#otta genpachi
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asknarashikari · 2 years ago
Jumping on to Hxmx’s Detective Conan crossovers. Shinnosuke, Rinna, Kiriko, and Genpachi react to seeing the Sakurais being involved in a crime scene with Keiwa single handedly solving the murder case through innocuous comments and some lucky (unlucky because he got wet and toppled over some kid’s science experiment.)
Sato: You’ve done it again, Keiwa-kun.
Keiwa: Really? I think you solved the case on your own.
Sara: I agree, this is on you, Sato-keiji.
Takagi: I disagree, if not for your comments about vacuums and water being sucked in, we would have still been trying to find the murder weapon.
Keiwa: Really? All I did was get wet because I accidentally knocked over their Science experiment.
Sato: Regardless, you’re done it again, Keiwa-kun.
Shiratori: And another case where no one randomly collapses and imitates the deduction process of the Sleeping Kogoro.
Shiratori: I can’t say I miss those, having those made investigation a lot more chaotic.
Genpachi: At the rate he's going, he might get hired to our department as well...
Rinna: It might be useful to have another Rider in the department! Maybe Shinnosuke won't get accused of heinous crimes anymore!
Kiriko: That's not funny, Rinna-san... Besides, it's Keiwa-kun's choice if he becomes a police officer... Shinnosuke?
Shinnosuke: *looks up from phone where he was emailing Keiwa application forms for the department* ...Yes dear?
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narashikari · 6 years ago
What happened when Kiriko announced she was pregnant?
Shinnosuke: spittake, of course
Gou, who finds out via a video chat: drops phone while sputtering incoherently 
Rinna: high pitched squeal of joy
Gen: thumps Shin’s back in congratulations + starts organizing a department baby shower for them
Kyu: is confused
Honganji: ^_^
Krim, who finds out after HeiGen: ^_^
Shift Cars: *assorted happy beeping and honking*
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asknarashikari · 3 years ago
I did not consider the people whom Ikki has met in canon! Oh yeah. Imagine him visiting TMPD and he encounters both Terui (on official business form Fuuto) and Otta.
Ikki introduces himself to both officers, believing to have met them for the first time.
Who do you think they would contact first? (Terui would contact Philip first, wouldn't he?)
I think they would be inclined to contact someone from Ikki's side of things to get some answers... which means it'd be either the clueless Hiromi (who would try to get answers for himself), or George (who still hasn't fessed up to being aware, afaik)
When it becomes apparent that no one on Ikki's side is aware of what's happening then they'll raise the alarm with the other Riders.
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asknarashikari · 3 years ago
ooooh! I love the Tomari is missing Idea XD! Minific Idea: Tomari's colleagues are out for Tomari to be arrested, apparently he's once again wanted for some crime. (It does not help that he apparently went missing days before the crimes were committed)
Genpachi and his squad, alongside Kiriko and Gou, somehow found Tomari, unconscious, shirtless, and tied to a gurney attached to something that has a bag of red liquid above it.
[Bonus points if you include Tomari's reaction that he was somehow wanted for another crime he did not commit after recovering from his kidnapping]
Why do you insist on torturing the Dad Friend
Also, woe be to the one who kidnaps Kiriko's husband
Kiriko impatiently looked up at the clock, worrying her lip as she paced in the hallway, on vaguely aware of the shouting match going on in the room she was outside of. She should've been in there, pleading for her husband's innocence on his behalf, but Honganji had assured that he would take care of it himself, and that she should wait for Gou and Chase to call with news on Shinnosuke's whereabouts.
Everyone and their mother could see that something was afoot when accusations against Shinnosuke surfaced not even an hour after he went MIA. No one in the department believed it, and certainly not the former SIU, or the other Kamen Riders. No less than Himuro Gentoku, a top politician and Kamen Rider Rogue- had vouched for Shinnosuke.
Yet this other detective insisted that Shinnosuke was responsible for the crime he was investigating. Despite all the evidence pointing to Shinnosuke being merely circumstantial, he was strangely insistent on Shinnosuke's guilt.
He even had the nerve to ask other police departments to assist in the investigation. Both Terui Ryu and Daimon Rinko had warned her that if not for the jurisdictional issues that would arise if they did, they would probably had been forced to help.
Kiriko was brought out of her thoughts as her phone vibrated in her pocket, and she scrambled to answer it quickly. "Gou?"
"Nee-chan, we found him, we found Shin-nii-san." Kiriko nearly sobbed in relief. "Chase and I are on the way, and Gen-san's coming to get you."
"Okay. Be careful, Gou." She said as she grabbed her coat and walked to the elevators to go down to the lobby.
"You too, Nee-chan." Gou replied, then hesitated. "Nee-chan... you have your boots on, don't you? Those special ones...?"
"Of course I do." Kiriko practically growled as she walked out of the building. "I wanted to use them on the bastard, to be honest, but... I guess I have to settle for my husband's kidnapper."
Gou laughed awkwardly on the other side of the line. "Uh... okay..."
"Damn right you should." Kiriko said as the Tridoron pulled up in front of her. Genpachi got out of the driver's seat and Kiriko slid in as he got into the passenger's side. "Gen-san's here, Gou. See you in a bit."
Kiriko arrived at the location not even ten minutes later, along with Genpachi who looked rather dizzy as he got out of the Tridoron.
"Nee-chan, over here!"
Kiriko went to her brother's side. "Are we sure that he's in here?" she asked, looking at the rather ordinary looking warehouse that he and the other Kamen Riders were staking out. She wasn't surprised to see quite a lot of them gathered, ready to retrieve one of their own.
"Pretty sure, Nee-chan. It's quiet now, but there's Foundation X bumbling about." Gou, already transformed into Mach, explained.
"Those guys again..." Kiriko huffed.
"Do you want to take the lead, or-?" Genpachi asked, looking at the other detective with a raised brow.
"No." Gou stared at his sister in surprise. "You Riders do your thing. Gen-san and I will find Shinnosuke. And if you find whoever's responsible..."
"I'll make sure to save you a Rider Kick." Gou agreed. He turned to the other Rider at his side. "Chase..."
"I have informed the others via the group chat," Chase informed. He turned to Kiriko. "We will bring back Shinnosuke safe and sound, Kiriko."
Kiriko nodded. "Alright, let's move out."
Gou and Chase nodded to each other. Gou whistled sharply, and the Riders moved in to surround the warehouse from all sides. Shocker mooks came out to meet them, only to be quickly felled, clearing a path for the four of them to run straight into the warehouse.
The warehouse was mostly dark and empty, except for a small area set up like a hospital room and lit with dim lamps. And, lying unconscious on the medical cot, with a bag of mysterious red liquid hooked up to him was-
"Shinnosuke!" Kiriko all but screamed as she rushed for her husband's side. "Shinnosuke, wake up, it's us..." she said, shaking him to try rousing him.
"Kiriko, I think whatever this stuff is it's keeping him sedated," Genpachi said, gesturing to the IV in Shinnosuke's arm. "We need to get Hojo-sensei in here to check on him-"
Suddenly, a portal opened and someone stepped out of it. Genpachi and Kiriko drew their guns and Chase and Gou raised their own weapons as the person stepped into the light.
"What are you doing in here?!" The detective who'd been dragging Shinnosuke through the mud exclaimed in surprised.
"You!" Kiriko screamed with fury. "So you're one of them, huh..." She asked, eyeing the white Foundation X uniform he wore. "You infiltrated the TMPD, too?" She asked.
He tsked. "We would've, if this pesky one just kept his nose out of our business." The detective sighed. "Oh well. I didn't want to have to kill Detective Tomari, but I guess I have no choice-" he said, raising a Gaia Memory to use.
"Don't you fucking touch my husband, you bastard!" Before he could even activate it, Kiriko shot the Gaia Memory out of his hand. Then in one swift move, she activated her boots, and kicked the perpetrator in the ribs, sending him flying across the room, crashing through the wall for him to land outside.
"Uh... Everything okay in here?" Kamen Rider Zi-O asked, awkwardly peeking in from the hole Kiriko created with her "Rider" Kick. "Was that the guy who...?"
"Uh... yeah... Nee-chan just used her Boots of Doom on him..." Gou replied, and Sougo winced. "Uh, can you get the doc? We're gonna need help with Shin-nii-san..."
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asknarashikari · 6 years ago
Gou and Chase announce they’re in a relationship to the rest of the team. How are they taking it?
Shinnosuke and Kiriko: Knew it all along
Rinna: Also knew it after the Hynos incident
Gen and Kyu: EHHHHH USO!
Honganji and Krim: ^_^
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