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therokoko · 2 years ago
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He lives!
Now, all we need is confirmation of season 3. Also, let's keep that hair.
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philsharp · 3 years ago
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Otto Farrant #ottofarrant @curtisbrowntalent - - - - - - - #proportrait #headshotslondon #portrait_page #portrait_planet #withhumans #actorslife #headshot #headshotlondon #headshotphotographer #londonheadshots #headshotnyc #headshotsla #actorsheadshots #portraitfolk #portrait_star #portraitvision_ #portsinspired #portrait_today #cityports #portraitsfromtheworld #flakphotorecs #gfx100s #portsinspired #fotoroom #photoplan #saturdaysmag #btsphotoshoot #portraitgreatness #alexrider #alexridertv (at The Archives London) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChX-2GyLszB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alex-freeman · 5 years ago
No one:
Me to my friends:
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mili-fay-art · 4 years ago
Alex Rider vs Otto Farrant #ToonMe ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🥷🏻As a kid, who did you want to be? 🕵🏻 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I 💕 the new Alex Rider show on Amazon Prime. 😍 Watching it woke up the little girl in me who wanted to be a Ninja Turtle or a news reporter like April O’Neil, detective like Nick Slaughter, and James Bond... When I was not dreaming of being a magical warrior Princess, like She-ra, or a mermaid 🧜‍♀️. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ This was before I grew up and accepted my physical and emotional limitations that prevent me from being a superhero. 😁 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🎶 I also decided to try singing in my timelapse videos, so feel free to add a request in the comments, but the song must be in free domain. It also does not have to be in English. 🥰 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Because my device is ☠️ I will be working on the Flamingos until after the holidays. More illustrations and fan art after 📦 Day. 🤗 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ P.S. The photograph is from IMDb . . . #milifayart #alexrider #ottofarrant #amazonprime #timelapseart #singingartist #creativeportraits #digitalportrait #digtalpainting #fanart #instaart #illustrationoftheday #funart https://www.instagram.com/p/CIYffW8DM0o/?igshid=1bq1jiesrjohl
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mansetmalatya · 5 years ago
Haluk Bilginer İngiliz dizisinde başrol oldu
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Haluk Bilginer, yazar Anthony Horowitz’in aynı isimli kitabından uyarlanan İngiliz yapımı ‘Alex Rider’ dizisinde başrol oldu. Online platformalarda yayınlanacak dizide Bilginer, kötü adam Dr. Hugo Greif’i canlandıracak. Çekimleri İngiltere ve Romanya’da gerçekleşen, genç bir ajanın hikayesini anlatan dizi 8 bölümden oluşuyor. Hürriyet Kelebek’in aktardığına göre dizinin ana karakteri Alex Rider’ı Otto Farrant üstlenirken Vicky McClure, Andrew Buchan ve Stephen Dillane gibi deneyimli oyuncular da başrollerde. GİZLİ AJANIN HİKAYESİ 14 yaşındaki Alex Rider’ın dünyası, amcasının şüpheli ölümüyle altüst olur. Alex sadece birkaç gün içinde bir öğrenciden gizli servise hizmet eden bir ajana dönüşür. Üstelik seçme şansı da yoktur. Acımasız komando eğitimlerine katılmak ve başkalarının onun için çizdiği kadere razı olmak, özel tasarım silahlarıyla birlikte ilk görevine gitmek zorundadır. Read the full article
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gringottsuniverse · 6 years ago
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screen1ne · 2 years ago
Alex Rider Season 1 Coming To DVD 19th September
Alex Rider Season 1 Coming To DVD 19th September from @DazzlerMedia Get more info here #AlexRider #AnthonyHorowitz #OttoFarrant @Vicky_McClure #StephenDillane
Dazzler Media presents the first hit series of Alex Rider, based on the books by Anthony Horowitz, coming to DVD from 19th September. “Jason Bourne Jr will keep the whole family entertained” ★★★★ The Telegraph From creator Guy Bart and based on the hit books by Anthony Horowitz, this exciting adaptation tells the story of Alex Rider, a London teenager who has unknowingly been trained since…
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philsharp · 3 years ago
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Otto Farrant #ottofarrant @curtisbrowntalent - - - - - - - #proportrait #headshotslondon #portrait_page #portrait_planet #withhumans #actorslife #headshot #headshotlondon #headshotphotographer #londonheadshots #headshotnyc #headshotsla #actorsheadshots #portraitfolk #portrait_star #portraitvision_ #portsinspired #portrait_today #cityports #portraitsfromtheworld #flakphotorecs #gfx100s #portsinspired #fotoroom #photoplan #saturdaysmag #btsphotoshoot #portraitgreatness #tappancollector #framesmag (at The Archives London) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChX-i6SrVHw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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philsharp · 3 years ago
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Otto Farrant #ottofarrant - @curtisbrowntalent - - - - - - #proportrait #headshotslondon #portrait_page #portrait_planet #withhumans #actorslife #headshot #headshotlondon #headshotphotographer #londonheadshots #headshotnyc #headshotsla #actorsheadshots #portraitfolk #portrait_star #portraitvision_ #portsinspired #portrait_today #cityports #portraitsfromtheworld #flakphotorecs #gfx100s #portsinspired #fotoroom #photoplan #saturdaysmag #btsphotoshoot #portraitgreatness #framesmag #alexrider (at The Archives London) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChXPUBJM3k_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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therokoko · 5 years ago
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The evolution of Otto Farrant. 
(Pictures are from Happily Ever After, The Great Ghost Rescue, Salmon Fishing in Yemen, The White Queen, War and Peace and Alex Rider respectively.)
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alex-freeman · 5 years ago
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alex-freeman · 4 years ago
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therokoko · 5 years ago
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“A bad attitude on set is deadly” - Interview with Alex Rider Director and Producer Andreas Prochaska 
Andreas Prochaska on adapting the books, casting Otto Farrant and the challenges of releasing the series in times of Corona
Based on a podcast interview with Austrian news outlet Der Standard titled “Schlechte Laune am Set ist tödlich”. I’ve translated the important bits. 
1. How he came in contact with Alex Rider: 
Well, that was relatively simple. I have an agent in England, and he sent me the script for the first episode as well as an outlook, a kind of series bible about how things were going to proceed, and I read this and thought: “This works for me. That’s something completely different.” 
I mean, especially … you mentioned “Das Boot” earlier, which was the production I worked on before, and which was burdensome in every way, I mean not only because of the time it took but also because of the topic, because we killed, I think, 26 characters in “Das Boot”, not counting extras, and of course that has an effect on you. And then I also filmed “Spuren des Bösen” [Traces of Evil, a German 8 part crime series made between 2010 and 2019, A/N), in which a mother jumps out of a window with her baby, and I was looking for something with a lighter tonality, and something which I hadn’t done before in this particular form, and “Alex Rider” was perfect for that.
I also didn’t know the book series at all. I read it completely unbiased and thought: “This is actually a cool, daring concept – so to speak somewhat exaggeratedly Coming-of-Age meets Jason Bourne....
[This job] was a result of “Das Boot” insofar as someone working for the distributor, Sonar, knew someone at Eleventh Hour – and it’s not just over here that people talk, and when someone says “listen, this guy has done a decent job, take a look” or something, that helps, and in this case it’s probable that the people became aware of me through these contacts.
2. How they approached adapting the books:
Well, it already started with the fact that our series is a mixture of the first book of the book series, namely “Stormbreaker”, and “Point Blanc” – I don’t remember right now whether that’s the second or a later book.
In Stormbreaker, the drama of the protagonist is established with the uncle who dies and the realization that this uncle wasn’t who he appeared to be. Stormbreaker had been made into a feature film which was produced by Harvey Weinstein and for which Anthony Horowitz had written the script, and that was pretty much a lead balloon. And because of that it was relatively clear that everything bad that had happened with that feature film needed to be avoided, namely that everything was totally over the top.
And my job was to [adapt] this material, which actually … I started reading the novel afterwards, and I stopped after 20 pages because I realized that that wasn’t helping me because they are actually books for 12 year olds, or at least Point Blanc is – when I read it I thought: “This is an English, better-quality version of the ‘Knickerbocker Gang’ [a German children’s book series about a group of child detectives, A/N] or something like that”. And the task was to just adapt this material for an older audience and to just draw the characters in a different way emotionally, to draw them in a more realistic way. When you look at the entire season it does occasionally reach into almost absurd spheres, but it was important for me to pave the way for the audience by starting out realistically with a protagonist that could just be the boy next door.
3. How he went about filming a spy series:  
Well, the most important thing for me in every story are the characters and to get as close to them as possible. I developed a sympathy for this unwilling hero quite quickly. And, as I said, I tried to make the surroundings as British as possible given my Austrian view of things, and to draw a character that you believe and for whom failure is always a possibility, because I find it incredibly boring when you have these superheroes and you already know that they are never in any real danger.
And this was very important to me also in working with Otto Farrant, who plays Alex, to guide him and direct him in such a way that you get the feeling that it’s possible for things to not turn out well, so that you go on this journey with him emotionally, and as to the rest it is … I don’t approach things mathematically. It’s not as if I feel: “Ok, in minute 10 this particular thing must happen, and in minute 20 this thing must happen.” For me, every story is a journey, and you try to make these journeys as good as possible following your instincts.
Like, for instance, the opening scene. In the script the villain was sitting on a roof manipulating some things on his laptop. And then the thing that happens with the man happens – I don’t want to spoil anything, because it’s actually a pretty nice surprise – and this was only 2 thin pages, and I thought: “Actually, to start this series off in an epic fashion, I’d rather like to introduce another character here, too, to charge this scene as much as possible so that you’re just drawn into this world.” And equally in episode two, that’s so to speak the episode of the test, where he has to pass the test designed to show whether he’s suited for this mission, and the script called for a hut in the woods and a road in which things happen, and I thought: “Ok, if we are dealing with a secret service, the military is not that far off.” And so I told the location scout to look for abandoned military bases, and we ended up on a former nuclear weapons base somewhere in the South of England, which made the producer sweat quite a bit because this was a relatively complex location compared to what had been in the script. But those are the things where I, as a director, can try to create visual appeal for a global audience. The series has been sold to a hundred countries, which comes with certain expectations, and of course you don’t want to disappoint these expectations.
4. On the circumstances of the release and viewer reactions: 
It came out in England in the beginning of June, which is sad, of course, because we had planned to have a premiere celebration at some festival, which wasn’t possible because of the current situation. And so this release on Amazon almost felt a little stepmotherly. So I just refreshed the link on Amazon.uk again and again to see how the people reacted to it, and there were actually many very positive reviews in a relatively short time. I think we are at 4.6 out of 5 stars at the moment, whatever that means, …
There are of course, again, total haters who only give one star and say: “What a bunch of crap.” But the majority of people seem to really like it. So hopefully, or it seems we have managed, at least in England, to … that the fans who read it as children watch it, so to speak, in retrospective joy and that they remember the times in which they read it, and still [feel like the series] adds something new.  
5. On the casting process: 
There was … even before I came on board, they made an England-wide, i.e. Britain-wide casting call. And in England, there are quite a lot of youth theatre projects, which were also contacted. And we received, I think, more than 3000 e-castings, which were screened beforehand. I still saw about 200 e-castings, and then this number was reduced bit by bit. In the end there were 3 people left in the room, one boy was from Game of Thrones, another one was very young – barely over 16, which would have been difficult -, and then, to be honest, there was only Otto. On the one hand, that was surprising because you think that there are loads of great actors in England, that it would be difficult to find the right hero, but in the end it was just very clear. It was an interesting casting situation: there was Anthony Horowitz, then there were the two executive producers from Eleventh Hour, then there was Wayne Garvey from Sony International Co-Productions, and also a casting agent from Sony America, and they all sat behind me like an assembly, and I just took the camera and worked with the actors and just tried to ignore the audience – I also felt like I was being cast again as well in my work with the actors, but … it was, yeah, it was very interesting and exciting.
I virtually grilled him for hours, tried again and again to draw the different scenes in different temperatures and with different emotions out of him, just to see what his range is and how much I would be able to work with him later on in terms of fine-tuning. Because carrying 8 episodes is an extreme challenge for a young actor, and it doesn’t help me if the boy is just dashing and then he carries only half an episode and then breaks apart. That is why it was so important to really test him thoroughly, also in combination with Brenock, who plays his best friend - we tried different combinations – and with Ronke, who plays his confidante in the household, just to try and find the right chemistry. And that was a very exciting and very satisfying process. What was really great was, when he had those three, there wasn’t any discussion anymore at all, we all agreed – I mean it would have been equally possible for Anthony to favour someone else or for Sony to like somebody else better, but it was really incredibly harmonious and unanimous.
6: On what made Otto Farrant stand out: 
Well, it was his perseverance. I mean, really, we had one scene which we really tried in 10 or 15 variations, and every time I felt that he understood where I wanted to go. To direct often means to change the temperature of a scene using only short adjectives, and for that you need someone who understands you and who can also implement that. And I just saw that he doesn’t give up that he really has stamina, and that was essentially – apart from the fact that he really comes across as incredibly natural and likeable – the deciding factor for me in the end.
7: On the responsibility of making Alex Rider and the first weeks on set: 
Well, I mean the … Alex Rider is, I mean to English fans, a promise like James Bond, on a different level. And you need someone who – and of course you need that with every film and with every series – you need an actor who touches the people emotionally, to whom they can connect. That is, of course, something you can’t … beforehand … I mean, of course you can, as we did, try everything out during the casting process, but you only know whether it really works out after a week of shooting.
And I really – especially in the first 3-4 weeks, in which I was still searching, too – I mean with every production you start on the first day of shooting and you want to throw away all the material you shot on the first day right away and start over on the next day – but he was searching, I was searching, and in a way I became – it sounds a little exaggerated right now – I became a little bit of a surrogate father during that time, because I noticed that he needed a certain type of attention and a certain security that only I as the director could give him. That is, he could come to me with every problem and with every decision concerning the character, and that worked out really well …
8. On the challenge of “carrying” a series as a lead: 
As for the “carrying”: on the one hand he has to, so to speak, function technically, i.e. he must be able to, so to speak, deliver every scene, i.e. to know the dialog, to have the right energy, and do that over the course of months - now, luckily, Otto is 21; I don’t think that would have worked with a 16 year old. And that meant that while we were shooting Otto had to read the other four scripts, which were still being written while we were shooting, and he had to comment on them and to learn them by heart, and the transition was seamless. I had to interrupt my shooting schedule for two weeks because we had a location that was only available at a specific time, and so I left the set and flew to Austria to start the cutting process, and on the next day the other director came in and just kept working with him. That means Otto had to adapt to the other director, and that’s a challenge for every actor, but especially for a young actor. ...
I [as a director] could only keep it together up to a certain point in time, until my episodes where done shooting. [...] And of course, when the lead actor is in a bad mood when he comes to the set in the morning, that is at least as bad as when I come to the set in a bad mood. That emanates in all directions. So the strength of character of someone, who also knows … I mean, he doesn’t know yet about the power he may have in the second or third season, when he maybe becomes executive producer or I don’t know … but [it’s important] that you, as a human being, just treat everyone with respect in such an environment.
Source: Der Standard AT 
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alex-freeman · 5 years ago
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I made a little and simple edit because i was bored ((:
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gringottsuniverse · 6 years ago
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gringottsuniverse · 6 years ago
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