#otp: you’re special to me
nikkiruncks · 2 years
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Jenate moodboard
@clerati @suvarnarekha @jennifersminds @highqueendreamgirl @terrainofheartfelt
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hmslusitania · 2 months
For the OTP prompts - TimKon #2 👀
Please enjoy some boys being very silly in a nebulous Young Justice timeline, to the prompt of "I'm dying." "You're not dying."
“I’m dying,” Kon proclaims, draping himself dramatically over the back of the couch in their headquarters, his wrist pressed to his forehead like a caricature of a Victorian maiden swooning on a fainting couch.
“You’re not dying,” Tim snaps, rolling his eyes. He’s trying to fill out reports, because that had been part of the Justice League’s terms for letting them continue to operate — paperwork. He and Cassie had rock-paper-scissored about which of them had to do said paperwork, and after losing and taking one look at the Batman-formatted report papers, she’d declared that she was making him Young Justice’s secretary, and declared it his responsibility.
“You don’t know,” Kon complains, pushing off from the ground so he rolls all the way over the back of the couch. He manages to twist while he falls so that he lands on his stomach with his arms folded around one of the throw pillows Cissie had brought in because they “brightened up the place.” “I totally could be.”
“You can’t actually die of boredom,” Tim scolds.
“I’m sure there’s gotta be a rogue somewhere who can do that,” Kon says, which is… almost certainly true and Tim kinda hates that. “For all you know, I got whammied by it, and now unless you entertain me, I’m gonna die of the stupidest bullshit ever.”
“I am the wrong Robin if you want entertainment,” Tim says. “Dick was the one who was a literal circus performer.”
“Yeah, because I’m just gonna pop over to Titans tower and ask Nightwing to do backflips for my entertainment,” Kon scoffs.
“Well, I’m not gonna do backflips for your entertainment,” Tim replies, signs the bottom of the report, and flips it into the finished stack. As he reaches for the next one, Kon scrambles down to the end of the couch closest to Tim’s table.
“Can you actually do a backflip?” he asks.
Tim sighs. “Yeah.”
“Woooow,” Kon says, dragging the syllable out. Tim makes the mistake of glancing his way and discovers Kon watching him with a challenge brightening his face. “That would be super hot, if I believed you.”
“See, I know you’re just trying to goad me, so that’s not gonna work,” Tim says, and focuses on his paperwork. The looming, omnipresent threat of Bruce’s disapproval if he doesn’t get them filled out correctly and in a timely manner is good enough incentive to keep him from being distracted by Kon’s… everything.
“Sure, okay,” Kon says, and flips over onto his back with his hands folded behind his head. Tim makes a further mistake when he looks again and gets a good eyeful of the way Kon’s biceps are straining the leather of his jacket these days.
In a kinder world, growing up surrounded by superheroes had rendered him immune to distraction by traditional superhero physique. Unfortunately, no one’s ever accused their corner of the multiverse of being a kinder world.
Well. Except Earth-3 people, but that’s a special case.
“I’ll just sit here, content in the knowledge you lied about something stupid so that you could sound cool,” Kon says.
It shouldn’t actually get to him, but it does, and Tim kind of hates himself for that a little.
Grumbling the whole time so Kon knows exactly how much of a pain in the ass he’s being, Tim stands up, checks his clearances, and does a backflip, exactly like Dick taught him.
To his surprise, Kon doesn’t verbally respond. When Tim looks over to see what’s wrong with him, or what’s distracted him, he finds Kon just… staring at him. Blinking widely. Face slightly pink.
It makes Tim blush in response as well, without meaning to, and he kind of hates that too.
“See, I was just fucking with you—”
“Yeah, I noticed, actually.”
“—but that was actually super hot.”
Tim’s blush goes from faint to on-the-verge-of-combustion, and he takes his seat back at the table to keep doing his reports, vividly aware that Kon is now staring at him from the couch with an expression on his face that’s not wholly dissimilar to one of Damian’s cats when it’s getting ready to pounce.
“Tim,” Kon says, and Tim swears to god there’s a hint of a purr in the back of his throat.
Kryptonians and Cats. There’s probably a whole research paper in there Tim could cook up if he wanted to.
“I’m trying to keep the Justice League from shutting us down,” Tim protests. “I’m not doing another backflip for you.”
Kon huffs and launches himself into the air only to hover over Tim’s head, looking down at him and looming ominously. Tim doesn’t flinch when Kon leans down to grab his face in both hands, but it’s only Batman training that saves him. Batman training, and rapidly growing annoyance when Kon squishes his cheeks together and lowers down until Kon’s upside down face is directly in front of his.
“Tim,” Kon repeats. “You’re hot.”
“Thanks,” Tim says, voice coming out weirdly squashed thanks to Kon’s compression of his face. “So are you.”
Kon beams at him and brushes the tip of his nose against Tim’s, and then drops down another few inches so he can kiss him.
It’s not their first kiss, or even their first outside of sleepover night truth or dare and spin-the-bottle games, but this whole thing developing between them is still new enough that it might be within the counting-on-his-fingers range.
Kon nibbles lightly on his bottom lip and then faster than Tim can blink, he’s flipping around in mid-air only to land in Tim’s lap, hands still squishing Tim’s cheeks together.
“And I think, you should kiss me some more before I die of boredom and you have to find a new heavy hitter for your team,” Kon says. “Think about it. Do you want to get this paperwork submitted just on time rather than obnoxiously early, or do you want to have to figure out how to fill out paperwork for ‘I accidentally let Kon-El languish away to nothing out of boredom because I wouldn’t kiss him’ paperwork?”
“I think I’d make up a different cause of death for the paperwork,” Tim replies, waits until Kon’s scrunched up his nose and his whole face in disappointment, and only then does he give up on paperwork for the time being, and kiss him.
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mknae-jongho · 2 months
Special day
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Summary: It’s your husbands’ birthday meaning he’s off work today and you’ll have all the free time you want. Since it’s his birthday you want to do some special for him.Its a day he may never forget!!
𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜 : established relationship, idolhusbandChoiSan, Wife!femreader,teasing, pet-names (jagiya, sweetie, sannie, baby), explicit content, blindfolding, praise, cunnilingus, fingering, love-making, rough sex, unprotected sex (Stay protected pls), cussing; banging against the wall and mattresses/bed squeaking, choking, spitting, manhandling, just a good fuck and tuck.
Ps:ITS SANNIE BIRTHDAY, my mann is growing on me👏🏽😭. Since it’s his birthday i wanna do a little something special for ya!! He is 25 omg, but anyways Happy birthday sannie.😘
J pov
—Hyung don’t you think it’s a little too early, it’s freaking 7:30 i’m the morning.— shaking your head as you continued to push the shopping cart. —Janae we have to be up early if we want the surprise to turn out how we want it y’know.— Hongjoong adding the birthday supplies into the cart.
—yeah but still, im still a little tired.— seeing that joongie payed you no mind you just got on your phone to pass time.
—Hey joong umm sannie just texted me.— you looked up to see him already looking at you before he walked towards. —What did he say?—Opening up your phone you showed him the message as you began typing.
You: yes baby?
Sannie🏔️: where are you? it’s early and i don’t see you here.
Looking at hongjoong for help as you don’t know what to say . —Don’t look at me.— shrugging his shoulders with his hands on either side. —Joongie what am i going to say ? technically it’s your fault.— He looked at you with one hand on his chest with a face expression of offense.
—Just tell him you’ll be there soon.—
—But what if..okay— as you do what you’re told but sannie just kept texting, which isn’t shocking.
Sannie🏔️: where are you tho it’s early.
You: Sannie pls baby, I’ll be there soon i’m otw i promise.
Sannie🏔️: Okay i guess.
—okay he stopped texting now.— you guys make it to check out to pay for everything, while you guys got settled into the car you called Wooyoung.
OTP: -woo?-
—janae where are you san is getting on my last nerves.—
—i’m so sorry woo, we’re planning a surprise party for san and i need you guys to get him out the house for a while;while we set up the party.Pls woo?—
—where do i take him?—
—Anywhere woo just get him away from home.—
—Okay i got you.—
—thank baby.—
-your welcome janae now hurry.—
With that the call ended. —Okay joong i got woo & the other guys to take san out so we can set things up at home.— hooking your phone up to the bluetooth.— Great because we’re bout 5 mins away.
—JOONG HURRY!— turning around giving you a side eye. —Don’t give me no side eye.— taking the cake out of the fridge, you placed the candles on top. —Janae go get ready ill finish this up.— taking the rest of the candles out your hands thanking him before heading towards you & sannie shared room.
J pov
After taking me a quick shower and putting on my lingerie i received a ft call from sannie.
—Fuck.— in panic mode i happened to find a robe nearby that i rushed to put on. Setting my phone up straightening my hair up a little bit i answered the phone.
Sannie🏔️:Took you a minute to answer.
You: yeah i’m sorry i just got out the shower.
Sannie🏔️: So.. does today seem special to you?
Knowing what he mean i pretended to act oblivious.
You: Umm no, i don’t think so.. is it supposed too?
Sannie🏔️: Jagiya? are you serious?
My baby look so sad rn i just wanna kiss him all over his face and tell him how sorry i am but i can’t! not rn.
You: What?
Sannie🏔️: You really did forget.
uh ohh..😬
You: What baby?
Sannie🏔️: Nvm, we’re otw i’ll see you when we’ve arrived i guess.
You: okay baby i love you.
Sannie🏔️: Mk.
With that being the last thing said, the call ended. San always says i love you back…unless he’s pissed😬…oops.
knocked back into your senses you see joongie walking towards your room.
—Hey they are right down the street did you find something to wear?— Standing up, you walked towards your closet to pick out a black bodysuit — Yeah just let me put it on.— Closing your closet door your hear joong yell from outside.—Come downstairs when you’re done.— you hear him leaving and the door closed behind him.
Rushed putting on my clothes i spray sannie fav perfume before running over to my full body mirror in the corner of the room to check myself out. Grabbing my phone i took a couple a pics to post before going down stairs.
—Okay i just got off the phone with hwa , they’re here.— He ran to cut off the lights while i hid behind the couch. Shortly after we’re both hidden, the boys walked through the door.
—woo did she really forget?— aww he sound so sad. —San i don’t know you’ll have to talk with her.— Joong gave me two taps on my thigh indicating to get ready. counting down from three in my head.
—SURPRISE!!— the lights flickered back on as the boys including hovering around him, But his eyes stayed contact with you as left to go get the cake.
While the members sat in the living room watching television and chatting with each other, you felt two arms hug around your waist with a head in between your neck. Turning around wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him a couple times while his arms gets tighter around you. —I thought you forgot my birthday.— he mumbled into the kiss before pulling away.
-No baby i would never, i just didn’t wanna ruin the surprise we had planned for you.— placing a finger underneath his chin rilling him in for another kiss.
It continues for a while with his hands gripping your ass lifting one leg up placing his bulge on your covered cunt before grinding into you slowly while one hand is on your neck.
—okay baby that enough for rn.— pushing him back while he let out a little whine. —How about you go tell the boys that it’s time to eat?— he stared at you for a while before shaking his head in agreement stealing a kiss from you before runnin off to the boys.
J pov
i watched as he left to go over to the boys. he’s just so sweet and deserves so much love. Knocking myself out of my daze, i turned to get everything ready and put food and cake on each person plate.
—Baby the plates are ready.— i yelled while placing each plate on the table for everyone to grab. They came in all at the same time to get their food & they all gave their thanks.
San pov
—Mmh, this food is so good..— i watched as the members agreed with me, some even slapped their head back.
I saw as my jagiya left out the kitchen with her plate in her hand and walked towards the living room where we were.
—hey baby.— she pinched my cheek before sitting down on the couch behind me. —Hii.— she said looking down at me.
I got up to sit down beside her on the couch before leaning in the place a kiss on her lips.
—Ya’know baby, i thought you’ve forgotten about my birthday.— i told her with a pout. — Like i told you before, i would never san.— she grabbed my face and gave me a couple pecks.
Her lips is so addicting, i’ve got so caught up in the moment that i didn’t realize that the room have gotten so quiet until my jagiya pulled away.
—Finally, you guys go get a room.— Woo young yelled hitting me in the back of my head.
—who wants to play mario cart?— Mingi shouted wanted to change the subject.
The guys all agreed while i just sat there. I want one last thing for my birthday, i just gotta plan how to get it.
J pov
Watching the guys play mario cart as i’m patiently waiting for my turn, san left to go grab a blanket as he claim that he’s “cold”.
Leaning my head back onto the arm rest, san made his way back into the room and layed down on top on me while placing the blanket on top.
—San baby you’re heavy.— Wrapping your arms around his neck, you gently draw circles on his back.
He rises up slightly placing your legs around his waist as he placed his arms over your head. He lean down to kiss you softly with doing so, only soon turned heated —I want you. i just want you for my birthday.— he moaned softly with grinding on my cloth clit.
—babe the boys are around!— i whispered but loud enough for only him to hear .
—Let’s go to the bedroom baby pls, i need you. please.— he whined putting his head between my neck placing soft wet kisses.
—Umm guys, me & san are heading to bed goodnight.— i watched as the boys faces are confused but continued to play the game while i grabbed sannie, making our way to our shared bedroom.
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As we entered the room making sure the door is locked. San pushed you against the wall kissing you roughly.
—Fuck i need you janae.— he pulled back to remove his shirt and his pants only leaving on his boxers.—Come here baby girl.— You walked towards him as he sat on the edge of the bed waiting for you. He pulled you towards him softly before saying,—you look so good baby but i need you to take this off for me, hmm?— He gave your ass a soft squeeze before giving it a spank.
Backing away, you slowly remove your bodysuit and as you removed it, you saw san get up from the bed and walked behind you. You felt him grab your waist as you removed the bodysuit from your body, leaving you in your matching purple lingerie set you wanted to surprise him with.
—Sit on the bed sannie, i wanna give you something special tonight.— pushing him back onto the bed you walked towards your dresser pulling out a blindfold. Walking back towards him you got in his lap tying the blindfold around his head.
—Just relax and enjoy baby.— you push him back softly as he put his hands behind his head biting his bottom lip.
Your hands softly rubbed against his chest rubbing down to his stomach and then his v-line. You hear as his breathing became heavy and his hips grind up wanting to feel any friction.
—jagiya pls.— he removed one of his hands from behind his head to grab the waistband of his boxers tugging softly, licking his lips. Lifting your hips up you grabbed his boxers before dragging them down his legs. You climbed back on top of him seeing his reddened tip as it dripped precum.
Grabbing his dick, you slowly moved your hand upward and downwards seeing as he twitched in your hand. You stick your tongue out, softly licking the tip swallowing the precum before closing your mouth around his tip sucking softly moaning against it from the taste.
—Fuck jagiya,— he groaned putting one hand in your hair making a ponytail form before pushing your head down softly. — go lower baby.— he told you in a low tone which sent chills down your spine onto your dripping core.
Doing as you’re told, you began to go lower and lower until all of him is in your mouth. —mmhhh, feels so good baby, fuck keep sucking.— his grip on your hair tighten as he legs started shaking a little.
—Daddy’s gonna come soon. Fuckkkk babygirl.— he held your head still as he began thrusting up going deep down your throat. Hearing you gagging is bringing him on edge as his moans getting louder. Shortly after, you felt his hot steamy cum run down your throat as you started drinking his cum.
Taking the blindfold off of him, you climbed back into his lap before locking your lips onto his as he griped your waist tearing your underwear off. He lined his tip at your entrance as grabbed your throat with his free hand.
Entering slowly for you to adjust to his size, he made eye contact with you before speaking. —Gonna fuck you so good jagiya all you’re gonna remember is my name.— He said against your lips. Catching you off guard he suddenly thrust deep inside your core leaving an expression on your face making him smirk.
—Fuck sannie.— You moaned softly as you grabbed his bicep to hold onto something from the extreme pleasure. He gripped your hips harshly fucking into you hard before giving you a couple of harsh spanks. His grip still on your neck he pulled you towards him to locking your lips together before biting and sucking onto your bottom lip.
—You like that, hmm? Feels good baby?— kiss you softly. —Yess sannie, fuck you fucking me so good babyy, omggg.— moaning loudly as he flipped you over leaving him to be on top. —Who do you belong to? hmm?— Seeing as your moaning loudly and can’t speak correctly, He thrust into you harshly bringing you back onto earth before asking again.
—Answer me sweetie.— Giving you another harsh thrust, he gripped your chin lifting your head up to looking at him biting his lip. Giving you another hard thrust, your eyes closed and rolled to the back of your head as you began to scratch his back mouth hanging open.
—Who do you belong to hmm?— he began fucking you at a fast pace while still gripping your chin shaking your face a little to bring you back. He spat in your face and your mouth slapping you slightly. He grabbed your legs closing them to place them on your chest leaning forward to hit deeper inside you. You both moaned louder from the position
—jagiya,— gripping your hair harshly while giving your ass a hard spank. —I’ll ask again hmm?—spanking you again as his pace sped up making the bed squeaky and bang against the wall multiple times. —who.do.you.belong.too? hmm? hmm jagiya?— he place a hand on your stomach and press against it softly and felt his bulge in your stomach.
—i belong to you sannie, fuckkkk i belong to you. I can’t take it baby, slow do— Your cut off by him going faster inside you.
—i’m gonna cum babygirl.— he slowed down but his thrust is still hard. he spread your legs a little to place his thumb onto your clit rubbing in small circles. You moaned loudly as you felt your stomach tightened up and your legs shook.—fuck cum for me baby. i know you want too.— You went over edge and came all over san and your stomach, your juices rolled onto the bed as your legs shook fiercely before san pulled out as you moan loudly from the emptiness.
He went down on you spreading your legs wider before sticking his tongue out licking your clit softly. Your legs shake from overstimulation as he looked up at you watching your expressions before suddenly sucking harshly.
Your legs closed around his head tightly but soon was forced open. he began eating you out, licking, sucking, whatever he knew that made you feel good. You felt like you were going to explode from too much pleasure. moving your hand down you pushing his head away from you as your slowly climbed up.He sat up a little dragging you down by your thighs before placing his head back between your legs. your hands still moving to push him off as your moaning loudly. He suck harshly making you grip his hair hard.
He grabbed your wrist holding them against your stomach while still sucking. Feeling the mixer and pain and pleasure, you put your feet on his shoulders kicking back softly. Going nowhere he still sucking on your clit harshly before removing his head. A string on drool still connected ,he held your wrist with one hand to free one of his hands and placed two of his fingers at your entrance.
You looked down at him with your hair messy and your body sweaty, you see him looking at you before entering his fingers inside you gunning in and out. He smirked up at you while speeding his pace up. —Look at you jagiya, you look a mess. You’re taking what daddy’s giving you so well.— while fingering you, he attached his lip back on your clit licking and sucking. Sped his pace up, the room became quiet with nothing heard but the squelching noise that’s between your legs and the sucking and slurping noise from san.
Moaning loudly your legs shook harshly as you squirt over his face. Still fingering you through your climax. He looked back up at you before pulling his fingers out giving you a spank on the cheek. He leaned up to place his lips onto yours slipping his tongue into your mouth. placing his hand on your throat squeezing softly as he grinding onto you making you moan, he looked into your eyes before saying,— i’m not done with you yet baby, but your doing do well for me don’t ya think? hmm?— moving your hair from your sweaty face.— we’re almost done baby m’kay.—
Pecking your lips softly he grabbed your arm harshly before turning you onto your stomach. Slapping your ass a couple of times before grabbing your hips lifting you up. He spread your legs leaning down to kiss and lick your clit a couple of times gripping your ass. Leaning up he lined his tip up at your entrance before thrusting in harshly. Holding on to the sheets you moan loudly in a trance while he gripped your hips going faster.
—fuck baby, you feel so fucking good. just wanna fuck this pussy all day hmm.— one of his hands reached forward to grab your neck while the other one pulled your hair which made your head lean back and your back arched deeply. your hands reached up in the air unable to grab anything while tears run down your face and drool falling from your face.
— haha, if only you could see yourself jagiya, what a mess you are on my dick baby. Fucking you so good baby, what’s my name hmm?— thrust into you harder and faster your toes began to curl up as your eyes rolled back into the back of your head as your yelled san name out loud sounding like a trance. —fuck i’m gonna come babygirl. are you gonna come with daddy baby? hmm? like a good girl your gonna come for daddy?— speeding up his pace he put his index finger and his middle finger in your mouth making you choke on it.
Your juice squirts out and you’re getting closer and closer. San spanks your ass again harshly and placed his hand in the middle of your back pushing you down to go deeper. His cock began twitching inside of you as he leaned forward laying his chest on your back so your chest on laying on the bed. He thrust into you harshly as he put his hand over your mouth to hush you. He started making marks in your neck and your back leaving hickeys.
He grabbed your hair with the same hand that was over your mouth and pulled your head back before connecting your lips leaving sloppy kisses while still thrusting into you. —i’m cumming, im cumming baby fuckkkkk. IM CUMMING.— he stopped his paced as he shot his hot load into you as his legs shook. you both moaning together while he held you tight grinding a little to empty himself slowly pulling out laying beside you as you both breathe heavily.
—Happy birthday sannie.— wrapping your arm across his chest leaning up to place a soft kiss on his lips which he softly returned. Having a soft and sweet make out for a while he pulled back slightly before saying, — Thanks jagiya, i’ve gotten the best gift i could ask for, from my beautiful wife.
You both lied there in a comfortable silence before getting up grabbing his hand softly. — Let’s go get cleaned up baby.— He follows behind you with his hands around your waist as his head in your neck placing soft light kisses as you made it inside your bathroom bending down to cut your shower water on. You felt something hard against your ass as you felt him grind softly.
—Really sannie?.— reaching up to slap him softly against his chest. —Sorry jagiya, you’re just so hard to resist.— kissing your neck walking back until you’re bout under the shower head.
—I love you jagiya.—
—i love you too.—
—it’s a special day hmm?—
Yes it is…The End
A/N:Im sorry for any mistakes that are made while writing. If there are anything that’s misspelled i’m sorry forgive me😭. I’m a little late on posting this for my husband’s birthday but i’m posting it now.👏🏽👏🏽
Happy birthday sannie🏔️💕.
𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖟 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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deity-prompts · 7 months
Can I have some prompts for a rockstar/indie singer relationship? 🫶🏼
Absolutely! A is the rockstar, B is the indie singer.
Rockstar x Indie Singer OTP Prompts
A starts covering B’s songs, skyrocketing B’s popularity. B messages A asking them to stop, because B isn’t ready for fame and only wrote those songs for fun.
A and B are signed by the same label and who hire B to be the opening act for A’s tour. A is convinced that B is being set up to replace A, making A hate them.
B busks near where A lives, and even when A is trying to work on their next album, all they can think about is that busker.
A and B pretend to help B’s career.
A and B have been dating for a while but B doesn’t want to be famous due to A, so they constantly deflect dating rumours to the point of the public thinking they’re feuding.
“That record deal doesn’t make you better than me.”
“The music you play in bars is more real than what I play in stadiums.”
“These lyrics are incredible, why don’t you use them?”
“You’re an international superstar and you never learned the guitar properly? Here, let me show you.”
“Did you . . . steal my song?”
“You’re the reason I got into music!”
“Our voices sound really good together.” “Don’t get any ideas.”
“I’m a huge fan of yours.” “You’re literally the biggest star in the world, how do you know who I am?”
“Sing for me— not for the world, for me.”
“I wouldn’t have this Grammy without a really, really special person.”
Also see:
Royal x Rockstar prompts and oneliners
Celebrity x Commoner prompts and oneliners
Person x Person prompts masterlist
Prompts masterlist
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
hiii 😊 i have a request!
celeb!reader x jenna pretty please
reader and jenna unfollow each other on socials and everyone’s confused because they think they broke up, but in reality jenna beat them at uno or wtv (something simple)
& reader goes live and everyone’s like “oh em gee did u and jenna break up” blah blah blah
that’s all i got my brain can’t think of anything else
thank u! and i luv u! 🤭
Celebrity News
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Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks that you and Jenna broke up, but in reality, she's just a sore loser.
Warnings: literally all fluff, and my shitty writing
Word Count: 757
A/N: This is for u, bby! Pardon my shitty pic editing, ur much better at it than I am.
Swear to god I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess not. Enjoy!
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
 This past weekend, fans of Jenna Ortega and Y/N Y/L/N were shocked when the couple unfollowed each other on social media. The couple (who had been going strong for almost a year) have earned a special place in fans hearts, making this news even more heartbreaking. We still don’t know why they have unfollowed each other, but it can’t be good. 
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JennaOrtegaNews: I can’t believe they broke up! They seemed so in love. My heart is broken right now.
y/ns_lover: Noooo! They were my OTP!!!
Scream47: Maybe Jenna will date me now
Bebop218: You’re funny Scream47
ChristianMom: Good riddance. Those two were actively against God. Finally some balance has been restored.
y/n&jenna4life: Get ur homophobic ass outta here
JennaOrtegaWifey: Gonna miss them so much. Hope they’re doing okay.
You sit on your bed, bored out of your mind. Jenna was in the kitchen making some food for the two of you. You think about doing a livestream, and you walk towards your girlfriend to run the idea by her. When you enter the kitchen, you see her dancing around, making you smile softly to yourself. 
You wrap your arms around from behind, making Jenna jump slightly before melting into your arms. You sway with her for a second before pressing a kiss to her temple, which makes her turn around so that she can press a soft kiss to your lips. 
When you break apart, you finally remember why you came into the kitchen in the first place. “Baby, do you want to do an Instagram live with me?” She nods her head and says, “As long as I can keep cooking.” You grin at her before setting up your phone. 
Jenna is out of the frame when you begin the livestream, making you realize that you want to surprise the fans. You signal for her to stay as quiet as possible and stay out of frame, and she nods in understanding. You watch the number of people watching shoot up faster than it ever has, catching you slightly off guard.
“Did something happen?” You mutter to yourself, trying to catch some information from the comments speeding past. Finally, a couple of them slow down. I can’t believe you and Jenna broke up! You choke on your spit when you read that, now really confused. 
“Who said we broke up? Where’d you hear that?” The comments continue to stream past, most of them interpreting your reaction as not knowing that the news of the break up had gotten out. Really though, you were just lost. 
Finally a comment stops on your screen that explains everything to you. You two unfollowed each other on Instagram. Didn’t you break up? You let out an exasperated sigh, realizing what had happened. You glance over at Jenna, who is still occupied with her baking, none the wiser as to what is going on in the livestream.
You pick your phone up and point it at her, making the viewers become extremely confused in the comments. “This little shit was mad that she lost at Monopoly, so she unfollowed me on Insta. I unfollowed her in revenge.” Finally Jenna realizes you’re talking about her, and when you say this, she turns around with an offended look on her face.
“You liar!” She then snatches the phone from you and shoves her face right up in the camera. “This liar actually cheated at Monopoly, and that’s a fact. It’s the only way she could have beaten me.” You roll your eyes, easily taking your phone back. “Or maybe you’re just really bad at Monopoly.” 
Jenna thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to the oven. “Not possible.” You laugh before finally turning back to the livestream. Messages of relief and amusement are flooding the screen, and you have to giggle at some of them. 
It’s okay y’all! Mom and Dad are fine.
That was a close one! false alarm. 
Yeah, they’re okay. Fighting like 8-year-olds again.
Finally, you decide to sign off of the livestream. “Thanks for checking in, you guys! Jenna and I are fine, no worries. Hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderful day!” When you shut it off, you turn to Jenna and wrap your arms around her. 
“We almost started some massive celebrity news by accident, babe.” Jenna giggles to herself, making you smile. Yeah, you would have to be an idiot to let her go.
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @MrsLillithy @alotofpockets @theenglishswiftie
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ghostfacd · 1 year
au masterlist
author’s note: i wrote this after waking up from my high nap LMAOO shh anyway listen to beautiful boy to enhance the experience ! this can be read as a stand alone but i recommend reading my au for context.
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, kiellestapa and 462 others
ynuser my first baby. my entire world. rowden quintin hughes, you came into the world a 7 pound beautiful curly haired blonde baby. it felt like yesterday when i first held you close to me. thank you for making me a mother rowdy, happy 2nd birthday my beautiful boy.
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jackhughes please let me and quinny meet him!
↳ quinnhughes LITERALLY.
lhughes_06 happy birthday my special boy.
kiellestapa it seems like it was just yesterday when i saw you coming out the delivery room with rowdy. happy birthday rowden quintin hughes, you are so loved my boy.
↳ ynuser he loves his auntie so much 🥲🫶🫶
When it was Rowden’s second birthday, Luke decided he was finally going to let his brothers see his son. It was a mutual decision between him and his girlfriend, they knew how much Jack and Quinn wanted to see Rowdy.
Luke had regretted leaving Y/N that day back in London so he could pursue his hockey career at Umich. If he could travel back in time, he would’ve swallowed his dreams and stayed with her. But he couldn’t—so he was going to spend the rest of his life making it up to her and Rowden for being absent the first year of his life.
“Oh my god.” The voice of Jack breaks Luke out of his daze. He watches as his older brother picks up Rowden, who, despite being a very fussy kid when it came to strangers, smiled contently in his uncle’s hold. “Hi buddy!”
Luke could’ve sworn he saw tears in his brother’s eyes. Quinn, who was currently waiting his turn in the back, wiped his eyes with his sweater, not wanting to cry in front of his younger brothers.
“I cant believe you named him Rowden Quintin Hughes,” Quinn says, his face converted into a frown, only because he was on the verge of sobbing.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Y/N pats him on the back, giving him a comforting smile. “You and Jack have always been there for me back at Hogwarts. You two were like my older brothers. The least I could do is name Rowdy after you.”
“We love you Y/N,” Jack says, his lips wobbling. “Thank you for putting up with our brother.”
His words make the four of you laugh. Rowden, sensing your happiness, claps his hand, his smile ever so prominent. You give him a kiss on the cheek, glad your family was one again, and you knew Rowden would grow up very loved.
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liked by lhughes_06, quinnhughes and 770 others
ynuser also happy 1 year anniversary to my hot hockey boyfriend, lukey warren hughes. thank you for giving me a chance that day back at hogwarts when i asked you out after your quidditch game. we’ve been together for 4 years but you had to go pursue your dreams at umich, and i honestly couldn’t be more proud of where you’re at now. you’re one of the most stubborn, moody, and charming person i know. the best hockey and quidditch player, and most importantly, the best daddy to rowden. keep winning baby, go blue!! 💙
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lhughes_06 happy 1 year anniversary baby. i thank the gods everyday for sending you to me after my quidditch game. thank you for putting up with my mood swings and hotheaded self. love u and rowdy more than words can express.
↳ ynuser 🥹🥹
jackhughes okaaaay fine i admit you two are pretty cute..
kiellestapa MY OTP
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, ynuser, and 2,432 others
quinnhughes uncle life is pretty cool.
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jackhughes pretty cool? SUPER cool.
jackhughes we love rowdy
↳ quinnhughes yes we do
ynuser rowdy loves his uncles!!
↳ lhughes_06 he likes me better.
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liked by ynuser, jackhughes, markestapa and 1,500 others
lhughes_06 the monster’s gone, he’s on the run, and your daddy’s here.
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ynuser beautiful boy.
markestapa best new dad
↳ lhughes_06 love ya buddy.
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rmd-writes · 4 months
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who am I if I can't carry it all
RWRB | T | 9.4k | June POV
Alex lives his life like he has a fire under his ass for no good reason and always has. Except June knows that there is a reason, there always has been. In some ways, June has spent her whole life trying to protect Alex from himself, watching him shove himself down behind impressive wit, gregarious personality and a charming smile in his effort to set the world aflame, despite the fact that he could have done so almost effortlessly, simply by being himself.
Or, five times June looks after Alex and one time she realises she doesn’t need to.
In the morning, she wakes up alone and when Alex isn’t in his own bedroom, she races downstairs. She finds him smiling over his Lucky Charms as if everything is normal, chattering to their mom about his plans with Liam for the rest of the summer and trying out for the local lacrosse team once the season starts because another boy at camp had mentioned it and Alex thought it sounded fun.  June stares at him, bleary-eyed, trying to work out if last night was a dream. Perhaps she should’ve seen it coming.  “What’re you staring at, Bug? Forget what I look like? Anyone would think you missed me or something.” He opens his mouth to show her his half-chewed breakfast.  “You’re disgusting.” “You love me.”
Read on ao3
I'm nervous about this one, friends! It's the first time I've written outside my OTPs' POVs and June is so very special to me and I hope I've done her justice.
Thank you to @indestructibleheart for being the reason this fic exists at all, to @kiwiana-writes for yelling at me and confirming that the feels were indeed feels-ing and to @welcometololaland whose comments and feedback in my gdocs give me life. I love you all 💖
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twopoppies · 3 months
People are blind if they think Louis' image hasn't changed in the last few years. For starters he remembered he was supposed to be a dad. Also suddenly all interviews had to put a lot of emphasis on how he's a drunk chimney who swears like a pirate. OTP was removed from setlist even being like 1,5 min long and having such a strong significance for fandom (pretty sure megamix would be out as well next tour). Not cause of that but rainbow flags decreased by 80% on his shows specially on latam. There's the toxic UAs he likes/retweets which defend his straightness more than his music and praise beards. The completely random shady takes at Harry or anything he does on interviews. Stalkers praise. A docu where fans had to be constantly reminded about how spontaneous were the scenes with the kid. The laddy lad push. And in the middle of everything he still had time to drag larries publicly. No wonder people who recently got to know him would believe he'd be sleeping around. (Even though I personally, cannot see, to this day, a single drop of chemistry between Louis and like any woman 😭)
I’ve pulled back a lot from how much I focus on him because so much of what’s going on with him and around him has turned me off in a big way. Because of that, I’m not aware of everything you’re mentioning, but there’s enough of it that I’m familiar with and it all makes me really sad.
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mac-n-chees · 10 months
why your attack on titan otp isn’t canon
eremika: what tf are y’all doing here you guys are one of the only ones who can say it’s a canon ship gtfo
levihan: you guys are cute aww these guys are like a couple of siblings❤️ cmon y’all levihan are platonic soulmates and erwin smith is RIGHT THERE
eren x annie (anieren? ereani?): touch grass. you saw one interaction and decided they were the perfect couple, this is literally the dramione of aot, the zutara of this anime. just because you’re horny doesn’t mean everyone else is, pls keep ur hormones in check<3
erwin x hange: as i was writing this post the thought occurred to me that someone might ship this and it caused me physical pain but if you ship this ig you’re cool cause i’ve never seen this ship at all so therefore i’ve never been attacked by one of you online so congrats🥳 but they’re not canon cos literally not one soul ships them so whatever
eruri: is this the right name cause ship names in this fandom go crazy sometimes. anyways these the gayest mfs i’ve ever seen and the only reason they’re not canon is cause erwin had to die. doomed ships for the win😻 but you KNOW levi was getting some behind the scenes, cmon y’all
jearmin: hajime isayama is a coward
jeanmarco: gonna be honest, i did not give two shits when marco died. idk how this is a popular ship since marco got clapped in like episode 3. i mean i can see it ig but to me they just look like friends (and that’s probably what isayama was thinking too)
beruannie: one-sided as fuck
erehisu: historia is a lesbian (“oH bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe fArMeR???” she needed a sperm donor and he was the closest one they are not in love)
jeankasa: eremika solos, sorry, mikasa will always love eren (stay sour jean✌🏼)
levi x any of the members of the 104th: they are CHILDREN and levi is a full grown, thirty something year old ADULT, if you ship any of these there’s a special cell in jail waiting for you
mobihan: who even is moblit this ship forgettable as fuck. but i mean its not bad but again isayama hates love and romance so moblit had to die (sorry mobihan lovers)
springles (aka connie x sasha): you guys they’re PLATONIC SOULMATES, and they’re portrayed as such. also niccolo exists you guys sasha and connie are just like siblings
eremin: hajime isayama is a COWARD. you CANNOT TELL ME that the whole “i will stay with you forever” interaction in the final season was not FRUITY AS FUCK, there was so much tension but isayama’s a PUSSY
reiner x historia: historia is a lesbian
pikuhan: you guys have got to stop shipping everyone you see interact
for bonus points everyone tell me the ship you HATEEEEE i’ll go first😻:
if you want an explanation you won’t get one unless i get harassed enough thank you and good night
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under-the-dirt · 10 months
hihihi!! i’m livie but you can call me liv or livie!!
age: 14 (bday is sep 23 :3)
pronouns: they/them but i’m fine with she/they :3 afab
nationality: i was born in and live in america but i’m italian, german and irish!! :D i can speak a bit of italian, and my great grandmother is an italian immigrant!!
general boundaries: i hate non-con!!! no non con!! don’t send requests for non-con please!! i’m fine with consensual somnophilia but no non-con!! also, under 13 dni!!
other stuff: i’m autistic and i have a bunch of other disorders so life can be very difficult but i cope through my writing and my art!! i love getting requests and i love talking to people!! i love music sm, and i’m almost always singing and dancing!! some of my fav artists are the killers, lana del rey, the weeknd, ghost, etc!
p.s. mutuals if i ever cross a boundary when talking please tell me!!! i’m very affectionate but i tend to cross boundaries on accident!!
writing boundaries:
• i will not write non-con! never! this is for trauma related reasons and it generally disgusts me. read/write what you like, but this is where i draw the line.
• i will not write characters non-consensually groping/touching the reader. i might consider like a character protecting reader from being groped, but i generally can’t stand it. (naturally, for trauma related reasons as well)
• i will not write certain kinks/fetishes, such as foot fetishes, piss kinks or other gross kinks.
• i will never ever write illegal age gaps. never. do not ask me to write an adult with a child. do not ask for anything pedophilic. this is for obvious reasons as well as trauma related reasons.
masterlist under the cut! <3
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key: 🌲 = angsty 🌿 = fluffy 🪴= smutty
john price
no strings. - an ask for reader x price friends with benefits, but reader gets pregnant and leaves 🌲🌿
whispers. part one part two - barracks bunny exposes price’s little crush in front of the task force 🪴
sleeptalking. part one part two - based of Talking In Your Sleep by The Romantics, price hears reader talking about him in their sleep and their dreams become a little too real 🌿🪴
horror movies. - a request where reader and price watch a movie too scary for either of them and they can’t sleep!! 🌿
avoidance. - reader avoids price bc they’re afraid that he doesn’t like them back, and he confronts them.. 🪴 (not sure)
simon ‘ghost’ riley
phone call. part two - bf!simon fucks you while you’re otp with your best friend / bf!simon fucks you in front of your best friend 🌿🪴(def my best)
lap dog. - a fic where hybrid!reader hits ghost too much with their tail!! (no classification)
braids. - simon braids reader’s hair!! 🌿
hard to love. - reader and ghost are friends with benefits, but reader wants what simon can’t give. 🌲🪴
john ‘soap’ mactavish
water. - based on my friend bunny’s ask in their acc (aforementioned ask) where soap refuses to fuck reader and instead does it with the showerhead!! 🪴🌿
phone call. (pt. 2) - reader gets fucked by bf!simon and soap gets a special desert afterwards.. 🌿🪴
distractions. - reader has a bad day at work and koko helps relieve their stress with a makeout sesh!! 🪴🌿
christmas gifts. - reader gets the boys a big dino plush for christmas!! 🌿
taskforce 141
christmas gifts. - gn!reader gets the boys a big dino plush for christmas!! 🌿
comfort. - 141 cuddles!!! 🌿
cold. - cold reader gets cuddled by all the 141 (not at the same time!!) 🌿
taglist: none
comment to be added to the main taglist! those are the only things i’ve written so far, please send asks/messages for whatever you want em to write!! i don’t tend to write things on my own <3
ily all!!!
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lindseybots · 6 months
Ok i just now found the Wind's Track AU and would like you to consider the following:
Zelda: "Oh for the love of Tetra..."
Wind: "Wait, how do you know my wife/girlfriend/friend/*insert relationship status here*?!
Welcome to The Wind’s Track AU!! I’m so happy you’re here!
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This actually gives me quite a bit to unpack. (So this will be long.)
While Wind might do a double take at the sound of Tetra’s name, I think he would know immediately that Zelda is Tetra’s descendant. Zelda’s the princess, and Wind helped Tetra create the kingdom. He knows Tetra was queen during her lifetime.
Wind can connect the dots pretty easily.
In fact, I think Zelda would be in for a bigger surprise than Wind would. When she finds out that this spirit that has apparently been with the newest royal engineer (who can see spirits when almost no one else can by the way) his whole life is actually the famous Hero of Winds, she’s gonna flip out.
I think Wind loves getting to share stories of Tetra with her. They definitely bond over it.
Now for the relationship…
Gonna be honest, I was kinda dreading the day someone brought up the topic of ships in this AU, but I knew it was inevitable. Please don’t take this as you having done something wrong. I promise you didn’t! I’m just using this for the opportunity it is.
Let me preface this by saying that I LOVE Telink and Zelink. I love every iteration of them. They are my OTP. WW/PH Telink/Zelink and ST Zelink are no exceptions. I LOVE THEM. In fact, they are both some of my favorite iterations of the ship.
That said, ships get tricky within the context of this au. The thought of both ships happening in this AU doesn’t really sit right with me.
Even if they are not actually related, Wind and Spirit both view each other as brothers. If Wind were to have been in a romantic relationship with Tetra and had a family that eventually led to ST Zelda, then that means Wind has a familial bond with both Spirit and Zelda. If Spirit and Zelda then had a romantic relationship… It just feels icky to me. Y’know?
That said, the question then lies: Which ship do I go with? I can have one, but I don’t like the idea of doing both within this context.
I debated this question for a while, and ultimately decided that I wanted to keep the Spirit Tracks one. Honestly, I love how Spirit is smitten immediately. The first time he sees her in the game, he is noticeably blushing and just can’t look away. That is just one of multiple moments like this in this game. I just think their relationship is such a special part of Spirit Tracks, and I want to keep it.
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Plus, I can’t resist the idea of Wind teasing his little brother for having a crush.
That said, Wind and Tetra are best friends in this AU, nothing more. They are both very important to each other, but there were not any romantic feelings involved. Honestly, in the context of this AU, I do not see Wind being romantically involved with anyone.
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osunism · 21 days
𑁍 O S U N I S M 𑁍
Hello y'all, welcome to my little corner of Tumblr! I'm Muse, the writer and fangirl running this blog. This is strictly fandom-related, mostly to house my 呪術廻戦 brainrot.
A rebloggable version of this.
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I reserve the right to set and maintain boundaries with my blog and my writing. As a rule, I block ageless/blank/minor-run blogs. This blog is run by a real adult and so I only want to interact with other actual adults because my content lends itself to being adult-oriented.
Every original female protagonist I write unless otherwise stated is a dark-skinned Black woman. Sometimes I will include art or a model for closest approximation, but for the most part I make this explicitly clear in the narratives.
I usually only write OC/Canon ships. That is central to all of my writing. I know a lot of people are weirdly hostile about OCs being shipped with their favorite characters but I promise you it’s not and never will it ever be that serious. If you’re a dick to me about what I choose to write, at best the only attention you’ll get is a block.
That being said let’s just get this out of the way: I write characters who like to fuck. Sex is going to happen in my work so if that gives you the ick well…you’ve been warned.
I do not take requests. Writing is already very taxing for me given my health issues and schedule, and I want to focus on writing things that I personally enjoy, this includes prompts I choose to participate in.
Do not ask me about BioWare [Dragon Age and Mass Effect] content. Yes, my work is still available to read. But I no longer have any interest in creating content for that fandom, so don’t ask me about it.
My purpose and goal in my fanfiction is not to strictly be canon-compliant, and my interpretation of canon events and characters may [and likely will] differ from yours. Canon is not sacrosanct to me. If you find my work disagreeable because of this, feel free to go read the canon material!
If you like my work, pleasepleaseplease reblog it. Liking my posts or giving kudos on AO3 doesn’t do much if you don’t share it for others to read. Comments are encouraged and appreciated as well.
Due to the frequent racist hostility and unpleasantness in other fandoms I inhabit, my comments on AO3 are moderated as a rule. Be courteous.
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Below is a list of all my current works. Since I’m currently only active in the JJK fandom, those are the works that’ll be listed!
⛩️ AO3 || FFN || OC Masterlist || Headcanons & Meta ⛩️
Fic Status Key
[♡] - AO3 version of the fic.
[⭑] - Tumblr version of the fic.
[♤] - Fanfiction.net version of the fic.
[🚩] - Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
[∞] - In Progress
[☥] - Rewriting
[☯] - Complete
Relationship Key
🧿👹 - Satoru/Sundari
⛩️⚔️ - Sukuna/Nadja
🧿🧜🏾‍♀️ - Satoru/Asabé
⛓️👸🏾 - Toji/Akasha
⛓️👩🏿‍🦱 - Toji/blackfem!Reader
Relevant Tags
#muse writes
#fic rec
#jjk x oc
#jjk x black oc
#jjk fanfic
#jjk fanart
#fic: [ficname]
#series: [seriesname]
#ch: [charname]
#oc: [ocname]
#otp: [shipname]
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If [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, Satoru meets a woman who sears a place on his memory and in his dreams. Who was she? [☯] 🧿👹
We Might Even Be Fallin’ in Love [♡] [⭑] [♤] – The miracle of existence bridges the infinity between them. [☯] 🧿👹
Before It’s Gone [♡] [⭑] –Toji’s been darkening your doorway for a while and is only now realizing what you already knew. [☯] ⛓️👩🏿‍🦱
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This series, unlike Parallax, consists of stand-alone AUs with loosely-connecting narratives that share the universe. Some characters may reappear in these works from others, perhaps even in different roles, as different genders, with different origins. I’m playing with a multiverse thing here.
The Unforgiving Roads That Lead to You [♡] [♤] – Roxanne Abaza, the only foreign-born special grade sorcerer in existence, is called to assist with the wrangling and exorcism of Ryōmen Sukuna. What ensues is more than she bargained for. [☥]
Halfsleeper [♡] [⭑] [♤] – A young widowed sorceress seeks protection under the aegis of the Honored One, but he has a better idea for keeping her out of the clutches of her dangerous clan. [∞] 🧿🧜🏾‍♀️
Unsanctioned [♡] [⭑] [♤] – Bodyguard/Yakuza AU. Toji Fushiguro, who is in disgrace after having an affair with his boss’ now ex-wife, is now tasked with protecting her as the mercurial grounds of Tokyo’s Underworld begin to shift into uncertainty, putting the entire syndicate and anyone associated with them in peril. [∞] ⛓️👸🏾
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Beast of No Nation [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, the King of Curses took an over-curious fugitive of heaven to task. Over the course that night, and the many that followed, she found herself continuously drawn to the jujutsu world. [☯] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
Daughter of Disgrace [♡] [⭑] [♤] – In the aftermath of Satoru Gojo’s sealing, Sundari must choose rebellion in order to free him. Lucky for them both, rebellion has always been her preferred modus operandi. [∞] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
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© 2024 Hajara Asiri. Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost anywhere without permission [reblogging posts is okay]. This includes my masterlist format. I only upload on Tumblr, AO3, and FFN. All general banners and dividers by @cafekitsune. Title banners by me.
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lamialamia · 9 months
hai!!! are there any sledgefu fanfics or writers u could rec to me?
Anon I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to this. I was swamped with exams and deadlines and traveling. But gosh. I GOT CHU. I got recs!!!
This got insanely long so I'm putting a read more
Fanfic - Canon-verse (no AU)
Sleep Aid by someonesgrlbomb. Gosh. Okay. We all know the weird, fucked up bond between Sledge and Snafu is so interesting. They are traumatized young men who are wrestling with their humanity in hellish conditions. And this fic is one amazing look into this bond.
C’est ta main dans ma main doucement oubliée. by ijustlookatpictures. This one is heartbreaking. Not healthy in the slightest. But if you want to be devastated, this fic is for you.
I do my best because I'm counting on you counting on me by ijustlookatpictures. A groundhog day AU set in the war so I still put it here. I love this fic for its Snafu's voice. Trust me, Snafu is a tough character to write for because he is a layered bastard who has so much going for him. I re-read this fic like once every few months.
As It Was by SJtrinity. Possibly one of the best post-war fics for sledgefu out there. This fic might be formatted a little weird on Ao3 but trust me, it's worth it. Sledge and Snafu's road to a happy endings isn't easy or simple and this fic makes them earn their happy endings (even after surviving a war). READ THIS FIC PLEASE. I'M ON MY KNEES BEGGING YOU.
i’m the diode, you’re the kerosene by getmean. This imo is one of the required reading sledgefu fics. I mean, I would say that about any of getmean's fic but yeah. Realistic about PTSD but so perfectly balance with the slow-burn romance we all crave. Simply magnificent.
an angel like a memory by starblessed. Another incredible fic that nailed Snafu's voice.
gone but not entirely by marinersapptcomplex. Angst for the ages. Sledgefu is treasure trove of angst and in the right hand, it would fuck you up. Because this fic fucked me up. It's so good and deserve thousand of kudos.
The Boy and the Magpie by harin91. Oh this is a special sledgefu fic. It moved me to tears. It showed but never told. It got me craving for all the pretty jewels and lost loves and fairy-tale dreamings one could possibly have. If I think about this fic too much I might lost it.
Come Take Me Home Again by ThrillingDetectiveTales. Ehehhe, very sexy and very cute and made me giggle every time I re-read this.
Let Me Know The Way by bearkare. Epistolary story telling is no small task to pull off. Something which was done here so good it felt like I actually get to step into the characters' heads and dive into their inner turmoil. Another fic that takes the slow road to Sledgefu's happy ending. Love every word of this.
a collection of fragmented thoughts that were never written and never sent by canimo. Underrated. So fucking underrated. All the angst, and well, sledgefu have a tendency in many fic to not end happily at all. They are after all two very different people and with everything that happened, no matter how much love they might share, it isn't easy.
I Was Fixed on Your Hand of Gold by Cinderscream. Another epistolary fic that amazed me with the ease of how they manage to make story unfold within the limited confinement of letter writing. Love this one to bits.
friends who share your past by kinnoth. Once in a while, you had to let your OTP be toxic and unhealthy and unable to communicate and lead them to their downfall. Yeah.
fill in the holes you've made by foreignconstellations. Relationships are complicated. This one managed to capture that in just 2.5k words, which I absolutely can not comprehend.
Sweet Water, Wash Me Down by modernature. Atmospheric and very gripping. Amazing world building where the world felt alive and wriggling and squirming in the best possible way.
Leave your baggage here by malmanagement. Sometimes, we needed a groundhog day AU to make stubborn idiots understands.
Fanfic - AU:
got a fire but you just can't use it by getmean. I binged this instead of sleeping. Worth it.
catch it down in new orleans by starblessed. This is one of my comfort fics of all time. It's so funny and so charming. Never failed to lift me out of a bad mood.
Unknown Number by harin91. In which our favorite idiots tried long distance and it is endlessly entertaining.
lest we fall into the dark by gingerwerk. Oh everything about this AU is incredible. The slowburn is so good I wish I can lost my memory to read this again completely fresh.
Oh! Darling by Anonymous. I waited years for this fic to finally finish. I screamed when I saw the final update. Sexy and lovely. Can not recommend this fic enough.
getmean. Well you can't mention sledgefu without this author. No matter what their fics deliver. I aspire to write as good as them one day.
SJtrinity. I don't know what to say about this author because... my english could never measure my awe and love for their works
starblessed. You saw how many times I rec their fics? Yeah. Read everything this author write please.
Stolperzunge. I love them and their works. I could write a love letter here but I don't wanna be cringe.
bearkare. ANything written by this author made me feral <3 <3 <3
Honorable mention: eugeneshelton whose sledgefu fics gave me diabetes, and endlessly inspire me with his sledgefu ideas :*
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aces-and-angels · 7 months
Title: Dancing Queen
A/N: happy belated valentine's day gang- @jerzwriter tagged me in a fun, impromptu game where you list what songs your otp would be listening to this feb 14. i took a different approach to the prompt, as i often find myself doing lol- plus i had this hc in mind already- so here we are (but the short answer: enid's song would be get ur freak on by missy elliot); the long answer: this blurb🖤
Character(s): Enid Mendoza (she/her), Will Thomson (they/them), Zahir Saidi (he/him)
Summary: Will and Zahir discover a very special dance video. @choicesficwriterscreations
Word Count: 701
Another day at Park & Davis…
The file room- Zahir's newest home away from home. He eyed the pile of precariously stacked boxes with trepidation. “Okay. You can do this, Zahir. Just grab the files for Morrison.” 
The pep talk did little to assuage his nerves, but he pressed on, carefully pulling from the middle of the stack like he was playing a high-stakes version of Jenga. One hand on the handle, the other protectively hovering over the pile. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. Just a little more-
“Zahir! You gotta see this!” Will’s voice boomed through the quiet expanse of shelves. An unbecoming shriek tore through his throat as he scrambled to steady the boxes. Only when he was sure he wouldn't literally be buried in paperwork did he take a breath.
“Will- you can't just creep up on me like that,” he huffed, still trying to calm his heart rate.
Unbothered, Will pushed their phone towards him. A paused video lit up the screen. “Trust me, this is important.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Just watch it,” they insisted, practically bouncing on their heels.
“Alright- alright-” 
A simple, yet rhythmic melody played through the speakers. Dancers stood on stage in V-formation, heads dawned with oversized bucket hats. They swayed lazily to the beat- then the song truly began. 
“Missy be puttin’ it down- I'm the hottest ‘round- I told y'all mother-- y'all can't stop me now-” 
Everything broke loose. The crowd came alive with raucous cheers as the performers dropped down to their knees in sync. Zahir’s brows shot up at the sheer intensity of the routine- his heart pumping wildly just watching them move. “They’re really good. Are they from your college team?” 
Will shook his head, minimizing the video. “Nah. Check out the date in the description. This was over ten years ago.” 
“Then why are we watching this?”
“Notice anything special about the one in the center?” 
“Uh… they're talented?” 
“Oh, you sweet summer child-”
“My birthday is in November.” 
“I'd take another hard look if I were you,” Will hummed knowingly.  
“Can't you just tell me?”
“And take the joy of realizing it for yourself from you? Never.” 
“Zahir,” they mocked.
“I really need to get back to work.” 
“This won’t take long.”
Zahir sighed, but resumed the video anyway. His frustration grew as he tried to catch a glimpse of the lead dancer’s face- their movements too fast for the camera to get a clear shot. The quality maxing out at 360p didn’t help either. Luckily, whoever was filming decided to zoom in at the exact moment their- her- head popped up. “No way- is that-”
“But she’s-”
“I know.” 
"How'd you even find this?"
Will grinned smugly. "I have my ways. And a lot of downtime between meetings."
Her hair was much longer, falling just over her lower back. In the time he’s worked at Park & Davis, he’d never seen her with straight hair. Forget about the carefree expression plastered on her face- which admittedly hadn’t changed much. But there was no mistaking it, that was-
“What are you two doing?” Enid’s commanding tone disrupted the peace between them. Will slammed the power button, shutting off the video before pocketing their phone. 
“Uh- nothing?” Zahir answered meekly. 
She crossed her arms. “Did you get the files for Morrison?”
“Well- not yet-”
“So not only have you not done the one task I gave you, you’re choosing to hide out in the file room. Is that right?”
“N-no,” he stammered, his brain on the fritz at Enid’s piercing stare. “It’s just…”
“Just what?”
Words poured out of him like a running faucet. Babbling tended to be his default coping mechanism. “We represent some of the world’s biggest tech moguls. Blaire Hall, Khaan Mousavi, a third person I can’t name right now but I’m sure exists, yet we’re still slaves to this archaic form of documentation. Paper. Isn’t that ironic? The fact that we haven’t digitized all this is insane. We’d save space, time, trees-”
“Zahir,” Enid interrupted. 
“Get the files.” 
“Right away, Ms. Mendoza,” he squeaked out, spinning on his heels to get back to his game of Jenga.
tag list: @ascindio, @choicesmc, @win-chan, @brycesgirl, @stars-are-within-me, @inlocusmads
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anghraine · 3 months
Last night's genderbending lullaby, btw, was my lesbian!Cassian/bi!Jyn fic, whatever we deny or embrace.
(The link is to the final chapter, but the post contains links to all the previous ones; this version is more recent than the AO3 one and has a bit of extra material.)
This particular genderbent fic is not my longest, most popular, or most elaborate in conception, but it is particularly special to me because of the writing process. I'm a grey-ace lesbian from Mormon and Catholic families, and at the time of writing, I regrettably had to deal with quite a bit of homophobic church shit (which church? pick your poison) on a regular basis. I used to soothe myself by working on this series and turning my m/f peak SW OTP into an AU f/f love story where they don't die and their friend group is all queer too.
“You’re staying? You mean, indefinitely?” Jyn thought of a good half-dozen responses, alternately snide and earnest. But she only said, “Yes.” Cassia’s face broke into a bright, dimpled smile. Jyn, who had not expected that particular attack, felt dazed. Just a little. Physical awareness flooded back, or became relevant again. The golden moonlight caught in Cassia’s eyes, her skin, even her dark hair, gleaming from within. The hazy glow of it gentled her features without weakening them, her face warm and pretty rather than starkly beautiful. For all of that, her eyes fixed on Jyn with the same elated intensity that she remembered from the not-apology in the hangar, and after. Speaking of unfair— “How long do you think we’ll stay here?” Jyn asked.
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uriekukistan · 5 months
choso and/or megumi? :)
im so. i just spent so long typing this out only for the page to crash and delete everything i said. why does tumblr HATE ME anyway thank you for the ask i’ll try to remember everything i said the first time 😭
favorite thing about them: his relationship with itadori is so cute! such a good brother! his facial expressions are so cute and silly! literally found out itadori was his brother and went “okay i’ll die for u now”
least favorite thing about them: the fact that they robbed him of his sick shoes in the anime. maybe something else will come up in the future but for now that’s it
favorite line: i got two! *in a life or death situation* can u just call me onii chan like once please please please please (paraphrasing), *facing kenjaku after finding out that they’re his dad and yuuji’s mom* “hey little bros look at this im gonna kill our parent
brOTP: gotta go w yuuji since they are in fact bros. his relationship w mahito is so silly to me tho, and i’d love to see him interact with todo!
OTP: i dont really have one. rn i think he’s too focused on his brothers to think abt that
nOTP: its not a no for me per se just that i think choso and yuki are very one sided. yuki clearly likes him but he’s too focused on yuuji rn
random headcanon: i can see him having a long skincare routine with a fluffy hairband
unpopular opinion: i think he is frequently mischaracterized in the name of fitting ppl’s sexual fantasies about him. ofc im all for having fun but i noticed it does impact broader perceptions of his character sometimes. could say this about any jjk man tho.
song i associate with them: mmmm maybe sunflower by post malone, don’t have a reason for it buy yea
favorite picture of them: have two
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favorite thing about them: he is me i am him we are the same. realistic depiction of what it is like to be abandoned by your parental figure and then be told you’re “special” for some reason and now too much is expected of you but you never wanted this in the first place. i could raise him so well let me adopt him. I Will Take Care Of Him.
least favorite thing about them: can’t. that’s my son.
favorite line: soooo many but i think about “so start by saving me itadori” DAILY. hourly even.
brOTP: love his relationship with kugisaki. would love to see him with yuuta more for purely self indulgent reasons that are not related to my dancers au….
OTP: obviously gotta go with ITAFUSHI i could talk abt them for hours. a brain virus fr they’re everything to me.
nOTP: 🧑‍💻 megumi & sukuna, megumi & toji, megumi & gojo, megumi & mai, etc. i try not to yuck other ppls yum but uh. i couldn’t even decide which of these was worst.
random headcanon: uhhh this ones a sad one, but i think before gojo came along, he and his sister were starving (compared to other characters shown as kids he looks much bonier), so even into adulthood, he has a hard time gaining weight from the effects of childhood malnutrition and as a result, is a bit less physically strong than he could potentially be (still very strong tho)
unpopular opinion: you already know what im gonna say. most overhated character in jjk. yall need to get off his back before i get violent im so serious rn everything he does is a perfectly valid reaction to the trauma he’s been through since he was literally a toddler
song i associate with them: i got so many…recently been thinking of dreams of losing teeth by suave punk & moon i already know by mount eerie the most
favorite picture of them: soo many…unhinged megumi vs pocket sized gumi i cant pick
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