#ough god imagine dia vs iris tho
cheemken · 1 year
I actually wanted to explain all the covens and wild witches to you but I felt it would be to much so I just opted for something similar, which was Harry Potter
But yeah, Belos!Diantha 👀👀 Would that mean Iris or Hau is The Golden Guard/Hunter?
Which covens are everyone in? Is anyone a wild witch? And what about after Belos is overthrown and people are allowed to specialize in more than one magic?
Omf okay so so cjdmdbdj
Ough idk like,,,, the thought of Diantha being like Belos is sooooo jdmxbjd like damn, villain Diantha is just soooooo🥴🤭 you get me?? Just the most manipulative piece of shit to walk the earth and the Boiling Isles ncmdbd
Augustine is the Golden Guard in this ofc ouo, but like, in this au, he wasn't like,, as young as Hunter, an adult yknow but like around his 20s at most, and he's not even the original Augustine bc yeah, he's a Grimwalker like Hunter. The real Augustine has been dead for so long, and that was the reason for Diantha's hatred towards humans (yeah it's the opposite in this au)
But anyways, in my lil toh au, Iris is like Luz, the Unova kids are her friends in the Boiling Isles, so ofc Bianca is Amity– hahahah
Drayden is Eda and Axew is King, and they're a family your honour, but ofc Drayden knows the dangers of Iris being in the Boiling Isles, as their empress, Diantha, fucking hates humans and all the humans who got to the Boiling Isles back then were executed by the empress. Ofc that didn't calm Iris down at all, and she lost the portal back to the human world, so she's kinda stuck there until she can make another portal
And like,,, idk,,, maybe Iris did get caught and Drayden payed the price, but Iris up and saved him too, like in that one episode of toh hahah and just jcmdnd oughhhh Diantha and Iris fight😭😭
Do you see my vision tho cbdmnd ough low-key deranged Diantha but she's just so fucking calm most of the time, and like Belos I wanna say she was kinda cursed too, bc she was so desperate to bring Augustine back that she tried everything, only for those spells and glyphs to take a huge toll on both her mind and body. Until ofc, she found out abt grimwalkers, and she failed, a lot of times, time and time and time again she watched her brother die over and over and over again, until the most recent one, the one Iris and her friends encountered, he was perfect. Of all the grimwalkers, he looked just like you, Augustine. So of course, I named him after you.
BUT YEAH CHAMPIONS AS COVEN HEADS CJMDBCMD and maybe the Kalos E4 too hahahah
So we have (excluding the Emperor's/Empress' Coven ofc)
Lance - Abomination
Steven - Construction
Wallace - Bard
Cynthia - Potions
Hau - Healing
Leon - Beast Keeping
Geeta - Oracle
Malva - Illusionist
Siebold - Plant
I added in Malva and Siebold bc why not, I wanna say they're also Dia's childhood friends in this and were the ones to help her find out abt the grimwalkers to bring Augustine back
As for the Unova kids
Iris - Beast Keeping, Oracle
Hilbert - Construction, Beast Keeping
Hilda - Potions, Abomination
Bianca - Healing, Plant
Cheren - Oracle, Illusionist, Abomination
N - Abomination, Illusionist, Beast Keeping
While writing that tho I had another thought like imagine cbmdnd imagine if Diantha and Augustine were raised by a human, Drasna way back then. Drasna was the first human to ever visit the Boiling Isles and ofc Diantha found her and looked up to her and just jcmdnd ough Drasna raising Augustine and Dia, she was even the one to figure out abt the glyphs and taught the kids that. Then smth happened, another human found the portal to the Boiling Isles, his name was Lysandre, Augustine loved him. The two became close and hey it was going so well yknow, until Lysandre betrayed them.
He killed off Augustine, going on how a witch— a demon— shouldn't even exist, and then killed Drasna for betraying her kind. Diantha went home that day w Lysandre all bloodied while setting fire on Drasna's body, Augustine was lying lifeless on the floor. In her rage, Diantha attacked him, killing him too, promising herself that no more will humans torment them, no more will humans be welcome within the Boiling Isle, she promised herself she'll kill them all if she has to.
And god that really fucked her up yknow, bc Drasna was human, but in her mind Drasna wasn't like the rest, she was good, she was kind, treated them like they were her own children, but maybe.. Drasna was treated differently by the rest of the humans too. And that thought pissed Diantha off. So hey, she collected Drasna's ashes, still within the castle, within a secret chamber, somewhere no one would find. Drasna is safe, that's all that matters to her. Augustine tho... She knows she can fix him. She'll get her brother back, and she did. And she promised herself nothing would happen to him again.
Now imagine her being so dead set on killing Iris, that fear and paranoia never left Diantha, and seeing Iris again triggered that fear again, triggered that hatred, seeing Iris being close to witches, acting all friendly, it reminded her so much of Lysandre. So she decided, she'll make the portal herself, she'll kill everyone in the human world, she'll make sure every human would feel the same pain she felt when they took everything from her. And she's going to start with Iris.
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