#ottie otter
nebulanovabeast · 24 days
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These are some of my oc's, just a little reference for the future *wink*
The names are (from top left to bottom right): buzzeon, wyrmeon, harper, pastel, skye, meli, drago, ottie, ember, and elio
There will be a part 2 for my other characters
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ottitty · 1 year
*rambling in my therapists office*
Therapist: 👁👁 "have we uh... chatted about suicidal ideation before?"
*clown music starts playing*
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lilisgardensblog · 1 year
~Otter Neuvillette~
fluff, confessing to each other; ty for the idea anon���🏼
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Ignoring the small drops of rain, you were taking an unusual detour to work by the sea to help you calm down. You were over your head buried in stress and the sea always helped you. Feeling the soft sand and hearing the sea were the best remedy for it. But beside the melody of the sea you heard something unusual. Like a soft...cry?
Looking around you saw it. A little otter with one of it's little hands hurt. You approached it carefully not to scare it. "Hi, little otter. Please don't cry, I'll help you." you said before petting the otter to help it calm down. And as the sobs came to an end so did the rain apparently. What a great coincidence. You were thankful for the rain stopping since it rained all night and all morning.
"Can I take a look?" you asked the otter. The little one looked into your eyes and let you see the paw. It seemed like a bruise made by a big maybe even sharp rock. But you weren't sure if it was a rock or some trash people throw in the sea. You sighed before talking to yourself "I really need to speak with Monsieur about this....Oh I should go ask him, I'm sure he knows more about otters than I do." You end your monologue and return your attention to the otter. "Well how about we pay a visit to Monsieur? I'm sure you'll love him...as much as I do." you whispered the last part, still shy about your unconfessed feelings. The otter rests happily in your arms as you return to the Court of Fontaine to look for Neuvillette.
After he was nowhere to be found at the Opera you returned to your house to take care of the now sleeping otter in your arms. You place the little one on your bed, the action waking the otter up. "Sorry for waking you.... sigh I need to find you a name. Hmm...how about...Ottie? Ottie the little otter sounds adorable just like you." you smile booping the little otter's nose. Ottie smiled back at you as you went to find some bandages to take care of that wound.
"Well now Ottie, can I see your paw again?" slightly unsure, the otter stretches its' paw for you to see. You carefully bandage it as Ottie tries to hold back a whine. "Sorry,mon cher, this will only last a moment." At your affectionate nickname the otter seemed to relax and you were quickly done with the bandages. "There! You were a good boy, mon cher. Maybe I should reward you." You giggle as you pick up the otter to peak its' nose.
But as soon as your lips touched Ottie's small nose, the little otter suddenly was standing in front of you, one head taller, with silky white hair and long blue horns and a visible pink coloring his cheeks.
"Monsieur..." you sigh and take a step back, almost falling over from the shock.
"Careful, mon amour!" Neuvillette said as he quickly caught you by the waist and was now face to face with you.
Both of you were speechless looking into each other's eyes before Neuvi retreated his hand and clearing his throat murmured a small apology. "Pardon me, y/n, I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries..." you nod as he keeps going "And thank you. For taking care of me... or Ottie as you called my otter form." He smiles at the adorable name, clearly enjoying it. "I have to apologize, if I knew it was you Monsieur I wouldn't have..."
"Hmm? You wouldn't have what now? Gave me the cutest nickname? Wouldn't have said your feelings back at the beach? Wouldn't kiss me?" he smiles while waiting for you to answer.
"Monsieur are you perhaps... teasing me?" You're a bit taken aback by this side of Neuvillette but certainly not displeased. "But...yes"
"Mhm, I see. What if I told you you're not the only one feeling that way, mon amour?"
"I'm not?You mean..?" you ask, your voice full of hope.
"Most certainly, I do feel the same, mon amour. I was merely...scared to confess...scared you won't feel the same. I'm not the best at expressing my feelings, but I am glad to find out you share the feeling."
You laugh and hug Neuvillette. " Monsieur, fret not, I am laughing at my own situation. But it's a relief laugh, I am glad we both share the feeling. Now... what shall we do with this feeling, hmm?~" You smile while resting your hands on his chest and looking into those lavender eyes. "Well I- I'm not certain of the next action, maybe marriage?"
"Monsieur, as I appreciate the boldness maybe a dinner would be appropriate before a marriage?" you smile at Neuvillette as he blushes embarrassed "Yes, that would be the best approach to a future together, wouldn't it?How about now?" you shake your head giggling "So formal, Monsieur.Let me get ready for our dinner then."
Before turning around to go change, you raise yourself on your tip toes to kiss his nose. You peak now blushing Neuvillette's nose and turn around on your heels to go change.
Finally after all those months, you and Neuvillette.... it feels surreal.
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hollyhomburg · 1 month
Do all of mcs plushies have names. Not all of mine do but the special ones do. I need to start a list so I can check back if I forget
i think she names them like after what they are but makes them super cute- like with her bear plush she calls in baby bear, and her otter plush that tae gott her is ottie, but her bunny is just 'little koo' so <3 the only two plushies that i have that have names are bunny! (bunny is Bunny Mc Bunface) and my tangerine that clover got me is tannie <3
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justhilary123 · 2 months
C'mon! Hop In My Safari Truck!: Episode 67
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One day, Mickey welcomes us to his backyard zoo and we’re gonna be volunteering to help with the animals. And with that, we hop into the safari truck and start the task.
The first animal we meet is a pronghorn named Emma. Wow! That is one fast animal! Mickey explains that Emma grew up in a desert in Mexico and loves to eat plants, so, we give Emma some plants.
The next animal we meet is a southern mountain yellow legged frog. Wow! That’s a Mouse-Ful, or should I say, mouthful. Mickey explains that Jaime is one of his few kind left in the world. He and his Froggy friends were almost gone forever, but, thankfully, the zoo gave him a safe home and helped take care of him, so, there’s a lot more frogs where that came from. Mickey also explains that just like we enjoy different foods, animals also eat different foods too, so, we feed Jaime some bugs.
The next animal we see is a giant otter named Ottie. Mickey explains that Ottis’s family was from the Amazon Rainforest in South America. After seeing a starfish and a rubber chicken wearing scuba gear, we decided to help Mickey by pretending to throw a fish to Ottie. Mickey explains that otters can eat up to six to ten pounds of fish a day. Wow! That’s a lot of fish. It was a lot of fun volunteering at the zoo and helping Mickey take care of the animals.
If you’re looking for some wildlife fun, then, the "Zoo", vlog of Me & Mickey is the one for you.
Mickey Mouse is in top form here, throughout this entire vlog, he wore his jungle hat from "Digging for Dinos", and "Dino Safari", and he also wore his safari jeep from "Dino Safari". When Mickey welcomes us to his backyard zoo and explains that we’re volunteering to help with the animals, we get Mickey’s best line in the entire vlog, "C’mon! Hop in my safari truck!"
One thing that amazes me is meeting the animals like Emma the pronghorn, Jaime the southern mountain yellow legged frog and Ottie the giant otter.
What also got people traumatized is the fact that Mickey said that Jaime is one of his few kind left in the world and that he and his Froggy friends were almost gone forever, but, thankfully, the zoo gave him a safe home and helped take care of him, so, there’s a lot more frogs where that came from. It’s always important to help animals, especially endangered ones.
Another bright spot of this vlog was the appearance of the starfish and a rubber chicken wearing scuba gear.
And with nothing else left to say, let’s go see some animals, as well as some screenshots.
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So, here’s Mickey the zoo Mouse. He looks so ready to help with the animals.
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So, here’s Emma the pronghorn. Pronghorns are one of the fastest animals in the world. They’re herbivores, so, they eat plants.
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So, here’s Jaime the southern mountain yellow legged frog, Mickey accidentally say, Mouse-ful, but, quickly changed it to mouthful. Speaking of, they eat bugs.
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Whenever I think of this vlog, my mind immediately goes to the part where Mickey said, "I think he’s hungry.", while he rubs his tummy. Ya know, it really makes sense. Animals eat different foods too, just like you and me.
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Here’s Ottie the giant otter. Ya know, otters really like water.
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Ya know, in the Me & Mickey vlogs, the starfish and the rubber chicken always seem to appear here and there. And the scuba gear that the rubber chicken is wearing is so perfect for underwater adventures.
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It’s nice to help Mickey by pretending to throw a fish to Ottie. It’s amazing that otters eat up to six to ten pounds of fish a day.
Closing Line: "Thanks for volunteering at the zoo and helping feed the animals with me! Till next time we can play, have a Mickey-Riffic Day!"
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mama-vaggie · 5 months
Mama okies?
Do mama wan tha cuddls my stuffies? I has fwiends mama can snuggies!
I has a lil fow named Faldette whos super powies is she tha bestest secwet keepers, ans a lil camul nameds cawmin! Cawmin wills go anywhewes for yous!, ans a dwagon named odette to keeps tha bad dweams bye bye! Ans ans! I has otter!
Otties has favowitists pebbles theys keeps! And hold hans when eepy!! So my otties is Pebbles! Pebbles wil newer ewer ewer leaves yous lonelies!
Ans a tiiiiny anwerfishie stuffie nameds Spackle caus she pokie dottied! Spackle keeps alllll the scawy thoughs bye bye caus Spackle is toug!
Mama can snuggles thems all!
I...I like snuggles. Specially otter snuggles.
*hugs tight*
I love river otters the most. They're so silly and they love to play...!
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jacksdinonuggets · 1 year
Little Luz and Cg Raeda! Sorry if it's not that good, I didn't haven't much motivation for it but did it anyways because I currently have ~c o v i d~ and have nothing else to do. Requests are still open and encouraged (I do want to do a mentor and student one of Lilith and Amity so if you have any ideas for that, please comment it)
Anyways, here's the story
"I still can't believe you guys got back together!" Luz squeals as she starts naming ao3 tags in her head.
"Kid, you gotta calm down, it's been months since we told you," Eda said.
"Let her be, Eda," Raine joked.
It had been a couple months since the whole Belos thing and Raine had officially moved into the owl house. Them, Eda, and Luz went out to dinner the day they finished moving to celebrate. However, Luz would non-stop squealing and murmering Ao3 tags whenever they did anything romantic. It annoyed Eda a bit (light heartedly, though) but Raine thought it was cute and funny. They had experience with fanfic nerds and constantly getting excited whenever a sappy romantic thing would happen.
"Okay, but only for you, Rainstorm," Eda responded, making Raine blush. Luz could remember when her significant other was a blushy mess. Well, she still is, but less of one.
They were walking home from the dinner place and also trying to stop Eda from seeing any bars (she has a habit of drinking after dinner). Luz was messing around in front of them, climbing on the stone fences and walls. All of a sudden, when she was just messing around on the flat sidewalk, she tripped on a pebble. As she was falling, she put out her hands to break her fall. At first, she didn’t feel anything but then, stinging pain shot up her palms and into her elbows. She looked at her arms and saw that she had skinned the area and it was bleeding slightly. Tiny pebbles were stuck in them and made it sting a lot worse. She began bawling, regressing from it. 
“Luz!” Eda and Raine both ran over after they saw the fall. When Raine saw the wound and Luz crying, they knew what she needed. Since Raine used to regress when they were younger (teen age)  they knew that she had regressed. It wasn’t like Luz to cry over small injuries like this. Maybe she was just feeling small tonight? Nonetheless, Raine sat down on the concrete with her and cuddled her, providing comfort while Eda dug through her massive hair, trying to find her med kit and Luz’s Little gear.
“Hey, Kiddo, want otty?” Eda held out a stuffed Otter in front of Luz. The little girl looked up and saw the familiar face. She grabbed it and hugged it tight while Raine rocked her in their lap. 
Eventually, in the mess of Eda’s hair, she finally found the medkit. She kneeled down to Luz and held one of her hands. 
“This is going to hurt a bit, sweetie, but it’s going to help, okay?” 
“O-okay,” Luz whimpered, digging her head into her Baba (non-binary parent name)
Luz flinched as Eda began to clean the wound. However, Raine was there and hugged her tightly while massaging her scalp. 
Soon, Eda finished and gave Luz a big hug before praising her for how brave she was.
“How about we go out for ice scream?” Eda asked.
"Yeah!" Luz instantly jumped up, ready to get a sugar rush. 
When they got to the ice scream place, Eda let Luz get 3 scoops since she deserved it. Luz maybe also used her puppy eyes on both Raine and Eda. It was worth it though. The family enjoyed their treat while watching the sunset, being glad to have each other.
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iamblue15 · 25 days
What are Raz’s family members’ reaction to his otter form?
Augustus was initially baffled but intrigued by Raz's new swimming skills, even growing slightly envious.
Donatella comes up with different ideas to include Otter Raz in a circus act. Unfortunately, Raz isn't as acrobatic when he's a giant otter and out of water, but that doesn't stop her from brainstorming, now that the family is slowly showing progress with swimming.
Dion would definitely see Raz's otter as a curse. Though he's impressed when Raz is in the water, he'd rather get rid of it if he had the otter.
Frazie would probably poke fun and try to get him to go otter like mentioning his relationship with Lili around the family or the interns, making him show his ears, tail, and paws.
Mirtala and Queepie would ask for rides and even test their strength lifting him, seeing how Queepie could hold two adults, two teenagers, and two little kids on his HEAD.
Nona would give him cutesy nicknames like "Ottie Pootie" and be glad to see him embrace being in the water without fear, something Raz also appreciates.
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dannyhq · 2 months
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike ; 🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
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"pretendin' to dislike something i actually like seems kinda... juvenile, like somethin' i did as a kid to impress someone. i don't have the energy or... even care enough, to do that now."
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
not a secret, but a definite comfort object of daniel's is the massive crochet blanket his mom made him when he first moved away from home. he's looked after it well but it gets used every damn day so it's starting to wear a little. he also has an otter plushie handed down by his oldest sister, but again that is not a secret ; his name is ottie and every day he's put, in pride of place, in the centre of daniel's bed once ( if ) it's made.
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aquillis-main · 3 months
I decided that Wolfe would have an identical twin, one that would pretend to be him back at the space circus inspired by Cirque du Soilei. ... Mainly because that's the only circus I've seen.
I decided like Wolfe, this character would have an association with an animal - I decided otter because otters are usually considered fun water animals. And what counterpart to a wolf wouldn't be better than an otter?
I decided that his name is Ottis.
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silverstonesainz · 9 months
This has some of them, plus Otter/Otti the dog, Blue Bear, GiGi Giraffe, HipHip Hippo and Tiggy Tiger (the safari kittens), and a horse called Snow White who lives with Tinky
I think that's everyone
he has soo many 😭 thanks nonnie. also u know what... is there a rescue volunteer!reader x alex fic out there already? like imagine how cute
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kapricore · 1 year
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Dad Time [Preview]
I forgot to post this whoops but yeah me and itsmess were in a dad mood so we're dads now :3 to see some funny big boys (and a lil bit of cock) u can check it out early on my patreon!! https://www.patreon.com/Kapricore
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foryounforme · 9 months
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이번 겨울에 야외 스포츠 계획이 있나요?
오띠는 스케이트를 타고있어요!
Do you havr any out sport in this winter?
Otti is skating right now!
#해달 #cuteanimal #otters #skating #wintertheme #겨울테마 #떡메모지
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anewkindofme · 1 year
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A typical day in Little!Jeremy's life in "Don't you cry no more". All that's missing is Ottie. (but UrStyle doesn't have any plush otters!)
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aussie-kittenart · 2 years
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Otty Otter!! | [Com]
Headshot com for OtterlyOmari! ☕️Support me on K0fi: https://ko-fi.com/aussiekitten ⭐️Find me here too: https://aussiekitten.carrd.co 💬Join our community: https://discord.gg/abmKHfM 🎁 Gift Aussie: https://throne.me/aussiekitten
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 month
p's last follow on insta (the ottie and otter page) is the most random (but also very cute) thing i've seen
classic p
yea its very cute
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