#our banknotes are very cute tbh
mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
As I work retail, I sometimes see Scottish notes.
I am so jealous of your notes.
I think the otter one (£10) is the best!!!!!
haha they're lovely aren't they? Because Scotland is in a funny position regarding who can make/print notes (i.e it's not specific to a government, it's actually handled by three banks in the country-- Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and Royal Bank of Scotland) (yes there's two very similarly named ones.... it's not my first choice of naming but there you go.), there's a good bit of variation in the notes past and present. However! the best ones so far are the ones you mentioned, which afaik are the RBS ones with the animals on the reverse!
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Aren't they lovely?
This was all part of a collaboration between RBS and arts collectives-- this one known as Timorous Beasties, named for the Rabbie Burns poetry (because of course they are)-- and is a welcome change of pace to the usual banknote looks we have had in the past. Iirc the 'head' side of the note does still have the ol' mugs of famous people on them but is also notable for being the only banknote series in the world to have a run with all women on the head side! Which is cool.
Idk if it's all the RBS notes or just some of them that are like this or what but still, makes a change from the ever running cycle of wee Rabbie Burnses and Robert the Bruces and Alexander Flemings one usually sees when opening a till in a Scottish high street shop. And this is to say nothing of all the fuckin Lizzie the Seconds the notes usually had. Or the fucking metric fucktonne of Lord Ilays... that face can go away forever. Him and his big dumb wig.
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(one thing that makes me glad of not working retail/hospitality anymore is not having to see a billion Rabbie fucking Burnses gurning out of the plastic drawer at me. fuck off Rab)
Now if the English could stop pretending our money isn't real and pushing Scots to have to get their money exchanged to use cash down south, we'd have won entirely :D
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rosyredlipstick · 6 years
You mentioned you loved YOI and read some good fanfic for it!! Would you mind recommending me some, maybe..?? :')
This took longer then I meant but im real serious bout my yoi fics. gets kinda long so under the cut! 
Okay currently the fics im obsessed with - 
Fics I rec:
The princess diaries au that has me SCREAMING WITH EVERY UPDATE OMG it has such an amazing aesthetic and plot and i ADORE all the characters and this victor???? Wow. amazing.
Seek those who fan your flames by @ebenroot
summary :
Yuuri gets hand-delivered a black-print T-shirt by one of his bodyguards on Friday. There’s a small sticky note attached to the collar in Victor’s handwriting that reads: ‘Our new band shirt! Logo is still a work in progress. Name too. But it’s a start! Let me know what you think after school. - Victor’
There’s a heart next to his name that is hastily scribbled out. Then another heart next to that one, like Victor decided to put it in anyways.
Yuuri thinks he’s in love.
in which Yuuri is a teenager that’s actually a prince, and Victor is a teenager with a band that just wants to listen to rock music with him
i love yurio here’s a fic with him prominently i love it
along with the popular fandom troupes of pining viktor and secretly caring yurio, there’s the troupe of yuuri being a beautiful idiot without realizing it i love them all
in wine we trust  by @fireblazie
Yuri peers into the expanse of the apartment and finds a single, flickering light in the kitchen. He stealthily tiptoes across the floor with the baseball bat clutched tightly in his fists, only to find that, what the hell, this bastard is actually fucking raiding his fridge.
“That’s my pirozhki, asshat!” he snarls, ready to swing his bat when the intruder turns around.
Shit, Yuri thinks. It’s Beautiful International Student Yuuri Katsuki.
I seriously adore everyone in this fic. Omg. ive read it so many times at this point it’s unbelievable. Wow.
the season of the spirits by counterheist / @kixboxer
Yuuri wakes up to one hell of a headache, a tie he doesn’t recognize knotted around his wrist, and two fistfuls of banknotes cradled to his chest.
An AU about cubicles, and the people who work in them.
everything here is amazing omg captain viktor and first officer yuuri with heavy heavy pining omggggggg yaaaas
To Boldly Go by @xyloophones
“Yuuri!” Viktor calls. “I’ve come to rescue you!”
Yuuri stares at him blankly. He gestures to the various unconscious space pirates with his recently discharged phaser.
“Oh, Captain,” he deadpans. “Save me.”
A year in the life of badass science officer Yuuri Katsuki, Captain Viktor “Team Mom” Nikiforov, and simultaneously the best crew and worst crew in Starfleet history.
ok so this next fic isnt finished BUT it’s the funniest fic i’ve ever read in this fandom. omfg. i was laughing so hard at every chapter pls read. it’s a speed dating au AND IT’S HILARIOUS also there’s phichit\seung-gil in this which i didn’t even know was a thing\didn’t ship UNTIL THIS FIC IT’S JUST A SIDE PAIRING BUT I LOOOOVE IT AND BOTH OF THEM
Speed Dating (Let’s Take it Slow) by @apalettefullofyou
“Why like this?” Yuuri asks, breaking the silence.
Phichit grins. “Because desperate times call for desperate measures. And if you haven’t noticed, we’re desperate.“
Tired of watching Georgi mull over his recent breakup, Viktor and the gang take him speed dating, hoping one of the twenty-something strangers could help fill the hole in his heart.
Now if only he could stop crying.
u like royal au?????? am i bout to blow your MIND
this is THE royal fic. so so so good. gods. the characterization. the pining. the povs. everyone is written so well OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD.
The Rules for Lovers by  @adreamingsongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
I went through a superheroes phase and this fandom is the best enabler. Pls check out this superhero series, like, even if you’re not that big of a fan. It’s so wonderful throughout and intriguing and god, the plot sucks you in so well. The characters and their powers are handled so well and tbh im so invested
The Yuuri!!! On fire series by @hinatella
A detailed exposé of what working with an ex-villain is like, as told by a very distraught Yuuri Katsuki. (P.S.: it isn’t the fact that he’s an ex-villain that Yuuri is close to losing his mind.)
so! cute! domestic life after yuuri and viktor move back to russia!! so cute!!! omg!!!!
Safety Hazards in St. Petersburg by @lucycamui
In which Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg and Victor discovers just how distracting living with him can be.
Alternatively titled, How Many Ways Can Victor Hurt Himself? or Idiots in Love
Authors I advise to immediately read everything they produce because fUCK
Ebenroot - they wrote the princess diaries fic above but jfc. Jfc. there’s so much more. They’re doing a fairy tale au that i scream into a pillow every time it updated. Everything they write is just so purely GOOD dear GODS
Xylophones i recced their star trek series above BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE! They did a halloween week of fics that im still obsessed with (GO READ MOONSTRUCK PLEASEEEE!!!) so there’s a ton more to check out!!!
Thehandsingsweapon / @handsingsweapon *opens coat* u want some wonderfully developed characters? Some of that good character development shit?? The best parents i’ve ever read for sir victor nikiforov?????? Literally please read these fics for the pure existence of victor’s wonderful lesbian mothers. God. its all i want in life and i have to live vicariously through these fics.
Spookyfoot / @spookyfoot if for some odd reason you dont have the time/will to read 30 wonderful yoi fics, for the love of god please read their spy/mistaken identity fic. God please. It’s been months since i got the notification email for it and i STILL LAUGH FROM THE THOUGHT OF IT. so good. im in love. 
okay okay, it’s sunday night and im using this to stall doing my homework but i should go now. let me know if you want anymore!! lol it might take awhile for me to finally answer the ask but ill get to it!!! 
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