bugbreach-art · 10 months
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I learnt about Gunners, this is @askatosch s Gunner Gilligan
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bugbreach · 6 months
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I started playing Dragons Dogma 2 cause my friends are playing it.
From top left to bottom:
Fox [@cephalonket s Pawn who has the personality and Stamina of a Golden Retriever]
Vaylin [@askatosch s Pawn who likes to sit, tell me that she can float but then not floating]
Unspeakable [Pawn I made when fuckin around with the character creator - The other reason why I play this game. I just think he's neat]
And. Of course. My Arisen. The Unknowable.
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omaano · 6 years
Sooo.... do you have twitter?
As a matter of fact I do have a twitter (@MsOmmano - I’m having some minor regrets about picking that exactly) from the time when this seemed like a good idea for the Dominion fandom. Although I haven’t used it in like 2-3 years, and I’m not sure how my anxiety can handle that site ^^; 
That said, with all the news coming in about tumblr (not like it really affects me, but still) I am seriously thinking about requesting a crash-course on how to use twitter (like seriously, as if I was an old dad just without the dad jokes that make it all worth it)
Until I get a little stress off my shoulders in the next few weeks and do indeed get around that crash course, I am trying to be active on Instagram! 
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batfam-art · 6 years
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So there is this awesome artist, whom I love, called @askatosch. And these are re-draws of one of their amazing pieces. As you might see, I love it. So... Yeah. Re-draws. Anything that looks awful is my fault and anything that looks amazing belongs to the real owner of this. *finger guns*
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ket-fisto · 6 years
askatosch replied to your post: Leo: My wife is amazing. We are a team and she...
Quality content
ur Welcome
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tafferling · 7 years
Taff, how do I deserve all those nice and amazing comments you give me for my art? I mean, even though spn doesn't seem to be your fandom, you always like and comment on my stuff. You are wonderful!
You deserve them by drawing those lovely arts that I really, really adore. And I do like SPN, I just haven’t watched it in a very long time. But I know what’s up ‘cause a friend of mine keeps me updated.
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drakevampire · 7 years
Michael for the ask game
General opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them | love them | actual love of my life
Hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous | 10/10 would bang
Hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
Ship them with: Adam and Lucifer. But I’ve read fanfics with him and Dean, and with him and Anna and kind of liked the pairings. Also I did an rp where Michael had something for Samandriel and kind of liked it too.Brotp them with: RaphaelNeeds to stay away from: Chuck Misc. thoughts: He deserves better and I hope SPN writers remember him so we can, at least, hear about him in season 13.
My otp: MichiferMy most hated pairing: I don’t hate any pairing, so less liked pairing then - Michael/Naomi (that’s probably just because I don’t like her).
My unusual otp: What do you mean with ‘unusual’? Since the question is about an otp answering with an ot3 would be unusual? It’s Midafer then ;)My crossover otp: Michael/Edward Nygma ( I only shipping them because they constantly remind me of the other but they probably wouldn’t get along if they met).My brotp/friendship otp: Mmm this is difficult to answer since I doubt Michael had the opportunity to interact with others that way, but I will say Raphael because I’m sure they had a good relationship at some point.Character headcanon: Right now I can’t think of anything that I haven’t already shared with you :/I didn’t know if you wanted me to answer the first or the second ask game I reblogged so I answered a mix of both ;)
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coplins · 6 years
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Look at this awesomeness that came in the mail today!
A physical piece of SPN Archangel Mafia AU loving that I was privileged enough to be allowed to beta read. ❤️❤️❤️
You can read this awesome series by @spnyoucantkeepmedown HERE on Ao3. Coverart by the great artist @askatosch :D
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bugbreach-art · 2 years
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A pirate for @askatosch
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bugbreach · 2 years
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Vibin in the Backrooms with the homies
@askatosch & @ket-fisto
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omaano · 7 years
For the color palette challenge... I know you're not in the fandom anymore, but could you draw Michael in 13 or 16? I'd really love to see him drawn by you. But if it's not your jam right now, I totally understand
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The nostalgia is strong with this one. Look, Michael is an old fave of mine, and is still extremely close to my heart even after all these years, and when I saw one palette was with these pinkish red colours I couldn’t pass up! Also one year after my previous “Michael with too many eyes for his own good” piece. He’s got a crown now. And gladioli for a halo :3 Thanks a lot for asking @askatosch!
Gladioli were considered the flower of the gladiators and have long been associated with swords. 
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askatosch · 6 years
Everything must come to an end to make room for something that is still build on hope and good intentions.
With other words, I’m leaving and going to hang out as @askatosch on Twitter until one of the competitor sites of tumblr will come out on top.
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ket-fisto · 7 years
askatosch replied to your post: Is it too late to write self indulgent...
u always have my back bro
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nicolabarth · 6 years
Ship: Sam/Lucifer, Dean/Michael, Castiel/Meg, Billie/Raphael
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Mafia AU, Murder, Murder as coping mechanism (it doesn’t work too well), graphic description of murder, illegal activities, prison, Samifer pining
Summary: When Lucifer and Castiel spring Cas’ friend Balthazar out of prison, Lucifer meets an old “friend” that he has unfinished business with and leaps at the chance to kill him. Unfortunately that gets him caught. The rest of the Archangels, together with Sam and Dean, start working on getting him out again immediately, but it’s not easy and requires a few cases of murder. (Well, you know, the usual.) That again catches the attention of mortician Billie and her friend resident doctor Adam Milligan. And Michael starts to wonder how many more brothers his boyfriend Dean might turn out to have that just can’t keep their noses out of the Archangel’s business. Can they at least just kill this one? But of course Dean won’t have that, so they somehow have to get Adam and Billie on their side.
New chapter is up! In which an azalea bush is planted.
Tagging: @askatosch @coplins @brieflymaximumprincess @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell@humongouscandycoffee@schizonephilim@coffee-queen448@little-boyking @solo-skywlker @talkmagically@whinywingedwinchester  @spn-you-idjits@samwise-the-true-hero wise-the-true-hero @hooker-legs@consultingmooseintimeandspace@savagearchangelforthewin2-0@me-fangirl@hardcorefangirlgroupie @thisisnotsteva  @cat-n-claw@logicalize @aldehydean @batfam-art@blakechaos08@captain-winchester-27
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drakevampire · 7 years
For the salty ask thing (I hope its ok that I took several): 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 23
It’s more than okay, I love questions, thanks for asking!!!! :D 
You didn’t specify the fandom but I’m pretty sure is Supernatural so, let’s start:
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
No, I respect everyone’s opinion. The only occasion I unfollowed someone was because this person was terribly aggresive and pretty offensive towards people that didn’t share his views.
6.Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I’ve never hated any pairing but fanfics made me like ships I wasn’t interested before like Sabriel, Midam or Adamandriel. And a former rp partner made me like Gabrifer, I still prefer their relationship as merely brotherly tho.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Is there any really unpopular character in this fandom? I feel like every character I could recall liking is also liked for the fandom.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Well, I saw a lot of people criticizing Mary for ‘not being a good mom’ this season and while I agree that it was a mistake to bring her back when it is clear that the writers don’t know what to do with her, I totally understand her first reaction. 
In my opinion it’s totally normal she couldn’t connect with her sons. If the last thing you remember is having a loving husband, a baby and a toddler and suddenly you wake up in a world where your husband is dead, your sons are in their mid-thirties and doing the only thing you didn’t want for them, you would be shocked too. Also I consider awfully toxic the idea of mothers putting their kids needs before hers, especially in this circunstances. Sam and Dean -especially Dean- wanted her to make up for the lost time and that’s normal but it also was completely normal -and equally valid- that she wanted time for herself instead.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
Michifer!!! I’m not saying this because they’re my OTP but yes they’re my OTP and I have no words to describe how much I love the possibilities their relationship have ♥
23. Unpopular character you love?
This is very similar to 11 but I’m going to say Michael this time becauseI’m still clinging to a hope that one day we’ll see him again. I wouldn’t say he’s unpopular though, maybe just not popular or underrated.
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evvvissticante · 6 years
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Mark Pellegrino Panel Crossroads 2018 @askatosch @spnyoucantkeepmedown @lucifers-perfect-angel @lucifer-s-emoji
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