3dogbones · 3 months
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Woop woop guess what day it is fellas!
so like I was up all night making drawings of paps saying swears so they’ll be posted later today
Kill me bc credit time rauagahahuah
sixbones: Zarla
underswap: community
epictale: yugogeer012
xtale: jakei95
outertale: 2mi127
underfell: Vic the Underfella
horrortale: Sour-Apple-Studios
swapfell: Kkhoppang
fellswap: MsCreppyPlagueDoctor
me: sleep
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spookuzm · 6 months
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Utmv stuff I drew today lol
(second image's art style isn't mine btw)
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ant1quarian · 26 days
Can you give me a list of things that I can ask about Rain World? Like some prompts?
oh- yeah sure, pfft
i... assume you mean the Rain World Utmv?
so... in terms of characters, have a list:
Bad Sanses
Star Sanses
Questions to ask:
What is [name's] slugcat type?
What is [name's] favourite food? colour? time of day? hobby? favourite area?
what's their personality like?
what role do they play?
what is their karma at?
how many cycles have they survived?
have they met [creature]
have they ever seen a slugpup around?
X reader Questions:
Dating headcanons?
What are they like as a s/o
What would I have to deal with as their s/o?
What are blatant red flags staring me in the face?
What are the risks of dating them?
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e-icreator23 · 10 days
Ok, So this is a post about the Possessed Struggles AU
Yes it is inspired by other games, shows, and the GB (Gaster Blaster AU)
An unknown person had become aware of the multiverse through a vision and wanted power for themselves. Due to this, they looked around to gain control of someone or some people and then found a "small book with a broken crescent moon and sun on it." After reading what was in it, they decided to use it on one of the Guardians. They found loopholes when portals opened into other multiverse and once they saw a pattern, they used it to their advantage. Dream had been walking with Cross and Moon when they used a spell, The Possession. Shortly after, Error, Ink, and Nightmare were sent threatening messages and they met up in a graveyard like the message said. Once they were there, a burst of green light came from underground and the person was there. But the thing that caught them off guard was Dream, Cross, and Moon were there but no longer looked like they used to. They were corrupted, and their clothes were in a darker, more menacing style. They fought shortly after they refused to submit to them. The person lost and The Possession was calmed down in the three, however, that caused it to split itself into unknown amounts and possess random aus.
After the fight, the three passed out and stayed like that for a few days. One of them disappeared, Moon, but a few things of his were left. Ink took Cross, Error went back to the Anti-Void but was now more paranoid, and Nightmare took Dream. After 4 days, they woke up but their appearances did change. They got bigger, something black was constantly leaking from eyes and mouths. Dark bags were under their eye sockets but they were to their main color. Dream is more yellow/gold, Cross is purple, etc. They helped them out during the day but at night, horrible pains would take over around 8:30. 3 days after waking up, the pains came worse and the animals mixed with other animals or things showed and slowly, their bodies contorted to become what the mark was. They realized that the Possession wasn't gone and it won't be gone for a long time. This has its issues because it can happen at random sometimes. Other things relating to the book summoned other things around the multiverse and became enemies.
How the Possession works:
The possessions are usually vengeful entities that want to cause harm but need a main host/leader. Once they have a leader, they listen to them but are more reluctant to people who want to do good unless they like the leader or ones they personally like.
If they don't have a leader or host, they quickly try to look for one, and the ones they are most attracted to are ones with previous trauma or ones that they deem too innocent or kind to corrupt.
Quick note: There are others like I have said before, Nightmare, Ink, and Error are some of the more key players, the possessed one's siblings also try to help out with them but sometimes create conflict with them.
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He was the main target to get possessed/controlled. There are percentages to how possessed someone can be and he is around
Possessed: 80%-89%.
OG Height: 5'5 (167 cm)
Current Height: 5'9 (179 cm)
Peronsality: Still kind, helpful to certain people, more paranoid, can't hide his feelings/lie, less talkitive to random people.
Weapons: Bow and arrow, Double bladed dagges, golden clawed rings, alternate form, magic.
Powers: stronger magic, Speed, light magic/light manipulation
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He happened to be with Dream when he was attacked. After, he was more relutctent to be around Ink for perosnal reasons but bore with it.
Possessed: 75%
OG height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Current Height: 5'11 (180 cm)
Personality: Distant with certain people, active, constant training, only around certain people, caring, a bit absent minded
Weapons: Huge blade, Steel Claws, Double Daggers, small chain whips, Blasters and bones
Powers: Nightvision, Strenght, healing magic improved/slight regeneration
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He was one of the first to be found out to have been possessed. He didnt realize until his brother pointed out his appearance. Nightmare found out about him like this when he became scared of himself
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'3 (161 cm)
Current Height: 5'7 (173 cm)
Personality: Absent minded, chill, slightly paranoid, curious about learning more, slightly lazy
Weapons: Blasters and bones, two daggers, claws
Powers: Floating, telekinesis stronger, far sight, slight speed
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He was found out when he started acting off, like getting even more hungry and the massive height change. Nightmare confronted him and he was honest with it.
Possessed: 84%
OG heightt: 5'8 (176 cm)
Current Height: 6'3 (192 cm)
Personality: Usually calm, massively hungry, stern with strangers, helpful to ones he cares about, angrerd more easily than before, more harsh on criticism
Weapon: Bones and Blasters, Corrupted Axe, claws, bitting, scycles, alternate form
Powers: masssive strength, x-ray vision, retractable claws and teeth, blood control, massive eating/endless eating without gaining anything
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(yes its not like the others)
He was found out when he was wondering around in the city and Killer saw him slighly turing.
Possessed: 86%
OG height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Current Height: 6'7 (207 cm)
Personality: Rude to random people, angered easily, drinks often, smokes often, blunt, slightly helpful
Weapons: Bones and blasters, Claws, bitting, needles and syringes, guns, alternate form, massive corrupted axe
Powers: massive strength, retractable claws, hypnotic eyes, blood boosts, slight shadow manipulation
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He was found later on around the river by Dream. He had been there since he was freaked out but the pains and noticed Dream had the same leaky eyes and mouth.
Possessed: 58%
OG Height: 5'6 (170 cm)
Current Height: 5'10 (177 cm)
Personality: quiet, not trusting, anxious, panics often, stays to himself
Weapons: bones and blasters, fur spikes, throwing knives, flash bombs
Powers: water maniplation, emotional manipulation, water breathing, speed
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His brother got freaked out after he came back home and noticed his eyes right off the bat. He asked around and thats how Nightmare found out
Possessed: 73%
OG Height: 6'4 (195 cm)
Current Height: 6'8 (207 cm)
Personality: Laid back, tired all time, Constant smoking, Figity, suspicious of people easily
Weapons: bones and Blasters, bitting, corrupted scycle
Powers: smoke density, poison smoke, never ending cigarette, retractable fangs
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He woke up seeing something leaking out of his eyes and panicked and told his brother. They bumped into Horror and he noticed it and told them.
Possessed: 80%
OG height: 6'2 (188 cm)
Current Height: 6'6 (201 cm)
Personality: Skittish, quiet, very anxious, scared easily,panics easily, incredibly angry at people who insult his brother
Weapons: bones and blasters, claws, sudden spikes from back, guns, throwing stars
Powers: sonic screams, exploding spikes, infinte storage, invisibility
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He went to Ink after seeing his clothes and vision was different from before. Ink quickly notified the others. So are he is the last one to be know as possessed
Possessed: 83%
OG heights: 6'0 (182 cm)
Current height: 6'5 (198 cm)
Personality: still acts dumb, paranoid, gets quiet randomly, will become threatening randomly
Weapons: bones and blasters, smoke bombs, parsite tentcles, small throwing spikes
Powers: parsite growth, scarf like tentcles, night vision, metal manipulation, illusions
I might add more but when I do, I'll update it so yee
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ichigosatsuki · 1 month
Can't sleep and am in the mood to like..do something idk?
Hoping maybe typing out rando junk will help quell this feeling
So uh..have a silly thing of the ClutterCrew gang and how they handle their alcohols and such! 👍🏻
Blue is able to handle his alcohol pretty well. The only way he could actually get legit drunk is if he drinks a mix of the HARD STUFF
Ink is absolutely weak. He'll get drunk just from merely huffing scented markers for too long.
(Hence, why Dream and Blue make sure to keep any booze away from Ink at all costs)
Dream isn't fond of drinking at all
Outer is a social drinker and has a moderate tolerance level
Classic has a moderate tolerance level but is able to get tipsy easier if he mixs ketchup into his drinks
Red is similar, with his preference being mustard. But he has a bit of stronger tolerance than Classic (but not as strong as Blue)
Error has a low tolerance as well, but knows not to push his limits
Fresh refuses to drink any of that "gross wacky Kool-aid"
G is incapable of getting drunk, but, will sometimes pretend just to mess with the others
Although he does get wicked headaches often due to barely drinking any water...
Geno rarely drinks at all, only doing so when he's really stressed
Cause of this (and cause of how small his soul is) Geno's intolerance level is really low
Despite having a high tolerance, Nightmare rarely drinks. Mostly only doing it in social/party settings.
Killer as a low tolerance but will happily get himself wasted either out of boredom or just to annoy the gang.
Totally not because he uses it as a numbing agent whenever he starts to hate himself
Horror has a pretty good tolerance, only the hard-hitting stuff being able to get him drunk.
He sometimes drinks on occasion (depending on the meal) or in social settings
Dust has low tolerance but is a very careful social drinker
Cross isn't fond of drinking at all.. but he will get drunk off of drinking wayyy too much chocolate milk
And lastly, Razz has a super low tolerance (but a bit better than Ink's) but he is a social drinker!
Unfortunately, he tends to 'get tricked' every time, and since Razz is head strong and refuses to back down from a challenge.. He accidentally ends up getting himself plastered
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pjunicornart · 2 years
Sort of follow up to this post.
I have a Mane 6 figured out, plus a few extras. I think...
Twilight - Ink Pinkie Pie - Fresh Applejack - Fell Rainbow Dash - Swap Rarity - Outer Fluttershy - Dream
I also think...
Sunset Shimmer - Cross The Dazzlings - Nightmare, Killer, Dust Midnight Sparkle - Also Ink Wallflower Blush - Science Trixie - Swapfell Starlight Glimmer - Chara (or a Chara) Gloriosa - Asriel (or an Asriel) Maud Pie - Error Limestone Pie - Error404 Marble Pie - Geno
What do you think? Anything to add?
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ut-museum-guide · 7 months
Comfort Fics to Soothe the Soul
_In no particular order
4 fics contain dark themes
5 fics contain smut (3 of 5 eventual)
12 fics are reader fics
5 fics are Sans x Sans
1. Skeleton Games
By poetax (279k words)
Characters: Muffet, Red, Edge, Reader
Tags: Feuding neighbors, vampire reader
Note: None
2. Doom and Gloom All Up in Your Room
by TrashCollector (95k)
Reader (room owner), Dust, Horror
Domestic harem
3. A Sea of Hope
By Aylish91 (26k)
Reader (runaway skeleton), Axe (Horror)
Piratetale, Y/N x Axe
Note: abuse recovery
4. Poor Little Meow Meow
By Mystique, TallDumbass (58k)
Reader (vet), Killer
Fluff and Angst, domestic, ship
Note: eventual occasional smut
5. A Lovely House of Bones
By Green_Heart88 (37k)
Reader (host), Sans, Paps, Blue, Stretch, Edge, Red
Domestic living + recovery
6. Six Skeletons, One Store Clerk
By mccloudydayz (249k)
Reader, Sans, Paps, Red, Edge, Stretch, Blue +
Harem, Domestic, multiverse shennanigans
7. Aggre(g/v)ation
By Llama_Goddess (180k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Skull, later Mobfell Sans
Domestic, lots o’ shippin’
Note: Mobfell’s house onwards is intense
8. On the Top of the Bone Pile
By Lyrjok (422k)
Reader (in band), Red, Edge, Blue, Stretch, Gaster Sans
Note: eventual smut
9. Dirty Laundry
By popatochisp (162k)
Swapfell Sans, Swapfell Papyrus, Reader
Domestic, romance
10. Stowaway Bitty
By Historically Dragon (301k)
Bittybones (Brassberry), Reader (broke and making do)
Slice of life
11. A Trio of Misfits
By Sabinarius (56k)
Bittybones (Baby Blue, Lil Bro), Reader
Slice of life, money troubles
12. Smoke in the Mirror
By Catsitta (76k)
Mobfell Ensemble, Red, Sans
Sans x Sans
13. The Killing Kind (Comic)
By @/thegrinningkitten
Geno-Error x Reaper, Sans x Sans
14. Papyrus Dates a Bird
By WhatteauYouDoing (70k)
Reader (bird), Papyrus, Sans
Slice of life, magi
15. That Danger that Lurks Underwater
By AKA_Indulgence (67k)
Sans (meroctopus), Red (mermaid), Edge (mermaid), Reader (human)
Toxic romance, Sans x Reader
Note: dark themes
16. Saving Three Ex-cell-ent Skeletons
By RecklesslyCaffeinated (90k)
Reader, Sans, Red, Horror
Nurse x prison inmates, harem
17. Who Done It?
By Catsitta (15k) complete
Mafia Sans, Mafia Red, Mafia Edge, Reader (barista)
Mafia!Kustard, mystery, Sans x Sans
18. Cave Bear
By Llama_Goddess (35k)
Reader, Horrorfell Sans, Horrorfell Papyrus
Fall into underground, daily grind
Note: dark themes
Related one shot
19. Just Buisness
Catsitta (37k)
Sans, Red
Single parent struggle, sugar daddy red
Sans x Sans (debatable)
Note: dark themes
20. Burn Me Down
By Gypsum Lilac (22k)
Edge, Reader
Fast food domestic, mental health
21. Storm
By Nilchance
Horror, Sticks (Farmtale Sans)
Hurt/comfort, Sans x Sans
Note: smut
22. The Soldier and the Carnal Skeletons
By Writers_War_Zone (113k)
Sans, Horror, Blue, Reader (ex soldier)
Animal instincts, harem, kink
Note: smut
23. Little Red
By Spectroscope (53k)
Human!SwapPaps, Human!SwapSans, OC bittybones
Bittybones, trauma recovery
24. Firsts and Seconds
by Skerb (103k)
Sticks (Farmtale Sans), Bitey/Buddy (Horrortale Sans)
Injury recovery, strangers to lovers, Sans x Sans
25. Starry Eyed
By nilchance (90k)
Sans, Red, Edge, Stretch, Gaster (AI)
Prison recovery, soulmates, pirates, outer space, Sans x Sans, Stretch x Edge, Red x Edge
Note: dark themes, occasional smut
26. AVA
By Inyahs (356k)
Anomaly OC, bittybones oc, UTMV ensemble
~ Wise crack hermit goes on adventure with grumpy insomniac bitty~
From @undertale-museum
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sexy-sans-poll · 9 days
List of participants!
Here are the competitors at the time of posting! Match-ups will be randomised before the competition starts.
Nightmare Dream Passive!Nightmare Shattered!Dream Swap!Nightmare Swap!Dream Killer Horror Dust Cross Error Ink Lust Colour Epic Reaper Geno Baggs Fatal!Error Blueberror Swap Crossbones Fresh Fell Swapfell Fellswap Farm Science Dance Outer G!Sans Ccino
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m-to-z-andbackto-m · 1 month
Lets seee uhh
Classic x fell
Classic x outer
Classic x Bad Sans Poly
Classic x Ccino
Swap x Swapfell or Fellswap (red or gold)
Sci x Fell
Horror x Some therapy
Horror x Farm
Pick n choose!
Kustard (Red is in hella gay denial)
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RottenCrops/BloodyCrops (Also cooking and baking could be Horror's form of therapy 😌💕) (He's still learning, be nice to him 🥺)
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What was this ship called... SciFell? Mad Scientist. Uhhh... What do we call this gay abomination 😭 💕
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cornmayor · 2 years
(Updates every day)
Each poll has its own post. After Round 1 all matchups will be randomized. One round = 24 hours. In the masterpost above you’ll find all the polls
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Swap (UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce) vs Outer (OuterTale by 2mi127) WINNER: Swap
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Fresh!Ink by Comyet WINNER: Ink
Fell (UnderFell by Fella/Vic) vs BlueBerror by CrayonQueen WINNER: Fell
G!Sans (EchoTale by Borurou) vs Lust (UnderLust by NSFWshamecave) WINNER: Lust
FellSwap (FellSwap Gold by Blackgum) vs SwapFell by Nishimori38 WINNER: FellSwap
BirdTale Sans by Greyscales vs Science (ScienceTale by TalkingSoup) WINNER: Science
Seraphim Sans (The Thought by TratserEnoyreve) vs Insans (Alive by tatatale) WINNER: Seraphim Sans
Color (OtherTale by Super Youmna) vs Fatal!Error by Xedramon WINNER: Fatal!Error
Ganz (GZTale by NixenSiBrat) vs Dream (DreamTale by Jokublog) WINNER: Dream
Horror (HorrorTale by Sour-Apple-Studios) vs Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog) WINNER: Nightmare
Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) vs Epic (EpicTale by yugogeer12) WINNER: Cross
Killer by Rahafwabas vs Murder Sans (DustTale by ask-dusttale) WINNER: Killer
Error by CrayonQueen vs Fresh by CrayonQueen WINNER: Error
Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen) vs Reaper (ReaperTale by Ren) WINNER: Geno
Wiki Sans by paintedhen vs Last Breath Sans by Zerjox WINNER: Wiki Sans
MafiaFell Sans (Sooner or Later You're Gonna be Mine by Melikas) vs DanceTale Sans by Teandstars WINNER: DanceTale Sans
All matchups are randomized.
Swap (UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce) vs Lust (UnderLust by NSFWshamecave) WINNER: Swap
Dream (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Killer by Rahafwabas WINNER: Killer
FellSwap (FellSwap Gold by Blackgum) vs Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) WINNER: Ink
Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen) vs Fatal!Error by Xedramon WINNER: Geno
DanceTale Sans by Teandstars vs Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog) WINNER: Nightmare
Fell (UnderFell by Fella/Vic) vs Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) WINNER: Cross
Error by CrayonQueen vs Science (ScienceTale by TalkingSoup) WINNER: Error
Wiki Sans by paintedhen vs Seraphim Sans (The Thought by TratserEnoyreve) WINNER: Seraphim
Swap (UnderSwap by p0pcornPr1nce) vs Killer by Rahafwabas WINNER: Killer
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Geno (AfterTale by CrayonQueen) WINNER: Ink
Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Cross (XTale by Jael Peñaloza) WINNER: Nightmare
Error by CrayonQueen vs Seraphim Sans (The Thought by TratserEnoyreve) WINNER: Error
Killer by Rahafwabas vs Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) WINNER: Ink
Nightmare (DreamTale by Jokublog) vs Error by CrayonQueen WINNER: Error
Ink (_____Tale by Comyet) vs Error by CrayonQueen WINNER: Error
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keuwibloom · 10 months
Doing market research for an upcoming con--
Not counting classic Undertale since I'm definitely gonna make him.
Let me know if there's anyone that you would want that isn't on here! Cause I definitely missed a lot
(Please let me know also if any of these guys' creators specifically said that they don't allow fanmerch to be made of them!)
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ant1quarian · 26 days
Slug cat bad sanses
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yep, slugcat bad sanses. feel free to ask about any of them, including what they'd look like (which would involve a sketch/drawing) or headcanons
or just general worldbuilding lore
guys who you can ask about or ask questions to are:
A Swapfell
and if there are any other sanses you like that aren't on there you can ask about them, too
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Me: I do not need another thing to think about I’m in the middle of drafting a comic and some 4-5k ish words into two chapter drafts I do not need—
My brain: ok but what if in an inverse twist of the undertale multiverse, all au monsters are sentient/robotic androids, sort of like how bitties are in Bitty AUs. With different “brands” representing different AUs. Thus allowing things like “coding” to have a very literal meaning. Underfell bots are constructed for gladiator cage match’s for the entertainment of betters (and probably 100% illegal), Swapfell Gold and AU off shots are military androids sent off to fight wars for their human owners and governments so human soldiers never have to be faced with the brutality of their nation’s international policies. Meanwhile, Class, Swap, and Outer are all domestic brands with varying emphasis on subgenres; pop stars, fashion icons, artificial internet celebrities designed to market certain company’s as “approachable” to the masses, or even legal unpaid domestic servants or nannies.
(Info dump continues below)
Outcodes are fun because they are individuals who were corrupted in some way, and therefore considered disposable by the company who made them. Realizing this individually or because another outcode contacted them, most who are still online out in the world are in hiding. A caught outcode is sent back to the factory to be destroyed and recycled. It’s a death sentence.
On The Star Sans: Dream, Blue, and Ink are outcodes who independently escaped captivity, met each other through happenstance and have since established not just a team but a found family in the process. They live double lives, by daylight they pose as functional domestic bots, and by night they are the Star Sanses, heroes of Ebott City! Motivated by the altruistic desire to help others in need (humans included) but especially other monsters/bots who need help.
Legally, a domestic bot must be registered to a human owner. Normally the bot has no control over this. Dream, Blue and Ink have found a way to bypass this system. Independently they’ve picked out decent people to live with. The humans are unaware they’ve been setup. Dream picked a kind but lonely elder woman, who without family nearby, needed someone to help her live safely and independently. She sees Dream as the grandson she never had. To the surprise of no one, Ink chose an artist; an eccentric magician who moved to Ebott from France, intending to settle down after trotting across the globe for a good couple decades. Ink has accepted him as a father figure. Blue is happily rooming with a professional athlete who volunteers to coach at the local high school, the women has a busy professional life and when she’s gone, he has run of the house and equipment.
Error specifically is one example of a horrible tragic case of a classic sans being tossed into gladiator rings, miraculously survives his first match and than every single one after that but at a steep cost. The brutality of the ring gradually corrupts his code because he is being forced into a function that conflicts with the programming he was “born” with, (the birth of Geno), and later, utterly desperate, Geno hacks into his own systems. Though surviving the attempt is not intentional, he does. His owner, believing him to be defunct throws him out. Error awakens in a trash heap, finally free; and vows untold destruction on the men who made him. (And naturally all of Ebott city too)
And also later: Y/N finds and mends Error’s battered body (after a vicious fight with another outcode) and this starts a very tentative relationship or something idk this is as far as I got.
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determinedfanartist · 6 months
In the poll below is a bunch of sanses I haven’t drawn in a while.
These are the ones I’ll do for now :)
I will draw the top two (maybe three since there is many)
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Ink headcanons
something i always liked about Ink are his tattoos and just how many different ways they can be interpreted and i think this will always be my favorite genre when it comes to ink like hell yea they're his art and he's proud of em! he'll gladly show em off if you ask and he may not know where they come from but they're cool and nobody feels the need to question it. If anything its one of the more normal things about it him. and hell yea they're also scars and the last and only remaining piece of his old universe that he has no memory of. sure he'll show them if asked but something about it feels wrong to him and whether or not he realizes it he drift to more long sleeve shirts and baggy pants for a reason he can never really explain beyond "its comfy!"(we love the angst!!) and hell yea he draws on himself and treats is body like a canvas and no matter how crowed or chaotic the others think it is he fills up every white space he possibly can because how dare(!!) any blank space escape him
and Hell yea! hes the only guy you know whos got the balls to get a full body tattoo and not regret it at all and hes unironically one of the best looking guys you know(and he never goes to the gym?) (human au fr fr)
and HELL YEA they represent all of the au's in the multiverse and he could point to some random ass swirl and say that its swapfell#348 and you would not know what the hell hes yappin about!(ftfo im lookin at you!!/pos)
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agere-infection-au · 5 months
Okay, as I'm still working on characters' reference sheets... I thought I'd throw out there the characters, that are avaliable for asking questions, their prons and how is their status at this point of time. So...
Healthy (characters that are CURRENTLY healthy, as of point of May 10th 2024). All of them are available for questions.
Spirit - She/Her (Storyspin)
Lucida - She/Them (Genderbend)
Ocean - They/Them (Oceantale)
Chain - Any (Dolltale/Mad father crossover)
Sci - He/Him (Undertale, but younger)
Dream - She/Her (Dreamtale)
Killer - He/Him (Killertale-???)
Ink - Any (Outcode)
Error - He/Them (Outcode)
Button - He/Them (Buttontale)
Plant/Flower - He/Them (Encanto crossover- no real name)
Fresh - Any (Outcode)
Infected (characters that are CURRENTLY infected, as of point of May 10th 2024). Most of them are available for questions, but for some... it might be hard to do so, due how far infection has developed.
Fell/Red - They/Them (Underfell)
Quant - He/Him (Quantumtale)
Outer - He/Them (Outertale)
Alter - He/Him (Altertale)
Dust - She/Her (Dusttale)
Horror - Any (Horrortale)
Nightmare - They/Them (Dreamtale)
Lust - They/Them (Underlust)
Epic - She/Her (Epictale)
Cross - Any (Xtale)
Over - He/Them (Humantale/Overtale)
Shift - He/Him (Storyshift)
Missing (characters that are CURRENTLY missing, as of point of May 10th 2024). None of them is available for questions.
Classic - He/Them (Undertale)
Reaper - Any (Reapertale)
Ccino - He/Them (Fluffytale)
Blue/Swap - Any (Underswap)
Tattle - He/Him (Tattletail crossover)
Rasp/Gentle/Black - He/Them (Swapfell)
Geno - He/Them (Aftertale)
Cat - She/Them (Wondertale)
Immune (characters that are CURRENTLY immune, as of point of May 10th 2024). Category of one character, that is currently available for questions.
Binky - Any (Ageretale)
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