outlanderanatomy · 2 years
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Anatomy Lesson Outlander Trauma-Drama, Part 2
Hey, all.
Hope you had a grand couple of weeks awaiting part two of Outlander Trauma-Drama… Here it is. Yay!
Our last Anatomy Lesson, Outlander Trauma-Drama, Part 1, showed the system pathologists use to classify trauma. In that lesson, we covered different types of mechanical trauma including contusion, abrasion, laceration, incision, avulsion, projectile injury, and puncture wounds.
Remember? Yasss!
Mechanical trauma
Thermal Injury
Radiation Injury
Personal Exposure (tobacco and alcohol)
Therapeutic Drugs
Air Pollution
Industrial Exposures
Agricultural Hazards
Natural Toxins
Oxygen Deprivation
Infectious Agents
Immunological Diseases
Genetic Derangements
Nutritional Diseases
Projectile injuries
Puncture wounds
Today’s lesson continues with the trauma-drama theme ‘cos there are still loads of Outlander owies to uncover and discover!
Again, examples from Diana’s big books and the Starz Outlander series will serve as anatomical models for the injuries.
Today’s lesson will cover thermal injury and alcohol abuse. So, let’s get started!
There are six types of Thermal Injury:
Thermal burns
Electrical injury
Here we go! Weeellll almost. Head over to www.outlanderanatomy.com for the rest of the goodies!
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virtualscotland · 1 year
I visited Midhope Castle in Scotland yesterday and it was such a beautiful day! Midhope is also famously known as Lallybroch from the show Outlander - do you recognise it?! 😀 I have a little video of it here. 🌞 Scottish Castles are beautiful!
Please watch and reblog! 😍
@outlanderanatomy @outlander-online @outlander-starz @outlandernetwork @outlandersource @outlanderlush @outlanderfandomfollies @outlanderfraser @outlandernat @outlandersfans-blog @outlandersource @outlandernetwork @samheughanontherocks @samheughanonline-blog @samheughandaily-blog @samheughanswife @samheughan @caitrionabalfe @caitrionabafle @jamiefraserxclairebeauchamp @jamiefraserz @jamieclaire
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italianoutlanders · 6 years
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#Repost from @outlanderanatomy . Check out this cool Jamie statue and my interview with George Nadeau at Cryptozoic Entertainment! https://www.outlanderanatomy.com/2018-san-diego-comi-con/ A deeply grateful, Outlander Anatomist #outlander #scotland #scottishhistory #sdcc #sandiegocomicon #dianagabaldon #outlanderanatomy #outlandishanatomy
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outlanderpod · 8 years
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Someone needs to get @outlander_starz on this STAT. #Repost @outlanderanatomy ・・・ Enjoying Khaaaaaaaan EBV's recap of Epi 109, The Reckoning, today: http://bit.ly/1yV4QOc . . . #clairefraser #caitrionabalfe #jamiefraser #anatomylessons #scotspirit #scotland #scottishdrama #jacobites #scottishhistory #outlanderanatomy #humananatomy #thereckoning #dianagabaldon
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cmhoughton · 6 years
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Terrific piece by @outlanderanatomy about measles and how it was portrayed in the book and in the show.
She didn’t include recent recently published results of a study that shows the measles vaccination actually reduces childhood mortality from other diseases.
It’s fascinating vaccinating against the measles helps kids avoid dying from something else.  
But, the moral of the story is: get your kids vaccinated.  
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adramofoutlander · 8 years
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My conversation with Outlander Anatomy where science meets our favorite book and tv series. Link in bio. #outlander #outlanderanatomy
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
Outlander Trauma-Drama, Part I
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Greetings Outlander anatomy students!
I have not posted a lesson or fun fact since September of last year!  Time to get back into the dissection room. 🤓
I plan to post several lessons in succession, all dealing with trauma-drama on Outlander! And, as we all ken, there is plenty of this to go around.
Let’s get started with a couple of definitions.
As many of you know, the term anatomy comes from the Greek ana– (up) + temnein (to cut). Taken literally, anatomy means to cut away or to reveal.
Today’s Anatomy Lesson will reveal topics belonging to the science of pathology: Greek meaning pathos (suffering) + ology (to know). Interestingly, pathology is literally the study of abnormal anatomy so we are well within our lane!
Although this topic is not light-hearted, it is an important one which may prove useful to you and yours. Head over to www.outlanderanatomy.com to learn more!
A deeply grateful,
Outlander Anatomist
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italianoutlanders · 7 years
#SamHeughan ~ #mpc2017event . Via Outlander Anatomy (OutLandAnatomy) . #MyPeakChallenge @samheughan @mypeakchallenge @outlanderanatomy
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
Herself, Two Highlanders & A Lord at NYCC 2022!
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Sunday, October 9, was the final day of 2022 NYCC and, for me, it was the best!
Each morning walking to Javits, we were greeted by a "herd" of pigeons waiting for treats. Roomies, Jody and Jim, point to the feathered army!  Usually, they were perched on the power lines reminding me of the 1963 Alfred Hitchcock film, The Birds! 😳
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Inside the Javits, more cosplay. Don't know who this is but I'll wager some of you do? It is a fab costume!
Want to know more about the NYCC? Head over to the blog: https://bit.ly/3ghfY9W. You can also catch our YouTube vids over on the Outlander Anatomy channel.
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
022 NYCC - Diana’s “Titans of Fantasy” Panel
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Saturday, at NYCC, Diana joined Brandon Sanderson and Terry Brooks for threesome panel honoring them as the titan writers of fantasy! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I filmed the entire session but had to break into parts one and two. Great panel. Diana did us proud. She is brilliant! 🤗
Want to know more about the NYCC? Head over to the blog: https://bit.ly/3CFV9fJ. You can also catch our YouTube vids over on the Outlander Anatomy channel. 
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
2022 Outlandish Vancouver/Outlandish Adventures - Day 3
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Jamie caught up with us in the vendor room and held us at gunpoint! We surrendered! 😍 That’s me and Jody!
Next panel was the guys! Just the guys! And, only the guys! 🤗 They got settled in and the questions began!
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Jody stood at the mic and said she had been a teacher for 36 years and wanted to predict the type of student each had been. She Thought Tim and David were quiet. But, likely, Paul got into trouble. Yep, turns out, she was right.
David was studious. Tim also was quiet in school but did use humor to deal with bullying! 😮
And, Paul……  Weil, Paul got into trouble for talking too much! His punishment was to write many time what it was that he did that was bad!
Want to know more about Outlandish Vancouver? Head over to the blog! https://bit.ly/3CIBTOz
#outlander #outlanderanatomy #outlandishvancouver #dianagabaldon
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
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Anatomy Def: Paired muscles of facial expression.
Outlander Def: Ian’s worry lines when he learns he must leave his beloved Emily! 😢
Don’t know about you, but for me, John Bell’s performance in Outlander episode 605, Hour of the Wolf was flawless. His facial expressions perfectly mirrored the stress roiling in his personal life.
Facial Expression: Humans enjoy 22 pair of muscles controlling facial expression, more than any other animal, blessing us with an amazing range of emotional aspects.
As Ian hears the Mohawk’s decision about his and Emily’s fates, the skin wrinkles between his eyebrows. How does this happen?
Corrugator Supercilii: Well, his facial expression is caused by contraction of corrugator supercilii (CS) muscles, just one of the 22 pair! 😲
Super silly, huh? 😜
Read more at www.OutlanderAnatomy.com!
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
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Greetings all anatomy students. There has been a dry spell of lessons this summer while I attended to blueberry crops and fruit trees! Berries are now done for the year and time to return to Outlander. Yay!
So, let’s get right to it.
During Episode 606, The World Turned Upside Down, Claire becomes deathly ill, not from what ails the MacNiel family, but from Malva Christie poisoning! 😈 😳
During an intense fever dream, Claire has a vision of roiling clouds and an amoeba. But then, her hands cradle something red and pulsing –  her beating heart in this startling and somewhat gruesome image...
Wondering about that gruesome image? Visit the blog for more!
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outlanderanatomy · 3 years
Mini Anatomy Lesson: Dupuytren’s Contracture
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Anatomy Def: Dupuytren’s Contracture, a disease involving changes to deep tissues of the palm.
Outlander Def: Tom Christie’s right hand enjoys Claire’s touch waaay too much. Watch out, Jamie! 😉
History: Dupuytren’s Contracture (DC) is named after Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835), a French anatomist and military surgeon who gained considerable notoriety treating Napoleon Bonaparte’s hemorrhoids! 😲 Although he was not the first to recognize the condition, he was the first to perform a successful repair on DC and published the results (The Lancet, 1834). Hence, the disease is named for him.
Also Known As: Like Jamie, Dupuytren’s Contracture (DC) enjoys a number of aliases:
Dupuytren’s disease (DD)
Morbus Dupuytren
Viking disease
Celtic hand
Palmar fibromatosis/familial palmar fibromatosis
Palmar fascial fibromatosis.
Symptoms: Tight bands and/or firm lumps (nodules) appear in the tissues deep to the palmar skin. Gradually, the fingers may curl and pull sideways or toward the palm. Overlying skin may pucker. Sufferers may experience inflammation or sensations of tenderness, burning, or itching of the hand. Pressure or tension may be felt when attempting to straighten the fingers. Sometimes both hands and even the feet are affected. More fortunate individuals experience only mild cases that do not require medical intervention. The following image shows an example of DC involving the left ring finger.
Read more at www.outlanderanatomy.com!
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outlanderanatomy · 2 years
Mini Anatomy Lesson: Tom’s Travail
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Anatomy Def: Claire confronts Dupuytren’s Contracture.
Outlander Def: A hand problem best dubbed as “Tom’s Travail!”  👋🏻
Tom’s right hand is disabled because he suffers from Dupuytren’s Contracture (DC). If you have not read my earlier Mini Anatomy Lesson about DC, you can access it a few posts back. 
Quick Review: Underlying the skin of the palm is a tough layer of connective tissue known as the palmar aponeurosis. Importantly, it aids in cupping the palm, maintaining grip, and protecting underlying flexor tendons.
So what did Claire do??? read more: www.outlanderanatomy.com!
Also, that look on Jamie’s face! Love it!
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outlanderanatomy · 3 years
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It has been a challenge keeping this hush-hush. But, as Diana has published this, I will share the acknowledgement page from “Go Tell the Bees that I am Gone.” She asked me to review her manuscript earlier this year and I did. I am more than thrilled by her acknowledgement. 🤗
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