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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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#bmhw18 #blackmaternalhealthweek #gamechangers #support #ourmamasmatter
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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We Have Officially Arrived In Washington For The March For Moms Rally Tomorrow What An awesome way to end Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week!!! #5daysontheroad #marchformoms #savingourmamas #maternalmentalhealth #maternalmentalhealthawareness #ourmamasmatter #communitywork #shadesofblueproject #bcb (at Washington, District of Columbia)
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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Why I Support Black Maternal Health Week......"All women are different and require a different approach that is only in response to their medical condition not to the color of their skin."– Kay Matthews @blackmamasmatter @blkmamasmatter #bmhw18 #blackmaternalhealthweek #advocacy #maternalmentalhealthmatters #ppd #doula #midwives #birthjustice #ourmamasmatter #advocate #resources #unbiashealthcare
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
@blackmamasmatter Mental Health and Diaper Day Is All Setup and ready to Receive our women today!!! The Rain Halted just enough to get everything unloaded Yasssss!!!! Black Maternal Health Week has been rocking and rolling here in Houston!!! #bmhw18 #blackmaternalhealthweek #communitygiveback #communitywork #maternalmentalhealthawareness #maternalmentalhealth #diaperdays #ourmamasmatter
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
Why I Support Black Maternal Health Week... @blackmamasmatter #BMHW18 #BlackMaternalHealthWeek #Isupport #blackmaternalhealth #maternalmentalhealthmatters #maternalmentalhealthawareness #ourmamasmatter #listentoblackwomen #ppd #ppdawareness www.shadesofblueproject.org #doula #midwives
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 8 years ago
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Let's Talk Friday..... I want to hear from women of color who have experienced a miscarriage or stillborn birth........Often times women who have had miscarriages or women who have had a stillborn child or overlooked when it comes to postpartum depression. Such as in my case I was told it was grief and postpartum depression was not was I going through As to say that postpartum depression is associated with actually having a live birth instead what it really is a mood disorder that can happen to any woman that carries a child no matter the length of the time. We live in a world that sometimes see things so one-sided that many people are left to either figure things out on their on are just simply learn to live life in a way that doesn't have to be simply because a "licensed physician told them the wrong information. When It comes to postpartum depression unfortunately this is one of those times when you wish it wasn't exclusive to all but unfortunately it is and no woman is exempt from the chances of experiencing postpartum depression. I want to hear from you I know we exist and its time we stand up and be counted and heard. Take the survey on our website www.shadesofblueproject.org Click on the How Can I Help Tab The Survey Is At The Bottom of the Page #maternalmentalhealth #ourmamasmatter #stillbirth #shadesofblue #miscarriage #someonelikeme
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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#blackmaternalhealthweek #bmhw18 #breastfeeding #blackwomenbreastfeed #naturesmilk #ourmamasmatter
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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Thank You Jessica Gonzales For Having Us Come Out To Your Childbirth Class & Allowing Us Give Out Our Postpartum Care Bags To The Expecting Moms And Speak To Them On The Importance Of Standing Up For Your Right To UnBias Healthcare Throughout and Beyond Their Pregnancy!!! It's Black Maternal Health Week Y'all Be Sure To Check Out Our Hashtags To See All The Great Work Going On Nationwide!! Thank You @blackmamasmatter @blkmamasmatter For Supplying The Bags!! #bmhw18 #blackmaternalhealthweek #bcb #shadesofblueproject #childbirtheducation #communitysolutions #communitywellness #doula #midwives #prenatal #postpartumcare #birthjustice #ourmamasmatter (at The Woman's Earth)
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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Mark Your calendar for the Next Webinar April 16th #knowledge #information #bmhw18 #blackmaternalhealth #education #advocacy #maternitycare #ourmamasmatter
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babycakesandbrunch-blog · 7 years ago
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What An Awesome End To Day 4 When Instagram Notifies You That Your Maternal Mental Health Video Made It To The Top Post Along With Other Wonderful post for Black Maternal Health Week @blackmamasmatter #bmhw18 LOVE IT!!! It's Been A Long Eventful Day!!! On To Day 5 Free Childbirth Education Class with Jessica Gonzales!!! And We Have Some Great Gifts For Our Mama's Tomorrow #blackmaternalhealthweek #communitywork #shadesofblueproject #bcb #communitysolutions #ourmamasmatter #maternalmentalhealth #postpartumcare #prenatal #childbirthclasses
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