rosalindaclar-blog · 7 years
ROSA: Good evening little brother.
ROSA: How are you?
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kenzharps-blog · 7 years
HUNTER: Bb you texted asking for advice yesterday and I never heard back from you. Are you alright?
KENZIE: Sorry. I defenitely fell asleep, and didn't even realize you texted me back, because I'm clearly the best. 🙃🙃🙃 How much do you love me?
KENZIE: What do you do if you post one of those stupid things where there's colors, and they mean things, and your roommate sends you one saying 'I'd date you'?
KENZIE: No wait, let me rephrase that. What would you do if you're ME and that happened?
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lanettington · 7 years
Wednesday, November 1st, 9.30pm
Lanette stood in the middle of her living room, rereading an extra-credit question several times over, trying to make sense of it. Using her teeth to uncap a marker, she approached the portable whiteboard she had propped up in the cramped space, and began formulating equations. Truthfully, she’d been in a bit of a study hole the last couple hours. She was so engulfed with it, she barely noticed the first knock on her door, only making her way over when it resounded. She looked through the peep-hole, her brows drawing together as she realised it was her brother. After opening the door, Lanette folded her arms in front of her chest instinctively; defensive. “What do you want?” She asked simply, her eyebrows raising expectantly. 
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text hunter
Chandler: So... I sort of, kind of, slept with someone...
Chandler: My best friend... last night.
Chandler: A lot of sex in one night.
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evanslydia-blog1 · 7 years
text 📱 huntlilah
Delilah: Have I mentioned how much you've saved my life with that heating pad?
Delilah: Because you've saved my life. I sleep with it. It doesn't leave my side. I've wrapped it around my head with a towel. I keep it on under a beanie at work.
Delilah: You are a saint.
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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NAME ●●● Hunter Clarington
AGE ●●● 27
BIRTHDAY ●●● 02/01
ORDER ●●● Second (Solo)
FROM ●●● Cotton Plant, Arkansas
SEXUALITY ●●● Bisexual/Biromantic
FULL TIME JOB ●●● Junior Doctor at Brinkley Hospital
WRITER ●●● Mouse
Hunter has always had major middle child syndrome that began from probably around the age of two. He was the one that would purposely breaks things, fake being sick or injured whenever another sibling was getting all the limelight or just generally misbehave in order to get attention.
He was a pretty naughty child. He wouldn’t share with his siblings and if they tried to take anything that was his then he’d throw tantrums which involved wrecking the space he was in and hitting anyone who got to close to him.
Despite this behaviour he was always extremely close to his parents, mostly his mother which probably contributed to how he acted since he always wanted his mother’s attention and hated when it was on his siblings. Due to how he was towards his siblings he was never particularly close to them growing up even as they became teenagers he never really connected with them which was pretty much entirely his own fault.
As a teenager his issues with possessiveness and his temper branched out because now he had friends and love interests that he felt he had this claim over. Anytime he thought someone was trying to take a friend away from him or flirt with his boyfriend/girlfriend at the time he would hit out at the person meaning he was constantly in fights and always in trouble.
The turning point for him was when he was arrested for fighting in the street with a guy he’d seen flirting with Hunter’s boyfriend at the time. He was arrested but let off without charge as he was only 16 at the time and the police officer who arrested him was kind enough to give him another chance so he wouldn’t have a criminal record that could possibly wreck his future. The only condition the officer gave him was that he had to seek help for his issues. So he took anger management classes and was able to learn different ways to control his anger if it ever flared up. It didn’t make the emotion go away but he had a better handle of it eventually and he hasn’t been in a single fight since then.
Since he was no longer in constant trouble he was able to graduate high school with good grades and from there he turned his life around and went to school for medicine away from Cotton Plant and eventually got a position as a junior doctor. The sense of purpose that he feels in that it is his job to heal people rather than hurt them is a big help for him to cope with his issues with violence and he also tries to stay out of arguments or any kind of confrontation because that kind of intensity is difficult for him to maintain a cool head under.
At this point in his life he is completely unrecognisable to his younger self and he’s become quite proud of who he is compared to who he was, he harboured a lot of hatred for himself and others for many years growing up. The reason he has come back to Cotton Plant after starting to make a life for himself elsewhere is because the only thing he feels is missing in his life at this point is family as he never did have much of a relationship with his siblings growing up, he wants to reconcile that now so he decided to take up a position at the hospital Samantha works at.
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scottie-adam · 7 years
Text: Grow up with all that I've known him longer bullshit. I don't give a shit. Text: Good.
[TEXT]: Neither does he, apparently. 
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rosalindaclar-blog · 7 years
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instagram: @armystrongclarington posted a new photo and tagged @hxnterclarington
the temptation to push him in is very real. #imkidding #orami? 
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kenzharps-blog · 7 years
KENZIE: I'm so sick of sending these texts and having them not go through. I'll just keep trying like a fool, though, until cell service is back. I hope you're okay. [undelivered]
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the game, HUNTER CLARINGTON! Your application was successful, and we’re excited to begin writing alongside you, Mouse. Please read over our checklist before sending in your link, which you should do within 24 hours!
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 21+
FULL NAME: Hunter Clarington
PRONOUNS: he/him
FACECLAIM: Nolan Gerard Funk
AGE/BIRTHDAY: 27, 02/01
ORDER: Second
TYPE*: Solo
ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Biromantic
all should work, whether they’re in school or not.
WORKPLACE: Hospital out of town
POSITION: Junior doctor
HOW LONG?: Only just started working at the hospital after moving back to Cotton Plant.
Hunter has always had major middle child syndrome that began from probably around the age of two. He was the one that would purposely breaks things, fake being sick or injured whenever another sibling was getting all the limelight or just generally misbehave in order to get attention.
He was a pretty naughty child. He wouldn’t share with his siblings and if they tried to take anything that was his then he’d throw tantrums which involved wrecking the space he was in and hitting anyone who got to close to him.
Despite this behaviour he was always extremely close to his parents, mostly his mother which probably contributed to how he acted since he always wanted his mother’s attention and hated when it was on his siblings. Due to how he was towards his siblings he was never particularly close to them growing up even as they became teenagers he never really connected with them which was pretty much entirely his own fault.
As a teenager his issues with possessiveness and his temper branched out because now he had friends and love interests that he felt he had this claim over. Anytime he thought someone was trying to take a friend away from him or flirt with his boyfriend/girlfriend at the time he would hit out at the person meaning he was constantly in fights and always in trouble.
The turning point for him was when he was arrested for fighting in the street with a guy he’d seen flirting with Hunter’s boyfriend at the time. He was arrested but let off without charge as he was only 16 at the time and the police officer who arrested him was kind enough to give him another chance so he wouldn’t have a criminal record that could possibly wreck his future. The only condition the officer gave him was that he had to seek help for his issues. So he took anger management classes and was able to learn different ways to control his anger if it ever flared up. It didn’t make the emotion go away but he had a better handle of it eventually and he hasn’t been in a single fight since then.
Since he was no longer in constant trouble he was able to graduate high school with good grades and from there he turned his life around and went to school for medicine away from Cotton Plant and eventually got a position as a junior doctor. The sense of purpose that he feels in that it is his job to heal people rather than hurt them is a big help for him to cope with his issues with violence and he also tries to stay out of arguments or any kind of confrontation because that kind of intensity is difficult for him to maintain a cool head under.
At this point in his life he is completely unrecognisable to his younger self and he’s become quite proud of who he is compared to who he was, he harboured a lot of hatred for himself and others for many years growing up. The reason he has come back to Cotton Plant after starting to make a life for himself elsewhere is because the only thing he feels is missing in his life at this point is family as he never did have much of a relationship with his siblings growing up, he wants to reconcile that now so he decided to take up a position at the hospital Samantha works at.
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scottie-adam · 7 years
Text: Your intentions might be good but you have to be careful how you word things, you say the wrong thing and you'll set him off then one of us has to go find him before he's taken something again to numb the pain. I know he wants you in his life, I don't want to have to tell you to go away but I don't want you near him if you're only going to exacerbate the problem.
[TEXT]: Don’t talk to me, like you’ve known him all of your life. I’m the one who was there for him for 9 years. I was the one who tried to help him for all of those years. Don’t talk to me like I don’t know him. 
[TEXT]: I won’t go anywhere near him, ever again. Don’t you fucking worry about that. 
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rosalindaclar-blog · 7 years
Rosa: was one that enjoyed her Sunday's, for the past few years it has been the day she prepared for the week, settled any final changes to lesson plans and things of the like- it wasn't a surprise when dinner plans fell through, as she knew her little brother and knew how the entire thing with Spencer and Theo would happen. Although she was happy to be of any help at all, with the physical therapy, lack of sleep, she instead decided to simply be in her chair for the day- not that she had plans to get off the couch. With a blanket thrown over her thighs, settled on the couch, she whistled lowly at the knock to the door. "Sweetie, door please." She ordered, her service dog jumping right up to attention and to the rope on the door opening it with a bark. Turning her torso, she smiled gently, waving the younger man over- "Living room Hunter, come in."
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scottie-adam · 7 years
Text: Thank you.
[TEXT]: Just let him know that I only wanted to be in his life. He didn’t need to go on and make assumptions about me. I’m happy that he’s got you in his life now, I’m not jealous. I just missed him. But if me missing him makes him feel bad and ruins everything for him, then I’ll try and forget about him. That way, I’m not causing anymore fucking harm, to either him or you.
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scottie-adam · 7 years
Text: If you're only going to make things worse I want you to stay away from my brother.
[TEXT]: I respect the fact that you’re trying to look out for him, but you’re a little late. I will stay away from him, don’t worry. 
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ourtown-rp-blog · 7 years
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