he had stared at Robbie, his shoulders tense and his hand had hovered over the gun at his hip. “We need to go.” He had said, hand firm at your shoulder as he turned you away from the first friend you had made at the college you’d dreamed of. How had this dream turn into such a nightmare? “Robbie… don’t make me do it. We need to go our separate ways.” Benny had yelled at Robbie, when he had tried to approach the moment your back was turned.
“I’m not infected!” Robbie shouted back, though his twitching limbs and the way he seemed to lack control of his body said otherwise. His eyes were bloodshot, red around the edges, and you had known what was going to happen next. It didn’t make it any easier.
You didn’t look back after the shot went off, after there was a distinctive thud behind you. You knew that you would never get used to the sound of a gun being fired.
∘₊✧───── ─────*───── ─────✧₊∘
Joel Miller tried to kill himself.
He doesn’t know how to respond to the fact that he failed. If he’s honest, he doesn’t really know how to respond to anything. He’s not even sure that anything that’s going on is real. How can it be? How can there be zombies in the world? How can his daughter be dead? How can he have no way of knowing if you’re alive?
It’s all been blurry, after Sarah. Joel spends more than a minute thinking about the fact that there’s an after her. She was meant to outlive him — you both were. And here he is, very much alive, while his daughter is dead, and you may be, too.
The world is turning around him and Joel just can’t get his bearings, can’t get past the pain at his temple, the sound of gunshots. How could he live through a bullet to the skull, when his daughter is dead? How could his daughter be dead?
He’s vaguely aware of Tommy at his side. Joel is vaguely aware of everything, really. He can hear all of the screaming, the crying, the questions, but he isn’t really listening. He isn’t really listening to Tommy begging him for something or other, either. And if he had any capacity to feel anything, Joel thinks he might feel bad for ignoring his younger brother, the man who had relied on Joel his whole life, but he just can’t.
All Joel can do is close his eyes, and watch his daughter die in his arms all over again.
All he can do is hear the sound of the severed phone line upon trying to call you. All he can do is think about how scared you must have been, alone in an unfamiliar state, with no way to get home. All Joel can do is revel in all the ways he failed his children.
What does Tommy expect from him? How could Joel possibly go on when he has just lost the most important people in his life? The only people who mattered? Of course, Joel loves his little brother, and he would do almost anything for him, but this? This is asking too much of him. Expecting him to live when his daughter is… when you could be… It’s all too much.
“Joel,” Tommy says, his voice quiet in the raging chaos behind the curtain around them, and he stares at his older brother as if he’s a stranger. The bandage across his head makes him look weird, and the despondent look in his eyes is one that Tommy doesn’t recognise. “Joel.” He says more urgently, grasping onto his brother’s shoulders, seemingly trying to shake him back to reality. “We have to keep going.”
But Tommy’s urgency means nothing to Joel, who can barely see his brother with the way his eyesight is blurring.
Tommy continues nonetheless, grasping Joel’s shoulders more roughly, unable to rid the image of Joel pulling the trigger from his mind. This was his older brother, the man who had almost raised him, who had protected him at every turn. To see that man so… hopeless, so done with the world, it was jarring, even more so than the apocalypse.
“You can’t give up on me, Joel, we gotta go find them.” Tommy says, getting louder and more desperate as the time passes and Joel continues to look dazed and far away. This seems to catch his attention the slightest bit, and when Tommy says your name, Joel’s eyes clear up slightly. “They need us, okay? They need you.”
It might be true, Joel considers. But he’s not sure what he would do if they found you anything other than healthy and well. If you’re dead, too, then that cements Joel’s failure, ensures his passage to join you.
“Okay,” Joel murmurs instead of voicing anything else, realising through the muddle of his thoughts that if you were alive, he needed to find you. “Alright, Tommy, I’m… I’m here.”
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Some Edval college AU headcanons
Eddie uses Val as his muse for most of his sewing projects and also uses her as his model for them.
The only reason Eddie got an undercut was because of Val constantly nagging him about being "boring" and "looking like a cigarette ad" (referring to how Eddie looks/dresses in general). Given most "alternative men" tended to have one, we got one as well.
Eddie has learned the faces of the current members of Val's former cult (unknown to her) and acts as her bodyguard whenever she goes out in public with him. He is not afraid to throw hands and has before.
Despite being outwardly disgusted, Val actually enjoys Eddie babying her and doing all of his weird "homely" things like cooking, the dresses he makes for her to wear, and his other gestures of affection.
Eddie learned the true extent of the damage the cult had done to Val when they got into an argument and Eddie said Val would have made a "Terrible mother". Val broke down and began to sob about the children see was forced to take care of, the fact she never able to get pregnant and was thus forced to be the mother to all the children of the people who could, and the fact that she had to leave the children she cared for behind to save herself. After this incident, Eddie never brought up children to Val again.
Val frequently harasses Eddie during his workouts. Specifically, she sits on his back while he is doing pushups.
Despite having left the cult, Eddie still catches Val subconsciously following a routine and preforming strange rituals on auto-pilot. These usually involve Val blessing herself before doing certain tasks, getting up really early in the morning to "pray" to something referred to "the spider-eyed lamb", and carving stange symbols into objects. He does not point out any of these things, but makes mental notes of them.
Eddie is extremely adverse to affection and touch (probably due to what happened to him as a child). The only person he lets touch him or stand directly behind him is Val and this took several months to happen. Val does not push him and instead lets him decide when he is ready and she will take the lead.
Val frequently accuses Eddie of having "a thing for blondes" since all the people he is attracted to (stalks) seem to look the same
Val also suspects Eddie of being bisexual but Eddie refuses to admit to it or will even entertain the idea of seeing men. Val is pansexual herself so she sees no problem with it however, despite Val's best efforts, Eddie is still extremely repressed when it comes to his feeling and sexuality and refuses to branch out in any way.
Eddie calls Val "Marilyn Manson" when he is angry or annoyed with her.
Val is perfectly fine with the idea of being a glorified housewife since she has no GED, college degree, or a desire to get either. Eddie likes this about Val since that means he can kind of have his fantasy of a perfect "golden age" home.
Both Eddie and Val are sterile. Eddie "shoots blanks" and Val cogenitally lacks a Uterus which is why Knoth (and many others) was never able to get her pregnant. However, neither party knows this about each other.
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madhatterbri · 3 months
Grind | W.O.
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Summary: Will discovers he likes to grind on the boss' daughter. Historical AU. 18+
Author's Note: Shamelessly stolen from @midwestmade29 . The devil works hard, but fanfic writers work harder. 😂❤️
@plentyoffandoms @coleskingdom @theworldofotps @99hook
Impure fiction
Will had an eye on the boss' daughter for quite some time. He was shy about it at first before getting cheeky. No inappropriate actions or words were ever done in front of the watchful eyes of daddy, of course. Oh no. He saved them all for the moments they were alone.
Y/N sat at the desk crunching the latest numbers for her father's business. After sending her off to college, she came back with a degree in accounting. Her father insisted that she come work for him. When he told her that Will was working for him, she immediately accepted.
"Oi, what are you still doing here? It's dangerous out there for a pretty girl like you," Will announced and pointed out the window behind her. As if on queue, a flash of lightning followed by the roar of thunder shook the room. He made his way to Y/N's desk.
"Rain catch ya, did it?" She giggled upon seeing his wet features. His dirty blonde curls normally fluffy were now soaked. His clothes stuck to him. The white button-up shirt he wore, leaving nothing to the imagination.
"Think this is funny, do you? You may have the beauty, darling, but I got the muscles. A quick shower yourself would do you some good," he teased and moved like he was going to hug her.
"You wouldn't dare," she hissed and stood from her chair. Will had a big toothy grin on his face. Each step towards her met with the sound of his wet socks being squished between the floor and his feet. She quickly made her way from him.
He gave you a running head start. Will was an assassin who liked the feel of catching someone after they had a head start. The power it gave him as the person couldn't outlast him. The only thing better than the feeling was Y/N.
Y/N only made it to the kitchen before he caught her. His arms wrapped around her waist from behind. She squealed as the cold, wet rain touched her skin. Will spun her around and press himself against her in a proper hug. Curses and insults flew out of her mouth as she pushed him away.
"You bloody bastard! I will kill you!" She screeched and slammed her fists into his muscular chest. He laughed at her feeble attempts to hurt him, which only egged her on more.
He scooped her up over his shoulder. Her balled up fists banged against his back to be let down. Will eventually followed her wishes and placed her on the rug in front of the fireplace in the meeting room. Her father would come in here to unwind during business hours.
"Happy princess?" He asked with his arms extended outwards. His arms fell back to his sides when he saw through her white shirt. She followed his gaze and blushed. Her shirt was pressed to her body.
"Like what you see then?" She asked and started to unbutton her shirt. Will's mouth dropped open in shock. He gulped to get rid of the dryness in his mouth. He licked his lips. "Right then. You've got two options, Willy. Either we can do what we have both been wanting to do or you can fuck off. Which is it?"
Will wasn't as delicate as she was with his clothes. He grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled it apart. The buttons popped off and bounced on the floor. He dropped to his knees and kissed her hard. His hands cupped her cheeks as the fire roared next to them.
Her hands ignored her clothes and rubbed his damp body. She started from behind his neck and made her way to his chest and stomach. Each ripple of muscle feels tight under her fingertips. His hands followed suit and ran down to her shirt.
"Don't you bloody dare, Ospreay," she threatened.
Her shirt met the same fate as his. "Sorry, love, been waiting for this for too long,"
He ripped the fabric off her body and away from them. The next to go was her bra. Her arms lifted up as he slipped the garment over her head. His light eyes didn't hide that he was checking her out. Will urged her to lay back.
She laid on her back. He placed his hands at either side of her body. His lips connected to hers once more. Will made his way by kissing her jawline down to her neck and chest. He paid attention to her sounds, making sure to hit all the right spots. Her fingers snaked through his hair.
He sat up to unfasten her belt. She hoisted her hips as he slid her pants and underwear off. Her legs were spread under his lust filled gaze. The bloke still couldn't believe this was happening. All the times he dreamed about this.
Her moans sounded in the room as he teased her. His tongue slowly ascended up her slit. She closed her eyes and whined. They locked eyes, and he smiled.
With little hesitation, he went down on her. His tongue toyed with her clit as it pulsed in need for him. Her leg laid over his shoulder. One of her hands gripped his hair while the other held his hand. His free hand made use of working her.
Will started slow with thrusting one finger in and out of her. He saw the pathetic excuse of men she dated. They couldn't prepare her for him. Once he saw she was getting adjusted to him, he added another finger and then another. He spread them apart and curled them inside of her. She only got louder from there.
He stopped the moment the tightness in his pants was too painful to withstand. Will pulled away from her, much to her dismay. A loud whine of protest slipped out of the boss' daughter yet stopped when she saw him undressing. Soon, he was above naked as the day he was born.
"I got you, darling. Don't worry," he assured her and placed himself between her legs once more. His strong hands wrapped her legs around his waist. Will grabbed himself and rubbed the tip of his dick through her folds. He felt the head at her entrance. He leaned down and kissed her before slowly pushing himself inside.
His mouth captured her moan as he waited for her to adjust to him. She felt heavenly to him. His eyes closed to take everything in. God, if this was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.
"More," she begged against his lips. He happily obliged. The sound of skin hitting skin and their carnal sounds filled the room. The fire flickered in the fireplace, but he could see her pleased expression perfectly. Her eyes half closed while she moaned and whimpered his name.
His hands gripped her waist as his thrusts picked up. He never wanted to feel her so far from him. Will paused momentarily. He could feel the two of them were close, but he wanted his ego stroked by her one last time.
"Who makes you feel like this, huh? Who has you singing like this?" He asked roughly between grunts.
"Y-you do," she stuttered and bit her lip. Her walls started to clench around him.
"Scream my name, darling. Let everyone in London know who makes you feel so good," he ordered. She opened her mouth to speak, yet nothing came out. Only breathy moans. Finally, she found it in her.
"Will!" She called out once she reached the peak of orgasm. Will wasn't far behind. He shoved himself deep inside of her one last time. He came inside of her without a care in the world. Her dad would kill him if he ever found out, but he'd die a happy man.
The next few minutes were spent laying in front of the fireplace. He laid behind her and rubbed her side. His arm was used as a pillow for her head. The two of them were distracted by watching the dying flames in the fireplace. Will kissed her bare shoulder softly. Y/N smiled at a joke that popped in her head.
"I guess grinding the boss' daughter isn't too bad," she teased and kissed his bicep.
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He isnt a fucking incel he swears
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strwyofthesun · 1 year
forgive me, goodbye
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pairing: re2r!leon x f!reader
word count: 3k
synopsis: you and leon have been high school sweethearts and graduated together in 1990. but after graduating from military school and pre-med, trouble arises once leon becomes busy with being a police officer, while you start preparing to leave to the UK for med school.
cont: slight fluff, angst, high school sweethearts, college au, hurt/no comfort
a/n: for my filo readers, this is very loosely (like you have to squint to even realize it) based on raining in manila by lola amour because ive had lss and i can't stop listening to it!
part 2 here !
“—So, as we all bid farewell to this chapter of our lives, I want all of us to look back on what made us who were are now and look forward to the people we will become. Congratulations Class of 1990! We made it!” You exclaimed loudly into the mic. Everyone cheered and hugged one another in celebration of graduating from high school.
The principal smiled widely at you before you handed him the mic for his closing message to everyone. “Thank you to this year’s valedictorian for her heartfelt graduation speech. My dear students, I am so proud of all you. Congratulations!” Cheers and shouts once more echoed in the auditorium. You walk back into the crowd of students, looking for a certain someone. Amidst the bustling crowd, you spot him in his toga with medals around his neck, certificates and diplomas being held up on the right and a bouquet of roses in his left. You hurriedly ran towards his direction and stop right infront of him.
“There’s my valedictorian, I’m so proud of you love.” Leon said as he handed me the bouquet and planted a kiss on my forehead.
“Aww, Leon you didn’t have to…”
“Pft, I want nothing but the best for my girl. You deserve it [Y/N].”
“I love you so much Leon, I don’t think I would’ve survived high school without you.”
“I love you too [Y/N]. You’ll be fine with or without me. But of course you’re better off with me.” Leon said as he winked at me.
He was always such a tease. Ever since 7th to 12th grade, you couldn't believe that out of all the traits that he could keep, it had to be that one. But, it was okay, after all, all that teasing did lead you to fall for him and it was the best thing to have ever come out of your high school experience. People always said you had your head stuck in a book 24/7 and that you had no chance at love if all you ever look at was texts on a book. But now, they’re eating their words, because not only are you in the happiest and healthiest relationship with the school’s heartthrob, but your relationship with Leon outlasted almost all of your batchmates’s relationships combined. Not only that, but you also graduated valedictorian of your batch and was always a consisted honor student while dating Leon.
You had to admit that you and Leon were a walking cliché. Top student falls for the school’s heartthrob, where haven’t you seen that? But God, even if it was a cliché it was the best thing to have ever happened to you. It wasn’t always smooth sailing though. In 7th grade, Leon was always a pain in the ass to you, and it didn’t help that you were always paired up in almost every pair or group activity and project given. He wasn’t always so cooperative, he teased and picked at you, and he was always pre-occupied with either his friends or football. Yes, he was a jock, an irritatingly good-looking one at that.
He never really noticed your efforts when it came to those pair and group assignments the both of you had until one day, in chemistry class, you had held your head down, planning to rest for a little while. Little did you know that you would be waking up in the hospital. The doctor said that you had overworked your body so much to the point where your immune system had weakened drastically. Leon heard this and visited you the following day in the hospital. Your parents were aware of Leon being a big weight on you because you’d always rant to them about him so it was no surprise that when Leon entered your hospital room, he wasn’t exactly greeted warmly by your parents. Even so, they left you and him to talk privately.
“Hey [Y/N]…” Leon said as he looked at the floor. “Um, I brought you some flowers, roses, to um, brighten up your room.” He said awkwardly
You looked at him up and down with a sour look on your face before thanking him. “Thanks… Leon…” He sighed and sat at the foot of your bed.
“Look, I’m sorry… I should’ve helped you out. If I known this would’ve happen-“
“Well, it’s a bit too late for that don’t you think?” I spat back as I cut Leon off.
“I know, I know… So, to make up for it, I’ve told the teacher about me not cooperating and they have decided not to affect your grade because of my shortcomings. I’ve also come here to ask you what other assignments we have so that I can do it while you’re here. I promise I will prepare a good quality output, I’ll send it to you for checking so that you won’t have to worry.”
You were surprised at Leon’s sudden change of heart and were touched by his dedication to make things right for you. You face softened and you breathed out a small sigh.
“Thank you Leon, I’ll send you a list of what needs to be done later on. Thank you for visiting too…” You smile timidly.
“Please, don’t thank me, it’s the least I could do after everything I’ve caused.”
“Come on Leon, accept my thanks, it’s not all the time I get to say that to you.” I joked.
“Alright, alright. Fine, I accept the thanks and you are welcome. I’ll leave you be now. Rest up, recover quick okay?”
Leon gave you a smile before turning around to leave, but before he left the hospital, he talked to your parents and apologized for the trouble. He even offered to pay the medical expenses to which my parents declined. They said that if you forgave him, then they forgave him too.
On school days while you were at the hospital, Leon would always text you at lunch about what happened during the morning classes and at the end of the day, he’d text you again to tell you what happened during the afternoon classes. He gave you notes, the assignments, recorded lectures, and even stuck to his word about sending you the group works. He really did seemed like a changed man.
8th grade came around and Leon had confessed his feelings for you, to which you reciprocated. And from then on, the two of you have been dating ever since. And something you love about Leon was that he knew that you were a strong, capable, and independent person. He never interfered with your plans and always emphasized that he wanted you to always prioritize yourself over everyone else including himself. Leon supported you in all your endeavours, the competitions, the events, everything. He was and always is your number one fan and you will always be his. Every game he had, you were present. You stood in the front bleachers with the largest banner out there and screamed your head off every time he scored a point. You were everyone’s typical movie high school couple.
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“So Leon, what’s your plans for college?” You asked curiously. He never really talked about what he wanted for his future but since we were now high school graduates, it was high time to start thinking about our future plans.
“Oh, actually, I enrolled into a military academy in Raccoon City!” He said excitedly.
“Looks like someone’s excited.” You chuckle.
“Well, yeah! I mean I’ve always wanted to help people out and I think this is a good place to start.”
“I’m so glad you’re doing something you’re passionate about, love.”
“I’m assuming you’ll be pursuing your pre-med course in the city as well?”
“Mhm, that’s right. I can’t believe how fast time flies. We used to be dumb kids arguing over assignments and look at us now.”
Leon looked at you and grabbed you by the waist to pull you into a hug. “I didn’t expect myself to fall for a brainy genius like yourself.”
“And I didn’t expect myself to fall for a sweetheart of a jock but here we are.” you said as the both of you laughed together.
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Summer went by and you and Leon had moved to Raccoon City to pursue each other’s passions. The 4 years passed the two of you quickly and you were soon attending each other’s graduation. Seeing Leon in his uniform standing proud and tall made you feel all sorts of things. You can’t believe how far he’s come. Saying you were proud of him was an understatement. At your graduation, you spotted Leon from the stage along with your parents holding up a camera and recording you. He was the absolute cutest boyfriend out there. He treated you and your parents out at an expensive restaurant in the city to celebrate. While at the dinner table, your phone starts ringing. You check to see who was calling you and saw that it was one of your professors from your university. You excused yourself from the table and picked up the incoming call.
“Good evening Ms. [L/N]”
“Good evening madam, is there something you would like to discuss with me?”
“As a matter of fact, there is. If you remember, I helped you apply for a prestigious medical school in the UK yes?”
“Yes, I recall.”
“I come bearing good news! You have been accepted on a full scholarship! I am so proud of you Ms. [L/N].”
You covered your mouth from shock and turned back to look at your parents and Leon who seemed very curious about the call.
“Thank you so much madam for helping me with this opportunity. I will get back to you with my answer in a few days.”
“No problem, take your time. But if I were you, I would grab the opportunity already.”
“I have to consult my parents first madam but I appreciate the incentive.”
“Alright, please do inform me later on your decision. Goodbye and congrats!”
Your professor dropped the call and you go back to the table with Leon and your parents and let them know the good news.
“Oh my God! I’m so proud of you [Y/N]! We’ll pack your stuff right away once we get home!” Your mom said eagerly.
“I’ll help you pack too!” Your dad chimed in.
You laugh at the reactions of you parents but realized that Leon had been rather silent.
“Leon?” you said as you held his hand under the table.
“Hmm? Oh! I’m so proud of you too, love. I can’t believe you’ll be studying in another country…” Leon said as his voice slowly faded. You squeezed his hand and looked at him with a face of concern. Before he could speak again, the waiter had given Leon the bill which he paid for and later your parents left earlier than you leaving Leon and you behind.
“Love, is there something bothering you?”
“I’m… I’m gonna miss you a lot [Y/N]… But, I don’t want to hold you back, you know that.”
“Oh Leon…” You pulled him into an embrace and said, “I’ll miss you too Leon. But I’m not leaving yet, so let’s make most of my time here okay?”
“Okay… I love you [Y/N]…”
“I love you too Leon…”
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In a few days, you started getting ready to make your big move to the UK. Meanwhile, Leon had begun working as a police officer in the Raccoon City Police Department. He was always preoccupied with his job and you were busy with all the files you needed to tend to and the preparations you had to ready for med school and all the other likes. As the days progressed, the stress started to feel overwhelming and it did not help that Leon was not as available as much as he used to be. You respected his time and if he wouldn’t want to hold you back, you wouldn’t hold him back either. So you kept to yourself. All the stress, the worry, the nagging thoughts of moving to a new country alone, the pressure put on you by your professor was immense, all of it was driving you borderline insane. Juggling everything on your own felt so tiring but you never once thought of asking Leon or anyone for that matter for help because you did not want to bother them and because you wanted this for yourself. You had no one but yourself to blame. But the opportunity is right there, and you couldn't risk it slipping through your fingers.
It was a week ‘till your departure and Leon had finally decided to visit you after his long shifts at the RPD.
“Hi love, are you ready for the big trip?” He asked while trying to put on a smile on his face but it was evident that he was too tired to even put an effort.
“I don’t know Leon…” you responded.
“What’s the matter?” he asked sounding concerned.
You snapped at Leon and sarcastically replied, "Oh, thanks for finally asking.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What do you think Leon? You haven’t even bothered to check up on me all those days ago?”
“Well I’m sorry if I got too busy with work!”
“Too busy? Would it have killed you to send me at least one text asking how I was?!”
“I didn’t want to disturb you! I knew that you could handle it on your own.”
“But Leon I needed you! Where were you when I needed you?! I was practically going insane already!"
A deafening silence fell upon the room and no one dared to look at each other in the eye. You broke the silence and spoke up once more.
“Look Leon, if this is the current state of our relationship now, I fear that this won’t last once I’m further away.”
“[Y/N]… Are you…?”
“I’m breaking up with you Leon.” You never imagined those words ever coming out of your mouth but there it was, seemingly echoing in all four corners of the room making it all the more painful that it already was.
“You can’t be serious [Y/N]…”
“I am serious Leon. I can’t do this anymore…”
“Fine.” Leon said as he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.
You watch him leave as tears start to run down your face. It hurt that you had to do what you did, but seeing how he didn’t even fight for the relationship broke you even more. At the back of your head, you were relieved because now, he wouldn’t have to face the days where he would need you but you were not there for him. He wouldn’t have to constantly worry about you and your well-being. He wouldn’t have to miss you so much that it made his heart ache that he could not see you. You have spent 10 years with each other and were now so used to each other presence. Being away from him pained you as much as it pained him, and nothing could have eased that.
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It's 2 hours ‘till departure, you’re at the airport simply passing the time while your parents kept you company. 1 hour left, you start to remember all the memories you’ve made in the city and can't help but shed a tear because all you could ever think off was Leon. 30 minutes, your parents comfort you and held you in their arms as you cried and wallowed in your sadness. 20 minutes, you compose yourself as your flight is near. 10 minutes, bid your farewell to your parents and start walking to the gates until you heard a voice call your name.
You turned around to look for where the voice came from, “Leon?” You mutter as you frantically search amongst the people looking for him. You spotted Leon dashing towards you and threw his arms around you as a desperate attempt to keep you for leaving just yet.
“[Y/N] please, just wait…” he panted.
“Leon, I need to board the plane, I have to go-“
“Please… think about it, think about us. I know long distance is hard but it’s something we can get through together! I know we can! So please! Don’t just leave me like this…” Leon begged as he pulled away to face you. His eyes were swollen and red, you could tell he had been crying for days straight.
“You know it’s not just about us… You have your whole future ahead of you, and I have mine. Don’t let me stop you from that.”
“But I don’t see my future without you in it. Please let me be selfish for once let me ask you for us to try again.”
“You know I can’t do that Leon…”
Leon looked at you with glass eyes and let you go. “I’ll be waiting for you [Y/N]… However long it takes."
“Leon… Don't...” You cupped his cheek and caresses it gently wiping away his tears.
“Forgive me, goodbye.” You let go of Leon and kissed him one last time before turning your back on him and walking straight to the gates. You hear Leon’s sobs and it took everything in you not to look back, when all you wanted to do was run into his arms and say “I do want you back, I’m sorry for trying to leave you.” But you couldn’t. You knew deep down that you couldn’t bring yourself to throw everything away for Leon. And you knew that he knew it too.
As the plane took off, you look out of the window and silently said goodbye to the life you once had and said hello to the new life you will live.
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kawareo · 6 months
Just showed a professor my Ketheric drawing and he now lets me do 'personal art' instead of 8h a week of live model sketching
Outlast fanart got me into art college and bg3 fanart will take me through it ig
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milesfingers · 9 months
Outlast main characters headcanons because there aren’t many of them and they deserve it ✨
Oh and these informations refers to before the whole mess started
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Miles Upshur
•Lemme say this straight, this man is in his mid 30s (I personally hc him as 35) because he’s a walking dad joke
•Even when he wasn’t a freelancer Miles didn't have many friends in his office because of his awkward and seemingly rude personality
•But in fact when you know him better Miles is kind of nice. Of course you have to endure his humor and his swears, but in general I think that deep inside he’s a very likable person
•Had many girlfriends but most of them didn't last two weeks (for the reasons mentioned above)
•Smokes a lot and sometimes ends up drunk, but he reminds as lucid as he can
•He was victim of bullying as a child, but then learned how to fight back. Also used to be asthmatic
•He treats his jeep as his girlfriend and his former coworkers made fun of him, but Miles didn’t care at all
•He tends to inspire fear
Waylon Park
•Yeah actually he’s a huge nerd
•Loves to play video games a lot with his sons. Lisa doesn’t agree with it, because she thinks that they will grow up an obsession, but Waylon think they develop their creativity
•Takes a diary and updates it every night before going to sleep
•Knows how to hack someone’s profile but he would never dream of doing so
•I agree with the popular hc that he was a fan of Miles’ articles
•While I hc Miles as ~35 I thinks Waylon is younger than him, I’d say he’s in his early 30s
•His sons are 6 and 7 years old respectively
•Waylon met Lisa at college. Lisa was studying for being a lawyer (which she eventually became) and they met because Waylon was quite an outcast and shy and Lisa wanted to include him in her group of friends
Blake Langermann
•He and Lynn always been soulmates, and they complete each others. While Blake is more sensitive and shy Lynn is much more tougher.
•At the time of Outlast 2 they had been married for seven months after years of dating
•Blake loves reading, especially historical novel and in general he really likes historical stuff.
•After his childhood traumas he decided at some point to go to a therapist but even with them he wasn’t able to open himself and tell the whole story
•He really hates rude people. Like I said in another post he would not like Miles
•Tends to not talk to much and only with people he personally know
•At the least when he grow up he exposed father Loutermilch as the predator he is and got him fired
•Doesn’t drink coffee because it doesn't let him sleep at night (bro’s just like me)
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