#our lalisa
jentledaisy · 5 months
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congrats to our Lalisa on making her own label!!!
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mslizsteele-stories · 3 months
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The club was already packed by the time my shift started. I could feel the presence of the loud music and bass pass through me like a ghost taking possession of its host. The neon lights were moving, flashing and zipping around and across the place in a frenzy. People were dancing, grinding against each other and making out while others already crowded the bar waiting for their drinks and to be attended to.
Show time.
"Hi, welcome to The Coup d'Etat. What can I do for you?" I smiled at the group of ladies waiting at the bar.
"Hi, can you open up a bar tab for us?" one of them, a brunette, asked, nodding towards her friends, who were drooling at the sight of me - nothing new.
"Sure. Will you be paying in cash or card?"
"Cash, we're splitting the bill."
"Okay, what would you like for your tab?"
"Soju will be fine. Thanks."
I took out a tray and some glasses before striding over to the fridge to collect the soju. After filling the bucket with ice, and placing the bottles of soju inside, I placed the bucket into the tray and pushed it toward the customers. "Here you go. Let me know when you want to close your tab."
"Sure thing."
They left for their booth, but not before one of them winked at me.
As I was about to move on to the next batch of customers, I bumped into a blonde woman who, from the looks of it, was in a rush to get to wherever she wanted to go.
"I'm so sorry." She apologized with a bow until she had a good look at me. "Hey, you must be the new guy GD told me about. The guy I'm supposed to monitor during my shift."
I quirked an eyebrow, "Sounds like your boss doesn't trust me."
She waved her hand, "He does that to every new employee. Heck! He did that to me when I first started working here. I'm Chaeyoung, by the way." She stuck out her hand towards me.
I shook her hand. "Ollie."
"Well, Ollie. Normally, I would train you on what to do and how to handle the POS system, but it seems like you know your way around it. So, I'll serve the tables while you handle things here at the bar. Sound good?"
"Sure thing."
The rest of the evening was pretty much uneventful aside from tending to the customers. Chaeyoung was anywhere and everywhere, taking orders, clearing the tables, and checking on the customers while also helping me at the bar when need be. I was pretty much accustomed to the nightlife in the club; watching people dance and have the time of their life, the music, the lights (and thank God the ventilation in the club was good).
"You okay there?" I asked the blonde who was leaning against the bar and groaned.
"I'm just glad that I can rest for a bit." She said. "Why do the weekends always be so damn busy?"
"Well, a lot of people like to spend their weekends going to clubs and bars, especially college and university kids," I said. "Besides, more people. More tips."
She groaned again. "And the fact that I'm a broke uni kid is not doing me any favours."
"Well, I wouldn't know since I'm not a uni kid."
She looked at me confused. "Did you drop out?"
"Nope. I never went to college or university after I graduated high school. Went straight to the military and left two years later."
"How old are you?"
"Holy shit!" her eyebrows flew up. "You're old."
"Hey, I'm not that old." I frowned. "Gosh. What is up with you kids and thinking thirty is old."
"That's literally the age to already be married and have kids."
"Yet your generation is already getting married and having kids at eighteen."
She opened her mouth to retort, but no sound or syllable left her mouth. I chuckled at her reaction, knowing that she knew I was right.
"Anyway!" she changed the subject. "Where are you from? You don't sound like you're here. Not to forget, you look way too exotic to be Korean."
"I'm Chinese, but I grew up in Australia."
"Oh, my God! You're an Aussie!" she squealed, switching to English with a strong Aussie accent.
I chuckled. "Yes, I'm an Aussie."
"Chris and Felix are going to be so hyped when I tell him we have another Aussie on the team."
"How many are there."
"It's just the three of us. Other foreigners work here, but either way, it's good to meet another foreigner. Us foreigner folks gotta stick together, am I right?"
I hummed, conceding with her statement.
Suddenly the music stopped, and the lights turned. My eyes found the stage where the DJ booth was. I saw smoke lurking around the stage and blending with the deep blue neon lights until a song with a fusion of moombahton and Latin trap music started playing. Eight feminine figures emerged and walked up to the stage and stood in line, four standing across from each other as though they made a path for someone.
The spotlight shined on the ninth dancer, a dark-haired woman whose hair was just above her shoulders and her bangs covering her forehead. She wore a white crop top with crystal tinsels along with a pair of denim shorts with a glitter belt around her waist and a pair of white glitter knee-high combat boots.
My eyes were focused on her as she walked up to the centre of the stage, and her dancers broke their formation. The way her body movement was in synch with the rhythm of the song. The expressions she made while she danced. Everyone's attention was on her and her alone.
"That's Lisa." Chaeyoung's voice broke me out of whatever spelt that woman had put me under.
I looked at her.
"The girl you're staring at." She clarified. "Her name is Lisa. She's one of the dancers here, and people pay a lot of money to see her perform, let alone give them a private performance in one of our VIP lounges. She's pretty good, ain't she?"
I turned my gaze back to the dancer. "I'm no dance guru since I can't dance to save my life, but she's pretty good, I guess."
"Oof! Don't say that in her presence, though. She will make sure you'll change that statement from pretty good to pretty amazing." She playfully bumped her shoulder against mine. "But she's pretty chill when she's off stage. A little mischievous but pretty chill."
I hummed, making no comment. Not that I needed to anyway. I did consider Chaeyoung's comment about this girl, but I decided to push it aside and not dwell much on it. It wasn't like I was going to see her outside of work, let alone talk to her. It was probably better that way.
"Well, break time is over." Chaeyoung stretched. "Those tables aren't going to serve themselves."
"Good luck," I said as she left the bar.
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dumbseee · 11 months
stalker. pt.5.
charles leclerc x reader. / carlos sainz jr x reader.
fc: lalisa manoban.
note: listen to don’t blame me by taylor swift for this :)
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trouble in paradise?
it seems like y/n l/n isn’t very faithful to her new boyfriend, carlos sainz if we believe his teammate charles leclerc who is also y/n’s ex boyfriend, #messy 👀. in case you lived under a rock, y/n and charles broke up a few months ago and only a month later she started dating sainz. these two looked in love until charles posted some weird insta stories hinting at y/n’s possible infidelity. the internet has been divided ever since that story with either #teamy/n or #teamcharles.
one thing for sure, y/n lost the support she had when she broke up with charles. we tried to get in touch with sainz but his team politely declined our calls, as for charles he only commented that his story was self explanatory and he didn’t need to add anything else. y/n on the other hand disappeared from social media since her comments sections were being jeopardised by haters.
and you, who’s team are you on?
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landonorris just posted a story!
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tagged: @.y/n @.francisca.cgomes
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carlos put down his phone and got out his car, he was just in front of charles’s house and he came ready to put an end to his behaviour. he had charles’s address since they were teammates and once friends. the spaniard knocked multiple times, thinking about what he was going to do once charles opened the door, he rehearsed his lines a thousand times because he was scared that anger would take over once charles was in front of him. he just wanted to ask one question: why? why would he do that to you, when all he did during your relationship was hurting you over and over again.
"carlos. i knew i’d see you soon. how are you? my friend?" charles opened the door with a big smile which took carlos off guard but angered him even more. "your friend? do you even know the meaning of that word?" he answered through gritted teeth, taking a step inside charles’s apartment. "oh because you do? mister steal your girl?" charles’s attitude made carlos want to strangle him on the spot. "you really want to play that game? you cheated on her, coño how dare you act like you’re the victim here, hm?" carlos slightly pushed charles which made him take a step back.
"don’t fucking touch me." carlos knew that if he let his feelings get the best of him, this could end very badly, and he couldn’t do this to you. "you say that you still love her, that cheating on her was a mistake, but what about what you’re doing right now? everyone think that she cheated on me with you! that’s not love charles, it’s obsession." carlos added, trying to resonate the monegasque. "you don’t understand the bond we have, sainz. she’s just messing with you to get to me." charles smiled. "leave her alone, leclerc. don’t make me repeat myself." the monegasque took a step towards his teammate and grabbed him by his collar. "or what, sainz? what are you going to do, hm? because i’m never going to stop, y/n is mine and mine only." the spaniard couldn’t recognise the man in front of him, the one he once called his ‘hermanito’, the one he loved to piss off during training and the one he loved to film challenges for the fans. the man in front of him wasn’t the charles he knew. that’s why carlos didn’t feel bad for what he was about to do.
"i came here to see if i could resonate you, it was the last chance i was going to give you. but you made me realise that the charles i knew was long gone. what you’re feeling right now is not love, i’m not saying that you never loved y/n, it’s not my place to judge that, but right now you’re nothing but a stalker, charles." carlos pushed charles off him and rearranged his collar. "what i’m feeling for y/n is true love because i know that once i’ll realise that she’s happier without me, i’ll leave her alone immediately, because her happiness is more important than mine." and with that, carlos left a speechless charles behind.
later that night, carlos came back to your shared apartment, he found you asleep on the couch while your favorite tv show was playing. he smiled and took off his shoes and jacket before slowly crouching next to you. he brushed the strands of hair in front of your face and kissed your forehead. that made you open your eyes, and what you saw in front of you made you think you were dreaming. "carlos?" you asked, tears forming in the corner of your eyes. "yes, cariño, i’m home." you bit your lip and hugged him tightly while he was stroking your hair. "i’m so sorry for making you cry, i never once doubted you."
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y/n just posted a story!
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taglist: @ferrariloverr @incoherenciass @avengersheart @roseseraj @styles-sunflower @thievin-stealing @hiraethrhapsody @ariagonzalezsstuff @vellicora @buckybarnessweetheart @leclercloml @ru-kru @slytherheign @95lomty
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iamred-iamyellow · 2 months
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Lalisa Love Me
♥ pairing: lalisa manoban x fem!driver!reader
♥ smau 
♥ content: fluff <3 
♥ a/n: I’m an f1 loving american lesbian blink so when lisa wove the checkered flag in miami  I knew I had to write this. This is also my first posted fic :) - none of the pictures are mine
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liked by lalalalisa_m, blackpinkofficial, and 706,435 more 
yourusername Blackpink in your area - tagged blackpinkoffical 
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user12 SHE’S A BLINK?! 
 yourusername 🩷🖤 
user4 the crossover we never knew we needed 
landonorris where was my invite? 
yourusername must’ve got lost in the mail :/ 
 landonorris …
user5 my worlds are colliding 
lilymhe bring me next 
yourusername I WILL DW 
alex_albon I see how it is
yourusername GIRLS NIGHT IDEA - us and the wags go to their LA concert
francisca.cgomes I’ll be there 
roses_are_rosie hope we see you again! 
    yourusername <3 
user7 already writing fanfiction 
   user3 new character unlocked 
user5 she’s gonna show up at Jackson Wang’s party just wait 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris, and 416,587
yourusername COACHELLA ☀️ - tagged lalalalisa_m
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yourusername you guys killed it btw
*liked by lalalalisa_m*
user6 the amount of lisa pictures-
user10 its almost like she was there just for her
user6 she probably was ngl I'd be there just for Lisa too
user14 They are both MOTHER
user17 Lisa x y/n was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
landonorris I am once again asking for blackpink tickets
user10 PLEASE hsndnksjs
user7 he's so real for that
yourusername @ landonorris get your own tickets
user5 Lisa 🛐
yourusername i agree.
user5 wait what
user8 aaaand screenshoted
user7 my new wallpaper
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, maxverstappen1, lalalalisa_m, and 827,942 more
yourusername Congrats World Champ <3 You drove one hell of a year.
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maxverstappen1 you drove amazing yourself. p2 overall is great, especially in your second season
*liked by yourusername*
user1 lisa liked this post btw
user3 they're literally canon at this point
user5 congrats girly
user7 literally crying at lisa liking this post
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, sooyaaa_, and 743,078
lalalalisa_m See You Soon <3
view comments
user17 ??? CONTEXT ???
user2 Don't be shy, tell us who
user7 the car pic...? liked by y/n....?
user4 *me waiting for a lisa x y/n relationship megathread*
user8 unrelated but she looks stunning
user9 posted the DAY OF f1 winter break. not a coincidence.
user3 my otp
user12 I ship so hard
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by yourusername, jennierubyjane, and 506,902 more 
lalalalisa_m Waving the flag - tagged yourusername and redbullracing 
view comments
yourusername so glad you're here
     lalalalisa_m <3 
user3 the picture in the middle hello??? 
landonorris so @ yourusername lied about being sick last week? 
yourusername yes and I’d do it again
landonorris the betrayal 
 yourusername you’ll live 
jennierubyjane good luck! 
   yourusername thanks jen <3
user2 NEED more lisa x y/n content 
    user7 on it 🫡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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liked by redbullracing, yourusername, and 650,432 more
lalalalisa_m P3! That's my girl 🍾 - tagged yourusername
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lilymhe love you both
*liked by lalalalisa_m and yourusername*
user16 lets goo p3
user7 "my girl" sorry- MY GIRL?
user4 hey siri, play we fell in love in october
user12 honorary wag
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liked by roses_are_rosie, landonorris, and 1,034,607 more
yourusername Lalisa Love Me - tagged lalalalisa_m
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landonorris FINALLY
yourusername love the enthusiasm
landonorris we've been waiting for over a year
alex_albon he's right
user7 our fanfics came ture
user2 Jackson Wang's parties never disappoint.
user3 "lisa I'm gay for you" same
user7 she's so real for that
user1 let's go lesbians let's go
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
end notes: I literally skipped my eng essay just for this lmao. this is for a pretty niche audience but I hope ya'll enjoyed it <3 idk if I'ma post more fics here but I might! thanks for reading.
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blackpink stories supporting lisa's rockstar
jennie: our fucking rockstar ✨ you're so cool lalisa ! i'm dying rosé: Whooooooopp GO OFF SISSSSS @/lalalalisa_m IS HEREEEE jisoo: you're so cool!! rockstar lalisa 🐥🌟🎸 ㅠ.. does anyone know why it’s like this.. this failed to post 7 times.. ha. please give lots of love and support to lisa’s song 🥲🎸“
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
The Literature Club (Blackpink)
Author: Here is a Yandere oneshot from my oneshot book in Wattpad. If you want to check out more of my works take a look at the Masterlist :)
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Today is a new year of school, a new year of memories, a new year of funny moments together with my friends. The first thing I did for my morning routine is getting from my bed and brushing my teeth then having a nice hot shower. I go downstairs to see my eomma make breakfast for me.
"Morning sweetie~!" Eomma greeted me.
"Morning Eomma!" I greeted her back before I sat down and begin to eat breakfast.
"I heard the school is holding a new club promotion event." Eomma told me.
"Yeah, the school is going to have vendors from the school's club to get new members." I responded to her.
"So any clubs you have in mind?" She asked me curiously.
"I don't know but I heard there is a new literature club, so I'm gonna check it out!" I said to my Eomma.
"That's good to hear your joining a new club." Eomma responded to me with a bright smile.
After, I was done eating breakfast, I grab my things for school and started to walk my way. Took me about 5 minutes to finally get to the front entrance of campus. I take a deep breath before heading inside the building, I looked at my schedule and the school's billboard about the club vendors.
When I was about to continue walking down to my class, I went to my assigned locker but when I opened it, I was confused as there's some sort of letter with a heart on it. I take the letter and open it before reading it.
"Hey Y/N!
We are the club members of the Blackpink Literature Club and we are hoping that you are interested in joining. If you are wondering who is writing this then my name is Kim Jisoo and I'm the club president. I have other three club members in my literature club as for the moment. We would be extremely grateful if you come to visit us at the club vendors at the school!
Hope to see ya there~!
- Kim Jisoo"
Wow, what a coincidence! I was actually planning to go there anyway, if you didn't know already. I put the letter away and the bell rang right after.
My first class is English, I walk down the hallway to the classroom and inside is the students and the teacher themselves.
"Oh, hi, who are you?" The teacher asks me.
"My name is Y/N Shin." I answered him and he nods.
"Ah, yes, your in the right class, please have a seat!" The teacher instructs me and I go sit down on a open desk.
After a good while, a see four girls come inside and my lord they were all gorgeous. The boys stared at them but the girls just ignored it.
"And who are you four?" The teacher asks them.
"Our names is Kim Jisoo, Kim Jennie, Park Chaeyoung, and Manoban Lalisa." Jisoo introduces herself and the other girls.
"But you call me Rose." Rose explained to the teacher.
"And you can simply call me Lisa." Lisa said to the teacher.
I see a lot of other students whispering among one another so I guess their really popular students here. What a minute...? The girl named Jisoo is the one who left that letter in the locker room!
That is very unusual for me because in my own opinion, I'm not that really interesting of a person and I don't know why they would leave a letter in my locker.
"Maybe they left letters to other students as well..." I suggested myself and I shrug it off.
I was busy reading a book but my dense self was not aware that the girls were sitting right by me... Jisoo was in the seat in front of me, Jennie the left side, Chaeyoung on the right side, and Lisa behind me and they stared at me.
"Why do I get the feeling I have eyes on me..." I said in my thoughts before looking up to Jisoo looking at me which startled me and she just giggled in response along with the other girls.
"Wow, you really are cute in person." She said to me which I blushed in response.
"I know, right Jisoo-Unnie~?" Rose quickly responded to her while licking her lips sending shivers down my spine.
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"Do you have a girlfriend by any chance?" Chaeyoung asked me curiously and I shake my head.
"No?" She asked me raising her eyebrow.
"I don't have one, why do you ask?" I asked her curiously.
"Oh, we're just curious that's all." She responded to me and I nod. But when I looked at the other girls reaction to my answer, they were strangely happy about it which I wonder why.
"Alright, class settle down we're beginning the lesson ." The teacher announced.
Everyone went off their phones or just put away whatever they were doing then pay attention to the teacher. The girls rolled their eyes and we begin the lesson.
After the lecture is over, everyone is dismissed and they left the classroom immediately after they were done packing. I since today is the first day of school, they decided to just let us roam and explore around campus for the 2nd period of class.
In the meantime though, I wanted to check out the club vendors since they were holding it right now. I head to the cafeteria and see a whole bunch of stuff like anime, archery, sports, anything you can imagine a school would have.
"Hey, kid!" I hear a girl voice calling to me and I turn to the direction of the voice to see a girl walking towards me.
"Your interested in joining the art club?" She asks me.
Jisoo's POV
We got done setting up the our vendor but we wondered where our Y/N could be at. I decided to look around for him but when I found him. My blood began to boil when I saw Irene talking to him and being too friendly with him.
"He's gonna get punished when I get my hands on him." I said to myself.
I approached them and Irene quickly left when she saw me.
"Hey Jisoo, what do you need?" He asked me.
"Come here." I ordered him and I grabbed his arm then pull him to my vendor with the other girls.
Jeez, why is she so possessive of my all of a sudden when she saw me with Irene? Is she jealous or something? Heck, I don't even know!
I continued to be dragged by Jisoo until we reached the Literature Club's vendor. Jisoo explained to what she saw to the girls and they began to giving me death glare at me which I gulped in response.
"Y/N, what were you doing with Irene?" Jennie asked me coldly.
"She just asked if I wanted to join the art club, that's all." I confessed to them.
"From now on, you don't talk any girls besides us!" Rose said to me coldly while grabbing my collar.
"W-What?" I asked her while stuttering.
"You see, from now on. We own you so you belong to us only." Lisa explains to me.
"W-What the hell?!" I said in my thoughts as I panicked.
"Do you understand now, baby now~?" Jisoo asked me while giving me a sadistic smile and I nod slowly.
"Do you understand?" She asked again but this time with a angry look which I gulped in response.
"Yes, Jisoo-Unnie." I responded to her and she smiles again.
"Good." She says before grabbing a badge with a logo on it and pins it onto me.
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That moment, I knew that this year is gonna be a long and tiring one...
It has been months since the Literature Club members have claimed me as there's. Many boys were jealous of it but they didn't dare try to attack me in any way because if they did let's just say the members "took care of them" which I can already tell what they mean.
"Y/N, come here!" I hear Jennie call to me.
I approach her to the desk she is sitting at.
"So, you enjoy it here, baby boy~?" She asked me seductively and I nod slowly.
"Good, because your going to enjoy this as much as I will." She said to me before getting up from her seat and sits on my lap.
She stared at me with her deadly eyes which makes me shiver before she slowly caresses my face. She slowly moves her head towards mine and our lips interlocked with each other.
She began to insert her tongue into mine and begins to explore the inside of my mouth. It wasn't exactly love but pure hunger. At this point it was dragging on for too long but thankfully she pulled away, and I immediately begin to catch my breath.
"Oh, this is just the beginning, where not done yet~" She warns me.
"Yah, Jennie why don't we get to kiss him?" Rose whines to her and Jennie turns to look at her.
"You will get to eventually." She says to her.
She then pulls a knife out of her bag which makes my eyes widen.
"Now, the real fun begins!" She announced and the girls smirk at the sight.
"Oh god..." I said before closing my eyes.
                                                      Game Over
I just looked at the computer in disbelief of what I just played. Seriously what type of dating simulator is this?!
"I think I better get rid of this." I suggest to myself before I move the mouse to delete the game.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you~." I hear 4 girls say to me which makes my stomach drop.
I spin my office chair to see that somehow the same four girls are now in my room!!!
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"How the hell did they get here!?!?" I question in my thoughts as I have no idea what to do.
"We have our ways if your wondering how we got here." Lisa says to me.
"But now your ours forever~." Jisoo says to me with a evil smile.
"Ah, nuts." I muttered.
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laalisas · 2 years
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Our girls rooting for Lisa when she won Best K-pop with ‘LALISA’ at 2022 MTV VMAs
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hyun0o · 6 months
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Hey, just starting. You guys can call me hyun or pang (female), I like hyun but call me what makes you comfortable. I want to make girl groups scenarios or one shots and most of them are just gonna be x female!Reader. Sorry for the guys out there (-=-'). But anyways if you ask kindly on what you want me to write then I'll give it time to make it . I hope you'll enjoy what I write. I allow smut and other things except for members that are under age. Please note that I'm not going to write a story if I'm not comfy with the members and please ask nicely so I can be comfortable with you reader. I'm filo as well so if u want a filo fic then don't be scared to ask (°=°).
Yu Jimin (Karina)
The Train Ride To Our Paradise [Fluff]
Competition For You [!smut!]
White Bunny [FF] [!smut!]
Aeri Uchinaga (Giselle)
Bored [!smut!] (Request)
Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Competition For You [!smut!]
Ning Yi Zhou (Ningning)
Picnic [!smut!] (Request)
Nothing yet
Park Jisoo
Nothing yet
Kim Jennie
Her Favorite [!smut!]
Ride me [!smut!] (Request) (Coming soon)
White Bunny [FF] [!smut!]
Park Chaeyoung (Rosé)
Bath Time [!smut!] (Request) (Coming soon)
Lalisa Manobal (Lisa)
Nothing yet
Cutie [Fluff] (Request)
Kim gaeul
Nothing yet
An Yujin
Nothing yet
Kim Jiwon (Liz)
Nothing yet
Jang Wonyoung
Midnight Longing [Fluff]
White Bunny [FF] [!Smut!] (Coming soon)
Naoi Rei
Nothing yet
Lee Hyunseo (Leeseo) [!No Smut!]
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Miyawaki Sakura
Nothing yet
Kim Chaewon
Nothing yet
Huh Yunjin
Nothing yet
Nakamura Kazuha
Practice Room [!smut!] (Request)
Jealous Girl [!smut!] (Request)
Kim Garam (?)
Nothing yet
Hong Eunchae [!No Smut!]
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
More groups to come(?)
[NOTE! only girl group members are allowed, no under age members, no m!Readers, no illegal things to the point I can go to jail for lol]
Practice room [Dom!Zuha x Fem!Reader] [SMUT]
Jealous girl [G!PZuha x Fem!Reader] [SMUT]
Bored [Gamer Giselle x Fem! Reader] [SMUT]
Picnic [Ningning x Fem! Reader] [SMUT]
Ride Me [Dom! JENNIE x fem! Reader] [SMUT] (Coming Soon)
Bath Time [Dom!Roseanne x Sub! Female reader] (Coming Soon) [SMUT] [FLUFF]
Cutie [Blackpink x fem! Reader] [FLUFF]
Dressing Room (G!P Tomboyish Lily x Girly F! Reader) [!SMUT!] (Coming Soon)
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temeyes · 5 months
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For the past few days I've been thinking where should I put this Soap wrapped in that bundle thing.. so I pinned him near könig so he could watch me struggle on my projects and studies👍
LOLLL looks perfect bestie, swaddled Soap looks pretty cute on your wall!!!
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lalisa love me lalisa love me heyyyyyy~~~~~
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i-care-4u · 1 year
when at barcelona ✹ pedri
TAGGED: @lcvertrl
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, raphinha, and 1,095,490 others
yourusername me featuring pedri stealing my blazer 😉
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fcbarcelona thank you for your service 💙❤️
*Liked by yourusername
↳ yourusername fcbarcelona love you 🥰
pedri definitely stealing it again
*Liked by yourusername
↳ yourusername pedri fair share 🤗
user1 y/n knows how to make an outfit look good
barcapedri i’m so in love (with y/n)
user2 pedri finally taking y/n’s style advice
p8dri oh no what’s happening to me…🧍‍♀️->🧥
ynarchive you both are giving face
inlovewithyn okay officecore 😍📎
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Liked by yourusername, pablogavi, fcbarcelona, and 2,480,369 others
pedri BARÇA 💙❤️♾️
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yourusername el hombre de mi vida 🥰 [the man of my life]
*Liked by pedri
↳ pedri yourusername te amo n/n 😌 [i love you]
fcbarcelona VAMOS!!! 💙❤️
*Liked by pedri
↳ pedri fcbarcelona 🫶
user1 so fine on the field
pedr8 that’s our star boy ⭐️
gaviupdatespain you will always be famous
user2 pedri potter ⚡️🪄
pedri_fp i’m so proud of you
barcaupdates 🔛🔝💙❤️
yourusername via instagram story
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Liked by pedri, pablogavi, frenkiedejong, and 1,508,378 others
yourusername my biggest star 💫
View all 5,840 comments
pedri i feel so honored
*Liked by yourusername
↳ yourusername your welcome love 😚
pablogavi how come i’m never invited in these?
↳ yourusername pablogavi sorry gavira 😕
user1 i just want a love like y/n and pedri
ynarchive no i’m a star!!!
↳ ynarchive please i’m a star 😭😭😭 yourusername
barcafanpage oh to have a dinner with y/n and pedri
user2 congratulations on yesterday’s match pedri!
ynandpedri the cutest couple 🥰
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aphroditelovesu · 11 months
💗💓yandere Lisa x male reader imagine
❝💗❞ - "I just want to love you until the day we both stop breathing."
❝💓❞ - "I love you more than you can imagine. Please don't doubt or belittle my feelings."
❝tw: possessive behavior, mention of overprotection, dub-con at the end.
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Being Lalisa Manoban's boyfriend had its advantages and disadvantages. Most of the time it was just the pluses but there were days when you thought about the minuses.
And today was one of those days.
You loved her, you really did, but sometimes it was hard to deal with your girlfriend's overprotective behavior.
Lisa was an amazing woman and you considered yourself lucky to be loved by her, but at times it was exhausting to deal with her paranoia. She was so controlling and protective that it made you angry at times.
You couldn't do many things because she considered it "dangerous". Hell, sometimes she doesn't want to let you go to the bathroom alone.
Many times you questioned whether it was still worth it, whether it was worth continuing with her. But you couldn't break up with her, you loved her and you learned to love Lisa's possessive way. You were addicted to her, her scent, her touch. You always felt loved when Lisa was with you.
And it was amazing to feel loved. You could sometimes even feel like a god at how much this woman worships you. And damn, you loved it. It felt good to be so loved and cherished and the fact that she was the most beautiful woman you'd ever met was just a bonus.
You put those thoughts out of your head the moment you heard your girlfriend's voice. You smiled weakly as she sat down next to you on the couch, hugging you to the side and laying her head on your shoulders. She was so adorable.
"Hi...." You murmured and kissed her softly, pulling away soon.
Lisa frowned and looked at you with concern.
"What's wrong, my love? Are you sick? In pain? Did someone do something to you?!" Her tone became more and more demanding with each word she uttered and you sighed loudly.
She worried a lot and for no reason.
"I'm fine, love. Nobody did anything to me, I was just thinking." You shrugged and Manoban's beautiful features relaxed at your words.
"Thinking about what?" She seemed genuinely curious and you internally debated whether to speak the truth.
But in the end you decided it was better to tell the truth. You wanted this relationship to work and hiding important things like that is not how you're going to achieve that.
You cleared your throat and looked into your girlfriend's brown eyes. You caressed her face lovingly and Lisa leaned in for your touch.
"I...I've been thinking about our relationship." You admitted still touching her face.
Lisa opened her eyes and stared at you, "Thinking about what? Our future marriage? Our future children?" She warmed to the idea of ​​starting a family with you.
You smiled inwardly at her enthusiasm.
"No... We're not there yet." You laughed and she shrugged, "But I was thinking about... Well, everything we are."
Lisa just stared at you, not understanding where you were going with this conversation.
"I thought about your, uh, overprotective and possessive behavior."
Lisa arched an eyebrow and leaned against the couch.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, you're very protective and jealous and I feel uncomfortable about that sometimes." You muttered, feeling disturbed that Lisa still kept her expression calm.
She was silent for a few minutes, looking at your face as if you had two heads. When you were going to say something, she broke the silence.
"I love you more than you can imagine." She said seriously, "Please don't doubt or belittle my feelings."
You blinked. "What? Lisa, I'm not belittling your feelings, but it's just-"
She stopped you by putting a finger in your mouth.
"I love you more than anything! Why do you keep being so stupid?" She snarled and held your face tightly, "I'll do anything for you and you're so ungrateful!"
You were silent.
"Everything I do has a reason! I protect you because the world is dangerous and there are bad people who can hurt you and I will never allow that as long as I'm alive!" Lisa was practically screaming, "There's nothing wrong with the way I love you! I'm doing what every girlfriend does, so why can't you be satisfied with it?!"
"You know that's not it!" You said, getting irritated by her sudden outburst.
"So what is it?" She was staring at you with fury in her eyes and you felt scared. That was the first time you felt genuine fear of Lisa.
"You're suffocating me!"
Lisa's eyes widened and she pushed you onto the sofa, making you lie down and she climbed into your lap, looking into your face seriously.
"Am I?" She laughed, "Good."
You started to panic at the scary expression on Lisa's face. She looked ready to do something she definitely wouldn't regret and it scared the shit out of you.
"I just want to love you until the day we both stop breathing." She chuckled and kissed you hard. You moaned in surprise and tried to pull away, but Lisa held you in place, kissing you with overwhelming passion and desire.
It would do no good to fight it. You belonged to her and always would. You finally closed your eyes and succumbed to Lisa's obsession.
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jentledaisy · 12 days
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oh lalisa, the rockstar you are...✭
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mslizsteele-stories · 3 months
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"Fuck!" The woman screamed, rolling her eyes back and aching her naked body towards mine while I thrust and roll my hips against hers. 
The bed was creaking.
The smell of sex and sweat was lingering in the air.
My grunts and groans were mixed with her high-pitched moans.
She dragged her nails down my back until she gripped my ass.
I reached for her leg and threw it over my shoulder to give me more access to thrust deep inside her.
Her tight core started clenching around my hard crotch as we were nearing our climax until my phone rang, killing the mood instantly.
I cussed, letting out a breath while the woman beneath me whined when I pulled out and reached for my phone only for her to slap my hand.
"It's rude to leave a woman unsatisfied, you know?" she scolded me. "Your call can wait."
"I highly doubt that." I reached for it anyway despite her protests.
I checked the caller's ID on my screen. It was Christian again.
I wonder what kind of trouble he got himself mixed into this time. I thought with a sigh as I pick up the call. "What did you do?"
"Wow! Not even a 'Hey, Christian. How are you?' Some friend you are."
"What did you do, Yu Ba Rom?"
"Alright! Geez, you didn't have to my Korean name. And you can't be mad at me if I tell you."
"Depending on what crime you committed, I make no promises. So, spill."
"So, I had a gig. I had a couple to plenty of drinks and things went a little crazy, and now I'm at the police station."
I inhale a sharp breath, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why didn't you call Mei?"
"She's with her parents and won't be back for another week."
"What about Chaerin?"
"Hell no! I choose life. That woman will send me to meet Jesus if she finds out!"
"She will send us both to meet Jesus now that you got me involved by telling me, you prick!"
"Come on. You gotta help me. Just go to my apartment and get my bail money. It's underneath my bed."
"Where did you get the bail money from?"
"Oh, would you look at that? My time is up. Make sure you get here with the bail money. Bye!"
"Christian - "
He hung up.
I cussed for the second time and turned to the woman underneath me. "I take it that you're not in the mood to finish where we left off."
"After awkwardly listening to your conversation, pretty much." She answered with a grimace.
"Fair enough." I rolled off of her and got out of bed.
"You're leaving?" she asked, sitting up and covering her breasts with her bed sheet.
"I have to." I gather my clothes and put them on. "My friend got himself into some trouble and I'm morally obligated to help him."
"Okay, but at least give me your number or something."
I met her pouty gaze and gave her a tight smile. "I'm afraid I can't. As much as I enjoyed our time together, I make it a policy to not get too involved with the women I sleep with. It's better that way."
"I'm not like other women."
"Sure, you're not." I grabbed my jacket and strode towards her door.
"Will I see you again?" she asks.
I look at her one last time and said, "Probably not." And left.
"Ollie! You came for me!" Christian rushed to the bars of the prison cell with a grin on his face by the time I was escorted inside the precinct.
"Friend of yours?" the police officer asked me.
"Unfortunately," I said with a tight smile. "I'll take him off your hands, thank you."
The police officer walked over to the cell and unlocks it, allowing Christian to get out. "Be sure to grab your stuff at the reception," he tells him. "I better not see you here."
"You got it, officer." Christian gave him the finger guns before turning to me.
"Don't." I raised my hand before he could say anything that could potentially deplete my brain cells. "Let's just go."
"I thought at the age of thirty-two and being engaged would make you'd learn to be a bit more responsible and act your age, but that's a fucking lie," I said as we got into my car. I started the engine and reversed out of the parking lot and drove into the road.
"Fuck you! You're one to talk. You recently turned thirty, yet you stick your dick in anything with a vagina." He retorted.
"It's a seasonal thing. Stop making it seem like I'm a nymphomaniac." I retorted back. "Even if that was the case, I go about it responsibly. I always wear protection to prevent catching any STDs and unwanted pregnancies, I make my intentions clear to avoid drama and misunderstandings and I make sure to avoid having sex while drunk."
He scoffed rolling his eyes. "That reminds me for whatever reason - aren't you supposed to be at The Coup d'Etat sometime today? Chaerin set up a job interview with the owner for you if I remember correctly."
"Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that." I replied.
I was in and out of employment while doing a couple of side hustles and freelance work to get me by for the past couple of months, but I still needed a stable job with a stable income. So, Chaerin graciously referred me to a friend of hers who runs a bar.
"You know she will kick your ass for wasting her friend's time." He reminded me.
"Nah! She loves me too much to do anything." I grinned. "But not gonna lie, she may be a sweet ray of sunshine but she's an ice queen when she's mad."
We both shuddered at the thought of it until we arrived at Christian's apartment complex.
"Thanks again for bailing me out, mate. I appreciate it." He said.
"Anytime. We both know you wouldn't last long in prison anyway." I taunted him with a smile.
"Fuck off!" he got out of my car. "And make sure you shower before heading to your interview. The smell of sweat and after sex is too strong."
To say that I was surprised after seeing the bar Chaerin's friend owned was an understatement. The place was fucking huge! Big enough to be a fucking hotel. Even walking inside felt like I was walking into a hotel. Glass chandeliers hanging up the ceiling, expensive-looking furniture and spotless porcelain floors. Whoever owned this place must have been loaded with a lot of money.
"Hello, sir. How may I help you?" the dark-haired lady at the reception snapped me out of my state of awe.
"Hi. I'm looking for Kwon Jiyong. I have a job interview with him." I told her.
"May I have your name, please?"
"Ollie Wu."
"One moment."
I tapped my finger on the reception desk, looking around the place still not believing that I was going to work there - if I got the job that is.
"Come with me." She stood up and led the way.
"So, is this place a hotel or something?" I asked.
"It was previously before Mr Kwon bought it and converted it into an entertainment centre." She explained.
"An entertainment centre?" I crowed arching an eyebrow.
"Yes, The Coup d'Etat has nightclubs, sports clubs and casinos combined into one."
Damn! I thought.
We finally made it to one of the clubs and went inside. It was quite busy. The staff were moving up and about rearranging the furniture and setting up the stage and equipment at the DJ booth. A few of them were carrying crates and canisters of alcohol to the bar, where we found a man standing watching everything.
"Mr Kwon." The receptionist caught his attention as we approached him. "Someone's here to see you."
"You must be Chaerin's friend." He acknowledged me.
"That's me. Nice to meet you." I extended my hand for a handshake, which he accepted.
"Likewise." He smiled, turning to the receptionist. "Thanks, Jisoo. I'll take it from here."
She bowed briefly and left.
"Have a seat." He gestured his hand towards the empty seat beside him.
"A bit unprofessional to be having a job interview here, don't you think?" I commented, taking a seat.
He waved his hand dismissively. "Professional hasn't always been my strongest suit. Besides, my office is pretty dull, and I really need to make sure everything is set before we open for the night."
"Well, if you put it like that, I guess that's pretty fair. You are the boss, after all, Mr Kwon."
"Just Jiyong is fine. Or GD. Whichever you prefer." He leaned in and whispered. "But my employees call me Iguana man because of the number of times I've died my hair." He ruffled his long shaggy blonde hair with pink highlights at the tips.
"What does GD stand for?" I asked.
"G-Dragon. G from my name Jiyong and dragon from my family name 'Kwon'."
"Ah! I see."
"Enough about that." He changed the subject. "Chaerin told me that you bartend. How long have you been bartending?"
"About ten years. I used to read a lot of cocktail recipe books when I was in the military and decided to put it to good use when I left." I answered.
"And you never worked permanently at any bar or club?"
"No. Sometimes the pay wasn't satisfying. Sometimes I didn't vibe with the management at the bars and clubs I worked at. And sometimes I was forced out of employment because of health inspection issues and bankruptcy. I got retrenched from the previously worked at a couple of months back and I've been freelancing ever since."
"I see." Jiyong rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Tell you what, how about you work a shift tonight? I wanna see you in your environment and how you handle things as a bartender. Pass this test and consider yourself hired."
I leaned back a little, feeling a small twinge of pride take over me. I'm not one to brag but I consider myself the best at what I do as a bartender, and I pride myself on that. And one thing about me is that I never back down from a challenge.
"Sounds easy enough," I said.
"Don't get cocky. I may be laid back and chill, but I can be strict if I have to. I don't just hire anyone." He told me. "Come on. I'll escort you to the locker room and give you your uniform."
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winter-dayz · 9 months
Eternal Love
Pairing: Lalisa Manobal x Reader Vampire AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror; Smut Words: 3410 Warnings: blood-drinking; dead dove: do not eat; depression; implied suicide; major character death; murder; sexual content (dom!reader, sub!lisa, switching dynamics, marking, thigh riding, female oral receiving, vaginal fingering); strong language; violence
Masterlist | Fictober Masterpost
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
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“Well, this is a pleasant surprise…” I purred, staring down the golden eyes in front of me. She was just as I remembered. Her hair had changed, her fashion now matching the times, and her eyes shone with the same supernatural hint my own did. But she was still the woman I had once loved… Or she looked like her, at least.
A million memories flashed through my mind, and I could tell she was going through something similar.
Her glare softened. “I thought you died.”
“I thought I died too.” I paused, a sardonic smile playing at my lips, “But to be fair, I was the one who went to your funeral so…”
“And yet, you don’t seem surprised to see me.”
“Neither do you. I imagine we’re both quite accustomed to the bizarre and unusual.”
She nodded sagely, “Nothing surprises old women like us anymore.”
I laughed, and she cracked a smile at her own joke.
God, I had missed her.
We met in school, as cliché as that was, and we bonded quickly and easily.
It was a necessity for our situations, honestly.
The pair of us were among the first class of the women’s college in my home city. It was 1836, and among being women trying to get an education, making us outcasts to much of the public, we were both rather isolated from our fellow peers as well.
Lalisa Manobal was an immigrant. Wealthy, but “different” nonetheless. And, I was poor. While the other girls at the college came from well-off backgrounds, from families where it made sense for their daughters to obtain an education, I had used the inheritance from my grandfather to attend school. Inheritance that was intended to pay my dowry. Hence, my parents and I were rather estranged.
So when I saw Lalisa eating alone under the sun, whispers surrounding her, I felt no shame in promptly seating myself beside her.
From there, we became the best of friends.
We spent all of our time together in school. We studied together, we gossiped together, we even went on little “dates” together, as many of the city boys had eyes for the wealthy, local girls.
It was simply fun, at first, but it was all too easy to fall in love with her. Which was even more fun. A secret, forbidden love. What more could a girl dream of?
I would pass her notes, always signed ‘with love’ just to fluster her. I would visit her family estate for tea, enjoying that because we were two young women we were left unchaperoned. I would gaze at her instead of working on my knitting, sure of the hearts in my eyes that made her shy, smile smally at me, and gently remind me to pay attention to my pattern.
She was falling for me too; I could just tell.
“So we both died, huh?” Lalisa—Lisa, as she preferred now—settled onto one end of the couch after obviously scoping out the house.
I hummed in agreement, settling myself onto the other end of the couch and setting both wine glasses onto the coffee table. Lisa eyed the crystal. She must’ve recognized it if the sad smile playing on her lips was anything to go by.
“It’s AB negative.” I spoke, changing the topic whilst confirming what we both knew to be true of each other.
“That’s rare.”
I shrugged, “It’s a special occasion. We always break out the finest wines when we celebrate.”
“Are we celebrating?” Lisa’s eyes cut from the glasses to mine.
“I’ve just found out the love of my life didn’t commit suicide one hundred and eighty years ago, so yes. I’m celebrating.”
Lisa’s lips quirked at the edges into a small, playful smile. “You used to celebrate in other ways too.”
She moved slowly, hesitantly and unsure about what was happening but still with a subtle air of excitement and sensuality. She set our glasses down on the table, the crystal clinking despite her gentleness. She was so gentle with the glass as they were the ones I bought with my first paycheck to surprise her.
After refusing the arranged marriage her parents set forth, they had essentially disowned her. I was used to having nothing; Lalisa was not. But, thankfully, we had both finished our education and were working as teachers. She used her first paycheck, and some of her remaining funds from her family to buy a small house. I bought us wine glasses and wine to celebrate.
“Are you sure about this?” She asked me, voice barely a whisper. “If we do this, we will be ostracized.”
Lalisa was hesitant about my confession of love. I could not blame her. Our feelings had always been an unspoken, mutual connection that we held close to our hearts. By breathing the words into the universe, by asking her to be mine, I was unleashing something bigger than either of us. I was cementing the forbidden desires we both held dear.
“Only if anyone finds out…” I whispered back, taking a step closer.
Her fingers moved to the sides of my skirts. “They will run us out of the city.”
“We hate the city anyway.”
“Our friends and family are here.”
I settled my hands on her trim waist, leaning so that my lips caressed her ear. “I only need you, my love.”
Lalisa blushed at the implications of my words, said so sweetly yet so indecent. Her skin flushed deeply from that lovely shade of gold that I adored to a fiery, hot pink.
Before I could apologize for assuming her feelings and making her uncomfortable, I felt Lalisa’s grip on my skirts tighten, bunching the fabric at my hips. Her lips meeting mine was the softest thing I had ever felt.
I admit I had been a bit stunned. Considering that in the entirety of our flirtation, I had always taken the lead, and Lalisa had been much more demure. However, having this beautiful, intelligent, gentle woman come onto me so suddenly, I froze.
When my mind caught up to my racing heart, I deepened our kiss, and the sigh of content that escaped between Lalisa’s lips only made me want to ravage her more.
As I nipped her bottom lip, catching and tugging it between my teeth, and grasped tightly to her waist, she allowed me to manhandle her. She became soft and pliant in my hands, seemingly enjoying being lowered to our couch. Her legs even parted slightly to allow one of my own to slip between hers—both of our etiquette classes had surely been thrown out the window by now, but neither of us could find an ounce of care for that.
It was difficult to maneuver with our dresses in the way; I could not wait to remove them.
I pulled away gently, and Lalisa tried to pull me back in. A wet string connected our glossy lips, and we both broke down into giggles.
What we were doing was ridiculous. Ostracized? We would be lucky if the city did not burn us like witches for how dark the desires in our eyes were.
“You know…” Lalisa whispered to me, my fingers moving to untie her bodice without much thought. “I have imagined us together before.”
I paused. “Have you?” A shaky breath slipped past my lips. “And when have you thought of us together?”
“In the dark of night.”
My own neck and face heated from her own indecent implications. I had not been expecting something so bold. Who was I to be so gentle when she was clearly so wanting?
“We should move upstairs, darling.” Lalisa grabbed my wrist before I could practically tear her dress off. “Someone could see through the windows.”
I wasted no time, no words, before helping her off the couch. We moved swiftly up the staircase, happening upon my bedroom first. We helped each other undress to our chemises and took in the lovely shape of one another’s near-naked bodies.
“You are the most wonderful, my love,” I whispered, hands on Lalisa’s waist and guiding her to perch on the edge of my bed.
Her eyes fluttered as her head tilted back, and my lips granted her wish for a kiss once more.
She leaned away slowly, settling herself on my bed, and I—much like a hungry predator—hovered over her. Her eyes were hazed and dark, lustful and wanting something we had both been waiting much too long for.
I straddled Lisa, who leaned back on my massive bed like a proper queen ready to be pleased. Her eyes were hazy, dark, lustful. We both had been waiting much, much too long for this.
Lisa smirked as I moved over her body, hands sliding up her sides and coming to rest on her shoulders. I leaned forward with a soft smile, placing a gentle kiss on her jugular. My sensitive ears no longer could pick up the sound of her lovely heart racing, but she smelled the same. Nearly two hundred years, and Lisa still used the same perfume scents: vanilla and cedar.
As I sucked a small mark on her collarbone, Lisa whined and rutted against my thigh. I paused, giving a light chuckle at her brazenness.
“You’ve become a lot more bold over the years, my love.”
Lisa moaned, continuing to move her hips up as I tensed my thigh muscle and rubbed down against her to give her more friction. “Not more bold. Needy.” She exclaimed breathily, head falling back.
“Aw~” I tsked, “still so desperate for your own pleasure, hm?”
Despite my teasing, I had moved swiftly to remove both our bras and pants, leaving us in only lacy thongs. Her nipples pebbled against the exposure of cool air, and I couldn’t help but brush my thumbs over the peaks, sending another shiver down her spine.
I leaned down and flicked my tongue over one of the perky buds before gently sucking it into my mouth. She groaned loudly when my teeth trailed over it, spurring me to bite down harshly. I felt the skin break, her own rich blood filling my mouth with her unique flavor. When she didn’t protest, I retracted my fangs and moved upwards to the top of her breast and sank them deeply once more. Lisa screamed and trembled, pleasure wracking through her, as my venom coursed in her veins and I marked her as mine.
I lapped gently at the wound, prompting the bleeding to stop, and moved to kiss down her breasts and abdomen. Her breathing was ragged and hitched when I began to trail the kisses lower down her hip bone and across her thighs.
I hummed, “What is it, my love? What is it you crave?”
“You. Always you.” Lisa rasped.
“And you will always have me,” I smirked into the soft flesh that met between her thighs. My tongue flicked out, tasting the wetness that dripped from her. “Just from a little marking, my love? So, so wet just from claiming you?”
I didn’t wait for her answer, instead gripping her hips to hold her in place while my tongue began brushing against her clit. Lisa cried out, unable to squirm away with my grip on her, and resorted to grinding her dripping pussy against my mouth instead.
Feeling merciful, I removed one hand from holding her in a bruising grip and swirled my thumb around her clit, while I kept my tongue buried in the heat of her, drinking up everything I could.
“Please, please!” Lisa begged. Her head was thrown back, mouth dropped open and eyes squeezed shut in pure ecstasy. Her brow furrowed into a silent scream as I slid two fingers into her. Curling gently, her hips bucked, and she whimpered again, “More~”
She nodded furiously, and I complied. I moved my mouth away ever so slightly, so that I could slip a third finger into her and grind my palm against her clit. We moved in sync: her grinding and clenching on my fingers; me alternating between lapping and swirling my thumb against her bud while my fingers rubbed against the rough patch inside.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Lisa finally jolted as her pussy clamped down, and she screamed as she came.
With the recovery speed expected of a vampire, Lisa grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up to straddle her thighs. She smirked as I groaned when my own hot wetness met the soft muscle.
“It’s your turn. Use me, darling.” Her voice was heady and rough from her previous screams. I had never heard her like that; she’d never commanded me like that. As new as it was, I enjoyed the new change in dynamics.
I complied, easily grinding down and chasing my own pleasure using Lisa’s tightened thigh muscle. As I chased the friction and my eyes fluttered closed, I felt her thumb come to circle my clit. I was already so, so close—pleasuring Lisa had always done that to me—but the feeling of her own fangs sinking into the swell of my breast tipped me over.
An orgasm so strong, whiting out my vision and leaving a ringing in my ear, burst within me as the claim she made on me settled into my chest.
“Lalisa… fuck~” I whimpered, falling forward against her. She settled back to the bed, taking me with her, and we cuddled in our post-reunion haze.
I brushed my nose against her cheek, fingers gently circling the claw indents I left on her hips. I felt Lisa’s own hands stroking up and down my spine, barely tracing over the swell of my ass.
“You still look at me like that…” Lisa whispered softly, eyes glistening with tears.
I smiled gently, “Like you’re my whole world, my love?”
She hummed in agreement. “You know you’re mine too, right darling?”
“I should hope so after we just made each other see stars,” I teased. Lisa giggled. I had really fucking missed that giggle.
After a quiet moment, Lisa sobered. She hesitated, her fingers stilling on the curve of my waist. Finally, reluctantly, she murmured out,  “What happened that night?”
“Oh…” I swallowed. That night… Fuck.
It had been a quiet night, seemingly pleasant with only the dim glow of the moon to lead me back home to my beloved. We had just confessed our love and began our lives together. If I had been more focused on my surroundings, on the dark shadow following me through the alleys and the heavy, foreboding feeling in the air, then maybe that night would have turned out differently.
Maybe I would have never been damned to become a monster.
But alas, it was in the cover of the darkness that a man emerged before me. He had been a suitor of mine, jilted without a reason, and apparently, he was angry about such.
The man—his name honestly unimportant—stared me down with eyes dark as coal, the only hint of color was an underlying tinge of red. It was terrifying, reminding me of blood. His steps were silent, yet full of wrath when he approached me. Well, it was more like he was stalking towards me. Like I was his prey.
With hindsight, I realized I was. He had been a predator lurking in the night, and when he happened upon me running late errands—the one who had wounded his pride—he couldn’t resist locking onto me. His hunger was gnawing at his core and fueled further on by his rage.
When he had gotten close enough that the shadows parted from his face, truly allowing me to face his monstrous form, his grin twisted into something only dreamt of in nightmares. Long fangs, sharp and deadly, were revealed. Dried blood sat on his lip, most likely from his previous victim. The red in his eyes burned brighter as the sight of my fear.
“Well, well, well… If it isn’t my precious lady.” He sneered. His body was so relaxed, as if he knew there was no way I could get away. “So you decide to reject me for another whore like yourself, hm?” He spat, red-tinged saliva spewing, “Disgusting.”
I wanted to snap back. Or even question just how he knew that I had refused his proposal for Lalisa. But I was paralyzed, frozen in my fear of this demon.
He laughed. Cruel and harsh. Inhuman. Within a blink, he had lunged at me, and his unnatural fangs had sunken into my neck. My screams were muffled with his hand, his iron grip merciless as he held my silent and still. I could feel my blood spilling, pouring out. He was feasting on not only my flesh but also the pleasure he received from draining me.
My body weakened, my life drifting away, and all I could see was the fountain of my own blood spewing into the alley. I was certain he had ripped out my jugular with how much red there was everywhere.
And then there was nothing.
I awoke several days later, though. I was no longer human, rather a monster myself. A vampire.
His coven leader had explained what I could not recall… After my jilted suitor had attempted to murder me and turn me, a crowd leaving a nearby pub had stumbled upon my supposed corpse. The ruckus caught the leader’s attention, who had been out hunting himself. Although my suitor escaped the vengeful mob, his leader got a hold of him. He was quite bothered that because of his subordinate’s carelessness the whole coven would have to uproot and move. Thus, he decapitated him and burned his remains.
I was taken into the leader’s protection, or custody rather. Taught the proper, careful ways to be a vampire. How to hunt, both animals and humans, and how to not get caught.
I only returned to my home once.
When I heard news that my beloved had committed the grave sin of taking her own life.
I attended her funeral. I mourned.
Lisa explained her side to me when I finished the story of my own death.
She had never committed suicide, despite how tempted she often was. She explained that they had brought her in to confirm the identity of my body the morning after the attack.
I was, apparently, nearly unrecognizable with half of my throat torn away and nearly all of the blood drained from my body. She told me I was blue in the face; it looked like I had been dead for weeks and not merely a night.
Lisa was supposed to arrange my funeral, but my body went missing from the city’s morgue later that night. As we both know now, my former coven leader had taken me out to watch over my transition carefully.
She couldn’t sleep for weeks. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw my corpse, and she thought it was her fault. Loving her is what killed me. I told her she was wrong. Loving her is the only thing that kept me going in life and in undeath.
“I became obsessive…” Lisa mumbled into the crook of my neck. “I didn’t want to live anymore, but there was always something about your death that felt so unnatural to me.”
She sought out a vampire of her own. How she did it, I’ll never know, but she always was driven when she had a clear goal in mind. The vampire had a penchant for drinking from their own kind, taboo but not unheard of—especially in the days when it was so dangerous to hunt humans. Lisa had struck a deal that if she turned her and helped stage a suicide, the older vamp could use Lisa as a blood bag.
It only took a month for Lisa to turn on her and rip the older vamp’s throat out when she was too hungry and weak to fight back.
We both laid in silence, considering our long history and time apart, but eventually, Lisa broke the silence with a soft whisper, “Will you promise me something?”
I hummed.
“Promise me we won’t lose each other again.”
I smiled gently, looking over to meet Lisa’s golden eyes. They looked so sad, but no tears fell. Centuries of tears had been shed over our lost love. No more ever would be.
“I promise you, my eternal love. I will be with you until the end of times.”
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authorforrosie · 2 years
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Flufftober ~ Day 2.
Title: Jennie falls in love with you at the first sight.
Pairing: Jennie x You.
Warnings: None. Just pure fluff.
Words: 611.
Jennie Ruby Jane Kim and her bandmates decided to create their own things with handwork. Between having conversations with each other and being filmed on the camera for a YouTube show.  You walked behind the scenes to make sure that everything is ready. You are the event manager of YG. You make sure that everything is ready on events behind the scene for all YG Idols and groups.
When there is a break the four bandmates from Blackpink decided to hang out with each other without working. Laughs could be heard from the room.
Jennie laughed at a joke that Rosé told her when she suddenly saw you. A very attractive woman in her opinions. Her bandmates giggled because of how she couldn't stop staring at you. Her mouth slightly open and jawline dropped. Jisoo wanted to tell Jennie to close her mouth before a fly is flying in. But Jennie's reaction is too funny in her opinions. That's why she let Jennie be.
„Lalisa can you go at the girl and tell her that Jisoo fell in love with her at the first sight. Maybe then our little mandu won't catch the attention from flies." Whispered Jisoo towards Lalisa with amusement in her voice. The Thai woman's eyes lit up and she nodded with her head very interested.
Lalisa walked towards you and tapped you on your shoulder. While trying not to look too obvious. When you turned around you smiled at the Thai woman.
„Hellœr" Said Lalisa with a little Australian accent. Which she definitely had from Rosé.
„Hi" Mumbled you with shyness in your voice. You couldn't believe that Lalisa Manoban was having a conversation with you about something.
„I just wanted to ask you if you could give my cute mandu friend Jennie Ruby Jane Kim your number? Because the way she is staring at you with literally heart eyes shows that she fell in love with you at first sight." Asked Lalisa with seriousness in her voice. She definitely will be teasing her Unnie for this embarrassing moment.
You looked at where her friend pointed and you saw a very cute little woman standing there staring at you with open mouth. You had to hide the fact that you wanted to giggle about this moment.
„I mean she is very cute with her cat eyes, gummy smile and mandu cheeks. So I will definitely give her my number." Answered you with admiration in your voice.
Your cheeks flushed red in a blush at the thought of Jennie finding you attractive and falling in love with you.
After gaining enough confidence by your thoughts and Lalisa's words you walked up to the woman who has by now red flushed cheeks. Her cheeks went more red in a blush when she saw you standing in front of her.
You leaned down to whisper in her ear. Your breath on her ear gave her goosebumps. She couldn't help herself from closing her cat-like eyes when she smelled your vanilla perfume.
„Hello beautiful here is my number you cute dumpling. Call me when you are free." Whispered you in Jennie's ear with a flirty voice.
The sparkle in your y/e/c eyes made her blush even more than before. Now her bandmates can tease her even more about blushing around an attractive woman.
A few minutes later when you walked away the four women went back to handwork while being filmed. Jennie definitely couldn't wait to call you after work to call you for a date. She hopes many dates will be happening after the first day. Since she fell in love with you at the first sight.
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Jennie's reaction to Lisa watching her instagram live
Jennie: Is that Lisa? Is that Lalisa? Oh Lalisa is watching our live! Hi Lisa! Lisa, unnie's song is coming out soon, please listen to it! Zico: Please listen to it, Lisa-nim!
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