#outback goth
rjavenuru · 9 months
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Since I posted Voltaire in hats I thought I'd have to show mine off as well. 😝 Enjoy the poser! 🤣
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oedonchapeldweller · 11 months
srry that i get most of my goth shit from halloween costumes and tights from amazon but im not rich enough to have real goth shit thats 900$ and not even in my size
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Ya’ll remember the whole…
“Tomgirl Hooters” (obviously that wasn’t the name but the OG name’s now considered a slur so…)
“Goth IHop”
“Tomboy Outback”
Trend from a while back?…yeah…
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cathedralofaudra · 3 months
I think one of my customers today at the restaurant was convinced I was a vampire or something
I was wearing a red turtleneck with my cross choker over it, the standard black slacks, my skull belt, and my black gloves.
The managers had me working on something behind the host stand when I wasn't seating people, and this person just kept locking eyes with me out of nowhere. They were quite hesitant on letting me open the door for them when they left.
I mean, this pale chick with black hair and studs and rubber bracelets seats you and keeps staring above you... Kinda off-putting, right?
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loricvampyr · 4 months
The Maxx (1993/1995)
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
Calling all COTL artists! I challenge YOU to draw femboy hooters Narinder! I’ve been informed that apparently there is an unfortunate lack of this content. I say we uprise, start a mob of femboy hooters Nari.
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Use the “#femboy hooters nari” or “#femboy hooters Narinder” with your post, and/or respond to this post to share your version! (Tagging me in whatever you do will mean it’s easier for me to find so if you feel like it then it means I’ll see it faster) Whether your Nari design is tall or short, masc or fem, grumpy old man or twink, I WANNA SEE IT!
I’ll also count submissions of any character + restaurant listed in the submissions tiers! I will accept as many submissions as you can make.
As a little bonus incentive, the more Femboy Hooters Naris I get, the more extras I’ll add! All art mediums are accepted. Character creators? Hands on art? Writing? Fuck it, a song? Sculpture?! I don’t care! Draw/do whatever! Be creative! The only banned “art” medium is AI. No AI submissions, like come on.
Current count of submissions (will update): 60
10 FHN: Tomboy Outback Heket
20 FHN: Goth IHOP Goat + Lamb
30 FHN: Heart Attack Grill Kallamar
40 FHN: Femboy Hooters Leshy
50 FHN: Custom art raffle for those who submitted!
???: Keep drawing to find out…
Below are some bonus concept sketches I did for femboy hooters Nari once I realised I’d have to make it. (Link to original post that inspired this)
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Whiteboard art is ofc featuring @a-peachie
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strixludica · 5 months
I need help. I have received a vision, but it's incomplete:
@ips-northstar-official = Tomboy Outback
@smith-shimano-corpro = Femboy Hooters
@horus-unofficial = Goth Ihop
What's @harrison-armory-incorporated sprit-fastfood?
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fatkish · 6 months
Hi hun!
If you’re still doing requests could I ask for a Dabi x reader fluff hcs?
Like she’s got adhd and autism and is kinda goth (this is self indulgent lol). By kinda goth I mean she loves the music, culture and has some eery home decor like fossils and skulls etc but doesn’t necessarily look the part (most of the time).
If you have any questions please lmk!!
Thank youuu xx
Dabi x ADHD and Autistic Goth reader
Reader runs a small cafe and bakery. The reader creates bento boxes that you can buy for relatively cheap but taste really good and are made with nutritional ingredients. Some heroes, office workers, first responders and other people who don’t really have the time to make food or stop for lunch often order ahead and pick up food to go.
Reader lives in an apartment above their cafe and has a few employees who are either college students, high schoolers, people with disabilities or any other person who has a relatively small work window and needs money. Their employees are all highly respectful of them.
The cafe is open from 5:00 am to 9:00 pm. The reader spend most of the hours doing the cooking and making bentos, budgeting, paying bills and other tasks that are done behind the scenes. The reader has a quirk that allows them to heal people via food (kinda like the mom from Encanto)
The cafe has a very quiet and calm atmosphere and is very popular among the anti-social groups and those who have sensitivities to crowds and stuff. The decor is very soft-core/comfort and homey styled
The booths have partitions that can completely close with tatami mats and pillows, there are steps leading into the booth area where you remove your shoes and put slippers on. The tables with chairs are in the front of the cafe and the floors are mostly hard wood.
Those who work full time are often quirkless employees who need a stable job and a kind and understanding workplace environment
You met Dabi one night when an employee found him collapsed outback by the dumpsters during closing. When they told you about him, you had them help you move him to your upstairs apartment where you treated what you could of his burns and began preparing food for him
When Dabi woke up to a dark gothic room with Victorian antique furniture that looked like a vampire owned it, he had no idea what he was in for. Expecting some grungy punk ass emo person, he nearly got mental whiplash when you walked in, wearing some cute soft clothes with a smile on your face holding a plate of cutesy food
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I picture the reader having a personality kinda like Mitsuri from Demon Slayer. Your cheerful and loving albeit kinda ditzy personality was not what Dabi expected.
“Oh goodie, you’re awake, I was so super worried about you when my employees found you. You looked so hurt and sad, my heart nearly broke just thinking about how much pain you must be in. Oh, here, I made you plenty of food so eat up! I already changed your bandages earlier so just rest, call me if you need anything, I’ll be just around the corner in the living room<3”
You left before Dabi could even get a word in. He looked down at the plates on the tray in his lap that you placed. Seeing all the cute food and your personality made him think you’re either a roommate or you’re some psycho killer with a split personality. But he was hungry so he ate the food.
While he ate, Dabi noticed his burns healing and even his scars disappearing slowly but surely until it stopped. When you came back to check on him and clean up his dishes, he asked about it. You told him your quirk lets you heal people by having them ingest the food make.
After collecting his dishes you asked if there was or is anything he doesn’t like or is allergic to. He told you he hates fish and that he prefers his food cold. You gave him a soft towel for him to shower with and told him where the bathroom was. After that you asked for his clothing size and went shopping for clothes for him
After bringing the clothes for him to his room you left them there. After he took a shower he saw the clothes but didn’t see his clothes/villain getup anywhere. He left the room and entered the living room and asked where his clothes were
You where watching Molang on Netflix and eating tangulu (I hope I spelled that right, it’s cut up fruit on a stick that coated in a layer of melted sugar giving it a hard candy like coating)
You turn to him and after being asked you tell him that you’re washing his clothes and then you’re going to repair them. You offer him some tangulu to which he surprisingly accepts and sits down and you both decide to watch a creature feature movie. You both enjoy seeing the asshole people get eaten by monsters
“Yeah! Get munched, asshole! Oh, sorry, I kinda tend to get caught up in the moment when watch these movies”
“It’s fine doll face”
Dabi chuckles quietly seeing you get so excited about things. He notices how you’re easily distracted but is still wondering why you haven’t said anything about him or why you aren’t seemingly afraid of him, so he asks
“Alright, be real with me for a minute, why the hell ain’t ‘cha afraid ‘a me huh? I mean, I’m covered in nasty burns and yet yer here makin’ me food, takin’ care ‘a me and shit, so what’s up?”
“Hm? Oh, well, just because you look different doesn’t mean anything, everyone hits rough patches somewhere or at some point in their life. I think it’s horrible to kick someone while they’re already having a rough time. You’ve clearly been having a rough time so it’s only right for me to help you out, that’s what people are supposed to do. People should be kind to others no matter what, I might not know you, but everyone deserves to be treated with kindness.”
“Ya’ know, that kinda thinkin’ is probably gonna get ‘cha killed sweetheart. How do you know I’m not gonna kill ya’ ‘er somethin’? I could hurt ‘cha and yer just sittin’ here?”
“I don’t think you’re going to hurt me. I think you’re a good person who’s just going through a rough patch. I’m not gonna ask what you’re going through but just know that my door is always open for you.”
You smile at him and he just sits there dumbfounded. He gives up and eventually you guys go to bed.
Over the next few days you continue to make him food and wait for it to cool down before serving him. He eventually tells you his name is Dabi. You guys get along rather well
When he leaves you tell him to make sure to come back and you even hand him a wrapped up bento. He waves you off and leaves through the back but takes the bento with him
When he meets back up with the league at their hideout he opens the bento to see a bunch of cutesy things. Toga and Twice both notice it and bring it to the attention of the others
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Twice is jealous that Dabi has someone who makes him food. Toga wants to meet you and (stab) befriend you. Compress is delighted by the creativity and how well plated the food is. Kurogiri wants to exchange recipes and learn a thing or two from you. Spinner couldn’t care less and Tomura is just frustrated but makes fun of Dabi
Dabi will never admit it, but he loves that you take care of him and he makes sure that you’re safe and that other villains and heroes don’t bother you
(I hope you enjoyed this. The pictures aren’t mine I found them on Pinterest)
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teathattast · 1 year
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monsterblogging · 8 months
Quotes from the Pacific Rim commentary re: Guillermo del Toro's aesthetic decisions
"You cannot do world creation without filling in with texture and detail."
"People think that world creation - movie, for example - is the big gestures. But it isn't. It's all this small details. Look at the markings. Look at the vehicles that open the doors. Look at the banners and the markings in the crawler that moves the robot. Everything is full of detail. We designed this."
"We going to what I call gothic tech, or goth tech. Which is to go right away into a world that is rusting, that is in decay, where you have the concrete is cheap, the paint is chipping off, the armors in the robots is dented, it's sort of pitted and they feel like knights, like these ancient knights, and we start accumulating, for example, atmosphere."
"I wanted the movie to be very romantic, but not romantic in the Harlequin novel sense or the romance novel sense of the word. I wanted it to be romantic in its epicness. You know, I wanted it to feel like an opera. I wanted it to feel dramatic. So instead of doing this in a well-lit street in New York I wanted this first fight to happen in an almost like, the middle of a romantic painting, like Caspar David Friedrich is a romantic painter I adore. And I wanted very much for it to happen in the rain in the middle of a tempest in an ocean where the waves are crashing into them. And the water throughout the movie becomes an incredibly complex expressive element."
"We're going to go from the biggest, the widest, to the little bug of a pilot crawling out of the helmet. Isolate Raleigh. You know, we isolate Raleigh. I'm telling the story: Look at the markings on his suit, the burn marks on his skin, those are going to become scars that he's going to carry for the rest of the movie. And I'm telling you this is when we started losing. This was the price for arrogance, this was the price for youth, and we're staining the white with red. I'm trying to build a character not just by the work of the actor, but by the storytelling with audiovisual elements."
"And look at this, Raleigh's all introduced in this one color, he'd golden, gold colors, and he's all coated in warm greens and earth tones and the light that is bathing him is always golden, and it's about that color coming together with Mako's dominant color, and Pentecost in this case, which is connected with Mako, which are blue."
"So this, we come to the scene where they meet for the first time. And I have color-coded this scene entirely in those two colors, in the blue and the ambers. You know, the bright ambers and the blue, the sort of cyan blue. And this is Mako meeting Raleigh, so the entire thing needs to be color-coded like that. And Mako's blue, because I'm making her origin to the kaiju, the kaiju blue, the blood of the kaiju - but also you will see in a few minutes a memory. A memory that is all color-coded in blue and splashes of red in her past as a child. And that blue has stained her hair. Even her hair has this strands of blue because she cannot get rid of that memory. She carries it in her."
"We color-coded, for example, the Chinese robot, we color-coded it red and gold and is patterned after medieval armor, and it needs to feel Chinese in essence, it needs to respond to martial arts movements; its musical theme is very strong."
"And here again we have now a robot, a Jaeger, that is designed, a mech that is designed to resemble a T-series Russian tank, color-coded like that, with like a cooling tower from a nuclear reactor on top."
"And we introduce Striker Eureka, the Australian Jaeger, which is designed a little bit like an all-terrain vehicle and color-coded with the outback camouflage colors and is the most masculine of the robots, of the Jaegers, of the mech, and is very much testosterone-driven."
"We talked about the color red; well, here it becomes very important. We have these characters fighting that is very very color-coded to be warm; we have a lot of reddish art direction here. We color-coded this arena in black and red. The stakes, the wood, the machines, the color of the light hitting the machines, the symbols on the wall, everything is permeated with red. Because again, I wanted red to symbolize sort of the heart. And Mako's going to find her heart and Raleigh's going to find his heart, or life, by connecting with Mako. We saw him bleeding - the last time we saw red with any importance other than the Chinese robot was when he was bleeding in the beach."
"And again, red coming in and linking these three characters; these three characters are the heart of the movie, you know. And blood for nobility and mortality is what makes us human. And Pentecost and Raleigh and Mako are the heart of the film."
"And now we start bringing, literally, bringing the crazy colors into the film. I wanted to color code this movie, bring it as close as possible to a living anime, or a living incarnation of a magazine that was very important for me growing up, which is Heavy Metal with Angus McKie, Richard Corben, Chris Foss, all these guys working with super primary colors, and I wanted to bring that saturation of colors to this, and for that I needed Hannibal Chau to meet Newt in Hong Kong."
"In shooting the film, we then came to the final moment and again, these three characters, Mako, Raleigh, and Pentecost, which have existed in a blue-amber world start to come to a red space, you know? This is the first time we used this red space properly in this film. Other than the Chinese robot, we were very careful with not coding anything in red. But now, at the end of the adventure, everybody's coming away. And at the end of the life, at the end of their life, that is Mako, Raleigh, everybody's gonna find this light is red. And now I can talk to you about the way I sort of organized the three fights for Raleigh. I wanted one fight with the kaiju to be the fight where he loses someone. He loses his brother in the beginning. That's where he bleeds red, you know? Then the second fight in Hong Kong is where he gains a partner. He loses a partner in the first fight, he gains a partner on the second fight. And in this final fight, he saves that partner. So, it's a full circle. I show him in the construction area in the beginning sitting in a sort of throne of concrete, if you remember, when he meets Pentecost; he made an incomplete circle. And here he completes that circle."
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kawaiideathu · 2 months
Fuck MILF Denny's and Goth IHOP, Femboy Hooters and Tomboy Outback. I'm going to Puppyplay Wendy's
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Idea i did last year with a few DC characters working as some food places. Raven at “Goth I-Hop”, Jinx at “Tomboy Outback” and Clark Kent/Superman at “Himbo Outback”
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mk-nightrider · 3 months
🍝 SPAGHETTI — what is/are your oc's favorite food(s)?
🍰 SHORTCAKE — what is/are your oc's favorite sweet(s)/dessert(s)?
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
Billie -
🍝 & 🍰 - She loves fried shrimp. For desert, anything sour and gummy and she's all over it. Might enjoy a nice tart lemon bar.
💯💯💯 - Stole one of those plastic sharks from Outback Steakhouse after she and Kano went to the restaurant after moving to America. They thought it would be funny for actual Australians to go to the fake Australian restaurant.
While constantly hanging on by a thread for anything involving math, Billie does excel at history and some science subjects.
Knows how to surf! She learned partly as a way to get closer to her school crush.
🤔 - Ripping the tabs off soda cans or hair braiding. Her own or anyone with hair long enough that dares get near here when she's bored. Usually Tomek. Kano's beard is a known victim during a particular period when she is little.
Tomek -
🍝 & 🍰 - Some combination of baked fish and rice. Loves black licorice, but he'll usually say those berry gummies that are covered in sprinkles or chocolate.
💯💯💯 - Really loves cowboy movies, but hates John Wayne. The Jeff Bridges version of True Grit is one of his favorites, though he also likes goofier spaghetti westerns like They Call Me Trinity
Wanted to be a writer when he was little.
After getting pulled from school, other students assume the resident sick kid finally died when he never shows back up since even his one and only best friend doesn't know where he ended up. That is until they start seeing him around town or lingering in the parking lot to pick up Billie looking like a hot topic goth with his two toned red and black hair. Kicking off a rumor he got kicked out of Catholic School for satan worship.
🤔 - A habit Tomek has is tangling his fingers in his hair when he's stressed as a sort of self soothing action. Unfortunate it turns into outright pulling the more stressed he gets.
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orangetubor · 1 year
Please tell me about all the OCs Birthdays, Their Music Tastes, Fashion Sense and clubs!! (and their fav desserts if they have any LMAO)
All of them!
Martha- born on the 25th of duober, 1072183 AD. she's in the football club! The music she likes is upbeat pop, and calming jazz and r&b. Artists like Emily king, hot freaks, melody gardot, stuff like that. Things that make her feel happy, nostalgic, and calm. She likes retro futurism, lots of short plastic dresses with weird shapes, arm cuff things, weird hairstyles, and little boots! That's only if she can be bothered though, most of the time she's in shorts or short skirts, camisoles, and her mother's jacket. If she's going somewhere really fancy she may wear something metallic Ritz, or this other thing I haven't named yet, or have but didn't write it down. In case of winter, she has a lot of sweaters. Doesn't stop wearing short though. Just longer socks.
Tammy- born December fifth, she's in band and the cheer squad, she likes HEAVY metal, all that electric stuff, rock, anything with a good drum beat or baseline. Stuff like baby metal, in flames, etc. As for her style, what do you get when you combine an ero-goth and a leather jacket wearer? Tammy! She does a lot of DIY, and wears shorts, band tees, weird fucked up shirt she cut a lot of holes in, training bras, flip flops, and a studded up leather jacket she's had since she was 11. She doesn't really wear trousers. Her and Martha bond over only wears shortsness. (She also has a rabbit hoodie, she goes to the roller rink in it so she and Martha can be 'the tortoise and the hare')
Jenny- born the seventh of duodecimber, she's in the technology club! She likes... I don't actually know how to explain it but gorillaz, geisha girls, TV girl, that kinda funky, down-beat stuff you'd expect to hear in a video game. For the apparel she has one pair of shoes and she doesn't wear others, she likes putting yarn in her hair, tight sweaters, tennis skirt, stretchy jeans and polos, if she has to get fancy, she and Thomas have matching red dresses. She also has a lot of shirts that are variations of 'women want me, fish fear me'
Thomas- 3rd of October, he's in the football and gardening clubs, eventually the football team. As for music I don't think I fully fleshed him out... but dance music like neneh cherry and gothy/electronica like mareux, he also canonically listens to the artist 'vallicent' who is, of course, made up. His favourite song is red sands. In terms of clothes, most of the time he'll wear like... very small crop tops. This specific juniper green shirt that like crosses over like... idk it would have to be visual. Small skirts, baggy trousers, cool jackets, (the reason he joined the football team) he also owns a lot of band shirts, his favourite is his Phobos and Deimos shirt bcs it's got a picture of mars and it's two moons, I think nearly everyone owns one of those. He also quite likes astral outback. If he's getting fancy he'll just wear the red dress he has that matches with Jenny.
James/genji- born the 11th of undeviginber. Weird month. He's in the football club, and he's not in the band but he does like weird instruments like theramins and stuff. Subsequently, he likes weird music that has theramins and stuff. Stuff like TV girl as well, and talking heads, and... Earthbound soundtrack? He also like classical music. As for what classical means to someone a million years in the future, idk. For clothes, he wears a lot of layers, baggy shirt, flannel, leather jacket, and then. Shorts. He wears cargo shorts. Jorts. 😔. He also had a wack ass mullet but Tammy fixed it.
Sahrah- born. I actually didn't write it down so. Idk I'm feelin an autumn birthday? Maybe the 17th of something? M. I also don't think I gave her any clubs. °\_( :/ )_/°. Maybe eventually. I feel like she'd be in the photography club or something. As for her music, also vallicent. And Xiro. More made up bands/artists. Goth stuff, synth wave, also she does enjoy some softer stuff, easier on the ears. For her clothes, what are you supposed to do when you have white hair and blue skin? Be a goth! There's no other option. It is, however, quite hard to find clothes that accomadate six arms, so unless she's going somewhere she'll just wear some baggy trousers and a bra. If it gets cold, she has a poncho. But when she is going somewhere she wears very little in the way of shirts, or at least she does now, and she has a nice tight maxi skirt. She also has 'slug boots' which are boots with two spikes, that she stuck little balls on so they look like antennae. She also wears a lot of veils, sporty the... well I haven't decided what it's called but it's likely gonna be under 'frill'. She owns a lot of off shoulder stuff cuz. Yknow. Arms.
Aled- born 17th tredecimber, he's in the football and poetry club. I don't think. I gave him any sense of music. Idk he listens to something °\_( :\ )_/° bound to. In terms of clothes he has a wool lined denim jacket that he constantly wears. And camp trousers. And like, vests. He wears vests. He also wears a little headband :)
Georgie- born vigiduober 10th, she's in the tennis club, the poetry club, and she's in band, plays the tuba! As for music she likes astruca pop, classical, and the upbeat kind of goth like strawberry switchblade. She wears mostly ripped baggy jeans and tiny shirts, I don't think I've drawn her enough times to get a full gauge on her style. There's a lot of black and cobwebs though.
Dane- born the 1st of quinquber, he's. Still not really fleshed out. Tennis club, gardening club, whatever. Music I... didn't flesh out. However I now know his last name is newton! Huzzah! I've drawn him like once, and he wears fancy nail polish and sweaters. That's. That's all I've got.
I've gotta update all my posts now don't I. Also this took like two days cuz I kept messing around while doing it
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wolsalwastaken · 1 month
Well, I’m a man of my word. I have reached 10 submissions for Femboy Hooters Narinder, so the first reward is out! Introducing, Tomboy Outback Heket! Can we make it to 20 to get Goth IHOP Goat and Lamb? I’m not sure, but we’ll find out!
Enjoy, you goblins!
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fucknugg3t · 2 years
Ok so femboy hooters
and the not as popular
mascgirl McDonald’s
tomboy outback
bruh girls barns and nobles
goth ihop
himbo five guys
weeb wendys
Emo Krispy Kreme
scene subway
Milf dennys
dilf Buffalo Wild Wings
hippie Waffle House
catgirl chipotle
punk pizza hut
add to this plz I’m begging u
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