#our running errands when i got the notif AGAIN
foolishgamers · 2 years
man foolish just. LOVES to go live when i’m not home huh
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tiredeyesight · 2 years
potential partners
description : in an interview ethan got asked which artist or band he wants to collaborate with, he says y/n leaving thousands to start shipping the two of you causing your first interactions out of many
word count : 374
a/n : this was so bad omg, i might rewrite it in the future but i need to get a fic out i’m so sorry. anyways even though thsi is really bad hope you enjoy !!💓
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ethan was preparing for an interview smiling at the talk his band mates and friends were saying. a little while later they went out into the interview room organising themselves and sitting down waiting. the interviewer came into the room and they heard the count down, ‘3, 2, 1 begin.’ the interviewer welcomed måneskin and saying thanks for joining them today. then the questions began.
the questions were more or less the same as the normal interviews they attended to but then they started asking for personal opinions about other music related stuff. ethan then got asked, ‘ethan, if you could choose any band to collaborate with what band would you choose?’ ‘y/n without a doubt.’ ‘and why is that?’ ‘i think their music style fits similarly to ours and they seem super fun to hang around. plus they have the same energy on stage as us so it works really well’ ethan answered smoothly.
the interview came to a end and they got thanked for attending yet again. the four of them gathered their things and left to go grab some drinks.
the interview was released a few weeks later and the comments exploded with how good and you and ethan would be together, some even created a ship name within a matter of minutes.
you were scrolling through instagram when you saw that you had an excessive amount of tags with ethan torchio, the drummer from måneskin. intrigued by why everyone was going ballistic over an interview you went to go find it. after watching around ten or so minutes you found that the ethan torchio wanted to collaborate with you.
after a few minutes debating whether or not you should you decided to dm ethan, you rewrote the message so many times it was horrifying that you ended up leaving it alone for a few hours out of nerves.
as you getting ready to go out to run a few errands a notification stood out to you. ‘@ethantorchio messaged you on instagram’ you basically ran to your phone and opened the message. ‘hey! i don’t know if you have seen the interview or what the fans are doing but i’d really like to meet up some time you seem super cool:))’
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mischiefwithmilo · 2 years
You've only just started this account and I already love your stuff sm ❤️
Could you write a little something about the reader being obsessed with Eddie? A little turn tables for the soul
Spare time
edward nashton x reader
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A/n:oh my lord I love this idea so much aahhhhhh! thanks for sending the ask, i really appreciate it, love!
Contains: Stalking, Mention of murder and canon-typical violence.
you didn't have much to do. it was obvious through the amount of time you spent watching him. the riddler.
harmlessly scrolling forums turned much darker, leading to a rabbit hole of conspiracy and lies. corrupt politicians, broken promises, and so much more all revealed by the riddler. you had never though about the injustice until he opened your eyes to it.
you tuned into every stream of his, even if it was just a quick message or hours and hours of him rambling and yelling. your feelings quickly turned into something more, him stealing a special space in you heart.
his voice, even with the modifier was enchanting. his eyes were a sparkling green, but hid an insanity behind them if you looked close enough. you liked the way he got flustered when someone would leave a sweet comment for him, which was rare considering the crowd he drew in.
you woke up november first to a pleasant surprise. he'd finally gone through with it. "gotham mayor killed in his home" ran across the headlines of the news. you grinned. even though it was wrong you were proud of the riddler. all your common sense had been left behind ages ago.
his next stream spoke of actions. he told his veiwers how this is the beginning of his plan to purge gotham of the wickedness that runs rampant. you were giddy.
days blended together waiting for his next stream. even though it was only a few days, it felt like years to you. all you could think about was him. you barely knew him, but you would do anything for him.
finally, you got the long-awaited notification that he was streaming again. filled with joy, you joined quickly, eager to hear what he had to say. he explained how he was going to kill the commissioner, pete savage. "he deserves everything coming to him!" the riddler shouted. "mr. savage has been buying drops, EVEN THOUGH, it is his responsibility to protect our city." you agreed with every word he said. the city needs the justice he brought to it.
running late night errands wasn't something you usually did, but you were craving your favorite snack and decided to treat yourself. walking the sidewalk, you made your way back to your apartment. you zoned out for a moment, until you heard footsteps behind you.
a man, with a large bag, walked nervously behind you. he had a boyish face, sandy brown hair and green eyes. you didn't think much of him, until you heard him speak.
just the small "excuse me" that slipped past his lips walking by a crowd of people, you instantly recognized him. it was him, the riddler. it had to be him, the more you thought of it, the more it made sense. his bag must contain his iconic green coat and mask. maybe even a weapon. the thrill of it all was almost to much bare.
you quickly swerved into the nearest alleyway, making way for him to walk past you. you watched him unknowing hurry past you, suppressing a giggle. you'd finally found him.
you were sneaky following him back to his apartment. you watched from outside of the buildings windows, he entered his apartment and started to unpack his bag.
you were a bit proud of yourself being so clever, realizing that it was him and being so quick-witted to make a plan. his apartment was on the corner of the 3rd floor, so you knew which room was his and it'd be easy to go there right then and there.
but you decided against it. why? you weren't gonna make it that simple. you walked into the lobby of the building, up to the front desk. "excuse me," you asked the young woman who sat there. she was obviously tired working such a late shift. "who lives in the apartment up on the third floor in the corner, the window faces the front of the building?" you pointed in the direction of the room.
maybe the woman was too naive to see how suspicious a request like that is, or maybe she was too out of it to care. either way, she pulled up something on her computer and read it aloud. "edward nashton." she told you. "alright, thanks!" you quickly told her and left.
edward nashton. his name stayed in you mind as you walked to the nearest connivence store. it seemed a bit strange to you that someone like him would have a name so plain if you were being honest. it suited him in a way though. you liked it.
as you entered the store, you knew exactly what you were looking for. you found a small shelf filled with self-help books and bibles, and also the reason you came here. "Book of 100 riddles" you picked it up off the shelf to examine it.
you knew it wouldn't challenge him. he'd complete all of them in an hour at most, but that wasn't the point. after you had purchased the book you took a pen and wrote a message for him. you couldn't wait for him to read it, to know that you know who he is, who he really is. you've been thinking about him for so long and now he was finally in your grasp. this would be fun.
edward woke up from a less than restful sleep. his room cluttered with newspaper clippings, photographs, polaroids, and various weapons. he thrived in the organized chaos of it all, though most people would call it hazard.
he laid in bed, staring at the ceiling while his brain churned, thinking all sorts of things. how his plan had finally started to come together. after a while, he decided to get up. he got ready for the day, which was rare, considering the fact that he mostly spent all his time locked away in his apartment.
today he would run some errands, just to get some supplies and maybe some food. as he left his apartment, he almost tripped over an unfamiliar object. as he looked down at it he realized it was a book of riddles. he titled his head just slightly, amused and nervous at his discovery. he picked up the book and flipped through the pages, stopping on the inside of the cover.
"edward nashton, i know you. the real you. i've seen the things you've done, i can't wait to see more. - your secret admirer." the cryptic message was written with a heart next to it. curiosity turned to panic as he read it. how would they have know where he lived, his full name, the things he's done.
you edward glance around as you peered through the window. you wondered what was going through his mind right now. was he scared of you, or maybe even impressed by your cleverness. you had even already started fantasizing about how he could find you and praise you for your smarts. you knew the two of you would meet eventually, and you couldn't wait for it. it seemed like you had a little too much spare time for your own good.
i didn't proof read this so srry for any spelling or grammar mistakes!!
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atzsslut · 3 years
requested by @let-this-be-a-lesson from this, and this list.
chosen prompt(s) : 
#1 - “Is that my sweater?”
#11 - “If you were my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
pairing : bang chan x fem ! reader
genre : fluff 
warnings : long time best friends, very obvious crushing, kind of more than friends (unidentified relationship) to lovers, implied slow burn 
word count : 2.4k words
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You promised to meet Chan almost an hour ago. 
The adrenaline coursed through your body as you ran out of the bathroom after a shower, which was relatively dangerous but you didn’t care, sprinting back to your room to get into some decent clothing. 
As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you almost punched it from the frustration. But you didn’t, of course, as if you didn’t have enough bad luck already.  
Are you that stupid to have fallen asleep on the couch? You thought to yourself. You were much too thankful that you already washed your hair in the morning, so it looked good enough now. 
As you dropped your towel, you swore that you’ve never grabbed such a mismatched set of underwear and bra before, but it didn’t matter. You’d opt yourself to become quicksilver if it was for Chan. 
Your hands let themselves skim through until your phone lit up on top of your cupboard and showed three notifications from the man himself. You froze in your spot reading the following messages. 
chan: okay :( if u insist [5:02 PM]
chan: but since u seem tired [5:03 PM]
chan: i’ll pick u up since i’m only 10 mins away [5:03 PM]
Your mind went back to when you had woken up to three missed calls from Chan, various texts asking if you were alright since you never missed a ‘hangout’. At least, that’s what you two always called your frequent meets. 
Your first instinct was to call him back, your voice rather nasally from the blocked nose you always got after sleeping. His kind voice kept replaying in your head;
“Chan, I’m so so sorry-”
“Oh, did you just wake up?”
“I.. yes. Yes I did. I’m so sorry, I fell asleep because I ran a million errands up until 3pm.”
“Hey, no. It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Do you want to move our hangout to some other day? I think I’m quite free this week.”
“No, no. I need to see you, honestly. My stress has piled up and it’ll be great to see you. You always cheer me up.”
“I try my best, Y/N. I’ll wait for you as long as you’d like. Go get ready!”
“Will do, Mr. Bang. Thank you so so much!”
The last thing you heard after the call ended was his farewell that was mixed in with his infectious laugh, and that was when you ran towards the shower to get the thin layer of sweat that always came after a nap in the living room.
Your fingers quickly typed away a ‘did god send u down to me as my angel or smthn THANK U BANG CHAN’ before going back to rushing to pick out a nicer outfit. 
Because of him willing to pick you up, you had an extra ten minutes to get ready but your mind was still blank from the adrenaline rush. You had picked yourself out a cream-coloured pleated skirt, but you had no idea what to pair it with until you saw a familiar black sweater pushed to the back of the drawer. 
You weren’t too sure why it was familiar to you, but it was nice enough for you to use with the skirt. For a reason you couldn’t pinpoint, it hugged your body well enough, but the area where you could see the stitch of the shoulders were clearly too broad for you, falling around the middle of your upper arms. 
Strange, you thought, I don’t remember buying this but it’s so comfortable. 
And just like he said, Chan was there in ten minutes, voice heard through your apartment intercom, asking you to come downstairs. Although you tried to ignore it, you were excited just from hearing his voice through that old system speaker. 
Taking the elevator down to the lobby, you smiled seeing the boy standing around, clearly waiting for you to come down, as he kept shifting his feet. 
It was music to his ears as well when he heard you call out his name. Although he would never admit it, or so he thinks, he swore that he heard a hymn whenever ‘Chan’ spilled from your lips. But he shook that away when he reached in for a side hug. 
“Hey you.” he said, “You look awfully fresh for someone who just woke up.”
“I work my magic.” you boasted, not wanting to admit the fuss you made for him. Since Chan was a bit taller than you, not by too much (which you teased him about, but he only let it be because it was you), you held onto him as well by slinging your arm around his waist. 
And as you both walked to the parking lot at the front, stuck together like two pieces of paper with a hefty amount of glue in the middle, that was when Chan stopped right in front of his car. 
You looked at him with concern, thinking that he’d probably left something inside, “Did you forget something?”  
He paused, looking at you with the face he’d make whenever Felix did something strange. That wasn’t new, but you felt flustered when he let you go and stood in front of you, arms crossed, eyes checking out your whole body. 
You looked at him strange, not understanding what he was doing. Your hand only clutched your bag strap harder, not understanding the situation. But before you could say anything, he cut you off. 
“Is that my sweater?”
And the realization hit you. 
A few months ago, Chan had gone to your place to spend some time with you after not getting to meet you for three weeks. But of course, the two of you did not look at the weather forecast when a rainstorm dawned over the whole of Seoul. 
You insisted that Chan should not be driving in this weather in fear of a accident, but he did have to get his car to the indoor parking lot incase it began to hail. However, once he had gotten back, the umbrella you had given him was soaked and so was he, the two of you getting into a hysterical laughing fit at the state he was in. 
In all seriousness, you did quickly get him out of the clothes he was wearing and washed them, shyly looking away when he directly began to take his shirt off in the living room until you yelled “Chan! I have a bathroom!”
However, as the night passed, after he slept in the same bed as you, finding his arm around your waist in the morning to which he quickly pulled away in surprise— he left with only his jeans and socks that had been dry cleaned. 
“Oh shit, this is your sweater!” you swore, the event having replayed itself in your forgetful mind, “I’ll clean it after this and give it back to you.”
“Oh, no. You look better in it than I do.” he complimented. 
In between your reminiscing, he had clicked the car key, making the vehicle make the familiar unlocking sound and flashing lights. Running over to your side, he opened the door for you. 
“M’lady.” he offered, 
“M’Chan.” you joked, only to laugh for a bit then go in with a murmured, “Sorry that was cheesy.” 
“It was!” he admitted, yelling so you could hear him through the car glass since you closed the door already. He did his little jog over to the drivers seat and went it rather smoothly, not that you were impressed by that. 
“So, arcade?” he asked, smiling when you nodded and tapped excitedly on his dashboard. 
Once again, in ten minutes, the two of you had reached the destination, quickly running out as if the both of you were six, and not in your early 20s. 
As you ran into building, fluorescent hitting your eyes with a familiar nostalgia coming alongside them, much too familiar from the high school days of you and Chan going to another arcade that was already closed down now. 
“So, what do you want to do first?” you asked, as if you didn’t guess the answer already. 
Chan looked forward, scanning the place more and finally seeing a row of big,  bulky, metal boxes that couldn’t be missed. He pointed at them, rather cutely to add, smiling down at you. 
You gave him an excited grin back, happy that you guessed right in your head. You walked ahead, pleased to hear him tread behind you at a faster pace to catch up with you.
Drawing back the curtain, the two of you went inside and swiped the arcade card that you had because of several trips that were forced by your auntie with your little cousins. Luckily, there was still money inside. 
The recognizable ‘twinkling’ sound of the photo booth rang in both your ears, opting you to choose the frame decor, etc. 
And as the screen showed both your faces, a robotic voice was heard through the same speakers at the sides of the booth, stating ‘please move more towards the centre, thank you’ 
But if anyone were to look inside, you and Chan were already considerably close, especially since the bench space wasn’t wide at all. But you side-eyed the boy, scooting closer to him as he did the same to you. 
You felt his arm squish against yours, feeling flustered at the sudden contact. 
“Can..uh..” he trailed, “Can I put my arm around you? I.. I think it’ll make the pictures look less awkward, don’t you think?”
“Y-yeah!” you responded a bit too enthusiastically. Clearing your throat, you gave him the gentle smile that he could never hate, “Yeah. Go ahead, Chan.”
He did as he asked. Unlike the playful hug that you two had shared in your apartment lobby, this one felt more intimate, especially when you saw the screen reflecting the two of you. 
You could feel his rings dig against his cotton sweater on your body, assuming now that it was yours, comfortable enough for you to feel secure— at home. Nevertheless, you always felt that Chan was your home. 
Your eyes fixated on the screen as you moved forward to press the red button that would soon make you both take simultaneous pictures together. 
We look good together, you thought to yourself, Wait what? Shut up. 
But why did this feel different? You two had taken hundreds of photos together, varied with ridiculous, attractive, and unnecessary ones. But you swallowed that wondering lump in your throat, quickly dismissing it as you posed with Chan for each one, your vision rather blurry for a reason you couldn’t pinpoint. 
And as the twelve clicks ended, Chan stood up first. You were quite upset about the absence of his embrace, but didn’t mind it when he smiled at you like he always did,
“Let’s see the pictures.” he held his hand out for you to take, which you graciously did, feeling the pit of your stomach drop as you, as per usual, questioned what your relationship with him was at this point. 
The two pairs of feet, albeit the both of you were wearing matching shoes on accident, met their way towards the printing area. Looking at the screen which read 99% complete, Chan heard the sound of the photo paper hit the stopper that avoided the prints from falling on the ground. 
He bent down and took it, showing it to you. Naturally, your arms went around his left bicep, hugging it to look closer. Chan sucked in his breath, knowing that if he was in a cartoon right now, his brown head of hair would be sticking up in all places as a silhouette of his heart pumped dramatically out of his chest. 
It was ironic, as most of your friends would say; it was ironic how you two hugged often but got shy whenever your hands would simpy graze, it was ironic how you two were so affectionate yet were so resistant, and it was very ironic that your ‘hangouts’ weren’t dates at this point. 
He watched as you pointed at his face from top to bottom, questioning, 
“You’re not even facing the camera in most of these! Stop looking at me and look at the lens next time. Do you want to retake these?”
Your question wasn’t too hard, but you didn’t understand why Chan looked at you with such solemn eyes, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was frustrated. But the look was soon replaced with one that held adoration, but that only increased your confusion. 
“I mean.. we don’t have to retake these, Chan. What do you want to do?” 
“If you were my girlfriend, I’d probably never stop staring at you.”
He didn’t know why he said that. Not a bone in his body was willing to let that out but his mind decided to play a little game of “thinking out loud”. The impulsivity of the statement made the two of your freeze in front of the photo booth.
But there was something that the both of you knew, something that neither of you wanted to admit. You had been friends for too long, had been too close for too long, but what was different now?
Why, after more than ten years of being best friends, was now the best time for you two to be together? 
But something resided within you, and in Chan as well. This was to atone for all the pain you two had experienced without one another. You and Chan always wondered why you’ve always loved, but never been in love truly. All this time, the person that was it from the start was right in front of your faces, but pent up denial never allowed it to happen. 
Until now. 
Somewhere, somehow, this was the universe’s way of telling you that today was that day. You woke up late, wore his sweater, and Chan had slipped up with his thoughts aloud. It made sense. 
So, you took a small step forward. 
It felt as if the gravity between your feet and floor was much heavier than before, especially watching Chan’s jaw clench out of nervousness, but you knew it was just you mustering up a ton of courage to finally ask, 
“Who’s stopping you from asking?” 
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littlemarvelfics · 3 years
Get Lost
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Pairing: Bucky and Reader 
Word Count: 1.2k 
Warnings: none
A/N: Maybe I’m back? I’m still not sure but I had to participate in @syntheticavenger​‘s  writing challenge. I love love all of your work and tbh reading your work has really gotten me back into writing. I knew if I kept looking at this, I would never post it so any mistakes are all mine. Y’all can follow @littlemarvelfics-notifs​ to be updated when I write something new. I’m definitely open to any and all requests! 
How It Started
Looking up from your phone, you glanced up and down the busy city street. Your new apartment building should be right in front of you. Instead, all you saw was an empty lot. You tried to get the attention of someone passing by but you didn’t have any luck. You groaned and threw your head back. 
“It is not humanly possible for one person to have this many things go wrong in one day!” you shouted to the sky, unconcerned with any looks you were getting. 
“Excuse me, miss?” a voice questioned. 
Your head snapped back down and you came face to face with a pair of stunning blue eyes and a kind smile.
“You look like you could use some help,” he continued. 
“I could,” you mumbled, eyeing the stranger suspiciously. “Everyone else has ignored my pleas for help. What are you up to?” 
The stranger looked down and chuckled before meeting your eye again. 
“Maybe I’m from a different time,” he responded simply with a shrug of his shoulder. “I’m Bucky.” 
You responded with your name and shook his outstretched hand. 
“What seems to be the problem?” 
“Everything,” you replied. “The airline lost my luggage so I have a single pair of clean underwear and a toothbrush to my name until they find it. I spent 30 minutes trying to find a taxi, when I finally got one, I gave them my new address. They dropped me here. In front of a lot. But considering I don’t have any belongings, maybe the lot will be fine!” 
“Alright, one thing at a time. The airline has your information and they’ll get you your bags. I don’t know how much help I’ll be with the underwear but I can point you in the direction of a store. What’s the address of your place?” 
You rattled off your address, hoping it wasn’t too far from where you were.  
“You’re in luck,” Bucky said with a smile. “That’s my building and you’re only two blocks away. I can walk you there if you’d like.” 
“That would be incredible,” you sighed, your shoulders sagging with relief. 
Bucky started off in the direction of the building and you followed next to him closely. The two of you fell into an easy conversation, making quick work of the two blocks you had to travel. As Bucky neared the building and slower, you couldn’t help but be disappointed. He was incredibly charming and cute, a longer walk with him would’ve been perfect. 
Pausing to point out a shop across the street where you could get the necessities until your bags came. He then held open the front door of the building for you, smiling as you brushed against him. You stopped in the lobby and turned to face him. 
“I think I’ve got it from here. Thank you so much for your help Bucky.” 
“No problem doll, I’m in apartment 302 if you need anything.” 
“302,” you repeated. “What are the chances that’s in the vicinity of apartment 303?” 
“Right next door,” he said with a smile. “You probably have plans for your first night in the city-” 
“No plans!” you interrupted quickly.. 
“Then maybe you’d wanna order a pizza? Watch a movie or something.” 
“That sounds amazing actually,” you replied with a smile. 
“Great! I’ve got a few errands to run but you can come over around 7?” 
“I’ll see you then,” you said, turning to go up the stairs. 
After making it successfully into your apartment, you leaned against the closed door and smiled. You might not have any furniture or clothes but maybe you didn’t have the worst luck afterall. 
How It’s Going
Bucky groaned as he reached out to your side of the bed, the chill of the morning air hitting him when his arm met an empty bed. Opening his eyes, he glanced around the hotel room, hoping to see you on the balcony or hear you in the shower but it was silent and you were nowhere to be found. Bucky flipped to his side and found a folded sheet of paper addressed to him in your handwriting. Grabbing it, he read the quickly scrawled out message. 
“Left for breakfast, be back soon.” 
Bucky let out a scoff and rolled his eyes. 
“This isn’t going to end well,” he mumbled to himself. 
It had been two, almost three years since he met you on the street in Brooklyn and the first thing Bucky learned about you-- the circumstance of your first meeting wasn’t unusual. Your terrible sense of direction paired with your refusal to depend on technology made you chronically late and lost. You were even late to Bucky’s proposal when a closed street had you turned around for 45 minutes. On the day of your wedding, he made Wanda follow you closely to make sure you wouldn’t get lost on your way to the ceremony-- even if you had been to the chapel multiple times. 
Bucky picked up his phone and made sure he didn’t have any missed calls before pulling himself out of bed and heading to the balcony. The eiffel tower loomed in the distance, the sun shining down on the city. Two days into your honeymoon and he never wanted to leave. He was pulled from his thoughts when his phone started ringing, your picture flashing on the screen. He accepted the call but before he could say anything, you started talking. 
“This is not my fault.” 
“Uh huh,” Bucky replied sceptically. “Who’s fault is it?” 
“Did you know that everything is in French here?” you questioned. 
“In Paris, France? Yes, the thought had crossed my mind.” 
“You can make fun of me later, just come help me!” 
“Use your phone!” Bucky said, chuckling. 
“But it would be so much more romantic if my husband came to save me,” you countered. 
“Alright Mrs. Barnes, do you see a street sign or a store around?” 
You rattled off a few places you could see, including the hotel you thought was yours but upon further inspection, you realized it wasn’t even close. 
Bucky switched you over to speaker phone and looked up the hotel you were standing in front of. He sighed when he realized where you were. 
“Down the street, Y/N, you are quite literally down the street,” he said with a sigh. 
“Then it should be easy for you to find me!” you said cheerfully. “Bye!” 
Bucky hung up the phone and quickly threw on his jeans, boots and a henley that still smelled like you from the night before when you wore it to bed. He jogged down to the lobby and made his way down the busy street, slowing when he spotted you leaning against a building, paper bag in your hand. 
“Mrs. Barnes!” he called out, knowing he would never get tired of referring to you with his last name. 
Your head whipped up, grinning when you spotted Bucky. 
“Hello husband,” you chirped, greeting him with a kiss. “I bought you a croissant.” 
“You could have woken me up, you know,” he said, slinging his arm around your shoulders, guiding you back to the hotel. 
“Ah, but this is so much more fun! What better way to celebrate our marriage than to recreate the moment we first met!” 
Bucky stopped and turned to look at you. 
“Hold on, did you know the hotel was right down the street?” 
“Maybe, maybe not,” you mused. 
“Got dressed for nothin’”, he mumbled, continuing the walk. 
“And after a croissant, we can have fun getting undressed again,” you replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Bucky smiled, kissing your head. He knew he would find you anytime you got lost.
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cursedwriter · 4 years
Cursed! Part 2 - Gojo Satoru
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Part One // Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist 
Synopsis:  After running some errands you’re caught off guard by a curse user. Unbeknownst to you, he has something up his sleeve that would mean a fate worse than death to you. How will you get out of this? And what role does your boyfriend - the Satoru Gojo - play in all of this?
Warning: Slight spoilers concerning Gojo’s technique, I gues... but it’s also mixed with a lot of my own bullshit, so it fits the story. Keep that in mind, please. I’m not trying to be one hundred percent accurate. 
Words: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the feedback! I decided to release shorter chapters, so I can update the story more frequently. Hope this keeps you on your toes! Let me know what you think! 
“Wait a second.” Gojo held his finger up to signal Ichiji to shut up for a bit. He was rambling on about that under no circumstances he was to be late again or the principal might actually kill him this time. He heard that speech about a million times already and after so long, it kind of lost its threat. Not that he ever really felt threatened by it anyway. What could he do, after all? Throw an army of puppets in Gojo’s face? Right… Except the dolls did kind of creep him out. Well, no matter. The fact remained that he didn’t really care either way. The only thing or the only one to be exact he cared about was not with him right now, but calling him on his phone. He’d drop everything to hear your voice, no matter the consequences. “Miss me already?” Satoru laughed as he picked up the call, though, it was him who already missed you. He wouldn’t dare to admit that, though. “That was quick. You weren’t even gone for two hours.”
“Oh, he picked up.” Gojo’s eyes narrowed. Instead of hearing your melodic voice on the other side of the phone, he was met with the one of a stranger. He was momentarily dumbfounded – which didn’t happen often – and he didn’t immediately follow up with a quick and witty retort. The man on the other side took this as an invitation to speak again. “Gojo Satoru, I believe I have something of yours in my possession. Please be so kind and pick it up, okay? She really can’t wait to see you.”
Before he could say something, the call ended. It took him a while after that to lower his phone, deep worry lines edging themselves into his forehead as he tried to make sense of what just happened.
“Everything alright?” Ichiji asked and brought him back to reality.
“Stop the car,” Gojo commanded. His tone left no room for interpretation: he was pissed. So pissed, in fact, Ichiji was sure there was smoke coming out of his ears. He immediately pressed down on the brakes, not willing to stand between Gojo Satoru and his wrath. That was a sure death sentence. Whoever had been on the call, must’ve really set him off in the wrong way. What a fool!
“What – what about the – the meeting?” Ichiji stammered as Gojo yanked the door open and got out of the car.
Before closing the door again, he leaned down slightly to look at Ichiji, mouth pressed into a thin line, eyes hidden behind his usual black blindfold. “I don’t care about the damn meeting. Send the principal my regards, I won’t be coming! If he has a problem with that, he can take it up with me later!” He slammed the door shut and Ichiji accelerated the car almost immediately after. Despite not being sure what just happened and why his demeanor did a full one eighty in a second, Ichiji knew one thing and one thing only, he needed to get away as fast as possible. A pissed off Gojo Satoru was no laughing matter. Whoever angered him had one hell of a storm coming for them.
Gojo bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Ichiji drive off into the distance. What the hell was that call all about? It was apparent that you were in trouble, but they didn’t even give him a location or anything. What’s up with that whole thing anyway? A hostage situation to get to him? Highly likely, but still… a lot of questions remained. How did you even get caught? You were a special grade sorcerer, no low level could’ve done this. Maybe this guy had an especially tricky technique… And what did he want with him? A curse user who wanted to make a name of himself by defeating the great Gojo Satoru? Or was it something different entirely?
Gojo scoffed. This sucked! So many questions were bouncing around in his head and no answers in sight. Where was he even supposed to start looking? He scratched his head in order to remember what you’d told him about your plans this evening. You had wanted to run some errands, but you were so cryptic about it that he never really got a straight answer. He believed that you wanted to buy him a gift or something – his birthday was coming up after all - and didn’t press on further. Now, he really regretted that.
“This was exactly what I was afraid of!” he mumbled, fingers wrapping around his phone in a deathly grip and right before he was on the verge of breaking the device, he got a notification. Your name lit up his screen and he almost sighed in relief, thinking this was probably just a stupid prank and you finally wanted to come clean… but when he clicked on your message, his blood froze momentarily. There was a picture of you attached, standing stiffly like a statue. He couldn’t see your eyes, because they were hidden behind a blindfold. From the background it looked like you were standing in a park and upon zooming in on the picture he immediately recognized the pond in the upper left corner.
[7.33 pm] Y/N: You better hurry xoxo
At this point, he wasn’t just pissed off. No. He was seething. Blood boiling in his veins with hot rage, he was afraid he could explode. Whoever did this, would pay dearly. Preferably with their life.
Not wasting any more time, Gojo warped himself to the location, appearing in front of the culprit and you in mere seconds, materializing out of thin air.
“Ah, there he is!” A man with a scar on his cheek appeared from behind you, clapping his hands together in delight. “For a second I was afraid you might not show up. That you actually didn’t really care about her.” He laid one hand on your shoulder and Gojo wanted to eliminate him right then and there but you’d be in his immediate line of power, so all he could do was stand there and listen to this psycho. He guessed that he knew that Gojo couldn’t do anything for as long as he stayed close to you.
“What the hell do you want?” Gojo asked through clenched teeth. “Do you have a death wish? I can help with that.” His voice was dripping with malicious intent; one could almost taste the blood lust in the air. Gojo reached for his mask, tearing it off his eyes. Immediately his senses were flooded with all kinds of information about his cursed energy and technique. Gojo hissed. That bastard! Mind manipulation. It was a rare technique and a real pain in the ass when you were at the receiving end. Good thing, it didn’t work on him. His cursed energy barrier protected him from mind tricks like these.
“What did you do to her?”
“Ah, right. You already know everything there is to know about me and my technique.” The guy smiled mischievously, perverse glee shining in his eyes. Gosh, did he have to be any more annoying? “Good, saves me time explaining. Sadly, I can’t stick around for the grand finale. You’d just kill me, right? So you understand that our ways part here.” Seriously what was with this guy? “Well, Y/N, dear?” Gojo took a step forward upon hearing him say your name. It made him sick. If he just moved one step to the right he could blast him into oblivion and be done with it! So move, bastard. Move! “You know the plan?” You nodded.
Immediately you lifted two fingers up in the air. “Emerge from darkness, blacker than darkness, purify that which is impure,” you said. And while Gojo was relieved to hear your voice, he didn’t like the sight of the veil coming down from above.
“Now, then,” the guy ripped your blindfold off. Your eyes flitted over the area, taking in your surroundings until finally they settled on him. He tried to smile, reassure you that everything would turn out okay. Your mouth was pressed into a thin line and your eyes had lost their usual glimmer. All that remained was a blank expression.
Suddenly your eyes opened wide, as if something within you had woken up. Something that wasn’t there before. Tears were streaming down your face immediately after and a raspy scream ripped through your throat. “No! Gojo, run! Run!”
What the hell?
But you already knew it was too late. The veil was almost completely down now. This would be the place in which one of you would find their end. You hoped with all your heart it wouldn’t be him.
The guy whose name you never knew laughed in the distance. The sound sending chills down your spine, not fitting the situation in the slightest. “At last! The grand finale, ladies and gentlemen!”
Part Three
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prettyyyboyluke · 4 years
Can you please write a story about calum in a ddlg relationship with smut
ofc! enjoy! 
the day was going well. there were no issues, no broken rules, nothing that could get y/n in trouble. she is very well behaved for calum, she rarely acts out, and is very respectful of her dominant and his rules. tonight, they’re going to a little get together at michael’s house. nothing big, just something that their friend group does every once in awhile. calum had to go out and run a few errands, mostly to go get some sweet seltzer’s for y/n since she’ll only drink things that taste like juice. he came home with his and the band’s favorite beer and juice like alcohol. 
calum went into their bathroom to see y/n sitting at her vanity getting ready. “do you know what you’re wearing tonight, pretty girl?” he asks while stroking her hair. y/n shakes her head, but had an idea of what she was going to wear. “let me pick out your outfit tonight.” 
she finishes up her makeup and follows calum to their room. he walks over to the dresser pulling out a skirt, one of his sweaters, and his favorite collar they own. y/n looks at the skirt and collar with wide eyes and her face gets red. “you want me to wear that in front of everyone?” she asks, only used to wearing it just for calum. calum is quite possessive of y/n. there were many occasions where she wore this same exact outfit and calum wouldn’t let her out of the car before giving her a spanking. he doesn’t like anyone looking at her, and he always has a harsh grasp on her.
calum nods. “yes baby, i get to decide what i want you were. no arguments. please get dressed, i don’t want to keep everyone waiting.” y/n nods and walks over to the dresser, grabbing a pair of panties, but calum stops her. “i would have pulled them out if i wanted you to wear them.” he says, “don’t make me tell you again, get dressed.” y/n’s cheeks grow a darker red and she undresses from her sweats and t-shirt, sliding on the skirt and sweater then clipping on the collar. 
y/n takes a look in the mirror, smoothing down calum’s sweater before putting on her shoes. they get in the car and make their way to michael’s. the ride isn’t too long, but with calum’s hand resting on y/n’s mid thigh, she can only think about one thing. she glances over at calum who’s eyes are locked on the high way. calum slides her hand under her skirt and presses his fingers against her, getting a small whine out of her. he slowly starts to tease y/n and soon enough, she was rutting against his hand for more friction. 
more whines and whimpers left her mouth as she grew needier. “what’s wrong pretty girl? are you okay?” calum asks, moving his hand back to where it was resting before, giving her skin small circles. he looks over at y/n and notices that her eyes are glossy. 
“n-no daddy, come back, please.” she whines out and tried to move his hand back. calum swats it away after putting the car in park. 
“what, baby? are you day dreaming again?” calum lightly chuckles and leans over pressing a kiss to the side of his submissive’s head. “such a desperate little thing.” he grabs the loop in her collar and pulls her over, gently pressing a kiss to her lips. “pull yourself together, pretty girl. our friends don’t need to see how much of a pathetic mess you are for me right now.” 
they get out of the car and all y/n can focus on is calum’s hands. she just wants him to take her to the backseat and finish her off. walking into michael’s house, y/n can already tell this night is going to be ten times longer. “it’s about time you guys got here! what took you so long?” ashton asks. 
calum looks down at y/n before answering, “this one took her time getting ready.” he puts y/n on the spot and she lets out a meek sorry. calum sets down their drinks and grabs a beer for himself and a seltzer for y/n. they all gather around to play a game. she reachers for one of calum’s hands, wanting to distract herself from the ache that’s growing between her legs. she twists and turns his rings, watching them intently. his hands are so big compared to her’s. well, she’s just smaller to calum in general. barely standing at 5’1” and the fact that calum can fit his hand around her throat with one hand makes her small. but, size kinks exist for that very reason. 
the side conversation going on between luke and michael keep everyone distracted so calum can whisper to y/n. “just be patient for me, baby. you’ll get what you need later.” he kisses the side of her head again. y/n huffs and takes a big sip of her seltzer. she finishes her drink quickly after and gets up to get another. when things taste like juice, it’s like you’re not even drinking anything. 
calum’s hand returns to her thigh and her skin rises with goosebumps. she adjusts herself so that calum’s hand goes up higher. “daddy please, can we go to the bathroom?” she whispers to calum. 
he looks down at his submissive, seeing how flushed her face is and how puffy her lips are from biting them. “so needy, can’t get me out of your head can you?” she shakes her head at the question. “but we just got here, we wouldn’t want our friends to know somethings up, would be pretty girl?” when she doesn’t respond right away, calum tightens his grip on her thigh before repeating, “right, little girl?” 
“n-no daddy.” 
“good, then you’ll wait like a good girl until we’re home.” and y/n groans. 
everyone leaves michael’s house and heads their separate ways. y/n finished half of her pack of seltzer’s and is definitely buzzed, but that doesn’t take her mind off of calum in any way. they finally get into the car and y/n can’t help herself but practically climb over the center console and kiss calum. her lips have been vibrating to get a taste of him. the taste of mint gum and cigarettes fill her mouth while she circles her hips on him. calum is shocked at these movements made by her, normally he is the one to initiate everything. 
y/n pulls back, out of breath, “daddy please! i’ve been a good girl tonight, i need you to touch me!” she takes calum’s hand and puts it under her skirt so he can feel how wet she is. his lolls back and a groan leaves his throat. 
“just so fucking desperate for daddy’s touch. look at you, we’re not even out of the driveway and you’re just begging for daddy to fuck you.” he says, applying pressure to her clit. he circles the bundle of nerves for a while as he watches y/n close her eyes and move her hips in rhythm with him. his finally sinks two of his fingers in her wet walls and she tries to muster out something, but can’t. “nawh can’t even talk anymore, huh? is daddy making you that good?” he mocks her. 
y/n’s breath is heavy, and she’s ready to cum at any second. “look at me, pretty girl, or i stop.” calum says. she opens her eyes and lock them with his. “are you gonna cum?” he asks, moving his fingers faster. y/n nods, ready to let the pleasure flow through her body. “are you gonna ask to cum?” calum has a strict rule about always asking for permission. 
“please daddy, can i cum? oh-fuck-please, just like that.” she moans. her grip on calum’s shoulders is strong, her nails almost ripping the fabric. her hair is frizzy and is matted to her forehead. her legs are starting to shake and calum hasn’t given her the go yet. 
calum clicks his tongue before speaking, “ya know, daddy really should punish you. barely engaging with our friends, asking him to take you to the bathroom to fuck you, i don’t think you have been a good girl, y/n.” his rhythm is slowed and it’s aggravating y/n to a whole new level. 
y/n takes it upon herself to remove calum’s fingers from her, despite being so close to an orgasm, and sets them down in his lap. she looks at him before moving back to the passenger seat and takes her phone out, mindlessly scrolling through her notifications. 
calum’s a bit confused by the move his submissive just made, not sure if it was to distract him or to defy him. “are we just gonna sit here, or are we gonna go home? because i’d really like to get out this.” y/n finally speaks and motions to her clothes. her voice was laced with annoyance and tiredness, and calum wasn’t having any of it. 
“who do you think you are to talk to me like that? have you forgotten what respect is, little girl?” calum asks, putting his thumb under her chin to make her face him. 
“no, i’d just really like to get home if someone’s gonna punish me.” she says. 
and now, y/n can wait to get home. 
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When We Collide - A Secret Love
Summary: Esra and Ozan have secretly gotten back together and are sneaking around to keep their love a secret.
A/N: Over the last week, my uncle passed away. And then I found out my cousin who came down for the funeral passed away. My uncle was in his sixties but my cousin was only 34, he was perfectly healthy. My family is having a hard time with it all. I will be taking time away to be with them. I won't be able to devote my time and headspace to write for a bit and I don't want my writing to suffer because of it. Never take family for granted, death happens unexpectedly. For now, I will be helping my cousin's wife in her time of need, my cousin had four young children and she could use the help during this difficult time. This will be the last update until I am ready to get back to writing until then I will be on hiatus.
This chapter has Smut. If that's not something you want to read I advise you to skip it.
I am behind on the show, so if this doesn't match up with canon consider it a canon divergence. This was a requested prompt.
Esra looked up as a figure appeared in the doorway in the reflection of the mirror as she applied her makeup.
She smiled at Ozan. “I was getting ready to head into the office. I made breakfast. It’s on the table.”
Ozan walked up and wrap his arms around her, kissing her neck. “Then stay and eat breakfast with me. I can drive us to work.”
“No, it’s important we keep our relationship secret.” Esra turned in his arm, sweeping a hand through bed hair.
Ozan leaned into her touch. “I don’t want to hide anymore. I want to be able to shout about you from the rooftops.”
“You still can, just not about how much you love me,” Esra pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
Ozan cupped her face and captured her mouth in a deep kiss. “I’ll have to settle for showing you then,” he murmured when he pulled away, his thumb swiping across her bottom lip.
A spark of desire shot straight to her core and she cursed that they had to go into work, she would much rather enjoy having him worship every inch of her body as his actions and words promised.
“It will have to wait,” she gave him a push, “go eat your breakfast, I have to go,” she slipped past him, walking into the living room.
She grabbed her jacket, slipping it on, pairing it with the red sundress she wore, grabbing her phone she slipped it into her bag.
Her hand reached for the doorknob just as Ozan’s hand circled her waist, spinning her back around into his chest, his mouth captured hers in a heated kiss that left her wanting more.
Esra smiled giving him another quick peck, ignoring the desire for more. “I’ll see you at the office.”
Ozan reluctantly let her go. He waited till the door shut behind her, before turning back to go take a shower.
~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Ozan looked at Esra across the table. There was a meeting on a new project and Esra along with the other interns and assistants were taking notes about everything that needed to be done.
Ozan was finding it hard to concentrate, he had to keep forcing himself to look away. Certain he was going to get caught staring at Esra like a lovesick fool.
Esra loved that he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. Since they got back together it felt like they were in the honeymoon phase and she was enjoying every second of it. Not to mention there was something sexy about keeping their love a secret and sneaking around the company. The thrill of getting caught just made it that much more enjoyable.
Ozan picked up his phone and moved his hand beneath the table and discreetly sent out a text.
Esra jumped in surprise when her phone chimed and laughed it off, reaching for her phone she saw the text notification. She looked up and met Ozan’s heated gaze.
She looked back down and opened the text.
Meet me in my office, ten minutes after the meeting. You will be occupied for the next hour.
Esra bit her lip, wondering just what he was planning. They were at work so surely he wasn’t implying something salacious. And what could possibly take an hour? Occupied how? Was she running errands for him, taking notes?
When the meeting finally came to an end Esra was relieved, the curiosity of what Ozan wanted was driving her crazy.
The interns filed out first and she couldn’t help but trail her hand across his shoulder as she passed. She chances a look back at him when she passed through the door to find him watching her.
Ozan waited till everyone filed out before standing and heading for his office.
He took off his jacket tossing it over his chair and unbuttoned the few buttons of his shirt. His skin was hot to the touch, desire flared through him. It had been impossible to concentrate during the meeting with Esra across from him. All he could think about was her lips parted in pleasure as he spread her open with his cock, feel her breast in the palm of his hand, hear her begging for him.
There was something so fucking hot about Esra, who begged for nothing, beg for him. He needed it like, he needed air, knowing she needed him was a feeling he would never get enough of.
He settled down in his chair, fearing he was going to pace a hole in the floor out of sheer impatience.
When it passed the fifteen-minute mark, he was moments away from calling her when there was a knock at his door, he stood from his chair just as Esra stepped inside.
“You’re late.” He strode up to her, trapping her against the closed door.
“By five minutes,” Esra protested, hands coming up to grip his arms as he caged her in, heat radiating off him.
“Five minutes was too long,” he placed his hand over her collarbone. “I was second’s away from finding you and bringing you here myself.”
“Everyone would know about us,” Esra pointed out, as his hand skimmed up her throat to cup her cheek, his hand hot upon her skin, warming her from the inside out.
“I can’t bring myself to care right now,” His mouth crashed down onto hers, hot and full of passion stealing the breath from her.
Esra surrendered to the lust coursing through her body, lips parting to allow his tongue to slide against hers.
His free hand moved down her body, gripping her thigh, bunching up the fabric of her dress, he pressed his body against her, and Esra jolted at the feel of him, hard, straining through his slacks pressed against her.
Esra ripped her mouth from his and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Did you invite me here to have sex in your office?”
“I wanted you to come here because I can’t focus on anything but you. How can anyone expect me to be able to work with you across from me?” His thumb brushed her bottom lip. “All I can think about is the fill of your lips, your scent, the feel of your soft skin, your perfect curves,” his voice lowered, eyes dark with desire. “All I can imagine is pleasure in your eyes, moans escaping your parted lips as I move inside you, your legs tight around me, squeezing, your voice hoarse from screaming my name.”
“Ozan,” She felt choked, her core throbbing with need with every word he spoke.
When did he get so fucking good with words?
“We can’t.” she protested with a shake of her head.
“We can,” Ozan slipped his hand beneath her dress and Esra gasped as his palm pressed against her. “The doors locked.”
Esra knew she should protest, stop him but god she couldn’t, she longed for his touch. Instead, she tangled her hand into the back of his hair and pulled him down to kiss him deeply.
Ozan smirked and slipped his hand beneath her dress rubbing his thumb against her clit oVer the fabric of her underwear, Esra moan into his mouth, her hips moving searching for more.
The hand cupping her jaw traveled down to her breast holding it in his palm, squeezing.
A knock sounded on the door, followed by the doorknob jiggling. “Ozan?” Cagla’s voice called out.
Esra froze staring up at him, caught. “What do we do?” she mouthed.
Ozan pressed his finger against his lips asking her to be quiet, he leaned down brushing his mouth against her ear. “Go sit down and look like you’re taking notes.”
Esra quickly brushed past him, her skin heated, and took a seat, she ran a hand through her hair and grabbed the notepad from the table and a pen.
“Ozan? Are you in there?” Cagla called again, the door pulled with more force as she obviously tried harder to open it.
Ozan quickly removed his jacket and tossed it onto his chair, he walked to the door and turned the lock and swung it open, and put on his smile. “Sorry about that, Cagla. The door has been jamming since yesterday.” he looked back at Esra. “Be sure to have someone look at it, will you?”
“Of course, Ozan Bey,” Esra answered, relieved that Cagla seemed to be buying his lie if the look on her face was anything to go by. It was that or she really was just blinded by her attraction for Ozan.
Not that Esra could blame her. She felt the needed to fan herself but it would be too obvious.
“Write it down,” Ozan ordered, nodding to her paper and pen. “That’s why you’re here.”
Esra felt a wave of annoyance at his tone but pushed it down, knowing he was only trying to keep their secret from getting out. She made a show of writing it down.
Cagla stepped into the office, frowning at Esra. “Esra, are you feeling okay?”
Esra’s head shot up. “Yes, why?”
“You’re just looking a little flushed,” Cagla observed. “Perhaps you’re starting to come down with something.”
“I feel fine,” Esra assured her.
“Okay, but if that changes, it’s okay to leave early,” Cagla responded before focusing back on Ozan. “I wanted to remind you about that interview in an hour with the magazine for expanding companies. If everything goes well you will be headlining it. This can be a huge step forward for us.”
“Don’t worry,” Ozan assured her, gently moving back to the door. “I will be nothing but brilliant.”
“Ozan, do you want to grab lunch?” Cagla asked as she stepped just out of his office.
“I have plans, unfortunately. Another time, maybe?” she asked.
“Of course,” he waited till she walked away before shutting the door and locking it.
Esra stood and watched him round his desk. “You have plans for lunch? Why didn’t you tell me? I was planning on making us something.”
“You won’t be making us anything.” he grabbed his laptop and tossed it into his chair. “You will be too occupied.”
“Occupied?” Esra repeated confused. “With what?”
Ozan wrapped his arm around her and picked her up, depositing her on his desk, he pulled her to the edge and captured her mouth in a heated kiss.
Esra fisted her hands in his shirt, surrendering to his lips dominating hers, his hand slid down her body, slipping beneath her dress and with one sharp tug he had torn her panties.
She gasped, white-hot lust flowing through her, her core throbbed almost painfully.
Her mouth fell open as his fingers found her wetness, his thumb rubbing her clit.
The phone started ringing and her eyes widened. She expected him to stop what he was doing but he didn’t.
Ozan slipped a Bluetooth device into his ear, connecting it before answering the call.
“Ozan!” Esra exclaimed.
Ozan put a finger to his lips, telling her to be silent, and then spoke into the Bluetooth but his words were drowned out as he sunk a finger inside her.
Esra’s mouth fell open from the sudden intrusion, a loud gasp filling the air. She couldn’t believe what he was doing to her when he was clearly in the middle of his conference call.
Had he lost his mind?!
As he slid a second finger deep inside her she was sure that he definitely lost his mind.
Her mouth open on a silent cry and she stared at him wide-eyed, her skin flushed and breaths coming in quick pants.
Ozan smirked down at her, never once did he stop speaking into the phone, his voice clear and focused. As precise as his thrusting fingers inside of her.
Her moans started out small and breathless as his fingers thrust shallowly but then he started moving them faster and deeper. She couldn’t stop the cry that tore from her mouth when he inserted a third finger deep inside her.
Ozan moved between her legs opening her up wider and found her breast, squeezing.
“Sorry about that, my assistant has the terrible habit of tripping. She’s fine.” Ozan spoke into the Bluetooth.
Esra’s face flushed in embarrassment, and she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her sounds of pleasure.
Esra felt her pleasure rise higher and higher, her hips lifting to meet his thrust, the coil inside her tightened further and further.
She was so close to the edge she could taste it, when suddenly he ended his call and tossed the BlueTooth away, and removed his fingers from her sex.
Esra let out a whimper, eyes shining in frustration. “Ozan!”
“Shh,” he grasps her by the hips and brought her to the edge of the desk, he nudges her legs open wider, stepping between them as he gathered her in his arms.
Esra surrendered to his kiss and grabbed onto him, needing something to hold onto as the desperation for more rage through her body.
Ozan slid the zipper of her dress down then pushed the straps down her arm, his hand found her bra-covered breast and she jolted feeling his hand reach inside the cup, rubbing her nipple between his finger and thumb.
His other hand unclasped her bra and pushed the straps down her arms until they dangled at her elbows, freeing her breast.
When he pulled his mouth from hers it was to trail his lips over the shell of her ear, his hot breath coasting against her neck.
She shivered, goosebumps rising on her heated flesh.
“As I was saying earlier you are going to be occupied for lunch,”
His words fanned across her skin and she was confused. “Lunch?” she repeated.
Ozan chuckled. “Have you forgotten our discussion of lunch plans?”
Esra flushed in embarrassment because yes she had but can anyone really blame her? how could anyone focus when he was doing the things he was to her body?
“What will have me occupied during lunch? It can’t be this.” Esra panted, her breaths coming quickly. “I mean, if we’re doing this now, we wouldn’t for lunch.”
“We will be doing exactly this,” Ozan whispered, as he used one hand to unfastened his pants pulling the zipper down. “Except, you won’t have to be quiet. When we do this again, I want to hear every sound you make, every cry, moan, and breath.” He pushed his pants and boxers down, taking a hold of his cock he aligned it with her soaking entrance. “I want to hear you scream my name,”
Esra shifted her hips feeling the head of his cock. “Ozan, please.”
Ozan smirked. “For now, you must be quiet. Others can’t know what we’re doing. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes. Yes, please just get inside me already.” Esra all but snapped the desperation to feel him filling her overcoming all rationality.
Ozan locked eyes with her and surged forward, his cock, pushing inside. Esra’s mouth fell open on a cry, Ozan quickly captured her mouth, swallowing her sounds.
He didn’t give her time to adjust as he started a frenzied pace that had her clawing at his back, arching her body up, her hips moving against his.
With every thrust he sunk deeper and deeper inside her, she squeezed around him tightly like a vice.
Ozan grunted as he fucked into her, one hand on her breast, rubbing her nipple between his fingers his other hand reached between them to rub at her clit, never once ceasing the movement of his hips.
Esra felt every slide of him inside of her perfectly, combined with his hand on her breast and rubbing her, the orgasm she chased earlier came back and hit her with an intensity that had her seeing spots behind her closed lids.
She fell over the edge as his cock rubbed against the spot inside her that had her withering in pleasure.
A scream would have torn from her throat if Ozan hadn’t been sucking on her tongue.
Ozan groaned as she convulsed around him, he pulled his mouth from hers and stared down at her as she came around him.
Esra bit down on her lip as he fucked her through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
She was always so sensitive after and orgasm, she could feel another orgasm building. She tried to keep quiet but it was near impossible.
Ozan felt himself grow closer and closer to the edge, wrapping his arms around her, he yanked, her into a sitting position, her chest flushed against him, he buried his face in her neck as he pounded into her, again and again.
Esra tugged his shirt out of the way and bit down on his shoulder silencing her cries.
The sting of pain from her bite and the pleasure from her squeezing around his length sent him over the edge and he came with one last thrust, burying his cock inside her as deep as he could.
His arms wrapped tightly around her and he placed kisses against her skin. “I love you,”
Esra pilled back and cupped his face in her hands, she leaned forward, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
She didn’t say the words but Ozan felt it in her kiss, in her touch.
“We should cut out early,” She murmured, trailing a kiss over his neck, her teeth grazing the vein in his neck.
Ozan groaned. “I want to but we can’t. Not today.”
Reluctantly he pulled out of her and used a kleenex to first clean up, Esra and then another for himself and tucked himself back in his pants.
Esra watched as he slowly fixed her bra and pulled her dress back in place, zipping up her dress, his lips finding her shoulder as he did so.
Her hand easily slid into his hair and tugged him back to her mouth, kissing him with all the love she had inside of her.
Ozan’s hand cupped the back of her neck, his lips dancing with hers.
Esra pulled back, her palm flat against his cheek. “Tomorrow then,”
“No, not just tomorrow. We’ll take the week.”
Esra’s eyes shined with hope. “A week?”
“Yes, we can go on that honeymoon I never gave you. Wherever you want. I don’t care as long as we are together.”
Esra smiled her hands trailing over his shoulders to rest over his heart. “Sounds perfect.” She leaned in pressing a tender kiss to his lips just as another knock sounded on the door.
She pushed him back and made sure her clothes were in order, running a hand through her hair. She grabbed her jacket and notepad and walked to the door. “I’ll see you for lunch.”
“Yes, you will,” Ozan promised, fastening his pants and straightening up his desk as Esra opened the door.
Musa stood on the other side and he looked between him and Esra his smile wide.
Esra breezed past him without a word, Musa stepped into the room the door shutting behind him.
“Is there something you have forgotten to tell me?” Musa’s grin only widened, his eyes shining with excitement for his friend. “Just when did you reunite with my daughter-in-law?”
Ozan laughed and smiled brightly. While he and Esra were keeping their relationship secret, he saw no reason to keep it from Musa.
“We’re happy,” he said simply.
It was all that needed to be said.
Anything else should remain between him and Esra. A secret love between them until she was ready to share their happiness with the world.
Only then would he scream it from the rooftops that he was unbelievably happy with the love of his life.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
department of matchmaking || s.r
summary: in which you’re asked by aunt may to babysit peter while she’s away at a business conference & steve tags along. peter, being the innocent smol bean he is, tries to get you and the Captain together.
words: ~3.1k
warnings: none, just fluff & a little matchmaking spider-man :) and OH steve’s blue jacket heheh. tony’s your dad in this oop cant resist a stark child. shhh CW never happened bc i’m still in denial 
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Peter: Aunt May says she has a couple errands to run so she won't be back until later this afternoon. Can you pick me up? School just ended.
You: Of course!
Peter: Ned and I are planning on building the Lego Death Star tonight. I know you're a sucker for building stuff :)
You: You know me so well, kiddo. I'm definitely in. How could I miss out on our weekly date nights?
Peter: You're the best! See you soon
You: See you!
"Where are you going?"
"May's busy, so I gotta go pick Peter up from school," you explained to Steve as you slung your purse over your shoulder and grabbed the keys to your (Tony's) Audi, sliding your sunglasses on. "We're having one of our weekly Friday movie nights, and he and Ned just got a new Lego set that they want me to help construct. You wanna come along?"
"Sure, I don't mind."
You headed outside to the car together, sticking the keys into the ignition as Steve slid in next to you in the passenger's seat. "I hope you don't have anything else planned for the rest of tonight. We might be there for a while...I know we were gonna see that new action movie in theaters tomorrow. I'm sorry."
"Nope, no plans," he smiled, "I'm free for the rest of this weekend. As long as I get to spend time with you, it's okay."
You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter a bit at his words. 
But you quickly brushed the thought off, knowing the last thing you were supposed to do was fall for someone after you'd just gotten over a nasty breakup.
Soon enough, you pulled up in front of Midtown High School and saw Peter standing with Ned by the curb. You rolled the window down and called out to them. "Hey, boys. Need a ride?"
"My favorite Avenger! Hi!" Ned greeted as he and Peter got into the backseat, strapping their seatbelts on.
"Ouch, I'm offended," Steve placed a hand over his chest and pretended to look hurt. "I thought I was your favorite?"
"Captain America! It's an honor!" he exclaimed. "I've heard so much about you from Peter!"
"Oh, really? I hope he only told you good things?" the super-soldier chuckled.
"So, how was school?" you glanced back at the two teenagers from the rearview mirror. "Anything interesting happen?"
"No, except they actually served something edible in the cafeteria for lunch today," Peter rolled his eyes. "Which is a first."
You sighed, placing your hand back on the wheel, "School food isn't the best thing ever."
"So uh, I have a question," Ned spoke up as you headed down the street, "are you and Y/N a...thing? ‘Cause I hear a lot of fans are speculating that the kickass agent and America’s golden boy are dating."
"What? No," you and Steve replied in unison, exchanging a knowing look before bursting into laughter. "No."
It was mostly quiet for the rest of the car ride back to the apartment. Peter pulled out the keys from his jacket pocket and slid it in the lock, pushing the door open and gesturing for the rest of you to come inside.
"So," he breathed out, setting his backpack down by the front door and dusting his hands off. You sat around the sofa together, glancing at the massive Lego set on the coffee table. "Here it is, in all its glory."
"How many pieces is this?" Steve questioned, looking at it in shock.
"Almost 4000."
A buzzing sound from his phone made Peter look down, swiping a few times before unlocking it and scanning over the new notification.
"May has an overnight business conference and she won't be back until tomorrow evening. She wants you to babysit," he explained as he looked up at you.
"Fine by me," you shrugged. "Cap?"
"Sure, why not."
"But I'm 15 and 8 months! I'm not a baby."
"Well, kiddo, I'm 28 and Tony treats me like a baby even though I’m not a baby anymore. Steve's going on 32, and acts like he's 12."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"I do not!"
"Yes, you do."
"Arguing like a married couple," Peter coughed, and Ned wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "Cute."
"For the last time, we're not a thing," you let out an exasperated sigh, but felt a blush creep up your cheeks as you spoke.
Two hours later you were a little over halfway done with building the Death Star, and fatigue was beginning to catch up with you after you neglected your sleep schedule and pulled three all-nighters in a row bingeing Netflix with Sam.
You let out a yawn as you flipped through the instructions pamphlet, stretching your arms up in the air.
"You tired?" Steve asked. You were too tired to respond, simply leaning into him and closing your eyes.
"You can take her to the guest room. Straight down the hall, then turn right," Peter said as he noticed you'd now fallen asleep on him. "We can continue this after dinner."
Steve scooped you up into his strong arms and carried you down the hall, pushing the door to the guest room open with one hand before carefully setting you down on the bed, tucking you in.
"Sleep tight," he whispered, a ghost of a smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss your forehead and left.
"Ahem. Now that she's gone," Ned cleared his throat, "time to plan on how we're supposed to get our OTP together!"
"Ned, really-"
"You should ask her out, Cap. I see the way you look at her," Peter raised an eyebrow at him, "I mean, it's clear to everyone how you feel about her, and the way she feels about you. Sam sees it, Mr. Stark sees it, heck, I think May has her suspicions as well because she wouldn't stop talking about how great of a couple you two would be over dinner last night-"
"Look, Peter, I don't think she's ready for a relationship."
"Why not?"
"She just broke up with her boyfriend two months ago. I doubt she'd be willing to date again."
"But you're her best friend! You're literally the perfect man for her!"
"It doesn't matter. I'm not taking advantage of someone when they're vulnerable. That isn't right."
He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest and kicking his feet up against the coffee table, tossing a spare Lego piece up and down in one hand. "Yeah, I totally believe the great Captain America isn't in love with the great Y/N."
"She's my friend. A teammate."
"Friends with benefits!" Ned chimed in. Steve made a face at this. "No, not like that. I mean that as in, you guys do all the things that regular couples do, except you're not officially a couple. And I think that's big enough of an indication that you should get together for real."
"I'm just waiting for the right time."
"AHA!" both boys shouted. "So you are in love with her!"
"Keep it down!" he scolded. "She's asleep!"
"You didn't deny it this time..."
"Fine, whatever. What do you guys want for dinner? I'll go pick it up."
"If Y/N asks where I am, just tell her I went to go get the food."
As soon as the door shut behind Steve, Peter and Ned's heads immediately whipped over and they faced each other, exchanging evil grins.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Ned practically squealed.
"Yeah, I'm thinking what you're thinking!"
"Romantic dinner and movie night setup!" both boys whooped and hollered.
"I'll light the candles and get the napkins. May always keeps a stock of scented ones when Y/N comes over because she loves the smell of cherry blossoms."
"...I'll grab the rose petals and tablecloth."
"Rose petals?"
"Mind if I tear apart the flower on your desk?"
"Yeah, yeah, go ahead. Also, the regular tall candles are in the cabinet below the sink in the bathroom."
Twenty minutes later, Steve came back with the pizza in hand, setting the keys on the counter and closing the door, stopping dead in his tracks as he observed the scene before him.
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"What is going on?"
"We set up a date night for you two because we know you've been working hard this past week and deserved to relax," Peter explained happily. "So, here you go!"
"Peter," Steve sighed, rubbing his forehead, "I appreciate your effort, but Y/N isn't ready for a relationship and neither one of us has feelings for the other."
"But you guys deserve a break! After working nonstop you should at least rest or something."
"Alright, alright. I'll go get Y/N. You guys set the pizza on the plates for everyone, okay?"
"Got it."
You yawned and rubbed your eyes, then stretched your arms up into the air, skidding to a halt as you observed the sight before you.
“Wh...what’s going on?”
Peter and Ned grinned from where they sat on the couch, paper plates on their laps. “We thought you deserved a nice break, so we set up a little something for you guys!”
“A romantic dinner? Why...”
"It looks pretty and gives off a relaxing mood. Why else?” Peter laughed nervously. “Now eat!”
“Okay...” you started growing suspicious, but didn’t question it, “alright, then.”
You fell into an awkward silence after that, aside from the occasional sound of silverware clinking against plates and drink glasses being set back down on the table. The atmosphere felt heavier than before and you couldn’t help but wonder what it was. 
“So, uh...how have you been holding up?” Steve asked you tentatively. He knew the topic of your ex-boyfriend was still that of a rather sensitive one - you’d come storming through the elevator doors and gulped down half a bottle of vodka (you never drank, so this had everyone genuinely worried), before heading upstairs and taking a forty-five minute shower, then afterwards, proceeded to lock yourself in your room for the rest of the afternoon. 
When you wouldn’t come down for dinner, he had to carry up your food to you and when you refused to eat, he was the one to force-feed you. When you suddenly broke down sobbing when he asked you if you were alright, he was the one who held you in your arms. He was the one who got you out of bed to bring you downstairs for some fresh air and to interact with the others, and not once during the time he was having to take care of you for, did he question any of your behavior. You were hurting and that was all that mattered. If you were hurting, he was hurting, too.
“It’s been a rough eight weeks...” you sighed, rubbing your forehead with one hand as you took a sip of wine. “Could be better, but...I’m alright. I just wish I could’ve seen that coming from the moment I went on that blind date with him.”
“What do you mean?” Steve was confused - you’d never mentioned any details of your relationship, you were a very private person, for that matter. You rarely ever opened up to anyone. “I thought you were...”
“Happy? Hell no, I don’t even know why I stayed,” you scoffed as you took another swing of your drink. “It was so easy to fall into a routine. There was this gaping hole in my heart, and...I needed it to be filled somehow. Then Agent Williams comes along, a seemingly perfect new SHIELD recruit, almost everything a girl could possibly want in a man standing right in front of me...how could I not fall for his façade? I didn’t realize it was doomed from the start until about a week into the relationship...but I held my tongue. I knew if I dared to speak up against him, he’d somehow manage to use my words against me, twist everything I said into a whole new lie...he manipulated me, day after day...yet I still didn’t leave because I genuinely believed he’d change. 
“But I was wrong. I was naïve, I stayed because I was so desperate to experience true happiness that I went as far as to stay with someone I knew would do a number on my mental health in the long run. I shouldn’t have been surprised when I walked into HQs one day to drop stuff of for Coulson, to see Williams on top of someone else...in the gym. In the gym...of all places. I only didn’t blast him because I didn’t want to destroy Fury’s property. So I slapped him and left. That’s it. This whole...fling, or whatever the hell you want to call this shitty relationship, lasted only twenty-six days before everything fell apart. God, I’m so stupid - I should’ve known. I was so stupid, I’m such a horrible person for doing what-”
Steve felt his blood boil with anger. Williams had cheated on you - that’s why you’d broken up. All this time he’d been thinking that you simply fell out of love, or maybe ended it on friendlier terms - when in fact, it was anything but.
Nobody deserved to be treated this way, especially you. I could treat you much better, he thought to himself.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said softly, reaching a hand up to wipe the stray tears that fell from your eyes. Instead of letting his hand fall back at his side right away, he let it linger there for a moment, gently stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. The feeling sent electricity up his fingers. “It’s not your fault. You’re not a bad person...he is.”
“Shit, I think our plan’s backfiring,” Peter hissed into Ned’s ear as they watched the scene unfold from the couch. “What the fuck, Ned!”
“Shh! Hold on, they’re having a really deep conversation. Let them be for a second.”
“I was stupid enough to stay, when he was giving off all the wrong signs...I should’ve listened to Tony and Nat. They knew. They knew from the moment we first got together, but I didn’t listen...”
“It’s okay. You didn’t know any better,” he reassured you, absentmindedly taking your hand in his and rubbing circles across your palm, “you just wanted to be happy. To experience that feeling that came along with being in a relationship. Frankly, I think I would’ve done the same thing.”
“And what makes me feel even worse,” your voice caught in your throat as you spoke, “...were my true intentions of staying. I wanted to be happy, I really did. But I realized I’d never achieve that with someone like him...in a way, I was using him too, I guess. Not for my personal gain or anything, not to boost my social status, like he did...he always made a point of walking around and declaring that he had an Avenger girlfriend. But...”
“But what?”
“I knew if I was in a relationship with someone, that’d prevent me from thinking about being with anyone else. Well...that plan failed...horribly.”
“...What are you saying?”
“Of course, I didn’t figure that out until not long ago...but yeah. The heart wants what it wants...and it didn’t want him.”
“Then who was it?”
Your gaze flickered down to your now-intertwined fingers. You hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “...I think you know who it is, Steve.”
“See!” Ned kicked Peter in the shin as he was in the middle of finishing off his second slice, and he winced. “It’s getting saucy!”
“I think we both know,” Steve murmured. 
You let out a sound that was a cross between a laugh and a sob. “I don’t know why I tried pursuing a relationship that wouldn’t fulfill me in the long run. I should’ve known it was you all along, huh? You know me like the back of your hand. For Odin’s sake, you remembered every detail of my SHIELD file, my favorite color, my exact birth date, everything there is to know about me. It’s always been you-”
“...It broke my heart to see you with someone who wasn’t me,” he said quietly.
“Then why didn’t you say anything?”
“I didn’t want you to feel like I was meddling in your love life. I know you hate it when people do that.”
“I knew you weren’t as happy as you let on. I shouldn’t have stayed silent...I should’ve at least said something. I was terrified to speak up, thinking that you wouldn’t reciprocate my feelings-”
“You...you what?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled lightly, “I’m in love with you.”
Peter let out a squeak. Ned chucked a pillow at him, a giddy look on his face.
“Good news,” you laughed, “because I’m in love with you too.”
“FINALLY!” Ned whooped, unable to contain his excitement for any longer. He and Peter exchanged a fist-bump. “FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! I can’t believe our ship finally sailed! Though I gotta be honest, I had no idea pizza could bring out people’s true feelings like that.”
“We’re geniuses!” Peter squealed, pulling out his phone.. “Oh, wait until Mr. Stark hears about this!”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Peter, don’t you dare c-”
Too late. A buzzing sound came from your phone, alerting you of a new notification, and you unlocked it to see a text from your father. 
Mr. Stank😡: Took you long enough, honey. I expect a grandchild soon.
Mr. Stank😡: But I’m gonna be honest, I wouldn’t want any other man for you than Capsicle himself.
You let out a loud groan, shoving your phone back into your purse. “Oh, come on.”
A buzzing sound came from Steve’s phone as well, and he took it out of his pocket to take a look. 
Stark: You better not knock her up until after you get married and then leave. I learned that lesson too late. I’m being serious when I’m telling you to treat her right - she hasn’t been the same since her mother walked out all those years ago. You make her happy, though, so I won’t try to intervene.
Stark: But if you hurt her in any way, I’ll break your face. Capiche?
Steve: ...Capiche.
“Ooh! I just got a promotion for telling him about you guys!” Peter clasped his hands together. “I’m joining you on your next group mission!”
“That’s great, Peter!” you congratulated, “but...why would he give you a promotion for...this?”
“Because he’s been waiting for this to happen for the longest time! Oh and also, your food’s getting cold.”
“We could just reheat it. Or...if you guys are still hungry, do you want to go to Olive Garden?” Steve looked over at the two teenage boys. 
“Y/N, what about you?”
“It’s a date,” you winked. You let out a small laugh upon seeing his cheeks flush red.
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1.1/Friday afternoon/KNJ
Series Protector, protected
Part 2/?
Summary On your way home, you encounter someone in need of your help. Giving it earns you six new friends and one new enemy.
Genre(s) Drama, fluff, bit of angst, bit of antagonists to lovers, eventual smut, hurt/comfort.
Pairing Namjoon x Reader.
Warning(s) Alcohol consumption.
Tags Tourist!AU, reader is a clumsy brave idiot, Jungkook is everyone’s baby, possessive!Namjoon, this will be a long one.
Wordcount 1.5K.
A/N I’m new to the social media AU sphere and also not from the US, if anyone could recommend me an app or a program for good fake texting/insta/twitter, that’d be amazing and I would love you forever.
On Friday afternoon, you were frowning into your gin tonic. Ani slumped into her seat across the table from you. A sigh left her lips, which went unnoticed by you as you watched the ice cubes in your drink. She narrowed her eyes at you and your expression.
“Earth to Y/N,” she said slowly, “are you here with me?”
“I take that as a no.”
“Yeah.” You considered the glass in front of you critically, with a look so scathing that it was usually reserved for incompetent colleagues, or annoying plaintiffs. Diluting liquor, you mused, seemed like a waste of everybody’s time, and yet you couldn’t stand shots without a chaser. You wanted to cling to that train of thought, somewhere between cocktail recipes and youthful memories, but you couldn’t. Mentally, you were still stuck on the group you encountered last night, replaying the encounter in your head over and over again. Your regrets had launched you into a full-on anxiety spiral that morning. You should have insisted on going with them. You should have insisted they take Jungkook to the hospital. Hell, you should have at least given them your damn name so the cops would have a witness. Bottom line, you should have done anything that didn’t include you awkwardly shuffling your way out of there. You felt like an idiot even thinking about it, but you couldn’t not think about it, either, because you were simply too old to behave like a headless chicken.
“I’m hungry,” Ani said, picking up the menu again, “let’s split some nachos.”
You hummed a response. Nachos seemed like a good way to take the edge off before you ordered another gin tonic. And then another. With ice. Which was cold. Like nights usually were. Unlike last night, when you had left a group of helpless tourists standing in an alley on their own… damn it. You had almost managed to pull yourself out of it. Almost. You forced yourself to look at Ani, whose eyes were focused on something behind you. She shook her head before saying: “That dude is wearing two fanny packs. No, three. Tourist much?”
Your head whipped around so fast you almost snapped your own neck. Sure enough, there was Seokjin, digging into one of his many pockets while Namjoon was fiddling with his phone and Hoseok studied the menu board of a restaurant further down the street. You nearly fell out of your chair in disbelief. They were all there, all seven of them. Either you got heatstroke at lunch and were now hallucinating, or the universe was sending you a sign to make things right.
“Order the nachos, Ani,” you mumbled. Without acknowledging her answer, or considering your choices further, you pushed to your feet and started walking towards the men. You were a few feet away, heart hammering in your chest, when you called out Namjoon’s name. More than one head shot up. You scanned their faces quickly, and they all seemed okay. Jungkook’s bruises looked better in the daylight, too. A smile blossomed on your face as the relief crashed right through you. Hoseok and Jungkook smiled back at you.
“Hey, guys,” you said.
Namjoon’s expression was unreadable when he looked at you, the hint of a strained smile playing about his lips. “Hello, Y/N.”
“You all look alive. And kicking. That’s good.” You felt a familiar nervousness claw its way up your spine, settling at the back of your neck like an oversized memory. Your hand came up to brush your hair from your face, and you found it trembling a little. “How’re you, Jungkook?”
“I’m good, thanks.” There was that grin again, slightly mischievous, but mostly sweet. You had no idea how any self-respecting mugger could have picked him of all people as a victim.
“Good. Great, actually. I, uh, wanted to apologize for running out on you like that yesterday. I should have stayed. Did you end up going to the police?”
“We did,” Namjoon said, “They wanted to put out a call for witnesses when we couldn’t give them your name.”
You blushed at that, because of course they did, and you didn’t think of it. “Yeah. Again, I’m sorry. I’ll get down to the station next week.”
“Seven strangers late at night,” he replied, shrugging in lieu of mentioning what seven strangers late at night might be capable of, “I would have wanted to leave, too.”
“Oh no,” you were quick to assure him, “No, not that at all. Just… that was my first mugging, too. In a way. I’m just glad Jungkook is fine.”
He crossed his arms against his chest and you wondered if that was his defense or offense. “Jungkook is fine, alright. We’ve been his friends for years, we took care of him.” You raised an eyebrow at him, very inclined to meet his tone at least halfway. The underlying challenge was not lost on you.
“Except for the time you lost him, of course. His English is good, though, I’m sure he would have found his way back – eventually.” You noticed that the other six had taken a few steps back, Hoseok and Yoongi grinning at each other, the others looking away.
Namjoon’s jaw was working hard to contain whatever unfriendly things he was undoubtedly thinking. You watched a range of emotions cross his face before he managed to settle on a smile.
“Again, thank you for your help,” he said, clearly intending to end the conversation there. You were ready to accept that, knowing now that they were safe and well, when Jungkook put his hands on Namjoon’s shoulders from behind and mumbled something into his ear. You were close enough to hear that something was being said, but not what.
“Would you be open to us buying you dinner as a thank you?” Namjoon sighed. You perked up immediately.
“It would be my pleasure,” you practically purred. You never said no to free stuff, categorically. It was free stuff, after all. Also, during your day of self-inflicted mental torture about the fate of the seven strangers, you had found yourself curious about them, their dynamic, whether they had enjoyed their vacation so far. There were things you wanted, no, needed to know. You didn’t believe much in fate, but two chance encounters were one too many for even you to ignore. So before Namjoon could change his mind or grab Jungkook and make a run for it, you pulled your phone out and motioned for him to do the same. Seokjin seemed to put as much trust in Namjoon as you did, because you saw him typing while you recited your phone number out loud.
“Tomorrow?” you asked, “I can come pick you up if you want.”
When Namjoon smiled this time, it seemed almost genuine. “Our treat, so we’re picking you up.”
After a few more waves and bows and goodbyes that were slightly less awkward than before, you returned to your table from where Ani had been watching the situation unfold, always ready to intervene if you showed any kind of discomfort or alarm.
“Don’t tell me that was them,” she scoffed into her beer.
“And when did your life become a romantic comedy?”
“There’s nothing romantic about it,” you protested immediately. “It’s called civic courage. My duty as a citizen.”
“You’re full of it, Y/N,” Ani said, “but they’re hot. Whoever Jungkook is, you should have carried him to the hospital bridal style and locked that shit down.”
“Shut up and mind your boyfriend instead of ogling tourists.”
“Getting possessive already, are we?”
 After running some much needed errands on Saturday morning and getting some even more urgent cleaning out of the way, you were contemplating your closet when your phone vibrated with a new notification.
“I have no time for more of your boyfriend drama, Ani…” you mumbled to yourself as you picked it up. It wasn’t Ani, however, it was Namjoon, confirming the dinner time.
“Ever the gentleman,” you told your empty bedroom, but texted back something affirmative anyways. The big question remained, what in the fuck am I going to wear? So far, “dinner” was all the information you had. That could mean anything from a pizza slice to an actual reservation. You didn’t know where, what, for how long, would there be dessert? Should you wear a dress, or a dress? Sneakers or boots, in case you had to walk? The uncertainty was stressing you out more than any meeting you’d had this week. You decided it was high time to call the cavalry, but then Ani didn’t pick up and you were left to your own devices once more. Frustrated, you flopped down onto your bed to scroll through some apps. Your messenger was still opened to the last message, and you figured even Namjoon wouldn’t find a reason to get annoyed at you over a simple question.
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You groaned, burying your head in your comforter. He really had to make this harder than absolutely necessary – not that you had expected him to be actually helpful. But even without his expertise, you were dressed and ready when 7 came around and your doorbell rang.
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 32
Series Masterlist
Chapter 32
A/N: I finished this kind of quickly and wanted to get it out so I didn’t re-read it, So I hope it’s okay. Italics indicates flashback.
Summary: You and Fred adjust to a home life with three kids, and attend Sidney and Kathy’s wedding.
Warning: Drinking, swearing, smut, oral sex (m+f) receiving
Word Count: 5800
“Hey” you smile wrapping your arms around Kathy.
“Hey come in” she smiles pulling to the hotel room. You walk in seeing the five other bridesmaids and a bottle of champagne already empty on the table. A couple of the girls have face masks on, laughing about something; others are sitting on the couch with half empty glasses. Tomorrow is Sidney and Kathy’s wedding, being a bridesmaid you are staying with the group for a relaxing night before all the festivities begin first thing in the morning.
“You must be so happy to get away for a night” one of the girls says to you, Kathy passing you a red solo cup with champagne.
Tonight is the first night you are without the kids, and its Fred’s first time watching the three of them for a night alone. You chuckle slightly “yeah I feel bad for Fred” you say taking a sip.
“You don’t have to lie to us” Kathy says smirking over her cup.
You smile and chuckle “okay I kind of feel bad for him but I’m also super happy to be away and have a night off. A night with an entire bed to myself, it is going to be amazing.”
“And no diapers or someone puking on you” one of the girls jokes causing everyone to laugh.
The twins have been home for almost 5 weeks and it has been just as crazy as you imagined. You haven’t left Fred alone with the three of them for more than a couple hours at a time; not because you don’t think he can handle them but because you feel bad given how crazy it has been. That is until three weeks ago.
“Freddie” you call walking out to the living room. Fred is lying shirtless on the couch, Noah resting against his chest and Lucas sleeping in his arm. Fred doesn’t respond and you walk further in “shhh daddy’s sleeping” Oliver calls from the floor playing with a puzzle, causing you to smile placing your groceries on the counter.
You had some errands to run and left Fred alone with the three boys for the first time. You felt bad leaving but Fred said he would be fine, but you remember the time you were alone with them and how terribly it went. Fred reassured you everything would be fine so you headed out.
You had a dentist appointment and a hair cut in preparation for the wedding. After your haircut you checked your phone not seeing any notifications and went to get some groceries; but you didn’t notice you had accidentally put your phone on flight mode; preventing calls and texts from getting through.
Your smile quickly fades as you scan the room taking in what has unfolded during your absence. Dishes and bottles were pilled all over the counter; Fred’s shirt is thrown over the back of a barstool. You see some vomit staining his blue t-shirt and chuckle lightly. Oliver has a million toys strewn across the floor his shirt nowhere in sight.
You walk over to Oliver, dodging the blocks scattered around the floor and kiss his forehead “you good for daddy while I was gone?” you ask softly and he nods not looking up from his puzzle.
Your eyes shift to the couch, soft snores leaving his mouth and he has some dried vomit in his hair. You carefully pull Lucas from his arm and Fred doesn’t move. You walk across the room and put him in his baby swing turning it on a soft setting.
When you pick up Noah Fred stirs and his eyes flutter open “hey” he mumbles through a raspy dry voice.
“What happened to his clothes?” you ask eyeing to Noah who is just in a diaper.
“He had a um…incident” he mumbles rubbing his eyes. “Diaper, poop” he pops his hands open to mimic an explosion. “After cleaning him in the sink I never managed to get him some new clothes.”
You sit beside him on the couch bouncing Noah in your arms trying not to laugh, but secretly thankful you missed it. “Lucas projectile vomited all over me” he groans rolling on his side while you brush his hair out of his eyes. “Oliver had something, I don’t even know. He picked up on the stress or wanted attention, I don’t know. He had a meltdown; threw his toys around spilt lunch on himself and the floor. Twins were screaming bloody murder, it was a fucking disaster.”
“Why didn’t you call me?” you ask watching his eyes close again feeling extremely guilty being gone for so long.
“I did, it went right to voicemail, texts undelivered. I figured you just wanted to enjoy your time away” he laughs.
“Sorry babe” you respond lightly placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
“It’s okay, I just don’t remember newborns being this tiring” he mumbles rising up on his elbow. His eyes go wide while he takes in the disaster in front of him..
“Last time we were younger. There was also only one baby then” you respond laying him back on the couch.
“Calling me old babe?” he laughs eyes closing. You kiss his forehead and place a blanket over him “no never” you joke smiling at him. ”Go have a nap I’ll clean up and make dinner.”
“Babe don’t leave me again” he mumbles which causes tears to prick the corner of your eyes; guilt washing over you. You shoot him a soft smile and stand up to get some clothes for Noah.
Since that day three weeks ago neither of you have left the other alone for an extended period of time. That is until now; he reassured you he would be fine, having a few more weeks to adjust to having three kids. You promised to make sure your phone wasn’t on airplane mode and he promised to message you if something happened. But you honestly doubt he would call you tonight, the night before the wedding unless the house was on fire.
A few hours later you are in your pyjamas in your room alone, you want to just curl up under the duvet and wait until the morning light filters in through the window but you know you shouldn’t. You pull your phone out Facetiming Freddie.
“Hey babe” he mumbles. The screen is dark for a second while you wait for him to turn on a lamp. He presses his eyes closed, gently rubbing the sleep from them before squinting at the bright lights.
“We’re you sleeping?” you ask. You look to the clock and it reads 11:06 and you feel a tinge of guilt.
“Yeah well looking after three babies for almost 8 hours gets can be exhausting” he sighs resting his phone against the pillow. “Fell asleep at like 9:30.”
“Sorry go back to bed” you say softly “I’ll see you tomorrow anyways.”
“No I want to hear about your night of freedom” he laughs. “You girls do anything crazy?”
“Room service, mani/pedi’s, face masks, champagne” you say smiling.
“Sounds really nice” he yawns eyes struggling to stay open.
“It is, now I have this king sized bed all to myself” you respond.
“It sucks I miss you in this bed” he whines.
“I’d miss me too” you giggle into the phone.
The corners of Fred’s mouth curl up, “drunk babe?” he laughs.
“We didn’t drink a lot with the wedding tomorrow and everything” you explain, a hiccup coming out of your mouth. You laugh a little bit “maybe I am a bit” you reply and Fred laughs back into the phone.
“I like slightly drunk (Y/N)” he says seductively. “Drunk (Y/N) is fun.”
You grin into the screen and talk a little bit longer, he tells you about his night with the boys. You tell him more about the night with the girls, your buzz from the champagne making you extra talkative. You notice Fred is quiet and see his eyes are shut, having fallen asleep holding the phone. You chuckle and hang up, quickly falling into a deep sleep.
“Oh we’re having kids right away, by this time next year I want there to be a baby” Kathy says from her chair getting her hair done. Sarah the maid of honour walks around handing out some mimosas to everyone before sitting down for her hair.
“I’m legit getting my IUD out 5 hours before we leave for our honeymoon, we aren’t messing around” she says taking a sip.
“Oh I need to get mine” you say quietly, with how busy the past few weeks have been you forgot to make an appointment.
Kathy all but chokes on her mimosa “what do you mean you need to get yours?”
You turn your head meeting her gaze not realizing she heard you. You feel all eyes on you while the hair stylists continue quietly working on your hair. “I’ve just been so busy the past month or so, I completely forgot to make an appointment. Three babies are a lot, were constantly busy.”
“And you think four will be easier?” she scolds from beside you. “Are you trying to get pregnant again!?”
“God no, we are done, we decided pretty soon after finding out it was twins we were done” you saw laughing.
“Then why aren’t you on birth control? You guys are obviously very fertile” Sarah jokes taking a sip from her glass.
“Well the plan was for me to get an IUD after giving birth, but after the emergency C that didn’t happen. But we’ve been so busy since the twins came home; I mean we barely have time for sex.” That part isn’t a lie; you would only need one hand to count how many times you have had sex. Lucas and Noah are on opposite schedules during the night, so when you get one to sleep, you get about 2 hours or so before the other wakes up. Between the limited sleep and chasing a rambunctious toddler who has been boycotting nap time it has led to you and Fred spending most nights actually sleeping instead of tangled in the sheets.
You get some suspicious glances from the girls “a couple nights ago we were getting ready for bed and Fred came up behind me in the bathroom kissing my neck. I finished my routine and walked into the bedroom less than ten minutes later and he was snoring on top of the sheets. It’s pretty common in our house” you laugh.
“Kay, but Oliver took one time” Kathy says.
“Yeah but I’m breast feeding, it’s 99% effective until they are 6 months. I will get an IUD but until then my doctor says we’re protected.” you reply smiling. The women drop it and continue with casual conversation while you finish getting ready.
“You look stunning” Fred says finding you after the ceremony at the fountain outside the venue. The entire wedding party and family members are scattered around in various conversations while the pictures are taken. His hands rest on your waist he leans down to kiss your cheek.
Kathy picked out a navy spaghetti strap dress with a deep v-shaped neckline, the fabric gathers just above your waist. There is a slit coming up your leg, stopping high on your thigh. You have a natural look for makeup complete with nude lips and gold eyes. You have a braid in your hair creating a crown around the back; it then is pulled into an updo at the back of your head with a few loose curls framing your face. Your hair being held back by a million bobby pins shows off the cut of your dress.
“Thanks babe” you respond smiling. You run your hands over his suit jacket “you look amazing too” you rise slightly on your heels to kiss him on the lips. He is wearing a new crisp burgundy suit with a black skinny tie.
“Ok, I look good, but have you seen yourself? I’ll have to thank Kathy later” he jokes placing a hand on your lower back. “This dress babe, absolutely stunning” he leans down to place another kiss on your lips when you get interrupted.
“(Y/N) we need you for a picture” Sarah calls causing Fred to groan and pull away from you.
“Guess I’ll just have to stare at you for the next few hours” he brings his lips to the side of your face “and think of what I’ll do once you’re out of that dress.” He pulls away smirking at you and walking away from you, you feel some wetness pool between your legs. You take a couple deep breaths before joining the group for pictures.
The rest of the wedding goes off without a hitch, throughout the dinner you feel Fred staring at you from his table across the venue. Every time you catch him staring he smiles at you and turns his attention away briefly, only to bring it back a few minutes later. You shake your head at him slightly; your eyes go wide when he licks his lips with his eyes locked on you.
“You know the entire ceremony all I was thinking about was what you’re going to look like in a wedding dress” he whispers hand sliding onto your lower back dancing slowly to the music.
You smile looking past him but turn to meet his gaze “I mean it” he says kissing your forehead “I can’t wait until it’s our wedding.”
“Want to push it to next year?” you ask while he spins you back into his hard chest. You had been discussing taking two years for the wedding just so you aren’t rushed and don’t have to pull time away from your family to get everything done.
“Think we can get everything done in time? Won’t be too stressful for us” he’s holding you close; you can smell his cologne causing your breath to catch in your throat.
“Yeah I was looking at places, and this one castle has a planner that will help coordinate most of the stuff” you respond. “They do the food, alcohol, décor and have an in house photographer and videographer.”
He turns to look at you slightly confused “didn’t know there were any castles in North America.”
“Oh I was thinking Denmark” you say smiling up at him.
Fred stops dancing looking down at you “you want to get married in Denmark?”
“Yeah” you smile. “It’s so beautiful there, and it’s where you’re from.”
“And you’re from Canada; there are a lot of beautiful places there. You don’t want to get married there?” he asks.
“Canada doesn’t have castles, besides we can leave the boys at your moms and go on our honeymoon” you say causing a large grin to cross his face while he resume dancing.
“So Denmark, next summer” he repeats with a smile on his face. You nod in agreeance feeling Fred’s lips press against yours; you release his arm sliding a hand up to the back of his neck. You open your mouth to deepen the kiss. You feel Fred lean forward, tilting you back your other hand gripping the back of his neck. Your moans are swallowed by the kiss, his hand sliding slightly lower to your ass where it stays for a few more songs.
You see the other guests making their way to the roof and follow the crowd. You lean your head back onto Fred’s chest, his hand resting on your stomach. You tilt your head to the sky, watching as it lights up in a colourful display. Fred’s thumb gently rubs circles on your stomach, a soft sigh leaving your lips while you watch the fireworks.
“I love you” Fred whispers in your ear part way through the show “I’m so lucky to have you.”
You turn around in his grip, wrapping your arms around him under his jacket resting your head on his chest. A slight shiver courses through your body from the cool night air, arms tightening against his body. Fred pulls away and pulls his jacket off and drapes it over your shoulders. You tilt your head, your gaze shifting from the fireworks to Fred’s eyes.
The colours in the sky reflecting off his eyes while he smiles down at you. The heels you are wearing help to close the gap, but you still have to lift up slightly to press your lips to his. One of Fred’s hand rests on your back inside his jacket, the other gripping the back of your neck. It runs slightly into your hair getting caught in the curls and bobby pins currently holding it in place.
You open your mouth for him, his tongue sliding in. Your hips involuntarily arch forward into his touch, hands sliding up his stubbled chin. His hand on your back slides down giving your ass a firm squeeze causing you to pull away slightly with your draw dropping open,.
“Relax my jacket is long enough nobody can see” he mumbles bringing his lips closer to yours again. You can see the half smile tugging at the sides of his mouth when his lips come crashing back against yours.
“How long do we have to stay” you mumble into the kiss.
You hear Fred groan and feel his half erection pressing into your stomach. He pulls his left hand away to look at the watch wrapped around it “its only 11” he responds causing a loud groan to slip from your lips. Luckily the firework display muffles you from nearby guests.
“We have a very comfortable bed waiting for us” you continue resting your hand on his chest feeling some moisture that has collected from the dancing throughout the night.
“A bed where we can sleep uninterrupted” he jokes “no kids.”
You laugh turning your gaze back to the firework show as they prepare for the finale. “Sleeping in, breakfast in bed” he groans under his breath, you clench your legs
A few hours later after many more drinks you are finally walking into the hotel elevator. As soon as the door closes Fred is on you, hoisting you up with ease. He presses your back to the wall, your legs naturally wrapping around him. His hand slides to the bottom of your thigh, while his other to your thigh where your leg slit has left you exposed. He runs his hand up your skin stopping when he hits your hip bone. His thumb plays gently with the cloth covering your core his mouth peppering kisses along your exposed collarbone only stopping when the door dings open.
He sets you down, adjusting his jacket while you fix the fabric that has shifted from your breasts. He leads you down the hall holding the door open for you. You step out of your shoes and Fred immediately loosens his tie pulling it over his head, throwing it along with his jacket on the floor. Fred turns and bends down throwing you over his shoulder while making his way to the bed.
He throws you onto the bed a light squeal escapes from you. You hear his shoes be kicked to the side, next is a belt buckle clanging on the hardwood floor and last his vest is discarded on the ground. You rest on your forearms watching as he undoes a couple buttons from his neck. You swallow the lump in your throat feeling wetness pool between your legs.
You think about how you could stare at Fred all night while he rolls the sleeves of his dress shirt up, showing off his muscular forearm. Before you have a chance to stare much longer Fred crawls over you locking you in a hungry and passionate kiss. He bends your knee his hand running up and down the exposed skin from your slit.
He crawls down you climbing inside the bottom of your dress hooking your legs over his shoulders in the process. He slowly arches your back off the bed pulling your underwear down your legs. You feel him alternate between kissing and sucking the side of your thigh, while a deep exhale leaves your lips.
He nips your skin slowly approaching the area you need him most, his beard rubbing against your folds. He turns his head, warm breath blows against you coming closer to you. His nose presses into your clit first, followed by his mouth gently attaching to you. He flattens his tongue and licks a stripe up you, your head falling back into the pillow.
He groans against you “you’re so wet baby” he mumbles placing long licks, cleaning up what has been pooling all night.
“You’ve seen yourself right” you moan while he dip his tongue inside your walls. You feel the corners of his lips curl up at your comment licking deep inside you. Your heels dig into his back; you reach down to grab his hair but are met with the chiffon fabric of your dress. You bring them down to your side and grip the bedding his nose digging in deeper into your clit.
You buck your hips up towards his face, his hands slide over your hips pulling you down closer to his face. You start rocking your hips against his face and tongue moaning loudly. He flicks his tongue sucking against your clit.
“Oh fuckkkkk” you moan loudly. Too loudly; feeling his tongue hitting inside your sweet spot. He throws his arm over your hips pinning you to the mattress; he rolls his head around in circles, grunting and moaning into your pussy. You feel your orgasm building when he curls his tongue inside you. He brings up two fingers sliding them in and opening you up further moaning at the taste of you.
Your legs tighten around his head holding him closer to you while you clench around his tongue. He works you through your orgasm continuing the pace until you stop. You relax against him when you are finished and he pulls his tongue out all the way cleaning you up. You expect him to stop but he continues to lick up and down your pussy, flicking at your clit when he gets to it. His fingers curl in hitting your sweet spot he hits it a few times tongue flicking against your clit. He brings you to another quick orgasm, this one so strong your legs shaking around him. Your knuckles are white and you tremble; his tongue still working you through it.
He pulls his head away slowly, his beard grazing along your thighs. You shiver at the contact and the feeling of your sensitive cut being released.
“You need more clothes like this” he says head popping out from your dress “the leg slit is very useful.”
You tilt your head laughing while your grip eases on the bedding. “I’ll be sure to add some in to my wardrobe, flowy dresses are very convenient with newborns.”
Fred crawls up towards you, juices glistening off his beard a smile plastered on your face. “Good” he mumbles bringing his lips to yours. You moan tasting yourself on him and feeling his painfully hard member pressing into your stomach.
He pushes your straps down your shoulders and he gently lifts your back feeling around for a zipper. “It’s on the side” you whisper turning slightly to allow him better access. You hear the zipper while he slowly drags it down you helping you out of it. He throws it over to the side, falling off the chair onto the floor.
His mouth immediately attached to your breast sucking on the nipple. You bring your hands down to his waist fumbling with the button as his thumb reattaches to your clit. A loud gasp leaves your lips having not recovered from your previous two orgasms. He chuckles mumbling something against your exposed flesh while you try to focus through the pleasure to push his pants down his thighs.
His mouth switches to the other breast; you bring your hands up to address his shirt. You lift a leg trying to push his pants down with your foot. Fred’s thumb presses harder into your clit causing a loud moan to leave your lips.
“Freddie” you whine unable to concentrate on stripping him. His head pops up “yeah babe?” he asks knowing exactly what you want.
“You need to stop so I can take your clothes off.”
He just smiles at you and pulls away resting on his knees. He undoes the final two buttons and pushes his dress shirt off his body; you see beads of sweat rolling down his chest. He pushes his pants and boxers of his legs his cock springing free. A light moan escapes your lips watching it slap against his stomach. It’s painfully hard, head glistening with precum your mouth waters thinking about wrapping your lips around it
“You can’t” he whispers following your gaze. A pout comes across your lips “just a little” you whine back.
He groans and falls onto his back shaking his head at you “just a taste” he responds bending an arm behind his head. “Thanks” you hum adjusting yourself between his legs.
You wrap your lips around the tip, and slowly take more and more into your mouth until he is hitting the back of your throat. You can hear Fred moaning, you look up at him through your lashes half expecting him to cum then and there from the sounds he is making. You swirl your tongue around him, running it up the vein on the underside, he attempts to grab your hair but is met by a mess of hairspray and pins.
You rise up leaving just the tip remaining in your mouth. You smirk up at him and bring your mouth down, your nose hitting his pelvis. His hips lift off the bed while you do this a few more times. Finally you feel him grip your hair and pull you off him, saliva dripping down your chin.
“I said a taste” he growls pushing you onto your back. You feel him poke at your entrance and slowly push into you. You take a sharp inhale feeling him stretch your walls from the limited sex you have had with him recently.
He continues to gently push in you, staring at you and watching your expression the entire time while you accommodate him. He goes slowly but with determination, gently thrusting back and forth as he works his way deeper inside you. Your hands find the back of his neck, gripping his chain pulling his forehead down to yours.
The pain slowly turns into pleasure while he continues his gentle but persistent pace. His forehead is glued to yours, his brown eyes never leaving yours. Each thrust going slightly deeper than the last, Fred biting his lower lip the entire time.
You can hear how wet you are every time he thrusts into you, finally he bottoms out. His pelvis connects with yours, the head of his cock pressing up against your cervix, just gently pushing it. He softly grunts feeling your warm walls holding him in; muttering under his breath. "So sexy …Fuck..Milking my cock".
Your legs wrap around his waist, a hand sliding down his neck to his bicep. Fred picks up the pace, your nails digging crescent shaped marks in his muscles. He moves your legs so they are against his shoulders, getting even deeper inside you. You turn into a writhing mess under him, your third orgasm swiftly building. Fred snaps his hips, fucking into you faster and faster.
Your hips arch off the bed, the room being filled with your loud moans. Fred smirks knowing exactly where you are thrusting faster as you cum for him. You clench around him holding him tightly inside you, walls fluttering around his cock.
And then, Fred groans, and you are met with his familiar warmth filling you up. He gives you a few more slow thrusts before releasing your legs and he practically melts on top of you. You lightly rake your hand over his sweaty back while he moans softly, your heart rates slowly returning to normal.
His soft moans turn into soft snores. He is fully on top of you, his dick still resting inside of your walls. If it wasn’t for the exhaustion you would have woken him up, but you know how much he needs the sleep so you allow your eyes to close using the man above you as a blanket.
You are the first to wake up in the morning, Fred now lying beside you on his back. At some point you both made your way under the sheets which are hanging low on his hips. You cautiously crawl out of bed, careful to not wake the sleeping man beside you.
You return from the bathroom a few minutes later having pulled out a bunch of the pins in your hair and notice the sheet had slipped down past his waist. His beautiful cock right there on display.
You consider waking him up in a way that has been appreciated in the past but decide to let him sleep a little longer. You walk around the bed lifting the sheet and crawling back in. Fred feels the bed shift and his eyes flutter open, you lying on your arm looking at him.
“Morning” he mumbles through a hoarse voice.
“Hey” you whisper brushing the hair from his forehead.
“What time is it?” he asks rolling onto his side to look at you. He smiles, his brown eyes opening completely to look at you. You reach for your phone but it’s off causing you to groan and rise up to look at the clock on the table beside him. “Fuck your beautiful” he says bringing his thumb to rub up and down your arm.
You go to smile until you see the time “fuck Fred it’s after 11.” You quickly throw the sheet off to get out of the bed but he easily grips you pulling you back down to the bed.
“Babe” you whine “checkout is 10.”
“Well that’s long gone” he laughs. You try to push him away but he firmly holds you to his chest. He chuckles at your meek attempt to free yourself “it’s not a big deal, we’ll just have to pay for another night.” Fred rolls on top of you, his entire weight pinning you below him.
“But Christie” you start. You only have her booked until 12, and you still have to pack and do the 30 min drive across the city.
“I scheduled her til 2” he mumbles lips attaching to your neck. Before you can process what he said or respond there is a knock on the door forcing him to pull away. He stands up and throws his dress shirt your way for you to cover up with while he quickly pulls his dress pants up his large thighs.
He waits for you to do some of the buttons and adjust the blankets around your waist then opens the door. You hear some muffled talking and some creaking and are met by a man wheeling in a table with breakfast. His eyes go wide seeing you in bed, Fred’s white dress shirt doing little to hide your perked nipples. His eyes linger a little causing your cheeks to heat up; when Fred clears his throat causing the man to excuse himself and leave the room.
“You planned this” you exclaim hearing the door shut.
“That guy couldn’t have been any more obvious” he ignores you walking over to pour you some coffee.
“Fred” you say grinning at him waiting for a response.
“Yes I obviously planned this. He pours some syrup over the french toast and brings a piece to your mouth. You open slightly the fork sliding between your lips. You moan, your mouth being filled with amazing flavours.
“When I booked the hotel I made it for three nights. I actually considered trying to get you stay, but I knew there was no way you would leave the boys for three nights.” You smile at him over your mug loving that he knows you that well. As much as you have enjoyed the 36 or so hours away you can’t wait to get back to your sons.
“That and I felt bad for Christie if we had of left her alone for two nights” he laughs biting a piece of bacon.
“I figured we both could use a day to sleep in” he says bringing more french toast to you. “So I ordered us a late breakfast.”
“And my phone” you respond knowing you had an alarm set, picking up a fork and dig in to the hash browns.
“You put it in my pocket and wandered off to the bar. I just turned it off” he shrugs while you laugh. He places a quick kiss on your cheek “have to admit it was a good plan.”
He quickly returns his attention to the breakfast shovelling in a few more bites. You laugh resting your head on his shoulder “yeah you’re pretty awesome” you respond setting your mug back on the table. You feel a pin digging into the side of your skull and pull away, walking to the mirror you pull out the few you had forgotten earlier.
You hear the clatter of cutlery on the table, and Fred wheels it a few feet out of the way. His arm grips around your waist pulling a squeal from your mouth “you look incredible in my shirt” he groans pulling you to the bed. His thumb grips your hip while he bends you over the foot of the bed, his pants quickly landing in a pile at his feet.
You press your hips back feeling his erection press into your ass. He pushes his shirt up exposing you to him, he brings a hand firmly to your ass. You groan feeling pain radiate in your cheek and wetness build in your core. His hard cock grazes your folds soaking up some of your juices before he slams in to you.
Unlike last night you aren’t given time to adjust. Your ass is immediately met by his stomach, him pressed fully inside of you while he begins a fast pace. Your fists clenched on the sheet, your pussy clenches around his cock. You moan loudly, screaming into the duvet and pushing yourself back onto him.
Wedding look:
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Next Chapter
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peachiekoo · 4 years
One Beep || JJK
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“I think it’s unfair that we can’t do anything about what our heart want.”
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⇢ Pairing: Jungkook x Reader ⇢ Genre: Angst; Fluff; Romance ⇢ Warning(s): Hints of divorce, slight flashbacks to dark past moments, denialism at certain points ⇢ Word Count: 2.04K ⇢ Posted: April 10, 2020 ⇢ A/n: Hey, so I made a fic based off of a show I’ve watched recently called “Love Alarm”. It has since became one of my favorite k-dramas! I’m extremely happy that this idea suddenly came to me. (I deadass don’t think I’ve ever been this hyped to write a fic) I hope you guys enjoy and also there might grammar mistakes which I sincerely apologize for!
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Everything that happened was an accident actually.
Maybe everything would’ve been fine if you only went to class at least a good two minutes later. All of it could’ve been avoided if you weren’t trying to go run an errand for a friend. But then again, who knows?
It was a Monday morning at exactly 7:50 am when you got a text from one of your closest childhood friends, Chaeyoung.
[7:50 am] Chae🍊: bubs,, where r u??
[7:50 am] You: studying in the library
[7:52 am] You: why?
[8:01 am] Chae🍊: do you think you could drop off my paper to ms.eve? i left it in your bag
[8:01 am] You: rn?
[8:03 am] Chae🍊: I mean,,, I would appreciate if you did
[8:03 am] Chae🍊: <3
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Classic Chae move, you thought to yourself. You closed the book you had checked out beforehand as you neatly placed it in your bag before you looked for her paper.
Finally, finding the paper slightly wrinkled, you made your way to the exit. You decided to take the shorter way than the usual way since you wanted to quickly get back to studying again before heading towards your next class.
While walking, you were busying yourself with your phone. Looking at a few unread messages and scrolling on twitter before you heard a group of people discussing a new app. 
It wasn’t your intention to eavesdrop but something one of them mentioned was an app that could tell if someone had a crush on anyone in a 10-meter radius.
“Unbelievable,” you scoffed quietly.
You continued walking past them as you decided to search up about it when you were recommended an app, LoveBeep. You chuckled at it. Do people really believe this? From the app details it’s popular at the moment. Are people just that gullible.
You were so engrossed by the app that you didn’t even see the tall figure in front of you. “Sorry! I-” Your sentence stops in the tip of your tongue when you realize who it is. He reaches a hand out for you without even throwing a second glance at you.
It was Jeon Jungkook. You two were never once friends but you shared a few good past memories together as your mom used to babysit him every once in awhile growing up. Now he probably wants nothing to do with you.
You felt your heart race in anxiousness. You quickly grabbed his hand and pulled yourself up before dusting yourself off and heading towards the main reason you were on the floor anyways.
You suddenly stopped though. You turned on your heels before gently tapping him on the shoulders. He looked at you with an annoyed look shadowing over his face.
“I’m sorry.” you sputtered.
All you heard was an annoyed sigh before he faced all the way towards you. He glared down at you. You felt as if you were shrinking, both mentally and physically. You watch him softly chuckling before he turned his gaze back to you.
“I don’t want your dirty ass apology, Y/n. Your mom has already enough,” He spits. “Why are you apologizing for what your mom did? Did you have any part in it? You pity me don’t you.”
You took a few steps back unconsciously before he grabbed your arm and pulled you close. He placed his mouth over your ear. “The fact that you constantly try to fix your mom’s dirty deeds is annoying. She should be able to feel the pain that she’s given others.”
Your eyes water at that for yet, he wasn’t wrong. She did bad things, but that didn’t make her a bad person. You pushed the boy off of you with resentment in your gaze.
It was silent for a moment before your voice broke it. “You know nothing. Nothing at all. You think you got it all figured out don’t you,” you hissed. “Don’t you!” you raved.
You felt the burning tears sliding down your cheeks. “I’ve tried so hard to be generous to you. Do you think I wanted things to be like this? Do you think you’re the only going through things?” you declared. “Go to hell, Jeon!” you shouted before storming off.
Finally, dropping the papers off, you continued on with the rest of your day. Doing your very best to avoid the brown-haired boy at all costs.
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It was a late night, you were bundled under your covers. You looked across the room to see a Chaeyoung peacefully asleep in her own bed. You sighed as you rolled into another position so you could finally go to sleep but it seemed nearly impossible no matter how hard you tried.
You looked over at your phone and you remembered that ridiculous app from earlier. You grabbed it from the nightstand before typing the name into the app store before downloading
Once it was finished downloading, you inspect med the app. The first thing to pop up was a loading screen that displayed tips about the app. Once it finished loading you were introduced to a welcome sign before it faded out into 3 rings with a zero in the middle of them.
It seemed fake. Like an app, a seven-year-old girl would download to try to find her imaginary prince charming. Nevertheless, it still intrigued you. You stayed up the rest of the night trying to find out more about before you crashed around 4 am.
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A few months later, it finally starting to begin spring. The incident with Jeon is far in the back of year head as you sit on the bench and enjoy the warm air and the few blows of cool air surrounding you as you took a considerable bite out of your apple, listening to Chaeyoung as she rants about her latest “life problems”.
You feel content for the first time in a while. You feel in your gut it won’t last for long though. You inhale a deep breath to just take the moment in. You let your eyes flutter closed for a second, reassuring Chaeyoung that you’re still listening to her.
Suddenly you hear your phone beep. You look at the notification to see from LoveBeep, saying exactly, “Someone in a 10-meter radius loves you”. You were just about to put your phone back since it wasn’t like it was the first time it had beeped before but you had felt a certain urge to look up.
You looked up to see Jungkook walking past you with a friend. You were just about to ignore the occurrence when you realize, he was, in fact, within a 10-meter radius when your phone buzzed. You felt your cheeks tingling at that.
No, it wasn’t him. It can’t be him. You convinced yourself. You’re in a school, there are tons of other students within a 10-meter radius of you. He was also walking with a friend meaning it could’ve been him.
The incident could’ve been easily ignored if for the past few passing you had with him within the last month didn’t result in your phone beeping. Every. Single. Time.
You kept trying to ascertain that it was another reason for this but what really got you was when you were in art class early, drawing a few sketches to waste time. You had felt your phone vibrate as you got other notification from LoveBeep. You had heard the door open before you turned your attention over to where the sound was made.
It had fully hit you. Jungkook is the one beeping you.
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You were currently waiting by the exit of the school since Chae was taking way more longer than expected oddly since it was normally you that was always late.
The majority of the students had already left school, only a few people walking around which you assumed was for the after school clubs. You decided on going into the school to go find her when you saw the boy down the hall.
“Jungkook, we need to talk,” you said as you walked up to him. You felt your phone vibrate again in your pocket before you let out a sigh.
“What?” he asked nonchalantly. He looked up at you like you were, in fact, wasting his time.
You tilted your head at him slightly look at him straight in his eyes. You just wanted to get it over with.
How can he act so damn rude yet still have feeling for you? Seems kinda fucked up.
“Listen, I don’t wanna be here just as much as you,” you smirked at him. “I know you like me, Jeon.” All you heard in reply was bluff of air coming through his sealed lips.
He rebuked, “What in the actual fuck are you talking about? You genuinely think I out of all fucking people would like you?”
Annoyed, you pulled out your phone and went directly Into the app.
“Then what is this?”
“An app.”
“What app jackass.”
“LoveBeep obviously.”
“Okay, and what does it say.”
“I’m not reading that you can do it yourself.”
You groaned in annoyance. “Are you just that fucking difficult?” You shot the phone right in his face. “You like me.” You disputed
“You’re gonna believe an app?” he yapped through tight lips. An obvious thick tension in the air had you fidgeting with your school skirt. The reality of it hit you.
This dickhead, the one who is steadily hateful towards you. The one who you once were close with. Yet, he is someone who had a full reason to hate. Not hurting any less though.
You hated him. But you loved him. Not in the cheesy ‘I’m in love with my enemy’ type of way. But the ‘You and me against the world’ type of way. A platonic love that was now one-sided from something which you strictly blame on yourself no matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise.
Your mood suddenly turning more sour at the realization, you mutter out a barely audible “Why?” before keeping your gaze with his eyes.
“You are so sick and twisted. I know she fucked up everything but you just let it out on me and then when I feel like I did it you have then you yell at me about why am I trying to fix shit that I didn’t do. It’s because of you!” you exploded.
Not stopping there, you step to up still maintaining the connected glare as you continue on. “Then you have the fucking audacity to like me? What the fuck is wrong with you.” You wept, your emotions finally overpowering you. You were so filled with anger but it was useless because there was nothing you could do about it. “It’s so unfair you can live your life like this while I’m just here.” you ended.
“Live my life like this? My parents aren’t even in the same fucking country because of her and you think your life is tough because I developed unwanted feelings for you?” He argued.
Anger flurrying through you, your arm flung at him involuntarily, slapping him in the process. “You don’t know everything!” you screeched tear stains down your cheeks before storming off.
As you were walking off, you heard him yell out to you causing you to stop. “I think it’s unfair that we can’t do anything about what our heart wants,” You heard him let out an emotionless chuckle. “If we could do you think I would like someone as low as you?” he deadpanned before listening to his footsteps walk off.
“Fuck you, Jungkook.” you gritted out before continuing on. Deciding on going home, you decided to text Chaeyoung ahead of time.
[4:51 pm] You: im gonna walk home early
[4:51 pm] Chae🍊: ? did something happen :(
[4:55 pm] Chae🍊: y/n???
[4:56 pm] You: can we talk about it later please
[4;56 pm] Chae🍊: ofc bubs
[4;57 pm] Chae🍊: do you want me to order your favorite takeout when i get home?
[4:57 pm] You: yes pls
And that was the last time you had any interaction with Jungkook.
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a/n: I hope you enjoy this series!
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lutbys · 4 years
Christmas Party
Day 1 of Christmas at Hogwarts:
1st – You and Draco are sworn enemies. Always have, always will. But an evening spent decorating the Slytherin common room has got you both rethinking your choices.
a/n: MY DUMB ASS! I woke up this morning to no notifications for day one and i was lowkey sad bc I thought no one like it but when I checked again, I POSTED IT PRIVATELY UGHHGUGG *biggest facepalm of the century. No, at this point I've smashed my head against the wall* So I guess its on the 2nd of December then hHHHH I’m truly sorry for my dumbmity.
Draco Malfoy x Slytherin reader
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“You want me to do this all by myself!” you gawked at the boxes upon boxes of Christmas decorations Pansy dug up for tonight. “And how do you expect this to look good?”
“That’s where you come in silly! I’ve seen your decorating skills back home and its impressive. That’s why you’re our party decorator” Pansy replied, gleaming at the shiny tinsel and the mountain of fairy lights. Who knew there was enough space in this dungeon to store such cheerful items?
“But I didn’t agree to this stupid party in the first place!”
“Typical of y/n to back out at the last minute. What next? You didn’t plan on getting married so why host a wedding?” you hear Draco scoff as he descended down the stairs that lead to the dorms, his arms tucked into each other and his face disgruntled just like how he would every time he caught sight of you.
“Shut it Malfoy. I don’t see you being of much help either.” To that he only scoffed and turned his back to join in on a conversation with Blaise.
It wasn’t rocket science for anybody to realize you and Draco were never on the same page. Its been like this since the first year, from the awful hair pulling to sabotaging each other’s cauldrons during potions class. You never knew why but when you first caught sight of the boy, you’d knew you’d hate him.
“Now that the venue is all settled, Nott, Zabini and I are going to Hogsmeade for the snacks. Draco you coming?” Pansy ticked off errands from her endless to do list, her eyes racking through the list multiple times like the perfectionist she is.
“Waste my time walking around? No thank you.”
“Then its settled, Draco you can help y/n doll this place up. The faster, the better.” Before he could utter an excuse, the busy girl had pushed the two other boys away and exited the common room.
You stood in awe at the situation your best friend put you in. The two of you stood dumbfoundedly among the boxes as you raked your brain on how you were going to turn this musty dungeon into a welcoming hall.
“I suggest we throw all this shit out and call it a day.” Draco grunted, kicking a box of ornaments till it toppled and you watched as three glittery green globes fall and break into little pieces. “Unlike you, I actually have important things to do.”
“Like what? Being a git? Who do you think is going to clean that up Draco?” You bit back, pointing to the scatter of broken glass that once used to be delicate trinkets. 
“you know what? I’ve had enough of you for today. I’m going to decorate this part of the room” You gestured your hands around the fireplace “And you can decorate all the way over there”
With a dramatic roll of his eyes, Draco agreed and moved over to the tables along with his pick of decorative items.
You’ve been staring at the fireplace for longer than you wished but your mind is blank. Completely blank. And you dreaded to turn and see how much Draco has done because all you’ve been hearing for the past half hour are the crinkles of the tinsel and his frustrated moans whenever the wrapping paper didn’t fold the way he wanted it to.
Your eyes shifted from box to box as you tried to come up with something creative. Sure, your living room back at home would look extravagant to guests but that was all mom’s doing, all you had to do was help put them up. 
It was the absence of the gold chain that once perched itself on top of the dodgy Santa stuffy that caught your attention.
I swear I saw it a moment ago
You were also wondering why the gold star for the tree was missing too! After rummaging through the countless number of boxes, there was only one other person you could think of to have stolen it.
“Oi Malfoy! Next time you take something from my side, ask!” You rolled your eyes at his obliviousness.
“Why would I want things from your side? Mine looks better to begin with.” “Then where did the star for the Christmas tree go?” your confusion grew as he mirrored your expression. What is happening?
Just then, you caught sight of a little dark grey blob running across the room, its little feet making little to no noise against the carpeted floors. You and Draco turned to each other with wide eyes, Care of Magical Creatures taught you well enough to identify it as a Niffler, the little rodent who steals.
“What the hell are we going to do?” you whisper-shouted, eyeing the single seated sofa you last saw it run by.
“Its your problem y/l/n. I’m not touching that thing.” 
“Don’t be daft Malfoy, if we don’t catch it, your stupid watch will be next!” Draco scoffed at your exaggeration, but his reaction quickly dimmed as he fingered his wrist at where his fathers watch used to be.
“My watch! You jinxed it you little minx.” 
“See! If we don’t catch it now who knows what will be nex- Hey!” you watched the sly critter reach out for the string of tinsel on the floor, barely grabbing hold before going back into hiding.
Your feet worked faster than your brain as you lurched towards the sofa, trying to grab hold of its little tail but to no avail, it was faster. “Draco look out! He’s coming your way!” 
Before it could dodge the white-haired boy, Draco had caught it swiftly. The poor creature tried to wriggle himself to escape, but Draco’s grip was stronger. “Hagrid’s right. It does feel funny.” His face grimaced at the sight of the thing, its flat beak and teeny arms was not sitting right for him.
“From what I remember, all you have to do is hold it by its hind legs and shake it.” You watched him follow your instructions and everything instantly fell out of its pocket. From coins to a small piece of confetti, it rained gold. You laughed in bewilderment at the sight in front of you. Sure, you’ve learned anything and everything about these magical creatures but having the opportunity to see one in real life was quite a scene to remember. It seemed Draco too was amused with the sight.
“What a cheeky little rat! Look at all he’s stolen.” Draco said after trapping the Niffler in a nearby crate. “I don’t think this is the only house he visited.” He held out a gold Gryffindor badge that once belonged to a prefect.
“That was pretty impressive. Never seen one in my life!” your hand raked through the lost knick-knacks like it was a treasure chest. “I’m going to put this back, Pansy should be back anytime now and I know she’d freak if she came back to this mess.”
Draco too took the liberty of scooping from the pile and just then, your hands touched. You couldn’t tell if it was the adrenaline of having seen a Niffler or never have had contact with Draco, but it felt different. Almost, nice. 
It was when you looked up when you realized how close you both were to each other, close enough that your breaths mingled, close enough that if your lips were to touch-
“We’re back and we’re ready for the biggest party yet!” Pansy excitement boomed from the picture frame they entered through; her hands filled with bags from Honeydukes. 
Like acid being poured over, you both pulled away instantaneously. “What the hell happened in here!” The once happy girl’s smile went agape when she saw the mess beyond her. The chairs were toppled, the lights that were supposed to be on the walls were scattered on the floor, and a suspicious looking crate was moving on its own.
“We had a bit of a Niffler situation” you scratched the back of your neck guiltily, you had failed the one task you were given, and miserably at that. “But it’s okay! I promise you I will fix all of it.” Your words seemed to encourage her, knowing her trust on you was strong.
“You have an hour and an HOUR only.”
“The most memorable party of the year!”
“This beats Gryffindor’s for sure” 
You rolled your eyes at the cocky compliments thrown around, knowing well enough it all came from your group of friends. You didn’t know how, but you miraculously made this place lively with the time given. Having your friends entertain you whilst at it added bonus points. Now, you awed at how the lights made the room glow and the green, black and white banners hung proudly by the fireplace.
But one thing kept running through your mind as the party went on in full swing.
You couldn’t get this afternoons incident out of your head. You never noticed how his eyes were so mesmerizing and his scent so intoxicating that you would have all your clothes doused to smell like it. 
And he couldn’t get you out of his head too.
Draco stood lonely near the staircases, having no mood to mingle as he was knackered from the days events. But it was also an excuse to think over things when it came to you. He rewinded the scene over and over again, wondering what would happen it the moment never stopped, if Pansy wouldn’t have opened her loud mouth and disturbed them.
You both parted -quickly at that- as soon as the group came back, not daring to look into each others eyes for the rest of the evening.
But here you were, searching through the crowds for the one pair of eyes that had made your heart stop.
And you found them.
Staring straight back.
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sunny-jaes · 4 years
our lips are sealed
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genre: fluff
words: 953
summary: you and donghyuck have been best friends for the longest time—now that you’re dating, you have yet to reveal the truth about your relationship to the dreamies. 
you and donghyuck spent your entire afternoon at the dreamies' dorm. on days like this wherein you find yourselves with nothing to do, you often end up at the younger boys' place to play around. you tagged along as donghyuck's best friend—because that's what they knew you were to him.
what they didn't know is that you and hyuck have been hiding your relationship from them for about a month now.
the way things ended up between the two of you was almost inevitable. your best friend of several years who grew up by your side soon became someone you were growing fond of. it was only natural that you fell in love with each other.
you being in love with each other wasn't as obvious to everyone around you two because you often interacted like a bunch of kids, calling each other a variety of half-meant nicknames. your favorite name to call hyuck was "dumbass", among many others. meanwhile your boyfriend was magnanimous enough at age 13 to crown you as "muppet", which wasn't as obscene until he said that it was because your voice then reminded him of kermit the frog. around friends, this is what they would hear you call each other—but when it was just you and hyuck, he loved being able to call you "mine".
as you're sitting on the couch, squeezed between hyuck and jaemin, you mindlessly watch as they tap away on their video game controllers, while the rest of the boys are on the floor, cheering rambunctiously. when your phone lights up to show a notification, you're suddenly reminded of how late its gotten and how you had an errand to run.
"hyuck," you whisper in his ear. he turns to you for a second, then reverts his attention to the screen. "i have to go."
he nods in understanding. you wait for him to say something for a moment, and just as you can see that the game he's playing is getting intense, he hits pause on the controller. "okay, guys, y/n has to go home so i'm gonna take her." he says, getting up and tossing the controller on the couch.
"WHAT?! seriously, right now?!" jaemin whines as he stares at the two of you.
"yup, sorry guys!" you stand up and say goodbye to each other while donghyuck grabs your jacket and bag for you. the way that the boys are complaining at your sudden farewell hits you with a pang of guilt. it wasn't everyday that donghyuck got to hang out with them, and yet here he was, ready to ditch them just for you.
"wait," you say. "you don't have to take me home, hyuck. i'll be fine, you stay and go have fun."
hyuck stares at you, taken back and unsure. there was a mix of endearment and surprise in his eyes as he asks, "you're okay with that?"
"yeah, dumbass," you reply, conscious of the fact that the dreamies could still see and hear you two. "i'll see you tomorrow."
when you take your stuff and walk to the door to put your shoes on, hyuck suddenly follows. "i'll be back, guys, i'll walk with her to the elevator!" you hear him call out to the boys.
you don't notice them react and instead they get back to playing. "make it quick! also, hyung, could you buy some ice cream downstairs?" jisung calls out. hyuck grumbles at him in response, and you laugh as you both walk out the door.
the walk to the elevator is short and quiet. when you and hyuck finally make it there he already has his arms around your waist, pressing your back against his chest.
"you sure you don't mind me staying?" he asks you again. you tap on the elevator button, then place your hands over his that were on your stomach.
"i promise, it's fine. i can manage. they miss having you around, you know." 
"hmm," he mumbles, resting his chin on your shoulder. "but then i'll miss you."
you turn around. his hands move to find purchase on your hips as you look up at him, cupping his cheeks. "you're so cute, honey. you'll see me tomorrow, okay?"
you close the gap between the two of you, giving him a quick peck. when you pull away, he's smiling at you like an idiot, cheeks as red as a tomato. "love you."
"i love you too, hyuck."
the bell of the elevator signals its arrival. you get on and wave him goodbye until the doors separate you from him.
donghyuck turns on his heels to head back to the dorm, only to be met with the rest of the dreamies standing there, all five of them looking absolutely mortified.
he hopes to god that none of them saw. "why are you all out here..." he asks nervously.
"we were going to go down to the convenience store ourselves since you told jisung you weren't going to buy him ice cream." jeno replies.
"all five of you?!" "well, also because we wanted to spy on you and y/n, so..." renjun says bluntly.
when you get on the bus outside the building, your phone starts buzzing. you open to see a whole bunch of consecutive texts coming into your group chat with the boys:
fullsun: the boys caught on. we're an official couple now. and because they know we're dating they're wondering if we're getting married
you choke. oh crap.
chenle: if you have children with hyung can i be a godfather
renjun: if you ever decide break up with him y/n we completely support you
fullsun : HEY
jeno: agreed
jaemin: same, but we still love you y/n!
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Café Talks
Request from user @ravenfan1242 "Can you write a DamiRae where they grew out of the TT and went seperate ways for whatever reason. Before they had seperated they were in love with each other but his their feelings. Some years later after losing touch they see each other again and it's awkward but it's also a fire of pent up feelings that are still there."
Growing up is probably one of the hardest things for people to do. Especially when it comes time to let go of the people from that past. The same people you had numerous adventures with, and even grown go call family. Leaving the Titans wasn't as easy as I probably made it seem to be, but how could I have said 'no' to father when he told me I was growing too old to be considered a teen titan. He was right, but it didn't make it any easier.
Imagine my surprise when I had gotten an invitation from Koriand'r to join her and the rest of the ex-titans for a reunion. Which is what lead me to be here in front of the what now seems abandoned Titans Tower. Memories came flooding back to me as soon as I laid my eyes on it, I couldn't help but stare.
"It's odd, isn't it?" Said voice behind me asked. "This is the place we first met. And now here we are, years later."
I knew that voice thought it had been so long it almost seemed like a stranger.
"Hello, Raven." I smiled, turning to face her.
Her appearance hadn't changed a bit. Dark blue heels, and a leather jacket to match, a plain black dress that touched her thighs, and the same necklace she wore the time we were forced to 'mandatory fun.' The only thing that really changed about her is her hair. It no longer touched her shoulders as it had once before, instead, it was cut into a pixie. A sloppy pixie, though. It seemed like she tried to cut it herself. But, it somehow fit her.
Everything fit her, really. She looked very attractive, even if she did mean to be. Someone with her beauty, she most definitely has a boyfriend now. Somehow the thought of that stings... perhaps I'm not quite as over this past crush as I had once thought.
Raven caught up to me as we began walking to the tower together.
"I'm surprised you came," she said, "these sort of things have never really been your thing in the past."
"The ones in the past were never as meaningful as this one," I replied, keeping my eyes on the tower as we stepped inside, "if anything, Raven, I'm surprised to see you here. I had heard you've been on the hunt to find your mother for the past few years."
"Yes," she started sadly, looking towards the ground, "but with no real luck. I know she's alive, I do... but every trail I followed hasn't gotten me anywhere..." her voice perked up again, "so, I figured I needed some sort of relaxation in my life. After all, 'when the world comes crashing down, who's ready to party'?"
I only let out a small huff in response. This was something Raven and I often argued about. I keep hoping one day she comes to accept that Arella is just simply not alive anymore. I can't say I don't understand the pain she was feeling, however. For a while, after my own mother's death, I had tried to make some excuses for why she could still be alive. Of course, she isn't, and I knew that, but it never stopped me. It took me years to fully accept her death, but it seems it's taking Raven longer.
We walked inside the tower to a large cast of lights and people. It was the cleanest I had seen the inside of the tower since I first joined, more likely Koriand'r's doing, and a display of different foods and beverages of everyone's liking on a large table. From the outside of the tower, no one would ever guess such a display be on the inside. Though, maybe that was the intention.
I make my way to the sofa as I watch Raven chat with Koriand'r, Logan, and Reyes. It was... nice to see her smile at them so genuinely. Though part of me knew it was forced, I can live with the hope it's not. Perhaps it was time I helped Raven with her mother, even if I don't fully believe she's alive.
I walked over to Raven again and asked her to come with me so we could talk in private. She gave me a questionable look but agreed. I grabbed her hand and lead her to the back of the room where barely anyone was at.
"I want to help you in the search for your mother." I told her plainly.
Her eyes went from shocked to what seemed to be slight anger in seconds. "Why? You were never there to help me before? In fact, I vaguely recall you saying it was a 'fools mission' not that long before you left us."
I sighed. "Raven you and I both know I had to leave, I was almost eighteen an--"
"That's not what I'm talking about." Her voice grew sad. "I understand why you had to leave, Damian... what I don't understand is why you never contacted us again. You never visited, you didn't call, or text, hell you didn't even write a letter. Nothing. You just... left. And that wasn't fair, you know? We missed you, though you may not believe that... I missed you."
Ouch. There goes another ping to the heart. But she was right, it wasn't fair. Especially since I didn't really have a reason to do so besides the fact that half the time I was too busy to do anything but work with father. Doesn't mean I shouldn't have called in my free time.
She sighed. "You know what? Forget it. This obviously was a bad idea to come..."
She was about to leave before I grabbed her wrist.
"Wait, please," I begged, "you can hate me all you want later but... can I at least buy you a coffee, or maybe a cup of tea tomorrow? For old times sake?" God, I sounded pathetic.
She raised an eyebrow before nodding slightly. "Sure, if you really want to make up for what you did. 1 sound good?"
"Works for me." I smiled in relief as she walked away without another word.
I've been waiting for her for about an hour now. I'm starting to think she stood me up. Not that I would really be mad about it, it would certainly be good karma. Though that doesn't stop me from questioning whether I should leave or not.
"You seem like a friendly face, mind if I sit with you?" Raven said, coming up from behind and taking her seat across from me. "Sorry I'm late, I had some errands to run that I completely forgot about. I would have texted you but I don't think I have your number anymore."
"I see." Was all I said.
The waitress came to take our orders. I ordered a simple coffee while Raven ordered hot cocoa.
"Really? Hot chocolate? If my memory serves me, I thought you usually got tea and a small salad here?" I raised a brow.
She giggled. "Hey, chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree. A tree is a plant. Therefore, chocolate is a salad, and considering I'm getting it in liquid form, it also takes place for the tea."
I rolled my eyes. "Your sarcasm is still intact I see..."
"It's very rare for a personality to change in just a mere four years, Wayne." She smiled slyly.
"Four years is still a long time." I told her matter-of-factly.
"Perhaps... but only if you count the days."
Silence loomed for a while. Our drinks had been delivered, and we drank peacefully. From an outside perspective, one could think we're strangers who just say at the same table. That was until Raven broke the silence.
"So, what exactly did you want to meet?"
I let out a deep sigh and straightened my posture to show that I was serious. "I wanted to apologize for my behavior these past few years. I should have kept in contact when I had the chance to. But, if it matters, you were always on my mind."
She sighed, setting down her cup. "Well, one, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have made you feel guilty, I know how busy Bruce tends to keep you and I should have realized that sooner... and, two, really? You thought about me? I'm... surprised, honestly."
"Why wouldn't I? You were the first person who has ever understood me, and you saved me from growing to be the spoiled brat I used to be in my youth. Not to mention how dark my world was before you have me a new perspective. You made me this way. The person I am today is all thanks to you."
She didn't respond, though her face lit up slightly. She began to run her finger around her now empty mug and was deep in thought. Perhaps to find the right words to say. But her words never came. Instead, a notification on her phone that seemed to startle her.
I chuckled at her jump. "Boyfriend?"
She gave me a look of slight shock before replying. "No, no just a weather notification. I'm actually single, technically. However," she smiled a bit as her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, her voice lowered, "I do like someone. I have for a long time. And... it's funny. Because for a long time I had thought it was over him."
I raised a brow. "Wait, who?"
"Well, it's you, actually." She replied nervously.
Something inside me swelled. "Well... I might have had feelings for you as well. I think I have for a while."
"Yeah right." She rolled her eyes.
"I'm serious! I was just a coward to admit them. I remember even once practicing to do so in the mirror but never could do it in real life." I laughed at the memory.
"Now I know you're lying," She playfully jabbed at my shoulder, "come on, Damian! I look like I shouldn't even be standing next to you! You grew to be so... well, handsome. And honestly, I'm a mess. I have been for a while. I don't deserve your affection or--"
I grabbed at her hands and held them lightly. "I've loved you, despite your flaws. I had thought after some time, those feelings would have passed, but it's obvious it will never happen. So, if you want to, um..." I began to grow a bit nervous, "if you want to try something... I promise I'm not gonna leave you. You're never going to search for the answers you need, and suffer for the pain you feel by yourself again, I promise."
She smiled slightly, pulling her hands away from mine. "Damian, that's sweet, but what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm just simply not like everybody else. Between dealing with my father, and longing for my mother, I'm not as put together as I sometimes seem to be. You deserve someone better."
"There isn't anyone better for me than you, Raven... I smiled, "And speaking of your mother, my offer still stands. I still want to help you... and to love you. If you wish me to."
Raven looked down. "It feels like everyone has forgotten my mother even existed. Everyone except me. I've been looking for her all alone for so long..." her eyes lit up as she looked into mine, "but if I'm honest, I'm sick of being alone all the time. Both in my search... and my life. So... yes, Damian. I want you to be with me... and to help me... but, you know that by being with me, you're risking everything, right? I'm not exactly the safest person to be around these days."
I smiled. "It's a risk I'm willing to take... just staying by your side is enough."
She returned my smile as we paid for our drinks and exited the café hand-in-hand. This was definitely the start spectacular. For both of us.
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youarejesting · 5 years
Digital Art
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Pairing: Robot!Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff.
Summary: You are an art student, who gets regular visits from the Universities kindest and oddest AI. He explores human nature and ponders the idea’s of like and love and finds himself tangled in emotions he was never programmed to understand.
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The research lab at University S had different robotic creations that were cutting edge for human consumers. The Min-meow cat that caters to the elderly works like a real cat and purrs, yet never gets sick and can analyse owners behaviour like strokes and heart attacks in time to call an ambulance. 
Kookie the rabbit was a robot made for very young children coping with disabilities such as deafness and blindness, it could translate speech to text on the screen on its back and he could even read books to them in his little rabbit voice. 
Robot Tae was just a regular AI who walked the Lab. He would talk with the students and observe many other robots. He would sometimes lay on the floor, his chin rested on his folded hands and watch min-meow cross the room. They made his hair out of tiny thin fibre optics which meant he could change the colour depending on his mood.
He would call the role and greet each student to class, he would run errands to and from the class which was his favourite Job. 
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Today he called the roll and walked the classroom, helping students with their work and genuinely having a good time chatting. The girls put flowers in his hair and took selfies with him. He liked the girls; they made him feel happy when they smiled. The boys were friendly too always patting his back or ruffled his hair which after some research was a good thing.
“Hey Tae, have you ever been with a girl?”
“What do you mean? There are many females in this room and I am with them does that count?” He asked.
“No, dude we mean like sexually, do you watch porn?”
“He ran his systems, they connected him to the University Wifi, and he had his own built-in data it wasn’t hard to find out what they meant. I have never watched it before,” he shifted uncomfortably, “By the looks of the videos it is for human pleasure. The videos seem to work as stimulation of the auditory and visual responses. Is this correct?”
“Yes, do you have a dick?” They asked snickering he seemed a little off-put by their laughing, he knew the signal of laughing was usually a good sign of friendship but his data also told him it could humiliate the difference was the eyes and their eyes didn’t seem friendly. 
“I am a fully functioning humanoid robot, I have genitalia just like you do,” he said confused “are you making fun of me?”
“No dude, you are our little brother we want to help you get some. If you see a girl you like you should ask her if she wants to....” Tae wasn’t sure about his methods but he walked over to Daisy one of the nicest girls in the class and asked her the way they taught him.
“Tae doesn’t listen to them, boys don’t know how to get girls. When you see a girl or guy you like and I mean really like as in more than friends, you don’t ask like that,” She said sitting him down.
“How will I know if I really like them more than friends”
“Look you will know, you will find it hard to think, you will feel like you are about to explode” 
“That sounds scary”
“Love is scary, but when you feel that ask her to hang out, like ask her if she would like to see Min, girls love pets”
She patted his shoulder. And he was lost in thought, filing away this information. It was one of those days he was asked to carry a stack of Textbooks to the engineering offices. On his way there he saw people holding hands and a couple kissing against a wall. On the way back he saw a girl sitting on a stool, a puppy at her feet. She was doing something he understood in theory but not in practice. He approached and saw her paintbrush stroke the canvas slowly colouring the skies. 
“How do you do that?” He asked his hair a brilliant sky blue, he liked this he stored this in his data next to min-meow purring on his lap, the tasty oil drinks he gets for breakfast and freshly charging batteries. 
“Oh! You scared me” she said, watching his face fall and hair darken to a midnight blue. 
“I am sorry, I should go”
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It was a few days later when he saw you again waving to him and he waved back. The days past and he would pause on his errands to watch you paint a little more. Some days you explained your project other days you worked in silence.
“Do you want to try?” You asked out of the blue one day. He beeped and nodded, his hair paling to a golden colour. 
“All right hold the paintbrush with your hand and I will guide you” he nodded holding the paintbrush and your hand wrapped around his and moved it along the paper. His face lit up and he could only make strangled beeps and squeals from his auto air gun, TSC, auto door, spindle and alarm systems. This must be it, his processors were slowing down making it hard to think and his fan belt sped up, he felt like he could explode any second now.
She laughed this was such a bright friendly laugh, her small Pomeranian started barking beside her from the sound, “you’re cute what’s your name?”
“I am Tae, what is your name?”
“My name is y/n, and this is Yeontan”
“He is so wiggly and warm and soft, I have never pet a living animal” he said playing with the dog as it rolled around on his lap. You exchanged contact information, Taehyung had a mobile number and all the social media accounts, he had posted a few videos of his adventures around the Uni even showed videos of you painting. Only after asking you for permission to film you and your painting.
“Would you like to see my quadruped companion, his name is Min,” He used the line he had worked on with Daisy a few weeks ago “Girls love pets”
“Of course, I would love to see Min, girls do love animals, can I finish my painting?” you giggled and reached up taking a leaf from his hair and he nodded sitting cross-legged Yeontan curling up in his lap, he watched you paint. Once you were finished he carried your things, you placed your canvas in the art rooms before moving on to the engineering labs.
He walked you inside, and the class stopped and he smiled “Hello Daisy, I found her, she made me feel like I would explode and I couldn’t think, she is an art student. You should see it, and I asked her to come to see Min because; girls love Pets”
You were bright red as the boys whooped from the back, “Our Tae has game, getting the chicks”
“Quick y/n let me introduce you to Min,” he said and dragged you across the classroom and you bowed low to the professor apologizing for interrupting the class. You played with Min who was a grumpy and stubborn cat. “We can’t sell him as they made him too cat-like, and he refuses to listen. And this is Kookie, he was the first model but his ears are too big so for commercial reasons they made them shorter.” You pulled out your sketchbook and began drawing Tae and the three animals Yeontan really liked Kookie the latter hopping around the Pomeranian.
After class Tae introduced you to everyone including the professor. “Ah, it is nice to meet you, I have a meeting Tae you remember to lock up, message me when you do?”
“Of course” he smiled, waving goodbye. You headed home talking with him all night until he said he had to charge.
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One day was spent with just the two of you, he walked you around the university and he waved to all the students and got some photos he showed you his favourite music, his favourite place and even the little mug in the Uni store that reminded him of Yeontan. He asked why you didn’t bring Yeontan and you explained he was going for a check-up and grooming.
He brought you back to the lab, and you sat on the desk swinging your legs as you listened to him sing and sway his hips to his favourite songs. He was in a particularly good mood and he grabbed your waist lifting you off the table and spinning you around, he felt his search engines working without commands and they had brought up a web browser with videos on how to kiss. He didn’t know what came over him but he kissed you just as it explained and your lips were locked and you stumbled back together until you bumped against the lab tables.
Lost in the feeling, knowing it was wrong but unable to stop yourself. The door opened and the two of you jumped apart and you ran out of the lab upset with yourself. Taehyung was in a daze he felt cold without you, he stored yet another folder about you in his data banks.
He texted you but you didn’t reply; he got worried and continued to try texting you; he was getting worried as he plugged in Kookie and Min. He did something he had never done before. He hacked your student records to find your address he didn’t want you to be hurt or in trouble, Yeontan couldn’t call an ambulance. He ran across the city following his GPS location and the pre-programmed directions. Tae knocked on your apartment door, the door swung open and you froze when you saw him. Letting him inside shocked and very concerned. 
“Why are you here?” You asked as he sat on your couch, Yeontan making himself comfortable on his lap.
“I don’t know, I can’t stop processing and I am completing tasks without commands, things that I am not programmed to do, I can’t stop thinking about you and I was worried you were hurt, and I can’t function without you close”
“Are you saying you missed me?”
“That seems like a fitting explanation” He nodded and the silence settled over the two of you and he beeped his battery getting low. You walked him to your room and laid him on your bed, taking his charging cable and plugging him into the wall outlet. 
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As he powered down into charging mode he whispered “I want to kiss you again” 
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