#our hopes were low but holly shit
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sarahmeeps · 8 months ago
1, 4, 11, and 23 for hollis and lavinia (and you didn't tag her but knack too, if you're feeling it hehe) :3
1. are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Hollis is the mismatched, faded shades of black of clothes that have been washed and worn too many times
Lavinia is earthy brown and stormy gray and twilight blue and electric blue-white
Knack is PINK! bright bubblegum pink
4. how crafty/resourceful are they?
Hollis is my first martial and taught me how to make use of my surroundings when enemies are out of reach. Her backpack is full of random shit that I am determined to find a use for some day.
Lavinia prefers to be direct when possible. “When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail” etc
Knack thinks she's crafty but historically the dice have said no ¬-¬
11. what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
Hollis has my natural skepticism and tendency to mistrust others while also being desperate to be liked. I think we would get along IF we were ever able to let down our walls around each other lol
Lavinia has my desire to fix the world's problems, and unlike me, she has the power to make a real difference. She's also inherited my problem with authority. I think we would get along because I'm a lot like her dad? Lol
Knack and I are both curious and nosy as hell, but she's brave enough to butt in and ask questions, whereas I prefer quiet research and listening. I think we would get on each other's nerves a lot with our methods but could be a good team if we needed to be.
23. how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
Hollis's voice is low, where my voice lives when I'm feeling a little masc, or when I'm low-energy, or when I'm using my resting bitch voice lololol. I also use a smaller vocabulary and more slang when I'm Hollis, because she's smart but never had formal education.
Lavinia's voice goes the other direction, not sugary-sweet, but hopeful and a little naive. She's the only one of ‘em any good at singing. I like to think she acts as the crowd hype for our bard and encourages other patrons to join in the choruses from her seat in the tavern.
Knack never got the voice she deserved because she was my first character in a game with strangers, but she was meant to be perky and Australian until I chickened out, and I'd like her to be more verbose than I'm capable of in improv :(
Bonus Vespa (because I was very sleepy when tagging characters and forgot about both her and Knack lol) has a slow, calming, deep-Southern drawl
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bookofdust · 4 years ago
Can they not kill Murphy now then okay thanks
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vxntxque · 2 years ago
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𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 2022
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✉️ : To @theglitterymess
Dear Shannon,
You’re the Ron to my Harry, JJ to my John B , Sirius to my James and Minx to my twinkletoes. You made the year 2022 so much amazing and delightful for me. We had few rough moments but we stayed together and sailed our chaotic boat of dumbassryy acroos the sea of misery and bullshit lol. You have done so so much for me and I’m beyondddd grateful to have a friend like you in my life. You are like the first person i come to whenever something good happens in my life bcoz i wanna share every single piece and second of my happiness with you. You are always ALWAYS encouraging me and pushing me to do better when I’m feeling low and drained. I love it when you share small details about your life with me and how we plan to take over the world together and go to universal studios and have lots of fucking one. I walked into 2022 with many friends but now only few are standing with me and you are one of them. Thank you for always having my back. One day im gonna come to London and annoy the shit out of you like for real until you beg me to leave you alone. Love you to the moon and back ♾️
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✉️ to : @parkersdahlia
Dear Ema,
From ghost hunting to trauma bonding- everything i do with you is so so so fun and special. You are one of the sweetest and wisest soul I’ve met on this site and oh gosh i have so much admiration for you in my heart. You are like my long distance older sister with whom i share a warm and sweet bond. You always put others first no matter what and tbh you are so selfless it makes me angry likeeee gurlll you are too good TOO GOOD. You always listen to my rona dhona and console me with such great compassion and gentleness. I wish i could take all your sadness and problems away and give you lots of hugs , taylor swift merchandise and tickets to gracie abrams concert lmaooo. Thank you for making 2022 bearable and so much enjoyable. Love gossiping with you heheh. Cheers to us !!!! I love youuuu
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✉️ to : @moonys-bf
Dear Archer ,
Even tho im like 2 years older than you i feel like you are much more mature and wiser than me💀 all i wanna say is that I’m so tremendously proud of you. You inspire me so freaking much. Your sass level? Stan. Your aura and personality? STANNNNNNN. You are one so god damn loyal and protective when it comes to yout friends and its really admirable. You are hella funny and also very very supportive and understanding. Thank you for all the amazing memories and moments! I adore you and i love you!🤍🤍🤍
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✉️ to : @kenzie-wr1tes
Hii kenzie,
I just wanna thank you for being an amazing rp partner. You are such a creative and bright person! You are always so sweet and understanding . Rping with you is so much fun and cool!! Thank you so much for being such an awesome and inspiring person! Have a holly jolly new year!!!
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✉️ to : @bowiesbows
Hi hi! I am aware that we are not super close and dont talk at all but i wanted to say few things heh. You were one of my very first moots when i joined tumblr. You have always been so kind amd welcoming! You went through lots of shit and like you have such a courageous and big heart! I hope this new year will bring shit ton of happiness and joy in your life!
In the end i just wanna say
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avengerscompound · 3 years ago
Plus Two - Chapter 2
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Plus Two:  A Pepperony Fanfic
Buy me a coffee with Ko-fi Word Count:  2132
Pairing:  Pepper Potts x Tony Stark x F!Reader
Warnings:  Smut (MF, phone sex, dirty talk, mutual masturbation, mild comeplay)
Synopsis:  Tony Stark- Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist, Pepper Potts, his long-serving and overworked assistant, and you, their on-again/off-again girlfriend and lead singer of the hit band, Arctic Fire.  Three very different people navigate a world of fame, addiction, betrayal, and superheroes, while they move from having a plus one to a plus two.
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Chapter 2
“There’s a review about us in here.”
Mark unceremoniously dropped a magazine in your lap.  You’d been playing Pokemon Blue on your Gameboy as the tour bus wound its way up the California coast.  Your next stop was San Francisco and then you were going on to Portland.  The tour you had booked was relatively low-key venues, but they were dotted all over the map.  You would be on the road for months and you hoped you might get some decent songwriting done in that time.
It wasn’t off to a good start.
“You looked up at the drummer as he flopped down on the chair opposite you.  “Is it good?”
“Yeah,” he said.  “And it’s Rolling Stone, so I think it’ll be a good boost.”
“Wait, what?  Why didn’t Eric tell us about this?  Or Holly?” you asked, grabbing the magazine and flipping it over.
“You got me,” he said, with a shrug.
You went to flip through the magazine but the cover stopped you dead in your tracks.  On the cover, beside the title ‘Tony Stark wants to save the world’, was a picture of the guy you had fucked backstage at your last gig.
You stared at it in shock for a moment.  You’d had a one-night stand with one of the richest men on the planet and you had had no idea who it was.
You started laughing at the irony that you had expected him to recognize you.
“What’s so funny?” Mark asked.
You turned the magazine cover to face him.  “That’s the guy I bought backstage!”
“What?” he asked, snatching it from you.  He held the magazine up to his face like he was studying the photo closely.  “Holy shit!  It is!  I didn’t recognize him in the dark.  You fucked him right?”
“I did!” you said, falling back on the chair laughing.  “I seriously can’t believe I didn’t recognize him.”
“Well, to be fair, what’s he to you?  Some weapons manufacturer?  It’s not like you have a lot to do with weapons manufacturing,” he said with a shrug.
“Still, this is so weird,” you said, snatching the magazine back from him.
“What are you two making so much noise for?” a rather hungover-looking Cassie said as she emerged from the back of the bus where the bunks were.
“Our illustrious lead-singer went and boned an actual billionaire,” Mark teased.
Cassie blinked at you.  “You did what now?”
You held up the magazine to show her.  “That’s the guy from the other night.”
She took it off you and her eyes went wide.  “Oh my god.  And you fucked him?”
“Yes!” you said.  “Yes, I fucked him.  I fucked Tony Stark and I had no idea.”
She burst into laughter and then quickly grabbed her head.  “Ow,” she complained.  “Someone make me a Bloody Mary.”
You laughed and got up, going to the little kitchenette as Cassie took your seat and looked at the magazine.  “You should call him,” she said.
“What for?” you asked as you started making her drink.
“I don’t know,” she said.  “It’s Tony Stark.  You fucked a guy on the Forbes rich list.  You should at least tell him you know.”
You snorted.  “Just like … hey Mister Stark, I know what you did.”
“Exactly,” she said.
“The guy’s a playboy,” you said.  “I’m one pussy in a procession of many pussies.  Mine isn’t even the most famous pussy.  He fucks supermodels and Oscar nominees.  Like he’s gonna give a single shit that I was one of them.”
“Hey now,” Cassie scolded.  “I’m sure you have a very nice and memorable pussy.”
“Gee thanks, Cass,” you said, bringing her the cocktail you made.
She took it and took a long drink and then sighed happily.  “I dare you to call him.”
“How?  Like I’d even get through,” you said.
“Give yourself some credit,” Mark said.  “You’re the lead singer of Arctic Fire.  That’d at least get you to the point of telling him you called.”
“Call him, call him, call him,” Cassie started chanting.  When Mark joined in you threw up your hands in defeat.  “Fine.  I will try and call him.  But I doubt I even get past reception.”
You went to the back of the bus and lay down on your bunk.
You ended up on the phone for quite a while and you began worrying about your phone bill.  The minutes were definitely adding up.  You called directory assistance first, asking to be put through to the corporate office of Stark Industries.  When you got through to reception you started to lie.  Not about who you were, but about why you were calling.  You told some story about your song being misappropriated and how you were going to seek legal action and needing to speak to the top.
You’d been transferred six times by the time Tony’s familiar voice came down the line.
“Figured out who I am, did you?”
You could hear the amusement in his voice and it immediately made you relax.
“I did, you naughty boy,” you teased.  “And I want to make it clear, this call was a dare.”
“What?” Tony said, clearly faking shock.  “You mean you don’t plan to sue me for misappropriating your music?  And what ad was that song used in again?”
“Oh you know, the generic ‘Stark Industries is or friend’ ad,” you said.
“Right, that one,” he chuckled.  “I do love that ad.”
“Not me, you stole my song.”
Tony broke out in laughter.  “So what can I do for you?”
“Nothing really,” you said.  “I was just handed a copy of Rolling Stone because a review of our album is in it and who do I see on the cover, but that random dude who gave me an orgasm.”
“If my memory serves me correctly, it was multiple orgasms,” he corrected.
“That’s right,” you hummed.  “Multiple orgasms.  And then my lovely bandmates dared me to call you.  I said to them I had no particular reason to call you, but a dare’s a dare.”
“A dare is a dare,” he agreed.  “Where are you right now?”
“In bed,” you said.
“Oh really?” he teased.  “Need some company?”
“As much as I’d love some company, the bed in question is a bunk in the back of a bus full of people,” you explained, stretching out a little.  “We’re on tour.  Might be a while before I head back your way.”
“That’s a shame,” he said.  “Where’s the next show?”
“San Francisco.  Then Portland, Seattle, etcetera, etcetera,” you said.
“That’s really great,” he replied, sounding genuinely proud of you.  It was odd coming from a stranger, but nice.  “You’re a big deal.  I was listening to the CD.  I really like it.”
“Told you, you would,” you teased.
“Is this your number?” he asked.
“Yeah, it is.  How come?”
There was a pause and you could hear tapping in the background.  “Just thought I might call you again.”
“‘Cause I’m easy?” you teased.
He laughed.  “Oh yeah.  I have a lot of trouble getting laid normally.”
This time you laughed.  “It’s weird that I called you, right?”
“Totally weird,” he agreed.  “But mostly because normally when people call me they want something.  Another date, for me to invest in something.  Not because it’s a dare.”
“You want me to ask for something so it’s less weird?” you joked.   He laughed and you rolled over onto your side.  “So what are you doing right now?”
“Well, I did have a board meeting to go to, but then this huge legal matter came up and I absolutely had to take the call right now.”
You broke down into giggles. “No… Seriously?”
“I’m so sorry,” you said, still laughing.
“You don’t sound very sorry,” he teased.
“Maybe I’m just a little sorry.”  You let out a breath.  “So you’re just alone in the office dealing with a legal matter?  No one around at all.”
“Nope, just me and my big desk,” he said.
“A big desk, huh?” you said.  “I bet that it’s nice and solid.”
“Oh, it is.  Big and solid.  Can take a real pounding.”
You started laughing again.  “We are talking about your desk, right?”
“Do you want it to just be my desk?”
You bit your bottom lip and pulled your blanket over you.  “I can’t date, Tony.  That’s not why I called.”
“I know, dear,” he said.  “You were dared.  And I don’t date.  Ever.”
“So … what then?”
“So, put your hand into your pants and touch yourself,” he growled.
You took in a shuddering breath and slipped your free hand into your pants. Your fingers slipped between your folds and you began to circle your clit.
“Are you doing it?” Tony asked.
“Yes,” you whispered.
“Do you remember what my hands felt like?” he asked.
“Mm-hmm… they were rough.  Calloused.”
“Think about them touching you while you touch yourself,” he growled.  “Running over your skin, sliding between your legs.”
You moaned softly, as his words drew out your arousal.  “Are you touching yourself, Tony?” you whispered.
“Yes,” Tony groaned.  “My dick is really hard right now.”
“In your office?”
He chuckled.  “Yes, honey.”
“If someone came in to find you, would they see?” you asked.
“Only if they came around the side of the desk,” he said.  His voice was getting gravelly.  “What about you?  If someone came back there would they see you?”
“I haven’t closed the curtain, but I have a blanket on,” you hummed.  “I don’t think they’d see, but they’d know what I was doing.”
“That’s hot,” Tony said. “You like people knowing, don’t you?  You weren’t exactly quiet in that dressing room.”
“Mm-hmm…” you hummed.  “I like the idea of getting caught.”
“Me too,” he said.  “If I had you here you’d be under the desk while I pretended to do work.”
“Oh, really?  Maybe I’d have you under the desk while I wasn’t faking anything at all,” you growled, your fingers speeding up faster.  Pleasure coiled through you, and your clit had begun to twitch under your touch.
He groaned and his breathing became heavier.  “I think I’d like that,” he said.  “How wet are you?”
“Soaking, Tony,” you moaned.  “I’m soaking for you.”
“Push your fingers inside yourself,” he said.
You complied, your breath catching as your fingers sunk into the heat of your cunt. 
“Now, do me a favor,” he growled.  “Taste yourself for me.”
“Okay,” you said.  “But only if when you come, you taste yourself for me.”
He groaned and for a moment all you could hear was his heavy breathing.  “Okay.”
You pulled your fingers from your cunt and stuck them in your mouth, moaning as the tart fluid coated your tongue.  Tony groaned at the wet sound of your fingers being pulled from your mouth.
“Tell me what you taste like,” Tony said.
You began to finger yourself again and let out a shuddering breath.  “Tart, salty, a little sweet.”
He hummed.  “I’m getting close here.”
“Me too, Tony,” you whispered.  “I want to come.”
“I want to hear it,” he said.  “Make yourself come for me, honey.  Think of me fucking you while you do.  I want to hear you moan my name.”
You kept moving your fingers, working your clit the way you liked best while thinking of watching Tony’s face in the mirror as he fucked you from behind.  Your orgasm started in your toes, and wound through you, making your muscles clench in succession, and your whole body seized up. “Fuck, yes, Tony,” you moaned.
He groaned and his breath became shallower.  You listened closely to him on the other end of the line as your body relaxed again.  He grunted and let out a breath. “Fuck…”
“Did you come?” you asked.
“Mm-hmm…” he hummed.
“Taste yourself, Tony,” you growled.
You heard the wet sound of him licking his fingers and he hummed softly.
“How do you taste?” you asked.
“Mm… I’ve had better.”
You laughed and stretched out.  “That was hot.”
“It was,” he said.  “I better get myself cleaned up and back in the boardroom.  I’ll call you.”
“You don’t have to just say that, you know?” you said.
“No, I mean it,” he said.  “Could be fun.”
“Alright.  Well if I don’t hear from you, you’ll be the person I tell all my one-night stand stories about.”
He laughed.  “Sounds good.  Talk later.”
You hung up the phone and got up and used the bathroom.  When you headed back down to the front of the bus your bandmates all looked up at you. “So, you got through then?” Cassie teased.
You smirked at them and everyone broke down into laughter.  Once again you didn’t expect to hear from Tony Stark again.  Little did you know...
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ramp-it-up · 4 years ago
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Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: Minors DNI, College AU, Poetry, Angst, pining, fluff, explicit language, explicit sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), squirting. All errors my own.
A/N: There is a credited poem at the beginning and my original poem at the end. This is the result of a combination of an ask from the 100 smut prompts ask list, and also an old (sorry Nonnie) prompt that fit very nicely together.  I struggled with this one.  Idk. Hope you like it Nonnies! 
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Intimate Talking 
We speak screen to screen, faces flash through satellites
But this progress in communication stumbles when we try to say
I'd like to try out something new, I'd like to learn to pleasure you
I think this might be fun, I'll show you round my body
If you'd like to come-
 Holly McNish
Rhode Island, 2003
The way you recited that poem earned his attention at Sophomore Slam. 
Having never talked to you before, he followed you around the theater until you did, and sought you out to chop it up. 
The fact that you’d beat him in the competition was one thing, but the fact that you were gorgeous and didn’t seem to know it was another.
You respected each other’s pen game and delivery.  Whenever you got together, Daveed would frequently get this dreamy look in his eyes and say it was like you came alive when you performed.  
Then, you’d get into some deep conversation about literature or writing or performing.  
You’d run your poems by each other and spend hours listening to the other practice for competition, eating pizza or indian or going to Dre’s Cupcake Shop, your favorite place to get something to eat.  
You made a ritual out of your weekly carb overload so much that became Daveed’s name for you, Cupcake.
It was the perfect relationship. 
And completely platonic.  
Even though you were very attracted to him, you promised yourself that you would never get with Daveed. And there was no mistaking that he was in the friend zone. 
He always seemed cool with it, and you kept the lines very clear. Because Diggs was dangerous.
Daveed was the resident track star and carried the pride of Brown University in his pants. 
A lot of people wanted to ride.  
On the other hand, you were just another brown English major nerd on the Brown campus.
When you were together, people frequently remarked that you and Daveed looked like brother and sister. It wasn’t funny, although you two laughed every time someone said it.  
What they didn’t see was you two rolling your eyes at each other afterwards. You loved Daveed.  
As a friend of course. He was the homie.
Your disappointment in your sex life thus far was an occasional topic of your poetry.  Daveed wanted to hear those particular pieces over and over to perfect them. He said they were your greatest works. 
In the area of sexual experience, you and Daveed couldn’t be more different. The fact that you’d let Kyle Jackson hit it a few times in sophomore year was the only reason you weren’t a virgin.
You guys were like yin and yang, together whenever classes, and your job at the campus coffee shop, and track, allowed. It was dope.
Six months after you two started hanging out together, Daveed missed the two classes you had together on Tuesdays.  
He never missed class.  
So, right after Comparative Lit was over, you opened up your Razr and spent precious minutes calling him.
“‘Lo?”  His deep, sleepy voice did something to you, but you were chllin’.
“Dude? What’s up with you?  Why weren’t you in class?”
“I’m feeling low today. Just wanna stay in bed.”
“But the poetry slam in Hartford is next week.  We gotta work on our pieces….” 
And, more importantly, he’d promised to go walk across campus to Dre’s with you.
“So what’s up, D?  Why are you moping around?”
“Fuck. I’m just thinking about this girl who broke my heart.”
Devin Walker. Must have been her. Daveed had been boning her for a couple of weeks.  Longer than any other chick who hung around.  Wow. The player got played.
“You’re shitting me?  You have a heart?.”
“Ha. Ha. Leave me to my morose musings, Cupcake. It’s hopeless.”
“Listen, I don’t have the minutes to waste on trying to get you out of bed. Bye.”
You flipped your phone closed and hurried to the opposite corner of campus.
After Jace and Cal let you in the apartment, you went straight to Daveed’s room. It was pitch black and Prince’s Diamonds and Pearls cd was playing softly on his speakers.
You spotted the long lump with hair that was Daveed on his bed. 
You opened the curtains.  The entire atmosphere changed. It was only 3:15 in the afternoon.
“Diggs. Get up. Time to go. You’ve moped in here all day? What the fuck did that girl do to you?”
“Unnnnnnh,” was all the lump replied, and then turned over to face away from you.
You sat on his bed and shook his shoulder, slowly rubbing it. You could feel the muscles underneath. Daveed began to move, his arm snaking out to rub his head. 
He moaned again, looked at you, then sat up, the college blue block comforter falling to reveal his naked torso.
Holy shit, he was fine. But you already knew this. And he smelled so good. 
You could smell his body wash and shampoo and the scent of spice filled your nostrils. 
You were frozen on the edge of the bed, staring at his muscular chest and abs. Damn.  You were staring.
“Hunh, what?”
“I said what are you doing here?” 
He wasn’t annoyed with you, just regarding you blankly as you intruded into his coping technique.
“I want to help. Why are you wallowing in bed like this? Did Devin break your heart?”
Daveed shifted again and now you could see his v-cut. 
Holy damn. 
You shifted over to his bean bag chair to give you some space.
Daveed rubbed his hands over his face and hair again and threw the covers back. 
You braced yourself, only to find that he had on grey Brown U sweatpants that matched the hoodie you may or may not have stolen from his room the last time you were over.  
And that you had on right now.
You realized you had been too interested in what he was or was not wearing. 
You tried to straighten up as much as you could in the beanbag chair. This was about Diggs, not your hormones.
“My heart is unavailable to people such as Devin Walker to break,” he replied and gave you a lopsided grin. 
You felt… some kinda way.
Daveed was looking at you strangely. You asked a question you should not have.
“Why is your heart unavailable to Devin?”
“That’s kinda personal…. “
He looked coyly at you as he leaned against the wall beside his bed. 
“But you know what? You know me better than anybody in the entire state of Rhode Island.”
You laughed at him.
“The State of Rhode Island has 8 times fewer people than New York City, Daveed.”
“But it’s a state. It’s a metaphor to illustrate how well you know me. So, I’ll tell you. My heart is taken by another woman.”
You were getting warm and your heart was beating faster for some reason. 
The hair on the back of your neck stood up, and you were suddenly hot. You didn’t like where this was going.
“Oh well. I’m sorry for that girl.  I’ll leave you to it.”  
You had to get out of here, before something crazy happened. You stood up and made for the door.
Daveed’s long arms and fingers grabbed the hoodie and pulled you before you could make it to the door, causing you to fall back into his arms.
“Look what just fell into my lap.” 
His grin blinded you as you stared up at him and got caught up in his big ass brown eyes and the mint smell of his toothpaste.
To avoid being hypnotized by him, you shut your eyes, but that just intensified his aroma. You couldn’t help but inhale that Daveed coconut, spice, mint scent some more. 
You felt Daveed’s soft lips on yours.  You moaned and opened your mouth, letting him slip you his skillful tongue. 
His hands spanned your waist and his thumbs were dangerously near your chest.  You were trembling in his grip and growing moist.
When you realized what was happening, you jumped up.
“Why would you do that?” You were shocked. More at your reaction than to what he did.
“You mean, why would WE do that. You closed your eyes and moved toward me.  I thought you wanted…”
Both of you stared at each other wide-eyed, and then burst out laughing.
Daveed stood up from the bed and put his hands up in surrender.
“I’m sorry.. I thought you were catching my vibe.  I just wanted…”
“To have some fun while you wait for your mystery girl to fall into your arms.”
“Mystery girl?” The cute way he cocked his head was fucking dangerous.
“The one who has your heart.”
Daveed grinned again.  “She just did.”
What? Is what you said in your head.
“WHAT?” is what you said out loud.
Daveed retreated to the other side of the room and you got to watch his damn muscular back.
“If you don’t want anything to do with me romantically, you probably need to leave now.  If I explain myself, you won’t leave my room the same way you came in.”
You rolled your eyes at his arrogance.
“You’re not going to get out of explaining this shit to me with some bullshit like that. Explain yourself Diggs.” 
“It’s not bullshit.  You can’t hide that body under my stolen hoodies, even if they do go down to your knees.” 
He got that look in his eyes.
“It’s true, you have my heart. You’ve had it since Sophomore Slam.” 
Daveed shook his head and you sat back down on the bed.  
“I still call bullshit, D.”
“Ok, remember after that party two months ago, and I was so wasted that I could hardly walk?”
You nodded your head slowly. You didn’t get it.
“Remember that Cal asked you to get me back to my dorm safely?”
You remembered alright.
“So, remember that I wouldn’t get my key out and you had to go in my jean pocket to get it.  And then you walked me in here and dropped me on the bed?”
He continued to peer at you. 
“And then I asked you to help me take off my jeans and you started to unbuckle my belt but then just stopped and ran out?”
You crossed your arms.  “Yeah. What about it?”
Daveed breathed a long sigh.
“Wellll. Cal was trying to be my wingman, and I was sure, since I’d caught you checking me out, that when you got my pants off, that, you know…”
You felt like screaming at him, but you kept your voice low.
“How old are you? How fucking old are you Daveed? Are you 21 or 2?”
‘I know. I know. So I decided to just tell you, and last night was the night and then I went to your room and saw you in there with that Armando dude bro.
You started laughing.  “You saw me with him? Why didn’t you come in and say hello?”
“The same reason you don’t hang around when I’m with one of my chicks.”
“The difference is, I was not about to bone Armando.” You were getting heated.
“I saw him lean in for the kiss, Cupcake.”  He looked like a lost little boy.  It was kind of sweet. And kind of irritating.
“I guess you didn’t see me laugh in his face after he leaned in.” 
You glared at Daveed. 
“He was trying to play me with the ‘tutor me’ trick. And he’s a fucking dolt if he thinks that I would kiss him. Not attracted to him at all.”
You grimaced at the thought.
Daveed’s face lit up. He pointed to the bed beside you.
“So… you just kissed me back. That means...”
You crossed your arms and stared straight ahead as he approached the bed again.
“We’re friends, Daveed.” 
You watched as he crossed his chocolate arms.
“Oh. So  you haven’t been objectifying me since you came in my room this afternoon? I see you looking. And it’s not the first time either.”
You avoided his question.
“For someone who says I have your heart, you sure did give that D to everyone else…”
He shook his head at you.
“Why do you think I got with all those other girls?”
“Because they are beautiful and you like to fuck. You say it all the time, D.  Don’t. Play. Me.”  
It’s what you were afraid of. You held your head in your hands. This was your nightmare. 
“I do like to fuck. But I’ve not met anyone I want to make love to yet. Besides you. Those other girls are alright. They served a base purpose. But you are beautiful. You’re my ideal.” 
He sounded like he believed it.
Daveed knelt down so he could see your eyes.
“You gotta know that you are one of a kind.  Not only do your eyes light up like amber when you’re excited about something, but your lips when they speak poetry light my soul on fire.”  
Daveed with his damn words. You melted a little bit.  
“You...you think my eyes are like amber?”
“Yes.  And your voice is something that I have to hear everyday to calm my spirit.”
You just gaped at him.  Here he was, writing poetry about you. 
“Why do you think I ask you to recite your sexual frustration poems?  Not just because they are top tier, but because I want to learn what you need.”
He leaned his head back and looked at the ceiling.
“God I want you to write poetry about how I make you feel.”
You looked at him and when he looked you in the eyes again you could see his frustration.  
“I want you.”
You were caught up. You stared at him wide eyed, your bottom lip in your teeth.  
"Look. Stop fighting it." Daveed was serious. "You've got to give us a chance."
And he kissed you again. Your defenses were gone. You kissed him back, your arms coming up to put your hands in his hair.
He pulled back and looked in your eyes.  
“Do you want me too? Right here? Now?”
You smiled and nodded.  
“Yes, Daveed. I want this. With you. Right now.”
Daveed grinned. “You are so beautiful.”
He kissed down your neck to your collarbone and lingered there as you moaned. 
He pushed his hands under his hoodie up your torso. He rubbed your sides and then extended his thumbs to your nipples, looking at your face as he toyed with your breasts.
The pleasure on your face was everything. He started stroking and lightly squeezing your nipples, watching as you squirmed.  He was becoming as hard as a rock and you could feel it.
“Let me ask you a question.”  
You couldn’t speak. You were unsure of your voice and were biting your lip again. He continued.
“I’ve been wondering for the longest time, what color are your nipples? Are they light, or dark…?  I want to know if what I see in my dreams is true…”
You released your lip with a breathy “Fuck!” and then threw yourself at him.
Daveed grabbed your ass as you climbed on his lap and kissed him. 
Then, he moved his hands up to the hem of the hoodie and lifted it up, making you stop attacking him to raise your arms.
“Hot damn!” You heard him exclaim before you could see him again.
Daveed leaned back and stared at you, and you wanted to cross your arms and hide, but you just hunched your shoulders instead.
“No, sit up straight. Let me see you.”
You did it, and the more your spine straightened the more Daveed smiled.
“Much more beautiful than I dreamed.” 
He reached out and brushed the side of your breast, his thumb thrumming your nipple.  
The thrill that ran through you was unparalleled. You bit your lip again, which drew Daveed’s attention to it.
He leaned forward and kissed you again while palming your breast and squeezing your nipple, making your panties flood. 
His lips trailed down your neck to your collarbone and then down to your breasts, lightly kissing his way down.  
When his lips closed around your hard peak, he simultaneously squeezed the other nipple and twisted it at the same rhythm that he outright sucked the other.
“Oh God!” you exclaimed, making Daveed stop for a minute and smile against your flesh. 
Then he started pushing your breasts together, licking and biting from one nipple to the other.  
You were sure he could feel your arousal through your pants. You squirmed on his lap and started grinding your hips to get friction from his hard on. 
You could feel the heat radiating off of him. His body was impossibly warm with no shirt on.
“What do you want, Cupcake.  Use those words.  I know you know how.”  
The rich deep timbre of his aroused voice was giving you crazy ideas.  
Something crazy popped out of your mouth, but you had to admit what you were thinking, and what you had thought about many times before.
“I...I want to suck your dick.”  Daveed stopped and leaned back to look at you again.
“Really?”  You’d managed to surprise him.  You felt strangely victorious.
“Yes. I’m not very experienced, but…”
Daveed silenced you with a kiss and then chuckled. “No takebacks.” 
He leaned down to kiss each of your breasts again, then gently deposited you on the bed as he stood up in front of you. 
You watched as he leaned hooked his thumb in his sweats and leaned over to kiss you on the lips as he pulled them down. When he stood up, his cock practically hit you in the face. You jumped and then laughed nervously.
It was bigger than you thought it was. And you’d heard the stories.
You took it and felt the length, and the weight of it. You admired how strong and long it was and also its warmth. 
It was beautiful, smooth and brown; and it was calling you. Just holding it made you even wetter.
The way you looked at it made Daveed leak. 
You saw the clear bead at his tip and moved your head close, sliding your tongue out to taste it. 
You closed your eyes and continued to stroke, and before you could moan, Daveed did.
That inspired you and you opened your mouth and took it as deep as you could. 
You summoned the random porn videos you’d watched and hollowed your cheeks as you pulled it out with a pop. You licked the tip and then did it again.
Then you sped up.
“Shit, you look so good doing that. Feels good too. And you say you don’t know how...Well I don’t know how I’m going to…. last… long. Better than my wet dreams.” 
That inspired you to take him down your throat. 
It was less than three minutes from when you started. And you were making him your bitch already. Daveed was a moaning, quivering, mess.
“W-w-wait a minute, I’m gonna…fuck!” 
You kept going and looked him straight in the eyes while going faster and taking him deeper. The shout he let out when he came down your throat was everything.
You closed your eyes and concentrated to swallow everything, but you couldn’t help that some saliva and cum leaked out of the corner or your mouth and combined with the tears now streaming down your face.
Daveed looked down at you with pride, wiping the corner of your mouth and your face with his thumb.
“Damn. Cupcake.  That was pretty fucking good.” 
He leaned down and kissed your lips, tasting himself on your tongue. When he finished, you smiled back, proud of yourself. 
“Your turn.”
You squealed as he took hold of your hips and flipped you back down to the bed. 
He kneeled on the floor and his fingernails scratched as he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your shorts and panties and pulled them down roughly, impatient to get at your pussy. 
You tried to cover up as you remember that you hadn’t shaved. Daveed was about to be confronted with a full bush.
Daveed smiled and shook his head.
“Fucking perfect.”  He put his hands on your thighs to open them, and met resistance.  His eyes met yours.  
“You still good?”  He was so earnest, and so eager that your anxiety faded. You let your legs fall open and you nodded, smiling at him.
He smiled back and rubbed his hands down your thighs to your apex, rubbing your lips with one hand as he reached to put the fingers of his other hand in your mouth.
“Get ‘em good and wet for me Cupcake.”
You did as you were told, moaning as he pumped his fingers in and out. 
You opened your mouth and he lifted his fingers out, a trail of saliva still attached.
He smiled gratefully, as he brought his fingers to your cunt, swiping them up and down, enjoying the feel of your slick as he spread it around.
“Look at how beautiful you are..” 
You sat up, and the sight of what he was doing to you caused your pussy to flutter. Daveed felt it, and looked at you.
“That feel good?”  
All you could do was look at him and whimper. He held your gaze as he pushed his fingers deeper into you and curl them.  Your eyes rolled back into your head which lolled back on your neck as you arched your back.
Daveed admired the view of you, sitting on his bed, legs open, back arched and breasts fully on displayed as he finger fucked you.
He grabbed a nipple and squeezed as he thumbed your clit. Your legs started shaking.
“That’s it, Cupcake. Stay there. Take this. You gotta get ready for me. Cause I’m ready for you again.”
Your head snapped back up to see and sure enough, Daveed was large and in charge again.
“Fuck, Daveed. I need it.” 
Your legs shook more and he could feel your pussy walls grip his fingers. He couldn’t wait to be inside you.
“You need it? You want my dick?”
“Hell yes.”
“First, I need your cum. Watch me.” 
You sat up and watched as he leaned down toward your clit.  
You felt some kind of irrational dread as he wrapped his thick lips around it, sucked, then pulled it between his lips, releasing you with a pop. He kept fucking you with his fingers.
Your chest started heaving and you couldn’t catch your breath.
You’d never felt this way before. There was a strange pressure building in your belly, becoming more intense as he kept making out with your pussy. 
He licked, sucked, fucked you with his hand and curled his fingers, searching for something, and when he found it, you couldn’t control your hips as you ground your cunt against his face.
Daveed stopped, just for a moment, to speak.
“I said, watch me. Keep your eyes on me. I still need something from you.” 
The command in his made you feel some kinda way. Like you wanted to obey. What was this feeling? So sudden, and new?
You gave him what he wanted. 
“Daveed, stop... Oh god, wait...Oooohhhhhhhh.’ 
You shook and the pressure released.  All over Daveed. You squirted right into his face.  You were horrified and tried to get away, but Daveed looked delighted, and held you fast, so he could get his mouth on you.
When you were done, your hands were covering your face, your core still quivering. You were so embarrassed.
He took your hands away from your eyes. Daveed was watching you, the proud smile back on his face. 
“You look good all soaking wet."
“Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack. I love that shit. You’re so fucking hot. Give me that ushy gushy shit all day long. I knew you were the girl of my dreams.” 
He climbed up your body, kissed you, and made you believe what he was saying.  You felt his erection against your thigh and got inspired for more.
“You gonna give me some?” You pulled away and waggled your eyebrows at him, getting bold.
“Oh, you mean some dick? Most definitely.” Daveed palmed your ass as he got up on his knees and parted your thighs again. 
He stroked his dick a few times while looking at your wet pussy. The way he was licking his lips and staring while pumping his cock made you quiver again. 
“Now THAT is hot.” You smiled down at him and bit your finger. 
“Oh.” Daveed raised his eyebrows. “You like to watch?”
He continued to stroke as he got off the bed and went to his bedside table and retrieved a condom, then came back to the bed.
Daveed opened your legs and wrapped them around his waist, still pumping and now teasing your slit.  He held you down as you tried to raise your pelvis to make you enter him, taking that control.
He sucked his bottom lip as he held back, wanting to take you roughly, but also wanting to take it slow.  He looked deep into your eyes as he slipped first his large head through your opening.
He stopped, closed his eyes and you both enjoyed the pounding of your bodies together.
“Shit girl, you got me slipping.” He smiled at you as he pushed further inside you, the stretch significant, but good, despite the wetness.
You had never felt anything like it. You back arched off the bed as he bottomed out, the slight pain of taking him fully eclipsed by the pleasure of feeling him inside you.
You prodded his ass to move and he obliged.
There were no more words as he snapped his hips into yours, now feeling that wonderful quiver around his cock.
“Damn girl, you feel so, so good.”  He dropped his head to your shoulder as he rolled his hips deeper into you, hiking your leg higher to dig deeper.
You started almost hyperventilating again, as you panted and moaned and scratched up his back searching for your release.
“Make me cum again. Please Daveed. It feels so good. Never felt this good before…”
And with that, Daveed lost control, the steady pace of his stroke gone, hips sloppily giving you what you and he wanted. The thought of him made you come as he lost control, and he followed you into that abyss.
Afterward, you lay there, messy and wanting to move, but never wanting to leave that space.
“That was so fucking sweet, Cupcake. I love you.” 
Daveed bit your neck, and you laughed, breathing, “I love you too, D,” in return.
One week later, Daveed’s face was proud again when you won the 2003 Hartford Slam with this poem
I love the weight of you.
Pressure and warmth all around.
Smell of brown skin smooth under my lips; hands touch and taste combine, condensing sensations into pleasure on the edge.
The sting of passion is welcome when surrounded by you.
A feel of love tastes of clover honey:
Sweetness, with a bite.
Let me know if it’s good!
@theatrenerd86​ @sebastianabucknettastan​ @imatyoursurrvicesurr​ @riiyy​ @lonelydance​ @jbrizzywrites​ @sillyteecup​ @ohsoverykeri​ @biafbunny​ @summerofsnowflakes​ @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​  @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs​ @einfachniemand​
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helenazbmrskai · 4 years ago
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Wow. I think this is the filthiest and the most messed up shit I’ve ever written in my whole life send me holly water pls (after you enjoyed reading this duh) I don’t know how this idea popped up in my mind one night but yeah don’t come at me.
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💊Title ‹ Shush ›
💊Pairing ‹ Jimin x OC (f) ›
💊Genre ‹ adopted brother au, forbidden/unhealthy romance, smut, angst › 
💊Summary ‹ Forbidden fruit always taste the sweetest and when the fruit comes in the form of an innocent boy it’s even sweeter. ›
💊Warnings ‹ emotional manipulation, discussions about an incurable disease, unhealthy relationship dynamics, some fluff, multiple smut scenes filthy so be aware!, mention (and brief description) of sexual fantasies, sub! Jimin, soft domme! OC, teasing, mention of porn watching, brief imagined masturbation, corruption kink, first time, virgin! Jimin, blowjob, handjob, good boy Jiminie, jealous OC, oral (f), fingering, unprotected sex (don't do this be safe!), exhibitionism, marking/biting, almost getting caught, dirty talk, riding, pls keep in mind that this is only fiction! don’t do this folks ›
💊Word count ‹ 6k ›
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Brushing the snowflakes off my coat’s shoulder, I take a look around the spacious living room soaking in the warmth and waiting for my fingers to defrost, hearing nothing besides the wind that blows outside. Checking the clock on the wall I recall that mom should be still at work at this time around, nothing’s new.
I silently make my way upstairs then halting once I’m in front of Jimin’s bedroom door that has a big J on it. Mom would be upset if she knew I didn’t check on him first thing when I got home so I knocked once then twice before I heard muffled noises from the other side and the shuffle of sheets followed by a loud bang of something hard suddenly hitting the ground. The sound itself quite concerningly rings in your ears.
”Are you alright?” I place my palm on the wooden surface concentrating on the noises that I faintly hear filtering through the door, biting down on my lip as I still didn’t get an answer from him.
”Ok. I’m coming in!” I tell him after a couple of seconds of silence, I gave him enough time to yell out that he’s fine. I’m ready to burst through the door when his voice squeaks out a tiny unconvincing ’I’m good.’ but my hand is already on the doorknob. His body lays slightly off the bed when I enter his room, the bed under him is unmade and his hair is dishevelled sticking to different angles from all the tossing and turning looking soft, wearing only a thin white shirt and pyjama pants to bed. Probably haven’t gotten up from it all day.
”You fell off the bed again?” I chuckle, sending him an amused look spiced with an arched eyebrow – it’s not the first time I see him in this position – shaking my head from side to side, though my eyes reveal that I’m not angry just amused. I grab both his knees and help him to lay flat against the pillows just like he was most likely laying before. His eyes glow like a lightstick with a beaming smile on his face.
”Y/N, you’re home early.” Arching up a brow himself he situates his body to rest his back against the headboard interrogating the cause of my early arrival with a slightly hoarse voice. Jimin looks into a specific direction frequently enough for me to spot his staring. I reply to his statement with a roll of my eyes brushing his hair gently to the side after I checked he indeed has no fever. Giving him the benefit of the doubt that I have no idea he’s trying to hide something I smile back.
I scan through his room hoping to find out by the order of things are placed what he was doing before I got home, it’s easy to spot the differences since I’m the one who usually cleans in here but besides his laptop that sits on the far end of the bed instead of the desk, nothing else seems out of place.
”Why? Were you doing something you shouldn’t be?” I grin, at first the question was intended to be innocent but watching how Jimin’s face contorts into a scandalized look I know he’s up to no good. His expression soon gets replaced with shyness unintentionally a boyish blush spreads across his rosy cheeks. It gets me even more curious.
He gained some weight over the past weeks so his features are almost healthily filled out, the new medication seems to work better than the doctors had anticipated and right now he has minimal symptoms.
Mom must be pleased by the outcome, he regained so much colour to his pale skin too. I witnessed all his ups and lows, I still remember the day I met him. He was in a bad shape, bedridden, so pale and skinny like a skeleton. He couldn’t even sit up on his bed to greet me and when he opened his eyes hearing my mom’s voice calling out to him I came face to face with his teary eyes, hands grabbing his chest to ease the pain that he felt crawling his way up from under his ribcage as a silent tear rolled down his cheeks. He got better when mom decided to take him out of the care system and switched doctors to look after his further treatment.
I regarded him as a responsibility at the beginning of our relationship made sure he took his medication between meals just like my mother instructed. Cleaned his room and made him food when my mother was busy with work. She’s a nurse at the local hospital, she left me alone with him a lot, her job consumes a lot of her time so I had to take care of him almost every day after school even had to take a few days off so I can stay at home when his condition started to get worse and he needed more supervision than usual.
Be that as it may, he had his better days that I started to like so much, spending time with him stopped being an obligation and instead, the time spent together started to be the highlights of my days.
Listening to his angelic laugh, having him listen to me talking about my day. No boy or man ever paid this much genuine attention to me, only him. He has his eyes only on me.
His fierce response makes me come to my senses, dragging me out of my own consuming thoughts.
”Of course not!” He defensively spats my hands away when I try to pinch his cheeks. He looks very pretty when the sun shines on his face. He looks like an angel.
”Oh really? I guess it’s fine then to show me your laptop’s search history. How about right now?” I move faster than he can snatch the device so I’m able to get it and open his tab before he even lets a leg down to plant his feet on the ground.
However, I was not expecting to find something this interesting in his log history. Looking between the screen and his red face I tilt my head to the side seemingly deep in my thoughts. It’s not that I never acknowledged the fact that he’s a man in his mid-twenties and because of his unfortunate susceptibility to having a systemic autoimmune disease he never had the chance to socialise like it’s a norm for most people. The only other’s he meet day by day are my mother and I since he can’t go out because of his photosensitivity.
Maybe I could blame the stars that never flickered out of his naive eyes for the past ten years I’ve known him for not thinking that Jimin could have dirty thoughts. Well, this porn page clearly states otherwise.
I know it’s inappropriate to think about Jimin, my adopted brother, in this way but I can’t find it in me to stop the spiralling thoughts.
Wondering if he masturbates while watching these videos when I’m in school. How he grabs his cock with shaky hands, cute fingers coated in his precum. Wondering if he uses the same hand to hold mine innocently after he did dirty things to himself. I subconsciously rub my thighs together to ease some of the tension that gathered between my thighs, even fantasising about him makes me feel hot.
I feel bad thinking about him inappropriately when he’s sick but I can’t seem to feel the shame when I look directly into his bright eyes now. The rational part of my brain screams that it’s inappropriate even though we are not blood-related.
Heck, not at all as mom adopted him when his last remaining family member, his father died ten years ago.
Jimin’s facial expression is like an open book I read him so well. Poor boy can’t even lie everything he thinks about is apparent on his pretty face.
Afraid that I’ll call him names he lowers his gaze, waiting for me to tell him that I’m disappointed and disgusted by him now that I discovered his dirty little secret that he rubs one out to porn but oh boy he has no idea. That I think about him in a way a sister shouldn’t. That there is nothing wrong with being curious. He has all the right to be. It’s easy to forget he’s older than me when I’m the more experienced one in everything.
”Hey it’s ok,” I get to my previous position, sitting down on the edge of his bed right next to his waistline. I curl a finger under his chin to level his face with mine, showing him a small smile indicating that everything’s gonna be alright.
”I watch porn sometimes too, there’s nothing to be ashamed of here Jiminie. It’s only natural to be curious about it. It’s human nature.” He avoids making eye contact but a tiny nod in my direction shows me that he’s listening.
”If you want I promise I’ll forget that this ever happened. Do you want that honey?” Nudging his pinky with mine I offer him the chance to change the topic to something light.
”You won’t tell mom about it, right?” Nodding my head in agreement I assure him that this piece of information can be our secret and no one has to know that this conversation ever happened. It appears to calm him down gradually as he finally reciprocates my gaze and sighs in relief. What you didn’t expect to hear after that, however, was an explanation of why he started watching porn.
”I want to know how it feels.” Jimin admits shyly, looking around to avoid my eyes as he tells me his hidden thoughts and I find him truly endearing. The previous tense atmosphere seems to completely fade away as Jimin relaxes his muscles against the bedsheet and opens up his heart.
”What? Sex?” I asked, watching his reactions closely as I experimentally place my palm above his right knee. An innocent touch.
Jimin shivers into the contact but other than that nothing remarkably changes in his behaviour or posture. He pays careful attention to not let his feelings show up on his otherwise expressive face. Cute. Sooner or later I’ll know how he really feels about my advances as he can’t keep pretending for long. He was never good at it.
”Yes. They seem to like it so much when I’m watching those videos.” Humming approvingly I rest a manicured nail at the edge of his waistband, this earns a sharp inhale of breath but he doesn’t try to remove my touch that indicates he’s not uncomfortable with me touching him. He doesn’t seem bothered, just a little sheepish.
”You know, a video is nothing compared to the real thing.” I let a single finger slide under his shirt drawing circles into his hipbone eyes watching the way his chest moves up and down a little faster at that.
”What a shame that you don’t know pretty girls to have sex with.” Deciding it’s time to remove my hand I’m letting the limb fall to my side lazily. Jimin’s lips immediately form a pout after I stop making advances on his body, showing me that he was expecting something more. All this time I thought he doesn’t see me like I see him but maybe I was wrong assuming that. Gaining confidence I decide it’s time to push his buttons a little more.
”I’m sure girls would form long lines to get into your pants baby. I wouldn’t be surprised since you are so pretty.” The praise makes his ears bright red, mother did a good job with giving him a boyish undercut a good fashion choice to leave the tips longer so I can easily comb my fingers through it, curling a few strays behind his ears.
”Y-Y/N.” A breathy moan leaves his lips as I kiss the underside of his jaw on impulse, finding stability by grabbing onto his thighs to lean closer and breathe in his clean scent. I push him against the headboard but he doesn’t mind it at all, too lost in the moment, feeling my lips on his throat to register any pain.
I pull away slightly to reconnect our eyes. Jimin licks his dry lips, not having anyone to talk to until I arrived home, he kept his mouth shut only feeling now how dry his throat is all of the sudden.
A ghost of a smile appears in the corner of my mouth as I realise Jimin is watching my lips not even trying to conceal his desire to have another taste of the forbidden fruit. This is so wrong but his lips are so light against mine, afraid that if I apply pressure somehow this moment will end and I don’t want this to ever end but as the saying goes, nothing lasts forever in life.
The magical moment ends when I hear my mother’s voice from downstairs. ”Y/N, Jimin I’m home!”
The cheerful voice of my mother abruptly interrupts our first shared kiss, not letting him chase the taste of my cherry lip balm I place a small peck on his nose instead yelling back that we’re upstairs and we’ll be down in a minute.
”No need to rush,” I peck his forehead this time, giving his face small kisses to lift his mood. It’s comical how disappointed he looks with his nose scrunched up adorably. He really has no shame as he sighs licking his lips to taste the remaining flavour of our kiss.
”We can continue this tomorrow, we have so much time, I promise...”
And continue we do. True to my word I comply with his request pulling the oversized t-shirt over my head to reveal him my black lacy bra and the curve of my waist. His eyes devour the new uncovered flesh hands lingering in the air itching to touch my bare skin but too shy to do it without my permission. He remains frozen in the act. Dreamy eyes watching my reaction to his shy movements silently asking for a sign that it is alright to touch. He’s so curious he wants to hear those noises the couples always make in his videos.
I nod putting him out of his misery cradling his hand in mine to place the warm palm onto my covered breast I guide his movements fondling the flesh, his touch feels good despite the barrier between his skin and mine.
Slipping his hand under the cup his finger comes into contact with my nipple I show him how to circle the bud until it gets erect a small sigh escaping my lips. I had the sudden urge to steal a kiss so I leaned in to grab the back of his neck and crush our lips together no tongue just lips touching sweetly.
I removed his touch to intertwine our fingers placing both of our hands to rest against the bed leaning into his mouth more.
”Is that all that you want me to do?” I murmur the words into his mouth, encouraging him to say more, to do more. Jimin swallows the saliva in his mouth gaze significantly cloudy as he stares into my eyes, shaking his head. He got so far the current thoughts in his head are clearly not about stopping anytime soon.
”What else do you want then?” I press him to answer my question, following the line of his upper lip with my thumb smearing the lip balm that got transferred from my lips to his while kissing, Jimin took a shaky breath before opening his mouth.
”Y-your tongue.” His tongue seemingly came out subconsciously to wet his lips I closed my eyes moaning at the sinful image. He really did his research, I’m about to give him everything he wants if he keeps up with these innocent yet so dirty looks.
”Where do you want it?” I grin moving closer so our thighs are firmly pressed together letting go of his hand to cup his face with both hands. Bending my head to peck the outline of his vein on his neck his pulse quickens under my touch. Pleased to have had such a great effect on him.
”In my mouth.” He squeaks out his response when I bite into his shoulder careful not to really pierce his skin but let him feel a moderate amount of pain mixed with his pleasure. I smooth my tongue where I bit making sure that I don’t leave any marks on his perfect skin. I don’t want our mother to ask questions later.
”Hm,” I hum into his neck satisfied by the answer before lining our faces again to fulfil his wish. ”Open.” As soon as I command his lips part obediently waiting for me to slip my tongue into his awaiting mouth.
”Jimin. Can I touch you?” I sigh into his mouth, he tastes so sweet I can’t seem to get my fill as I discover every corner of his hot cavern licking the roof teasing him before letting our wet muscles touch in a heated battle for dominance. Jimin gets greedy soon as he pushes my tongue back to do the exploration of his own, the kiss turns sloppy and too much saliva. Hands clutching onto the duvet under him grounding his body swimming in euphoria from falling too deep into the feeling.
”Yes, please.” Our eyes open slightly to watch each other my mouth founds the corner of his lips then the side of his cheek and jaw before diving back in parting his lips with my tongue to continue tasting him.
With a feather-light touch, I snake my hands upwards his thin frame and tiny waist feels so fragile under my fingers. I want to pepper his torso with my kisses pushing his body down using his shoulders to see his weight bounce on the bed. But I can’t get so ahead of myself, Jimin deserves to be worshipped like the angel he is.
”Lay down on your back Jiminie.” I smile seeing how obedient he is following my orders without any complaints or questions. He trusts me so much.
The thought alone that he is under me letting me have my ways with him makes my underwear sit uncomfortably against my heat when I move my legs to straddle his hips I feel how drenched I am for him. So pretty and so eager under me as his head rests on the pillows he truly looks like an innocent angel.
I motion for Jimin to raise his arms so I can get rid of his shirt and finally do what I intended to do and kiss his body starting from his collarbones all the way to the line where his pyjama pants hide the delicious lines of his hip bones.
I press kisses of praises into his shoulder blades moving down following the line of his sternum to give attentive licks and pecks all over his stomach feeling his muscles tensing under my lips whines and other sweet sounds slipping out of his parted lips as he breathes heavily through his nose with his eyes closed.
When I let a couple of fingers slide under his pants I realise the lack of material under my touch. He’s not wearing his boxers. The outline of his dick is evident when I look down he’s not that long but where he lacks his grith makes up for it as I can already imagine how good he would feel buried in me stretching my walls so good.
”Do you want me to touch your pretty cock darling?” I don’t forget to ask for permission even though by now I can clearly see how much he wants all this. The sight itself, how his member strains against the concealing fabric is an awfully clear giveaway of his growing desires. Jimin maintains our eye contact with hooded eyes nodding his head fervently before he can confirm his needs with words. His body burns but not with fever.
”I..yes, please. I w-want you to.” Jimin squirms waiting for me to do something that would relieve some of the tension in his joints. His cock feels heavy in my hand ready to sink into my cunt anytime, I can’t wait to put my mouth around it first but I have to be patient. I circle a digit around the tip testing how much precum he has for me.
Holding the digit up to my lips I taste the slightly salty substance humming approvingly. Tugging his pants down I get to work giving a kiss to the tip before coating his member with my saliva so I can lubricate his shaft enough so it won’t hurt him. His whole body shakes when my mouth makes contact with his cock his virgin body overwhelmed with the new sensation the little pleasure already too much for him to handle.
I make a mental note about grabbing some lube on my way home tomorrow so I can be prepared for situations like this. My lips suddenly widen into a Cheshire grin as I deliver the last lick all the way up to the hilt replacing my mouth with my hand.
”Jiminie look here for a little.” I coax him to open his eyes again with a sweet voice. ”Like that darling.” I praise him when his eyes met mine, choosing the moment his gaze connects with mine to use the same hand that pleasured him to glide under my jeans and underwear mixing my arousal with his precum I moan for the show as I rub my clit before collecting my essence so I can use it on his dick giving him the needed extra lubricant.
Jimin’s eyes don’t stay open for long when I finally touch him properly with the intent of making him cum. He can’t seem to keep his moans and throaty whines to himself as I give him a confident grip increasing the speed of my wrist when his whines became more high pitched his body gives away all the signs when he shakes under my touch that he’s close embarrassingly fast but I don’t mind, it’s his first time after all. We can always work on his stamina later.
”Relax baby and just enjoy this.” I encourage him to let go, massaging his thighs with my free hand to relax his strained muscles, slowing down my strokes but give special treatment to the tip collecting the forming precum. ”There’s no need for you to hold back.” I peck his hip picking up my pace again for a few moments longer before taking him into my mouth waiting for him to cum swirling my tongue over the tip repeatedly.
”Y-Y/N.” My name comes out in moans like a broken record when he finally lets all the tension seep away from his body letting the building pleasure force him into submission as he cums into my mouth his body goes limp when the pleasure fades away after I let him ride out his high with gentle licks.
I place the duvet over his sleepy form after I help him back into his clothes, tucking him in as I kiss his cheek to say ’sleep tight’ with the gesture.
I toss the food around on my plate in front of me tentatively listening to the conversation held between my parent and her guest but not engaging, sinking my fork into the broccoli angrily as I hear Natalie’s sugar-coated voice destined for only Jimin’s ears to catch.
She leeched herself onto him as soon as she stepped into this house annoying me with saying stuff like ’you have such a nice brother’ just to emphasise my relation to him. Even my mom takes her side saying that they look cute together.
I know she wants Jimin to socialise, that’s why this dinner is purposefully held in the first place but I can’t seem to show a different emotion than disgust when I look at Natalie trying to woo my Jimin. She will never know how he sounds when he’s about to blow his load or how he would taste against her tongue because only I can see that side of him no one else, and especially not her.
  His ears are red from her constant compliments and I swear I even saw her hand grip his shoulder when she laughed about something my mom said, he shies away from her because he never kept a conversation going on with another girl that wasn’t me or my mom before but that doesn’t mean jealousy doesn’t bubble up in my chest when he doesn’t deny her advances explicitly.
The dinner continues for an awfully long time before I could excuse myself from the table to hide away in my room and peacefully start yelling into my pillow to relieve my pent up frustration throughout this unpleasant meal.
Either Jimin genuinely didn’t have a clue what she was implying or he was aware but fine with it I don’t want to waste any more time and watch her all over him. I continued sulking in my room when I heard a knock on my door grunting a ’yes’ before I resembled smashing my keyboard I suddenly felt the urge to complete that assignment I procrastinated on so I can keep my mind focused on something else.
I avert my gaze from the screen to see who’s my intruder but I refocus on my computer when I see it’s Jimin. I’m not in the mood to talk to him right now since the picture of Natalie all over him is the first image to enter my mind.
”What? Dinner’s over so soon?” I’m careful to use an unaffected tone when I speak up, holding myself back from making eye contact even though I would love to see his face, we haven’t got time all day to talk or cuddle at all since I had to help my mother all evening to prepare for this dinner that was a waste of time anyway.
Jimin stays silent not bothering to answer my question but I still refuse to look at him as I pretend to be absorbed in my work. Even if it’s far from reality when the only thing consuming my thoughts right now is that I want him to tell me no one else is going to touch him only I can make him feel that good. That he wants. No, needs only me.
”A-are you angry? Please don’t be.” I still don’t turn around and looks like it makes him desperate for my attention he thugs at my blouse but I don’t react.
I want him to panic take over his body so he won’t do this to me again. I have to busy my fingers with typing so I don’t move to card my fingers through his locks like I long to do when he lays his head on my lap kneeling on the ground to do so. I don’t push his head away but doesn’t react either.
Half an hour passes in this manner, only my typing is heard in the otherwise silent room Jimin’s head still resting on my thighs hands circling my waist. I’m halfway done with my assignment when I feel Jimin’s nose nudge my centre. I showered after I excused myself from the dinner to blow off some steam and calm down grabbing only a pair of underwear and a shirt to cover my body with.
Jimin placed a kiss on my clothed clit making my body jerk in surprise forcing me with his bold actions to finally look at him our gaze locks as soon as I look down. Jimin folds the sides of my blouse so he can get access to the rest of my underwear following my panty line with his nose.
”Can I make it up to you?” Jimin looks up with innocent eyes that have my stomach twist in excitement but I try not to show him how much he can affect me as well. I’ll still make him pay for his actions.
”So you know you did something wrong.” I scoff but it ends up in a gasp when he licks the front of my underwear without a warning.
I grip his hair to keep him in place holding him close enough so his head still rests on my thighs but not that close to letting him lick my centre again. He’s playing dangerous games right now but I don’t know if I have it in me to be gentle with him.
”You should stop before I can’t guarantee that I won’t lose my control.” I warn him through my gritted teeth, closing my eyes for a moment to focus on my breathing, his eyes grew bigger for a moment before the previous shocked expression morphs into something else.
He can’t reach my cunt from where he’s restrained by my hands so he licks the inner side of my thigh his teeth nibbling on my sensitive skin.
  I loosen my grip on his hair smoothing the silky locks out of his eyes but he cleverly uses the gesture to scoot forward and have another taste placing a more confident lick stretching the rubberband side of my panty with his teeth sliding his hands over my stomach that was previously so obediently circling my waist.
”You don’t have to do it.” I remind him, feeling out of breath from his kitten licks over my clothed mound.
”I know.” Jimin replies with a sweet smile adorning his face before he pulls my underwear down my legs slowly, watching with interest as I part my legs so he can have a good look at my glistening core.
”The girls from the videos always like it when the boy does this.” Jimin murmurs under his breath absentmindedly before rubbing my clit with his fingertips his digits dipping lower to catch where most of my arousal gathers a single digit nudging my entrance. I part my legs more so he can get more comfortable between them I let him get familiar with my most intimate part before I pull his hand away with shaky fingers.
”Taste it.” I order for him to pop his fingers into his mouth licking my arousal clean from them and he doesn’t disappoint as he does.
Now that his fingers are coated with his saliva I guide it back to my core. ”Want your finger in me.” I throw my head back when he enters, my walls sucking his finger in his movements are inexperienced and uncoordinated but I let him experiment until he gets the hang of it, and oh when he does. His one finger turns into two soon as he finds the best way to pound into my wet cunt curling the digits just the right way to make me see stars. ”Doing so good Jiminie.” I tell him between heavy pants as the rhythmical hard thrusts of his fingers starts to become too much to handle I feel my insides tighten just like my walls tighten around his fingers getting closer and closer.
I open my eyes to watch him lean down his hair tickling my inner thighs as he nestles between my legs licking at my clit while the movement of his hand never falters, the new stimulus that his visual between my legs and his tongue on my nub adds to the feeling, making me come undone around his fingers.
”Stand up baby.” I motion for him to stand as well, his finger slips out of my hole, with a confused expression plastered on his face but doesn’t question my intentions as he obligates standing on his wobbly feet I let him sit down to where I was before straddling his hips.
”Are you going to let me ride your cock? Make you mine?” I ask him using my sweetest tones before slowly kissing his lips making sure to map out his mouth once more before turning my attention to kiss the expanse of his neck.
”Yes. Fuck yes.” The way how the curse word slipped through his mind without him noticing is endearing, he can always surprise me with something doesn’t matter how much time I dedicate to learning his body and soul, he’ll always have layers to discover. These good days sometimes even weeks when his illness hides its ugly face into the background are so precious that I wish we could always be like this.
I situate my body so I can pull his sweats down I pleasantly discover that he doesn’t wear his underwear when his dick slaps against his stomach. I reach for one of the drawers where I know I placed the lube.
I squeeze some into my hand before wrapping my fingers around his fully hardened shaft smearing the lube over him Jimin whines when he feels the cold liquid hit his hot member moaning once I roll my wrist the way he seems to like so much. Have enough of the foreplay I position him in front of my entrance making eye contact with him before taking him in letting him have the chance of backing out.
Jimin’s thighs shake as I take him in fully he tries muffling his moans by biting down on my shoulder so our guests don’t find out what we are doing in my room. With a smirk on my face, I roll my hips getting the best responses as Jimin tries to hold back his cries tightening his hold on my waist to slow my thrusts down but I don’t listen to him as I start to grind down on him letting his member pull out almost all the way before sinking down enjoying how good he fills me up.
I slow down as a knock is heard at my door Jimin’s eyes widen in fear but I don’t let him move an inch as I silently take my seat with his cock buried between my folds he holds back a moan when I clench around him.
”Mom?” I call out to her, my voice a bit shaky but I was able to mask it away enough that it doesn’t sound suspicious.
”Are you alright? Can I come in?” I hear her worried voice, she probably heard Jimin’s louder cries and she thinks something’s wrong. At this moment I’m really glad that my mom is very dense.
”I’m feeling unwell so I’m going to sleep immediately but you go and have fun with the guests don’t worry.” I offer her my reply as I circle my waist can’t keep still as Jimin’s dick feels heavenly it shouldn’t turn me on as much as it does seeing how pathetically he tries to prevent my mother from hearing his moans but his innocent facade can’t fool me as I feel him twitch inside me as I talk to my mother while he’s balls deep in my cunt. I wonder if he wants us to get caught or that he would like me to fuck him in front of Natalie on our dining table so she can see she never had a chance with him.
”Fine but come and get me if you need anything.” She leaves with these last words without further protests and I thank her while bouncing on Jimin’s lap silencing his cries by kissing him hard. 
”What mom would think if she saw you in this situation Jiminie? Fucking me while you pretend to be an angel in front of her. Kissing her cheek with the same lips that were buried between my legs moments prior.” I whisper next to the shell of his ear he lets out embarrassed whines but I can feel him enjoy how I fuck myself using him.
My thighs ache as I increase the pace feeling so close again I guide Jimin’s hand between our bodies to make him rub at my clit he does it messily but it’s enough stimulation as I cum again watching as Jimin’s eyes squeezed shut close to reach his own high.
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jeonsbun · 4 years ago
lover boy ─ p.jm [m]
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rating ↬ 18+
word count ↬ 1,970
pairing ↬ jimin x reader
genre ↬ enemies-to-lovers! au, arranged marriage! au, marriage! au, husband! jimin, fluff (if you squint), angst, & some smut
warning(s) ↬ jimin being a dick (he really isn’t), jimin has a big 🍆, protective sex (pls be safe!), semi-public sex, oral (m receiving), usage of princess (like once or twice, dat’s it), cursing, love bites (y/n tries to cover them), slight dom!jimin, lip-biting, & lots of kissing. just pure filth 🤧 lower-case intended
summary ↬ when your parents marry you off to someone that you don’t know, you never expected it to be him.
a/n ↬ hi! welcome to the official oneshot of “lover boy”! i hope that you guys enjoyed the little teaser that i had set out. major thanks to @chimknj​ for beta reading this <3 this is a part of “dishonest love” monthly prompt from @thebtswritersclub​. this is also a little valentine’s day gift. please enjoy! also note that in no way is any members mentioned in this fic are what they are in real life. this is just all fictional. as always feedback is appreciated~
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“what?!” you yelled into the phone. 
“y/n, calm down. it’ll be over in a year’s time,” the voice on the other side said.
you scoff, “you gotta be fucking kidding me, you’re really marrying me off to some douchebag who you think is good for me? someone that i don’t know?”
“y/n!” yelled the voice, “he is a good man, give him some time, get to know him. it’ll only be a year before it blows over. we’re doing this to protect you, y/n, we love you too much to see you suffer again,” 
you sighed into the phone, sliding your hand across your face in defeat, “fine dad, you said only for a year, right?” 
oh, how wrong you were. you never excepted it to be him. oh man, the man that you hate with all your gut, park jimin. 
he was your rival from another gang, his parents and yours were good friends, they were the ones who suggested you get married off together. 
before you knew even knew it, it had be more than a year. your parents thought that having a man in your life will bring in honor among the mafia members you called a family.
you thought this was ridiculous, really. you were always independent and you wanted it to stay that. 
when you had met your soon-to-be husband, it was during a party that your family had hosted. they wanted to impress some important people that you didn’t bother to care or know about. 
your mother was the one who picked out your dress for the evening. a golden dress, decorated with sparkles shone in the dim light of your room. a sequin v-style dress, that hung low upon close inspection.
“this dress is amazing,” you whispered to yourself as you ran your fingers through the soft fabric. you soon put the dress on, along some gorgeous pair of earrings and a pair of white heels to match. you looked in the mirror, “wow, mom’s got some good taste,” you whisper again, admiring yourself as you brush your hair.
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few minutes later, you texted your makeup artist friend holly to help with the touch-ups and hairstyle. 
“did you see who’s here?” your friend holly asked you as you heard her heavy footsteps near. “who? who the hell are you talking about?” you reply, confusion on your face.
“park jimin,” she says as she shakes your shoulders. “THE park jimin. he’s here,” 
you gasped. you sprinted out of the room as fast as your legs could carry you. she was right. there he was, standing tall near the entrance of the building. He was sipping on a glass of champagne, talking to someone.
you gulped down a lump in your throat that you didn’t even know you had. your father ran up to you. “ahh my beautiful daughter, let me see her,” your father held his hand out toward you. you take it, him spinning you around, laughing happily. 
“father, stop. i’m getting dizzy,” you smile him at him. “there’s someone here that I would love for you to meet,” your father takes your hand again, tucking your arm around his, whisking you away.
you approached a tall man, wearing a dress shirt that was tucked away in his pants, his jacket hanging down on his broad shoulders. “namjoon, I have someone here I would like you to know, my daughter y/n,” 
“ahh mr. jeon. Nice to see you again. How have you been?” the man, namjoon was it? asks as he hugs your dad. Then his eyes shifted to you, “And you must be Y/N, your father has mentioned a thing or two about you. But, he never told me how stunning you are,” namjoon takes your hand and kisses the back of it.
you blush and looked away sheepishly. you looked at the man, leaning on the wall, near the entrance, staring right back at you. you gulped again. 
“y/n, y/n?” someone yelled out, bringing you back to reality. “Yes?” you replied back. “What were you looking at?” replied your dad, as he tried to look around at what you were staring at. “nothing dad, i’m going to get a drink,” you dismiss the question, as you walk toward the open bar, saying goodbye to namjoon. 
your brother jungkook was nowhere to seen. ‘He’s probably banging some chick again,’ you thought to yourself as you sigh and facepalm. then you felt a presence, watching you from afar. 
you turn around, catching his eyes. his stare is intense, but you don’t dare look away. you start to walk towards him, eyes filled with lust and determination. who does this man think he is?
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“what do you want, park?” you say as you stared him down. “nothing, darling. Just admiring a beautiful girl, drinking alone,” he answered back. you scoff.
“as if, you asshole,” you roll your eyes. he suddenly grabs your arms and presses you against the wall. he looks into your eyes again, looking for something. “let me go, you dick!” you yell as you try and get out of grip. 
His grip becomes tighter as he leans forward and whispers, “let’s get to know each other.” He then leads the two of you into a closet down the hall, away from the party.
it was quick. so quick that you lost your footing for a second. before you even realized it, his lips were on yours. you pulled away quickly, catching your breath.
“what?” you heard him ask. “what the fuck, park? you don’t go up to people and start drag them into a closet to kiss them?!” you push him as you screamed. He just chuckles. “princess, i’m planning to do more than that,” he smugly says as he smirks.
“you wish, i’m leaving,” you start to turn around when you felt a hand rest upon your wrist. 
“wait, look i’m sorry, okay?” you hear him sigh, “your parents told me that we’re married and that i had to marry you or else our whole “family” will go to shit,”
You turn back around, “they said what?” this was the first time you were hearing this. “by the face that you are making tells me that you didn’t know,” 
you shook your head, blinking a few times. “why though? i just want to know why, and why you of all people?” 
he felt offended but he didn’t show it well. “they told me that it was for the sake of our family and shit, i’m 100% not sure anymore,” he shrugs.
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you kissed his cheek, looking at him sadly. next time you knew, you were pulling his shirt off. he didn’t pull away at all. he started to kiss your lips again and down to your neck. 
you move your head, giving him more access. you sigh heavily as he sucks hard near the area where your neck and shoulder meet. 
he pulls down the back of your dress, releasing you into just your bra and panties. he stares at you again, you stand there sheepishly. 
you slowly bend down to your knees to pull down his dress pants. he looks down at you, just running his hands through your hair. you then pulled his boxers down, his member slapping his lower stomach. your mouth waters at the size. 
as you start to pump him, you grabbed his balls. you can hear him breathe in deeply, ‘looks like he likes it,’ you then go faster. 
“put it in, please,” he says faintly. “i’m sorry what did you say?” you tease.
“don’t tease, y/n please,” he says a little louder, bucking his hips a little to create friction. this was your turn to chuckle. you eventually start to put his member into your mouth, bobbing your head, slowly.
“y/n, go f-faster” he pants. you listen, going faster than before.
you then go for his balls again, massaging them as you go even faster.
“yes, just like that,” 
you felt his hand at the back of your head, you hollow out your cheeks as you let him use your throat. you then felt something shoot the back of your throat. 
you shallow the salty contents (i’m so sorry 😔), and stand up with your mouth open. jimin smirks at you and kisses your lips. 
he reaches behind you to unclip your bra. he then go ham on your breasts, marking them and massaging them. he takes his mouth to assault your nipple and massage the other, you sigh heavy again, dragging your hand through his scalp. 
he suddenly stops, whilst you whine from the cold air, surrounding you, and then goes to his pants, searching for something. he comes across his wallet. 
you see a wrapper, eyes quickly scheming around at his face, eyes looking suspiciously. he looks up at you, pulling the wrapper out completely, and then putting it in his mouth.
“can never be too careful, am i right?” he chuckles as you roll your eyes again, giggling. he then puts it on his member.
he picks you up and presses you against the wall again, kissing you again. your little makeup session was interrupted when you silently gasp as he slides inside. he takes this opportunity to bite your bottom lip and pull.
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he then pushes you up and you sink back down. you moan out his name, creating red scratches across his back along the way. 
“oh my god, right there,” you moan out. you didn’t care that you were loud, he was hitting that one spot that made stars explode behind your eyelids. 
after hitting that spot again and again, you finally came undone. but he was not done, at all. 
he places you back down and bends you back, just a slight bit. taking you from behind, he goes faster and faster, and getting rougher. you felt his hand start rubbing circles onto your clit, jolting your insides again.
you felt your second orgasm coming, jimin could feel it. your walls clenching his member sweetly, you cooed at him, “i-i’m close jimin,” 
“i am, too,” he pants, you look back at him. he looked so handsome, his sleek black hair sticking to his forehead, lips bruised and swollen from all of the kissing and lip-biting, and chest, sweaty and soft to the touch. 
after one last thrust and a flick of a finger, you both came together. 
kissing your neck one last time, jimin pulls the condom off and threw it away. getting dressed, you saw yourself in the mirror. you looked awful, your hair was disheveled and your makeup was smeared. jimin looked up at you as he puts on his pants, laughing. 
you playfully punch his arm, you watch as he puts his shirt back on and then disappear. you put your dress back on and try and fix your hair as best as you could as you wait for him. 
jimin came back a few minutes later with a wet cloth, handing it to you. you use it to fix your makeup, wiping away the smeared mascara and lipstick. 
knock knock “fuck, who is that?” you whisper yell at jimin. he shrugs, “y/n? jimin? i know you guys are in there, i saw you two,” the voice said. “open the door, now,” you gulp, shaking uncontrollably. jimin places his hand on your shoulder, squeezing it as you slowly open the door of the closet. 
you smile fondly as you remembered this moment. 
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a/n ➳ this is my first time actually doing a full length fanfic that including smut like this, oh my gosh this is just pure filth! i really hope you guys enjoyed this. this really made me nervous and made my heart pound. anyways as always, feedback is appreciated~
☙ masterlist 
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jaskierswolf · 4 years ago
hi wolfie it is i, the ramen man, i was wondering if you could write a prompt based on a baking competition tv show ? maybe even christmas themed if you want ?? no stress if you can't/don't wanna write it, i love u 🥺
This got... long? So you can also find on AO3
Jaskier wasn’t stressed. He’d made this recipe a thousand times. It was his speciality!  No one made better chocolate brownies than he did but his presentation let him down. They were messy, gooey and delicious but this was a competition. They needed to look good too. He whined as he sat in front of his oven. Who made chocolate brownies for a cooking competition? Oh god he was an idiot.
He glanced around the room. Valdo Marx was busy finishing up his winter spiced cake and it smelled absolutely divine; the bastard. Plus he’d brought along some holly sprigs to make the whole thing look a bunch more christmassy. Jaskier had baked some orange slices to decorate his brownies. He also had some edible golden glitter for the top and a few spun sugar decoration for good luck. His secret ingredient though was Cointreau. The orange liqueur kept the brownies extra gooey in the centre without them being too rich.
He stared into the oven, chewing his bottom lip anxiously as he ran a hand through his hair. They were almost done. There was a shiny film over the top that would give the brownies a nice crunch. If he did well with these he would get into the next round; the final round. In that round they hand to create gingerbread houses, well more palaces. They had to absolute architectural masterpieces and he was shitting himself. Like his brownies, his gingerbread tasted amazing but it wasn’t always pretty. They were delicious and wonderful but not much to look at on the surface.
He’d only gotten so far because they tasted good.
“Come on, come on, come on!” He muttered and pressed his face against the glass.
He really needed to at least get to the final. There were smaller cash prizes for all finalists and the publicity from the competition would do wonders for his little bakery.
“How’s it going?” Triss Merigold, one of the presenters asked.
He shrugged. “Not much I can do until it’s finished baking. It always goes much faster when you’re watching this at home.”
Triss laughed. “Clever editing.”
“I just hope I’ve done enough,” he sighed. “Maybe I can charm the judges with my guitar skills instead…”
“Ah yes, they said you play. Is that a hobby?” Triss asked with forced politeness.
Jaskier scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah. Well, I wanted to play as a kid. I was going to be the next John Lennon but you know how it is. My gran taught me how to bake and I became addicted. I still write my own songs for my YouTube channel though.”
“Wow! That’s amazing!” Triss made it sound like the least amazing hobby on the planet.
Luckily the oven timer went off at that moment and Jaskier was able to crack on. He pricked the brownies to make sure they were cooked through before setting it aside to cool. Whilst they were cooling he grabbed his tray of sugar decorations and the orange slicer.
“Bakers! You have five minutes!” Triss called out.
“Oh bollocks!” He groaned. He wasn’t going to have enough time to let it cool before decorating. Luckily the brownies tasted better warm but they were also harder to get out of the tin in one piece. He whined pitifully but dug a knife around the edge of the tin before slicing the brownies into the neatest rectangles he could manage. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
The camera man glared at him for swearing but he just stuck his tongue out. He was stressed, he was allowed to fucking swear! They were crumbling in his hands as he moved them to the plates. He cleaned up the crumbs as best as he could before showering them with edible glitter. He arranged the baked orange decorations as best he could so they looked slightly less terrible and then finally delicately placed the spun sugar on the top, only breaking two of the little shits in his hands.
“And stop!” Triss yelled and all the bakers stood back from their stations.
Valdo Marx was smiling smugly. His winter spiced cake looked fucking fantastic. On his other side stood Priscilla. She’d made cupcakes that were elegantly decorated to look like snowflakes, each one slightly different and beautiful. Next to Priscilla was Essi Daven. Her chocolate Yule Log looked amazing, Jaskier almost believed it was a real log.
Oh he was so going out.
He sighed and plastered a fake smile on his face as Yennefer Vengerberg re-entered the room.
“Time’s up bakers. You are apparently the best of the best but only three of you will make the final round. My expectations are high. I’m sure you’ll disappoint.” She smirked at them, violet eyes flashing dangerously. “Sadly, it is not only me that you must impress with these bakes.”
Jaskier felt his eyes widen. Shit, he’d forgotten that they brought in a second judge in this round. The bakers never knew who would be until they were introduced but it was always a famous chef and Jaskier suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Please welcome, my ex-husband… Geralt.”
Jaskier let out a pitiful whimper as Geralt fucking Rivia entered the room. The man was only his celebrity crush. He would be fine. It was going to be fine and holy shit he was even more gorgeous in real life.
“Now, as I am sure you are all away, Geralt and I have never once agreed on anything except our daughter. So this promises to be fun.” Yen drawled sarcastically.
Geralt chuckled and crossed his arms in front on his chest. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and Jaskier’s entirely life was suddenly just Geralt’s arms.
They were so big.
“That is precisely why I was invited, Yen,” Geralt muttered with a fond smile. “Evens out the vote.”
“My vote is fine on its own.”
“Hmm. We’ll see.”
Jaskier zoned out the rest of the conversation as the other bakers made their way to the front to be judged. He was too entranced by the god stood before him. The long silver hair that was pulled up into a bun, revealing the oh so sexy undercut. Jaskier watched Geralt’s lips part as he tasted one of Priscilla’s cupcakes. He got some frosting stuck on the corner of his lips and Jaskier desperately wanted to help him lick it off, but instead Geralt’s tongue flicked out to catch it. Jaskier was weak.
He zoned back in long enough to notice with great satisfaction that Valdo’s cake was under-baked and a little bit shit, not even holly could save it. So Jaskier was still in with a chance, and then it was his turn. He was hoping the brownies would still be warm. If they’d cooled down too much then his presentation would probably fuck him over.
“Buttercup?” Yennefer raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. “If you could stop drooling over my ex for two seconds, tell us about your… brownies?”
Jaskier’s fingers flexed and he tugged nervously at the edge of his shirt. “Ah yes. Umm. Hi,” He stammered and blushed as Geralt winked at him. “Brownies, orange. Chocolate orange brownies,” he swallowed and ran a hand through his hair. “I used dark chocolate mostly but there are chocolate orange chunks in there too, any orange flavoured chocolate is good. Orange zest, orange juice and umm.. oh ah, orange liqueur.”
“Aren’t you concerned the orange will overpower the chocolate?” Yen asked sharply.
Jaskier shrugged. “I make these every year. They sell well at the bakery.”
“Smells good,” Geralt noted.
“The presentation is shocking,” Yennefer countered.
“Yeah,” Jaskier admitted with a sheepish smile “but I can do better. If you give me a chance.”
Geralt raised an eyebrow at him. “You’re running out of chances.”
“Yeah but I’m cute.” The words fell from his lips before he could stop them. He clapped his hand over his mouth and blush furiously. “I am so sorry!”
“Let’s just taste them shall we?” Yen suggested.
Jaskier nodded, still hiding behind his hands. “Please.” He felt a hand on his shoulder and he yelped.
“Relax, Jaskier,” Geralt murmured in a low voice.
Jaskier’s blush deepened and he smiled up at Geralt. Oh those eyes were like honey, so warm and inviting. There was still a small smudge of frosting on his lips that Jaskier hadn’t noticed before but now he couldn’t stop staring. He wondered if Geralt tasted as sweet as he looked. “Thanks, Geralt.”
“Geralt, stop flirting and taste the freaking brownie.”
“Yes, dear,” Geralt sighed.
Geralt took a bite of his brownie and fucking moaned. A quiet whimper escaped Jaskier’s lips. God he was going to melt on national television but he didn’t care. He’d had a chance to meet his favourite celebrity and Geralt had liked his baking! It was honestly life goals. The only thing he had left to tick off was his wedding to Geralt by the coast. That had always seemed like an unreachable fantasy that helped him sleep at night but now Geralt was right in front of him… it didn’t seem quite so far away.
“Fuck,” Geralt moaned. Jaskier chuckled, that would have to be beeped out in the final cut. “This is amazing!”
Yennefer looked surprised as she tried her own forkful of brownie. “Not bad, buttercup. Not bad at all. It melts in your mouth.”
“And the orange is actually subtler than I expected.” Geralt gave him a fond smile and Jaskier had to remind himself how to breathe.
“Ah, umm. Thanks, Thank you, Geralt.”
“It looks like dirt,” Yennefer said cooly “but it tastes heavenly. Presentation has always been your weakness, Jaskier.”
Jaskier’s eyes widened. Yennefer hadn’t called him ‘Jaskier’ since the first round when Triss had mentioned it was Polish for buttercup. “I know. I know!” He whined.
“If you get through to the final then you will fail miserably unless you can change that,” she added with a raised eyebrow.
“Taste won’t save you, no matter how cute you are,” Geralt smirked.
“I know. Wait hang on what?!” Jaskier stammered at Geralt’s words.
“You did good, buttercup. Well done.” Yennefer said firmly and rolled her eyes. “We’re done here.”
“Thank you, Yennefer, Geralt,” He nodded, definitely not still blushing as his gaze landed back on Geralt. “Thank you.”
Jaskier screamed into the cushions as he threw himself down on the sofa. He’d fucking done it! He was in the final! He’d never imagined in a million years! Not to mention that Geralt Rivia thought he was cute. He wondered if he would be able to get Geralt’s autograph or whether that was just weird considering he was one of the judges.
Jaskier rolled over so he could see Geralt, forgetting that the sofa wasn’t that wide and falling onto the floor. “Oh fuck!”
“Are you alright?” Geralt asked as he came over to help him stand up. Jaskier gripped Geralt’s forearm as he was pulled to his feet.
All other thoughts left his mind as he stared at the muscles in Geralt’s arms.
“Arms…” He blurted out. “I mean! Shit. Umm, oh god.”
Geralt just laughed and steadied him on his feet. “Look, I wanted to ask…. once the show is over and I’m no longer a judge. Did you want to get dinner?”
Jaskier gaped at Geralt. “I’m sorry what?”
“Unless I’ve completely misread the situation. Fuck. Sorry. Look you can say no, I won’t score you worse because of it,” Geralt paled and crossed his arms in front of his  chest. “We’ll pretend this never happened.”
“No, Geralt wait!” Jaskier grabbed his arm. “Yes, ask me again after the final but yes. Dinner sounds great.”
Geralt smiled faintly and nodded. “Great.”
“Great,” Jaskier repeated. “It’s a date!”
Geralt nodded again. “I have to go. We shouldn’t be seen alone together until after the final.”
“Yeah, yeah. Of course.”
“Good luck, Jaskier.”
Jaskier grinned dopily as he watched Geralt walk away. It looked like Christmas magic was a real thing after all. “Yeah, you too.”
Wait. You too? Oh fuck it. _____________ Tag list: @alwenarin @slythnerd @davidtennan-t @flippinfricks @innocentcinnamonpun @marvagon @elliestormfound @geraskier-trashh @panerato @moonysourenza @artistsfuneral @victorieschild @hailhailsatan @wherethewordsare @havenoffandoms @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem @electricrituals @geralt-of-riviass @00qtee @kittynannygaming @stinastar @scribblesonmapleleaves @thecomfortofoldstorries @fontegagrilledcheese @anythinggoesfandoms @veritasrose @trickstermoose67 @nonegenderleftpain @ohheytheremiss @kueble @love-more-today-than-yesterday @kozkaboi
231 notes · View notes
childrenofthenightt · 4 years ago
only the black rose (chapter 2)
pairing: jimmy page x layla porter (oc)
warnings: mature language (a given), fluff, and a (possibly) pretentious description of the rain song
words: 4k
summary: in the blink of an eye, it’s 1975 and layla’s suddenly joining led zeppelin for their north american tour. throughout the chaos, the band take a liking to her, she builds friendships with the boys, and love blossoms. but all good things must come to an end.
author’s note: not beta’d. this story does follow a playlist of mine, because i put too much thought into things. i hope you enjoy :)
chapter one
Tearing down the hallway, cheeks still flaming red from the encounter with Jimmy just minutes ago, Layla nearly runs into Peter, with one John Paul Jones trailing behind him. She rushes past quickly, head down, darting into the washroom that Robert, thankfully, had the mind to point out during the tour of the facility, ignoring their worried glances and aborted questions all the while. The young woman bolts the door shut and rushes to the sink, splashing her face with the frigid water flowing from the tap.
“Shit! This can’t be happening!” She whispers, concern etched on her face at the thought of all that has happened that day. Her jumbled thoughts are soon interrupted by a knock at the door. From behind it, a familiar voice sounds.
“Layla, it’s Peter! Jonesy is here too. Can we come in?”
Silently, Layla unlocks the door, and returns to her vigil at the sink. The two men enter, giving her worried looks that go unseen. Unexpectedly, it’s Jonesy that breaks the silence that has cultivated between the trio.
“Layla, are you alright?”
“Uh, yeah! Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well, I think what Jonesy means is that... You’ve had a stressful day, dear, and you looked anxious when you ran in here. Also, Robert walked by just a few minutes ago, smiling ear-to-ear. Do you want me to talk to him?”
“Peter, he didn’t do anything wrong…” Layla sighs, debating whether she should tell them the whole truth. Remembering the key she had discovered earlier, she pulls it out, and reads the address carved onto the bronze surface. “I’m fine, it’s just… Everything that happened today, it just sunk in? I don’t want to bother you all more than I have already, but I don’t exactly have a car, and I should really be getting home.”
“Of course. I’m sorry we kept you this long, Layla. Though, before you go,” Peter says, fishing a notepad and a ballpoint pen out of his pocket, scribbling a number down onto the paper and ripping it out of the small book. “Here. This is my personal number. I’d like it if you called every so often. As much as they would hate to admit it, these boys have taken a bit of a shining to you.”
“Actually, Peter, could I drive Layla?” Jonesy cut in, smiling lightly at the woman. “There’s something I’d like to talk to her about. Only if you’re okay with that, Layla.”
“Of course, Jonesy. I’d like that.” Layla smiles at Jonesy, and the three of them exit the washroom, Jonesy leading Layla to his car parked out back. Once inside, Jonesy starts up the radio, an Elvis song crackling through on low volume. The man pulls the car out onto the street, and starts the drive over to Layla’s house. Lost in her thoughts regarding what she might find once she gets to her destination, Layla almost doesn't register Jonesy’s deep voice calling her name.
“Sorry, Jonesy, what were you going to say?”
“I know you’re not from here.”
“God, again with the accent? Fine! I’m Canadian, and after high school I moved to—”
“No,” Jonesy sighs, steeling himself for the conversation. “I mean… I know you’re not from this time. You aren’t supposed to be here. In 1975.”
“John… How…”
The man in question, sensing that this wasn’t a conversation to be had while driving, pulls over, and turns to the dazed woman beside him. Her mouth is hanging wide open, lips moving as though she was trying to form words, though nothing comes out.
“What the fuck?”
“I know you’re shocked, Layla. I was too, the first time I witnessed it,” Jonesy puts a gentle hand on Layla’s arm, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles. “I know you’re not from now, for lack of a better term, because I have seen this kind of thing before.”
“Jonesy, I don’t…”
“When I was a session man, working with plenty of different bands, I saw a lot of weird things. The weirdest, however, was when, right in the middle of a session, the band’s guitarist disappeared.”
“Do you know what happened?”
Never halting his comforting ministrations, Jonesy continues, sympathy dripping from his voice. “He was in the producer’s booth, listening to a playback while we were fooling around with our instruments. We heard a huge crash, and saw sparks, so we all rushed over to check on him.”
“Then what happened?”
“We couldn’t find him,” Jonesy sighed, eyebrows furrowing. “He was gone for about a day or two, but we were all incredibly worried, so when we heard that he was found, we rushed over to see him. The only thing he said about what had happened to him, was that he ‘figured it out’.”
“That’s all he said?”
“He did say later that he wanted to write a song about time travel,” Jonesy laughs softly, Layla joining in. “Not sure if it ever came to fruition though.”
Layla sobers up now, glancing at her companion helplessly. What if she can’t go home, to her own time? What if she can’t ‘figure it out’? Almost as though he could see the cogs turning in Layla’s brain, Jonesy moves his hand from her arm to rest on her knee, a grounding weight for the anxious woman.
“Layla, I’ll help you figure it out. We’ll get you back home. We can figure it out, just like he did. It will be okay.”
The woman in question can only nod wordlessly, struck by the devotion of her new friend. Jonesy, deeming her to be okay, starts up the car again. A couple minutes pass as Elvis is traded in for Buddy Holly, until Jonesy finally breaks the relative silence.
“So… You and Jimmy?”
“Nothing’s going on with Jimmy.”
“Right,” Jonesy laughs, shaking his head, sarcasm dripping from his voice. “Because you didn’t look at him like he hung the stars the first time you saw him, and he certainly didn’t rush past me in the hallway earlier, face the colour of a tomato, Robert’s laugh echoing off the walls behind him.”
“How did you…What?”
“Layla, I’m very observant. Just… Be careful with him, okay? You have to go back sometime, and I know him. He’ll take it hard, and… Things happen, I know they do, but please… Just try and be careful.”
“... John Paul Jones… Are you giving me the shovel talk?”
Laughter fills the small car as they drive through streets that become increasingly familiar. The pair finally pull up to their destination, and Layla is shocked to find that she’s staring back at what looks to be her flat, from her own time. With a hug and sincere words of gratitude, Layla climbs the stairs to the front door, and pushes the key into the lock. Holding her breath, she pushes the door open. Everything is exactly the way it was the day before. The empty coffee mug by the sink remained, and the mail on the dining table hadn’t moved an inch. She rushes upstairs, to find that the turntable was still there, open, though there was no record inside. There were scorch marks on the carpet. Layla throws out a hand, pressing it to the turntable, expecting sparks once more.
Nothing happens.
“Is… Is this Peter Grant?”
“Layla! I was beginning to think you’d never call,” A chuckle sounds from the other end of the line, tinny through the aged receiver. “How have you been, dear? The boys have been asking about you.”
“Oh? What are they saying?”
“My Goodness, it never stops. I’m surprised they’re not right up against me listening in. It’s always ‘Peter, when is Layla coming back? Peter, Layla could get a job here, as a roadie! Peter, we need our little dove, she’s our good luck charm!’”
“Well… I can guess who the last one came from. Peter, would it be okay if I came down again today? I really did have a good time, despite the circumstances.”
“Of course, of course! You’re welcome anytime, my dear. Here, I’ll send one of the boys out to fetch you. Lord knows they need it, they’re bouncing off the walls with energy.”
Another bout of laughter crackles across the line, and Layla pictures the kind, comforting smile almost permanently etched onto Peter’s face. “Wonderful! Thanks again, Peter. I’ll see you soon!”
“Goodbye, Layla. See you soon.”
“Oh! Peter, before you hang up! I gave the clothes you lent me a wash, and I’ll return them right away!”
Silence, only for a second, seeps into the conversation, until a scoff from the older man cuts it like a knife. “My dear, keep them. Jimmy won’t miss them. In fact, I remember hearing him say to Bonzo earlier, that they ‘look better on Layla anyways.’ Well, I should let you go. We’ll see you soon.”
The line goes dead, and it is not hard to imagine the grin on the man’s face before he hung up. Regardless of if he was telling the truth about what Jimmy had said, the young woman couldn’t help but swoon a little, shades of red dancing across her cheeks. She looks at the neatly folded pile of clothes beside her, and, pressing her nose to the fresh fabric of the sweater, she puts it on. Even with the magic of the washing machine, it still held a foreign scent; one of cigarette smoke, pine and citrus, which harmonized with the subtle smell of the detergent she had used. It was a scent that, on paper, sounded like an odd combination, yet Layla could hardly get enough of it. She had smelled it just the other day, in the studio, when Jimmy was above her, jade eyes boring into hers, curls a midnight halo framing his porcelain face.
The honking of a car horn shatters her concentration, and as she looks out to the street for the source of the disturbance, she sees the grinning face of John Bonham, who is hanging halfway out of the open window, waving frantically.
“Layla! Get in, you slowpoke!”
“God, Bonzo, you’re gonna wake up the whole country if you keep that up!”
“As if that wasn’t the goal, birdie.”
“Birdie? Seriously? My God, you guys are just asking to get hit.”
“By you? Birdie, you couldn’t even reach my face if I was sitting down.”
“Bold of you to assume I’d go for the face first,” A smile of feigned innocence, blooms on Layla’s face. “Question, Bonzo. How much do you value your kneecaps?”
“Ah!” Bonzo exclaims, laughing loud, carefree. “Smart girl, smart girl. Maybe we’ll call you whenever we have arguments.”
“Jonesy’s short enough, just call him. I reckon he could do some damage from down there.”
Peals of laughter ring through the car, just audible under the din of the music that Bonzo insisted on blaring as the newfound friends cruise to the studio. Finally arriving at their destination, the drummer sends a glance over to his companion, taking into account the sweater she is wearing. He lets out a sudden snort, and hides his laughter in his hand. Layla, noticing this odd display shoots him a concerned look.
“You okay, Bonham?”
“You know, birdie, there are other ways to become Ms. Page...”
“...Get out.”
“Layla, you realize this is my car, right?” Layla gives him a heated glare, and as though he could physically see the daggers she was aiming at him, Bonzo exits the car in a huff, mumbling about how “it was just a joke…”
Allowing herself a private smirk, Layla exits the car, hurrying to catch up with her friend, short legs working a mile a minute. Reaching the man, she slings a companionable arm around his waist, and immediately feels an arm wrap around her shoulders in response. The two friends enter the building, giggling anew.
“Layla!” A chorus of voices echoed off the marble floors of the lobby, accompanied by a stampede of approaching footsteps, and the woman in question was swiftly bombarded with a chorus of arms around her, squeezing tightly.
“Really feeling the love here, guys, but I can’t breathe…” The arms relinquish their hold immediately, and Layla is met with the ecstatic faces of her new friends.
“Nice sweater, love.” Jimmy pipes up, sharing a subtle smile with the woman.
“Jim, don’t be surprised if you never get that sweater back. She’s attached now!”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. I think she looks stunning in it.” Gone is the bumbling, shy man from before, replaced by confidence and charm. Layla smiles, enjoying this new side of the raven-haired guitarist.
“...Anyways… Little dove, we were just about to rehearse, would you like to sit in?” Robert hooks his arm through hers, an innocent wink tossed haphazardly over his shoulder at the guitarist, who only smirks and shakes his head.
“I would love to, blondie, but enlighten me real fast,” Layla says, giggling at the golden-haired man. “What exactly are you rehearsing for?”  
“I’m glad you asked, Layla,” Jimmy says, swiftly taking her other arm, uncharacteristically playful. “We have a very important tour of North America coming up, and it would be a shame if we came in unprepared, wouldn't it?”
“That’s really cool!” Layla exclaims, exhilaration clear on her face.
“We’ve got some practice shows in Belgium and the Netherlands, and then we’ll be off to the Promised Land.”
“‘The Promised Land’? You guys really need to get out more.”
This is met by raucous laughter by the band, much to the confusion of the woman.
“Oh, sweet, sweet, naive Layla…”
“Remember what I said in the car, Bonzo? About the hitting?” This is accompanied by a friendly smirk, typical of the woman.
“You have so much to learn…” Jimmy continues mischievously, green eyes glinting, earning a strong glare.
“Little dove has such attitude, she’s basically one of us,” Robert sighs dreamily, no doubt playing it up for Layla, earning a chuckle from her in response.
“Okay, now that that’s all over and done with,” Jonesy’s steely blue-gray eyes survey the group, stern as they lock onto the eyes of the band. “Let’s actually play for her. Once in a lifetime opportunity here, Layla.”
“Glad stardom hasn't gone to your head, guys. Truly the most humble group I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.” Laughter accompanies the group as they make their way to the studio, intent on blowing Layla’s mind.
“How about a little Rain Song, boys?” Jimmy says, tuning up the acoustic guitar in his hands, as though it was delicate and precious.
“You just wanna impress Layla, don’t you, Pagey?” Jonesy smirks, teasing the guitarist. Jimmy flushes, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, the shy man from before making his brief return.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Jonesy,” Jimmy shoots back, trying for nonchalance, the slight waver in his dulcet voice giving him away. “Does ‘Rain Song’ work for everyone, or are we picking something different?”
A smattering of “works for me,” sounds throughout the studio, and the boys launch right in. Soft sounds of falling rain pour out of the guitar, and Robert’s golden voice floats out like streams of sunlight. Jonesy’s piano trickles through, a mist amongst the downfall, Bonzo’s soft drum beats claps of thunder. The music picks up, becomes harder, like wind in the face of a torrential storm, and then all is still, Robert crooning all the while. Layla is mesmerized, unable to look away at the boys, seemingly glowing with the influence of the music they play. A fragile silence follows the last tinkling of raindrops, one that the occupants of the room are afraid to break.
“... So? How was it?” Bonzo is the first to speak, an apprehensive grin gracing his face.
“It was… You just…”
“Never thought we’d make you speechless, little dove.”
“Ignoring that. It was truly incredible, guys.” Layla’s face lights up in an excited smile, chestnut eyes sparkling as though reflected in a clear pool. The young woman locks eyes with Jimmy then, who sends her a shy smile her way, arresting her where she stands. Layla looks away quickly, cheeks warm.
“Jonesy, your keyboard playing was incredible! It sounded like tiny raindrops! Bonzo, your drumming was just… It was so good! It sounded like thunder, and broke through the rest of the instruments perfectly. Robert, as much as I truly hate to say this…”
“You were beyond words. You owned those lyrics, and made them almost come alive. I truly felt them. Jimmy… Your guitar. It drove the whole storm, and paired with Jonesy’s little droplets... It was great.  I can’t say enough about this whole performance.”
“I knew we kept her around for a reason.” Bonzo snorts, closing the distance first to hug the young woman, Jonesy following with a smile painted on his aristocratic features.
“Little dove, has anyone ever told you that you should be a music critic?”
“A few times. Now get over here, blondie. You too, Page.”
The embrace is interrupted by the click of the studio door being opened, revealing the hulking figure of the usually soft-natured Peter Grant. Taking in the scene before him, he chuckles heartily, his smile never slipping. Walking over to the group, he claps his hands together in delight.
“I’m glad you’re all getting on. Boys, that was another wonderful performance. If you perform like that on Saturday? God, we’ll rule the world!”
“We’ll need our good luck charm, though.” Jimmy gestures towards Layla, winking at her conspiratorially.
“Peter, is there any way we can bring Layla over?”
“I’m sure we can work something out, Percy. Layla, would you like to join us?”
“Well… I’m sorry, but I’m not sure if I could manage, with the finances of it all. I don’t exactly have a job at the moment...” Layla says sheepishly, eyes cast downwards in embarrassment. Peter scoffs and shakes his head in response, placing his large hand on the young woman’s shoulder.
“My dear, you wouldn’t have to pay even one pence,” Pete explains, kind eyes reassuring as they gaze at the woman in front of him. “Though, if you are worried about something like that, we do always need help in the wings, if you’re interested?”
“Peter, are you sure? I couldn’t just—”
“Layla, for the love of God, just say yes?” Jonesy mutters, huffing out a laugh at the display of stubbornness in front of him.
“I mean, if you’re sure… I’d love to.”
“Wonderful! Now, we leave on Friday. We’ll pick you up at your flat, just make sure you’re packed, dear. We’re happy to have you on board.”
As the calendar pinned to the wall is steadily painted in royal blue ink, Layla’s excitement grows. One more day, and she’ll be on the road, living it up. January 10th couldn't come any faster, it seemed to Layla.
The shrill ringing of the phone interrupts her musings, and as Layla hurries to answer, a smile grows on her face at the thought of the days ahead. As much as she tries to deny it, Layla felt quite fond of the boys already.
“Hey, little dove, I’m leaving right away to pick you up. I’ll explain what’s going on in the car. You don’t need to bring anything. See you in 15.”
“Robert? What—”
“Oh, and Layla?” Smugness dripping from his voice, Layla can already see the cheshire grin the man is sporting, “Wear something nice.”
Shock freezing her in place, Layla shakes her head, a featherlight smile gracing her lips. Flying up the stairs to her bedroom, Layla picks out a pair of merlot bell bottoms, paired with a cropped bell-sleeved shirt, a snowy white in colour. Rings scattered across her hands, Layla looks in the mirror, applying some light makeup. Seeing a car pull up to her house, a sleek, rich red against the stormy gray of the curb, she rushed downstairs, waving at the driver. Stepping into the vehicle, she turns to her friend, who smirks, looking her up and down.
“I said to dress nice… This is gonna kill the man.” Robert scoffs, mutters under his breath, tugging playfully on a perfect brown ringlet of Layla’s hair.
“Robert, what’s going on? Why couldn't you explain over the phone?”
“Well, I couldn’t let a certain someone overhear my master plan, could I?” This is met with a blank look from the passenger of the vehicle, and, glancing over quickly, Robert cackles.
“Listen up, little dove,” Robert says, whispering mischievously, starting up the car and pulling away from the flat, “It’s Jimmy’s birthday, and the lot of us were planning something. It would be a shame if we didn’t get his favourite girl in on the secret too!”
“Favourite girl?”
“Oh come on, Layla. Don’t tell me you’re that oblivious!” Robert scoffs, lazily throwing his head to the side to look at his companion, golden locks flying every which way, “The man can’t take his eyes off of you. It’s a whole subject of conversation when you’re not around. I can tell by the colour of your cheeks that you might feel the same…”
“If I say yes, will you drop it?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Should have known… Anyways, what’s the plan here?” Robert winks at her in response, ocean eyes glinting in the warm afternoon sun.
“So, you know quite a bit about guitars, hey?”
“A fair amount? I used to play. What does that have to do with Jimmy’s birthday, though?”
“Well,” Robert starts, grin growing at the confusion of his friend, “We’re gonna throw a little get-together at the studio, but I was thinking, his favourite acoustic keeps breaking, and he hasn’t had much time to fix it yet. This is where you come in, little dove.”
“Don’t leave me in suspense here, blondie.”
“You’re gonna pick out a new acoustic for him.”
“Robert, I don’t know…”
“Don’t worry about the costs,” Robert exclaims, shaking his head vehemently, “I got it all covered. Perks of being in a famous band, I guess. Jim’s not the best at words, you’ve experienced this firsthand. He speaks with his music, and by doing this, you’re speaking his language.”
“I get that, but what… What if he doesn’t like the guitar I pick out?”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Robert laughs out, stealing a glance at his fidgeting companion. “Little dove, you could give him a trash bag and he’d still cherish it. He’ll love whatever you pick out for him.”
Robert parks the car, and turns towards his friend, taking a small hand in his, a comforting smile on his tan face. Giving the hand a squeeze, Layla steps out of the car, and, arm in arm with Robert, they walk into the store.
Strolling through the aisles, Layla was struck at the sheer beauty of the instruments in front of her. Shades of sepia and seafoam green blend into starry blues as she walks on. A body of rich mahogany catches Layla’s eye then, and she knows immediately. This is the one. The pickguard is a deep maroon with swirls of midnight black, thin rings of pristine white surrounding the sound hole. It’s perfect. Layla can’t help but stare, until she feels a tap on her shoulder, accompanied by a light peal of laughter.
“I take it, that's the one, Layla?”
Turning around, caught, Layla’s cheeks warm, and, smiling ever-so-slightly, she nods. Turning to the guitar once more, she trails her fingers across the smooth polished wood of the guitar.
“It’s perfect…”
“He’s gonna love it, just you wait.”
Layla plucks it from it’s resting spot on the wall, and, cradling it with the care of a new mother, she walks with Robert to the front of the store to pay. After a couple of autographs, and a few weird looks, the pair return to the car, finally setting their sights on the studio. Guitar case resting safely in her lap, Layla allows herself a private smile, picturing the face of the guitarist, emerald eyes filled with elation, upon seeing the gift.
“Why are your cheeks so red, little dove? Are you feeling okay?”
taglist: @jimmys-zeppelin @salixfragilis (let me know if you want to be added!)
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resinatingbeauty · 4 years ago
In Memory of The Best Friend I Ever Had - RIP Shadow (assumed)- 4/30/2021
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Shadow showed up at my parents house where I lived at the time, one night back in 2016. I had just gotten home from working at a local country club late in the evening, tired, and physically burnt out from working 40+ hours a week on top of going to college for my associates degree. I saw something pass by the driveway out of the corner of my eye. Something massively fluffy, tail straight up in the air, trotting along. There are many feral cat colonies in this town and many cat owners that lived on that street. Needless to say, I didn't expect this one to whip back around and start chirping at me, rubbing my legs after I called to her.
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My mother was adamant when my last two cats had past 8 or so years prior that she wasn't looking for any more pets. My mom loves animals, but she also loves her home and was thinking about doing renovations before adopting any new companions. I knew I was in trouble when this cat came to me with nothing but affection, clearly malnourished, but strangely well groomed. I knew she had to be owned by someone, I had no idea who.
That night I went inside after spending some time enjoying her company. At the time, I was calling 'Charlemange'' as a play on 'Charlemagne'. I had been taking a medieval humanities course at the time and the name seemed fitting enough considering how much scraggly fur she had. Huge paws. Big, fluffy tail and mane. I had never seen a cat so gorgeous around the area. All the feral cats are short hairs, reinforcing my notion that she had to be someone's pet.
I watched through the window slit of the front door as Charlemange played with the moths and other bugs that were attracted to the lamp post my parents have at the end of the driveway and regretted leaving her out there.
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I simply thought that Charlemange would return home where she belonged. When I went out to my back screened in patio, whom do you think was waiting for me? Meowing? Charlemange. To my mother's horror, she would launch herself at the screen and hang there to get our attention. Imagine this big ass cat hanging from your screened in porch you've been trying to renovate by all her claws.
She was persistent and Charlemange NEVER returned home, wherever home was.
Eventually, I sealed the deal, low key giving her a can of tuna. Now you see how Shadow went from Charlemange to Shadow.
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For about a month, all I had to do was make a high pitched noise and Shadow would come out of wherever brush she was stalking, running and talking until she found me. One evening, I went to give her her dinner, and she shot in the front door.
Mortified, I watched as she scooted right into the one place that I dreaded her to go. My parent's room. That night, as a 20 something, I received a lecture from my father about how my mother felt about pets. 'She isn't a kitten, you know,' he said, 'thats a grown cat. Someone else's cat.'
I just listened and acknowledged what he was saying. I knew there was no point trying to explain what exactly happened. When my dad got done going off on the back porch and went back in to bed, I heard a meow from the patio door. Shadow had been standing at the door, waiting for him to leave , almost like she was saying, 'Hey, I'm really sorry about that, sis,'
Shadow would go on to live in or around the property for nearly a month. I made an effort to find her owners and return her to no avail. Eventually, a single mom I had been working as a private tutor for as a side hustle agreed that she would take Shadow. This would only last for a few months. The family had another cat, Karma, whom had been declawed (I abhor this) and two little girls who had no respect for animals (especially cats) because of this. I knew how the oldest handled Karma and my only solace in handing Shadow over was that I knew she wouldn't be hit by a car, would be fed, loved to a degree, and would scratch the shit out of them if they fucked up.
Their mother ended up calling me, giving me money to bring Shadow in to the humane society, saying she was a wonderful cat, just not the best fit for the girls. I could only imagine what Shadow went through at that house, because the time there changed her. The collar I had on her was returned to me snapped in two. It looked like it had been pulled off. I cringed thinking about it and never put another collar back on that cat. At the time, a woman had been busted hoarding 100+ cats that had all been relinquished to the humane society and local rescues. The humane society's solution for most was euthanasia and I wasn't about that for Shadow. Back to my backyard she went.
Eventually, Shadow won over my mother and my father, especially my father, whom you would never think would love that cat so much. When my mother brought Shadow to the vet, we were surprised to find she had a chip in her ear registered to someone on our block. As per protocol, animal control was sent out to investigate. The woman told animal control that she didn't want the cat. All she did was run away. Shadow's real name was Holly, but she was still Shadow to me.
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Shadow became the best friend I ever knew. Not a night went by where she wasn't under my covers sharing the pillow with me, laying stretched out on her back or side as the little spoon. If she wasn't in my bed, she would sit at the door to the bedroom, guarding me or in a chair next to me, always watching. I could do no wrong in that cat's eyes. She was the highlight of my day when I got home from every crappy job I had since. A furry coat to soak up the tears shed during long nights of insomnia and depression. An inspiration for my art and spirituality. My familiar and kindred spirit. If I would talk to her, she would respond with chirps and meows like she knew exactly what I was saying. If someone else was in the room giving her attention and I walked in, she would perk up and run toward me like they never existed. Shadow was the second cat that chose me. I have never chosen a cat from a shelter or adoption / rescue facility. This is how I acquired both my childhood furry friend and Shadow.
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It all began when I noticed Shadow's fur was sticky and stiff, like she had been sitting in honey. Just the end of her tail at first. She always had this silly habit of sitting in her food tray, so I cleaned it and her and thought nothing of it until the drooling started.
Shadow had always been a drooler, but not to this extent. Drool bubbles would pop from her left lip. One night, when I came home from work before I started my leave to focus on my Etsy shop, I was horrified to find her sitting on the couch with a bloody chin. Now, there wasn't a large amount of blood, but this alarmed me significantly. It was time to see a vet, like, yesterday. Thankfully, my shop sales had been great and I didn't have to fret over the bill- I was ready to pay whatever it was to make her feel better.
The vet confirmed what I knew deep down and didn't want to acknowledge because the thought was just too painful. Cancer. No chance of survival even if I wanted to go through the hell of treatment, which involved removal of the tongue and jaw. I brought Shadow home and cried, hoping for the best -that the antibiotic would work. The vet said she had been wrong before, it could just be an abscess and it would heal. Shadow was still doing cat things. Shadow was still my best friend, she still loved me, she was still trying to cuddle me at night and surrounding me with the reminder of death in the odor of her breath.
Yesterday, I brought Shadow in to be put to sleep. The decision was made when I looked up from making a rune set and saw puddles of blood on the floor, a stream of it from her face as she was sitting in the window sill. I have never felt so heartbroken. Not even at a family member's funeral. I asked to bring her home, burying her under the tree where I buried my last cat and childhood familiar, Elmo. When I saw the standard biohazard bag peeking up through the dirt, I knew that was where she belonged. With her sister. Yesterday, my heart was buried with that cat. Eleven years was not long enough but each one filled with so much love and happiness. I stood with her until the end. The only peace I feel is that I know that she is no longer hurting. I know she knew I loved her.
I miss you Shadow. To those of you who have recently lost your best friend, your familiar or the love of your life, my heart goes out to you. I hope that someone else can read this and share my pain. I understand that there was nothing I could do but love her. Love your pets. Love them as long and as well as you can- nothing is immortal. We accept this when we commit to caring for our (mostly) furry (sometimes scaly or feathery) friends. This doesn't mean that it hurts any less when we lose them.
To my customers, who have been patiently and diligently awaiting orders while Etsy forced hiatus on my shop, preventing sales during this crisis in addition to my sister in law's wedding and me poking my own eye out back and February- you all are really the best turn of luck I've had. You do not know how much I appreciate you allowing me the time to spend these last few precious moments with her. It truly means the world to me and I hope at the end you receive something worth your time and patience. I have not forsaken fulfillment, and orders are still shipping. Unfortunately, I NEED to reopen and accept new orders, as Etsy is demanding payment for $600 worth of shipping labels. My shop is still appearing as in hiatus at the moment, but I ask for all the support my friends, supporters and followers can offer at this time as I essentially will be working for free when I reopen to pay these fees. Great, right?
If you are awaiting refunds, there is literally no money in the account associated with Etsy. However, as the funds become available, I will be processing refunds / cancellations. I'm sorry for the delays, I never thought I would say I found success at the worst possible time. I urge the rest of you- if you have a deadline for your order for the love of goddess TELL ME. I am getting a little frustrated with buyers (who are frustrated with me, understandably, but still, my item descriptions are clear about relaying deadlines) who are upset or complaining about meeting gift deadlines or other deadlines I literally had no idea about. I'm a decent psychic, but not perfect.
~ Samantha
(Owner/Designer/Creator blursedbaubles.etsy.com)
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simpingforthisonedeer · 4 years ago
Chapter 5: Knife To The Neck
Summary: The aftermath of an assassination attempt; Meet Arthur; Everyone's simping for Julius except Holly(she aint buying his shit); There's a world organization or two; oop there's fae and some more magic lore; what??? is?? Julius??; someone who likes to edge himself apparently; magic paintings and shit, man; also more forbidden magic shtuff :)))
Notes:  There's NSFW Julius and Aika art under the "Julius & Aika" tag and julius thirst from urs truly on my page ;)))) This chapter was gonna be like 10k words long but i didn't wanna scare yall off so have half of it ;))) Oh, and uhhh most chapters will have some explicit here and sometimes the whole chapter will be explicit like the next chapter is going to be a fuckfest O.o (what did you think Julius meant when he said "hOlD mE") So, if you're not into that, I don't suggest reading this fic lmao but hey, if you are, please continue ;)))
“Oh my fucking god, we all nearly died.”
“Mom!” Holly threw her arms around Aika and buried her face in her neck. She wrapped her arms and held her daughter tightly as her head spun.
“I'm so sorry,” she whispered, holding back tears, further exacerbating the growing headache. 
Julius kneeled next to the pair and laid a comforting hand on Aika’s head, unwilling to interrupt their moment.
“It’s okay, everyone’s fine,” Holly assured.
“Yes, but you had to—”
“It’s okay, I wasn’t actually scared. Remember what you told me? You told me to think logically if I ever feel scared and logically speaking, the moon is up tonight and dad would’ve been fine. The man needed me alive to leverage me so I would be fine too.”
“I think I would’ve felt better if you blamed me instead of growing up so quickly,” Aika grumbled.
Julius let out a laugh, drawing attention to himself. She untangled herself from Holly and scanned him for any injuries.
“Are you alright, Julius?”
He waved her off and rubbed his eyes. “Besides the impending headache from the monster of a report I would have to write, I’m fine,” He looked at them intently. “You all need a security detail if this really is a common occurrence.”
“Oh! That won’t work!” Holly piped up. “My dad and I don’t even live on this continent and mom’s always travelling or bothering Uncle Ray at work. It’s okay,” she gave him a thumbs up. “My mom can take care of herself. She’s really scary. My dad and her friends are too. That’s why you shouldn’t hold her hand. If anyone fin—”
“Holly!” Aika exclaimed in horror, her cheeks inflamed with embarrassment. She threw an apologetic look at Julius. “He’s a Magic Knight Captain. He can take care of himself.”
“Ohhhh. That’s why he smells so much,” she muttered to herself, nodding as if everything made sense.
“What!” Julius whipped his head around, trying to check himself.
“Holly, no!” Aika stifled her laughs as she tried to catch his attention.
“You don’t smell, Julius. My daughter has Magic Synesthesia. Please forgive her. She’s just trying to say you have a lot of mana.”
He let his jaw drop in awe. That was an incredibly rare and fascinating condition! People with Magic Synesthesia were incredibly sensitive to magic, detecting unique mana from incredibly long distances. In fact, the world’s most famous bounty hunters and trackers had some form of Magic Synesthesia.
“Wait, really?! Then what do I smell like?”
Aika was going to stop Holly before she said something offensive again but it was too late.
“You smell like a warm, jelly-filled pączki in the middle of a lightning storm. It’s a good smell. It’s cold and warm at the same time,” she sniffed and wrinkled her nose. “But it barely covers the whiskey smell.”
“Oh, that was what the sweet smell was,” Aika nodded to herself, not unlike her own daughter. She rather liked pączki… 
Holly narrowed her eyes at her mom. She has good magic sense with her nose too but she has to be really close to smell something distinct like that. When did she get so close to him?
“WOW! That’s amazing, could you tell me—”
“I’m glad you lot are still alive.”
The trio turned towards the front of the house as a handsome, black-haired man with glittering, emerald eyes stepped into the moonlight as he rolled his bleeding shoulder with a groan. He tossed his braid behind him and raised his brows at Julius. 
“Did that handsome Magic Knight over there take that assassin out?”
Julius blushed furiously as this man, whom he was assuming was Arthur, winked salaciously at him.
“Listen here, you useless himbo.”
Holly stifled her giggles as her mom tore into her dad. It would get funnier when she realizes he was drunk too.
“You had one job and that was to keep Holly safe. An assassin throws some iron at you and you fall like a bag of bricks? It’s a freaking miracle you’re still alive after all these years.”
Arthur shrugged and winced at the pain.
“Your concern is touching, but what can I say? The Gods don’t want me and the Devil isn’t done with me. I’ll live.”
Aika rolled her eyes as she stood up and Julius with her.
“But really, what happened to the assassin?”
Julius ran a hand through his hair as he spoke up.
“The assassin had explosive runes on his chest and inside of his mouth. He already activated the runes so Aika threw him high and I contained the explosion. It was the only way.”
“Woah, he has a nice voice too.”
Holly groaned internally. Not her dad too.
“Sorry, that was rude.” Suddenly he was in front of Julius, bowing as he took his hand. “My name is Arthur. What’s yours?”
Aika slapped his hand away as Julius looked on in shock.
“Don’t answer that question, Julius,” she said seriously as she threw a warning look at Arthur’s way. He shouldn’t use his fae magic if he doesn’t want to bring unwanted attention to himself. With that sentence alone, she made sure Arthur knew Julius’ name indirectly and thwarted his plan to assume control of the unsuspecting man. Trust him to think with his dick.
Holly groaned out loud this time. She didn’t understand what the weird tension between the three was, but it was disgusting. She shook her head as she walked back into the house. She didn’t want to be there if they got worse.
Arthur’s eyes flickered up to his forehead where the star lay on his forehead in interest. 
Is this the Time mage she was looking for?
His eyes slid down to Julius’ chest as he subtly reached out with his mana. He noticed that this man seemed to be hiding a significant portion of his mana and wore the Grey Deers crest.
Oh, lord. Is he that Magic Knight Captain?
“Holy shit, you’re that Captain no one knows the attribute about. Good thing that, considering the Pascere Syndicate went through so much effort to cover up Aika’s Time Magic,” he added.
“The Pascere Syndicate?” Julius frowned. He heard about them. “You mean the Assembly of Nations?” He knew he would have to attend at least one of their conventions after he gets appointed the Wizard King. It was a giant committee that sought to maintain peace, prevent magical wars and forbidden rituals on a global-scale that could destroy the world.
And wait, cover up Time Magic? How does he know that I have Time Magic?  
“Yeah, them. You’ve been doing a good job of covering up your Time magic so far,” he said, looking pointedly at his forehead. “but please try not to catch any unwanted attention from the international community,” Arthur laughed nervously. The last time that happened...Oh, he did not want to think about it. He didn’t particularly care if there was another Time Mage, especially since it looked like Julius kept his low-key, but people who would want to use it for themselves often took down many in their path to get it.
Julius nodded hesitantly at the unexpected advice.
“I’ll keep that in mind...”
“What are you doing here in the countryside anyways? Isn’t there a war going on?”
“He was just escorting me home,” Aika said as glared at Arthur. She slowly wrapped a possessive arm around Julius’ waist. He looked at her with a pleased grin and pulled her closer to his side.
Arthur’s mouth dropped into an “o” when he realized what they were actually here for and threw a knowing smirk at them. 
Seems like the Time mages are getting along quite nicely… 
He laughed as he slapped Julius’ back jovially but immediately recoiled. He quickly covered that up as if he was rolling his shoulders at the expense of the sharp pain that shot through his body. He willed his beating heart to calm down as hysteria threatened to crawl up his buzzed brain.
What the hell was that?
“I’m so sorry, Julius,” Arthur stepped back with his arms raised. He nodded at Aika calmly, though his eyes were filled with no small amount of fear, hoping she would spot it. 
She just threw a grateful look at him and shared a smile with Julius. Arthur’s shoulders slackened an inch when he saw genuine affection in their eyes. Oh. That was surprising...
But whatever it was, he needed to get Holly away from here. He needed to leave anyway due to the custody contract and someone will notice the assassin gone and will investigate. Whatever this Time mage was, he was trouble too. 
“I’ll take Holly home and bring her around tomorrow afternoon,” he declared with forced nonchalance. “Holly!” he called out. “Come on, dear! We’re leaving!”
“Wait, I need a statement from you two,” Julius stepped forward officiously, choosing to ignore his bizarre behavior for now. He had noticed how Arthur let go of him and the way his eyes shook in their sockets as he looked at Aika as if to warn her. He seemed scared of Julius all of a sudden, but whatever it was, he needed to get a word from them before they leave. Plenty of time to investigate later.
“Could you please explain how a foreign assassin got to Hage?”
Aika reached out and touched Arthur’s arm to heal it. He smiled tightly as he answered,
“Holly and I were exploring the continent—because it was our week off,” Arthur quickly explained when Aika opened her mouth to berate him again. “and we were in the Spade Kingdom touring your alma mater,” He motioned at Aika. “when the assassin, who had been tailing us the whole time, finally found an opportunity. We realized too late and were going to teleport away but he caught up to us as we ported here and there was a little scuffle,” Holly jogged back to her father’s side, unamused. “I got injured, Holly was restrained and held hostage for approximately an hour, then you two came along and you know the rest of the story,” he finished as he rushed at the end. He really needed to leave. He was getting antsy to get Julius away from Holly.
“Ah, thank you, Arthur!” Julius took his hand and Arthur suppressed a shudder at the wave of goosebumps and unnatural cold followed by warmth that settled over him.
Julius raised an eyebrow at the way he tensed and the distinctly different mana he was giving off.
That’s very interesting...
“It was really nice meeting you two,” He expressed sincerely.
“Of course,” Arthur said lowly, injecting false flirtatiousness into his tone. He needed to stay in character.
“Aika, can I speak with you for a moment before we go?” His hand twitched as he reached for Holly. He didn’t want to leave her but he needed to avoid suspicion. 
“Of course!” She turned to Julius and quickly pecked his cheek. Arthur’s anxiety shot up. “I’ll be right back Julius,” she said as he grinned sheepishly. Holly rolled her eyes at the display and crossed her arms across her chest.
Arthur squared his shoulders as Aika silently led them to a tree on the front yard. He needed to warn her.
She turned to him with a raised brow.
“Is everything alright?”
Arthur shot a cautious look at Julius. “No, it’s not. Your new boytoy isn’t human.”
She threw a sharp look at him. “First of all, don’t call him ‘my boytoy’ and second of all, what do you mean by that?”
“I mean that he doesn’t have a heart. His heartbeat is fake.”
“Oh, I knew that.”
“What? ”
Aika crossed her arms. “I had my lips to his pulse. His heart was supposed to be beating quickly at that moment, but at the speed he was going, he was either having a heart attack or he was orgasming,” she rolled her eyes. “But we got interrupted before we could even get that far. So yeah, his heartbeat is fake. So what? That doesn’t make him inhuman. His blood still flows, I can assure you that,” she added smugly.
Arthur shook as he stifled a smile. “Yeah, but that doesn’t change the fact that his mana is completely different from normal humans.”
She hummed thoughtfully. “Well, forbidden magic can make a human mana seem inhuman. He doesn’t have any weg,” her eyes widened. “But didn’t I say that the seal on my forehead could double as a seal for weg?”
“Forget about forbidden magic!” he hissed. “Okay, he’s not as straight-laced as he looks. Okay, whatever, but I know how forbidden magic feels like on a person. This isn’t forbidden magic, it feels more lighter, and it’s not elf magic either. What kind of magic allows you to not have a beating heart, and feel light and dangerous?”
Aika’s cheek twitched. “Fine,” she conceded. “I’ll keep an eye on him. But I think you’re worrying about nothing. He’s had many opportunities to cause any harm but he hasn’t. He was actually really gentle and vulnerable with me. He is also a respected Magic Knight who is on his way to becoming Wizard King.”
“I know and it looks like he may have some rather large skeletons in his closet.”
“Arthur, we all do,” Aika sighed heavily. “Look, he is good. I can assure you that. You know what he wants to do when he is Wizard King? He wants to end classist discrimination in Clover Kingdom and he was genuine about it. Look, I’m surrounded by liars and I can smell one from a mile away. He hasn’t lied to me.”
She growled in annoyance. “Are you worried about me or something?”
“Am I worried about the mother of my child? Yes, and I still stand by the fact that he doesn’t feel remotely human.”
“You’re not human either, idiot. I don’t care if he isn’t. I mean, as long as he isn’t conspiring anything malicious, I don’t have any problem with him being not-human and/or using forbidden magic,” she snorted. “I’d be a hypocrite if I did.”
“Okay, I’ll drop it for now,” Arthur shook his head. Maybe she’ll see some sense after she’s had her way with him. He smirked at her. 
“I guess you would be biased,” he quirked his eyebrow knowingly. “I see you eye-fucking him.”
“Oh, please as if I’d let that cloud my judgement and besides,” she threw a long look at Julius on his knees as he talked to their daughter. “As soon as you two leave, that wouldn’t be the only thing I would’ve done by the end of the night.”
Arthur relaxed a bit. While his instincts screamed that Julius was hiding something about himself, it doesn't necessarily mean he’s hiding something heinous or harmful. If anything were to happen, he believed that she could take care of herself.
“Be careful, and if you two continue your little tête-à-tête and you’re still alive, let me join sometime,” he winked as he added playfully.
“Oh, come on. The last time we both got into the same bed, you came out at the end of it looking like you lost a fist fight.”
He stuck his tongue out childishly. “Too bad I’m into that.”
He dodged as she smacked his arm with an indulgent laugh.
Julius kneeled in front of Holly with a forbearing smile.
“I really like your mom,” he admitted plainly. She scoffed derisively, all manners to the wind.
“Did I do anything to offend you? If so, could I do anything to fix it?”
“All of them are like that,” she snarled bitterly as looked at her nails. “Your type only likes my mom because she’s pretty and nothing else,” Holly braced herself, ready to cut him down if he moved to attack her, but he only stayed silent. She looked up to see Julius looking at her mom by the tree with a smile that threatened to overtake his face.
“Yeah, she’s pretty,” he agreed as he tore her eyes from her to look at Holly. “And she’s kind of scary too. She has a mean hook,” he huffed as he looked at Aika from the corner of his eye. “But she’s super smart and really cool. She knows a lot about magic and I want to learn from her. I want to work with her and the time I spent with her so far has been... freeing ,” he admitted shyly. “I want to know more about her and I want us to get along because you are her daughter and she loves you a lot. One day, I hope she could even show me a sliver of that love,” Julius sighed deeply. “Could you please tell me what she likes or where she might want to go?” He looked at her pleadingly. “I’d love to take her on a date.”
Holly stared at him, eyes as wide as saucers. The lump in her throat made it hard for her to breath. No one’s ever talked about her mom like that to her face…
“Um,” she squeaked as tears gathered at the edge of her eyes. Holly looked up and blinked rapidly, willing them to go away. All of her mom’s past lovers have always avoided her because she wasn’t their daughter. No one’s really come up to her and told her that they sincerely liked her mom. They might have loved her but she didn’t know and she didn’t understand it anyway. But the way Julius looked away at her mom while Holly composed herself made her chest constrict.
She cleared her throat, bringing his attention back to her. He looked at her searchingly to make sure she was ‘okay.’
“Sh-she likes to stay in during winters with hot cocoa and blankets and just talk. She likes to listen to people talk about their day,” Holly breathed in deeply. If he was sincere, and if he would continue to look at her mom like that, then she could afford to help him a bit. “If you want to get her something, don’t . But if you really want to, make her something, like food or a bracelet or something like that. She likes personal things like that.”
“Thank you, I really appreciate that.”
They both turned their heads when Aika and Arthur burst out laughing. Jealousy shot through Julius when Arthur laid a hand on Aika’s shoulder.
“Say...How close are your mom and dad?”
Holly shrugged. “They’re best friends. There’s not much to say besides that,” she raised a brow at him. “But if you’re asking if they like each other that way, I’d say ‘no.’”
Julius nodded, slightly relieved, and stood up as the grinning pair made their way to them.
“What are you two whispering about?”
“He was just keeping me entertained,” Holly quickly covered as Julius threw a grateful smile at her.
Aika and Arthur shared a disbelieving look. Their daughter was good at lying, but she wasn’t going to fool them , her teachers.
“Thank you, Julius,” Arthur said, looking better than he did before. Aika walked and stood next to Julius as she laced her fingers with his. Holly quickly hugged her mom and took her father’s hand.
“We’ll take our leave,” he said quietly and nodded at the two with a wink. “Have fun.”
“Bye!” Holly chirped before they vanished from sight.
“They didn’t have to leave at my expense,” Julius began as he turned to Aika with a neutral smile. She waved him off and looped an arm with him as she led them back to her house.
“They didn’t leave because of you,” she tightened her hold on him. “They left because of the custody contract. Holly can only visit me during weekends, holidays and extenuating circumstances. After that, she has to leave.”
“Arthur is very nice for a fae,” Julius said nonchalantly. He caught Aika as she stumbled over her own feet.
“What? How did you—”
“He wanted your firstborn, apparently iron is deadly to him going by your words, you stopped me from saying my name directly, his mana was not human and you have a pact with him; All clues point to him being fae. I wasn’t really sure because he recovered from the iron but your reaction confirms my suspicions,” he grinned in satisfaction as she stared at him in shock.
“I-Yeah, I mean you guessed right.” It made sense how quickly he connected the dots. Julius was going to be the Wizard King for a reason.
He leaned forward with an excited grin. “So your daughter is half-fae right? Does that mean she has two attributes? One is Spatial Magic, what is the other one? Can I ask Arthur questions about him being fae if I ever see him again?”
Aika stared at him for a moment, completely caught off guard by the cute expression on his face.
“Her other attribute is Sun Magic and y-yeah, you can,” she looked away with a blush. She really needed a sober-up potion. Julius tilted her face back with a finger and slotted his lips against Aika’s tenderly, much to her shock. She stared at his closed eyes and thick eyelashes and melted into the kiss and cradled his face. Their lips moved slowly and patiently against each other until they reluctantly pulled back to breathe.
Julius leaned his forehead against her’s. “Could I ask you a few more questions for my report,” he asked breathily against her lips.
“Of course,” Aika whispered back.
They linked hands with a shared smile and walked up the stony path to the house. He opened the door for her as she asked,
“Where did you learn to speak Greek?”
“My father and stepmother are children of Greek immigrants. I grew up speaking Greek and Latin,” he answered as he handed off his cloak and cape to her. That little information about his stepmother piqued her interest.
“Woah, that’s really cool!”
“Where did you learn?”
“I was in Athens for a few months, picked up the language on the go.”
“Wow! You were in Greece?”
“I’ve been everywhere,” Aika answered with a proud smile as she hung the cape and cloak on the coat rack. “I’m going to go wash my feet. Could you please take out the sober-up potions from the cabinet left of the kitchen sink for us?”
Julius nodded as she took a turn down a hallway off to the side. He examined the living room more carefully. It was modestly decorated with a few bronze accents pieces and dark brown furniture, but the walls were decorated with landscape and abstract paintings by Aika’s father. Some were of a view he would expect to see outside a cabin in the middle of the woods or at the edge of the sea and some were chaotic depictions of fire, water, lightning and metal curling around each other, tightly linked and unwilling to let go.
He shook his head and strode into the kitchen as he went over the questions he was going to ask. As he reached for the cabinet where he assumed Aika kept her potions, he was hit with a wave of unnatural dread from the window above the kitchen sink. He strained his eyes to look outside in curiosity and extended his mana zone in the direction of the backyard. His dread increased when he detected recent activity of forbidden magic. It was like a parasite that crawled over scorched Earth and flowers which surprisingly thrived despite the oppressive mana. It was all Aika’s magic.
His chest tightened at the thought of her doing forbidden magic but Julius could feel it so vividly. She had been doing forbidden magic. He wondered how he couldn’t feel it on her…He took out the potion and swallowed it thickly as any warm feeling he had of her shriveled up and died. He blinked as his vision grew clearer and leaned heavily against the kitchen countertop. He had such high hopes. 
Julius immediately pivoted on his heel, fingers pointed at Aika’s neck as they sparked with mana. She stared at him, fresh-faced as she cocked her head.
“You’re under arrest for the use of forbidden magic,” he growled as he glared at her. Her eyes lit up in understanding and smiled cryptically.
“That’s kind of hot,” she giggled as her hand traveled up his tense chest.
“Wh—” And before he could finish his sentence, he was slammed against the wall, his wrists crossed and pinned above his head. He forgot she was Time Mage too. She could be just as fast as him.
Aika breezily opened her potions cabinet and downed the sober-up potion. 
Julius strained against the invisible, hand-like force on his wrists to no avail. She flipped a dining table chair around with a flourish and leisurely sat on it as she crossed her legs, looking like the very image of grace as she adjusted her skirt.
“Does Master Raymond know you use forbidden magic?” He spat as he struggled to uncross his wrists. Julius flared his mana threateningly as he activated mana skin but even then he couldn't break the bonds holding him. She quirked an eyebrow at him as she answered his question.
“Know?” she cocked her head at him. “He sanctions it.” Aika supressed a smile as Julius stilled in shock. “I’m sure you had questions about how I knew the forbidden runes on Sven’s body. A better question would be how you, a Magic Knight Captain, knew.”
Julius stayed silent as they both stared at each other, wearing equally neutral expressions.
“I like to read,” he finally said.
“Oh no, I knew that already. The question is why you would be reading about forbidden runes.”
“I could ask you the same,” Julius said, his expression icy and eyes that were dull to the point where they seemed black in the dim torchlight of the kitchen.
Aika raised her hands as she shrugged. “I’m an open book. I’ll tell you where I learned if you tell me.”
He jerked against the restraints one more time before he slackened in defeat. 
He sighed. “There’s a secret section of the Royal Library,” he growled, refusing to elaborate further.
“Oh, is that all?” Aika sighed in relief. She read everything in there already and it only had elementary books on forbidden subjects. “If that’s where you learned then that’s okay. It would be a problem if you were actually interested in forbidden magic and sought after it in other places,” Aika nodded as she crossed her arms. 
“I learned forbidden magic in the Spade Nation War College for four years since I was 16. That was almost twenty years ago,” she explained as she hugged herself. She smiled wickedly when Julius’ eyes strayed downwards to her chest.
“Did you know,” Aika began as his eyes flickered up to her’s with an embarrassed blush. “That using forbidden magic and having weg is a symbol of power in the rest of the world? It’s taboo on this continent only because someone opened the Qliphoth Tree over 600 years ago and let out a lot of demons into the world. The rest of the world actually still hates the Four Suits continent because of that,” she shook her head with a wry smile. “It’s no matter,” she leaned forward as if she was going to tell him a secret. 
“I’m not particularly a patriot or a nationalist���I’ve been around the world way too many times to be one—but serving the Wizard King was and is a pleasure. I do forbidden magic for the Wizard King. I keep my hands dirty so the Wizard King doesn’t have to—but that doesn’t mean Master Raymond’s hands are entirely clean,” she snorted as she said, “He did choke the life out of an entire army with their own blood and drown another. Did you know that he’s known as The Leviathan around the world for that?”
“Just because Master Raymond sanctions it, doesn’t mean it’s legal. Using forbidden magic means losing your humanity.”
“Yeah, if you don’t use it carefully. There are safeguards against that but there are some rituals where you can’t avoid that. But if you mean losing your emotions, I mean it happens, again, if you’re not careful. And besides, it’s legal if you have a license, and guess what? I have a license. I’ve saved lives with forbidden magic and if you try to have it revoked, you will be hard-pressed by many factions ready to defend me.”
Julius sighed and closed his eyes in relief. In order to be approved for a license, it takes years of thorough background checks, psychiatric evaluations and high-level government who "okayed" it. If she’s been approved, then she can be trusted. “You could’ve just said that. Please let me go. I won’t attack you.”
She giggled as she shook her head. “Sorry, I just felt like monologuing like a villain,” she said as she winked.
Julius laughed as he looked up at his restraints. “Could you please let me go?”
Aika’s languid eyes roved over his stretched out form. “No, I don’t think I will,” her lips twitched up into a suggestive smirk. “I rather like the view.”
A thrill shot through Julius as he resisted the urge to squirm. Her predatory gaze wasn’t doing anything to help the burning heat growing in his lower belly.
They both jumped as a screen materialized in front of Julius’ face.
“What-Where have you been? The meeting was over hours ago! Why are your hands above your head like that?!”
“Marx! Ah, I am just stretching my arms,” he laughed nervously. Aika let go of her hold on him with a silent laugh. She couldn’t see who this Marx character was but she spared Julius the indignity of someone witnessing him being tied up like that.
Julius dropped his arms and rolled his shoulders as he smiled wide.
“I’m kind of busy right now, Marx. I have no doubt that the squad is up right now partying their Friday night. Well, tell them to party harder because tonight is that last night before we begin preparing for the final battle! By this time Saturday, we either win or lose the war.”
“The final battle? Are you sure, sir?”
“Yes, I am, Marx. Join your friends or just relax because tomorrow, we’ve got a lot of work to do.”
“Yes, sir...Aren’t you coming back to the base? You could look at Magic later, sir…”
“I’ll be there,” he smiled kindly. “but don’t expect me.”
“You could look at magic later! You have to inform the squad yourself now! A final battle? I can’t even begin to imagine what we need to start preparing!”
Julius raised his hands as he cringed from his berating.
“I’ll be there soon as soon as I can!”
“Alright, you better be!”
The screen fizzled out and Julius pressed a hand to his chest and exhaled in relief. Aika found it strange, for a passing moment, that he was still making gestures as if he had a heart that could beat.
“Oh, that was embarrassing,” Julius huffed as he leaned his head back against the wall. 
“You should go, you know,” she said softly.
He gasped dramatically and pouted as he strode to where she sat.
“You want to get rid of me already?” he asked as he cocked his head down at her. She tugged him hard onto her lap but he readily straddled her legs and threw arms around her shoulders as they both looked at each other challengingly.
“I think you know the answer to that,” she whispered and leaned forward to nip at his exposed neck. “But you shouldn’t slack off work for my sake.”
“I’m just letting my squad have one night off before I work them to death.” Julius squirmed as Aika bit harder. He slowly knotted his hands in her hair and pulled gently. She hummed as her hands slid from his hips down to his ass and squeezed as he moaned.
“Who knew that a man of your stature, and the future Wizard King could be so submissive. ” She slid a hand down his front and cupped him through his pants. Julius shamelessly humped against her hand with a whine, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He buried his face in her shoulder as he panted.
“I’m expected to be the opposite,” he admitted breathily. “But it was quite nice when you took the initiative.”
Aika brought her hands up to his face with an amused twitch of her lips and pecked at the little dimple at the corner of his mouth.
“Well, you are absolutely adorable. How could I not?”
He shook his head with an embarrassed grin and looked around and his jaw dropped at the framed painting that covered most of the kitchen’s West wall. It was gigantic but he didn’t notice it in his lust-filled haze.
“Holy—That’s amazing! Did your father paint that?” Aika nearly groaned out loud when he jumped off her lap and moved closer to the painting to examine it closely.
It was a small, raven-haired boy caught mid-dance as the rain and wind swept his hair and clothes as lightning curled around him. The stormy sky in the background was lit with stray lightning and some even seemed to strike the ground around him. Julius couldn’t help but gape at the magic depicted so delicately and with such detail. He could almost feel the mana through the canvas.
Aika studied the little boy’s face with a sad smile as she stood next to him.
“Yeah, he did. We caught my brother summoning storms again when he was 10 and gained full control of his magic. My father found the scene very picturesque so he spent months painting and perfecting it. ” 
Julius stared, starry-eyed as he touched the lightning on the boy’s cheek.
“He was summoning storms at 10? He must be a really strong mage now! Where’s your brother now? Why have I never heard of such a strong lightning mage in the Magic Knights? Didn’t you say he wanted to be Wizard King?”
“Oh, my brother’s in the backyard right now,” she said casually as she willed her face to stay neutral.
“In the backyard?” he craned his head to look out the window. “At this time? What’s he doing?”
“Staying dead.”
Julius clamped one hand over his mouth to stop an inappropriate guffaw from bursting out. He let his hand fall and pursed his lips as Aika continued.
“The painting is called ‘The Symphony of the Lightning God,’” she continued as she motioned at the painting with a giggle.
“I-I see,” he snorted. “I’m so sorry. That was so rude of me.”
She sniggered. “No, it’s perfectly fine. My brother told me to make that joke.”
“He told you? When did he die?”
Aika paused. “Over 23 years ago...He was thirteen and I was sixteen…”
Julius’s face grew somber as he wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulder.
“I’m sorry...I’m sure you miss him…”
She snorted. “No, I don’t. I saw his dumbass yesterday. What do you think the forbidden magic in the backyard was?”
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years ago
On brand with the last ask, could you please do a New Years indruck?
Of course!
The list is created three weeks after the world almost but ultimately doesn’t end, and a mere five days after Indrid announces he plans to stay in Kepler for the foreseeable future. 
“Hey, uh, if you wanna come with us, me and Leo and a few others are gonna go bowling tomorrow night.” Duck says these words after dropping Indrid off at his trailer, as has become their habit if both happen to be visiting the lodge at the same time.
“I would be happy to come along. I have never bowled, so I can’t promise I’ll be good.”
“Wait, really? You been on Earth, what, decades if not centuries and you’ve never gone bowling?”
A shrug, “I was alone, and often chose my activities based on my investigations and, later, on what allowed me to intervene in unwanted futures.”
Duck taps the steering wheel, “Are there other things you missed out on?”
“Like what?”
Indrid sifts through his memories, looking for the moments when he’d wistfully wondered what something was like, or turned away from an object of interest in order to pursue his mission or prevent a catastrophe.
“I...there are so many, I am afraid we would be in the car all night if I were to name them.”
Duck drums on the wheel a moment more, then snaps his fingers and reaches across Indrid to rummage in the glove box,. He pulls out a napkin and a pen, scribbles something on it before handing it to Indrid.
“Here, when you think of more, write ‘em down on this list. Probably can’t help with all of them, but I’m bettin I can help with some.”
“Thank you Duck, but why do this for me?”
He knows the answer but, selfishly, he wants to hear it in real time.
“Because you’re my friend. And hey, owe you one for tellin us our first plan to stop the Quell was gonna backfire.”
Indrid doesn’t really care about that second part of the explanation, but he smiles anyway, “I suppose that’s true. See you tomorrow.” He hops out of the car and waves as Duck pulls away, opens the ‘Bago in the dim red glow of his taillights. It’s only when he’s inside that he sees what Duck actually wrote on the list. 
Fun things Indrid’s never done
1) Bowling.
Indrid grabs Capri Sun from the fridge, sits down and picks up a pen, still laying on a nearby drawing, and adds to the list.
Somewhere around number 14, obtain fancy, proper manicure the list moves from Indrid’s table to Duck’s fridge. Indrid admires his shiny, pink and yellow nails while Duck crosses that item off along with number 23, eat Sushi at a place with rotating boat things. They’d driven two towns over for that combination, a Saturday well spent as far as Indrid is concerned. 
And he is. Concerned. Duck has spent nearly one day out of every weekend with Indrid since the list was created, even when the activity is something Indrid could easily do on his own. He’s bonded with others as well. Juno took a  water-coloring class with him (he’d seldom sought out other forms of art in spite of wanting to try them, drawing serve his purposes just fine) and dishing the dirt on Ducks younger days. Barclay helped him actually make a cake from start to finish. Jake taught him how to do an adequately graceful dive off a diving board. 
But more often than not, it’s Duck by his side. He enjoys the other mans’ company immensely, the warm, safe feeling that flickers in his chest when Duck is with him. Yet still he worries. 
“Duck?” He looks up from his nails.
“Yeah, ‘Drid?” 
“I appreciate all your help, and your company. But you know you do not have to do everything on the list with me simply because it was your idea, right?”
“Uh, yeah. I’m doin them because I like spendin time with you, goofus. Besides, it’s kinda fun, havin an excuse to share all the normal, cool shit of the world with someone who hasn’t gotten to experience it before. I like seein how happy it makes you”
“Oh.” Indrid says softly. He hadn’t seen that last sentence coming. Duck’s smile goes shy at the edges, and  Indrid realizes his answer was not sufficient to convey how he feels. 
“Thank you, Duck. I hope you know I always enjoy spending time with you. And there is no one I would rather explore the world with.”
“Glad to hear it” Duck leans against the fridge, “now c’mon, we’ve still got time to go feed the Ducks down on the Greenbriar.”
It’s the week between Christmas and New Years when Indrid discovers another item for his list. 
“So, Barclay,” Dani, visiting from Sylvain this week, flops on the lobby couch near the fire, “you’re gonna finally have someone to smooch at midnight.”
“Uh, ah, well, yeah. I mean, if Joseph wants to, of course.”
“Oh yes, that is an earth tradition, isn’t it. For luck?” Indrid cocks his head, trying to recall if he ever learned the true reason for it. 
“Maybe? I think it’s mostly an excuse to kiss.” Barclay shoots Dani a friendly glare when she bounces her eyebrows. 
“I see.”
“Have you ever gotten a New Years kiss, Indrid?” 
“No.” He answers mildly, as if the thought is already leaving his mind.
That night, as Duck is queuing up The Addams Family (it’s not a list item, they simply both enjoy the film), Indrid adds a new item to the list.
60: Kiss someone at midnight on new years
At some point during the night, Duck gets up to grab them drinks, and from the corner of his eye he sees him pause and read the list.  He says nothing about it when he sits back down, but several futures emerge where he rests his arm around Indrid’s shoulder. 
None of those futures come to pass.  Indrid tries not to be disappointed.
 He continues this futile process throughout the remaining week. True, he could ask someone to be his new years kiss, or choose the person closest by to ask on the night of. But he wants it to be Duck. Duck, with his easy smile and good heart, his fondness for gently teasing Indrid, his absurd laugh, the way he makes Indrid feel home when they’re side by side. It can’t be anyone else.
He nearly cracks during item 43, have a snowball fight, when he collides with Duck accidentally while avoiding a barrage from Hollis and Jake. They hit the ground, the human shaking with giggles beneath him. Duck catches his breath, reaches up and adjusts Indrids glasses, knocked askew in the dive. 
“Knew I was fallin for you, but this is ridiculous” he murmurs.
Indrid is a half-second away from kissing him, or at the very least asking him out, when a large snowball is dropped on top of them. He splutters, shaking powder from his head while Duck guffaws, and spots Barclay running the other way in his Sylph form. 
He hands Duck his glasses and scoops snow into all four hands “I’ll be right back, I need to perform an air strike.”
The lodge lobby is covered in white star lights, silver and gold streamers hang from the ceiling, and Aubrey has enchanted the clock above the fireplace to shower rainbow glitter on the room every hour, on the hour. 
Because the party invitation stated guests should dress “fancy,” Indrid is in a sparkly silver sweater and his most formal pair of sweatpants. When he sees Duck enter the room around nine, he spends a good thirty seconds admiring the way his suit flatters the sturdy, familiar curves of his frame. 
He’s given many more chances to admire them, as Duck spends much of the night by his side, sitting snug against him as they talk with their friends by the fire. Indrid allows himself to be content with this closeness, afraid that broaching the subject of the kiss will ruin things. He’s so certain it’s not worth the risk, he doesn’t bother looking at the futures. 
As midnight approaches, many of the guests crowd near the glowing count-down clock Aubrey’s created in the air. Duck and Indrid stay seated.
“Five, four, three, two, one, happy new year!” People cheer and whoop, and Indrid watches Dani dip Aubrey in a kiss, Stern cup Barclays face gently with a smile.
Oh well, there’s always next year. 
“Hey, ‘Drid.”
He turns, finds Duck with a sweet, flirtatious smile spreading across his face. Carefully, he tilts Indrids glasses up onto his forehead. Indrid leans in, pulled magnetically into Ducks arms. He hums as warm, champagne-tinged lips meet his own. 
Duck pulls back to breathe, but keeps him in the embrace, “That good enough to check off the list?”
Indrid tries to keep his voice steady, “Please don’t tell me that’s the only reason you-mphnmmmmm.” The next kiss is deeper, Duck growling gently when Indrid nips his lower lip. 
“Been wantin to do that for weeks” He nuzzles Indrids cheek, “This just seemed like the most romantic way to start things off.”
“Agreed.” Indrid kisses him eagerly, climbing into his lap.
“Whoo! But also, get a room!” Aubrey’s voice rings out, and Indrid doesn’t need to look to know many heads in the room are turned their way. 
“Apologies.” He smiles, not in the least bit ashamed, at his friends. Duck turns redder than the fire behind them.
As the party winds down, the duo says their goodbyes and head out towards the human’s car. 
‘Y’know” Duck’s voice is low, full of warm, filthy promises, “think we outgha make another list of things you been wantin to try,”
“Agreed” Indrid purrs, looping his arm around Ducks shoulder, “but I suggest we not keep that one on the refrigerator.”
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cup-half-full-of-anxiety · 5 years ago
Prompt Request
Punch in the Gut ☂ Prompt List
“Did you enjoy it? Making a fool out of me.”
Ship: Taron x Reader
Word count: 1457
Additional Tags: Angst, crying, cheating, fighting, anger, hurt
Thank you anon for the request!! I hope you in joy!! And yes I fully intend of writing more for my other story, I have just hit a major block but I am almost done with a new chapter!
It had been 45 minutes and neither of them had said a word. 
What was she to say? What could she possibly say?
The tabloid clutched in her hand said it all. 
It was not supposed to hit the stands until tomorrow but clearly someone wanted her to know early. It had been dropped at their front door in a manila envelope this afternoon addressed to her. She had come home from a jog to find it but had put off opening the surprise package until after dinner when Taron had asked about it.
Now they found themselves in their current position. Taron pacing their living room and Holly sitting frozen in the spot she was when she opened the envelope. 
“Holly. Please” Taron stopped his pacing and knelt down in front of her.
“Please love. Say something” he pleaded, pulling the magazine from her, tossing it on the couch and taking her hands into his.
 Her head slowly turned to face him. Her eyes were so broken. Tears falling like a broken faucet. 
“What did you do with her?” She asked quietly. 
He looked into her eyes but said nothing. She knew the answer, but she needed to hear it.
“It was a mistake” he answered just as quietly. “Holly it was a mistake. I am so sorry” 
“I asked, what did you do with her?” She asked again. 
“Love ple-” She pulled her hands from his and pushed him away.
“EVERYTHING!” He yelled.
“Get out” her voice was low and seething.
She stared into his eyes and for the first time, love was nowhere to be found in them. 
Pain, disappointment, hurt, and even hate. 
“Get out” she said a little louder.
 “GET OUT!!” She screamed, standing up, trying to put as much distance between the two of them. She honestly felt like she might hit him if he got to close.
“Please Holly-” He tried to follow her. 
“I will hit you” She put her hand up between them to keep him away “Taron if you come any closer I can almost promise I will swing on you” her body vibrated with anger. 
“Holly please” he began to beg again.
“Please what Taron? What the fuck could you possibly have to say? What could you say to make any of this better?” She picked up the magazine and waved it at him. She fought the cracking in her voice, but she refused to hold back the tears and the pain he caused. She wanted him to feel just as hurt as she did. 
“I want us to talk about this. I want us to move past it love?” Taron stood his ground. He wasn’t going to budge. 
“MOVE PAST IT?!” She threw her hands in the air “YOU CHEATED ON ME!!” her hands clapped over her mouth after the words left it. 
 It was finally real. 
“You cheated on me” she repeated quieter. 
 “Oh my god” She gasped as sobs broke though, her hand on her stomach as she tried to calm herself.
“You cheated on me” she sunk to the floor, crying. 
Taron was to her quick, trying to pull her into his arms. Tears rolling down his face.
She fought against him.
“No. Get away from me” She pushed at him. “You told me you would never hurt me” she cried “You promised!” 
“I’m sorry. Holly, I am so sorry, it was a mistake”
“Sorry doesn’t change shit Taron, you were supposed to be the one person in the whole world I could trust” She pushed him away again as she pushed herself to stand. Wiping the tears and snot from her face, she could only imagine what she looks like, she made her way back across the room, picking up the tabloid.
“Sorry isn’t going to change this!” She threw it at him this time. 
(CAUGHT CHEATING: Kingsman star being anything but gentlemanly)
The title was accompanied by three photos of Taron and a blonde making their way from a taxi into an apartment building. You can tell neither person in the photo knew it was being taken. It was a ways off but there was no question as to who the subject of the photo was. 
“You wanted me to say something and I did. Get out”
“I can’t even look at you” 
“It’s like I don’t even know you anymore” 
“No! I said I wanted to talk about this” Taron fought again.
“Fine” Holly stared him down “You want to talk. How was she Taron?” He looked away “How did she feel under you? Huh” he turned away.
“What?” She acted surprised by his reaction “You said you wanted to talk about it Taron. So, tell me how she felt, was she tighter than me?”
“She felt different!!” he yelled. “She wasn’t better, she was simply different. I was drunk with the guys, I know it’s no excuse” He paused, raking his hands through his hair.   
“Holly I made a mistake” He pled again.
“Yeah” she gave a humorless laugh “a mistake that was worth jeopardizing our relationship for” She looked back down at the magazine again before picking it back up. 
“Yeah you made a mistake, and you made a fool out of me” She threw the tabloid into the fireplace. She watched as it burned like her world around her was. 
“Did you enjoy it?” she asked, not looking away from the fire. “Did you enjoy making a fool out of me?”
Taron said nothing.
“5 years...gone. Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, all meaningless now.”
She looked down at her left hand.
“This is meaningless” she pulled the ring off her third finger and looked at it a moment, “How am I supposed to stand in front of all our friends and family and promise you forever and always now?” 
Taron’s head snapped up. He watched Holly set her ring on the mantel of the fireplace.
“Holly. What are you saying?” His eyes wild with fear, he moved forward. 
“I want you to leave now” Her voice was calm. Taron stopped moving. 
“Holly. Love, no. No no” he reached for her, he needed her to understand. It was a mistake. She had to understand it was a mistake. 
“Please love” 
“I think you should stay somewhere else for a bit. I think we need to figure some things out” Holly wanted so bad to just throw Taron out, but her heart wouldn’t let her. There was something behind that pain in his eyes. 
“Are we still together?” he asked hesitantly. 
“I really don’t know right now” she looked straight at Taron. “But I think it is best we are apart for a bit.”
Taron slowly walked up to Holly, she did not snap or pull back. He reached his hand out and caressed her cheek. She closed her eyes at the feeling. 
“I think you need to know what it’s like to lose me” she whispered.
Tears still falling, her heart still breaking.
“I am going to win you back” Taron whisper back as he wiped away the tear he caused.
He knew he needed to respect Holly’s wishes, so he pulled himself away from her. He made his way back to their room and packed a weekend bag. He snuck one of her shirts into his bag. He needed to keep a part of her close, even if it was just her scent. He sent a text to a friend asking if he could come over. Telling them he would explain when he got there.
As Taron made his way back downstairs, he saw Holly standing in the exact same spot. He walked to her.
“I am going to Joe’s” he told her, he placed his hand on her shoulder, but she didn’t move. He sighed and made his way to the door.
“Taron” he stopped and turned back around quickly hoping she had changed her mind.
“If the photos had never been taken. If the story were not going to go public, would you had told me?” She needed to know that if this were a ‘normal relationship’, not one where one of them was a famous movie star, what he would have done.
“Yes” he didn’t have to think about it “I had every intention of being 100% honest with you about everything. I just didn’t know how, because I knew no matter what I would break your heart and I would lose you and I selfishly wanted to hold on a little bit longer”
With that Taron looked at Holly one last time.
“I really do love you and I intend to make you love me again” and he was out the door.
Holly broke down. 
  Sorry for making Taron not the most perfect person. I hope you guys enjoyed!!!. Please send more request!
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emichelle · 5 years ago
My Only Wish
Maxwell x Erin
Warnings: language, I have a problem. 
This is my entry for @leelee10898​ 12 Days of Christmas fics! We’re on Day 6 guys and gals!
My song was My Only Wish (This Year) - Britney Spears Merry Christmas everybody, hope you enjoy!! 
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Erin sat in the floor of her and Maxwell's bedroom, wrapping paper and bows littered the floor all around her. She had tape stuck to her legs and arms, a big red bow stuck on top of her head, singing Christmas songs as she wrapped presents.
“I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will dooooo! Don't want a doll, no dinky tinker toy, I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy!”
She continued wrapping a train set up for Bartie with Thomas the Train wrapping paper, sticking a pretty blue bow on top. I've already got my own hippopotamus to play with and enjoy, smirking to herself as she grabbed the next gift to wrap. A bath set for Savannah, worst sister-in-law ever. She rolled her eyes, wrapping that up in some purple glitter foil paper, the kind you can't tear for anything, and a red bow. She doesn't get to have a matching bow. Snickering she slid it over to the pile of already wrapped gifts.
“Have a merry, merry, merry fricken Christmas! I must be on Santa Claus' shit list! The tree, the gifts, the mistletoe kiss! Shoot, me now, I'm sick of all my relatives!”
Sliding the next gift over for wrapping and smiling to herself. Red and gold Gryffindor pumps for Gen, you're welcome Rashad. All wrapped up in gift wrap with little Harry Paw-ter cats and topped with a golden bow. Next was Anitah's, she was going to love this. A pair of Gryffindor feety pajamas! These are so cute, I need to get me some but ya know...Ravenclaw. Wrapping those in the same Harry Paw-ter paper but topping it with a red bow. She slid both of those to the side and leaned back against the foot of the bed. 
“Have a holly, jolly Christmas. And when you walk down the street, say hello to friends you know, and everyone you meet!”
“Well I better get back to work so I can get this done before Max gets home. I've still got to think of something for him.” Grabbing a big, squishy Amazon package she opened it revealing a super fluffy throw blanket with a raven on it. Those of wit and learning will always find their kind. Pam is going to love this! Happily wrapping it in the Harry Paw-ter paper and topping it with a blue bow. Alicia's was her last one to wrap today and she was super excited about this one! A whole crate of JJ's Caramel Apple Pies! She's going to flip, she loves these things. She grabbed the beautiful festive paper for this one, with little santas and snowmen on it, and topped it off with a green bow.
“We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January.  This is our place, we make the rules.  And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear.  Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?”
“Dammit Alicia you got this song stuck in my head, I was trying to be festive. Well, that's everybody's for right now, but I really need to think of something for Max. He deserves the world, I've got to give him something special.” Just then she heard footsteps and the unmistakable sound of Maxwell singing to himself. 
"Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year"
Is he singing Britney Spears?
"And all I want is one thing, tell me my true love is near!"
Yep, that's definitely Britney bitch.
"She's all I want, just for me, underneath my Christmas tree. I'll be waiting here, Santa that's my only wish this year!"
Only wish huh?
The following day was Christmas Eve, they had both stayed busy gathering last minute gifts and having a video Christmas with her family back home.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower real quick babe, then we can watch Christmas movies if you want. I even got the stuff for hot chocolate!" He waggled his eyebrows as he smiled at her before heading to the bathroom. 
I really want to join him in the shower...NO...mission HoHo is a go. No time for that! She jumped up, grabbing a bag from under her side of the bed and changing into the red lace and mesh babydoll with an open front, and a matching pair of red lace boy shorts. Sitting beside the tree she grabbed a bow and stuck it on top of her head, scrambling to finish as she heard the shower cut off. 
Max walked back into the room, boxers slung low on his hips and his hair still slightly dripping. Why does he have to be so distracting right now? She subtly licked her lips and smiled when he turned to look at her, eyes widening at her outfit.
"Well what do we have here?" He quirked an eyebrow, smirking before approaching his wife, kneeling down in front of her.
"You said you wanted your true love under the Christmas tree, here we are!" She smirked, holding her arms out. 
“I can’t believe you heard that!” He laughed, “This is the best gift I could’ve gotten babe.” placing his hand on her crossed leg and rubbing his thumb over her smooth skin.
“But this isn’t even the good part.” she smiled, hand reaching behind her back to pull something out and lay it across her protruding belly.
His eyes widened, a smile spreading across his face as he let out a small huffed laugh.
"No way...you were right?" He couldn't shake the smile from his face as his fingers traced the design. "This is beautiful." 
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"Just like she's going to be beautiful." His eyes finally met hers, so much love shining in them that her breath caught in her throat. 
He leaned forward, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "I love you so much." Then leaned down to press a kiss against her belly, "and I love you so, so much little girl."
She placed her hands on his cheeks, running her thumbs across his cheekbones, leaning in to kiss him sweetly and whisper against his lips "Your girls love you so much more, daddy. Merry Christmas." This time it was him who leaned in to kiss her, slow and deep. 
“I definitely got more than I could’ve ever wished for with you, and this is only the beginning.”
“You’re always gonna be my Christmas wish Max.”
Santa can you hear me? I have been so good this year And all I want is one thing Tell me my true love is near He's all I want, just for me Underneath my Christmas tree I'll be waiting here Santa that's my only wish this year
@hopefulmoonobject @allaboutchoices @zaffrenotes @cordoniantrash @burnsoslow @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @msjr0119 @texaskitten30 @janezillow @the-soot-sprite @mskaneko @blackcatkita @darley1101 @thecordoniandiaries @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @leelee10898 @cocomaxley @annekebbphotography @brightpinkpeppercorn @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @theroyalweisme @alj4890 @bbrandy2002 @cordoniansgonewild @god-save-the-keen @debramcg1106 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @innerpostmentality @beardedoafdonutwagon @desiree-0816 @addictedtodrakefanfic​ @rainbowsinthestorm​
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belladonnaandulriched · 4 years ago
the artist | chapter forty
“I'm so glad you could make it, Stone.”
“I wouldn't miss this for the world,” he promised me as he adjusted his mask.
For all I knew, it was going to be my last art show with all of these boys there with me. Air travel was growing tighter and I knew Anthrax themselves planned on being there for a mere week, and they were coming up on the end of their week given they spent most of it traveling up to the Northwest. I had to relish every moment of this art show. From all the people who walked in through that door, to the fact that that might have been the last time I would stand in between Joey and Lars. Stone took his seat in front of us with the mask over his face. Even behind that little piece of thick cloth, he looked exhausted.
“I still can't believe I managed to drive my ass here,” he remarked.
“Are you feeling alright?” I kindly asked him.
“I've been really dizzy since I got home from the hospital,” he told me. “Like—been spinnin' around in a whirlwind of a time, if you will. That was lame, I know.”
“No, no, no,” I assured him with a chuckle. I spotted my parents entering the speakeasy from across the room. As long as Chris, Joey, and Lars kept their cool around them, I wondered how this whole thing would fare for us all, especially since they were unable to make it the first time around. I shifted my weight as they strode over to the paintings and the drawings on the wall. As long as we kept mention of my digital art under wraps, I had no reason to feel so nervous about this.
But I felt nervous about it anyway. My parents were looking at my art, especially in the wake of everything and in the wake of my dad's belief that it had to be nothing more than a hobby. I watched the look of wonder on his face as he gazed on at my drawings of Chris and Joey. He turned his head to look at me with a thoughtful look on his face, a look I could make sight of even from behind his mask.
“I like these two,” he told me.
“Those ones?” I said; I turned to Joey, who hunched his shoulders at the sight of him.
“Yeah. They're—good looking guys. Perfect for this sort of thing.”
I sighed through my nose. It felt like someone had lifted a dead weight off of my shoulders. My dad was proud of me.
No sooner had they returned to the art on the walls when Chris stepped into the room right then from the hallway. He adjusted the mask to keep it over the bridge of his straight nose.
“Good job on that painting,” he whispered into my ear. I turned to look at him.
“What're you talkin' about?” I demanded in a hushed voice, to which he nodded towards Joey. I forgot I still had that painting propped up on the easel back in the art room. But Chris flashed me a wink, and I spotted a smile emerging from behind his mask. The secrets were between me and him, and we would take them to the grave if we had to.
“Hang on a second,” Lars spoke out of the blue right then. He bowed away from us and ambled across the floor. I recalled the conversation he and I had on the back porch the night before, and I wondered about that woman who just walked in at that moment. Stone turned to me with his eyebrows knitted.
“Typical Lars,” Chris told him. “The dude's got a silver tongue.” Something about the way in which he said that made my lips twitch from behind the fabric. I felt something caress my lower back.
I turned my head to look at Joey, who raised an eyebrow at me.
“What?” he asked, innocent.
“Don't you 'what' me,” I scoffed. I looked down at his fingers pulsating down by his hips.
“Not in front of my parents,” I whispered to him, to which he winked at me.
“Besides, Chris wants ya,” he pointed out, and I turned around to look at him.
“I didn't thank you for that drawing you made of me the other night,” Chris started in a low voice. “I hope you can do something with your digital works because they're—they're something else.”
“It's my pleasure,” I said to him, also in a low voice. “And I do my best.”
“We're all doing our best,” he replied. “But you, especially. It's tough being an artist, and if you ask me—well, if you ask Stone...”
I directed my attention to Stone himself.
“An artist is the toughest career you can take up,” he told me. “It's right up there with musician and also sex worker. We take so much shit and we're takin' even more shit right now, y'know? So—if you ask me—you're as tough and powerful as any of the docs and nurses in the hospital right now.”
“Well, thank you, Stoney.”
“That's Stoney Pony to you,” he teased me, which brought a laugh out of me. I heard Lars tell the woman, “okay, thank you” and then he hurried back to us, albeit with a look of concern upon his face.
“Alright, gang, I got some good news and some bad news,” he informed us.
“Bad news first,” I quipped.
“Statewide quarantine is returning in full force tomorrow at midnight. If anyone has a plane ticket back to their state, they're saying to get your asses back home.”
“Which means we're all heading on home?” Joey asked him.
“Which means we all have to return home,” Lars replied. “The sooner, the better, too. I have to check my mail anyways.”
“Yeah... I do, too...” Joey's voice trailed off.
“And—what's the good news?” I asked Lars.
“The good news is the woman I just spoke to is in publishing, and she told me to give you this—” He handed me a card with a phone number on it. “—call her up and perhaps strike a deal of sorts.”
“Oh, my God, thank you so much, Lars!” I exclaimed. I couldn't resist it; I threw my arms around him. I wanted to bear hug him but I was unsure if he wanted to bend his spine back that far.
“Well, don't kill him, Holly,” Stone scoffed.
“Oof—no, I promise you—she—won't kill me,” Lars sputtered. I stepped back to look at him one more time. All these boys, they had become my friends and even with the impending distance, they would be my friends for life no matter what. And Chris, Joey, and Lars had come a step closer than that title, too. But as far as I knew, and as far as my parents knew, they were three boys who were my friends, as opposed to my boyfriends.
I knew they were all going to be taking the next red eye out of Seattle, and thus I made sure the art show went without any sort of problem all the way to eleven thirty at night. A successful artist deserved a late night round of dinner and a cup of coffee.
Tom left earlier, but I managed to give red Dave a hug for the road. I put my arms around Scott, Dan, Frank, and Charlie, and part of me expected Joey to peel off his mask so as to kiss me one last time. But instead, he held my head to his chest so I could hear his heartbeat.
“Call me when you get home,” I told him in a near whisper.
“That'll be the first thing I do,” he whispered back to me; his brown eyes never seemed more liquid before than in that moment.
I gave Lars another big hug, to which he almost picked me up upon holding me. I groaned at the feel of his hands on my lower back and then he set me back down.
“Oh, forgive me! I just want to relish in your kindness one last time,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulders.
“Oh, and Lars?” I called after him. He turned around to look at me with his eyebrows raised.
“Thank you again.”
“Of course,” he vowed with a grin on his face, which he obscured with his mask. I watched him stride off into the darkness.
Even though they were right near us, I gave blond Dave and Stone hugs, too.
“You're one of the best friends I could ever ask for,” I told Dave as I put my arms around him.
“And you are, too! Swing by the garden whenever you want—well, whenever quarantine lifts, anyways.”
“And I'll be back here, too,” I said to Will, who emerged from behind us with the keys to the speakeasy in hand.
“You better be,” he teased me.
“I don't give you nearly enough credit,” I told him, to which he shook my head.
“Nah, don't sweat it. Lemme just tell you that—” He gestured for me to come in closer to his face. “—you're the best client I could've ever asked for.” To which he winked at me, and I showed him a grin in response.
We all stepped outside to the night, where we were met with the chilled breeze from the Puget Sound. The first thing I planned to do once my parents and I returned home was wash my hands and clean my mask. Will shut off the lights in the speakeasy and closed and locked the door behind us. I was about to head on over to my parents' car when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Chris, cloaked in darkness from the street and the side of his face illuminated by nothing more than the light of the city and a street light not far from there.
“Call me tomorrow?” he asked me in a soft voice.
“Of course,” I told him. He peered behind me and then behind him, and without another word, he peeled off his mask. I did, too, and we pressed our lips together one last time. I had no idea when I would see Chris again, but I knew it had to be soon. Surely, it had to be.
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raindrenchedstories · 5 years ago
Star Runners. 1
Here’s that new story I was working on. I hope you enjoy.
Two women sat across from one another. One tall, toned, and scarred all over. The other, short, bubbly and smudged in grease. The tall one tapped her finger on the table. “I don’t know. Runnin’ supplies is one thing. Tagging planets? That’s a whole new ball game.”
“I get that. And that’s exactly why we’re doing it.” The other sighed. “Think about it Holly. How much does our crew actually do? We show up, unload a ton of stuff, then head back to port for another pick up.” She ran a hand through her long hair, smudging it’s copper tones to black.
“Give me one good reason for me to have a weapons expert, communications officer, medic, and battle harden mercenary on a job like that. But if we start exploring new planets. Finding new worlds for people to settle, and set up relays, everybody gets a shot!” The short one shot up. Smiling like a mad woman.
Holly leaned back, thinking her words over. Eventually she sighed. “Well. I mean. PAM has perfect reason to be here no matter the job. A medic is never useless.” She grumbled. It killed her to admit her employer was right. Then again, it was a comfort to work for someone with a clear head on their shoulders.
That said... “But there’s an issue with that line of thinking.” She waited for her employer to acknowledge her concern before continuing. “You’re going to need at least one more employee.” She sighed.
“Oh. You didn’t think I knew that? Hell no. I’m not walking a full crew onto an uncharted planet blind.” She insisted. “I wouldn’t even HAVE this ship if I didn’t think shit through before hand. I’ve got a few interviews lined up next week. While we refuel and restock. I was hoping to leave the hiring process between you and Sleat.”
“Wait. You want me working with the salamander? I’m not against it but... Why?” Holly cocked her head to the side. The other woman tapped her finger on the table, thinking of how to word her next sentence. Which put Holly off on all ends. “Roxy. Why Sleat and I?”
Roxy huffed. “Well. You’re pretty strict on what sets the standard. Which means you’re not going to just fumble on the interviews. But your people skills are...”
“Woefully lacking?” Holly suggested.
“That. Yes. Meanwhile Sleat is basically a ball of sunshine that talks. He’s great with most people. And well, there’s that language thing of his. So we can broaden our hiring pool. But he’s a bit er...” Roxy hated saying anything ill of her crew. Especially because the ship was so small you could hear damn near anyone at a regular level.
“He’s soft?” Holly had no such qualms. And somewhere down the hallway, a scoff of protest could be heard. Both women were pretty sure they’d find the other three members of the crew standing in the hallway.
“Well. That’s just it. So I’m hoping your high standard will be counter balanced with Sleats kind nature.” Making for the best mix. Roxy gave a weak smile. Almost pleading. At the end of the day, Holly couldn’t refuse. This was the woman who signed her paycheck after all.
“Okay. Fine. Anything absolutes that we should know about?” Holly sat forward, folding her hands under her chin, brow raised. Here, Roxy had a few requirements. Must be physically capable, have good credentials, and absolutely must be flexible in their relations. She couldn’t have someone flake out because they were working with aliens.
It’d take them three days to arrive in port. And by the time they got there, Holly planned to have a list of requirements written out by Roxy, and drilled into Sleats head. The new employee also had a size limit on them. No one who couldn't fit on the ship. So... Compact was preferable. The biggest concern wasn’t so much working with aliens, but the kinds of aliens this person would have to accommodate.
The crew was nearly half alien, with only two humans on board. Holly and Roxy themselves. The others were a Gordylide. A kind of brute species, usually only accredited with the brains of a dog. But occasionally one of human intelligence was born and raised among Orug peoples from that planet. Majority male, looked human but had a retractable muscle mass and spiked back. As far as Holly was concerned, Shanadoh was a fun rival and over all amiable guy. But she could see someone being more likely to act condescending towards him.
A Lutillian female. Basically a werewolf if it had scales and a case of the skinnies. Known for being violent vagabonds that travelled on old slags of abandoned ships. Carrying reputations for being space pirates. The females were especially known for being quick to anger. And yet. Pam was a doctor and a damn good one if Holly did say so her self. Well known for just not giving a damn. Holly was half sure she could saw an arm off, and Pam would not care. Actually, given the fact that it’d just grow back. She probably could.
Sleat was the least concerning. The only problem with his people was that no one really knew them.  Oh, they knew what a Szuhine was. But for the most part, their people were reclusive. They were pretty things, with slender bodies, and delicate fins. A large, tadpole like tail. Though they could also morph their bodies to look different, for some unknown reason. Either bulkier or softer. But no one could say anything about their culture, habits, overall reputation. For all Holly knew, everybody behaved like Sleat. Sunny, and personable.
Holly considered hiring another human to round things out. But in her discussions with Sleat, he brought up an excellent point. “Honestly, I’d say let’s look at credentials and personality first and foremost. If we hired by species, we wouldn’t have Pam.” Best advice the tangerine terror ever gave in her opinion.
So when they arrived at port. The two scouts departed. Setting up a small booth with information on what they were hiring for. So many applicants arrived that it overwhelmed them. Running was an interesting job. It allowed you to travel from planet to planet, experiencing the wonders of a new world while delivering supplies to colonizers. Or scouting potential planets free if intelligent life.
This sort of idea was usually well above most folk’s pay grade. It was a chore to get off planet. And most people could only do for a short trip within their own solar system. Even then, there was the risk of pirates. And undiscovered planets? Good luck. Usually people needed a degree in at least two different fields of work in order to be valuable. Usually science and medicine.
Even then, that was just to get on a colonizing ship. Which would also take years to get where it was going. Sometimes an actual life time. Anyone low skilled on those ships were usually only allowed on board if they brought their families. Or significant other that they were definitely going to have children with. Then it was into cryosleep and off you go to who knows where. To live it rough until the planet was settled. And even that took decades.
The smaller, runner ships only took a few days to reach these planets however, and were essential for colonization as a whole. Bringing supplies and livestock that couldn’t survive cryo. Or skipping across the stars to locate potential colonies. Making the idea of working on one appealing to say the least.
So in some mid space port, orbiting some moon Holly forgot the name of, she was forced to socialize with hundreds of humans, aliens, synthetic people, and even a few gaseous forms. Eventually they had to take a break. Promising potential hires that they’d receive a communication one way or the other.
Holly grumbled. “I don’t think I have it in me Sleat. I can’t be nice to people for this long!” She moaned. Sleat just gave her a sympathetic smile.
“Well. On the bright side. We do have a fair amount of help available. It’s sad we had to turn away so many labourers though.” He sighed. Deliberately trying to make his voice calming, in human inflections. They had chosen to sit not too far from their booth near the food court. Both had already shared a light meal. But Holly still seamed distraught.
“You mean ninety percent of our applicants?” Holly snapped.
“Yes.” He winced. “I wish we didn’t have to be so specific. But! We’re never going to find the right match if we just sit here moping about it. Now are we?” He shot to his feet and reached a supportive hand to his crew mate. Trying to be the epidomy of encouragement.
Reluctantly, the human took his hand and made their way back into the thick of it. The process took at least as many days as the travel. In which Sleat had to do a lot of letting people down. Sometimes well received. Sometimes he’d pass the communicator to Holly and let her get her snark out.
Eventually, over many stressful days, they found a match. Well, for the first part of hiring. The second was touring around the ship, and meeting the crew. If any of the crew felt anything was off, the process would start all over again.
Roxy stood steadfast at the doorway. For once, not covered in engine grease and god knows what else from the mechanical heart of her darling ship. Cleaned up in proper attire. Sleat and Holly stood on either side of her, still dressed formally, or in Sleats case, prettied up a bit. A little jewellery for the day. Behind them, Shanadoh, in his best white t-shirt and jeans. And Pam. Scales polished to an ebony sheen.
The main door chimed, and Roxy pressed the button to open it. Standing before them was a mousy young man. Bright red hair shone in the artificial light of the port outside. He’d already had several clearly heavy bags that were buckling his thin limbs beneath. However, the moment Shanadoh offered to take them he held his items closer.
“No no! I can carry my own weight. Um. Hello. Captain Roxanne. My name is Chester. Uh. Chester Mainland.” He dropped several of his bags to shake Roxy’s hands. A few making concerning clattering noises. “Biologist, anthropologist, ecologist-” He rambled.
Pam cut in, speaking up for the stunned engineer deemed captain. “I think we get the gist of it.” She grinned. Her voice broke the cloud over Roxy’s mind and the dam broke.
“What is all this stuff?” She blurted out, bemused.
“Oh, just some equipment for the trip. Ah, that is, if I end up being your man. I thought it’d be better if I brought my own gear. Did I overstep?” He suddenly paled, which was an impressive feat considering he was already a few shades brighter than standard parchment.
“Not at all, just... surprising. How about you pass those over to Shan, and we can give you the tour.” She suggested gently. Chester attempted to gather is items, letting gravity catch the rest of his bags. Making for more falling and concerning clunks. The gordylide just patiently gathered them off the floor, offering to hang a few of the lighter ones from the long spikes on his back.
According to Chester, there were no lighter ones. “At least, none that wouldn’t pull or cause you some discomfort. But thank you!” He beamed. Before turning the rest of the crew. “I hate to ask, but who is the doctor on staff?”
Pam perked up. “Are you injured?” She glanced over his person, concern etched into her features.
“Ah! Must be you then! No, not injured. I just have a general exam I need to pass. But the time frame I was given for take off might make me miss it. I was hoping I could reschedule with you?” He gave her a nervous smile. Pam was a little taken aback. As was the rest of the crew. Even her closest friend, no, even SLEAT questioned her credentials initially.
Never the less, she gave a nod. “Won’t be an issue. If you clear the bar today, we’ll set you up day after tomorrow.” She nodded. Though, she left her jaws open just a smidgen. Scenting this newcomer properly. She could catch the salty taste of nerves in the air. Just flooding the room. She shut her mouth.
As Sleat made a point to show off every room of the ship, Pam held Roxy back. “I don’t think Holly would let a creep on board. But that guy is freaking out. Bad. He’s two steps from terrified.” Bright yellow eyes caught up in Roxy’s brown. The two shared a nod, before Pam fell back in step with the rest of the group.
“Sadly you’ll have to share an office space with Pamela, we’re a little tight here. Pam honey, you don’t mind, do you?” Sleat beamed toward her. She gave a shake of her head.
“So long as you keep your samples away from my medical equipment. We’re good. No offence just-” She began, but was cut off by the young man.
“It makes perfect sense! You can’t use contaminated tools to save a life.” He nodded fervently. Making note of where he could store his machines. Glancing back and forth then pointing out a tiny, unused space. Particularly cramped, but if fitted with a pair of tables, it would hold his equipment. He’d just have to stand while he worked. “How about right here? It should be right out of your way!”
Holly bristled a little, before glancing to Pam. Double checking her bullshit detector. The Lutillian gave a subtle nod in agreement. This guy was almost too accommodating. Still, Pam agreed to the idea under one condition. “For the love of god, give yourself enough room to sit. Not all day obviously, but it’s better for your spine if you take the occasional break.” She huffed.
Both women pulled Roxy aside that time. One argued he was too nice. The other argued he was hiding something. Trying to delegate, the redheaded mechanic waved a single hand between them. Hissing to wait until the end of the tour, and she’d sit everyone down and discuss his flaky behaviour.
Eventually, the main rooms were shown off, as well as a sizable cargo bay carrying a surprising amount of nothing for once. It always felt wrong seeing it so empty. It was usually full of livestock, adult or incubating. Or seeds. Now it was just thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected. Courtesy of her kick ass crew.
She followed her team back up the stairs and into what passed for a galley. Really it was a cramped kitchen, and a single, medium table. Enough to sit six people, if everyone minded their elbows. What wasn’t used for cooking or eating was stuffed to the brim with preserved foods, and some luxuries like fresh vegetables and fruits.
All six of them finally took their spots at the table, and Roxy took a deep breath. “So there’s been a concern.” She folded her hands. Sleat pressed his lips in a thin line. A few bitter clicks left him without his consent. He’d been rooting for this lad to make it. Perhaps he misjudged the humans demeanour?
Shanadoh just tilted his head obliviously. He wasn’t an unintelligent man, by Gordylide standards he was fucking brilliant. But he did tend to miss cues. Like three women whispering harshly behind him. Still, these people never led him astray before. If they were discomforted by the man, he’d stand behind them.
“You’re coming off as rather... Twitchy, to my team. Well, the ladies anyways. What do you guys think? Roxy turned her attention to both men at hand. Shanadoh spoke first, leaning back in his chair, as best he could, and folding his arms over his broad chest.
“Honestly so many humans are freaked out by folks like me, or treat us like... I think they’re called dogs? I didn’t notice the difference.” He shrugged.
Sleat on the other hand, started reflecting, on the tour, before coming to a conclusion. “I should point out. We’re a majority alien crew. That can be a little intimidating at first. Especially between two brutes like Shanadoh and Pam. However, thinking back, things are a bit tense. Perhaps it’s just nerves?” He smiled encouragingly at Chester.
He’d begun shaking, hard. “Well... I do admit, they are a little intimidating. Nothing I can’t handle mind you! But... I can’t afford NOT to get this job.” He blurted out. Fisting his trousers tightly.
Holly leaned her chin on her fist. Honestly bored with the whole situation at this point. She’d been getting all kinds of red flags, and this was just one more. “And why not? You’ve got a hell of a resume. You’ve got your pick of Colony ships.”
Pams jaws popped open again, obviously this time. Tasting the air for lies. It was a wonderful habit of her people. So long as you were a friend. No one could slip past the jaws of a living lie detector. Chester ignored this. “W-well. They’d pay my family in a lump sum. But... It’s not really enough to look after them, you know? My mother put everything she could into my college. So I could pursue my interests.” He began.
“She thought there was enough for her and my sister too. But apparently not. Not after a recent raid.” He dropped his head into his hands. “They lost everything in one night.” Those who had lived in the solar system for any amount of time shifted uncomfortably. Everyone but Sleat. Who was oblivious.
With the advent of space travel came the raiders. Folks who didn’t play by the rest of the solar systems rules. Usually mixed species like their own crew. They had a habit of attacking small planets in the system as they tended to be less guarded. Ravaging the sphere of supplies.
No one in any position of power really seamed to give a damn. On a galactic scale, it just wasn’t worth caring about. But on an interpersonal scale, it was always devastating. Sometimes people were taken as well. On those massive warships. Usually women. It was no wonder what that was for. Sometimes they broke free. But it was so rare... “That’s a fucking miracle they got out.” Holly spat. Pam shook her head, folding her arms. Ebony scales made a soft hissing as they rubbed along one another.
“And yet. He’s not lying.” She leaned her head back, gently thumping it on the wall behind her. The table was silent, until Roxy gave a nod.
“So you’re hoping to take a cut of your salary, and send it to your mother. How old is your sister?” She glanced at Chester. He held up his right hand. And then one more finger. Six. Chester had to be at least eighteen, early twenties at the latest. So he’d have to have had his schooling downloaded into his brain. Faster, but not cheap.
“Right. You know there’s a risk you’ll die. Right?” Roxy leaned back, blunt honesty was probably the best she could give him in this situation.
“I’ve already taken out a life insurance policy. So if I do die, they’ll have enough to at least get off that planet.” He sighed. “I get you guys might not be able to give me much of a cut. But aside from the basic necessities, I don’t need anything. So the majority is going to my family.” He glanced up, waiting for the final call.
The captain shared looks with her crew. Most of which nodding. One making a sound of hesitance as she did so. With that, Roxy pulled a few papers from below the table, and signed them. “Welcome aboard Chester Mainland. I expect you here early tomorrow to get your equipment and personal belongings moved in.” She passed her papers with a smile. Chester signed almost instantly, wrinkling them in his excitement.
With all that said and done, Roxy contacted old employers, and contracted a few easy runs to start the lad out with an actual pay check. Though runner work was high paying, the brand she was reaching into was infrequent. Finding a new planet then selling it off to a bidder was a high risk, reward job. Then there were the space pirates and raiders.
It didn’t take long for her to fill the hull with all sorts of live plants, and incubating eggs from all planets. On route to a colony three weeks away. Well, for the small ship. Not an ideal first job, but what had to be, had to be. When her crew was done loading, Roxy took it upon herself to do the supplies count for the trip. Making sure they had enough to feed the extra mouth.
Chester returned promptly early the next day. And found the crew... Less than lively. They were a mess of bedhead. Pyjamas and in the case of Shanadoh, very much going back to bed. Any professionalism they’d established the day before shattered the moment the door opened.
The majority of the team shuffled Chester in, shut the door, and collectively staggered to the galley once more. Roxy mentioned something about unpacking later as she slumped into her chair. There was an almost frog like flapping of Sleat feet on the tiled floor of the kitchen.
Chesters bags slipped from his shoulders once more. Though as opposed to equipment probably being damaged, there was simply a soft sound. The sound wadded up laundry makes. He’d been expecting a much more exiting welcome. Though he supposed he was the new fellow.
Instead of causing the main collective any annoyance before they’d had their morning coffee, he headed for the mens dorm. Doing his level best to remain quiet as he slipped in. Chester found a corner and set his belongings silently on the ground. From a bottom bunk, Shanadoh could be heard snoring loudly.
Gently, he rifled through his belongings until he found the small gifts he’d meant to give the crew. A small token of thanks for their acceptance of him. He placed a small bag of strawberry sweets on the Sleeping Gordylide’s pillow, then left.
Once he returned to the Galley there was a spread of easy, fast foods on the table. Piles of fried eggs and bacon, hot cakes and a nearly empty carafe of coffee was being picked at slowly by the four awake members of the crew.  Holly gave him one glance, motioned to the coffee, and returned to her eating.
Pam had a hand fully wrapped around a specially designed mug, and was slowly lapping the bitter black liquid. Sleat was absently chewing on some kind of crab cake. Roxy was more or less asleep at the table. Now was as good a time as any for good things. “So... I brought... things.”
“That’s kind of the point of moving day.” Sleat deadpanned. Chester was about to open his mouth to try again when the szuhine pointed to a sign beside the table. It read: Morning people will either be relegated to making breakfast, or shot. He decided that gifts were probably a thing for after coffee. Maybe after a week or two of living on the ship.
It wasn’t long until he found himself sitting among the small collective, munching on bacon. A treat he’d actually not had since he first visited earth. It was a bit too salty for his taste. He engaged in idle chat with the more awake member of the table. And waited for the rest of the group t o catch up.
Soon after he was unpacked in the lab, setting up his table and chairs, and ushered to pick a cot. He was given time to settle any lingering affairs he had. Go through his exam, and be cleared for extended travel.  Shanadoh appreciated his gift and before they left, Chester managed to hand out the rest.
For the most part it was foods that applied to everyone. Candies or preserved meats. It turned into a feast of sweets before long. Further contributed to by an overzealous pair of aliens who had passions for cooking.  This seamed to be a good first impression. As the crew started involving him their activities before the end of the week while squaring away their own affairs.
Then it was right to take off. For the third time in his life, Chester found himself staring at a planet fading away. He found it strange that only a few hours ago, he was standing on it’s surface. A few hours before that, exiting his hotel room.
He’d expected space travel to be like air or sea travel at first, with turbulence. But past breaking atmosphere, everything was oddly still. Like he were just standing on a planet’s surface. There was a brief moment of weightlessness before the gravity kicked in, but that was it.
Idly, he wondered if that feeling ever left. Eventually he gathered the nerve to ask Pam about it. The way she explained it, it never left. There was always a kind of lonesome realization that they’d left something behind. But it was paired with an eager thirst for new discoveries ahead.  Even if you’d been there before.
By her definition, you had to have good humour about it. Otherwise, you’d drive yourself mad from the sheer sense of insignificance the void would give you.  That’s why a compatible crew was so important. She also encouraged him to take up a hobby. As there would be a lot of free time on their hands.
So, he took up yet another study. Botany. This time downloading textbooks onto his personal device, and leaning back to listen to their lessons. He’d have to talk to the captain about getting materials so he could gain practical experience. Perhaps he’d make a mini biosphere. He’d wait and see.
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