#otp: thank you michael for letting my son love her first
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crazychicke · 11 months ago
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francesca bridgerton & michael stirling in when he was wicked
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laualla · 5 years ago
Roswell 1x09 Heat Wave
This is probably one of my favourite episodes, that's why it's so long, so let's get to it:
-Maria is so freaking pretty
-Now I kinda want a donut
-I really like this whole scene
-How did Michael know where she was if they were avoiding each other?
-Very subtle guys
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-Liz is horrified
-I wish it was hot again
-Liz is overthinking again lol
-Aaaand, Maria is in the eraser room
-Awkward conversation...
-Liz why are you like this?
-Alex is such a good person
-Liz you are not subtle trying to invite Max
-Liz, please shut up
-Also, those people are literally making out in the library without a care in the world
-Max stop it
-Alex is a pure soul
-Also he is so clever and has all the right to be mad
-Apparently Michael not only is an alien but also a vampire
-Two types of gossiping
-They are literally peeing, how can they have a normal conversation?
-Liz and Max, stop being the parents of the group
-"Feels so wrong but it feels so good" THIS IS MY OTP SPEAKING, I'M DEAD
-"Shouldn't we like talk or something?" I mean, she is followong Liz's idea alright
-Ugh I love them
-Liz's father must know everything that happens in town
-And we get the backstory... Oh, he had a crush all along... Fucking hell
-Maria's mum (I've just learned she's called Amy lol) could be Maria's sister, and now this is perturbing me
-Thank you Maria for your common sense
-I love the disgust with which she says Jim
-Aw, Liz and Isabel together, I love how they have evolved
-Also they are the first people I see painting their nails in school
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-I love Isabel, she is always nice with everyone
-Oh pls Isabel, start talking to Alex, pls
-She has always the same pyjama
-Oh my baby, Alex
-Gosh, she is so pretty
-Alex is literally dreaming about just dancing with Isabel. He is the cutest
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-And this is the moment when Isabel fell in love with him
-He is so wholesome
-Isabel has a crush
-She knows exactly what she saw
-I would love to be that confident
-Michael you really believed that you would stay in the eraser room forever?
-He is worried about her, I can't deal with this
-Liz with the slugs is me with my ships
-They just overcomplicate things
-Max why are you like this? Yes, you'll get hurt but I don't care
-The phrase "how are you doing on your mating ritual?" will forever be one of my favourites
-Alex is so innocent
-Again, Isabel is superconfident and I love her for that
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-Some times I forget that the actor that plays Alex is Tom Hanks' son and then he just looks exactly like him and I need to stop and process that
-I love Maria's top
-Liz is so alone
-Isabel just opened one of Alex's buttons I love my parents
-"I know you do" Could you not scream that you are an alien?
-There's a couple making out behind them and I find it so amusing
-Alex is my awkward son
-I don't wanna know what those shots are
-I still hate that is Max who has to save her from the other dude
-Now they start to be together, finally
-Oh no, I see the drama coming and I don't want it
-Michael before: I don't wanna hurt her
Maria now: It hurts that you avoid me
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-Michael is being an asshole and he hates it as much as I do
-"You're a really, really good guy, Alex" Thank you Isabel for being the voice of truth
-"I am? I mean I am" Good one, Alex
-Isabel, you just fucked up
-Fucking hell
-Why are they like this? Why don't they have security?
-Oof I can't with Amy and Jim...
-Valenti, don't... Why are you leaving her alone? I don't like both of you together, but still
-Max and Liz have the worse luck ever
-Fucking Kyle
-Kyle just flopped himself to the ground like "please don't let my father see me"
-Why do you go inside? You were perfectly safe
-And the aliens ran away
-Alex wants to die
-This guy is the stereotype of every drunk person
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-The shadow effect over Alex's face symbolizes the division he has inside and this is poetic cinema, well tv show
-Alex this is not jail, you are just at the fucking station, calm down
-Isabel is finally standing up for Alex and this is the kind of thing I was waiting for
-Liz is just an annoying kid
-Isabel didn't try to seduce you, she likes you ffs
-Alex no
-Thank you Liz, thanks
-Liz copying Max is so funny
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-If she had just said the whole crashdown shooting thing, it would have been easier
-Liz is so scared
-Alex is amazing
-Liz just said that but yeah
-I love them
-Oh my God, she is so dramatic. One kiss doesn't change the world
-Seeing Max down there gave me a flashback of mariachis, but that is i think in another season lol
-Mmax keeps blaming himself for everything wrong in this world
-"If I don't go now, things are gonna change" Please, both of you dramatic people, kiss already
-Max you are literally narrating your moves, it's weird
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pirateisabela · 7 years ago
5 OTPs and 10 Facts About Me
Thanks so much @gaysparkler for tagging me! 
I’m just trying to get some things done right now so I’m not going to tag anyone, but feel free to do this if you want!
This got a bit long, so I’m going to put a read more here :)
5 OTPs
Dorian x Inquisitor- Dorian is one of my favorite characters in DA, and his romance is one of my favorite ships, too. It’s just so sweet, and his character and dialogue are just so powerful and heart-wrenching.
Alistair x Warden- Alistair was the first person I romanced in Dragon Age. My love for Dragon Age grew from that first play through, and even now, Alistair’s romance and character are just so important to me. I know he and his relationship have flaws—just like any character and romance—but it will always have a special place in my heart.
Arizona Robbins x Callie Torrez- Okay, after the plane crash, their relationship kind of sucked. I know they had their problems, but they were a canon gay couple. On a tv show that even my mom watches. It’s so big. I love both of the characters so much (maybe a certain orthopedic surgeon a little bit more than almost every other character), even if they just weren’t meant to be in the end. At least all of it ended on a civil note, though, after everything.
Amanita Caplan x Nomi Marks- They are great in so many ways. So many ways. They are in a wonderful, healthy relationship, and they care about each other so much. Nomi is a trans woman and Amanita is a black woman, both of which do not get enough representation in the media, especially with the two combined. Just… I love them so much.
Tristan x Yvaine- Stardust is one of my all-time favorite movies. The ending, man. Ugh. I love them.
Honourable mentions- Isabela x Hawke, Leliana x Warden, Liara x Shepard, Garrus x Shepard, Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers, Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones, Lexie Grey x Mark Sloan, Meredith Grey x Derek Shepard, Meredith Grey x Nathan Riggs (though I haven’t seen the latest season so maybe that’s a no), Meredith Grey x Derek Shepard x Callie Torrez (let me have this), Sam Winchester x Gabriel, Hernando Fuentes x Lito Rodriguez, Kaidan x Shepard, Zevran x Warden, Fenris x Hawke, Anders x Hawke, Iron Bull x Dorian, Josephine x Inquisitor, Cassandra x Inquisitor, Sera x Inquisitor, Michael x Jane (from Jane the Virgin)
10 Facts about me
1. I’m learning Spanish right now. I’m absolutely terrible at it and DuoLingo says I’m only 30% fluent, but I’m slowly learning it. I want to be completely fluent in Spanish and another language besides my native one—probably Portuguese, French, or Russian.
2. I plan on majoring in English with a concentration in Creative Writing. I’m not exactly sure what kind of career I’m going to pursue, but writing several books is in my life plan. So is traveling.
3. I have a half-brother (eleven years older than me), a sister (exactly fifteen months younger than me), a stepsister (six years older than me), and a stepbrother (I’ve only seen him like twice, he’s kind of estranged from my stepdad and idk anything about him other than his name is Kaidan and he was out of high school a few years ago). The half-brother is from my dad’s son from a previous relationship, and he lives in California. My sister and I have the same parents and have lived together our whole lives. My stepsister lived with us for like three years before she said graduated high school.
4. I played sports in elementary school. I (cheerleaded? cheered? cheerled?) for a year, I played basketball for two, and I played softball for six. I sucked at everything, except for cheerleading I guess. We won third place in this weird competition, and I want to say there was some scandal and bribing going on because I vaguely remember my coach telling my team that someone cheated or something and we should have had first or second. I just…stopped going to cheerleading practice my second year because my cousin quit and it was way too hot outside for me to be the only one out of my cousin, my sister, and me to still be in it (my sister dropped out of football, too). My basketball team my first year only had five people (you needed five to have a team), and we usually always at least one of the five people not show up to a game, so we had to borrow people from another team so we could play. We didn’t win a single game. I had a different team my second year, and they were way better. I made my first foul that year, and my coach was so happy. He thought it was a sign that I was actually going to participate, that I would be a valuable member of the team. Angels came down from the heavens and played their little angel trumpets while he cried and said prayers of thanks to whatever gods above there were. That was the best day of his life. (I didn’t make another foul or a single basket after that day. He eventually stopped trying and only put me in the court because everyone had to play at some point.) With softball, after the first year, the team was spilt into two: the kids who had a future in softball, and everyone else. I was on the “everyone else” team. I practically lived in the outfield, even after that. It was really boring tbh and whenever a ball did get near me, I either shyed away from it or I was too busy daydreaming to see it. Also I went to third base once instead of first and still made it to the base before they could tag me out. I thought it was pretty great but my coach still wasn’t happy. My coach for the first five years a.k.a. my uncle stopped coaching after my cousin didn’t want to play anymore, so I had to join a new team. We were called the Skittles. I was a fifth grader playing softball with a bunch of middle schoolers. I ended up with two black eyes that year because I got distracted during the practice before two different games. That was my last year of sports. Oh, and I’m still afraid of things flying towards my face.
5. I have four cats and two dogs. Until recently, I had four dogs, but one of them was like sixteen years old and passed away this year (we got him after his owner, a close friend of my mom and stepdad, died in 2015) and the other, attacked our fifteen year old dog who we’ve had since I was like three. My mom and my sister are very protective of the feeble old man dog, so the one who attacked him was given to one of my stepdad’s friends within hours.
6. I am from the United States. Unfortunately x) Okay, it wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t have people like the Great Big Orange mucking around or people who,,,don’t know what compassion is. But yeah. I feel like it could be a really good place, but there are just some people who don’t want that to happen (America has never been great, stfu).
7. When I was about eight, I tried cleaning a Cambell’s chicken soup can and cut the side of my thumb. My mom (who’s a nurse) had to superglue it back together. I still have a faint baby scar on my left hand from it. (Also I would like to add that I did it because my grandmother would keep pencils and stuff in this giant soup can at her house. Idk why it worked for her and not me but oh well now I have a weird-ass story I can put on “ten facts about me” so I guess it worked  out for the best)
8. I’m such a procrastinator guys. I was tagged in this like a month ago. I even do it with things that are important to me, like writing. I’m going to psycho-analyze myself for a minute and say that it’s probably because I have a fear of failure and a fear of people not liking me/making fun of me/etc. If I don’t ever finish writing That One Thing then that means I can’t ever post it, and if I don’t ever post it that means it won’t only get three likes and one rebloob and no one will criticize it or say that it sucked. I’m trying to work past it, but it’s not like I have a great amount of self-esteem x)
9. I have an unhealthy obsession with dragons (but I didn’t start playing Dragon Age because of it)
10. When I bought an Xbox 360 my freshman year (in 2014), I was trying to find some games to try, and my friend, Tony, spoke very highly of Dragon Age. I also remembered my cousin (whom I’ve always regarded very highly) talk about it with my sister a year or two earlier, so I decided to buy Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Origins, along with a few others. I didn’t actually play Origins for a few months and it took me a few months to finish my first play through, but by the time I finished the game (with a little over 80 hours), I was hooked.
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drakevampire · 8 years ago
For the salty ask thing (I hope its ok that I took several): 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 23
It’s more than okay, I love questions, thanks for asking!!!! :D 
You didn’t specify the fandom but I’m pretty sure is Supernatural so, let’s start:
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No, I respect everyone’s opinion. The only occasion I unfollowed someone was because this person was terribly aggresive and pretty offensive towards people that didn’t share his views.
6.Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I’ve never hated any pairing but fanfics made me like ships I wasn’t interested before like Sabriel, Midam or Adamandriel. And a former rp partner made me like Gabrifer, I still prefer their relationship as merely brotherly tho.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there any really unpopular character in this fandom? I feel like every character I could recall liking is also liked for the fandom.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Well, I saw a lot of people criticizing Mary for ‘not being a good mom’ this season and while I agree that it was a mistake to bring her back when it is clear that the writers don’t know what to do with her, I totally understand her first reaction. 
In my opinion it’s totally normal she couldn’t connect with her sons. If the last thing you remember is having a loving husband, a baby and a toddler and suddenly you wake up in a world where your husband is dead, your sons are in their mid-thirties and doing the only thing you didn’t want for them, you would be shocked too. Also I consider awfully toxic the idea of mothers putting their kids needs before hers, especially in this circunstances. Sam and Dean -especially Dean- wanted her to make up for the lost time and that’s normal but it also was completely normal -and equally valid- that she wanted time for herself instead.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Michifer!!! I’m not saying this because they’re my OTP but yes they’re my OTP and I have no words to describe how much I love the possibilities their relationship have ♥
23. Unpopular character you love?
This is very similar to 11 but I’m going to say Michael this time becauseI’m still clinging to a hope that one day we’ll see him again. I wouldn’t say he’s unpopular though, maybe just not popular or underrated.
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