#our life beginning & always x reader
keenvictory · 7 months
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Synopsis: Cove is already pretty clingy. But you wearing his clothes drives him crazy. (NSFW drabble)
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Cove Holden x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: Minor possessive talk, mostly he's just a clingy loser.
̗̀➛  Additional notes: A finished post? My word! Finally putting my near 400 our life hours to use. I hope to post more soon. Leave me some requests for ideas if you'd like!
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Nobody you know would call Cove possessive. He's beyond secure in your relationship by now, you've known each other for years upon years. Nobody on earth could even attempt to take his place in your life.
He sulks a little when something or someone steals your attention away for a long time. Jokingly complains about your coworkers getting to see more of you then he does when long hours keep you away from each other.
He's clingy, certainly. Spoiled? Absolutely. But possessive? He couldn't be. Well... That's not quite true. Cove would be lying if there wasn't a small, carnal part of him, deep deep down, that absolutely adored you belonging to him, and him to you in turn.
The feelings oh so rarely rear their ugly head, he almost forgets they're there at all. Until he sees you draped across the couch on a lazy Sunday morning, bundled up in his pajamas. Wearing his clothes has always done something insatiable to him, no matter the size difference. Whether his shirt pools around your tummy or hugs your waist tight, his cock pulses with a dreadful, needy rhythm.
You have to be aware. Right? Of course you know what it does to him. Every moment with you is heavenly, but you have to have noticed the way he squirms every time you stretch back and his shirt dips and pulls. You have to have noticed the way he fucks you far too energetically for a lazy morning, groping your chest through the soft material of the t-shirt. Surely, surely you've realized he all too often "forgets" to put your laundry in the washing machine with his own, lending you his clothes out of the lustful kindness of his heart? Whether you know what it does to him or not hardly matters, because Cove is there within moments, curling up beside you on the couch. Pressing his face against your neck, his long fingers tracing the slope of your thigh. "Cove?" You ask sweetly, putting whatever it was you were doing aside. "Do you need something?"
God he loves it when you say his name. The needy ache in him only gets worse, he tries to push your bodies flush together, almost grinding the tent in his pants against your hip. He's never been the best at initiating sex, his mind gets so hazy and the words don't come to his lips.
Not that he always minds, he hardly knows what to say ever, and there are much better uses for his mouth. Like now, as he presses gentle kisses to your neck in place of answering. He toys with the idea of nipping at the sweet skin there, leaving a little mark for later. But he's already so restless seeing a bruise he left marking you as his might have him cumming in his pants, and he really can't do that again.
"My love," You purr, and a sharp shock of want pierces through him. He bucks his hips against you, desperate. "Use your words. What do you want?" What does he want? To bend you over the sofa and fuck you senseless, possibly. To burn all the other clothes on the planet so you always have to prance around in his pjs. To make you cum over and over until you're as restless and needy as he feels. But mostly importantly, most senselessly.
"I want you."
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avalordream · 4 months
Prompt: Imagine you get isekaied in Our Life. Only thing is that you wake up as a child and remember everything. You can only save at this point but you can still access the save and load menu and see your previous runs.
Meanwhile your precious neighbor is slowly becoming self aware, getting deja vu with every passing second- as if this has all happened before...
A/N: A few days after I posted this- a few other thoughts came to mind- SO HERE IS MY ATTEMPT AT VOCALIZING THEM
You’re keenly aware of how small and tiny you are the moment you wake up. 
For the first few days, you started to acclimate to…the family home. 
It wasn’t YOUR family though. It never was. It was MC’s. Not your’s.
You could project all you wanted onto MC but it was never your family or your life to experience. It was theirs.
Even so, you quickly found yourself missing the life you were used to. More specifically:
The cuisine.
It was hard not to draw suspicion to the fact that you were craving different food genres aside from Mom’s Pamela’s mac and cheese and cheeseburgers. 
Ma’s Noelani’s Hawaiian food helped quite a bit to hold you over as you started to ponder over how to approach it.
Kind of hard to bring it up to your MC’s parents that you wanted Asian/Middle eastern/Indian/Pakistani/Mexican/etc food when there was none of that for miles around
For the time being, you had to quietly hint and nudge their thoughts into that direction but not enough to make them suspicious. Noelani obviously had her suspicions about Cove getting into the house from Step 2-3 but never brought it up once. From what you could tell, she was scary observant
Another issue was how clumsy your new body was.
Your mind might be able to remember how to do everyday tasks like writing and such but this tiny body didn’t have the muscle memory to match it
Much to Liz’s dismay, you spent quite a bit of your time forcing your hands and legs to train to do things your adult body could do in a snap
Time wise- technology was a huge sucker punch. It made you feel bad for taking your own devices for granted. 
That being said, self learning everything was going to be hard without a phone or computer on hand, especially knowing that you’d have to go through the cursed education system all over again- but most likely much harder
There had to be a reason older folk complained about it, right?...
Your MC’s birthday was the same as your own, just that the birth year is 1997. That being said, the current year was 2006… Funny. You were only two in 2006…
Back to self learning, you tried to practice what you considered basic math long after everyone had fallen asleep
Usually, your day was filled with entertaining Shiloh and Liz, playing in the park or going along with whatever Liz said. Judging by the giant for sale sign across the street and the date, you figured out that you got isekaied roughly at least a month or two before Cove and Mr. Holden would move in. 
Who knew how that would go now that you weren’t subjected to just three choices?
Even after playing around, your body was exhausted and your baby mind was just as pooped out.
The first few days you would wake up early as children do and tried doing your math and remembering as much as you could at that time
Yeah, Liz nearly gave you a heart attack after she barged in and you had to play it off as you scribbling absolute nonsense cause you were bored
After that near collision, you changed your prep time to being at night. Sure, you woke up to Liz shaking you and not getting enough sleep in the morning, but you needed to refresh your memory the best you could
You couldn’t do it every night though and did your best to keep some sort of schedule so you wouldn’t forget - and worry your MC’s moms
They noticed the first few times of how sleepy you’d be when you’d wake up later than usual - granted if Liz didn’t wake you up - and a few nights after, you nearly got caught right in the middle of your review.
Pam was more sneaky than Noelani, so you should’ve seen this coming- but even so, you had everything spread out on your rug when you just barely heard her footsteps come to your MC’s door
You had enough time to shove everything underneath your bed - your room was messy enough but better safe than sorry - and quickly dive under the covers before you heard your door open with the softest of clicks
She was around for a good while before you heard the door close again but you didn’t relax until you were sure her footsteps went back to the master bedroom
After that, you were much more careful about how long you spent studying and when. You haven’t been caught since.
Occasionally, you’d have to sneak in your MC’s parent’s room to grab any books that you needed. Good thing Noelani was a book nerd.
You did have to be careful about your self learning- you didn’t want them getting any suspicions that their kid was suddenly…different out of nowhere.
You had no idea what MC was like as a kid before the events of Our Life so you tried your best to piece together what you could 
Speaking of, there were a bunch of things you quickly realized about Our Life, one of which is that game didn’t go over nearly everything that MC went through, let alone before Cove came or others that it only touched on briefly
For example, the tourists that came and went every year happened to be close friends of Pamela’s from her time in university, hence why they were so friendly to you and Liz in particular. 
It was also why they knew how to… handle your ever changing moods. At least-
That’s what it looked like to them.
To you- it was because you had to battle MC’s initial responses to these scenarios.
Go figure, this body still had its fair share of emotions inside of it, leaving you to figure out if this sharp pang of fear or worry was your own or not.
It left you second guessing everything you did, especially when you’d be up at night, studying and practicing your writing
It seriously irked you, knowing your writing was sloppy even though you knew this body couldn’t help it. It didn’t make seeing your scrappy writing less frustrating though
Despite how much you tried to hide how YOU felt, not MC, Noelani still picked up on the small shifts in your behavior. 
One of these being the irritation you harbored for your writing. 
Speaking of emotions, you found your body easily overwhelmed by any stronger ones- your own irritation making you cry- an alien feeling and one that took even you by surprise.
Worse part? The first time happened was in front of Noelani when she tried to help you practice your penmanship
Naturally, she tried to comfort you MC by trying to console you, saying it’d be better with practice and wiping away your tears but no matter how YOU tried, the tears wouldn’t stop flowing
It wasn’t until much later that you realized that MC’s tiny self had their own limits and by pushing those adult feelings and expectations that YOU had onto it sent it into a messy overdrive.
After that, you had learned to slow down- the world wasn’t ending…even if it felt like it.
The nail in the coffin for you that made YOU cry. Not MC’s body: Your dreams started to resemble parts of your life. 
You’d dream that you were back at your desk job or filling out mundane paperwork but no matter how boring it’d be, it was YOUR life.
The one YOU were used to and familiar with
You’d always feel so relieved to be back where you were supposed to, whether you were happy with that life or not
It was that feeling of having all your choices in your hand and being in control of where you wanted to go, if that made sense.
Nobody made those choices for you except well…you.
Only to have that feeling of familiarity ripped away once you registered Liz waking you up to play while “Ma and Mom snooze the day away!”
You just want to go home…
To YOUR home…
-> Part 1.5 <- ⊹ ‧₊˚ Isekai Self Aware Taglist: @lilqi @annoying-mary ˚₊‧ ⊹
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jubileexoxo · 1 year
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stars-o · 1 month
Cove loves mentioning that you're his wife.
At his job, whenever someone wants to invite Cove to a work party, he always has to double check with you.
"Oh, this Saturday? I'll have to talk to my wife about it and see if she can make it."
With his family, even though everyone knows you're his wife, he can't help but to chatter away. 'My wife...', 'did you know that my wife...', etc. His parents love him but sometimes can't help but shake their head at his antics.
"Yeah, I was thinking of going to a museum with the [Last Name] family this summer! It'll be nice to see everyone all together again!"
"Oh, that's the museum my wife's been wanting to visit, she'll be so excited when I tell her our plans!" His parents can't help but look at one another and shake their heads.
When Cove's out by himself shopping, he always thinks of you; Will [Name] like this? Or would she prefer this one instead? His muttering would cause customers to turn and stare at him with confusion before going back to what they were doing.
"Should I buy this? Or should I get this instead?" Cove murmured, eyeing the two items that was causing his internal struggle, chin in hand as he switched his gaze from one item to the other.
An employee takes notice and heads over. "Do you need help with anything, sir?"
"Oh uhm, I can't decide which of these to buy for my wife." Before the employee gets a chance to help the customer, Cove snaps his fingers, picking up both items. "Actually, I'll buy both items. My wife deserves them." Then walks off to the register, leaving the employee a bit dumbfounded.
Even at home, Cove never fails to call you his wife instead of your name. Don't get him wrong, he loves your name. It gives him the same effect whenever he calls you his wife. A red face, sweaty palms, and a stomach full of butterflies.
You were in the kitchen cooking breakfast for you and Cove, the pancake that cooked in the pan turned to a nice golden-brown color. Yawning, you flipped the pancake over and went back to scrolling through your phone.
It was a peaceful morning when arms slithered around your waist and a head full of green hair nuzzled into your neck. The familiar smell of Cove's shampoo ingulfed your senses. "What's my lovely, amazing my wife cooking this morning?"
You snort, setting your phone down and reaching over to comb your fingers through Cove's messy hair. "This lovely, amazing wife is cooking pancakes for her lovely, amazing, and very handsome husband." Cove huffs, cheeks red as he leans over to pepper kisses over your exposed neck.
Yeah, he loves his wife very much.
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sheynchankawaiiuwu · 11 months
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*my current character has beige eyes* swoons
*says that I like Blue eyes(I genuinely do, I think blue-eyed people are pretty)* Cove;
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me fr;
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a-rat-who-writes · 8 months
College Cove AU post
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(I live and die by the fact Cove looks more like this between step 3 and 4 even though this is during step 4. He looks SO SOFT IN THIS PICTUE AUHEYFKIULWFHEY Cove looks LIKE THIS but maybe a little slimmer)
‣ College Cove is 24/7 horny
‣ Without a DOUBT he's pent the fuck up
‣ College is definitely different than highschool was and he decided to follow you to wherever you went to college because you two were dating and mother of God did he get so much more touchy
‣ He's never overbearing, but he definitely is much more needy and loves laying in bed with you in either of your dorms and relaxing during your off days or between classes
‣ He also loves sleeping with you in your bed even if nothing happens, he just likes waking up next to you and feeling your warmth
‣ Doesn't matter if your roommate is there (Miranda or any other of your friends that you chose at the beginning of the year to dorm with) he will give you as much attention as he can.
‣ Cove looks so adorable in his laid-back clothes whenever he goes to class. His normal hair down or put into a tiny ponytail, glasses, a tank top, and grey sweatpants. MOTHER OF GOD IS HE HOT
‣ He somehow doesn't know how much EVERYONE looks at him (especially some of the girls) but he always thinks it would be because he has something in his hair or something
‣ Cove is also the type of person to give you his shirt and wear a skimpy ass top if you felt like boys were staring at your shirt. (so you would swap shirts)
‣ Cove ALSO would carry your books / bookbag to the classes you have together (or just walk you to your classes).
‣ This mf would give you the most passionate kiss before walking away and going to his class that's on the other side of the school, leaving you speechless, appalled, etc etc
‣ Both the confidence this man got and the audacity is INSANE (but its also so so so so SO hot)
‣ If you two share a class that isn't that important or if you understood the class and not paying attention to it for a couple hours wouldn't hurt, you definitely would sit next to Cove and play with his hand under the desk or write down dirty notes to show him which would make him flustered.
‣ After class he would retaliate against you and kiss you in an empty hallway, pushing your back up against a wall while he holds your face gently. (but after he would act like nothing happened and would be his cute self O_O????)
‣ Cove always has that natural ocean smell, it's like-- INGRAINED in his skin. In the mornings when you wake up, you instantly inhale the scent of the outdoors back in Sunset Bird and it makes you think sometimes that you are actually back home
‣ Sometimes in class if you are focusing on some calculus BS or something, Cove will stop whatever he is doing sometimes and just look at you with these.. *SOFT* GODDAMN EYES that when you notice, make you melt.
‣ Without a doubt Cove loves destressing you after your classes or if you are on a time crunch for a paper, he will put your hair up for you or let you sit on his lap. If you let him, he definitely would give you neck kisses the whole time. Not anything aggressive, but he would sit behind you and keep his lips and face in the nape and sides of your neck, giving you soft hickeys that would quickly go away after a day or two, and feather-light kisses that if you let it-- would so easily distract you.
‣ Cove's really good about controlling himself most of the time, (especially in public) but if you two are alone and you kinda.. EGG him on, he will toss you around like you weigh nothing
‣ Cove also loves letting you wear his clothes if you're smaller than him / wear the same size. If you go out / go to class with some clothing piece or jewelry item of his on you, he will be giddy inside and be very pleased like you're displaying that you're his.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
I THINK I FINALLY GOT IT TO WORK.... jfc anywayz this is nasty n i love it. so fellow monster freaks, this is for you my loves!!!! &lt;333
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*kinktober masterlist | *ao3
tags : NSFW, fem/afab reader, dub-con just bc y'all are so outta it, (mentioned/implied) dom/sub space, mermaid!cove x human!reader, soft to mean dom cove, biting, scratching, stomach bulging, knotting ment, ignore the kinda scary mer pregnancy bit okay
synopsis : cove finally lets you spend his heat with him, and your mermaid boyfriend is so much different than you had thought...
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maybe you should have listened to cove when he said humans couldn't handle a mermaids heat. at least not without fighting for their life.
mermaids are naturally rough during their heats, biting and fighting for dominance over the other.. not to mention the sheer size of them.
cove is bigger than the average merman, "standing" at 12 feet tall.
which is something you should have factored in along with the sharp teeth and claws. because now, you're in a isolated underwater cove, with a horny, giant mermaid who is currently rearranging your guts.
"cove-!" you cry, pushing against his chest. it's fruitless, and you're just asking for more assertiveness, more pain
"stay still." cove growls, his sharp eyes striking through you, urging you to stay still and take it. you whine, your eyes rolling back. you know cove is trying to be gentle, but his mind is clouded.
"i-i can't take more!" you whimper. even though he's proportional for a merman of his size, it's too much for you. you couldn't possibly take all of his dick. "it won't fit-" you drawl, the words straining through gritted teeth.
cove kisses your cheek, licking your tears. "it's okay, it's okay..." he comforts, panting from the effort to control himself. "you can take it... i've prepared you for this.."
you whine when he moves again, the prominent ridges on the underside of his dick stretching you open.
he really did try to prepare you, gifting you a toy roughly the size of his dick and some smaller ones to work up to his size. cove even ate you out beforehand, his fingers slowly stretching you open and making sure you would come out as unscathed as possible.
cove kisses you, swallowing your whines and moans and trading it for his long tapered tongue.
you kiss back, letting cove consume your senses and take away all your burdens.
bitten, bruised, and sore, it's so worth it. to be connected with cove on this level.. it's maddening.
"are.. you okay?" cove pants into your ear, his fingers flexing around your waist as he tries to keep restraint.
you swallow, drool pooling in your mouth. "yes, yes, please move…"
cove fixes his grip on your body to move you the way he wants, his hands are so big they easily wrap around your waist and the heat coming from cove makes you feel like you're burning…
"ah-!" you drape yourself over cove. wrapping your arms tightly around his neck. he's moving your body so easily..
you know you're much smaller than cove, so his strength shouldn't be a surprise. but the way he's moving your body up and down on his cock like you're his personal cock sleeve drives you crazy.
"covee~" you drawl, your eyes rolling back. fuck you're losing your mind.
every part of your body and mind is consumed with pleasure, any thoughts you have melt and reform to think about nothing but cove and his dick.
cove's nails dig into your skin, pearls of blood coming to the surface and washing away with the movements of your hips.
the scratches should hurt, cove's claws aren't for decoration afterall, but it seems that medicine cove gave you helps with the pain you are sure to endure during his heat.
cove groans, "fuck.. you're so tight…"
you pang, blinking away your fucked out haze. "you're… you're just too- ohh fuck- too big!"
cove's laugh is cut off by your twitching cunt tightening around him, "jesus christ, y/n… stop tightening up.." cove growls.
you whine, dragging your nails down cove's scaled shoulders. "i'm-i'm trying.." you whine, "it feels so good."
cove drags his teeth over the exposed column of your throat. his lips trail down to your shoulder, and with much care that most mermaids wouldn't afford, he bites down hard enough to leave evidence of his teeth, and he runs his tongue over it soothingly.
you huff, squirming in cove's hold. "please, please cove! faster!"
cove peeks at you, stopping his assault on your neck and collarbone. "...can you handle it?"
you huff irritably, rolling your eyes. "i'm taking your dick right now aren't i? i'm not going to break."
cove glares, "it took you a week to get up to the toy that was only 2nd to my true size, you shook and cried that you couldn't take it."
his voice is booming, and maybe it should scare you, but something about cove reminding you how you pathetically ran to him to help you with the toy… it turns you on.
"you've trained your pathetic human cunt to take my dick and you still cried that it wouldn't fit." cove stares down at you, his height and gaze making you still and a fire is burning in your stomach.
"if i give you more than you can take, you'll break. aren't you worried about me hurting you?" cove inquires and his gaze is a mix of intrigue and confusion at your eager negative shake of your head.
"as if, you can't hurt a fly." you're testing him, he's already holding back for you and yet you can't help but want to push him over the edge…
cove growls, a sound that rumbles deep in his chest and his gills flare.
he doesn't say anything else, you've said enough after all and if it's more you want, it's more you get.
cove hugs you, one arm around your back and the other under your butt, and uses the power of his lower body to thrust up into you.
you yell, your nails scratching down his scales and to his back, surely scratching off skin if cove's hiss is anything to go by.
with the change of pace, the last couple inches of cove's dick forces itself into you. you can't even catch your breath since with every rearing of his hips, the knot at the base of his dick pop in-and-out of you.
"cove!" you slap his shoulder, shaking at the stimulation.
cove nips at your shoulder and chest, leaving small marks where he pleases. "you wanted more. don't blame me if you end up becoming my pathetic cock sleeve."
you whine, drool slipping past the corner of your lips.
he's really fucking you dumb, leaving you no choice but to think about nothing but his dick.
his fat tip keeps bumping against your cervix, hitting that lovely spot between your womb and your gummy walls.
"ah! ohh fuck!" you cry, cove has taken your nipple in his mouth, swirling his long tongue around the bud and teasing it with his teeth, your other breast in his hands, rolling the bud between his fingers.
you whimper and moan, shaking your hips in return. the sensation is so good, especially since he's keeping you from running with his arm around your waist, forcing you to take the pleasure he's giving you.
as if you would want to run anyway. you've become way too addicted to this now.
sure you and cove have been intimate before, but this is the most you've ever taken of his ridiculously large mer dick and this is the roughest he's ever been with you.
usually he’s the one holding your hips to keep you from sinking any further on his length. but now he's fucking you with reckless abandon, giving into your pleas after all this time…
it doesn't take much to succumb to the pleasure that you've been craving this whole time.
“cove!” you cry, your legs shaking.”i’m gonna, i’m gonna make a mess!”
cove growls, picking up pace, purposefully angling his tip to slam against your g-spot.
a couple solid thrusts is all it takes to have you shaking, your legs wrapped around cove as you squirt.
you're seeing white, your legs shaking and toes curling. you can barely process the groan that comes deep from cove's throat because of your convulsing cunt, you're wrapped so tightly around him that his cock drags against your walls when he tries to pull back.
you whine and shake, feeling sensitive after such an intention orgasm.
"cove…" you weakly call, pulling yourself up by his shoulders to try and get off his dick, that spongy spot inside your walls too tender from the abuse.
"don't pull away from me.." cove grunts, wrapping his arms around your waist tighter.
you pant, blinking and trying to keep consciousness.
you barely register that you're slipping into sub space, you've completely surrendered yourself to cove and obediently swallow the pearls he presses to your lips.
"mm, what.. what was that?" you ask, swallowing several times at the after taste. you know one of them was for breathing underwater, but you've never seen the other before..
"it's a contraceptive."
in this position you feel really small to cove, his body leaning over yours, completely trapping you between him and his nest.
combine that with his feral grin and sharp eyes… you're stuck and absolutely hypnotized.
"merfolk are very fertile, remember?" cove leans down to whisper in your ear. his voice deep and it penetrates your soul.
"we have a lot left to do before i impregnate you with my seed."
you shiver, looking at him with wide eyes. the thought doesn't terrify you, although maybe it should with what you know…
most humans don't survive it. and that's typically because they're not mated… something about DNA and special pheromones to relax and aid you in pregnancy and birth.
cove kisses your cheek, grinding his the tip of his dick near your womb. "don't worry… i know hoe to make it easier, don't be scared."
you nod mindlessly, trusting him.
"fuck!" you curse, the power of cove's thrust nearly burying you in his nest.
you cling onto his shoulders for dear life, your leg kicking out, allowing him to go even deeper.
"shhh, it's okay. just a bit more.." cove soothes, "i'm gonna cum soon…"
he groans, removing himself from your thoroughly marred neck to hold your legs and spreading them open, allowing him to piston into your weeping cunt.
you howl, throwing your head back and fisting the organized mess of blankets and materials of cove's nest, arching your back.
the movement just forces his dick deeper inside you, making you whine loudly.
you flip over, although not without much shaking, whimpering, and cove's nails digging into your skin.
although now that you've made it onto your stomach, weakly trying to escape the onslaught of pleasure, cove tugs your hips back and easily manhandled you.
he presses you against his chest with his hand, the other on your stomach, which he brings something interesting to your attention…
"fuck.. you see that?"
it takes you a minute to respond, too long because cove grabs you by your chin and tilts your head down, and shows you your stomach.
you moan lowly at the sight.
with every deep thrust you can see cove's dick protrude from your stomach, popping up right below your belly button.
cove lifts your head back up, his hand under your jaw, and he can't help but laugh at the tears running down your face.
"look at you, you've become a brainless slut."
you moan at cove's degrading comment. fuck you didn't think he had it in you but he does and you are losing it.
"maybe i'll keep you to myself forever. merfolk already have a bad reputation because of sirens.." cove growls in your ear, "wanna be my cute lil' cock sleeve, y/n?"
all you can do is beg and squirm for more.
"please.." you whimper, feeling cove's knot catching on your entrance. you want to be filled, you need him to cum inside..
cove laughs at your plea and kisses your lips, grinning a sharp toothed, wolfish smirk. "good girl, i'll take care of you…"
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differenteagletragedy · 6 months
Another thing about 40-year-old Cove (take me away, horny police, this is a confession) ...
You've been together at least like 15 years at this point, probably more, so he knows exactly what you like. He can read you like a book in every sense -- a consent king, to be sure, but he also knows you so well that sometimes, he's just going to throw you over his shoulder or push you down against the table and take care of business.
Ok ok so you go to the beach one weekend, the old one back in Sunset Bird -- your favorite! There are some guys there, maybe they get a little flirty with you. You're not interested, of course, not when you have your gorgeous soulmate love of your life husband, but you get a fun little idea. You glance at Cove, maybe toss him a little wink, then turn up the charm to the flirty boys. You could twirl your hair a little, give out some coy giggles, a hand on one of their shoulders if you're feeling particularly bold.
After a little bit, you feel Cove's hand slip into yours. Or, well, that's a tender way of putting it -- he grabs your hand firmly and gives you a look. You know what's coming, it's what you were aiming for, so you politely excuse yourself from your admirers. But instead of him taking you to the car and driving you home, or even having a quick makeout there, he walks straight past the car and towards his father's house.
"What are we doing?" you ask. "Your dad's car isn't here, he's not --"
"We're not here for a visit," he interrupts, his voice a bit lower than usual, and not nearly as soft.
Cove used to be shy and reserved when it came to physical shows of his love, but you'd never know it to look at the man before you now. Keeping your hand in his, he pulls his keys from his pocket and unlocks the door, then all but shoves you inside. He would never be rough with you, but you couldn't exactly call this gentle, either.
He knows you, so he knows what you were doing, that you were trying to get a rise out of him. "Take off your swimsuit," he tells you, closing the door behind him with one hand while his other hand goes to the drawstring on his trunks.
"Make me," you answer.
He makes a noise at that, something between a moan and a growl, and his long legs bring him to you in a split second. He usually always has a tender smile for you during moments like these, when you're about to make love, but he doesn't now, which makes sense, because you know this isn't going to be a tender moment. It's going to be rough and raw and passionate and hard and he's got you stripped naked before you can finish the thought.
He yanks his trunks down as an afterthought, and just before he spins you around and bends you over the back of the couch, you see how hard he is.
"We left our new friends for this?" you ask, bumping back against his erection. "Couldn't wait until we got home?"
If he was just a little meaner, he would have told you to shut up then -- you know you're teasing him a little too much, but you can't help it, it's too much fun. But even if he won't say the words, he very much expresses the sentiment when he grabs firmly ahold of your hip and then guides himself into you all the way to the base in one swift thrust.
Any words you may have said, any further teasing is pushed from your mind as he sets as quick, rough pace. He fucks you relentlessly, as if proving a point -- which, of course, he is. His hands move from your hips to your shoulders to your hair, looking for the place where he can grab the hardest and push into you the deepest. He leans over occasionally to place kisses along your back, coupled with rough sucks, hard enough to leave little bruises, but for the most part, he's standing tall, feet firmly planted and driving himself into you as hard as he can.
It's not that he's a jealous man, not really. And it's not even that he's seriously upset with the stunt you pulled at the beach. It's just that sometimes you can be a little brat and he needs to fuck some sense back into you.
You can always tell when he's getting close, even when he's in this kind of mood -- he starts getting whiny and grasping at you like he's terrified you're going to drift away. You reach a hand back to place over his as he digs his nails into your hips, and after another deep thrust, he stills and lets out a deep gasping groan, and you feel him filling you up.
After taking a moment, pausing to press a few more kisses into your neck and shoulders, he pulls out and takes a small step back. When you turn, you see he's flushed and sweaty, panting and looking at you with a mix of love and ... something else.
"Let's go back to the beach," Cove says, reaching down for his trunks.
"All right, I'll just hop in the shower --"
"No, we'll go now."
Before you could protest more, he kneels down in front of you. He grabs your bottoms and holds them out, and you step into them. As he pulls them up, he stops to deliver one more kiss, this one directly between your legs. When you let out a pleasured sigh, he pulls the bottoms up the rest of the way and stands.
"Ready?" he asks, once again holding out his hand.
As always, you take it.
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animeomegas · 1 year
More Baxter thoughts~
Imagine post Step 4, MC telling Baxter that he was their first kiss. They sort of laugh and explain that for some people 18 would be considered a late bloomer, but that was the right time for them. They joke that Baxter was just too irresistible.
MC is trying to keep the mood light, just joking about it, but that doesn't really go to plan.
Because Baxter is shocked for three seconds, pleased and flustered for one second, and then deeply guilty from then on.
He feels guilty for not knowing, for taking MC's first kiss even if they kissed him first, and he feels even worse for ghosting them now, which he didn't think was possible.
He tries to just smile and say he's honoured, but he cannot sleep that night because he feels so guilty. He wants to punch 19 year old him in the face (don't we all).
I think MC'd have to firmly pull him from the guilt and kiss him until he truly understands that they'd forgiven him for the shenanigans he pulled 5 years ago, and that they definitely don't regret him being the first person they kissed.
Actually that would be a good strategy to pull his head out of the guilt cloud: MC should ask him if he regrets being the first person they kissed and then watch this man backtrack at the speed of light and vehemently deny it lol.
But also, imagine MC face timing Baxter for the first time after they had to go home.
They'd both do it late at night, I think, maybe they'd both be in bed, and when the call connects, they both just stare at each other for several moments.
Until MC pushes out an 'I miss you' and Baxter melts and says it back.
MC was sort of expecting to be teased about missing him when it's only been a day since they left, but Baxter isn't about to deny that he's already wishing they were with him again.
Just imagine them softly talking about their days to each other, tucked up in their respective beds, wishing the other one was close enough to touch and hold.
Imagine them having to end every face time with a reminder about when they were going to see each other next, just to soften the bitter blow of the end of the call.
Imagine MC taking a screenshot when Baxter looks cute, his hair mussed from his pillow.
Imagine Baxter taking a screenshot when MC starts nodding off, head propped up by one dangerously swaying hand.
Imagine neither of them wanting to bring up staying on the call as they sleep, but both thinking about it every time.
Just... soft Baxter and MC, because they'd be the cutest sappiest couples, especially when they're alone.
This third one and final one is not as cute, but imagine an artist MC who is just enamoured by the mole on the upper back of Baxter's thigh.
They really want to not be creepy, but also... they really want to sketch it.
And so they sketch it, but it doesn't capture the beauty properly, so they add colour and edit and keep going until they have a near photo realistic image of the back of Baxter's thigh XD
Baxter finds the drawing one day and basically blue screens for a good 40 seconds before he attempts to compliment their art work and tease them about the subject material at the same time, the words coming out as a jumbled, flustered mess.
That is all XD Thank you for letting me scream my Baxter ideas into the void haha.
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mostmouse · 3 months
Nothing but a Tease
You’ve been teasing Cove all day, but it’s not like that’s hard. However, he very much is once you get back to the apartment. He decides to try and give you a taste of your own medicine.
Cove Holden x f!Reader, explicit, 5k words
In the beginning, he could almost believe it was a sly accident. The way you backed up onto him first thing in the morning, claiming you were half asleep. While the both of you were getting ready for the day, how you kept sliding against his back and dragging yourself behind him. Or even when he walked back into the bedroom to grab his watch had also been the exact second you had bent over and dropped your panties.
However, as the day wore on, you were wearing his patience thinner and thinner. Reaching over him to grab something at the restaurant table with friends around, your breast resting on his arm softly. When you had reached down to pat his thigh, not unusual on its own, but how you rubbed your fingers across his leg and higher and higher with every stroke.
It was enough to drive him insane. By the time afternoon rolled around, he felt like he could burst. Walking through the summer crowds on the boardwalk, you’d randomly stop - just to say something to him, really! - and he’d full body run into you just for you to grind your ass against him. Looking at his flushed face, all you’d do is smile up at him like nothing had happened, like you weren’t teasing and testing him all day.
He was never someone who got angry, generally. But the way you were acting had him stewing into the evening. Every accidental touch replaying in the back of his head and making his blood run hot for hours and hours. He had decided very easily that he’d just have to give you what you’d been so obviously asking for all day when the both of you got home.
Once you’d made it back to your apartment, he shoved you against the door as it closed, locking it at the same time. Looking down at you, his ocean eyes narrowed and his hand tightened on your bicep. Dragging you closer so you were chest to chest, he leveled you with a calculating look. His voice was strained as he spoke lowly to you, “Bet you think you’ve been real cute today, haven’t you?”
All you did was smile up at him contently, resting a palm against his chest with a soft giggle, tilting your head a bit, “Hm? I’m always cute, everyday. Don’t you think?” All he did was huff before pressing against you, dragging your arm behind him so he could wrap his around you and hold you flush against him. Leaning down, he bit your bottom lip, tugging it before letting it go. As he pulled away, he gave you a long, lascivious drag up and down your body before stalking down the hallway and into your shared room.
Stifling a giggle, you bit your lips to keep from grinning wide. Not even a moment later, you heard him whistle loudly. Even if it was a rather degrading way to call out to you, and so out of character for your sweet, loving Cove, it had your heart skipping a beat in excitement. Tucking your hands behind your back, you laid back against the door, the thrill of being disobedient lighting a fire in you.
You could imagine him perfectly in your mind, standing in front of the bed, glaring at the sheets as you continuously ignored him. You wondered if he was hard yet. Your Cove had infinite patience for nearly everything, you were the sole person who knew his buttons and exactly how to push them - especially to your advantage.
Cove crinkled his nose in the bedroom, knowing this was all part of the game you’d been playing all day. Part of him was thrilled to bits, his heart racing, but a piece of him felt irritated that now that the day was over, you were purposefully dodging him. It wasn’t often you acted so bratty, and even more uncommon for him to feel like he needed to break you. Taking a deep breath, he traced his teeth with his tongue before stepping out of the bedroom.
There you were, pretty as a picture right where he had left you. He curled his lip as he saw you looking pleased with yourself. He whistled once more, snapping his fingers before pointing at the spot in front of him. When he saw you biting your lip, he practically growled, “Don’t make me come get you.”
You couldn’t help the sly grin that overtook your face, “Oh no! Or what? You gonna make me?” Squealing as he huffed and quickly walked towards you, you darted into the living room, trying to loop around him on the couch. Barely managing to escape his hands, you darted down the hallway into the bedroom, tossing the door closed behind you and diving under the bed, covering your mouth to stop your giggles and loud breathing.
It was only a few seconds before the door slowly creaked open, and you saw Cove’s bare feet padding around on the floor. Idly, you noted to yourself to help him repaint his nails. Keeping yourself silent as possible, aided by the ocean wave white noise machine you always had running, you watched as his feet disappeared behind you.
Hearing the closet door open, it was a few seconds until you heard him close it once more. His steps were completely silent, and you cursed your teenage years of him climbing the side of your house into your room and sneaking around. Eyes widening as you heard his knees popping behind you, you scrambled to escape the way you were facing. However, swift as could be, Cove caught your ankles and dragged you out, listening to you shriek playfully.
Pinning you under him, his knees rested on either side of your hips as his hands were to either side of your head. He smirked down at you, “Is my love gonna be a good girl for me tonight?” Licking your lips, you smiled as you giggled and shook your head. He huffed, frowning slightly before shrugging his shoulders. Sitting up, he grabbed you by the strap of your top, gently hauling you up and to your feet, before turning you around, and shoving you face down onto the bed.
A small ‘oof!’ came from the comforter as he pushed your head down lightly. “Seems you forgot what happens to bad girls. I’ll just have to remind you, I guess.” Letting up on your head, he easily stripped your pants off. Running his hand up and down your back, he unsnapped your bra before pulling away, but not before smacking your ass hard.
He went to the bottom drawer of his nightstand, tugging out a few things. You bit your lip excitedly, not looking up and wanting to be surprised. Hearing him move behind you, he tugged your hair gently, “Stand up.” Choosing to obey, you kept your eyes closed, letting him strip your shirt off of you along with your bra. His hands moved down to your hips, tracing them and squeezing lovingly, before shoving you back down onto the bed, ignoring your surprised squeak. Spanking you before snapping the waistband of your panties, he gripped your hips again and pushed you into a face down ass up position.
Slowly, he dragged your panties down, fingers stroking your skin reverently. Once they were around your knees, you kicked your legs a bit, just to wince as he spanked you again. He sighed softly from behind you, hands gripping your cheeks, “Just couldn’t be my good girl for me, could you?” He paused for a second before kissing your lower back softly, “You asked for this.”
Clenching your fists into the comforter, you waited for him to do something. Hearing him rustle around behind you, you felt him tug your panties off of your legs before spreading them. Once he had you how he wanted you, you heard a snap behind you before cold lubricant slid down your ass and thighs. His fingers were quick to gather it and trace your rim, watching as you shuddered and jerked subtly.
Circling you softly, you heard him groan quietly before he pressed a digit into you. Whining lowly, you relaxed your body and let him deeper into you. He hissed behind you, free hand gripping your hip tightly, “Fuck. That’s it, be a good girl for me. Knew you were my obedient little sweetheart.” You couldn’t do anything but sigh as he gently pumped in and out of you, soon adding the tip of his other finger before stretching you out deliciously.
Whimpering, you flexed your fingers before rocking back subtly, hoping he’d pick up the pace. You were far too easy to read, though, and Cove grabbed your hip and stopped you, “Don’t be in such a hurry, baby. You teased me <i>all day</i>, don’t you think it’s fair for me to give you the same treatment?”
You found it hard to regret your actions for the day, but you really wished he wouldn’t use it against you. He was usually a fast lover with incredible endurance, how could he stand to take it slow? Curling your toes, you tried to enjoy how he felt fingering you without being too impatient.
Focusing on the push and pull of his digits, your body relaxed further, enjoying how full you felt. Just as you were sinking into the mattress, you felt him shove a third finger into you before pumping fast and hard. The sudden change in pace had you bowing forward, jerking your hips away from him just for him to pull them back. “C’mon, this is what you wanted, baby. Take it like a good girl or it’s gonna be worse for you.” You cried out at the feeling, hands pawing at the blanket.
Moving his hand from your hip to just above your shoulder, he knelt on the bed and used your body to propel his fingers deeper into you. You shouted loudly, one hand wrapping around his wrist and pulling uselessly. You kicked your legs in a weak escape attempt, gasping and crying out. Just as quickly, he stopped, keeping his fingers deep inside of you.
Panting for air, your body calmed down before falling face first into the blanket again, chest heaving. Swallowing thickly, you turned your head slightly, looking up at him with a flushed expression. However, he looked completely unbothered, eyes on your hips as rolled his wrist and moved gently inside of you.
Whimpering, you opened your mouth to speak, but he caught you from the corner of his eye, quickly resuming the same brutal pace. Unable to help yourself, you screamed aloud, nails biting into his wrist as you helplessly tried to escape him. Choking out moans, you tried to beg for him to stop, but couldn’t form the words as he shook off your hand and spanked you hard. Though thankfully, he slowed down a bit, voice soft as always as he leaned over you, feeling his clothes against your back. Hushing you, he bit the shell of your ear and tugged on it, “M’gonna pull out, okay?”
Panting quickly, you nodded as he held your hip and pulled his digits free. Though it seemed like only half a second until you felt something velvety pressing into you once more. You whimpered as more cold lubricant covered your rim and the toy, moaning loudly as he eased the plug inside of you. Hissing at the thickest part, it soon popped in and he gave it a teasing tug.
Gently pushing your hips to the side, he watched as you flopped onto the bed, looking up at him with a flushed and sweaty face. He grinned innocently, holding up the remote to the vibrating toy currently slipped inside of you. You whimpered as he started to move away from you, “Stay here. I’m gonna get us some water and a couple of snacks. We’re nowhere near done.”
You shivered at his words, his tone light and airheaded as always. Whistling softly as he sauntered out of the room, you stayed quiet and tried to listen to what he was doing. Waiting in anticipation, you heard the kitchen sink run for a moment, the fridge opening and closing, and him humming softly to himself. You could feel your heartbeat in your belly, awaiting the moment the toy came to life.
However, as Cove walked through the door with ice waters and snacks, he laughed sheepishly as he sat everything down. You held your tongue, worried he’d turn it on high if you about it. He walked casually back to stand behind you, flipping you back to your belly, his hands gripping and spreading your cheeks as he kissed your lower back again. You felt a short buzz inside of you and you jumped.
Cove laughed softly, “Forgot to turn it on. Were you hoping I’d use it on you while I was in the kitchen?” He watched as you nodded with a blush and whimper, and he smiled, “I wanted to, I was clicking the button and everything.” Laughing softly, you shook your head as you rolled your eyes playfully.
Watching as he picked the remote back up, he stroked your thighs lovingly, hearts in his eyes as he admired your body. Smiling bashfully, you reached out for his hand, “I love y- ahh!” You wrenched your hand away to grab the sheets, hips jerking roughly. “C-Cove!” He giggled softly as he played with the remote in his hand.
Standing up to his full height, he dragged his eyes down your body slowly, looking more predatory than infatuated this time. Licking his lips, he tossed the remote onto the bed before stripping his shirt and shorts off, leaving himself in his boxer briefs.
Pawing at himself lazily, he watched as your hips jerked, your strained whimpers still audible even as you pressed your face into the bed sheets. Licking his lips, he reached out for you, dragging his palms over your sides and sliding them up and under you to cup your breasts. Sighing as he squeezed them, he knelt between your legs and began to grind against your ass, hearing you gasp as he moved the base of the plug.
Stuttering his name, you pushed back against him, tensing as he squeezed and pulled your nipples. “This is what you wanted, baby. I’m just giving you what you asked for all day.” You swallowed thickly, shakily nodding your head as you jerked in his hold. Leaning down and kissing between your shoulder blades, he smiled wide, “Good girl! You’re gonna keep being my good girl and taking it all, right?”
As you nodded, you felt a harsh sting across your ass as he spanked you, his hand coming right back up to pinch your nipple, “Use your words. I wanna hear you.” You squealed aloud, assuring him you would take everything and nodding your head as well. He practically purred, biting the back of your shoulder, “Perfect.”
Pulling away, he bit his lip as he watched you wiggle your hips, legs spread too far to rub them together. Leaning over to the nightstand again, he grabbed a small wireless wand. Rolling it in his palm for a moment, he nudged your legs further apart, hearing you whine in protest. Turning it on, he bent back slightly so he could drag his fingers through your soaked cunt, hearing you gasp loudly.
Tugging his hand back, you began begging him to touch you, just to cry out loudly as he pressed the vibrating wand against you. You fisted the sheets, screaming against them as he rubbed it up and down your slit, sliding easily from how wet you were. Reaching up, he grabbed you by your hair, pulling your head back a bit so he could hear you.
Turning the wand up higher, he kept it pressed where it had you screaming the loudest, moving it slowly and only letting go of you when you began to pull the sheets towards you, untucking on corners as you climaxed on the toy. Biting his lip, he kept it against you, watching as you tried to crawl away from him, just for him to grab your thigh and keep you where he could still force you to take it.
You slapped the bed, curling into yourself as you felt yourself cum again, shouting into the sheets. Thankfully, Cove was merciful enough to remove the wand, letting you catch your breath even as the plug rumbled away inside of you still. You whimpered loudly, kicking the leg he didn’t have a death grip on. He watched you closely as aftershocks had your thighs twitching as you laid before him.
Watery eyes looked up at him, and he felt his pulse race, high on how docile and obedient you were being for him after the whole day. Fumbling his hand towards the plug’s remote, he stepped back and turned it up a notch, watching as you flipped onto your back, arching as the vibrations shook you.
Tossing the wand aside, he knelt on the floor and dragged you to the edge of the bed, groaning as you immediately tugged at his sea foam waves, whimpering his name over and over. He paid you no mind, however, just focused on your plush thighs and cunt. Licking his lips, he kissed you softly, moaning tightly before shoving his face against you.
He could feel the plug vibrating against his jaw, but he couldn’t care less as he lapped at you, slipping his tongue inside of you and slowly fucking you with it. You keened at the feeling, pulling his hair once more as he enjoyed himself instead of giving you what you wanted. Wincing as you pulled his hair again, he leaned back and bit your thigh. Hearing you cry out, he kept his ocean eyes on your cunt, “Do it again and I’ll tie you up.”
With that threat, he once again shoved himself against you, moaning languidly at the scent and taste of you. Dragging his tongue up, he flicked your clit lightly before going back to ignoring it. Your hands rested to your sides now, not wanting to be tied up and even more at his mercy. Gripping the sheets, you gasped and arched as he ate you out, the sensations from the plug adding to his lascivious tongue.
Spreading your legs wider, you shifted your hips, desperately wanting him to suck your clit. When he continued to ignore you where you wanted him, you threw your arms up over your head, crying out petulantly, “Cove! Baby, please~” You felt him huff against you before pulling away and standing up.
Whimpering, you grabbed at him as he went to the nightstand, “No! No, baby, please~ I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I promise!” He ignored you as he rifled around, before pulling out a large ribbon. As he turned back to you, you frowned and looked up at him with the biggest, wettest eyes that you could. To his credit, you watched as he fumbled slightly before blushing and turning his head.
Laughing quietly, you pouted your lips and tried to look even more pathetic. When he reached for you again, he huffed, looking stubborn, “Take your punishment or you’ll get the eye mask, too.” You deflated, shaking your head, and he smiled, “Good. Pull this off if you can’t breath or it gets uncomfortable, okay? Nothing else.” You nodded excitedly, still trying to look demure and submissive in spite of how your heart was pounding.
He rested it against your lips, tying it behind your head and careful not to catch any hair in the knot. It was loose enough you could tug it down easily, but not enough for you to shake it off. Resting back onto the messy sheets, you watched as he got back on his knees. You tensed in anticipation, before arching up high and crying out behind the ribbon, his lips wrapped around your clit and sucking harshly.
You furrowed your brows, whimpering at the rough treatment, but loving it all the same. Twisting your fingers in the loose sheets, you tossed your head to the side, panting heavily as he maintained the torture on your clit. Your thighs shook from where they were spread wide on either side of his shoulders, fighting the urge to trap him between them.
The vibe wasn’t helping, feeling as if it were vibrating the back of your gspot as Cove continuously pleasured you. Popping off of you, he licked and flicked his tongue against you, moaning wantonly as he did so. Above him, you were panting heavily, eyes squeezed shut as you felt your third orgasm building inside of you, body tensing up.
As he went back to sucking and nibbling on your clit, you cried out as you climaxed on his face, your cum soaking his jaw and down his neck a bit. Thankfully, he let go of your clit gently, letting you suck in air as he licked inside of you, cleaning up all the cum he could. You tugged the ribbon to the side, panting heavily as Cove pulled back.
He watched you for a moment until you caught your breath, then he gripped your thighs and tossed you to the side slightly. Once you were repositioned on the bed with him between your legs, he crawled on top of you, ridding himself of his boxer briefs in the process. You blushed as you saw his rosy cock, throbbing as it hung low by his thighs.
You bit your lip under the ribbon, looking back up at him. He was dragging his gaze over your flushed body, skin feeling hot and sweaty to the touch. Reaching between you, he wiggled the plug by the base, watching as you arched your back. Licking his lips, he grinned before grabbing your thick thighs and spreading them wider apart. He watched as you blushed, turning your face into the sheets.
Moving to grip his shaft, he pressed the tip inside of you a bit before pushing inside quickly - not enough to be jarring, but enough for you to feel the burn around him. Your head fell backwards, moaning loudly, hearing him echo you as well. Without giving you a moment, he pulled back and bucked back inside of you. Arching back, you panted as he began a rapid pace, crashing his hips into yours.
Thighs trembling under his palms, you jerked with every thrust, soft body bouncing with each one. Your hands fumbled reaching up to your face, tugging the ribbon down so you could breathe more clearly, panting and crying out. Raising your legs, you tried to wrap them around his waist, just for him to grab them and push them up against his chest before anchoring his heels and bucking into you harder.
Panting loudly, he furrowed his brow, “Fuck, f-feels so good with that vibe, baby. Don’t know how l-long I can last. Ahh-!” Curling forward, he kept his mouth open, gasping and moaning loudly.
You twisted your head to the side, gripping the sheets tightly and moaning hotly. You could see him sweating above you, hair wild and flying around as he moaned with each thrust. Swallowing thickly, you tried to meet his thrusts, focusing on squeezing tightly each time he tried to pull out. With a cry, he quickly devolved into a moaning mess, mouth open as he panted and moaned, eyes trying to focus on yours before throwing his head back and groaning.
Panting, you licked your lips as you looked up at him, “That’s my- ahh! M-My good boy~ fuck! You feel so good, baby~” You watched as he blushed at the praise, hips slamming harder into you, and you couldn’t help but cry out.
His cock pulsed inside of you, his thrusts losing their rhythm as he bucked and grinded against you, the vibrating plug driving him crazy. With a sharp cry, he finished inside of you, your name falling from his lips as he gasped and drooled, pumping you full of cum and vaguely hearing you moan as he blew his load. Gritting his teeth, he pulled out of you quickly, ignoring your whine as he did so.
Using his fingertips, he gathered the cum that had leaked out of you and thrust his digits inside of you. Easily finding your gspot and pounding you fast and hard. Quickly covering your mouth, you screamed loudly, arching your back and squeezing your eyes shut. Cove was relentless, panting above you and pinning you open with one thigh as he fucked you with his fingers.
You couldn’t hear his praises as you writhed on the bed, the overwhelming pleasure washing over you fast and hard. Unable to stop, you covered his digits in cum, but as he unwaveringly pounded your gspot roughly, you screamed as you squirted onto his palm, cum running down his fingers and dripping onto the bed.
Blindly grabbing for the remote, he turned the plug off, his fingers slowly massaging you through the aftershocks. Gently, he whispered “Gonna pull out, okay, baby?” You nodded slowly, dazed.
Once his hand was free, he grabbed some wet wipes out of the nightstand and slowly cleaned you up. He shushed you lovingly as you jerked in his grip, feeling incredibly sensitive. Tossing the toys into the drawer with the inward promise of cleaning them later, he cleaned himself up before tucking the two of you under the ruined blanket.
Propping himself up against the pillows and wall, he sighed heavily. Grabbing a water, he chugged it before offering you some, helping you hold it as you sipped from it at a snail’s pace.
Finishing up, he relaxed before cuddling you close, holding you with a soft smile, “I love you.” You signed before echoing the sentiment, tossing one heavy thigh over his own.
Burrowing his nose into your hair, he scratched your back lightly, “That wasn’t too much?” You could hear the worry in his voice, and you tried to not laugh.
Picking up your heavy head, you looked at him through blurry eyes, “Depends, was today too much?” You watched as he blushed brightly, a shy smile overtaking his face as he bashfully shook his head. “There you go, then.” The two of you giggled softly, nuzzling in close.
He could feel his eyes droop a bit, sleep creeping up on him. Sliding down, he shuffled you in his arms a bit to big spoon you, waving off your pouty attitude as you voiced wanting to be the big spoon.
Just as he was about to fall asleep, he felt you back up and grind against him. With a gasp, his eyes snapped open and he leaned over you, “Seriously?” You smiled, eyes still closed as you wiggled your hips.
Scoffing, he turned to his other side, pouting as you immediately curled around him, your voice soft, “You’re so sweet~ don’t you love being my little baby spoon, Cove?”
Sniffing indignantly, he was about to say no when he felt your hand slip over his hip before gripping the base of his soft cock. Fisting the sheets, he whimpered, “Y-Yes, love being your- baby~” He shivered as you nibbled his neck and shoulder, your fingers brushing over his shaft and circling his tip.
He shuddered, voice thick as he panted softly, “Baby, please~” Bucking as you gripped him again, he squeezed his eyes shut, “You’re insatiable… Fuck, please don’t stop.”
Giggling softly, you licked the shell of his ear, “Wasn’t planning on it, baby~” Biting him gently, you pulled away a bit, “On your back.”
He quickly complied, and you couldn’t help but grin smugly, “My obedient baby boy.” He blushed, nodding. Straddling him the best you could, you both ignored how your thighs trembled. Choosing to give him fleeting kisses across his chest before you ended up collapsing on top of him, you moved down his still sweaty body.
He sighed and moaned and you trailed lower, a hand in your tangled hair following you down. Reaching his half hard cock, you traced your fingers up and down before leaning downwards and kissing his package. Groaning above you, he tossed the blanket more to the side so he could watch you better.
You felt him get harder in your hand as you licked around his base. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at him before taking him into your mouth, stroking him with your tongue.
You could feel him getting harder against your tongue, and you couldn’t help but moan hotly around his shaft. He trembled above you, free hand over his face as he whimpered, feeling incredibly sensitive.
He pet your hair, voice weak and shaking, “W-W-Won’t last l-long, m’sorry, baby.” You hummed softly, taking your time as you took him deeper and deeper, languidly stroking him with your tongue and hands.
Combing his fingers through his very sweaty hair, he made the mistake of watching you suck him off. His body tensing at the sight, whimpering as he bucked his hips. Apologizing as he watched you choke for a split second, he quickly devolved into whispered cries and you sucked tighter, dipping lower.
He was fully hard in your mouth now, and as you felt him pulse on your tongue, you knew he really was almost close to his orgasm. Popping off of him, you licked from base to tip, moaning wantonly before wrapping your lips back around him again.
Jerking his leg, he cried out again, watching your lips as he panted heavily. “Baby~ fuck, g-gonna cum- ahhh!” He curled forward slightly as you sucked him tightly, slowly dragging your mouth to his tip, blowing his load into your throat. He shook gently, moaning loudly as you continued to work him through it.
Tightening his fist in your hair, he stopped you, “Right there, fuck! H-Harder, please!~” You kept your lips around him, dragging the flat of your tongue firmly along his underside. Cum spilled from past your lips, slowly trailing down his cock.
With a final moan, he collapsed against the bed, thighs quaking as you popped off of him. Licking your lips, you grabbed another wet wipe from the nightstand drawer, doing a cursory clean up before tossing it to the floor without a care in the world.
Grabbing the blanket, you quickly slotted yourself tight against his side, head on his chest. You sighed happily, feeling the tiredness from the night finally sink into your bones. Giving Cove a kiss on his chest, you snuggled close as you listened to him pant and whisper how much he loved you.
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lexsssu · 8 months
Bully (Cove Holden)
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TAGS: Cove/F!reader, yandere, obsession, possessive behavior, breeding, impregnation, smut, timelines/alternate universes, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
“Can you see where we’re connected, love? Can you feel just how we fit so perfectly together? It would never feel this good, this right with anyone else…”
No matter how many times he made love to you, it will never cease to amaze Cove just how right it feels to slowly slip the weeping tip of his cock inside your wet cunt before pushing the rest of his sizeable length in one swift thrust. He absolutely loves the way your eyes glaze over, your mouth forming an ‘o’ shape when he begins one of his favorite pastimes, bullying your adorable little pussy until it almost hurts.
Can you blame him though?
Whenever he sees the skin of your lower belly bulging out when he’s balls-deep inside of you, Cove feels something within him snap, and he is left with nothing but the need to completely empty himself inside of you.
It’s the only way to get River back of course—
Besides, you two were grown adults now, and ever since he’d taken over and expanded his dad’s scuba shop, he made more than enough to support you and your soon-to-be children.
His dad would certainly be happy to finally have grandchildren to love and spoil. 
But more importantly, he knows that parenthood will be the best thing to ever happen to you both because he remembers just how happy your life was before this world tried to rewrite and take what’s his.
When he feels your cunny creaming around his cock for the umpteenth as globs of your combined slick and semen drip down on the soft sheets of your bed, Cove knows that there is no other place he’d rather be than with you.
“What do you think about River for a boy and Coral for a girl?”
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keenvictory · 7 months
"Minor possessive talk, mostly he's just a clingy loser" on the Cove drabble got me so good -- could you maybe do something similar for Derek and Baxter?!
Crazy about your writing, tysm for sharing!!!!
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Synopsis: Baxter's life is perfectly, aesthetically crafted. Until it isn't. NSFW drabble.
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Baxter Ward x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: NSFW, slight possessive language, very very brief angst (i mean, it is baxter)
̗̀➛  Additional notes: Continuing my loser men agenda with Baxter! I will write a separate post for Derek soon, but finishing two things in a row has me antsy to post this one separately. Theres bottom!Baxter if you squint, but i tried to write him as a switch so take it either direction as you will. Mostly he's just a loser who makes sex way too romantic. I love him.
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Baxter wouldn't deign to call himself clingy. He was incredibly independent, really. Your relationship had taken a five year break and survived, he was perfectly content by himself.
But that didn't explain the sick thrill he gets having a clingy partner. There is something so delightfully addicting about being wanted. He loved it when he woke up to you wrapped around him, heart thundering when you burrowed closer at even the slightest twitch of movement, like you were scared he'd disappear.
That was where the thread of guilt came in. Of course you had clingy moments, he'd vanished from your life once, could you really trust him not to do it again? What did his word matter, ultimately?
It was hard not to think like that. He knew his own track record with relationships, and he wanted, more then anything, to not fuck up this one too.
It's never easy to chase those thoughts away. And yet you do it so effortlessly, with just the graze of your teeth, the scrape of your nails.
Baxter is putty in your hands when you mark him up during sex. He's obsessed with the way his pale skin looks after its been ravaged by you, admiring the scratch-marks down his back after he's fucked you, or the hickies and love-bites you've scattered across his chest. He'd let you ruin his neck with sweet bruises if it wasn't shockingly unprofessional.
I mean hickies on the wedding planner, on someone else's big day? He feels a shameful tingle of pleasure he can't deny at the thought. Baxter is so put together during the day that he absolutely falls apart at night, guided by your safe and sure hands. He cries, he begs, he sniffles as big, wet tears fill his red eyes. There was some alarm, the first time he cried during sex. The whole ordeal had been put on hold to make sure he was okay, until he'd shamefully and slowly explained to you that yes, he was perfectly fine. So, so good in fact, the tears had sprouted on an especially breathy moan.
And even though he begs so sweetly to leave your mark sometimes you handle him so tenderly and gently it sparks a whole different kind of need inside him. Love-making, he thinks, with his head nestled between you thighs, moaning with every tug of his hair, is a new world of pleasure. Miles beyond just sex.
But his favorite part of it all is the minutes just after. When he stumbles out of your arms to gleefully assess the damage, take in his tear-stained face, the pink hand prints on his hips and ass, his kissed swollen lips. The sight of it all has his spent cock twitching awake.
Just a little more, he thinks, stumbling back over to you. God his legs ache in just the best way. He's already hard again, cum beading at the tip without a care for his carefully crafted, elegant persona.
He pulls you into another kiss, sweet still, before nipping playfully at your ear.
"You've positively ruined me, dear." He purrs, a shiver of glee running through him as your hands find his hips again. "Want to do it again?"
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avalordream · 6 months
Prompt: Imagine an MC who gets a tattoo that goes all around their ankle so that they always have an "anklet" for Cove.
Pairing: Cove Holden x GN!Reader
Tags: fluff, Cove getting his anklet fix, mostly fluff tho
Word count: 4.7k
A/N: With this newfound will in me, ALLOW ME TO INDULGE YOU IN SOME LOVELY COVE JAMES HOLDEN- Also! This fic was intended for fem readers but it can be taken as gender neutral!
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Now seeing as the age to get a tattoo is roughly 18 years old, let's assume this is Step 3 Cove we're talking about
At this age, Cove and you haven't quite gotten into a relationship yet.
In fact, you're stuck at the crush stage
Even so, you and Step 2 Cove had the talk of what you both were into during the Roadtrip moment. (Y'know- the beige eyes and anklet conversation)
That particular conversation was surprisingly difficult for you to initiate, considering your rather quiet nature
That didn't mean you were shy! No no!
It was just...
It wasn't the "normal" type of conversation you usually had
Maybe it was because of the fact that it was so different that made it so difficult to talk about.
In any case, that led to you thinking over the anklet attraction Cove had, trying to understand it as you lounged around on your bed in the middle of a hot summer day
It was the sort of day where the California sun shone exceptionally hard, the heat making it so nothing really stood out to you. You could almost remember this exact type of day from when you were younger... When Shiloh was still around...and when Cove had just recently moved in.
You were currently lazing about on your bed, soaking up the sun's rays shining through your window as the AC worked to cool your room and a nearby fan rotated slowly, its blades providing an ample amount of background noise. It was truly the staple sound of summer. Your eyes blearily blinked as you stared up at your ceiling fan working overtime to beat the summer heat. Normally your moms weren’t so keen on cranking up the AC but today was an exception, considering the high was a 90. Even the water was warm which meant that even walking along the shoreline - forget it, the sand was practically steaming - wasn’t appealing. 
That left you in your current condition, leaving your mind to wander and daydream about everything and anything in the quiet. It was already noon but there was no rush to go out. While it wasn’t the norm for you to be alone, usually hanging out with Cove or even Terri or Miranda., today was an exception though because of the heat. And in any case, you relished the feeling of just…coasting through the day with nothing to do… free as the birds in the sky… 
A few soft knocks on your door blinked you out of your sleepy stupor as Ma stepped in after you had hummed an affirmative. Her eyes softened as she seemed to take in the sight of you: Curled up yet sprawled out in a cocoon of light blankets and pillows, the sun shining brightly through the window and you relishing it all in the center, having the time of your life. “You doing ok, hon?”, she hummed in turn, trying not to break the peaceful trance you were under as you simply nodded, tucking your hair back as you smiled at her. You loved your ma more than anything, even now as she came close to sit by your head, gently stroking your hair as she eased your head into her lap while you leaned into her hand. Guess today she was feeling pretty lax too… Figures…
You felt your eyelids drooping as she continued, her ministrations cooing you to sleep before her voice, a quiet whisper, kept your attention from waning. “No plans for today?”, she hummed as you yawned, stretching before getting comfy again, nuzzling your nose against her thigh.
“No…not yet at least…”, your voice came out slowly, humming as the fan faced the pair of you, sending a refreshing blast of cold air into your hair. “Just…thinking…You ok, ma?” There had to be a reason why she entered right?... Or…maybe there wasn’t one. That was ok too.
Ma chuckled in some amusement as she shook her head, taking her hand away as you whined, audibly wishing for more. “I’m doing just fine, kiddo… Nothing to worry about. Just wanted to check up on you before I get started on lunch. Do you want anything specific?” You told her your current crave fix before she left the room again, offering another head pat before you were left to your devices again, decidingly more lucid than before as you sat up to stretch and work out the kinks in your back.
You checked your phone just to let your friends know that you were alive and hadn't up and left them- As if Cove would let you anyway, you thought with a chuckle. A funny thought but you weren’t that evil. 
Tossing your device back to the swath of blankets, your mind wandered to the past few years- gravitating back to Cove. It didn’t surprise you as much why now than when your feelings had begun to simmer but the fear of possibly destroying what you already had always stopped you. A worry that proved to damper down on your interactions, restricting them ever so slightly rather than how freeing they used to be. You had become close confidants to one another since the moment he moved in at the ripe age of eight. Given your rich history, it was reasonable to worry that taking such a big step could tarnish what you had and…quite frankly, you weren’t ready to risk it all just yet.
You sighed, feeling the familiar trill of heat flitting over your cheeks as you rubbed them furiously to wipe them away just as fast. Until you figured out what to do with yourself- and- everything- Then the plan was simple: ACT NORMAL. Whatever your new normal was anyhow. You had a feeling Liz knew just by looking at you when Cove was over, judging from the smirk she would send your way- not to mention the teasing remarks! But…you hoped that until you were ready to tell Cove (if you ever did), that…he wouldn’t know. 
It surprised you a little that he hadn’t knocked on your window yet or made his arrival via the door but apparently, judging from the text he had sent you three hours ago, he was helping his dad with the scuba shop. You appreciated the heads up so you knew where to go in case you needed to reach him. 
Your thoughts followed you as you made your way downstairs to get started on lunch- or brunch as mom liked to call it. A smile crept on your face despite the mild joke, appreciating the play on words as your lazy state decided to pull for some cereal, chewing slowly and thoughtfully as you remained quiet. You were more so or a thinker rather than a talker. You preferred to listen rather than start a conversation. It made things easier. With the friend group, you were the same; going with the flow unless it was something you wholeheartedly refused to do. It had never gone to that point before since the group respected your opinions and were quick to pick up on your preferences…one more so than others…
Right as you were washing the dishes, your thoughts wandered again- this time to that anklet discussion all those years ago. You’d be surprised you still remembered it but the entire road trip itself was a memorable experience and would be…rather hard to forget anyhow. (More so for Mr. Holden getting his lunch snatched away by a stray bird but you digressed.) The discussion itself… you still felt a little bad for pushing it onto Cove to answer your questions, even if he had tried to console you when you made it known to him a week later, saying that he didn’t mind since you were only curious. Even so, you never really thought he actually liked anklets all that much… or beige eyes. You already had quite a few anklets you got from Hot Topic that were pretty neat but you never really found the time to use or wear them. It became a sort of…rare occasion kind of thing. Though- you already had the beige eyes- which made you hopeful that he liked you in some capacity?? 
You shot that down quick with a grumbled shake of your head, consoling Ma when she asked if you were ok. 
Your mind was quick to pick back where you left off, sighing as you focused on scrubbing a particularly difficult splotch of cooking from a pan. Anklets…you might not understand entirely why Cove liked them but you gathered that it had to do with the aesthetic of them that appealed to him so much. Maybe. Even so, you enjoyed making some yourself and had gifted some to Cove already, much to his delight. He tried to wear them as much as possible, but after nearly losing one to the ocean, you didn’t see them as often- unless it was too cold to go in the water. At this point, Cove lived and breathed the salty ocean breeze… One time, you had joked that if Cove wasn’t a human in this life, he was definitely a mermaid in his last which was nicely reciprocated with a very flustered Cove with his familiar wobbly smile.
But unlike him, you lost so many of your precious anklets, that also being why you nearly abstained from wearing them entirely. The weight would grow familiar but then you would forget about it until much later. By then, the anklet was long gone and you had gone to too many places to retrace your steps to find them. You remembered one particular time where you had lost an anklet that Cove had gotten you as a birthday gift and you had worn it everywhere. Until the inevitable happened and you had lost it, inconsolable as even Liz had been roped into helping you find it. Mr. Holden did end up finding it in his shop but that was the final nail in the coffin for the entire anklet business. From then on, you kept most of your anklets under lock and key unless it was a special occasion like going to the Cypress’ dinners or such. 
What you needed was a way to wear one without losing it…you wouldn’t mind as much if it were one of your own- but if it was one that someone gave you… At that point, you figured you should buy a display for them. There wasn’t a point for them gathering dust in the wild…
“Hey baby sis- You done over there?” 
Liz stood behind you with a caring smile, a smile on her face but her eyes held a little concern as you followed their gaze to the now pristine pan in your hands- as well as the time. “You must’ve been really focused, huh?”, she chuckled with a conspiratorial tone as you quietly rinsed the pan and put it aside, segwaying into a classic Liz interrogation as she pick-pocketed your brain… to which she had a solution. 
“Well…”, she started as you wiped your hands on the drying towel. “How about a tattoo that looks like an anklet?” Feeling your questioning stare, Liz held out her hands. “Here me out: Firstly, I’m not saying to go and get a tattoo on a whim. Think over it- Obviously. Removing it costs at least twice or three times as much so give it some thought. But…in a way… You’d still be wearing an anklet and you’d never lose it, right?” The more she talked about it, the more it made sense to you. Obviously, you had to promise her (and your moms ‘cause they were listening) not to get that tattoo right away if you wanted to- and if you did, to at least let them know. No matter what you chose, they made it clear that they’d support your decision either way and loved you very much. As per usual, this brought a smile to your face and it never failed to make your day.
You didn’t end up getting that tattoo until around a week later, having taken Liz with you as moral support. She joked that you took her because Cove declined but that wasn’t the case. Instead, you wanted to try to surprise him! It was a very out-of-the-blue sort of thing for you to try but it was new and you were curious about the entire process. While it wouldn’t be the same as wearing an anklet, at least you’d never lose it! Besides! You still had all the anklet shrine to refer back to if you ever needed it. 
The tattoo shop wasn’t near the neighborhood shops or district, meaning Liz had to drive you into the city. It was…surprisingly pretty cute, judging from the pictures online! Which was…not the aesthetic you expected. It was also a little close to Mr. Holden’s shop if you and Liz wanted to walk over to say hello. Speaking of, Cove was supposedly hanging out with Terri and Miranda so as far as you were aware, there was very little chance for your paths to cross so everything checked out! 
As for the anklet in question… you decided to go for a (intricate/cutesy/simple) design with (floral/beachy) aspects. If you decided on floral aspects, you pulled up pictures of the white poppies behind your house for the tattoo artist as a reference as well as asking for some fireflies to be floating around them. The hill behind your house was where you met him after all…and the memories behind catching fireflies with you, him, Liz and Shiloh were important to you… 
If you decided on beachy aspects, you pulled up a picture of your favorite orange seashell, the same one that Cove was drawn to in your collection on your first playdate, and the dolphin keychain that he got you when you went to the shops together. The tattoo artist had nodded and gave you the rundown of what was going to happen. You pointed down to the ankle you wanted the tattoo on as your sister stayed by your side, taking her role as your moral support incredibly seriously. 
Once you decided on what the design would look like, they got right to work. The first few pin pricks of pain were easy to bear but as time went on, your grip on your sister’s hand tightened as she tried to make you feel better by pointing out how great it’d look after- and Cove’s face when he saw it. Despite her laughter at your blushing face at the thought, that little comment did help you pull through and before you knew it, it was over. 
You finally let go of Liz’s hand who didn’t complain one bit the entire time so…you were grateful to her for putting up with you. The area where the tattoo was sensitive, the tattoo artist told you. They also said that tattoos typically took two to four weeks to heal on the surface, but it could take three to six months to fully heal. It usually involved a week of redness and oozing, followed by two to three weeks of itchiness and peeling. They had already told you this before getting you set up to get a tattoo but they wanted to remind you again, just to be sure you’d take extra care of your skin during that process. You were quick to reassure them, making a mental note to be extra kind to yourself in these upcoming months. 
After the talk was over, they saw you back to the front, finalized the payment and sent you on your merry way as you couldn’t help but awe over their work. The (white poppies/seashells) were beautiful and they had stuck to your original design well, considering what you asked for. Your skin was holding up fairly well and you loved the colors on it so much, Liz had to stop you from accidentally bumping into everything.
“If you like it so much, take a picture of it! It’ll last longer! And you could send it to your lover boy!~”, Liz laughed teasingly although you knew she was trying to keep you safe. “He’s not my lover boy…”, you sighed, shaking your head as you tried to walk away from her to look for a bench, ignoring her laughter as she followed. “Not yet!~”, she warbled, obviously taking amusement in your half-hearted misery. As soon as you sat down, you quickly aimed your phone at the tattoo and sent it straight to Cove. Sure, you meant to keep it from him just a little longer but- crush aside- he was your closest friend and you told everything to each other. It was a habit you fully indulged in- except for the crush part. Obviously.
MC: Hey
MC: Look what I got :D
<MC sent a picture 1 second ago>
Cove: Thats a tattoo
Cove: Wait
MC: Ahuh
MC: Yup
Cove: Since when??
MC: Like 
MC: Five minutes ago
MC: Got it at a tattoo parlor in the shopping district with Liz
MC: And Liz says hi
Cove: Where
MC: Down past art gallery
Cove: Stay there
MC: Wait why
Cove has gone offline
Huh. That was weird. 
Liz had noticed the confused look on your face, accepting your phone once you handed it over to see what her thoughts were on it. Your older sister stifled a bark of laughter before passing it back over with a grin. “Don’t worry about it!~ Tell you what: How about I scour around for a snack before we head back?”, she cooed teasingly, patting your shoulder as you huffed quietly, crossing your arms as she stood up. You offered to go with her but she shook her head, saying she’d be fine and that she didn’t need a chaperone.
You did ask if she could get some (strawberry ice-cream/pretzels), making a mental note to share in case Cove did end up stopping by. Thankfully, Liz didn’t comment on the gleam in your eyes and playfully rolled her eyes before walking down the street. No matter how many years passed by, you made sure to watch your sister as long as you could before she turned a corner. It never failed to make you anxious being utterly alone in a space, given that you were always with someone throughout your entire childhood. There was safety in numbers, you guessed.
You didn’t have to wait long before the buzz in your pocket alerted you to a text, distracting from your plight as you pulled it out. It was Cove.
Cove: Im at the shop
Cove: Where are you?
That was your cue. 
You got up from the bench and stepped back on the main street to look back where the tattoo shop was. And right there was a familiar mop of seafoam green hair looking up and down the street. Couldn’t imagine why. 
“Cove!”, you called out, watching his eyes widen and look for the source as you (waved/shouted again/stepped into sight) to get his attention. Seeing how his face visibly brightened just by seeing you alone never failed to make you smile. He was quick to join your side, offering a hug which you easily accepted, snuggling yourself in his warmth as his arms curled around you softly, resting his cheek on your (head/shoulder). 
Just as fast as he had come, came your realization as you pulled your head back to look at him. “Wait- How did you get here so fast?,” you started as Cove tilted his head slightly with a small smile, catching up to the speed of your words. “I sent that text not even five seconds ago!” 
Your neighbor was quick to blush lightly, rubbing the back of his hair as he seemed to look anywhere but at you. “The hangout with Terri and Miranda was cut short so I asked if they could drop me off at dad’s shop.”, he chuckled, finding his eyes drawn back to you as you listened with a nod. “I would’ve drove myself but I wasn’t driving everyone around this time.” His hand found its way back to your back, keeping you close although you certainly didn’t mind. “That’s when I got your text and decided to walk here to meet up. Where’s Liz though?... You told me she said hi.”
You figured it probably didn’t settle right with him, seeing you all alone and by your lonesome with your sister nowhere to be found. You pat his arm, offering a smile to try and alleviate his worries as his worried frown persisted. “It’s ok! Liz offered to grab some snacks while I waited for you. And I didn’t stray far anyway. The plan was to stick by the bench until (I found you/she came back)!” He seemed to accept the explanation, sighing even then but grateful that nothing bad happened to you. 
“Ok cool. How about we head back to that bench? We can talk and- Oh!” His mouth opened in shock as he realized what he came here for. Cove looked down at you, a determined look on his face as he tried to properly word his thoughts into something coherent. “Were you being serious about the tattoo? That…wasn’t a joke, right?”, he asked hopefully, barely to stay still, judging from how he let go of you to fiddle with the bracelets on his wrist. You knew it’d probably shock or catch him off guard so you decided to play coy, putting a finger to your lips and skipping on back to the bench as you left Cove in some confusion. It took him a minute to react before quickly following you like a lost puppy, a sentiment you kept to yourself, trying not to giggle at the thought of it- although it didn’t go unnoticed by your precious neighbor.
As soon as the pair of you sat down, Cove was quick to ask about the tattoo. It was why you were here anyway and he seemed a bit more interested in the fact that it looked like it was around your ankle. The (skirt/pants) you wore covered it up so he couldn’t even get a sneak peak at it- if it was real at all. Sure, you liked to joke around and tease him from time to time but Cove didn’t think you’d go so far to joke about…a tattoo. It just didn’t rub off of him right. And if you did… Well. He didn’t want to go down that route. It was why he was here anyways! You were close by and had a tattoo he needed to verify! 
Thankfully for him, you weren't the type to deny him much (of anything.) You spoiled your neighbor rotten too much already- what was one more going to do to him? You pulled up your (skirt/pant leg) slightly to show off the tattoo as Cove’s eyes widened, the (fireflies flitting around the white linen poppies/ dolphin keychain diving around the orange seashell and coral reefs) catching his eye as he inhaled sharply. “Can I…?”, he barely whispered, his voice reduced to almost nothing as his fingers were a breath away from tracing the (eccentric/adorable/simplistic) designs. You were (quick/slow/hesitant) to nod as he took the initiative to take extra care not to irritate your sensitive skin, easily in awe and appreciative of the colors splashing across your skin-kissed canvas. He was already going down the memory lane, judging from the tears that bubbled up in his eyes. “Surprise?”, you offered, giving a sheepish smile as your ocean-loving lover boy (Liz would cry tears of laughter if she heard your thoughts) looked up with one of his iconic sappy smiles.
“It must be my birthday…”, he whispered, sniffling as your hand moved to wipe his tears away. Cove leaned into your touch with ease, his wobbly smile evident even when he tried to cover it up. He would always be touched by sentimentality; the reaction to something small meant volumes- it was truly the memories behind those items that held the most meaning to him. Your existence was paramount to his growth and he would always be ever so grateful to you for being his favorite neighbor.
“But…did you get for yourself or me?”, Cove continued, his smile replaced by a worried frown. Judging from the look his eyes, it was pretty discernable to guess where they stemmed from. It was the same concern Liz had indirectly brought up when you were washing the dishes a week ago: Getting a tattoo was a pretty huge decision and it wasn’t something to decide on a whim. While you knew that your family and Cove would support whatever decision you chose, you guessed you had to reassure him that, yes, you chose it for you but you also chose it for him…mostly for you though!! 
“Cove James Holden,” you started, which easily startled him as your grip gently squished his cheeks, drawing out a pout from him. He knew that you knew that you were being serious but having way too much fun messing with him. And also- you never really called him by his full name? Actually…when did you find out his full name??  “I promise you that I got this anklet tattoo just for me and that I was 100% sober while doing so. Nobody made me do it except me, myself and I.”, you vowed in a rather (silly/serious/exasperated) voice, making sure to exaggerate quite a bit just to see him try and fail to fight off a snort of laughter. 
“Alright, alright! I’ll lay off!”, he chuckled as you finally let go of his face, satisfied even as he struggled to hide his blush. “You know you’re adorable right?”, you spoke up (with a smirk, teasing him shamelessly/shyly, bashfully trying to hide your own blush/with a soft smile, being as honest as you always were). It always ended up the same way- Cove started blushing up a storm and tried his hardest to vehemently deny any and all allegations while you would laugh and easily bring up every moment where he was. This would prompt him to flip the tables onto you and you would be on the receiving end of compliments galore, to your (amusement/embarrassment/surprise). In the end, you both had come to the agreement that you both were equally deserving of praise despite not outwardly agreeing to those allegations, much to both of your dismays. 
Unbeknownst to you, the tattoo had affected Cove more than he let on. Yes, it nearly reduced him to tears, seeing how you managed to tie key points in your conjoined childhood into a tattoo that was on your skin for…forever-!  But… there was a part of him that was…relishing in the fact that you not only got in the form of an anklet but that it was just as much as it was for you as it was for him. It meant the world to him that those pieces of your childhood were just as important to you as they were for him. Although Cove didn’t like imagining a world without you in it, he was grateful he had you in his life. You were there when he needed you and… Well, before he knew it, the waterworks bubbled over again, trailing down his face as your fingers held his face again to wipe them away.
“What’s wrong, Cove?...”, you (whispered, gentle and soothing/hummed, direct and straight to the point) as you always were.
“Nothing nothing…”, he whispered, content to simply be with you for as long as he could. “I’m just…really glad you’re in my life.” His aquamarine eyes focused on you, offering a wide smile as you returned with ease, (hugging him through your own tears/ruffling his hair with a grin/holding his hand with a comforting squeeze). One day he’d tell you just how much you meant to him but… not right now. He found comfort in familiarity but he couldn’t hold it off forever.
The more things change, the more they stay the same…
©2024 avalordream Please do not COPY, REPOST (without permission), TRANSLATE, MODIFY or CLAIM as your own work. Doing so otherwise will result in a REPORT and an INSTANT BAN. No exceptions. Give credit where credit is due.
⊹ ‧₊˚ Taglist: @now-and-4ever ˚₊‧ ⊹
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allidoistrytrytryy · 1 year
a moment's silence when my baby puts her mouth on me (cove holden x reader)
ao3 version here
summary: Cove Holden and the black underwear (from Patreon moment 2, if you know you know), except it's his own surprise on a random Friday (smut with feelings)
word count: 3,116 words
tags: smut, porn with feelings, porn without plot, light dom/sub, switching, sexual intimacy, they're in love your honour, author has been feeling insane about cove for years and lately about the black underwear so here we are (female reader implied but i tried to be as non-descriptive as possible, can be a male trans reader too)
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You were exhausted, your fingers rubbed at your eyelids and at your forehead, trying to take the headache away.
You had had a large project at your job, long hours, and planning that took too much of your time. You came home late, too late, so late sometimes Cove would already be in bed or asleep on the couch, always waiting for you (even though you had told him to sleep, not to wait up for you if you were too late, but he insisted every time).
You sighed at the thought of your fiancee. You missed him too much, missed being able to have time with him, going out on weekends or lazing around after work to watch a show you would fall asleep through anyway, snuggled in his warmth.
You hadn’t been able to do that in more than two weeks, always working, always in contact with your coworkers to continue the project even deep into the night. You were glad today was the presentation, and then you were taking a few days off, away from everything.
You felt the fear in your gut at the presentation. You were nerves on legs, as you always were when you had to talk in front of an audience. You knew that would never change, the way you spaced out, waiting and waiting, at your desk.
Your phone buzzed on your desk, which took you out of your thoughts and the ball in your stomach. A smile crept up on your face before you even had the time to read what the text said, at the name appearing on your screen.
Romeo: You have this, show them what you’re made of. Love you. <3
You smiled hard, your finger rubbing at the heart emoji with the text, at the picture you had set as his picture on your phone. A picture of him asleep on your couch, snuggled under a blanket, his long hair freed from its usual low bun.
You hadn’t been able to resist the urge to take a picture, and your fingers had gone through his hair.
You sent him a heart back, now fired back up. You could do this, go home and kiss your fiancee senselessly until you fell asleep snuggled into his warmth.
And the presentation happened. It went well, and you shared smiles and compliments with your colleagues. Sighs of relief. You could all go home peacefully tonight.
Which you did. You sprinted to your car when the hour came, your colleagues’ laughter following you down the elevator. They all knew you were eager to be home again, to be with the fiancee you talked about too much. (You couldn’t help it. You loved Cove Holden too much, loved him since you were eight. What could you do?)
The drive went quickly and you arrived at your little place a bit further from the city in record time. When you parked in your spot, next to Cove’s car who was already there and home, you realized you had forgotten to send him a text. You bit your lip, hoping he hadn’t waited for it.
Five unread texts with Cove inquiring about the presentation, worried. Shit.
You climbed the stairs of the apartment complex quickly, your keys already in hand. You entered.
”I’m home! Sorry, I completely forgot to answer your texts, I’m so so...” You interrupted yourself by the sight of your living room, your coffee table with a range of plates and food, and even a cake.
Hands sneaked around your waist, a kiss on your hair, a chest against your back. Your fiancee enveloped you, mint, citrus and this particular ocean smell in your nose and you finally relaxed. “Hi sweetheart, how was it?” he asked gently.
You turned around in his arms and, as always, you had to crane your neck to look up into his eyes. You hadn't been fortunate with height while Cove had had too much of it over the years. His arms circled your waist. “Went smoothly, we can finally breathe now,” you answered and got on your tiptoes to kiss him quickly, which he answered with that giddy smile he never lost around you. “Now, what’s all of this, Covie?”
”Well, I knew it would go perfectly since it’s you,” you rolled your eyes at the remark but the smile betrayed you, the blush even more. “and wanted to celebrate it. I got your favorite things from your favorite places and got a cake.”
Cove looked like it wasn’t even an effort, and it wasn’t in your relationship. You both made so much effort, so much again and again for each other that it was just normal. But, it didn't change the fact that you were always touched by every gesture.
You still couldn’t phantom how dear you were to this man sometimes. You still couldn’t understand how your heart never seemed to stop expanding for him, taking in every piece, every detail, every word and action from him.
Your hands dragged his face to you, to kiss him deeply, like you had wanted to since you had finished the project. He sighed against your lips, that content sigh, his lips and tongue entangled with yours. An intimacy you could never get enough of.
”I love you so much,” you whispered against his lips and his eyes misted over, your crybaby, always yours.
”I love you too,” he whispered as if he didn’t want to break the calm of the moment, wanted to stay in this moment suspended in time.
Until you dragged him to the couch to drape yourself over him, eating and barely paying attention to whatever was on the TV as background noise. You talked about the project. He talked about his day and his own job.
When you finished, he pushed you to the bathroom. “Go take a bath, relax, I got the dishes,” Cove reassured and you pouted.
”But, I can help, I didn’t get dinner so it should be me,” you whined in his shoulder and he laughed while pushing in the bathroom while you couldn’t do anything.
”No way. Go, now,” he kissed your cheek and you still pouted as you got into the bathroom.
You did well on what he had told you to do, spending too much time in a hot bath until it got cold, your body wrapped in your comfortable fuzzy robe. You finally stepped out to get to the bedroom, itching to put your pajamas on, and fall asleep next to Cove.
The too-large shirt was in your hands, actually just one of Cove’s shirts you had stolen and never returned, as you did since you were teenagers, even before you were officially truly together. You hadn’t realized why the light was so dim, hadn't realized Cove was on the bed.
You turned your head slowly and you felt your knees wobble, felt your eyes widen until they almost popped out of your skull.
You had seen Cove in all types of clothes and nakedness over the years. You knew him and his body by heart, the moles, the sleeve on his right arm that you loved to kiss all over, the dips, and where the redness would creep. But right now? You were speechless.
Cove fucking Holden was sat against the headboard, half-lidded eyes on you, but you could see the blush high on his face and ears and down his neck. He was naked, well, except for the underwear but it was the underwear that made you want to scream.
It was black but it barely hid anything, the green happy trail visible from that delicious V-shape you liked to bite, down a dangerous low dip. Straps followed his hips and they showed his hipbones. You almost wanted to ask him to get up and show the back, to see how it looked over that ass you loved too much.
”Surprise,” he simply said, wanting to sound sultry but ending up at excited, embarrassed, waiting.
The shirt slipped through your fingers, forgotten on the floor, and you were still speechless. “What...are you...” you swallowed hard, heat at the back of your neck, on your ears.
Large shoulders were shrugged and he tilted his head, “I… we talked about how I wanted to try some...lingerie out and I thought it would be a good idea for a celebration.”
He was still waiting and you could see how waiting affected him, the redness ever more present on his face and down his neck, the quick jostle of his knee. You approached the bed slowly, eyes laser-focused on him.
You could feel a restraint slowly unfurling in your gut, a wait. You had missed Cove and his hands on you, you had missed the everyday intimacy but you had also missed the sexual intimacy you shared. You both couldn’t have enough of each other sometimes, a pull between your hearts and your bodies.
Your hands settled on the edge of the bed, and you crawled slowly to him, putting up a show for his eyes and his eyes only. The robe dipped down and he gulped, his eyes on your cleavage, on your bare chest visible underneath. You smirked, finding a place between his legs, hands on his thighs, so so close to the dangerous piece of underwear that threatened your composure.
”So, you decided to gift my eyes with this, baby?” you whispered, a finger playing with a strap at his hip. “You’re way too good for me.”
Cove gulped again and you wanted to bite at his Adam’s apple, leaving marks on his pale skin until everybody would know. He shook his head.
”What? You don't agree that you’re too good for me?” you asked, a little pout at the words, your eyes on his face. You were playing the game of how sultry you could be, how much you could push it until his own restraints broke. “Maybe I should show you.”
Your hands traced the straps and the edges of the underwear. Your mouth found a nipple as your hands traced but never touched where you could feel a hardness growing and growing. His moans hit your ears and you smiled, your tongue playing from one nipple to another.
”You don't have to...” he tried to say, his moans high, and god, did you love how vocal he could be. He was always so vocal, so good.
”I want to, so be a good boy, baby,” you whispered, bit at the side of his chest, so muscular, so pretty. He moaned higher, hips bucking against your chest. Your mouth traveled down and down, following the green trail of hair. “Driving me crazy with this, Covie.”
Your hands caressed the hardness over the fabric, but your mouth found the tip already out with how hard he was. The dip was so low that the tip was the only thing visible, so your tongue swirled around it, the saltiness hitting your tastebuds. You moaned, fingers at the straps.
”Oh my god," Cove whined loudly, hips bucking again, the tip making its way deeper into your mouth. “Shit, sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to...”
You shook your head and pulled at the straps downward, until the underwear sat underneath his cock and you pushed more and more into your mouth, desperate for more, to make him feel even better.
”Fuck, fuck, fuck," you heard him repeat and you wanted to smile, to tease him like you always did because he only ever cursed in those moments, so gone, so desperate.
More and more, until you felt tears in your eyes, until you breathed through your nose, hands at what you couldn’t fit down your throat because of how big he was. But you loved it, thighs clenching to relieve the ache that formed in between.
It wasn’t about you, even though you could spend hours between his legs, to look at his head thrown back, his eyes closed and face scrunched up, like now. He looked out of this world, long hair around his head, down his shoulders, redness still at his face, sweat down his neck and on his chest. You couldn’t believe he was yours still.
”Shit, sweetheart, I’m gonna… I’m...” Cove’s voice rang out and you felt how tight his balls were getting, see how his abs tightened. He was close, and a part of you wanted him to cum in your mouth, but you had another plan.
You popped off his hardness with a loud pop, saliva around your mouth, and his head rose up, his eyes opened in question. You crawled back up his body, your hands opening your robe, until you could throw it on the floor beside the large bed. You settled on his lap, hands on his shoulders.
You swatted his hands away before they could fall on your hips, and you saw the small pout on his face that you kissed away with a laugh. “Sorry, no touching baby, be good a bit longer for me,” you kissed along his face, nibbled at his neck, leaving a few hickeys as your hips moved, your wetness rubbing on his cock.
Cove whined still against your shoulder, “But you look so good… And you’re so wet,” he moaned, groaned. “Let me touch you, please,” he begged but you shook your head, your hips rising up to catch the tip at the edge of your wetness, of your warmth.
You slowly sunk down, your own moan unable to stay in your throat at the delicious burn his cock always gave you, that fullness that always took your breath away. You hummed as you sank lower and lower.
His eyes were closed tightly, his body trembled when you finished back on his lap, the length fully inside you. You stayed still, enjoying the moment, and his hands stayed beside his hips, beside the underwear that was still underneath his cock, trapping his legs in place. He was taut, all muscles tight and restrained.
”Please, please, move," Cove begged and you could only answer with your hips moving up and slamming back down.
Your moans intertwined with Cove’s, as you rode him, slowly, building a faster rhythm with every breath, every moan. You rode him, a deep pleasure building in your stomach, pleasure built with his moans in your ear, your teeth at his shoulder.
You rode him until your thighs trembled and his hips, so restrained until now, slammed up in response. You almost screamed his name. It had hit that one spot deep inside and your body had fallen down onto his chest.
All restraint broke in his body, his hands at your hips, so tight you knew you would feel them still tomorrow, “Sorry, I can’t...” he breathed out, before his hips slammed up again and again, his hands guiding your hips down every time.
“Fuck, Cove, Cove,” you repeated his name, your forehead on his shoulder, your eyes on the spot that joined your two bodies together, his cock sliding in and out.
His name on your lips broke him again and you lost all control you had on the situation. His hands manhandled you on your back, almost ripped the underwear that had started it all off his legs, and he had your legs folded against his chest before he slid back in.
The breath was knocked out of your chest, your hands tugged at his hair, and your eyes were on him always. The muscles bulging with every movement, the sweat trickling down, the pure ferocity and desperation on his face.
Cove wasn't always pushed to this side of dominance, if not ever. Not to this degree. You both liked to switch, to play with what were the limits and new things, but falling back into lovemaking most of the time. Here, your gentle sweet Cove was gone, to leave a rougher Cove you loved too, your moans encouraging him.
”Don’t stop, Cove, don’t stop," you begged, hands desperate in his hair, hips moving to answer every thrust deep inside, against the spot. You could barely talk and he could only groan and moan, his own mouth busy on your nipples, back arched.
You were getting closer and closer, and he could feel it, the way you arched more and more, the way you were tighter and tighter around him, the way your moans only got louder. His eyes were on your face, a hand moving down from your hip to the nub of nerves, so wet from everything.
Your head tilted back into the pillow, “Cove, I’m… I’m gonna cum,” you moaned, warned and he hummed in response, his thumb insistent on your clit, in time with every thrust. Your back arched even more, the pleasure exploding in your stomach, behind your eyes, and in your whole body until you were left a trembling thing underneath Cove.
His thrusts slowed down, but your hips moved and you shook your head. “No, don't stop, need you to cum,” you croaked out, voice spent, hands still tugging at his hair.
”I don’t want to hurt you,” Cove moaned over you, eyes half-lidded on your face, but you shook your head again. You tugged him closer, forehead against his.
”You can’t hurt me. Please Cove, I love you, please,” you begged, his thrusts were erratic and you could tell he was close.
”I love you, fuck, I love you so much, I love you," he repeated against your cheek, and you hummed, answered back, until he moaned louder.
Until the final thrust, until he came deep inside you with your name on his lips and you kissed his face.
Cove detangled himself from you only to bring back a wet washcloth, to wipe you and himself. You only got up to go the toilets, fast and impatient, to find him back in bed, under the covers.
You cuddled in his arms, your cheek on his shoulder, legs entangled to look at him. Content, beautiful. It was magical, as always, to go to sleep with him every night, to have him be the last thing you always saw at night.
”Well, that was a nice surprise," you giggled and he smiled lazily. “I’ll be the one to surprise you next time.”
He groaned lightly but laughed, forehead hitting yours gently. “If you want me to really die, sure,” and you could only laugh, his lips on your eyelids, yours reaching up to kiss his eyebrows. “Go to sleep, sweetheart.”
You hummed, “I love you, Covie.”
His smile grew larger, and his cheeks turned red as always, “I love you too.”
And you fell asleep, safe, happy, home, where you belonged.
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stars-o · 1 year
𝙲𝚞𝚝𝚎 𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝙲𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙳𝚘𝚎𝚜
Tags: fluff, cute shit Cove does, ooc cove slightly?
Synopsis: basically, Cove doing things that gets you flustered and fall in love with him deeper
Word Count: 1073
Characters: Cove x GN! Reader
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Leaning over and buckling your seatbelt
▸Cove huffs whenever you forget to buckle yourself in. Of course, he’s not upset, in fact he loves leaning over and doing it for you. Totally not using that as a reason to steal a smooch from you. 
▸He also cares about safety; anything can happen, and he doesn’t want to see you hurt. Like what if a helicopter suddenly falls on top of your car? Or what if he breaks too hard and you fly out the window?? 
▸He always makes sure you’re buckled in first before he does so himself and starts the car. Even if you’re in a rush. Safety first! 
▸And he totally doesn’t grumble in displeasure whenever you beat him in buckling your seatbelt first. 
“I wanted to buckle you in… what? I didn’t say anything?”
Zipping up your jacket
▸Whenever you both decide to go out whenever it’s cold, you always toss on a jacket and not zip it up. Cove will and aways zip it up for you, not caring of your whining.
▸He doesn’t want you to get sick! If you do, he won’t be able to kiss you until you feel better and even though he has good patience, he doesn’t want to wait too long. 
▸And once he reaches the maximum level, he just dives in and smothers you in kisses despite your protests, next thing you know, you’re both sick. 
▸But hey! What’s a better time to spend with your partner than being sick together? He doesn’t care if he misses work, he’s happy enough to spend this time with you. 
▸Unfortunately, you can’t be angry with him for too long because look at that face! He’s really sorry but he’ll make it up to you once you both get better. 
“I’m sorry (Name) for not listening... But at least we get to be sick together!” 
Holding your hand before crossing the street
▸Again, a safety thing, but he loves holding your hand and uses this as an excuse to hold yours. And to show off to others that ‘hey look! we’re holding hands so that means we’re dating! so back off!’. Especially in front of the cars you’re walking past, Cove giving the poor drivers a scare from his intense staring.
▸Y'know that one Tik Tok audio clip from Chowder that basically goes like “Hold my hand NOW”. Yeah, that’s Cove, but he would never yell or use force on you to hold his hand. He instead pouts and gives you the puppy look so you can hold his hand.  Which you do because he looks adorable.
▸Always, without missing a beat, always kisses your hand. He loves bringing up your intertwined hands to his lips and plant a kiss, letting his lips linger for a bit before bringing your hands down and swinging them gently, a skip in his step. 
▸The warmth seeping from your palms brings Cove a sense of calmness. Just being near you calms his mind from any negative thoughts that spring up randomly. 
“Oh, we’re about to cross the street, (Name)! Hold my hand before we cross!” 
Tying your shoes
▸Sometimes we leave the house in a rush and forget the most important thing. Tying our shoes! But with our trusty boyfriend, Cove, he always does it for you! He would stop you, kneel down and tap his knee, signaling you to put your foot on it so he could tie your shoes properly. 
▸He always checks if you tie your shoes or not. Cove doesn’t want you to trip and fall for other people. See what I did there?? No? Okay anyway if you do fall for some reason, he’ll be there to sweep you off your feet. 
▸Whenever he finishes tying your shoes, Cove would stand back up and look into your eyes with a shiny smile. You question him and he points at his cheek, blue eyes shining even brighter. 
▸He wants a reward from saving you from any falls you could’ve had in the future! Cove wants a kiss. From you. Either on the lips or cheek, he’s not a picky person. 
“Here, let me tie your shoes for you.”
Always offering you food
▸Even though Cove loves shoving food in his mouth and swallowing it in one go, he never forgets to offer you some. Doesn’t matter if the snack is small and it’s not enough to feed two people, Cove will walk over and ask if you want a bite.
▸If you offer him food, he’ll be floored and open his mouth as you spoon feed him your meal. He’ll be happy with whatever you feed him a tiny crumb, a vegetable he doesn’t like, reluctantly, he’ll eat that.
▸Drinks! Drinks are included in the equation. 
▸Even though Cove wants to sip on the refreshing slurpy, he will make sure you have the first zip without fail. 
▸Cove blushes at the thought of the indirect kiss whenever you put your lips on any of his utensils he eats with. Even though y’all are already dating. He still gets flutters from you. 
“Want a bite, (Name)?”
Forehead goodbye kisses 
▸Whenever you or Cove are running late or have to leave for a few hours, Cove will pull you towards him and plant a kiss on your forehead.
▸Has become a routine for you both to never leave without you receiving Cove’s kiss before heading out to work. Honestly, it’s the best way to start off the day and he hopes that it never changes.
▸But when you’re in a rush, you sometimes forget to receive that kiss and that brings down Cove’s morning. He pouts and waits for you to return so you can pepper your face with kisses to make up for the one you missed in the morning. 
▸You’re sorry but you can’t complain from the kiss onslaught so it’s a win-win
“Oh, you’re leaving right now? Let me kiss your forehead!” 
“I miss you...” texts throughout the day
▸This kinda goes with the ‘goodbye kisses’ 
▸Cove texts you throughout the day that he misses you. He sends one not even a minute of you leaving the house you both lived in. 
▸He’ll send a text saying that he ‘craves to cuddle you’ when you leave to take a shit. 
▸It’s really cute until he starts spamming you while you’re in a meeting, your embarrassed face sputtering out apologies towards your workers. 
“Heyy, i miss u :(“ 
A/N: Heyy ya'll I got another one for you hehe but I kinda rushed at the end because its late and im tired
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milomarigold · 1 year
Baxter Ward Can Cook
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You're just in time. Dinner is ready!" - Baxter
I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Baxter learns to cook in Step 4 :D! Not to mention, that GB Patch said he may be the best cook out of the 3 bachelors. So, I couldn't resist making a drawing of such.
Honestly, I struggled with this one, choosing a color palette for instance. I wanted a limited palette, and eventually I had the most fun with pinks. Hope you like Baxter and his fish dinner, bon appetite!
P.S. thanks reblogging💕!! Have some dessert 🍰🍨🍫
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