#outlander stickers
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solgasart · 3 days ago
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Friends, who like to fill their diaries with stickers - here is a new cartoon Outlander set of stickers for you. Can you remember this part?
It is as always awailable on my RedBubble.
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apas-95 · 2 years ago
the fun thing about lancer is it does read so well as diagetic union propaganda, but depsite it all, that's not the reality - the reason why the authors keep writing in slavery, and people born into servitude on corporate-owned mining planets, and corporations being allowed to declare war on entire worlds while the state's military sits on the sidelines as a referee to make sure they're not violating laws of war while glassing planets, somehow isn't that it's a masterful satire, it's just the level of cognitive dissonance that manifests when social democrats try to articulate their utopia - it's the Imperium of Man but with hillary stickers on it, simultaneously declaring post-scarcity in the core, before going on to describe the harsh resource extraction that facilitates it. the supposed revolution against the tyrannical core government wasn't one carried out by the people they oppress, it was from the core itself - more than just socdem fantasy, the best they could imagine was a coup, one which replaced direct state oppression of the periphery with privatised, corporate oppression, one that lets them pretend that the inherent violence in the system is actually the result of the barbaric outlanders not all simply being enlightened enough to decide to become post-scarcity Democracies like them, even while their resources prop up the core worlds' "utopia in the making". it reads as propaganda for a repressive, neocolonial empire because it's written by people who do support a repressive, neocolonial empire, in their own world. they can't stop from contradicting themselves, because their ideas about the world are contradictory.
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bcacstuff · 8 months ago
Day 2 Highlanders 7 con 20 July 2024 at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, Birmingham
Fan Meet with Richard:
If he's a betting man there will be Rebus 2 (with a wink)
Hasn't read more than 4.5 books (of OL) couldn't get through the Gathering in Fiery Cross
Everyone's really sad about it ending
Doesn't like the stickers chosen for the Rebus books but the author did so he was outvoted
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Charles & David Q&A
As part of training for the roles, they were taught them how to stand and sit using the "Alexander Technique" Demonstrating the "Alexander Technique" of how to stand up straight 18th-century style 👇
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Question: if you could play another character who would it be: David - BJR; Charles - didn't know - fusion of LJG and Jamie
What won't you miss after OL ends - David travel; Charles didn't answer the question but said he'll miss his friends in Glasgow
Who would you go to a convention to see - Charles Eddie Vedder & Robin Kimmerer (author); David couldn't name anyone
Richard, Charles and Jamie Roy play Magic the Gathering (red: a card game) together almost every day when not working
When asked about a LJG series, David said if people want it he'd be up for it and people need to speak up about it
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David and Charles singing O Canada 👍
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Charles can walk on his hands - went back and forth 3x
Richard & Sophie Q&A
What song would describe your relationship on the show: Sophie - Lover (Richard joked Tolerater)
What role would you like to play: Sophie - Black Swan; Richard - Wolverine or Iron Man
Richard & Sam made different animal noises each take during the birthing scene
Hardest scene they had to film: Sophie - physically the ones with the horses; Richard - one where Brianna tells Roger Jemmy might not be his
If you could take a character ahead in time to see something - Sophie BJR to see Frank; Richard Jamie Fraser into the modern world - Richard loves Sam's reactions to modern things
What are you binge watching? Sophie - The Bear; Richard - Queen of the South and BBT
Sophie spoiler: Joey and I were in a tent (Richard adds "in the 80s")
Who would you go to a convention to see? Richard - BBT, Peaky Blinders: Sophie - Friends
They don't really get recognized in the UK but yes in the US "people in England don't really watch Outlander" (Sophie) - when they started in S2/3 it wasn't really "present", especially in Scotland.
Taken anything from set? Sophie very tempted to take the pearls but hasn't taken anything yet; Richard not yet either (made a joke about the musket balls and Lallybroch in the 80s trying not to spoil anything)
What song represents your character - Sophie "Girl on Fire" because she powers through things
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Ed Speleers & Steven Cree
Favourite role so far - Jack Crusher (Ed)
Cree - best part of Outlander is the conventions
Favourite scene was when Bonnet kidnaps Brianna and they explain how he became what he is
Ed read for LJG and they came back to him the next year with Bonnett
Cree auditioned for Dougal (who's the guy who raised $250K for a film then never made the film? - ouch!!). Then they cast Sam and had to make Dougal age appropriate
What era would you time travel to: Ed - 60s: Steven - his early 20s
Sam created MPC and whisky "unlike the guy who embezzled $250K" (ouch again!! Cree used the word "embezzled")
Cree to Sean - how does it feel to be a millionaire? Sean - pass me your phone I'll call Sam and ask him
Cree was offered roles in Bridgerton 1 & 2 and said no after he read the scripts
Cree went on for 5 minutes about how Claire brought Jamie back to life in Monsters & Heroes - it was hilarious
Seems that the 2 of them (Cree and Ed) go way back and are good friends (Ed said Cree was the most excited when he landed the star trek role. They wouldn't ever have crossed paths on OL. They know each other's families too.)
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Funniest lines she couldn't get through - where she asks BPC if the bite was from a monkey and when Ian offers to go looking for Jamie and Claire says "but you don't have a leg"
Prefers to be called Caitriona
They talked about the ending of the books and someone yelled "Sam knows" then she said Sam THINKS he knows
Will be odd knowing they're not going back to Scotland when they finish filming. Couldn't say if they're staying but her husband is from Scotland and her in-laws live there so they will be there in some capacity
Costumes in S8 are her favourite since S2 Paris
Thanked everyone and said how much doing the show has meant to her
Asked if she and Tony share the same musical taste. She thought they said Sam and Steve said "no, your real husband" (she does with Tony, "definitely not" with Sam)
To prepare for Claire & Frank since they had a history, she and Tobias wrote each other letters. Tobias would redact his because he was in MI6. They didn't do anything to prepare for Claire & BJR because she didn't know him
During the rapid-fire someone asked "Sam's whisky or Graham's bourbon". She said Sam's whisky but hasn't tried the bourbon (she doesn't really like bourbon it's too sweet)
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All credits to my reporter at the con (who chose to remain anonymous), including the pics.
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themusicsweetly · 6 months ago
This year, I'm taking part in World Child Cancer's 60K For Kids With Cancer fundraiser with Team Outlander!! Please help support me and this incredible organization if you can, and please spread the word 🧡
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Along with Diane (dianeb31 // Twitter), we will also be at PaleyFest and NYCC on October 16th and October 17th selling official WCC merch: lanyards, buttons, enamel pins, and bracelets!! We'll also have exclusive Outlander stickers made by Serena (charmingdearie // Twitter). All proceeds go towards WCC's life saving mission. Come find me and Diane at either of these events and we'll be sure to hook you up! If you make a donation to my page above ahead of time, all you have to do is show me your receipt when we meet.
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See you there!! Which swag are you hoping to take home with you?
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 14 days ago
To help remember what you forgot! 🤔
“If you don't know where you've come from, you don't know where you're going."
In ten years of MPC have you heard about how it all started in Scotland? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 If not, then that's just how this company rolls I guess. Generally, nobody will know or care- sadly. If yes, then you are well within your right to be miffed, If you've watched it from the beginning and it hasn't been mentioned
After two months since SH IG Live from New York, 🗽last January introducing the main charity collaboration, we have not seen Sam refer to the origins of MPC on this 10th anniversary.
MPC has applications in various fields. However, it's important not to overlook the origins of MPC, to accurately plan a tenth-anniversary, you must remember both the date (when) and location (where) of MPC's birth, and the people involved which is crucial for its MPC celebration.
For those who forget or are not familiar with MPC’s origins, allow us to remind you. Always is a good decision to look back on time on the first steps fondly, and to know the initiators who started the programme.
Where do we come from? Is fair to say and then think “Where do we go from here?” 2 phrases that can refer to questions about the past and future of MPC in their 10 years, that have not started in America? MPC, as everybody knows, and it’s good to remember, was born in Scotland by a Scottish with a purpose who decided to take a different path along the way across the pond.
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When SH back to Scotland to work in the Outlander series after spending more than 10 years in London. He came to John Valbonesi and the Shears brothers for help. The brothers Gareth and Chris Shears owners of Bear Strength Clothing, focus on the CrossFit market and teamed up with Sam Heughan, and co-owner of the Fight Camp Glasgow’s John Valbonesi to create My Peak Challenge, achieving personal goals – raising money for charity Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research and donating those profits to the cancer-fighting charity Bloodwise UK (now Blood Cancer UK 🇬🇧)
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Gareth and Andy Shear, who set up Bear Strength, a fitness clothing line in 2013, and distribute to countries including Canada, USA and Australia.
That included a My Peak Challenge t-shirt from Bear Strength, a wristband and a sticker. The team originally included Sam + three members (the two brothers and Valbo) and there was no connection to Alex Norouzi.
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Over time, AN gradually eliminated the Shear brothers after his participation in MPC. So, If SH wants to commemorate MPC's 10th anniversary, they should remember when, where, and who participated in its beginnings. MPC - My Peak Challenge was created in December 2014 and launched in January 2015 in Scotland with a different team. Let alone with Alex, since all this happened before he met Heughan.
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In a recent Instagram profile update, Alex Norouzi upgraded his resume from CEO to co-founder of MPC. This changes MPC's vision and relationship with Scotland, where MPC was founded and began without him. It's important to clarify that MPC's origins were in Glasgow, Scotland, not Los Angeles, California.
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SH teamed up with Fight Camp Glasgow’s John Valbonesi and Bear Strength Clothing to create My Peak Challenge.
EDA’s co-owner John Valbonesi played a role in Glasgow, being one of the initial Sam Heughan’s trainers at the MPCPrepProgram. In this context, Valbonesi would be regarded as a co-founder, Similarly, to Gareth and Andy Shear, the brothers who helped Sam. They designed 🎨 MPC logo and marketed the t-shirts, also contributing to establishing the first relationship with the early supporters, known as "peakers."
In late 2015 Alex and his friend, photographer Peter Lueders, travelled to Scotland for an interview and extensive fitness shoot with SH. Their photos appeared on the cover of The Box magazine in January/February 2016, which boosted Sam's ego. Later that year, Alex quickly became Sam's best friend. The goal of this trip was achieved the same year when My Peak Challenge headquarters moved from Scotland to Los Angeles. Mission accomplished. ☹️
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Additionally, Alex Norouzi was not a co-founder of MPC; he joined the movement later by building on the work done in Scotland obviously without him which helped to enhance his status in L.A. since his arrival in this city in 2004. This point is a distinction that should be accurately conveyed.
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However, Alex Norouzi was not involved in this stage, No one knew about him when MPC started its activities in Glasgow. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Now he’s trying to give a new version as a co-founder of My Peak Challenge, which is incorrect. MPC was registered as an American company after Sam Heughan transferred his headquarters to Los Angeles, but their activities were created and launched in Scotland first.
If Alex wants to consider MPC "founded" in the US, and not when it started operating in Scotland, then in this case, MPC wouldn't be commemorating its 10th anniversary, but only 8 years, as the company was registered in October 2016 in the US. MPC's current format is only 4 years old, dating back to 2020 when an additional modification was included in the products/services for personal training and online fitness. There's no information about staff or co-founders listed, meaning Alex isn't listed in My Peak Challenge. MPC only mentions Sam Heughan as the company's founder.
You can't be something you're not! Pretty simple.
SH participated in what it means to reach maximum physical condition, now it is in Valbo’s hands, Program Director of MPC @mypeakchallenge, Hollywood Personal Trainer 🤔 I wonder What is Valbo's customer base in Hollywood?
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SH wore the Fear The Beard T-Shirt in his Twitter avatar, including Graham McTavish, who rocked a Fear The Beard T-Shirt as well.
Sam should be careful when distributing co-founder titles. "Co-founder" implies a role in the creation of the idea 💡 and does not necessarily reflect an individual's skills or abilities. Co-founder is not a job title, and it isn’t a perpetual licence to be employed at the company, regardless of what you do. It's important to clarify that Alex, and no one else associated with MPC in America, was among the original participants who help created My Peak Challenge - MPC in Scotland.
Why do SH fans travel to Edinburgh to celebrate the MPC gala or come to celebrate Heughan's birthday? 🎈 Why not Los Angeles? There are times when certain things need to be made clear, and this is one of them, although Sam Heughan forgot to mention it during the MPC anniversary video, as usual. He only remembers Scotland when he needs to brag or sell something.
Alex seems to be trying to erase any memory of Sam that might link him to his old life in Scotland. Essentially, he wants to prove that Sam started a new life in Los Angeles solely related to him. Perhaps SH wants to hide something related to his past, which always suggests that his new life began with Outlander as he always wished.
Posted 13th March 2025
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loverofwhump216 · 6 months ago
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I present to you my Fandom Wall. It's not much right now, but it will grow.
So far on the Wall is:
A poster of Nicole from Cafae Latte
A sticker banner also from Cafae Latte
A Jack Skellington plush from Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack Skellington and Oogie Boogie ornaments also from Nightmare Before Christmas
A pin from Outlander
A TARDIS Beanie from Doctor Who
A Doctor Who quote poster with the 10th Doctor
A PRIDE Flag triangle cloth piece
and a PRIDE Mickey Mouse pin
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outlanderanatomy · 8 months ago
2024 SDCC A Conversation With Ron D. Moore
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Greetings, anatomy students!
Long time – no see! 😜
As many of you know, I was at the 2024 San Diego Comic-Con last weekend. Saw a huge forest fire on the flight down. 🔥 I could see the main plume from miles away and it looked a good deal like a nuclear mushroom cloud! You can just make it out at the front of the wing. 😳
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Arrived Thursday after lunch. Grabbed a shuttle that dropped me off near the Convention Center. Scrambled to the press desk, checked in, and got my Press Pass plus an ADA sticker as my ankle is not yet fully functional. 🤕
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Rushed to Suite 6DE  barely making it into the event: “A Conversation With Ron D. Moore!���😅
The audience was surprised and delighted to discover the host was none other than Mary McDonnell of “Battlestar Galactica” and “Dances With Wolves” fame! You may recall, Mary played the part of President Laura Roslin on Galactica.
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She greeted us with her melodious and resonant voice and soon invited the guest of honor to join her.
It was Ron D. Moore, himself! This is her brief introduction of Ron.
Mary welcomed Ron and told him how much she enjoyed working with him on Battlestar.  She then began a series of thoughtful questions which he answered with his usual frankness and candor.
She asked Ron if his ability to write strong women is an indication of feminism. He is not sure but he has empathy for women. I found the following part quite interesting as Mary queried Ron about writing parts for strong women in the face of power.  She complimented him for being able to do this as few men show such talent and insight.  She also praised him for writing equally strong men.
I wondered if he writes strong women intuitively, and not necessarily by plan. He said he enjoys writing parts for strong women. He talked about the process of getting a female captain (Captain Janeway) onto Star Trek: Voyager. He also said he puts himself in women’s shoes which is always a winning strategy, imo. 🤩
Mary asked Ron about shutting off the creative process when he is not at work.  He doesn’t really do that. He is able to leave work and concentrate on other things but running in the background is always something that his brain is working on. He warned about getting totally immersed as a show runner because there is no limit to the amount of involvement that can engulf one.
In this last and final clip, Mary asked Ron about the great love between Jamie and Claire throughout their different lives and across time.  Ron agrees that Diana Gabaldon wrote the perfect love story of two people who found their soul mates. although it is a wonderful concept, he is not sure true love  is real and that there is only one soul mate for each of us. Mary loves the story of Jamie and Claire because it gives us hope. She is a solid fan of Outlander! 🥰
She ended the session with a huge hug for Ron. Clearly, she carries a lot of affection for him and their time working together!
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I hope you enjoyed this review of Ron’s conversation with Mary. It was enlightening for me, especially Ron explaining that Outlander time has come to end. We who disagree will continue to read the books!  👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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“So say we all!” 😉
The deeply grateful,
Outlander Anatomist
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kiwiev · 8 months ago
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Was behind this plug-in hybrid recently & it had an "EV" sticker on the back. Thing is, we were together for more than 60 km and I know the Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV can't go that far on its small battery so it was burning petrochemicals. So is such a sticker is still okay in those circumstances? What's everyone's thoughts?
#question #cars
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mostlynatur3 · 11 months ago
Hey there! I am looking for a penpal or two to write to and talk all things books, movies, theater, travel, camping, taylor swift, skiing, hiking, anime, disney, peloton/biking, pets, podcasts, crafting, crochet, knitting, outlander, Dr. Who, video games, etc etc...
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I live out in the country on 5 acres and love being an introvert, but also really like sitting down with a cup of tea and writing to my friends. I'm 32 and live in Washington State. I still mail a lot of my high school friends letters to keep in touch but would love to meet new folks from different background as well.
I speak English, but am trying to learn spanish and irish. I also took Chinese in high school so I could also brush up on those skills as well.
I'd also be willing to send little crafts teas or treats back and forth as well, but mostly writing and stickers and things that fit in an envelope.
:) Have a great day, message me here
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solgasart · 1 year ago
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Ho-ho, the new cartoon stickers pack is ready! 🫰So those ones who were waiting to decorate a new Outlander page in the diary can finally grab the set right now in my RedBubble. 😻 You know what the part of the story it is, don't you? 😉
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atarial · 1 year ago
con season done for this year and already planning stuff for next year 😅 talking with people about what they'd like to see and what they vibe with helps with decision making
first definitely doing more ofmd stickers, and i've decided who's gonna be in the next batch (jim for scale from the previous batch)
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i do want to do everyone, but keeping it manageable for now
my others plans are more star trek, sandman, doctor who, good omens and wwdits, plus i want to get something done for outlander's 10 year tv anniversary next year, and also just more animals
and try do a bit more on the mass effect pic aha
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20. top three things you'd like to buy for yourself right now
well it’s my birthday in 2 days and I think my family and friends are getting me some good stuff so I will reblog this after to see if they got the 3 things I wanted!
1. OTMA’s letters and diaries books by Helen Azar (that totally counts as one thing!)
2. Outlander poster for my room
3. Other historical things (books, stickers, clothing, shoes, etc.
Thank you for asking!
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robinfuckery-blog · 6 months ago
My New Car
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So last month, after my Ford Probe (with the "Wild Orchid" package) was viciously and unironically rear-ended and subsequently totaled, I found myself in the market for a new automobile. After doing absolutely no research whatsoever, I headed down to the nearest Mitsubishi dealership in my Chrysler 200 rental (200 being the approximate number of times the 9-speed transmission chooses the wrong gear per quarter mile). I hadn't even dialed the Chrysler into "park" (there's a sentence I never thought I'd type) before a rather debonaire-looking salesman named Justin descended on me. He wasted no time launching into his potential customer getting-to-know-you/interrogation spiel. Within seconds, he knew where I lived, why I was at the dealership, my first pet's maiden name, how many days until my next birthday, and my approximate budget. I remember thinking to myself that if this dude ever did speed dating, he would absolutely clean up. All relevant information now in hand, Justin led me past rows of glittering Mirages and bulbous Landers over to a line of cars that seemed a bit out of place. In front of me stood what appeared to be dozens of luxury SUVS, many of which looked like they cost at minimum $80,000. This made me somewhat cross. I had told Justin my maximum budget up front, just like you're supposed to, yet here he was about to sell me on a Range Rover or Escalade or whatever it was.
It was at this point that Justin told me to take a closer look, taking special care to point out the various diamond emblems on the exterior as well as the yards of hard, Tonka-quality plastics which lined the interior. That's when it donged on me - this was no German luxury vehicle, but rather the all-new 2017 Mitsubishi Outlander! The next hour consisted of me and Justin walking around the collection of Outlanders, just trying to figure out which one would take up the most of my budget without going over by too much. Justin was trying to steer me towards a pearl-white LT2. I did like the color. Reminded me of the good times I had with my Malibu rental during my last business trip (to Iowa City), which not coincidentally was the last business trip where I didn't come home with chlamydia. I'm sure the Malibu played some part in that. I was nearly sold on the LT2 when Justin mentioned it had the more powerful 250hp 2.0 liter turbo instead of the entry-level 160hp 1.5. I told him that engine would simply not do. It was far too aggressive. Toeing into the throttle with that much horsepower on tap would likely get the blood rushing to my loins in such a way that I'd be coming home with chlamydia all the time. Not a good thing when you just ditched healthcare coverage so as to free up additional funds to spend on a new car. So I really needed something sedate and boring. I needed the Lifetime Movie Network of SUVS. After another hour of poring over window stickers, we settled on a light blue metallic model with the LT1 trim. Its only option was an advanced technology package, which added a wireless charger, auto-dimming rearview mirror (greatest invention since antibiotics if you ask me), and made the infotainment screen bigger by one inch. The car was powered of course by the dinky 1.5 liter engine.
Mere minutes into the test drive, I already had a feeling that this was the car for me. I mean, it was as dull as the gift my nephew Stewart made for me last Christmas (it was a mediocre attempt at a self portrait rendered in crayon and uncooked elbow pasta). The car's demeanor was so mundane, it actually made me drowsy to the point where I had to pull off to the side of the road to slap myself around a bit so I could remain alert. And since I was parked, I figured it would be as good a time as any to see how my body would respond to the Outlander's cabin. So I dropped my pants, felt around for my boxers, remembered I haven't worn underwear since 1998, turned the satellite radio to the Dolly Parton station, wrapped the seat belt around my neck, and got down to business. Ten minutes in, Dolly's swelling vocals on "Islands In The Stream" were filling the car and my soul, yet I remained as limp as my Nana's old, dusty, beat-up, flavorless carrot cake. That was all the convincing I needed. I tucked everthing back in place, then turned to Justin -- he had been pretending to play around on his phone while this was going on, which I found quite rude -- and told him I'd take the car. I tried to shake his hand to seal the deal, but for some reason, Justin didn't take my mine when I offered it. Again, rude. He did, however, agree to a hug. As we embraced, I giggled in his ear and asked him if he'd ever had chlamydia before, and if not, would he like to. One year and 9,000 miles later, I remain confident that I made the right decision. The car is smooth and comfortable. It reads your text messages to you, too. The engine can be best described as a four-and-a-half-inch penis; it might not seem like much but it's better than nothing and chances are it doesn't have chlamydia. It's also super quiet (the interior of the car, not the penis), which is great if you have a small children or have to babysit your nephew, Stewart. Just roll up the windows, lock the doors, then take in the summer blockbuster of your choice in peace and quiet, all while junior dozes away, no doubt dreaming of playing with kittens on the surface of the sun or in a preheated oven as he does.
One fun feature the 2017 Lexus... shit, I mean Outlander... has is a teen driver mode that helps you monitor your kid's driving habits (viewable as report card upon their return) to make sure he's not racing the Asian kids down the street for pink slips. Some people have voiced their concerns about this particular feature. They say it's no substitute for actual parenting and also that it fosters a lack of trust between child and adult. Personally, I don't mind it. The fact that my kid was putting a Mitsubishi Outlander up against some slammed-out rice rocket is something I would want to be made aware of, because then I would know that my kid is a fucking imbecile and shouldn't be trusted with a soft boiled egg, much less 3150 pounds of metal, glass, and Walmart-grade plastic. But I don't have a child (that I know of). What I do have is a grandmother who enjoys the sauce. I give her the "teen driver" key fob and let her run errands with the Outlander. To hold her accountable for driving my car in a reasonable fashion and not as if she's auditioning as a stunt driver for the next Mad Max film, I lock up all her booze until I get a chance to see her "report card" when she gets back. Only a good report card will allow her to get her load on. It's been fairly effective so far. One problem with teen driver mode is it doesn't monitor what goes on in the back seat. You see, my Nana is a social butterfly and has quite the talent for finding lonely widowers at the grocery store. Sometimes, if she hits it off with one, she will then utilize the Outlander's spacious backseat to "entertain" them, if you catch my meaning (I mean she has sex with them). I swear, you'll find more random dentures in my car than the lost and found at a Howard Johnsons. Also, the new car smell is almost completely gone. It's been replaced with the odor of mothballs and Ben-gay and actual balls. I just hope it doesn't affect the resale value. Anyway, yes, I recommend the Outlander. It's a great boring car, if you're into that kind of thing.
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susannatipsandtricks · 1 year ago
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44gamez · 1 year ago
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Forward of the discharge of FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH for the PS5 subsequent month, two of the biggest names in gaming will come collectively for the Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Occasion in Apex Legends. On January ninth, gamers will have the ability to take a look at a model new Restricted Time Mode Takeover in Apex Legends, that includes the Buster Sword R2R5 and Materia hop ups, together with a spread of latest FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH impressed beauty gadgets together with new Legendary and Epic skins, stickers, emotes, and extra. For 3 weeks of infinite potentialities, the FINAL FANTASY VII  Takeover will substitute the unranked battle royale mode in Apex Legends. On this thrilling new mode, gamers can wield the Buster Sword R2R5 to sprint, block bullets, unleash a robust Restrict Break, and extra. New results be a part of the sport within the type of Materia Hop-Ups, which grant advantages like area-of-effect (AOE) lightning and HP Absorption, plus a SOLDIER Nessie to struggle by gamers’ sides. However gamers gained’t simply be embracing gameplay impressed by FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH, they’ll be trying the half too! New skins come to the Outlands, together with a moogle impressed pores and skin for Wattson, together with iconic skins for Wraith, Crypto, and extra. These skins will be purchased with Apex Cash, and are a part of 36 limited-time FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH-themed cosmetics. Gamers can accumulate them by buying Occasion packs to acquire gadgets from the knockout pool, together with the Mythic Buster Sword R5, the primary Mythic beauty that may be outfitted by any Legend! The Apex Legends & FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Occasion brings two gaming icons to the identical universe, however just for a restricted time. When you get pleasure from video games and gaming and wish extra NEWS from the Gaming World Click on Right here Source link Read the full article
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hileynoteson · 2 years ago
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