#outlast 2 marta
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spookieloverslittlemind · 7 months ago
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Someone else flirts with you…
includes: Michael Myers, Pinhead, Brahms Heelshire, Art the Clown, Sun and Moon (fnaf), Marta (Outlast 2)
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Taking Michael to a Halloween party seemed like a good idea at first, it was one of the only places his “costume” doesn’t appear out of place. It was a good night, for the most part; you got to introduce Michael to your friends, explaining (depending on how well you know them) that Michael was mute/not speaking as part of his “costume”, and of course Michael recognised all of your friends from what you’d already told him of them. He stuck by your side - a shadow - for the duration of the night, dark gaze fixed on you as you laughed with your friends, completely at ease despite the presence of the intimidating shape. That was, until someone stupid approached you and your friends at the bar, and tried to hit on you. It didn’t matter the nature of the flirtation, whether it was crude or polite, that person’s fate was sealed. Michael’s head very slowly turned to them, then back to you, and you gave Michael a look that he understood well. You were giving him the go-head, but within reason. With that, Michael left the party one minute before the rest of you and your friends did, so that he could wait outside for the fucker to follow you out. When the person did, Michael was there.
The next morning, there was a particularly disturbing article on the frontpage of every local newspaper pertaining to a gruesome murder of some “poor soul” found disembowelled in an alleyway behind the bar. Most notably, missing a tongue. Michael ensured that person wouldn’t flirt with you again, even dead.
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The notion of someone “always being with you” is usually meant in some spiritual/emotional sense to reassure, but in Pinhead’s mind that’s an entirely literal sentiment and he proves it to you regularly. There you were, getting groceries, minding your own business when you were approached by someone. Before they had even uttered a word, a sharp wind blew from a portal that had materialised between you and the person, chains flying from it and grabbing them by their limbs, dragging them into a circle of Hell with a scream that was cut-off by the portal suddenly closing and disappearing entirely. You sigh heavily and continue your shopping, but when you get home? You’ve got questions.
“Someone tried talking to me today.” You mused thoughtfully as you and Pinhead tidied away the groceries into your kitchen, speaking in a tone that made it obvious you knew what he’d done.
“They did.” Pinhead didn’t even bother to hide it.
“Yeah, and they didn’t even get a word out before they were snatched from this dimension by some familiar-looking chains.” You turned to raise an eyebrow up at Pinhead, crossing your arms over your chest accusingly.
“Perhaps they did not need to speak. Perhaps…the nature of their thoughts spoke loud enough.” Pinhead answered as he looked down at you, holding your gaze deliberately until you scoffed.
Nobody even needs to flirt with you for Pinhead to send them packing. To Hell.
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You had a job persuading Brahms that you need to call a professional out to fix the plumbing in the old-fashioned mansion you now share with him. When he’d insisted he could try and fix it himself, you gave him a look that had him hanging his head at his towering height. Not taking kindly to strangers, you promised Brahms you would deal with the plumber while Brahms stayed behind the walls, following through the house to make sure he was there if anything went awry. And awry it went.
Unfortunately, Brahms hiding in the walls and the mansion being otherwise silent caused the plumber to assume you lived alone and were, therefore, single. At the first insinuation of that, Brahms was close to punching a fist through the wall, but you were quick to correct the plumber and assure that your boyfriend would be home “any minute”. You had hoped that would be enough, but alas. The second the plumber flirted with you outright, the walls began to shake with the heavy thuds of Brahms’ footsteps, and you let your head fall to your hand with a sigh.
“You should’ve taken the hint.” You told the plumber, and by the time you lifted your head, Brahms was filling the doorway, breathing heavily.
He waited there for you. Waited until you walked up to him, at which point he stepped aside, allowing you to pass so that you were safely out of the room. And while you heard the screams of the damned, you started preparing dinner.
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Art has never cared about being inconspicuous, so anytime you suggest getting takeout in the early hours of the morning, Art is always happy to accompany you, no matter who sees him. He’ll get the bus with you, drive you places, walk the streets. It gives you the confidence to go out in just your pyjamas when you’re walking next to your deranged-and-immortal clown boyfriend, because the attention is never on you, and you prefer it that way.
So when you go to get pizza one night and the guy at the front desk offers you more than an extra topping, you’re looking over your shoulder at Art - who had been standing at the display windows, breathing on them and drawing penises onto the condensation on the glass. Art turns around and pretends to laugh very enthusiastically, clapping his hands in silent glee as he skips over to the front desk. On his way over to you, Art flicks your nose endearingly, and you grab the pizza boxes to take them outside. Leaning against the building and looking up at the stars, you wait for all of thirty seconds with a slice of pizza hanging from your mouth, before Art joins you. Deliberately jumps through the door to startle you, of course, and giving you a thumbs up. Looking back through the display windows, you can see the decapitated staff member’s head pressed against the penis drawings on the glass. Suck on that, Art signs.
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Sun and Moon
Unbelievably, even in the Pizzaplex while doing your job, you are not safe from being flirted with by unwanted presences. Being one of the few hired to assist the animatronics with caring for the children, you are assigned to the daycare to help the kids warm to Sun and Moon - because they’re a pretty big animatronic and some of the younger children are instinctively frightened - and at the end of the day, parents collecting their children often feel more comfortable thanking you than they do the animatronics, for looking after the children. One said parent took thanking you a little too far, and when you politely rejected their flirtations, they didn’t take that for an answer. You could see Sun across the daycare, entertaining the last of the children waiting for their parents to collect them, but he stilled on hearing that parent. Bending his knees, Sun launched himself into the air, and in the time it took him to stand behind you, Moon had taken over.
“A parent should know better than to be so naughty, you are not setting a good example! It would be a shame if you said nighty-night and never opened your eyes again, but these things do happen…” Moon growled lowly above your head, towering over you from behind.
“A-Are you threatening me?” The parent stuttered with wide eyes.
“Bad children must be punished. Bad grownups must be…” Moon giggled mechanically to himself, gesturing for the parent to skedaddle, which they abruptly did.
After closing time, Sun and Moon spent the entire night arguing with each other about whether it would be morally wrong to hunt and kill that parent for flirting with you and consequently leaving the child fatherless. In the end, Sun rationalised that was not a good plan, and Moon sulked.
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It’s pretty rare you’d encounter a scenario where anyone has the opportunity to flirt with you in front of Marta, and even rarer an opportunity that Marta acknowledge it. Among feminine presences, compliments to you are praises to God’s gift, as far as Marta is concerned, so she takes no issue with those unless they make you uncomfortable enough for her to notice. But, if a remotely masculine person says anything other than pure words with innocent intention? Not even to you, but in front of you?
“God give me voice, God guide my hand…” Marta raises her axe and brings it down with unseemly might, straight into the groin of whoever said something she didn’t like, and you’re quick to cover your eyes.
“Marta! It was only a compliment to my dress!” You tried to defend the poor soul who had already been taken from this life.
“Speak with a tongue of sin in the presence of the righteous one; the dress that hides your modesty, that protects you from foul seed…” Marta continued to ramble as she lifted her free hand, tilting your head up by your chin to leave a kiss on your brow.
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antiquedogfish · 3 months ago
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I'm so happy to have reached the outlast 2 fandom through this app! Anywho! Marta!!!!!
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glitt3rcritter · 5 months ago
Who voted for who?
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Father Martin; Yeah ... He voted red. I don't know what else to tell y'all..
Richard Trager; Voted red, then went out for drinks.
Dr. Wernicke; said "fuck america" in German then fell asleep.
The variant in the chair that attacks you; Didn't vote, was too scared, had a panic attack then ultimately passed out.
Silky Variant; was kicked out because he creeped the ballot workers out.
Chris Walker; believe it or not .. I think this man voted blue he wants to see a female president.
The Twins; Didn't vote and didn't care but they're hoping Kamala wins
Billy Hope; Voted BLUE 💙 and probably spelled out "KAMALA" with the nanobots thingies
Miles Upshur; Voted blue because Trager and Father Martin voted red
Jeremy Blaire; Voted red because he doesn't like women.
Eddie Gluskin; Voted red cuz he doesn't think women should have abortions.
Waylon Park; Voted blue because he loves his wife.
Lisa Park; Voted blue because she is the wife.
Dennis; Voted red because His grandpa told him to.
Papa Knoth; Voted red.
Marta; Didn't vote
Blake Langermann; Voted blue because he loves and respects women.
Lynn Langermann; Voted Blue because she is a woman.
The phantom baby that Lynn gave birth to; Can't vote.
Jessica; also cannot vote.
Val; Didn't vote, was too busy rolling around in mud.
Franco Barbi; Forgot to vote.
Mother Gooseberry; Voted for a secret third option.
Leland Coyle; voted red.
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rozenguilden · 1 month ago
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Marta my dear🎵
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decompo-zd · 10 months ago
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Them again
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barbatusart · 9 months ago
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gluskinshell · 6 months ago
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so i was bored yesterday and (with the help of wikipedia, in-game documents and the like) ive decided to write out the entire outlast timeline. or 99% of it anyway. i severely underestimated how big it actually is, but this was very fun to do! never again tho
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scoutsurge · 3 months ago
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milesfingers · 1 year ago
For some of these I had to think for even 10 minutes, please appreciate 😔🤲
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Honorable mentions:
The Twins: Father Martin discord server’s mods
Nick and Laird: they weren’t casted for a Courage the Cowardly Dog episode and now they are very pissed
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heretyc · 5 months ago
How Outlast Characters Respond To "Can You Buy Me Pads?" [HEADCANONS]
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Walrider would be confused. Bless him. You'll have to show him what they are.
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Miles lowkey steals them. Fuck the government, fuck taxes, and fuck people who get compensation from a natural biological process. He'd also steal your favourite sweets.
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Waylon would love to but we all know that dumbass (affectionate) would fall over everything. It's the intent that matters.
Nick would also do this.
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Eddie, once informed of what a period and pads are, gets upset on your behalf and pretty much buys you anything you want. He's a big hulking guy, he doesn't care for the stares he'll get by weirdos lol.
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Val would send Heretics to buy you pads [assuming Val's in their Mud Era]. This is what occurs after:
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...They're doing their best, that's all I can say.
To ease any cramping, Val will get you all cozy, whether it's in a bed or against them. Oh, also, sex. Penetration helps break up clots [which then help with cramps]. TMYK!
When Val ISN'T coated in mud and is instead wearing their cassock and boots, they'll bring you with them to pick out the brand you want. They leave the Heretics in the carriage/car [obviously rofl].
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Jeremy's a prick, what did you expect? [He'll get them if you beg real prettily, though.]
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She says this in a joking manner. She'll 100% buy you some.
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He's happy to help. He might also shout "LYNNNNN" at the top of his lungs because he doesn't know what the different colours mean and his wife isn't around to help lmfao
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Knoth is one of those assholes who thinks that periods are "dirty", and therefore, won't have anything to do with them, even though "God" made females have them, so. Laird is the same way.
Val's the person to call when it comes to period-related issues lol.
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She can. And she will. Menopause is a bitch but she doesn't miss her menstrual cycle.
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Whether it's because he's a doctor [your doctor btw] or because he's obsessive, he'll have your cycle tracked. Weirdo.
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morrayindominus · 4 months ago
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marta enjoyers rise up
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spookieloverslittlemind · 7 months ago
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Affection with them…
includes: Michael Myers, Pinhead, Brahms Heelshire, Art the Clown, Sun and Moon (fnaf), Marta (Outlast 2)
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The Shape is a very…rigid character. He’s not exactly known for moving with any kind of fluidity, but what he does do is move with purpose. Always. With that in mind, Michael’s affections are never subtle. He might slowly reach for your hand, your thigh, or to cup the side of your face, but his hold on you will be firm. Only hard enough to hurt when things get steamy, in general Michael’s hold on you is firm, but not painful. Inherently possessive. Sometimes, it’ll take him a little while to hug you back, but he will, and his preference is typically one hand holding the entirety of the back of your head, while his other hand holds either your hip, or trails down to the back of your thigh to start lifting it, kneading at the flesh.
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The heights of pain and pleasure don’t exactly leave a lot of room for tender affections, but Pinhead is enthralled by learning something from you, and takes his lessons very seriously. Be prepared for approximately 4 billion questions on absolutely every detail of affection you explain to him; he wants to fully understand your boundaries, thoughts and feelings, preferences and dislikes as well as objective facts surrounding affection. Pinhead requires physical demonstrations and will practice like it is a martial art. The first time he took initiative to walk up behind you and hold your waist while you were cooking? You almost died (you said that was objectively true, Pinhead denied this). His affections are deliberate and intentional, but he is very capable of a featherlight touch, and in fact enjoys those sensations most. Having felt every height of pain and pleasure, the sensitivity found in the lightest touch comes to be Pinhead’s favourite.
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In a word, bro is clingy. For the majority of his life, physical contact with people has been off-limits to Brahms, so you can’t be surprised. You’ll have to teach him how to kiss because he gets too excited and starts slobbering all over your mouth, but once he knows how to kiss, he never wants to do anything else. And whenever Brahms asks - after you’ve taught him the concept of consent - to touch you somewhere he hasn’t already thought of and gets your permission, he will not leave that part of you alone. For. Hours. Any affection you give Brahms will not be enough and he will beg for more. Quite frankly, unless you are naked and capable of making out with him him, riding him, jerking him off, sucking him off, holding his hands, holding his face, playing with his hair and cuddling with him simultaneously, he will get whiney. But that’s our boy <3
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The only gentle affection Art understands at first is booping you on the nose. Beyond that, you’ll have to set some boundaries and explain that “no, Art, you cant grab my wrist hard enough to break it when we’re in public; have some decency” and he’s all 😱 That said, Art does learn, and does like affection. Mostly, he likes having your attention, so the little kisses you leave on his painted cheeks and the way you reach for his hand will have him pretending to twirl his hair and kick his feet as he skips around. With you, Art’s still the same oddball. Rather than hold your hand, he’ll play with your fingers. Rather than kiss you on the lips, he’ll lick your lips (he’s a freak).
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Sun and Moon
Given their differing traits, it’s no surprise they express/prefer their affections differently. While Sun likes patting your head, Moon prefers plaiting your hair (if it’s long enough, if not he just prefers playing with it). Sun will hold your hand, Moon will hold your wrist. Sun will lift you up and spin you around, Moon will cradle you to his chest. But, both are equally big fans of you kissing their face plate; it doesn’t matter if it’s one little kiss, several, or a lingering kiss - any kiss to the faceplate will have Sun skipping around with glee and Moon swooning where he stands.
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Affection is a difficult topic to broach with Marta without you coming across to her as having sinful thoughts of her (you do, but you’ll keep that between you and God fr). There are certain affections - such as tipping your head and kissing your brow/forehead - that come naturally to Marta because they feel entirely innocent gestures. Kisses to one of God’s countless gifts; every kiss she gives you is one of thanks. Marta does not like holding hands very much because she would rather have her hands free to wield her weapon, but she compromises by letting you hold onto her arm. Holding each other…takes time, and is still a rare occurrence. Only in the darkness of night when you are sound asleep, does Marta play with your hair and whisper the most thankful prayers to God for delivering you to her <3
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thataudio · 8 months ago
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elizabetak · 3 months ago
Outlast characters and their voice actors (I would've added Franco instead of Frank but so we don't know who's his va yet)
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rozenguilden · 4 months ago
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little practice of Marta🫶⛏️
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decompo-zd · 9 months ago
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Temple gate moment + AU Val portrait
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