jentledaisy · 2 days
so on july 1 i will be for sure deleting this account! all of my works are in the process of being reposted + all the graphics will be updated as the week passes just so i can make sure to gets them all out in time.
habe yall seen ROCKSTAR? lalisa manobal the queen and rockstar she is!! that IS a pop queen at her core
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hey guys!! i’m moving blogs! not really though lmao. see this blog is currently my second/separate blog than my og blog, however i have decided to dissolve that blog and fully remain on this one. now here’s the problem, i can’t dissolve that one without taking away this one. and thus, here we are.
i’m not sure if you guys noticed, but i changed the name of this blog to @-jentledaisy (with a DAISY instead of DAISIES) because i LOVE the name i have and wish to keep it. none of the current links on this blog will work. i will, over the next week, move all my current posts, drafts, and tags onto the new blog, and i would really love if yall could join me too! if i don’t see you until later, then know i love you and ive missed you in our time apart <3
here are the steps.
1. follow my new blog that has my old name ( @jentledaisies )at the time of this post it looks like this
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but i will be adding all of my old works on there as the week passes!
2. after making sure you’ve followed @jentledaisies - remember old name but new blog - unfollow this one!
3. optional but please read through my old works while waiting for the new ones!
on July 1st i will be dissolving this blog permanently, so if you just so happen to not hop over in time but still wanna come over, just know its still my old name
hope to see you there soon! -daisy
(in case you didn’t see it) @jentledaisies
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jentledaisy · 8 days
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hey guys!! i’m moving blogs! not really though lmao. see this blog is currently my second/separate blog than my og blog, however i have decided to dissolve that blog and fully remain on this one. now here’s the problem, i can’t dissolve that one without taking away this one. and thus, here we are.
i’m not sure if you guys noticed, but i changed the name of this blog to @-jentledaisy (with a DAISY instead of DAISIES) because i LOVE the name i have and wish to keep it. none of the current links on this blog will work. i will, over the next week, move all my current posts, drafts, and tags onto the new blog, and i would really love if yall could join me too! if i don’t see you until later, then know i love you and ive missed you in our time apart <3
here are the steps.
1. follow my new blog that has my old name ( @jentledaisies )at the time of this post it looks like this
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but i will be adding all of my old works on there as the week passes!
2. after making sure you’ve followed @jentledaisies - remember old name but new blog - unfollow this one!
3. optional but please read through my old works while waiting for the new ones!
on July 1st i will be dissolving this blog permanently, so if you just so happen to not hop over in time but still wanna come over, just know its still my old name
hope to see you there soon! -daisy
(in case you didn’t see it) @jentledaisies
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jentledaisy · 8 days
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hey guys!! i’m moving blogs! not really though lmao. see this blog is currently my second/separate blog than my og blog, however i have decided to dissolve that blog and fully remain on this one. now here’s the problem, i can’t dissolve that one without taking away this one. and thus, here we are.
i’m not sure if you guys noticed, but i changed the name of this blog to @-jentledaisy (with a DAISY instead of DAISIES) because i LOVE the name i have and wish to keep it. none of the current links on this blog will work. i will, over the next week, move all my current posts, drafts, and tags onto the new blog, and i would really love if yall could join me too! if i don’t see you until later, then know i love you and ive missed you in our time apart <3
here are the steps.
1. follow my new blog that has my old name ( @jentledaisies )at the time of this post it looks like this
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but i will be adding all of my old works on there as the week passes!
2. after making sure you’ve followed @jentledaisies - remember old name but new blog - unfollow this one!
3. optional but please read through my old works while waiting for the new ones!
on July 1st i will be dissolving this blog permanently, so if you just so happen to not hop over in time but still wanna come over, just know its still my old name
hope to see you there soon! -daisy
(in case you didn’t see it) @jentledaisies
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jentledaisy · 9 days
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oh lalisa, the rockstar you are...✭
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jentledaisy · 10 days
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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→ ❝in which i introduce the daughters of aphrodite, the goddesses of love❞
disclaimer: This is not in any way shape or form a representation of Jisoo, Jennie, Rosè, Lisa, or Blackpink as a whole. All reactions, actions, thoughts, words, and general emotions are fiction and created by me. The behavior shown in these reactions is toxic and unhealthy, but fantasized in a romantic way for simply that, fantasy. None of this should be taken seriously or sought after in real life, or performed. please do not romanticize this behavior/mindset in real life as it is unhealthy and toxic, and if you or anyone you know is in such an environment, should be taken out of immediately. Again, this blog is purely fiction, and all acts taken place in this blog should remain so.
↳ None of my characters, yandere or otherwise, will ever nor would ever perform, act, or consider sexual activities of any sort without consent. full stop. Any and all sexual acts are done with the full consent of all parties taking place. i will never, ever, ever write otherwise or even consider writing otherwise.
The four Daughters of Aphrodite, born from the goddess's tears and desperation for her own mortal lover. Tears of ichor mixed with falling stardust to create the four sisters, created to walk amongst the mortals and gods, carrying the power of such devastating love that it could bring even the gods to their knees.
Four daughters, seeing over their realm, growing bored of only ever allowing others to love, never themselves, at least, never for long. Their own soulmate, crafted with a thread from the moon's core, linking them to their lover.
Given their born power and personification of love, the girls were always kept hidden and restricted from finding their lover, a mortal reflecting the humanity of the mortal their mother wept over, giving birth to them. But Zeus could only hold on for so long, for denying the love goddess's love, would never turn out well. It was like denying the sons of death their sweet sins, eventually, Tarturas would be raised and Zeus would cry his ichor.
Therefore Zeus allowed the fates to break the chains of destiny he had wrapped around their hearts, allowing them to find their true love, even if that true love didn't know it.
None could stand in the goddess's way, for they could rival Thanatos himself if anyone stood in the way of love.
Kim Jisoo
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⤜♡→ Kim Jisoo ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Possesive Love and Longing ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Bunnies ⤜♡→ Has claimed her territory deep in the forest, where the fae and fauna live and the sun shines onto the nymphs in the streams ⤜♡→ Enjoys strolling through Seoul in her day-to-day life, going to cafes, sitting in bookstores, and collecting rare but gorgeous antiques. Doesn't have a passive way to make money like her sisters as she resembles her core power ⤜♡→ Has her doorway to her realm hidden in an apartment above a flower shop ⤜♡→ Personally grows a large field of flowers and trees, simply from the ethereal magic that exudes off of her ⤜♡→ Jisoo's core element is earth, given that Aphrodite laid her, the oldest, to lay in a cradle of roses and gold when she was born
Kim Jennie
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⤜♡→ Kim Jennie ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Pleasure and Sensuality ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Moon Jellyfish ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory in the deep, dark. sea where the jellyfish swim in glowing groups, the sharks hide in the long seaweed, and the sun shines like stars through the waves ⤜♡→ Goes to Seoul to spend time shopping and eating with her friends, some of who are even big names in the fashion community ⤜♡→ The doorway to her true home under the waves is hidden through the door to a luxury apartment ⤜♡→ Has even modeled in her free time, just for fun. But also likes to spend her time exploring the oceans between gigs. ⤜♡→ Water is her core element as when she was born, Aphrodite created her within the sea foam and shells that resembled her own birth
Park Chaeyoung|Rosé
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⤜♡→ Park Chaeyoung|Rosé ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Desire and Seduction ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Hummingbirds ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory in the bright, fluffy clouds high in the sky. The birds fly near, the sun always shines and when a rainbow arcs, she can almost touch it ⤜♡→ When she's in Seoul she actually runs her coffee shop. All her friends come through there and it's a genuine business with friendly staff and clientele ⤜♡→ Other than that she allows herself to fly through the sky every now and then. She enjoys having the aurae breeze through with the breezes of the Anemoi ⤜♡→ The doorway to her home is hidden in the apartment above the café she owns, much like her sister Jisoo ⤜♡→ Her core element is Air given that Aphrodite crafted her cradle with the early dawn clouds when the light has only just first hit it and the early morning fog that drifted up to Olympus
Lalisa Manobal|Lisa
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⤜♡→ Lalisa Manobal|Lisa ⤜♡→ Daughter of Aphrodite ⤜♡→ Goddess of Obsession and Sweet Love ⤜♡→ Animal Counterpart: Wolves ⤜♡→ Claimed her territory within a boiling volcano, filled with molten lava and volcanic ash flowers. Her home is built of flame and ash and smells of burning amber ⤜♡→ When in Seoul she enjoys taking dance classes with her friends. Much like her core element she's always going and active so she owns her own studio as well as trains idol trainees ⤜♡→ As well as that she enjoys experimenting with her element, given that she's restricted from testing her powers. But when she does test her powers she's usually with Chaeyoung and walking around Seoul ⤜♡→ The doorway to her fiery home is hidden within a luxury penthouse, coincidentally next to her sister's as they enjoy going to each other's home
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jentledaisy · 12 days
jennie calling out why gee and their misogynistic managing ways iktr!!! but also when we get that group comeback she’s getting like max two lines…..
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jentledaisy · 12 days
lisa dropping a new song + album !!! jennie teasing her solo comeback with a rap snippet !!! jisoo in at least two (2) new productions !!! rosé letting us know she’s got that album ready n waiting and that she’s been given that freedom !!!! blinks we are being FED after so long
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jentledaisy · 14 days
AT THE VERY LEAST it is only a management contract. so only for SK promotions. it’s disappointing because from a fans point of view TBL is a very flaky company that doesn’t value the artist or their fans. but i will trust Rosé and hope that she will be able to create wonderful art for us during this. she knows what she is doing best, and i can only send my love and support for her.
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jentledaisy · 15 days
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jentledaisy · 1 month
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some photos from recovery!!!
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05 / 30 / 2024 - an update
as I am sure you remember, at the end of 2023 i made a post. in it, i explained my absence and overall health. much has happened since then.
first and foremost, i would like to say that many of you left me very kind and loving messages, at a time when i was very unkind and unloving to myself. thank you for that. you have no idea how it helped. i am very pleased to be able to tell you all that in the month of January and some of February, i completed my second round of TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation - depression + insomnia protocols) and my second round of Ketamine infusions. i feel much better, mentally and somewhat physically. now as to why i've remained gone, and why i made that post a few weeks ago about how stressed i was. on April 11, 2024, Apollo went in for surgery. he had a tumor on his neck (thankfully benign) and we had it removed. that surgery had gone fine and although it was costly (about 1K) me and my family were sure that it would all turn out fine. however, during his recovery process, I noticed his left eye had become swollen shut and (WARNING; GROSS) had been leaking pus. i rushed him to my vet, and thus began the month-long fight for his eye. for the first couple of weeks, we continued going to my usual vet, for both check-ups on his eye, medicine refills, and other emergencies related to his eye. he was, understandably in a lot of pain. this point in time was when I became the most stressed. I had almost completely stopped sleeping altogether, and kept waking up when I was alseep due to fear of him being in pain or something else happening. three weeks passed, and my vet was at a loss. he had been very clear with me, he had never seen an eye injury this bad on a rabbit before, and he did not know if he could save the eye. and after that third week, he sat me down to explain that he could no longer due anything else, and at that moment, his professional opinion was that I should remove Apollo's eye. he did, however, very strongly urge me to see a veterinary opthamalogy specialist before I made my choice, as he did not feel fully comfortable. at this point i had already spent almost 2K of my own money on appointments, even with help from my parents, and i began feeling very stressed at the financial burden. getting his eye removed would have been 2K more, which was all i had left in my savings. luckily, we did go to see a specialist and she was able to provide us with more medicine, a clearer understanding and some hope. she believed Apollo had managed to create a scab over the initial injury, something she also hadn't seen done in rabbits, and under the scab his eye was healing. it was very similar to a procedure she had done on other animals before, to help eye injuries heal. so she gave us medicine and a plan, to hopefully wait out the scab on his eye. which brings us to one week ago. in this time the scab had grown smaller, and we had had it trimmed around the edges a few times (since we couldn't pull it off we just trimmed it) and while I was grooming him I noticed it was pulling off a lot. I was planning on trimming it again but to my relief the whole thing popped off all at once. I kept applying medicine, as they instructed until today's appointment. now, final hurdle, the appointment today. his eye is (basically) healed! it'll take a while for his vision to return, however it will return. he no longer has to wear his cone or be separated from Leo. I'll be tapering off his medication and he should be completely fine. thank you all for being so patient with me. this has been my life for the past half year and while you don't in any way owe me such patience and grace, I more than appreciate it. <3
— with love, daisy, apollo & leo
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jentledaisy · 1 month
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05 / 30 / 2024 - an update
as I am sure you remember, at the end of 2023 i made a post. in it, i explained my absence and overall health. much has happened since then.
first and foremost, i would like to say that many of you left me very kind and loving messages, at a time when i was very unkind and unloving to myself. thank you for that. you have no idea how it helped. i am very pleased to be able to tell you all that in the month of January and some of February, i completed my second round of TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation - depression + insomnia protocols) and my second round of Ketamine infusions. i feel much better, mentally and somewhat physically. now as to why i've remained gone, and why i made that post a few weeks ago about how stressed i was. on April 11, 2024, Apollo went in for surgery. he had a tumor on his neck (thankfully benign) and we had it removed. that surgery had gone fine and although it was costly (about 1K) me and my family were sure that it would all turn out fine. however, during his recovery process, I noticed his left eye had become swollen shut and (WARNING; GROSS) had been leaking pus. i rushed him to my vet, and thus began the month-long fight for his eye. for the first couple of weeks, we continued going to my usual vet, for both check-ups on his eye, medicine refills, and other emergencies related to his eye. he was, understandably in a lot of pain. this point in time was when I became the most stressed. I had almost completely stopped sleeping altogether, and kept waking up when I was alseep due to fear of him being in pain or something else happening. three weeks passed, and my vet was at a loss. he had been very clear with me, he had never seen an eye injury this bad on a rabbit before, and he did not know if he could save the eye. and after that third week, he sat me down to explain that he could no longer due anything else, and at that moment, his professional opinion was that I should remove Apollo's eye. he did, however, very strongly urge me to see a veterinary opthamalogy specialist before I made my choice, as he did not feel fully comfortable. at this point i had already spent almost 2K of my own money on appointments, even with help from my parents, and i began feeling very stressed at the financial burden. getting his eye removed would have been 2K more, which was all i had left in my savings. luckily, we did go to see a specialist and she was able to provide us with more medicine, a clearer understanding and some hope. she believed Apollo had managed to create a scab over the initial injury, something she also hadn't seen done in rabbits, and under the scab his eye was healing. it was very similar to a procedure she had done on other animals before, to help eye injuries heal. so she gave us medicine and a plan, to hopefully wait out the scab on his eye. which brings us to one week ago. in this time the scab had grown smaller, and we had had it trimmed around the edges a few times (since we couldn't pull it off we just trimmed it) and while I was grooming him I noticed it was pulling off a lot. I was planning on trimming it again but to my relief the whole thing popped off all at once. I kept applying medicine, as they instructed until today's appointment. now, final hurdle, the appointment today. his eye is (basically) healed! it'll take a while for his vision to return, however it will return. he no longer has to wear his cone or be separated from Leo. I'll be tapering off his medication and he should be completely fine. thank you all for being so patient with me. this has been my life for the past half year and while you don't in any way owe me such patience and grace, I more than appreciate it. <3
— with love, daisy, apollo & leo
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jentledaisy · 1 month
2024 has not, in fact, brought forth happiness it has brought me stress, anxiety, and a very sickly bunny.
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jentledaisy · 2 months
hi! This is a compact version of this post I made a few days ago.
I'm well aware that many of us are either unable to donate or can only donate a certain amount of money per paycheck, so I've compiled all the giveaways I've come across in this post. Stand a chance to win something in return for donating your money to an important cause !!
Please share this post so it may reach more people. I will continue to update this as I come across more giveaways - so if you see this post, please check my pinned post for the most recent updates.
If you come across any giveaways etc (for any kpop grp) I have not added here - please share it with me so i can add it !! thank you 💜
Organiser: yoongmeows2 on twitter
Fundraising for: Doaa and her family - Doaa's go fund me Location: Worldwide End date: June 1st Prize: unofficial pc set + official jhope pc + unofficial BT21 keychain
2. Organiser: nomadnoor on twitter
Fundraising for: Doaa and her family - Doaa's go fund me Location: USA only End date: May 31st Prize: Taehyung's Layover album
3. Organiser: najungie on twitter
Fundraising for: E-Sims Location: Worldwide End date: 00:00 KST 24th May Prize: Face, D-Day & Layover albums
4. Organiser: orangenseok on twitter
Fundraising for: Care For Gaza or Doaa's gfm (other Palestinian gfms also valid) Location: Worldwide End date: 18th May ‼️ Prize: BTS Festa Ball Cap
5. Organiser: DearBangtan0T7 on twitter
Fundraising for: Palestinian organisations - check linked tweet Location: UK only End date: until OP runs out of supplies Prize: check linked tweet - open for many kpop groups
6. Organiser: Match An Album on twitter - instagram
Fundraising for: Palestinian ARMYs Doaa and Jumana who are currently seeking to evacuate from Gaza with their family Location: Worldwide End date: 21st May, 10pm KST Prize: check linked tweet
7. Organiser: yoongisbiryani on twitter
Fundraising for: Care for Gaza Location: Worldwide End date: 5th June Prize: official jimin face pc + sticker set + freebies
This is a compilation of all the artists I've come across who will gift you a drawing etc of your choice in exchange for proof of donation
Twitter: wingsseni || juniekooluvr
Tumblr: lavellart || paneerlajwanti || qalma-e-azadi || butchfeygela
Educate yourself on the history of Palestine and Zionism: decolonisepalestine.com
What is the HYBE boycott and why is it important? - boycottinfocentre
Find mp3 files for all kpop groups here to listen and download
Army4Palestine is a Palestinian ARMY run account / organisation that regularly organises fundraisers to help Palestinians + runs campaigns demanding HYBE divest from Zionism
Stream Hind's Hall - all earnings go to UNRWA
Daily clicks for Palestine || Sudan & Congo
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jentledaisy · 2 months
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As always, ceasefire now
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jentledaisy · 3 months
jnk1 dropping during my birth month on the year i turn 21 …. she did that for me
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jentledaisy · 4 months
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sooo many thoughts but main one: i love this song and am so proud of Jennie <3
everyone go listen to Slow Motion! it’s truly amazing and different to what we’ve heard before! she (and matt) are both amazing and their voices blend so well together, as well as this being a very different way to how we’ve heard Jennie sing before.
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jentledaisy · 4 months
sometimes i forget how much women in kpop groups, (specifically the pinks in this post) were restricted/controlled subtly (specifically referring to why gee and the pinks.
like we all saw the obvious misogyny ( the way they got like 4 comebacks altogether in seven years, the way they were used to boost the male idols within their company rather than themselves, the way they had little to no protection with malicious rumours, specifically sexual/romantic and dr*g rumors even though it is a prevalent problem among their male counterparts in that company)
but seeing jennie be so comfortable in Apartment 404 compared to Village Survival is shocking.
i mean, she had fun in Village Survival, but how she held back during deducing clues, playing games, and interacting with other members is very obvious to me now. she had a very cutesy and slightly childish role in the show ( a common trait that why gee female idols in variety shows and company shows)
but in Apartment 404, even though only the second episode came out yesterday, we can see how differently she'd being portrayed. she's fully and cunningly playing games, partaking in all the jokes, blending seamlessly with her costars and interacting comfortably and friendly.
In Village Survival she mainly hung out with the girls, but when she hung out with the boys she avoided Song Kang (a netflix heartthrob and popular actor) with maybe one or two interactions. whereas the other male costars were all married/dating or simply much older.
where as with Apartment 404, even with the much larger misogynistic hate train she's received in the time between, she is much more comfortable and friendly. and yes, most of the actors are older but lets look at Jungha. he's mostly known now as a popular actor from the show "moving"
she laughs with hime vv often and in this last episode was seen reaching for him, offering her hand, laughing comfortably with him.
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