#ouat Jefferson
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florida3exclamationpoints · 1 month ago
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ouat text posts: pt. 8/?
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sillysoul1 · 6 months ago
every time when i see people who talk about "maybe in another universe..." but then mocking shifters i remember the jefferson's words. like you so want a miracle, a magic but so vehemently refusing to believe in it!! arghgrhrh!!
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swanimagines · 1 year ago
Summary: Imagine being Jefferson's wife and working in a little tea shop in Storybrooke during the curse that Jefferson visits every day because he wants to see you.
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There you were again. Smiling at customers, making small talk and looking as beautiful as ever. Jefferson swallowed, before forcing a small smile on his face and walked to the counter. You turned around to see him and your smile just grew wider.
"Hi Mr. Jefferson! Your usual?"
Jefferson nodded. "Yes please."
You turned around again to brew his tea, and just like yesterday, and the day before that, and that, and that, he felt a sting in his heart. You had been in love back in the Enchanted Forest, you were his wife, but now you didn't even remember him. The pain was unbearable. He wanted to say something, anything which could make you remember, but nothing came out of his mouth. Anything he would say would just push you away because you'd think he's gone bonkers. Mad as a hatter. So all he could do was stare into your beautiful eyes and think about how much he loved you, how trapped he was with all the memories of you, him and Grace, living happily in the Enchanted Forest. How you'd always come by his bed to serve him his morning tea and you'd always kiss him before he'd take the cup. Your smile made his day before he even got out of the bed, you had been so happy.
"Here's your tea," you snapped him out of his thoughts as you pushed a cup in front of him. "That makes-"
Jefferson nodded before you even finished, forcing a smile on his face again and handed you fifty dollars. "You don't have to say the price, I will always tip my favorite tea shop keeper who makes the best tea."
"You're always so kind, Mr. Jefferson," you said with another small smile and put the money into the counter. "I don't know what did I do to deserve such kindness."
He smiled at you a little wider. "You have done nothing in particular, really. Just being yourself."
You smiled at that, looking downwards, clearly flustered by his words. Then the bell rang as the door opened, and Jefferson glanced over his shoulder, seeing Regina and his smile immediately faltered. She came inside and stood beside him, smiling at you with feigned sweetness.
"I'd like some tea on the go," she said and you nodded.
"Of course, Madam Mayor. What kind of tea would you like?" you asked, gesturing towards the menu above you.
"A large chai latte," Regina told you without even looking at the menu. "And make sure it's extra hot."
"Of course," you said and made her drink, pushing it towards her. "That makes two fifty."
Regina dug her purse for a moment before giving you a few coins. Then she turned towards Jefferson. "You, with me."
Jefferson clenched his jaw, but complied, following Regina out. They walked for a little bit, before he scoffed.
"I didn't know you like chai latte, Mrs. Mayor. Pitch black tea fits more of your style."
"And I didn't know I gave you a permission to seduce her," Regina sighed. "She has a new life now, Jefferson. You have to stay out of it, or something bad might happen."
Jefferson didn't reply to that, knowing that arguing about it wouldn't change anything. He just kept quiet and followed Regina until he could turn towards his mansion. But despite Regina's warning, he knew that he'd be in your shop again tomorrow. He just had to see you, he had to see you smile, to know you're alright. He wanted to keep making you smile with his words - maybe you'd even fall in love with him again. 
He knew it all was wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful about it every time he saw you. Maybe it was stupid, but it kept him sane around this madness…
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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spicyboelives · 2 months ago
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Heart broken that we didn’t get to see more of this guy, I loved the friendship he and rumple had and I really feel like they wasted this characters potential.
more below the cut but it also features my OUAT self-insert 🤧
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velvet4510 · 5 months ago
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navybrat817 · 3 months ago
Hi Navy! 💜
For the Imaginary Fic Game:
Jefferson + Who R U?
Rach, this man deserves so much love! ❤️😈
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The first thing you noticed when you woke up was a pair of startling blue eyes gazing down at you in wonder. The second thing was the maniacal grin on the man’s face, a grin that made your heart stop.
“Who are you?”
His laughter was as maniacal as his smile and you wondered if you were still dreaming. “Jefferson, your soon-to-be-husband.”
Love and thanks! ❤️
Send me a character/pairing and a title to get five lines of an imaginary fic.
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wicked-storybrooke · 1 year ago
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Ouattober 2023 Day 1 - Favourite Character(s)
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thezombieprostitute · 3 months ago
Was thinking/dreaming up another Curtis fic recently. It took a bit of a turn.
Setting: Omegaverse. No gender limits on designations. Women can be alphas and men can be omegas. However, omegas are treated as breeders. Nothing more than a means to produce babies.
After being horribly mistreated by the alphas who bought you, you find your chance to escape in the midst of a winter storm. You're likely to die from exposure but it's better than living with them.
In a cabin in the woods, alpha Curtis and beta Jefferson live a quiet, peaceful life with their daughter, Grace. It's a simple life. During the storm, though, Grace insists she sees someone out in the snow and doesn't let Papa (Jefferson) or Dad (Curtis) have any peace until Curtis agrees to go out and check.
And that's how he finds you, huddled in on yourself, shivering and near death, and rescues you from the cold.
I dunno. Just random ideas.
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keepxsolxinxsolxinvictus · 11 months ago
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Sebastian Stan as Jefferson (The Mad Hatter) in Once Upon A Time
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intothewickedwood · 1 year ago
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Ouattober 2023 Day 2 - Favourite Location: Storybrooke Wilderness Park
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tilyoureninetyhughy · 4 months ago
Bucky (more specifically, Winter Soldier) WAS casted as the Mad Hatter in Once Upon a Time:
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Hydra needed a way in so he could kill a crew member in Lights or something. That's why we never see the character again after the early seasons: Because Bucky was pulled once the mission was done and put back on ice.
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countrymusiclover · 8 months ago
9 - A Man Named Jefferson
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Princess Red Thief
Part 10
Tag list - just ask to be added @mystrey101 @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
Blinking my eyes a couple of times I groaned trying to wake up. Slowly glancing around the room I saw I was in the back room of the pawnshop. Shifting my body up further on the old cot I heard the wooden floor creak under someone's feet. "Eve! You're awake."
"Henry. What are you doing here?" Rubbing my eyes to wake myself up more I saw the ten year old boy enter the room.
He answered me. "I heard you being locked up in the hospital until Mr. Gold bailed you out."
"Yeah. Where is Mr. Gold exactly?" I questioned the kid.
Henry came over to my bedside reaching inside his backpack. "He's out with Regina for some reason. So we don't have much time to talk with somebody you need to meet."
"Henrh, I just woke up. I am not really in the mood to meet someone right now." I sat upright holding a hand to my forehead struggling to push away some pain that must have been caused from all the drugs they pushed into my system.
He held open his storybook to a certain page. "But what if I told you there's someone else in this town that has been seeing things just like you."
"And that person in your book would be?" I trailed off scanning my eyes over the book pages seeing a man surrounded with over a dozen hats.
Henry taped a finger on the image. "The Mad Hatter. He goes by Jefferson here."
"Henry...I. You need to leave before he gets back. He doesn't care for unwanted visitors inside his shop." I warned the ten year old.
He didn't back down, shoving his book back inside the bag. He holds out his hands waiting for me to put my hand in his and follow him willingly like I normally did before I was locked away. "Please Eve. You'll start to believe me once you talk with him. I swear."
"Fine, kid. But this doesn't mean I believe you." I put my hands in his getting to my feet and together we slipped outside of the pawnshop in search of where this Jefferson man lived. "Henry, why do you think I will believe before Emma?"
He kept walking, sending me a half smile. "Because you follow your heart more than what your mind tells you." I parted my lips considering what he was saying to me in the moment.
The double doors shut behind me with two guards shutting them. I had decided to keep living in my parents castle which wasn't too far from the Charming castle. My short brown boots clicked against the stone floor until I stood at the edge of the round table to meet Snow. "Everly. I was hoping I'd see you."
"My parents aren't worried about me. Honestly they trust me when it comes to helping y'all with your kingdom. You're glowing by the way." I sent her a smile pulling out one of the chairs near hers.
She was sitting down in one of the head chairs, leaning her elbows on the table. "Thank you, Eve. Your letter said that you wanted to talk with me about something."
"Indeed I do wish to. I've been having certain feelings lately and since we are friends I was hoping we could talk about them." I twiddled my thumbs together on the table.
Snow asked sweetly. "Of course. Is this about a guy?"
"Is it that obvious?"
She nods, chuckling. "I'm sorry to say yes. Besides it's not like I don't remember you saying you always had teaching lessons to return to."
"Oh geeesss." Covering my face with my hands I was blushing like a red tomato.
Snow clasped her hands together. "So who is the stranger you are getting lessons from?"
"It's magic lessons. The man I'm getting taught by is named Rumplestilskin." Heavy silence fell across the large room with an intense feeling falling between the two of us. Everyone in the land generally knew his name and what kind of magic he dabbled in.
"Everly, he...he uses dark magic."
"I know that." I said back. "But I am needing his help to teach me how to control the power that I was born with. Neither of my parents have magic, yet I somehow got it."
"You have feelings for him, don't you. Why else would you be defending the teachings he is showing you." Snow put the pieces together with a smirk on her lips.
"Maybe I do. What do I do about it?" I asked the other princess in the room.
The former bandit princess got up from her chair and I rose to my feet standing up in front of her. "In my experience you just have to follow whatever your heart tells you."
"Even when the person you care about might not feel the same." I knitted my brows at her, wrapping my father’s red cloak tightly around my body.
Snow takes my hands in hers showing me the wedding ring from her Prince Charming. "That's a risk that we each have to take when we love someone. Never stop following your heart, Everly."
"Henry, are you sure we're not breaking and entering? It doesn't even look like he's here. Emma is the sheriff now and I wish to not be placed inside a prison cell anytime soon." Looking around at the area outside the mansion front door. He had pulled out some set of keys he had taken from his mother's office that could open any door.
He pushed one of the keys in the hole and it unlocked with the door swinging open. "We'll be fine. He believes everything about my book. Now come on. Jefferson!" Henrik walks into the house and I follow after him seeing that it was almost pitch black inside giving the creepy loner type guy vibes to me.
"Henry. Henry, wait we can't just - mmm!" I grunted my fighting instincts kicking in when one hand wrapped around my waist and the other hand clasped over my mouth before the front door slammed shut behind me.
A man's voice growled in my ear. "Did anyone follow you?"
"No." I mumbled the best reply I could trying to remove the stranger's hand.
The man removed his hands from my body, spinning me around to face him. "So you're the famous Red Thief who falls in love with the Dark One."
"You've read the story too." I made a confused expression.
The guy named Jefferson responded. "It's more than just a story and his storybook is more than just a book."
"It can't be more than a book. None of those stores are real. I know they are simply just stories." I shake my head thinking back on why I got put in the mental hospital in the first place.
Henry spoke up behind me heading down the hallway. "She's a little slow, Jefferson. That's why I brought her to you. So she'll wake up like you have." Jefferson grabs a hold of my arm dragging me after the young boy until we entered a room filled with hats that all matched the familiar hat the Mad Hatter would have worn.
"You've obviously got an obsession with Alice in Wonderland."
"He's the Mad Hatter, Eve." Henry declares sitting the book on the table, opening it to the page he had shown me back in the shop.
Jefferson pushed me down in the chair with the book laying in front of my face. He flipped through some pages stopping at one photo that showed Rumplestilskin holding up a ring. The woman who wore a red cloak that looked like the one I owned stood in front of him. "Look at the picture and tell me if you recognize anything."
"Jefferson, Henry has already tried this with me once before. It didn't work then, it won't work now." Shifting around in the chair I eyed the man.
Jefferson rounded the table to be on the other side grabbing my chin in between his thumb and index finger so I'd look him in the eye. "Use your power and look into my mind. Then you'll see what I'm saying is the only truth you need to believe."
"Look into your mind. That's not possible."
Jefferson declared not backing down. "You have to open your mind, Red Thief."
"You're losing your mind, Jefferson." Pushing myself away from him he let go of my chin. Stomping towards the doorway about to leave I halted in my tracks grabbing a hold of the doorway when he spoke up about my past.
"You couldn't pay your rent when you first came here. So you made a deal with Mr. Gold. Take my ring and I'll work for you, you said."
Glancing out the corner of my eye I asked. "How do you know about that? He swore he'd never say anything."
"Because it's almost the exact same deal you made with Rumplestilskin after he agreed to teach you magic. You are Princess Everly, daughter of Abigail and Fredrick." Henry stands by the edge of the table.
Shutting my eyes I pushed back the desire to believe them. I couldn't be a princess. I couldn't have magic and the town couldn't all be cursed. Otherwise I belonged back in the mental hospital. "Henry, I'm sorry but all your saying is nonsense."
"It won't all be nonsense once you look for the necklace inside his suit jacket and...." Jefferson trailed off in thought.
Turning around in my boots I dared to ask the question. "And what Jefferson?"
"And you'll believe us when you find the ring in his possession." The man who truly thought he was the Mad Hatter answered my question, sitting one of his hats on top of his head smiling wickedly at me. Henry remained silent and simply nodded in agreement. "As close to his heart as it could possibly be."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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j2d3 · 6 months ago
Mr. Loverman | Mad hatter/ Jefferson x reader | Pt 5
Picture this since before the curse you and Jefferson have been best friends, your character is the chesiare cat but a witch version ( NOT A FURY 💀) . This is staged during season one during the time of the curse, your memory is erased but he still remembers you. ( Also Jefferson doesn’t have a daughter in this!!!)
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"Wakey, Wakey girl." I hear a kinda unhinged voice say, my eyes still closed but I can feel that he's right in front of me. As I open my eyes, I see him sitting criss cross on the floor spinning a card between his fingers.
"It's Y/n, ya know." I say, sitting up rubbing my eyes, the place gets a little less blurry after a few seconds. I hear the man mutter a yea yea, as he hops up from the grounds.
Stubbly I get up from the bed, trying my best to get out of tired state. Ok recap, last night I saw the guy playing with his hat or whatever, talked to him and then I got sucked into his portal to wonderland, slept in his house and now I'm here. Quite a weird night for a weekend I suppose, the man walks out the room and I follow him out.
"So when can I get home?" I teleport to his side, watching as his eyes widen in surprise to my magic, and a grin all of a sudden splattered on his face.
"Ah so you're a witch, makes sense, only a witch could follow me in this damned place." He grabs his hat off the rack, placing it on his head.
"Technically I fell in here I didn't follow you, but whatever rocks your boat." A chuckle escapes his lips and I'm not going to lie a smirk came onto my face, there's something quite amusing about a mad man, it's fun to figure them out.
"Well perhaps we shall be on our way, I have to do something first before you can go home, and seeing as you're a witch I could definitely use your assistance."
"And that is? What are we doing before I go home?"
"Steal some cookies from the queen of course, but oh they're not just any cookies, they're magical cookies." A scoff escapes my mouth, before a giggle joins in.
"Mkay." Whatever cookies they are they better be worth it.
Time skip ~
I observe the trimmed bushes standing right in front of me, the wonderland maze, this is going to be a trip or is it?
In an instance I'm levitating off the ground, flying I guess you could call it, observing the maze in the bottom of me, turning completely invisible.
"Jeez thanks for your help Y/n, you're very helpful." Jefferson yells, "Very helpful."
I appear beside Jefferson fully visible once again, a beaming closed smile on my face. I signal him to follow me, his face yells in confusing, his eyebrows raised and his head tilted to the side a bit but he still follows me.
"So how you memorize the whole maze in a couple of seconds, are you some type of special witch or something?"
"A memory spell, for longer lasting memory that I added on myself months ago, works so well." I say boringly, stopping for a second before taking a left.
"Uh huh wel-" before he can continue I cut him off, "Why could you possibly go to wonderland for magical cookies, what's so good about them?"
"Dark one's orders, the cookies make you grow to a giant size, he wants to add it to his collection of magical items." My brows rise, why would the Dark one send Jefferson to get the cookies when he can get himself, nevertheless I shall the not question the Dark one's orders.
"Huh Okay." Once again I stop, this time stopping at a dead end, quickly I fix the situation by taking a right.
"I should warn you, Wonderland is a dangerous place, ruled by a vicious queen. We're risking our lives to get those cookies as we are going against the queen." Jefferson states, this time I stop not because of this time it's not about the maze.
"So you want me to risk my life to get some cookies from the queen so I can get back to the enchanted forest?" A large doubt enters through me like a shock of lighting, but yet I feel like I have to do this. I mean what if they kill him and his blood is on my hands, I know I shouldn't care about the man I met last night but I feel obligated do to this.
"Uh huh, got it."
After 30 minutes or so me and him have finally escaped the long puzzled maze, I sigh of relief and so does he.
"So what's next?" I question Jefferson, my hands placed on my hips waiting for him to answer me, I could tell he's thinking of his next steps, I hope he has a plan.
"Next we blend in, so they don't know our faces. After that we sneak into the queen's castle, specifically the basement where the cookies are." Again I am in confusion with this man, he doesn't seem to be a warlock so how is he gonna blend us in unless he has clothes to make us blend in with the crow, actually he probably does. But I'm still confused how we are going to go smoothly in the castle's basement .
Jefferson pulls out fabrics and clothing out his bag, and quickly he put a scarf around my neck and it covers my head only my face popping out of it, but noticeably. He then "disguises" himself in multiple fabrics around himself, he's definitely getting recognized.
"So how are we getting to the castle's basement, wouldn't we easily get caught just walking in?" I am replied my Jefferson's mad laugh.
"We're not going to walk into the castle's entrance Y/n, I'm mad but not stupid. We're taking the wonderland caves, we'll have someone sneak us in through there to the basement." This time instead of confuses I'm curious, does this mad man have connections through all the realms?
"Clock? Clock? Are you there? I'm here, it's tea." Holding the torch in my hands cautiously and carefully, I quick catch on his use of the code names. It's pretty easy to detect a code, they're abnormal and out of the ordinary, sometimes they are used in words to describe a person. I can assume Jefferson's code name is tea because he likes tea, and the person's code name is clock cause they like to read the time?
Soon the caves echoes the door screeching open, quietly but easily, a man stands behind the door. only his head popping out, but he's like a human sized rabbit, that's definitely out of the ordinary but knowing how I have a talking insect in my land I don't seem to mind.
"Quick come in, can't have anyone noticing you" , "and your friend." Jefferson grabs my arm, bringing me quickly inside with him. The rabbit checked his watch shakily, his body anxiously shaking.
"Do you what you must but be quick!" Without warning the rabbit bolted out the room, leaving me and Jefferson in the basement, well what I can assume is the basement.
"Woah it was kinda easy getting in here." I exclaim looking around the room while Jefferson scans the room before searching it.
"Don't savor the moment, the queen of hearts is not to be underestimated. Now quick look for the cookies, if you see a jar of cookies that say eat me with a pink frosting there the ones."
"Okay..." I join Jefferson in searching the room, looking in every corner, trying to look for the small details even the ones that don't seem to matter.
"So who is the Queen of hearts?'
"An evil queen and witch, if we cross her she cuts off our heads even for the smallest misconceptions. Nevertheless why we shall quicken our pace my dear and look for this jar of cookies before our heads fly off our bodies." I nod in response, wondering about this queen of hearts.
A faint sound of footsteps catch my ear, all clattered at once. I look to Jefferson's direction to know if he can hear it, he doesn't at least not yet. I quicken my pace, teleporting while I'm at it.
The stomps get closer at each second, a wave of panic floods through my body yet also amusement, now Jefferson hears it. He panics looking through the the shelves, tables, and even the mess of the pile. I'm constantly teleporting, frantically searching for the jar of cookies.
3 soldiers storm in the room, Jefferson looks at the them with a hidden fear in his eyes, I stand my back to the wall. I'm invisible so they don't know I'm here, the slam of the door shutting makes 2 of the soldiers turn their backs, 1 still keeping an eye on Jefferson.
"What the hell was that?!?" One of them says, I quickly lock the door, before teleporting to the guy looking at Jefferson, knocking him out with one of the things I found while scattering the place.
Jefferson's grin reappears on his face as I make myself visible again, the two soldiers turn around, their eyes frozen for a second.
"Surprised?" In an instance I'm beside the second soldier, amused at the confusing and fear splattered on his face. Jefferson grabs the sword from the 1st soldier that got knocked out, looking at the soldier competitively.
"Ya know I've never seen gear as funny looking as yours in wonderland, your queen has set you up really." Jefferson says, eyeing the soldier in front of him. I on the other hand teleport in different places, scaring and confusing the soldier I'm battling. I've never really felt this joy in my life, I like this even though our lives are at risks right now.
A groan of pain is heard from the other soldier, Jefferson hurt him out, leaving him bleeding on the floor. Now it's us against the 3rd soldier, I knock him out but Jefferson finishes him off.
"Now I suppose we get going, don't you agree Y/nyy?"
"Definitely!" Jefferson throws the hat on the floor, slowly but quickly it opens up. Standing on top or in front of it, Jefferson holds my hand as we prepare to jump. Another stomps of soldiers fill the hallway, luckily the door is locked but that dosen't stop the banging on the door as they try to open it.
As the door swings open, me and Jefferson are already falling through the portal, holding hands tightly laughing.
Soon we fall on dirt and leaves, the hat falling and joining us on the floor too. My eyes meet Jefferson's, a look of amusement on both of our faces. Suddenly I remember something, the jar of cookies. We didn't get it, oh no what is the dark one going to do to Jefferson.
"Jefferson, the cookies!" He madly grins, laughing like I said something dumb. He then grabs something from his bag, a jar, the jar of cookies.
"I got it last minute, turns out it was hidden amongst the books.", "Ya know, You're not so bad for a partner Chesiare ." I sigh of relief, smiling back at him.
"Your not so bad yourself hatter."
As we both get off the ground helping each other up, a feeling waves through my mind. He's fun, I like him I think I wanna see him again after this. We dust the dirt and lint off our clothes, Jefferson lifting up his hat off the floor and placing it on head while I fix my dress.
As we both start to walk away from each other I stop in my tracks, turning back around.
"Jefferson." I call out to him, he then stops and looks my way.
"Can we meet again, maybe another task or something?"
"Yes we can be friends Chesiare if that's what your'e asking." I tilt my head but I accept his words knowing that's what I wanted, why I wanted to see him again. I give him a genuine smile and am received by his, I'm going to love being his friend. I walk away with a pleased feeling in my heart, for once in my life I like one of those guys from the pub.
Authors note
Okay so I know I haven't finished the backstory yet but I didn't want to make this chapter too long, chapter 6 is going to be the last part of the backstory and then we're going back to the present. I promise not to make you guys wait too long :) I appreciate you readers and I'm thankful for all of you, have a good day/night!
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spicyboelives · 2 months ago
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Watching OUAT as an adult means I have the brainpower to contextualize everything in an even queerer way.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 months ago
Madhook Edits from @ouatnextgen and I's Various Stories;
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Jefferson, Grace, Alice, Baelfire, Harriet, Killian, and baby Harry.
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Jefferson and Killian with baby Cj.
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Cassandra and her pets (Fidella and Scout).
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Edward and Pip.
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Jefferson, Grace, Cj, Earl Grey the dormouse, Matey the cat, and Musket the dog.
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Madhook with Marty the Lizard and Solo the Parrot (Emma helped them name them).
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Killian with Grace.
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Alice and Jefferson.
The next posts are inspired by this post.
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Killian Jones' social media.
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Jefferson Hightop's social media.
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Neal Cassidy ('We Are Family' fic version)'s social media.
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Liam Jones Jr ('We Are Family' fic version)'s social media.
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Board in Jefferson's room.
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Killian's wall.
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Madhookcilla family edit (featuring Killian Jones, Jefferson, Priscilla, Liam Jones 1.5, Alice Jones 2, Grace, and Harry Hook).
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Baby Harry Hook.
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Baby Harry Hook with Liam 1.5.
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Baby Harry Hook with Liam 1.5 in black and white.
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Lee and Tilly with their partners (Chester and Margot).
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Divorced Madhook family in 'Divorced, Beheaded, and Died, Divorced, Beheaded, Survived!'
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Priscilla Hightop grave.
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Liam Jones 1.5's Social Media.
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Alice Jones 2's Social Media.
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Tilly and Lee.
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Tilly, Henry, and baby Hope.
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Christmas photo:
(Gold and Belle with Gideon in a lion onesie. Regina and Robin with Roland and Henry.
On top of Henry's head is Captain Swan's cat, Doubloons. Behind Henry is the Cheshire Cat.
Next to them is Zelena and Robyn/Margot, with Snowing behind them and little Leo and Wilby in front of them.
Beside Robyn/Margot, is Alice/Tilly with her twin, Liam 1.5/Lee, and his boyfriend, Chester (son of the Chesire Cat) and a Snowman.
Behind them is Will and Anastasia.
Beside Chester is Grace, little Harry, baby Hope, Wishbone the dog, captain swan, and Jefferson. Flying above them is Holler.
We Are Family Story Link:
Divorced Madhook Story Link:
Madhook Hitched Story Link:
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dimwitted-roseu · 2 months ago
Killian Jones
tis the season and all that
unlikely partnership
heart's desire + runaway
Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin)
miller girl + the dark one + emotion + true love + my undoing
Regina Mills (Evil Queen)
nothing yet
Robin Hood
nothing yet
Peter Pan
nothing yet
Jefferson (Mad Hatter)
nothing yet
Ruby Lucas (Red)
nothing yet
David Nolan (Prince Charming)
nothing yet (coming soon)
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